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1. Refers to the data gathered by an investigator and other person including the victim
himself and from.
a. Information
b. Public record
c. Private record
d. Modus operandi file
2. The simple questioning of victims and witnesses who are voluntarily reveal
information in connection with matters to be investigated.
a. Confession
b. Interrogation
c. Questioning
d. Interview
3. Direct acknowledgement of the truth of the guilty fact as charged or of some essential
part of the commission of the criminal act itself.
a. Confession
b. Interview
c. Questioning
d. Interrogation
4. It means the method of operation.
a. Modus operanda
b. Modus operandi
c. Tactical
d. Techniques
5. The investigator selects the right moment to shout a pertinent question in an apparent
righteous outrage.
a. Line up
b. Weakest link
c. Jolting
d. Stern approach
6. The use of reasons, which is acceptable to the subject that led to the commission of
the crime.
a. Intellectualization
b. Projection
c. Repression
d. Rationalization
7. Any person who furnishes the police information relevant to a criminal case about the
activities of criminals or syndicates without any monetary consideration.
a. Informer
b. Informant
c. Spy
d. Asset
8. He uses his seeming desire to divulge information as an excuse to talk to the police in
order to get more information from them more than he gives.
a. Women informant
b. False informant
c. Anonymous informant
d. Double-crosser informant
9. The motive is for self-aggrandizement by gaining favorable attention and importance
by police.
a. Civic mindedness
b. Fear
c. Vanity
d. Repentance
10. A person who provides information to the police on a regular basis.
a. Informer
b. Informant
c. Spy
d. Asset
11. Taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
a. Apprehension
b. Adjudication
c. Warrantless arrest
d. Arrest
12. A surprise invasion of a building or area.
a. Surprise search
b. Raid
c. Bust
d. Takedown
13. The following are the qualifications of a raid team except.
A. Tactfulness
B. Experience
C. Coolness
D. Intelligent
14. Physical evidences which may assist the investigator in locating the suspect.
a. Associative evidence
b. Tracing evidence
c. Physical evidence
d. Corroborative evidence
15. Any person who perceived the commission of a crime and testified before the court is
just considered as a _________.
a. Witness
b. Expert witness
c. Ordinary witness
d. Child witness
16. It is often found on the clothing of the victim and suspect.
a. Blood
b. Hair
c. Fiber
d. Fingernail scraping
17. It should be marked on the barrel, frame, magazine, bolt or slide.
a. Revolvers
b. Pistols
c. Rifles
d. Bullets
18. Perishable materials should be preserved along the way or the preservation is in order
to reach the court in the same physical condition as when they where collected from
the crime scene. This is the work of _________.
a. Laboratory technician
b. Physician
d. Crime laboratory
19. The number of persons who handled and possessed the pieces of evidence the
moment that they were collected, marked and tagged, up to the time of the final
disposition of the case.
a. Custody
c. Chain of custody
d. Court
20. It is the most practical, useful and reliable means of preservation.
a. Photography
b. Sketching
c. Portrait parle
d. Description
21. When to use forcible entry?
a. When refused admittance, or the respondent named in the process is not found or
shown to be in dwelling
b. When breaking out of building or enclosure to effect release or liberate himself
c. Arrest after an escape or rescue
d. All of the above
22. Laurence the robber roams residence areas, apartments, and hotels looking for open
doors or windows. What means of entry Laurence did?
a. The open door of window entry
b. The jimmy entry
c. The celluloid entry
d. The stopover or human fly entry
23. Ryan forces a door or window with an iron tool such as a tire iron, screwdriver, or
small crowbar or box opener. What means of entry did Ryan use?
a. The open door of window entry
b. The jimmy entry
c. The celluloid entry
d. The stopover or human fly entry
24. Jan Jiro forces to open a door spring lock with a small piece of celluloid.
a. The open door of window entry
b. The jimmy entry
c. The celluloid entry
d. The stopover or human fly entry
25. Marinella is an aerialist, the stopover robber steps from a fire escape, balcony or other
building to a nearby window. The “human fly” robber can progress upward or
downward or the sides of a building to a selected point of entry.
a. The open door of window entry
b. The jimmy entry
c. The celluloid entry
d. The stopover or human fly entry
26. Allen breaks into a premises through a skylight or air conditioning duct or the roof or
by cutting a hole in the roof of a building or residential home.
a. Roof entry
b. The hide-in entry
c. The cut-in entry
d. Hit and run
27. Menggay hides in a commercial premises until all employees have left and then
breaks out with the stolen property.
a. Roof entry
b. The hide-in entry
c. The cut-in entry
d. Hit and run
28. Jenivie uses tools of various kinds to cut through the floor, ceiling, or wall of a store
or office to another store or office.
a. Roof entry
b. The hide-in entry
c. The cut-in entry
d. Hit and run
29. Sharon breaks a window of a ground floor store and takes property rom a window or
nearby portions of the premises, and flees before police can be alerted to the crime.
a) Roof entry
b) The hide-in entry
c) The cut-in entry
d) Hit and run
30. Rey use a sledge hammer and a drift punch to knock the combination dial from the
safe and to drive the spindle mechanism of the lock accessible and allows the safe to
be open. What method of safe breaking did Rey used?
a. Punching
b. Pulling
c. Peeling
d. Drilling
31. Pholly use a gear or wheel to pull the dial or spindle completely out of the safe door
and thus allow the safe to be opened.
a) Punching
b) Pulling
c) Peeling
d) Drilling
32. Primo uses prying off the outer surfaces of the safe door so that the locking
mechanism of the safe is exposed and can be pried open, allowing entry to the safe.
a. Punching
b. Pulling
c. Peeling
d. Drilling
33. Gunding drilled one hole in the door and safe to expose the lock mechanism allowing
the safe-breaker to align the lock tumblers manually and open the door and safe.
a) Punching
b) Pulling
c) Peeling
d) Drilling
34. Sam used a chisel to batter the top, bottom and side od the safe.
a. Punching
b. Pulling
c. Peeling
d. Ripping
35. Dominga saw a 5-peso coin in the jeep while traveling to Indang. When no one is
looking, she took the 5-peso coin and put it inside her wallet. What kind of crime did
Dominga commit?
a) Robbery
b) Theft
c) Intimidation
d) Theft with force
36. An unknown person used a window to enter the house of Lydia. He took a 4,000-peso
bill and an electric kettle. What crime did the unknown person commit?
a. Robbery
b. Robbery with force
c. Robbery with intimidation
d. Theft
37. Kaely is a servant of Bautista family for almost 5 years. She has a daughter who has a
terminal illness, and she needs money for hospital bills. In order to pay for her
daughter’s hospital bill, she took the diamond ring of her boss. What crime did she
a) Robbery
b) Robbery with force
c) Qualified theft
d) Theft
38. Manny do not want to testify in court because it will deprive him the time to earn for
their living, especially during the ordeal of testifying during the trial. Which of the
following reasons why witnesses refuse to talk and testify?
a. Bigotry
b. Fear of reprisal
c. Great inconvenience
d. Bias of the witness
39. As the investigator, you should review the facts at the crime scene and information
from other sources in order that you would be ready for the questioning.
a. Approach
b. Preparation
c. Warming-up
d. Cognitive interview
40. As the investigator must carefully select his kind of approach, which maybe a single
kind, a combination of two or the application of all the techniques.
a. Approach
b. Preparation
c. Warming-up
d. Cognitive interview
41. The following are the rules in questioning except.
a. Saving faces
b. Yes or no answers
c. Simplicity of questions
d. Rapport
42. Dianne is truthful and cooperative witness where the investigator could rely upon.
What type of witness according to attitude is Dianne?
a. Know-nothing type
b. Disinterested type
c. The talkative type
d. Honest witnesss
43. Which of the following is not one of the purpose of interrogation?
a. To seek answer
b. To obtain valuable facts
c. Eliminate the innocent
d. Identify the guilty party
44. Mina said “it is true that I strangled her to death because of envy and jealous”. What
type of statement is it?
a. Admission
b. Judicial admission
c. Confession
d. Judicial confession
45. Leo says that he was in front of the school at the time of the crime but he is not the
one who stole the tv of CVSU faculty.
a. Admission
b. Judicial admission
c. Confession
d. Judicial confession
46. Enteng together with Jose, Wally and Paolo conspired to kill Vic. What type of crime
did they commit?
a. Murder
b. Homicide
c. Consummated murder
d. Frustrated murder
47. Your main responsibility as a criminal investigator is to confirm the following
information except.
a. Corpus delicti or facts that the crime was committed
b. Method of operation of the perpetrator
c. Identity of the accused by the guilty party
d. Damages to the victim caused to the victim or his/her family
48. What ought to be decided upon beforehand or during the interview or interrogation
a. Motive that impels the offender
b. Intent in the commission of the crime
c. Rapport with the subject
d. Guilt of the subject
49. When questioning a suspect, what is the process for key psychological component
that will enable you to have a fruitful interrogation?
a. Interrogation done publicly
b. Interrogation done privately preferably with assistance of a counsel
c. Interrogation done privately
d. Interrogation done with the suspect’s family members
50. When someone is being questioned and held in detention, he must be made aware of
his rights under the Constitution. Which among the following methods of inquiry
where the evaluation of these rights is not relevant?
a. Custodial investigation
b. Tactical investigation
c. Custodial investigation
d. Field Inquiry
51. On December 14, 2019, at about 9:45 o’clock in the morning a rape incident
transpired at Vibora, General Trias Cavite wherein victim Maria Mercedes was
stabbed to death. The suspect and motive are still unknown. Based on the situation,
which of the following answer the cardinal question why?
a. Suspect is unknown
b. Motive is unknown
c. Maria Mercedes
d. Stabbed to death
52. Based on number 51, which of the following answer the cardinal question what?
a. Rape incident
b. Stabbing incident
c. Rape with homicide incident
d. Murder incident
53. Based on number 51. Which of the following answer the cardinal question when?
a. 9: 45
b. December 14, 2019
c. December 14 and 9:45
d. Both a and b
54. Based on number 51, which of the following answer the cardinal question who?
a. Unknown suspect
b. Motive
c. Maria Mercedes
d. Both a and c
55. Based on number 52, which of the following answer the cardinal question how?
a. Rape
b. Stabbed
c. Rape with stabbed
d. Both a and b
56. Based on number 53, which of the following answer the cardinal question where?
a. Vibora
b. General Trias Cavite
c. None
d. Vibora General Trias Cavite
57. Statement No. 1, fingerprint is the most and quickest method of ascertaining identity.
Statement No. 2, identification scars, moles, tattoos, pockmarks or other markings
may not be helpful in identification.
a. Statement No. 1 is correct
b. Statement No. 2. Is incorrect
c. Statement No. 1 and 2 are correct
d. Statement No. 1 and 2 are incorrect
58. Which of the following are few of the signs of indicative death?
a. Cessation of breathing and respiratory movement
b. Cessation of heart sounds
c. Loss of placing of nail beds when pressure is applied in the fingernails is released
d. All of the above
59. An induvial is said to be dead in the medical sense when one of the three vital
function is no longer performing within the body except.
a. Respiratory system
b. Heart sound
c. Cardiac activity
d. Central system activity
60. Statement No. 2, the ambush is the least planned of all and is based on the element of
surprise. Statement No. 2, the planned operation is carefully structured and the
robbery group examines all aspects of the situation, plans for all foreseeable
a. Statement No. 1 is true
b. Statement No. 1 is false
c. Statement No. 1 and 2 are true
d. Statement No. 1 and 2 are false
61. Rom the interrogator of the accuse notice that the latter is sweating which he knows
that it is an indicative sign of extreme nervousness. What apparent signs of deception
did Rom noticed?
a. Change of facial color
b. Dry mouth
c. Excessive breathing
d. Excessive sweating
62. Ian is interrogating Rom, the former notice the constant swallowing and movement of
the latter’s adam’s apple. What apparent signs of deception did Rom express?
a. Change of facial color
b. Dry mouth
c. Excessive breathing
d. Excessive sweating
63. Statement No. 1, informant is any person furnishes the police information relevant to
a criminal case about the activities of criminals or syndicates with any monetary
consideration. Statement No. 2, informer is any person who gives information to
police without any monetary consideration.
a. Statement No. 1 is correct
b. Statement No. 2 is correct
c. Statement no.1 and 2 are incorrect
d. Statement no. 1 and 2 are correct
64. Mario, a Reviewee, Arrived home late one night after rendering overtime review. He
was shocked to see Erich, his wife, and Luigi, his best friend, in the act of having
sexual intercourse. Maurio pulled out the gun that was been used in studying in
ballistics and killed Erich. Is Mauricio Criminally liable?
a. Yes. Mario is criminally liable for homice but mitigated
b. Yes, mario is liable for impossible crime of murder
c. No, mario is exonerated of Murder
d. No, Mario’s act is a justifying circumstance
65. What would be the penalty for Mario?
a. Arresto mayor a fine of 200 to 500 pesos
b. Reclusion temporal
c. Minimum period of reclusion temporal
d. Destierro
66. Supposed that Mario have consented to the infidelity of Erich because he love her so
much that he would sacrifice anything for her happiness even committing adultery. Is
Mario Criminally liable?
a. Yes, Mario is criminally liable for homicide
b. Yes, Mario is liable for impossible crime of murder
c. No, Mario is exonerated of murder
d. No, Mario’s act is a justifying circumstance
67. The penalty of banishment imposed by any legally married person who having
surprised his spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another person,
shall kill any of them or both of them in the act or immediately after, or shall inflict
upon them any serious physical injury is intended more for the protection of the
offender rather than as a penalty. This statement is not untrue.
a. Correct
b. Incorrect
c. Partially not correct
d. Partially correct
68. Rey and Pholly are the interrogator. Rey act as the bad cop and Pholly act as the good
cop. What type of interrogation technique they used?
a. Jolting
b. Mutt and Jeff Method
c. Sympathetic Approach
d. Strern approach
69. The so called “cycle of violence” have the following phases except.
a. Tension Building Phase
b. Battered Woman Syndrome
c. Acute Battering Incident
d. Tranquil or Loving Phase
70. An imbecile or an insane person, is exempt from criminal liability, unless he or she
a. Acted during lucid interval
b. Acted without freedom
c. Acted under compulsive provocation
d. Acted with discernment
71. John was arrested with a crime punishable of arresto menor. He was arrested without
a warrant of arrest, the arresting officer should can detain John for _____ hours.
a. 18
b. 12
c. 36
d. 72
72. Sam was arrested with a crime punishable of Arresto Mayor. He was apprehended
without warrant of arrest, if that is the case how many hours can the arresting officer
detain Sam?
a. 18
b. 12
c. 36
d. 72
73. Magdalena was arrested with a crime punishable of fine of 10,000 pesos. She was
arrested without warrant of arrest, the arresting officer can detain her for how many
a. 18
b. 12
c. 36
d. 72
74. Police Officer Bagatsing needs to search the house of charle. In order for the former
to search the house legally, what type of document he needs to provide?
a. Arrest warrant
b. Commitment order
c. Mittimus
d. Search warrant
75. Police Officer is conducting a search warrant at the house of Maine. According to the
search warrant, the only item that need to be seized is a gun. The former seized a
5grams of drug inside the drawer, he opened the drawer before seizing the drug. Does
the drug admissible in court?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, because it is still illegal
d. No, the drug is considered as the fruit of the poisonous tree
76. No search of a house, room, or any other premise shall be made except in the
presence of any of the following.
a. The legal occupant
b. Any member of his family
c. Two witnesses of sufficient age and discretion
d. All of the above
77. The following are the objectives of raid except.
a. To effect apprehension
b. To obtain evidence of illegal activity by surprising the offenders in flagrante
c. To recover stolen property
d. Calls for the surrender of criminals
78. Juliet is a physician who confirmed before the court the cause of death of the victim.
Juliet is considered what type of witness?
a. Ordinary witness
b. Expert witness
c. Testimonial witness
d. Person
79. The prosecutor is presenting a paper before the court. If the paper is being offered for
its mere existence, what type of evidence it is?
a. Tracing evidence
b. Documentary evidence
c. Physical evidence
d. Corpus delicti
80. Based on the scenario above, if the paper is being offered for its content, what type of
evidence it is?
a. Tracing evidence
b. Documentary evidence
c. Physical evidence
d. Corpus delicti
81. The SOCO team found a fingerprint and hair fiber at the crime scene. What type of
evidence does the fingerprint and hair constitute?
e. Tracing evidence
f. Documentary evidence
g. Physical evidence
h. Associative Evidence
82. Firearms are considered as physical evidence. If a revolver was found at the crime
scene, for the purpose of marking it where would you mark it?
a. Must be marked separately on the barrel, frame, butt, cylinder and stock
b. Must be marked on the barrel, frame, magazine, bolt or slide
c. Should be marked on the barrel, frame, magazine and stock
d. Inside the mouth of fired empty shells
83. If a pistol was found at the crime scene, where should it be mark?
a. Must be marked separately on the barrel, frame, butt, cylinder and stock
b. Must be marked on the barrel, frame, magazine, bolt or slide
c. Should be marked on the barrel, frame, magazine and stock
d. Inside the mouth of fired empty shells
84. Rifles should be marked on the ________.
a. Must be marked separately on the barrel, frame, butt, cylinder and stock
b. Must be marked on the barrel, frame, magazine, bolt or slide
c. Should be marked on the barrel, frame, magazine and stock
d. Inside the mouth of fired empty shells
85. Perishable materials should be preserved along the way or preservation is in order to
reach the court in the same physical condition as when they were collected from the
crime scene. This is a work of ____________.
a. Technician
b. Laboratory technician
c. Forensic chemist
86. Sarah Marie Johnson, who was 16 years old at the time, shot and killed her mother in
their home. Johnson’s motive for the murder was that her mother had forbade her
from dating 19-year-old Bruno Santos.
a. Parricide
b. Homicide
c. Murder
d. Theft
87. Jay decides he wants to kill someone to see what it feels like. Jay drives slowly up to
a crosswalk, accelerates, and then runs down an elderly lady who is crossing the
street. Jay is acting with the intent to kill, which would be express malice or
a. Parricide
b. Homicide
c. Murder
d. Theft
88. Adan and Eva were not married but already had a daughter. In this case, their
daughter is considered as _________.
a. Legitimate child
b. Illegitimate child
c. Adopted
d. Legitimated child
89. If the case is, Adan and Eva were already married before they had a daughter, their
daughter is considered as ___________.
a. Legitimate child
b. Illegitimate child
c. Adopted
d. Legitimated child
90. What do you call the act of robbery or forcible depredation in the high seas, without
lawful authority and done animo furandi and in the spirit and intention of universal
a. Brigandage
b. Hijacking
c. Piracy
d. Mutiny
91. Qualified theft is committed.
a. If the property stolen are coconuts taken from the premises of a plantation
b. If fish be taken from a fishpond
c. If the property taken is a mail matter
d. All of the above
92. Deib is tenant of a dwelling unit. He closed the door of his house and locked it with
the use of a wire which he tied to a piece of nail on the door cap. Enrile, his neighbor,
cut the wire with a wire cutter and entered the house of Deib and took valuables from
the house. Enrile is liable for.
a. Robbery with force upon things because he cut off the wire attached to the nail
that secured the door.
b. Robbery because the cutting of the wire is considered force upon things.
c. Theft because what was broken was an appurtenant of the door.
d. Theft because what was broken was not the door itself but merely an
accessory of the door.
93. Cattle Rustling means.
a. Taking away by means, method or scheme, without the consent of the
owner/raiser, of any large cattle for profit.
b. Taking away by any means, method or scheme, without the consent of the
owner/ raiser, of any large cattle whether or not for profit.
c. Taking away by any means, method or scheme, without the consent of the
owner/raiser, of any large cattle for the purpose deriving benefits therefrom
directly or indirectly.
d. Taking away by means, method or scheme, without the consent of the
owner/raiser, of any large cattle with force upon things or intimidation in the
94. X held up a car with three passengers. At gunpoint, he took the expensive watches of
the two passengers. The driver of the car tried to fight back so X killed him. He did
not get anything valuable item from the driver.
a. X committed 2 counts of Robbery and Homicide.
b. X committed 2 counts of Robbery, Frustrated Robbery and Homicide.
c. X committed a complex crime of Homicide, Robbery and Frustrated Robbery.
d. Committed Robbery with Homicide.
95. The crime of Robbery and Theft has no frustrated stage. It is only attempted and
consummated stages. This statement is.
a. False, because all crimes has 3 stages of commission
b. False, because robbery and theft are crimes against property
c. True, as when the accused comes in possession of a thing, even if it were
more or less momentarily, the taking is complete.
d. True, because robbery and theft are crimes against property
96. Luloy, an Uber driver, had an indebtedness in the sum of l00, 000 Pesos which would
become due in two weeks. He was starting to worry because he still had not raised the
amount to pay for his debt. Every day, he had prayed for divine intervention. One
night, while returning the Uber Car to the garage, he found a Bag on the back seat.
Inspecting it, he learned that it contained exactly l00, 000 Pesos cash, and the amount
of his obligation. Thinking it was divine intervention, and that his prayers were
answered, he took the money and used it to pay his debt. What crime, if any, did
Luloy commit?
a. Theft
b. Estafa
c. Malversation
d. No crime
97. Based on the question above, which of the following answer the cardinal question
a. Luloy the urban driver
b. Money
c. 100, 000 Peso
d. Lulay
98. Supposed that he deliberately fail to restore the bag and its contents to the passenger
would Luloy be held liable and for what crime?
a. Yes, for theft only
b. No, there is no crime he did not take the money by force
c. Yes, for qualified theft
d. No, there is no crime he did not have criminal intent
99. Suppose that Luloy is an honest Uber driver so he is now asking you as a
criminologist as to whom shall he return the bag considering that he did not know
who its owner was? What would you advise Mr. Criminologist?
a. As a Criminologist I will advise him to give the bag to the mayor of the city or
b. As a Criminologist I will advise him to return the bag to Mike Enriquez at Dobol
A sa Dobol B Radio station.
c. As a Criminologist I will advise him to give the bag to me and I will give the bag
back to the owner.
d. As a Criminologist I will advise him to return the bag to the nearest police
100. In the crime of kidnapping, how many days should it last for it to be
considered as the crime of kidnapping?
a. 10
b. 7
c. 3
d. 5

Alcon, D. R. T., & Dungan-Evangelista, N. J. (2023). Brethren Criminology Reviewer

All Areas (New Curriculum). Book of Life Publication

Coronel, E. (2023). Specialize Crime Investigation 2 with Interrogation and


Valiente, A. Q., Dolendo, R. E., & Ramos, C. J. P. (1998-2019). Criminal Law and


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