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In a world ruled by money and power those at the top prosper and the worst of the worst can be shown
by people greed, lust, envy, pride everyone wants something and only those that can keep up will have
their voices heard while those at the bottom can only look up and wallow Follow the story of Valerie, to
find what she truly wants and if she can live in a world where everyone is against her.

Script (Chapter 1)

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the

-Albert Einstein


Setting: HOME


(Going back home after school)

Valerie: So, May how was school today

May: Eh it was fine Val nothing really stood out today you know just the norm listen, eat, listen, eat go
home nothing really changed

Valerie: Oh, I see hmmm hey should we grab ice cream our house is just at the next block after all

May: Yeah su-

(May Coughs out blood and falls down)

Valerie: Holy crap May what happened to you!?

(Valerie Picks up May and runs to her house)

(Valerie barges into her house cradling May in her arms)

Valerie: Mom! Dad!

Maria: Valerie what is it

Valerie: May suddenly coughed up blood and fainted

Daniel: Oh, dear let's bring her to a hospital right now

(Hospital ward) PROPS: HOSPITAL BED

Daniel: So, miss what is the illness of my daughter?

Nurse: Well, we have diagnosed miss may with tuberculosis

Maria: What but why!? She hasn't been doing anything harmful to her body

Nurse: Well, that's a question you must ask to her yourselves and she cannot leave the hospital yet we
are still unsure of her condition after all


NARRATOR:(Maria and Daniel outside the hospital ward talked)

Maria: Daniel how do we pay for May's treatment

Daniel: Well, uh I can think of a way we just have to first make sure that May is completely fine alright

Maria: Yeah alright Let's just hope for the best outcome

NARRATOR:(May was confined in the hospital for months till she heals)


Valerie: Hey dad let's talk

Daniel: Sure sweetie

Valerie: Dad be honest where can you get the money to pay May's hospital bills because Stephen and I
checked and we were sure as hell we did not have 300,000 on any of our bank accounts

Daniel: Well, Ill try to take a loan

Valerie: A loan dad A LOAN!? Who in their right mind would loan someone 300 thousand outright and
not expect any ridiculous demands where did you loan the money dad

Daniel: Valerie trust your dad alright it's going to be completely fine what's important is that your sister
will heal alright

Valerie: Dad how in the world are we supposed to pay back whoever in the world you will take a loan

Daniel: Valerie trust me

Valerie: I'm still agitated but fine I'll trust you dad

Daniel: Alright


(1 month later)

Stephen: Hey so I've been thinking maybe I should go on a part-time job You know to help dad make
ends meet

Valerie: But what about your studies what will you do about that?

Stephen: Don't worry I can manage plus I already have a good place

Valerie: Alright, then I'll go on a part time job as well

Stephen: Yeah, your choice…. just don't forget about your studies

Valerie: Yeah, no problem oh and uh where’s mom

Stephen: Oh yeah, she's outside again

Valerie: Oh, I see


NARRATOR: Valerie goes outside to her mom.



Valerie: Hey mom where are you and mom what are you doing!?

Maria: Oh, these haha don't worry ‘bout me I'll be fine

Valerie: My gosh mom what is happening to you (Takes cigarette)

Maria: Hahaha Valerie I I just can't take how quick things change a month ago we were living pretty fine
you know stable and free we always had food on the table and now we had to sell our house we don't
even have a proper damn house anymore and we always have an empty stomach it's just so infuriating
eh (takes back her cigarette and lit one)

Valerie: Mom I know that but come on we can get through this i-im sure (sits down with her)

Maria (Looks at Valerie slowly) Oh Val if only things were that simple (smokes cigarette)



(Scene 2 START)

Daniel: Hey family I'm back (puts down bag )

Valerie: Hey dad what's up (went up to his dad and patted his back)

Daniel: It's fine where's your mom

Valerie: She's outside for some reason

Daniel: Oh, that's weird, have you guys eaten?

Jay: Yep

Matilda: Dad do you have treats? (Pouts)

Daniel: Of course, sweetie


Matilda: Yay

Stephen: Hey dad you look tired go to sleep it'll be a long day tomorrow

Daniel: Yeah, I'll go to sleep tell your mother to come home now

Valerie: Okay dad



NARRATOR:(Valerie goes out the house and searches for her mom)

Maria: Yeah, I'll go 5

Extras: Yeah hahahhahahahah

Maria: Dammit lost again

Valerie: (Touches Maria's shoulder) Mom let's talk

Maria: Oh Valerie

Extra 1: Oh, your daughter picked you up again huh hahahaha

Maria: Oh, shut up moron

Extra 1: Jeez chill out Maria hahahahahah

Valerie: Mom to the house now

Maria: Oh, come on Val I will win this time now i promise

Valerie: Shut up mom go to the house now I'm dead serious!

Maria: Jeez look at you heh I'll come back Tomorrow

Extra 2: Yeah alright


(Back at house) SET: HOME

Valerie: Mom didn't I tell you to stop gambling

Maria: Oh, shut up Valerie I was so close to winning that time

Valerie: Oh, come on mom you are wasting time and money on pointless things instead of helping dad
you're just there wasting the money dad earned

Maria: Oho you think you're so big now huh that you can tell me what to do… do you have no more
respect for your mother?

Valerie: Mother? What type of mother wastes the money that are supposed to be for their family huh?

Maria: Your insolent prick how dare you talk to me like that

(Slaps Val)

Daniel: Hey what is happening here?!

Valerie: Dad its..its nothing..

Daniel: Maria chill

Maria: You need to understand Daniel it is so hard to do things right when everyone is just suffering
around you

Daniel: That doesn't give you an excuse to hit your children Maria!

Maria: Daniel!

Daniel: Maria shut up! I was so lenient with whatever the hell you've been doing but you have crossed
the damn line

Maria: You bastards! (Slaps Daniel)

Daniel: Maria!

Valerie: Dad maybe you should let mom think for a bit

Daniel: Yeah I-I’ll go get some fresh air

Valerie: Alright go to sleep when you're done alright dad

Daniel: Ofcourse, take care Val






Matilda: Good morning everyone! (LAME VOICE)

Jay: Morning my good family (OPEN ARMS)

Stephen: Kinda hard to believe that you guys tried to revolt like a few hours ago

Matilda: Oh, but brother we didn't want that did we?

Stephen: Yeah right

(Daniel enters the living room)

Stephen: Hey dad you look more tired than you were last night

Daniel: Ah don't worry I was just busy with a few things

Stephen: Alright dad whatever you say, Anyway Val and I decided to go do part time jobs to help you

Daniel: Oh, thank you kids but what about your studies

Valerie: We can manage don't worry about us dad

Daniel: Hehe sure anyway you kids should go now or else you'll all be late

Valerie: Oh yeah, we're off then

(Maria appears in the hallway)

Daniel: Maria, mahal where are you going?

Maria: I'm going to try to work I-I've thought something through (NAUUTAL UTAL MAGSALITA)

Daniel: Oh, I see mahal.. Iloveyou take care!

Maria: I'll be going now..

Daniel: Be safe for me please?

Maria: Bye

Daniel: for our family?

Maria: Yes, mahal (PILIT)

(Daniel is now left alone in the house and is greeted by a loud knocking sound)


Daniel: Hmm the kids shouldn't be back yet though who is it now

(Daniel opens the door and is greeted by a man)

Loan shark 1: Why hello there if it isn't Daniel our dear creditor how have you been this past month

Daniel: You.., why have you visited me now It hasn't even been the due date of my loan?

Loan shark 2: Oh, you are mistaken Daniel it already is

Daniel: What the deadline is supposed to be 1 year from back then

Loan shark 3: Well, we were the ones that gave you that money and we simply want it back

Daniel: What is that supposed to mean

Loan shark 3: It is what I said it is we want our money back now Daniel so you better give it up

Daniel: Well guess what I don't have the money yet

Loan shark 1: Are you messing with me you Bastard

Daniel: We had a deadline 1 year and it hasn't even been 6 months and you idiots are asking for
payment are you guys acting dumb or are just plain stupid

Loan shark 1: Heh I haven't had a guy talk to me like that before you 2 hold this prick down let's teach
this fool a lesson

Loan shark 1&2: YES BOSS

Daniel: You! what the hell!



Loan shark 1: I really have no idea where you gain your bravery from but you are wrong dead wrong
Fool (Shoots Daniel in the head)






NARRATOR: (May finally gets out from the hospital, Jay and Matilda came home with her but Jay and
Matilda went to their friends on the way home leaving May alone going home.)

May: Mom, dad, I’m here!

(May dropped her bag when she saw blood running down from the door. She ran finding her parents
and found her dad’s lifeless body on the floor.)

May: D-dad? Dad! Oh my God.

(May immediately called Valerie.)

May: Val! (She said crying)

Valerie: Oh, Bat ka umiiyak? What happened?

May: Please go home now

Valerie: I'm on my way home, why are u crying?

May: Val, dad.. dad is..

Valerie: What happened to dad??

May: Blood.. blood is everywhere.. and dad.. just hurry val, please.

Valerie: Blood?! What the hell happened? Dyan ka lang, i'll call kuya. We'll be there on 5 minutes.

(After a few minutes, val & stephen came home)

Valerie: May!

Stephen: May!

NARRATOR: (They ran crying to find her and there, they saw May crying with their dad's dead body.)

Stephen: No, Dad! What happened? Where's mom? May! Sagutin mo ko. (He shouts as he shruggs May
who's crying nonstop)

May: I don't know! I just came home tas gan'to na naabutan ko.

N (Just then, matilda came home clueless, not knowing what she'll see next.)

Matilda: I'm home

N (Matilda froze on her spot, shocked, while tears also formed in her eyes. She cannot believe what was
happening and so do her siblings. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. It was their badmood mom)

May: Mom..

Maria: Wala ako sa mood para sa mga ganyan n'yo. Daniel, stop with ur act, stand up. Nagkalat pa kayo
ng pekeng dugo para dito ha. Siguraduhin nyo lang na lilinisin nyo yan!

Valerie: This is not a prank mom

Maria: What do you mean it's not a prank? Daniel, what are you doing? I said stop.

Matilda: Ma..

N (Maria looked at them one by one then realizations hit her. It's really not just a prank.)

Maria: Take back what u just said, this is just a prank.. No..No..No..Daniel! Who did this to you?

Jay: Ma..

Maria: You (Points at May), this is all your fault! Hindi naman magkakaganito ang dad mo if it weren't for
your stupid illness! (Drags her to the floor by pulling her hair and picking on her head, slapping her)
Stephen: Isn't that too far, mom? It isn't May's fault that she's sick!

Maria: No, because of her, your dad has to work for hours to the point that hindi na n'ya naaalagaan
sarili n'ya! (Keeps on picking on may’s head)

Valerie: Ma, please calm down! (Pulls Maria away and helped May get up)

Maria: How can i, huh? Hindi mo ba nakikita kalagayan ng dad mo?!

Stephen: I already called for help, they'll be here in a few minutes mom!

(Just then, Maria passed out)

Mathilda: Oh My Gosh!






(bg music)

(Timestamp: morning)

Matilda: Haist, dad should've been here with us if not for her.

Maria: Your dad worked day by day, halos nga hindi na umuwi yon. Dapat sya nalang ang namatay, hindi
ang dad mo.

Matilda: Mom's right

Stephen: You know nothing, Matilda. So just shut up.

Matlida: Whatever (rolls her eyes)

Stephen: Just stop it already for dad's sake! No one was to blame, ma.

May: It's okay, kuya. Maybe, it's really my fault dad died.(heads lowered)

Valerie: No, May. It isn't ur fault that u got sick.

Maria: Let's stop talking about this, i don't want to hear anything related to that stupid sickness.


NARRATOR: May went to Jay’s room as she was hearing him play an instrument.

May: Wow! You’re really good at that

Jay: Yeah I guess, its my passion May, don’t you have anything to do?

May: Nope (goes to the door to exit then stopped) Heyyyy I saw a resto down the street, I have a friend
there and you can you know play for the people?

Jay: (jumps up and down in excitement) Oh!My!Gosh! May I’m so happy, thankyou thankyou thankyou!


(At the resto)

May: Hey, Alissa meet my brother siya yung sinasabi ko sa’yo, he can play well.

Alissa: Great news! We’ll start tonight


(Jay plays in front of everyone)

-audience clapped and shouts- with May jumping up and down very hyped.

(((End of scene 5)))





Customer: Hey, miss.

Valerie: Hello, what's ur order?

Customer: 1 order of frappucino

Valerie: Noted! Please wait for awhile as i prepare your drink. Thankyou!

Customer: Okay
(As Valerie makes the frap, someone suddenly spoke.)

Matilda: Hey sis, hows work?

Valerie: O bunso? Ayos lang.. what are you doing here?

Matilda: okayy.. uhm i just wanted something hot kasi like me

Valerie: ofcourse, your fave order coming right up bunso!

Matilda: okay (SADISTANG WALK OUT)






NARRATOR: (After her father's death, Valerie frequently goes to the police station to ask updates about
the killer. They can't seem to figure out who it is but Valerie doesn't lose hope so she continued to visit
them after her work.)


Manager: It's already 6, i think you should clean up and close the store, Valerie.

Valerie: Okay, boss. I'll do it right away.

NARRATOR:(As she was cleaning the table, she felt like someone was looking at her. It was her

Manager: Do you have a boyfriend, Valerie?

Valerie: Yes, boss. Why did u ask? (She replied, not looking back at her manager.)
Manager: I'm just curious. Who's the lucky boy?

Valerie: It's Kristoff.

Manager: Oh (He said as he smirked.)

NARRATOR:(The manager was getting closer to Valerie, but all she pays attention with is cleaning the

Manager: You look so sexy right now.

Valerie: What do you mean, boss?

Manager: Are you trying to seduce me?

NARRATOR:(Valerie stopped what she was doing as she noticed that her boss was close to her back. She
nervously gulped and tried to shrugged her thoughts away but he began touching her hips which made
her eyes teary.)

Valerie: What are you doing? (She turned around, seeing her boss really close to her.)

Manager: Shhhhh, this will be fun (He said, touching her cheeks down to her chest.)

Valerie: Stop! (Valerie harsly slapped his hands away.)

Manager: How dare u do that to me, huh?

NARRATOR:(He angrily turned her around, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants as he was forcing
Valerie to bent over.)

Valerie: Someone please help! (She shouts while crying.)

Manager: You're so noisy!

NARRATOR(He covered Valerie's mouth but she keeps on screaming for help. Eventually, someone
heard her screams then called the police.)

Mint: Hello? I saw someone getting harrased at a coffee shop. Please hurry up! (She hunged up the
Mint: Hey, bastard! What are you doing?! (She pushed him and took Valerie away from him.)

Manager: Don't interefere with us. Just go away!

Mint: Shut up, pervert!

Police: (Points the gun at him) Hands Up! You are arrested under Republic Act 7877. You have the right
to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right
to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

Valerie: Thankyou, mint. You saved my life. I cannot imagine myself if you didn't come. (She said, crying.)

Mint: No worries, Val. I'll always be here for you.






*At the park

Stephen: Hey, sis why are you here? You should take your meds.

May: This is where i go when i'm sad.

Stephen: Oh, do you mind telling me why u're sad?

May: Boarding school bothers me, being away with you guys

Stephen: (*Pats May’s back) It’s gonna be fine May, we’ll call naman diba?

May: Yeah but- (She said, sad)

Stephen: Don't be sad na, for sure dad will also be sad if he sees you like this.

May: You are always there to comfort me, kuya and i'm really thankful for that.

Stephen: No worries, smile na? And pack ur things na, u should be excited and not sad

May: (smiles lamely)

Stephen: ay hindi ganyan, look (makes her smile)

*both laughed*
May: like this? (smiles happily)
Stephen: perfect! Now u take ur meds na

NARRATOR: May finally got into a nice Boarding School away from her family, she went to her trip sad
and worried about the life that she’ll be having there not being able to be with her family makes her
very sad.





(Jay kakauwi lang)

(Jay)hey sister....why do you look busy choosing clothes?parang may pinopormahan yang ate ko ha..

(Mathilda)oy jay anjan kanapala... You know

I just talked to my crush last night and i think this my true lovee!!!!!

(Jay) true love.. Really?... You believe in true love?..hahahaha,That true love is not true

(Mathilda) ughh jay just say your being jealous to me hahaha... Your already 21y.o and you still have no
girlfriend yet.. Hahaha

(Jay) hey how dare you ate.... Im just messing around

(Mathilda) hahaha see, your the one who's mad ,btw jay mag papatulong sana ko sayo... Im confuse
choosing of these two

t shirt what do you think she's gonna like more?

(Jay) ate kahit anong gusto mo isuot, if she really loves you, she's accept you maging sino ka man or ano
man porma mo..

(Mathilda)ohh jay... That qoute is so corny..

You don't understand me.. this girl has been my crush since i was 16 y.o and im overthinking cause i
think im not in her standard

(Jay) you know ate... I have song for you nalang..

(Mathilda) and whats that exactly jay?

(Jay) sumabay ka ate ha..

(The background song starts and Jay and mathilda starts jamming)



(Scene 9)

Valerie:Hey Guys how are you all over there?

Stephen:We're fine,Nothing notable really happening

Jay:How about you sis how are you over there

Matilda:We really miss ya sis hope you can come back now to see us

Valerie:Yeah me too i really miss you lot wait where's Mom

Matilda:Mom sis Valerie wants to talk to you

Maria:Here um uh hey Valerie How are yu there?

Valerie:I'm fine mom how about you?

Maria:I'm good and don't worry i'm not using the money you're sending us to do anything

Valerie:I know Mom,I know,Anyway May you arent going to say anything to your siste?

May:take care sis that’s all hahaa

Valerie:Haha That's is true anywhow all of you stay safe alright


Matilda:I already planned on doing that

Stephen:You stay safe as well

Jay:Keep Safe sis

Valerie:Will do

(After Video Call)


(Boss gets back home)

Boss: Valerie Where are you!?

Valerie: I'm here ma’am

Boss: Where are my things

Valerie: In your room ma’am

Boss: Hmm alright

Valerie: Um ma’am can i get a vacation? I want to see my family if that's possible?

Boss: What What do you mean a Vacation? you want to slack off work huh?

Valerie: Not at all ma’am i just want to see my family for a bit..
Boss: Oh you want to see your Family? Here see this (SLAPS VALERIE)

Valerie: ma’am i uh what did i do?

Boss: You think you've made it big because you've been here for a few months and now you
think you can just slack off work beacuse i'm being kind to you?!


Boss: Yeah this is what you deserve!(PUSHED HER FACED AGAINST THE FLOOR)

Co-Worker: Ahhhh maam please stop fo-forgive Valerie for whatever she did

Boss: Tsk Take that thing away from my sight!

Co-Worker: Yes maam Come on Val Let's go

Valerie: Ye-yes

NARRATOR: Milan and Valerie quickly ran away from the abuse that their Boss was causing.

Milan: What did you do Valerie?

Valerie: I-i just asked if i can go see my Family in the Philippines I-i don't understand..

Milan: I don't understand her too, might as well don't provoke her again alright? (PATS HER

Valerie: Yeah (SAD)




NARRATOR: After what had happened, Valerie once again talked through call to her family in
the Philippines.

Matilda: Heyyyy sister How are you there My beautiful sisterrr?

Valerie: Haha I'im fine Mat
Jay: Really sis You look tired to me
Valerie: No it's nothing Jay But you however Have you been good?
Jay: Of course-
Stephen: Not You young man has been giving mom a hefty amount of problems
Jay: Why that's not true
Valerie: Jay is that true?
Jay: Hey Mat Help me out over here
Matilda: I have no plans in helping a dog trapped in his cage, brother
Jay: What is that even supposed to mea-
Valerie: JAY! answer me!
Jay: Well uhh i may or may not have done some things tha-
Valerie: My goodness Jay be nicer
Jay: fine
Stephen: Haaaa well now that's out of the way be honest with me Val are you Really okay?
Valerie: Of course Steph why wouldn't i be
Stephen: Val you look pale enough to be a ghost
Valerie: You're Exaggerating things Stephen
Stephen: Are you being Hurt by your boss Valerie
Valerie: No Steph she's really nice to me
Stephen: Alright fine i'll drop this topic just take care of yourself more alright don't get yourself
in trouble or get hurt
Valerie: Will keep that in mind
Stephen: Great Talk to you later
Valerie: Ye'yeah Talk to you later

(Scene 9 End)


(Scene 10)

May: Haaa Graduation it's finally over huh my highschool life is over! Senior high bugs me but
(Called Home)
May: Hey mom
Maria: Oh May You called how are you
May: Hey mom i'm going home
Maria: Oh what is it already your Graduation
May: Graduation is actualy over mom
Maria: And you're going home
May: Yes mom like 3 days from now
Maria: Great i'll prepare a celebration
May: Wait Mom no
Maria: See you in 3 days nak love you
May: I'm so screwed


(3 days later)

NARRATOR: After 3 days, May comes back home, home sweet home as they say, May was
greeted happily by his Family

Matilda: Sis is back yeahh! (RUNS TO HUG HER TIGHT)

May: Hey kuya Steph, did big sis Valerie call?

Stephen: Sadly no May, she's probably busy

May: Oh
Jay: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Let's celebrate for my Sister!!! (GRABS HER THINGS)

NARRATOR: Bothered, May felt that her mom’s presence are nowhere to be found, she went to
find her but was unsuccesful.


May: wheres mom?

Valerie: oh yeah, I don’t know
Stephen: shes gambling again, always not here when theres celebrations
May: Shes always not around!
Jay: hey don’t shout like that to mom!
May: oh really?
Jay: You don't know everything about mom!
May: She was never here!
Jay: She was a beautiful, crazy, fragile, wonderful woman
May: She left us for gambling!
Jay: She loved us
May: That was love?
Jay: Yes, Yes, it is
May: Okay, then why isn't she here?
Jay: You don't know what you're talking about!
May: If she loved us so much, why wasn't she here?
Jay: She tried, She always tried!
May: She was never freaking here! She left! I was nine! Nine, and taking care of you, taking care
of all of us, before i got confined and got blamed for dads death!. I was in 4th grade, dragging
mom's ass passed out in from the yard so nothing wrong will happen to her! Staying up all night
with Stephen when he had chickenpox! I washed Matilda's shitty diapers! I picked lice out of
Valerie's hair and i was here, when You got your first gig because you loved music so much. Not
Maria, me.
Jay: May.. (GOES CLOSER)
May: All my life they blamed me for dad’s death! All i wanted is sumunod sainyo, kahit
salubungin lang ako masaya na ako e, but she loved her gambling more. (WALKS OUT)

(Scene 10 end)


(Scene 11 Start)



Boss: Valerie why the hell is my room still dirty!?

Val: But ma'am I cleaned the room a while ago i-aaahhh

Boss: You're talking back to me now huh!?(Grabs her hair and slaps her)

Val: No-no ma'am I'm sorry AHHH

Boss: When I say your work is abd you will go back there and make it better UNDERSTAND!?

Val: Ye-yes ma'am please stop i-it hurts please AHHHH

Milan: Ma'am please forgive Valerie please stop

Boss: Tsk (WALKS AWAY)

Val: W-what Am I even doing wrong

Milan: What is wrong with that old woman (Looks at Valerie)Val this is Injustice why won't you tell this
to your family or the authorites

Val: I just don't want them to worry about me plus they're fine over there so I'll be fine it's going to be
all fine

Milan: But still Valerie you've been enduring too much I-

Val: No just a bit more and I can leave, They are sustaining themselves so it'll be completely fine soon so
it's fine just a bit more and I'll finally be happy and free

NARRATOR: Val felt like calling to her family again to check on them.



Matilda: Hey sis here to look upon my beauty once more?

Val: Haha whatever you say Matilda

Matilda: And our new house is nearly built sis Oh right my dear sister big brother wishes to talk to you

Val: Umm alright call him

Matilda: Oh brother sister Val is here

Stephen: Alright thanks mat

Matilda: No problem sis

Stephen: So Valerie how are you?

Valerie: Oh I'm fine Stephen how about you?

Stephen: I'm ok here Valerie wait why is you face swollen we're you slapped?

Valerie: What this no I just laid my head on this side when I was asleep, It's nothing

Stephen: Valerie are you really telling the truth

Valerie: O-of course Steph why would I lie <smile fades> Oh wait My boss is calling me Talk to you later

Stephen: Wait Valerie! ---

(Turns off Video Call)

Valerie: I'm sorry Stephen but just trust me it'll all be alright in the end

(Scene 11 End)


(Scene 12 Start)

Boss: Valerie where are you!?

Valerie: I'm here ma'am

Boss: (THROWS CLOTHES AT HER) What is this?

Valerie: They're your clothes ma'am

Boss: Yeah why are they still dirty then huh?

Valerie: Bu-but I just washed them

Boss: (PULLS HAIR) Oh you washed this haha well guess what I think they're still dirty so clean them
again and you better make it clean or else

Valerie: Ye-yes ma'am




Valerie: Im tired, God Im tired! Why? Why me? <improvise>

(Time skip 3 months)

Valerie: Goodbye Milannnnn, i’ll miss you!

Milan: You’re better off in the Philippines than here, goodluck Val stay safe

Valerie: Yeah you should stay safe as well

Milan: Ofcourse, safe flight Val! I will miss you!

Valerie: So do i!


NARRATOR: Valerie went on a flight back to her family in the Philippines, to surprise them.

Setting: Airport

Valerie: Hooo alright I didn't say anything to them about my leave to surprise them, Oh the hard work
really pays off well!



NARRATOR: Maria went to her husband’s things in their room, missing him.

Maria: O mahal, kamusta ka? (HOLDING HIS SHIRT) Miss na miss ka na namin, why’d you left us? Never
mong sinabi na you’re having problems na pala, you’re just keeping it to yourself, very unfair mahal.
How miserable our life has been without you, but i promise you justice mahal, We love you.

NARRATOR: While fixing it back, she saw a letter, she opened it and got shocked on what’s written.

Maria: 300k?! Loan?! These bastards!



NARRATOR: Just in time, Valerie barged in their house to tell them she’s home.


Matilda: VALERIE?!
Jay: Right after May?
Stephen: This is great! I missed you!

(Maria hurriedly told them about what she saw)

Maria: Valerie! Thank God you’re here are you okay? I have to tell you guys something.
Valerie: Yes mom?
Maria: (TEARY) I found out who killed your father!
Stephen: They will surely pay!
Maria: Where’s May?

May: Im here.. mom

Maria: (RUNS TO HUG HER CRYING) May, i’m sorry and Valerie..Anak salamat sa paghihirap mo, I’ve
been irresponsible i know but please, i’ve been trying to be better since ur dad (SOBS) Please, Valerie,
May forgive me? (improvise ikaw bahala if may aadd ka)
Valerie: Mom, I understand po. Please let’s just have fun, i’ve realized na money doesnt solve
everything, no matter how hard i work, if i dont have you guys as my motivation, i’d totally slack off, you
guys are my strengh. Hindi man tayo mayaman, but mayaman tayo sa pagmamahal, one always makes
one another happy, and for me enough na yung bati bati na tayo, maybe this was all im asking for, and
im contented now, iloveyou guys! (CRIES)

May: you said be happy!

Matilda: you’re crying!

Maria: oh guys please

Jay: Jamming time!

< plays ALAPAAP >

(Valerie enters house)

Valerie:Hey Family I'm back I got some presents for you all

Stephen:Val You're back! I missed you so much

Valerie:Yeah I missed you too bro

Matilda:Big sis your beautiful little sister missed you sooo muchhhh

Jay:Same thoughts sis Same thoughts

Maria:Oh Valerie you're back how dearly I missed you

Matilda:You know mummy dear here would always stay up late and think about when you would go
back sis

Maria:Hush Matilda

Matilda:But I was just telling the truth mother(Maria pulls her ear)Ahhhh no mommy

Valerie:Hahahaha I really missed you guys but wait where is May

(They All fall silent)

Jay:Uhmmm well

Valerie:Jay what do you mean uhmm well

Stephen:Val maybe it's better if you see things for yourself

Valerie:Oh alright

Maria:Is it really okay to let them meet?

Stephen:She will know it later either way this is better I think

Maria:You think?


Jay:This seems like a bad idea

Matilda: We'll see

(Valerie enters May's room)

Valerie:Hey May (Hugs May)

May:Oh Big sis i-uh you're back

Valerie:Yeah I really missed you!

May:I uh do too

Valerie:Oh hey Are you sick

May:No I'm fine sis

Stephen(Comes in the room)Val may here is-

May:No brother please don't

Valerie:Hmm what are you guys not telling me?

May:No it's nothing sis totally nothing

Stephen:No May stop it she deserves to know

Valerie: Can't you guys just tell me already

Stephen:Valerie I want you to not get too suprised May here is Pregnant

Valerie:What oh really who's the father then I want to meet him

Stephen:Now here's the harf part

Valerie:Hmm why don't tell me the guy just ran off and left May with their child

Stephen:No The father of May's Child is Kristoff

Valerie:Kristoff That's weird they have the same name as Toff or Are you

Stephen:Yes Val The Kristoff I'm talking about IS that Kristoff,Kristoff Estia(Palitan mo na lang Last name
ni Kristoff kung ayaw mo te)

Valerie:(Falls down to floor)W-what

No tha-that isn't true right May why why aren't you saying anything that's not true right May?

May:I'm sorry Val i-it wasn't on purpose it just suddenly happened and I couldn't control myself I-i was

Valerie:Wrong you think you're just wrong you my own blood and flesh hooked up with my Boyfriend
got yourself pregnant and you think you're wrong?!(Tries to pounce on May)

Stephen:Wait Valerie stop Everyone help me

(Fight scene)(Kaw na lang bahala kung paano gagawen te)

May:Sis Valerie pe-please I apologize for my wrongs

Valerie: Apologize what am I going to do with your stupid apology huh can I eat it? Do you even
understand how much pain I am in right now? I suffered so many wounds beatings and done so many
sacrifices all for me to come back home and find out my own sister is whoring on my boyfriend I would
always think it will all be fine in the end that it will all be worth it in the end that I will finally be happy
but You you hateful woman I lost so much and now that I think I have enough your ungrateful prick
slapped me right in the face

May:No Sis it really wasn't my intention

Valerie:I've heard enough(Walks out)

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