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1 Contents



TABLE OF CONTENT...................................................................................................................v

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................vii

LIST OF TABLES..........................................................................................................................ix


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction of the study........................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................2

1.2 Statement of the problem.......................................................................................................2

1.3 Purpose of the study...............................................................................................................2

1.4 Objectives Of the Study.........................................................................................................2

1.5 Research Questions................................................................................................................3

1.6 Significant of the study..........................................................................................................3

1.7 Scope of the study..................................................................................................................3

1.8 Feasibility report...............................................................................................................3

1.9 Operational of definition of term...........................................................................................4

1.10 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................5

2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................5

2.2Theoretical Review.................................................................................................................5

2.2.1 Reservation system by use of Internet Of Things (IOT)................................................5

2.2.2 Automated parking..........................................................................................................6

2.2.3 Resident registration........................................................................................................7

2.3 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................7

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................8

3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................8

3.2 Methodology..........................................................................................................................8

3.3Target population..................................................................................................................10

3.4 Sampling design...................................................................................................................10

3.5Data collection......................................................................................................................11

3.6Questionnaire analysis.........................................................................................................11

3.7 Summary..............................................................................................................................18

CHAPTER FOUR: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.........................................................19

4.1SYSTEM FLOWCHART.....................................................................................................19

4.2DATABASE DESIGN..........................................................................................................20

4.2.1 Entity relationship diagram.........................................................................................20

4.3 TABLE DESIGN.................................................................................................................20

4.4 FORM DESIGN..............................................................................................................24

4.5 REPORT DESIGN..........................................................................................................28

4.6 User manual....................................................................................................................31

4.7 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................32


5.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................33

5.2 Summary of research findings........................................................................................33

5.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................34

5.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................................34



APPENDIX A: Questionnaire...................................................................................................36

Appendix B: Budget...................................................................................................................41

Appendix C: Work plan.................................................................................................................42

Figure 1:Waterfall model.............................................................................................................................9
Figure 2: Time spend.................................................................................................................................11
Figure 3:Biggest pain point.......................................................................................................................12
Figure 4: System management...................................................................................................................12
Figure 5: Handling parking........................................................................................................................13
Figure 6: Record information....................................................................................................................13
Figure 7:Performance requirement............................................................................................................13
Figure 8: IT infrastructure.........................................................................................................................14
Figure 9: Storage.......................................................................................................................................14
Figure 10: Data storage.............................................................................................................................14
Figure 11: Advantages of current system over proposed system...............................................................15
Figure 12: Poor time wastage....................................................................................................................15
Figure 13;Problem facing lack of current system......................................................................................16
Figure 14:Current system navigation.........................................................................................................16
Figure 15:Selection of existing system......................................................................................................16
Figure 16: Anything be included...............................................................................................................17
Figure 17:Benefits of computerized system...............................................................................................17
Figure 18: Rate of storage of data..............................................................................................................17
Figure 19: Types of programs....................................................................................................................18
Figure 20:Storage of data..........................................................................................................................18
Figure 21: Flowchart.................................................................................................................................19
Figure 22:Entity Relationship Diagram.....................................................................................................20
Figure 23:Block table................................................................................................................................21
Figure 24:Customer table..........................................................................................................................21
Figure 25:Expenses table...........................................................................................................................22
Figure 26:Floor table.................................................................................................................................22
Figure 27:Income table..............................................................................................................................22
Figure 28:Parking lot table........................................................................................................................23
Figure 29:Parking slip table.......................................................................................................................23
Figure 30: Parking slot table......................................................................................................................23
Figure 31:Parking slot reservation.............................................................................................................24
Figure 32: Regular pass table....................................................................................................................24
Figure 33:Login form................................................................................................................................25
Figure 34:Dashboard.................................................................................................................................25
Figure 35:Block form................................................................................................................................26
Figure 36:Customer form..........................................................................................................................26

Figure 37:Floor form.................................................................................................................................27
Figure 38:Parking lot form........................................................................................................................27
Figure 39:Parking slot reservation.............................................................................................................28
Figure 40:Regular pass form.....................................................................................................................28
Figure 41:block report...............................................................................................................................29
Figure 42:customer report.........................................................................................................................29
Figure 43:Floor report...............................................................................................................................29
Figure 44:Parking slot report.....................................................................................................................30
Figure 45:Parking slot reservations report.................................................................................................30
Figure 46:Regular pass report....................................................................................................................31


Table 1: Target population........................................................................................................................10

Table 2:sampling design............................................................................................................................11
Table 3:Workplan......................................................................................................................................41

The first chapter usually introduces the idea of Car parking management information systems
and describes the difficulties metropolitan areas confront as a result of increased traffic
congestion and a lack of parking spaces. A summary of the various technologies utilized in
parking management systems may also be included in this chapter.

The second chapter usually introduces the assessment of the literature on current studies and
technology in the field of parking management information systems is often provided in the
second chapter. It may discuss several parking management system types, including sensor-
based, and mobile-based systems, as well as their benefits and drawbacks.

The research approach for the study is often explained in the third chapter. It may include
procedures for data collecting and analysis, research design, and data gathering. The particular
parking management system under discussion and its components may also be covered in this

The fourth chapter often summarizes and discusses the study's findings. Statistics, tables, graphs,
and other visual aids may be used in the chapter to assist the analysis. Various areas of the auto
parking management system, including system performance, user happiness, and economic
impact, may be covered by the findings and analysis.

The fifth chapter often presents conclusions based on the analysis and summarizes the most
important study findings. The chapter can also make recommendations for future research
projects and changes to the information system for managing parking spaces. The research's
consequences for practitioners and policymakers may also be covered.


1.0 Introduction of the study

Parking management system for managing the records of the incoming and outgoing vehicle
in and parking house. It is an easy for admin to retrieve in data if the vehicle has been visited
through number he can get the data. A parking management system is used to manage the
operation and task that are carried out in a park, tracking all the process flows and tracing all
the revenue that is generated at the car park. This increase accountability, transparency and
reduces the chances of fraud. The results of this situation is theft in urban areas, increasing
traffic congestion and frustration of drivers spend a lot of time to find where to park. In order
to solve this problem , the implementation of online vehicle parking reservation system in
this city for managing parking place is mandatory. The parking place is very important all
over the world especially in the cities of the country. The current system that is in place is
completely manual and involve in parking attendant issuing receipt to the park users and this
had a lot of insufficient whereby the attendant is overwhelmed by the numbers of client that
they can be able to serve at a particular time. Parking control system has been generated in
such a way that it is filled with many secure devices such as paring control gate, toll gates,
time and attendance machine, car counting system etc.

These features are hereby very necessary now days to secure your car and also to evaluate the
fee structure of every vehicle entry and exit. The adhere to the theory that parking
management will be the highest in the business management. Relationship among parking
could indicate that negative association the company are well reserved. Parking management
to people developed in support of enhanced environment and outcome is good. Parking is
valuable and ambiguous theoretical relationship with parking management. People parking at
Garden city mall had challenges concerning its safety data in the store since they currently
used based papers system, physical struggle for parking drivers and wastage of time,
conjunction and collision. There was also a problem of monitoring the profit made for the
company whereby the company was losing money to its workers who receive the
money(fraud). Computerized parking management system that will enable the user to
monitor how activities are being done.
1.1 Background of the study
People Park Garden city mall is located at Nairobi along Thika super-highway and was
licensed by KCCA in 2008. It is located 1 mile from mountain mall round about. People
parking provide enough space for well-wisher’s customers. It is equipped with high
maximum-security couple with an electric fenced, well-trained security and well-trained dogs
that have been also used to control trespassing within the people’s park and with this
maximum security. Facing the growth of urban mobility in the country and also, they record
the number of vehicles incoming and outgoing of the vehicles. It offers the good services
offered at the company.

1.2 Statement of the problem

People parking at Garden city mall had challenges concerning its safety data in the store
since they currently used based papers system, physical struggle for parking drivers and
wastage of time, conjunction and collision. There was also a problem of monitoring the profit
made for the company whereby the company was losing money to its workers who receive
the money (fraud). This system majorly solved the congestion, collision and save time during
parking system.

1.3 Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to create a computerized parking management system that will enable the
users to monitor how the activities at the parking lot are being managed than having access it

1.4 Objectives Of the Study

The aim of the study is to develop a management system for car parking. The following are
the main objectives of the study:

a) To monitor the effects of implemented schemes on adjacent area with subsequent

action only.
b) To enhance data security by use of user account.
c) To speed up the time usages.

d) To produce and implement an annual program of parking provision utilizing the
available budget.
e) To save the storage of the computer as a results of cloud computer.

1.5 Research Questions

a) What type of parking system do they use?
b) How training should be conducted to make system efficient and properly?
c) Will the proposed system benefit the case study ?
d) What is the total cost of the company?
e) Is there a daily milage limit?

1.6 Significant of the study

Car parking management system will give an aim of managing the records for the incoming
and outgoing vehicle in the parking vehicle in parking system. It will also ensure that in
areas with existing traffic regulation order, the consolidation order include foot ways and
verges .

1.7 Scope of the study

The main aim is to manage the record for the incoming and outgoing vehicle in parking.
This system will cover the congestion, collision and save time. The study will be conducted
between August 2022 and April 2023 and the study will target Garden city mall in Nairobi
County. The study project will be conducted in each period of three months of the stipulated
duration to acquire every single information.

1.8 Feasibility report

Having been known as potential research, a competitive bidding feasibility study was done to
check the current system on an organization chart to process data to the owner’s system.

Schedule feasibility- it indicates the duration the software will developed that proposed
system and also the system will take a duration of 7months.

Technical feasibility-the re will be need to upgrade the current infrastructure and capacity to
use and support new proposed system.

Operational feasibility-the new system is likely to change the work environment because
some staffs have to be retrained, the organization are expected to hire a qualified an IT
personal h will be in charge of proposed system.

1.9 Operational of definition of term

a) Automatic pay station- A machine that accepts payment validate pay-parking access
tickets without cashier assistance.
b) Control access facility – any surface lot or parking garage that requires an access
device or dispenses a ticket to gain access.
c) Pay and display- visitors pay hourly fees at pay and display machine and display
printed receipt on their dashboard.
d) Parking facility-generally define as a building structure, land used or used for off-
street parking of motor vehicle.
e) Shared parking – for purpose of this report, shared parking is defined as parking that
is available as public parking during specified period of time.

1.10 Conclusion
In conclusion, automobile parking management information systems are a crucial part of
contemporary infrastructure management and urban planning. The solution improves
customer experience overall, allowing car park managers to manage their facilities more
effectively, and offers real-time data on available parking spaces. The need for efficient and
effective car parking management is more important than ever given the growing number of
vehicles on the road. Information systems for managing parking spaces are a key resource for
addressing this demand and enhancing the overall mobility experience.


2.1 Introduction
This section briefly indicates how the car parking management system is designed to minimize
the area required for parking cars. Like a multi-story parking garage, a car parking provides
parking for car on multiple level stacked vertically to maximize the number of parking space
while minimizing land usage. In general, without efficient enhance parking system customers
would be parking their car at their respective places. While a multi-story parking lot stacked
vertically on parking management system is more similar to an automated storage and retrieval

2.2Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Reservation system by use of Internet of Things (IOT)

According to (Aditya, 2023) state that the proposed Intelligent Parking System (IPS) consists
of an IoT framework that collects real-time data, send it to the cloud, and thereby suggests to
the user a suitable place for parking the vehicle at a nearby location. As a component of the
framework, a mobile application has been developed that enables users to check the
availability of nearby parking spots and subsequently reserve a parking place. This paper also
describes different use-cases of a person for finding a parking space and parking it in right

who need parking spots, may find it impossible to get to them since other vehicles may be in their
way; nonetheless, they still need to book parking places quickly. This is due to the usage of paper-
based systems, which are insecure, require self-contact to make parking reservations, and are
time-consuming. A car parking management system would improve efficiency in finding parking
spaces and paying for them. Due to the lack of parking places, one of new road’s main problems
is traffic congestion.

2.2.2 Automated parking
Automated parking is a method of automatically parking and retrieving cars or vehicle to solve
the problems of increasing demand for safe and convenient parking as the member of vehicles are
increasing day by day. The driver parks his car at the entrance of the car parking structure and
from there, the car is automatically moved through the garage and stored in an open parking
According to (Sheng, 2023) The aim of the proposed work is to develop the prototype of a smart
parking management system, which is capable to identify the number of available spaces and
detect any attempt of illegal parking. The system used radio-frequency identification (RFID)
technology to identify the authorized driver. A barrier gate (motor) remains closed and the buzzer
is activated if the RFID reader unable to identify the identity of the incoming vehicle.
All these are done by utilizing computer-controlled system of pallets, carriers and lifts in
transporting cars from arrival level to a parking space and vice versa without human assistance.
According to a survey by a department of transportation in 2007, there were estimated 254.4
million registered passengers’ vehicles in United States, with the number still increase at a very
rapid rate. According to (Buitleir, 2022) stated that car parking agencies are committed to bring
the best system software available today and in future. One of the main causes of traffic
congestion is the expanding population and the resulting rise in the number of vehicles on the
road. The idea of parking reservation systems has been created due to the requirement of
structured parking and reduction in traffic congestion. Drivers can use the system to learn about
parking availability. Parking Spaces for Urban Places Ltd, Adelaide, South Austral Efficiency
does not rely on a man to do the job instead it deals with software and smartphone. Security
control the vehicle to access a place and also the CCTV which monitor the vehicle which can be
used for reference. Map information-enable to provide information that will help in locating
places. Regular maintainace ensure the system is working perfectly. Breakdown vehicle may not
be able to have access to buildings and car parked inside may not be able to move. High cost of
installation. Uncertainly in building structure system cannot be installed without knowledge of
building structure may lead to dangers and irregularities. It also enables the company to provide
complete servicing and mainataince to their customers.

2.2.3 Resident registration
According to (Mahalakshmi, 2022) The app keeps history of all the vehicles parked at any
parking spot with specific date and time. Parking lot managers can keep track of the vehicles
entering their parking area and can utilize the built-in billing system
He gave us the problem that affect the car parking, firstly the use of language barrier is a problem
when conducting the business hence creating misunderstanding e.g., the use of French language.
In conclusion, challenges of providing the right information and complete transparency -
providing the right information in the business dealing with customers has become a menace
whereby issues of corruption has been rampant.
Their preferred option is a parking lot management system. Additionally, managing parking
spaces for vehicles will be much faster and simpler on both sides (means clients and company).
Since even the payment is made online, the time required to serve a client is greatly decreased.
This solution will assist businesses in keeping their documents secure, such as client information.
The car parking management system and payment system. In addition to space saving, many APS
design provide a number of secondary benefits. Minor parking lots damages such as scrapes and
dent are eliminated Only minimal ventilation and light system are needed and shorter construction

2.3 Conclusion
The literature on Car parking management information systems concludes by emphasizing
the value of effective and efficient systems in controlling traffic and enhancing the entire
transportation experience. Best practices have been created to direct the design process and
help identify the functional and non-functional requirements of such systems. Metrics for
evaluation can be used to judge how well the system works and whether or not it satisfies
user needs.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter discuss the methods that have been used in the collection and analysis of data to
answer the primary and secondary research questions of the study. It explains the research
design, sampling techniques and data collection method used; and describe how data
collected from the research has been analyzed. Both qualitative and quantitative research
method have been used in carrying out this research. However, the overall approach will be
qualitative because quantitative method focusses on experience of people involved and
attempt to understand the reason behind certain behavior description.

3.2 Methodology
Waterfall model

The waterfall model will be used to develop the system because it leads to rational and
systematic development. The aim is to produce high quality system that meets or exceeds
customer expectation by reaching completion with the time and cost estimates, work
effectively and efficient in the current plan, it is very simple to understand and use. At the
end of each phase, a review takes place to determine if the proposal is on the right path and
weather to continue.

The waterfall model incorporates six stages in system development process;


development of
software and

operation and
a nd unit

and system
General over view of “Waterfall model”

Figure 1:Waterfall model

The sequential setup for waterfall model is;

a. Requirement definition- All requirement of the system to be developed are captured

in this phase and documented in a requirement specification.
b. System design- the requirement specification from first phase is studied in this phase
and system design is prepared.
c. Implementation- They take the design document and ensure the system is first
developed in small program called units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each
unit is developed and tested for its functionality.
d. Integration and testing- All units developed in the implementation phase are
integrated into system after testing each unit.
e. Development of system- Once the functional and non -functional testing is done the
product is developed in the customer environment or release into the market.

f. Maintenance- In this phase there are some issues we come up with the client
environment. In this system we ensure that the application is running smoothly on the
server without downtime.

3.3Target population
It is the group of individual that the intervention intend to conduct research in and draw
conclusion from. In cost effectiveness analysis, characteristics of the target population and
subgroup should be describe clearly . The target population in the study involve Garden City
Mall and general public . The manager and the staffs will also require doing the usability
testing as most of the features will be for their use .The target population is shown in the
table below:

Category population Percentage

Manager 1 15%
Supervisors 2 65%
Co-workers 21 20%
Total 24 100%
Table 1: Target population

3.4 Sampling design

It mathematical formular that estimate the likelihood of drawing any certain sample. The
study of sampling is an important component of statistic and is frequently taught as a one or
two semester course because sampling is the basis of all research projects. An overview of
some of the more well-liked probabilistic sampling technique may be found in the table
shown below:

Category target Sample size %percentage

Top level 1 1 14%
Supervisor 2 1 62%

Low level 6 13 24%
Total 9 15 100%
Table 2:sampling design

3.5Data collection
These are procedure of collecting measuring and analyzing accurate insight for research
using standard validating techniques. A researcher can evaluated their hypothesis on the basis
of data collection. The following is the data collection procedure used during the study. The
researcher will use questionnaire required data and information. The questions will be
both open and closed to give respondents a lot of latitude when filling in their details. The
questionnaire method is reliable and convenient . Respondents and minimizes researcher’s
bias. The researcher will also hold informal interviews whose data will be used to make
conclusive recommendation of this study.

3.6Questionnaire analysis
The researcher will edit the data collected. This will be done to examine and detect errors and
omissions to be corrected. The responses to every question in the filled questionnaires from
the respondents will be analyzed into prose, tables and computed to percentages by use of a
computer. The tables will be frequency distribution tables and will have frequency and
percentages. The results will be discussed to respond to research objectives and questions:

a. In this section we shall be discussing about the time spend and the period taken while
serving customers.

Time Spend
less than a About 1-2
minute minutes
17% 33% Between 2 and 5 More than 5
minute minutes
33% 17%

Figure 2: Time spend

b. In this sector we shall be reviewing the biggest pain point and also they require
enough time while working or while delegating new workers.

Biggest pain point

finding enough Delegating
tie for impor- work
tant task
40% Having enough
60% to do

Figure 3:Biggest pain point

c. In this sector we shall be discussing how the system is being managed in the terms of
excellent , how the workers and the management feel while using the system.

System management
17% Fair
Very good
17% Poor

Figure 4: System management

d. In this section we shall be shown how the system will be handling the parking in
terms of manual or automatic.

Handling parking


Figure 5: Handling parking

e. In this place we shall be briefed about how the record of information will take place
in terms of manual and automatic.

Record information

Figure 6: Record information

f. In this sector we shall be briefed about how the performance requirement will take
place during the working how and they will be rated accordingly.

performance re-
20% Poor


Figure 7:Performance requirement

g. In this part we shall be analyzing about an Information Technology structure how it
will be use while recording and analyzing data stored in it.

IT infrastructure


Figure 8: IT infrastructure

h. In this place e shall be discussing about the storage of information in minimum and
also in maximum and will also consider the documents that will be stored in it.

33% maximum


Figure 9: Storage

i. In this section will be allowed to ask whether data storage is allowed or not. It shall
also be discussed whether can be allowed to record data .

Data storage
20% No


Figure 10: Data storage

j. In this area we shall be discussing the advantages faced by the employees and also
the customers they will faced in current system over the proposed system.

Any advantage of cur-

rent system system over
propose system


Figure 11: Advantages of current system over proposed system

k. In this place we shall be analyzing about poor time wastage faced during serving the
customers here they will be recommended to specify the time wastage especially in
the morning while the employees come to work.

poor time


Figure 12: Poor time wastage

l. Here we shall be analyzing about the problem they face during the lack of current
system in the company.

Problem facing lack
of current system

Figure 13;Problem facing lack of current system

m. In this section we shall be discussing about current system navigation when one will
be accessing one document in terms of smoothness and rough.

Current system navigation

when accessing one document
Very smooth

Figure 14:Current system navigation

n. In this area we shall be analyzing about the satisfaction of existing system

improvement whether can be allowed by the customers or not.

Satisfication of existing system



Figure 15:Selection of existing system

o. In this sector e shall be discussing anything that can be included in the proposed
system whether in negative or positively way.

Anything be included
in proposed system


Figure 16: Anything be included

p. In this section we shall be talking about the benefits of computerized system in

manual and also in automatic system.

Benefits of com-
puterized system

Figure 17:Benefits of computerized system

q. In this section we shall be analyzing about the rate of storage of data in terms of
analyzing whether in good, best or worst terms.

Rate of storage
of data Good
17% Worst

Figure 18: Rate of storage of data

r. In this area we shall be analyzing about the type of program proposed for resident
registration system how it can be taken place whether in-house developed system or
off-shelf program.

Types of program
proposed for resident
registration system
40% program

Figure 19: Types of programs

s. In this area we shall be discussing on how serving efficiently in storage of data in

terms of good, Better or worse and how the customers will feel will using the system.

Serving efficiently
in storage of dataGood
13% Worse

Figure 20:Storage of data

3.7 Summary
This study methodology concludes by outlining the steps and techniques utilized to carry out
research on the parking management information system. Data gathering techniques for the
project will include a literature review, surveys, and interviews, as well as qualitative and
quantitative data analysis. The needs for the auto parking management information system,
the best practices for developing the system, and the effectiveness of the system will all be
developed using the study's findings. In order to assure the validity and trustworthiness of the
findings, the study's limitations will be discussed.


The system flowchart shown in the figure below shows the overall information processing flow in the
proposed Car parking management information system;















Figure 21: Flowchart

In this section researcher will be explaining about how Car parking management information
system will be designed and I used a Microsoft word 2010 to design a system and also
Access office 2019.

4.2.1 Entity relationship diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), a database design tool that provides graphical
representation of database tables, their columns and inter-relationships. This ERD provided a
sufficient information for database administrator when I was developing and maintaining

Figure 22:Entity Relationship Diagram


The following tables are used to capture the data used from different tables that is used to
store data and information.

I. Block table

The block table contain all customers getting service for booking from business. It all
contain parking block codes by customers during particular month. It has the
following fields and data types:

Figure 23:Block table

II. Customer table

The customer table contain all customers getting booking service from business. It
also contains payments done by customers during a particular month. It has the
following fields and data types:

Figure 24:Customer table

III. Expenses table

The following table shows expenses which the business has spend the money during
one month. It describes the income generated by company in a certain month. It
enables the company to acquire new ideas of generating more revenue and avoid

Figure 25:Expenses table

IV. Floor table

The following tables contains the floor number that’s shows how the cars will be park
according to different types of blocks. It enables the company to acquires good record
on how the cars will be parked according to numbers of floors .

Figure 26:Floor table

V. Income table
The following table shows the income which the business has spend the money
during a short period of time. It describes the income generated by the company
during that short period time. It contains the following data types and fields:

Figure 27:Income table

VI. Parking lot table
In this section it shows on how the parking will be conducted every month. It also
describes on how the company will know how the customers will be parking and
there will be a book which the members or visitors will be signing inn.

Figure 28:Parking lot table

VII. Parking slip table

In this section it will also describe the short paper given will parking. It will also add
upto more security the customers will be feeling secured according will parking. It
contains the following data types and fields:

Figure 29:Parking slip table

VIII. Parking slot table

This section it will only deal with parking slot where only members and non-
members will be parking their vehicle. It will contain the following data types and
fields as shown in the table below:

Figure 30: Parking slot table

IX. Parking slot reservation

In this section it will be showing on how people will be booking the space or it will
be showing the time a certain vehicle has entered or also it will be showing the stamp.
In this section it will contain the following data types and data fields:

Figure 31:Parking slot reservation

X. Regular pass table

In this section it will be showing the VVIP where they will be parking there cars
especially when there is an activity there will be an event . It will contain the
following data types and data fields:

Figure 32: Regular pass table


a) Login form

In this section it will be describing about how some will login when want to
access the research. It will contain username and the password which the user
will be required to use while accessing the database.

Figure 33:Login form

b) Dashboard
In this section we shall be shown what it shall be contain in the
dashboard and also it will also show us the details that is found in each of
the following tables.

Figure 34:Dashboard

c) Block form

The block form describes the details required by the customers such as ID,
Parking lot id, block code and number of floors. It also contain personal
information of the car on how it used . It also describe capacity of space.

Figure 35:Block form

d) Customer form
The customer field has been used to capture more information about them.
After the company gets basic information like their email address, the
remaining information is filled out by the agents who talk to these customers.

Figure 36:Customer form

e) Floor form
The following tables contains the floor number that’s shows how the cars will
be park according to different types of blocks .It enables the company to

acquires good record on how the cars will be parked according to numbers of

Figure 37:Floor form

f) Parking lot form

In this section it shows on how the parking will be conducted every month . It
also describes on how the company will know how the customers will be
parking and there will be a book which the members or visitors will be signing

Figure 38:Parking lot form

g) Parking slot reservation

In this section it will be showing on how people will be booking the space or
it will be showing the time a certain vehicle has entered or also it will be
showing the stamp.

Figure 39:Parking slot reservation

h) Regular pass form

In this section it will be showing the VVIP where they will be parking there
cars especially when there is an activity there will be an event . It will contain
the following data types and data fields:

Figure 40:Regular pass form

a) Block Report
In this section , we shall be shall be getting the report for blocking table which shall be
analyzing how the parking will be analyzed.

Figure 41:block report

b) Customer report
In this section we shall be talking about the customers report which we shall be show the
report since the month started.

Figure 42:customer report

c) Floor report
In this area w shall be analyzing how the report for floor will be taken through during the
short period of time .

Figure 43:Floor report

d) Parking slot report

In this section we shall be taking about the parking slot area of the company which we shall
be knowing the where someone is required to park the car.

Figure 44:Parking slot report

e) Parking slot reservation report

In this section we shall be briefed about the report on duration on how the parking slot
reservation and it will also show the duration in minutes both the time they will be coming in
and also going out .

Figure 45:Parking slot reservations report

f) Regular pass report
In this area we shall be shown the report for the new customers especially for those who are
booking online in anywhere using there platform.

Figure 46:Regular pass report

4.6 User manual


In this section ,we shall be talking about the Car Parking Management Information System
user handbook. This system is intended to manage automobile parking facilities effectively
and efficiently, including real-time data on available parking spaces, payment processing,
and customer support. This manual will walk you through using the system and give you
practical advice and instructions to make sure you get the most out of it.

Getting Going

You'll need a computer or mobile device with an internet connection to use the car parking
management information system. Also, you'll need to register for a user account on the
system, which you can do by doing so. You can sign in after creating an account.

Discovering a Parking Spot

You must gain access to the most recent data on parking spots available in order to use the
system to locate a parking place. The dashboard of the system shows this data, and you may
use it to search for parking spaces based on location, cost, and availability. The system's
payment processing feature allows you to book a parking place after you've discovered one
that suits your needs

Paying a Bill

You can use the system's payment processing feature to pay for a parking place. Many
payment methods, including credit card, debit card, and mobile payments, are supported by
this function. Simply choose the preferred payment method and adhere to the system's
prompts to complete a payment.

Consumer Assistance

You can contact customer care via the helpdesk for the Car Parking Management
Information System if you have any queries or issues. Support is available via the helpdesk
via a variety of methods, such as chat, email, and phone. Simply go to the system's support
section and choose your preferred route to access the helpdesk.

4.7 Conclusion
In conclusion, a thorough grasp of the requirements and functionalities of the system has
been provided by the system analysis and design for a car parking management information
system. The analysis approach allowed for the identification and prioritization of both
functional and non-functional requirements. This made it possible for the design team to
create a system that is effective, user-friendly, and meets user needs. The creation of the
system architecture, data flow diagrams, and user interface designs were all part of the design
phase. The system architecture was created with powerful data management capabilities, as
well as scalability and security. The user interface designs concentrated on creating an
intuitive and interesting user experience, while the data flow diagrams allowed the team to
visualize the information movement within the system.


5.1 Introduction
This chapter discuss what has been done, recommendation on the system operation and the
conclusion that are to be made regarding the system functioning in the current status and that
of the future where some improvements are to be made on the system.

5.2 Summary of research findings

The issues with the previous technique of accessing electronic resources were found after a
thorough assessment and analysis of the current system. The new system was created and put
into use. It addressed the issues discovered throughout the investigation.

The project was broken up into five chapters:

i. An outline of the project is provided in the introduction.

ii. A literature review, which exposes the author to numerous relevant sources
and human research.
iii. Research and analysis that closely examines the outdated system and
highlights its limitations.
iv. The creation and application of the new system that produced the results.
v. The study came to a conclusion with some recommendations and references.
This project was aimed to Improve on the current Car Parking Reservation systems by
creating Online vehicle reservation system which enables the client/driver to book parking
space online. The existing vehicle parking reservation system was file based where customer

pays cash at the receptionist then a receipt is given to the customer. Garden city enables
drivers to locate and reserve a parking place online through accessing it on web platform
where client login then she/he start process of booking a parking.

5.3 Recommendation
i. Researcher recommend that the system be used by other parking companies because the
researcher believes that the system can effectively and efficiently display the parking lot
available, can allow clients, employee to reserve a free parking lot available.
ii. Researcher recommend that more research should be done such that the vehicles detail
should able to be scanned during entering in the parking place.
iii. More research should also be done to extend this project to include tracking vehicle by
using cctv camera for the purpose of maintaining the security.
iv. The Researcher recommend that through making the web application more responsive the
client will be able to reserve the parking lot on mobile devices easier.
v. The researcher recommends that any module that are not captured in a proposed system
will be included during the system upgrade due to the time factor (for example: online
payment module, etc.

5.4 Conclusion
The research's findings show, in summary, that information systems for managing parking
lots are a very successful management tool. These systems are very scalable and
configurable, and they can increase the effectiveness of car park operations as well as the
overall customer experience. As a result, it is advised that parking lot managers think about
using auto parking management information systems to enhance their operations and satisfy
the requirements of contemporary transportation.

Aditya, A. (2023, January 05). Smart parking sytem. Retrieved from

Alamgir, M. (2023, January 12). Smart parking system. Retrieved from internatioanl Journal
for research in applied science and engineering technology:

Buitleir, D. d. (2022, April 12). parking-management-system. Retrieved from

Mahalakshmi, S. (2022, April 12). Institute of Electronic Electrical and Engineers (IEEE).
Retrieved from

Sheng, N. W. (2023, January 30). Parking System Using Radio-Frequency Identification

(RFID) Technology. Retrieved from

APPENDIX A: Questionnaire
I am SHEILAH CHELAGAT student at NIBS technical college, Ruiru campus undertaking
Certificate in Information Communication Technology. Currently carrying out a trade
research project on Car Parking Management Information system. The case study of my
research is done at Garden city ,Nairobi County and its main importance is to be able to
collect the information and the progress of how I will improve the car parking performance
concerning the services being offered. All the information given will be used for academic
purpose and also will be treated at most confidentiality. Am humbly requesting your
assistance as a member of the community in filling this questionnaire and your participation
will be much appreciated.


a) Read and analyze the questions carefully to give correct information.

b) Assign a tick within the spaces provided.

1) How much time do you spend using this services?

a) Less than a minute [ ]
b) About 1-2 minutes [ ]
c) Between 2 and 5 minutes. [ ]
d) More than 5 minutes. [ ]
2) In the last month what has been your biggest pain point?
a) Finding enough time for important task [ ]
b) Delegating work [ ]
c) Having enough to do [ ]
3) How do you believe this system will work?
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Fair [ ]
c) Very good [ ]

d) Poor [ ]

4) How do you handle when the parking is full?



5) How do you take vehicle information into your system?



6) If you could change one thing in your company what would it be ?

7) What are your performance requirement?



8) What does your current IT infrastructure look like ?



9) How do you develop the proper storage solution in your company organization needs,
in terms of size ?



10) Does the data storage provider need to be compliant

a) YES [ ]
b) NO [ ]

If yes , justify…………………………………



11) Does this current system have any advantage over the proposed system?

a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]

If yes, justify
12) What are the problems facing the current lack of a system in your company?


13) Do you think the current system should be computerized?

a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]

If yes, give a reasons


14) How smooth is the current system be in navigation especially when accessing one
document to another?

a) Smooth [ ]
b) very smooth [ ]

c) Rough [ ]

15) As a user are you able to get satisfied in the improvement of the existing system?

a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]

If not justify



16) In your opinion, would you like anything to be included in this proposed system?

17)What are the benefits of the computerized system in your company as a proposed system?
18) Is system in use currently, better for storage of data? How would you rate us?

a) Good [ ]
b) Best [ ]
c) Worst [ ]

19) Which type of program is proposed in your company for better resident registration

a) In-house developed system [ ]
b) Off-shelf program [ ]

20) Do you think that the system will serve efficiently in storing data for customers and
suppliers in relation to services offered at the parking system over the current system?

a) Good [ ]
b) Better [ ]
c) Worse [ ]

If worse, state what should be done in order to increase its efficiency



Appendix B: Budget
In this section we shall be analyzing the total cost that was required while creating research
for car parking management information system. Here is the budget for parking :

a) Hardware : KSH10,000-This includes installation and setup of necessary hardware

such as sensors, cameras and payment system.
b) Software: KSH20,000- This include the cost of developing and implementing the
parking management software .
c) Licenses and permit: $5,000-This include any required permits, licenses or fees.
d) Labor costs: KSH15,000- This includes the cost of personnel required to install and
maintain the system.
e) Marketing: KSH5,000- This include the cost of marketing and advertising the new
parking management system.
f) Contingency: KSH5,000- This include an additional amount to cover any expenses or
changes in requirement.

The total budget for this care parking management information system would be KSH60,000.

Appendix C: Work plan
The project effectively create and execute the automobile parking management information
system, the project in this example is divided into a number of tasks. A start date, end date,
and length are set for each assignment timetable is represented visually in the Gantt chart,
which indicates the beginning and ending dates of each task. It can be used to monitor
development, spot any snags, and make sure the project keeps to schedule.

ID Name Start Date End Date Duration

1 Title allocation Sep 20, 2022 Sep 20, 2022 1 day
2 Research on the projects given Sep 21, 2022 Sep 27, 2022 5 days
3 Designing the introductory pages Sep 27, 2022 Sep 27, 2022 1 day
4 Chapter 1 Sep 28, 2022 Oct 03, 2022 4 days
5 Chapter 2 Oct 04, 2022 Oct 25, 2022 16 days
6 Chapter 3 Oct 26, 2022 Feb 17, 2023 83 days
7 Chapter 4 Jan 31, 2023 Feb 23, 2023 18 days
8 Chapter 5 Feb 27, 2023 Apr 03, 2023 26 days
9 Abstract Apr 04, 2023 Apr 04, 2023 1 day
10 Appendices Apr 05, 2023 Apr 05, 2023 1 day
Table 3:Workplan


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