Practicals - Excercise & Aggression

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Exercise 1

Name: Yogitha Karthik

Roll Number: 5
Psychology Practicals
To test the effectiveness of exercise on the immune functioning of an individual.

Operational definitions of variables

Independent Variable: Independent variable is a characteristic of experiment that can be
manipulated or controlled. In this experiment, we are controlling the exercise that is conducted
in the form of yoga postures 5 days a week for 40 minutes for three months under the guidance
of a yoga teacher.

Dependent Variable: Dependent variable is something that is measured or tested in an

experiment hence the dependent variable in this study would be the impact/ effect of exercise
on immune functioning of an individual. Participants who were selected were people who
hadn’t exercised consistently over the past three months, so group 2 participants face no
potential physical harm after the experiment is over.

Control Variable: Control variable is an element that remains constant throughout the course
of an experiment. In this experiment, age, gender, socioeconomic level, pretest immune
functioning and conduct health and diagnostic tests (to account for people with physiological
conditions, mental health illnesses, or other medical conditions) are control variables because
these demographic variables can influence the results of the experiment and they remain
constant throughout the study.

Random group design with 2 levels of the independent variable where the participants were
equated on 4 variables- age, gender, socioeconomic level, and pre-test immune functioning
accounting for the presence/absence of any pre-existing physical or mental health concern.
One group is allotted to do yoga postures for 5 days per week for 40 minutes in 3 months under
the supervision of the teacher and the other group was the no-exercise group.

Group 1 Group 2
Exercise: Yoga for 5 days/week, 40 minutes No exercise
for 3 months

Participants are rated on 1 to 5 rating scale for immune functioning, considering some common
health issues or complaints like feelings of fatigue, frequent cold, body aches and pain and
other health complaints. If participants report 4 to 5 complaints in a month, he/she will be rated
1 (Considering 1 pointer as very low immune system) and 0 to 1 complaint will be rated as 5
(Considering 5 pointer as very high immune system).
Alternative Hypothesis
1. The immune functioning of the exercise group is higher than the immune functioning of
no-exercise group.
2. The immune functioning of the exercise group is lower than the immune functioning of no-
exercise group.

Null hypothesis
There is no effect of exercise on immune functioning.

Statistical Analysis
An ordinal 5-point rating scale was used to test the immune functioning, in terms of health
complaints – constant feeling of fatigue, frequent cold, body aches and pain, health complaints.
A one-tailed T-test (parametric) can be used to measure the effects of exercise as it has two
variables (1 independent variable- exercise, with 2 levels- Group 1 and group 2; 1 Dependent
variable- improvement of immune functioning)
Type of t-test used: independent samples where we compare the means of two groups of

Ethical Issues
1. Group 1 is exposed to potential subsequent harm after the experiment has been conducted.
After three months of yoga exercise for 5 days per week for 40 mins, the participants get
used to vigorous exercise. Once the experiment is over and they stop exercising, there might
be repercussions of not exercising on the immune system.

2. Group 2 is exposed to potential harm since they are told to not exercise for three months.
To counter this, people who already did not exercise consistently (they will not be letting
go of any potential gain/healthy activity) in the last three months can be selected for the
control group.

3. The Yoga exercise teacher needs to be a certified trainer.

Exercise 2

Name: Yogitha Karthik

Roll Number: 5
Psychology Practicals
To test the effect of consumption of food (Nutritious vs Junk) on aggressive behavior in middle
childhood (6-12 years)

Operational Definitions of variables

Independent Variable:
Level 1: Independent variable is a characteristic of experiment that can be manipulated or
controlled. In this experiment we are controlling the consumption of nutritious food rich in
calcium, proteins, iron, riboflavin, Vitamin A and C like- Cereal, milk, fruit, vegetables and
Level 2: Independent variable is a characteristic of experiment that can be manipulated or
controlled. In this experiment we are controlling the consumption of junk food in the form of
processed food, food with excessive fats, oils, sodium and sugar.
Level 3: Independent variable is a characteristic of experiment that can be manipulated or
controlled. In this experiment we are controlling the consumption of food by administering a
balance of junk food and nutritious food.

Dependent Variable: Dependent variable is an element of the experiment that is measured or

tested. Hence, the dependent variable in this experiment is aggressive behavior in middle
childhood (6-12 years of age) in play related activities.
Control Variable: Control variable is element of an experiment that remains unchanged or
constant throughout the course of the experiment. Therefore, the control variable in this
experiment is participants from middle childhood (6-12 years of age), socioeconomic
conditions, family dynamics (children of divorce, single parent, cohabitation, nuclear family)
and gender.

Assignment of participants: within group or repeated measures design. A pre-test is conducted
to measure the level of aggression of the participants, so they have the same/similar level of
aggression during play related activities. Children with similar baselines of aggressive behavior
were selected as participants.
The prerequisite to the experiment: Participants should not consume any food 2-3 hours prior
to the experiment. The participants are divided into 2 groups; Group 1 is administered nutritious
food throughout the day, Group 2 is administered junk food throughout the day with the control
group (Level 3 Independent Variable) being a group of participants having a balanced diet. The
aggressive behavior is tested by the end of the day when the participants are exposed to an
environment (play related activity) that can prompt either aggressive or non-aggressive
Alternative hypothesis

H1: Consumption of nutritious food leads to a decrease in aggressive behavior

H2: Consumption of nutritious food leads to an increase in aggressive behavior
H3: Consumption of junk food leads to an increase in aggressive behavior
H4: Consumption of junk food leads to a decrease in aggressive behavior

Null hypothesis
There is no change in behavior of the participants due to consumption of food (Nutritious or

Statistical Analysis
An ordinal 5-point scale was used to test the impact on aggressive behavior before and after
the consumption of junk and nutritious food in the participants during play related activities in
terms of - pushing and pulling their peers, screaming, fighting, throwing tantrums, rebellious
behavior, name calling, abusing.
Standard deviation was used for calculating the mean after which ANOVA was used to
measure the aggressive behaviour because there are two variables (1 independent with more
than 2 levels and 1 dependent variable).

Ethical Issues

1. Consulting paediatricians on the issue concerning the possible impact- long term/short term
of exposing children to an aggressive environment.

2. Consulting a nutritionist to understand the duration in which we can allow children to eat
unhealthy (junk) food and its possible health impacts.

3. Since the sample belongs to an age group of 6-12 years of age, we need to take consent
from parents.

4. Children are exposed to subsequent harm after the experiment that was conducted as they
were exposed to an aggressive environment in the course of this experiment.

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