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Ex Ubris



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^Ying ,Wd ,Fan Wan' Ts'ut, Iu\




^y ^ 7feM 7f.//.am..


PREFATE. l/'/'iL

THj*-H&ictionary contains only a portion of all the characters in the
Chinese language, but they are those in general use, and such as
occur most frequently in books and ordinary writings. The total
number of characters in Kanghl's Dictionary is set down at about
44,400, of which nearly 15,000 are either duplicate or obsolete forms,
while of the remaining 30,000, fully two-thirds are names of places
or persons, or old, unusual words seldom met with in the course of

one's reading. All these characters are included in the Dictiona-

ries of both Drs. Morrison and Medhurst, but in those of De Guignes,
Gon^alves, and Gallery, a selection of the common characters has
been made, to the number of from 11,000 to 13,000 in each wock.
That this last number includes all that are really necessary is partly
proved by the usefulness of the work of Gon^alves, and especially
that of De Guignes, which has been in the hands of students for
more than two score years, and by Klaproth's Appendix to it, in
which, after years of study, he added only a few hundred characters
to the main work. It is evident, therefore, that when we have
dictionaries like those of Morrison and Medhurst, containing the
meanings and forms of all the characters, there is less need of
repeating the same in other works; as the unusual ones are so rarely
met with, and the student will always have Kanghi's Dictionary at

hand if no other. There is, indeed, always a chance of meeting

with an unusual character, as the name of a person or place, in
any book one may take up ; and for these the fullest dictionary is

the most satisfactory.

This work contains 7850 characters, including a few common
Its plan is stated on page xxxiii
abbreviations and duplicate forms.
of the Introduction, and it will be found to work
it is hoped that
well in practice. How
work itself has been performed, and
whether it is any advance on what has been already done, will be
decided by those who use it. With the books already published,

it will form a tolerably complete apparatus for learning tJie Canton

dialect, though not all that is wanted. These works are five, viz. —
Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect, 3 Parts. By R. Morrison. 1897.
The Beginner's First Book in Chinese. (Canton Vernacular). 1847.
A Chinese Chrestomathy in the Canton Dialect. By E. C. Bridginan.
Easy Lessons in Chinese, specially adapted to the Canton Dialect. By S.
W. Williams, 1842.
A Vocabulary with Colloquial Phrases of the Canton Dialect. By S. W.
Bonney, 1854.

The first two are out of print ; the next two contain also some
directions and exercises for learning the general language, the sounds
alone being in this dialect.
Chinese lexicographers have done much to elucidate their own

language, and we may regard the common dictionary of Kanghi,

called Kanghi Tsz' Tien J^ (5E -qp ^L, which has been in use
throughout the empire for nearly 150 years, as one of the best
dictionaries ever published by Asiatics. The list of works of this
class given by Gallery proves the vast labor spent in this direction
by Chinese scholars through a long series of generations. Yet, in
respect to satisfying the requirements of a foreign student, no
Chinese dictionary will be found sufficient. The uses of a cha-
racter as a verb, a noun, a particle, or an adjective, are usually not
given at all, chiefly because Chinese grammarians do not habitually
make these distinctions ; and the definitions are made by quoting
other words as synonyms, and not by explaining the usages of the
one under examination. For instance, take the word ^lui nj^, an im-
portant one in Chinese literature. Kanghi says it means, " To fol-

low (or tread in); whatever men do in serving the gods to obtain

happiness; to put in form, to obtain (or show) the form of an act. A

surname." None of the metaphorical and derivative senses are
given, which, as will be seen by reference to the character, hav.T
now become important and common. These generally have yet to
be carefully collected from good authors, and their application

The difficulties in making a complete Anglo-Chinese lexicon result

from three causes. Firat, the vast extent of the literature, running

through many ages, naturally involve changes in the use of words

by so many authors of different degrees of intellect, genius, and
learning. The same word has been used by these authors to
denote different shades of meaning, and it is a great labor to trace
out these meanings. Second, it is not easy to find exact equivalents
for Chinese words in European languages. Even in concrete things,

as ^^, ^^, 1^, f|ft, the differences are numerous, and require

explanation before calling them a book, a pencil, a shoe, or a ship;

how much more unlike must they be when mental, religious, or
poetical terms are to be explained by words from languages so dis-
similar as English and Chinese. The Chinese, like other nations,
necessarily describe their mental and abstract thoughts by words
derived from sensible objects, and the scope and application of such
words are familiar to them, but not so to the foreigner, whose mind
has been trained differently. What adds to this difficulty is the
vague and erroneous ideas the Chinese have respecting many things,
which embarrasses one who tries to define them by the more precise
words of his own language. Third, the years of study which are
required in a wearisome climate before a foreigner is even partially
fitted for making a dictionary, has also proved a serious hindrance
to the preparation of a complete lexicon in the Chinese language.
No one has yet sat down to the work unfettered by other engage-
ments, and willing to spend his life in making a full dictionary of

this language.
This volume will assist in learning to speak the Canton dialect,
and as the meanings of the characters are the same, any one can
use it in translating. It is as suitable for learning the Court dialect
as Morrison's is for learning the Canton or Ti^chiu dialects ;
those who are unable to procure the larger works, may find aid in
it to enable them to read Chinese books. It has been prepared
with care, by consulting previous works and a large collection of
phrases written out by competent natives, and the meanings syn-
thetically made up from the examples in which they occur. The
space did not permit a large portion of these phrases to be explained
as fully as would have been desirable to understand their application.
Technical u^es of words in law, medicine, astrology, poetry, and
su ch science as the Chinese possess, have not been very extensively

collected hitherto; this work probably contains a few more thart

any other, and perhaps expressed a little more definitely. It is no

assistance to a foreigner to know that li^ is the name of a fish, or

tying the name of a bird, or ihang the name of a mountain, though

these words may convey to a Chinese as definite an idea as the words
carp, eagle, or Alps, do to an Englishman. Yet in most cases
only an approximation can yet be made to defining hundreds of such
With these remarks this Dictionary is offered to students in Chi-
nese, and especially to those who are engaged in the excellent work
of enlightening this people in true religion and science. It is a
freewill offering to the cause of missions in China. The sheets were
necessarily struck off as fast as they were written, and a printing-
office was carried on at the same time to obtain the funds to print
them with. The proof sheets were kindly looked over by Rev. John
B. French, to whose careful examination of the tones and sound;*
the work owes much of its accuracy. A few errors in the tones,
aspirates, and sounds of the words have unavoidably crept in, some
of which have already been noticed, but it has not been thought
necessary to make out a full list of errata.
s. w. w.
Canton, August 1st, l8oU.

— ,


I. The Canton DrALECx.

The dialect of the Chinese language spoken most accurately in

the citv of Canton, and hence usually called the Canton Dialect, is

understood throughout the districts in the western half of the pro-

vince of Kwangtung, with only unimportant exceptions. Though the
variations from the speech of the citizens of Canton itself and from
each other, heard in these districts are numerous, still the general
characteristics of the dialect in its idiom and pronunciation, are
preserved, and the people find little difficulty in talking with each
other. The people from the district of Sinhwui ^Xc '^ lying south-
westerly from Canton, exhibit the most remarkable peculiarities
in pronunciation, and it is a puzzle to the scholars in the city
how they should have originated. The Canton dialect differs so
much from that spoken at the extreme east of the province, in

the~ department of Chauchau ^fl am and in most parts of the ad-

joining prefectures of Kiaying chau and Hwuichau fu, that their
inhabitants are not intelligible to citizens of the capital. This
dialect, usually called the Tiechiu from the local sound of jgH wj
and the Canton, constitute the speech of probably six sevenths of
the nineteen millions reckoned as the population of the whole pro-
vince; still this estimate is based on no very reliable data, owing to
the difficulty of actual examination. The patois known as the kdk-
kd approaches very near to the Canton, and people from Kwangsf
are easily understood in this city. Both the Canton and Tiechiu
dialects differ so materially in idiom and pronunciation from the
general language of China, called the honn kim ^ =£" court or

mandarin dialect, that those speaking only the latter do not under-
stand them ; and when they come to Canton as officers, are always
obliged to employ interpreters to explain to them the depositions
made in their courts by the couimumi people.
; ; ; —


The variations between the court and Canton dialects, in the

pronunciation of the great body of characters, are so regular as to
enable one to guess with a tolerable degree of certainty, what their
sounds are in the other, the more so because the variations are
chiefly in the finals, and not so numerous in the initials, as is the
case in some of the Fuhkien patois. The unusual changes nearly
all occur in characters having the fourth tone. The most common
changes in the finals are here given :

Court Canton Conrt Canton.

au and iau into iu; as chiiu^ liAu into chiu, liu.
iiing into 6ung as sidng^ nidng into s6ung, n6ung.
in and un into an and un; as kin, chin, into kan, chun.
iueh into at ; as liueh, ckuek, into lilt, chlit.
&ng into ong ; as kwang, pang into kwong, pong.
iuen into tin ; as hiucn, kiuen, into Attn, fctlin.
vi into ui ; as kwui into f&i.
ini into hi; as kidi, hidi into kdi, hai.
ik into i/c, a< or Ip; as kik, pih, chih into kik, pat, chip.
ieh into {< or iji as sich, lick into sit. lip.
ioh or oh into 0^ as kioh,hiok, Ioh into kok, hok, tok.

The frequency of the abrupt consonontal terminations k,p, and t,

in the Canton dialect, immediately strike a northerner from KiSngsu,

who has been used to hear
, all terminations soft and flowing ; but
the people from those provinces are said to learn this dialect sooner
than those from Amoy and Fuhchau, whose nasal sounds and
greater changes in the initials, are more difficult to accord with it.

Unlike what exists in the province of Fuhkien, here there is not so

great a difference between the language as spoken and read, as to
require almost the acquisition of a double medium.
The variations between the Tiechiu and Canton dialects consist
in changes in both initials and finals, each having some sounds
which are unknown, or very uncommon in the other. For instance,
the initials sk or/ are not found in the Ti^chii'i, or the initiaLs 6,

Iw, or mw in the Canton ; the oblique sound of u in turn is one of

most common finals in the former, and one of the rarest in the latter ;

there are no nasal sounds in the Canton, and no words ending with
the finals iang, idle, both of which are common in the Ti^chiw.

These differences are among the nvost noticeable between the two
leading dialects of this province, but the variations as one goes from
Chauchau fu westward to Canton city, are numberless, nearly every
village exhibiting some peculiarities in the sounds of a few words.


The standard of pronunciation for the Canton dialect is a small

duodecimo handbook, sometimes issued! separately, but more fre-
quently combined with a letter-writer and forms of invitation, cards ,

funeral eulogies, &-c., so that one may help to sell the other. It is

called Kong-u ch'ik-tuk, Fan-wan ts'ut-iu hdp tsap VJl Vffl f^ )i^
^* p1 ^ -^ •« ^ Letters for Travelers and a Collection of
Important Characters divided by their Tones. The preface of the
work is a mere bookseller's recommendation, and gives no hints upon
the motives or principles which guided the compilers in arranging
the characters. It is as follows :

" Books giving the sounds of characters, and forms for letter-

writers, are among the most common works in bookstores; but the
largest of them are so cumbrous and bulky as to be troublesome to
refer to, while the smaller kinds are too condensed to be satisfactory
for reference. Consequently, neither of them are well suited for
convenient use. Wu Hioh-pii of Yii-shSn, and Wan K'i-shih of
Wu-k'i have, however, jointly arranged a collection of words by
their tones, and an assortment of letters for the use of traders in
their travels,which are both comprehensive and brief, giving the
kernel of the matter. The two works assist each other; and as
they are not too large to carry about with one, they are also full and
easy of reference for as it would be ine.xpedient to require the pur-

chaser to get two bulky books at a high price, they are now com-
bined into a single neat '
sleeve gem,' and arranged on the top and
bottom of the page; so that if one is in doubt respecting the mean-
ing of a character, he can readily look it up among the classes of
sounds; and if he does not know the exact sound, it will not be
troublesome to gather it from the reading. Thus one part of the
volume will help the other, like a carriage and a boat when one is
traveling by land and water, both having their appropriate uses and
position. Those who are learned will appreciate the propriety of
these remarks. A prefatory note.
" Summer of 178-2."

This pocket dictionary is usually bound in four thin volumes, and

sold for twenty-five cents; it contains 7327 characters, and only 175
pages, or on the average 4'v to each page, which plainly shows how


meagre are the definitions. In comparison with the local vocabularies

used at Amoy and Fuhchau, it is very imperfect, and proves the
ignorance of the compilers of what was wanted for a local diction-
ary, or leads one to infer that they did not know how to prepare a
good one. There is no table of initials and finals as in those voca-
bularies, nor any list of syllables, by combining which one can get
the proper sound of a character for he who uses it, strangely enough,

is supposed to know already the sound of the character he is in

search of. The unwritten sounds or colloquial words used by the
people of Canton are nearly all omitted, which is one of the greatest
defects in it, and renders it far less useful to the foreigner who is

learning the dialect than those just spoken of. One reason, probably,
why so little notice is taken of these colloquial words in the Fan
Wan is them in their writing, as
the disregard the Cantonese pay to
no one would degrade his composition by inserting them. This
rejection has had the result of keeping the greater part of them
unwritten, and the compilers of the Fan Wan, knowing no authoriz-
ed characters by which to express them, nor having any tabular
system of initials and finals in which to insert them so that the
student could find them, have omitted them. In fact, except in these
two ways, a Chinese actually has no possible means to express
a sound, and the latter mode is so clumsy and unsatisfactory that it
would probably be understood by few natives who use the book.
The adoption of proper characters to denote these unwritten
sounds is a troublesome, matter for a native writer, and it is not sur-
prising that he avoids their use. However, they are occasionally
written, but not all on the same principles. Sometimes a well-known
character of the same tone is selected to express the sound and its ;

evidently utter inaptitude in the connection to express any sense is

depended upon to intimate that used for a colloquial word.

it is

This expedient is frequently employed by partly educated persons

in letters, when they do not know, or cannot remember the proper

characters. Another device to indicate colloquial words is to prefix

the character hau p mouth, or yan y^ a man, at the side of some

>yell known character of the same sound, but jiot always of the same

0^ do not
The words
tsoP -j^ a cargo;
tsoi '^^ pshaw \ and 7^
^ ji^, furniture; ^mai
remiss, &c., are examples


of this sort.Sometimes, again, a character which comes nearest in

tone is taken to represent the needed sound, and the knowledge of
the reader is expected to inform him that it is employed in a vulgar
sense. The words atiw ^^ milk ; Jan ^^ a bazaar ; and mdi -ffl^

a lady, are examples of this practice. Again, characters having

nearly the same meaning as the colloquial word, but of an entirely
different sound, are adopted, so that even if the reader does not know
the vulgar sound he will make no mistake as to the sense. Thus,
the words Jiung ijf-lt to roast, used for <.nung, to scorch, to scowl
Jiung !J| a hole, used for this mode of adapta-
Jung; are instances of
tion. Lastly, entirely new characters are made for some of them as ;

lat ffi to detach, pang j^ a knock, which of course have no cur-

rency in other parts of China, as neither their sound or meaning
will be known elsewhere. Besides these, there are a few colloquial
words, a.s^iig, kwit,Jik, ap, &,c., for which no characters can be
found, and which cannot therefore be written at all.

The best course to adopt respecting the colloquial words found

been a matter of considerable perplexity in the
in this dialect, has
preparation of this Dictionary. There being so many modes to
express them, it was concluded to follow that plan for each cha-
racter, which seemed to be the best understood among the people.
The student must not however place much dependence on many of
the characters employed to denote these unwritten sounds, for they
are not uniformly represented, and other persons would perhaps
choose different characters. The colloquial meanings of a word
are usually distinguished from the more authorized definitions, so
that no trouble will, it is hoped, be found on this score to those who
use the dictionary in other parts of China, where the colloquial is

entirely different.
The characters are classed in the Fan Wan under thirty-three
finals,whose sounds are represented by standard and vi^ell known
characters, as given in the annexed Table, all of them in the four
upper tones, except the two last finals. The characters in the second
half have been selected from the body of the book to illustrate the
lower tones, and to aid the scholar in discriminating the two series.
There, are however actually fifty-three fi)ials in the dialect, if we
include the terminations in the fotjrth tone.


H •3 'a_i'«vcjO ^2
si s i .. T;. 1 II 1 i 1 1 1 rg i i i
-s CO

i ^ ^ 5;p. i? cr v-^ ;t' „c j*> ^^ ^ vF IP d? v' "^

bO £P bO ho

•ins •*«*
1 1 ,.,„i iiiiiiiij i-s

i: ^-{^^^S! m: m

d. --(NM'«tU5C©t^aD050-«(??COTi<u5

-hi ^a 2 •?, a. -g ^ :p 2

1 §-^ "« « « -5 3 c c = ^ c .2 - -V, r- bD ^

.a '^r^
•ffl bo
I .- -H bfi bO „ 3 bO v3
a a K
^S j«! o g w J- j:^ o j4 13 j< j3 ^ 2 g
OQ bp x3
.- bo bO ^ 3 bfl
H = «.«;= 3-5 S o -^ o c :5 c -^
S :S

M WM^m^ k3 :gs
M (N i^^sJ+H ^M ^mi*mm-¥^% m^-H
e 6 »-<©*CO-^».'5«©t^QDCiO'-«<?*CO'^»OCO


^ 4-^ ,*^ CI.

a. /v
^ »3 C /C bD
^ S ,s j; C
^ >«5

a o c E 'bJD
6 c be 'bo
'1 S s ]3 S s E E C

3 o c e E C
^o e b£ E C bo o /O bt
s ]3 S
J»^ 3 J(3

3 o e e E c
i be E c bB bt
E s "_3
c i2 C 1 E

^,ai -^ 5f<Q

»>. nr> C5 ^ C» (W ^ to J^ Cf) Ci „j

w CI w
(N Cl (M CM a (?< <?< Oi c^ c^< cc CC 00

a. 3
03 i2 •>

£ "3
'o £ 3 A E c /o
^ ^ Im

e c d £
E 3 E E e N4,
3 "3
1 X
^ (^

s 3 3 E c £
ca J 3 3 vrt
1 to
03 a u^ -id

^^CV*^^^ftM?S:m®-i^{Ei:g^ ^l-4n
— o>
— «


tr? O J~ 5; O — ->

The variations heard in the pronunciation of words under these

thirty-three finals, though rather perplexing, bear only a small pro-
portion to the whole number of words in the language. The most
usual discrepancies heard under each order are here given, but it is

impossible, and would be useless, to exhibit every alteration from

what the Fan Wan represents as the proper sound. On the whole
that manual may be regarded as a fair exhibition of the general pro-
nunciation. Other modes of spelling the same sounds, adopted by
Dr. Morrison, Mr. Devan and Mr. Bonney, in their vocabularies of
this dialect, and by others who haVe tried to write them, are given
in parenthesis under each number.
1. Sin, sit, like seen, seat, peat, mean. Several of the words
commencing with a vowel, as in g, in J^, it 5^, are heard with
a nasal or aspirate, as ngin, hin, ngit. (Seen, leet.)

2. Wai, like buy, nigh. Words under this final occasionally run
into the longer sound of a2 in the 14th order, especially in those

like ktoai and sTiai. (Lei, m,fy.)

3. Ki, \\keme,jlee. A few words beginning with k, p and/", are
frequently heard like the 20th final, as ki 1^ pi "JH. fi ^fe, ki
p* , pronounced k6, pi,fi, or ke; but this is the exception. Others
having no initial, as i
ZZ.1*JPP are often heard ngi. (Tee, she, ki.)

4. Chit, like sue, or the first part of the word choose. Words in
this order beginning with h, I, n, and ts, are often heard sliding into
hui, lui, nui, tsui, like the 22d order, as ^=^, "(2, -tT, ^^, fe ;

those under the other initials are less frequently mispronounced.

(Kuy, sue, nu, loy, u.)

5. Sau, like now, cow, how. Words in this order like au »y^, p]^,
having no initial, often seem to a beginner to lengthen the vowels

into du, like the 18th order, as also do those like chau HJ' hau f^
andjp'aw, ^1j but a little practice will discriminate them. (T'soio,

show, hdio.)
6. Tung, tuk, like the Irishism wroong for icrung, and so nearly
toong, took, that it is doubtful whether this final ought not to be
written tung, tiik ; it must never be sounded like the English words
sung, hung, tongue. There are no variants in this final worth
noticing. (Soong, yak, tbk.)

7. Ying, yih, like singi ling, giiicki icing. So many words under
this order change the final into eng and ek, that a separate list has
been made of them Table of Sounds, but the propor-
in the general
tion is small; all the common words are noticed in the body of the
Dictionary. At Macao and thereabouts, a large proportion change
the final into ting and ak of the loth order, as
mang, nang, pang, &c., by which the people from
^ a BR ifm , JSl,
into hang, kang,
Iliiingshan district are recognized at Canton. (Leng, pacng, te-ang,
8. Pan, pat, likey«M, son, shun, tun, won, never like man, fan,
hat, cat. Variants in the yap shiiig, passing into the long sound at
of the 25th order, are occasionally heard, but a more frequent change .

is into pin, pit, or pen, pet, which is peculiar to the people of the
districts of Sinhwui and Kauyiu southwest of Canton. (Pun, kdn,
fut, yet, chat.)
9. Cheung, chiuk, like the combined sounds in say 'em ; there
is no English word with this diphthong. The variations in this^
final are rare. (Chaong, cheong, lay-ung, yok, naung, tsay-tik.)

Kong, kok, like long, song, wrong, hawk, baulk; never like

sock, lock. There is no difficulty in recognizing all words under

this final, even when as is occasionally the case, they are heard like

l()ng. (Pawng, kaiok, I6k, w6ng, hoak, tsoang.)

11. Ku, Id, as coo, cuckoo, lo, hoe, fiow. The compilers of the
Fan Wan seem to have been unable to distinguish the characters
under this final into the two terminations of u and 6, and have
combined them apparently because in the court dialect most of
them ended in u. Those beginning with /, m, sh, and s slide from
hi, mv, sv, shv, into Id, md, shd, so, but under other initials there is

no trouble in distinguishing (Lo, low, ku,fod.)

12. Ckiu, like new, few, both vowels being plainly sounded.
This final is now and then heard like iu, as i® ^u for iti ; ySS n^u
for niu ; and also sliding into the 4th as QS hii for hiii. (Kcw, chin,
tfi-ur, tin.)

13. (in, vt, like the u in ruin, June, jute, dilute. The variations
under this final are unimportant, and those are where the vowel is

changed in a few words to i, as 'H^ nen for nun. (Hcuet, shun,

lit, une, sute.)

14. Kdi, like aye, aisle, never shortened into nigh,Jli/,V\\ie the
2(1 final, though that frequently is prolonged into this. The Chinese
discriminate between the diphthongs ai and di with much accuracy,
and the student should pay particular attention to them at first, or
he will constantly confound them. (Pai, nie, ti, kdi, kye.)

15. Tang, tak, like tongue, sung, hung, muck, luck, never like
hang, bang, jack, sack. There are many words placed under this
final, which from the constant tendency to lengthen the vowel are
heard like the 32d final, as ^^ shdng for shang ^ hang for hang, d|/
pdk for pak, &c.; many of these, variations are noticed in the body
of the work. (Pung, hang, tuk, mak, hek, shdng, ydk.)
16. Sz' , tsz\ like no words in the English language, but much
like a hiss. The people of Canton itself pronounce these two words
very clearly, but in the villages around and south of it, they are
changed into shi, si), szi), schi, tsii, tsi, ch'i, so that in many cases
it is hard to recognize them. (Szc, sz, sse, ss', tse.)

17. Kam, kap, like hum, some, conic, sup, tup, never like ham,
rap, nor came, lame, nape, rape. A few words properly referred to
this final lengthen the vowel into kdm, kdp, like the 24th, and others
also are changed into short e, askem, nem. (Ynm, shup, lam shdp.)
18. Kdu, like how very much prolonged the difference between ;

this, and the 5th final is a. There

merely in the longer sound of the
are no variations in pronunciation worth noticing in this final.
(Pow, kaou, chaow.)
19. 7*04, like boy, noise, loiter. The oi in some of the words
referred to this final, inclines to ui of the 22d, as ^ m\ ^ lui,

nui, tui, for loi, noi, tdi, but a little care will easily discriminate
them; most of the words are uniformly sounded. (Toy, suy.)
20. Kim, kip, like cream, seem, team, sheep, reap. The word.s
under this final are very uniform, and there is no particular cha-
racter worth noticing as a variant. ( Kccm, leep.)
21. Tsun, tsut, like the u in put, nuisance, the sound lying
between the vowel sounds in fun and fool, in the 8th and 27th
orders; the 8th, 21st and 27th finals pan, tsun, kini, are kept very
distinct by the Chinese, and must not be confounded. It is not
easy to distinguish the u in this order from the u in tung, tuk, as
some have endeavored to do, for if the word isuw be slowly prolong-


ed into fsung, it will be seen the difference is in the quantity rather

than in the quality of the vowel. (Tsun, soot.)

22. Sui, a combination of u in the preceding order with i ; there is

no similar sound in English. Words under the 4th final commenc-

ing with s, / or n, easily run into this, and some of those placed here,
as tsui, yui, tui, run into the 28th order. The Chinese, who are
not fettered or guided by any alphabetic sounds, often discriminate
these nearly homophonous words better than we do. (Suy, mooy,
soy, shoo-e.) -^

23. Fo, like law, saw, taic, not lo, no, two ; the o as in long, sawn,
as in the 10th and 30th orders. This final undergoes no changes,
that are worth noticing. (Waw, hd, late, ho.)
24. Kdm, hip, like calm, psalm, not like ham, jamb, rap, map.
The characters under this final are comparatively few, and the
changes in their^ronunciation very slight. (Lakm, kam, tarm, chaap,
25. Fan, fat, like Jahn, father, not like fan, fat, man, mat.
In the district of Shunteh, some characters in this order take a
singular change to tn, as r^ hen (like mane), *^ p^n, ga kin (like
canc^, and so of others. (Wan, pann,fat.)
26. Ka, like mflr, pa, a syliabk that can hardly be mispronounced;
there are no variations in the characters found under it. (Ka,faJif
27. Kun, kut, like loon, coot, moot, noon, presents no changes in
the sounds of the few characters found under it worth noticing.
28. Fui is a well defined diphthong, like buoy, broader than sui
in the 22d order, and having only one initial in common with that
the consonant has much influence on the quantity of the vowel.
(Tsoy, luji, kooy, nui, oo-e.)
29. Ch^, like may, lay, they, yea; it has few aberrations, and
most of those are mispronunciations from the 3d order, under a few
initials. (Yay,ya,se-ay.)
30. Kon, hot, like lawn, brawn, fought, sought ; there are very
few characters under this final, and in the mouths of many persons
some of them, as on and ngon are heard like ong and ngong. (Iloan,
kon, 6n, kot )

31. Kdm, kdp, Vike home, comb, hope, not like some, come, sup, or
torn, hop ; there is a peculiar ora rotunda observable in the pro-
nunciation of the few words referred to this order. (Kum, kup, kdm,
h6m, hap, hop, h6p.)

32. P'dng, pdk, sounded with a broad a, and not like ban/^, hang,
crack. Many words under the 15th final are so uniformly sounded
Mke this that they should properly have been placed under it ; there
is a constant tendency of the short vowels to lengthen into the broader
ones. (Hiik, lang, chak.)
33. 'Ng, 'M, are sounds heard in all languages, in rapid conver-
sation, but such as are seldom written ; hng and hm is perhaps a
better form of writing them than that here adopted. (Im, 'm, ing,


No list of initials is given in the Fan Wan ; there are twenty-

three in which are here represented by the following characters.

The first one is a miite, and used when the final only is pronounced,
having no consonant before it.

1 Au H^ 6Kfn ^ il Ma ,1| 16 Sam H 21 Ts'ai ^

2 Chi ;2 7 K'ing ^^ 12 Nam ^ 17 Shing H 22 W4 ^
3 Chut |1{ 8 Kwai % 13 Nga ^ 18 Ta tJ" 23 Ying ^
4 Fung M, 9 Kw'a ^ 14 Pd ^S 19 T'oi "^
5 Hoi 1^10 Lam # 15 P'o ^ 20 Tsing >^
The diversities in the initials are so much fewer than those in the
finals, that they are soon described, though for their nuniber they
give more trouble, perhaps, than the others.
1. All words having no initial consonant, are very liable to have
a nasal n^ or to have the vowel altered.
or an A prefixed to them,
The people Hidngsh'm, Macao, and Sin-ngan, change many words
in this way, so thlat if one does not see the character, he will look
for it under h or ng.
The initials ch and ts are constantly confounded, and some
2, 20.
persons are absbJutely unable to detect the diff(prence, more frequent-
ly calling the words u^der ts as ch, than contrariwise. All cha-

racters with the sounds tsz' and ts'z' are liable to be heard chi and
ch^i, with a stronger breathing than those properly read chi and cA'f.

4. The people along the coast and south of Canton often alter the
initial f into h or w in some words, and retain it in others ; it

changes sooner before a or o, than before i or u.

10, 1 1 . The two initials / and m are frequently so interchanged in,

the mouths of some people, that one ismuch puzzled to distinguish,

them, and even n is altered too: as lam pa for nam; man jm for
Idn ; Id -oj/ for mo ; &-c. The number of such words is not very,
great, and while the few who speak thus cannot discriminate the
inital consonant before some vowels, they never interchange thenij

before others.
16, 17. The initial sk is called s along the coast ; in the districts

of Hiingshdn, Sinning and Siiing.'in, this obtains to a very great

extent; skui ^jC, shu -gg^, shiik ^^, shdng shing -^ ^^>&c. &c.,
being heard sui, sii, suk, and sang sing, as in the Ti^chiu and Amoy.
dialects. The initial sh is a complete shibboleth to the people of.

those districts. West of Canton, many are found who change sz'

into sii, and a large part of the words beginning with s are changed
into sh, just the opposite of the usage at Macao.
These five classes of changes are the most frequent, and with,
those in the finals may perhaps discourage the beginner whether he
be able to learn a speech which varies so much in its pronunciation..
The proportion the variants bear to the whole body of characters
is not so great, however, as he might conclude, and when once as-
certained it will not be difficult to follow them ; besides which, no
individual will ever be found who has them all.


The system of writing the sounds of the Chinese characters

adopted in this Dictionary is nearly like that proposed by Sir W.
Jones, and already used to some extent in China. It is exhibited
in the following table :

1. a as in quota, variable ; fan, lam, tang, kat.

2. a a% \n father ; ldn,kdm,chdng, pat, kdp,hd.
3. € as in men, dead, said ;, heng.

4. ^ as in they, neigh, say ; che, m^, sh^, ts^ung.

;; — ;

jiiil iNTROnirxroN.
I . ; f -.
"5. 7^^inpin,fifu\<h; hik.
6. i ds ni machine, feel, ere ; hi, sin, kim.
7. o as in long, lord, law ; ko, sung, Icon, kok, hot.
o. '6 as in so, hoe, crow ; nd, kdm, hbp.
9. u as in hull, pressing into rule; tsun, sut, tung, yuk.
10. u as in school, fool, rule ; ku,fvn, put.
11. ii as in French jewnc, I'unc. ; sut, iit.

12. it as in turn ; hu, tit.

1'3, ai as in while, high, fly, hushai kai, sai.

14. di as in aisU, aye; fax, mai.
15. au as iii now, round, plough ; mau, sau.
16. du as in howl, pronounced longer chdu, kdu. :

17. ^M as in Capernaum, say 'em ; heung, leuk.

18. iu as '\n pew, chew; liu, siti.

19. oi as in boy, toil; oi, tsoi.

20. Iff nearly as in Lo7tis, peculiar; sui, lui.

21. /'J as in cooing, chewing; mui,fui.

22. sz' This is an imperfect vowel sound, unknown in European
languages ; if in pronouncing the word dizzy, the two letters
di be changed to s, this sound will be made.
2!3. 'm or hm, is spoken with a closed month, like a voluntary half
24. 'ng is a nasal sound, made by stopping the nose when it is

The consonants need no illustration, as they are uniformly
pronounced as in English :

ch, as in church ; ng, as in sing ;

f, a.& in Jife; p, as in pa/> ;

A, as in hai'c ; s, as in sea, yes ;

k, as in kiiig sh, as in shut, chaise ;

kw, as in quality ; t, as in title ;

I, as iu lame ; ts, as in ratsbane, ivits ;

m, as in maim w, as in wing ;

n, as in nun ; y, as in yard ;

The above comprise all the vowels, diphthongs and consonants,

found in the Canton dialect. In addition the Court Dialect con-
tains a few more, and as the pronunciation of each character in the


Fan Wan is given in that dialect under it, they are here added.
For the sounds given to the characters in this dialect, the diction-
aries ofDeGuignes, Morrison, Goftcalves, and Medhurst, nearly
agree throughout ; and though what is termed the kioan hwa differs

as much as any of the local dialects, when it is heard in different

parts of the country, still there is a general resemblance. This
system more strictly that whicfe is knowrj among the Chinese as

the Nan hwa or Southern dialect, in contrad'istinction to the Peh

hied or Northern dialect^ the cities of Nanking and Peking respec-
tively being regarded as the standard's of autliority 6f the two. The
additional finals and initials found in the Gourt Dialect alone are the
ei, nearly as in weigh, but vefy open, both vowels being heard.
id, as in i/ard, piastre, both vowels plainly heard.
idh, like the last, but ending abruptly.
idi, a triphthong, each letter of Vvhich is heard.
idtig, like idh, except the' final ng ; bbth are pronounced broad.
idu, it, ieh, ien, ih, in, ioh, iuek, iucn, iuh, iun, and iung, are all

to be sounded distinctly, the i to be plairtly eriunciated before the

other letters.
oh, is an abrupt ending, like knock, though not so decided.
ueh, uen, and uh, are all to be sounded distinctly. All words end-
ing in h, are in the jih shing, biit it is generally so soft as to lead
many to say that this tone does not occur in the court dialect.

By combining all the fifty-three finals with all the twenty-three

initials, there would be 1229 sounds in the dialect which could be
represented by Roman letters; there are however only 707 different
syllables given in this Dictionary, many possible combinations, as
kwbm, tnng, hH,put, kwiung, fdm, foi. Ion, shot, sun, wiii, &-c.,
not occuring in the dialect. The table of all the sounds here given
will show the paucity of different vocables, though it does not
probably include all the variations heard among the people, which
however most frequtently run into other sounds occurring in the table,

snd do not often exhibit new sounds. The list of finals in the first

column is arranged according to the table from the Fan Wan on

piige \iv, and not alphabetically.

Finals Au Chi Ch'ut Fa Hoi I

Kin I
K'ing j
Kwai Kw'

Sin in ch'H ch'in hn kin k-.n

Sit it chit ch'it fit h^t kit k'it kicit
Wai ai chai fai hai kai k'ai kw i kw'ai
Ki 1 chi ch'i n hi ki k'l
qha U chU ch'u hi ku k'U
Sail au chau ch'aii fau hau kau k'au
'I*img ung chung ch'nng fung hung kung k'ung
Tlult uk, chuk ch'uk fttk huk kuk k<;uk
Ying ching ch'ing hing king k'ing k wing
Yik chik ch'ik fik kik k'ik kwik
Kong cheng heng kens
Kek chek k'ek
P^n chan ch'an fan han' kan k'an kwan kw'an
Pat at chat fat hat kat k'at kwat
Cheung chi'ung ch'eung heung kf-iin| k'eung
Chcfilk chcuk ch'ouk k6uk k'euk
Kong ong chong ch'ong fong| hong I
kong k'ong kwong kw'ong
Kok ok chok fok hok kok k'ok kwok
Kii a fii '
Ld ho ko
Chid m chiu ch'iu hiu kiO k'iii

SOit On chOn ch'iln' hQn fcUn k'JIn

Stft lit chiit hot km
K^i ai chiii ch'ai fiii hai kai k'ii kwii
fahg ang chang hang k'ang kwan
Tak ak chak ch'ak hak kak
Sz' •,>•••«

Kam am cham chfam kanv k'am

K-dp ap chap tiap kap k'ap
K4u au chiu ch'au hau kau k'au
Tsoi Ol hoi koi k'oi
K;m im ch m ch'im him kim k'im
Lip ch p hip kip
Tfiun chun ch'un
Tsut chut ch'ut
Sill chui ch' ui
Fo cho ch'o fo ho ko kwo
KAm ^m chdin ch'im ham kim
Kap hp chiip ch'iip tiiip kip
F4n an chan ch'iln fan han kin kwin
Fa dt chit ch'at fat kwut
K& il chk cha fd hi" ki"" kwa '
Krtn un fiin kiin
Kot 6t fut k6t
Fcii liJ
fui kui
Ch6 i chfe ch'6 h6 ko. k'e
Kon on \wn koa
Kot hot kot
Kwn 6m liom k6m
Kop liop kop
Ng:ing ^ng chang ch'ang hmg iing ku^nng kw'ing ling.
Ngik i.k chdk ch-^ik fdk hak kak kwik I
Hu hu kii
•Ng m 1
. —



M.i Ndm Ngi P& P'o Siim Shine Ta T'oi Tsing Ta'ai \V6 Ying

mm nm pin p'in s'n sh'n t'n t'iit

tain ts n
mit H(t ng't p,t p^it sit sh't tit fit { tsit ts'ft \v>it
mai nai ngai pai p'ai Sal stiai tai t'ai tSai ts'ai \
wau jai
mt ci ngi p'i sM t(

nQ sQ flha .;..'.. tsa ts'Q

mau nau ngau : pau p'au sau j shaa tau t'au tsau ts'au yau
mung nung pungi p'cng, sung shung tung t'urtg tsttng ts' ung yung
inuk nuk puk uk shuk tuk t'uk tsuk ts'uk {yuk
ming ning ,ping p'irig ;
sing shing ling t'ing, tsing ts'ing
iiiik nik I
pik p'ik > sik shik tik t'ik tsik ts'ik wik yik
mengi neng I
P^fig p'eng seng sheng teng t'eng tseng ts'eng I
iiiek i
jpek jsek shek t'ek tsek ts'ek j

man |
nan ngan pan p«an San shan tan t'an tsan i
wan yan
mat {
nat ngat ipat p'at sat shat tat tsat ! ts'at j
wat yat
n^ung srungi sheungj tiung tstrung tseung y.ung
sink j
shcuk ittlk tseuk^ ts'i'uk ycuk
mong nong i ngong' pong p'ong song shong 'torfg t'ong tsong ts'ong wong
mok inok ngok pok
f""- f "" sok hok tok t'ok tsok ts'ok I
m6 nd ngd po p'6 s6 sho to ts6 ts'o
mid nil! pin p'ifi sHi sbid fits t'ia tsid ts'ici A.. ••

nOn sQtt' gfriin t(in t'en tsUn ts'Qn ^

SDt shot tot tMlt tsnt ts'flt' -'

mil : n;ii ngai pAi p'di s^t gfa.ii tai t'Ai Wiii
mang nang pang i
p'ang sang shang tang fan? tsang ts'ang wang
mak inak ngak pak sak tak tsak
sz' tsz" ts'z' • •i««*»^ *•••.•
nam ngam sam sham: tani Vam tsam ts'am yam
nap ngap ia,p shapT tap tsap ts*ap -, yap
m&u ndu ngiu pdu p'^u -5.

noi ngoi SDi toi foi tsoi ts'or

nfra '••••' ah'm tim t*ira tsim ts'im
nip sip ship tip t'ip tfilp ts'ip
sun shun tun t^un tsun ts'un
nut sut shut tsut
nui sui shui tm tsui ts'ui Jfui
mo no ngo po p'o so sho to- to tso ts'o
|nAm ng^m sim sh^m tarn t'dm ts;im ts'dm
iP^P ngnp Siip shap tap t'ip ts.ip
man d.Mi ngan pan p'an Sttn shdn tin tsAn ts'dn wdn
mat nat ng6t <
pat 1
.... 8^t shiit fcit t'at ts'dt wdt
md nd nga pa p'a sd sha td t'd tsd ya
roCn p6n p'On
nirtt IpDt p'6t
m6i ipiii p'ui toi t'ui j
tsCii ts'di
me n( she t^ ...„. itse I ts'e y.^

'pbm tbrii
mang I
ngiingl pang' p'Ang, sh.1ng Wung
m^k ngak I pak ip'ak sbak ts'dk wdk y4k

The final hit, kil, lit, Slc, in the last line but one in this Table,
is not found in the Fan Wan at all ; the compilers appear to have
thought it unnecessary to add a whole order and another final for

the sake of one character, hii S^|^ a boot, the only one in the dialect
not vulgar or colloquial.
It will prove serviceable for the student to make out a table of
characters to correspond to this table of sounds, and read them
across and down with a native, so as to notice the effect made on
a final by changing the initial, and the alterations produced on an
initial under many finals. Reading over such a table a dozen times
with as many educated natives, will give as distinct an idea of the
changes which characters undergo in their sounds in the speech of
different persons, as can be obtained.
There have been attempts to follow up these changes in writing
this dialect in Roman letters, but in all cases it is better to adhere
to the classified arrangement given in the Fan Wan, and remember
the exceptions as being such. In the vocabularies and phrase-books
of Dr. Morrison, Mr. Devan and Mr. Bonney, no attention has been
paid to the classes of finals as given in the Fan Wan, or to the tones
or aspirates, and the errors in writing the words are numerous, eyen
according to their own modes of spelling.
The system of writing Chinese sounds here followed, has been
adopted, with some slight variations, in writing other dialects of
the language ; but it would be a great advantage to allstudents in it

if all the modes of spelling the dialects could be harmonized. It is

not supposed, by this remark, that this one is the best which could
be proposed, for some features of it could be modified to advantage,
but it certainly is more accurate for the student's use than to follow

the common English alphabet, with all its strange anomalies. The
various modes of writing each sound, as quoted after the remarks on
pp. xvi. . . .xix, show how much difficulty has been felt by those who
have tried to write them according to the English alphabet.
Mr. Goddard, in his Ti^chiu Vocabulary, uses<i, a and u as in this
table, but e, i, o, 6, and u, are substituted by him for the ^, i, d, o, and

u, in this table. He did not perceive that he was confusing his

own pronunciation by representing the i in machine an<i in pin by
the same letter ; as he was by blending th€ c in thctj and men. At

Amoy, unaccented vowels have been used, and the tones marked
by accents over the letters, which is likely still more to confuse
those who may try to read the sounds in that dialect, as a single
quotation will show.

86- kdng i, tiap-d-ku, chin-chia" si sid^-mih i-sii? God m chai i ^

s6' kdng.
At Fuhchau, the dialect is written very nearly like the Amoy,
without the tones superadded ; but at Ningpo there is more dissim-
ilarity, as an example will show.

Cd-go t'in-s yin-c'ih-l(B, lih-lec hyiang-en-go jing-siu-pin.

The differences between all these modes of writing Chinese sounds
are really not very great, for in none of them has the English al-
phabet been followed, and it would not be very difficult to reconcile
them to one standard, an object which appears still more desirable
when the plan of Romanizing them for the use of unlearned natives
is taken into the account. Perhaps it would, however, be best to
discard them all, and adopt Lepsius' universal alphabet, with which
he proposes to harmonize the mode of writing all languages.

2.— The Tones.

The shing ^L or tones form one of the most difficult and peculiar
features of the Chinese spoken language, but they can neither be
fully or easily described satisfactorily, for the reason that no European
language has them. Strictly speaking, they are neither tones,
modulations, words are usually
accents, nor emphasis, as those
applied in western languages; they probably more nearly resemble
the sound of notes in music. The note 6^ on a violin, an organ, or
a bagpipe, strikes the ear very differently, like the voices of a child
or man the note is alike on the gamut, and it chords on all those

instruments; but let G sharp be struck on one of them, and we feel

the discord, it is not the note at all. So in respect to Chinese

shing; if the right shing be not spoken, the right word is not spoken,


it is some other word. For instance, if a person says kiV instead

of iku
^J^ an
orphan, he does not say the word for orphan at all
he says that for ^^ old, or ^
firm, or j^ to hire, or some other
word equally remote in meaning. It is as if on the violin the player
strikes G sharp, instead of G natural ; though he makes a, note he
makes no chord with the organ or bagpipe sounding G natural ; as
it were, he speaks the wrong tone, and does not express his meaning.
It may not be indeed the case in Chinese, that the hearer will always
misunderstand the speaker even if the tones are pronounced wrong,
for there are additional clues to the meaning, but the chances are
against it.

Many explanations and illustrations of the tones have been written,

but as no one can get a clear idea of them until he has begun to
learn them from speaking with the people, it does not seem to be
worth while here to repeat what has been said in other works upon
this subject; but simply to refer to those treatises,* and denote the
way in which they are marked in this Dictionary. What adds to the
difficulty of understanding the differences between the tones, is that
the same name is applied by the natives to really different tones in
different dialects; in which, to complicate the matter still further,
the tone of the same character is sometimes changed ; consequently,
a person can hardly be sure that what is applicable to one dialect, is
descriptive of the same thing in another. The Chinese have written
about the tones to some extent, but their definitions, from the nature
of the subject, do not help foreigners much. The people learn the
pronunciation of words by the ear, and refer to a dictionary when
it* doubt about the tone, just as we do to Webster or Richardson
to nret the right spelling, but not to learn what the tones are.
'J'he compilers of the Fan Wan have formally arranged the cha-
racters under each final by the four tones ; and have also further
separated the upper and lower series, and the aspirated characters

* Preface to Morrison's Dictionary, Vol. I. ; Medhurst's Dictionary of the

Fuhkien dialect, pp 1-lvii. and Dyer's Vocabulary of the Fuhkien dialect;

Easy Lessons in Chinese, pp 4'?—55 the introduction to the Chinese Chrestom-


athy Chinese Repository, Vol. Ill, pp. 26-28; Vol. IV, p. 172; Vol. VI, p.

T)?'.) Vol. VII, p. 57.

; Gallery's Systema Phoneticum, pp. 6H-7"<i Williams' ;

English and Chinese Vocabulary, pp. xxvii-x.xxi. From these works the
itud«nit will derive all the hints aboqt t\}e tones that description can give him.

into separate columns, though they have not so distinctly specified

them. The eight tones as given in the Table on pages xiv, xv, are
clearly distinguished by the Cantonese, and every word in this

Dictionary has been marked according to its tone by semicircles,

something like the mark used by the Chinese, as here exhibited.

sheung shtung sh^ung sMung kd kd kd hd

ping, sMungy hii, yap, p'ing, sheung, hii, yap,
or upper or upper or upper or upper or lower or lower or loxoer or Unoer
monotone riiirig ton. falling to. abrupt ton. monotone rising ton. falling ion. abrupt tone

[.] [] [] [.] W V] ['] [J


There is more attention paid to the (f'ing ishing or monotone,

in its upper and lower inflection, than any other, and while the
three last are collectively called chak) tsking JX ^i or deflected
tones, the first retains its name. If the beginner gets a good idea
and practice of the ip'ing tshing, therefore, he will more easily get
the others. The ^sheung -.shing is also called the ascending or rising
tone ; the ku' (Shing the departing or falling tone ; and the yapt skiiig
the entering or abrupt tone ; these appellations are simply the literal
renderings of the native terms.
As the tones in Chinese are totally distinct from accent, in their
own or other languages, there are many objections to using the
common and generally understood marks (as '^"') on the tops of
the vowels to denote them, as has been done in romanizing some
dialects, and in the dictionaries of De
Guignes, Medhurst, and
others. By taking another sign, there is no mixing of radically
different symbols over the same syllable, as in kein, koyk, m'e"d, s6',

where one of the marks affects the power of the vowels, and the
other denotes the tone of the Chinese character. Since diacritical
marks in all European languages modify the power of the vowels,
it is desirable not to introduce any confusion in writing words, the
more so as the tones in Chinese are so entirely different; it is better
to adopt a new symbol.

* The Biirmesp, Siamese, and Shyan languages all possess some-

thing resembling the Chinese tones. The Burmese have two marks,
a shay-pouk (°) and an anmyeet („) to denote the different tones or
stress of voice, which changes the signification of words. The
Chinese denote a different tone in a few common bilingual characters
by marking them on that corner which is held to correspond to the
required tone, as
done. No
^ ^. |^ 3^ ^,
books are ever printed with the tones marked
though this is not always
to each
character, for the reason that every person who can read is deemed
to be acquainted with them.
The Chinese do not distinguish the upper or lower series when they
mark the tones, nor do they mark the aspirated characters. They
have not even a well known definite term to denote the aspirate, the
phrase pan hi
pg ^^ being rather of foreign than native origin, and
one which every native scholar does not understand without some
explanation. It is represented usually by a Greek spiritus asper

f], or an inverted comma ['], when the former is not be obtained,

to which some add an h also, as ch'hang, t'ho, p'han, t'hik, but not
wisely, for there is danger of confounding it with such English
words a.sfan, though, thick.

In order to learn the tones and aspirates, it is desirable for the

student to pay special attention for awhile to merely reading and
pronouncing the characters, irrespective of their meaning or form.
This should be done when commencing the study, for a vicious
pronunciation of the tones is seldom corrected and one is less ;

liable tobe misunderstood if he pronounces a word a little wrong,

as heng for hing, chiuk for tsiuk, than if he giVes it the wrong tone.
For instance, a native will consider this sentence in the Canton
dialect :^ -^ 5§ jj^ P>/S ^' less barbarously pronounced if he
hears it ding yet^ <.chdng dsong m sh'u\ with all the tones correct,

than should be spoken ning^ yati '^ch&ung ch'ong' ni' ichii, with
if it

all the tones wrong, which

would perhaps be nonsense to him.
The Table given on pages xiv, xv, should be thoroughly learned,

by reading it backwards and forwards, until the distinction between

the first three tones in both series is seen. A good practice also is

to read over the tables of characters given in the Fan Wan under


each final in the first part of it, where all the initials found under
each one are arranged by the tones. T'hus, under the 27th final,

these leading characters are thus arranged, the upper coming before
the lower series.

f ^ krin *^ kun ~^ kufi <|p ^ k'lit

,Wi p'^^ ^'fi "" T^J p'"« -M^) ^^'t

(Jw P "" ^^/"n ^^ P«" l^j /''*^<

jl 1 mJin ^^ ^i/n ^^j miit

The practice of repeatedly reading these collections of characters

under each final, with a teacher, closely following his voice and
accent, will give the beginner as clear an idea of the difference
between the eight tones as he can get, and the practice he needs
at the same time. Foreigners speak generally in a higher key thani
natives, and pronounce most words in the qaing (shing, even when
the termination shows that it is in the yapi (Shing. There are far
more words, too, in the q)'ing ishing than in any other two tones.
Another exercise which can be followed with advantage, is to
read sentences artificially constructed of characters having the same
final, like the following:
the eagle screaming on the
, , . , . .

'Ling 'ting, i/ingming^^ 7J| ^ R^

iiM- -i-S RSS rtft

.Tan Mn ngan^ 'fan ^ MMM *' thf ra'idT

Fuk> uk> luL skuk, ii M ^ ^

'ESC 1H /ai /Jli
*^^ ^^^"^ ^^^^P^ ^" *^^ ^^^^
,Pd <pd 'pa
the ground with a rake.
'pa '.pa sp^
^ ^ JQ }Q '^ ^
J)^ papa rakes

ask the old
tyccu tau^ 'tsau ik'ou 'sau shav}

man to buymy
^ 7^ ^ ^ J^
oil, pulse, or wine.
t|§ '^

'K'au 'tfau tau^ 'kau 'tau, ^k'ii d'au tsau^ Hsau Jl 7h ^^ -H -^

7£ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^" pecks of uncle's beans and ran
iH W't '?vf


Wing 'ting ,ping .ting it'ing H'ing t'ing' ^^J ^"X if ^^M
a drunken soldier leaned on his staff to listen.

Exercises like these, accompanied with frequent reading of the

same time committing selected sentences to me-
characters, at the
mory, may seem a waste of time and labor to the beginner, but
afterwards he will perceive the advantages. The matter of learning
the tones accurately is one of simple imitation, as one learns a tune,
or to mimic the voice of another, rather than to find out their nature
a)id then train the voice according to certain rules.
The importance paid them by natives appears to have been an
confusion which must ensue in speaking so many
effort to avoid the
homophonous words, unless there Was something to distinguish them
to the ear. The Chinese spoken language is so meagre in vocables
that it is no surprise that those who speak it should endeavor to qua-
lify the tones, and vary the modulation of the syllables in every way
they can, if by so doing they can add to the accuracy of their speech
and facilitate conversation. In this Dictionary, for instance, there
are eighty-one characters included under the syllables ki and k'i

and a native will so pronounce each one that in most cases he will

be understood without much difficulty, though the context, and the

dissyllabic phrases in which some of the characters are used, may
perhaps assist as much as the right tone. But a foreigner would
find difficulty at first in detecting any diffigrence in the pronuncia-
tion of the whole number eighty-one, if a native should read them
off to him. The chief hindrance in learning these tones lies in
the want of practice in such delicate modulations — a practice quite

unnecessary to those speaking any European language —rather

than in any mystery as to their nature. Practice in speaking, with
close attention at first to the right sound, will soon give a habit that

will gradually become easy; if the student does not learn them in

this way, no rules can help him.


3. Plan of this Dictionary.

This Dictionary is called a Tonic Dictionary, because the charac-
ters in it are arranged under each syllable, according to their
tones, beginning with the ^sh£ung ip'ing ^shing J^ 3i ^ or upper

monotone, then the ha} iping (shing ~K ^^ or

lower monotone,

hh^ung ~K
followed by the '^shiung ^sheung _J]^ _£^, ha}

p , or upper and lower rising tone, the ^sMung hii^ "K ^, and
lastly the ka} hu' "T» -^ or upper and lower retiring tone, always
in this same order. The other two tones, the ^sh^ung yapt Q ^
and hd^ yapi "T^ ^ will of course be found under other syllables.

In printing the volume, two main objects have been aimed at.

The first was to compress the essential part of a dictionary of the

Chinese language into a small space, and make as portable a volume
as could be done consistently with its usefulness, one which could
be carried with one when traveling, or handily used in learning
common characters. The second object grew out of the first : that
was to give all the examples in Roman letters only, the tone and as-

pirate of each word being This plan had already

carefully marked.
been tried in De Guignes' Chinese Dictionary, but was not very useful
in that work in consequence of the characters being arranged under

their radicals and not by syllables, so that the student, who was not
already well acquainted with the characters, knew not where to turn
for them, even with the assistance of the tedious list of syllables
at the end. was the want of Chinese type which compelled the

editor to publish that work as he did. The plan of Goncalves was

an improvement on that of De Guignes, for he inserted the cha-
racters to his examples with their translations, omitting the sounds.
In the works of Morrison and Medhurst, both are given ; in the
small work of Goddard, both are omitted, as no examples were con-
templated by the plan of his work.
In the Pan Wan, the attempt has been made, by writing the sound
and tone of each word in every quotation, to enable the student,
with the help of the translation following it, to refer to all the cha-
racters in it, by turning to them under their proper syllables. If
the characters had been introduced without their sounds, there

would have been a saving of room, but not enough to make the book
its present size. Portability was deemed of so much importance,

that advantages incompatible with it Were sacrificed. A single in-

stance will show how much the volume would have been increased
without adding a single sentence, if the characters had been inserted
in such type as is now available. When fonts of Chinese type
^ ^ 3i
as small as they have occasionally been cut, (as
Hlj S,) it will be more practicable to introduce them.
|# ^ ^^
_jL. Wood ; a tree ; wooden ; the J^ Wood ; a tree ; wooden ; the
75th radical of characters per- ' - 75th radical of characters pcr-
taining to wood; one of the five ' "^ taining to wood; one of the five
elements and eight sounds ;
elements and eight sounds ;

stiff, unbending; honest, un- stiff, unbending; honest, un-

pretending; yat:> it'iu shu^ muh pretending; yaf^c^'i?/ sAii^w?<A:)

a single tree muki ts^ung^ or

"~f^lij TK^^i^g^et^ee;
tau' muki carpenter
ii/an, a ;

muki liu^ timber, lumber; muh muki ts^ung^ 7k ]^ ^^ '''"*'

d'au, a block of wood, a billet, muki ij/mi, p3] -^ A ^ car-

a stump ; muh hoh a wooden |

dipper; m?<^}cA<?M?i^,putchuck penter ; muki liii} "Th* jKi tim-

Uuki muki chop wood; muki
to ber, lumber ; rnuki it'an
ising, Jupiter muki ^k'^ung,

chough muki
g5 a block of wood, a billet,
cross-grained ;

ichung, to "strike the wooden

bell," is to get the bribe with-
wooden dipper
; muki hoh -k^
muh ,hvung ;
out paying it over to the ruler;
muki ^ngau
^^ putchuck t^uh muh ;

an image, a
dunce; sz'^ <fong muki a square ^ ;;^ to chop wood muh ;

block, a poor stick of a fellow;

muki imun, " wooden doors,"
ising, yV Jupiter ©
muki ;

i. e. a rich family.
^k'iung, "^ >l^ cross-grain-
ed ; ckong^ muh
Tk. ^^ to "strike the wooden
bell," is to get the bribe with-
out paying it over to the ruler;
muki -ngau ^yau, 1^ ^.^\ f^
an image, a dunce ; sz" c/'"^
muki on /f 7|^ a square
block, a poor stick of a fellow;
muh imun, yf^ Pt " wooden
doors," i. e. a rich family.

Care has been taken to have all the characters quoted in the
examples contained in the book, so that when at a loss it can be
referred to. If there be any doubt as to which is the right one out of
a number, the meaning of the sentence will soon lead to it ; and it

may be added that the habit of supplying the characters as one reads
over the quotations given in a definition, will tend to impress them
upon the memory, and make them familiar. If unluckily, the tone
has been placed wrong, or the syllable incorrectly printed, then the
meaning will aid in selecting the right character ; but it is believed
that the errors in the quotations are not numerous. If the sound of
a character is not remembered, it can be found by referring to the
Index at the end. There is room on the margin for writing a few
characters when it is desired, and in many cases it will prove useful
to do so.

In order to find a character in the Index, it is necessary first to

ascertain its radical, and then count the number of strokes made in
writing the rest of it. The largest part of the radicals are characters
in common use, and the student will do well to learn the whole
number thoroughly, so that he can tell their order and meaning. It

will not only be useful in looking up words in the Chinese lexicons^

but it will greatly assist him in remembering their composition and
meaning. The best mode of impressing the forms of the {characters
on the memory is an important question but in most cases, the ;

union of the radical and primitive, as the two parts to be remember-

ed, has the advantage of simplicity, and the sound and meaning can
be attached to these by the laws of association better than to a col-
lection of strokes made apparently without plan. After learning the
radicals, a careful examination of the primitives as given by Callery
will show the principles on which the great mass of characters in

the language are formed, and practice in reading and writing will
I hen make them familiar.
Many of the most common characters are the most difficult to
findjn the index; they are generally placed under the simpler radi_
cals, where they should be looked for first. For instance, |^, ^
^, JJ{ are all under \, ^, g, ^, are under ZL ; %^ ^,
are under j\^-, all of which are referred to these radicals chiefly

because it was a prominent part of the character, and likely to catch


the eye. Such anomalous instances amount to about two hundred,

all of them primitives, while the remainder will give less trouble in
ascertaining the proper radical. About one half (108) of the radi-
cals are placed on the right or left of the primitive, —constituting one
half of the character, and easily recognized. Others, like .^, '^j

I \
"^^, rj, i^, P^ and p^ embrace the primitive, and give no
trouble. About 40 of them are placed on the top of the primitive,
a few of which enter into combination with it, as in ^^, ^, ^p,
in such a manner as to give some hesitation as to the radical ; while
others, as*^, J^,^, JiV* ^' H*' '°',4f,;^, P» aremore
apparent. For many of the remainder, where the radical is either
in combination, or the character is formed of two or three radicals,
as;^;^, ^' or ^' practice will soon give the necessary facility in
finding them. Some characters as ^, ^j, ^, ^, |i^, ^, made
up of two primitives, are usually placed with reference to their
meaning, and not to the most prominent part where they would be
looked for ; but their number is small. An examination of the radi-
cals and the groups placed under them will be found in Williams'
F'asy Lessons, pp. 4-29, and in Medhurst's Chinese and English
Dictionary, pp. xvi-xxiv.
In counting the number of strokes in a character, the radical is
not reckoned. After becoming familiar with the radicals themselves,
and having a general acquaintance with the primitives, the number
of strokes can most quickly be ascertained by inspection. For in-
stance, the character miiti^ rice porridge, found under the radi-
cal lik ^, i^ made up of ^, ^, -^ and ^) which seve-
rally number 3, 3, 6, and 15 strokes, or 27 in all the character im^ ;

/^ bubbling water, placed under the radical shut t|J^, is composed

ft ^) -^5 M' numbering 6, 7, 5, and 5 strokes, or 23 in

all. The number of characters formed of so many strokes as these

is very (ew, and in most cases a glance at the word is sufficient to
see how many make it.



(1) A. a slave girl; td kok, kaP a

little boy ; cd tcA'd, a fork, a
rest for clothes' sticks ; shield
[Words in a or d. are often heard begin- fork of a tree csdm cd tt' meet- ;

ning with ng, as ngd, ngai, ngat. ing of three ways, a trivium.

A colloquial word. An in- The confused noise of chil-

cpy dren studying; dumb to keep
terrogative particle ; also one YA
; ;

indicatingthat the affirmation silent, for which the next is

is indisputable a mere final ;
used; 'd map an enigma;
answering tone, having no Using hard to
itidn 'd ^j/an,

meaning; 'Adcdwell, very well; bear it patiently.

td Mjfli' poor, necessitous ; 'Ar'ii
Also read ak,; aki ai-jthe sound
'^kdm wa} (a, he said so ; maL of giggling.
^yi (d, what ? ''kdm tsi^ td, no, JS^ Dumb, unable to speak;
this is the way to do it. .
dull, faded ; a cracked sound,
ffA Araven with a white streak as a bell ; wheezing nape of ;

on its breast Ho (d, a raven ; the neck ;

'd 'tsai, a dumb boy;
Yd"f or crow u'd <d, written rough- 'd 'AflM imd iin, will not speak,

ly cd piii' inai, opium.

sulky 'd tuki dumb people

qrr A colloquial word. An in- are revengeful isheng tap 'd, ;

^^ terjection used in answers, the sound is indistinct.
denoting surprise or alarm pJC.* A colloquial word. A final
alas ! dreadful. / particle, adding intensity to
Read ingd ; the wrangling of the meaning ; i'm '^hd d' not at
children ; to open the mouth all good.
wide ; urtgd -Mn ^mai, cochi- Also spoken d' ten, used after^;
neal higher number an answer, a ;

A fork, 3 crotch
ing of two branches, fingers,
; the part- word of reply like Aye d"Ad,
yes, well ; sz" d' its in, forty

or tines cd ifau or td -.wan,

; cash.
; 1

Al. Al.

p^*^ Hiinchbacked ; lo esteem that intercepts an obscurity ;

> lightly, to reg;ird as inferior in the eyes dying a ; trees ;

second, nexi to, jnnior, in- fabulous sort of pheasant.
^ ferior ; a syllable prefixed to A colloquial word. Feverish; sul-
proper names, for which the try, hot; hurried breathing,
second is often used it also ; a stricture in the breast ; at'
impersonates ei>ithets d' ; hP breathing uP'
difficulty of ;

7nuP a younger sister, a lass ;

iti hot weather ishan 7s2' at' ;

d'wQ/)Mr. SoandSo;d';?i^ it} feverish aP faP to feel ;

a silly fellow d' ^.ch'o, a raw grieved a/'c/ta/Mndiorestible.

; ;

hand d' cpd, papa; d' H'ai, H^' Lean, cadaverous, meager,

boy, you lad palia? cti sy«n, ;

not inferior to others.
B|' Strong, herculean, athletic.
•fJO Brothers-in-law iX/an a? re-

^f^ A colloquial word grief, sor-

\^ latives by marriage, especial-,
row \paPnP\xovLh\e, resulting

jy brothers or parents; und!^ '

from affliction or poverty.
tih, <yan d' I am not related to
d^' Cloudy and windy the sun ;
him at all. ~" obscured and nearly hid by the
^ clouds.

(2) Ai.
(3) Ai.

^^ A particle of surprise or
**^ pain ; to beg, to ask ; cat cyd, To lean upon, to trust to;
whew halloo oh, dear <.ai,
! ! ! to push away, to carry on the
inati 'ni ^kdn isd^o\i\ why did back to place alongside to
; ;

you do so 1 <.ai (.k'au ^ni, I in- strike ; to force, to crowd, as

treat you. with the elbows; to graft;
*^^ Low ; diminutive, short ; '«i next, near ;
passable ; to lie
'td Hsai, a pigmy, a little old down, to recline ; cdt itndi oii
man ; 'y>i xh6ung '^ai tang'' Hsai piiP lean it against here help ;

^ni tsd* get a low stool for here a little; ^yautaki^dipang^

you on to delude one
to sit — ;
has some dependance or re-
tsaP too low.
'aj taki source; ^yau tap ishdn idi, he
To hang, to strangle one's
has powerful friends cdt Vjo :

self; the warp of cloth aP ; tiki lie down a little ; cdi tak,
'sz' '^ktoai, ghost of a suicide ;
hiP it answer cdt ^nii'm
will ;

aP ''fceng, hung by the neck. cdt v} to gad and stare, as a

Eft' A feather fan or screen, a virago to go from door to


^^ flabellum; to screen, to inter- door to examine cdt H, to mu- ;

* cept to seclude from obser-

; tually rely upon ; cdt IdP to
vation to keep close, to re- ; trust for help ; cdt ^mdn^ lo-
press to destroy ;
an-ything : NTards evening.

B^' A pass, a defile narrow, ; RKj An obstruction, a stop; a
'™; cotifineH, straitened distresp- ; '/*^'defile, a pass; a dangerous
ed, urgent narrowminded, ;
* ^^ [)ath ; embarrassed, distressed,
mean; impeded, stopped up; poor ; kio'a/P ak^ hampered,
lyan kotii' dV way is all crowd- restrained.
ed, a jam hdpi dP narrow as
; 4ij T(> seize or hold with the
a pass; a contracted mind. ^'"' hand to gripe, to clutch the
; ;

ijS* A colloquial word ; to call ^
'grasp; to pull; ak/iiu'^kduxhi,
after, to bawl to quarrel ;
held him by the wrist a long
crowded, thronged dV Mdv, ; time.
to wrangle, to dispute ; dV
poi' Jian 'Mi'iff, h.illooed till

he split his throat di' nd«' ;

(5) Ak.
thronged; brawling dP mat. ;

^y^, what are you scolding

about ? s/*«/>} di' ''knn (clidnf^ ^Jp
An unauthorized character.
'' ' A
install, ten to one it is a quar- bracelet; a bangle; ktuk,
rel about money.
' ^ dk, a anklet ikam dk-, a gold

wristlet ; rs^iuig dh a plated or

gilded ring; ak^U'au, clasps
(4) Ak. of bracelets.
^pf A yoke the yoke of a car-

To grasp, to hold within the

y^^ ,''^§6 yoke, a restraint, a
1 3
JB 'principle of conscience.
'^'hand ; a little, as much as the njrt A colloquial word ; also
palm can hold ; ak^ teng^ to '"^ pronounced ah and ngak^
grasp firmly ; nh 'sAa?/, to To deceive, to delude, to take
shake hands aki :ch'i, to hold ; in; 'kom y^ung^dk^iyan k^^ are
in the hand ak^iu' necessary.
: you going to cheat him so I

^^ To moisten, to soak to en- ;

I'rich with favors ; to fertilize

Uh ;

to cover or daub thick : shin- (6) Am.

ing, rich ak^ unuug, deeply

grateful for; (yan ak) imperial

favor ; ak^ Mn, to make very To
feed with the hands to
'P^ ;

red. t-' the mouth ; a word ua-

h(»ld in
A curtain, a screen ; a large ^^^''"ed by Budhists.

-'tent, a inarkee ; to protect, to
*MF -^ colloquial word. To cover
shelter. ^^ with the hand;
conceal to
Vn A Knots in a tree ; small door from ; undi ^sh^utig ^ngdn,
'^ house impeded, cramp-
>in a ; to cover both eyes '«/« chit' ;

^£)Jed; to be ill-used, to be hide it; '«/« tik^ puP 'sliau,

Ngeh straitened ak:> ik'Wig, poor
; give him a little sop, cover
ifigai aki in danier. his palm,
AM. AN. ANG. Ang. AP.

The harmonious singing of

(7> Am. birds ; lang lOng the caroling
'"^ of birds met. the dissensions

of friends.
An unopened flower; 'dtn *jlp Stoppage in the throat he-

tdm\ the lotus flower a poet- ;

silalion in speech from rajre
ical name. ^"^or impediment '^ang it:, .cub- ;

bing '-ang sa^junable totalk.


'4^ Disease, sickness. A colloqui-

(8) An. ^^ al word to stick up, to press

^"^into or on to inchase or em-


S' Evening, sunset; a serene,

boss ''ang tah k&uk^ t'uiig'

^ clear, sky; tardy, behindiiand;

^^"peaceful, gentle; rich, full, said
they hurt my foot 'a?<o' cfa,

to emboss cshang sheki 'ang,


of furs a tifiin 'Ai cshan dn^ to have a stone bruise ; '^ang

; ;

to rise lateshiung^ dn' fore- isam, to disturb one, as bad


noon ;fan^ an' kdu^ to take a news ;


siesta fong^ dii' hoh a recess

A word, a cor-

in school shiki dn^ to eat ruption of kajig\ More, still


lunch dn' chaii' noon tsd^

; ;
more try again ang' 'yai*
; ;

dn^ to get tiffin ; kdm' dn^ so it'im, there are more ang' noi* ;

late !
ti^ rather longer time.
Bi^* A kind of small partridge,
^^ which breeds on the ground,
^" and is said to crow in the (10) Ang.

Used with the preceding.

(9) Ang. t"]
„„ }a vase, a jar, a gallipot, an
<^ earthen pitcher d'^ong '•kwo

Ying idng, a jar of sweetmeats ;

The nightingale, or a gay iyau (dng, an oil can yat> ;

species of thrush that nestles (ling ^yd, a thing; 'sAwi ^dng,

on the willow and sings well ; a water pitcher.
variegated plumes; iwong aong,
the mango bird Mng (ko, a ;

parrot (.ang iko pv' a Roman

(11) Ap.
colloquial word ; a knot in a
stick of wood -jp'eki kaii^ ich'di VW Read Ad/jj. To instil, ^x

knot for me.

(.ang, split this *^ 'saturate, to soak; to iiiibiic,
^"^^ to pervade; to blend, to !i ir-
An earthen jar, with a nar-
row neck, to hold oil, &c.; monize, to agree Ad^j (Sam^ ;

Ying of one mind.

nung ong^ ^tsai, a tadpole. ^
;; ;


A colloquial word. To cover,

over, to keep from the air ; to (13) At.
cover, as with a poultice ;

poor, inferior ; slovenly, ne-

glected fl/)) todi^ spoiled by
; At, A word. To
mold api ap^ ts'ui^ crinkling,
; thrust put into, as a
in, to
as light pastry ap:, chap> p'd' ; purse or drawer at, loki put ;

a miserable, dirty shop ap-. ; it in at,^k'uiu' he must want


tch'ong, to poultice cui ishu ; it, make him take it.

ap^ u^ to roast a potato or taro

in ashes met. to enjoy one's

self secretly. (14) At.

(12) Ap. To stop,

to bring to a stand-
„ i,still unforeseen obstacle to
; ;

^ reach, to arrive to cut off, to ;

Bl^ A duck, a mallard ; 'hin dp, put a stop to 'c/io dt, to stop

''^' a wild duck; Idpi dp, dried one doing, to restrain dt, teki ;

ducks ^ch'du dp, p'in^ fried

to hold on to rice at, yuki ;

duck cutlet dp, imiu, duck- ;

iTidn, hard to curb one's lusts.
lings ;
pui^ dp:, Hsai, to hatch 4:B| To pawn for a time to re- ;

ducks artificially. ^' 'serve, to keep back dt,kwai*


;^ To sign, to affix a seal, to

^ deposit money ; '^hiung at, re-
stamp to control, to guard cognized pawn-shops ; kaVdti
; ;

to arrest, to seize, to detain; to a hair band-pin ; dt, p'iu^ to

compel, to force to escort ;
pledge or shave a pawn ticket
to suppress a lockup or de- ;
'^kau ^'ng at, a five per cent,
tention room in a yamun discount pawnbroker ; Sm dt,
wdki (/a dp, to make one's a pawn-shop
little ; tong^ dti
mark, to write a device dp, ;
to piwn.
foi' to escort goods dp, ^k'ii ;
^L A lance, a spear to spear ;

tsb^ make him do it dp- sung'' ;

-7^' uneven, rough, jolting*; usual,
lyan, an escort i'vi ikdm dp, ; as rules or ceremonies at, dti ;

'«i, I'll not keep you not de- ;

tain you dp, wan^ to rhyme
; ; -ilif To pull up ; to eradicate ;

dpiishiin, custom-houseboats, ^ shoot in

at, imiu, to pull up a
guard-boats apt chan^ to go
; order to hasten its growth.
into battle Js'lm dp, ifong, a
; t-ii Straw with the outer skin
lockup ds'im dp, to endorse
^.^' removed to weave into has-
an edict, in red ink dp, -.pong ; socks for worship.
to look after, to escort dp. ;
^7J To distniss care contented, ;

ititng, kept over winter left ; f^^'lighthearted happy looking; ;

over the season, as teas. dti iin, pleased.
; ;;

6 AU. AU.

jlj;^ To overthrow, as a wall ; to voU To

sing; to crow merrily;
^pj-' supply a want ; to press down, ^'^ in which
it is like the last.
to steady, to settle ; to bend ;
^^^"(Jsed for the next, to vomit;
to subject, to suppress, to con- cflM dd, a headsman's sword.
quer . to injure, to oppress ;
Interchanged with the last.
to repress, as alarm ; to in-
To vomit the noise of retch- ;

., ,, ,

timidate «<) wdi^ to crush, to

; ing to spit out
; a chud s ;

hurt by laying on dt^ pdk^ ; prattle; to sing, to make a glad

sirtg^ to vex the people U'dn ; noise '^au hiit^ to spit blood
; ;

dU to subdue, to put a stop to, 'am ifdn cfi7it:dni, to disgorge

as a row dU ikinsr^ to quiet
; to pay back tsok:, '^au, a dis-

one's fears at:, chii^ to steady

; ;
position to vomit '^au 'ki ; Mu
chan^ dt:, to repress '(:» revolt); - tdni' threw up several times ;

to remove evils; dty shaL to ^auid, children humming; ^au

press solid. <'«^'topuke; 'aw /o/i^' seasick.
BH To shut, to stop up ; to ob- 'iKlftiTo fight, to hit with a stick ;

'^^ 'struct; to suffocate; to prevent "-^ to strike, to knock; lau^ 'au,

superiors knowing ; dU sak, ^S^Ujo wrangle, to fisticuff; 'au
to stop up, as water. ytiki to disgrace a man by

MThe 'frontal sinus

root of the nose
tsuk> ; a saddle ;
; knocking him '«m '^d, to
beat, to take a stick to.

^^ d<) to knit the brows; ^yau jjB* To soak, to macerate, to

dti a lemur. ''^ steep to soften by soaking;

'^S'^^aw' Idn} soaked and spoiled

to macerate to rags; aii' itntii,
(15) Au. soaked till moldy; ;'»t tk'am
au" it will spoil if soaked long;
«m' td- cKati' soaked till it
A surname ; a measure of stinks At?/' mam^ glutted, loath-

fW ing food U'ang shin^ aii' cchu

four pecks; puh ^au, to con- ;

^ ceal. yuki to fry eels in pork fat,

bowl, a deep cup ^ngd met. to add insult to injury. ;

^^ call, a basin to hold water

Read cou; bubbles on the water ;

^^^^ich'd ccru, a tea-cup an ^au, frothy spume.


a tobacco-cup; pw/t' ^mi, half

a cup, as of wine muki^au, a ;

wooden bowl. (16) Au.

jfffe A
gull ptiki tan or ihdn can,

g j^juj Q^ gyii f^jmjj about
^^*"Canton ; ^shdidn, a white gull. jiM A furrow, a hollow an un- ;

=fP^ To sing songs in recitative ;

'J^ evenness in the ground un- ;

IT™ a chant ; a ballad,' a ditty iili "didations; rolling, as land.

Ngau ^ ' •'

(««, Canton songs ; utu ii/am, A colloquial word. Poor, des-

to sing songs. titute i.du ai' in want.
;;; ;


"# To snap a thing in two h'^ A sour red berry as large as a

to twist, to break drag ; to cherry, called c5Ad« icAd, used
along; 'a« chit', to break in ^^^ for its acid.
two 'a« suP to snap in
; Pimples on the nose, wine
shivers; 'om '^nhau'^keug, to blotches pimples on the skin;

try the strength of the hands Hsau :chd, wine blossoms.


out about a luntter
'^^'oiig, to speak
; ^ foot
tread upon
: to
tdpt to stamp.
put the
'c^ ;

in irony, badinage
to catch fish in aliftiug net.
; 'dw tu,
^ To
put the hand upon, to
^^ press down, to take ;
A colloquial word. Warp- *rM
cc/td 'y^, to handle.
ed, bent curved 'd« 'd?^

a little crooked 'du Jiin,


i?k A unauthorized
~; To grasp, to grab, to clutch ;
to curve. ^ to hold or take firmly; to work,
Obstinate, self-willed,per-
as a bellows to use; a hand- :
verse; to rush against madly;
Yau dw'
ful ; tc/td ifuiig (S{'UJig, to
du' ''keng, stiffnecked ;
work a bellows ; ickd yal:, tdi^
hV disputatious, opinionat-
tchd, grab a big handful (chd
ed ; du^ /d' tim^ Mai ''chi, 1

''kail, hold it fast ; cr/td it'dn,

must have it so or not at all
to keep a gambling-table ; -^chd
cliapi du' set in his way
taki ''wan, I hold it safely
'fdndu^ whimsical, contrari-
cc/id ''sliuit.chiiyuki water-sog-
ged pork cc/id 'fo d'uHg, to
A colloquial word ; a turn,

be a scullion -yau cc/td "-shau ;

a corner ; ^chun du' turn the

I have security 'wtd ccM ;/id, ;

nothing to hold on by a Bud- ;

Indented meandering the ;

so nicknamed
hist priest is ;
dip of the horizon, the un-
Y4u ccAd ik'uti it'au, to double up
dulations in hills a hole, a ;
the fist ichd c/iii' kai' Hsai,

depression, a pit (sAdn du' a ;

to grab him by the tail ; tc/id
valley nu' tsz'^ characters cut
Idn^ to crush in the hand.
iu bas relief.
p^ A colloquial particle imply-
"*^ ing lime; ''tang ^hd
a short
wait a moment '^yam
ichd ! ;

(17) Cha. ich'd ichd, only just to take a

cup of tea.
^W, To beat a drum or a bell
^*L Name of a river ; dregs, 'IXL \yiih a stick.
*'^ grounds, residuum; sediment, Chwa
settlings, refuse after express-
rank condiment offish or
ing juice; '<i2' 'kang ichd, 'ifjr flesh and siilted hnshed fine,
shell lac ; "^rnb idid, there's no with red rice and oil 'r Ad tw, ;

refu-se left. Often used for a sort of Medusa or sea-blul>-

the two next. ber ;
Id^ 'did, rank, dirty, foul.
; ;;


A running ulcer a
"#"disease; ; severe
ishang 'chd <.soi, a (18) Ch'a.
swelling on the cheek.
^fc* To deceive, to cheat, to
^' impose upon erroneous, false; ;

to feign, to make believe; art-

^ Mistaken
to miss the
; to err, to differ
mark, to exceed

ful, cunning fraudulent cAd'

; ;
error, fault, discrepancy, ex-
'^kwai chd' ^md, pretending to cess , differing, unlike, unas-
act like a fool ingo chd' to ;
sorted ; tdi^ ich'd tah (ch'd,

extort money falsely; ckdn chd' very wrong tch'd tah ^un, ;

to delude chd' ^kd a, false

; ;
very different (cA'd ts'o' k^uk, ;

chd' ngai^ to humbug, suppos- a blunder, a faux pas ccA'a tit) ;

itious; c/td'ya«^t0 sham sleep; i'm d'ung, differ very slightly

chd' ching' hi' to feign to be ccA'd pat^ do, nearly the same;

good. tch'd ts'o' a mistake ; ch'ing'

large locust, called ^md cck'd sdi' all weighed wrong.
-"' chd' or chd' hnang ; chd' ishin,
^1 Streams or roads diverg-
a small species of cicfida. '^^,ing; isdm cch'd Id^ 'hau, a
jfi^' A wine press ; to press or cji^
trivium;csdwcc/i'd :Ao, a river
"^ separate spirits ; used for the Ch'(i in Liautung.
^^^ next. '^ A fork in a road a prong, a ;

4^' An oil-press ; a sugar press *^^ crotch to cross or interlace


" ' to press or extract juices ; loki the fingers iwo (ch'd, a pitch-

chd'ich'ong, to violently extort fork; iTigan (.ch'd, a silver fork

money iyau chd' an oil press;
iii tcA'd, a fish grains; ich'A
did' dUi, a sugar-press shed. (Shiu, to roast on a fork ; 's/td

/fc' At first, suddenly, hastily ;

ccA'd, to fence with tridents.
' for a moment ; inadvertently, 4sf To fork out, to nip; to drive
unexpectedly chd' ^yau chd'
; ^^^ out, to pitch out, to strike ;

imd, all at once there is some cc/t'd ch'ut:, hii' turn him out;
and then we have none chd' ; tcA'd chii^ ^k'ii, harpoon it.

iin, abruptly, at once ; chd' ^^ Tea ; the infusion of tea, a

kin' happened to see. ^,'^tea: cpd jcA'd to make tea;
4^* An unauthorized character. hin' cc/t'd, to hand tea ; ich'd
^^ To press down, to squeeze (fd, the Camellia ; hah ich'd,
^ between the hand ; Hd ihong, black tea; lukt ich'd, green tea;
ltd chit' ch'ut, iynu, he even kuki ich'd, to draw tea ich'd ;

squeezes from rice chaff.

oil (piii, a tea-cup; jc/i'd ai, a tea-
fjfc' A loud sound, a rude noise. pot ; ich'd ishi, a tea-spoon ;
A colloquial particle implying ich'd ishiln, a long tea saucer ;

doubt, perhaps also a final

; 'cA'dw £c/t'd, to fire tea ; tso^
sound, implying it is so I un- ; ich'd, to cure tea; to set out
derstand If, 'Aroffi y^ung^ chd' tea ; jcA'd dam, a tea store ;

so will do, eh ! ich'd iku, a tea-saloon ; ^to xh'a


dai, bring tea to the visitor ;

ic/i'a iS^uWg, a tea-caddy ; i/ati [

(19) Chai.
is^ung ich'd ipt a box of tea ; !|

ich'd iki, a teapoy ich'd :sz' a ; ji

tea-taster; ich'dvuititea dust."

^^ A colloquial word. To place,
A euphonic final sound used ^
'^ to put down, to put by; ccAai
in chanting, to prolong the;' imdi, put it aside ccAat (pin
Ch'a ;

line. \
c/iii^ where put it 1
shall I
})t An unauthorized character. Ii ichai pin ck'ii^ Jd 'Ad, put in
'^ To smear, to rub in to an-i' ; it down anywhere.
^ oint to rub in uh'd pdkt pi^
; ;
DJC' Brightness of stars cming ;

iko, towhiten his nose, i.e. toj tIu- cSJ/J" c/taP c/iaP the twinkiiuff
palm off, to dupe; xA'd tfn 'hau ji lustre of the stars.
min^ to disguise one's face;! -^P To adjust, to cut, to forrri)
ic/id yinki to spread a plaster govern, to regulate, to rule
^. to
; ii '

ich'a'fan, to rub on cosmetics. |

to limit, to hinder, to prevent
life Drift-wood a smallrafl tojl ; ; to invent, to make; a law, a
-'^ fell trees, to hew wood ishing ;
rule, a regulation tsoP chap ;
*"^^ icA'u, to raft timber. ji or 'sAa« chaP to wear mourn-
;^ A raft, a float ; to examine, u ing for parents; 'i/au tsit, chap
"-^ to inquire into; it appears l! I can do so much chaP d'oi, ;

that, having learned, I haveji a governor-general; .kdm chap

ascertained: -xlid clidU to'i to restrain, to set limits chaP ;

examine, to scrutinize 'ybrto- ; 1.

'kan kdm' Jo, to limit one
<.cKd, to ask about jcA'ti Jcdi, ; ji
chap ^to, to tame, to subdue;
to patrol the streets ; -xlCd kico" \\
tsz'^ chap self-restraint; chap
sdi^ inspected them all; jcA'aj; (Shii, an imperial dispatch
tskau, I find it been receiv-|; chap pattern, laws ; kaup
to' a
ed ichd xlid 7ci
; 7d, idle pry- >

chap a prohibition c/iap ti^ ;

ing into matters, tedious ques-l the court: A/«'VAa/^ a sexagen-

tioning. ary chap/uki a close surveil-

^^* To talk extravagantly, toi lance.

pT- vaunt to deceive; ch'a' i^\
^'P Interchanged with the last.'
^" strange, foolish,
^, To
invent, to make; to cut
jj^' ] Used for the last. To foam ;
'out clothes; a fashion, a mode;
^, >and sputter in anger; to talk to compound, as medicines;
P^ J
angrily ; to grumble ; cliik^ a pattern ; a fur cloak ; tni
Ch'/t cA'ti^ to rail at. chap well made
chap done ; ii^
•lill' A handsome girl, a beauti- by his Majesty 'hd chaP fat, ;

Q^^ ful unmarried young lady. well compounded fat, chap ;

|i,ib» To
bind up, sealed up, as ^y€, useless things chaP iid' ;
' in winter pd<> cA'd' a sacrifice
to invent chaP a ishSung, to

*-'' * of thanksgiving to the earth cut out clothes; 'Ada chap

in winter for ripening crops. i|
skillfully made.

; ;; ;

1<0 CFIAI. CHAl.

1^' To obstruct, to hinder from (chdi kdi' to fast from animal

entering ; to take, to choose food ichdi tsiii^io fast at W\-

Chi to raise up to select souls i/ji'^i tc/tai, to fast on

out, ; ;

to pull, to draw ; ckai' .ts'im, vegetables; do hon' ichdi, all

to draw lots ; ihin cliaV to sorts of vegetables ichdi (kii, ;

compel, to force; ckci' chaV to live at ease; cchdi ichong,

ch(V tsuiijir^ a twitching, as respectful, reverential.
of children convulsions;in A colloquial word. A final par-
chai' tin^ like lighming, as an ticledenoting that it was said,
electrical nrichine acts hipi ; that it is so mat, ii/an wd^ ;

cfiaP to restrain ; chap 'chau, (chdi, somebody has said ; 'Ad

to impede, to embarrass. ^ts'z' 'k'ii lod^ cchdi, just as he
Water impeded condens- ; said.
ed, congealed to obstruct, to ; Interchansed with the last.
stop ; indigestible, disagree- To respect; decorous; the
ing, piled up ; shih ckai- in- heart pure, to chasten the de-
digestible ; chni^ chii} to re- sires.
strain ; impeded ; an obstruc- !#' To
bear a burden to owe ;

tion, stoppage; ai' ckni^ full- 'f7. a debt Aim' chdV to owe a ;

ness in the stomach; hinder- '"debt; chap 'chii, a creditor;

ing; slow progress fuV chni^ ;
ckdp ^tsai, a debtor iwdn chdi' ;

stupid looking '^pdn chai^ ; to repay 7o chdP to collect ;

an old fogy; adhering to the debts fong^ chap to let capi-


old way; 'cAo chai^ hindered, tal tsifi H pirP chap Han, cut

let, detained chaV hV a stop- ; off his ears and make him a
page of secretions. stool of debt,
^fe- 1 A stockade, a palisade; an
<J?^ Vencampment ; a stockaded
(20) Chai. :q-"J village a sheep-pen ts'dki ; ;

Chai chdp a robber's hold chap ;

'^chil, wife of a bandit chief

"j To respect, to reverence who guards the hold '<<i chdP ;

/to abstain from; pure, reve- to frequent brothels Inhkoki ;

J rential, serious ; a retiring chdP a stockade defended by

Ch li room, a closet ; '<d (chdi, to chevaux-de-frise; iying chdP
get a soul out of tartarus ; 'td barracks, a camp, a military
(chdi hok, storks for the soul station.
to ride to heaven
der; td}} sz'^ cchdi, offerings
A fabulous feline be^tst, call-
; met. a pan-
ed 'hdi chdP embroid(?red on

placed before the purveyor of censor's robes, indicative of
hungry spirits; ifidn ^cfidi, a discrimination.
closet; csAii ichdi, a library ;
Read 'cAi ; the l.j:W radical of
(ts'ing ichdi,an entire fast characters of feline beasts; a
7o ichdi, to beg vegetables; worm, a hairless grub.
a; ;

CH'Al. CH'Al. II

it not catch] ? ccA'di r/d, kind-

(31) Ch^ai. lings ; firewood ;/>'»''di ^fo,

ich'di, to cleave wood ; ic/Cdi

imi'in, a cottage door ip'du ;

•^ To
commission, to send on ich'di, shavings: ich'di (San,
*^^.a message to manage, to act ;
faggots of wood.
**a messenger, an envt)y a le- ;
A class, a company persons ;

gale, a commissioner ich'di ;

of the same sort it makes the

sz" a bailiff; tcA'dt yiki a po- plural of the first person ; i'ng
liceman, a lictor; ccA'ui 52'^ an ich'di, we.
errand; kaV ^rh'di, a criminal's ^4- A ravenous beast a lynx ;

guard; ^fufcfidi, an unpleas- "//.or wolf; ich'di dong dong tdi'

ant duty sent as
; ck'iit. ch'di, "the wolf is in the way said of —
legate ;king (ch'di, a
; ^p'dti oppressive rulers ;cA'd» dong, ;

courier with dispatches. a wolf; ich'di -Jong sing^

-4^ A broad hair-pin ; met. fe- il.-i'ing, a wolfish dispositi<m.
.mnles; pitk^ icli'di, to divine by
1^ Also read (tiin. To stamp, to
'"a hair-pin when a husband will i^. trample, to tread on with the
ikw'nn <.clCdi, a bevy
return ; heel ; to rase, to destroy ; the
of women; Ming ^cli'di, a thorn heel ; '^ch'iii 'tin suki a treader
hair-pin, met. poverty fung* : on rope ladders — a thief; 'pi
(ch'di, an ornamental hair-pin cSrttt (kiod ip'i you ''ni ^ch'di, let
with a phoenix. step on a melon skin trip —
^^ To guess; to doubt, to conjec- you up '^ch'di p'o' u/ino ip'i/n,

*/'7, ture to dislike 10 abhor

; to ; ;
to remain victorious 'cA'dt ;

'''fear, to apprehend, lest

ch'di ; chiJ^ 'k'u, step on it 'ki iski ;

ynt. kith ichung, lo bet a glass uignu "ch'di keuk. when la

of wine; c/i'di ktvnt, :p'di, to your birthdiiy ? 'ch'di shaft to
guess on domi'joes (ck'di toki ;
tread on firmly "^ch'di dang ;

an opinion or idea, to guess ;

tfd, to tread on lampwicks
ccA'di jwii, or xh'di '/« nnor- ,
(a thief) ; '^ ch'di -.shiiig yuh
ra, to guess at the fingers — ts&ung^ trampled to death.
game; ch'di tJ, to suspect, to |S* The sting of a bee, or other
doubt of tc/»'d/ -Am, to sus-
^^ .insect ; a sort of scorpion with
pect and dislike cc/j'dt ^ngdm ; a long tail.
guessed right ccA'd j ynt. ^c/i'di ;
_^* Weary, sick dd ch'dV con- ;

make a guess 'ni .thi''di, ; ^^.sumption, a wasting diseise ;

hd' just gue^s. '"^^•^" ch'dV to bring

trouble on
Firewood, faggots brush- ; one's self.
wood fuel to stop up: yat,
; ;
n^' To gnaw, to bite; to eat
Cli ..

pd icfidi, a faggot of fire- TV "P'dly swallow, to bolt

wood; ich'diit'nu, hdf burned ^" "cA%fi' hilt, to suck blood

sticks ; ,kon ic/i'di ftnng' 'fo, if ch'dV ngiti to eat with a noise.
dry \vo«k1 is near the fire, [will Also read shdi^.


when divining pnt, cKal'xxn- ;

(22) Chak. expected d' ni ch'ak, to ex-


plain, to reason ;
pat, '^ho ch'ak,
Mr* Inclined, slanting, leaning, /IB|| Secret grief, distress ; to
il^^'obliqne; the name of the three . >
1 P''y> conimisserate, to syni-
^^ * pithize ch'ak, ij/an ichi isain,
deflected tones ik'in^ chak. ; ;

f*i|j flipped over, upset; f,/irt^-tsAe/i^ kind-hearled, humane.

the oblique tones chaki lau' ;

vile, erring.
-^> The sun declining to the (24) Chak.
west ; the afternoon to wane, ;

as the moon ;
yatt chak, day
, VfvAis declining. -^ To
reprove, to reprimand,

^p Boards of a bed ; a bed mat '^'lo blame to punish, to fine;


,jf^ 'to collect ; luxuriant. Read to sustain, to be responsible

" chaV; a strainer for spirits. for, to have charge of; to lay a

Obscure, weight on to squeeze smooth,

1^ hard of under- ;

_ 'standing the secret springs,

to press ; to ask, to demand ;

the hidden cause occult, pro- ;

chak, fah chak, chu* to fine ;

found. ^k'ii, keep it down chnki ;

Side, the side; on the side; 'sz' crushed to death chdky ;

;''*|'to incline, to bow down, to icK^ung, to compel repay-
bend; lateral; perverted; mean, ment chak, fati to punish ;

low; rebellioa.s, seditious; chak-. chak, man} to subject to the

skat) a Concubine ond chajn ;
question chak, ishing, to

chak, don't turn it over ; chak:, charge with chnk, yam^ shan^ ;

.pin, the side; chak, chak, ti^ chnng^ onerous duties devolve
a little one sided [fan chak, ;
on him chak, txoV to ballast

. ,, the rear, the back side; a rehel- a ship; chak, Idn^ crushed in
lious cabal; chak, n, apply pieces.


the ear yab. chak, afternoon

; ;
Narrow, strait; compress-
shi^ ''ago chak, stand at my ' 'ed ;
groveling, mean, narrow-
side. minded ;
pik, chak, contract-
ed, illiberal ; '^ts'in chak, con-
fined, cramped -.isamich't'iing
(23) Ch'ak. chak: little-minded; ch'ik, ktori'
it'au, too narrow ; ko'' t.-iz'^
chak, its meanings are few ;

.'Fjij To soqqd, to fathom ; to es- chak. lo' a lane.

* ^^'timate, to measure ; clear, as ^^ Like the last ; a quiver a :

vartiish ; ch'ak, toki to com '"'bamboo ceiling of a roof: to
preheijd, to conjecture ; ch'ak, hasten out ; to press ;
to tattoo
tsz'^ to disseot cbafacters, as or brand, as a punishment.


A boat ; chdk: mang^ a small 4^ To pull up; to take out, to

bo!?t. a punt, a pinnace, a '^-select, to raise, to promote
junk's gig. to employ in office : to reject,

^^ A marsh, a fen, a pool ; to to extinguish, as good reso-

'^'fertilize, to soften, to enrich ;
lutions ; chdkj ftiti iiidn ^shd,
to anoint, to n):ike to shine to the hairs can not be count-


benefit, to favor ; humid, slip- ed by pulling them out his

pery, smooth; to show kind- crimes are nnmberless.
ne:«s to ; to wash, to moisten ; *rl A dwelling, a mansion, a
to make to grow ; fertile ; re- ^'residence a grave to dwell,
; ;

dolent of, as fragrance favor, : to fix, to settle ; to conform
kindness; 's/u/McAdA? to bright- to; an office, a station ; ^y^ung
en by handling ytni^ cknh. ;
chdh. houses, residences idi^ ;

fresh, moist; wdh chdk} glos- chdki i^ chdk} eldest son and
sy 'it
chdk) wet with rain ;
second son's dwellings cyont ;

,yan chdki to confer favors. chdki a grave ancestral halls ;

To select, to pick ont, to or shrines chdki chiu} to di-


"choose, to prefer chdki ynti ;

vine for a grave.
to choose a [lucky] day ^ni ;
Alarge green caterpillar,
c/t?/A-j which feeds
'called c/a/Z;;
koni' "-kdn chdki you are so
hard to suit ynin} ^ni 'kin ;
on bean leaves.
c/tdArj just as you like; chdh D^ Going back and forth em- ;

'.kdu, to take associates. ^^'barrassed, undecided chdki ;

^^'^ chuki irresolute.

J^ Tothrow down, to throw
^ 'at ; throw awnv, to reject;
to §jfc To blame, to reprehend;

Chih Pl^- >to disgrace officers, to nun-

to waste, as one s tmie chnki

iui, to refuse, to give back ;

g^j ish by disgracing to scold,

chdk} cAwH^' to hit chdki Jan ; Tseh to be angry at, to find fault
or chdk} shik. to throw dice with flaw, error
; a change ;

chdk} ^kau '^tsai, to throw of appearance chdki 'Man, to ;

nines, i e. to gamble AP chdkt ;

disc-race an officer.

to discard.
4jte To pluck, to cull ; to pull,
„' hold of; to move (25) Ch'ak.
, to pick;
r to lav
. '

Tseh >

on, to start; to pomt out;

chdh yan' to take away [an
officer's] seal ; chdki ''tii toki A bamboo slip, such as
dai, pull a flower down ;
yat, books were once engraved on;
chdi} one picking chdh'kwo, ; a book, writings a stratagem, ;

to pick fruit chdki iteng, to; a plan, a means, an expedient,

take away an officer's button. a scheme; a switch, a whip:
5?0 A surname. This and the a divining to switch;
Mast are also read tiki with 'A-dn ch'dk, books, chapters,
the same meanings. &c.; into ch'dk, without plan,

14 cirAK. CHAM.
schemeless ; ich'au cKah to
contrive hnd, to whip
; rh'dk-, (26) Cham.
a horse. Used for the next.
A thorn, a spike, a prickle
''to prick, to pierce
with a ^!.U"} A needle; a cauterizing
T-Nhorn. 'jfl ^ probe to prick
; ; to use nee-
JIJl A slip ; an inventory, a re- c^jl^jdlesin acupuncture; leaves
'y Agister, a list n patent or com- ; Chinof tlie pine; icliiin (cfuini, to
^^ ^mission of nobility a census ; thread a needle ikii icliui ;

book ; to cljoose ; to plan, to ichnin, a pin fcham pi' stiiki ;

make a plan or scheme J,'in ; t'id mean, stingy ickam 'chi, ;

ch'dk, to enrol, to write a list ;

to embroider Jion ''shuic/tam ;

«' '/lau cliak^ a register, a a thermometer higdn (cham, ;

census of people s/Zf/t nmtn ; a needle (man (.chain, a mus-


didki the register of families ;

quilo's sting.
Qoong c/idki imperial census. Used for the last. A probe,
Posts of a stockade a rail- ; surgeon's needle to probe
a ;
^^'ing ; a palisade ;
^hon clidk^ a a caution, a check pointed, ;

guard at gales; clidk^ ildn, urgent; to e.xhort, to rebuke,
gateway of streets; uniin ch'dki to urge to reform (Cham (kw'ai ;

door posts. admonition, rebukes tcham ;

^^'^ break up or open to ;

imitig, cautionary maxims.
"•^^'split, to unrip ;
to destroy, to ink] A stone to beat clothes on;
pull down, to take away ; to *
"|. > an anvil a block for lifting by

dissect, to take to pieces if^l athletes mnki (chain, a horse ;

ch'dki sh^' to pull a house Chin block (Chii ^pi (cham, a fillet

down; ch'dk^ .sfi/i' to scatter, by of pork (ckam '^pdn, a cutting


breaking or taking to pieces ;

board, tised by butchers.
clidk> ifling, to open a letter ; ihi To pour from or into; to
clidk:, d ish^iing, to unrip lade out, to lighten; to deli-
"" berate, to adjust a ladle, a
clothes clidk> sdP pulled to
; ;

pieces ;
'yau mat) clidk-, fdt^ spoon (cham H'o loh all well

shall we arrange the

what way settled d'ung ^niccham xham,

matter? cKdk-, "-hau yiU un- let us talk it over (cham ^ch'd, ;

lucky days for consulting; to pour out tea sai^ (cluim, to ;

ch'dki ^hnu Jco y^uki plasters whisper (.cham chcuk) to con-


for chapped feet. sult about. j^

it^ To rive, to crack to open, ; ij^ Used isham -^, the mnl-
^v. 'to burst opefi, as buds split, ;
','? berry seed. An ax or bill a ;

^ riven, cracked; kdjh ch'dki ^'"" staff:

bursting of buds; '^hoin ch'dk, '-LjjU A pillow; a stake ; a crossbar

cracked, as a bowl rh'dk. ;
^^ in a carriage ; to pillow on, to
c/idki t\} (.shrng, a wheezing, lie near to ; contiguous, adja-
cracked voice. cent, lyingon ; 'sz' ^c he (Skiing


^cham tsih the dead lay pil- the water ; ich'ain din, lost in
lowed on each other ''chain ;
the depths ick'ain on' to quash

<pin, in bed, in private ; ''chnm a case .ch'am niki drowned,


prin^ a bedfellow-, '^cham tsili doting on

in irh'ain chung* ;

indn lon, carei disturb his pil- very sick shapi ich'ani '^kau

low, harassed 'i ''cham, a sup- ; tp'd, the odds are against him ;
port for the ear huk:, dcicang ;
irh'ain th^ung, aloes.
d ''cham, pillowed on his arm ; ^^ Dark, cloudy for a long time ;

''cham it' an, a pillow ; ''chain '\'^ yam yam ich'a/mch'am, dull.
Chin'' •

Icwnti the occiput ; tOrt ''cham rainy-looking.

iino it/au, to sleep quietly. ')M| The roe or eeggs of fish tlie ;

As a verb, also read chani\ name of a fish.

*/^ An interrogative
word what,
'cham yiung^ in what

act* To slander, to vilify ; to dis-

^*"«inanner 'chain tik, what ?

L^ credit: c/i'aw"' £?m, slanderous
aspersions ch'ain" ; 'J/on, to
'cham fshaiig 't<i pan} how
asperse one.
would he look? 'chain 'koin
pnli-taiu'ait, how could I de- U^' To verify, prove a prog-
to ;

nostic; to fulfill ch'am" «, a

cline assent ? Tsin,
prophecy, a hidden meaning;
j^' A colloquial word. A coat, ck'ain" hi" tiresome, talkative;
•^ as of paint ; a thickness, an
ch'am" 'wai, to agree with the
envelop, a skin ts'at^ -.sam ;

chani' varnished it three times:
moki yaty cham" ip'x, pull off
one covering.
B^- Anciently used for 1 now
j^r- the royal We, Ourself ; chain^
chiiir subtile, recondite.
A colloquial word. A puff, as 'flHf ^^ sunder, to cut in two ;
of stnuke yat:i chain* ci'i, a
to cut off; to execute, to de-"
puff of smoke t/at, cham* 'fo ; ''"capitate ; capitalto root up ; ;

fan, an e.xplosion of incense. to break off, intercousre; as

faded, forgotten, vanished ;
^ckdmiShiti, mourning for par-
C-r> Ch^am. ents; 'chdm't'un, to cut in two,
to bre.ik off, as a business;
'^chdm U'ati, to decollate ; du
''chain, to divide a criminal in
P"*^ under water, to be lost; the middle; 'cAdw Ucng tsitt
sl/L i
to quash, to suppress; muddy. till tocut an iron nail decid- —
Chin deep, dull, as colors ; a lake ; ed, sincere kirn c/id/w, to su-

shati 'shau ich'am chiti* gar- perintend an execution chain ;

rulous; '.chain -Jun, lost, ru- Jiiii, to cut open 'cham fdh ;

ined ;'ain mutt to lose lu to subjugate ; to prune.


•^' A
northern affluent of the
1^ Yellow R.neiir Sh^nsl to ; (3'0 Chan.
^"sink ill to soak, to immerse,

to imbibe, as a sponqre to ;

plunge in deep, limpid, still,

j^ ]
True, sincere, unfeigned,
as water clear, calm, as a
; *4^ >genuiiie, pure ; in fact, truly,
quiet moonlight. t^ indeed, no mistake
a like- ;

^tt' To dip, as a pencil in ink, Chin ness; actual, not secondary ;

^',"» or sop a morsel in gravy used ; spiritual, subtle, pure,unmi.\-

by some for baptize. Vulgarly ed ; (.chait iyttn, a sprite, a
pronounced '•yam; as^ydwi shi^ phantom of a man ,
(chan ko'
iyau, dip it in the soy. Hs'z' in fact, it was like ; 's<*

-To impede, to hinder to ; ichari, to draw portraits ; :ckan

sell, to profit; to gain unfairly, kai^ it is so; xkan ,tsoiig citing^
to palm off poor goods; '^clw fon^ this thing proves him a
chdm^ to deceive; to hinder. thief; "'/« cr/ti don't xhan '^d, 1

At- A stage, a journey: yik. know whether it is so or not

^•^ chnm^ a stage rlinm^ U'au, end ; ichaii '.sain, true-hearted; itkan,
^^*'"of a journey yn(, chdm^ Id^ a ; fuV hi' low-spirited ; ichan
stage, usually reckoned to be eking' truly, indeed; ic/iait

a league. '^koiig, it is really so.

r^ Valuable, precious, excellent;
^^ important, rare, noble to ;

(29) Ch'am. ^ "prize; a delicacy; a rarity, !i

treasure ccAa/i ichii, pearls ;

ickan '/»d, precious ,ci>an ;

•t^ To stab ; to sustain, to sup-

chung^ to take care of, as the
i,''?^ port, to lead ; to supply a want,
health to esteem cc/mn mi^
; ;
"tomake up; to divide with
deliciouff; cc/ta/t ichii [fan,
another to pull out srA'dw
; ;
pearl sago; ''chiung s/i^ung*
fan^ dai (t'im,
share for him
ic/tdm ifu, to
ickan, a pearl in the hand

ffiC" Often read .yan in Canton.
4^' Fir, pine ch\hn^ muh
^ den]
yat^ Itiki ch'dni' a block of
'^^ A potter, a maker of earthen
^." ware to mold, to model, to

"pine, a blockhead; clidm^ nitih^ Kien _
' . , ' . ,

to mold an-
ding ip'di, a pine tablet is
figure in clay
other's mind

to be molded, ;

guided, transformed, or influ-
jj6W»' To repent; to confess one's enced to examine, to dis- ;
•^ errors ; cA'dnt' fui' to repent.
tinguish ; plain, intelligible;
Irregular, disorderly, as un- (chan U'd mdn^ lui' to fashion
t' drilled troops unequal, un- ; and direct all things, as God
^^^" even ;
i/d/u ch'dm' u^ly ; con- does ^chan pit. -.yan '.ts'oi, to

fused, disorderly, sulky. discern nten's abiliiiec.

;; \ . ;

4e' To shake, to move ; to stir a protector; a brigadier chan' ;

y up, to agkate ; to excite, to 'shau cpin nktoiin, to guard the

""stimulate: to repair, to re- frontier; chart' of: to repress
store, to put in order to res- ; disturbance tai^ chart' d'au, ;

cue, to save to joggle to ; ; an entrep6t or great trading-

flap, as wings ; to terrify : to mart.
uphold, to stop to receive, to ; j^' A boy often or twelve years
contain chan' tting^ to shake,
; fr chan' it'nrtg, boys who play
to set about, up and doing; at funerals.
chart' tsok:, diligent to encou-j ff]]^* bag to tie on a horse's
; A
rage ; tdi^ chart' ^kd ishing, head, in which his fodder is
Chin j

made his family famous; chart' placed.

imdi yati it'iin, cuddled up in' - rank, a file of soldiers, {
a heap, as a shivering child , S^a battalion; an army; to ;

chart' d, to shake the dress, |Ij|i arrange, to place in ranks i


^^' Interchanged with the last. Chin a little while, passing, tran-
To quiver toshiver the 51sf
; ;
sitory ; a battle ; to drill ; a
Chin mode of marshaling chart^
diagram, belongs to thunder ;

to shake, as by thunder; to sh^ung^ in the fight; ijctti chilis'

quicken, as a foetus to awe, ;
chnn^ 'Jang, growing colder ;

to impress; thundering, ter- '^shai hiii ii/an chaii^ to send a

rible, as a sound dire, aw- ;

Woman to get it; wtai iwan
ful ; to intimidate ; to raise; chart' besotted in silly; 'pdi ;

to alarm ; ti' an earth-

chart' chan' to post troops ki U'id ;

quake ; chan' nd^ incensed mnki chctn' several wooden

iwai chart' to exhibit the ma- sleepers (or supports) ; chart*
jesty [of China]; chan' ,kens, shai' the ranks courageous
; ;

terrified chan' iurtg^ di.siurb-

t/ati chan' ^n, a shower yati ;

ed. chart' '.fung '^u, a squall ;


BK* A largess, a bounty; to give, chan' iming, yatt chart' im

^ to relieve, to supply ; chart' vning, now you know, and
^ t^ai' to
give to the poor ; chan'
to feed the hungry.
'^chan; rich, affluent,
then you do not know
chart' defeated the troops.
pdi' ;

To press down ; to repress, (31) Ch'an.

to keep in subjection ; to pa-
cify, to protect ; to overrule
evil influences, as hills or pa- r|^ To get angry; p-issionate,
godas do; to guard, to keep ^"T,* angry ; to rail ;^shang ^ch'an,-
Ch in. ' . •
* .
quiet: a mart, a trading-place ;
to get into a rage <cA an ;

chart' fuki to sway, to be lord kitkii' to scold.

paramount; chan' 'king, to Also read d'in ; to bully, to
quell one's fears ; chan' d'oi, puft'and bluster.

TON. Dior. 3
; ;;

18 CH'AN. CH'AN.
To Stare at angrily, to glare 'jjTO To smile, with slight con-
** at; (ch'an nd^ itiio td^ angry ^° ^^^^ •pleased "^ch'an
Shin ^®™P^ ' ;

'"beyond measure. stii^ to smile; 'ch'an ndpi to

To arrange, to set in order, smile on receiving,
to spread out ; to say, to reply; 'm^ To divide fields to come ;

to state, to express ; to memo- before the gods to announce ;
rialize a long time, an old
; the emperor's coming to die; ;

thing; many, all; a feudal a motive Jcwai '^ch'an, dikes ;

state near the present capital between fields,

of Hon4n tsoi^ icKan ts'uti ; •jfe^ To bind with cords ; to turn
iUung, to lack food in Ch'in ^^ to twist ; to revolve ; a revolu-
—to be in straits ip'd iclian, ; '"tion perverse, crabbed.

to seat or rank in order icKan ; '/j^ Single thin garments, black

cKiU to arrange in order 1^ silk worn in summer; embroi-
^sh^itng 'piu ich'an Us'ing, to dered garments 'cA'a» cA£ ;

state one's thoughts to H. I. kwiki single grasscloth.

M.; ich^an ip'i kom' kau} old •fA To examine, to look at to ;

as a dried orange skin, faded. ^. try, to verify ; 'ch^an mung*

ri^ A
medicinal herb, good for '"to interpret a dream ; 'cA'an
~;^ rheumatism cyon ich'an, a ; maki to feel the pulse.
'"plant like origanum. *t^ The boards of a carriage;
^ Dust, small particles
''^ fluvia, atoms, molecules the
ef- ;

the cross board to move ; a
carriage; cramped, disturbed,

'" world worldly distressed the last of the 28

vice and plea-
; ;

sures; confused times; icKan constellations, /3, 6, r),

y, in
iCau tai^ a cloud of dust ^sai ; Corvus pegs of a lute <Au

ccA' an, to wash down the dust, ^ch'an, crooked, winding.

to give a feast to friends come 'fca Filaments from a coccoon;
back ;
pd^ liati^ ich'an, to follow Jl'^ a thread to tie black ishui ; ; ;

another's example ich'an m, ;

P^^^ P^"^ whose black
dust; jcA'an'Arou, covered with change ?
hair will not
dust; (fuHffich'an, dusty from <^ Bushy, black hair a fine ;

travel tmd yat, '<int ich'an,

Chin head of black hair.
clean; ich'an tsuki, ich'an shai\ Inner garments to help, to ;

or ihnng ich'an, the dusty assist; to patronize; to be-

world ;fcUy ich'an, to dust. Ts'in
friend ; to give ; to give effect
«A9| To stretch; more, how still to, to show off; to match ;

much more; to grin wide; cKtin' ikan, a sash ; ch'an^
, , , ... i. 1

'crt an tUi to say further. (Shdm, inner skirts (pong ;

*^C] Pustulesof any kind erup- ; ch'an' give custom to


^^ >tions, pimples; a cutaneous eh'an^ cAti' -^'w, to fellowship

^Wi^J disease ; sore lips ; t<iu^ ^ch'an ck'an' 'chi, a flyleaf in books ;

Qhin small pox pustules; <pdn cA'rt/i' t'ipi plaits on a pet-

'ch'an, erupitious. ticoat.

chAn. CHAN. 19

^ '

A coffi n
; to col ect firewood

coffin ihin
^To regulate, to correct, to
dispose in order to grasp to
^P^ '^
; ;

ch'an' uki a sort of dead house g. compose, to record a rule, a ;

or shed at a grave. statute ; a received maxim ;

^y To shed the milk teeth, as a business, an act ; to edit, to

^,. children do; shedding or re- revise books, to publish; isau
newing the teeth. cAdnUhe first HAnlin academ-
To follow, lo come up be- ician ; cAdw* shnti to narrate.
>hind, to waWc after to avail,
'> ; Read '.stin ; to select to send. ;

^^ J to take ; to embrace an
op- Read sun'; to reckon, to
Ch'in portunity at the time of; ;
ch'an' ihii '<d 'sAi, to go to f|g- above. To ex-
Same as the
market ch'an' ishi hau^
; to hort by precepts
cAdn' iman, ;

improve the time ch'an' ; iki to write essays pdi' chdn^ to ;

wi* take advantage of the op- prepare a eulogistic paper.

portunity ch'an' cfung ''shai ;
JUUi To stand to stand erect; ;

^li, hoist sail when there's a Z^ to stop a stoppage cAdn' 'At

; ;

wind ; ch'an' iin^ as I wished ^"sfoi, stand up chdn^ cpdn, to !

it ; ch'an' shai' avail of a fa- file off in rank, and salute aa

Torable lime. officer.
^^- A covered loft ; palisades ;

a scaffold ; a covered, plank-

(32) Chan. ed road cut out of the side of
hills ; a hearse, a workshop ;

a warehouse ; a storehouse, a

*:^ A shallow cup for oil a wine ;

stable, a pen, a sheepcote ; a
-™- saucer; the classifier of lauips; wooden bridge pathway
or ;

^itang 'chdn, a saucer for a cAdn^ ifong, a warehouse, a

night lamp t/at} ''chdn dang, ;
packhouse chdn^dso, siora^je ;

a lamp, charges imiu chdn' a kennej


'i^ A wine-cup, made deeper for cats.

-^ than the preceding, of jade, ^i" A
tumbril for carrying the
"or other valuable stone. wounded a hearse cAdn' Id*
; ;
Muddy, unsettled a military carriage for sleeping
liquor beginning to in.
clear ; a
Chan j|;§- A tiger cat cAdn' imdi, a
cup, a goblet. ;

^- To
drinkeat, to
to feed ; GhAn^'S®'' shedding its hair.

to provide for dres-
; ; A rent seam ; to rip, to tear,
sed food ch'it:, chdn* to set :
^ to rend ; a hint, inkling p'o'

out a dinner shing^ chdn^ a ; ^^'^^chdn' the affair is known, to

banquet ts'oi' chdn^ food ; hint a matter 7d tak, ip'i (hoi ;

^yau mat-, -Mgdu cAan' what yuki cAd/i' beaten till the flesh
delicacy did you have for a was laid bare chdn^ liU rip ;

relish? the seams.


30r cuAn. CFIANG. CHANG.

ndi^ An luiauthrtrized word. To shovel yat^fu^ ^cKdn ik'm, &

/ii^ profit, to make gain in trade set of shovel and tongs 'cA'd» ;
Chan 1 '
J . «' . 1 .

cnan'ds in, to make money; <^to Hs'd ikan, to root out, to

^md tak^ chdn^
chdri' profitable; extirpate 'ch'dn cshdn,
; to
no chdn^ tak^ Jo, got
profit; scarp hills, to dig in a level.
my outlay back ckdn^ wan' A colloquial word. A
nothing but a trouble.

1 a threshold ; 'Ar'i
imun ^ch'dn,

Read SffdM ; to sell goods at standing in the door-way.

a profit.

(34) Chang.
(33) Ch^an.

To produce, to grow ; to
^ A
kind of harpsichord with
copper strings ifung ;

bear, to increase an estate,

; ''^^^ichang, glasses hung to jingle
Chin. 7d ichang, to
a patrimony ; an occupation in the wind ;

the productions of a country; thrum the guitar •^fong'tfung

natives; a sort of flageolet; a ichangy to fly a singing kite.
birth, act of parturition '/>o ''SL Cold, shivering. Incorrectly
'cA'dw, a strengthening

pill; 'siu
* ^ but commonly used for J^
'cA'drt, an abortion ifan '•ck'dn ; ^"^"^/siV clean. «^
to divide the patrimony;(s/ta«^ ^^ A bundle of sticks, a number
'^cU'dn, an increase, to have a ''^ of sticks tied up into a fag-
child; '^ch'dn ipi one's property, T«-ggot.
real estate ^kd ^ch'dn, family
; T^ The tinkling sound of gems
possessions Vo 'cA'dn, pro- ;
'•'^ when
they are struck or rung
ductions; (k'ing ckapdP'^ch'dn Tsangtogether.
the family lost everything. ^^ A small cymbal, a small sized
«J^ Tortuous paths among the '^T* gong the ringing sound of ;

^^ mountains '^m '^clidn, wind- Tsangmetals.


"ing, crooked, as paths. To remonstrate with to

fg* ;

*#)j"j Interchanged with ^* stop a wrong; kdii' change to

"*'^*- '^^ \q^q\ off, to spade ^^*"=reprove one's sovereign to
«^1 f
J^lfjup; to reap; to trim iron; reprehend.
Ch'an '^clidn t'ai' id, to plane a raz-
or; Aom' (.kd ''ch'dn, may your
race all be cut off*; 'cAV/h (35) Chang,
ih^ting, sandalwood shavings
burned for the dead.
*^B A thin iron pjate ; a shovel, g^. To wrangle, to strive for
T!,, a plane; a spoke-shave, an * * precedence : to contest, to
^ ''"iron shave ; to cut and pare Tsangijjjgjjjg .
jQ reprove, to re-
to level ; looki 'ch'dn, a rice monstrate, in which senses it


is used for the last. A col-

loquial word ;
just, only, near- (36) Ch'ang.
ly, a ichdng not' but
still, howbeit, nevertheless;
(Chdng tdni' hV unforgiving, 4^ ] To prop, to shore up ; to
choleric; ccAd/j^j/i jAd, toquar- ''X > fasten open, as with a slretch-
rel upon trifles ichang mat, ; <|^Jer; to pole; to push off;
'y^, what are you quarreling make a show an inclined
Ts'angto ;

about ? (.chdng tik^ ^sh^ung post, a fulcrum, a prop, a stay;

tong^ I came near being gulled; to border on, to adjoin, to
ichdng tau' to fight, to fall to stretch or run up into ich'dng ;

blows (.chdng tsung^ to go

; ishiin, to pole a boat ich'dng ;

to law; ichdng (kiing, to em- td^ to pole across the ferry to ;

ulate; ichdng tiiti to take by intrigue for a friend with the

force; ichdng chap-, obstinate ;
officer tch'dng I'm dai, he

ichdng^yau hdn^ differs a little; could not show off long

tchdng tiki chuki ^to ^k'u, all (ch'iing ich'dng, to curry favor
but caught him xhdng du^ to ; among friends; (ch'dng ^sh^ung
dispute ichdng tak: do, very
Aii'5/i<ii' stretch themuptodry.
different not enough; cchdng ;
4^ A branch stretching out
kau" I'm tired of striving, I'll *^^ a fulcrum a prop, ;

contend no more. '^^'''"gRead ch'dng'; a colloquial

Hg. The
tendon Achilles the ; word Tostretch out, toopen.:
'^ heel the elbow yaU tchdng
; ;
kick ch'dng^ du 'k'i chii*
at ;

'^^''"Std kwo' he elbowed him off; to stand akimbo ch'dng^ thoi ;

'^cham (chdng, to lean on the (ch'eung -.mun, fasten open the

elbow t'dt:, tchdng ihdi, slip-
window ch'dng' chu} to open

shod ihdi ichdjig, heel of the

; by a stretcher ch'dng^ ; ^k'ii

shoe; 'shau cchdng, the elbow. ch'uf} hu' kick him out ; ex-
JjS To rise above conspicuous, ; pel him ; cKdng^ iftgd kdu' to
" eminent, like a lofty moun- praise one's self.
^*"°tain U'au koki ichdng-^ying a
; 1)K^ The coolie orange ; ich'dng
noble appearance, dignified. '^^ Hsau, which or-
spirits in
A colloquial word. To caulk; Cn ^"Saiige peel has been soaked

to wedge in, to squeeze in, to it'ong ich'dtig, orange sweet-

force in; Ha chdng^ to caulk meats; '.ch'dng kimi' cman sharp
seams chdng^ ^f^gd, to get be-
; as an orange ; it'im ich'dng,
tween the teeth chdng^ (Shd ; sweet oranges csAdn ich'dng, ;

ikai, tostuff a cock with sand ;

a melodinus.
ngdng^ chdng^ determined, en- Groping, going blindly mad- ;
ergetic, as in bearing pain. -'^ ly, carelessly ; to fall down ;

Read ich'dng ; to pierce, to ^^'^"^ich'dng 'heai, a lares eaten

stab. by a tiger, inet. one who en-
Read chang^ ; to file ;
tices to evil courses.
;;; ;;;;

22 CHAP. chAp.
a diploma a contract ; to

(37) Chap J write out, as a list of prices ;

a reply from a higher officer

a remonstrance to the emper-
Wf To
take in the hand, to or; 'c/« chap, stationery ; chap,
^ 'pick up, to lay hold of, to ^tsz' remonstrance
a kdnt' ;

grasp to apprehend, to catch;

chap, a diploma bought by a
to maintain, to retain to stop ;
kiensang ; chap, kd^ its'in,
up; a handfull chap, ^yan, ; write the prices ; chap, loki
a father's old friend ishau ;
p3^ put it to account; chdpt
chap:, to receive and keep [as dan, a contract for a purchase.
evidence] chap^ tsz'^ to set
; The word chop, used in Can-
types; chap, ich'au, to draw ton is derived from this.
lots chap> ichung, to keep a
; A guarded gate, a barrier, a
due medium chap, au^ a per- ;
„," barricade; dam; a barrier like
tinacious dispute ku' chap-. ; a turnstile or a stockade; a
obstinate, set iti his way kok, ;
lock, a flood-gate ; to shut a
chap, yaU ngaP each follows gate; cAd^i^say;} a guard-house
his trade po^ chap, to arrest
at a gate ; ikwdn chdpi to shut
chap, sz'^ to manage business the gate; the Barrier at Macao;
an officer's
retinue chap, ;
'sA7/i chdpi a waste-weir, a
take by the hand.
'^shfiu, mill-race or sluice with gates
i^L To fetter a horse or cow; chdpi ,fu a gatekeeper ikon ;

>^'fetters, shackles; to bind, to chdpi to guard the gate chdpi ;

secure; a cord. itnun, a street

gate ^sh^ung ;

i-l- Gravy,
juice; thickened chdpi put in the bars.
« ' 'liquor slosh; the juices or
IrPt Read sdp,; a spear a jave- ;

Chih, ^^'lin to engrave, to inlay, to in-

^essence of a thing got by ex- ;

pressing; sleety rain, wet snow; chase on metal to schtter, to ;

tpan dong chap, betel juice sprinkle.

ts'oP chap, liquor left after A colloquial word. One blad-
cooking vegetables; chap,i'm ed shears working on a pivot
tak, tam^ hap, not had a mouth- to slice or pare with shears ;

ful of gravy to suck I've had — chdpi ihoi, cut

(pan it open ;

no benefit from it. dong chdpi betel-nut shears;

Also read hipi; harmonious. chdpi ySukids'oi, to slice me-
dicine chdpi suP slice it fine.

4;Tt Read k'ap, ; paimiers or

(38) Chap. "^-f^^packsaddles
made of wood,
used by muleteers,
A colloquial word, A camp
To prick, to puncture; to chair 'md chdpi a camp-stool

'^';^* embroider ; a document, a pa- chdpt chak, /a/t' to sleep on

^ per; a particular sort of paper the side,

Substance, essence, nature,

(39) Ch'ap. thematerial of; plain, una-
dorned sincere, honest ; to' ;

cross-examine, to confront ;
4i^ To insert, to pierce, to set to establish, to substantiate;
^j^' in, to stick into to tuck in, ;
opposite to, to appear in pre-
to thrust into or through to ; sence of; firm, as a texture ;
transplant; to set in a socket; a disposition, a habit ; a target;
to meddle, to interfere in an ; Ai' chaL the complexion the ;

iron pointed pole used to carry elements of; chat,sun^ to con-

sheaves, or pry up clods, for front the accused and wit-
which ^^ is also used; cKd'p^ nesses chaLp'oki plain,; chaU

/i' temperament, constitution,

lyiung, to set out rice shoots ;
talents ''pan chat} the disposi-
cKapi 'isui, to interrupt (in ;

talking) c/iop-, yi/ci man afi tion.


he can not fly away ch'dp:, 1^ An ax, a hatchet an anvil ;

itsong, to implicate

one by
^^ or iron block, used by smiths
^^'^ and others.
leaving something in his house;
ch'dp^ cpii't^ to stiok on labels
; j^ I
A stallion; to mount; to
ck'api (shiu, a stuffing put into |1^' > ascend; to raise, to promote;
roast pigs; a concubine's child; 1
R^' J to fix, to determine cyam ;

ishi clCap, a narrow purse Chih cAa^ to think upon kindly,


cKdp^ a secret benevolence; tsiky

'^shnu lohhvi? to meddle
in officiously pat^ d'oi pdt->
(yam chati to perform many

ck'dp> eight bearers and eight good deeds.

outriders; ck'dp) Hiynmying, CJ Only, merely; but, however,
to stick flags in the ears when
whipping a thief. way alone ckat^ tah no other-

wise, only could.

^^> ^""o^gly used for the last.
Also read 'cAi, in the same
^fv*. To take, to receive; to raise;
Ts'ah. senses and only 'cAi, when
to curtsey with the hands bow- ;

it is used as a final particle.

ed to the ground ; to tuck up
the skirts. ;tO A colloquial word. A cork,
'-^^'a plug, a stopple ; to cork, to
fasten a stopper ; '^tsatt chat)
(40) a bottle cork chat> shati -k'u,
Chat. ;

cork it tightly.

Xjt To ascend, to go up, as a

^ To
of; to
to stopup the
hamper, the
^fv hill flourishing, as an age
; ;
moon in opposition; chaW^shau
very, exceedingly name of a ;
chati k^ufc, impeded, things
city chati dung, very grand
; ;
not to one's liking ; chati chi^
ynki chaty an ancient name of ^k'ii, stop it up tight; chati
Ngauhwa hien in Kinsuh. ngoi^ difficulties.
— ; ;; ;

34 chAt. CITAT;
A brother's children ; ckati up in a roll yat, chati (fa, a

^75z' a nephew ; chatt hiii, a nosegay chati tak, (shang,

neice ; ngoi* chati a wife's cut out to the life.
nephews jnm chatt sons of
; -LI A tablet for writing; a letter,
alumni of the same year kuri' ; '^7*' a document, writings; untime-
chati young relatives. ly death; a thin slip of wood;
Retired into silence to bur- ; fold of armor; a paddle vgdti' ;

'row insects burrowing^ or

; chati an epistle ''kdn chati or ;
becoming torpid in holes tshii chati a letter.
iking chati " excited insects," ^1 Creaking roll of a wheel
is the name of the fifth of the I
*a creaking,sound grating, ;

24 terms; March 5th to 20th. ^^" punishment of the rack or

W^ To bite, to snap at. Read wheel is^ung uno chati to ;

^-^'Jii, sound of laughter, to laugh harass or impede each other ;

^^'^ outright. chati chati creaking, jingling.
4.|R Fetters, gyves, stocks of jMr Grass or plants starting out
^ wood or iron; to manacle; to ^'of the ground; fat, hearty,
pierce; a thing to clog wheels
^"*" vigorous, said of cattle 'ts'd
; ;

chati kuk, fetters chati hati chati ik'i ifigd, the grass is

a linchpin met. a censor of ; sprouting.

manners, guide of affairs
wati wati chali chati cramped,
cribbed, the room is scanty; (42) Ch'at.
a colloquial phrase.
4fE To cut down grain to beat, ;

^rt'to knock with the fist.

Chih ^ To
examine, to judge, to
^^7* search out the truth to ob-
1^ A leech ; ^shui chati a blood- ''
serve closely, to inquire into

-'^"sucker, of which there are

^^'^ several kinds. all particulars; ich'd ch' at i to
scrutinize kdm^ ch'dti beg

you to look at, said by sup-

(41) Chat. pliants (king ch'dti in the

censorate ch'dti fji/j examine


and decide [respecting the

4?r To pluck up to bind, to ; petition.]
/bind around, to bundle up a ; pfil A Budhist monastery; a
bundle to make or cut out
; Zj^ ^'pillar ; a dagoba, a tope cover-
paper images; chat-,yatichdt^ ing the ashes of priests ; 'po
bind it into a bundle chat^ ; ch'dtiyour convent.
kiuki to bind the feet of girls i^ An otter; -.shdn ch'dti a
chdty ''kan, bind it tight; 'c/« ^^' beaver, or fresh-water otter ;'

citati paper houses, &c., to ^ '"-hoi ch'dti a seal ch'dti -ling,


burn to the dead also paper ; seal skin collars or tippets ;

striuga ; ckiit> inidi/cii^ tie it ch'dti Hsai, a tauka woman.

— ;;; ;


rfr A
boat, a vessel, a crnfl of
(43) Chau.
' •' any sort to go in a boat to

transport, to carry in a vessel

the I37th radical ofcharacters
p? Universal, complete, entire relating to ships; p'in ichau,
to supply, to provide, to as- a punt ; ^chau ti'z" on board
Cha ship.
'sist ;
plenty, enough ; to make
a circuit, to environ a fam- ;
A frame in front of a car-
ous dynasty, b. c. 1122-255 ^, riage near which the driver
Chau •. . r J I 1 .
secret, fine, subtle ; close to- sjts; a sort of dashboard.
gether, fine ; a curve, a bend j^\ A district, less than a pre-
to extend everywhere; honesty ,;'' fecture ; a continent, a great
trustworthy to ; tlie end, en- division an island icht (.chau,
; ;

tirely 'hd (chau ; td^ all things the magistrate over a chau
prepared cchau ; ^cki, let all district :chau U'ung, his de-

know; hu^ kin^ (Cknu <ku>is, puty 'kau ,cfiau, the empire

he's gone to see Duke Chai - the whole world tu/{» kiuki ;

asleep :chnu ; mah numerous, (Cfiau, a district without sub-

close together ic/iait pi' every- ;
thing ready; <.chnu :wai, every- ^iJjJ A pp )t encircled by streams,
where, all around .chau siwn *;"' or ill the water, as an islet:

to circulate, to treat friends a place where men collect, a

well ichau its'un, to bring a
; village; ingdiiJtchait,WbHm-
thing about, to remove ill feel- poa I.-^ich'eu/ig (Chau, Bamboo
ing, to explain 'Ad ichau icM, : town; '^kau ,chaii, the Nme
it is excellent. I?, near Macao ; ,ts'ing cchau,
Often used for the last. To Gfaen I. ishd off Ma^ao ;

revolve, to circulate; to inform ichnn, sands, a sand-b ink.

people ; a year ; (chau min f^ Hurried, bustling, to impose
tpong^ s^ung' may the whole upon,todeceive:ccAr«/<cA('f/«^
year be lucky tiiV .chau, a ; ^^4oai wan' to delude with false
return of the year yaL ,chau, ;
a circuit, a year <.chau ishi Jo ; 'O-l. 'I'he fore-arm; the elbow, the
hai'^kdm, he is ever the same. '^ wrist (o take by the wrist
; a ;

BIS To bestow charity (ch'au ; "^"quarter of an animal 'shau ;

l^ ^ tsai' to relieve the indigent. 'chau, the elbow ; ^chau yah

Chau .

as a society or government arms and sides, mf^. near rela-

ichaii sut) beneficent. tives; Us'in ichii '^chau, a shoul-
ira A heavily laden cart, which der of pork,
*^' low
is in front ; a heavy load ;
^ besom; a broom; to
<^^*"heavy. ijSr>sweep up dirt, for which the
tTo conceal, to shade, to
hide something stretched for
^ J first is most proper chap^
Chau :^* '^chnu, term for a wife or

Ctiat^a shade.
; ;; :


^* A day, daytime, daylighl;

•^- chau' ye} pat:, hit, going inces- (44) Ch'au.
^'^^"sautly, never resting; paki
chaii' broad daylight, openly ;

sh^ttng^ chau' forenoon Ad' ;

4vl« To take from, to takeout; to
chati' al'ternoon. *''','
take a dividend; to expand,
] To imprecate, to rail at,
^"as spring does to lift; to levy, ;

curse; to pray or recite to assess, as duty

in' l"^" to select, ;

yL spells; an incantation, an im-

J to draw out to utter aloud ; ;

Chau precation, a charm, a spell

to whip to receive one's por-

a prayer nim^ chati^ to re-

tion ; to raise water a tenth, ;

cite prayers: '/d chaii' to

a tithe; (ch'au 'shut, to take
curse t/u cliau^ to prepare
the fee at gaming ich'au tkan, ;

and bless charms chau' cho' ;

spasms of the tendons ;
or chaii' nia} to curSe. out; cc/t'ou ck'ing^
^Ar, lift it
htfc' The bill of birds to peck ;
^k'udai, bring him along H& ;

^^ with the bill the twittering ,

ich'au (fling, to beg aid 'pi ;

of birds. tpin ich'au 'k'i't, drive him otf

Also read cchu. Loquacious,
with a whip ich'au ^k'ii ^l^ung

chittering, as birds ichii cm,

^ha, whipped him twice; tcA'rtJi
ishati, to levy duty on ich'au ;

*^- To
contain, as the earth
ishnnpat, ha} no leisure at all
'^ does; including all ages, from ;

Chau .Ml ccA'rtM shnti lift it up firmly ;

ancient times till now, tch^aii mokilo extort, to exact

^ - Descendants, posterity
a high fee ; 'ch'au ich'au, or
chau" Hsz the eldest son; hau* icKau it'au, to divide win-
Chau posterity shaV chau^
i/ui* take a
ich'oii ihan, to
leisure hour ^ch'au ifan, to ;

^- Often confounded with the

^ last. A helmet, a morion
take a commission, to reserve
a part ika i/atj ich'au, take a

^^^^kdp, chau} helmets and cui- tenth.

^f A strainer made of wicker
^_L- A crupper ; a silk trace ;
i^^y or bamboo for straining spirits.
"^* Ckav} iwong, the infamous
^^*"king who ended the Shang '0^ Convalescent curable to ; ;

^ cure k' tit) tsnti pat} tch'au,

^- The framer of the seal cha- "^"his disease was incurable,

^™ racter, Chnu^ t'liP 'sz'; chau^ f^l Tooppose; to abhor, to
^^vnan, the seal character. -
^ 'I'hate to revenge to recrim-
; ;

^4-'- New, ripe spirits ;

pure c^JLij inate, to rail at ; to verify, to
*^ strong spirits, thrice distilled ; Chau collate with ; to pay : to re-

^^*"«o* chau^ ikam, wine money compense to requite an

; ;

paid the heir apparent an — enemy, an opponent, a rival

old usage. 1
a sort, a class, a species, a


; — ftir

the proper character

which the second
; dis-
Used for the preceding. A
company of four; a party;
like, enmity ; used for the *"a comrade; a mate, fellows,
next : u-h'an i'lii^ resentment friends a class ich'gu lui^ a
; ;

s'jo/rt ich'au, to repress hate ;

concourse ; to assist, to sym-
kan- ich'au, to dislike; po' pathize ic/i'nu Hung, to join

ich'ati, to revenge a wron^ ;

one's clique or party.
ich'au tiki an enemy ich'nn {{At Silk pongee, senshaw, le-
; ;

'Aa«, to talk against; ich'au vantine, lustring ; to draw

tiiV to collate ; to altercate ;
^"oul threads for weaving to ;

shni' ich'au, a perpetual fend. arrange the details of a sub-

IRlljl To pledge a guest ; to re- ject, to search for first causes;

~SI fcompense^to make a return ;

(Shang ich'aii, stiff pongee;
<0^J to invite a guest to drink; shuki ich'au, soft silk ming ;

Ch'au :cAVi/i tsoki pledging as host ich'aiiy finest pongee ;


and guest ic/iaii ts6^ to re- ; iUung ich'au, rust colored sen-
turn thanks, to present in re- shaw ; ich'mi tun' silks and
turu ich'an tap^ to recom-
; satins ; '^fong ich'an, reeled
pense, to respond; ich'au islinn pongee if/tin ich'an, fabric of

to thank the gods ic/i'mi iin^ ; and cotton '^kun ich'au,

silk ;

to make a thank offering coarse rough serge ich'un ;

ic/iaii dd, present for careful- ich'an, Sz'chuen pongee,

ness, as to workmen ; ich'au ^tfl Used for the last, when de-
iwdn, to pay, as a vow ; :ch'ati -7/ noting silk to bind, to wrap ;

tap, (f'?n cya/i, to requite hea- ^"around, to twine about; close,

ven's favor — in being saved thick, crowded ich'au wiau, ;

from fire. to tie up; to be intimate with,

A single curtain on a car- to consult upon.
riage; a leather screen or par- Also read d'n; to wrap silk
tition ; to cover, as the sky around a flag-staff
does ; to canopy ; an ever- il-ffl Disappointed deceived ; ;

green tree. '}! } frustrated ich'au ch^ung' sad,


J^ A hard kind of wood resem- ^^'^"sick at heart.

'^l^ bling rose wood; a pole for Jffl Grain growing close thick ;

poling boats. -^''^ set, closetogether crowded, ;

single coverlet a bed ;
^*^dense ii/an an ich'ou matt

curtain an under-shirt; to ; people closely crowded '^hung ;

""cover, as with bed cloihes. ich'au ii/un (C/iung unai shat)

Read -toi a sleeve of a coat. lest they should lose each
c^ A cultivated field ; to till, to other in the crowd ich'au ;

'^^ cultivate ; a field of hemp ;

mali close, crowded, intimate.
^"formerly, lime past ; to class ; P^ Embarrassed ; ich'aii'u,
a class, sort ; who ? ich au sik:, '^Y} undecided, undetermined, uu-
formerly, in time past. able to progress.
; j ;

38 CHAU: chAu.
'^ A white ox the lowing or ; Read ch'au^; to walk, to go
"7^^ snorting of a cow to issue ; as if weary.
""from, to proceed from. Acolloquial word. To
^^ To
compute, to cfilculate ;
sprain the ankle ^ch'au Us'an ;

to devise, to plan, to arrange; kduk^ sprained the foot.

^^^"a lot ; a reed a time, a tally,
J^* To track by the scent
a tillot ; chapy ick'au or Us'im ^^ effluvia, savor, smell, putrid-
i^h'au, to draw lots ; zfcang \
"ity, odor, stench; to stink;
ich'au, a watchman beating scent to rot
; to smell dis- ; ;

the hour ; tuki 'Ai ich'au ishii, reputable a bad name; cKatt'

how many times have you hV a bad breath a stink ; nk^ ;

studied it? p'aV ich'au, to give itnan ch'au' hi' vile language ;

tickets; icKau ch'dky a strata- ihang, a vile ch'au^ (hang

gem; to scheme; ic/i'au xndki stench ch'au' iming, a bad ;

to settle a plan of action reputation ch'au' ich'ung, ;

ich'au'^ch'i, wands thrown into bedbugs; vagabonds, foulniou-

a jar, a sort of game. thed fellows; U'uns! ch'au'
*D:t The second of the 12 horary purseproud ch'au' h^uk) foul ;

signs the 4th watch, from I
; footed, said of a woman iseng ;

'"to 3 A. M.; it is denoted by an ch'au' rank, noisome, as bad

ox, and persons born in this fish ch'au' mi^ a bad taste. :

hour are likely to be dull. rtji' To smell, to perceive odors

*ffilfe Ugly, deformed, vile, ill look- as a dog does the plaintive ^ ;

^~ ing ; disagreeable; disgrace- ^'''"'"cry of birds.

"ful, shameful, ashamed; to iklii' Roasted or parched wheat I

hate, to dislike shamefaced;' or rice; coarsely pounded rice

; y^
ashamed of; to compare; aii ^^ *"like grits; cA'««' d^ung, dried K'au
group, a sort kin^ ''cKau pat^\ ; or cured grain.
jii Usons; chi'iL to shame one i

is worse than keeping one's in-|

capacity private ming^ '^ch'au (45) ;
\ Chau.
an unhappy lot; 'ch'au ;'/»
^cKau, are you not asham-|
ed ? cK au vinu^ ill-looking, j
To deride, to jeer at ; to
cross, unbeseeming ;
pat^ cchi ridicule ; raillery ;
pdki cchdu,
^c/iau, brazenfaced; l:in"-ck'au "a pasquinade; t.chdu siu' to
ashamed for '^ch'au ; ok:, ip'i laugh at ichdu ; md^o jeer and
hV vile disposition, an ingrate; rail at.
^clCau lui^ a vile set ; 'c/iau 1^ Interchanged with the last.
/fltt^unworthy of him, disgrace- Chirping, bickering of birds ;

wicked bash' />'d' 'r.h'nu,

Ch u
\chdu (chdu (Sheng, chirping
ful, ;

ful : '^ch'nu y^ung^ bad look- of birds.

ing ; ^ch'au sz'^ a disgraceful Read ,td; verbose; .Id itd,
affair. to gabble.
. ;

chAu. CH'AU. 29

*n\ Claws, talons, nails; to DA* To tread on*; to stretch a-

^' scratch, to claw ; to lake up Z7^ head in running; to jump over.
'"with the fingers an agent, a ; """Read ch'iuk^; to leap far and
minion the 87th radical
high to walk lamely.

'cMu iTigd, claws and teeth ; ^@'] To row; to shoot an ar-

emissaries, assistants 'chdu ; T^, row to throw away a long
; ;

Idn^ to tear with the claws ^^ l^oar chdu' keuk-, to limp, as


'cAtf« shah to gripe firmly with XA*|ihe lame do; chdu' chung'
the claws 'cAdw '-wn, to ;
Mo hit the bull's-eye; c/jflM*
scratch ^mai pdn^ 'chdu, a
; 'tsiung, to pull an oar chdu'' ;

comprador's market-man. widi it' an, to pull ashore; chdu^

*lift Interchanged with the last. kwo' 'hoi, to pull across the
^'* To scratch, to titillate ; to river ; ch'utt liki chdu' row
"tear with the claws to cajole. ; harder chdu' ch'ut>; ikdi,
*-k^ To seek to make up the ; throw it out in the street.
y^ deficiency, to supply what is The two last of these charac-
wanted to barter, to swop, to
; ters are improperly used in
exchange 'cAdw '^ni fuV hi'
; Canton for the first.
he's looking for you to scold
you 'chdu U'au Id- to look for

work ; 'chdu shd' ^mi, let us (46) Ch^au.

settle up that account ; ^chdu
am, to look for '^chdu un^
its' ;

tochange money or for mon- h\f To take, to seize ; to search;

ey '^chdu dsHn p'd' a money- *'*^ to engross, to transcribe to
; ;

changer's shop, *"lade out, to spoon out; to
Also read ucd same as ; jl^'J > confiscate, to escheat, to se-
to pole a boat; a pole. questrate, to resume ; 'sAok
S^' A basket to catch
net, or ich'du, a MS. copy ; {cA'dtt
"^ mud fish by covering them to ;
(ts'iiig ikd, all his
property is
catch or cover over to shade ;
taken chiu' 'pun ic/i'du U'ang,

a shade, a cover, a protection copied exactly cch'du 'si, to ;

from wind or dust; dan^ chdu' copy ; (ch'du pah it is copied

a lamp-globe; (kihi chdu' a clearly ; ich'du sdj' it is all
network pall; chdu'iii, to catch copied.
fish (kai chdu' a hen basket;

^kiu chdu' a rain cover on a

Anest on a tree ; a den, a
retreat; a lurking place; to
sedan. "'^nestle, to make a nest ic/idu ;

Aft' A skimmer made of bamboo uti to skulkbrigand; in, as a

^'or^iiron wire nests in oaves ;
ich'du (WO, or tsiukt ich'du, a
^^^^chdu' di, a wire ladle. nest; ts'dki icKdu, a den or re-
ri^* Blazing fire ; to fry ; to boil sort of robbers; pdk^ ^niii ikioai
^^ in iyaa chdu' boiled in
fat; ich'du, the birds have gone to
^^^"fat; chdu' 'td tsui' fried crisp. roost.
, ; ;;

CH*AU. cut.
Name of a large lake in
the south of the province of (47) Che.
^^ ^^"Ngdnhwui.
Also read dsiu. The last
isusually used for this. Iffi: To cover, to screen, to vail,
^g A nest in a cave. Erroneously pr^ to conceal ; to shade ; to m-
1^^ reiid (Wu in the Fan Wan. tercept ; a parasol, a shade;
""a colloquial word. Crumpled,
(cA^ 'i/rt, to secrete, to screen ;
wrinkled, corrugated, rough ;
ich^ k'oP to cloak, to cover
shriveled, as dried fruit 'Ad ; ich^ (Saii, to conceal the face
'^ts'z' kom^ iclidu,
a' ip'o ip'i, (as females) ; '« ccM, an um-
wrinkled as a granny's face ;
brella ; i'm icM taki chu' it

ich'au iTnang onang, creased, wont cover us, it can not be

rumpled. concealed ; (Chi shik^ to dis-
4^ A turret on a chariot, from guise, to dupe, throw dust in
l^f^ijlhe top of which to observe his eyes ;
(cM dan, to fend off',

the troops. to ward off; ccA^ yah d'au,

«A^h To roast in a boiler ; to fry keep the sua off; ic/t^nnun, to
^^ in fat or batter; ikon 'c/tdii, hide from.
*^"to fry brown ; to roast to dry- '-^ A relative or demonstrative
ness ; 'cA'du ich'a, to fire tea ;
'^^ pronoun ; it, this, that, he,
'cA'du ckd ifI, to roast coffee ;
who, what following verbs, ;

^c/idii mdi- to cook and sell it forms a noun, asihang^ch^,


''ch'da cfung lufi to roast ches- a walker, he who is walking;

tnuts; Jsirt '^clian, to fry; 'sin after nouns, indicates a class,
'^ch'dit yuki fried hash and as iii'ch^, the foolish
sz" 'ch6, ;

vegetables; '^ch'du shuki to fry the dead imd its'ing 'ch6, peo-

thoroughly. ple who are without affection

'^^ clamor, to wrangle or as put in the abstract, as
'^^'"" '*^^"^ ^^ scold ; its'd siug^'ch^, nature ishing'-ch^, ;
'^^^'ck\in, t.) raise a row; tdi^ truth; placed between two
'^ck'du i/at> ''cli&ung^ a great nouns or clauses, it puts them
hubbub; '^clCdu iyau H, a din in apposition, as taky '^ch^,

in the ears. . '^pun 'yd, virtue, that is the

with ^|y to root ; iynn '^chS ngdu} ishdn
^^ copy a document, a govern-
the humane man delights in
"nient paper, a receipt; paper hills ; often a mere pause
it is

money ssAm« ch'du' tonnage ; to arrest the attention <.ho ;

dues, charges on ships; fo/ig' iwui 'chi, what are you doino?
ch'du' to burn paper money to ichuiig ^yd 'chi. din ^hd ^chi
the gods; it^'in cICdu' bills and tdi- ^pin ^yd, the medium is«

money ; clidu\kioda, a custom everywhere the chief point;

4 house skui' ch'du' duties on
ilk. "-chi, formerly wdki 'cA^, ;

goods, transit dues. perhaps.


CH'fi. CHE. 31

\^ Ochre color a carnation or •^ Not often read ckii. A chari-

^ reddish brown 'c/t^ shekt

; ly ot, a carriage, a cart, any ve-

oclire ; 'cfi8 a, reddish gar- ® hide ; a framed wheel ; to turn
ments worn by felons. a wheel, to roll over ; 'shut
ni' A Just
colloquial particle.'4, a fire-engine; ick't liikj a
•^ now; a short time, for the Cfister; ich'e (fti, a charioteer;
nonce, shortly a form of the ; (cAV im^, a teetotum ich'i ;

subjunctive; YflH^'AacAe' stop ime kdrn^ ''chun^ fidgetty as a

a little; <ftin dai chi' when I teetotum; tcAV dun,^ wheel;
come back ;
'^^/;* y&ung^ chi" <fung icK^, a windmill tcA'^ ;

will this '^a kwo' chi^ let ich'ong, a lathe; 'md tch'^, a
me whip you ; Hanff 'ii^o hii^ horse and carriage ; fo tch'^,
tso' inali ^ye chi^ let me do that a locomotive.
first. 'Q A conjunctive particle and, ;

^' "I
sugar cane iti chi^ ;
further, moreover, still also,
, ;

'^"i > boiled sugar-cane; Vil^ ch6^ '''^and also; thus, so; still, yet;
'^^ J dark cane; potki che^ white a word of doubt, if, should;
Ciu'; cane chuk^ chi' or 'long ch6^
; diang ''die, on the point of
small cane; clit^ ikai, suc:kers being 'cA'e s^iV ^c/i^ tr, half

of the cane; ch^^ diii, sugar- believing, half doubting; fu^

ing sheds; cha/ clii^ to express '^cfi^ kicai' rich and so honor-

cane juice Hd tarn} che^ he ;

ed ; 'ArrtM 'f A'^ '/iJi sz'^ slovenly
eats his cane backwards, he way of doing things ; fong^
has the best still con)ing. 'cAV, still further ; 'cAV md/t*
Sometimes used for the by and by, presently ; tku "-cKt
*B' above; a tree whose leaves or tsdm^ ''clik, for a time.

are fed to silkworms. '-^^ To tear open, to pull apart;

^^' The
partridge it also in- ;
,l2 U^
l6ar away ; to pull up or
^^''^'^^^ francolins and grouse (fH^l^on to haul, to drag; 'cA'e
rhi ; ;

cli6\ki'i, the common partridge. 'sA^MK^, haul up; ^Idi 'ciCi,

* fcij-

^•^*' A demonstrative pronoun, ^ ,''to pull and haul, to borrow

this, that ; cA^' '/i, here ; cM' ^^ ^ and lend ddi ddi 'cAV 'cA'^,
y6ung^ thus, so ; ch6^ ''a''^") borrowing here and there on ;

such, this sort ; ckt^ iski, now. the average, lumping the
whole; ''ch'idxni, to pull apart
'cAV vndi, to pull up, to close,
(48) Ch^e. as a skylight; 'cA'i cAii* to
stop from going.
A colloquial word. To clear
z^ Wasteful, extravagant ; to out, to go
to abscond to off,
'^^ spread out (CAV alfluent send

; ; go away, to take
off"; to
h'e moiig^ extravagant ho|)es ;cAV one's self off; VAV do, gn\

'cA'i, prodigal ich'C uoa, gay, ; let us go; 'iigo 'cAV lok, I'm
wasteful. off.
; ;


VW A ladle or spoon a spoonful ;

(49) Cheuk. ''to bale or pour out to adopt, ;

to follow ; tau^ chink, a cullen-
der ;
yaii chiuk, ^shui (chi do,
^ Right, correct; according much as a spoonful of water.
>to to cover over, to put on,
l/l To burn ; to singe, to cau-
as clothes; to cause, to order, '**-''terize with moxa ; alarmed;
Choh to send ; a particle placed ^*^"^clear, distinct luxuriant, as ;

after verbs, showing a transi- flowers; chitik, (kioai, to singe

tive and present action, and is a terrapin's shell chiuk-, lan^ ;

like chiJ^ in colloquial; before to raise a blister ; ch6uki ngai*

verbs, let, make, permit ; s'/rt to burn the moxa ; ch^ukt
chiuki unsuitable ; cli^uk> kwa' cMuk, splendid, as flowers.
iCaii, just right; 7td cMuk, sets 3fi^ To pour out liquor, to fill a
well, as a garment ; s/iHfng^ "J'cup; a cup, a glass met. wine, ;

ch^uk, best for use faa^ \'m ; ^^"'Miquor a dinner, a feast

; to ;

ch^uk, I cannot sleep ; c/i6itk, avail of, to choose the good

shati'ta, gave him a flogging ; and act upon it to deliberate; ;

i^ iki chinks unong, he was to imitate adopt ; (Shntn or

still more vexed chiuk, skd' ; chiuki or chiuk, *i, to delibe-
cheap, good for the price rate poh ch^uk, a slight re-

ch^uk, yung^ useful ch^uk> ; past chiuk, diung ^t'o tong^


tshing i'ln ch^uL "-tau, it will it is all settled right ; (kiung

do for a gill if not for a peck, chc'uk) a feast on a birth ;

serve for this if not for that sh6ung^ chiuk, a sumptuous

ch&uki i' to suit one ckiuki ; feast ichung ch^uk, the ser-

liki to exert one's self; ^ynu vants' course tsui^ chiuk, a ;

cMuk, loki all right, settled wedding entertainment to a

satisfactorily ; ckduki d fuki son irniu ch&itk) a return feast

to dress ; ishiu ch^uki it is on given by a bridegroom.

fire ; ch^uk, skati entirely -LA A ladle ; a beim for a
right ; $</«/« ch^uk> or 'm»</i "^'J'bridge. Read'/uit; handleof
ch&uk, found it; cheuk, i'lti ^^°^the Dipper handle of a ladle; ;

cheuk, is it right or not Hini '? to lead, to draw.

tf tah ch^uk, how shall 1 get •^ Thepeoiiy; also the dahlia;
to him ? itno ch&uh loki 1 dont ^'\hiuk-, yiuki peony roots, a
know what to do piiv ch^uk, ; ^'^'^'^medicine..
lyan tso^ hidden, sub rosa, yJT^ A city in the feudal state of
underhand. /U»»>'Pjji ,,„^y 3 place in Shantung
This character is often distin- ^^"'^province.
guished into chiuh. &/ chiuki. XXU To cut with a sword or knife;
•hh A go-between to consult ; 'to amputate ; to chop, to hew;
^ J' about a marriage; iinui chiuk-, ^^ chiuL ihoi, to cut open. Of-
*^^°^a match-maker. ten read tt^ukj.

CH'fiUK. CHfiUNG. 33

to hang out, as festoons ; Jioi

(50) Ch'euk. (ch^mtg, to open quick or

strongly ; csan Jioi ich^ung, to
open a new shop ^chiung IdV ;

A Firm, stable lofty and pro- ; to make much boasting of, ;

7^' found distant to establish;

; ipd ichiung iwd laP to make
^'^*°"to expect to surpass emi-
; ; a great show ;
(kicdi <.ch^ung,
nent in, raised above others; crossgrained ^chtung \yiung ;

at, reached, as a time <.ch'iu ; to make known icheung Jioi ;

clihik^ preeminent, superior '^hau, open your mouth ^rhu ;

to common; cKtuki uh <yan icheung, to direct, tolord over;

iho'an, excelling other men ; yaty (Ch^ung unun dim, a door-
ch'iuk: lapi to erect, upright curtain.
cKiuk:, i' meritorious, said of -^ A piece of music a chap- ;

oTicers at the quinqennial t:^ ter, a sectiona composition ; ;

trial. a statement; rules, laws, re-

i^ Extensive, distant; large; gulations; clear, beautiful, ma-
^'to show, to manifest; <.ming nifest ; a display ; a grove ; a
^^'°^^c'iiuk, ^u tsuP to make your metonic cycle; '</oi ichtiing,
crime known. variegated hin' (cheung, ma-

X^ A
table a stand a kind; ; gistrate's orders (Cheiing ki'i' ;

^*' of tree ch'^uky 'tsz' a table

; ; sections and paragraphs ; slid'
^'^'°'''i ch'euL tables and chairs. icheung, many papers or state-
Large, ample slow, leisure-
lycli^uk, yeuk, delicate, as
; ments ; ichning ich'ing, regu-
lations, rule of conduct; iWorig
Ch'oh^ girl; (/j'm clC6uk, broad, tchenng, laws of the land ad ;

liberal cKeuk, ch'eiik, ^yau

ccheurig or yan' ichhing, a
ill, an overplus, more than seal.
enough. jj^ A husband's father ; tku

'^* used
To stab or

a seal
*^^ icheung, a husband's parents;
^^^^^Jiing iCh^ung, a husband's
^^°^ch"iuh to stamp a document. brother.
§^ Luminous beautiful ; ele-

gant; to manifest; variegated

ChAngpi^jijig^g or pelage; ch^ung
(51) Cheung.
iining, clearly exhibited.
S^ Alarm; apprehensive; t^A^j/H^
tjr^ acong, terrified, fearful a
Todraw a bow to extend, ;
Chang '^c 1 I

horrined look. 1

to stretch, to open'; to draw

up, as a list ; to increase to ;
J*- The camphor ( Laurns cam-
!xt" p/iora); .ch^iing 7?iuh cam-
boast ; to state, to proclaim, to
publish a classifier of things phor wood ;
^rMung^no, gum

spread out, as a table, chair,

camphor Jieting ;
<.chiung, a

bed, paper, &c.; ,cheung kwa'

camphor odor.

TUN. uit^T
;; ;;

34 CUfiUNG. CHfiUNG.

,V^ Name
of a river; the pre- tkang Uo'ch^ung, how old are
^^ of Chiugchau in
feciure you ? [fo 'chtnng, mates in a
^'^ji^eFuhkien near Amoy. ship ; ''chiung tdi^ to grow
Is A kind of plaything made older ; 'ch^ung 'tsz' or "ch^ung
Jv^ of jade lung^ ichtung, to
; ifong, the eldest son 'chiung ;

^'''^"Sbear a son. ^Id, a Budhist priest (tsiin ;

gjT A feudal state, now part of ^cMung or 'ck^ung'^ch^, an old

'^'. Tai-ng4n fi'i in Shantung man ; uiia '^ch6ung, old, older ;

^"^an ancient city in Kii, also pati ^ch^ung tsurC untrust-

in the modern Shantung. worthy.
^^ A kind of chevroiain or iJS*
Disappointment : vexed
'r^ gazelle, hornless, and of ele- cMung^ ch^ung^ longed for ;

^"'^^gant shape uigan ich^ung, ; ^'^^^ch^ung^ motig^ sick at heart

the white gazelle appears — from delayed hopes.
ingood reigns. AE' A curtain, a screen h tent; ;

*^ The palm of the hand; the '^^ a house; to calculate; to

of animals '^"^spread a reason, a plan; an
C^nffP^^ or sole a ;

"webbed foot; to grasp; to account, for which the next

rule, to control ; a control, a is used pd^ ch^ung^ an awn-

jurisdiction ; '^shau 'r.heung, ing chiuiig^ dim, a hanging


the palm Hd yaU ipa 'ch^ung,

; door-screen ch'it^ ch^ung^ to ;

a slap of the hand; '^ch^ung pitch one's tent, to become a

^kun ikung iyan, to oversee teacher ; trnare cJU'ung^ a bed-
workmen hhpi 'chtnng, to
; curtain watt' cheuiig^ ; un-
clasp the hands, as in prayer reasonable, incoherent; ip'ing
'ch^ung nk) 'pi'^g ik'iin, to cheitng^ a movable screen of
command the forces '^ckdung ; silk shau^ cheuiig^ a scroll

kdu' to teach [graduates] ;

given to old people.
'cheting, to exam- An unauthorized character.
hoii' '-shau
ine the hand, palmistry p'dk:, ;
debt, a claini, an account,
'^ch^ung, to clap the hands ;
a charge ; to reckon, to sum
'^ch&ung kwai^ a bookkeeper, a up ; to calculate.
salesman i* {« \fdn
; ^ch^uiig, A colloquial word. A time, an
as easy as to turn the hand occasion; dai kioo'yatich^ung^
over, I have been here once c'm ;

' M. Old, senior, superior, greater; suii'chhing^ do not put it to

*^ to excel, to increase; to my account, it's none of my
^'^^"^grow, to extend, to advance ;
business ngan^ ch(^uug^ a ;

to prosper to elevate, to think

; tough account, a refused bill
highly of; an elder, a superior; cheung^ muh accounts; ishatt
'^pd 'ch^ung, a constable ^kd ; ckcung' to receive money on
'^chdung, a paterfamilias ; ^iigo account; ch(^ung\tdn, a bill.;
'^kau'ch^ung ^ni, I'nj some- cchui ck(^ung^ to dun ; ch^ung''
what older than you kwai^ ; ifoag, a eountjiig-room ; hau^

CHfiUNG. cirfiirNG. 35

chhing^ waiting for a settle- ch^ung^ iyan ikung, a wife's

ment ; siin^ chtufig^ to reckon father tni^ ch&img^ <fu, a ta-

accounts; c/ieung^ ^pd, an ac- lented man fong chhmg^ the


count book ttiV rJi^vng^ to ; abbot of a monastery.

balance accounts by offsetting A cane, a staff; a cudgel, a
ds'iiig ck^ung^ or 'Aodn chning' tt' club; to lean on to hold to ; ;

to pay off an account him^ ;

''"^beat aged, an old man; to

chiuiig^ to owe. mourn '^kwdi ch^ung^ a staff


yjE' An inundation to overflow; ; for old folks tcA'i ch^ung^ to ;

'*^ a sheet of water the south- ; bamboo ; ^mun ch^ung^ to

•^"^ern sea ''shui ch^ung^ water ; beat 80 strokes; ch^.ung^ lil
is rising, overflowing. ih^ung, a village sexagena-
HE.' A swelled belly a swell- ; rian; sik, ch^ung- a crosier;
ing dropsical •,'^shui ch^ung'
; cMwig^ (ki (fit, mourners of
^'^^"Sdropsy of the belly, ascites ; one year diang ch^ung^ bam- :

ch^ung' hnun, belly hiird or booing, beating; chap>ch^ung*

puffy 'pdu ch^ung^ a belly-
; to carry a staff at a funeral. .

ful, a feeling of fullness;

ch^ung^ ^nv'in ikung it'ong,
sharp weapon to fight ;
to rely on, to lean on, to look
swelling with rage, incensed. ^^^"^up lo; Hd shing' ch^iuig' to
^ A ;

aM' Malaria pestilential vapors get the victory ts'ip^ cMting*

; ;

'^ pestiferous air an chhing^ in battle; '^ri cMiing* to fight,


^"ounwholesome climate dam at war tak^ chevng^ to have ;


chiung' noxious vapor ; hV a friend ; ^y<!uT)g cli^ung^ to

tli^nng^ deleterious malaria. look to for aid ; ch^ung^ wai*
R^-' To separate to divide to imperial gunrd ; rping ch^itng^
; ;

' "^
shut up, to include; lo raise arms ; 'i ch^ting' to trust to.
Sailembankment something ;

which prevents pTogress an ;

intervening distance a bar- ;

(52) Ch*eung.
ricade, a trench, a fence; a
protection, as a carpet; a dike,
a terminus ^pcin chfung^ a ;
B . Light of the sun ; fine words ;

board partition cheung^ sak:, ; !,. . elegant, flourishing, prosper-

a hindrance or stoppage '^pd ;
^ous; increasing in wealth or
cheung^ a defense or embank- peace powerful
effulgent ;

ment to defend a barrier

; good; rich, affluent; to in-
cheung^ paV to close against crease; to illuminate a thing;

Ten c/tVcor 141 English
inches; to measure; an el-

shing^ prosperous,
well-off; kati icK^ung, happy,
; shiin^ (tin '^ch^
^^"°dcr ch^ung^d^ungy to meas-
; (ch'^ung, he will prosper who
ure land; ch^^ung- (fu, my obeys heaven; kwongich'^ng,
kusband ; Vd ch^mg^ or splendid, gay.
; ; ;;;

'(B A herd of animals fleeing Loose flowing garments
(Cli^ung ikw'ong, ungovern- i! thrown on one without a
""^able, unrestrained. ^'^'^"gcincture.
/& To lead, to go before, to ^J^ Long in time or distance,
*'*^^ "
seduce or induce; a leader ; Ivanff far off; constantly, reaularly
o ;

^"^an example, a guide; used

Ch ,

^'always, continual; superiors;

V . •'

for the last and next; ic/i^iing skilled, used to, practiced ;

td^ to show the way

iclCiung ; direct, straight; the 168lh
si«, to speak first ich'iung ; radical; ich'^ung ^un, durable ;

sutAo lead on <.ch'iung U'mi, ; koki^i/au'shoicli^ng, in what

a leader ; <.clC^ung iun' to head each excels; ich'^ung kwu^
a riot. j^'oM, too long; ich'^ung ishaiig
A singing woman ; a cour- long life; a cofiin icii&ung ;

•r tesan; (.clieung imun, public ishi yung^ in constant use
^"'^"^vvomen aoo ^c/ieung, house
; ich'^ung "-kau, old, a long time;
of assignation ^cJt^wig yd, ; ich'eung hi' longvvinded, as a
a strumpet ich'^ung kv' a ; talker; icli iung ihung a hand- ,

whore cc/tVwn^ diu, a brothel;

; billj yati and '^sho ich'^uvg,
ich'^uug ikd, a bagnio; ^yau changeful, not persevering;
ich'^ung, public singers Uong ; ich'eung 'kau '^w kV an old
ich'^ung, to be a whore. comrade ich'^ung ishang paU

The flag (Acorus) ; ^ch'iung Hd, a green old age ^cKiung ;

ip'd, sweet flag, hung on door ^im shaP kdi^ long continued,
'lintels to drive away male- as a family ich'^'ung 'iti/t, the

ficent influences. length of, the traits of cha-

The door of heaven a gate
of Suchau idi^ung hopi ;
; racter ;ich'^ung ik'u, go di-
rectly there.
of paradise, kept by _^ A sort of fruit, the carambola
Kwanti or Mars. y^_ (Averrhoa), also called the
^1 A window, an aperture to "^^^iy&iing it'd, or sheep's peach.

*b^ admit light a sash a venet-

; ;
OHj The bowels; the intestines
t^Han blind, a shutter; a school ^)W tripe met. the feelings, the

p^ I
a student ; icK^ung imun, a ^ ''"^affections; iwdngid ich'^ung,
«/Ji&j window; it'in ich'^ung, a cunning 'xK^ung H'd,
; 7id
clever, learned siu' Jvn ;

^ch'dn, a wint}ow-sill ; ishil ich'eung, laughed till his side

icKiung, or ^kai icICiung, a ached chikach'^ung, honest,

schoolroom; t'ong\ch'^ung, to trustworthy; mgau <ich'6ung,

pull the sash to ; Jion .cfieung, tripe; tci^ icK^ung, the colon ;

a poor student icK^ung at, a ; ^siu iditung, lesser intestines

window-bur d'ung ick'iung, ;
ich'^ung tsong^ the intestines,
or (.cKiung ^yau, chums, fel- the inwards isatn uh'&ung^

low-students ;
(ch'^ung ha- at the disposition, feelings and ;

gcjiuol, whiiti at his studies. ich'^ung ikung Hsz' a crab.

; ; ;;


4v^ An
arena, an area, a lot, a singing ; ch'iung' hV to recite
an altar, a sacrificial
field ; plays ; cKtuvg' inuki tti, to
ground; a playhouse; the sing in the Canton dialect,
society of, a company a clas- ; A]^' The inner qualities develop-
sifiedof aifairs a fit, a spell; '<d ;

'"g penetrating, thorough,

tai^ icii&ung ^k'ii, give him a ''"^spreading to fill joyous, ; :

sound drubbing; chin' ich'^ung contented, in good spirits re- ;

field of battle; uk) icK&ung, a mote, long; exhilirating; joy;

building lot ; thun ich'^ung, ch'iung' iili the eleventh
the fashion of officials kdu' ; month; fdi' ch'tuug' happy;
ich'eung, a paradeground;ya/3 ch'iung' tdii to permeate
ich'iung, execution-ground ch'iung' mau} flourishing,
it'dn ich'^ung, an altar t'iu' ; 1^' Sacrificial spirits, made by
ch'utiishiffi ich'iujig, I'll have •"^ infusing millet and fragrant
nothing more to do with it; Jioi
d'oLn ich'iung, to open a gam- ch'iung' odoriferous spirits
bling-house; yopa ffo ich'^ung ch'iung' a man who pre-
to enter the lists for a degree pares the libations.
of kujin; ikun 'hd ich'dung,
made a trial ; in the examin-
(53) Chi.
ation ; iman '.c/i^ung, resorts
of students trials for degrees;

it'au icK^ung, the first trial

luki ich'^ung, to go theto
fcri To know, to perceive, to

gambling-table ynt^ ich'eung

*^^ apprehend ; to be acquainted
^ with ; to tell, to inform a
''hoc5am, a good action ; tdi^ ;

fellow, a friend ; knowledge,

viung^ yat-> '.ch'6ung, a great
wisdom ; to remember ; icAi
dream, life.
kico' piti "koi, reform when
Correctly read .sheung. To you know your wrong ; iman
forfeit; to recompense, to heard so
Ch ang^j^j^g -3 t^j^y c^^j-
(chi, I ishui -chi, ;
unexpected, who would have
he wishes me to make it up.
thought it 1 ku' (.chi, an old
iE' A bow case ; to put a bow friend ; ^chi di, I know a little ;

Ch angJnto
i-T^ its case.
ccAi '^j ^pang '"yau, an intim-
n0 ' To sing in recitative to ; ate friend ; csint.chi, a prophet;

^ cry out, to give the word to ; tchi td^ I know it ; the thing is
iing|ead, to conduct, as singing known ^chi ^hiu, to under-
; ;

to crow Js'ing ch'^ung' sing-

; stand ; cchi koki to notice ; ^chi
ing with a lute •,ch'^ung'',hdm, to^ hni} '^kum, I know it is so ;

to call out the titles, as at a dm (chi sz'* a salt commis-

levee ; ch'^ung' cko, to sing sioner cchi [fu, a prefect (Chi

songs ; ch'iung' indm iU'z' to tfung, aware of; (chi tsnk, con-
sing southern ditties, cKeung' tented pati (.chi ^tai sat' I do

ipoiig '^tsz' '.hong, theatrical not know its history.

; ;

38 CHt. CHt.

|M[i] A
spider ; icJii xhu, a spider, cchung ichi yung^ daily out-
'^. general name for all kinds
^ lays and expenses (chi k'ap> ;

Chi r
oi aranea. to give out (c/ti ikting ingan, ;

-^ A
sign of the genitive; when to pay wages xhi di, irrele- ;

*';'' placed between two

nouns or vant, not to the point, a liar;
verbs, answers lo who, which, cchi ishi, to expend, use for
that ; a pronoun, he, she, it, expenses ; ichi pdV descend-
them ; often used in the ab- ants, a tribe ; iwdng ichi, a
stract, after a noun, or as a side branch, a concubine's
relative particle, in apposition; child. .

to progress ; to go to ; t'eng'' ni- A colloquial final, like p0

cchi ichi ii/an, the person who ^^ loki expressing certainty or ;

hears him ; d'tn (chi mmig that an act was immaterial

niitig^ heaven's plain decree ;
'^hdm t>atp 'Ad xhi, then he
ii'i (Chi iho if so, how then ?
nop would be well off; ichi <.chi
iiiV ic/ii ^yau ^y«, there is no haP certainly so.
such thing its^ung .ho ^chi, ;
Ijfc A branch, a twig a slender;

where are you going? 'A:«(c/ti,

V'u- P"^'^ ' ^^ scatter, to branch off;
the ancients u'in ming^ cchi, ; ' a tributary of a river a clas- ;

heaven orders it imdachi, im- ; sifier of slender things, as

possible ihang a pat^ chV '^chi
; pencils, flowers, pens, 66c.;
^yau ichi, to go and not arrive iChi kon^ trunk and branches;
is common 'cAw cchi 'ch6 (.chi ; yaU <.chi <fdy a flower, a pretty
waP tav that which rules is girl ;
ynti cchi ikivan, a de-
called supreme. tachment of troops pok^ ;
"i^ A sort of boletus or branch- to graft ; ccAi 7/>j branches and
'^^ ed mushroom, regarded as fe- leaves Chinese
; csw« ichi,
' '
licitous from its durability; ebony cshdn ^rhi, wild sun-

ccAi iwd, sesamum ; chi dan, chi wood, a hard timber.

asort of fragrant ppidendrum ;
H:^ The limbs sz" ccA», the four ;

uigan, your fine fnce cchi

cc/ii ; '"-fj limbs; ichi H'ai, the whole
dan chi shnt-. an elegant house, '
body ; <.chi 'Adj, to quarter.
as of the genii met. intimate
; Grease, suet, lard,
fat hard ;
with good men, I

gums of trees met. honors, ;

-i: To branch, to diverge ; to '

glory to grease fat animals
; ;

^^^^ ^^ s'*"^' *° P''y '° prop, (in tcAi, rouge ^man ichi, the
vh '
! ;

to succor ; a branch; posterity, fat of the people, i. e. their

descerjdants ; a sept or tribe ;
money ; ichi ^ko, greasy, unc-
to attend to bear up, to ; to tuous; iy«'ung ^chi, mutton
stand firm diverging, parting;
; tallow ; (chi ^fan, cosmetics.
the twelve horary characters; 10 A goblet ;a cup holding four
to measure the 65th radical ; ;
*'{-^ gills; a syphon a vessel for ;

ipciu ,chi, responsible for serving rations ; 'tsau ichi, a
ichi ikang, a watchman yati. ;
wine syphon.

CHf. CHl. 39

4|^ A tree used to dye yellow, a the imperial will ; shing^ 'chi,
'•^['^species of Gardenia uoong ; II. I.M.'s orders ; Hs'ing '^chi,
" (f/tJ, the becho nut, used in to request commands ;
dyeing, and as a medicine in ccheung ichi tdi^ 'chi, an im-
fevers. portant remark, a synopsis.
• iL. To stop; to lodge, to dwell. *l;li A
finger, a toe to point, to ; rest ; that which the mind *^, refer to to teach, to com-

rests in, an object ; to detain ;

" mand ; a particular, a mode ;

interrupted, stopped ; to cease to point out ; used for the last

from, to desist, to be still to ; 'chiijidm cc/t'^, the compass ;

remain, to wait; only, but, shapi '-chi U'dn cpang, to snap

however the 77th radical of
; the fing^-rs in vexation ond ;

characters mostly relating to 'chi, a double finger ; ''cki ''shau

rest '^chi s/iV only is
<.chi 'chi ; icdki ^(^i^> gesticulation ; 'cAi
to know when to stop ; i'm '^chi vioiig^ to expect ; unn '^chi H,
kdni' do, not so few ; '^chi tak) no chance of, cannot obtain ;

only so many ; '^chi

kom^ '.to, '^chi Uung pointing
^chi csai,
pal) chu^ will not stop, cannot this way and that, befooling;
be stopped; 'chi no- to appease; 'chi shi? to point out ; 'shau
'c/ti silk, to lodge at into Hai ; 'chi (kung, the thumb shiki ;

^chi, nothing to slop at. 'chi, forefinger oab iming 'chi ;

'IjL A foundation, fundamental; ring-finger -j'chi'tijn, to show

^ one's own country or origin ;
how ; 'chi kdp, a finger nail ;

iki '^chl, a foundation, a base, 'cAi kdp, (/a, the henna (Law-
a dcpei, .-n'hce. soiiia inermisj; 'chi shah cer-
»^>L An islet ; to take up one's tain, sure.
, l'>dg'"5 ^" ^" island ;
'c/iiw ^^ To embroider ; embroidered,
an islet in a pond.
'cAi, j!|^, braided ; to put on braid or
«^iL Happiness fuki '^chi, bless- ^^' lace the 204th radical, relat-
; ;

" ed, happy, enduring felicity;

, ing to embroidery <.cham 'chi, ;

ikd^chi, good fortune. to sew, to do needle work.

«ji|L The toes ; a ft>undation of a '.E^l. Paper; a document; yatt
'^^ wall the feet 'ku'c/iiikd, to <:^''^"'*3 '''^*) ^ sheet of paper;
; ;
^ step high, to trip along ; ihang I^JcsAd 'chi, wrapping paper;
'cJd, to walk. Chf ''so coarse paper 'chi
'chi, ;

Kit Used <.Kdu '^chi,
for the last ; itrivi, a paper match 'chi ;

•^ Cochinchina, said to be ap- it'ung (fa, artificial flowers

^ plied to it because men and 'cAt ip'di, cards 'chi pah. pa- ;

women bathed togeUier. per houses and clothes burn-

« l£i Meaning, intention; excel- ed in sacrifices ; t^king iin^'chi,
F^ lent pleasant tasted, delicate
; ;
cotton paper ; ^kai ',p'i 'chi,
^^' a decretal, orders fniig^ '^chi, ; brown wrapping paper ; 'chi
to receive orders ; 'chi Isan, sAs'Jrt, scolloped pieces of pa-
Houd liquor; 'chi v the import per used dt funerals to buy the
;;; ;;;

40 CHl. CHi.

road ifdn ^ckl, sizfed paper

; ti:' 1 To remember ; to record
^lo-ng jcam dsin
'cAi, gold dust- f?j'], >to write, to inscribe; used
ed paper king^ sik-. tsz'^ ''chi,
1^ J for the last md* rhi an epi- ;

respect written paper yai^ ; Ch( taph, a eulogy; (sdm ktook, chi*
'^chi ishu, one letter \f»ng^ '^cki annals of the Three States:
iiti, to fly a kite ; ^td (Shiii ^cki, chl\shu, history, records chi* ;

to torture in prison; ch'dii' ^chi, c« '^ts'z' mind is fixed on this,

a fly leaf. j^* A mole, a hair-mole ; black
'gfP To respect, to invocate on- ; or red spots on the body
; mi/i*
^r! ly, but merely, however, yet ^^' chV spots on the face.
respect, awe, reverence ; 'c/r; ^' To come, to go to, to reach;
only this 'chi ^t/au yat.
'/5'z' ;
-*-* to arrive, the summit or end ;

yiung^ only one sort 'cAi ;

^^' a preposition, even, till, to, at,
king'' to venerate. up to ; as to, respecting, in
•D|J An ancient short cubit of 8 order to; an adverb, much,
'^ <s'tin,sarneas an English foot •
greatly most, very, the super-

small degree of; 'cAi ch'ek^ <chi lative degree; the solstice;
ti* a little way, a small interval. the 133d radical; chV kih ^t
'-tn Ahedge thorn, a spinous the very extreme : tsz'^ '^ku
•^ a fruit like a pumelo,
tree ; chi (kam, from of old till now;
^^' with a thick skin hurtful, like ; into "sho pati chV he goes every

thorns; 'cAi kik^ hedged up; where, he is very wild; chi'

thorny 'cAi ki^ the Hovenia; (kwdn ^kan iH of the highest
dulcis; 'chi hok, its seeds, moment dungchV the winter

used for medicine, solstice cAi' di, with respect


n The hole in the hub of a to; chi'shitfy the least of; haky
'^ wheel, were the nave projects; chi he will come soon ; r At'
^**' chV 'Ad, the best
the end of the nave project- to* to arrive ;

ing from the hub; diverging, chV chiuk: everything proper

like the forks of a road. chVishing, wholly sincere; chV

colloquial particle, im- 'kan, urgent katt chi^ a little

plying doubt ; doi mi' chV 1 while, presently.

doubt if he is here yet. •£k* Interchanged with the last
^* The will, the inclination ; a -*^ To go, to cause to go to con- ;

*^ good resolution, a resolve; a ^'^' vey to; leading to, tending;

^^' sense of right, firm purpose to accompany ; to visit : to
to record history, annals ; communicate, to intimate to;
statistical or topographical to resign, to give over to to ;

works tdi} chi' high thoughts;

; induce, bring on to jeopard, ;

cKuti tak: chV not abashed by to hazard; to regulate, to

ridicule, conscious of power ;
control, to order; an aim,
chi' h^uns^ desire, inclination; object, or end a tendency to ; ;

chi ishing, ingenuous, guile- investigate fully used before ;

less. a verb, implies what is caused

;;; ;

CHl. CHf. 9*

to be done ; that, in order to 1^' To stumble ; to trip and

to put forth ; the extreme ;
ch't 1;^ fall down iin ; chi' fell head-
Chf 1

^shai^'k'uiloi, make him come long.

chV V to intimate to, to inform ^* Wisdom, understanding, ta-
in any way chi[ sz" to throw- ;
*7, lent ; knowledge; prudence;
up an office; chV ming^ de- '
wise, considerate, discreel ;

livered his orders. able to manage clever, sharp, ;

To mend clothes ; close, shrewd chV shik> good judg-

fine, as cloth; soft, delicate; ment chV ^yiing, wise and


Ch '
tattered handsome, elegant brave s»id chi' indiscreet.
; ;

itsing chi' beautiful, fine, de- •^' 1 To make firm, to establish,

licate ; sai' chV careful, par- ^, Vto place ; to appoint ; to ar-
ticular. -la. J range ; to purchase for one's
^5' A carriage with a front Chi self; to employ; to reject,
^^ lower than the back, or turn- to dismiss; to put aside ; to
ing down, from the lading. determine, to judge, to de-
^g' A goblet or cup holding cide 'cA'u chV to punish, treat

three ishing or gills; a cup ;

as a criminal chi' pdn^ to ;
to fine one so many cups. buy chV ika, to take a wife ;

To seize with the hand, to lon chi' to arrange a place for,

grasp ; to arrive at, to reach as to spend the night fai' chV ;
to ; to extend ; to present to ;
to refuse, remove
to chV ;

go to
to advance, to enter, to ishan sz'^ ngoP it is none of my
the edge to break down, as ; business; nint^ nim^ pat> chi'
trees from weight of snow ;
unceasingly thinking of it
used for the next ; Us'ing chi' chi' (shan und <i' ashamed, no
a great liking for ; chV 'to, to place to hide myself.
stumble down ; ehi"'hi, to pick ^^* Hindered, embarrassed, pre-
one up. ^ft vented from acting or advan-
^i' A present to make way for '
cing ; to slink away, as a dog
^ one, given at an audience or
first interview, or when enter- iA-
Name of a stream in the
ing school to present gifts ; ;
*P east of Shantung to govern, ;

chV presents chi' k'uC to

si, ;
to rule well, to manage ; to
visit with a present. heal ; to oversee, to care for ;

Birds of prey, accipitrine to form ; to try causes ; expe-

t' birds, violent, ruthless, hawk-
, rienced, talented ;
" like ;
to seize by violence. good government ; chi' tsong,
ffi' Apledge, a hostage; to to oversee a funeral ; chi' ha}
\ pledge, to guaranty to pawn ;
'^che, subjects, the governed;
Chi chV to give a pledge or
on' ti cure ^t'ln ha} tdi^
chi^ to ;

guaranty chv fu' a pawnbro-; cAi' the empire well governed,

ker's ; -.kau chi' to exchange firm peace ;/»6 fdty ''ho chi ;

hostages. there':) no way of managing




(85; Ch'ut. A joist to support a plate
Ill To go out, to issue, to pro- t.
S'eh °'" S''"<^er
; a sort of king.
^^®^ forth, to manifest, ac- post.
cording to the tenor of the pS To sob, to talk incessant-

followingor preceding word; ^'i ly; to taste, to drink; to

to eject, to put out an ;
^>J kiss; Jau chiity to swill
auxiliary verb, implying Chueh down with a noise; chiity
completion or action ; cKuty 7<a, to sip min^ ichii, ; chiity
yapy to go in and out, back to kiss the cheeks.
and forth ; *se ch'ufy Joi, 5?^I To clip, to pare, to cut off,
will write out reject; to en-
; jcA'd ch'uh
Chueh ^° ^^^^' ^°
Joi, about to examine; ch'uty grave; chiity ting^ to cut
chung* preeminent, to sur- blocks and publish.
pass; '/ji tpin ch'v? cKuty Jhtjt To gather, to take with the
shai^ where were you born ?
Chueh ^^"^» *° pluck, to seize.
cliuty Jcungy to retire, to To connect, to join to stop;
j|S ;
ease nature ; cKuty kd' to a band of posture-makers.
marry a husband; ch'tit ishan,
to hold office ; ch'ufy ipau ^g^ To stop ; a carriage repair-
pd^ sdty to carry idols in pro- Chueh ed; cimty fkungi to stop
cession ; cKuty t&i, surpris- work, to rest.

ing ch'uty p'tu* to issue a


warrant, to advertise ch'uly ;

(87) t.
hi* to fume or steam, to A final particle, denoting
avenge another's quarrel are you willing, if you please,
ch'uty it'auf to take the lead is it not so? ^Ngo kau*
ch'uty ^cKau^ to be despised ^ni tuki t^, shall I teach you
chi^uty lis'aU to divorce to read ? shV yaty shV <^, try,
ch'uty kai* to be adopted by will you ?
an uncle ; its'ui ^ni ch'tity
tsam, as you like to do it (88) ¥L
hon'i'm ch'ufy s^ung* to belie A
blossom, a flower plea-
his looks ; ^seung j'm ch'uty .^1 sure, vice variegated, orna- ;

can'not recall to mind; ch'uty mental, carved ; to exagger-

ifigan, to pay ; paty ch'ufy Hwi ate yaty do -fa, a flower yott
; ;

*shp Ziii' to guess aright. chaty ifa, a bouquet itnivg


tfdy ornamental flowers <fd ;

(86) Chiit. xshang, the ground-nut ; [jd
Jkl| Stupid, unskillful, unhandy, Zd' 'shui, lavendar water 'a/f^' ;

j?jW'. unapt ; 'ch'un chiity stupid, cfd, to enchase on metals ;

inexpert; chiity iking, a 'dull tfd kdpy Hsz^ the sexagenary

thorn,' i. e. my wife chuiy ; cycle ; tfd ; ifa^Isz' a beggar
pat I an unskillful penman ;
ilam, a brothel
</a fai' to ;

chuli Hsx^ my son. squander in dissipation ; (fd

;; ;

FAI. 43

*rtii, a girl ; </d *tdn, an actor l/at, a major in a Manchu

who personates women t/a ; corps, to point with the hand;
7?ii>i*- lo paint the face for fai **Ad, to sprinkle, to spend
acting; ifd </a shai' kdi' a fast ; tfai tsau^ written. Also
thoughtless age; tfd (fa tkung read twan, in the phrase jtcan
Hsz' a profligate rake ; ifd iltin, entire, unbroken.
iWone, the god who protecls Brilliant, refulgent, glorious,
children, worshiped under like the sun to glisten tfai ; ;
the bed ; tfd po' chintz ; </a iin, spruced up, pleased fui ;

ikai, an illuminated street ifi^ exceedingly glorious.

t/attJd' exaggerated talk; tfd Luminous, splendid, like
iTneng, a nickname ; iFd iV'i fai tkwong, lustrous,
Hwui ;

United States </a

htcoki the ; gorgeous, like many lamps ;

ti^ the Flower Gardens near fai ircong, illuminated.

Canton. Same as the two preceding;
To change, to influence so .B
"^ effulgent, glorious, as the sun.
XJ/^ .

j/~ as to alter, to transform ; to

A signal or marking flag to
melt, to digest to convert
1^ ;

'^^ make a signal, to motion to


to pass into metempsychosis ^^"'

quick, hasty fai hd^ your ;

to create ; to transmute to ;
honor! (used by soldiers.)
barter ; to exchange ; to re- aa To fly with noise ; a kind of
form ; kdu* fa* to improve by colored pheasant colored, ;

instruction ; fa* iihan, to Hwui

adorned fai fai, to fly up
burn a priest's corpse ts'd* ;
and show the plumage.
fd* nature hb* ts'd* fa'
fate, ;
Torend open, to tear off*;
good luck iwong fd' the

influence of law fa' shang,

Hwm .

humble, unassu-
to point out;
.1 J-
mmg; used for the precedmg.
1 f.

produced by metamorphosis,
as insects; fa' yati peaceful '.r
^7 A failure, deficiency, defect,
or diminution ; short breath:
times; %cKdufd' to subscribe to pant mjure to want, a
; to ;

for a Budhist mass j'm fd'

few lo trouble one owing to,
; ;

did not subscribe also, in-

in consequence of; faifii} to
digestible ; shW its'oi j?»d/i
be deficient fai *rti, thank ;

fd' avaricious, niggardly. you fai hung' a deficiency ;


fai ji/an, to annoy, trouble

(89) Fai. one fai isam ichi tyan, an

To move, shake
to to be ; ingrate fai 'ngo jin 'k,

agitated ; to animate to ; owing to my words; shik^ fai

Hwui money «/> *mi/n tsakt
sprinkle ; to scatter, to throw to lose ;

away ; <fai <.cKun, to write fai, the moon waxes & wanes.
new-year's inscriptions ; </ai 1^ To destroy, to overt how, to
cfcd, to write ; fai <kam iii u"^. break ; to injure ;
fai pdi^ to
H'd, to spend money like dirt destroy and scatter. Also read
,fai foki extravagant; 'cM to*, and often used for ^tcai.
;;;;; ;

44 FAT. FAI.

i^J^ A cord of three strands ; a Hi' Tlie lungs they are oon-

queenly garments a Ql" nected with metal fai* ikm

H wui ^^.''"S )
; ;

kind of sash good, heauti- ;

the lungs.
ful a banner the stops on a
; ; dJt' Luxuriant; small; read/a^
guitar; tFai maki ink from •P as fati fad foliage abundant.
Hwuichaii tfai tyam, fine ;
pj^* The bark of a dog; Itin^
sounds c/ai hb^ a tlag.
fai^ 'kau, a dog which barks

To spend, to use; to exert; ^j

at everybody.
to dissipate expense, cost,
f' ;

waste, lavish-
trouble, outlay ; (90) Fai.
ing squandering ^shai faV
; ;
Contented, glad pleasure,
Ml' ;
to spend, to expend fa'C sz*^ ;
J^... cheerfulness ;
quick, hasty;
troublesome, to interrupt
alacrity ;
fai* loki ;

fai^ iSam, to remember one ;

happy ^shong fai* in-
long^ fai' wasteful ;
faV jt/ii,
disposed, out of sorts; fai*
waste one's time kwd' faV ;
tifj delighted, good^spuits;
" great outlay," politely said
fdi* 7s ? ' c h opst icks yd i' ya i* ;
when sitting at a feast ; p'o'
quickl/di' V*t' '«/»««, a heads-
fai^ your outlay,' need-
' lost
man fdi* ^I'eng, a fast-boat
less expense, politely said by
fdi* hnd ilai, bring it quickly;
one who gets a present
fai* cpdH,alictor in a magis-
chai? fa'C heedless, witless.
trate's otlice; fdi* tiky fdn
A house in ruins ; to aban-
iloi, come back quick fdi*
hit don, to throw aside, to de-
Fei ^md, a courier ; fdi* ts'ui*
gtroy, to lose; to repudiate,
to disinherit to stop, to fail
-U^' A clod, a lump ; a piece of,
obsolete, null spoiled, cor-
Tz,. a fraction ; a classifier of

rupt to depose ; useless, de-

small things which are flat-
graded; ^ai* /t«' thrown aside,
tish and usually shapeless, as
rejected yfai^ mati a useless boards, panes, slices, &c.;
fellow, good fur nothing
doltish ; yah fdi* ynki a slice
jmiC sfib it faV to reject when of meat ; yaty fdi* ti^ a piece
lialf done fai' ;
tsati disabled,
of land ; hdw} fdi* the whole
space ; tdi^ fdi* the globe,
To shun
to respect ; to ;
nature; yd? iin itnd ichi, stu-
muffle, to hide name of a ;
Used the pronoun
Hwui pid. for I.
person in the ancestral hull
Ify* Great, strange, monstrous,
kV fai' to avoid using sacred J'", as an eruption, a meteor;
names pah fai' dead (tsiin
fdi* lui^ puppets, vulgarly
; ;

fai' your venerable name. called 'kwai Hmi In*.

i' To bubble, as boiling water p^' To swallow, to drink willi
' or a spring ; s/tMt' fai* crJiung
ic/i'd, the wilier boils, pour it
j^^ avidity; voracious; thetliroiit

stopped ; clamor of voices.

on the tea. Also ri^.ii(\ ftf).
Name of a king.
; ;

Fan. 45

ilg; Stupid, forgetful ; confused

(91) Fan. Hwan rt=collection.

-p^ Vapur, exhalations, steam Unsettled, unstable,

t like

smoke rising ; to sinuke, to

^ water ^Fan itcong, king of
Hiui ;

tumigate, to parch
lieat, to ; the Tai state, b. v. 300.
to otliend ; to becloud even, ;
g9 To shut the door at even-
ing; ^fan ifuiig, warm wind; '"g 5 ^ P^'""^'' 5 «/"» ^V^", a
ffjiu tsiki twilight ; </u« yb doorkeeper, an eunuch who
U'ui, to smoke hams ; ijun keeps the hareem; k'au' fan^
tfan, uneasy, fidget ty ; ifan to visit the palace,
ikon, to dry at the tire ifan ; -fij^ Rice steamed thoroughly ;
cheki t3 cauterize. ' p/T tosteam nee.
Loyal merit, meritorious ; to
spend strength lor one's king
i^ Leeks, onions, and strong
Hiun flavored vegetables; animal
ifdn tlo, merit obtained in Hiun
food fan «u' meats or vege-
serving the state ; ifan ishan, ;

tables pati fii fan, not to

a patriotic statesman. ;

eat meat fan Kseng, savory

Twilight the light reflect, ;

odors of food,
ed after sunset exhilarated ; ;
Hiuii Vapor or steam
islidn ihdm ifan '^ytung, the j
fumes ;
<jW from cooked
hills are tinged with the set- > vegetables
ting sun. c|^j savory odors; fan iho, steam
jf^ A tribe of aborigines, called Hiun from viands; odorous exhala-
/'">' ifanvukii they dwelt near
'1 o separate, to divide ; to
^^ Fragrant plants, fragrance; Fan ; to distribute, to divide

used in houses to expel de. amongst to give, to partake

mons a savory smell. with a candareen, a tenth in

Intoxicated, drunk ; smell, decimal notation. Readyan'

ing of liquor tsui' tfan fun, a portion, a duty, a part isdm ;
gloriously drunk. faiC tchi yaf, one third. tP'ing
I'he sun setting twilight fan, divide «venly ; fan

choi, toseparate ; fan piu to

Hwan dusk ; obscure, confused,
divide, to leave
dull; in disorder; to oblige fan pun* ;

to dissolve partnership fan

to do ; iWong fan, dusk ; fan ;

ich'ing shd' to pay in propor-

oni' dark, dull; fan liin* con-
tion ; fan ikd, to divide the
fused ;fan mui^ unintelligi-
estate ; fan pdi' to give
ble ; fan y6^ night fan fa, ;

motes in the eye. amongst ;

yati fan thong fo\
JjCt Marriage to take a wife
; ;
yaf, fan each kind of

nuptials itnai fun,

goods has Its own price fan
lllv- n ''f^'^ ^y^'h ;

to complete a marriage <bn ikom it'ung mi^ same taste

as the car|M;ls of an orange;
fan, to marry relatives fan ;

pui' to contract a marriage. <fan iiin, a deputy diBtrict

; ;;

^«i FAN.

To direct ; </an (fuf'to bid To burn, to light, to set on

to do, to order. fire fan Jiiung, to light
Fan ;

A tree resembling the elm incense sticks ; fan fa* to

with white wood ; a beam in burn up; fan «»a«, to burn
Pan a bonze fan ithu, burning
a house ifan iu ^sh^, an

agricultural feast. of the books by Tsin.

A beam or ridge-pole of a A grave, a tumb, a tumulus;
confused, disordered, river banks, an embankment
Fan great, vast rich soil read
complicated hedipeo cover- ;
; ;

ing. fan*. iFan mo^ a tomb; gb*

fan, to Worship the graves
A fragrant wood burned for ;

its perfume. fong ifan, a deserted grave ;

Fan tsdm fan, the distinction of

A river in Sh^nsl, a branch
I of the Yellow R. <Fan ii/^ung
iWong, a personage in the
heaven, earth, man.
An ornament on the bit of
a bridle.
Tang dynast}-, whose name
is a synonym for happiness ;
A river overflowing and
as cFan itf^img Uim 'fidtii, m-^king streamlets a river ;
Fany6ung's king nodding bank a river in Honin.

Fruitful, flourishing planis,

hie chin (becaiuse he did not
know all his descendants). fragrant flowers growing
Fume, vapor ; shadowy together ; imd fan, hemp
signs, a will-o'.the-wisp, airy
seed ; fan shall bearing much
Fan seed.
omens ifan iiran, aerial in.

fluences; 'iii tfan^ noxious '# A portion, a dividend, a

influences; 'Aoi t/a/i, pirates share ; fan fan, the
to divide

lacoki ifan^ demagogues, dis.

profits; iTndi fan, to put in
turljers of the peace.
shares ; fan */*?' a share. A
A variegated ribbon ; con- vulgar character.
fused, perplexed ; raveled ; to Rice broken to pieces ; a
Fan flour of any grain; pigment,
mix up; many things at Fan
to adorn to whitewash or
once; hurry, bustle, clamor ;

hubbub color ; ^mai fan rice flour

ifan liiit} ; ifan ifan
ttosz^^ distracted by; suki ^mai fan, indian-meal

,fan tfd ^lau lun^ all in dis- fan t«z' or fan Usai, vermi-
order ; fan ^wan^ confused. celli mi/i' fan, a cosmetic;

Budding and blossoming fan itstung, starch fan toi^ ;

fragrance from o|)ening a tailor's chalk-bag J^ung ;

Fan fan, a .sort of jelly fan sui^

plants fan fong, spreading

fragrance cfan fan, odorife-

smashed to shivers ; fan
rous. Numerous, harmonioas. shikt tai' ip'ing, a specious

A frosty mist ; ho'irfrost peace ; fan ijtdi a writing-

snowy, sleety, boardl; fan pikt to whitewash
*i* fan (fan, a
a wall cu/i fan, white lead.
; ; ;;


Anger, resentment
^fan ;

nd^ Rngry, vexed ^fan 'Jan ; (92) Fan.
pati kiki perturbed, cross A beast's footstep a time,

'fan han^ hatred, m:\lice. a turn, a repetition of; to reck-

A mole or field rat called Fan
on, to change ; a tribe on
Fan Jai Viii, a plough rat.
the south, now applied to all
Prostrate ; to overthrow, to foreigners; ^ki t/'di, several

ruin ; to on one's back ;
fall times ifan lod'^ foreign talk;

yaty iin 'fan sr'^ a word will tfnn iyan, foreigners 'Id fan ;

ruin an affair ; '/an Hd li^ to a foreigner.

tumble to the ground. A banner, or streamer with
Impatient desire, zeal, ar- sentences, hung in temples or
dor anger, violent feeling; carried in processions ; a dus-
Fan ;

fad 'fan, excited, zealous af- ter or napkin ; to move ;

ter ; 'fan liki to put forth ich*€ung tfdn yati tiii' a pair
one's energies 'fan kify ; of streamers; fan ^in, forth-
wrought up by passion. with.
To endeavor after, to excite, A streamer ; its'ing fan, or
Fan to rouse abroad or
; to spread iWan fdn, a banner carried
reach to to brush away ;
to ; at funerals. Used for the
lifi; prompt, impetuous, rapid ;
'fan chi' to animate one's To spreAd out to agitate, ;

self; 'fan liki to put forth or wave', as the wind does a

energy 'fan ci, to lift up the
; flag ; to translate ; to ex-
skirt. plain ; fdn yiki to translate.
To sleep, to rest ; 'n% fan^ To fly to and fro ; to return,
twan, you are half asleep to change a case ; ;
to revise
'ngdnfan^ sleepy. collo- A tfdnfuki changeable; vacillat-
quial word, for which this ing fan \shdng, resuscitat-

character is often made. ed \fdn on' to rejudge a


To instruct, to teach, to ex- base tiii^ fdn ^shdng, to


hort to explain ; a doctrine,

; to carry a case to the capital
precept ; definition fan* kdu' ; \fdn hii' ckwai, to go home

to instruct ;yb?t' lin^ to teach fdi' fdn ikwai come home soon.
the manual fan'' td^ the sn- ;
fcj 1 All; eVerylxxly common, ;

perintendent of education in '' *^ ;.vuigar, lisual ; generally, for

each department ; 'fei fan* i Mi } ^^^ vnosi part : fdn lyan, men
tradition. Fin ijdn ikdii, thie world ; ccAu
Ordure, muck", excre-
filth, ^dn, every one ; fx sfdn, ex-
ment ; to manure fan' ihdng; tradrdinah', clever tdi^ fdn
Fan ; ;

a privy ; fan' jTnun, the anus ^sho 'yau, people

loki fan' to manure ; fan' have it 'hd fdn, to enter the

liu^ muck prepared Cor sale ;

world isz^ ifdn, to think of

fan* ti' a public necessary. marrying (-a; of a bonze). '.

;; :;

48 FAN.
A sail of canvas; kwd' J'dn, A kind of southernwood or
to hoist sail; sfdn pd' canvas. Artemisia, whose decoction
is sprinkled on silkworm eggs
A grave ; ifan tkdn, at the
graves, a sepulchre. to hasten their hatching; j/ci«
cAd, a plant grown like celery,

To roast meat
ifdn cheki to roast meat.
for sacrifices
and pickled in winter.
Mineral salts proper for

A dust basket or large sieve;
to liide, to cover, to shade.
painting or dyeing; pdA,
tfdn^ alum ; dsing ifdn, cop-

Meat roasted for sacTTIice;
the remnants of a sacrifice,
sent to princes.
peras ifdn s/ieki alum shale ;

ifdn, blue vitriol;

alum ash.

Plants growing luxuriantly A kind of cricket or grass-
flourishing; plenty; many; hopper, which goes by night.
F6n Fan
to settle
; jfdn mau^, abun- To turn back, to return to ;

dant, prosperous ; ^fdn *i/i, be contrary, to rebel to com- ;

numerous progeny. bine against; opposed to, but,
A fence; hedge; boundary ; a contrary again ; fdn fuk^
frontier ; to ward off, to pro- repetition, to and fro, to re-
tect; a cover for a chariot; tract ; tsiung fdn, discor-
Fan a covered car ;
^dn tli, a dant ; tsoki fdn, to rebel ;

wattle Or hurdle j/a/i wiki ; fdn chilli to reflect light ;

the frontiers ; ^fdn j^'oi, the fdn min^

turn a cold to
treasurer of a province ; ^fdn siioulder kwal, to back-
; fdn
tun, a \Vall iritloSing ; ifdn bite ; fdn ^chun, to turn over
iping't a screen; a statesman. fdn tau' clamor and play of
Troubled; annciyed; perplex- children; ^fdn liau to unsay,
ed, heated ; to trouble; to in- to recant ; fdn tsit, to spell,
trude on ; troublesome, im- to combine sounds; fdn wai^
pertinent ; grieVed, sorry ; do Ui shiki the stomach rejects
ifdn. */ii, I trduble yo\i ; ,fdn food.
tdi' I trouble you to take this; Regret fdn fiii' to regret

ifdn ilo, to trouble one lo do a an act fdn ^chun min^ ip'i,

Fan ;

thing ; ifdn mun^ perfJlexed, to change the countenance ;

grieved; ifdn *iii; irilerrupted, fan csam, sorry for.
annoyed. 'J'o return, to come back
Much, numerous; rttany,
to go back fdn j/itu Ji^ung

confused, miiltitudinous a • */id,gone to his village ^fdn ;

variety of affair^ ; a saddle- hii^ ikwai, gone home '^wong ;

girth ; ifdn iUdn, wearisome fan 'ki yati how many days
ifdn iWdf pomp, show j'wi ;
will you be gone ?
voir ifinii unwilling to Be trou- To float driven by th«i ;

bled, can not endure ^fd'ti wind name of a river. Used

faC ex^:"n8ive. for the next character.
; ;; ;

FAN. FAT. 49

float, to flow down ; to tern, an exemplar; ifongfdn'-

transport ; extensive to ; spill guarding ifungfdn^
rule for ;

over ; ifau fan' to float, su- a popular custom,

perficial fdn^ ji'/, vague ;
^' Name of a bonze the ;

words ifdn' ichau, to sail in 7C country of Magadha, whence

a boat ;yan' sin, lightminded. Budha came the language ;

To overflow, to fluctuate ;
of the Budhists, Pali or
in motion, agitated to float Sanscrit /f/n* tyam, to chant
F4n ;

fdn^ lam} wide, as a deluge. prayers fan- j i/i, Pali /a/i*


Name of a river in Hondn. cKdti a monastery.

Ill-luck, evil influences ; ill- ^^ Cooked rice a meal ithiki ; ;

starred ; things to be avoided rin /^"' to eat tsd'- fdn^ to cook ; ;

when commencing anything Hsdfdn' breakfast; j)in^ fdn^

fan' cMuhi to bring ill luck; a common meal shiki fdn^ ;

fdn' ishan, to exorcise, to ex- j'm d$'ang, have you eaten,

pel or induce evil spirits to (i. e. how do you do? the ans.

depart ; 'hi fan' to adore the is, -yau <p'i/j, (hank you.)
of the threshold.
spirits tchongfdn^ dish up the rice.

bank, a levee
a tumulus; a
(p6 fan, a ;
(93) Fat.
dike or bank to stop water ;
^^ A
negative ; not, it should
a mole. Fuh "^^ ^^' not permissible con- ;

To traffic, to deal in ; fan' trary, distorted

; faU Joi, he
F^n riidi^ ij/an 'hau, to deal in will not come ; fat, tsai' «'*
men 'kwdifdn' to get away
it will not be done.
children to sell; /a/i' 'Isai or Like, as if; used in the
fan' (fu, a chapman, a ped- P^*"*^*^^ f'^^gfiif^ resembling.
dler ;yM-y«M' to peddle about.
To brush, to'"\vipe, to dust
rush against to offend ;
to push away,
Fuh to oppose ; to
to transgress to invade to
ian ; ;
expel, to
contradict ; per-
violate, to resist, to o|)pose
verse, disobedient ; a sort of
a criminal ;/««- Isui'- to trans- flail fa(y idian, to brush
gress /in- yit/, to break the
; away dust /«/> shil-, to brush

laws fin^
a prisoner ij/an,
; ; away ^ying faU a fly whip
ifs'avfdn^ to cage a criminal
fat, iynn sing' to thwart an.
Us'amfdn^ to encroach on, to other's wishes.
usurp ^yanfdn^ 4sun ingdn

have ofl^ended you. ^

Brambles, or luxuriant her-
bagc, concealing the path
Hcrb-3, grass ; a bee or wasp happiness, luck to screen ;
a surname. Used for the to clear

away, to open-
fat, V.vd, to clear away grass.
A rule, a guide a custom, Raveled silk
a usage; a mold, a pattern;
i*^ a screen a ; ;

to imitate jw« fdn' a pat. Fuh ^^'^^^ to drag a bier ; c/uip,
fat, to accompany a funeral.
To>-. uicx. 7
50 FAT. FAT.

A ribbon to hold a seal

used for the two preceding.
^ A tablet of ivory, bamboo,
gem, or wood, used at au-
FuU jj^ 'jj

Clean, pure to disperse

diences in former times ;
; ;

to drive off; to wash away meant for making memo-

Fuh ;
randa, and then used as orna-
a sacrifice or baptism to
obtain good faU ich'u, to
ments ; they were held be-
ward off.
fore the breast; chap, at, H f
ich'iu, to take the tablet in
A covering for the knees
court ching^ fat, to hold

Fuh a short tunic worn in southern

the tablet.
A knee. pad of leather ; a
*^ A hole in the ground a ;

stable or sty dug out of the

Fuh cover or defense for the bo- Kuh
earth fail Hung, a hole, a
som a string on a seal.

grotto *s/ju fati a rat-hole

Disheveled hair head ;

w > ^kdu t'd* isdm fat^ a cunning

ornaments; like, nearly, ap-
Fuh rabbit has three holes ; ^shi
plied to things.
fat, buttocks.
Variegated, black and
azure mixed to embroider in ;
/^ Contrary, unreasonable ; to
uh ^""^^aside, Budha; Fati kdu'
colors elegant, flowery (as
; Fi^'
Budiiists Fati Hsd, Budha
writing) a variegated gar-

ment ; fati 'mill, an embroi- Fatifdfz Budhism ;fati ^shaut

dered coronet.
citron ;
Fat^ ifong, Budhist
temples fati ''hau ^sht <.samt
A single floss of silk the ;

smallest fraction in notation,

a villainous hypocrite.
a millionth to forget, to dis- ;

regard to make light of, to

(94) Fat.
extinguish ; negectful sud- ; X^ To send
issue, to appear, to
denly, abrupt, unexpectedly, *
^^^^^' ^^ germinate to cause
rlh ;

all at once faU iin, sud- ;

to go, to dispatch, throw out
denly fat, ^yau tyaa iloi,
to ferment to show forth, to ;

just then a man came iheng ; manifest ; the spring ; fdt,

jafi to make light of; faU its'oi, to make money ; fdt
Uuki to forget ;
/a/> ishi, not ^shi, to have customers fdt» ;

punctual fat, onhig faU ;

hak, or fati vidi- for sale
mill it appeared and disap- fdt, isajn, to give in charity ;
peared suddenly. fdt, shai^ to take an oath ;
Minute, abstruse; inexplica- fdt, Uin, crazed, beside him-
ble that which dazzles or self; */ii fdt, iwan ^mi ? are
Hwuh ;

flutters the mind. you crazy ? fdt, 'At iZoj, to

My To take up refuse, to clean rise (as dough), to succeed, to
^"*'* away ; to bale out, to dip get on fdt, fan ««» tsik, to

up ;
Hau, a dust-board ;
fat, dismiss home fdt, ttdn, to ;

fat, 'shui, to bale water faU ;

issue advertisements ; fdt,
lapi sdfi to take up rubbish. iCliiti, to get damp ; Hd fdtt
FAT. FAU. 51

to send ^\vny fdli h? an- ;

one's merit ; fdti ult the side
gry fdt> ifo, to become a kit-
doors of a gateway ; worthy
yan ; fd(> kdpy to become a services, accumulated merit.
isiinsz'; fdU hd^ to make a A peccadillo, a crime; to
signal; fat, p'ui^ banished ; punish, to castigate, to flog ;
fdti (fung, leprous ;fdf, ding, to fine a forfeit ; fdti chak,

to have descendants ;yd^> 'chl, to bamboo ifdfi Hsan, a for-

to wet paper. feit of wine
fdti fung, to ;

j±. A rule, a law, usage regula- ; mulct an officer's salary ifdl,

rly tions, precepts a punishment
; iVgan, to fine, a forfeit.
or legal infliction ; an art Want, failure, defective
skill,industry ; sect fdt, td^ ;
without ; to fail ; to spoil, to
rule, regulation; iyir^g fdti injure; empty, poor, fatigued
penal laws ifii fat, to lay a ; fdti shiki in want of food
spell ;/d/) tsaki aguide ;/d/) ip' an fdti beggared.
iTtiun, the Budhists ch'dkt ;

fdti mode of concluding or

(95) Fau.
repairing ; db fdti rules for Earthenware in general ; a
carving. Fau
vessel used to contain wine
Hair of the head: one on which time was noted
^^ met.
ajar; ^ngd fau, earthenware.
^^' herbs, trees, moss ch'ukifdt>;

to bind up the hair; ipH it'au A rabbit net ; a wooden

'sdn fdti disheveled hair screen before an official re-
s^uk, fdti to shave the whole sidence.
liead kUt fdti marriage of
,% A hillock of earth.
virgins ; sheki fdti mosses
fdti ts^oi^ an algae used for To take up in both hands,
food ^mong, female's as water or grain; a handful;
; fdti Pau
falsf hair fi fdti to clip the ;
yati fau Wd. a handful of
hair with a razor ; ilau it*au earth.
pat, ilaufd!> married. New silken garments ; ele-
Fau gant, lustrous.
^jfi" To destroy, to strike, to
To float, to drift to over-
f'^h ^S''^ ^^ punish, to subdue,
if flow, to exceed, to

to desolate; to cut down to ; Fau ;

brag ; meritorious deeds; a go- past time ; light, unsteady,

between ; shati fdti IV hoi' fleeting ; excessive ; faufdn'
famous for prowess, invinci> floating ; vulg. ^pd ipd pdn' ;

ble fdti tsui- to punish ifau iin, unmeaning words;


crime tsoki fdti ; to act as go- ifan its'oi, floating property ;

between. ifau iyau tsoi' shai'- engaged
A bamboo raft in worldly affairs i ifau sheki
y^ ; a large ship
pumice 'kdm ifau, heedless,
p^ like a raft for size; an ark.

ifau it'd, a pa-


Jl3^ A door on the left ; meri- goda sfau (.shang, the living

r^i' torious services, to set forth ifau ifau, vain, much.

; ! ;;

53 FATJ. Fl.

Alfirge ant, called tp'f ifau ;

ski^ ft, I don't know whether
ifau iyutt, an epheniera, pro- it is so or not ; ^kong shi^ <fi,
duced from muck. to asperse, tittle-tattle ; ifi
Not so, ought not used ;
at iheng lyung i^ this is not so
the end of sentences as a easy fi Hai, improper, im-
Fau ;

negative interrogation else, ; modest 7a ifi, is it not so


whether, otherwise li/, 'fau, ; i. e. it is true ; </i tih^ng,

it is not 7io fau, wdl or can
uncommon, superior ; ifi ^yd,
it do, or not shi- fau, is it
; not so.
so ? fau tsaki iWai ichi, if it A wooden door with two
be bad, then frown it away. leaves ; met. a rustic house.
The plantago or plantain Red or crimson silk; fi
leaf, called fau H; ich'^ .m
ip'd,carnation robes.
i's'in Hs'd is the common To lift up the skirt ; long,
name ; it is eaten as greens. trailing dresses ; ft a, to hold
^M A mound or hill of earth ; Fi up the dress.
"^ Iradical of elevations, hills, A stinking bug which eats
&c.; great, large, high, abun- •t
clothes and grain ; a fabulous
lau dant, numerous ; mati fuu- animal ominous of pestilence.
plenty of things cfungfau- Fan Wan
'J'he defines it,
abundant, as a harvest. "famous."
^fl* A landing where trade is Rain, sleet, or .snow driven
-' carried on, a mnrt on the
Fau by the wind, and filling the
seaside, an unwalled settle. Fl
ment ;/au' H'au, a port; kuk> The two outside of a team
fau^ a grain market Hsz' ;
of four horses ; fi fi, the
fau^ a sub salt d6p8t where no regular march of liorses.
duties arc levied; pan- fau^ To fly to flit; flying;
; to
manager of a salt d6p8t; go swiftly lofty quick
Fl ; ; ; fi
km)' fau^ lo go from port to to fly away
hii" ft 'nitl, or ;
fi ik'am, birds fi ikam, to ;
To cover, to overshadow put on gold leaf; fi iim Hsau
to brood, as a hen ; to over- piki an expert thief; fi ^shii,
spread kCvi fau^ li- tsoi' the
a bat; fi pd' to haste to tell
heaven covers and earth con-
fi fang, to rise rapidly in
tains; Jcai 'ndfau^ Hsai, the otlice fi tf'iu 'pun «z'^ in.

hen covers her chickens. comparably clever tFi-j/tw, ;

Boreas, the god of wind.

(96) Fi. Royal concubines twong ;

Fi fl, wife of the heir apparent

Not right, not good ; not ching' fi, the empress <<'i/i ;

so, opposite ;
false, bad, fl, the Antpliitrite of the
wrong; shameless, low; to Chinese ; t/i V.vs' siii' th<'

slandtT, lo reproach : I'ty* ichi best sort of luiclii.

; ! ;;

Ff. FIK. PING. FO. 53

Fat, oily, fleshy, rich,fer-| To backbite, to ppeak

tile; ifi chong' robust j/i tdi' ;
< p/r against fi p'ong' to slander.

corpulent ; ifi 7d or a' sfU a

Ananimal of the monkey
fat man ifi yun^ fertile

tun* tun* obese, fat as a pig;

ifi ;

I fP
tribe, large and monstrous
fi^ the orang-outang or
ifi -mi, plump, good looking. chimpanzee.
Calf of the leg sick, dis-
eased ; to a void, to flee from to
conceal or cover, as animals

A kingfisher, with beautiful
plumage the cock is called

/iS the hen tiuf ; /t* tiuH^

do each other when herding.
yuki chrysoprase.
A square bamboo box ; re-
gular march of horses, beau- (-97) Fik.
tiful not right, illegal ; ban-

ditti, vagabonds, heretics

To brush off' (as a fly) \fiki thoi,
; fi
brush it otf
lui* or fi itd, vagabonds ; fl
Hong, a band of villains ; fi
shiky variegated. Read </an, (98) Fing.
to distribute. To swing to shake in the ;

Embarrassed, unable to wind ct'iii it'iufing* to hang


speak out one's ideas. and swing; fing* tik, *shui

A kind of cabinet wood with tlai, sprinkle a little water
lines, suitable to make furni- Jing' laU shake it off".

ture ; a piece of wood tied to

a bow at the grasp to streng- (99) Fo.
then it

tuky fi, to help

to assist

fi Hsz' a
long nut resembling the ha-

to lean on ;

root, the
; a
hollow culm of
vacuum, empty a
rule; practice (in medicine);

zel-nut, found in Shantung.

a class, series, order, rank,
Elegant, adorned, graceful,
gradation ; classifier of herbs
polished, applied to actions
a examination luk^
literary ;

or writings; fi -mi, pleasing;

tfo, six departments in offi-
fi iin ishing ichiung, flnish- cial establishments </b kdpt ;
ed composition.
a high literary degree ihoi ;

A round bamboo basket. fo, to open the kiiyan ex-

Fi rumination ifo ishau, to re-

A red marshy plant ;

pot- ceive taxes tfo pdi' com. ;

herbs, greens; sparing, fru- pulsory service ; <fo muki an

gal ; uneasy fragrant, beau-
; index, series, rank ; </b ildm,
tiful ; straw sandals; fi basket carried by candidates
poki poor, valueless fi ji,
into the hall ; ching^ <fo, the
trifling, little of; fi mali of alternate third years when
nn moment — sa id of presents examinations occur noi* fo, ;

Vi nil, grieved ; ifimg fi medical practice; </!> it'av,

grassy. bareheaded, head unarmed.
; ;

54 FO. FOK.

The tadpole
pole ; also called Jui ^kung
: </b '/au, the tad-
head or clod das-

of beads, shot, pearls,

and round things 'ki ^to foy ;

Fire, burn, to
flame ; to
how many of them ?
consume *fo a con-
; ckuk,
Goods, merchandise, com-
flagration ; fo tfd, a spark;
modities ; to trade to bribe ; ;

'fo iim, a flame kau' [foy to ;

/o' mati goods fo' its'oi, pro-

put out conflagration shoU ;

fxirty, capital ; dp* fo' to go

'fo, to catch fire Vat [fo ;

with cargo to a ship; fo\t*aUy

shikt watch how the fire is,
prime goods •,fo' Id- to bribe ;
see the blaze fo tts'^ung, !

fire-arms Jsttn fo, to move fo* shiki quality of goods.


to a new house; ts^* fo, trou-

A plan, an example, a ta'<k,
you an exercise; literary pursuits;
ble ^md fo
for a light ; K'o
to essay, to try ; to counsel,
'chung, no fire-seed,' poor

to deliberate exhort to ; to ;

fo sheki fan^ chalk fo ;

examine a poll tax iko fo'
; ;
iShiin, a steamer; fo siki the
iVgan, allowance given stu.
fire is out ; fo piii' an urgent
dents fo' itnan, to criticise
warrant ; *md iming fo, ;

compositions iii^ fo' to hold ;

causeless anger fo ^ketig, ;
a concourse for writing lUi ;
testy ; fo 'pd, a torch ; fo
dd, soot ^yan, a match fo' monthly trial forcomposi-
; fo ;
lion i.kung fo' a stint of
fo hV fiery, feverish ; Hd fo,
work yatt fo' a daily task, or
to strike a fire ; fo fa, burn- ;

ed up; ^mai ^shai fo hi' do n't
be so hasty fo <fr« td^ sz''
a sect among the Tauists.
(100) Fok.
A company of ten in the To stretch or expand n thing
army <td fo, household j''^! till it becomes larije : to en-
Ho ;

furniture fo it'au, a cook large the mind.

; ;

fo a scullion ;
^Isai, fo Wide, spacious, extended ;

'cJUung, chief mate i* fo ; jT*; , widen

to enlarge, to open, to
second mate ; *Ad ikd fo, to pare.
well, pleasing, handsome ; al- 0^ A short, quick, stately step,
so used in iron)', as detesta. i^^l as if going up stairs, deemed
ble, badly done. respectful to superiors
fokt ;

A colleague, comrade, ac- f6^ a quick, regular walk.

complice, associate many, ;
Hi To grasp with the talons or
numerous ;
a company, party, claws foki 'Is'ii, to seize by
Kioh ;

band, society a pari, ; fo pun} force, to get anyhow.

ner; hoTpi fo, joint partner; The fluttering of a bird
'ki fo, how many ? as men ;
when caught looking right ;
fo kV (or kaV ) a fellow the ; and left to glance the eyes ;

word Fokee applied to the about quickly; fok^ y^uky nc-

Chinese by foreigners. tive said of an old man.
;; ! ;

To bind, to lie up to tip ; fdty means or way of doing ;

fast ; to secure baggage fok* tai- ifong, liberal, generous

Fob ;

'kait, tie it tiglit^kw'an fokt ; in feeling fong its'oi, then, ;

to tieround with a cord. just now ; fong '^ch'^, about

A large hoe or niattock, made to do, just then : fong ikam,
of wood, edged with iron. now; ifong ts'itn' the heart ,

Speed, celerity, agility a ;

fong Uukt a stratagem thoi ;

surname a range of moun- ifong, to commence a new

Hoh ;

tains in Hupeh, the Atlas of
China fok, liin^ ching' the
An impediment, an obstacle,
cholera or biHous colic fok, a hindrance to injure ;
; Fing
'.jiti isam fong hoi^ be care-
quick, like flying clouds.

Leaves of pulse, used as ful about receiving damage,

food greens in general ifoky look out for yourself; fong

Hoh ;

ngoi^ an obstacle, something

thiung, the Betonica officinalis \

used in colic. which is in the way, or is

To one with therecall dangerous iUid ifong, there is ;

hand to motion back with

nothing to fear, all clear.
the hand to fan hi' fok, to ; ; A neighborhood , a street,
make a fool of; fok> ^shau, a lane, an alley a burgh, a
Fang ;

to shake the hand. country-house, a shop ; to

guard', to impede ; tkdi ifong
(101) Fong. a street ; fong ^she, a neigh-
Square cornered, angular; ;
borhood ip'o-i ; ifong, an
a place, a region, a side man- honorary portal ;
ishu ifong,
Fang ;

ner, art, rule, means ; cor- <.cKun ifong, the;

rect, regular ; then, there- palace of the heir-apparent,

upon, in that case, in con- an honorary grade in the
sequence of; towards, to Hanlln acaderny.
like to compare, to lay to-
A wood used by cartwrights,
gether to possess; a prescrip- and shipwrights; the white
tion; a thin board a written ;
board used by fishermen to
list of vassals or retainers entice fish ; <.su fong muk, a
«'• tfongj square, the four kind of logwood or sa pan-
points, everywhere, all a- wood ;
;mu;i fong, door-posts.
round ifong ching' upright,
; A sacrifice to the manes
correct liong *ho, proper,; within the gate of the ances-
suitable '^yatt </ong, there ; tral hall; the area within the
are rules ; ifong jnn} con- gateway
venient, all ready, to do good Fragrant, odorous beauti- ;

to, to oblige, to bestow chari- ful, like

flowers met. agree, ;

ty ; iUung ifong, a good pre. able, pleasant virtuou.s, ex- ;

si:ription ; ifong leai' a seat, cellent ; ifong 'chi, flagrant

residence, location ; ^fong plants ; fong itsung, frngrant
;; ; ; ;;

56 FONG.
memory or exnmplcs of an- permit office at the hoppo's
cient worthies; ifong iTtiing, a iVgan sfong, a treasury 'ni ;

reputation for virtue sni?i ; itsiin ifong, which brother

tfong 'ki do, how old are you ? are you ? tsln^ ifi^gt '"/
'^'^' gi'^ssy, fresh. wife tp'in ifong, my con.

Tjt Waste, wild, barren, desert- cubine iying ifong, a camp ;


j/'~ ed, unproductive ; distant tung^ ifong, the nuptial act.

^ jungle, heath ; empty, un- A bank, a levee, a dyke a ;

cultivated, void, unripe, blast- defense a screen ; to guard

ed a famine, a dearth to
; ; against, to keep off, to defend,
overshadow to magnify ; to repress, to prohibit; to
ifong iind, bushy, overgrown provide against; ifong pi^ to
ifong fai* to disregard, to prepare for, to be ready, to be
cease, old, desuetude fong ;
on one's guard ; ^fong tki, to
it'ong, incoherent, incredible, provide against dearth ; ifong
unworthy of belief; <fong kani' to stop ; ifong 'shau, to
jTitn, a year of scarcity cfong ; protect.
isho, disused, neglected, obso- A kind of bream, a foot
lete ifong ikdu, wilderness,
long, common at Canton
wilds ifong syam, lustful.
; the tail is red, or is said to
Fluttered, perturbed, ap- turn so from fear.
' 'VS*
prehensive, nervous ; ob-
scure to scare, to alarm
ifong ih^ung, dreading, ter-
; ;
To imitate like a model,
a copy fong y^ung' or fong
^ shikt follow the

; ;

rified fait disturb-

hn ifong senng fong, much alike.
ed, harassed
ifong taki ^ngo, ;
Like, resembling, seen in-
you alarm me ifong itnong, ;
'^1 distinctly seeming, dreamy

^^ hurried, uneasy. ^^1 y^"S y^'> somewhat like ;

< ra.
Blood above the heart. Fang fong iimng, timid, undecid-
Hwang ed roving,
fong ip^ung,
^ A part of the thorax above
^^^ '•^^'^ the vitals.

difficult to settle.
Hwing 5
To spin, to twist into thread,
S. A /Jy/
room, a chaml>er, a dwel- Fang to twine; lines, threads;
^'"8 ^" office ?
a departme<jit fong tsiki to spin
; fong iShd,
Fanff ;

of an office one living HIi to spin cotton yarn.


the same room sexual act The first light of the morn-
a calyx a quiver a bee's Fang ing clear, bright to begin,

Wj ;

nest the constellation Scor-

; the commencement fong ;

pio yali Jidn ifong, a room

U'ung- bright fong Idung^ ; ;

^fong vk> a dwelling 'sh^ung pan* the morning gun. ;

ifong, female apartments in To inquire, to search out,

an office j/nwrt ifong, ante- to inform one's self; to ask
room luk, ifong, h\\ depart-; advice of; to consult, to dc.
ments of an office ; ifong, ifdn liberate ;
fong man^ to lu-
;; ;

FONG. Fl) 57

r|uire about [fong ;

jrtt;, to 1^.' The vault or pit under a
tiiid out and seize ;
[fang w^'*"" tomb; a cave or jjrave
eft alt to examine into a mat- desert ; a solitude Jong ;

ter otficially f'^fg ik'au, to ;

long- an uninhabited place.
inquire for carelully, to search, n^' Vacant, empty, waste
'# Two boats alongside of each J,'*
spacious, distant, extended,
^ released ancient, long du-
y'y^ other a pilot or steersman
; ;

a galley of fifty men wd^ ration fong* -y^, desert, a


[fong, a flower or other hand-

wild ;yb/»g' ifu,9. bachelor;
some river boat [fong ichttng fong* ^iin, remote ; fong*

if dm conversing and
'^yarriy ya/i otium, a leisurely life-
drinking in a boat. ^rfg* Raw cotton, cotton in a
^^^^y ^^^^^ fong* ^i«, un.
'FftJ' To give, to bestow (said by KvSng 5

sorted cotton.
the recipient): ^fong ts'z'*
° coiilerred Jong ci, a pre-
(102) Flu
sent given.
*j^ To talk in sleep, incoherent 4-; To help, one who can nn.
'/> sist a man, a scholar, a dis-

tinguished man a husband


^ iin, lies; Ifong maii^ untrue. ; ;

To reject, to let off;

a porter, a worknnn a chair,
to let ;

go, to extend, to liberate,

bearer an exalted lady; <fu
Fang or ifii tfs'ai^ husband and
to loose ; to lay down ; to in- \fi/,

dulge, to relax, to dissipate; wife ifii Usz': a teacher, a

to scatter ac* to open out ;

compellation of high scholars;

eord •,fong^ isimg, to loasen c/« jT/an, an officer's wife, your

fong' tsnng' let him go, to
wife ; dam
a porter; </«</m,

by indilgence fong^ <kwa.n, my husband tfu 'chit, ;

spoil \

sz" presumptunu'', imjui- my [dead] husband p'«^ ifa, ;

dent;yb/i^'' <v<Tr»i, easy about a useless lout, an unprofes-

sional man /d/'- ckiung- ifi'/,
it, unsolicitous ;
fong* chdP ;

to invest money a great and good man.

; fo/ig'
isliang, to let loose to live
rt A stone resembling a gem ;

(as the tJudhists do);^^';^'

r- a false gem.
Fu *= '

'shnu, let g(^>\foi}g' long- Wi*. To audience or slat-,

sit in
willtul ;
fo'tg' ilidn, gone : *jp.^ with the legs bent under one, a
fong* tsoi^ ko* cliW |»ut it la Turque tf'i ^fu ^in, n

there. woman bending to the ground

'^'^^"''^' moreover, further; in obeisance.
^^ \ now ; cold water ; to come ^jb A kind of hatchet or small

iJL ^^!
*" moisten; Jin fong*

Hwiing how much more; fong' 'kim, ijWi T'ra?) wheat Ihf^
or husk of ;

still more, as well Jon"* :

„ ^ rcfi;sc of hemp-seed or groiini
hai- it is just that. nut, after the od is expressed.

TON nicT. 8
;; ; ;; ;

58 FU.

To brood over, to hatch The skin, the epidermis ;

accordant, mutual agreement the soft flesh ; minced meat ;
belief, trust, confidence the ; pork ; skin-dcep, superficial
calyx of a bud ; </« a?m' to beautiful, large ; to skin, to
rely on, veritable ; uhung ifu, flay to receive f(it-> \fuy the
; ;

true and honest. scalp ;

muscle, flesh
tki tfu, ;

To captivate, to capture, tfu itnan, superficial writing ;

a tfu U'ai, the body,

'r* to take prisoner in wiir :

prisoner ; spoil taken in battle

A stem or petiole ; a calyx ;

a raft ; lower bar of a railing

tfu its'au,a. captive ; c/ti ^/d, to Fu
to wash in lye.
take captive.
Rotten wood decayed, rot- ;

'i^ A
raft ; a ridge pole in a
ten, putrid dry bogs cfti ^kd,
IT Toof; a drumstick; a barrow Kd ; ;

decayed, emaciated, cadave-

to carry dirt; tfu (or ifau) tdri'
rous ; tfu ku>aU soft bones.
light charcoal.
hoop, a circle to hoop ; 7d ;

The pellicle lining the tfu, to hoop ^ni ''ui tfu wokt
culms of reeds met. near to,
Ha ;

you can hoop a boiler (i. c.
friendly, sincere. are very tkam tfil, a clever) ;

A drumstick ; also read gold headband, worn by Ra-

<pdM, bushy, thick growth of tionalists tfu chii^ tnhan hai^;

plants. . htiin,tighten your clothes to

To breathe, an expiration 5 keep yourself warm.

to call, to invoke
bavi^l, to

cry out ; ich'^ung ifu

ifu fun* to
A tally made of two slips ;
a seal on two pieces ; to cor-
respond to, to testify, to verify,
Him t'dn* groans and sighs;
fu ham' to agree with, to evidence ; a
<fu Uaj)-, breathing ;

to cry after tfu hoU to scold,

spell or charm written for pre-

to order about. venting a cure^ &c.;

evil, for

Same as the preceding ; al- tfu hopi agreeing /d j/«, a ;

peach-leaf charm ; ifu luki a

so to hoot, to menace 'hau ;

Ha written charm ifii tsitt a

tfu, to bellow.

warrant or commission given

£L To spread out, to diffuse,
to an officer ;
j/m sui^ favora-
'^?^ to give ; to issue an order, to
ble, genial influences.
promulgate, to announce, to
Tj^Jrl A plant, called devil's eye,
show forth ; to state to a su-
'^^ from the red and round seeds
perior tfu tshi, to spread good
it bears; a species of Hoya ?

instructions ; tfu y^ki to apply

JU An initial particle ; now
a plaster ; yai> k*ap, paU </«, however
^^y therefore, ; tts^ fu,
not enough fur daily use tfu ;
alas ! 'cA'^ s/m,
yung^ sufficient.
Vi\ To lead a hand, te aid, to
j*C Diseased, a wasting of '^S assist to uphf>l<l, to protect
7" Btrrjngth, atrophy. ;

to assist
ifu cho'- ; <fu ch'dpi
!' ;;

Fl). 59

to support one umler his A boiler or caldr<Mi without

arms j/u ch^ung^ leaning on
; feet'fti Isang' a boiler and
a staff; i/ii 'shau *pdn, a hKKird vat ; an old measure about
in a sedan to lean on ;
$/"« equal to a kilderkin.
ch'an' to return with a coffin. A store-house, a record of-
Apt A species of cicada or dy.
fice, a library, a treasury; the
'^ lisca«, called (fs'uig j/Vi, sup- officer over them a house ; a ;

posed to be able to recover its thesaurus ; a department or

stolen young, and cause cash prefecture; yu/u' a treasury:
rubbed with its eggs to return y u ^traw, the mayor of Peking;
to their owner. kttai' yii, or yu sh^ng' or

^ A sheldrake or mallard ; a
wild duck with a crest ; a

your house
yii prefect
'fu dsun
-f^ {

small species near the Ydn^- tai' a high court officer's

tsz' R. is called ctiin j/ii, the |
luki fu, the six elements.
crowned duck. 1
To sloop, to bow to con- ;

'^ Large beautiful,

; good ; i

sider, to look down on, to con-
numerous great, eminent to
; ; descend ; unequal ; fii fuk^ to
F(i \

begin; myself; a term ofi

I, fall prostrate ; fu 'chuu i$ki
respect when addressing one condescend to grant

; ihangi
tfoi yii iho iTneng, what is this to be done fu 'yeungt ;

your name, Sir ? to look down and up, all ranks.

A sort of ba.sket, square To keep down with the hand,
outside and round within, used to fold the hands to stroke, to ;
Fu \
to contain grain when worship- pat ; to soothe, to tranquillize;
ing ancestors, called 'fu ^heai. to manage ; to cherish, to bear;

W Preserved or dried meat ;

flesh ; 'sau 'Ju, slices of dried
meat formerly sent to a tea-
to cheer up
yii lim* to seixe
play a lute

a sword ; fu
ii'oi, or fu un' the governor
to ;

cher, teacher's wages. of a province; fO, ^y^ung, to

Black'and white, diversified; 1
rear a child, to supply want*).

embroidered, elegant dress;! To pat, to put the hand on,
'fit fat, dresses anciently used to strike; to permit ; to quiet
in sacrifices, with black and fu lying, to lav the hand on
white lines or embroidery! the breast. Used for the
resembling a.xts fine com- ; i
position. ij
The inferior viscera ; lal,
'^Z An ax, a hatchet; to cut, to ij
" Fu fu, the stom;.ch, gal', bladder,
/• hark, to fell '/m ifau, an ; laiger and smaller intrstirwt,
ax Vd 'fu j/'tw, to deceive in
; and secreting passages: fm*
buying for one fu s^uki to ; fu, the hings. A retired plac^.
pare "If, to correct a theme; ;|
A marshy pl.nnt, whicli be-
fii tt'i halchs^ts and hnlberils, jl comes sweet when fr^.zen ; bit-
carried in prcfcessions. |! tcr, unpleasant ; tioublc>ouir,
; ;

60 FU
jminful, painstiihing urgent, ;
fit' young, lusty ; hoki fiV uhe
pressing, afflicted, distressing universally learned ; fu' lsuk>
to dislike, distasteful, to mor- rich enough.
tify ; 'Ad '/w, very bitter ; Jio i5jl' To assist, to aid, to second
'/u, how troublesome !
fu Idtt ^'* to investigate an assistant, a ;

bitter and acrid ; [fu meng^

substitute, a lieutenant, a vice,
a hard lot ; [fa chi' decided, a deputy ; a classifier of suits
in oaruest ;
*y"« ishiin, to dis- of clothes, or sets of things, as
like sailing; yU
Vta« iUiing beads, tools, plates, &c.; an
y^ulii bitter to the taste but ancient head-dress ; fii' tsz'
wholesome physic, ungracious second commissioner;
advice ; fu Jiwd, egg-plant ts^ung' a colonel fd' jj/^, a ;

[fu 'ch'o, extreme grief ^fu ; compellation of low military

Idli ts'oi* a species of Eruca. officers; ydtyju' t.sam iki, dis-
A tiger, the king of beasts position, temperament yul, ;

brave, fierce; awful, violent fd\t"in its' ung nsLhwnWy clever;

Vd y«, a tiger ; \fu ts^utig* a sJs unfit* chapi sz'^ a complete
valiant soldier '/m c/iing' a ;
procesision fit* ^pong, an un- ;

cruel sway ; putt fu <s6, to der (kiijiiij graduate.

seize the tiger's whiskers,' 9*' To
exact, to levy, to collect,
courageous ; 'Fu itnun, the to require taxes of money or
pY' ;

Bogue ;
yji iying, ferocious ;
military arms; tril)ute from
y« kdm^ a graduate who loids fiefs to express clearly
; to ;

it over people ;
'fu shi^ to glare give ; to receive to place in ;

at, fierce. order; a metre of 4 and 6

A signet, made of veined feet in the lines ifH* shut' im-
stone like a tiger's skin ; 'fu posts ;/u* 'lim, to levy taxes;
^?/, warrant or seal, sent when fu' yiki to levy troops fu' ;

soldiers were levied ; 'fu pdki ndpi to send up taxes.

aml)er. 1^* A carriage-house; an ar-
A wife, a married woman, h^ mory, an arsenal a store- ;

mi a female under sultjection a ;

house a treasury, a ma-

lady female beautiful

; -ft'i ; ; gazine ; a lexicon ; ciiganfu'
iyau, a woman /v'w' i.xan fit, ; ^t'ofd* a go-down
a treasury ;

to take a wife fii -'»«, wo- ;

hong- treasury stores.

men ; 'ch'au fi'u ahag ; '/m td^ 4^* A covering for the leffp,

icM J(d, a woman's place, _|T, >trowsers ; cHija// it'au fa'

female propriety ; mcng- fii, ^^ J breeches ; t'd' fii' overalls,

an odicer's lady. K'li h'Sgings; ri'ji^ fif' drawers;
Rich, affluent, abundant icKAiing fit' par)taloons; yal^
to provide, to enrich ; the if'iufii' a pair of Irowsers.
rich ; wealth ; /m' kwai' rich, E5 »
'I'o bale out^witer ; a baling
nttble ; /«* V/«m^ rich; />,' !,\ vessel ; fii' \sJiiii, to bale wa.
(.yiing, a rich old iVllow ; ,/u// ter fit' 'tan, a water Judlo •
; ;;

Ft. 61

/*/' Ji, to take fish by baling nus ?) ; fii^ tsW to send one's
tl»e water. tablets to a td-lsiu.
0>* A father ; a senior, an an. V^^ Corrupted, carious, rotten ;

r!> cestor, an old man a title ; 'Jj^ crushed to powder castrated ; ;

applied to peasants and aged fv} /ttH* putrid, rotten ; tau*fv}

j)eople ; to rule, to act as a bean curd ^fii^ -ji soured curd ;

lather ]fu^ tts'an, a father ;ya* fi^ iying, punishment of cast-

Uo, a village or neighborhood ration ;/«' iii a foolish pedant.
elder ; ts/tangfu^ own father; j|j^* The rack or cheeks of a
/a* ^md ikiiii, the local or dis- f,'^' cart end of the jaw bones

trict magistrate ; fii^ Jiing to flank, to help, to second

tchi ptti* superiors generally ; fu^ /so' to succor ;yi2* paf> mi-
ikd fit} my father ;
/«* ^mb, nisters; sz'* fiV four stars near
parents ;tsi« fv} my late fa- the North-pole a counsellor. ;

ther ; fv} (Wong, my imperial /W To fall down ; to fall to the

father. L' earth ;
overthrown ; Hd fu*-
fF/y Near quick to help fu^
; ; ;
fallen down.
*l'^ ^md, a son-in-law of the em- 4\*^ '^° 8^ ^"' *° repair to, to
r u
peror. '*r' hasten ;
to arrive at, to come ;

&/^^ Afreshwater fish resem- fii^ Isiki to go to a feast ; ,pan

|J'* bling the perch, said to go in fu*to go speedily ;/«* ming*^
pairs or shoals, and be faithful obey a call ',fv} ip'nng Joi,
to each other ; /u' ihang, to gone to elysium fu^ kd'-lo ;

go in* shoals. present a petition fii' yiukt ;

tJl/J- To sacrifice to ancestors in to engHge to meet.

Jl.j^ the hall ; to inter in the same ~^|, * To announce the death of
tomb fu- shiki to sacrilire to
P| a parent or relative by the
ancestors fu- tsong' to bury
nearest mourner on the 7tU
together. day to go to fu- ^yam, a
; ;

\t(t^ Near, about, approaching ;

letter announcing the death
'y* to loan on, to follow annexed, ; of a parent.
attached Jo, tributary, depen- To carrv on tlie back, to
dent-; to join a supplement, ;
„ . bear ; duty
to take a
to rely ;

appendix, inclosure fi'i^ kV ; on, to depend on to turn the ;

to send with -jfu^ wo^ to follow back on, to disreorard, to re-

one in explaining; fu- ui- to fuse ; defeated, to fail ; to owe
echo or assent to another's to slight, to be ungrateful ; a
words -^fu'- kan^ near, adjacent burden ; Jcvfu- unmindful of
fi^ (Inn, to inclose an account kindness, disappointpd fu*- ;

fa^ t'okt to charge one with, (Sam, ungrateful ; ///* ////' to

to request ; fu^ Joi, to come involve an indorser fit'- t'of>, ;

or bring with one ifn^ yikt to to slight a request ; fi'i- v^tl,

add to, to benefit ///' V.vz' a ; injured, grieved ; fu* ho', a
stiuuiluting medicine (a Kliam- responsibility.

69 ¥tl. Ftf.

To contribute to Imry one ; To pity ; afflicted, sad ; in-

to assist iin interment by giv- Kwei firm, invalided.
ing articles.
To annex, to arrange to Noise, grunting fiii it'i'ii,
<]t ;

receive to lay on (as paint)

; Ilwui a jaded, sick horse.
to superintend a tutor a ; ; Riches, wealth, substance ;

workman a function ; i'di*

; 'ti a hush-money, to bribe,
Hwui to make presents
J'u^ a tutor of princes isz'fit' ; fui simg* ;

a master, a common appel- to bribe ;

shau' fiii Id^ a bribe;
lation for workmen ^ni ^kong ; fiiiy totake bribes fid chuh > ;

tali, kdm* isz' fii^ you speak to dictate to one's creature.

very well tvz' fu^ kwad a ; A kind of eel or water
very particular person fu^ ; snake found in the Yanglsz'
s,yuuy to oil. ki^ng.
To give, to deliver, to hand A small branch of the river
over ; fu^ ki* to send by one ; Han in Hondn province, in
fu} iloi, send back to
to ; ftV- K'^ifung fu, at which there
to charge one with
t'oki ; fu was a ford. See Mencius.
ikdu, to deliver to. To embroider or adorn in
colors to paint, to draw, to
Fui. Hwui ;

(103) sketch ftu wnki to draw


A the head, chief

star ; pictures fidtstung^ to take ;

the highest or first of a class; portraits fui it'd, to draw

Kwei ;

monstrous; jfrn ifiii, the chief; plans or maps.

ifid 'shaUf the first kujin gra- Strings which fasten »ho
duate ; d' ifui, the second collar, a neck-string ; a sash.
(fiii <sing, the north star, the
attendant of the god of Litera-
A branch of the R- Fan in
IB Shiinsi a rill in a field, or
ture; jwan </"«/, the sign over Kwei

pool fur irrigating it; two

the door of a kiijin graduate.
streams joining.
Ashes, ashy lime dust ; ; ;

Troubled, moved, an.xions,

to plaster; fo fui, wood-asli-
Hwiii dif^turbed ; stupid, lethargic
es; /*d/i' t/i//, coal-ash s/jpAj ;

'fin fiii, vexed, harassed

fiii, stone lime ipan dong ;

fid, stupid.
t/ii/, betel lime fui Hsun, em- ;

bers I'lga fiii, tooth-powder

To run in drops ; to sepa-

rate, to disperse ; vvater flow-

fui ifs'^ung, to plaster a wal'. Hwui
liberal; extensive
ing in a raceway driving, ;
(Jreat ; ;
roaring surges; enraged, vehe-
to enlarge fui fuki to re-
Kwei ;
ment 7w/' lim^ enraged (as
gain possession of. ;

a mob) fid sun* to scatter.

To play with, to laugh at ;

Lacklustre eyes, a dull vi-

fui '.till, to ridicule fui k'eki ;
K w«'i sioi eye3 weak from the

to gambol with fi'ti thai, (o ; Hwui

dally and yer witii.
;; ;'1! ;;

FUK. FUK. 63

Deal, born deal'. 'ng fiiky the five blessings

(longevity, riches, wealth, vir-
tuous, and a natural death)
Outer gale of a market,
Juki shW blessed, to bless the
gate of a street leading to a; good fukt 'fin, ancestors'
U wui

j fortune ; fuki /t' a lucky

To repent, to change ; to grave-spot fvkt ishan, lares ;

regret, vexed with one's self rustici, street gods mdn^ fuk> ;

to explain the diagrams ;/J/i' your Honor (used by women)

fian^ remorse, contrition ;/«/* '

fuki liV fleshy j'aU fuk% to ;

tgtii^ to repent of sin ; fuV

get fat idinfuki U'im shau*

'koly to reform ittidfui' stub-

; may you be blessed and long-
born fui' tsam, compunc- lived yat,
Id^ fuky tsing, let
a lucky star [light] your jour-
Obscure, dark ,
night, the ney.
close of light the last day of A
piece of wood on the
the month ; misty, dim fuP i
; horns of cattle to prevent
hV lugubrious Fuh
; fuV hi* Uau, them goring.
how unlucky !
An edible vegetable with
To teach, to reiterate in- white roots, size of the finger,
II' struction to admonish, to
Hwui ;
found in Shintung.
give line upon line to in- A bat a veno-
; fuk> ss/»^,
duce, to lead to; inviting; mous serpent ; Tnel. a malig-
kdu" fill' to teach diligently, Fuh

nant heart.
Fuk. An adder, cobra, or vene-
mous serpent, called in Can-
The spokes of a wheel ton fan* ishi it'a«, or rice- '

II spoon head ;' a locust before

Fuh fuki ts'au' to collect (as at a
metropolis), running together. it flies ]fuk> '^wai, a huge ser-

A wide
strip of cloth ; a pent.
of paper or cloth; a sel-

roll That which embraces tlic ;

vedge or hem a border, a belly, abdomen, bowels the
Fuh ;

frontier a classifier of maps,

seat of the mind the affec- ;

pictures, rolls, flags, walls, and tions ; rich, thick

; intimate,
cloth leg-wrappers ipmftik>
; ;
dear the earth ; fukt tsam,

a frontier ; a hem sz" fuk* ;

beloved, dear ,fuki fi, refus-
il'au, a set of fourscrolls hung ing to tell fuky t-di- ambitions

in halls. talented ; ^kufuky pot-bellied ;

Happiness, good fortime, twaifuky a posthumous child ;
'tan fuky a son-in-law.
Fuh lucky, felicity ; to ble&s ; a
blessing, divine prosperity ;
To and fro, to repeat, back
good, provided with all things; F uii and forth; unstable, unseat tied ,

";a<:rific!Hl meats; up ;

to subvert, to overthrow
with i
nap, Juki arc you well ?
to defeat ; to throw down, to
; ;

64 FUK. FUN.

upset, to prostrate ; (ojmlge ;

I scond ;
to brood ;
to acknow-
ik'itifrfuky defeateil, tmnbled |
ledge, to confess ; used as an
down, ruined; din Juki reduc- adverb, meaning humbly, in
ed to poverty, reprobate ^md ;
my opinion itnai Juk, an ;

it'sinfuki ^shui, impossible ;

ambush Juki in good
; ishii

yMA->pdA-i to understand clearly. isdmjuki hot weather,

Fragrance, odors diflused midsummer Juki mong^ I ;

around; </«« fukt a pleasant hope ip'd Juki to go on th«

fragrance a man's name. ;
hands and knees, humbly ;

To use (as a boat) to wait ; isam Juki to respect 'or ac

m. on, to serve to submit, yield ;
knowledge another's talents.
to, accord with to cause to ; A square cloth^ wrapper,
submit, to convince accus- ; called ipdujuki
^shau Juki ;
tomed to, acclimated, habi- a handkerchief.
tuated to think to d<*ess to
; ; ; China.root (Smilax China)
fold garments, mourning ap- called Juki iU'fg ; ^i'd Juhi
parel a carriage cloth a qui-
; ; ilin^y Canton China-root ;

ver an affair dfiiki clothes

; ; pdkij'uki the Sz'chuen root
ch^uky fuki to go in mourn- Juki iling ikd, a jelly made
ing; *V»^ fuk, five grades from this root.
of mourning ^yam fnki ;

complete submission; Viil'i

(105) Fi'in.
fuki to lay off" mourning \fuki
y^uki to take medicine ikuug ; Large, spacious, wide, am-
Juki ceremonial dress Juki ple, broad; forgiving, easy,
sz'* to attend, to serve ; s'm benignant, clement, kind, ir-
Juki kn7i' intractable ; fuki dulgent slow; to wider, to

'skui */'d, acclimated ; iitn enlarge, to relax ; to forbear ;

Juki an official cap. to unrobe ; Jun Jut, wide,

Again, reiterated, to do the ample ijun : tdi^ liberal, in-
second time to return, to ; dulgent; ijunjiyung, pleasant,
reply ; to revenge, to restore, a jully countenance iJun jM, ;

to repay ; to report to, to an. an abundance, overplus; «/u/i

swer to recall the spirit of
; hdn} to allow a longer time ;

one who died from home ; ifun shit' to forgive tjiin ill, ;

Juki lynm, an answer Juk, ; in easy circumstances sz'* ;

sau^ reply a to a letter Juki ; </*««, not urgent J'tin tsvng* ;

rtiing^ to report on a commis- over-indulgent, heedless of.

sion ;
/m/cj ju», restored to Joyous, jocund, glad, fro.
health Juki iC/iau, to re- licsome, gleeful, merry ; to
venge a wrong. rejoice ; ifiin 7«, pleased, to

To or fiill prostrate to
lie ;
likf, agreeable ;
J'i'tn isam, to

humble, to subject, to oppress ;
gladden one ; <Juh loki hiyhly
Fuh delighted.
to hide, -to conceal, to ab-
; ;;


^1 A wild boar ; 'katt tfun, a tfung, a gale, a tyfoon ; ifung

ty^ species of jackal ^houfun, a ; ^mdng, the wind is violent
sort of mask rat in Liautung; shun* tfung, a fair wind
ifun Hsz^p'i, a beaver skin. *thim islidn ifung, a gust
*MI« Something desired ; sin- ngdki tfung, a head wind;
v^- cere, single-hearted ;
true, to iwdng tfung, a side wind ;
iove, to venerate, to respect tfung tsheng, or tlau tfung, a
to treat well; to knock at ; to rumor tfung tsuki usage

reach ; to repay ; a memo- ifungfd* influence of exam-

randum of; to enumerate a ; ple jwan tfung, character of

classifier of articles of differ- a people tfung iiti di!>sipa-


ent sorts, classes, affairs ;

fun tion tfung ilau, gaiety, plea-

foj* to treat politely ; fun sure sTnan fung, a literary


it'au tdi^ haughty, difficult of spirit tfung '^shui, geomancy;


access ; ndu^ fun, pompous ; tfung (Siung, a bellows 'Atcat ;

ifai ^Jun, to write an auto- tt*au tfung, an adverse wind ;

graph fun shik-> a sort koki
; gman tfung chukt ^ying, a
fkn, every kind ikwai fun ; newsmonger, an idle talebear-
to repay a loan ya<) fun w'' ; er; ikdm pdi* hd* tfung, I
an affair fun ilau, to detain
willingly acknowledge your
as a guest. superiority; tfung its'ing
'^& An empty place hollow, ; lascivious Ico'vS.
.^^ like an empty vessel unin- ;
The maple also applied to
" formed, ignorant; fun k'iu'
the sycamore; tfung islian,
an empty hole. Fung
the I ala-^e, the emperor.
'^ To wash th3 hands, to The leprosy, scrofula, and
,™^ ° fun
wash before sacrificing
Kwan ...
^sai, to
kindred diseases insane, in- ;

sensate fdti tfung, leprous ;


bA' To call to, to call out, to

tfung fin' a lazaretto tfung ;

TT -^ call for, to bid ;nameto fun* mad, crazed fung ^kau,

Uin, ;

ffw/) iineng, what name ? ^shat

a mad dog it'au fung, head- ;

fun* jyan, a servant ; fciti

fun* to call out to. The domain granted to
princes ; to heap up earth ;

(106) Fung. Fung

great, affluent ; to enrich ;

laf Breath, passion nir-

spirit, ;
to invest nobles with rule, to
gusts, gale, wind; haste, fleet- appoint to office, to confer irK^
ness ; manners, deportment, vestiture ; to give a title of
etiquette ; administration, po- nobility ; to seal up, to close
licy ; fame, example, fashion ;
a letter ; an envelop of a letter,

instruction, reformation ; in- classifier of letters 20 ;

taels ;

stitutes, influence ; disposi- ifwig kd* to ennoble an of.

tion, temper ; to affect by ex- floor's parents tfung $"«"» ;

ample heat ; in animals /dt' ; tseuki to confer the title of

; ;

66 FUNG.
viscount tfung ^so, to seal
; The
point of a weapon, a
up •fung pd\ to shut up a
^^ sharp
point the vanguard ;

shop (fung iShiin, to taboo a

^bristling turbulent to rise up
; ;

\)OHt for government use yati ;

(as spears appear) ; ^kau tfuvg,
\fung svu* a letter; yafi ifung to attack tsin \fung, the van.

iTigan, 20 taels of silver; 1|^ A fire-place erected on hill",

ifi'ng jp'i, an envelop for dis- ^1^ in which fires are lighted;
patches; tteng t fungi a rescript fung a beacon-fire.
inclosed in boards containing rfc Luxuriant plump, good- ;

a death. warrant; <fung JUung JJT~^looking easy, melodious; a


tai^ i«Aan, the high provincial round face ^s^ung moiig^ f'^^S ;

officers ; (fung ^shan, ic confer ti, I wish to see your pleasant

a title on an idol. face fung Hs'oi, a graceful


Vegetables resembling mus- carriage.

Fnng tard, chives <fung '^fi, cheap ;

To meet undesignedly ; to
greens; met. poor, trifling, Fung meet with to run against, ;

worthless. to occur great, wide jwdn ; ;

•^ A full goblet ; abundant, ifung, difficulty in seeing (as

pj^ affluent, copious, exul)erant a friend) fung st/^ng, to go ;

rich, fertile, prolific ; talented; out to meet; istung fung^

ifung jwin, a plenteous year ;
two persons meeting ; ifung
ifung shing^ flourishing, pros- iyan pin^ shuty tsdm fan wa^
perous (fung thuki ripe, fully
speak only a little to strangers
grown ; ifung }iau} Jgeneroiis fung ch^uh to meet one.
(as a feast) (fung Uang, large
; 4^ To sew, to stitch a seam,

supplies (of corn).

The capital of Wan
FW clothes
^^^'^ 5

ifung :i,

isan, to
^[7 ;

^' now Hu hien in Si-ngAn fu new clothes ; ifung 'hau, a

m Shensi ; ifung Ud, a district seam ; fung jwidi, to sew
in Chung chau in Sz'chuen, together.
where the fire-wells occur,
hence u«!ed as a name for hell, m'un^ name.
A horse running ; a sur-

or Tophet, from the popular Salary, emoluments ; wages,

belief. J^ stipend. aU
p-riy, rations,
^^ The peak of a mountain a ; lowance fung luk^ an of-

^^^ camel's hump tfung Jiin, ; ficer's salary fung isau, go. ;

ridgps and peaks. vernrnent allowances; td/^

Bees, wasps, hornets; mati fung Jcwai if'in, to retire f' in
(fufig, a honey bee ; <fung an cffi e on its salary ; fucg
^^ lau^ a Liee's.nest ; iWong <fung ^mai, soldiers' rations.
Fung lau^ a hornet's nest, a villain ; '» To
offer with both han(i> ;

ifting iciiau, a bee-hive ; ^md w hold in both hands

to to :

cfung, a horse-fly, a breeze ^ receive or take in the hands;


xfung tcham, a sting. fung (or ^puiig) 'shut, to hold

; ; ;;;


water in the hands; ^fang (108) Ha.

tuki to hold and read.
Mzl *^^^ ccA'un, crab's
*Hra 'I'o recite or rehearse in a scrimp, prawn, crawfish
'^"'''*^^' *°°^ recitative to '*w ^ eggs ; thd
Tans ; ;

ridicule, to satirize, to reprove «1^J f^(^fiun chdfi a skinflmr ; ilung

by irony ; metaphor, allusion; ihd, the sea crawfish (Palinu-
[fu'ig kdn' satire, to censure; rus) ; iUgan ihd, sea shrimps;
Ifung is'z" pointed irony iming ihd, large yellow pra-
[fung *s'* satirical ballads; wns; thd kdm' 'ted n, (o throw
Ifung tsungi to chant (as the arms about passionatel}'
priests do). ishang thd kdm? t'iu' lively,
^.' To respectfully receive in playful. '1 he first character
S' both hands, to receive from is also read ihd, as ihd imd, a
"^ a superior, or offer to him ; to striped frog.
praise, to reverence; fung^ A difficulty in breathing;
ming^ to receive orders shi^ ihd sail* a hacking, a cough ;
jfung* to cherish one's parents; a scar an obstruction in the

fung^ ishi'ig. to flatter ;yMn^» belly.

ho^ to make a congratulatory Remote, distant, far from
present ;
«'* to wait
/ii«^^ Hi4
why ihd H Jidi tchi, it is

upon fung^ hau^ to offer

known by everybody.
congratulations. A blemish in a gem a ;

' A fabulous bird, the male
is called fung^, (he female
Hi4 crack, a flaw a fault, a bad
habit distant, separated ; 'mi

^^ i>cong; the Chinese phoenix; yuki itnd jAd, a gem without

it seems to be derived from a flaw, perfect Jid Is'z" a ;

the argus pheamnt the e(n- ; mistake, carelessness.

})res9 is poetically called Clouds tinged red vapor, ;

fungK Hid smokineas moki ihd md^ don't ;

'^ To overthrow, to throw a move about so, be still ihd ;

jP^ rider, to "spill "him; ^fung p'ui' a noblewoman's robe.

id* ichi *md, a vicious horse, ~K To descend, to come down;
met. a stubborn buy. j/i^
'Ad ishun to go aboard 'Aa ;

ilau, go down stairs *Ad hi* ;

007) Flit. to restrain the temper 'hd ;

^kiu to get out of a sedan <Ad ;

Broad, wide, large ; ample; idn} to lay an egg *Ad Cdp% ;

liberal; diligent; to to lodge

k'^H^'?**"'; ; *Ad paty to write ;
wid3n, to enlarge ; /jz/, tdi^ ikwan itiang 'Ad Ad' a sage
amjjle, capacious; iWdng ful^ knows how to condescend •,

broad across tim} futy acroi-s

'hd 'shau, to begin to act.
the length ts'iio ful^ long
Once, a time ; a while
separated (as friends); kan' '(f Uang yah 'Ad, stop a little ^td ;

fnti widely sundered; futy\ paly 'hdf strike it once ; 'ki

lok^ agreeable, spacious.
^/idy several tinws; ya/> 'Aa
; ;;

6d HA. HAI.

itung hu' I will go with you A poetical word used as an

soon man} hau^ ^lid ^k'u *ch6 exclamation of admiration or
only came to visit him. interrogation, according as it
The throat ; to swallow ; is in the middle or end of a

ihd pd* to insult, to reproach. sentence ; a h !

_-i Below, down, bottom, in- A small meadow mouse,
I* ferior mean, vulgar next
; ; whose bite is considered poi-
Hi4 isoi^ Hai ha} it is below ; Ad* sonous.
*^lai, the bottom, underneatli
'«# To be at, to be in ; is ; well
ha} t'sz*' next time ; Ad' iiti so, no more ; a final particle
next moon ; Ad* itnan, com- denoting that there is no more
mon people ; Ad' Jau, the to be said or done ; *ni chung^
lowest classes, lowlive, vi- 'hai ko* cKv^ do you still stay
cious itnd ha} loki no fixed
; there ? Vwi cAii' s'm 'hai, is it
business or residence Ad' ;
there ? is he inl Vmi tpi/i cA't?
*OTd iwai, a humbug; Ad' tsoky jZoi, where do you come from?
to covet, to long for, unscru- 'kbm y6ung^ 'hai U^ that will
pulous; Ad' ipd, the chin Ad' ;
do, no more ; Vtdi loki that's
isheng, a low sound, or voice ; the fact, there ! —an expres-
Ad' pi«' the right side, the sion of surprise.
lower Ad' iyan, official un-
substantive verb; to
be, am,
is ; to connect, to
T^' Summer ; a mansion ; clear; Hi
succeed to; ipin hai^ not at all
variegated ; name of a dynas-
mk ty from B.C. 2205 to 1766 ;
so Aai' i'm hai^ is it so ? cAdn

Aai' was it not so ? Aai' lok^

Ad' itHn, summer weather;
yes; j'm Aai' no; 'tim hai*
Ad' kwai' summer months
how will it be ? 'tsung hai*
Ad' po^ grasscloth ; Hd^ ich'iUf
'kdm, it is all just so; tsau*
the Hid dynasty.
hai^ ^k'ii, it is just him ; Aai*
A mansion, a side room ;
iMo, is it not so? Aai' ttd ^yaut
Ad' ifnun, Amoy ; Mong^ ha}
Hid everything is here, you have
the village of Wdnghi^ near
all sorts ; 'kioo iin hai^ it is
the case, you have all sorts ;
Leisure, relaxation ; self-
cAi' Aai' at the time, that is
indulgence, unoccupied Jidn ;
Hid better.
ha} at leisure mi^ hd} busy. ;
To connect,
to tie ; to con-
Laughter; cAd cAd, the
H^ tinue a succession shai' hai*
*^ sound of immoderate laughter. Hi

a genealogy, a family record


(109) Hai. (S^ung Aai' continuous.

Why, how ? a page to an '
To tie, to bind; to continue
officer, a waiting-maid. attached to, to think of; to
To wait for, to hopo ; a retain, to hold ; Aai' <rAau, to
narrow pathway ; Jvai king* fasten a boat ; Aai' Hui, to
Hi a footpath. implicate.
;; ;

hAi. HAK. 69

Military weapons, as spear,

(HO) Hai.
bow, &c.; shackles, fetters ;
To rub, to wipe ; ihdi tJton Hiai
iki hdi^a curious contrivance,
tseng^ wipe [shoes] clean ihdi
the nicer parts of a machine,
tjno, to scour off (as rust); cArtt
a craft or art ils'kung dd hi* ;

iTnai its' iung rnh'\i oui\\e wall;

and other
hdi* guns, swords,
moki Jidi its^an ^ngo, don't
rub against me Jidi tsaU ;
Remiss, slow,
to rub (as with sandpaper).
inattentive ; Adi* tot* lazy,
To harmonize, to agree to ;
slow ;
hdi^ to} lazy.
pair consenting, in concord

of one mind ; to laugh Jidi

^Id, an old couple ixco ihdi,
; m
Chives or onions, not per-
mitted to be eaten by people
who fnst.
agreeing (as married people),
cordial; ihdi (yarn, a chord.
A shoe j/a/> tui' thai, a ;
To gnash' the teeth, angry;
plates in mail arranged

pair of shoes ihdi /m«'a last; ;

^kung ihdi, a woman's shoe (111) Hak.
t/'o ihdi, slippers; ihdi ikam,
(Tbete chuictcn are ofwo pronounced long like Ibe not
fees paid house agents ; ihdi •ylbUc.)

pnti a shoe. horn tshing Hsai ; Black, sooty; dark, obscure;

ihdi, cord sandals 'po ihdi wicked hakt
Heh cloudy, dull
; ; ;

^Ib a cobbler ; ch&uk> thai, to shiky black color haky dm* ;

put on shoes. dark, not well lighted haky ;

m An exclamation of disap-
pointment, Alas! Oh rough,
hispid, harsh laki kdm* ihdi, ;
tsam, villainous haky fo*
opium ; haky pdki iiidn ifan,
good and bad are not easily

sharp as a bramble, morose, distinguished ; ikam ^mdn

surly tts'd ihdi, coarse and
; haky to-night.
rough ; 'k'tt sham} ihdi, he's A* To sustain, adequate to
very stingy. superior to ; to subdue, to
A cral) ; ^hdi ikavg, crab conquer ; overbearing ; haky
soup ; 'hdi ik'im, crab's pin- chai' to order, to make one
cer's ;/di* ^hdi \Weng, a'boat obey haky ^fu, hurried, op-

with many oars cch'i tkam; pressed \faty haky ishing yam}
V/di, ' a gilded crab,' a rich inadequate for the place; haky
villain. itong, to sustain, fit for haky ;

fabulous animal, called *ki, to do what you ask others,
'hdi chdi^, or lion-unicorn ; self-government.
embroidered on the robes of ^fct Bright, splendid, luminous,
censors and judges ; haughty,
Heh like a fire or the sun angry ;

stern. to scorch, to glisten ; clever,

Accidentally, a pleasant elegant haky haky hot, glo-

hap ^hdi hau^ an unexpected

; rious, effulgent *hin haky a ;
meeting. good scholar, talented.
:; ;;

70 HAK. HAM.

(112) Hak. i^hang hdki to produce and

destroy (said of the five ele-
A guest, a visitor, a frien-il ments) hdki chai^ to lord it

a dealer, customer, a stranger; over one; AdA> '/cdm, to reduce

foreign; squatters, marauders; a debt or wages by force hdky ;

to lodge; iyan hdky a visitor ; poki hardfisted, oppressive,

tsai hdki traders tVom Shensi insulting.
and Sli^nsi MA;, ti^ a trad-

(113) ; hdkt ifong, guest-
chamber ; hdky Jo' inferior All, jointly, altogether
goods ; jc/t'd hdki teamen ; completely, totally ; always,
hdkiSui' last year; hdki (ping,
all round, reaching every-
foreign troops ; ifdn hdkt a where ; concord> associated ;
foreigner; /mA> ds'ai^ a wliore; hasty ; a diagram pa/> jAtm, ;

hdki ikd tyan, people from disagreeing; iHdm *fung, the

Kidyingc'iau; hdkyt'd" toflat- style of the present emperor ;

ter a guest ; ^hd hdkt its'ing, mdn} kwoki j/tdm tning, all
a cordial reception ; tt'ong countries at peace.
hdki a lady visitor.

An angry tone ; to threaten,
intimidate; to anger;
Saltish, like sea-water
salted, preserved in brine
ihdm shapi salacious; ^hdm
scared, frightened hdki ^ngo ;
is'oi' sour-krout; Jidm it'd,
yati Ciu* it scared me much ; salted peaches.
hi'iki tkengt terrified; hdki Union, harmony to be ;

tts'an, sick from fright hdki ;

accordant, united ; sincere,
chd* to alarm by threats hdki ;
cordial, hearty.
shaV a humbug *hung hdki ;
To contain, to infold, to
to idly arouse one's fears. comprehend in, to envelop a
Han ;

To carve, to chisel, to letter, or what is contained in

g^'j^ sculpture; a cut; griping, an envelop liberal, capacious;

close ; fifteen minutes, a little ipdu ihdm, to keep close, not

while ; hdki tsz^^ to cut chara- to utter ; ts/tii ihdm, a letter ;
cters; hdki '/Jd«, tocut blocks; (tsiln ihdm, your favor ; iham
/tdn* hdki a limit, a set time ;
cMung^ a teacher or sage's
hdki kwati ^ming ^mm.., graven desk ihdm ipung, patiently.

on the hones and inscribed in Submerged to leak; mar- ;

the heart ; hdki hd- presently ;

Han shy to soak; to contain, ca-

hdki yafi a set d;iy ; ixhi hdk> pacious ; ihdm lUn, to soak
constant, usual; ^shid hdky a soft; ihdm ^y^ung, kindly, to
little time. keep one's temper; 'sAut Jidm
Jkl- To subdue, to overcome ;
a sewer.
^f*^ to repress, loexorcise ; urgent; The Fan Wan saysr to
hdki shdli tktnig ishan, to
plant, to set out ; but K^nghi
drive oft' unlucky demons defines it a wooden bowl.
; ;

HAM. HAN. 71

Bit of a bridle; to hold in ground, sandy beach hdm* ;

Hdn the mouth ; to contain ; to iyan Jidng, a brothel.

control one's self, to guide, to
^fV Small flour cakes, like
order; affected by; moved, dumplings, with meat or fruit
indignant rank 'Aa« ihdrn
; ; inside ; 'pdu hdm^ pastry
mult I 'lam, to keep silence ; cakes jwa« d'an hdm^ pork

ihdm iinui, to hold a bit, to dumplings cooked in sugar.

be still cAuM ihdm or chikt

ihavi, an official title ;

i.'idm (114) Han.
han^ to restrain one's indigna-
tion. A scar, a cicatrix a mark,

n*r>"j To hold in the mouth used ;

Han trace, or line left ; an itching;
ArL > ^or the preceding ; to receive lui^ ihan, marks of tears
jD^J (as an order) ;
j/idm iwdn, to 'shui ihan, a stain from water;
Hiin hold H gem in the bill, met. to V/d ihan, very itchy ihan ;

requite a kindness Jidm Cift tsik, a trace, a flaw in glass.


iCdn, to hold an iron shot in To request, to beg, to ask

the mouth (punishment ofliars as a favor; importunate, truly,
in hell) Jidm jjo" to requite
; earnestly ; V/an ik'av, to in-
ihdm meng^ received your treaf ; 'han k'af) ask to give
orders (said of a friend's re- V/a/i tyan, to ask a kindness.
quest) ihdm chit} ifong Hum

sucking a sugared
To open new land, to
olive, met.
plough, to cultivate; to injure;
pleased and silent. K'an
energetic Jioi 'han, to clear
p^' To call, to halloo after, to

land 'han ti- new land 'han


1^1 ^^" ^'°'^' ^° vociferate ;

a call ;

chung' to plough and sow.

to cry, to bawl angry cries

hdm' ^A;'«call him; tdi^ isheng Snarling of dogs ; disobe-

ham} to cull aloud, to cry out dient, perverse; quarrelsome,'
hdm^ hidi to cry 'td ham* ; W intractable ; revengeful ; si<m
to gape ham* d'uvg fan* to
Han ofthe superlative; very, much;
cry it out hdm' shah iHn ;
malt ^fii 'kdm Hian ^sam, how
ft'in, the noise reaches to harsh you are !/<//> Hian, very
heaven hdm' ishevg tdi^ he'
angry ; do laky han, very
useless regrets hdm' kau' to ;
many ; 'han wdi^ very bad.
call upon to save. Indignation, resentment,
To down
m sink ;

to put into ;
into* to
Hah dislike; hatred, spite
to feel sorry vexed, sorry ; ;
; to regret,

into; overwhelmed, ruined; hail- no' to hate; 'ho han\

to involve another hdm^ hoi' •
detestable, odious ; sut> han*
to inveigle one hdm^ tsing* ; gratified revenge; han^ paf,
or hdm^ Jiang, to fall into a taki would that ! O for ! ^md
trap hdm^ niki to drown, to
; iijanhan' unregrcttod takt ;

irritate dai hdm^ unstable

; iyan han' to get men's til wtll.
; ;;; ;

72 hAn. HANG.

(115) Han. Courageous depending ;

on one's-self martial; form-

J©t Saving, niggardly, stingy idable, brave ; liberal.

Utt^ than kirn}

to be sparing of;
parsimonious, close; <.hdnlun^
(or nun^) stingy; than liki
Hien watch
To narrowly, to
furtively spots in the
eyes the whites of the eyes

saving of strength 7td cAdn, ; showing in convulsions.

closefisted Jidn tfan, saved ;
To limit, to fix or set a
the expense, spared the trouble MR time, to assign, to adjust ; to
Repose, leisure indolent Hien
impede, to moderate a limit, ;

unoccupied, empty; takahdn, impediment, boundar}', re-

at leisure trnd ihdn, busy ; ; striction a few, a short

ihdn if/au, sauntering about time a threshold ^md /idn*

; ;

ihdn '^shau, an idler ihdn ; illimitable; iho hdn^ what

wd^ small talk ihdn sz'' ; limit, endless, numberless
private, trifling affairs; jJ/om ^yau hdn^ a few, limited
^shau /id' ihdn, a vagrant loves hdn^ 'ki yaf, how many days
leisure ; ihdn vky an untenant- do you set ? kvx)^ hdn^ over-
edjhouse; ihdn W
a void [)lace, past the time tfun hdn^ to ;

room ; ich'ati ihdn, to take extend the time hdn^ teng^ ;

time for ; ifong ihdn, to look exactly so many ; Ad/i* Id* a

out for idlers. fixed measure.
A bar or barrier, a fence The threshold of a door.
an inclosure a fold or stable
Hien ;

for horses ; to close, to obs-
truct; to protect ; to regulate (116) Hang.
by law, to forbid ;
to move
al)out large ; accustomed,
To penetrate or pervade ;
practiced ; ihdn 'cho, to em-
successful ; Jiang Jcu, a
barrass ihdn tsdpi broken Hang
quiet street, an eligible street.
in, used to. Often used for Frightened, an antipathy
the preceding. to a local word applied to
Liberal, pleased compos, ;
Hang ;

smells, lothsome.
Hien ed, tranquil,
To strike against as sound-
aroused, anxious for others.
ing glasses or metals, a
Accustomed loving lei- ; Kang
f ringing or metallic sound ;
shuki ac-
Hien sure; elegant ihdn ;
ihang its'iung, jingling of
complished, skilled, in ihdn ;

bangles or tamborines.
h}gd, apt, polished.
Convulsions in children The jingling of stones,
m. striking hard stones together.
Hien spasms from fright;
epilepsy Kang
vulgarly Q\\\c{ifdly\ye.ung tit? The shank bone of an ox.
Pfjij A kind of phcnsaiit ; pdk^ A man, Sung' .Hang, in the
*''^ ^''^^'" pheasant. time of Muncius.
Hleii '^"^"'
;; ; ;;

flANG. 73
(This character h uficn proDounoed Ukc the next «yllable.)
or thing to weigh with ; a
;fc. Togo, to walk, to proceed; balustrade to weigh ; trans-

*^ ^^^' ^° '^ t^irect im- verse ; adjusted, compared

Hang '^^' ; ;

ports the action of the foU ihang iUung, to measure


lowing verb ; to appeal, or ihang ip'ing, a pair ofscales;

transfer a case ; a step a road, ; yu/fi ihang, an armillary
a way, a path one of the ;
elements a manner motion ; ;

A fragrant plant like mal-
ihang Ib^ to walk in the wav lows; /d' ihang, sweet vet-
; Han

to travel afoot nal.grass. (?)


ihang i-yun, a traveler ihang The culm

or stalk of herbs
Hui, to visit, to attend to Hani and shrubs ; a twig ; hilt of a
prescribed rites ; ahang ^ii, to sword.
tell to; ihang ^li, baggage; Constant, regular, perpetu-
^'ng ihang, the 5 elements al, according to rule ; to con.
ihang kdu^ to promulgate tinue of the same mind, per.

tdi^ ihang, the recently de- severing ; ihang ish^ung, ac-

ceased emperor or empress ;
customed to; ihang (Sam,
ihang it'au, head-gear, masks, constant; jAa/jg "yan, patient
&c., used by actors ihang ;
ihang 'clidn, enduring pos.
Ji^nng, to go in procession ;
sessions; ^Hang iho ishd shd*
ihang its'ing, to worship at like the sands of the Ganges
the tombs in spring ihang ;
iHang ishdn, a mountain in
sying, to punish ihang ds'in ;
tlie west of (^hihli.
pd^ to ' walk a mile ;' ihang The attachment of the
ishiin, to weigh anchor, to fol- muscles to assent, willing,
Kang ;

low tlie sea, to act as a sailor acquiescing topermit; ^hang;

ihang iVidi tih> step aside a i'/n ^hang, will you or nut?
little ihang %itn, to follow
! i'm 'hang, I will not ^wan !

dangerous pursuits ; ihang 'han^, to permit.

iping, to direct troops ihang ;
'Hang 'hang, anger, hat-
iWai, conduct, manner of Hing red great displeasure, vexed

acting; ihang ling^ to send quarrelsome, pertinacious.

an order ihang ^hd 'che,
Fortunate, lucky blessed ;

wait, or do a little presently

; Hmg happily an emperor reach,

ihang ishii, to write a run- ing or tarrying in a place


ning hand, ihang ilui, to to hope, to wait or long for


thunder. lucky in getting, to r< joice ;

Ij-jp An ornamented clasp, a to love, pleased hang^ tain

which has a play of to succeed pleasantly sht^

i.Lio- S*^^" ;

" colors, worn on the person. hang^ is well, will be pleased

;j{fc. A yoke or strap on the head — a phrase used in a bill Jed ;

""'^ cattle ;
the space undor imuii -pat, hang^ domestic
° the eyebrows; a balance, aillic'tTon, family trouble
;;; ;;;;;


pal, hang^ ichtmg <.chi hang^ (118) Hap.

fortunate in the midst of dis-
aster. j|y^ To apply the mind to
t^^ To obtain or avoid without „0?' seasonably, fortunately, in
'r' merit or right ; hang^ ^tnin, good time, to the purpose,
fortunately escaped ; thiu fitly ; exactly ;
hapy il^ luckily
hang^ very fortunate. met; hapy Vj6, suitable, jtist
ji|^» A kind of pkim hang^ ipan, ;
the thing; hapy Hs'z^ very
•-J almonds ; iVgan hang^ nuts much alike hapy hap, chirp-

^ of theSalisburia adiantifolia; ing of birds hap, ^gdm, fits ;

hang^ iinui, a sort of apricot, well hapy 'hau ^yau, had it


ripe in June. just in season.

^J^' An aquatic vegetable with rt/v A colloquialword, for which
a reddish leaf; not found in ^ '
this character is sometimes
Canton. used, meaning to nod, sleepy
'SrL^ Actions, conduct; 'pan Jiapy ^ngdnfan' to nod.
J!. • hang^ disposition, character ;

laki hang^ virtue, good works

to^ hang^ tsham, able, expe-
(119) Hap.
rienced, learned sun' hang^ ;

honest Hiin hang^ curt,

To gulp, to swallow, to
; Pip,
drink; chuky Vmz ^md tdm-
hdp, not even congee water
to drink (poor); hdp, tdm^
(117) Hang. iCh'd, take a mouthful of tea ;

clamor or buzz of a crowd.

A ditch, trench, hollow, Accustomed, familiar with
hole, cave, or pit, natural or irreverent, disrespectful to
Kang Hiah ;

artificial the furrows in a

; to caress ; to desecrate, to
roof; a pit to entrap wild to change
contemn ;
to ap- ;

beasts to throw into a pit

; proach, acquainted with
to excavate; Jiang ilcii,, a hdpi oV mutual attachment
sewer or drain; Jiang 'hdm, hdpi tsdpi intimate with
a natural gully, a ravine ; Mpi M/i* to play with.
*2>d Jidng, a quarry in Sh^u- A cage for wild beasts or
king fu which furnishes good prisoners; to encage ; a scab-
inkstones 'shui Jiang jmwn,
; bard a press. ;

a sluice jWiwi Jiang, a coal

; A chest or trunk a pross ;

pit. for clothes; a coffer, a cisK-

The purlines of a roof; a et ; a box for a set of books ;

to cross a rivulet 'shau shiky hdpi a dressing.

Hang plank
stocks for feet a clothes- ; case pdV hdpi a case for

horse Jiang kokj purlincs

sending cards, presents, &c.;
and rafters; ukt. Jiang, pur- sz" *pd hdpi a writing-case ;

lincs. <.chu ^po hdpi a casket.

— ; ;


/Mr Generous, noble-minded, n5* To eaf, to swallow. Usually

public spirited zealous for pronoanced ydky.
KiJi* ;
right, bold, intrepid ; to as. A
piece of board on which
sist or redress another's 1 orders used to be written ; a
wrongs; hdpi hdky or kim' governmental proclamation
hdpi a friend in need, a su- to give orders haste
; ; a
pernatural advocate fidfi hV ; branchless tree ; haii imarif
noble-minded, intrepid. an official summons or repri-
^jr Narrow, strait; a contract. mand *m hati a feather
; (i.

^^ Pfissage narrow-minded,
; e. urgent) dispatch; tc/i'^ung
mean chdk, hdpi narrow
; ; hati a passport.

hdpi isam ti^, doltish, stupid
A strait passage, contract.
A sorcerer, a wizard, a
necromancer. Usually called
^^' "^'"''"^ ''^P2 "^' ^ narrow a ^sheng Jcung.
null i

pass. Used for the preceding,

i^ A linch-pin ; the creaking
J^Jr Hills approaching, forming
nSh °^ carriages ;
to regulate, to
* go''f?^' through which a control ; to guide the morals
stream forces its way hdpi of society to turn
; ; ^kun haft,
Viau, a pass in a river; Shiu'- to control.
hing' hdpi a gorge near
Shauking fu in Kw^ngtung.
0^ Blind of one eye ignoranf, ;

uneducated ; hati 'tsz' a blind

•j^ A basket for sundries a
dresser, a pannier.
K^/ ^ft To judge, to examine into,
To press
or dig the nails ^j^^ to search out to keep in or- ;

der to punish to prosecute

Ki^h '"*'^' ^° lacerate hdpi c/iuiy ; ; ;

huli to squeeze the blood out or to accuse one to sen- ;

iVgd 'ch'i fidpi yapi yuki to tence hafi shaft f" ascerta in

bite till the blood comes, I the facts ; Aa/j pdn^ to revise
indignant at, irritated with. I
a case ; Aa/, tsju^ to accuse
To drink each other's blood by memorial.
in spirits to bloody the lips

a form of an oath hdpi hii/y

To investigate,
to ascertain
pare or carve; to

to let blood when swearing, 'Adw hafi to search out fully ;

an oath of blood. hafi %m} to verify.

Jl^ The kernel or seed of

(120) Hat. Heh^^ri'its; the nucleus; the facts,
the real circumstances; truly
/r ^
To beg, to ask alms ; to I

tsung" hafi to search out a

'"tr'^at, to request ; fiafy ji, a
matter ; Aa/, /d, walnuts.
'^gS^'" ; /"'^i f^(> humbly
beg ; hat, s/iiki to beg food ; (121) Hau.
ha!y '^tsai, to pray for chil-
[ffl The
cries of animals, es-
dren ; hafy 7mM, to beg for
P<-'cially of cattle and feline
skill (of Arachne) ; Ud hat> Hau
animals ; jAo dung <S2' «Aai/, a
ich'i, to sneeze,
scolding wife.
;; ;

76 HAU.
Groaning, ns when angry ;
(cliotig 'hav, n large rstahlish-
a tone of displeasure. nient, applied totlu' Factories;

A prince, or feudal baron
in ancient China
in modern days; pretty; but,
; a marquis
^rnd '^hav vd^ ^k'ii, will not
speak to him, intractable
hau ngoi^ beyond the fron-
tiers ; ijd ^/lau, or 'hau 'Isui,
unless; a surname; (chii Jiau,
a petty prince ; Jiau i,yt, my ^ loquacious; jy«M 7/(7W, persons,
lord marquis. a family ; yatt '^hau ich'd, a
Tiie throat the trachea ;
swallow of tea ; Vjoi 'hav, an
vulgarly means
estuary ; ds'ong '^hau, a hatch-
Hau ihmi ilunf!,
either the windpi|)e or gullet
^icn the oesophagus
ihau, ^^* After in lime, lafe; hchind;
vgdng^ Jmii, the vvind[)ipe jt'^ then, next posterity, descen- ;

iUau Ham, x\d-xm's apple jwu dants hau^ Jni, afterwards,


kapi hasty, in a hurry ; tfnng then ; huu^ it'au, behind han^ ;

Jiaii, the throat stopped up

<shong, young man ; hau^ shaV
future existence hau^ huki
tshang inso ihau. quinsey. ;

A uionkey vulgarly called your pupil (used when speak-


hV sports ing of one's self) hati^ lii^, ;

^ind ilau ihau, Hsz'
Hau ;
another time /jok* tstm^ the
with monkeys. ;

next entrance in a hong; put'

A musical instrument, call-
hau^ behind one.
ed Jiong Jxau ; a Hat lute,
Hau r^' A queen or empress; a
having 23 strings.
Dry J.*^ prince or ruler, a tributary
provisions, food dress-
ed for a journey or an expe-
liau '
sovereign beiiind iWong hau^
>111 ;

Hau or kwoki hau^ the empress;

dition iAoM dating, dry provi-

sions. t'di^ hau^ empress 'dowager ;

Pimples, pustules, resulting ^mo hau^ our mother (the

from bad humors; ihau Usz' queen); hau^ H'd, god of the
a pustule. land, —
it is worsh ped behind

graves J' in hau^ the Chinese

The mouth, that by which
we eat ;' an entrance, a door,


To meet unexpectedly;
a narrow passage, an opening;
a pass or gate in the Great
3~' ^hni hau^ to meet one by J ac-
Wall; speech, utterance; a cident.
numeral of sword-", men, ^.' 'J''lie horse-hoof or king
hatches, fill of pipes, draught cr;ib; the XiphosurjE or Lim-
of drinks, boxes ; to mouth, ulus longispina
to reiterate; Vtd Vtau /co/o IS^ Thick, lar;;^e, substantial;
good utterance, glib; koky Jr^' liberal, generous, kind ; wi;ii,

'hmu wrangle
to ^m'd 'linti ; very ; intimate ; well
faithful ;

*ch'i untrustworthy V/aw ; flavored rich (loam) ; to es.


iVim, good enunciation ydld ;

teem ; hau^ poki thick and
ilcung ^kau, fake two pipes ;
thin, the suitable relations of
;; ;


thinfrs ; liau^ top to treat well

Artu* luki a tine salary fuiu'
^ Tlieend'of the spine, the Os
\/y coxendicis the rump ; or seat

ils'ing, kind feelings; han^ '4^- Aged a deceased father

chung^ very generous ; win} -^ finished, complete; toexamine,
ij)'i Uau} shameless, brazen, toquestion; to strike; 7jd7fjm*
faced. a triennial examination of of-
To wait ; to inquire for, to cers; 'AdM 'siu shi' to examine
wait on, to visit ; to take care lowest degree
Hau for the tsin ;

of; man^ hau^ to inquire after ^hciu, my departed father; iiri^

civilly, to send respects hau^ examination
'hdn, a district ;
hii' 1 wait for you hau^ 'pd the
*hdu on' 'sAflM, first of the
waiting for confirmation in siulsdi ; *Adu kdu* to examine
office ; haur sun'- wait for ap- carefully.
pointment ; Hang hau^ wait ^-cfr To search into ; used for
for ching' hau^ a disease, a the preceding clCdU to
Kau ; '^hdu
bad habit. •

exammc; cL-
. J
Aa«s«/«n^, decision

of official merits.
(i2-;2) Hau. 'i^ A tree producing a kind of

A baton or club; to beat or g^y varnish; the wood is hard.

Qii. a kind of Dryandra.
^^ tap horizontally with a club ;
'j^ Skillful, ingenious, dex-
to rap Jidu puki s,u, to rap

j^j.;^ (erous, handy clever, as an ;

the block when chanting
artisan ;
talented, adroit ; in-
ihau iViun, to knock at a
genuity genius; wily, craf-
door Jidu iking nim} Fati to

ty, specious, deceitful ; witty,

and meditate
recite praN'crs
shrewd, ready pleas-
on Bwdha <Ad« Idn^ to beat

ing; 'hdn miu- well done, fine

to pieces, or to a j'^Hv.
work 'hau y^ung^ a new or
4;k. To
beat or torture to extort

ingenious pattern Is^av? ^hdu

*yy a confession;ihdn khiky ^ngdn,

nnexppcted and well-timed

to beat the ancles ; Jja/z Ha,
^hdii 'sAaw, a skillful work-
to torture.
man Hidu siu' pleasant, good-

Stony, arid land poor soil. natured iktrdi '^hdv, smart

<^7c ; ;

KiVm 7id« pin' good at excuses.

p'^ To howl, to bellow, to roar, J^' Filial duty, obedience, re-
r** as beasts when afraid or
jj^ spect to parents mourning ;

grunt (as swine) a
; to ; for parents /«'/«' sJtun^ dutiful ;

loud call to pant or gasp ; ; and obedient ; ihang hdu^ to

Jidv c/m, shortness of breath ; obey chfuky hou^ to put on

Jidu k'ati a hacking cough ; mournine; for parents; hdn'

chdu 'ch'un, the asthma. inam itjan, a filial son hdiC ;

iJig 'I'he scream or roar of a fiiki white mourning; hdu^

ij-^ tiger; beside cue's self with rh'^ung^ the mtturning staff
unaer. (used by the chief mourner).
— ! ;; ; ;;;

78 HAU. nt. Ili^:UNG.

;^^"| To imitate, to learn, to A village, a country direct- ;

'mj,i [*^^Py 5 *^ verify ;

like, similar ed towards five icfiavy or ;
^)( J
to ; eftectual, efficacious; an 12,500 houses, make a
Ilidu example ; exertion; efTects, ihiung ; rude, country-like,
results; to offer; hoki hdu^ to rustic Jiiung Uong, an as-

imitate; hau} fdU to practice, sociation or society ihCung ;

to follow kdri^ im} jtin, an

; ^hd, the country Ji^ung Hd, ;

efficacious pill ; Adu' iyau, to a village elder; ji^ung ishatij

do like the pattern. village gentry it'ung Ji^ungj ;

"^^ To toil, to follow a rule fellow villagers JUting ;

,<vf' to imitate ; exertion, effects; tsuki rustic, rude manners ;

hau^ iiki to exert one s self ;

ih^ufig Hi, village neighbors
hdu^ Jd, to moil for another Jt^wigit'dm, a local brogue ;
tkimg hdv} meritorious exer- ih&ung dsun, a village.
tion. Used for the preceding. '1^ To offer up, to present or
ik'-^^ Hilarity, joy cheerful, ; ^^ sacrifice to a &god or superior
Hiang . . ' '

H^ others.
pleased with the company of to enjoy
ing ; a repast ;
; to receive fl-
an offer-
^h^ungfvki to
jc:h} A school, a college, an- be happy Vi^ung yung^, to ;

'^•^"t'y s<^ cdlled an inclosure;

enjoy the use of, a free use ;
or horsepen. icliiung 'lUtmg, to enjoy
long h6ung sliau* happy iu
(123) He. ;

his age ; Vi^uvg ^wivg ^iin

A colloquial exclamation, ex-
ichi fuly to enjoy eternal
pressing disapproval ; cA<?.' s'm Vid
t^au^ do n't touch it
To offer in sacrifice ; to
Heng. See Hing. Hianjr
feast a guest ; to spread out
a feast ; a banquet or sacri-
(124) Heung. fice ishan ^fUiing, offering.s

Fragrant, odoriferous, aro- to the gods ; ''liiuvg. isz'''

matic, sweet incense ef- ; ;
offerings to ancestors.
fluvia or aroma ;
reputable, Noise, clamor, fracas a ;

renowned, a fragrant' name; '

sound, echo, a ringing din ;
JU'ung hi' fragrance; ih^ung h^ung }6ung^ a din? yad
lin} spicery k^uht ih^ung, ; ishitig "-hcung, a single word,
incense sticks; tshii Ji^ung once speaking, a sudden
literary reputation of a fami- sound kom* '•h^ung^so loud; !

ly ;
ihC'ung ichu, fragrant moki ^heung, silence 7o ViOM !

beads; Ji^ung Hd, a burner of ^Mung, he can talk enough,

incense in a temple Jiaug ; wordy.
th^'ung, to worship ; mun^ Used for the preceding
fh^'ung, drugs burned by also to be at, in, at a place
thieves to stupefy people;
^ni ^h^ung ^rnd it'aii chii*
Jieung sun* mushrooms do you live at the landing ?
ilicung 'kongt Hongkong. ^heung c/i'ti' it is there.
;; ;

niUNG Hi.

'^IP A worm which notices &' A little while; suddenly;

sounds, a silkworm ? yah i?^' formerly.
'heung, the buzz of flies in
swarms sound of musketoes.
(126) Hi.
Provisions for workmen,
and troops; taxes paid to
government in kind duties ;
tTo to deceive
cheat, to impose upon,
; to fail in ; to self-
generally to give or send; deceive; to insult, to abuse
food ^Iiiumg, soldier'^j
; when in power; to ridicule ;

rations 'hiurtg
; tngan, tlnpiii' to cheat thipd' '"^o, ;

duties 'h^ung tfdn, a duty

; to covet <Ai jj/an, a cheat, a

*' chop ;" iy^ung 'heiwg, ma- rascal thi fu^ to reproach ;

ritime custom-house duties cAi iSam. to delude one's self;

^h<;nng shiki give him to eat. t/*i ah to oppress wantonly ;

Noon, li(ung ; Jii liwg^ to make sport of;
W\ <'„g^ noon, midday yal, ; </ii jTnii//, to lie to, to deceive.
'h^uvg, half a day pun' ; 2^ Few, rare, seldom, infre-
Ui^ung, three hours. '
jy? quent ; loose, not close or near;
*rA An ornament worn on the to hope, to wish, desirous ; to
,</ ' girdle by women. scatter, to stop ; to moult
Opposite; to incline to, (feathers) or shed (hair) ; thi
^rj pressing forward to ^hCung ; 'shiu, few ; Jii ^hon, strange,
lieungjt'yTjyff, sugar figures carried odd ; thi ik'i, unusual.
at weddings ^ying ^hC^ung, ; To look with longing, to
the circumstancesof a thing. „; hope earnestly, to remember
Used for the next. Used for the preceding.
A|' Towards, facing, opposite JA. Open, wide apart, not close,
|I.. to; thinking upon; an in- '|1P 'loose thin lew
careless, ; ;

tention, an object of^ study ; remiss ihi «s/jo, widely, open ;


time past, former, hereto- thi 'hi ii^, thin, watery (as
fore ; a window or opening glue, paste).
points of compass ; heung' iB$ To dry ; dried ; daybreak,
yati on a former day ; yat^ '^ bright.
hating' formerly, for a time ^^ Simulated, pretending, like
h^'ung' paky, northerly ; lY^ to; obscure; to counterfeit ; d
Ji^ung' Joi, heretofore isam ;
Hi ,Ai, api>earing as if.
itn Mnng' mind not on your ;g^ The fibres of hemp, used in
work; ^ni iSam i^-sfiapi-sz'" '^P*
making linen; fine hempen
Mung' your mind is quite cloth.
unfixed isam h£ung* iinb
; ^, To heat, to roast or toast
thig^ discomposed, unsteady; *'A'* hot, burning, light and heat
heung' ^ni ^kong, to speak to together; abundant, pervading.
you V h^vng' intention
; frci H''Pr'y» l"t^liy» blessed by
hcung' its an, to come on 'll?" the gods; to pray or implorrf
one, to iMjint towards. the g(jds ; ikung Ito^ isan Jii,

80 Hf.

respectfully to congratulate or oxen were used ; spotless,

on the new [year's] Imppiness. pure <.hi
; (shang, sacrificial

Pretty, liandsoiue; pleasant
sports, ; an excur-
ramble, to play, to
; to MHi
animals, victims generally.

The voice,
of the
; a
enjoy one's self; Jii ^shd, sigh.
sporting, plays; chihV, games To feel joy, to delight in ;

of children ; iyau Jii, a plea-

fearful of, cautious. Same as
sure excursion. the next.
The sound of merriment, Pleased, joyful that which ;

voices of people laughing an ;

^ gives joy to feel glad, to give
interjection of grief or anger, j<iy to, to rt^oice ; to like ; 'Ai
Alas ! ihi ihd, the noise of shiki a cheerful face ; 'At u/j
laughing gratified ; Vti loki joy and
The cry of one in pain or delight ; ^hi ifun, glad ; 7ii

Hi sorrow grumbling king* or 7«

; the reply 52'' a joyful event.

of spirits. */u ifu iyan 'yau ''hi, your

To sob, to catch the breath lady has joy (i. e. is pregnant).
in weeping ;to snore timid ;
'^ How! what! i. e. it is not,
ihi, to sob and cry. ^frla particle intimating a strong
A name for pigs in Hundn ;
negative; to return victorious;
a call to hoijs the grunting to desire, to advance 7ti '^djn,
Hi ; ;

of pigs ifung ihi, a divine

howdare I Vti f/i, it is so ;

animal which protects against it is not otherwise 7u (fi i?/, ;

snakes. were there not, is it not 7ii .'

Sour, acid taste, like vine- 'yau ^Is'z' Hi, there is no such
gar iki ikai, animalculae in rule ; 7iJ s/n' it can not be ;
HI ;

vinegar ihi Iseung' pickled

; ^hi ^yau Joi, how can he come
condiments. 'ip To rise, to stand up ; aris.
Tipsy, about to fall, to reel ^^ ing before other verbs, it

like a sqt ; <Ai tAz, reeling, expresses the beginning of an

staggering. action, after them it denotes
Light, splendor, brightness; the completion; to begin, to o-
flourishing, glorious, prosper- riginate ; to build; the com-
ing, extending; lasting, ample; mencement ; to take, to make;
dry, drying, Jd ich'un ich'd, 'hi (shan, to get up, to stand, to
Hyson tea ; «/ji jjoo, prosper- starton a journey 7« '^nhau, ;

ous Jn ; iCiCiu, a flourishing to commencea work, to put

dynasty, hands to ; 7u ^md, to start, as
A name ; Fuk^ ihK the a procession ; Uci ^shl 'hi ^kii'i,

founder of the Chinese when does the groom start ?

monarchy; also called iHi 'hi Joi expresses an action
iiDonsr, the Emperor Hi. going on, as ^hd 'hi Joi, he is
A sacrificial animal of a getting or rtoing better; 'hi
Hi unifonn color ; sheep, gouts, d'aUf the beginning, to com-
; ;

Hi. 81

mcncc, first ; i/.'</./ 'Ais/o/,jnst ^^' A present of living cattle ;

remenibe^red it 7ii i' the idea ;

wr- provisions, fruits, meats oft'er-
of; V/i hni chh' to swindle, to ed in sacrifice a formal feast ;

'keep tlie dice,' sc. to retain shiki Ham hi' a small allow.
money advanced to one ;
7/i ance paid to siiitsai to feed ;

yi), to take lire; '/« {i7io, to house animals; hi' if hit, feed
' raise dust,' to upbraid loudly, the pigs ; hi' tstu'd i'/ft dsang
to scold ; *hi <?«;«, to long for, have you fed the birds?
to covet; icliau ^hi, to lift up, ibb' To fence, to play with
to take out (a volume to look
H ^^^'"^P""^" ; to divert one's self,
at) Isd- "In, finished, done;
; to sport ; a play, a theatrical
r/wpj V(i lohy picked up. exhibition, a comedy; 7?^//"-

^'1 Vapor, exhalation, fume, hi' fdfi to play legerdemain

^^, j-smell, steam ether, matter ;
tricks; yatt ch'iify hi' one act

the original, primordial suh- of a play hi' iff dug '^tsai, a;

K'i stance from which all things quick growth, grown large
come ; breath, air, halo ; the soon (like a cliild born and
nervous mat.
vital fluid, life, matured in a play) ; hu' H'ni
ter, that which imparls s; b- hi' gone to the theatre ;
stance the spirit, temper,
tpnn hi' Hsz' a conjpany of
air, anima, feelings, of men actors; it'iu hi' to dally with
and things; the animal spirits; or fondle ; Isd^ hi' to play; Vrt

influence, attraction ; aspect hi' to instruct in acting; hi'

vehemence, courage to irri- ; ifoiig, the green-room hi' ;

tate an apparition
; a semi- ; ip'diig, a shed for acting;
monthly term liV ds'an 'It'ii, ; 'ch'di hi' a rehearsal hi' d'oi, ;

to irritate, to anger mohi ; the stage; hi' */>««, play books,

<shang hi' don't get angry ; S!i'] A vessel, vase, or dish ; an
hi' shihi good looking,
oa> implement, utensil, instru-

fair ; hi* fs^iing- form, car- l^'^Jment: ability; meritorious,

riage ; ^hd hi' huti portly, ro- K'i useful body or substance, as

bust; din hi* the weather; chi* opposed to form or qualities;

hV energy, nerve ;
cchi/ii hi' hi' hninff, an utensil of any
""chi', a diviner ; moui>^ ht' '^che, kind tdi.^ hi' a man of talent;

a geomancer ; hi' hau^ times, *«M hi' an impatient, little.

weather ; skau^ hi" to be minded man; j'm ishing hi'
scolded ; H'd hi' climate, air; dung iftai, a inefficient man.
hi' 'sz' ij/an, to vex greatly ; hii :^' To reject, to cast off", to
'ho wan- hi' you are in good ^^ relinquish ; to throw ofi', to
luckshapt hi' damp -yftii hi"
; ; refuse, to abandon ; hi' .ihai'
veracious hi' Is'iit, dead
Id- ; ;
dead ;
tin' hi' to disdain ; hi'
kwo' hi' his luck is gone. chi' to cast aside ;
hi' ip, to
J^' 'I'o breathe strong, to sigh ;
sell real estate; pYii' hi' tn
ld)k' hi' a groan or sii>h. didcaid, lo refuse consort wilh.

'Vuy. Urt, 11

82 HfU. HIN.

^ > To
rest, to repose ; to take
a thing
\ the limbs; tiim' tchong 'ching,
slovenly, untidy 'ni ^yau tiki
I^* breath, to ; to lay ;

down. him' i.on, you are rather

n^* A
loud laugh hi' hi' iiti, ;
indisposed. .
gr^ laughing, the sound of hearty
merriment. (127) Hin.
(126) Hfm. To drag, to pull, as an ox
f# Respectful, yielding, retir. does to lead or pull aloiii;
V?^ ing, lowly, humble, unassum- with a cord; to bring about
ing to think little of one's to induce, tn guide ; to con-

oelf; to revere, to manifest nect with, to deduce drag- ;

respect ; chim y^ung'- to give ged into, held ; ihin Jm, to

way to ; Jiim sun' humble, connect, to implicate or com-

yielding ; I'di' Jam '/iw, you promise ihin Idvi' to track .a

are too modest Jiim iWOy ;

boat Jiin it'au jp'o, a bawd

placable, mild. thin kiod' in suspense <.hin ;

The crop of a bird, the first hi' gasping, dying.

Fault,erro'", mistake, crime,
\^^ stomach of ruminantia ; a
'*" peccadillo an excess ; to ex-
pouch in the mouth of monkeys K'ien ;

and other animals to hold in ;

ceed ; a noxious disease
the mouth. Used for the pre- tsui^ Jiin, a transgression.

ceding. Also read hip^ a de- A horse which exceeds in

ficiency, little; to dislike. racing a horse diseased in
*JWV A an abyss dif-
precipice, the belly ; to suffer loss ; a
^. * ficult, hazardous, dangerous

insecure in danger ;
<,ngai ;
To extirpate, to pluck out;
to snatch to capture a stan-
^him, dangerous, prejudicial, K'ien

both morally and physically dard in fight.


*him taki tsai* imminently Trowsers; to hold up the

dangerous, K'ien
when wading.

'jf^ A dog with a long snout, a The hoodof a car a high ;

pointer used in hunting. ^Him front a balcony or

chariot ;
Ilien Hien
*ioa/J,nameofa horde of Iluns bow window eaves a study ; :

notorious in the days of ('on- or library room laughing, ;

fucius, so called from their playing; satisfied; Jnn

savageness. iTtgongt a bold deportment, to
To stretch and gape when carry the head high.

wenry ; deficient in, insuffi. To lift up to pull out fo ; ;

cient ; to owe
be wanting ; to lay hold of; (hin md* to \>St
in ; him' chdi' or him' fu} a off the cap; thin ^p'i, to puil
debt ;hbiC ^kim Him, im- the quilt over one.
methodical him' '/o cshitig,
; A kind of fox skin fur, Ciill-
lacking in honesty, untrust- cd ckam ingan Jiin, used for
Hie II
>vorth_v; him' <s/ia/j, toslrclch throat collars, or jackets.

His. fflNG. 83

Lifiht, manifesf, apparent closely ; nbtmdant ; well in-

conspicuoiis,'clear, illustrious, formed ; tdi^ hin' the high
patent ;
glorious, effulgent ;
officers ; hin' it'oi, an official
to make plain, to exhibit, to bench, i. e. Your Excellency
display ; to render illustrious ;
(used in writing) hin' ham' ;

^/littiyeung general!}' known, an official prohibition ; hin'

notorious '/»irt tdti distin- ; ikiin, high officer's; s«/ii hin'
guished, famous 'Ain ji/i, or ; iShii, an imperial calendar.
'Jiin hai^ ^kdm, it is even so, 'I'o offer or present to a god

plain ; 7«n 7<dw, illustrious or superior ; to give or pre-

completer of probation, i. e. sent to another (in polite
a deceased father iling ; ^hin, language); to hand up to; an
energy exerted.
spiritual offering ; intelligent ; hin'
To commission, to depute, sh^ung^ to offer up ; hin' lai*-
to send, to let go to send ; to send a present to; hin'
away, to exile to present; ; ip'un, red trays in which pre.
to reject, to expel, to chase ; sents are sent to a bride's
ich'di ^hin, to send on a busi- father-in-law.
ness ; 'Ai/i chuki to drive or To consult on criminal
send away ; 'hin tsui^ to exile causes; to judge or decide a
for crime. case ; to adj-idge hin' yuk, ;

Toreprimand, to blame, to to sentence hin' 7fo, a legal ;

find fault with to rail at, to ; decision its'an hin' the au-
speak angrily 'hin chdky to ; tumnal assize ; ^yau sun' hin*
scold, to criminate ^hin nd^ ; a good decision, a true judg.
to talk angrily to one. meat.
Attached; ^hin kun' inti-
mate, attached, as friends, (128) Ring.
or brothers.
General name of bivalve
shells, but especially thin
To rise, to elevate, to get
up; to flourish; flourishing,
shelledand lacustrine ones prosperous; promoted to be ;

sometimes applied to some in demand, fashionable ; to

hanging chrysalides iWong ;
move, to put in motion ,.hing ;

ts/tii a kind of Mytilu:^

Vtirt, ^hi, to arise; ihing dit nap,
eaten at Canton Vn/i yuki ; ftiki hope you are in all
shelled clams; ^hin hok^ tsz'' respects well ; thing <.kuugt
clam-shell ' words, dissylla. to commence a work ;
bles ; V«/i kdi' raw clams ch'ii' j'm ihing '/c'ii, no de-
seasoned. mand here jsAi ihing,
for it ;

A rule, precept, regulation, fashionable ihing toong-;

example governmental a ; ; successful, prosperous Isokt ;

an officer above the 4;h
ruler, thing, pleased with, complu*
rank : to impose or piiblish cent thing j'/n thin^, would

law>. to govern to follow ; |;

vou like it 1
;;; ;


t3 An elder brother; a senior, easy ! theng pok; disrespect,

Hiun a term of respect
" superior ; ful ^shau theng kdukt fdi*

^Hd thing, ortdi^ <fting, a term nimble, diligent; '^hati theng

of address, sir thing lai' ; ready to promise, heedless.
brothers Jiing \-h^mig, my; An empty jar; exhausted,
elder brother; ngoi} thing, a empty; entirely, all ; to ex-
sister's htishund it'ung qmii ;
haust ; sta!)le, strict ; /te/<^'

thing tai^ uterine brothers ; t.siin^ entirely gone.

tts'an thing, my full I)rother; Ringing stones of prelinite
tsho thing, second cousins "'^ glass hung on frames a
K^n ;

it'ong thing tai^ cousins ger- sort of dulcimer ;

to suspend,
man. as these stones are; kiU

A noble, a lord, a high of- heng* to strike the heng. 'Vo

K ^^'^^ ^ ^'""^"^ ^^ respect used

relax the reins. Used for
towards grandees and others ; the last. -

intelligent; what men look ^;' To cough slightly, to hack ;

towards; the presidents of ^^^ to speak smilingly ; the sound

the six Boards are called luhi of a swinging bell.
thing ; tknng thing, a grandee ^* Good, excellent ; tocongra.
above the 3ii rank; thing <Ad, c-^„ tulate ; to rejoice in ; to con-
our ministers; oi* thing, my sole ;
to present to, to bless ;

wife isin things my deceas-

happy path of rectitude; an

ed wife, initial particle, happily hing' ;

^yt Odors perceived a longdis- ho^ to congratulate kaf, ;

!CS^ tance thing thiuns, fumes

hing' lucky and blessed ^yau ;
lling r •
of incense, savory smells 'hi hing* sz'- a happy event

a wide reputation. hing' niu- joyful, lively.

Joyful, elated pleased ; ;
(Thp f >ur next charnct**™ are usaally pronounc-'Mi heng, )

hing* it'au, joyful bustle

Aw A light car; light; to esteem
tkd hing* good spirits kikt ;

'jX**^ lightly, to disregard, to think

hing* 'ngo, to provoke me.
little of; to disesteem ; levity,
toast or dry at the
'I''o fire,
dissipated. Read Ae/i^^' quick,
to roast ; hot, feverish 'pi

fast theng chnrig^ light and Hing

fo hing' chd' ^k'ii, dry it at
heavy smd V<o theng chnng^
the fire; it'au hoky hing* head
niediocre, usual, common burning hot.
theng '^hdit, uncoujmon or
fine work; theng ikw'ong (120) Hip.
harum-scarum, foolish theng ;
The sides of the body ; Hi-t
V/o, light, portable; theng ribs, place under the arm ; \<i
hwalt it'au, light. headed, receive; to intimidate, to rf^-
weak-'ninded ; theng ti'iii primand, to take advantage o';
if.tu (s'o^ volatile, untrust. hipt kwaty the ribs; vulgo,/(/A>
worthy, unstable; 'Ad theng dhdlft kwalt piki hip to in-
j- (inf", d<i vou think it's so tiiniduto, to overawe, to deter.

HIP. HlT. HIU. 85

W» 1 Agroement, concord, union, (130) Hit.
mutual help unit.
*Y' Uiarniony ; ;

"j >jed, assistant, joint; to aid; 0^ To stop, to rest, to desist

Hifh submissive hrpi liki united
'** keep silence to terminate, ;
strength ; hijh chan^ staff* of- to discontinue ; to a|)pease ;
ficers ; hip> it'oi, colonel of h{t, chii^ 'shmt, tf> rest fronn
a regiment; /(ip> ^litig, a bri- work, to hold up ; hit, chu^
gadier-general (of Banner, ^Aav, or hit, ^Isui, to be still,
men) ; hip, jtco, to unite har-
to stop eating; hit, tim* a
moniously /tip, wari^ to ;
tavern, a lodging-place ; hitt
rhyme, harmonious cadence ^hd h^uh, stop walking a-
or tone hip, lyam, melody.
while ; hit, lam' put the load
1^ The mmd pleased; cheer- down ; hit, yat, hit, rest a
Kiel/ ^^' gratified ;
prompt, ready. while; pat,tnt, uninterrupted,
X^ Pleased, contented, cheer- incessant; hit, hdk, a guest;
^^'' satisfied hip, fdi' a- to detain or lodge a friend.
Kieh* » ;

lacrity. Also read c'lim, to I^ A scorpion ; a grub found

hate, discontented, indignant.
in rotten wood.
J^ Cowardly, fearful, timid,
(131) H lU.
^^'^ak-hearted; hip, chi* bash-
ful, to blush liam hip, flut- To vociferate, to make a
tering, hipi chan^

noise ; clamor, hum, as of a
afraid of entering into battle. market ; to vilify, to mur-
^S^ Deficient, unfilled with food, mur ; Jiiu poki diminishing,
^'^^"^y s'Jpplies; bashful ; to worse, impoverished ; Jiiu
covet; hip, sni' a year of (hiti, or ihiu ngd^ self-compla-
dearth; hip, cihau, a bad cent, pluming one's self.
harvest. A hollow root ; hollow,
ifB Harmony of sentiment,
.+1 empty, unfilled famished,
'^'"'<^" of thought a man's ;
hungry ^hiu fuki an empty ;

name. stomach, ignorant iUn (hiu, ;

tTo I
carry under the arm, to
hide in the bosom ; to help,
a star in Aquarius.
A horned or barn owl, call-
to support to conceal ; to ;
ed ich'i ihiu its voice is a
Hi^u ;

cherish, to protect ; to pre- bad omen a fabulois animal. ;

.sume upon ; to assume, to A kind of owl, which eats

undertake; to * squeeze,' to its mother; strong, wicked,
extort ; hip, tso' to assist, to brave; to hangupa criuiiual's
depend on ; hip, 'chat' to head in terrorem; ihiu -yung^
prevent, to hinder; hip, ^ch'i, unscrupulous, strong; ihiii
to take under the arm, to *sl<av, to expose a head ivs' ;

manage hip, han^ to cherish ihjii, to smuggle salt.


revenfjeful feolinirs. 'I'o go round, to take a turn,

to ward off"; to seek to as :

sunu- : end, iVonliers, limits:

80 HllJ HO.

a palisade a narrow rond

; ;
examining; to blame; tho
ihiii hang^ a fortunate coin- ik'au, to importune <Ao ; hiiln
cidence, a lucky hit to ; to be needlessly strict ; ^ho
obtain. tsati a fatal disease.
To dread, to apprehend ; a blame, to scold to in-
'I'o ;

tone of complaint, querulous terrogate; sound of laughter

Hiiiu ;
Ho ;

a word denoting past timo, to yawn, or expel the breath ;

as 'a'^ </»«, written tsdi ; iho him' to yawn tho iho, to ;

ihiUf done. laugh loud.

A gentle horse ; to be skill- Used for the preceding to ;

ful at a game of throwing speak loud or sharply to; to

liidu Ho
darts ; strong, courageous, traduce, to revile, to rail at
disinterested ; tAiw j&t kdu' (ho chdki to reprimand an-
a sort of aid-de-canip among grily ;
tho Hsz\ an astringent
the Bannermen. nut used for tooth-aches.
Light, clear, in the morn- The Yellow River by em-
ing day-time luminous, ; inence a river, usually ap-
Hi&u ;
perspicuous, ^jlainly stated ;
plied small sheams
to a ;

intelligent, apparent to un- ; wine-vessel iUgan iho, or U'in


derstand, to perceive, to j/jo, the Milky Way; iho poki

comprehend ; Viiu lakt to WiO, an officer who regulates

see into, I perceive ; tfin the boats at Canton (the word
*^hin, early dawn ;
ifniug 'liiii, hoppo is derived from this ti-

I clearly understand ; V«m tle); iho t'd' the Bend in the

ii' to notify plainly, a plain Yellow river; Jto tkuiig Hsuiig
proclamation d'ung ; Viiu, tuki the superintendent of the
fully acquainted with. Yellow river ; iho ipiti, a river
This word is frequently side.
pronounced hiu\ but more Which, who, what ; how;
correctly kiu\ wherefore according to the
Ho ;

Hiu* A colloquial word, to perk sense of the context to ;

or cock up, as a dog's tail, a bear, to carry iho sz"' what ;

bow lying on its back, or the business have you ? iho jj/rt/i,
stern of a junk. who ? iho '^kdi, why is it so,
what does it mean ? 'md ^ki

jAo, suddenly, in a little time

(132) Ho. ;

iho kiV why

what's the rea-

soJi .'
iho pad Hsd Joi, why
dki Small plants ;
petty, trou- did n't you come earlier ? iho
*mI blesome, vexatious; minute, pitt iU Hs'z^ what need for
small, trifling, little; unimpor- this, why so? iho fii ^kdm
tant, as an ailing; circinn- ^y^ung, why do you act sn ?
stantial, tedious ; to vex, to (implying error); iho jw, how ?
annoy; to molest subjects by iho Jxoi, wliy, pray ?
;; ;;

HO. no. 87

The lotus or Neliimhiiini "Jli'- To i)ear, to sustain, to car-

d4 also applied to some Malva- Jji ry on the head or back; ho-
cetE ; Jio ipdu, a purse tho ;
lapy to wear a rain-hat fu^ ;

ifung, a south wind. ho- to bear on the back.

To be willing, to permit,
free to do, able todo proper, ;
(133) Ho.
fit, convenient can, may, ;
Herbs higher than others ;

could worthy, competent

; ;
'm steam from plants forms part ;

used as an interrogative, and of the names of different

by way of invitation, or to plants ; it'ong ihd, celery
soften an order forms verl)al ; ifs'ivg M, wormwood ; Jid
adjectives, or gerunds ending tnuki dust in the eyes.
in able, as 'ho cshii, forgiva- To weed to pull out hair
; :

ble; 'ho 'f, possible, it can do; it'au iinb, to pull out the
'ho impudent, disagreea- Hau
hair; c^^ 'U'd to weed fields.
Me ; 'ho ilin, to compassion, To roar and howl like bears
ate; 'ho 's/iai, serviceable ;
'ho or tigers to cry loud, or long

i can be allowed,
tsd^ taky it
H4u ;

ihd Jid isheng, a bawling.

permissable; ^ni 'ho Hang, are A porcupine, with quills
you cold ? 'ho 'hau, delicate- pointed black; imperial (appli-
tasted ; 'ho 'ho, just as, exact- ed to H. M. herds and flocks)
ly ; 'ho, yau^ Joi, ah ! you've superior to others, eminent,
come again ! 'siu 'ho, a little
excellent martial,
; brave,
matter ifi it'ung 'siu 'ho, of
high-spirited; a leader; ex-
great importance, not a little celling in mental qualities;
thing; 'ho ihang, should or ihd hdpi a hero (in moral
can be done ^yav iho paly 'ho ;
courage); 'I'd ihd, a village
what forbids, why not ? brave; Jid Hti chieftain ; thd
Uneven, rough country ;
itcditng a bandit. Used for
'hdm 'ho rugged paths, unsuc- the next.
cessful, one who is unlucky. Long-soft hair down ;

A large galley or transport atoms, motes anything very

used in battle, called 'ho Inm} Hau ;

minute, nothings; in deci-

in the S4n Kwoh Ch'i. mals, a hundredth in Can- ;

To congratulate, to felici- ton, a dime, or tenth of a
tate, at festivals or on happy dollar c/fli Jtd, to write j/id
; ;

events ; to make presents, to

mull 5z'^ petty, trifling, affiurs;
reward also, met. presents not over-
ihd iind kwo' fdn^,
to bear zkung ho^ respect-;
passed my duties, not trans-
ful congratultions ho"^ 'hi, ;
gressed ihd ill, a very little ;

joy be with you ; ho- Hat, t?t' ihd paty tso* no error,
congratulatory presents; ho- imuiaculate ihd itnd 'yon ;

-inuii i/i, prcstuits sent when ''«^

t7nw/>, concealed nothing ;

a child is u month old. Jib, half a dollar.

88 Ik).

A city moal or ditch, n ccedwl ; 'hd 'kd, deceptive,

fosse ix/ieng ^hd, tlie city baseless 'hd wd' well, thank
Hau ; ;

ditch. you; a reply intimating as.

Same as the preceding ;
sent ; 'hd siu' laughable ; i?n
sc. the water in a fosse ; Jid taky 'hd, he can not recover.
t^M«,Second Bar below Whatu- Xig» To love, to take pleasure
poa j/td 'hiJtt, the passage '" ^^^^^ *^^' ^^ ''^^ '** f^Psire
Ha ' ' ;

under the walls of Canton, to wish for koky iyan 'sho ;

where the ditch enters tlio Old hd' each one has his likes ;

city ; dung jAd, to clear out a hd' 'kong siu' fond of joking ;

moat. hd' 'LsaUf a wine-bibber pdky ;

An oyster ihd hol(y an sing' (Sam hd' i^ the people

oyster shell ihd it'o7tg, ail at heart like justice ip'in hd'
Hau ; ;

oyster bed ; ihd shi^ dried to love with partiality.

oysters Jid shdn, a cluster
of oysters.

m '
To diminish, consume, or
destroy, through time or u.«e ;

To cry out, to implore, to to spoil, to dissipate, to squan.

groan ; to call. Used for the dor, to injure ; to render void
Hau ;

next. vicious, bad ; hd' 'siin, spoiled,

to cry
roar as a tiger

ihd huki to cry ami ;

to call

aloud, to bawl,
a cock's destroyed hd' fai' wasted,
extravagant; (kd hd' to supply
the deficiency or waste.

wail : ihd ifu, to call after. /fei|r* To confer refreshments on

Good, right, excellent well, ; j^,[^ troops reward workmen
very an intensitive adjec- with their drink-money hd*
Hau ; ;

tive implying good or bad, ac- 'shenng to confer bounties ;

cording to the thing or act; hd' ikitng, entertain workmen

exceeding, superlatively V/o ; at a house-building; hd' ititing,
ts^ung *M, good disposition 7td ; official largesses to farmers irt
taky tsai^ exceedingly good ;
also (ironically), well done ! .M.- A luminous sky grand ; ;

lookout ! 'hd lOn ip'ai, well ar- ^^ heaven //d' t/'iH, summer

ranged ; 'Ad ^ch'au^ very ugly; heaven //d* d'in tkam hiity

*hd, 'idi ^ni shi^ pity j/o/, you the glorious heavens and gol-
must come at any ratf ; 'Ar) lihy den palace (of Shtingti).
a little better ; 7id kiki excel, ^.» Great, swelling waters, a
lent ; 7/d j'm ^hd, is it good ? ,(P watery expanse, immense,
Vid inheng, be careful, look- vast; aflluent, an overplus,
out good music 'hd laky fiky
; ;
superabundant ; enlarged, no.
a very little better ; 'hd Hs'z' ble ;
hd- hd^ £?/, how grand !

^nl, like you; 'hd td^ imd 'pi hd^ hi' magnanimous.
nothing so good as this
poly [fit.
exlrenudy distress-

Extensive., as waters reach-
ing to a distance; vast, bound-
ed Vto 'Is'ol shd' well, sue-
; :

HO. HOI. 89

1 of heaven, luini-
Tlifc light iin Jioi taki ikdu, it must be
(-nous, like the clear sky ; re- so, impracticable ; a strong

j.splendent, splendid, bright, superlative ; thoi tch^ung, to

Hau glistering, white, lustrous; open a shop ; i.hoi ishan, to
Pure, clear; hd- ^skau^ a hoary weigh anchor thai ch'dky kau-

head ; «"* ho-, four graybeards cheung' to liquidate old debts ;

in the Han dynasty : hd- hd^ ihoi iShun, to go aboard ihoi :

bright, glistening, like the ikicong, to vivify an idol choi ;

rising moon. tJiin, newyear's day; ihang

'] Mark, designation, deno- ihoi tiky step aside a little ! ihoi
, '(-mination a " chop," label,
; (.sam, to amuse one, to dis-
j name ; epithet or style; sign sipate sorrow ; choi Id' to clear
Hau of a shop ; an order, or verbal the road for the ghost ; ^hoi
command, a summons: signal, cfotig, to clear new land ; choi
countersign ;
to mark a box, koki to borrow money ; Jioi
to label, or direct it hd^- Ung^ ; *koug, to explain the meaning
a mandate, word of command of the classics ; (hoi itning
-ni '^pd hd'- what is your shop state the items ; ihoi Joi, come
name ? tss'^ hd- a mark hd- ; nearer to me.
iseung, mark a b«»x fong' hd' ;
An infant beginning to
p'du.' to fire a salute kicokt laugh children, a child, a


hd'- nume of the dynasty jum : youth but applied generally

hd^ name of the reign hd- ; to boys; '^siu ihoi '^Lsz\ a bo\',
sfons, a porter's lodge in a a servant boy a child ; Jioi ;

public office 'Ai hd- to blow ; it'ung, a boy.

the horn at examinations and Tlie bones of the chin, the
parades Ad- she' ;cells in chin ihoi hd' ^yau t<d, there
the examination halls, labeled is a beard under the chin.
with the characters of the
Millenary Classic; dsun hd'
tni, what is your name ? pil,

ihoi p'd' to fear

startled, terrified;
agitated, afraid of; to disperse
; ihoi ngok,
hd- the virile style taken at amazed. Also, to beat drums
naarriage. to rouse the army.
Shin of the leg (tibia) the ;

(134) Hoi. -1^ bones of the body members ;

of the body pdky ihoi, the;

To open, to unfold, to spread skeleton luk, ihoi, the trunk,


out ; to institute, to begin ; to bead, and four limbs ishi ihoi, :

commence, to start : to lay a corpse.

out, to explain, to separate ; to 'I'he sea, the receptacle of
reveal, to disclose ; 'am (hoi, rivers ; a large river ; marine ;
Ha I

to break open, to split the dif- sz'' within the four seas,
ference ; ihoi d'ol, to set the everywhere, the world kwo' ;

table ; the
to o|)en play ;
'hoi, to cross Hie river (aJ ('an-
Jioi Ad', to state the price ;li ion) ; c/i'it/. 'hoi, to vu\nge;
Tun. Uicr. 12
; ;;

90 HOI. HOK.
^hoi ikwdn, port of entrance ;
To injure, to hurt, to pre-
also the collector of customs judice to offend, to damage
; ;

at a port ichu tsz'^ Dutch

; ^hoi noxious, calamitous fearful ;

Folly 'hoi ifin, seaside

'hoi ; of; a sense or fear of, a feel-
mi^ marine delicacies 'Aoi : ing; li- hoV- severe, stingy,
isham, biche-de-msr 'hoi ^shi, ;
formidable; also advantageous
a sort of sea mirage /«/.'> jM ;
and hurtful; ils'du hoi^ ruinous
(Tung 'hoi, happiness like the to the healtii ; also, to injiir*^

East sea ; 'Hoi it'oiig tsz^- the another ; hoV- mofi to spoil
Honam joss-house 'hoi ilting ;
things ; tmd hoi- of no con-
iWongt Neptune, god of rain. sequence ; hoi- iSmi to blush.
'liSt Joyful, peaceful content- ; The twelfth of the Branches,
J^ ed, gentle, pleased 'hoi taV ;
answering to boar ; hoi- j/ji/J,

ikwan 'Isz' minded of-

liberal years of the cycle containing
ticer ; 'hoi chdki kind and this character hoi- ii'j the ;

benevolent ; delighted. Same 10th month fioi^ iShi, 9-11 ;

as the next. o'clock p. M.

*^B Victorious, triumphant ; to
jrT^V celebrate a victory ; 'hoi tfco. (135) Hok.
paeans of victory; <sau' 'Aoi, to
celebrate a victory; 'hoi iSiiii, to *jt.
The skin, shells, or cover.
return in triumph from battle. AX-'[ingof fruits or eggs; shell
'aA a clear and elevated em- n;r»>J or scale of mollusks, reptiles ;
^r~ inence, for a residence ;
fit Koh exuvia; of eggs, snakes, or
'shong a cheerful location.
7joi, chrysalides; a hollow old tree
A cuirass, or coat of mail bark, cru«t, or what covers a ;

jr,. armor generally; a priest's ladle; tkwai hok-,a divining

robe, because it protects his turtle shell ; J ong hok» soup-
order kdpi armor
; 'hoi ; 'shau ladle ; 'shtii hoki a dipper ;

'hoi, a helmet. J^au hoki the skull ?7td- hokt ii ;

'MA A sickle or bill-hook to ; summer hat, without a fringe ;

jp~4 cut; to move; diligently, care- siu' mill' hoky a mask.

fully ; 'hoi ts'iti 'hiu iil fully ^. ] To learn, to receive in-
make you know — a phrase ]^^ >struction to practice, to;

common in edicts.
To open, to stretch out, to
^ J imitate; learning, science,
Hioh study, instruction; doctrines,
A^yf loosen chdky to have a
; 7w)i tenets, school of; a collci^c :

timel}' rain, great benefits an ;

hok>^rnan^ to learn and inquire ;

archer's thumb-ring; to desire. yap, hok I to become a siuts.u ;

'^ Seasoned, minced meat hoki iCoi, literary chanc<dl<ir :

-7''^ pickled in brine ; also the sheung^ hoki to enter sciioo! ;

pickle itself; to simmer; -1,'dtii hok, -md, to learn tactics

'hoi -i lsin\ to sacrifice with hok, tshaug, a pupil, a sint-^ai ;

minced pickles. s/td* hoki arithmetic hok, sz'^ ;

— ;;

HOK. HOM. 91

doctors, statesmen, academi- ^^ Simple, silly, appearing a»

cians ; iin- hok, thttns, the if idiotic ; ich'i Jidm, stupid.
district college /joAj tsapi to
y^ 1 To hold something in the
learn and practice. '
1^ > mouth, the mouth fall; to
crane; an emblem of age ;
sPg^J contain to cherish to suffer,
; ;

Hoh 'the name is applied to many Han put up with, or tolerate to ;

of the waders ; md- ^shui hok, restrain thick utterance a ;


a gray stork, common at Can- turgid, obscure style to place ;

ton ; fdki hoki a while egret,

gems in a corpse's mouth
comtrionlv eaten ichii Ueng ;
ihdm tyung, to bear with, to
hoki red crowned crane ; hoki
be patient towards ^hdm siii* ;

sitn' an aged man : hoki ftil, to smile ipdu Jidm, to contain


hoar-hairs -ni choiig- hoki

in Jidm nd'- to restrain anger

cshan iw^, have you seen the

Jidm ^kaii, to stomach an^iu-
god of Cranes, [that you are suit ihdm tsaii, to blush, be

so unlucky] ? ashamed chdm ki' to bear


White, glistening plumes in mind.

'of birds ;
pure and white.
^ Exhilirated, cheerful
wine, lively, half-drunk
; merry
(136) Hum. jocund, riant, as nature Jtdm ;

tko, drinking and singing

Tosustain or bear ; able piin^ ihdm, tipsy, half-drunk.
for, adequate to, capable of; *-M^ A pit, a hole a dangerous ;
worthy of, tit, worthy for in — j^^ place ; to dig a pit to cut up :

a moral or physical sense ;

to fall into a snare or danger;
covering over a hollow ; paf> hazardous noise made in ;

Jiom, incompetent, unworthy ;

straining or striking, a smack,
Jidm yung^ useful, capable, a rap one of the diagrams (it

serviceable didm shing^ able ; belongs to water) ; yalt ^hdm

to succeed Jiom yam'- able to
; shu- a stunted tree ; ynU '^hbm
sustain thdm iii «?irt '.shang,
«* iVau, a head of taro 'Aom ;

a geomancer Jidm a, very ; m, to dig a pit 'Adm ham' to ;

proper, satisfactory, suitable. set a pit, to collude kicaL ;

A rocky bankside ; preci- 'kdm, to dig a hole.

pitous ledges irregular; ishdu ; '^ To run against to throw ;

ihdm, a ledge, a cliff. '^* down ; to strike, to knock


To receive, to contain to ; 'hdm its an

run against -k'ii,

overcome ; sound a niche or it ; ils'z' pati 'hdm ^ngn, por-

K an

shrine, for receiving tablets celain does not batter earth-

or images, either in the wall enware i. e. I will not con-
or moval)le ishan ^hdmy a ; I tend with him 'Adwi iCau ;

shrine; c7niin ikiin (horn, the! imai Js'eung,.{ have? run inv
niche in doorways; th^ung \ head against the wall I made ;

ilioin, an incouso box. |

a bitinder ; 'Adm Idn* tosraush

0*2 Ho.Vf. HON.

'hum \1ii71, to injure or wound 2 A cover, a lid which fits

by running
against ; 'fid/n
Oj on ;
to cover exactly hdm^
; ;

i-parifr, (o make a notch in. iChung, a gallipot, a jar ; hbm}

'rt. Used for tlie preceding; to it'au, a vegetable dish, a
j^'^ cut, to chop, to fell a mortar ;
covered dish; 'ngdu sin' ?idm^
ichuvf! ^idtn, pestle and mor- suits to a hair "^kam hdm} ;

tar ;
^hdm a tree
fall to fell : ^Ui't, cover it.

tui' ''lidm, a irip-hammer mor- h^'- Not satisiied with eating;

tar for hulling rice ijui 'hdm, ,V not eaten enough.
a lime mortar. tM^ A hollow or ravine, a cave
-J^^ To contain in the mouth : ."A among hills; 'to enchase, to
Han *'^'''^^^ ''l'^ jaws, the chops
; ; innx ;
to inlay; hom- csemig,
to shake the head hd- -hdm, to inlay, to set (jewelry)

the chin ^hdm hd'- cc/ni, the

iVgan ts^ung^ a jeweler.
pearl under the dragon's chin.
jlJ«* To compare, to investigate
T^Tl( diligent to judge or ascertain
(!37) Hon.
by going to the place: able;
hotn* im^ to go and investigate
tdpi hdiri' an officer going and
^1 To
watch, to look after, to
-^ )^^^' ^^ ^^ examine, to view
' ;

examining; hdm' 7/d, to re-

place a tenon /(d/«' ich'^onij, to
,^ J
istung Jion, to look at each
K'an other; dion iiigati, \o watch
put up a bedstead Itdrri' cfiing' ; cattle ; Jion iJiiun (,yan, a door-
to straighten, to sit up aright. keeper '//j Jion chii^ -k'u, do

A clift' projecting into the you watch it Jion ikdng ; ^Id,
water, forming a sort of break- a night watchman.
water, is called /<owi' iCau. ^tfe A curb or fence round a
tWi' a
crag, a cliff; the covert *,TT well ; one of the feudal states
ilan ^ ,, ^, ,
under a projecting cliff. of the Chau dynasty.
^kU' To pierce, to conquer, to ^. Cold, wintry; shivering;
^^^k\\\, to subdue. H4n poor, unsupplied, necessitous;
my, mine plain, simple ihon ; ;
'J'o spy, to glance at ; to
Jdng, shivering cold; ihonisuli\

view to hope for, to expect
my diin ihon su' plain, un- ;
to come down to view.
pretending, not showy Jion ;
shiki a day in Tsing-ming
'^^ move, to shake.
i/i$" term, when cold provision.sare
eaten ikon iSM/?, a beggarly

^^jii Hdm-'pdng'-ldng- the re-

p|p^ port of a gun
(contracted to ;
-rtR (Hon ddn, a district in
lioinpaldiig) all, entirely, the
whole. Y^V KwAngping fii in Chihii ;

'^'^ hate, to abhor to mur-
h^' ;

^x To snore pi^ <hon, to

J"^ mur to feel indignant at ;
nl ; ;

'""resentful, rogrctting ; vexed. \Y* snore.

; ,

IIOX. 93

Rare, few, scarce seldom ;

To see, to look at ; to regard
a kind of flag a rabbit net ;
to examine ; to practice; hon'
'hoji hin\ rarely seen; V/on kin' look at, see ; Aom' siting'
^yau tiki 'kico 'Isz' few of that to practice physiognomy hon' ;

fruit *hon iinan ^kdm k6^ sz'*

; ,ki ui^ watch the chance, im.
I have rarely heard such a prove the opportunity hon' ;

thing. ishit, to read silently, to pe-

Plain, unceremonious, and ruse ; 'A6 ho7i' good-looking ;

grave, conversation, as
in hon' tak, ch'vtt look closely
Confucius was. whether or no ; hon' 'king
To cut, to carve, to pare ;
(Shang its^ingf incited to by
<o engrave blocks for print- viewing, to do or arrange pro-
ing to hew or fell
; to erase ; perly or fairly ;
hon' p'o' to
or cut out from blocks 'Ao/i ; see through a scheme ; hon'
^pdn to cut out blocks for Can' shai' kdi' worldly-wise,
books ; 7to/i ting- *pda hai^ knowledge of the world.
^kdtn, is it certainly so ? are
.p- Ardent, energetic disposi-
you sure ? 7on huki to prepare t^ violent, hasty,
and carve blocks pat, ^hon „v^ tion ; fearless ;

cruel Jccung hon- overbear,

icin iShii, an unmutilated book.

ing ; hon- kap, fierce, rash ;
Pleaded, contented ; to be
Jiung hon^ irascible.
happy, joyous credible. ;
#- To grasp, to lift up; to ward
Dry weather, drought,
ny sky ; land traveling ;
„ off,

; hon-
shield, to defend.
ii- to watch against.
-hon, dry weather ; -iii -hon Ib^
Joi, did you come by land? 4;^:.- Often used for the last to ;

-hon Jui, thunder without rain; ,, ' fend off; an obstacle, hind-
-ni H'ai 'hon ildi Ha, you will ranee to guard or escort ; to

.see him by a thunder-

killed environ hon' kdk, to stop

bolt in a clear sky 7/i -hon, ;

or defend ; an obstacle, im-
to take to the road. peded 'shau hou- to defend

Dry, heated air ; to dry with the hand ; hon- <kudn, to

drying, parching. keep a pass.
large branch of the Ydng- j'rr.2 Sweat, perspiration; used
R. in Hupeh
tsz' a famous ij
' for the word khan ; ch'iit, hon^
Han ;

to perspire fat, hon- ytuki a

dynasty in Ciiina Chinese ; ;

the Milky Way, called j//o hon^; sudorific; -mo hon- ke' obtain-

hon' 7s2' Jid, a gentleman, ed without cost or trouble ;

a personable man Hoji' iyan, hon' ifdn, the washerman's


the ('hinese ; Hon^ tkwan, the rash ; hon'^ ^md dung Jo,
naturalized Bannermen V<d military toil, toilsome; hon-

hon' a brave man, a clever (Shdm, an under-shirt, a shirt.

strategist: */d hon' I, an old nx,* Sunset, evening hd^ ho* ;

JPJ hon'- hon- abundant, light.

man ; hon' choii"' robust, fat.
; ;;

^Ti» A kind or jackal found in deliver ; deflected ; ^hong ifii,
I^T the Desert, but described ra. to sustain ; Jiong ching* to
ther as a fabulous beast. Read straighten.
ngon"; a village prison ^p't Urgent,
prompt, zealous
nfton^ a figure like a unicorn sy^wn^, in haste, an
painted on prison doors tigon^ ; emergency.
yiiki a jail. The
eye-socket the can- ;

jfcni Greaves on the arms to ;

thus ;/id thong sunken eyes

j}^' solder up hurry hon^ yhiky

; ; -ngdn thong Idi- proud lui} ;

soldering; hoii^ '^liau, to solder. ^mihi thong, tears filled his

pS* Agate; gate of a village, or eyes.
jJT''a path; a small wall; to shut; Lying talk; to deceive, to
<l'ung hon^- of the same village.
Kw aiig cheat, to swindle ; thong pin*
^' A fabulous pheasant to ; to impose on, to defraud.
jT/^ fly high white protracted,
'^^ A
basket with square sides
; ;

well-sustained; a plume, or Kwang*^ basket without a cover;

quill to write with writ- ; thong yi, baskets for sending
ings a prop the stump of a
; presents in. Often pro-
tree Hon- ilam iiii^ the nounced kw'dng.

Imperial Academy (Shii hon- ; A flat lute with 25 strings,

written with a pen hon^ mak,_ ;
K'uno- called thong ^hau.
ih^ung, a literary reputation. n^" Hollow, vacant, putTod, em-
^gA.2 A waste, expanse, spacious ;
'rP^ pty a hollow bone a horse'^
; ;

''"" '''*^'' ^^^^ P*^'*' "' ^°^' '^"^ flank; a tune, or style of
N. VV. of Kansuh hd'- hon'- ; singing vain, pedantic a; ;

vast, spreading. classifier of sheep tchong ;

thong, assuming, pedantic

(138) Hong.
thong lui} tone or tune in
1^ Ropose, peace, concord singing t])ong Hsz' thong, a;

deliglitful, excellent ; blessed northerner's tunes; tkd thong,

Kang ;

joy, felicity ; to quiet ; an tunes sung by Chduchau fu

avenue, a road Jiong tchong, ;
men Jjo/j^ Vsz' IdV- pretend-

level, fine road Jiong ioiiig, ; ing, ostentatious ; i' iinong

health and contentment; <.hnng thon^, tunes accompanied by
td'C general peace Jiong ;
the fiddle min^ thong, spe- ;

JcYuing, strong, robust. cious ^ni ^koi kwd'

; thong
Chaff of grain, bran; poor, iloi,yoii must alter your tune
des[ucable, chafiy ; troiible- (or coiiduct).
"^ some, remiss Jiongt
ip'i ;
Hongchau fii, the capital
troublesome '/d thong, rice ;
of Chehkiiing, famous for its
chaff; maici ,hong, whnat bran; silks.
<hong, sawdust.
ffink, A scow or square boat for
w—r A
square box, correct re- ;
ferries ; to sail, to navigate ;

t«S gular, square to rectify, to ;

rf'.tz' thong, to compassionate
Kwiinj to right, to assist, to
Jijec.t :
sailors (a ij Kwanym).
: ; ;;;


W^ To submit, to return to hong- a willow street,' i. e.

ti- ' one's alleffiance : to descend a bordel ^Idrtg hong- a ;

it au ihong, to lay down ret)el. thorough or passage way.

lious arms; ihong iping, troops tH' The nape, that which rests
surrendering. u^
on the pillow
r crreal
b a sur- ;

>/=: A row, a line a series or ; name a sort, item, class,


i?J order a ci;iss, a iiuil<3,

a sort ; thing, species, article ^keng ;
Jiang '-, ,

° ncompany ot 25 men, and oi hong- the nai)e dung hong*- ;

100 men; a house or ware- public purposes ; liim* hong^

liouse of several tdpi or divi. debts, losses ; /roA> liong- each
sions, a factory ; to support parcel, sort, &c.
on, to rest on tsoi- ihong, ;

skilled a business, pru-

in (m) Hop.
dent ihong its'ing ikicong

expert in ^hong cfro tik, raise

; To unite, to join ; to shtit,
it a little higher Jiang a ; to close ; con- to collect, to
/iiki to baste clothes ;
yati vene accordant to, agreea-

tkdn ihong, a factory, a shop : ble, harmonious, suitable

ihong ^ki, which number of a pair the whole, united

the brothers are you ? Jiong together, with /idp, iVio, is ;

u- a guild ihong 'ch^wig, ;

it best, ought I ? fidp, piii*

head of the guild it'ung ; to pair, to betroth ; hop, <mdi,

ihong, or ihong Jca, of the to close up hop, -ngo ytnig^ ;

same craft ihong yung^ the ; just what 1 wanted, 1 can use
subscription to tlie guild; it ;
iS^nng hopi accordant,
Shjp-, csdm ihong, the Foreign to agree hop, shiki like

Factorie> yap, ihong ^'ng,

the pattern, suitable ; s';rt
to enlist as a soldier ; iliong hop, to* -7/, unreasonable, un-
fo^ cargo goods, those of in- just ; 7d hdp, it'ung, to make
ferior quality. an agreemeiii with hop, .wm :

jV«-' To roast, or broil ; (o dry, <shang, to compare the na-

to toast ; dry, drought
hong* ; tivities of two children prior
(cKong, a heA built of brick so to belrolhing ; hdj), isam ^shui,
as to be heated underneath ; agreeable, what one likes
hong* ito ishi, to toast bread ; hdpi pun- partnership busi-
hong* fo, a fire of embers ness ; hdp, -ngan fan* asleep.
to dry before the fire hong* ; A leaf of a iloor, a two leav-
Us'in, to ground on a bar or ed door all within doors, a
bank. family to shut, to close the
; ;

^b' A crooked alley a

lane, a ; whole, altogether why not ? ;

/jGr street of dwelli.igs; -wing hopi (kd, the household hopi ;

° hong^ a lockup for women of iheung, the whole village

(he palace; Inn* hong- a hop I it' dm ikwnn kaf, hope
wretched neighborhood -lau ; your excellent family is all

96 HOT. HIT.

well. The last is often used Siiort garments, poor, hem-

for this character. pen woolen stutls
Hoh ;

o cover; to unite for one

'1 stockings a beggarly fellow.

purpose why not hdp, ikivai

; ; The Tartar pheasant pug-
ill $Zo/', shall we go home ?
nacious and gregarious; a

hdpi hii' let us go. symbol of courage hot, Jcun, ;

Loquacious; shai' Jiop, one tlie plumes worn on helmets

of the 64 diagrams. In the by lictors, called chi- Jmi ^mi.

Court dialect, to sip, to drink. A twilled kind of felt or hair
A box or vessel with a cover, Hoh cloth brought from Shintung
_nTt3 as gallipots, caskets, pill-box- called hot, p'in\ and used for
es ; a covered platter ;
yat^ cushions.
ho' lidpi a box ;
pdV Cip-, hopi
a card-case ;
pi- an hopi snutl- (141) Hii.
box ;
sts'wn hop, a partition
box for sweetmeats. Empty, vacant ; unsub-
stantial, unsatisfactory, void
The clatter of stones ; in Hu ;

the Court dialect, A'oAj iCdu

vain, inane; humble, pure;
K'oh abstract contemplation, as
is the kotau ceremony.
understood by the Budhists ;
space, the void of the firma-
(140) Hot. ment ; the constellation A-
qiiarius ;
Jiting Jiii, empty ;

Why, why
not how, where- ;
Jiii ifati, frothy, nonsensical
fore ? to slop by an order, to Jiii tsz"- particles, adverbs;
Hoh ihilwd- unfounded, idle prate
intimidate, to hoot at.
Dry, thirsty to thirst ; de- ;
ihii isam hd-, hV to put up
sirous of, anxious, longing with, unprejudiced, indifferent
(in a good sense) sJiau hoU : to t'di* ihii, the heavens

thirsty holt '^senne, desirous

ihutd- vainly spent [his days] ;

of; ttd^- iViiii, hoti ^chi, he thuid'un, a false rumor; Jiii

mentioned plums and their y^uji, weak.

thirst stopped ; V/ei hoty (o A mount old mausolea, or ;

quench thirst. a burial waste; a deserted re-

To call out loud, to hoot, to gion, a wild a place for fairs ;

shout reprimand
at a
; to ;
or markets a fair ; Tn--it'ong

Hoh Jiii, a noted fair near Napier's

guttural, gurgling, choking,
sound an angry hoot
holy ;
Fort ; (hii ich'dung, the place
chu- order them to stop;
'k'it. where fairs are held ; thii.
hoti Id^- to clear the road as kom' cts'd, such a bustle a ;

lictors do Ao/. yat, isheng, ;

hubbub like a fair; thii Jiii,
to hoot hot, Jipi, to make
diaiC always going to fairs,
people separate ; hoft ling- are always welcome ;

to egg on, to set on hoi, «/o, ;

7d j.vAt ,Am. %k'it when is the
to slroj) a razor. fair held ?

HU. HO; 97

To blow with the breath ;

'^^ To leave, to depart from, to
a respiration to praise, to ;
g^ quit ; to conceal, to hoard ; to
recommend. dismiss, to expel.
To sob timid, fearful;
4-^' To depart, to separate, to
breathing or sobbing, making ir^ part from, lo become distinct;
a noise through the nose. to go, either in, out, from, or
Remote wide, spacious ; ;
through to proceed, to pass

vague, wide of the mark, en- on in a regular course; the

during; distorted, loose; to third of the four tones pait, ;

deprave »Au fut* vague,

; gonp, former to discard, to ;

baseless. reject ; to repudiate ; implies

An interjection, expressive an action, ability, or comple-
of grief, distrust, or admira. tion, in the preceding verb;
tion ; «/<u, S'ld clCuU ik'i ! Ah, as mdi' paU hii' I can not sell

very strange ! it
yapi hii' go in hit' Joi (go- ;

To stare, to open one's eyes come), together express uni-

at to gloat on. versally, revolving, past time,
Htt ;

finished action; 'hong JoiMfOng

vaunt, to talk big; false,
hii^ tautology ^iii hit' ip'in
boasting great, big. ;

Hti ;

ch'ii' iloi, where have you

To grant, to allow, to let
been hu' ^yam Joi, I've been
It to permit or acquiesce in, to /4o drink

hii" iyiirt, last year

; ;
accede to, to accord ; to listen hu\hiv, gone hu' shai' dead
; ;
to and promise to betrotli or
yapi iftheng hu' to go into the

promise in marriage ; to enter ciiy hu' iyau Jto, to take an


or advance ; to flourish nn ex-

airing on the river; cKvtt hu',
cess, more than very ; 'hu'^hau,
ch'uti hu\ Hai, go away,
a long time 'Aw </o, a gr«nt
go, do n'l be here gazing ^yau !

many dsau tpui "-hu 'Juiii-, to

mad hu' cKti' what places are
arrange a marriage over one's
there to go to ? /ti/.' chiuU itnun,
cups 'hu iin^ to vow ; 's/»i/
gone abroad to visit kwo' hit' ;

Vtu, a very little paf, Viji ^k'u ;

ichi sz'- patst things.
Jai, don't let him come. A
(142) Hu.
High flying, boasting talk ;

to display ; to talk large Boots; yaf) U'll'' ihii, a pair

energetic, bold ; moderate of boots ; <hil mb^ boots and
tp'in every part.
"hii, in cap«, sent as presents ifong ;

A tree bearing a black nut fau boots;

ihH, square-toed
like an acorn soft, flexible ; ; ^nga ihil kbm' ngdng^ as stiff
7»M V*u, pleased. as earthen bootsf, unchange-
The crown worn in the abln, obstinate.
Sbang dynasty it somewhat ; .Hil di), a small trumpet, a
rpscmblrd a Cantah'.s cap in kind of bugl»\ used at the
being flat on the tf)p. literal V exaiiiinatiuns.

'lo.N. i)i(.T. ly
; . ;;

98 HUK. HUN.

(143) Huk. A a quiver

large goblet ;

, thin,poor; a hoof; the top

Crooked, bent cun'ed, dis-
of the fool hvki ts'vk) trem. ;

torted scheming, tortuous,

K'iuh bling from fear, deadly fear,
false ; to oppress, to wrong ;
as animals when pursued.
to force, or oblige one to do,
necessitated songs, sonnets,
ditties a carpenter's square ;
(144) Hun.

twdn huk) devious, meander. Clamor, hum, noise of

ing; huki chiky crooked and '".S.
people talking ihiin oca, to

straight, the right and wrong

clamor, to vociferate (.hiin ;
««' hnki tricky, underhand ;
Hiaenndu' boisterous merriment
chiung' huki to sing ditties
with a fife waty hukt to bend,
to deceive ; — in which
the second character is the
To cry aloud, the noise of same as the next.
grief or pain to groan, to

^g To impose on; fallacious,

wail huk) yapt crying and
deceptive to forget; did'
*j^^ jj ;

sobbing ; it'ai hukt groaning ihiin, to deceive, to lie to.

loudly tk'am tak> huki un-
ni±> Genial warmth, heat of the
ceasing crying ; huk) isong, «HM. gun in spring, a pleasant
wailing for the dead Cung' Hiuen iL
hvk) heartfelt grief; huk) txotig
n^ Bright, hot sun the heat ;
chiung^ the staff carried by a '
r^ of the sun to dry. Same as
, :

son at a funeral. Hiuen ^ . ' -^

the next.
To stimulate, to excite to exer- AS To dry at a fire ; clear,
tion, toencourage,toanimate. „— * brilliant, splendid hot ; to
Hmen \ ..^ ..

The sun, the dawn

rising ;
burn ; (hun ^u, to roast or
to. huk) yati sunrising; huk) huk) smoke fish i.hun yuk, to
Hiuh ;

joy at having succeeded. smoke meat.

To carry one's-self careful, T& The iris or fleur-de.lis, call.
ly ; attentive; tChiin-huk) t-^ ed iTHong lyau Hs'd, because
the emperor who succeeded it causes one to forget his
Hwingti, B.C. 2513. sorrow and Inki Us'ung ifd,

Superior wine ripe (as ; deer's onions;' a mother, be-

grain) hard.hearted, severe;
; cause if a woman carries it
inhuman, tyrannical (applied she will bear a son; thiin
to officers) extremely, in a ; it'ong, your mother.
high degree; U'dm huki ava- A wooden bowl or cup ; a
and cruel huki I'/ing,
ricious ;
shield cpti/' made of ;
an illegal punishment huki ;
hun, cups and bowls.
iti very warm. j^ A coop or pen for animals;
An imaginary measure, in ,j^ crooked wood for cuixs; a
K'luen . , . ,
' '

Canton equal to ten tau, or circle, a ring, an inclo.sure

Hoh ;

pocks, or one shek, or a pecui a prison ; a stop or period in

of 100 catties. grammar ; to encircle, to sur-
;:;; ;;

HilN. HUNG. 99

round to mark or punctimtp

; in siJc/j papers; a last; Au/j'
Va ,hun, to draw a circle ;
y^uki a bond ti* hun^ a wr-it ;

</tua iShing, to mark the ten tile placed in graves as

tunes of characters ; 'Ao ihiin proof of possession ; tAii huii^
*/io ^tim,should be italicized ; a boot.last.
(ngan Jiun, a silver ring;
thiin fd' a snare, a fraud
(145) Hung.
tfiiin ch'uli Jai, to cut out
rotten or bad parts, as from
^ Empty, vacant,
leisure an opening or
void ; at
K'ung ;

fruit, cloth ; ch'titt ihun, to vice; great, wide; the firma-

publish the cyphers of sue ment, sky ; poor, broken ;

cessfui siutsdi. unprejudiced, able to per-

An ancient wind instrument ceive clearly ; abstraction as
TT - of porcelain with six holes, understood by the Budhists.
shaped like an egg it was ; Read 'hung, a hole, a tunnel
blown at the apex. or opening in the ground.
IS Ingenious, expert, cunning; tHung uky an empty house ;
Hmen nimble name of a country
' -
Cdi^ Jiung, or Jiung ichung,
. •, . ,
or trii)e in primitive times. heaven, sky '/« kdin' 'Jiau ;

'Ji. A dog; radical of ferine Jivngf so impudent do n't ;

|/!^ animals; Vjtia 7*i' my son; you put in your tongue

Vm/i 'ma ichi pd' humble ser- ihung H'd, an empty stomach;
vice to requite favors. thung '^shau, empty-handed ;
'mb A ditch or water-course be- tHong <hung no coin by one,
„/^ tween fields a rili or runlet : moneyless ihung j/id/J, un-
K'men a .

lo tlow, as a water-course, occupied ihung Hung, hoi-


diffused like good instruc- low ihungti^ a vacant spot


tion Vmrt ^mau, rills between

; ihung Jo iTnd yikt lost all my
plats of ground. trouble; thung (hung hii^ went
To exhort, to advise, to away empty ;
yaU i^li^ung
,> admonish; to stimulate, to ihung, all gone, everything
^ J j
encourage, to praise
K'iuenqaiesce hiiu^ kiiiv' to remon-
to ac-

is lost.

Ignorant, rustic dissatisfi- ;

strate with [a superior] ;

' •/" ed from inability or ill luck ;
huii'^imn, to incite, to urge to sincere ; simple.

e.'cerli(»r);<s^«;»^/tu/t'to advise 1^ Unfortunate, unlucky, un-

e ich other, to admunish tjH happy, unpropitious, adverse;
hiiii^ siki to urge to peace. lugubrious, mournuil judg. ;

^fcj' A tassel ; an ornam<inted ments of heaven, calamity ;

muen ^^"^'^P^'' ^"^ gems or sen Is ;

malignant, cruel, bad, in
adorned, variegated quick.
which sense it is used for the
^^j A bond, deed, contract, or next kat, ihung mi^ tchi, I

-^^ agreement the ; parties each don't know whether it is

iorm-^rly retamfd one h;\li ;
lucky or not ; Jmng stin^ b^fj
a section proof, evidence of : news ihung ; inin, a bad yeap.
100 HUXG.
M \Ievolent, cruel, inhii- to redness ; Jmng yati dong
man; vicious,malignant; it'io, the emperor's* birthday*
fearful, cry of fear thung ; or that of others.
'shall, a m.irdcrer; (hung Water rising an inunda. ;

i'cang, vicious, intractable tion, adeluge a torrent over- ;

< Uung 1)0^ fierce ; ihung oki flowing great, vast,
Wicked, truculent ; ihaiig mense ihung '^shui, the de-

tkuiig, to plunder like a ban- luge of Yii Jiung fuk, ;

dit ; I hung /d Idn^ Usai, a great happiness (fun ihung ;

rt'probate, a brig;ind. Uung^ liberal minded and


The first character repre. kind; a surname. Inter-

sents the breast, inclosing changed with the next.
the heart ; the breast, the A swan, or wild goose (sc.
Hiunj heart, the bosom the mind, .1^ a river or marsh bird); largo,
the feelings ; '^lain thung, to vast profound, learned a
—a ; ;

pound the breast beg- letter-carrier, a postman

gar's device ; Jiuvg <k'am Jiung ngdn^ wild geese ; Jiung
ftllt liberal, considerate (hi, great felicity a phrase —
(hung kdk> aV chai^ indi- placed opposite doors ihung ;

gestible; (hung its'ong '^kam pin^ to send a letter by one.

sau' lit<'rary, accomplished ; A flash or flame of fire to ;

thung^t'ong the breast; (hung dry at the fire ; dried.

tWiii the feelings; dlung j»/6,
Colored vapor, the rainbow,
the Huns. At halo —all thought to be an
The bubbling <>f a spring, Huns
impure ofiluence of the sky ;
the noise of rapid waters
Hiuiig (t'in ihung, ihung ingai, or (Cin
ihe sound of tumult ; ihung
hong' the rainbow ; called
'yung, the gurgling of a at Macao, be.
p'o' ip'ung
cause it splits Ihe aky : con-
A hill in Pingliing f(i, in
nected together.
K^nsuh, called tHung t'ung^
To quarrel, to litigate to
K'ung ;

the source of Ihe River denounce to officers; (o in-

King. Hung
volve another by speaking;
Rod color, reddish ; fiery ;
domestic discards.
gentle, ladylike ihuna shUd gymnasium,
Hung ;
A college or in
red ihuvg ifd^ the Hibiscus
A.D. 200, capable of a::cnm-
ri>sa-sinensis, or shoe-flower; Iluag
modating 30,000 studf-nts ;

ihung iHgdn, rosy, ruddy ;

tsun^ ihwig (kung, to entor u
(long i'lung, prosperous, ris-
candidatcfor degree of sin.
ing iCh'^ung Jiung, a general
tsAi the ihung (kung are

notice from the people

rooms for study adjoin ^ni;
fhung ipdit a ship's clear, the temple of Confucius ;

nnce ; ihung cVid i!/an, the ihnng cmiin sau^ si'^ a

E'lgh^'h (Jihiti hung, hoalod
HUNG. HLT. 101

^i^ A cock bird ;• masculine, hold up, to maintain ; hung^

male of smwll animals ami kd^ to petition against ; nipi
insects, as well as birds hung^ to faUely accuse
courageous!, martial, brave, sheung^ hung^ to send in on
heroic ihung chon^^ burly
; accusation ulijiung^ to peti- ;

and strong ; Hau 'hi Jiung tion the highest provincial

A^am, screw your courage up. officers directly.
.^ A bear, the » hybernaling ^c* A bridle, or the reins by
'"^ which u horse
Hiung'^"""^' ;' '^""<? s!/""' a bear ;
is reined in.
" ihung '^ch^ung a bear's
Rude hung' ifung, igno.
a delicacy Jiung Udm. gall f^' ;

of bears a medicine .Hung — ;

J, rant ;

01 business.
wearv, hurried by press

H ishdn, a range of moun-

tfc' To empty or exhaust ; a
tains in Hon^n.
rP^ deficiency ; to make room
'^\ A orifice, a cave,
hole, an ii.'unor

^kuel hung' to return a

"• , , ^
j{.,j„^an opening; a pore; hollow;
° thorough deficiency ; hung' thoi tikt
excellent, great, ;
mike a little room for me;
deep; a surname; ""hung
hung' Jioi 'si, leave a space
ts^uki the peacock ; 'Hung
in the writing hung' fat, a
^fd ^Isz* Confucius ; dung defalcation.

ishan 'leau '^hung, the nine

passages of the body ; '^hung
Quicksilver; tshiu iian lin*
^^ smelt quicksilver
kHu^ a hole. Hunz ^""S^
from cinnabar.
'5^ Apprehensive, anxious, ag-
Hung^ A halo uf^ ^yau hung^ there ;

itated, alarmed, suspicious;
is a halo round the moon.
to suppose, to doubt, to ima-
gine, to reckon upon por- ;

ha(>s, supposing, if it should (146) Hut.

be ;yiung ;/«' fearful of,
supposing, suspicious lest ; I
At Blood radical of blood or

'hung A-ii^ to dread, frighten, I,

bloody things hiu, hi' the ;

ed; ,';« '^hung, quiet. bodily slamma, the constitu.

The cry of persons fight, tion ; hiili 'pun, capital in
ing ; to quarrel, to wrangle ;
trade ; ch'ut, hijh bleeding; 'pd
hunu^ tau' to fight, battling. strengthen the .system;
hiili to
The hum of a crowd ;
it' hm,
blood settled in a
singing or voices mingling bruise /imAj hiit, coagulated
Hung ;

to intimidate by a loud voice bio )d ;

hiiti isfiii, a letter writ-
to cozen, to cheat to bo- ; ten in blood (at the last ex.
guile, to tempt ; hung^ p'iu^ treinitvj hiif, sing' careful

to deceive; hung^ hoU to memory of, attention; shaft

browbeat. huty pale, white-liveied ; hvl,

4^ To pull (as a bow), to check ill, hair of rhehead; ch'ut,

,V. or rein in to impeach, to ; pd!:, hm, to pay another's
jccu^e to intonu riders to
; ; defalcation.

169 HWE. f.

Looking out a door, a look- He, she, it ,t ^tong, they,

.^ i\ out above a gate imperial; ;
•¥ them a iUin, that year an

Kmeh if.- ^ \ ^ 1 .
; ;

detective, lo->t ; not enough ;

initial particle, meaning only,
faults, deficiencies to miss, ; because that ; a surname.
to err disrespectful, want,
smile in bitterness, to
ing in ; to dig ; hi'tf, imftn, his
moan, a forced laugh d iHg^ ;

Majesty's palace (ham liiiU ;

hum of boys reading.
the golden gate of Olyni-
Name of a river in HonAn
pus; ti/j /iu/> the waning <6 province, a branch of the
moon ; hutt s/iatt lost, miss-
River Loh ; it runs through
ing ; ihd iTTid 'skill hilly not
Sung hien in Hondn fu.
the least thing missinsr.
For these two characters, see
A fierce dog extended, ;

1^ K'lit, their usual pronunciation in continuous; flourishing; to ex-

Canton. claim in praise, good! fine! an
interjection ; to add to, depend
Ripples on water, the curl-
(147) Hwe. ing lines made by water in
An exclamntion ; halloo, gentle motion.
stop ! thw^, ^ni hil^, hal- The tone of indignation,
loo! where are you going? surprise, dissatisfaction ; for
shame, alas groans, dolor to
! ;

belck ;<i Jd do jj/a/i, a low, idle

(148) f. fellow.
To heal, to cure medical,
•4^ Clothes, specially those for m medicine ; a physician

; ci «?2'
*";: the body ; radical of garments or ci ,shang a
doctor; ihavg
a cover, case, or wrapper it, to practice medicinr- jsAicf, ;

the husk of cocoanuts o ful\ ;

a fashionable doctor; ipdu ih
or c7 i^li^iinff, clothes pnki d, ;
to assure a cure ishan d, a ;

plel)''iHns; Js'itig ci, siijisai skillfid doctor ; iVung d shaft

graduates; jnn* ti, undress, iyun, charla(ar)s kill people.
common dress ; ^md <i shihi ini- A blue and white duck
proj)er, lewdly ; chiuht dfuk:. which frequents the seashore
to dress : ifhing d tim^ a slop- in flocks, and foretokens
shoo; shui^ ci, a sleeping dress. storms by flyins inland.
j^j To rely on, to trust to ; to A boy, a infant, a male
agref, to coiiforiii to; as, ac- cliild ; infantile, feeble; a suf.
J' •Rh
cording to; as you say ;
«i iin, fi.\ nouns much used in the
<i thi, likp, similar ci 'rti, as ;
court dialect, and to denote
yf)H please ;
>i '/i xtU Ih'O de- that words are nouns 'sin ji, ;

pendanf on parents, fili-il ; <? ji, my son : tnP^sin jT, mv oldest

shnfi shiil, unJojbted, can be son ; Jio j/', a toy ;
ji *«6, child-
believed. ren ; ii i/'/t'd, cutch.
; ;;

f. 103

Forced laughter, imwillintj To doubt, to suspect ; to

3fl compliance; loq-iacious. Read guess, to fear; perverse; doubt,
twd, the prattle of chddren. ful of, to dislike, unsettled ja ;

M The whiskers
radicals as a copulative con-
; one of llie ji,

fox's doublings, feartui
suspicious, fearful ; pi*
junction, means and, also, to- iffij avoid suspicious acts

gether and yet, even as a

; ; •/It kbnv' ito fi, you are so very

disjunctive conjunction, but suspicious jwid ft, plain, cer-


yet, contrariwise, still ; as ;

tain, undoubted.
used for the person spoken to, Name of a range, called
thou an initial particle; {i tAd
; 'Kau tf, or Nine Mts., where
now; ji VAV, moreover, fur- the Emperor Shun was bu-
thermore ; it ikam (l hau^ now ried — said to be in Slian<i ;

and henceforth li 'x a final ;

eminent, promising; to know.
phrasf, denoting that is all,
nothing more, no other, the
B to
To transplant
transpose, to shift, to re-
move, to change the place or
rice ; to move,

Warm or hot water flow, ; the direction of; to transmit

ing tears Jin (i, incessant to convey (an infection); to
Rh ;

crying. migrate ; ti Jioi, to move

away ^t (mdi, to move near
A funeral car or hearse. ;

tWO ti, to borrow ; ti 'fun isnu*

Aking-post or girder on the 'kan, to accommo('atcone with
'Rh top of a pillar, to support the a timely loan ji (nan, to for- ;

roof; a kind of chestnut; a ward a public dispatch.

fungus or Pezi/a, called muki The bar of a door, called
li, or 'ears of wood.' Hm Hm li jzcai «c/»'Hi, (Peh-
The spawn or young of li-pi)burned the bar of his
fish ; cj)d ti, a delicious fish door, [from poverty].
found in Tungting Lake. A kind of buliace ji (y^vng, ;

That which is naturally a kind of white willow, found

.t reasonable, fit, right ;
in Shantung.
befitting, harmonizing, j ist ; A tripod or vase used in
ought or should be often is ;
temples for libations ; a con-
to be taken as a form of the stant rule or law which all
iniperative or future tenses men acknowledge, an invari-
harmonious, accordant title ;
able principle ; constant, com-
of .5th rank ladies; ti takt mon ; it ilun, the five social
ought, it is proper patj in^ung ; relations; ^Md ji tshdn, the Bo-
ti, unsuitable, not his place ; hea hills.
hbp} si, done right, well done ; Self-sufficient, great assur-
if am 'siuipin ^i, to covet little ance, arrogant shallow-mind- ;
douceurs yin^ jf, convenient,
; ed to despise, to look down

serviceable ; ji lakt to desire, on verbose to insult, to brag.

; ;

to wish.

104 f.

A gradtttion, rising one nlwve now applied to all foreigners

another, as a series of weights, who do not speak Chinese; a
stairs, stories, hills, 6ic.; to barbarian, in the sense the
advance, to reward the wor- Greeks used ^a^Qagot ;
ji jya/i,

thy; to superimpose advan- ; a foreigner ; li miti to exter-

tage ; ifan ji kokt mah put minate.
each in its proper rank; ji Mucus or running from the
tsang^ to confer honors on nose ; twan ji, name of a marsh
one's parents and self in Sli^nsi.

A pitcher or goblet, with a
handle and spout water-pot ;
are called
the older
wife's sisters;
tho younger
tdi^ ji,

or waali-basin shallow cc/ti ; ; ^siii ii; maternal aunts the ;

jt, wine and water pitchers. elder are called ji 'wd, 4 ona,
The chin, tlie sides of the and ii ^ni^ung the younger, ;

mouth; one of the diagrams; d' si ; elder maternal

A (f^, my
to nourish, to feed ik'iii, an ;
aunt's husband.
old man, who must be fed. A wound; an ulcer or sore;

m Name of a river in Shan-

tunff, flowing south into Lake
Loh-ma in Kiangsu, and
to hurt, to injure
to the mind.
Harmonious concord,
; distressing

thence into the sea.
Usages of mankind a rule, ;
r ed with each other, as brothers
and friends ; joyful, satisfied ;

rite, a ceremony decorum, ; ifi'ing tai* ii ji, fraternal joy ;

etiquette ; the external ap. si (too, Didighted-harmony, the

pearance, or deportment ; name of Howqua's hong in
fiirure,form regidar, proper,
; C inton.
correct, wluit ought to he, just To hand down, to bequeath,
to imitate to study how to to leave to, to comm inicate to
effect; the principles or pow- posterity ; to present to ;
ers of nature ; H6ung jt, the tual deception ; to ridicule ; to
dual principles a present of
; act fio as to be despised. Read
money ;
ji chii' rules of eti- 't'oi, to defraud, or insult;
quette; tin' ji or Ji^nng ^i, wearv ; jf jr^'uM, to hand down;
money sent to mourners to as- ds'iriHi ii its'inir, to send re-
sist in the rites ^clCitig tf, a ; membrances from afar (lo
present to one traveling; friends).
^u'^g 5t, deportment iwai ji, ; Same as the preceding ; to
a dignified carriage. ,a$ induce, or bring on one's self,
Even, arranged to equal- ; to cause ;
ji tsung^ to leave a
ize, to level ; towound, to kill, legacy, to make a parting
to cut grass ;
great, ample to ; present ; 4 ^ng- hau^ tyaii, lo
class, to sort; contented, pleas, mislead after ages, to pro-
©d ;
distant, remote, foreign ; pagate error lui^ '^z' <fim ; <,i

a tribe of people in the west, to involve one's posterity.

;; ;;

i. t' 105

Sweet cakes ; su^red, plea- 'gr An ear, the organ of bear.

sant, sweet to feed ikdm a ; ;
Z^ ing ; radical of what relates to
a tidbit, sugan- ; "^kan /o -Ju ji, the ear and hearing to per- :

to regard afflictions as sweeL ceive ; a handle, an ear ; a

A bridge ; the bank near a final particle, usually denoting
.is. bridge. merely the end of the sense,
but sometimes as an intensi-
To rely or lean on, to lean tive ; H Jang, or H fat, the, trusting in ; to depend ear H Ho ian* others will soon

on, to engage one to do; in- hear it ; H tnvng, black ears,

clined, leaning a fulcrnm, a ;
thought to come from bad lack;
support Idi^ cw ait to
; 'i 'i It
thong %
dry ears H watt an ;

depend on jmo <p'tn ; titn' % ear-pick ; H jicdn, ear-rings

impartial, not the least un-
'i % obsequious a gr^^ ; H c»urt,
fairness; T pang^ a trust, a grandson's grandson ; shttw^
dependanee 'ind 'ho toP

immediately (lit. waiting on

ifung %
quick of hearing; H
ytii, hard of hearing Hjung, ;

horseback) 'i fok^ to beg a fa.;

H to pull'
deaf; mitt Hstii,
vor of one, to engage one to do; your ears 'im H td' jting',
off ;

't ik'am tko, to sing in uni-

to cover the ears and steal a
son with a lute 'i cch'i maty -ye, ;
bell, to delude ; *i Ho^un kuo'
what do you depend on for it 1 matt * very - soft ears,' ex-
An open, variegated kind
m of silk, called 't Jo; it is a
cessively credulous.
You, thou yonr ; flourish- ;
kind of law or open silk, used
j^Mng; a final particle, inter-
for summer dresses.
A three-legged iron frying-
4^ ] changeable with the preced-
'Bh ing, denoting that the subject
pan or griddle a stand for
is not of much consequence ;

bows a den or cave.


kind of hard wood, fit for

also forms adverbs, as tsttt* %
suddenly : H ^ngo j^fng tfom^
cabinet work a chair, a :
we are of the same mind H ;

co«ich ya/j tcheung % a cbair

y^» yo<^ ; H H 'rtgo *.igo,
jToi % tables and chairs fap :
uncertain, confused talk
<«' % a large state chair
*ndi *f, it is thus, so.

thim 'shau an arm-chair; % Near, next to, at hand ap-

*3ff ;

thuP'U a couch kied' itavg ; % proaching, both in time and

a chair without arms. Rii
place : to reach, to come to-
^ides of a chariot ; the
place in a car where spears
wards, to approach : mati %
friendly, sociable; H {i(»,[tiaie]
are placed.
nearly completed.
A silken screen ufsed by the
jJ^ Figure, form ; like ; to com-
ancient emperors in the au- *'*' pare to consider, to guess or

dience-chamber : it was or-

conjecture ; to decide after
namented with ax-heads. estimate
deliberation ; to

To.>. DicT. 14
; — ;

106 i. I.

to intend, (o purpose *i toki

to think upon, to calculate; H
; last ;
j?7id % not cease, no morci
nothing ; ^yau ^chi % proba-
to transport to the ble ; shi^ '/, hence ; H 'A;u«
army ; H Isui^ to judge crimes. tirw'ai U'in, to look at the sky
deliberate, to consult, through a tube ; /s?'* H iWai
to discuss ; doubt, hesitation shi^ I must have
; it so, I'll do it.
murmuring used for the pre-

ceding, to decide 'i sz'^ /ing.

Luxuriant,growing rank,

a senate-chamber, a council, ^^ flourishing veg tation.

hall; the Senate-house at Ma- ?>» .The purslane (Plantago); H

cao is so called min^ H to ; J
'mai, or HH iyan, pearl-barley.
confer with one ikung ^i, a ;
The seeds of the nelum-
public discussion. t^ bium ; H sV«"» pearl-barley

A denoting a
final particle, same as the last.

plain statement, that the sense ^' The intention, will, purpose;
is fully expressed ;
ji H % fully, '^* thoughts, ideas motive ; in- ;

enough [fau % certainly not.

clination, sentiment, opinion

, At the beginning of a sen- meaning of a word ; i' mi*

tence, stopped, finished, just icKiung, an agreeable taste,
done, already, past; sign of the delighted with i" sz'^ the feel, ;

perfect ; to terminate ; to de- ings, the intention ; ftrid 'chit

cline, to put away, to reject; V undetermined ; I'm 7<d i' *z"
ns a final, excessive, no more ; indecent, disreputable; un-
H iking 'kong, done speaking; willing to refuse ^yau matt V ;

H hit' gone off; pati tak) H 52" what does he say about it ?
obliged to do, inevitable; H twdi\c/mff^, unintentional; ^m
iking 'kdm, I have made it so kvxi' taki i' greatly obliged for
H from
fiau^ this, hereafter. it; tofr>i^ gratified, got his wish,

By, with ; in order to, that an exclamation of delight often

which for, ; to the end that, used in sport 5/jin^' i' exceed,
that ; the cause by which, us- ed your wishes i^ pafi a rough ;

ing, taking and next, at, ; ; sketch or picture V i^ sz'' sz'* ;

according to; a reason or imdesirable, I prefer not.

cause; preceded byWto, means J^' A retired, obscure place to ;

therefore, wherein, that by v^ bury, to inter to sacrifice to ;

which, thereby succeeded by ;

those who have been buried, to
iWai, means deeming, to con- streams, or to the moon; to hide.
aider, by it make preceded ;
^^^ Mild, virtuous, excellent
by Jio, means how could H is ;
*P admirable, admired applied
often merely a sign of the ac- to women; the virtuous one,
cusative, from, to, as H in, sc. tiiB Empress i' 'c/u, her ;

iyan <fs'un isain, he cherishes Majesty's orders.

humanity in his heart H chik^ ; J^^ Cooked rice spoiled by
iioaihuk> to bend the straight; 'f-
mold ; a sour, harsh taste ;
occasionally used like the used for it>, to choke.
; ;

IM. 107

j^' T.) kill, to put to death, lo |dt«- A species of wild jujube or

'"? exterminate ;
throw down,
to date-plum the seeds used for
1fl|' ;

to prostrate to overhang. an anodyne, under the name

— 5'] Twi> ;

to divide in twain, of i^un Hsd iyan, are not from

"7", j
to bisect ; to help, to second ;
a Zizyphus.
^r no reiterate ; to suspect ; tat' to' Separated, foreign, of an-
^*^ the second i' shapi twenty
i' ;
^-"* other country, different, di-
^^ ^ isam, not doubleiriinded,
iTndi- verse; admirable, unusual;
faithful, sincere ;i'/s'z" twice. strange, rare, extraordinary,
The two last forms are chiefly bizarre perverse, helerrxlox ;

us3d in bills and accounts. to marvel at, to regard as dif-

^' Right, proper, suitable ;
ferent or foreign; to oppose; i'

righlGousnoss, eqjity, upright- »«««* strange news; i' yatt an-

ness, high moral feeling, con- other day shai^ patt i^ will

formable to what the heart not be forced to change ; tdi^

feels to be proper; common, ifnng '•siu i^ very much alike.
free, public, by contribution ^Jj- Labor, distress, toil; afflic-
or government appropriation, ''y tions, sufferings; to be weary,
as i' '-Iseng, a public well i' ; to endure, to labor in.
/lO.Vj a free schoo' patriotic, ;
^i' To accustom one's self, to
in defense of principle or practice, to be skilled in ; to
rights, public spirited, as i^ serve assiduously sprouts of ;

%ping, patriot volunteers ; su- a stump; i^ ipi a resident gra-

perior, surpassins, excellent, du:ite, one who lives in the
virtuois, as i' sz'^ an eminent college.
scholar; i^'-liun, a faithful dog; 01 -
E isy, simple, plain, not hard
adopleH, putative, supplied in ^J to do; negligent, remiss, dis-
place of, as i^ fu} an adopted respectful ; to extirpate weeds,
f>»lher; i* '^kai, a false head- to dress a field iyang i' ea^y

dress ; made up, compounded ;

to do i* Cufy '^shnu, easy to rid

as i' maki a composition ink ;

out of hand (as gjods) i^ jwiat ;

meaning, signification i^ piil,i ; Vjom can be done quickly i' ;

a faithful servant ; i^ hV right ccai liki not hard lo do, he

principled, honorable i't?/tdn, ; will do it with help ; V «u pia'
a public burying.ground i^ ; changeable in sentiment.
t';hong, a public depository for
coffins. (140) fm.
'zKV Right, proper, used for the T^c Todetain awhile to cover,
m.. last ; friendly, acquainted ;

; to conceal ; a surplus, an ox-
adopted ichi Jan ;<c/u p cess; to remiin over sudden- ;

friends adopted as brothers ly, hastily; to en^er into pos-

{Tii« i* of the same age or session ; dm ^uiu .9z" ifong, he
graduation UHki i^ relatives ;
suddenh' obtained the retrion ;
of different surnames. a place in Shantung.
; ;;;

lOS IM. l\r.

J&; To soak, to saturate ; to roof; tft iim, the turned-up

J^ overflow ; to detain, to stay cornices of a hipped roof; jim
away dm Jav, to tarry long
; ;
hd* under the eaves, in low
dm kun^ to permeate dm chai^ ;
life mok, ^k'i iim "-hau, don't

dilatory muti to spoil or

; dm stand under the eaves.
drown in water lim tnun^ ns- ; Severe, stern, strict, rigid ;
phyxiated, half crazy, worried.
reserved, cold, austere ; ma-
^Ak. Clouds rising and spread- jestic, solemn, dignified, re-
*j^ ing to soak, to make to
; verential inducing respect or

vegetate, as the ram does. awe a night-watch or guard


OB^ To castrate, to geld ; dm epithet of a father ; iim iHd,

'^1 }^"'^'*' ''*" eunuch
of the palace ;
strictly to seize ; jfm 9vkt
jffiilj dm
ichu to cut a boar. The sternly dignified; dm fxi} or
Yen second is a local character. ikd iim, my father Hd tsz' iim, ;

jj& The name of a mountain the teacher is strict ; jtm mnti

West, called dm Usz', extremely close or secret
Yen '" ^^^
fabled to contain the cave ifsjirtji/n, your respected father.

where the sun went at night. A breastwork for archers or

mind exercised upon
ppearmen to protect them-
dm <ts'imi unsteady, loqua- selves ; to fend off.
cious; dm dm tts'im dsim, rest- Sour, sharp, as vinegar or
less, nervous, anxious, spirits highly rectified loki ;
afcfc To lay in salt ; dm pdki iim ts'd' put in some sharp

Y™ 'lam, salted olives ; dm its'ong, vinegar — be very strict with

to lay down [flesh] in salt dm ; him.
H'ui, smoked hams. A large serpent in Yunnan,
M"l Salt to salt pdk, dm,
; ;
Yen described
as edible and scale-
*^^ i w hi'e salt jiwi /i/i, salt-yards; less, and with large teeth a ;

^^ jtim wau^ c*z', the salt commis- tribe of southern savages.

Yen sioner ; «/tdt' jim, to evaporate The whiskers ; the hair on
salt water idng ch'ut, dm Yen
the cheeks near the ears ; 'rni

tts'ii, the salt-jar has produced dm ikting, the lord of the hand-
worms! suid of bad sons. some whiskers, i. e. Kwanti
t^ To dislike, to hold in con- Jian iim, curly whiskers.
'^^ tempt, to think meanly of; to Fire blazing, flame ; burn-
^'^" lothe, to de-spise prejudiced, luminous
: ing, hot glorious,
Yen ; ;

suspicious, fastidious, jealous to bum ;

jfm J^ung shai^ knV
of; iim \ihiu, to disdain as the inconstant world, fickle
little ; '«i j';n jim, don't weary friends ^im i/j very hot [sun]

of; 'sm {im, petty dislikes, ^fo iim ^sh^ung, the fire blazes
querulous. up iim taV the emperor Shin-

.^^"1 The eaves, or projectinc nung.

j/h" Ipart of a roof, vulgarly call- To .screen or shade, to con-
jUSj ed ukt it/am, and lyam 'Aim ; ceal from view ; to shut, to
YeTi the plate which supports the close ; to soothe, to stroke witji

iM. iM. 109

the hand ; to console ; to sur- To dye, to tinge ; to steep

prise an enemy 'im (Wun, to in a dye ; to taint, to catch,
shut the door; 'im thai imun, to be infected ; to pollute, to
to open the door ; Hm shik> to vitiate, to copy the bad prac-
hide away quickly ; Hm min^ tices of others ; soft, flexible ;

to cover the face 'im '/id cAii/i ; Hm shiki to dye Him Hm, to ;

you must improve, don't be so revise, to add to and finish up

stupid ; Hm Hm '^yiuvg 'yeung, (as a picture or composition) ;

afraid to be seen, hiding away tfdn Hm, to re-dye tsapt ;

as a truant; Hm ^lid 'cfiau, hide Hm, to learn vicious habits

it for shame. /an Hm, to dye by brushing
cover over, to shade, Hm tin^ p'd' a dyer's shop 'jm ;

hide (as an occultation c?i imeng, to get a bad name.

Yen To advance ^ gradually
does) iWan Hm yaU the clouds

screen the sun to castrate weak, feeble '/m ^Yau, a ;

; ;
vases with small mouths and disciple of Confucius.
large bellies a pass in moun- ; Luxuriant, tender herbage
tains. by turns, gradually, alternate-
To cover anything with ly ^yam Hm, going and com-

dirt ; Hm iTiidi, to bury in the ing, like day and night.

ground. A gem of great lustre, fre-
To dislike, to disapprove, to
quently set on the apex of the
sicken tablets held by ministers at
reject to lot he to at,
Yen ; ;

audiences ; splendent part of

distasteful ; satiated, filled ;

pdki ini' to be hated or avoid- the name of H. M. Kiaking.

ed by all; j'm im' not lothesome Sharp, pointed ; to sharpen
fas foofl) ; iak^ iyan im' to get '^!l to cut in two or off; to rise
people's hate ; wi' Isuk, had up ; light, brilliant.
enough of, tired of; dsang The crossbar which shuts a
im' to hate, to
im' distaste ; gate inside, called Hm ji, and
Sin-i to dislike to be troubled. commonly imun <shdn.
Read 'im, to conceal to get ;
Carrying the head high,
away from bustle into quiet. commanmng presence
Yen of
Troubled in sleep, disturbed vain-glorious same, as for-;

by dreams, starting in sleep merly ifii hon^ 'fung <kam ^im

Yen ;

from the nightmare. tin, he came back to see, and

Black pimple.'? in the face the package of money was
or on the body, hair moles. untouched Hm sin yat, shikt
Yen ;

A scab, the sloughing of just the same color.

a wound ; spots or pimples :' Eaten to repletion ; satiated

on the face ; tau'^ Hm, the vac- Yen
lothing, distasteful ; im' 'pdu,
cine scab. Read ip> hand- eaten to satiety ; cwd im' un-
some the cheeks.
satisfied, covetous.
— ;;; ;

no In. In.

ff^'] To verify, to examine of- ing tobacco ; tin ipi tobacco-

^?j purposes of vpri-
ificially for leaf; tshiu tin [fo, to let off
B;Z,» J fication : to witness before fireworks ; tin tfa long^ ^Isz* &
Yen officers, to testify ; proven or brothel-goer tin ichan, light

tried by one's experience dust or motes in the air; a

proof, evidence, testimony ;
term applied to banditti ; f'dn^
im' <shi, a coroner's inquest ;
tin, to smoke opium ; tin *t/an
trn^ Jo' to examine goods [fr>r 'hi,the longing of victimized
the duty] xrr^ mung\ to ful- ; opium-smokers ; tin 'mo chan^
filla dream; '/jom im} (ming 'smoke has no rules,' said of
fdki to examine into fully great brags thoi ttang tin 'kUn,

tying im} ^liv, the thing was an opium-smoking shop ;

true, the proofs are complete ;
tin fcKau maU a place thickly
irn^ hon'' to be examined at tlie settled.
fuyuen's office irn} iining dan ; The throat; a cosmetic; tin
H^ung, 'look sharp after the fhaii, the throat, a gorge, an
catties and taeU' a shop — Yen
important pass; tin tclii, rouge
notice ; tm' itsong^ to identify (771 <c/it tfd, the Mirahilis JU'
stolen goods. lapa.
i^hi Beautiful, tall, liandsome, Handsome, beautiful; a
^^ captivating; plump face
; bril-
gracious smile the smile of ;

iiant bedizened voluptuous,

; ; beauty.
wanton, dissipated applied io Corrupt, putrid, rotten, as
xcomen ; ikiii im^ gay, beauti- vegetables or food; tfn ch'aii^
ful, brilliant, as flowers, colors, stench of decaying flesh ; tin
a face sV""^ im- abundant ; {«, rotten fish.
nnd gay ; i,7i' shlki tung^ iyan, A as an ini-
speckled bird ;

beauty excites m«^n. an interrogative,

tial particle,
@\\} Flame, blaze; brilliant, draw- meaning how, who, is, why,
'a ing the eyes of men chid; t'o ; according to the scope tin ;

i/»' the candle flames. Same tfhi, how know ? tin

should I

as ^^itm. yung^ shdit why kill him? -An

tahy fiv' kwaP how can I get
(150) in. rich ? also denotes the sub-
junctive, as tin ik'i Js*ung tc/ii,
In Macao, many of the words under this
syllable are pronounced ngin and hin. should he follow him.
As a final particle, an
A Smnke, misty vapor; to- adverb of affirmation, denoting
Ibacco or opium, because they
• Yen
that the sense is complete as ;

,^Krfjare smoked; <m tin, lamp-

td^ pah icICun lin, the truth is
Yen black iining dn, excellent to-
not taught; used in corres.
bacco; cin its'^ung, an opium- pondence with s«, as $« tfin
pipe cwid du tin, cigars
(in, as it is in heaven form* ;

'shui tin. tobacco prepared for jidv^rbs, as ching^ jtn, truly ;

the ho'^ka t^hang An, smok. ;

'thiti iin, presently ; an eu.
; ;

In. In. Hi
phonic particle, adding force Virtuous, wise, moral,
and emphasis to the previous worthy excellent, superior,
word. in morals or in intellect
Word?, speech, talk a sen- ; a term of laudation, as iin
i in tence an expression; the ra- Js'ai, my faithful wife; to sur-
dical of characters relating to pass ; to praise or call a wor-
speech ; to discourse, to speak, thy ; tin tai^ my good brother
to say, to address ; to express ihi^uvg iin, village worthy ji« ;

an opinion speak with a; to ; ^s'oif good and talented, su-

high appearance a word or ; perior abilities jin iyan, a ;

order ;
conversation ;
jj/i 'ti, virtuous, bighminded man, a
tfd sin, exaggeration jjwn jiw, ;
philosopher, a claiiis of mea
arsenic; sliatj $*"» an error in next (o sages.
speaking, slip of the tongue ; To go fur; to protract, to
prolong; to
ySuki sheki iin, exl;or(alion s?/i ;
Yen lengthen out, to
cAt/n, censors sldhi {iw, to re-
; involve to invite, to call to-

tract, to break a pronoise. gether to enter or advance ;


To simmer, to burn ; to as- spread out, arranged; slow,

sent, to reply to; a final par- dilatory, long; distant, to
ticle, yes, certainly, so, truly ;
spread far, or from one loan,
used as the sign of an adverb, other ; iin iCh'i, slow ; tin un^
tsuly jtn, suddenly also adds ; dilatory, liii ipan, to invite
force to as mi^ pity jin, uncer-
; guests ; tin k'api u'd yan, to
tain, probably not; a di.'junciive compromise another, j
particle, but, then, if so, not
so ; tsz'^ lin ji jin, spontaneous-
ly and yet truly

A bamboo mat spread out, a
table spread smooth or arrang.
lin hnu^ af- ; ed met. a feast, an entertain-

terwards; '^ktcOiin, truly, a kind ment ; jiH Isiki a banquet, a

of chimpanze yihi ^m, thus, ;
meal tkin^ iin, the hall where

in like manner ;
;?« 'ya/yisi so. the emperor meets academi.
To burn, to fire, to light; cians; the shrined oratory
to boil, to simmer ji/i ^mi tcki where priests recite prayers.
Jen ;

kap> inmiinent danger, at ex- The throat, the esophagus

tremity; jin cs/t/ii, to catch fire. a straight or narrow passage •
To grind fine, to triturate, lin Juiu li^ <fong, an entrance

Yen to dissolve, or rub or powder; to a river. Read in\ to swal-

jin mvti or rub to a powder low to tolerate, to suffer.

iia a narrow iron mor-

iShiin, Limit or border of a patch of
tar in which drugs are ground land a path to a grave
; to
Yen ;

iin kau' to investigate, to ascend pat, iin, the eight

search out thoroughly usual. — ;

points of compass, all around.

ly implies by torturing. The string of a bow ; chord
lieautiful, elegant, pretty ;
of an arcthe moon wfien she;
witty, accomplished, skilled quarters, on the 8tli and 23d
the opposite of ichi ^ days ; shiung^ iiti, the 8th or
; ;;

112 IN. is.'

9th day of the moon ; Ad' sin» A

species of cicada, called
the 23d of the month ; a cord- Yen it'ong'in, and many other
ed pulse. names; 'in jCing, a kind of
Silken strings of musical bouse lizard, livid and harm-
instruments ^ngdn i^ ^in, to ; less.
play the rebeck or 2.stringed A mole, called J,ai- 'shu, or
' plough rat ;' also a fabulous,
fiddle iSdm jin, a 3-stringed
guitar tiin^ ^in, ' cord broken,'
ox-like animal, said to lie in
i. e. decease of a wife ; tsuki the water.
tin, a second marriage. To see, to regard project- ;

The side of a ship or boat, Hien ing eyes ; 'in 'iin, pretty 'he
the gangway or bulwarks of
a vessel.
melody and beauty of birds

The Juliis or gally-worm, a A dike or dam, to dike off"

sort of millipede found in dry water ; to arrest or stop.
Hien Yen
To inundate, to overflow ;
The summit or peak of a
enlarge, to mountain, likened to a boilet
to spread out, to Yen
Yen or jar.
amplify ; abundant, much, far
elegant, beautiful prolix, dif-
To visit or condole with the
; 'Pt
^f bereaved, or those disgraced
fuse, turgid plains at the base
; Yen - ,
trom rank to mourn with one
of hillsiyaa 'in, to ramble ;

-over the loss of country.

jsAd 'i«. a sand-spit '^tn shing^ ;

(kung, Confucius' sepulchre. 5i^1 ^ swallow or m-rirtin a ;

shuttlecock; 'in 'tsz' a swal-

A s«tream flowing far long, ;

low; 'in ^mi ip'di, swallow-

extended, ample, widely ; to
Yen > tailed bucklers; '^in iwo, edible
moisten, to lead ; to practice,
birdsnests feki 'in, to kick a
to exercise, to perform, to ;

drill ; "-in hi' to perform theatri-
cal plays ; 'in 'md, to train in
A feast ; to repose, to rest
Yen peaceful, still, leisurely to
military exercises; 'in tsdpi to ;

practice ; Hn 'Ad 'shau shai^

disgrace ; 'yam in^ to feast (by
officers); fn' (kii to live at ease.
try your hand at it for once.
The department of Inchau Read dti, ancient name of a
state, now the province of
Yen fij in
Chihlf, and still often applied
To cease, to desist ; to sleep,
down, to it and the metropolis.
to recline to
Yen to lie
throw prostrate ; to fall along

^M Rest a feast; merriment

'^in '^hi kd' ihung, throw for- ^, I used for the preceding; ikHng
^jw J Ham in' a feast given by the
ward your chest 'in siki ; ''hd,

to lie down, take a nap Hh Yeu emperor to the tsinsz' gradu-


ates (j/ing ipt^nng in' a feast

undecided, lost his wits.

given to military kiijin grad-

A kind of silure or mudfish,
nates Ink} fming in' the one
with a white head, which lies

Yen to literary kiijin graduates.

near the bottom.

fN. tP 113

/tH ' Like, to compare ; to explore, (151) h

TT^ to spv out a weathercock : :

ihan in\ a spy jM iWan, ; m /^ Provision for journeys to ;

like the clouds. Y^*carry food to workmen in ihe

DH' Clear light, cloudless sun- fields; to offer animals in
Hie^ light the clear sun in winter
; sacrifice.
melting the snow. R^^ To salt flesh ; ^pi ^im ip, kwd'
iR' Lustre of gems; to mani- *^'V£'u, lay it down in salt; ip,
iSiln, pickled in brine.
^jj^ Test, to appear, to display to
divulge, to show apparent, to
be seen now, conspicuous, de

Leaves of plants leaf of a
a thin plate or leaf of

fa do, present; in^ingan, ready gold or metal posterity, ages;;

money in-tkam, now in^ txoi^ ; ;

an age ;
to collect, to assem-
in a place, existing, now here ;
ble ;
yati ipi ip'in ichau, a flat
irt' ishing, is already to be had, punt ; iMing tc/iung ip^ dur.
is on hand ; fn' Jinng, to lay ing the Ming dynasty ingau ;

down security or stakes ; imhig pdki ipi tripe, the manypius

in} bright, not dull, (as colors) of oxen ; Jioi ^chi sdn^ ipi to
speedy reward or retribution have posterity.
iu^ in}'^pd, I must have the

^ A beam to support a bell;

money in hand in^ cshan shiit^ ;
j^^^that which one ought to do,
fall influential, able to move an office, an occupation, pur-
others in' cKxtt^ to appear, to
suit, calling, profession, art,
come out. or trade; patrimony or estate;
•rQ' An ink-stone, used by the a claim for, or an amount of
merit, from what one has
Y"^ Chinese ; 'Lb ihdng nwki in'
the best kind of ink-stone ; done: meritorious, deserving;
in^ tkang, or in' itHn, to get a donp, finished, a sign of past
living by the pencil. time ipi ngaP a craft, a busi-

Edible species of spinach, ness ikd ipi family estate;


„. Artemisia, and Chenopodium, sz^' ipi occupation tkiing ip^ ;

are termed in' ts'op, distin- eligible for reward ip^ iking ;

guished by various adjectives ;

hiP ^Viu, gone Jdng iking ipi ;

in' ts'op usuallv denotes spin- ipi fearful, strong ip^ ^i ishing ;

ach 'M in' ts'oP pigweed.

kuki the nialter is already set-
BB^ a small chissel ; a sort of
Name of a region in the
javelin ; a hand staff.
,j'-_5i j^jj'stateof Wei, now included in
^^' V^irtuous and learned, as Linch^ng hien in Cb^ngteh
/^ a magistrate or scholar ; ac- fu in the north of Hontin pro-
complished. vince; ip, /ca' a compliment,
r*' A proverb, acommon say- ary epithet, applied to a man's
inc. tradition a blunt speech; ; library, referring to lA Pi, the
in' 'ii, a vulgar saying. learned prince of Nieh.
Ton. Dict. 15
: ;

lU h\ IC.

(152) ft. ^
The little

side door in an
a post in a gate-
A stoppage in the throat
waya threshold. ;

'^ Dangerous
unquiet ;
' MO choke, unal)le to swallow ;
6ft- i/j ;

uneasy, disturbed, mov-

a hiccup or sobbing i/, ^hau, ; Nieh "^"''
Yeh throat stopped up; if, saki un- ing about.
able to swallow tpi ^tsHng ;

'^dng Hi choked from grief.

(153) lu.
^M To visit a superior or a Pleasing, winning ; delicate,
Yeh gentleman admitted to an
' .^ flourishing vegetation ; docile,
audience to signify to, to in- ; gentle.
timate to state or declare, Beautiful, strange, bewitch,
to inform by petition a card
<^ ing ; ominous, unaccounta.
; ; Yiu
itt hW
to see a superior ity ; ble, supernatural, monstrous,
sh^\ a guest-chamber pd^ i<, ;
lusus natures; heretical, magi-
to announce a visitor. cal, silly, not conformable to
Hot; feverish; ardent, the classical usage or doctrine,
warm-hearted; to heat, to a word much used by officers
warm ; jim it^ hot fat^ iU
to stigmatize things and peo-
feverish ; aV it^ boiling with ple a phantom, sprite or trans-

rage ; very hot (as weather), formed being to blandish, to ;

close ; ill ridu^ the bustle of a flatter, to enchant ^iii kwdV ;

crowd ; iti jii Iso^ tsang* hot as unnatural, ominous; ^iu iti
sitting in a still ; d'in it, hot monsters, prodigy, ominous of
weather csam ^dn iti ; ^'ng wo du ; a metamorpho-
feverish, nervous. sis ; books ^iii
(iM iskii, heretical


The son of a concubine; jtfi, seducing talk, cozening.

'^'^ illegitimate child, the ' son Small, tender the last pig
Nieh ;

of guilty' as the comj>osition in a litter the ace face of a ;

of the character shows met. ;
dice name of a tune on the

the consequences or reward of guitar ; the radical of little

crime sorrow clear tstii^ iti
; ; ;
things ; Jiau tin, to turn up
retribution of sin tsz*- tsoh ifj ; a doublet and one ace with
evil of one's sins ifp cheung^ ;
three dice.
a retribution for undutiful acts To adjust, to agree to to ;

by having wicked sons one's seek, to importune ; to assem.

self; it, iti adorned, neat, ble together, to call one ; to
gfc The stock of a tree shoots ;
scrutinize, to examine into
p^^T^^from a stump ^mang iti suck- ;
tiuJcau, to seek for carefully.
ers. The loins, the waist, the
J^ A target ; a law, rule ; the
lumbar region, the body be-
jl^^j'judge or ruler of a city ; ifi (Sz' tween the ribs and pelvis ; the
the provincial judge ; he is middle of a thing or act ; ^md
addressed as if} /oi. Ml kwati a poor stick, a witless
! ;;

lU. lU. 115

fellow ; H'ai du kwaf, lookout J'ting dti, childish ditties ;

for your backs ! —a porter's *d«' du itm, to spread idle tales,
cry ; <iu kwat, it'au than, your to defame.
back itches (for me to whip Remote in place, far off,
you) (hi ^pdu, a fob du Udm,
; ;
distant ; du -iin, a long way ofl';

to nurse or bring up ; dv tdV t«u du tsz'^ tak, to take one's

a girdle pun^ ichung <tM, in ;
leisure, or ease without care.
the middlf, half done du ;
furnace or kiln for bricks
kwali the haunch-bone, ishii ^ngd du, a pottery-
or pottery
Yau ;

dUf the back of a book. kiln du ""kau, a shop where


Grass, herbage, vigorous opium is sold Hd du, to fre-


growing vegetation. quent a brothel pd* du

Yau ; cfiu^
The murmur of insects, to live in old kilns, vagrant,
chirping of grasshoppers, (Sic, beggarly.
Yau in the grass. The wind shaking things,
A word used mostly by wo. (1

men to quiet one Yku as a flag ; fluttering,
du ! du ; from the breeze.
lokJhe still
A solitary hawk with a va-
To stop, to interrupt to
Yau riegated plumage a va-
; also
conceal ; to invite, to send for riety of pheasant, akin to the
to look for, to seek, to salute ; medallion pheasant, is called
to want ; jiung du, mutual du chiK
invitation ; du '^Is'eng, to in- Sad, troubled, and without
vite ; du iijau to invite to a any one to disburthen to; de-
ramble (Au du, a polite phrase VdU
praved tempted. ;

of a host, meaning my enter-

Moved, agitated, disturbed;
tainment is a poor one.
to shake, to wag to make
m Service of a villain, feudal
vassalage or labor of a serf;
du Jeung, scutage money or
tung^ to
^Id, work a scull du
move, to disturb, either


mentally or physically $/« ;

escuage All yiki labor given;
du, a violent wind, to rise
by fiefs. rapidly in olfice or rank ; du
A kind of wild beast Ju ;
yuki unsteady, not tirm on its
„yan, a tribe of Miautsz'
Yau base du ichung, to ring a
taineers in Lien cliau and its
Ixill du it'au to shake the
vicinity, supposed by the Can-
head, to refuse ; du du, dis-
tonese to have
turbed, troubled du du ynk-,
precious gem dii ^ktcong, ;
not firm, unstable du du ''pdi

^ dU
the star Benetnasch in Ursa '^pdi, swagiieiipg, proud.
Mnjor du Jsin, your ' pearly
Earth heaped up eminent ;
epistle,'a complimen'^ary term
worth a famous soverfign
du iClii, a lake in fairy land. Yau ;

who reigned b.c. 2357.

called;?;/ ,kn
rustic ditty
; an
or baflacl

iKirsp cart.
small carriage, a one*
.sou;^ ; to mjiiie by nuiJor> : \ au
;; ;

116 n5. KA.

A tribe of pygmies in tho Hu, the six domestic animals ;

Yau south of Cliina, three cubits a broil, to un-
'i« lixn} to raise
high. Read Jijii, false, hy- settle people's minds.
poeritical ; c/im han^^ lucky. '^ To bale or lade out water ;
Pleasant, winning, witty,
^^ yaU hoki Hu '^hi ^k'H, all at
fascinating, graceful — applied once, a clean sweep; Hu '^shui,
to fennales ; to perturb ; Mii to dip out water.
iiu, agreeable; '^kwai iiu, ghost '1*^1 'I'o wind around, to twire
of a murdered man. i^fiwoimi] to be entangled in;
A short oar to row ;
; jiu ^gj to environ, to go around, to
iShiin, to row a boat. make the lour of, to compu.-s;
idiin HU, to cord about ; ^iii lo*
Thorns, rushes, stubble, or
twigs, used for fuel iclio iiu,
to make a circuit.
J^u ;

light fuel for kindling ; <.san iiu,
as ^ want, to wish, to desire ;

y, requisite, important; urgent;

faggots for fuel.
the important or essential
Plenty to eat; abundant,
parts of; an abstract; 'ni fri'
satisfied, atfluent ; an overplus,
Juu t'm iv?,do you want it ? teng^
the leavings exceeding, a

iu' very necessary ijt'in hV

superfluity ;
liberal, ;

can't do without it, wont be

to acquit, to excuse, to forgive,
refused ; ts'itU iii' an abridge,
to give in, to forbear; <,iii ming^
to spare life ; j/m sinti ' liberal
ment ; *u' a-mm^ an important
letter sh^ung^ 'hd iu'
; '«z'
of tongue,' wrangling ; (fung
near death, al>out to die iti*
iiu, abounding in, ample.

'kom lsau^'^kdm.,]Vis{ as you like.

':a^"j To die before puberty
y^ Ishortlived, an 'mtimely death
|to* To illumine, to shine on;

^^1 to kill children calamity ; ;

Y^ celebrated
lustrous, glorious, splendid
Jtwong iu^ magni-
Yau tneng' Hu, shortlived ; Hu chit,

ficent iwbig iii^ great distinc-

a premature death. ;

Obscure, still, profound ;

[gg' The effulgence or light of

Yau good,
retired, reserved ; 'n< tiii^

gentle, quiet — applied to fe- Yau

the sun

are tho sun,

iiV the seven
moon and

five planets.
The cackling of hen-phea-
sants, calling for their mates.
YAu (154) Ka.
Deep, sunken, cavernous,
m eyes; deep, profound, extensive,
Yciu reinote
'^ What is within doors; a
; '/« ji/j, inconsolable. ^'0"=^eliold, a family liom-.', a ;
To give or bring trouble (o, dwelling; douieslic, doni<>!'.
'B to inco.nmodc, to embarrass
cated title of a husband or

to chiigrin, to confuse to dis- term ;ip.

master of a family ;

order, to infest, to stir up, as some dignitaries the

plied to ;

banditti do a region ; to breed, country, the government; to

to rear; to traii(piilliz<' ; hd; dwell, to live at ; a sect, pro-
;; ;

KA. KA. 117

fessioi>, or class ; a region of A flail ; a cangue or wooden

the hody^ as faP ikd, the lungs; pillory in which criminals are
a suffix of nouns to denote per- exposed, called in irony tnuki
sons, as tdi^ Jed, all of us, the (fling Heng;'d stand (tdmikd or ;

whole, all at once, together; (kong (kd, to wear the cangue

Heung ltd, both of us ; tsz^^ Jed, (kd ho^ the superscription on
I, myself; fv? ^kd, the rich ;
it (kd ich'ong, a sort of chair

tkd it/in, domestics, official at- hired of the turnkeys to ease

tendants; tdi\kd iseung tsi^ up the cangue (kd chu^ ^k'n^ ;

all met together ikd shot) a ; put him in the cangue ; muki
husband and wife, household ;
tseung^ (tdm Jed, a "carpenter
hdpi tkd, the whole family ;
wearing the cangue," a phrase
'/rurt {fed, yoiir servants, your like » Phalaris' bull.^'
assistants ; Jcdfv} my father Gems on the hairpin of a
Js'an ikd, term by which the headdress ; a sort of browband
parents of a married couple or fillet.

call each other ; 'pii/i J{d, a A

kind of flageolet, made
namesake, one of the same of a reed ; also called pih lui)
clan name ; ch'uU Jtd, to be- or pat:, luti.

come a bonze or nun ^kd ; A kind of sleazy camlet;

'ch^ung, our clan elder ; <fcd '/;d. (Shd, a sort of stole or
Kia (kd
this instant, just now ; ikd^lai, surplice ; (kd (Shd po* muslins.
family rites, usages pertain- Good, excellent ; to praise,
ing to marriage and burial ^kd to commenti ; to eulogize ; to
yung^ for ' family use,* superior make happy, to rejoice in ;

quality of goods ,kd ishan, ; VjOcfed,praiseworthy; .kd iii, a

courtiers; ta'v^ y at^ Jd, cxce]. kind of barbel ; (kd Hai, fine
lent, " first chop," skillful Jd presents ; (Kd king^ the reign

(kd HsaU you little scamp ; Kicking, a.u. 1796-1821.

^yau (kd Hi, I am married ; ^hd A boar " hogs are called ;

kicoki sz'^ national affairs.

Kid (kd in Corea and Chihli."
add to, to superadd or A bulrush or reed, sedgy
place upon to confer on ; plants like Arundo, of which a
advanced as officers are to ; pipe can be made (kd (fit, the :

charge (as interest); Jd Jsang, white medullary lining of

to increase ; Jed tik^ d'im, put some sedges, met. related,
a little more in (kd JUn, to ; distant connexions lightly ;

»put on a cap,' at marriage, esteemed,

answers to putting on the toga A buck, the male of deers.
virilis ; Jid <fung, to double Ki4
envelop a letter ; ^kd Jeiin, to (Kd tsdt:, the common name
rise in office ; Jtd x' beyond of the cockroach.
expectation. Price of a thing ; a sur-
(Kd name given
# Canton
,fi, tlio

to coffee.

118 KA. KA.

A shrub, supposed to be the

ka' '/!«, to give a daughter in

same as tea its infusion used
: marriage ; kd' Jtim, a dowry ;
to be drank. A:d'wo^ to bring evil on one ;

three-legged goblet with ifdn it'au kd' a second mar-
an ear, made of stone, holding riage sung' kd' last visit to a

six pints it was used in

; the girl before her wedding.
Shdng dynasty. To sow or plant grain met. ;

Great felicity or prosperity farming the spike of grain ;

great ; distant ; firm, stable
t' wild cerealia ;

; hok) kd' to learn

blessed, propitious ;
chuh 'Ad, husbandry.
to bless, to implore blessings.
A horse in the harness, to
False, fictitious, illusive, m'
g- harness
, a carriage a chariot ;

JT^ feigned, hypocritical, unreal, for the sovereign's use; to
simulated a pretext, to pre-
; drive or manage a horse to ;

tend supposing, if, because

; ; sit in a carriage ; to mount, to
to borrow, to get an accom- ascend ; to embark, to go
modation, to avail of; to sup- aboard ; to embrace or avail
pose, to instance great ; pah ; of; a title of respect (as if
ichi ichan 'kd^ 1 don't know addressing one in a chariot),
whether it is so or not ; ichong Sir, Your Honor ; kd' sh^ung\
"kd '^kau, a skin dog, a man ctsun kd', or /oi kd' are all
w ith great pretensions ; '/cd terms of address pi/2 kd' title ;

'shau lU cyan, to get the help of an assistant prefect shing' ;

of another ^kd <xi, for instance,

kd' his godship, his Majesty ;

if; '^kd 'shau supposing that, dn' kd' death of a sovereign ;

granting that 'kd pdn^ dis- ; kd' isz' tdl^ pompous.

guised like another ; cfd 'kd, iin' A stand, a press, a rack, a
unreal, lying, not genuine
'/cd i>neng, an alias; 'kd ts^^ to
case, a dumb-waiter,
frame on which
an open
things are
borrow, to ask of; to use for, placed, a scaflblding or frame-
or as a substitute ; 'M ngai^ work classifier of screens, pic-

hypocritical, spurious ; ''kd tures, pier-glasses, and what-

'Isz' ikdn, take an instance ; ever is framed ;lay on a
'kd kuky all humbug ; 'M d frame ; to lay up or heap to ;

(Chi, blustering, threatening. uphold, to support to fend ofi', ;

/no' Leave of absence, a fur- to ward Vd. kd' to fight, to


lough ko' ka" to apply for a

; come to blows; kd'kdk:, to ward
furlough (fan kd^ to extend a
; off with the arm ^kam cchitng ;

furlough fong' kd' to give a

; kd\ or uh kd' a truss on four
vacation. posts supporting a roof; pat:,
To marry a husband, to send kd' a pencil-stand ^ni tsd^ kd' ;

fa bride
an her to husband's house; iUiing ,7nd, are you going to be
to cast imputations on another, a ridge-pole ? said to one
to imi»licalc; Ad ^fu, to marry ; intoritMes in or huck« »p a
; ;;

KA. KAf. 110

quarrel ; Wiui kd^H washstand ;

A tie-beam connecting two
shap, ka' a cross ; /td' Jtiu
tsz'^ pillars, or supporting the roof;
Jc'u ku-o^ to help one over, to kati ikai, the projecting end of
assist one a dilemma.
in a tie-beam holding up the plate.
/®^ The price or value of a The coiffure of Chinese wo-
l^. thing ia' s<«'in, the price
Ki men iSho "kai, to arrange the

ishi ka' the current price Aafn ; hair trt koki "kai, the hair

ka" or ka' Js'in 'chung, dear, dressed in two horns as child-

high-priced ; ^shing kd' fame, ren's is. Also read kai'.
reputation ^md kd^ priceless,
; ^J.^ A complete number, a de-
inestimable no sale shati kd' ; ; 5i liberation in full assembly ; to
the lowest price toi' kd' price ; plan, to consider, to devise
to be settled afterwards. to calculate, to estimate, to
^K^ A peiss or station, where reckon, to count, to compute ;
^'"6 posted ka' lo^ a stratagem, scheme, plot kaV
Tsdh S"^*"^* ; ;

guardhouse sun' kd' a post- ;

i'm (Chan, reckoned or counted
house ^kdi kd' a street guard,
; wrong, not guessed right j'm ;

a police-station kd' Id' mid- ;

kai' kdu' was not included in
dling, obsequious, undecided. it, I said nothing about that;

^yau maty kai' kdu' what plan

(155) Kai. or contrivance have you ? kai*
imau, to plan or contrive ; siiri'
1 The cock ; the gallinae ^kai ;
kai' an injurious plot ; kai' sho'
ukung, a cock ^kai 'nd, a hen ;
to count ; cto kai' fertile in ex-
}(kai hong^ a pullet ishdn (kai, ;

Ki a pheasant pedients ; tdi^ kai' the trien-

(kam ^kai, the ;

nial official examination ^kd

golden pheasant ckai 'Isai, ;

a chicken ^kai iming, or Jcai

kai' means of livelihood ; c*am

kai' to reckon mentally kai^

ifai, cockcrowing ingan (kai, ;
to' ^iin, to forecast, to calculate
a boatswain's whistle ; ^kai
ahead ; kai' pdn^ s'm ch^ut, no
^ngdn, corns iCin Jcai, a frog ; ;
chance to get a loan, you can't
'fo Jcai, a turkey 'shui Jcai, ;

« water hens,' a term for pro-

effect it ; kai' j'm lim' can not
reckon them all, a very mis.
stitutes in boats ; ^kai Jean,
cellaneous lot of things.
sodomy ; tau' Jcai, cocktight-
ing ikai k'al) kdm' ^Is'd, early
M^' Connected threads a line j

as the cockcrow. of succession in kindred to

Ki ;

A hair-pin, broad and bent, continue, to enter on the duties

laid on the back of the head, or pursuits of others ; to adopt
put on when married ; the succeetling to, successively, tu
coiffure : met. puberty tkai ;
follow after ; kai' ^md, a step,
at} a hair-pin ckai ^lai, braid- ; mother ; ashing kai' "tsai, an
ing up the hair when about to adopted son kai' (s'dpi he- ;

be married />iin k'api '.kai, ; reditary nobility kai' wai} li. ;

murrmgeable. mial succcb^jor.

; ;

120 K'AI. K'AI.

^bA^ Usunlly read ha.i\ to tic to To open, to explain, to make

^ pertain to, to follow in con-

'S clear; to signify to, to tell a

sequence of. superior; to reveal, to make
' A thistle, species of Cnicus known (by revelation) ; to in-
7 KaV ichau, a district of Shun- form, to state to instruct ; to ;

t'ien fu in Cliihli. kneel to divide, to separate, to


/nS^ An enigma or apothegm distinguish; to publish a book;

1^ in Budhist books to rest, to ; the van or left wing of an
cease ; 'kong Fat:, kai^ to ex- army ; clear sky after a rain ;

plain the apothegms of Bud- the morning star is called 'k'ai

hism cc/ti kai^ to know these
tming, harbinger of brightness
enigmas, to understand one's "k^aifuki a horse having a
wishes, to take a cue '/ii ; white right forefoot to begin, ;

*mat '^kong kai^ don't puff as spring or summer king* ;

yourself. ^k'ai '^chi, he who respectfull}'

stales —opening phrase in a
letter ; 'A'ai imunff, to teach the
ignorant ; ^k'ai '^hau, to speak,
(156) K'ai. to teach; ^k'ai ^chau, to set
sail ; '^k'ai tiki to undeceive,
clear mountain stream, to propagate truth, to point
a pellucid pool among the
out the right way a
; fv? '^k'ai,

hills a valley with a rivulet
postscript or inclosure in a
K«i in it the headwaters of a
letter '^Icai^
; ^n
open [the
river a creek, a ditch, or wa-

ter-course met. what is hand-

envelope] calmly a super- —
scription on letters.
ed down, as doctrine ; tin' ik'ai,
A passport or sign made of
to fish in streams. carved wood an embroidered ;

A foot or bridle-path, a nar-

streamer on a lance sent by
row pathway to penetrate
way of credence with messen-
through byways, to go where gers, or borne in state.
no road is. Often read Jiai,
To examine into, to deli-
A lasting kind of silk; cover
of a lance-head a scolloped
berate, to compare ; to inquire K'i ;

K'i bannerol borne by aides-de-

into ; to detain, to stop, to
reach to to
camp or escort. Read hing^^
embarrass ; to ;
the sides or ribs.
prostrate, to bow to the ground ;

(k'ai ,shati, to knock head ;

^' A covenant, bond, deed,
"^^ agreement, whatever is
fan iShun ^scuno ,k'ai, mutual K

bickerings ; ik'ai icfid, to ex- drawn up between contracting

amine into or search out. parties qnipos were anciently

Name of a mountain in used to compare or produce


Poh chau in the department the parts of a check, to join ;

of Yingchau in Ng^nhwui ;
a mournful, distressed adopted, ;

surname. devoted to a god or (>crsou ;


KM. KAI. 121

a usod in scorching tor-

toise-sliolls for divination ;
frightened k'av' yenh a writ-
The melody of birds har-
mony heard at a distance
the soughing of the wind

; ;

ten agreement ^sliii k'ai' docu- ; Jmi, birds singing.

ments k'aP fii^one honored or
; (Kui ikdi, murmuring of
served somewhat as a godfa- streams flowing together;
ther k'aV Hsai, a child so
cold; incessant rain.
adopted k'ai' iai* a sodomite,
— a term of abuse

to ask the protection of [the
m Steps, especially the stone
ones at the door the ascent
to a hall, a flight of stairs a

iyung shW or banian] tree ;

grade, a degree, a rank grada- ;

Icai' inhan, to devote one's self tion a source or cause of some


to a god Ho k'aP two persons ;

evil; to rise, toemulate ; (kdi
whose children have inter- k'api a step, a grade in office;
changed homage to them ; old iCin ikdi, the large stone steps
fellow ! —a
compellation used at doorways ; fyait ckam ckdi,
by near friends. K'oP Mrt, the to enter the golden steps i.e. '

nation which ruled Northern the palace, is the privilege of

China from a. d. 1118 to 1235, the three highest Hanlin gra-
under the name of the Golden duates /oi ^kdi, your house
; ;

dynasty. (Kdi (Chau, a prefecture in

(157) Kai. Beautiful, fine, nice, good
of its kind excellence, good-;

All alike, thing'^ of the same

ness sham^ (kdi, exceeding

sort, uniformly; all, altogether; good (kdi ^yan, a pretty wo-

Kiai ;

used after a recital of items man ; 'lid (kdi paf-> good pen-
or nouns of multitude, as the manship j'»i kin' (kdi, I see

sign of the plural c/ci cc/«, ;

nothing remarkable in it, caro
everybody knows it ckdi pal-, ;
nothing for it (kdi (yam, good ;

Icapi none eq laled him, un- news, usually means by letter.

eqiialed ; Hb shii? Jc'ii fnoi^ old
A street in a town, a thor-
and young, are here ^iho
all ;
oughfare market where people;

whatever he does Kiai

tsok, ikdi lin, pass; Ksh^ung (kdi, to go ashore
as should be ^kd <.kdi yah
(fd (kdi Hau hong^ street of
is it ;

y^ung^ all are alike. courtesans cKut^ (kdi, gone ;

Used for the preceding to ;

abroad, gone out ynU /iu (kdi ;

accompany, to take along hong' a single street; (kdi

with one, as a parent takes his
(fong, a neighborhood, the
child; all at once, together, household's of three or four
coalescing; persons unitini^ streets, a ward (kdi chdpi a ;

in one efibrt ; ckoi <.kdi, vi-

street gate (kdi sh^ung^ in the ;

gorous ; ^kdi jwam, ' witii my street or market; ,ki\i Jai 'koug,
son,' —a phrase used on cards street nmvs ; (Cli'd (kit, to pa-
and votive tablets.
trol the streets.

TOK. DiCT. 16
; ;;

123 KAI. KAI.

To split a horn in two ; to jin graduates kdi'fdn^ to de- ;

open, to take off or apart to ; !
liver up a criminal kaV^hbing ;

cut up, to sever at the joints ;

ngttki to piiy in the fixed duty
to dissipate, to disperse, scat- to tiie emperor. Read hdi', to
tered ; to explain, to narrate, mean, to intend ; hdi- t' to
to make clear, to understand ; makemotions, as to the dumb
to comment a commentary, ; to talk by signs; to guess.
a meaning, an explanation This last is a local phrase.
to stop, to cease to do away ; 1^' A hall or suite of rooms in
with the effects of; a trace, a ^pj a prefect's office, called Jcung
footstep ; 'kdi (hui, to unloose A-diS where subordinate officers
(as a knot), to illustrate ; chvi' stay a sort of hospice.

^kdi, an explanation or com- /Vk^ To assist, to attend upon ;

mentary ^ni ho' tsz'^ Him 'kdi,

j^j^- an attendant, a domestic, a
what is the meaning of this valet, one who announces vi-
character? s'm'/jiu don't
'i-di, I sitors ; numeral of persons, as
understand it ; 'kdi ts'o' the yaU kdi' mo'- ifii, I, a poor sol-
explanation is wrong 'Mi lat, ; dier; because ;
great, good, up-
untie it ^md ''kdi kau' no way
; right ;
firm ; a single animal,
of rescue, no salvation 'kdi ; one alone ; small, trifling ; a
muu^ to dispel or alleviate sor- border of a country, frontiers;
row; "-kdi 'shau, to urinate; conterminous, separated, to
'kdi iWai, to raise a seige, to border on ; armor for the body,
extricate from difficulties; 'kdi mail, a cuirass carapace of ;

iCh'ti ihung shat, to exorcise or tortoises, crabs, <Sic.; icicles on

expel evil spirits ; '^di tsui^ trees ; to act, or represent
I beg pardon 'kdi its'in, pay ; tsiU kdi' well principled ;
your fare 'kdi hoU to quench ! kdi' lui^ the scaly and shelly
thirst; 'kdi t'iif, to let go, to tribes ; yati kdi' tchi sz'^ a small
remove (as
free (as a grasp), to affair.
sin from the soul) 'kdi yam^ ; //ftv' One who serves, a waiting.
to retire from office ; ^kdi han^ jrvl. boy great, good kwai' kdi'
; ;

to remove ill-will ; '^di ,.sain, a your servant-boy ;/a7m kdi' my

cheerful ballad. valet. In these senses, used
A colloquial word — to pass for the preceding.
(at table), to take, to carry in Ijifek' Walking awry ^kdm kdi' ;
the hand, to bring for use 3^. walking in an irregular man.
'ytdi 'pd ^td Hsai iUii ^ngo, bring ner, not progressing.
me a penknife '/»i 's/iOM ^kdi ;
rA' A kind of gem tablet, 12 ts'iin'

maU ^i/^»
what are you carry, long, held in both hands,
JC'.y. when
Kiai fu
ing ? ^kdi ich'd Mit bring tea. in the Presence.
To transmit, to forward to, ffil* A division between fields,
hand over to to exclude to
to ; ; j?.V* to mark separate ownership ;
transfer an officer to another a limit, boundary, border, fron-
post ; kdi' iiiii, firal uf th« ku- tier, terminus to draw a line ;

KAI. K'Al. 123

of sopnration, to limit to sun- ; from flesh, fo be careful of one's

der friends shaV kaV the ; diet ; most carefully
tsU:, kdi'
world ; j'ct V/d shni' kdi^ a vi- guard against kdV '^chi, a ;

cious age kdV sheki a boun- ; finger-ring kdi' dn (fong, a ;

dary -stone ; cArdu kdi^ the bor- prescription for curing opium-
der, a boundiiry ; kdi' hdn^ a smokers kdi' H'iin ^yan. en- ;

limit in time or place, to re- tirely cured of the habit fiili ;

strict ; kdi^ (fong, a paper kdi' rules for a regimen, warn-

weight ; kdv" /o, an iron wheel ings, injunctions; kdV it'iu, a
ustid in lathes by glass- rule hUri' kdi' a friendly ad-

grinders; c?Adrt kdV the con- monition kdi' '•tsau, to ab- ;

fines of a grave; Adt' c/ti' limit, stain from wine sha-pi kdi' the ;

edge of a lot. Ten Commandments.

4^' A scratch, a little sore, a To enjoin, to urge upon one's
J?', scabbiness ; kdV Idi' ^chi tsati .'^. attention ; fearful, chary of.
a trifling sore, an unimportant aJs' Rule of conduct, precepts,
matter kdi' icKonff, an itch
^.^ warnings,
orders, injunctions ;
pustule, a pimple.
to deter by citing the penal-
"U^' The mustard plant ; kdV ty, to exhort to desist, to pro.
Jy. Jdn kind of mus-
Is'oP coarse
hi bit ; 'king kdi' to warn or
tard, cultivated for greens ;
persuade against name of a ;

its'im kaV unimportant, small

Sword kd' kdi' to give good

kdP initti ground mustard kdV ;

counsel kam' kdi' to forbid. ;

taV trifling, not worth reniem.

bering, ' like fish-bones in one's
^M To reach to, to arrive at or
'^,>tend towards, in time or
throat ;' Hs'd kdV a sliver or a limit, terminus, set
/jij J place ;

splinter,a piece of grass, Kiai time the summit, the extreme


a contemptible person. point; unfortunately, unlucki-

fJs? A red spotted, scaly lizard, ly : kdi' Jci, come at the time,
^} fo ind in damp places, called punctual ;
tsV. kdi' hd' chi' it
kdp^ kdV used as an aphrodi- ;
is now the midsummer term ;

siac medicine. i€in kdi' the horizon, limits of

^' The sole fish, plaice, or things.
V- • flounder, commonly called 4^' A gelded ox ; strong, vigor-
- i ah iSha jw, Jsang ^pi $«, and ^P- ous animals, such as are cas-
'pj iniiki sU. trated being so.
nr^' A Iwundary a rc- or limit ;

^^,- gion to warn, to caution ; to

(158) K'ai.
guard against to inform or ;

announce to to beware o(", to A straight, durable, and

refrain from, to observe a re-
tA^- graceful tree, which grows on
gimen ; lo cure of the u?e of; Confucius' grave a pattern, ;

injimctions, precepts^ inhibi- example,, model, rule a square ;

tions : Jbii' '^hatt, to al>stain form. of characters, called 7.'d»


124 KAK. KAK.

{S/*w, or pattern writing; Jiin tion kdn^ kdki to draw lines;

^k'di, elegant writing Jc^ung ; kdk, a copyslip kdk)

yati' tsz'^ ;

'k'di, fixed in one's principles, mall to inquire into the nature

straightforward. of things, to philosophize ;
'pan kdki temperament ; kdk^
(159) Kak. kuki carriage, presence, bear-

^ '
Tiie hides of animals, after
the hair is taken olf radical of
ing ; kdk:t shik:> a muster or
copy iskan ichi kdh <.sz^ divino

Keh ;
influences or inspiration.
hides and things made of them The skeleton of a man or
the human skin ; to change ^'M"' beast the bones sticking out,

to put off, to renew, to molt

lean ; H'ai ^k'ii kwat, kdk) look
to degrade one from office even to his bones, narrowly
musical instruments of skin examine his character.
defensive armor leathern a ; ;
The diaphragm any thin
wing during molting; kdk) P^ ;

^'V' membrane in bodies; the

yiki to dismiss a man from a breast, the mind kdk.mokithe ;

yamun ; kilk, chiki or kdk^ midrifT, separating the thorax

Hena, to turn out of office ;
and stomach a bell frame; ;

kdh ^fung, to mulct an of- kdk) shiki food disagreeing

ficer of his salary. with one, and vomiting it
To weave, or put the threads kdh Idk) '^tai, the arm-pit.
'of the woof in ; to seam. A a bulkhead,
Kei jJH^,
To strike, to attack, to box ;
\m [ something which stops the
iS-. to
^^' fight witt) beasts; to fend irgj passage ;
a shelf; to obstruct,
' otTor stop a thing; Hori^ knk, Keli to intercept, to separate off, to
to break a blow kdk^ tau' ;
interpose, to hinder; to strain ;
fighting kdk^ ik'dn /aw, to
separated, sundered next to, ;

fence, to box. neighboring kdh Ji chu^ he ;

spreading of branches lives next door

4^ The ;
kdk-. (.hoi, to ;

^'to come reach, arrive at

to, to separate, to put apart kdh ;

the end ; to examine to the yaU it'id. '^sliui, a stream inter-
bottom, to sift or understand venes kah <.chd, strain off the

thorougiily ;
excellent, ex- grounds <.sdm kdh kd^ a

traordinary ; to influence, to stand with three shelves ; kdh

affect, to cause to attack to ; ; ye} (food) left over night ; kdh
change, to correct to grow ; pUi separated (as friends);
old a line, a rule a mark by
; ;
kdh if in Itik) an old friend ;

which one writes ; obstinate ;

kdk) yati J.oi., come every ot''er

a limit, a pattern a statute ; ;

day ;
j'/n ils'ang kdh tseng^ it

a frame or stand to raise up ; ;

is not strained clear ; kdh cchd
all years which have the ip'un, a filterer ; kdk) its'enii<r

" branch " iyan in their cyclic lUgdu \i/^ung, to ' scratch
name; Aa/r^ .'i^oi^ extraordinary, [one's self] through a wall,' in-
beyond the usage or stipulu- il eficctuu!, useless indignation.
;; ;

RAM. RAM. 125

:*^' To prohibit, to guard against,

(160) Kam. 7T^ to warn or forbid, to hinder or
stop the completion of; to re-
^^ Metal, one of the five ele-
gulate, to restrain ; forbidden,
\?^ ments radical of metals and
imperial ; to keep off'; a kind of
^ifi 11,1
metallic things;
gold, par ex- tray; kam\she'ng, his majesty's

cellence, the metal musical in- ;

palace ; kam^ kaP prohibitory
struments of percussion firm, ;
rules; kam' fo' contraband
strong, solid, hard yellow, gol- ;
goods ; kam' tsuti a turnkey.
den a coin, a piece of money
Read ^k'am ; to endure, to
during thfe Hin dynasty, a cat-
bear ; to take by force,to over-
ty of gold precious, true im- ;
perial iwong J(am, gold pdA-j speak from lock-
; ;
^tv' Unable to
ikam, silver Jcam shik:, yellow ;
^^ other disease to shut
(kam ikwo arms <.ch'i Jtam, to Km J^^ ;

the mouth, silent ; to refrain
gild (kam ipi gold plates, used

as bullion (kam poki gold leaf

from speaking kam' ^hau ; W
; ;
dysentery and loss of appetite.
Jcam kwati a species of small
4^^ To press down, to hold fast,
orange tsuk:, jcam, pure gold

<fi ikam, bits of gold leaf stuck

j^ to lay the hand on karn^ '*Aui ;

jf/i'e, to work a fire-engine ;

on cakes; ckam <ising, Venus;
kam} li^ iyau '^shui, to swim
iKam (fdy name of a goddess, and keep hold of the ground,
corresponds to Juno Liicina ;
i. e. having something to de-
tinsel ornaments like flowers,
pend on ^ts'o iWi kam^ '-pin, roll

used as oflferings Jcam noki it round or press it flat, met.


a sure promise c/tap, Jcam, to ;

an easy disposition.
take up and re-inter the ashes
of the dead. (161) K'am.
/S^ Now, at this time, presently
'J* jM ikam, now Jcam yah to-day ;
/^ A coverlet or large quilt ; a
chV ikam, till now ^kam ^mdn, shroud d ik^am, clothes and
this evening Jcam (Chiv, this ;
; ^i<*^
K'ln , ,

shroud tor the dead.


,. 1 ,1
morning ^kam shaP this age,
; -M^"} Strings or tapes to fasten a
this world or life ikam hau^ ''1 ^lapel; the lapel or fold of a
henceforth. 7^1 coat ; to fasten by strings; a
'>fe^ A
kind of variegated silk K'iu collar tai^ (k'am, a large lapel

^^^^ '" ornamental work em- tui' min^ ^k'am, a coat opening
Kin ;

broidered, worked, or knit in down in front ; its'ing ^k'am,

colors; elegant, figurative fine siwi/dz graduates: ik'am Jiing
writing; flowery, pictured; (i tai^ term for husbands of two

^kam, the gentry, official per- sisters ; Jiung Jcam fut-, easy,
sons ^kam fpKav, figured pon-
forgiving (^'a/n /aw chu\};

gee ; shapi ''kam 'un tipi colored things hanging on the lapel,
chinaware ; 'kam saW iinan, as charms and fobs; Jc am jcdii,
ail elegant style. the bosom of a dress.
; ;

126 K'AM. KAM.

Firm, durable, lasting ; able A kind of .spider; Ji'am Jd,
i^ to endure enduring, ; well
the shepherd spider or father-
placed or settled 'j'o/?^ chii^ ; ionglegs; a species of Pha-
</t'aw tdktHd, tied up helpless, langium.
in a " fix," unable to resent a To cover over with an\'-
wrong ; ,h'o,ni 'shaU lasting, thing to pull over one '^k'am
; ;

very durable Jcam lak-> nau} ;

^p'i, to draw the quilt over
patient, good-tempered ik'am ;
one '^k'am chv} ^k'ii, cover it

itn chii^ testy, irritable ; (k'am over (as a dish) 'A'am 'shait, ;

'^'m, in good taste ; rk'am one who lives by his wife's

Jcing, unalloyed, pure in heart. prostitution.
Sister-in-law on a wife's
A Chinese lute, having seven
strings; to restrain one's self; K'in
side, is called ^k'ant inhing ;
K'in 'k'am 'md, a maternal uncle's
foreign instruments are called
wife tdi' ^k'am, bride-women
nscfimg ik'am, an or^an,

seraphine, or a piano '*iu ;

who wait on the bride for three
miimg iicam, a music-box;
/at Jcam, a theorbo or round
guitar 'ku tjcam, or /an Jc'am,
(16:2) Kam.
to play the lute ; ik'am lyam Cords for binding hampers ;
Idn^ disconcerted, an unex- to close or bind up, to seal,
pected obstacle ; iVam /ong, Kien
to fill up crevices closely
5'our excellency's hall, — ikdm ifungf to seal (a letter),

phrase applied to officers 'dm ;

to fasten up (a box) ikdm ;

ffung ik'am, to play an organ. yiati, to be silent, to stop the

A salt marsh plant, perhaps
month of or entrance. Read
a kind of Salsola cattle are
K'in kdm\ the bindings of a coffin.

fond of the seeHs {teons! ik'am, To look down upon or into,


a yellow root nkin to liquorice^ 'ML as a god or emperor does to ;

Flying and feathered crea- Kien visit subjects to look at, to ;

tures, the class Aves ; pregnant

K'in inspect- require, to control by
animals ^k'am shan^ birds and
ing, to superintend, to take
beasts cfed ik'am, the cock.
charge of; an inspector, over-
To seize as a hawk does, to •seer ; a jail, a prison to im- ;

grasp, to clutch for prey to ; prison ; a halo ; Mnn jZd, a pri-

take alive, to capture (as a .son ; ckdm, in prison ; (kdm
prisoner) Jcam c.hth to seize
; kitrn^ or ishau tkdm, to take to
(Xhang Jcam„ to take alive prison ckdm ^iigo IdP {nan,

tchono ^k'arn tchong shuh to forced to do, can't help \t;,kdm

phy at boo-peep. ^ni M^ to compel you to do it

tHm Jam, to superintend an

A kind of Prunus ^lamj:'am
a large species of btdiace the
fruit is red and much eaten

behold, to
(kdm cKdU to

survey, as gods do
bv birds. ,kdm Ink, an overseer— the
; ' ;

KAM. KAX. 127

hoppo is so called Jidm Han, ; I to reflect light ; shing^ kdni'

an old prisoner, a gaIlow!?.|»ird his Majesty's revision, ttio
— a term of abuse ^tsau ikam ;

sacred glance ;' iming kdm^
fdn^ an esca|>ed prisoner; (Aawi perspicacious, to examine I'ul-

chil* ill' obliged to take it. ly; you. Sir, to

it'ai kdm' for
Read kam\ to examine into see —
a phrase used in letters
carefully, to revise another's kdm\shang tsovg' to implicate
proceedings; kdni' ishang, or a man
out of revenge ; kdm^
kdm' a purchased degree
tsoi^ heed previous ex-
its'in ikii, to
between and kiijin
siuts'di ; amples.
fni' an eunuch
kdni' lyam ;

(t'in kdni' an astronomer royal, (163) K an.

ir^ Embarrassed ^kdm kdV at ;

'^'^ what to do
'"^ walking 4fl Roots of plants the origin, ;
kien ;

awry. y*^ beginning, rootj bottom, found-

\i\) A casket, box, or case, for ation ;
fundamental 5 classifier

holding things tkdm ^choiig,

of trees ; ^md ikan 'pufl, singu-
A dressing-case kal, Jidm^ a ;
lar, peculiar ; baseless, with*
letter with good news, out foundation ^kan 'lai, cause ;

To diminish, to subtractyto of, the bottom ^kwai Jean, ta •

J^^\i?ikG away part ; to keep back, revert to a fofuier state, to re-
turn to a first condition ; icUu
^J(iJ to contract, to abbreviate to ;

Kien lighten, to retrench 'kdm kd^ ;

Jean to eradicate, to destroy
to cheapen, to lower the price j utterly ^kan muti first and last,

^yan lak^ 'kdm, the price can the whole ; ikan iyau, mede of
be lessened '^kdm paU '*^, to
originating, circu distances of
write an abbreviated form, t© its beginning, the rise of; t,kan

write short-hand ^tsHng 'kdm, ;

(ki '^chiaiig iyiuvgi n)ay he
poorly, tired ou», overworked have a vigorous, healthy
'kdm 'shdng, laconic, plain,
growth, —-a petition used by
divested of useless additions mothers.
iinung 'kdm, thank you for the OH The heel ; k^uk-, Jtan, the
abatement [in price] ; loki liki '^^ heel ; more commonly call-
'kdm, come down in your ed k^tiki ichdng ; to follow at
terms ; 'Ardm ^shdng tak-, kwo' one's heels •
to follow up, to
less will do, there is no need pursue an inquiry according ;

of so much. to Jean ^pdui a lacquey, per-


k tub in which the moon sonal attendants i^kan kau' to ;

^^y > shines; a mirror, a speculum; search into; Jtan ^yan tsd- do
it as he does ^kan wdi^ 'pan^
^m J ^^ example, that by which ;

Kieii one may take warning, term to injure by bad examples;

given to historical works a ; Jean its'am, hunt it um look for
precept, ot admonition ; to ex- it ikan its'ui ^ngn, follow me ;

amine for purposes of approval, ^yau ^yan Jean ^mi Joi, there
to audit or revise i to survev i:i bouicbody coining behind.

128 KAN. KAN.

A kerchief or cloth bonnet, her it '^kan Js^ung sz'^ pdn^ the

anciently worn a napkin, ; business is nearly arranged.
a neckcloth, a handkerchief; Exactly, nothing wanting,
radical of things made of nothing over ; hardly, just
cloth 'shall ckaiu a towel or
; missed (an injury), scarcely,
napkin ch'ati' Jean, a girdle,
almost, a little short ; '^kan kau*
napkin ; hon^ ^kan, a handker- 'shai, just enough ; "-kan Vtd,
chief; j« ikan, the literati ;
it will do; 'Aan '^kan tsd' taki
(knng Hsz' than, a cap worn by can make it do, a little scrimp,
young noblemen Jean ; ich' ^ung ed ; 'kan to' just arrived ; '/can
a scarf; tdpi -pok-, ^kan, a cloth tsuh yati k'ap, just able to
to protect the shoulders pok:, ;
meet expenses 'kan 'ho, noth- ;

Jiin Jean, a shawl ; ifau ikan, a ing to spare.

turban, a kerchief. Tenacious clay, mud yel- ;

To chop, cut down an ax, ;

low loam; adhesive; to smear,
<Jf a hatchet a test or machine ; to lute time in these senses,
; ;

for weighing ; a catty of 16 the next is generally employ-

Kin taels, or l^lb. av.; 'ki <,to Jtan ed. A plant, also called t'i

^Uting,what is the weight 1 Jtan /av, or crow's head ; 'A:an

Jcanio examine clearly;'/dcfro« ts'oi^ the violet, pansy.
Hail, to turn a somerset J.tvng ;
To plaster or stop up with
Jean 'tau, to measure out by Kin
clay, to lute ;
to cover a corpse
pecks. The second form is with earth ; to inter ; clay,
in common use,, though unau- argillaceous earth, mud ; a
thorized. way over a drain.
A sinew^ a tendon ; also a A tree whose flowers blossom
nervOr for the Chinese do not and decay in a day perhaps a
Kin Kin ;

distinguish r sinewy, muscular, species of Malvaceae used :

strong ; 'ho Jean Tiki vigorous; figuratively for himian glory,

in full health ;
liih ckan, stag's transient happiness a handle. ;

sinews ^nganjean j^A-'fri, right

; To die of starvation by the
before your eyes sp'i Jidi Jean roadside, to cover a wayside
cobbler's ends min} ckan, roll- ; corpse.
ed dough h/au ^kan ktrat:, can
; A
dearth or Wasting of ve-
be depended on,^ sagacious, getables cki 'kan, a want of
Kin ;

prudent hiit:, akan, veins.

; grain and vegetables.
Diligent, careful, vigilant A nuptial vase the bride ;

solemn, re-
serious, attentive, and groom pledge each other,
Kin Kin
spectful to venerate, to sedu-
after exchanging them ; they
lously watch against, or con- are often made of half of a co-
sider, to heed; 'kan shan^ heed- coa-nut, anciently were made
ful of, circumspect, watchful ;
of half a gourd, or of metal;
'Jica« kii} to send presents to hdpi 'kan, to exchange and
one ^kan ki" carefully remtni.
• pledge the nuptial cup.
; ;

KAX. KAN. 129

To bind fcst, to compress Jtp* Near, proximate, both in

^ '
a cord
prompt, on
; urgent, strict

point of, in
^^ place and time to touch, to
approach, to bring near, to

liaste, pressing ; strait, con- close upon, to urge ; according

fined ; rapid flow of water ; '^shui to, like ; familiar; {<*'an kan^
'^kan, rapid, swift water ; met. a intimate, near one kan^ shi^ ;

careful guard of, very watch- nearly so ; kan* thi* ^ngan,

ful ; 'kan jii' indispensible, near-sighted ;fu^ kan^ not far
urgent ; ^fang ^kan, waiting off; kan' yat^ or kan^ ithi,
for, in instant need of; ^kan these few days Jsiung kan* ;

kap) be quick '^han 'chi kdm* about to be

_; kan* 'hoi, near ;

do, only want just so much ; the sea ; kan* Joi, recently ;
shiiing^ 'kan tsi^ do it im- kan* '/i, consonant to reason ;
mediately ^kan ^kan 'ho, will ; Id' kan* the way is short ; kan*

just do; '^shau '^kan, in need, chii* 'A'u, get near to him.
hard up (Sheng 'kan, a husky*

lioarse, voice 'kan ch'iV 1(164) ;

almost here yak, 'kan c/i'ii' ;

they are now eating 'kon 'kan Celery or parsley ;

cress ; ;

'shui Jean ts'oi' waler-cresses ;

ydky eat as soon as you can K'in ;

'^pong 'kan, tie it tight.

^hnn ik'an ts'oV celery ; '(s'oi

'^ A small dwelling, a lodge, ik'an, to pluck the cress.* x, e. '

a hut, a cottage to become a aiuts'di ; ik'an in*

^jjj few, in a ;

degree (md ^an 'kan

slight ;
a festal cup given to siuls'di

nxTV^ you need have no anxiety

about mc 'kan chdki narrow, Diiigent in one's {>ost, labo-

cabined. riou.<!,industrious; sedulous,

attentive to, kind to stir up, to
1^' To see or have an audience ;

assist one in diligence ^Van

^^ with a superior or the em-
liki diligent, be industrious;

peror ; to look to the north,

i. e. towards His Majesty ik'an hoki to study hard ik'an ;

the autumnal audience ; ich'iu iWong, loyal, diligent in one's

kan' to be introduced at Court. office ik'an <kd lapi ip^ to

try to exalt one's family Ji'an ;

ihp' 'I'hecollar-ptrap of a harness;
kim* diligent and frugal.
^^ firm, vigorous, strong ; to hold
Diligent ; cyan Jean, bowed
back, to restrain to ridicule, to ;

down, anxious regardinij one's
makt; odious avaricious, par- ;
work or duties overlabored, ;
simonious, sparing of, to take.
no rest.
H -
Hard, firm ;
perverse, ob-
jj'^ stinate a limit, to lK»und ; the
(iC5> Kan.
third of the eight kwd'; nidical
of characters denoting force. ^ A crevico, an interval, a
space between: between, in
This character j^lg^
is much u.sed as
the mid<t of, during, whilst
a contraction for tngan, silver,
ii' amongst, to aliou to make ,

To.N. DiCT. 17
; ;

130 KAN. KAN.

room apart a clas-
for, to set ; woman ^kdn ^fu, an adulter-

sifterof buildings, gardens, ess^kdn itsing, adultery.


rooms, &c.; yaf-, j/un ^kdn, A sort of rush, whose fibres,

within a year ^Cin ti^ichi ^kdn, ^^'^'^ retting, are fit for mak-
in tiie world, on earth ; hd' ing cords, thatch, or mats
ikdn, the kitchen ifong <kdn, ;
perhaps a kind of Phragmites.
in the room sdp^ ^shi Min,
; 'AA"1 A kind of barilla obtained
just now, a moment
only c^^^from marine plants in Shan-
tai^ ^ki (.kdn, which house is it ? Wij '""g 5
'^'^'^ '«/tMi, lye, lixivium ;

j)t'i cfcdn 'fiOT ytung- how does Kien^ydn soap fitting '^kdn,
'Ard/i, ;

the affair get on ? iyenvg ikdn, scented soap 'tin 'Aran, coarse ;

this life, in this world. barilla soap '^kdn ^ahd, a sedi-


^a Hard, intractable soil; dif- ment of lye lap^ 'kdn, Castile


*^^ ficult, distressing the origin ; soap.

of; Jtdn iiidn, troubled, in un- '^|S ^ coccoon ; the silky pupje
happy circumstances, hard to J?^ of other moths ifs'dm 'ytdn, :

to do iku ikdn, an officer in

the silkworm's coccoon ^kdn ;

mourning for a mother akdn ; icJiau, a sort of crape pongee ;

isan, miserable, bitter, wretch- ich'ing Ji6ung 'kdn, a kind
ed. brought from Kidying chau.
ifL Inordinate, unregulated de- Sometimes read 'A;i/i.
*^' sire; to violate decorum, to 'fiS A
slip of bamboo used for-
confuse propriety ; to disobey
K^n '"'^'"'y ^^'" flaking notes on an ;

cunning cabals, plots ; vicious official writing documents ; ;

corrupt, selfish, malicioue to abridge, to condense, to

clandestine ; villainous, un- retrench laconic, terse in

principled, intriguing, crafty, style ; to select, to distinguish,

traitorous ; adulterous ; ^kdn to choose from ; to treat light-
chd" false, fraudulent, swind- ly,negligent or rude to clas- ;

ling ; ikdn ^shan., a traitorous sifier of slips or sheets of pa-

officer hori' Jcdn, a traitor, a
; per, as ^tdn "^kdn, a single or
disaffected Chinese; (,kdn ts'dki unfolded slip of paper also, a ;

a villain you traitor ikdn'kdu,

! single-fold visiting-card ;
subtle, wily, slippery ^kdnHai ;
cere great, large 'Aran ch'dki

iyan, a scamp, a rascal (kdn ; a letter, a dispatch 'Ard/i l^uk^ ;

Hsai, a slippery fellow. Used to abridge, to make a digest

interchangeably with the next. of; a resume, a synopsis kdn ;

dSr Illicit intercourse, criminal mdn} to treat disrespectfully ;

connection ; adultery, rape, also used as a polite phrase, " 1

incest (for the word itself think you will deem me rude ;"

does not distinguish) to de. ; itigd 'Adn, an ivory tablet for

flower, to debauch ikdn <yam, ;
writing ; "^kdn kiiU a term
illicit connection of any kind ;
applied to offices, to show that
ik'^ang ikdn, a rape, to force a they are not very important.

KAN. KANG. 181

'"^ Often used for the preced- ,W' A stream in a valley, «.

j?^ ing ; to select, to sort ; to re. ji' * mountain torrent ; ^shdn kda'
duee or abridji;e ; a visiting, a streamlet.
card ; a classifier of slips of
paper Hai '^ktin, a marriage
(166) Kang.
card ihting 'kdn, a comraon

red visiting-card jts^iin 'Mn, ; (The first two characters under this •¥!-
a 5-fold visiting-card ; '^kdn lable are usually pronounced kditg, tne
second chiefly in its meaning of a watch.)
(.shii, a letter ; ^kdn t'ipi a card.
'Jdrt To elect, to choose, to dis- iij:] To plough, to cultivate
criminate 'kdnsiin^ to select
'^tM fields

; the period for plough-

(persons for a duty or office) ; ,0t^J ing ; a ploughing ; to labor, to
'id/i chdki to choose from, to Kang be in any occupa-
specially select one of; "-kdn ikang (fu, or (,kang J^in
tion ;

iCh'd, to sort tea 'kdn fo' to ; iyan, a ploughman, a farmer,

garble goods '^kdn siting'' that ; an agriculturist muk) Jcang, to ;

which is rejected 'Ad/i s«/j, ; labor with the eyes for a liv.
finished picking; 'kdn tseng^ ing, as a physiognomist shit-, ;

picked clean, (kang, to teach for a living

s^' To point out the right of a hki ikang, to work hard at a
thing to reprove, to remon- business tkang 'Isai, hired
jP^ ; ;

strate with, to testify against, laborers on a farm Jioi ikang^ ;

to plead with a superior to ; to begin ploughing.

advise, to urge to reformation ; rg' To change, to alter, to re-
remonstrance hwi" kdn* to ; l/^
new ;
substitution,' emenda-
. .

urge one to reform kdn^ ikun, ; tion,reparation; a watch, of

a censor to His Maj'-sty, a which there are five, com-
historiographer 'fu kdn' un- ; mencingat 7 o'clock p.m., and
palatable advice. reaching to 5 o'clock a.m.; to
t^' To make a space between, watch (kang ^koi, to alter, to

J. ^ to divide, to interrupt, to al- correct, to make proper; (kang

ternate ; to sunder ; to part un^ to change for another
friends, to interfere, toslander; (kang (fu, a watchman (kang ;

a spy far removed

; vacant, ; Jav, a watchman's lookout.
unoccupied (as a road) to ; box ; (kang 'kit, the bamboo
bear with kdn^ sink-, colors
: and drum of the watchman ;

alternating kdn' kdk, to dis-

; loki (kang, to set the watch ;

join, to set apart ; Atd/j' ifong, i^hau to call (kang,

in tho
to divide off a room kdn^ pifi ;
watch (kang lau^ t\ e striking

'^hd noi^ separated a lf)ng I of tlie quarters by the watch ;

time; ^sho kdn^ ^yan, h tale- i Id (kang, or (kang lin^ a head

benrer kdn^ -.sho liky separate
watchman ; Jion (kang, or '/'a»
them a little more kdn^ wdki ; (kang, watch Hd to keep ;

iUi Joi sTit, what if I do not j

(kang, to strike the hour; «/»'
come ? fan kdn^ a spy. i kang, to relieve the watch


A kind of rice, a IKtle frn. ing fixed, finished, unchange-

wrant when cooked, called able the whole of anythng

Jitiing ikang ^mai ; it has very *kang 'pu?i, it is already too
litile viscidity. late, it can not be changed ;

Tiie R6vent!l of the • ten '^kang hai^ '/:dm, the thing must
'^^ steins change, to alter a
;' to ; be so /«« '^kang '^kang, a ftifT

"* wny, a path age, years; to neck ishang ashing 'kang k6'
; ;

restore to bestow as a re-

it was so born or made, unim-
ward; it'utig Jiang of the same i proveable, irremediable iWati ;

age ckaitg '/mrt, a card con-

''kang, selfwilled, obstinate.
tainiiig the record of the births 'Cjll A well-rope ; 'kang Hun paft
of two persona proposing to 3^ 'ho (Sham, deep water
many ; ^nl ikam jflin kwai' can not be drawn up with a
(kang, what is your age this short rope.
year 1 iCh'^ung ikang, the '&r] Fish-bones ; bones or an\'-
evening star also, old, aged ; ;
j2'^~lthing sticking in the throat;
(fu Jtang kwai' to ask charity. §^|]J
stiff as a bone, decided, un.
Kangyielding, blunt (applied to
l^S To repeat a song, to encore
song Or music to join to,
officers) 'kang j'm kwo^ ''keng,
.a ;

the bone won't go down, you

to ckdng ^ko, to re- ;

can't impose on me that way,

peat ti son{*.
A kind of pie, with yellow '"y^ A limit ; the highest point
fill everywhere; relics of
plumage and black tail, call, Ratiff^"
'ed ds'ong (kang ; perhaps a
species of thrush. O'he two next characMri art often pronounced tiMitf )

A thick soup or broth, a

'WiV Large ears reaching to f.he
savory porridge, make of flesh
jaw-joint, thought to be indi-
^"^anlmeat; a sp' on or small " cative of nobility or long life
ladle ,k'ing .Cottg, joups ; iCh'd
constant, firm, ingenuous,
ikang, a tea-.-poon js/ii ikaitg,\ ;
sincere something sad im.

or /f« (kuTig, a spoon; tdi'

printed on the mind restless, ;

ikang,a. table-spoon jM ^kang^

unquiet, melancholy ; ^ynu
fish chowder; iWO Jiang, a
finm 'kang 'kang, disquieted,
well seasoned soup ; met. har-
full of regrets 'kang kdV ;

mony between states.

noble-minded, sincere, 'kang
spinous tree, like an elm,
'iteS ikwong, bright, to illumine.
^^ to burn; thorny,
good only
Used for the last; brightnea.^
*"^to prick, as a thorn sickness ; ;
jJl^^^offire:a little bright.
to ward ofT sickness a re- ;

sutn6; to obstruct, to close; Bff^ A word of comparison,

straight ; strong ; a stem or pe- K^g'"'^"'^'
''f't'^''; again, further;
tiole ; "-kang t'oi'on the whole ;
^kavg"hd, better; kang' sfn*
^kang rhiki upright, highmind- still more proper; kang' ,nau,

ed. A colloquial word, mean- more angrv.

;; ;;;


(167) K'ang. kap, to relieve one's necessi-

ties kapi kai' of ready inven.

-k^' To oppress, to extort from, do it quick cUiuk-, kap^ an- ;

vex to hinder, to obstruct xious about, straitened ; tx'*

K'ane*^ ;

to detain take by force ;

or tion ; Ard' kap-, an officer report-
^k'ii he is very op-
^hd k'ang^ ing the necessities of his posi-
pressive or arbitrary k'ang* ;
tion s'm 'shai CdV k(ip-> don't

laki to levy black mail, to be in too much haste; kap-t

extort money k'ang' '^shau, to ; kap, quick, " chop-chop .'" this —
catch the hand when rubbing word in the Canton jargon, is
something, or as a knot does corrupted from this phrase
when planing a board ^mang ; kap, ching^ a virulent disease;
k'ang^ imperious, willful; kap, shdf} nonplussed, at his
k'ang^ 'hau shut-, wa} abusive wit's end.
(170) K'ap.
(168) Kang.
Ijh ^Hung K'ap, the name of
[' A a shady path,
by.path ; ^^'the grandson of Confucius,
j5 Mending
across fields; wan^ the author of the Chung Yung.
" kdng'' hii^
find a short cut to False, empty.
go; tsiti kcing^ to rol) in a r\Tt To draw in the breath ; to
retired path kdng^ la* a short
; ^^'mike an inspiration, to inhale
path, a side road. to imi)ibe, to suck in, to drink
A colloquial word ;
to wind k'ap, yat, 'hau hi' take a long
off thread, to reel ; to stir breath ;
jAai A'op> k'apt very
about in water, and seek for rough.
to stir up; to wade; k(h)g\ ^y A lofty hill, a blender peak
^kdn, to reel coccoons kdng^ ; ^^' projecting out of the range of
^sfiui kico' iho, wade across the other hills dangerous. ;

stream ;
(nim chiiki kdng' kwo' l-jt. To draw water from a well
bring a bamboo to feel for it. i^ to lead, to draw out to drag ;

k'api'-shui, to draw up water ;

(J 69; Kap. k'ap-, k'ap, unremitting, hand

over hand unceasing effort. ;

pressing ;
iinxiou?', noliciloiis,
urgent, ^
box or satchel to contain
one's books; JV k'ap, ils'ung
afflicted, unquiet to urgp, to ; (Sz\ to take up one's books,
expedite deprived of every
and follow a teacher.
resource, at extremity, poor, jKfA Threads arranged in a regular
wretched ^ni mnki isam kap,
^^' njanner an order, a series, a
Kill , .

don't be in such a hurry /»i' ; gradation a step in a stair-;

Icapi out of breath, breathing way or ladder a degree or ;

fast 'kon knp^ tid^ be prompt,

; grade of office, a grade of ho-
kap. the matter in urgent tsai' ;
norary mt rit classed, sorted ;

classifier ofdecapitated hofids (tseung k'api W almost here ;

'pan k'api a step in astairway k'api ikam iii Jio, how is it get-
'pa« k'ap) a grade or rank ;
ting on now ? hnd lapi k'api
Hang k'ap, a sort or class of inapt, no tact '//id paU k'api

persons cifting yaU k'ap, to

; exceedingly quick jui' pal<- ;

be advanced in rank; yat^ k'api no place for repentance.

Vap:, k'apj^sh^nns^, to gradual-
ly rise in office cA;« shap, k'ap, ;

'promoted ten step?,' refers to

(171) Kap.
honorary grades of merit as
recorded in (he books of the
m The pUimula or scaly cover-
..-TTMng of a growing seed, the
Board of Rites. budding forth of a plant a ;

Zj\ Togive to, to supply with,

sprout or bud; the first of the
S;?!'to provide what is necessary ;
» ten stems ;' met. the first,
ahoundmg, to suthce to re- ;
number one, the head, excel-
ceive or suffer from one, to be
the recipient of; a sign of the
lent, the best —
from the com-
mon use of tlie ' stems ' as
p:\ssive ; cknng k'ap^ to offer
ordinal numbers to begin, to;

to, to supply 'shiung k'ap^ to ;

get the start of; to excel, to
confer on 'Aa« k'ap:> a ready
surpass armor for the body, a

wit, prompt, a retort; yali k'ap^ military

cuirass, a corselet ; ;

daily necessaries ^ngo k'ap^ ;

applied to the hard defensive
(t'd m(9 I was scolded by him.
covering of animals, as the
B9 Leaf of a door a kind of ;
carapace of turtles, the elytra
^^MancG with tassels placed in of beetles, the large scaly plates
chariots; a chariot so guard-
on some fishes, the finger nail,
ed ; standing erect settled. ;
&c.; graduates of the degree
t^ As a verb to effect, to reach :
of tsinsz'; the first on a tripos
/^4o ; to stretch or extend to-
Kih paper is called Hing kdp:,; kdp-,
wards, to arrive at, to go to,
iiU the first and second of the
to influence at a distance ; to
«ten stems,' are used hypo,
commmunicate ;
to connect,
thetically fi)r persons, like " J.
to implicate ; effected, com- Doe and R. Roe ;" ^hiung kdp->
pleted — in which senses it is
jingling scales hung to the
often a s'gn of the past tense. girdle of actors ; kdp:, '^ch^ung,
As a conjunction and, with, :
headman of a tithing ; kdp^
also at ; to ; about, concern- a bud, a sprout
ch'dk> ; luki
ing ; used with a nego-
much kdp, the gravid uterus kdp^ ;

tive, to denote what is iraprac-

^ping, cavalry.
ticable, or unavailing; /*c>^
\b^ A garment lined, without
k'npi just done, effected ^yd
^P,' wadding; doubled or lined; a

cts'ang 'kong k'api we have al- neck-covering kdp^ iShdin, a


ready SjKjken [of that] k'ap^ :

linnd dress kdp^ nap, a skirt

ishif seasonable, in good lime ;

with a lining.

KAP. KAT. 13o

A knee-pad of leather a ;
(172) Kat.
^.'','sort of leathern sash or apron
lor soldiers. db Felicitous, lucky, fortunate;

j^ To take or press under the j^j'gainful, advantageous, pros-

T/Varm ; to carry secretiv to ;
perous; happy, good, as in-
succor; assistants; to take up dicating success or good luck;
with pincers, to nip up; to the first day of the month ;

squeeze to press between two

kaf, yah a lucky day kaU ;

doubled, lined to take to one's ; its'^ung, blessed with prosperi-

bosom kdp^ kwan' an instru-
ty kaii^ Joi ndpt kat, I liope

ment to torture the ancles you have been well lately ;

Idp^imdi, or Idp^ chv} to press ptik, kat, to cast for a lucky
between kdp:, '-pan, two boards
day kat, iyan, a good man;

for pressing or supporting kat, iSiug '/ciing ckiu' may a

the sides of tilings ^shu kdp^ ;
lucky star shine on you (or,
boards used to press books; it does shine) wan^ kat, to ;

leap:, ^chi, to press paper lap, ; play a trick on.

'ka», press it tight kdp, tui' : /fc Strong, roliust, firm ; un-
{«z' fo' to smuggle with one's j^^^ wearied exact, upright. ;

baggage, or with other goods; rfa| To flay the face ; to tattoo;

kdpi ch'uti Jai, nip it up kdp,

Krh *^ colloquial word : to stick a

tsdpi mixed with, as poor fruit
knife or sharp instrument into
with better; hai? ddn ha? kdp,
one, to stab kat, tak, iyan;

twi,is it single or double ?

|, .
To take up, with as chop.
sticks. Read Aip, chopsticks.
t'ung^ to prick
so that it
kal,'^iz' to stab todeath.
4d! Occupied, laboring with the
Read didh divining sticks
|r^^ hands and mouth to grasp a ;
of bamboo.
plant with the bands and nails
^[^ Pods of leguminous plants ;
to pull it up to per[)lex, to ;

,/>' lesumes, including the seeds ;

press upon ; kat, <^ku, em bar.
an Acacia a petiole sheath ;
rassed in business for want
in grasses kdp, its'in, a kind
of funds.
of coin in the -Han dynasty,
-f^ A
well.sweep, called kati
resembling the seeds of the
^' hkd a kind of water-wheel
elm ; name of a lucky plant
/>j^Jor bucket, worked by a pul-
which grew in the emperor ^ih ley kat, '•kang, a common

Yu's courtyard.
medicine, used in coughs;
iiS The jaws, the sides of the
ichii islid kat, the mandarin
j/^'face; the cheeks utterance, ;
orange (Citrus vobilis) ; the
articulation ;
^soi kdp-, the
second character is the proper
cheeks kdp, icKA^ the jaw-

one, but the first is mostly

bone wa' kdp, slow of speech
; ;
used to denote this fruit kat} ;

'/li s'm ngap, kdp, you never

"tsai, a small loose skinned
opened your mouth, you said
orange 4s'^ kwai' kat, the

nothnig about it. ''


186 K'AT. KAU.

nutmeg orange; Jcam j's'in
katj gold nutineg orange ; kah (174) Kau.
'^pcng, akind of comfit made
of oranges orlemons tiu\mun ;
A water-course in a field, a
kaU an orange hung on the ditch, a canal (kau ik'ii^ n
Knu ;

lintel for gook kick tiu^ imun sewer, a gutter or drain ; /in

'"yam (kon, a miserably

ikat ikav, a drain in fields.

inane, shriveled up fellow. To reject ; to blot or strike

hA* 'J'o stutter, slow of speech Kau out; to maik off for punishment;

stammer; kaU to inveigh, to entice crook-

xM^ kat, 'hav, to ;

shit:, slow of speech, ed, hooked

^kau kiit} to mark

"^fe- 'I'o close, to stop, to desist, off for execution ikau jcA'ti, ;

to mark out from a list item*

R V to a speech
finish to clear ;

off an account; to exhaust wanted ikau long' business,


to prohibit ended, terminal- affairs; underhand, illegal do.


ed, carried to the end dstug ings ; (kau (Chi 'fan, to fondle

kali [accounts] are settled women, lustful dalliance; ^kau


kat) ikam, till now. ^t/aut seduce to evil, to

^kau ishang i^ to fish
PR A colloquial word to turn ;

•vJ^up the end, to perk up to for custom. Often interchang-


make one end higher than the ed with the next.

other kali ikd, to curl up (as
A crooked iron, a hook, a
barb, a fluke a sickle, a crook, ;
a dog's tail) kati ,/rd iCau, to
; Kau
look at on tiptoe kali 'hi it'av, ed sword, like a bill-hook a ;

clisp, a hasp crooked, hook-

to set tip in bed kati kuti ti^ ;

ed ; to hook, to drag along;

k^uk-) to Wiilk on one foot or
irregularly, to limp; kali Jd,
to make hooked ; to detain, to
stop; to influence, to induce,
begone, avaunt kati ikai, the !

end of a tie«beaui (kui kat} to tempt to do evil ;

^kau H'iin

toki the cackling of a hen.

the mark in writing to indicate
a paragraph $6 ^kau^ a fish- ;

(173) K'at. hook (kau ch'uti Jai, \inok it


up chiung^ (kau, a curtain-


tt* To cough k^ah sau^ to ; hook Jim (kau, a reaping-


^^'couijh (kon k'aU a dry, irritat-

hook (kau (Cuue, to draw to
Ken ^
• »• i "i« 1 •
ing cough k aU ft om, to ;
one's party ; id' (knu (SU,
throw up phlegm Jid k'nt, an ;
'caught on the hook's barb,*
asthmatic, hacking cough. gulled in the price ; ch'ing^
Rend s^o/', the laugh or smile (kau '<d (teng, '^cK^ chiki tiie

of an infant; to belch. steelyards' hook is straight as

w^ To cough, in which sense nail ;
we are now square.
^^'it is synonymous with the Embroidery on shoes, the
preceding. Read k'oi\ to hic-
fanciful devices on the front
cup ; to belch, to call out in of shoes; thread used for such
alarm, the voice of terror. work.
; ;

KAU.: KAU. lor

A piijcon, a tiirtk', the genus A long time, enduring, last-

Culuniba to call together, to ing to make or continue long
Kiu ;
Km ;

assemble ; to rest, to sojourn, ic/i^utig '^kau ichi sz'^ a long

to live in quiet ; ^pdn ikau, the affair ; 'kau 'kau^fdn ihti, come
pigeon; (kan chenng^ an old back here often, don't stay
man's sluff'j tshi (kau, the away long 'A:«m ^iin, antique,

brown pigeon, or turtle ;

,kan of old 'i <ir,ai 'ktiu 'kau, for a

ikii, to live with or u])on one long use, intended to be per.

ikau ikau (Sheng, the noise of nianent 7td 'kau, a good

wrangling, coarse angry hoot- while 5«i/i 'kau, some years ;


ings the word '• coic-coic" used

; ^md'ki'kau, not long since, not
in the Canton jargon for quar- very long, erelong ^clCiung ;

reling, is derived from tiiis; icfi'euiiu, 'kau "-kau, for ever

'mat (.kau hii^ don't go, then ! korn^ 'kau, so long !

^ cptiH (Av/w, the virile member. A high tree, stiaped like a

IW Pendulous branches to ;
willow, with long sweetish
'J'^* twist, to twine to lav across :
seeds; probably a leguminosae
ikau ilau, to go wandering curved braJtches ; 'kau "ki 'tsz"
about. a fruit, allied t6 the medlar,

^j I
A lot, a ballot ; to draw used in ophthalmin.
'^1 f
'*'^''' ^^ *^^^ ^*^* ^ ticket i (nim A dog; little, contemptible,
«I%J J ikau, to draw a ticket in bid-
Kau as 'kau (Can, a mean theft ;

Kia ding for things. Tliis clia- ^kau 'tsai, a puppy, you pup-
racter is often read ^kwui. py 'kau 'kii, a male dog a
! ;

'J| ] Nine ;to collect together; name often given to babies,

'^'i^y' ^^^ highest, from
"**^'' as d^ 'kau ; a second boy is
< H '

j^ nine being a square number ;

called i^ 'kau, ' the second dog,*

'A 7ca« "-kau or 'Aaw ^kwai, ar- and the former tdi^ 'kau ; tdi'

^^ ^ ithmetic "^kau 'kan /idp^ shd'

; 'kau is also applied to waiters,
a multiplication-table, reach- like"John ;" Jwn inun 'kau, a
ing to 81 '^kau ^ari, tiie nine ;
nickname for porters ; ^shdn
grades, or the ninth grade; 'kau, watchers of graves, rustic
knu iChUtng, the emi)eror's grass-cutters ; ^liiAcau, a mad
palace ; 'kau ^'ng ^chi ,h,un, the dog; 'kau^id, an adulteress.
emperor ; '^kau ^c/iau, the nine A bamboo trap or weel for
regions, i. e. Ciiina '^kaii dau, catching fish or shrimps they
Kuu ;

nine sorts of professions ; 'kau are cylindrical and open at the

j'iii, the highest heaven ; '^kau end Jid 'kau -Ceng, a boat,

%ch'iiig 'knu, most likely, nine- smaller than a fast- boat, used
tv-nine to a hundred. by fishers, and for passengers.
A black gem, not of much A face grimed with dirt and
1% ,^ value, perhaps black jasper. furrowed with age very old, ;
Used as the complex form of ij senile ahau- kau, very aged
; ;

the preceding. ||
itDoug 'kau, extreme age.

To.N. Did. 16
; ;

138 KXV:. KAU.

Grass, herbs ; to the right or '-+i|. To carry the head high ;

Kau left, illicitly, devious ;

incon- jT^r one who acts energetically
siderate, irregular, heedless, in and wisely '^kih'^kau, martial,

any manner ; carelessly ; if, brave, gallant.

nevertheless, only; but, if so ; L^^ To marry kinswoman or a
'^kau improperly, rude,
Jv*^ a wife's sister fondness, affec- ;

remiss, anyhow '^kau 'ch'i Hiv ;

tion, love to unite ; sexual

sz'^ to do a thing heedless- union; (fan kau^ a second mar-

ly ; 'kau hbpi illicitly united, riage kau^ hdpi carnal union.

fornication, lewdness; 'kau 1.^' A winding path among hills;

tfi hai^'kdm, if it be not done W^ between mountains,
Kau a
so ; tsoki «2'^ pah 'kau, to do
business properly ; 'kau 'clCt 4^' 'i'o drag, to pull ; to scheme,
sz^ a lewd act, vile. ^* to plot, to stir up, to implicate ;

Dust grinjed in, dirt, filth, kiU kaW paU form an 'kdi, to

scurf; impure, sordid, disgrace- indissoluble connection with

Kau one ; kau' uiC to contract a
ful ;
ipfian '^kuu, dirty, sordid ;

ktvdti Vcaa, to scrape off the dislike for one kau' wo^ to ;

dirt. bring misfortune on one.

To shame one, to rail at, to JA' 'I'he truss of a roof; to roof
reproach, to taunt unprinci- jry* over with beams; to construct
Kau ;

pled ; '/caM ]>eng^ ashamed, to unite, to join together to ;

blushing '^kau md^ to abuse, to

: copulate ; finished, completed ;

rail at. Also pronounced '//a«. to burst forth or take (as fire)
] Scallions or chives, a salad 'kdi kau' to sow enmity, to set

> onion; a plant which grows

a long time from one root

"kau ts'oV scallions ^clC^ung ;
at variance

kau' dsing, pro.
creative action or operation.
buy, to procure for sale ;

ich'eung 'kau 'kau, entrails and hire one ; kau' *:in'

to barter

scallionti, sent to a mother by Kau

to start a man on the track of
her parents on the birth of a one kau' V«di, to purchase.

child, synibolic of their wish

To see one suddenly to oc- ;

for its long life.

3"- cur, to happen accidentally ;

A threefold cord ; to twist,

to complete ; kau' kin' hap-

to wind up ;
to collect, to bring
Kill pened to see.
together, to combine to exa-

bring to light ;^' Used with the preceding ;

mine into, to
*S; to bolt upon, an unexpected
to inform ;
to head a sedition ;

perverse; to raise, to elevate;

meeting with happened to ; ;

kau' «' to happen, a chanct^,

'^kau '^kau, loose, easy, cheer-
ful ; 'kau dial:, to examine ;

^kau hbfh '/i s'd, to join hands *ft' A sort of vanibrace or vant-
with thieves ; 'kau.cliung^ to *" brace made of leather, used by
join the multitude. archers, called pr kau\

KAII. TvAF. 139

!^^ To rxamine into, to inform knit' is there enough ? kav'kfT\'

/h one's self of, to seiirch out, to fully enouyh, an abundance;
push to the utmost to devise, ; kan^.'-pvn, got first outlay ; s'm
to scheme ; finally, at last ; an kau' "^pun, not prime cost ; kau'
examination 'Mu kan^ or ; siin' enough, that will do, we'll
fsham kau' to investigate ! stop now ; k-iu' oky thoroughly
thoroughly kan^ 'king '-tin
; \
bad kau' ^k'U odd, unusual,

yeung^ hew was it finally ? [

singular tpd paly inang kau'

kau^ kau' to dislike, mutual it is my sincere wish ; kau'


ill-will ik'utig hoki kau' a poor

'^kong -Jid, superlatively good.
but unsuccessful scholar. To stop, to cause to cease
^it-' ;
M*' Poor and diseased and draw. ^jV to assist, to rescue, to liberate,
/\ ing to one's end to dwell long ;
to succor, to save from evil;
in one place. to protect, to defend to pro.

jt A chronic disease, long ailing;

hibit, toprevent from going
^•^ dolorous, disheartened ; tsol^
wrong salvation, rescue a
; ;

kaii' still sick ; not' '^^i^'g P^i tasse! ;^Uau' sik:, 'fo, to put out
kau" conscious of innocence. a fire ; kau' nan- to save from
>gV' To cauterize with raoxa, or distress kau' kd' to save the

J^ the dried powdered leaves of emperor kau' meng^ to save ;

the Artemisia kau^ ich'ong, ; life kau' shai' to deliver the


to cauterize a sore yung^ '^fo ; world (from misery) kau' ;

kail' the actual cautery. shai"^clni, the Savior; kau' ti^

hV A fault, defect, error; crime, to deliver and protect from im-
jF^ wickedness judgments, pro-;
pending evil Va kau' to run ;

vidential calamities to blame, ;

to the rescue kau' ipan, to ;

to reprehend kaW ^yau iyiu ;

relieve the |>oor kau' tsai' to ;

Jiwai, the blame charged to succor and assist.

the proper one 'koi kau' to ; ^&-] Old, worn out, not new or
reform maa^ ^yau kau' to ask
: ^>'>^ recent; formerly, anciently,
about one's luck kV Upong ; IP J before venerable, venerated;

pat:, kill' not to criminate Ki(j passed away, defunct ; kau^

for what is past. 5«/(i, anciently, in otden time


Iffifc' A stable ; a stall where kau^ -kau, an old customer

horses are housetl ; usually km' ^yau, an old friend ; hi'
calledkun\ '/Tid kau' bygone, ancient nim' ;

,^» A bamlwx) frame for drying kau' to remember former

j^ clothes upon over a fire a ; things kau' jwin, last year ;

chanffe-lit : kau' Jung, a dry- kau' iit-i last month kau' iya?!, ;

ing frame. an old servant ^yitig kau- tsd' ;

Afe' Enough, sufficient for use ; do the same work as befor^

j,^* in excess, adequate, filled up; kau' ika. (fung, relics of ftiM
completely, thoroughly tVn ; mer prosperity kau' h'l' %chi^ ;

kau yuiig' insutfictent kau' itn ; \\ an old and dear friend.

140 KAT. K'AU

/J^- A colloquial word; n lofif, gain ;

Jcau <,mau, to contrive
•^ a lump, piRce, clod yat^ kau" ;
for; to suggest a pl:in ;
sheki a stone ynl, Icau' mitki ts^' to request the loan of.

it'au, a bit of wood, a dolt A en p. a fancy cap, an or-

c/m/i<mai yat: kaii^ all doubled namented cap ik'au ji-'aw, a ;

or bent over, as from cold or grave and complaisant man.

pain ; Ud (fang kuu' a hiffh Long, curved like a horn ;

gale, to free ; to help, to defend.

•ij^' A corpse laid in a coffin K'lu
Read ik'ij, totill a hamper or
^'^ a coffin with the bodv in basket, to put earth into a
it ch'tily knu' to carry out a
corpse ;
siing^ k(tn^ to accom-
Tiie cupule or cup of an
pany kau' (Cb'^, a
a funeral ;

acorn; a raft; the haft of u

hearse; kau' ka' a bier; /ing K'iu
kau^ to keep a body unburied ;

vmu^ kau^ to remove a corpse A ball, large enough to pl;iy

home. — with, made of wool or leather

a bhidder-ball a globe, a ;

sphere '/d ik'ati, to play ball

; ;

(175) K'ati. t'ek^ ik'au, to kick a ball p'au ;

when sau^ ik'aii, to throw (he em-

To lift up the dress,
hroidered ball (and choose a
g^oing up. stairs; to feel for
K'ti husband); «?./i' ik'au, a cap-
with the hand ;
to dilute, to
weaken knob nmde of cord.
mix with, to or adul-
terate ik'au imai, to mix, with
A sonorous jade" stone, a
; ;
.It precious stone, usually made
fk'au mix thoroughly
iwan, K'iCi
round ; a sphere, a globe, a
tui' ck'a.1/, mlxGd equally (k'aii ;
ball Jcau^ a celestial
(Shd, mixed with sand
(k'aii ;

globe ; a terrestrial
IV ik'aii,
luii^ mingled confusedly.
globe, interciinnged with the
A or catch at thp end
of a bow, to fasten, the bpw-
a ring.
F'ur garments ; furs after
string to ;

To search for to seek, to ; K'la

they are made up ; Mng ^k'au,
fine fur dresses ^ching ik'au,
aim at ; to beg, to ask, to sap- ;

taxes piid in peltry; j?/ ik'aa,

plicate, to wish for; ardent,
a fox- skin dress.
ly desirous of, to invite, to call
out ; to class with or make Crooked, like a rhinocfros
like ; ^fd ^fi (Oi ik'aitt to intreat horn, a long horn; a bow made
urgently to implore with of horn, usually of the buffalo.


tears; Jio ik'au, to demand, Urgent, pressing; testy; pa')

to force from, to importune ;
king' patyik'aii, neither con-
Jcaii tsah tak, cchU he asked tentious nor hasty rera''^. ;

nnd obtained; ik'i Jtan, to easy with, fe^tina lente. la-

pray fo/ JCau ^tsoi, to seek ;
tt-rcharif^ed with.tlie next.
K'AU, K'AU. 141

*^ To collecJ, to gather togcth- jjjl A dragon with horns ; to

I'rT er to iiair. to mate to seek an
; ;
^^ . wriggle in going an agitated, ;

alliance; a union, a marriage; quick, movement ; Jc'ati lim,

pressing, urgent ho' Jcau, to ; a long, curly beard.
seek an alliance Ho' ^K'au ; 1^ A sounding gem ; a beauti«
c/tun' the Fortunate Union, -,^, ful precious stone.
name of a popular story. '-^ Maternal uncles, called 'k'au
lit Same as the preceding, in ^. ft? and '/nd ^k'au ; a wife's
*jl' meaning to pair, to couple, brother.", called (ti'ai ^k'av
to match, to unite in mar- tdi^ -k'au, wife's elder brother;
riage ; to join two together :
saV ^'c'aii, wife's younger bro-
a surname. hate Also, to ther ;
a father-in law ; d' 'k'aUf
resentment, enmity ; an ene- a b.'-other-in-law.
my proud ;
in which sen-
; — Vi A mortar, either a hole or
ses it is usually pronounced L^. made of stone
, to pound in a ;

ccWan. Ji'au 'ngou, to pair ; mortar ; radical of mortars ;

suti Ji'au, revenged. slieki ^k'au, a stone mortar.

'Jvi The tallow tree (Slillingia
To corrupt, to suborn, to
bribe ; to seek in an under- ^^ sebifera), called iU ^k'ati muki
•K'iu in Macao, this tree is known
hand manner ; to pervert or
as he ikting shij.- ; cii ^k'au <yait,
swerve from the right ; a con-
vegetable tallow.
sideration, a request Jtav tse^ ;
'i'o ask ; to prostrate, to
to seek for by means of bribes PP'
j^.j^y knock head on
the ground,
stiau' Ji'au, to receive bribes.
when saluting a superior or in
A single headed ax or pick ; worship ; met. humbly, res-
a sort of stone-chisel. pectfully to agitate or discuss ;

A spear with a three-sided
; vapor ascending high.
a subject to strike, to knock
upon, to tap ; to raise the hand
to the head k'au' ^'au, the

jit- Aremote and sterile wild, kotow iSdm kwai^ '^kau k'au'

i,.r; fiir from habitations; the lair three kncelmgs and nine
or form of a wild beast ^Vau ; knockings the highest act of —
^yi, a howling wilderness; worship k^au' man} to humbly

ik'au cshau, burrows of a sort inquire : k'ati' "^pan, to humbly

of hog f'or hyrax?) whicii are petition.
found arranged in a regular K'au^ A colloquial word, heard in
jnnnner. Macao ; to cry, to wail or
The protuberance of Ih^ scream, as children do.
cheek bones thick. ;
4«' To strike, to knock upon,
j^^" to rap a horse
; to to lead ;

Thenose stopped up and deduct, to discount, to cut off;

running from the effects of a to hook ill, to link on ; a clasp,
culd : u c-old in the hertd. a buckle to buckle, k'au' shd'
145 KAU. KAU.

/ to reduce an account K'au^ ; transmit trade, barter, deal-


j^i, to deduct advance money ing contiguous countermi-


or a loan k'nu^ it'au discount

nous intercourse in socie-

pat) chit-, pat:, k'ati^ no deduc- ty, a friend, friendship ^kdu ;

tion allowed, the fixed price yiki trade ikdu khtk) to cross

k'au^ Jcung ifigan, to cut the legs (kait (kwdn, unmer-


wages ; '/cow ''/»^ k'au^ 5 per ciful, cruel ;'

Id^ ^kdu, to fight,
cent, discount, i. e. the availa- a row dp ikdii, to wrangle
; ;

ble sum is 95 ; /c'om' 'noj<, to ikdu 'i, an arm-chair ^m ^kdu ;

button ^r./tii^ to deduct

; k'au^ tak:, 'fti 'c/mn, I can't come
from ^mun, to knock at
; k'aii' up tostandardyour ; Miu
a door ; k'au' tdi' a girdle and ip'un, to deliver [an otfice
clasp, to buckle. or shop] over to one ; ckdu
^t' To stretch a bow to the full '^shau, to deliver to one's hand ;

archers or bowmen enough,
° ;

a trading constituent ; ^san

in which senses
full, is now a% (kdu, new acquaintance ikdu ;

generally used. tsip^ give to and receive


fSt' To rob, to plunder and mnr- from ; ikdu 'pi '//«, give it
j^ji^der; to do mischief; banditti, to him; ^kdu its'ing, sexual
*" intercourse: cifdu'cAi, Cochin-
thieves, robbers, highwaymen,
ladrones ; an enemy ; an ab- china ; J(du
chnng^ give it for
undance, plenty ; tyrannical, the public use; i^am ckdit, a cor-
cruel; k'au^ ts'aki robbers, band dial friendship; ckdu 'cKi, to

of outlaws; tsz' k'au^ a cri- dovetail; Jcdu c^gd 'Adm, biting

minal judge ; 7ioiA:'aM' pirates, each other (like two crickets),

dacoits Hs'd k'au' marauders,

maddened iping 'shui iS^ung

freebooters. (kdu, a slight acquaintance.

^?f The reed or slaie of a loom,
' Hay, fodder pasturage a ; ;

-7^5 made of bamboo. kind of cress ^kdu ''sun, an ;

K'au Kiau
The nutmeg, esculent water vegetable
^^' called tau^ ;

^ k'aii' ; k'au' (fa, mace;

the yiiki k'au^ is the l)est sort ;
(Kdu-iCong ck' the township
in Pwanyii hien, in which

tail' k'au' ihbm ^pd, Mhe nutmeg Whampoa is situated.

fills the mouth,* said of mar- The dragon of thickets and

riageable girls. morasses the Chinese des-

cription corresponds nearly to
the iguanadon; Jidu Jung, a
(176) Kau. dragon, like a boa.

^?^ To blend, to unite, to join
together, jointly to deliver or
Waste or forest land near
or beyond the frontiers waste ;
hand over to, to communicate common, beyond a cit)'
fifty /i

with; to pay to, to exchange; the imperial worship of heaven

joined to olher verbs to denote and earth at the solstices to ;

their action, as iki'tu kV to worship heaven and earth ;

the place where this sacrifice Beautiful, pretty, winsome,
was held ikau ngoi^ remote
flattering.Sumetimes inter-
wilds, where civilization has changed with tiie next.
not reached. A black poodle, found

&,*; A sort of shark, whose skin rn the north ; doublings (of a

^'J'""i*'li6S shagreen ^kdu iyan, ;
fox); artful, crafty, specious,
a mermaid, which weeps mendacious, deceitful ; mad-
pearls; ^md Jtdu Jong, man- dened, wild; cruel; '/com wd^i
go-fish ( Polynemus ) common , cunning, knavish; '/edw J'd, a
at Macao ; Jcdu kdk-, shagreen. wily fellow ; ^kdu kwan' a
fraudulent villain ; 'Ardw (Sing,
{]^ A
cock's crow. Read Jiiu,
one who leads others into
K^ verbose, to talk big, extrava.
wickedness, a blackleg '/tdu
\\\k\x gant (td« Jcdu ,iheng, brag- ;

kai' a tricky plan.

ging, boastful talk.
The brightness of the moon ;
nVJ Glue, glutinous or adhesive
splendor of the sun effulgent,
j'^l'iss, viscid gums to glue Kiau ;

KT ; ;
bright an immaculate, pure
glued, or sticking together
white ; '/:d« kili white and
obstinate, stupid, pertinacious,
bigoted ; to deceive ; adhesive
compacted, intimate, bound
To bind about, to wrap
around to twist to strangle j ;
by friendship or pledge sound ; Kiau ;

unceremonious a sash '^kdu ;

of fishes ; iUgau ip'i Jtdu, ;

Idm^ to twist ropes man^ '^kdu,

cow's glue ; s« ^kdii, isinglass;

to execute by stranghng Veda

mirv' ikdu, wheaten glue mixed ;

itndi, to twist
together; ^kdu
with lime for joinery ; ikdti lin'
icli eung ishd, cholera morbus
anything boiled till it is thick :

'Adw '^kan tik, bind it a little

and Jting ^kdu, an an-
viscid ;

cient college ikdu yapi tsal-,

tighter hang one
; 'Mm aP to ;

very intimate.
'Mm ii'au such po' a turban,
as the Fuhkien men wear ;
*3g Something indistinct and 'kdn ifd, to spin cotton ; ^sdm
distant ^kdu koti a row of
'Mm ishing, a three-stranded
spears, the glancing of arms ;
to transfer (as a debt), lo hand
To stir up or about, to mix
over in charge to. up to beguile to evil, to dis-

cause, to induce, to order, to confuse, to trouble
make, to enable ,kdu 'ni 'Ad, ; to annoy, to incotimiode to
J-. ;

make you well ; <,shuiikdu ^ni excite commotion 'Mm liin' ;

iWai, who enabled (or made) lo make a disturbance; '/d

you to do it ? 'M« ^ni, I have incommoded
(Kdu "^kdu, a lullaby, used by you —
said by a visitf>r hdu ;

nurses when hushing a child Hu, to embroil a commimitv,

to This character is
sleep. to stir up sedition ; \',du <,wan^
merely used for these aouuds. mix it well ; 'Ma sfii^ kdu
Hi KAU: kAu
ffi, to dispute warnilv yaf, ;
1^^ A receptacle or bin in (he
^kau ye^ ''kdu, constnntly doing Kv ground for storing grain; a
evil ; "-kdu 'chiin ck'u' to inter- cellar ; a souterrain ; /i^ kdu'
rupt, to hinder. an underground store-room
4.;?^' Stocks for the feet, in which kdu' its'oiig, stored up.
,^.^ prisoners are nijjhtly secured ; !j^' An unauthorized character.
a lockup ; a pen for wild ••^ A side passage, in which boats
beasts; to examine, to com- can enter at high water; the
pare things ; to collate or mouth of creeks ishiiti kwo' ;

revise books to judge crimi- ;

kau' the boat has entered the
nals ; to join battle, to fight creek forms part of the name

kciH^ citing^ or kdu^ ting^ to of many places in Shunteh

correct a book for publication hien Tdi.'- iiwng kdu', Macao

'pi kdu' to compare. Passage fort, near Canton,

A pair of stones of a plano^.
„. convex shape, called kdri' (piii,
^L' To instruct, to teach,
^P^ show how to coinmand, ;
used in worship, to divine the order ; precept, principle, rule;
answer now made of bamboo
doctrines, tenets ; a religious
roots split ; Area shells are
sect, a school, or those who hold
also used; in throwing, if both
to the same opinions; '^laag
plane surfaces come up, it is
^ngo kdu' ^iti, let me show you ;
called <ya/n Arau'; if lioth are
'/id kdu' iinun, an able teacher;
convex, .ydung kdu'; if one of Ud kdu' to be severe in teach-
each (the most favorable), ing; mi^Hs'ing kdu' what is
shiug^ kau'.
your surname ? /ctiu' '^k'in, to
*^^ To compare ; to measure
teach school kdu' 'td '^pd shati

|7?> strength to try the accuracv ;

to teach boxing kdu' skau' ;

of; generally speaking kaii' ;

a superintendent of education
Uiing^ to discuss, to arg le
in a fit ; kdu' u^ the same in
upon ; kdti^chung^ to compare
a hien ; ^'ng kdu' the fivev ir-
weights the heavier kdu' she^
; ;
tues; (Sdm kdu' Confucianists,
a trial of archery kdu' citing' and
B idhisls, Ta'iists ; ts'iUi
to test weights ^m 'shai kdu' ;
kdu' the seven social relations ;
no need to test, trustworthy ;
cT"i/i '^chu kdu' Romanism;*
A;«m' 'c/mn, like the measure
kdu' ^rnun, usually refers only
or guage.
to Mohammedanism ; s<*/t'M/i
Af^' Pivotson which a door
kdu' to propagate a creed.
^^ turns a hinge; a joint; a

jffi^-^ Loaven, yeast it is the

clamp, a hasp; to inlay me- ;

}!))' residuum. left after distillin<if

tals ;
yal:, '/>d a pair kdu' '^Isin,
samshoo ;
jat:> kau to raise
_^bf shears or scissors; kdu'
doiigli kdu' barm eakes ;
; '/srt«
itengythe pinofahinge;r/i'a/j^^
idt k kdu' tsU^ feast of unleav-
s,Hgd kdu' lo boast of one's
ened bread. Read '/tdw in the
ability ; 'w/t kau' immaterial,
wav the same.
Fun VVaii.
either is
K'AU. KE. K'E. KKLK. K'EUK. 145

(177) K*UU. (180) Keuk.

-^^ To lean against; (o rely on, Hin The foot ; but applied to the
j^r to depend on another for aid ; j^l^jj' whole leg; stable, based ; ^un

contrary, opposed to; k au inaU keuk} placable, spiritless 'Ad ; ii*

iShiti, whom
do you deprnd on, k^uki well established, trust wor-
who supports you? Jd k'du' thy, possessed of means Vid»/ ;-

tshang i^ trust wholly to trade ;

k^uki to lead one into had hab.
k'aii^ '^fo, to warm one's hands its kink:, chdpi stocks for-the

before the fire ; k'<'iu^ ^cham, to feet kiiiki s/iiki profession,


lean on a pillow; k'du^ (Slidn, to character, rank ; kiuk^ ^ngdn,

r;jly on a stable friend; ajjEiinst the ankles; kink^ '^pdn, sole
a hillside— said of a grave ; k'au^ of the foot ; Jam kcnh 'Id, a
tak) chix^ he can be relied on. coolie, porter kevki inong H'd, ;

calf of the leg: kink, du^ the

(178) Ke. knee-pit; "fd cliih jtew/c) bare-
font; kiuk} liki tdi^ influential,
The sign of the possessive ; of high character ; J.c'u kiuk,
'^ a possessive pronoun, mine, to detain one; keuk^ isiki
yours, his; that; for, to use traces, footsteps; /o'At^mA-, poor
for ; ^ngo k^^ ishii, my book goods, Ifft after garbling tmki ;

mat:, ishui k^^ whose is this? 'kwai kiukj 'write devil's feel,'
ki^ your's it often ends a
'fti ;
is to guess by lines -p'd Fati ;

sentence, or follows an adject- kitiki to clasp Budha's feet

ive, the noun being implied, when in distress; ^chong kizif:,
as s'/w tak^ iclian ke^ not a true actors disguised as women ;

[saying] ; iu" <,fi he\ iu' slian' (Ch'i keuk, a hanger on, one
do you like tat or lean
A:<?' ? who sponges for a dinner.
^kdm k6' is it so why indeed ! 1 !

^; Shoes or sandals made of

«ii^ k^^ cp'eng, the plain is the /IimI' twisted hempen cord. The
cheaper fah jnan Kiun . .
^ .'

ki^ for kill- next IS sometimes used for this.
, ,

ing musquitoes. K^ Proud, valorous; kiiik, kitik,

j^y^j'caperingfi of a child ; the im-
(179) K'e. moderate antics of a successful
fool hempen sandals or shoes.

The culm
of the lotus the ;

lotus itself brinjal or squash

(181) K'cuk.
fan jtV, tomatoes f^tin Jii, ;

mad ap(>le, dvvale, or bella- dbn '^o stop

to curb desire.«, (o
] ;

donna ; 5^0 cpdu j^'^, the bottle ^_H refuse, deny, to decline
squash. 171 J doing or accepting to retire, ;

A B'odhist word ; Jce s?dm, Kioh to go backwards to look up

; ;

name of a Budha; Loknk'^ a particle used to strengthen
a mountain where the
<,shdn, an assertion, certainly, really,
goddess Kvv;iiiyiii dwells. triilv —and often needs uo
To.\. !)i. 1 I'J
146 K^UNG. K'EUNG.
translation; k'^uk^hai^ evident- ginger wine, after a birth Jioi ;

\y ; yau^ Joi, come a ^a in,

k'^iik, ck^ung mi^ its'ang, have you
eh! behold, again! jmoH^/ ^mAtj any children ? iWong Mung
I forgot it ; k'^iuk, ^yd, preced- 'fan, curry powder Hsz" Mung ;

ed by iSui, is a disjunctive tender ginger J,6ung Mung, ;

phrase, but that, nor, yet si ill, galangal root 'pun ti^ Mung ;

therefore, although yet an — ; s'm Zd<2 home ginger is insipid,

interrogative worr), as k'^uki t. e. foreign things are best.

shi^ icai^ Jio, but why so, pray I The white exuviae of the
then, therefore ; U&uh shiil-, .,., larvae of silkworms, called
turn now to speak of, it is said ; Mung Jsam; it is used as
jwdw k'euh not easy to decline a medicine.
it ; Hiu k'euk-, to disdain, to A bridle the reins of the

complete and put away k^iuk^ ;

n® bridle fong^ Mung, to give

Jiang, to walk backwards, to loose rein ; cs/mu Mung, pull

go away ;
J'ui k'iuk:, fo decline, in the reins ; ^y^ ^md ^rnd
to put off with excuses. Mung, an unbridled, wild
horse, a runagate, a demirep.

(182) Keung. The surname of the emperor

Shinnung; iK^ung t'di\kungy
Lying as if dead,
senseless; a famous general, b.c. 1122.
'•^ I prostrate, stretched out; to A tribe of aborigines in an-
(^^ J push over, to throw down; 'j/.^ cient Tangut, shepherd no.
Kiang rigid, stiff, yet uncorrupted mads, belonging to the Scy.

ik&ung cshi, a body in a trance; thian race an initial particle, ;

a corpse ; chiki (k^ung Jt^ung, ah! strong, forcible contrary, ;

stretched out stiff. cross purposes elegant some- ; ;

^M A boundary, limits, borders times erroneously used for


^^^^"^ ^ limit, to bound the last.

KUnff *° ;

Mung tdP a limit; J(4ung loiki dflf Coleopterous bugs found in

the frontiers; md Mung, ^j^- ordure; k'U:, Mung, or Mung
boundless, illimitable ; (k^ung Jong, the tumble-dung or
its dm, exuviae of silkworms Ateuchus. ;

ch'ut, (k^ung, to emigrate.

J.]g[ The helve of a hoe, a hoe- (183) K'eung.
'^P^ handle; a lasting kind of wood
^ tailed mdn^iHin mnh used for PS A black bug or weevil in "I

bars and parts of carriages ^ strong bow ; violent,

is r^^^ ;

(k^ung Jieung, vigorous, abun- s7M J headstrong, surly, firm over- ;

dant. K'iang bearing, boisterous, by fore

Ginger ifong Mung, pre-

served ginger ; ,shang Mung,

regardless of right, obstinate!)
able-bodied, sturdy, brawny,
" fresh ginger ; Hs'eng 'yam strong, full grown ; a remain-
Mung '^Isau, to invito to drink der (in arithmetic) ; all years
Kf. Kf. 147

with the ' stem' ting in their gerous having stated periods,

cyclic name ;
^eung chong' the proper time ; an omen,
40 years old. vigorous, hale ;
prognostic to expect to ex-
; ;

(Chdng Ji^nng yeuki to wran- amine almost, several

; a ;

gle, to quarrel Jf'^ung 'shni,;

qualifying word, nearly, about,
acids ; ^ni molii idling ilceung, rather, somewhat; ^ki jU, or
don't brag of your abilities; (ki (ki <u, at the point of, almost,
ik'iung ^mdi, a forcible pur- not far from ; shii^ (ki, expect,
chase, to compel one to sell; ing, probably, yet for all that
ik'^ung'^kang resolute, fearles?; (kikdn^ to gently remonstrate
shUi Ji&ung, double-tongued, with a superior.
Used for the last ; changes,
specious ; Isz^ Jc'^ung, self-
willed, fixed in purpose Jc'iung M
permutations the origin, or ;

hat, to beg with violence. s|)ring of: subtle or moving

'^A To compel, to force to invi- ; influences in nature; the mo-

K^ o-
gorale, to strengthen; to try, tive power in an operation or
" to attempt -k'^ung Jtau pat-,
; a machine; machinery, a trap,
takt can not obtain with strong a catch, hidden contrivance ;

intreaties; ^k'^ung Jiang, to stratagems, secrets, schemes

force to do. Read k'iung^ a luom (fin (ki, the natural

reaction ; wat^k'^ung' reniten- and fixed bent of a mind, fate,

cy, resilience, springing back ;
destiny; (ki ui^ opportunity,
'/ji Jidm' k'^nug^ swi>^ why are occasion; ctf (kirdn, intentions,
you so set in your way ? designs; the springs in'^ma-
* jfe Small branches of
roots, the chinery; (ki <fong, a weaver's
J^, roots a lily,' chuki^k'eun^r,
o ; shop; yati ka' (ki, a loom shot, ;
K'lang ,
' •' ,

whangoes, bamboo canes (ki, lost a battle; (ki inali sacret,

shii- ^k'^ung, roots of trees. undivulged, not frank ;'Aia'
«V;ft A swathing-^lothcarry to (hi ii tsoki do it at the right
^^ inlants pickapack to carry ; moment, mind your chance;
^ pickback; -k'^nng yd, a cloth (ki lam- a trap, a pitfall (jihan ;

to strap infants in. cAi, ski lied m

the fates; (kiitnau,

which runs through
'^''^ ^'^^^ an artifice, a dodge; (Kwan ,ki
i^ a string of cash a string of ; fliu' the Imperial council
a thousand casli to string ; chamber.
cash ;

pdki ^k'eung,
money, coin,
cash ; m M.
The park belonging to H.
in ancient times ; it mea.

I Ki
sured 1 000 li on each side,
=4) Ki. the court being in the centre ;

a border inside of a door a

; ;

:^ The springs of miction, subtle. threshold; the Court the lands ;

'^ Ivt
hidden, mysterious what is ;
of princes ^tpong iki, the iin.

witliin, interior, recondite ; perial demesnes; ''kau(ki, nine

moderately, a little, few Jan- ;
principalities under the court.
148 Kl. Kf.

Poarls not perfectly round ;

The foundation of a wall, a
a sort of armillary sphere, dike on the river banks, or be-
calleci iSiin dci, provided with a tween fields; foundation, a rest,
tube,which m caWed yukuhaug, a basis; a beginning, a com-
by means of which observa- mencement, a starting-point,
tions on the stars were taken. that on which a family or na-
Stones or rocks in a stream, tion depends fundamental n ; ;

producing a ripple; eddies patrimony, possession farm- ;

caused by stones, a stiunbling- ing utensils place inside of

biock to impede to rub.

; ;
the second door of a hou~:<\
Qi?)^ The cheeks, the flesh which where visitors wait ^ki ii' ;

'fl^^ covers the jaws. basis, material, character, lii ;

quality of a thing, that froju

A^ 1-f^ louse ; a nit ; M shat.^ a
which it is made ; Jci ip.
j^j louse. Read j/c'i, same as ^^ honors or pos-sessions inherit-
a bloodsucker- ed or transmitted Uang Jix, to
Flesh or fum muscle under the
skin, and near the bones; Jci
chough solid flesh, robust.
mount the throne, toenler into
possession; (Saricki, land gained

,J'a from the river cch'ung tfaiig


To slander, to speak against;

(kU the dike is broken in ;
to ridicule, to mock, to satirizr, '.pang cki iWai, to burst in the
lo blame, to reprove, to remon- dike Jioi M, to begin, to lay

strate with officious and con-

the foundation of [a state].
tumelious speeches to exam- ;
An anniversary, the full revo-
ine intii, to test macliina- ;
lution of a year, ;^.54 days Jci
tions iki siu' to laugh at
; ; M Ki
(c/ii (Song, a year of mourning

tsiu' to reprehfnd ichan JcHo ;
puUchiuug^ Jit, distant rela-
scold over another's shoulders. tives who wear mourning a
\ Failure of the harvest iam- ;
year Jci iiti a return of the

''"^' ^^''*'i» scarcity ; hunger; same month.

(WLj to be hungry, famished, ne- A corn-fan ; a winnowing-
Ki cessitous M
starving rigo'
; ; fan a sieve ; a refuse-basket
'/« cki(fong, to pretend hunger.
to t^pread out like a fan the
to act the beggar skik-, a ; M long striae on the finger's ends;;

c.idaveroiis, starved look; M part of Srigittariiis, the 7th of

hoti hungry and thirsty ; (ki the 28 constellations met. ;

'«z' starved to de.ith. rain,because this star fore-

fy^ A sprite, a deu)on of the bodes rain a kind of wooJ,

Wi ^^"''^' '^^ Kw^ngtung ; a' iki, used for quivers; p'o- Jn or

ai» elf, which bewilders nu-n ; pi'rp Jn, a tine corn-faii ;
rliong' a' c/ij, to meet a devil, r/ii, a coarse sieve; im' iinitn^
to see a foreigner ; the last are (lit '-lau, look shut pat l-lie riiius
HO called in Canton from their and lines on his fingers (to fnid
shrill voices. his future luck); sfiiiV Jii k'au
Kl. KI. 149

' to connect sieves and furs'

carry on the profession of one's
to \

One's self, I, myself; .self,
added to pronouns; selfish,
father, private, special the 49th rad- ;

Blueund gray color, variegat- ical to record

; tlie si.xth of ;

ed; shoe-strings; the highest de- the 'stems,' answering with

gree, very, the utmost; Jii -J>:an, ma to earth ; ^iigo tsz'^ 'ki, I

a 2rayi''h coiffure used hv girlf. myself; ^k'U isz'' 'ki, he him-

Ths stalks of pulse ; tendrils self; -/ii ^/igo (Chi '^ki, you and
of vines, pulse, &c,; (At 'Is'd, a 1 know each other j/i 'Ai, it
Ki ;

sort, of aquatic grass woven into benefited me, specially ad-

garments; an edible plant vantageous 'shau'ki, self res-

resembling fern. pect, to mind one's own affairs;

The surname of Hwangti ;
privily apply-
(Sz' 7<:i, selfish ;

Ki also of the emperors of the ing to one's own use.

Chan djnasty a queen term ; ; A bleak bare mountain, stJch
for the imperial concubines lliE as a hermit chooses a high
beautiful, noble women (like bill.
Houri, Hebe), because of the '*& A willow-shaped tree, called
fame of the family of Ki. Ki 'kau ^ki;
the fruit is used in

M A halter
tuftof hair, a
; a bridle
woman's coiti'ure;
to bridle, to restrain,
; a girl's medicine ; name of a state.
'J'o sort silk threads ; to ar-
'IE range, to separate ; to record,
to hold in, to pull the bit on to narrate, to book, to ascer-
one ;
to economize to detain
; tain and write to rule, to ;

in continernetit, to arrest ; to govern a history, annals,


detain, to hinder Wjo, or ; M chronicles, narrative; a score

TjooP M, a lockup, attached to of 12 years a year; a decimal

a yamiin ; M Jan, to stop, to or the completion of numbers ;

seize Isin^ mb^ cki tslian, I was
; a dike a skein of 40 threads ;

detained by business iJnd "sho ; 'At luki to record [an officer's

(ki unoccupied.
, merit]; s»tn 'ki, a person's age ;
An inn, a hospice ; cAri-Zu, a ''//^7»t, the five divisions of

wayfarer, a lodger hdk-, a ; M time (i.e. hours, days, month.s,
visitor, a sojourner. years, ages) 'A-f (kong yuki a ;

A bench or stool folean on servant who manages.

JL a stand, a side table the 16th

A kind of succory or sow

Ki ;

radical -c/t'd (ki, a teapoy, a

; thistle, often cooked and
light stand -Mnn <.ki, a study- ; eaten, called 'An Is'oi' ; a sort
table : (^i (ki, tranquil, unaf- of white millet.
fected. MmcIi or many of, rather, part
Odd, one; odd num.
asln<;le of; nearly, few an interroga- ;
bers a surplus
; v shop, 'yaii ; tion of quantity, how, many,
,ki, twenty nnd odd ^yau ; M how much; 'A:f <to, how many ?

.something over ; (tst' hi, not tn? ^ki, wh'ch of them ? 'ki
uprigiit, deflected. ,sln, when ? ^uo 'ki, not much.
150 Kt Kf.

eilheroftime or things ;
'/ti isJiang, an epiphyte, a parasite;
ko^ a few, several ; 'sho ickdn^ ki' mdi^ to send for sale kV ;

very little different,

itnd ^ki, c^sfieng, to send a message;

almost the same. kV loki W

send it down to Ma-
To drag one side, to pull out cao Hs'cng kV to give a thing

by one foot whatever has fal- in charge to forward.

len in pull out, to bring forth.
^A' Tiie broth or soup of boiled
To remember, to recollect 'jr! meats or sacrifices fertile, ;

IP; to record, to register, to make rich to reach to.;

a note of; a written record, a l^n' To hope for, to desire good ;

history, memorial, account ^^ fortunate ; ki' u^ ambitious,
of; a style or name ; a mark, desirous, coveting, longing.

a sign, a signal, something to ^' A seine for taking fish a ;

be remembered ; used after

^J kind of rug or carpet made of
the abbreviated names of dog's or horse. hair.
hongs or shops 'ni ki' tnh ;
h^^ A courtesan, a singing girl
mo ? don't you remember ? ^m j^ one who is sent out to earn a
^hd kV sing^ a bad memory living by singing and vice.

*ni ki^ ts'o' you remember >fc-* Ability, cleverness, talent ;

wrongly ; kV hd^ a mark ; Jayif! 1^ ki^ Haling, artful, capable of

A;i' po* a memorandum book; devising; ki' ''kau, ingenious at
'<d yan^ kV to stamp ; ^ni kV contriving, inventive, fraud-
chil^ you must remember it ful ; read sfc'f, six toed. Inter-
nim^ to call to mind.
Art' changed with the next.
A colloquial sound, used in -fdf^ Skillful, ingenious at making
the phrase '/i) kV a comrade. 'yS or contriving; A: i^ w^ai^ handy
A to exhaust
slight repast ; at making, the mechanic arts
to lose ended, finished al-
; ; ki^-ynng, practiced in military
ready, when since; a sign of ; Viau ki' to imitate sounds.

past time, and is placed before B,^ To fear, to shun, to avoid ;

the verb ki' kin' seen it ki'

; ; 'S*) to hold in awe or be cautious
fin, since ki' liai^ 'kbm, it be-
; of; distasteful, to dislike trou-
ing so. ble to suspect, to hate what is

To lodge, to remain a while bad, to have a superstitious

in a house to confide in, to ; dread or horror of (Chi \tV ki^ ;
commit to, to hand over, to de- to know and avoid the dislikes
liver in charge ; to send by, of others ki' yali or ki' i^han,

to transmit ; to interpret ; the the dreaded day or hour of the

east ; ki' iku, to visit ; a death of a friend, in which
hanger on ; the hermit crab ;
one feels sad pa? ki' to keep ;

ki' c»nrt, send a letter; ki'

to the anniversary of a death.
to receive from kVc^Wong
give away an

ulcer [to a
* mous
Poisonous, injurious, vene-
to instruct, to institute
tree — a branch of it dies] : kv or establish.
K'L K'l 151

(185) K'l. «/i ik'i mong^ full moon ;

taiig^ Jci, uncertain, no fixed
A steep rough path among time ; Jl Jci, at the time.
the mountains ; dangerous de- Chess of 33 men, called
files and precipices ; ^k'i ik'ii, ) ts^ung^ ik'i, invented by Wu
a hazardous road across moun- wing, 1120; cwai ik'i,
B. c.
tains. K'i a gan)e of 360 men, half black
A sfone bridge ; craggy. and half white, invented by
Rfad ik'i, a craggy shore Yiu, B.C. 2300; a foundation;
winding and stony banks. ik'i ip'un, a cliesf---board ; ^k'i

Inclined, not straight or up- '^s*', chessmen ; chuk) ck't, to

'Pi. play chess ihdu Jci, to take a
right to take up with nip-
K'i man yaU kuki ik'i, a game
pers c4'i Ai^ vessels easily up-
; ;

set, owing to their shape. of chess; ik'i kuki a board set

out with a game for gambling.
One horn elevated, and the
other turned down ; single to ;
A tributary of the Yellow
obtain ; ik'l ^ngau, single and K'i
river in Honan iICid\ an ;

double, unequal and equal. land near Kumsing moon.

Land left after marking out
a square, odd parcels of land ;
Fortunate, lucky, felicitous
composed, tranquil ashing ik'i
may you be promoted to a

ck'i iling, odds and ends, over-

plus, surplus c/Ti Jing ik'iu, higher post.

a bridge in the New City at A leach, called itigau

ck'i or
Canton. ik'i a species of small
hid ;
A relative or personal pro- land crab, called ip'dng Jci.
noun, referring to the person, A dappled horse, marked like
place, or thing spoken of; he,
; a fine
a chessboard looking
his, she, it, its, they there ; ; horse.
an indefinite pronoun, wher-
ever, whoever, the, that, the
subject spoken of; ^k'i jti, the

A fabulous animal, the Chi-
nese unicorn the male is cal-
led ik'i, the female Jun.

rest; ck'i follows a noun before


a verb, to draw attention, as kind of small goose, per-

j J.I haps a ijheldrake.
it'in (k'i wan^ jM, the heavens, I
do they revolve ? Jci jU, as if,
supposing ; Jci sz'^ that affair.

crooked graver or burin
kilt:, a gouge used in carv-

A set time, a fixed period, a ing.

day agreed on times, seasous ;
Extraordinary, rare, surpris-
to meet to expect, to wait
>^ ing, out of the common way
K'i ;

for, to aim at to engage to ; monstrous, miraculous, unna-

do ^mun Jci, the time is up
; ; tural unexpected, strange,

yaU Jci, the set day shtiing^ ; new, wonderful ck'i kicdV ;

J'l, in advance of the date ;

strange chut; ik'i, surprising

152 K'f. K'i.

<k'i its'oi,remarkably clever ;

much the god who ani-

ik'i taki unique, best of a sort ; mates the earth li^ Jc'i, the ;

<A:'i iwdng, perverse, stupid. divinity of the earth, he who

^& A valuable stone precious ;
produces things on it, like
K' ^ curiosity, a plaything, such Hecate or Cybele met. Earth

as are got for presents or rari. or Terra ; interchanged with

ties. the last. Often confounded
^t To ride horseback ; to sit
with and used for 'chl jng^
K'' crosswise or astride to mount

a horse cnvalry, horse ^k'i

To ask for, to seek ; bit of a
; ;
bridle a labiate plant, used
^ma, (usually pronounced ^k'e

in ulcers, &.C., called ^k'i

^md) to ride horseback ,fi ;

Dgdi^; a district in Hupeh.

<k'i, liglit horse, used in the

T'iing dynasty. Full, abundant, much ex-


-tog A flag, a standard, a banner ceeding, very ; large, great ;

'^ with devices or markings on Jc'i Jc'i, numerous ;
gently, re-
it; 5^'/ hd^ Bmnermen : either miss.
Manchus or naturalized Chi- A nave or hub of an axle,
nese ik'i iTnan, persons con-
which projects beyond the
nected with the Bannermen, wheel.
not getting pay pdU ik'i, the ;
Long, tall an erect head j

eight Banners, under which Jc'i Jc'i, elegant, graceful in

they are marshaled iWong ; stature. Read Vtan, to beg.
ik'i, Danish flag; ^k'i Jcon, a
flag staff"; Jc i ho- a signal flag. #
sexagenarian, an old man
should advise others; old,
y^ A kind of pennon or mark- aged, a superior or elder ;

ing flag, with bells or jingles strong, violent ; to adjust ; a
attached to it interchanged ;
scar on a horse's back ik'am ;

with the preceding. Jci, the gentry and elders ; ik'i

To pray, to invoke, to sup- Ho, old people.
plicate the gods for happiness
to beg, to intreat, to request
in the langtiage of courtesy
A horse's foretop
the dorsal spines on a fish.
and mane ;

<fc'i "to, to pray, to bes(!ech the A bill with two peaks a fork
gods ;
ik'i 'u, to i)ray for rain Ml
in a road ; a bicuspidate

(ts'in (k'i,earnestly request. headland or cape branch ; to

XX^ A border, limit, confines ofl^ or diverge Veuw^ s^'i wd-;

'"iP^'ia^ domains ; ,1710 ik'i, double entendre H^ung Jc'i^ ;

boundless ^k'i \fu, a colonel
two courses of conduct Jc'i ;

of the household troops. In- Zd' two ways, two roads, de-

with vious, right and wrong.

terchanged <^-t
Constipation, disease made
^it Repose ; to console, to quiet
bysluggishness of bowels;
j^^ to reverence, to venerate,
- to K'i
also read 'li.
hold in respect (0 invoke ; ;
; ;; ;

K'l KIK. 153

"itfr A
medicinal plant, called called paki k'i' in Shantung ;

=^- iieong ik'i, used in aijthinu a -mU on a steed's

to tag
K'i ;
fu' k'i*
kind of lungwort. tail, i. e. to look to one for
A colloquial word the cha. ; promotion, to follow a man of
racter is doubtful. In the power.
linuse, at home, within doors
vk, 'k'i, liome, in the house
0^ The sun peeping out ; and,
W^- also, further, moreover ; to-
j';« /lai^ 'k'i, he is not in.
gether with ; to give ; the end,

m A fi>ot with six toes the

crawling of insects, or progress
of animals; sA^'fj^Jt/wo-, to crawl.
the extremity ;*, just
k'i^ lAa/n, just now ; H cki/ig i'i'
k'api have just got to it, or
Read *A:*i, and used for the seen it ; k'V tiV strenuously,
next; to sit with the legs hang-
daring ; A.^'i' hmt^ to send res-
ing down to stand on tiptoe
tsun' k'i' the rest
pects ; cii pal:i

jind look at.
'Jo stand, to stand erect ;
need not be detailed
ses used at the end of
— phra-
Tjj- ^k'i motig^ to lT)ok at eagerly,
stand up ^^' To
to expect ;
'A;'i c^id,
plaster and color a wall,

higher ^k'i nap,;ti- to refuse

^. to stop up holes or cracks in a
wall to lake, to collect ; to be ;
to stir ^k'i cshang H'ayn, to be

very slow, lit. to mnke a hole

quiet, to rest a breathing- ;

spel', a little.
under the feet -k'i lapi to ;

stand still ^k'i j'm 'ira//, not I&r.' To plough deep for sowing ;

stable, joggling; ihang ^k'i pat^ {pj? plants set out close, thick-set;

tti/n, uncertain in his actions rice growing close.


^k'i 'hi cslian, get up ; ^k'l

f^cli'^ung shau^ cdm, to seek (186)
employment, or service; ^k'f
kui^ tired from standing; ^k'i
:j$fy To impede and set back
Hb k€ iicotig tap a de facto
as rocks or a dike do
emperor, one who rules reiilly. ^Y ^^''i'*^r,

in a current a rapid |>lace in;

:^^ To desire, to expect, to hope
a stream, made by an obstruc-
^f, for, desirous, eager; ICi\chati,
tion; to excite to gratitude
one of the divisions of Ciiina
or anger, to rouse the feelings
in Yii'stime, now cirresnond-
to stir up, lo vex, to irritate
ingtoShansiand partof Cliih- ;

excitement, anger ; kikj iTtazi

li also a department in Chih-
^k'u, to ve.v, to annoy and
li ; AV
mong^ to hope for k'l^ ;
anger him 'kdm kik-) deeply ;
haug^ to wish one good luck.
siffected by kindness kik^ 'sz' ;

^nso, worry me lo death kiky ;

Violent, crafty, overbearing.
peng^ made sick by anxietj'
A horse of noble breed, great A/7o fan iUung jWon, to exas.
r^. speed, and good point.'?; a per. perate loyal subjects kiki ;

feet horse ; a white carp ib king' teased to anger.

To.\ DuT. 20

154 KIK. K'lK.

j^ To strike, (o beat, to tnp or ii to reach to the end ; to take ;

^^Miiiock on; rush upon or

to to let go a full drawn bow;
against, to cliarge, to attack or |
weary, exhausted ; kiki 'ho,
kill, as in battle ; to interfere the best ; kih 'wn, the furthest;
with to injury as in eating — kih W the vergewe/., done ;

things disagreeing with each his best, can do no more, the

other; to see, to examine one's last resort; kih miu} admirable,
self; kUc'-ku, to drum; Jidu excellent, first-rate ss" kik> ;

kih to beat, to pound a thing ;

the four quarters; luki kih ze-
kih Hd, to fight. nith, nadir, and the four quar-
•jjEK. To put to death, to punish ters ;
also, six calamities
g^^^ capitally, to leave to perish. happen kih the
to man ;

A lance with three points, a four cardinal points and their

kind of halberd with a crescent halves; pak^ kiki the north pole,
Kih north star t'di' kih_ (he pri-
knife on the side it is carried ;

in processions for good luck ;

mum mobile,orcause of things,
kitii^ kih swords and spears
the ultimate immaterial prin-

(ch'i kih to grasp the spear,

ciple of Chinese philosophers

to take arms chap:, kih Jong, iWong A:fA^i indisputably correct,


imperial halberdiers in former a fixed principle, such as are

days. laid down by sages; kih (to,

Ark Species of Rhamnus or Zizy- very plenty, in abundance ;

kih. pat, tsoh unserviceable

phus, used for hedges thorny ;

bushes generally, thickets,

'ni 'c/io ^ngo cc/« kih you hin-
thorns, brambles ; met. trouble- der me very much.
some affairs ; fts'ang kih a
lockup ; also, tliorny. (187) K'ik.
j^ A collar of a coat, the part
7?^,*' which envelops the neck, '
These two characters are usually pro-
Kih A colloquial word ; to bind, nounced k'ek.
jj>^, to take a loop, or tie up with a
Unhappy, sad, miserable;
chain or cord keh chii- ^hu ; j^ll
F^|- troublesome ; to increase, to
tie it fast, as a boat ; kek:,'^keng,
add to very ; a comedy or
to fasten by the neck, ;

farce to trifle, to play, to

r^ Haste, speed, in a hurry ;

gambol, or sport in any way;

-^'prompt, ready ; irascible,
hasty to hasten kih ts'nh

tsah k'eh to skip and play, to

; ;

enjoy or divert one's felf hi" ;

of a roof;
k'eh plays on the stage.
Ijr Tlic
^^' hence the utmost point, apex, ^. Wooden-soled clogs or pat-
place, verge, degree very, ex- ;
D^iens; thung ^p'i k'eh red-top
ceedingly sign of the su-
clogs ; muhk'eh wooden over-
perlative ; the end, limit; to shoes fd^ k'eh an open heeled

exhaust, to carry to the ulniost, galoche.


KiM. KiM, 155

(188) Kirn. \im ^" envelope :a label or title

^^ put on a hook ; a model, a pat-
A conjunction, moreover, tern, a rule; to sort, to arrange,
jj^-- together with, and, and also, to collate ;
to compose a book ;

with, in addition to equally, ;

to examine ; its'un Mm, the
same to attend to several
; magistrate of a iSz' or town-
things; to join, to connect ship ; '^sau Mm ikun, an officer
several together connected ; •
who searches literary candi-
to push one's self through a dates on entering the exami-
crowd, to squeeze through a nation-hall.
crevice ; kang^ Mm, or Mm -IK To coerce, to repress ; to
^i/(Ju, still also, there are more ;
1^^ gather and bind together; to
Mm iindi, put in together with; collect, to collate to choose ; ;

(fej/n Jtoi, take one with an- 'kimHim, to arrange in order ;

other Mm (hoi shiky '^shni, to '^kim ch'vk-, to keep in order,


contrast colors as in a dress to restrain; Mm ip'in, to collate

Mm pins^ to coalesce, to con- a book for binding. Used in-
nect 7101" ago? Mm, to oversee
; terchangeably with the last.
everywhere fo' (S&ung Mm, ;
Also read Him.
to lump the goods (.cfii ; Mm SSB Read (hdm, same as slf? a
'kdm tching tso- tak:, it will do
Han species of Area, or bivalves
when it is made complete; Mm with furrowed shells. Read
ship, in addition to, assistance
^kim, the name of a kind of
ck:m yapi hu' force your way
silure (Siluruf sinensis?) com-
through ; Mm
chii^ Jlai t-sb^ he
mon in the markets and tanks
can do all, or make him do
of Canton,
them all; ^km iyan^chileung'
a trencher-man, one who eats
yfejj' A two-edged sword, a rapier ;

^r' a sword ishukim'

yaJi 'j?d kim^ ;
double of others.
a student's sword c/z imb kim'
A thick kind of lustring, ;

a sharp sword 'mo kim' to ;

woven close so as to shed ra in
Kien fence kvn' hok, a scabbard ;
it is now called kiiii'.

kvri' shuU art of fencing shiti

A marshy plant, a kind of

kim' (Shun J.s'tung, tongue and

sedge, called Mm .kd, which
lips like swords, sarcastic.
cattle fatten on.

A fabulous bird, with one

^' Moderate, temperate, frugal,
jl^ economical, sparing; close fist-
wing and eye, which needs the ed, stingy ; (al' kim* o\er-
help of another like it, to be
frugal, mt;an ; kvn} yung' eco-
able to fly; birds flying in pairs.
nomical ; kim^ lun' nig<;anllv,
&# The sole tish, (called 'pi mtik,
miserly ; kim' pok^ to acl
j^^ iii, or paired-eye's fish,) sup- meanly toone; parsifuoiiious;
posed to have one eve, and kim- iu^ taki Mi "^shj, we want
swim in pairs, clas|)ed to each
just enough for his needs.
; ;

156 K:i.M. KIX. ,

('«») (130)
K'im. Kin.

Used for the next, as a verb, t5X Hard, durable solid, firm,
pinch, to nip, to grasp: sound
lint hau., silent, afraid to
^jj^jj robust;

determined, persevering, con.

stout, hale,

siieiik, gagged ; to Carrv under stant, resolute, unwavering ;

the arm ik'im ;
c/iij^ to seize to establish, confirm, to
firmly. strengthen ; to harden, to con-

Pincers, nippers, tweezfrs,
^forceps, tongs a ring on cliil- ;
geal ;

(kin s/iati firm, well

(kin Au' solid, durable;
made ; cor-
dren s necks; a kind of collar rect conduct (kin vndug^ ;

put on prisoners to pinch or ;

unbending, hard; (Sam Jcin,
grasp with [)incers, to gripe resolute kdin^ ckin, eo fine
; !

in Hunan, used to meiin to elegant, indeed (kin iyJnf, !

rail at or upbraid t'if) Ji'im, ;

hardened, concrete, stiffened ;

iron forcfps; 'fo Jiim, fire (kvhsamngai^fi firm resolution;

tongs ; (jk^im '^hau, to gag one ikin chap-> fixed in one's way.
ik'im hdp) to take up with pin- ^ The shoulder tl)e scapula ;

cers or chopsticks : '^shau Js'im to take upon, to bear, to sus-

manncles; 'keng Jiim, a torque tain,competent to firm an ; ;

for the neck, worn by chil- animal three years old (kin ;

dren 'hd 'hau Jiim, a good

; sf'au or (kin jiok^ the shoulder :

enunciation. (kin 'pong, the fleshy of


Often interchanged with the
Inst in its meaning of pincers;
the sariie grade, co-equals;
sf/ ///^'tAirt,

tH/»,abib; (kin (I'iii pui'

equals, of

a kind of door-lock; ckauik^rm '^shni

two stars in Scorpio, used in fv} hard labor, moiling and

astrology Jc'im kV a wooden
toiling for support sik:,(kin, to ;

seal, used by officers below a withdraw the shoulder, to de-

district magistrate. sist iWan (kin, a kind of man-

Tweezers ; to lock : used with tilla worn by ladies yaty (kin ;

the last two ;

jt'im ^u, to inter- (1dm.idV to engage to do a
dict free speech, to forbid or thing, to carry it through.
gag public opinion ; ^mdik'im, tnl Equal, level ; hands lifted up
the bit of a bridle. t/' even : a surname ; name of a
Kien ,. , . .

ppZv Black hair ;

jt'm ^shav, district.
^^;7_" black heads," name given *TX a ^ tributary of the river Wai
tofhe Chinese by Chi Hwang- \^J Shensf, and a district in

ti from their black kerchiefs; ,/^"that province is called Kien-

a name applied to Kweichau y;ing hien ;
water forming in
province. pools, stagnant water,
To remove a criminal'^ hair, jm: A pig three years old, a fall

as a punishment ; a purplish '^. ' grown hog a hornless animal ;

color. like a deer.

Kl\. KIN. 157

A castrated ox, a strong ox ;

view, to see one chink:: kin' ;

a fabulous monster, half leo- see it clearly kin' J, suspi-


pard half man. cious; ^yan kin' to introduce
to kin' iki 4 Hsd, sagacious, to
Lame, halt, weak in the legs; ;

feehle, unable to work diffi-

see a chance. Read in^ in the

cult ;
disastrous, unhappy, un- same sense as JH in'.

fortunate, afflicted ;
the 61st t^' To establish, to confirm as
diacram, which denotes ill- ^^ laws or institutions to erect, ;

luck to pull up; crboived

; to place, to set up, to con-
lofiy, proud ming^ '^kin j-?//i ; stitute ; to build ; kin'lapi to
chrdi, fates against one, un- establisli ; kin' Ud^ to build,
lucky ; ^Ari/J indn, difficult to erect; kin' Jcung, to act
(Chjin 'H'J, inff^licMtous ; cpai meritoriously; kin' ^16, to build
'kin, unfitted for work. or found a capital ; fcin' :sing,

To see, to look at, to notice ;

If in Sagittarius.
to perceive by the senses ; to f^' The bolt, or key of a lock,
visit; the 147lh radical; an I^ commonly
j^j~' called 'so 'sd; a
opinion, a mental view see- ; nave or hub kin^ pai' the two

in^, observing, feelinsr, im- parts of a Chinese lock.


pressed by forms reflective ; ;

^^'] Strong, fnduring, vigorous,
verbs and denotes the passive
; i, ^jj-hale, healthy, robust; inde-
voice and past time; d'eng\; j fafisiable. unwearied: ^k'inng i^
kill' to hear ; kin^ kird' seen Kien kin' able-bodied, in the prime ;

kin^ iSau ^ch'u to feel ashamed, of life; '/id kin' healthy; ^tsing
to be mortified cAd your ; kW
kin'^ feeling well kin^ tsiing^ ;

opinion ;'<*'/nff/i;i/t^ kdu' please a legal process, to go to law ;

tell me, or let me know moki pah lik-i kin^ a rapid penman.

kin' siu' don't smile, don't The second and common

laugh at it kin' hV rejected ; form is unauthorized. ;

j/iO 'i kin' ttik^ by what will it M^^ To divide, to partake, to se-
be seen ? ^yd ]>at, kin' iak-, per- J.' parate; a classifier used to
haps it will be, it is uncertain ; denote a particular article,
kin''k'u^yau pe/i^;^ seeing that subject, or afliair, and there-
he was ill kin' l^ profital)le,
; fore applied very widely to
advantageous '/lo kin' 'lid dress, food, incidents, goods,

'ch'au, can thus know its things, &c.; often means

qualify kin' Js'nn j'/n Js'ang.
; merely a or an, one kin' kin* ;

have you seen it yourself? (to 'yaii, we have everything

kin' H'd 'pa", eaten enough ; [we nepd] yati kin^ mnt} kin} ;

^nd mat, '^chu kin' I do not a single thing yat, kin' sz'- an ;

know what to do, I have no aflfair ; dil tdi' sz" kin' things

plan kin' shik,ckd, extensive

; hanging from the girdle; cfati
knowledge ; kin' Hai, to be ,hoi yat-> kin^ kin- arrange each
polite ; s-iung kin' an inter- by itself.
;; :;

158 KIN. KING.

(191) K'in. (king rh'du, or (king po' the

Peking gazettes (king 'kti^, ;

Heaven, the power or agency dried fruit (king dd, a metro-


of heaven a sovereign, a ;
polis ; (king Jsing pd' blue
father the first diagram
; ;
enduring, stable, superior, To forbear from;
fear to
strong diUgent (k'in (kw'an,
; ;
T^ (king wary, cautious,

heaven and earth, father and respectful, guarded, uneasy,

mother, prince and minister. watchful, anxious, die, ac-
The firm step of a tiger cording to the context chin' ;

determined, pertinacious, sin- (king, trembling.

cere, ingenuous, inflexible ; On^ Tiie threads of a web, the
attentive, correct, pious, de- \yp^ warp; meridians of longitude ;
King .1
vout to venerate, to respect
: veins the menses to
; ;

to take by force, to kill a ; through, before, by, or across

tiger killing his prey; a cleav- a sign of past time ; to weave
ing-block ; trifling, unimport- or interlace ; to manage, to
an\;ik'tn kit-, clean, spotless, regulate, to superintend ; the
pure in person Jcin cshing ; p*^rson through whose hands
(Wan, exceedingly correct, business passes ;
what is regu-
fastidious; ik'in csam, hon- lar, right, or orderly ; laws,
est, guileless; ck'^in ko^ respect- canons canonical ; books,
fully to inform. standard book?, classics ; tsz*^

A dun horse with a yellow- (king, to hang one's self (king ;

back. '^wai, warp and woof; (king

iying, to ponder upon, to spe-
To raise up or carry on the
to fix a fron- culate, to trade (king '^ki, a ;
shoulder, to lift ;

K'ien broker, a niidsman (king

tier, to establish ; to stop up, ;

ixhing, head clerk in a custom

to close.
house; (king lih or (king d'ing,
A colloquial word ; to lift

off a cover, to take off; to chief secretary in the yamun

turn over a leaf; "^k'tn s'm 'Ai, of a commissioner or prefect
(king "^shau tsoh did it with
I can not take off the cover ;

^k'in '/>'i 'Ar'awj, to pull the

my own hand j'wi (king '^shmi, :

it did not pass through my

coverlet over one.
hands (king kwa' to pass by
; ;

(192) King. its'ang (kiog kia^ kwo' I have

seen it ; iSiin (king, after this,
-^- Great, lofty top of a moun. thereupon ;
pat.-, ,]cing sz"^ (Chi


tain or hill ; extensive a ;
iyan, a new hand, inexperien-
capital or the metropolis of ced (king 'shui, the menses
; ;

a kingdom ten millions ; ;

nim' (king, to read prayers,
^shMufi (kins, lo go to the incantations ; (king kwai? ex-
capital Pak: (king, Peking :
cellent, superior (king ^kiin. ;
;;; ;


under or within the jurisdic- :j)o long^ (keng, fear of drown-

tion of; shing^ (king, the Bible ing ; tnoki (keng ^k' u, don't
(king shipi kito^ 1 have for- alnrm her ; ch^ut, (keng, to
merly done or carried it on. remove timidity children in

5gt A large tributary of the YeJ. by some incantations ; (keng

low River in Shensi, whose p'd^ to fear ; (keng p'o^ Ham,
^ waters are muddy ; to flow dead from fright.

through or straight across, to '^S he neck, specially the front


join by water a fountain. ;

^^ of
the neck, the throat : also
>• i ^1 1 n

To pity, to compassionate, applied to the narrow part ot

* /. ' to feel for concerned for, re-
things ; the temper, the dis-
sparing, careful of,

etc position; Hing ''keng, ill match-

regardful; conceited, boastful, ed, disliking each other ; '//d

bragging ; to control one's '-keng, mildpatient,

"-keng ;

self,self-respect dangerous, ;
kap, quick, not tardy moki ;

hazardous; to esteem, to value; 'shai '^keng, don't be obstinate ;

iking ihn, commiserate to 'fo "-keng, irascible, restive

Vjo (king, pitiable (king ikmd, 'keng tdi^ a neck-ribbon or

bragging jii (king }un, fish cloth(Chd 'keng, to hold one's


scales growing apart or large peace no^ 'mni 'keng, weak,


pah (king sai/ Jiang, to disre- mild s'm 'Ad 'keng kwaU a bad

gard small affairs. Read (kan, disposition ; ^man 'keng (kitii,

the haft of a pike, a staff or intimate friends ;
(Skavg 'keng
club. lik'. lumps growing on the
^ti| A
bush found in Hunan, neck ; 'pdn 'keng, intractable,
'j^V ' and lithe, formerly
slender 'jffij^"! To warn, to caution, fo
^used for punishing criminals ;
'*^^ enjoin, to threaten with a pe-
there are several species ; spi- ^^] nalty ; to forbid, to arouse, to
nous, prickly; furze, brambles King urge to reform to disturb, to ;

(king kik) thorny, difficult of alarm the secure 'kins shai' ;

accomplishment ; cJti«^ cts'ai, to arouse the age 'king kdi* ;

my wife ; su^ mi- shik:, (king, hd- te's'^ to strictly forbid a

I have not before seen your repetition of; (Cham 'king,
face; (King(Chau 'fu, a depart- rules for guidance.
ment inHupeh (king (Shan, ;
^^ Bright clear, sunlight bril- ;

a hill where gems are found ; ^h liant, illumined by the sun a ;

(king (t'iu, a rod. good site, a fine view, a pros-

(This and the next character are usually pect ; the appearance, figure,
pronounced keng.) aspect, or circumstances of a
:^ A shy horse ; to terrify, to place or thing ; a lion, a rari-
l^ affright, to scare, to alarm ; ty, a curiosity great, e.vten- :

^perturbed, alarmed, scared; sive a resemblance, form,


astonished (keng tung^ much;

imagining, fancy to look tip ;

e.xcited .keng Jioi, afraid

; ;
to or regard with afiection,
; ;


longing for the style or ; mnke street ; 'king kdi' a boundary ;

of dress ''king haiifi^ ; i^'dfig shun- 'king, good circum-

'cAi, striving locidliere to high stances, pleasantly situated
principles, to hcl up to prin- ip'ung ihiisin 'king, fairy land,
ciple ; '^king chV a prospect, supposed to be in the west.
a vistu ; ikirong ^kitig, circum- (As a noun, usually pronounced kmg.)
stances, situation, prospects; ir,^' A mirror, a glass, a lock ng-
a liindscipe, iippnarance of g'^'SS to reflect, to illusrace
nature or of a country; 'pal
K 0-
; ;

"clear, keng*
br g'lt ; ^ngdn
'^k'og, to display rare things ; spectacles; ^U'in Hi kenj^ a
iyiu'ig isJieng fati ""king, the spy-glass; pdh <fd keng^ a
eight lions of Cunton ; ^mb glass cut into segments miu^ ;

a bad face, disre-

''king, lias keng^ a looking glass ; c/tiw'
putable '-in moki tong' 'king,
; hd^ keng' o\ look in the glass !

don't think too much of it ;^ (.chong, a dressing-case ;

ds^inn'king, neat aiid tasteful ; keng' kotii' <rning, clear as a
(kdi'king, fine scenery, easy, mirror, perspicacious; ^riling
pleasant circumstances (^ts^ai ;
keng^ Jed iiin, it is clearly
iUung 'king, looking snd, got retiected in your mind said —
the blues ; 'hd ^mdn 'king, a in of astute officers.
good sky at evening, fair pros- 'hin (mi keng^ a microscope ;
pects, promising circumstan- chiu' (Shan keng' a pier-glass.
ces ; kill' 'king ^shayig Js'ing, ii.L^ Attentive, sedate, cautious,
suspicious, to act according ^}^ serious; respectfully ;^tosl»o\v
to circumstances ; ishi 'king, '"^respect to, to esteem, to hon-
signs of the times, or to venerate, to worship, to

'-^ To -exhaust, to finish ; to adore ; to watch one's self, to

_/ti examine fully ; the end, the apply the mind to king\.':han, ;
King a . ,•
reverence the gods 'hbfung'

^ close, a confine, termination, ;

the iitmost then, at last, fin- ; king' a present to a parent or

ally 'king ^md ynt:, <,in, never
; friend ; A;/"^' (S/""N self train-
said a word: ^md 'king, unli- ing king' sik^ tsz'^ 'clii, have

mited ;
prt/j 'king, to the last, respect to written paper; king'
after all doubtless; 'king ^in
; 'tsau, to present one a glass of
j'm jZrtJ (tn^t wont he couie at wine ;
king' chung' to hold iri

all ? 'king i'm 'liia, did not at hiorh esteem

king' tdk 'chi, I ;

all understand 'king ; tsz^^ hu' respectfully inform you.

HiH, still you. went. ISL'^ A
sideway, a path, a bye-
'iSi A limit, boundary, frontier, '-*-•
I way, a short cut, a briiile-
/^ border ;
marchen, confines ; ^5^ I
path, a goat. path among
^ abode, place where one lives King hills; straight throug'i, di-

a neighborhood a district ;
rect ; the diameter ;
state, condition of life, status prompt ; to go, to pass by ;
kwai' 'kingy vour residence or tsiti kin^' an easv way, a
^ ;
' — ;


short modo king' lo^ a near «'^ to maintain one's own


path ; J^e king' smart, under- merits (k'ing iVgan, to assay


hand, tricky conduct ;— the silver (k'ing (Sam iitifuki cor-


opposite of king' ^'ing, dial, hearty submission (king ;

straightforward, iTiong (S^ung tsang^ gave him

all his purse (k'ing lun' broken
5B5' Interchanged with the pre- ;

2: — cedinor •
to api>roach, to near,'
down, ruinous (k'ing H, to ;

to pass by, to go up to king >

incline the ear (k'ing (kd ;

(.ting, widely unHke, far apart, ^ch'dn, to ruin an estate ;


tiuk) (k'ing isheng, the city

0?{J' The leg-hone ; the legs of
j was last from her great beau-
J.'^ birds and animals ;
k'au' king'
ty (k'ing pdi^ defeated, de-
= hit his shins — to teach him ;

(k'ing che' a game of
king' kwali the shank.
striking sugar-cane ; ik'ing ha}
^jJ Hard, firm, stiff; strong, Uung^ to discuss one's ability
^/' robust, vigorous unyielding, ; to drink ; (k'ing 'hbm, to break
overbearing, indefatigable ; by hitting against each other
(fitng iiw^^ a stiff breeze; king^ (k'ing ^hi (Slian (kd, si>ent his
tiki well-matched enemies. money ^mdn, to
(k'ing yat,
Ai.' Violent, strong ;
great, abun- talk the livelong night (k'ing ;

j?:'"^dant ; emulous, pragmatic, noi^ tik, stay a little longer.

° bickering, testy, boisterous; to A carnation or red gem ;
contend, to force, to struggle precious coral ; small, pretty
K'iung I

for, todrive off; (hoi king^ to gems <,K'ing ichau 'fit., the ;

begin a fray (Chdvg king^ ; island of Hainan ;

Jcing iiu,
wrangling cKtd:, ^yan J.'au
; fairy land.
king^ excelling others, distin- -^-"1 Alone, desolate, no relative
guished ;
jWio king^ unambi- ^^^ ^^ protector downcast, sor- ;

tious. 5*^ rowing; Jcing ^ngdn tnong^


Lpjto stare at fixedly; (k'ing

't^-* <k'ins md kd' without any
(193) K'ing. one to open the heart to ; no
resource. The third cha-
/g The head leaning one sid ; racter also means childless.
'Jt^^ cd, aslant, inclined, falling ;
•ilj Strong, violent ; ik'ing tiki a
° entirely, wholly to overturn, ; l^|>' powerful enemy.
to subvert, to prostrate to ;

waste, to squander to smelt, ; b^ A whale, the largest of sea

ii» .issay, to purify metals, to l^'{'^» monsters, fabled to be a thou-
t^'st ; to talk, to debate, to ^ sand li long ik'ing (t'an, to ;

wrangle; Jcing'^tOy to pour out, swindle, to take or swallow

subverted, fallen, prostrated : all ;
jfrV ik'ing ^sh{'ung (I'm,
,k' iiig Ho 'L'ii, silenced him, 1 to ride awhale to heaven
convinced him; (k'ing 'l>uii\ as Li Taipch did.

Toy. Dier. 21

162 KiP. KIT.

m-^ To mark the face with black Uuki ynt) ihung, to plunder
"pots ik'ing min' to brand everything to make a clean
K^*r ; ;

the faces of criminals ; called sweep; shau^ kip, to be robbed;

also ts'iki tst'* ; maki Jcingy kip) shik] to seize women for
to ink the face, to tattoo. ravishing; ikdi ^yau kip^ thd^
j^fe To elevate, to raise up high allcame to an end through
^^ with the hands Jcing Jcun, ;
means of the robbery. A collo-
to bow with the hands above quial word, meaning astrin-
the head Jciiig it'in ^c/i'ii, a
gent, bitter, puckering the
pillar of state, an ofiiccr who mouth; sleepy; iCh'd ^yung ti^
can raise the state to heaven. kip) the tea is very strong
A colloquial word, to settle, kipi kipi naki nah sour and
as turbid fluids ; to freeze, to astringent ^ngdn kip^ eyelids

coagulate, to curdle ; Hang heavy, dozmg.

ik'ittg tts'ing, let it settle y^ To pinch to clasp under ;

clear ;
Jiing ikon, to stand tA'- the arm a clasp a wrapper,
; ;

till dry. a portfolio ; k^uL the

ihdi kipi
^^ A stand for a lamp, or a wall, shoe pinches the foot ; kipi
light ; a frame to set a bow (Shii kipi take the portfolio
in when stringing it ; Mng under your arm kipi ds'an ;

ik'ing, a lamp-stand, a wall- '^chif to pinch the finger.


^ hundred ^mau, equivalent
j/y- to 1 5 j'^^^ sq. acres, the largest
(195) Kit.
of land measures ; an instant,
a moment, a glance; a basket;
*^ Limpid, pure, clear; un-
in epitaphs, has the meaning
/^."tainted, above bribes, clean-
*of trembling, respectful; the
handed, pure-minded ; neat,
head inclined ; '^Ic'ing hah a
clean, trim, tidy ; to purify, to
very short time 'k'ing iUi ; a
cleanse, to correct kit-, ds'ing, ;

brief glance at, a cursory

or Ming 4i/j clean (as water),
reading mdn^ '^Icing, a wide
pure, white ; kit, tsing- clean,
range, a vast expanse 'k'ing ;
unde filed 'kifung- .kung,
; kity
^on, I've just heard 'ki do ;
to refuse bribes in the public
'k'ing ^mau, how many acres
service ; kU^ ^shan ikwai, to
are there ?
retire from office with unsulli-
ed fame.
eo-J) Kip. ^ The end of a thread ; a
marking-line; a rule of ac-
To plunder, to rob openly, tion; to measure, to reduce

ito take violently a kulpa or

to order, to bring within
hun. bounds, as a river : kit, lok> to
^J< Budhist period of five
Kieh dred years; ages; Hd ktp^ adjust ; kit, tsing^ pure. Used
robbery with fighting; kiy^ for the preceding.
; ;;

KfT. K'fT. 163

jH: A knot, a knob made of cord ;

this the used harsh,
next is ;

v^l a skein, a hank ; to work or cruel, murderous,

weave in knots, to knit to ; truculent to lift a atone

tie, to fasten, to bind ; to con- Kiti Kwai' the last monarch of

tract, to bind parties ; stiff, as the Hid dynasty, b. c. 1818.
dry paste or dough ; to set, as /^ Eminent in talents an 1 vir-
fruit; induce, as ill-will;
to jpT^I^ tue, a hero proud, self-willed,

an agreement, bond, compact, opinionated shoots of grain ; ;

engagement united, banded ; lying kiti a heroine, a person

together, engaged, tied, fixed of great parts.
kit} hdpi contracted, complet- ^1^ Name of a famous sfafes-
ed, as a bargain; kit, ch^ung'' A»»Y man called (Ngai^ Kiti) Wei
or k'Ut iTigan, to pay money on Kieh, A. D. 956, in the days
account; kit, c's'an, to con- of the After Chau dynasty.
tract a marriage ;
yat, kit, csz'
sW a skein of silk : kit, iiti the (196) K'it.
12th month kii^pdi'lo pledge

kit, on' to decide

a case kit, tsung^ to open a
m To lift up, to
^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ cover ; to raise the
lift or take off,

case in court 'kwo kit, Hiu, ; dress ; to borrow ; to take
the fruit has set kit, hnong, to ; upon, to bear, to undertake ;

knit nets ; kit, '^nau, to braid responsible for ; to publish or

a button ; kit, Hs'oi, to hang make known ; k'it, hong' bor-
festoons wat, kit, sullen kit,
, ;
rowed capital k'it, Mn, a ;

jin, the last words yati hav} ;

note of hand k'it, t'ip^ a pla- ;

ikwai kit, to settle it up after- card, a pasquinade, an anony-

wards, to see how an affair mous statement k'it, ts6' to ;

turns out finally; kit,'^ kwo sing' borrow k'it, ^hiii, to issue a

ming^ to take one's life ; '^shui listof graduates k'it, {fung ;

^shitL hai- kit, it will be stiff if ip'i, to take off the seals from
there is too little wafer kit, ; a door, remove the fastenings
{TTidi tik, hat, coagulated blood. k'it, shd' an account due ; k'it,
Tocarry off something in Hiin, to post one, to
'Pjthe skirt of a dress, to lift up •^ To exhaust, to carry to the
an apron or skirt. ^7^/ utmost to sink awav, want-
K.ieh .
, , 1 'i ,

Suffering, laborious sepiirat- ; ing; to carry on the shoulder ;

„. j'ed from friends; wide, parted ;
exhausted power, like that of
to carve, to cut off kU, fut, ;
the five elements, which are
open, as a place ; disparted, then succeeded by others de- ;

as friends. feated k'it, lik, weakened, to


Ad: A hen-roost ; courageous, exhaust one's strength its'oi ;

^^S' excelling, gifted with great k'it, impoverished k'it, kitt, H ;

qualities, magnanimous ; one fu^ to exert one's utmost

of a thousand, a hero — for strength to reach.

164 K'fT. KItT.

AK Martial, urgent eyertinjr ; of halberd ; strong, hale k'Ui ;

j^jj one's strength k'it, k'iU iWai ; k'it] the larvas of musketoes ;
i^ sedulous or diligent in ob- preeminent, alone ; k'Ui "^ying
serving or doing right. Inter- Jiu dang, solitary before a
changed with tlie last. lonely lamp k'it^ shiU tongue-

J^ A round stone pillar with tied k'iti sin yah (Shan, quite

an inscription an iguille or alone.

j^l^^ ;

sharp projecting rock like the ^h To raise from the enrtli, to

Skillig rock near Ireland; there ^^^i hold up, to dangle or susponn ;

is one on the coast of Chihli, to protect ; to put in or«Ur, to

near the Great Wall the ; adjust; itdi k'iti to lii't •.^\u\

fluttering of birds. carry ; k'it:, cli'ut:, ifan iCh'uu,

4R To go and come, to depart raised him above (or beyond)
j^^' a brave, valiant look. the world. Read k'ai\ and
h4: To
judge, to demand of, to used for ^.
with authority, to
inform one's self; to prohibit,
to correct and lay restrictions; (197) Kill.
to reduce the rebellious to
order k'U:, waU intractable,
; Jj^ Beautiful, comely, graceful,
cacophonous, as sounds k'iU '^^ delicate, tender dear, lovely ;

^hau ikung, to take evidence an affected, elegant, polished,

of prisoners ip'un k'Ui to ex- manner a stylish figure or

amine k'U: iChiiif to-morrow

; form to cry or whine for, pet- ;

morning, ted, spoiled ckhi kwat' dainty, ;

ig A stiflfor straight neck to delicate ikiu ^yeung, to bring ; ;

^y upwards k'U, wdio difficult up tenderly, to spoil by over

Ki^h ;

to do artful speech to de-

fondness, to wink at vice ;

ceive ;
to rob, to plunder. (kiu lidki a son-in-law; applied
^T. To discover secrets, to pub- also to distinguished guests ;

''^*^' ^o reveal, to bring to light M ikiii, like a syren, seduc-
to charge with a fault, to ques- tive, a fairy ; chd^ (.kin, teasing,
tion in regard to an accusation, crying for, as spoiled children;
to reprove k'it, lyan Hun ch'ii'
; ikiu csheng, a kind, winning
to remark on people's faults ;
voice a querulous, higii key-

»nin'A;'i<5to personally reprove. ed tone ; A\Kiu, a bcjiiiliful

i^S Toup and put the skirt
lift woman in the days of NVnti,
j^l'^^'in the girdle to hold some- B. c. 100; applied as nn on-
thing in it; to carry some- dearing name ,ioMv, voin- ;

thing in the dress. daughter; (kiu (fs'ai, mv dcnr

^ A man without
arm ;
his right
alone, solitary, abandon-
wife iWong (kiu, th^
beauty," i. e. wine (kii'i f'lii' ;

ed, orphan-like ; a remnant, lady-like, genteel ; Jdu ^mi,
short, left, or behind ; a kind fresh, beautiful.

KIU KIU. 165

A stately horse, a wild, rep- '4^ To lift up the hand, to grasp

tive horse; proud, haughty, j!/ firm, unyielding; to straight-
ungovernable, self-confident, en false, feigning used col-
; ;

conceited to glory in, to; loquially to wipe, to rub '^kiu ;

disdain ; ckiu nsd^ proud, over- ^ngdn lui^ to wipe away tears ;

bearing ^kiii ckw'd, presump-

'>tm 'tsui, to wipe the mouth ;
tuous : Mu
^ch'^ iwan, pride 'Arm ikon tseng^ wipe it clean.
and waste, showy ; c/ci« tsung^ Read kiu' to take a little ; to
kwdn' indulged till he is con- pry open, to pry up with a
ceited. lever ;
to stick in, to obstruct
small species of pheasant, to pin kiii^ /in
kill' icharri' ;

with a long tail, and perhaps kong' a spendthrift, lit. one

akin to the barred-tailed or who carries ofi' land kiu' chii^ ;

Reeves' pheasant (Syrmati- -md kevh prevent the to ««

cus)\ it constantly clucks (A:i« horse's legs," to argue with

iJciut whence its name. one against a plan, to hinder
To sprinkle, to irrigate, to a thing, to interfere with ; kiu*
water; to dip; false, perfidi- chij} ^ngdn iyan, he is an eye-
ous, ungrateful ; Mu Idpi chuk, sore to me.
to dip candles ; ikiu ifd, to To wind around ;
bind, to
water flowers ckiii poki false, ; to reel pay to to deliver
to ;
hardhearted. Read Jtiu, an up, to hand to an officer leg ;

eddy. wrappers; '^kiu sin' to wind

A high peak, where no water thread '^iw iwdn, to pay back;

remains ^un 'kiu, one of five
; jM/j ^kiu, paid up, settled ; 'kiu
lofty hills in Shantung, where 'kiin, to hand in an essay ;
genii dwell. ^kiti (.kiirii to surrender up '^kiu ;

The wrilhings and squirm- ichong, to deliver up stolen

ingg of a snake ; to stretch or goods. Read cheuk, to tie a
wriggle one's self; a kind of string to an arrow when it is
ant. shot.
Straight ; to straighten ; to White, lustrous, refulgent,
bend to to rectify, to correct like a bright gem, such as an
Kiau ;
what is wrong; martial, strong, opal ; ^yau jti 'kiu yaJi bright
to simulate, to deceive ; frau- as the sun.
dulent ; to usurp, to exercise '^g To raise the feet ; caracol-
undue authority ; 'kiu ^k'eung, ^y} ing of horses ; to march ; 'kiu
to force unwilling; 'kiu
the ktuk^ to cross the legs.
ming^ to feign orders ; '/tiii '±^ A sedan ; formerly denoted
fjiin, oppressive, seizing by ^.•fJ a covered chaise yat:, 'ting ;

force 'fci(i '^yau Uv^ tsok:, to act

; ^kiii, a sedan ; chuk:, ^kiu, bam-
for one's interest, time serv- boo sedan (cJiong 'Arm, tilt the

ing. Often interchanged with .sedan ; 'Ariu kong' sedan thills

the next. c/u ^kiu, a bride's chair ;

1G6 K'lU. K'lU.

^kia, an open chair, used by 'pan, to pass the bridge and

officers ;
^t'oi ^kiu 'Zd, sedan- raise the board, i. e. to make a
bearers ; Iso^ ^kiu, to ride in a catspaw of one ^'ng higdn ;

sedan ; jpdU ^kiu, a sedan for Jciu, a five arched bridge ;

eight bearers. {rnun Jciu, a door-lintel Jciu ;

|g| To call, to send for, to call Han, the buttress of a bridge ;

^ [upon

; to cry out ; to name ;

ts'6uk)ik'iu, the crow's bridge ;
0^ I to cause commiind, to tell; to made Chih.nii a fairy
for —
.Kiau to do, to persuade named, ; story Jiang Jciu, a suspen-

eJut>,ju, C'^^lled, termed (fa Hsz^ kiu^ ; sion bridge fau Jciu, a float,

ikdi, the beggars cry in the ing bridge, a temporary bridge

street; ^'m^siuug kiu^ not on
speaking terms kiu' Jioi kW ^ High, stately, lofty ; look-

iinaif one who can run er.


Su '"S upward, aspiring, like

the branches of a tree curv- ;

rands; kiu^ p'o' ihau Jung, to ed, crooked proud, discon- ;

call till one is hoarse ; kiu^ tented ; Jciu Hsz' two trees
mati iineng, what is your (or growing different ways, met.
its) name ? yat:, kiu' tsati' td^ father and son Jciu ^nin, ;

came as soon as called mat:, ;

aged Jciu muk^ lui* stately

ishui kii? ^iii tsd^ who told forest trees, an order of plants
you to do that 1 ^ni maU ^y^ in Chinese botany.
kiu' taki ^ngo
why do you thus disturb me?
kdm' j'm (O/i,
An inn, a lodging-place a
temporary lodgment hieh ;

kiu^ ts'dki to cry thieves kiu^ !

ik lu iku, to visit, to sojourn.

kav? meng^ to cry out for help
kiu' '^seng, wake him up kiu'
A colloquial word, avaricious;
Jciu 'naut'dP tdi^ very greedy,
a' you are called.
hard to suit.

(198; K'iii.
^ Long tail feathers
"^^'^''ifi fl'iS? high, elevated;
; a kind
to raise the head, to look ; to
: A
bridge ;
planks laid across elevate, to excite ; to liftup
' streams a thwart, or cross ;
the dangerous,
tail ; immi-
beams supporting frames or nent suspended; distant;

other parts, as in a well-sweep Jciu 'shau, to raise the head ;

a viaduct; the arch of the foot Jciu, high, as trees ; in


a vacant part, where the ends danger, as a house of fulling ;

are supported a stately tree, ; ts'ui^ Jciu, a kind of feather
whose branches grow upward coiffure.
like a cypress or poplar met. ; Tjfc ^
A kind of grain, called Jciu
a father, in the phrase Jciu '^ \maki perhaps a sort of bijck-
Hsz' you father
'tsz'; ling^ Jc'in ^'^^***'> ^he culm is reddish,
s^tt I

and son yaUtd' Jciu, a bridge; K'lau 2 or 3 feet high, flowers


ktm' Jciii shut, wa' news, white, and leaves hastate •

street talk ; kwo^ Jtiu ^cfiau it is reaped in October.

; ;;;

KO. KO. 107

^' A )>ole, pore, orifice, apcr- schemes, plats of land, &c.,

^ri, ture a cavitv, a hollow, an
: more widely than any other ^
interstice ^kau kiu the nine
; denotes objects when spoken
passages of the body kbm^ ; of individually an individu- ;

tfung k'iiP » such open pas- al or thing, as in the phrases

sages !' i. e. clever, astute chi' ko' or (Tii ko' this one ;

(t'ung ytuki sudorifics

k'iu'' 'nd ko' or ko' ko' (often pro-
and sternutatory remedies ; nounced 'ko ko', to distinguish
iShiimi^ chung^ k'iu' you are it from ko' ko' every) that one;

wide of the mark hbfi k'iu' ; a pronoun, thi.s, this one, but
in good time yat, k'iu' pal^ ;
need not always be trans-
(fling, he understands no- lated ; stands for the posses-
thing, thoroughly stupid. sive case, as 'ngo ko' j-'aut
my head ; when following the
negative moki or ^mai, spe-
(199) Ko. cifies the following noun
as mok, ko' fiu' don't go, i.e.
pT'^'] To
sing in a recitative, to don't [do] that going; */na£
'^l*, chant with music accom- ko' 'kai ch'u' don't stand
t5q] pany>"g ^ song, a ballad; ^ko
there ; ko' ko' (to 'yau, every
Ko .s/ietig, the sound of singing; body has it, we have all

^ko 'pnii, a song-book ; (ko things ; sai' ko' the little

(Sheng iliii. Uung^ sweet thing, the darling, the pet
sounds of music ^ch'^uvg ;
ko' tiki is used with less
Jiau^ (tio, the lonely wife's dit- speciality than ko' ko', as ko^
ty — name of a song; (Chili Jco, tiki hai^ mati iyan, whose is
former name for Weihwui fu til at ? mati ^y6 wa? ko' j'm hai^
in Honan. who says it is not so ? ^md
^T An elder brother; a designa- ko' j'7n is not anr
(iiav, who
^* tion of the emperor's sons is d' gry ? tai' another i^ 'Atko' ;

(ko ; (koiko, a polite term for a ko' (Scting, several boxes

stranger, or an elder ; tdi^ (ko, I'ffi (fan tak} ko' shd' the
my elder brother ^Id (ko, ve- ;
kinds can not be sorted ^ni ;

nerable sir ; a' (Ch'o (ko, a no- ko' pin^ ^yau' ts'dk^ ^mb, are
vice, a raw hand i- a' (ko, ;
there thieves in your place ?
(Sam a' (ko, the emperor's lun' ko' iCau mdi^ sold by the
second and third sons ; pi' (ko, piece ko' pok, ko' one pitted

the nose, against one ; ko' yat^ ^shdng,

fe^'l The first of these is a in that province yat> ko' Jd ;

j^, bamboo
stalk ; a classifier hii^ sui' erery single one has
^{^ j'applied to human beings, to
gone ; ko' iik-, (ngdrit, that's
yPi^' inanimate things, particular-
I right, that will suit 'mui /fo* ;

' ly of a roundish or compact each ; kind of catch

tsaki ko' a
lorm, periods of time, coins, note at the end of a song.
;; . ;;

168 K6. Kb.

(200) K6. usually with fruit mixed in ;

pdk> cakes
'^kvjo ikb, fruit
High, loudlofty, elevated ; ;
iSung ikb, leavened dumplings;
jMmc^Oj dumplings of oldman's
KAu eminent, exalted ; excellent,
sublime, noble ; a high degree rice tdn^ cAo, sponge cake.

of; a periphrasis for your in Interchanged with the last

direct address, as ^ko sing^ d' steamed cakes a bit,
Kau pastry ; ;

what your surname ? the

is a tidbit (kbfan, rice tlour. ;

189th radical old, advanced ;

; To inform, to call to or
tkd tdi^ tall, well-proportioned harangue to ^^^ announce
; to ;

lofty ^kd Jau 'kun, an eating-

c;^ drawl out, to whine high, ! ;

house ikb ikd, very high ^m Kdu eminent; a bank a marsh

; ; ;

ifan laki ^kd dai, can not nicely xkb iTniin, a palace-gate ; "^kau
distinguish, not much differ- ikb, a marshy bank.
ence ; Jib hing^ pleased, grati- 1^ A kind of tree ; a well-sweep
fied ; ''Cai Jid hing^ to see the is called kati ^kb.
show Kau
J(d iicdi tak, a beggar
alluding to a man of that
case or sack for a bow,
or armor, attached to a car ;
name in the Sang dynasty, Kau
ikb kiii^ a quiver for bow and
A. 960; chi" /ti\/cd, aspiring,
ambitious; cid/cd' high-priced;
Jioki man^ J(d, learned, well-
A drum, said to be 12 ch'ekt
long, anciently used to incite
read ; higdn (kd, supercilious ;
workmen in their work.
Jed iVfiingy intelligent.
Dry, rotten, as wood a
esc A pole used to push boats ;
kind of tree, its wood is like

«fp«3 ich'dng (kd, to pole yafr, chnk:, Kau

Kau ;
chestnut others describe it as

ikd ickdng Jioi, push it off

like the tallow-tree '^kd mvki ;
with a pole. '«' fai' all desire gone,
Fat, grease, ointment ; suet
wearied out iying iyung (fii ;
rich food glossy, greasy,
Kau ;
'^kbj attenuated, cadaverous ;
unctuous; genial, fattening,
ikon 'id, dried fish.
rich, fertilizing; (Chii ^ko, lard ;

tko yeuki a plaster

clarified fat ; Jib iUting,
; ikd <yau,
Kau an
The culm of grain
original, the first draft of a
; straw ;

tuous fare, rich food Ocb ;

paper; asketcii, a proof; ^iro
'Afo, paddy straw '/s'd Vfd, a
tfong, the vitals, the part be-

yond the reach of medicine. first copy 7d 'Aro, to make a ;

A lamb a kid J'oi ^kb <pi, copy to take a proof of (a ;

; ;

('lit unycancd lambskin hdk-i ^kb printer's term); '/cd <.kung, a

Kau ;

head clerk, who revises |)a.

ip'i^black lambskin <,chan ichii ;

pers (Ch'eutig '^kb, a theme.

ikb, curly-haired lambskin. ;

Cakes, pasty, or dumplings
of flour or arrowroot, steamed,
'k<) kt),
, ,,
gray and lustrous;

very while. Also read


with or without leaven, and ko


KO. KOI. 160

Interchanged witli'j^ ^^i*!^ ^1^- (201) Koi.

Kdu rotten wood ; straw or thatch
for huts a draft or copy ; '/to

kun^ the rough draft, the or- SJ? An agreement, an enlisting j

'P.^ contract to connect, to pre-

iginals of pa{>ers. Kai

pare, to arrange fit, proper, ;

Clear, pure, distinct ; white, be, or is just, what ought to

applied to hair ; 'kd I'^han
Kau right, necessary, permissable,
cJiik:, Isuk-i bright apparel and or convenient ; deserving to

owe; the said, the, that, the
Plain, white and fine silk ; aforesaid, what been has
itnornamented, simple, plain mentioned {'m beg ikoi, I
Kau ;

^koci, plain garments '^kd ; si'i' pardon, I should not have done
unadorned, of one color. it ;
cfroi (lii, useless, improper,
'I'he sun shining over trees ;
foolish ; ikoi ishvu unlucky,
clear, bright ; high, lofty 'Aro disappointed (koi Jong Him
Kau ; ;

'/td ch^titi yati glorious as the ytiing^cTji, how ought it to

sun breaking from the clouds. be? (koi tso? ch' u' it (or he)
ought to be there Att' hcaV
To gore to accuse, to in- ;

form against, to impeach, to ikoi ting^ ill it should be (or is

Kau usually) hot in summer ^koi
tell of; to announce to a supe- ;

rior, to inform any one, as in iUgan ytuki ikon, how much

courteous language to ask, ;

money does he owe ? ^koi ^m^,
all wrong, done badly ; Jioi
to request ; to order ; ko' shi^
'Afin, belongs to his rule, he
a proclamation, an edicl ;
Ad', pi^ ko' the plaintiff and has the oversight of; 'pi/n ikoi,
it is incumbent on, belongs to
defendant; ko' su' the accusa-
tion and reply; to inform of; you to do, or to see to ikoi ;

ko' ifs'z^ to intimate one's de- kbm^ ito, there should be so

parture, to take leave — said much.
by a visitor ; kb^ cheung' to A bank a boundary, ; circuit,
sue for a debt ; ko' isfiing, to limit ; guard or reinforce a
finish [a work] sh^ung^ ko' to ;
frontier; a hundred millions;
appeal ko* ka' to ask leave of
; iA:im (A;oi, every where, the wide
absence. world. Interchanged with the
Sift' To enjoin upon, to order, to
^" direct, to give commands to, Step, bank, terrace a gra- ;

'o signify ones wishes; a .P^ '.

dation, a succession, an order
pa- Kai
tent; a decoration ; ko' ishan, certain music '^kan (koi, the ;

l.llers-patent, credentials kb' ;

•'nine ascents," heaven, the
rfiitie, to confe/ a title or rank empyrean.
on Ao' ,shii, a scroll from the
Roots Hs'b (kni,ihc
; roots of
emperor, honors. plant«; Is t, koi, bad roots, met.
evil principles.

Ton. Did. 22
; ;;

170 K'OI. KOI:

'pA' To change, (b alter; to ex- way ; k'oi' Joi, having come,

j/^ change ; to reform, to do better; since you are here ; k'oi'\yan,
to correct, to amend, a* a ctxm- because that k'oi' 'hiu^ seeing ;

position ; 'jtoi yat^ -ling hdu' that he understands set) k'oi^ ;

another day I will call ; "^koi pat^ fu' a set of tin dish-covers
kico' exchanged ; to reform ; fdn^ k'oi' a wooden cover used
'koi ^ngd ^mun, to carry a case in cooking rice ; k'oi' <shi,

to another court; 7foi kd^ to now at that time, then it was;

leave a husband or betrothed, k'oi' ^ngd, to lay tiles. Often
and marry another '^koi un- ; confounded with and used
to exchange, to put another
in place of; 'koi ^^hiung, un-
wrongly for hop, ^.
usual to grow worse

7coJ, flagitious,
To sigh, to lament for
paU i^ang
with unavailing sighs and la-

to regret

i'ung^ 'koi i^'in t/t, you must

ments, to sorrow that one'a
reform your misdeeds "-koi ;
desires are disappointed.
do better ''koi
pin'' to alter, to ;

ifung 'shvi, to improve one's

A striker to level grain to ;

even, to adjust ; a summing, a

luck by incantations. K'iii
resume ;
yah k'oi' altogether,
without exception ;
yal, k'oi^

(^02) K'oi. (id hii' all gone ofl"; tdi' k'oi^

generally speaking, on the
whole, the most of; hi' k'oi'
] A kind of coarse grass used resolute, magnanimous, gen-
jtVA >for thatch a cover, a cover-
:^' ;
erous-hearted ; k'oi' hai^ "^kdm,
win J
ing, a roof; a canopy, a vault they are all about the same.
K'ai to cover, to hide, to roof; to
Generous, noble minded, lov-
Screen, to conceal, literally and
ing integrity ^k'ong k'oi' dis- ;
figuratively ; to overshadow, K'ii
interested, above meanness ;
to overtop ; is ; a conjunction,
'/rdm k'oi' moved by, commise-
since, for, for that, now then ;
rating. Interchanged with
shiung^ Ic'oi^ the roof; also,
the last.
heaven ; Hm k'oP to shut up
To wash or scour cooking
or close ; 'pi '^pdn k'oP chv}
utensils; to wet, to moisten;
cover with a board
it Uov ; K'^i
to rollon like a torrent inun- ;
icAwn^, a covered tea-cup; Uoi'
dating, swashing; name of a
iiti now it is said ; ich^ k'oi^
river in Lidutung.
7)nn^shade the face k'oi^ tak-, ;

kwo' to hide out of sight k'oP ;

To ask alms ;
to demand, to

Vid min^ to veil the face to

beg ;
to give ; hat, k'oi' lo beg
; K'ai
hide one's real feelings k'oi' ;
k'o'i' its'in^ to ask for tnonej'
kwo^ <J'au, pull it over the k'oi' shiki to beg for footl.
head k'oP kwo^ ko' /au hit' Anger ;
gasping From rage
IS' haw k'oi' furiouslv anijrv.

cover or shade it more that K'iii

;; ;

KOK. KOK. 171

^203) Kok. a corner, a point,an angle a ;

protuberance or jutting out
Calling to and being disre-j a tuft of hair a headland, a ;

ff garded separate, apart a dis-

; ;
cape a quarter or one fourth

(as of an hour or an orange)
tributive adjective pronoun,
a wine-jar wing of an army
each, every; various; AroA-, ; ;

(yan, each man koky ^yan kok-,

one of the 28 constellations,

fci/i^each one has his own opi-

a and X, in Virgo kok, shing' ;

to drive (as cattle do), to beat

nion Aio^j 'yau '^sho (Ch'^ung,

each man has his own gift yaf, kok, <,man (Shii, an official
dispatch, perhaps because it
koki -yau yaU shuh each lias
a different tale kok, sJiik, fo' used to be carried in a horn;

various kinds of goods. Jit i kok, to borrow money ;

^ door screen
Pi a loft, an ;
ktpo^ tak, kok, flush
(phrases taken
of money
from gam-

^}] upper story or balcony, a look- bling); ^pi kok: ch'ong^ fo gore
out room a porch, a vestibule;

a corridor or gallery, St' room; chiin' (Wdn pat, kok, to idle

about, to loaf; kok,Iok>it'au, a
female apartments a council :

chamber, a court-room met. corner in a room chai iTtini ;


yat, kok, put

it aside (as worth-
the officers assembled there,
less) kok, 'hau or kok, ^Isui,
the court; a cupboard or ;

to wrangle pdh kok, star-

safe for eatables ; koh ^Id, a ;

courtier, a
aniseed (d kok, kaP tufts of
the word Colao hair on children: dhi ^ngd.n
is corrupted
from kok, to ogle, to glance chiki, ;
term kok, ha' your
this ;
t.un\ and yui- koki are terms
excellency, your honor. Sir:
noi^ kok, the Inner Council
for right, obtuse, and acute,

yap> kok, to be a cabinet-mi- angles ;

'tsnng kok, jv/'i, child-
hood tiii ;sdm kok, to pitch
nister ; 'shui kok, a summer- ;

house over the water cash into a triangle.

(kwai ;

kok, the female apartments; To seize

an animal and drag
txoi^ kok, shinng^ he is upstairs; italong by the horns to stab ;

kok, the stars

td^ u, ^ and ir in an animal.
Cassiopeia. A rafter, the strips on which
^ To obstruct, to hinder ; Mm Kioh
the tiles
handle a tree in Kwangtung,
rest ; a mallet a ;

Koh kok, or kok, chv} to defer, to ;

adjourn, to impede, to put called Jd kok, Vsz', whose fruit

difficulties in the way. is the size of an egg.

A horn; 14Sth radical of Rough land, hilly and rocky;

words relating to uses, appear- bad, poor land, like barrens;
Koh uKioh
ance, die, of horns to dis- a rugged country.

pute, to try or test one's pow- Grand, e.xnlted correct, ;

ers or strength with another; upright to understand, toper- ;

to butt, to gore horny, hard,;. eeive ; intelligent ; to nt^tice,
; ;;;

172 K'OK. K6\r.

to advert to awake, aroused ; Dry, dried up, exhausted, run

to ;conscious ; to feel to ;
Ji. out (kou k'ok, thirsty, parch-
Hoh ;

briny to light, to manifest ed by the sun, out of funds,

^ngo iin koki p'ung' its' an '/»i, 1 needy ; (su k'ok, ch'it, to supply
ran against you inadvertently; one in need, to give life [to a
koki 'ng^ aroused to a sense of; fish] in a dry rut.
fat^ kok, divulged, discovered, A valley, bed of a torrent, a
transpired, brought to light; deep gully a fosse, a city-;
kok) itvongf. Bud ha kok, tak-. ; ditch ingai ingdtn tsiit> k'ok)

t'ung^ it hurts, I feel the pain ; an abrupt precipice, a road

sliaU kok, inattentive; Hs'z^ impassible from gulches and
kok} hai* 'Arom, 1 think it was ravines tdi^ k'ok, the ocean ;

like that ; Kok^ Jo, the JLJ hioro, ik'ai k'oki mountain streams.
the surname of the reigning A place in Tayuen fi'i in
family in Manchu <fan ^mai ;
3> Shansi, called Hohj ciii^ng
Hoh ;

jjaU kok:, stupid from grief; a surname.

^ngo kok:, tah ^kdm, I under- A kind of animal, allied to
stood it in this way. Read the fox it burrows, and ;
kdu' to awake. sleeps much has a sharp nosa ;

^j Brazen horns used to sup- and long piebald fur a bad- ;

^^l port the flagstaffs and spears ger? Vd k'ok) shui' sleepy,
.-in a chariot ; a boot in a car lethargic.
to wrangle. Diligent, attentive to, careful
of, as one who serves in a
temple ; to respect, to regard,
(204) K'ok, to revere.

rife A rock very prominent (205) Kom.

^^' hard, firm, solid ; really, cer-
tainly, in fact, indeed; sin-
-fl- Sweet, grateful, relishing,
cere, truthful ; resolute j'm pleas-
i^. affreeable to the taste;
k'oki doubtful; k'oki sfiati hai^ Kan ^ , , ' .;,.
ed, happy; voluntary, wilhng ;

verily so tiki k'ok-, in fact,

pleasing, delightsome ; spe-
even so; k'ok, fsoki substantial
cious, winning ; the 99th ra-
h'ok:, iin, surely.
dical of characters of taste ;
f^ Sincere, guileleas, good (kdm csam, pleased, contented,
i^f^ hearted, ingertuous, upright. resigned -kom mi^ luscious; ;

Much the same as the precede

(kdm Jcdm tik, rather svv<!ot ;

(kdm '^chi, pleasant food, such
Igj A kind ofdrawbridge, where as is given to aged parents;
J^\ toll iiathered
k'ok:, sliuP ;
(kdm Jam, a timely rain; Jmm
a species ot Hovenia.
. .

^fu, prosperity and adversity;

^5 A liftingrnet for fish, ms^de

(kdm iin, a soft answer, kind
j^j'of fine Ijaiiihoo nptsyofk.
vyords kdm latj >i, very sweet;
; ;

KdM. KOVf. 173

(kdm it/am ii/nm, delicious A mudtish ; ^kdm iti or ^fd

c^om ^k'ii k^^ it was stolen. 'kdm, a dusky green silure, the
The coolie-mandarin orange Pimelodus guUatus, common
in Canton in the spring
Kan (Citrus margaritajj
fjch'd iChi ikdm ; ckdrn ip'U or- months.
ange peel Jioi ckom cptti, to
To move the feelings, to ex-
gamble wilh guessing orange cite affected by, influenced,
Kan ;

seeds cfan ikdm /ung mi^ to

physically or mentally ; ^kdm
have the same taste after iyan, grateful, thankful ; 'kdm
dividing the orange, to divide t'dn' moved to tears, sorry ;

a delicacy with others (kdm ;

^kdm kdk, to act upon benefi-
kdiri' Idi' pi* a nose as big as cially; ^kdm tsi^ '/n, obliged for,

an orange, supercilious. thank you much the word —

Liquorice, much used in Chi- cumshaw is corrupted from this
nese pharmacy, called tkdm phrase (to 'kdm, many thanks
'Is'd. '^kdm fd^ iyan ^sam, to trans-
Water in which rice has form the heart, converted ;

been washed, called ^mai^kdm cfedu 'kdm, influence of the

Kdn dual powers, conception Vrdm
'^shui : it is used for washing ;

sores, md' ifung Jion, aflTected by the

A disease of children arising weather 'kdm fak:, csham, or

from imperfect digestion or ^kdm kiki deeply thankful

bad treatment ^kdm tsik-, pot ;
'^kdm '^kdm, thanks.
bellied J(om ^ch'ong, venereal
An adverb ofquality, so, thus,
ulcers. this manner ; an interjection
The Chinese olive, called of surprise ^yiung tsd*
; '/cdm
(kdin 'lam, the Canarium. It tak, this will very well ; do,
belongs to the Terebinthaceae, tsau^ 'kdm, stop, well 'kdm ;

and resembles the real olive ^y^ung 'tsz^ such a style ! used
chiefly in shape. in depreciation 'kdm wd^ if ;

To walk up to and take to : you say so, if it be so ; il'ung

dare, to have the hardihood, dd hai' 'kdm ki' they are all
to venture ;
presuming, bold, just so, all alike ; 'kdm k^\' s'w
rash, intrepid ;saucy to of- ;
'hd 'kdm, so! don't do so, that'll
fend good manners at the ; not do ; 'kdm 'tdm tsd^ so dar-
beginning of a sentence, it an- ing, brave.
swers to how, can j'm '^kdm ; 4' An adverb of quantity so, ;

Lsd^ dare not do it ; j'm '^kdm such kdm^ '«n, so far

; Itdm' !

(long, presume not to take it, 'tsd, so early kdm^ mat} ^y^, !

can not venture 'Ai'Ardm, how ;

why what is the reason ?
so ?

can I presume ? are all polite — stung^ mau^ kdm^ 'cKau, such
expressions ; Ham '^kdm, fear- an ugly face kdni' (Shd 'tdm, ;

less, valorous; 'kdm tsokj '^kom great courage; kdm^ 40, so

,wai, not afraid of doing. many.
174 KOiV. KON.
6iX' A violet color, a rnsp rod, mast, a flag-staff; ^k'i ,kon
J'P which the good inau, it is said, kap, the clamps or fid.s which
does not wear, uphold a mast ; <pz/i (kon, a
g^' The prefecture of Kfinchau walking stick.
J^ in the southern part of Ki^ns- Culm of the bamboo; slender
hien is a district in
Kan wooden things
81 ; as a rod, pole,
this department. cane, sh^, staff, &c., often
*M' The large river of Kiangsi made of bamboo cK lng\kon, ;

which flows north into beam of the dotchin ; tixi' (kon,

K^ lake.

a fishing-rod ; yaU (kon chuk,

a bamboo ; tsvv' ikon^ shaft of
(206) Kon. an arrow,; ch^ung' (hm chuk,
stick for a curtain valance.

A An inferior gem, a kind of

„ defensive
shield, a buckler; arms,
what pro- Kin coral Jong (kon, name given
armor ;

to ornaments made of branch-


tects, or fends off; a bank of

a stream to seek, to try and
ing coral of the genus Lsis.
obtain from, to procure to The liver; it belongs to wood,

provoke, to draw down on one; and rules the system; in-

to oppose, to offend, to break timate the feelings a brown, ; ;

laws; offense, crime, guilt; nmber color; '/)i long' (Sam

incumbent, appertaining to, (kon, he is as my heart and
concerning, bringing results to liver, as myself; (Chii (konshik-,
one ; trunk of some plants, a dark brown, color of pig's liver;
stem a frontier ; Jcon Ji\m^
; (kon icKiung ts'iin' tiin^ liver
arms, war, tumult ^kan fan' and hovvels cut. into inches,

to commit a fault (kon ching' greatly afflicted.


lyan, a witness j'm ,s^utig (kon, i^l Dry, exhausted ; to dry ;


no matter, does not concern ^^~^clean, entirely; ,kon tseng-

me ^md mal-, (kon hai' no great tTtij lifTip^d, pure mni^ (kon tseng*
; ;

consequences ^ii higo^md (kon, Kan all sold (kon muli to defraud;
; ;

rone of my business (kon Jin, a defalcation, use of another's


bad results, involved in ; (t'in goods (kon fu^ an adopted ;

(kon, "celestial stems," or father of different surname ;

shap^ Jcon, ' ten stems," are (kon '^fo 'shau, a shoplifcer ;
ten characters used in the shdV (kon, to dry ; ckon ts'd^
cycle ; ^ngo ^md (kon ship:, I had feverish, heated ; (koa '^shong,
no hand in that, I'm not impli- dry, airy hong^ (kon, to dry ;

cated there; ikon '^-i tdP a great at a fire (kon hong^ ^hi Jai, ;

affair (kon du' (Chiing mat-,

; deluded by vain promises; (kon
yung' no use to contradict so. (knng,^' dry work," a sinecure;
Xr^ A valuable tree, good for (kon ^ndi, a dry nurse (kon n'd ;

'^i spear handles; a club, a staff; po" to gull one, to report false-
poot in a railing <wai (kon, a ly, or without inquiry.

KON. KONG; 175

^Ai-l To pursue, to run after (o ; MiJ The tibia : the ribs ; applied
,jf-r n)urry, to do quick ; to expel A'
to the bones of the bodv

g£j to strive with, to emulate; nerally.

Kin busy, urged by, hastened, in
a hurry ; ^kon fdV in a hurry,
haste ^kan tsd^ do it
; 'kon (207) Kong.
^ quick cl^ki to drive out,
; 'A-o/i

to eject ^ngo ^kon ^sh^vng -/li,


I'll catch up with you ^kon ; 1^ The ridge, the watershed of

^yausz'- hurried by business;

'X ^ hills; a summit theculminaf- :

'A»n lo' to hasten one's pace

ing point (kong put jung, a

'^kon cKavi' to hurry home

side wind tsha ikong, a sand

Aon tb^ -mo lo^ driven into hillock ^kong Hsai kdm' tai*

large as a hoinmock (speaking

a corner, no means of pelief
of waves,, piles of dirt); ^koug
'kon shvn' 'shui, to avail of the
tide 'kon kwo' ii'au, needless-
Heng sfs'ung, [like a] hill-top

ly fast.
fir, unapproachable.
'Spr Stubble, straw of rice ; 'kon Mil Hard, solid, unyielding, firm,
^ ' .to'a straw broom ^kon ,yan, ;
'^•^ rigorous, inflexible; intrepid,

an effigy ; cwx) 'kon, paddy enduring, valorous; an adverb

straw; it is called 'Kwongdung of time, just now, recently ;
ichin, i. e. a Canton blanket ikong ^yung, valiant, coura-

'Aron it'au, roots of grain, stub- geous; (kong and ^yau are
ble. opposites, odd even, hard soft,
positive negative, «&c. ; ikong
^A' The trunk of a plant the ;

T** material of, the basis or ori- sing^ obstinate, overbearing ;

ginal to bribe, to give money; ikong ikong hii' Hiu just gone ;

capable, skillful ; business, ikong clung' firm, upright, in-

to do business, tegrity ,fong (kong, athletic;
aflTairs ; to ;

attend a well curb 'la

to ; ;
sz"tav ikam (kong, four giants
kon' to bribe ; -mo maU kotiHo' which guard Budliist temple-
indifferent to bribes; kon^ sz^' doors (kam^kong shehcorun.

to do business kon' ko' k'ut:, ;

dum, diamonds (kam (kong ;

^ngcin, to buy an appointment (Shd, emery ikong (ts'oi, ;

kon' iying cshang, to pay for a recently ; (kong (kong kau^ just
situation with a trader ^yau enough. \

mat:,kwa'C kon' what is your ^B| The large rope to which a

business ? ckung kon' public ^ '. net strung a bond or insti-
^ fution of society, great prin-

affairs; kon' fu' ^cli'i 'i-«, to

follow a father's occupation ;
ciples; (kongHing a controling
kon'iSiin tdi- sz'^ to bring about or guiding power argument ;

a settlement of, to make peace: of a book (Sam (kong, "three


kon' J'au lyan, to buy the post bonds," are the relative duties
uf u headman. of a kin;^. father and bus.
;;;; ;;

176 KON(i. KOXG;

band ; Jconff mnki a synopsis At An iron-tire on a hub a ;

of; ikong kdm' a survey of •TT „ sconce, a globular shade in

Kiang I • , 1 1 ,
(dynasties, or) princes, a his- which to hang lamps; a lamp;
tory, (kam j« tkong, globular jars
jfrjg' Iron assayed by fire, steel for fish ornaments or fasten-

^^ hard /au hok-, ^ynn kong^

; ings on the ends of beams.
' ^ hardheaded kong'' ^pin a steel
The colofn the large intes- ;

whip, a sort of mace. ftc tine the anus tkong imiin,

; ;
ffi A star il'in (kong, the seven
the rectum ; t'an^ tkong, the
177^ stars in the constellation of piles,
the Great Bear, the Dipper '^tt Toconverse, to talk, to speak
much used in charms. ^^j^ ^ about, to narrate, to relate ;
ij- To carry between two to " to explain, to unfold, to dis-

KA ^^^ burdens on a pole ; sr- course, propound, or preach

veral lifting a thing pat^ lik^ to investigate
to plan ; to ;

tkong, to draw and paint confer to reason upon dis- ; ;

ikong '^kiii, to carry a sedan course, talk, explanation

; j'i» ;

tkong if'oi, to carry ikong Vid '^kong, don't speak about it,

ip'di k6uk-, shiko boasting of better be still '^kong keuk> to ;

one's honors, a braufgart. boast '^kong jJ«o,^to propose ;

Si» A river par excellence, the

peace 'kong'^kn, to tell stories, ;

Yangtsz' kiang, also called to talk on former things to ;

^^^^^tdi^ tkong, the great river; preach the Gospel is so term-
Jcong iho, or ikong inhdn, the ed 'kong kau" to investigate, ;

empire, the government, the to search into the truth of;

country koh <.kong fo" rmU
; kbm' ^kong kau' so fine su- !

goods from every quarter perior, beautiful, first rate ;

tkong iU hah itinerant pro- 'kongtsdpi to hold disputations,
fessional men ; kong ichii^ a a colloquy 'kong 'kdi imati ;

cetacea found in the Ying- ngai^ to lecture on literature ;

tsz'; iCau tkong, to drown 'kong shiiii wd^ conversation,

one's self; kwo^ tkong thing speech ; ^ngo j'm 'lii 'kong, I
tap brothers in affliction know not how to speak it
vgoi' tkong lyan, people from j'm tsoP 'kong, no need of tell-
another province, northerners. ing of it, I know all about
M^ An earthenware jar, usually it; 'kong tsam, honest, plain
glazed: tkong higa, pottery talk ; itnd tah 'kong, nothing
K?^ more to be said ; 'kong mvi'
generally ; tkong nng' glazed
^Isz* of good credit, worthy of
jars, used to contain water,
lin^ tkong, dyeing
&c.; trust 'kon tvdng 'kong tim^
ung^ tkong */ii too'
'pi to carp at 'kong t.d' ^k'ii fuk,
jars ;

to convince one by reasoning;

Ham, give you a jar for your
'ku ^ni kong siu' I think you
gall-bladder — you want moie
are joking.


'•^ Streams diverging, a" one i^^ A cross.piece on the legs of

jj^ ascends a river a passage for ; J. a bed; a flag-stalT; a foot
ships, a reacli a frith, an ; bridge ; thills of a sedan the ;

estuary ; a rivulet running into yards on a ship; cross-pieces

the sea, a cove '^kong 'hau, ; in frames; '^td kong' highway
n port, a mart, a spot where robl)ery; /oikong' altercation,
traders meet '•kon^ k^uk,; tiresome bickering.
ithiin, ships from India are so
called at Canton ; 'p«/i '^kong (208) K'ong.
i^Aiifl, native junks ; kok^ '^kong
fo' the products of every port. ji* The neck of a man. Read
^'^"1?^ strong, overlwaring,
1^' To descend, to come or fail K' <T
° domineering;
'..' down (as rain), to go down :
unbending ; to

tosend down, to confer to oppose, to resist ; to shelter,


to protect a star near Arctu-;

subject, to reduce to submis-
to degrade
rus; isiung k'ong- are equally
sioti ; kong' fuk, ;

to bless ; kong' k'ap, to de-

grade, really or nominally
'pJj' The neck or throat of a bird ;
kong' loki to descend (as a ,/y an iniportant
K'ang i^
Spaas into a
. ^ IT II

bird) kong^ sItaP to come

country; to swallow. Usually
into the world kong^ (kdt, to read ifiong.

go down the steps; itning ^shing 'iA Generous-minded, magna-

dm' hong'' apparent gain or Jv^ nimous; 'A-'o;j.^/c'o? noble, li-
but real loss beral, unmoved by slander,
rise, ; kong^ fan'
to be born 'wi 'ki jvAi ^kwoiig firm, grieved at wrongdoing.

liong' when will you deign to

/A-' To compare with, to match ;

visit me ? ha^ kong^ to come

''" k'ong' lai' a pair, a man and
wife, a match at a game or
down, to Visit ; '/d koog^ to
erase, to draw a Ime through fighting ; to hate, to oppose,

also to fire at a picture of inimical.

(S^ung koriQ^ \xkan, a custom t^' A Wide cojch or sofa, having
known at Canton in the jK— low table in the middle, and
month of October, placed at the head of the
room a bedstead, or .sleeping-
i^- Waters overflowing, an in-
place, made of brick, su that
Jrr iindation waters swellin"
t^vung 1-11 ;

over their banks, and run-

^ t itcan be warmed underneath ;

the stand in a wide

k'oiii:' (At,
ning in many directions.
couch ^fo k'ong' a fire warm-

i'JV A deep red, like the petals ed bed.'

Ki .iir"'^^® Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. IJJ-' To raise with the hand, to
A deep rose color. ^'** lift: to oppiwe, to withstand,
A vapor on a hill. lop tht-
rainbow, vulgarly called /in

scr««Mt, to
to resist, to rebel against


; to


^ kong\ k'ong' ikun, lo op()osc the
To>. Dn 1. 23
; ;

178 KOP. KOT.

government ; k'onf>^ sing* per- (210) Kot.
verse ; k'ong" 'k'ii, to prevent
tfan sjt'eng

ing about precedence

to resist, disobedient
k'ong^ Hai, disput-
; ^Uung
Koh to
cut, to gash

twain, to separate, to divide

to injure

to hack
to cut in

(S^ung kily k'ong^ the two con- to deduct to take off; to cede,

tracted an enmity, two parties to make over to ; to turn, as

matched against each other. a debt to a creditor kot:, ihoi, ;

to cut open kot:, 'tiin, to ;

sunder ;
kot: oi' to sever friend-
ship ; ^0/3 (Tigan, to look to
Kop. another for pay kot, ^wo, to ;

reap kot^ 'sun, to wound ;


A measure, containing about kot: Jio (pdu k6^ a cut-purse ;

a gill ten make almost a pint; kot: ip'dtiin- i^ to break off all
Koh ;

to join together, to come toge- intercourse; kot: tfdn, to take

ther, meel, to correspond,
to off, to deduct; kot: ^kung
like the edges of shears, or iVgan, to deduct from wages ;

two lids ;
Vjo Hs'oi f kop^ tAi' kot: tak: oi^ or '•Ad ts'it: kot: to
U'd^ good it matches his lie !
part with a beloved thing; koti
i. e. he lied, but it happened to obliged to part with ; kot^

be true ; kdp-> kdii' Hsiii '/tat/, ^k'ii [it will] cut a

'nin yah.
scissar blades meet ; kdp:, <,mdi, him, said of a stingy
slice off
to join, to make one. Often man holding on to his money.
pronounced hdp^ in many A creeping edible plant (the
phrases, with the same mean- Koh
Dolichos tuberosus), of whose
ing. tibres a yellow coarse cloth is
Bivalve shells, thin and made ;
creepers; met. relatives,

Koh marked, like a Tellina or Do- posterity ^yau mat: ikiod kot:

nax ; man kdp:, shells with ribs '/ii, is any relationship

or lines ^shdn kdp:> ;
a sort of between you? mb (kdu kot:
striped toad ; ^Cin kbp-, or kop:, nothing to do with him; kot:pd^
^ndy a frog kbp:, kdi' a kind ;
coarse summer cloth; a plant
of gecko, brought to Canton (Dolichos trilobus) producing
as an aphrodisiac, and com- a long spindle-shaped root,
monly thought to be a trans- used for food, called 'fan kot:
formation of a swallow. the mealy taro; its stems aro
The Columbidae ; a dove, a tough.

pigeon pdki kdp^ a house
The rushing clamor of cha-
pigeon fong^ pdk^ kdp^ to let riots to battle hasty, precipi-
Koh ;

off a pigeon to make a false ; motion ^kdu kot:

tate, violent ;

marriage \v^ kdp^ a wild ;

glancing of armor, confused
pigeoB ti^ kdp) a ground pi-
; melee.
;! ' ;

KU. KU. 179

(911) Ku. (Xam (ku, are nuns, wizard",

and wives of Rationalists ;

JffT Fatherless; an orphan; dcs- ttii'^sd, sisters-in-law ; (ku sik,

''^^ titiite, alone, Bingiilar; no pro- indulgent, easy with, lax ; (hi

tector; tmequaled, solitary, a p. sik:, ^y^ung (kdn, too much

plied by the emperor to him- leniency nourishes treachery.
self; ungrateful, not cherishing A variety of the mole-cricket,
a sense of kindness (iii fu^ ; called ilau (hi ; wai' (ku, a va-
^jii cyan, unthankful for your riety of the cicada.
affection (ku Jion, neglected
; Chf (ku, the partridge, but
and poor; cfni cka, I the empe-
ror sfiaP (ku, left alone and
Ku seems also to include other
birds of the same habits and
diminished (ku ^wan, a ne- ;
glected orbatc spirit (hU tuki ;
A fault, a crime ; guilt, sin,
alone, no kindred ; (ku fv} 'sho
transgression necessary to be,
mong^ to frustrate one's hopes. Ka ;

must; to engross goods, to

Name of a river in Ts'iuen- monopolize to dissect a sacri-
7i ;

KQ chau fu in Fulikien ; to trade ficial victim ; (md (kit, inno-

in, to contract, to buy or sell cent, guiltless (ku fu' ; un-
unworthy, anything trashy to ;
grateful, unmindful of; jWd
abridge (k'u 'tsau, to buy wine;
(ku shau^ lui' to compromise
Jing (ku, sold by retail (kii ;
the guiltless.
<rneng, to buy a name, to pur-
A wine vase used in feasts,
chase office.
holding two or three pints;
To buy or trade in liquor :
square, angular a law, a rule, ;

liquor just made or kept over

KQ a pbm ;
kirn' (hi, a sword-hilt
night ;
a liquor-shop ; /o (h'l \

hiiti (ku (Ch'i iyan, a litigious

,chi sz' an eating-house. In-
terchanged with the last.
Interchanged with the lasf;
A polite term for females;
a corner the cornice
a husband's mother is called KQ angular, ;

Ka of a house.
(ku or cyung (ku by his wife ;

tap (ku, 'siv. (tii, a husband's! A fishing-net, a large ne^

sisters iU^ung, a paternal
dragged between boats to ;
KQ fish yah -hi (nau, a haul, all
aunt, a respectful term for I ;

young ladies; (ku -mo and (ku taken together, lump them ;

yat:, (k(( kwafi a clean'^sweep,

tp'o, a father's and grand.
father':! sisters; kv a bus- take them all.
band's brother-in-law; (<?'u/i ^nterxjhanged with the last ;

,tu, village girls. To tolerate J

KQ nets dragged n»long nets ^^r ;.

lenient, lax, yielding; for the} birds the net of the law /o
; ;

time, temporarily,just, merely; i

'kii ishiin, fishing.srn;»cks ; fsui'
,ku "^ch'i man' man' let it br,l involved in guilt
""kii, ; ^mong
gently a' kii, a girl, a miss
; ; 'hi, nets f()i_ fishing.
; 1i
' ;

180 ktX KU.

m A

c^E^j tivated for

w^^^Br vejjetahle, called
\dsz\ku, the Caladiiim,
its tubers ;
.mo ,ku,:
price of

male of quadru-
bull; the
^ku ku 'Ad, make a

Ku and H'd <.ku, are edible vnrie-

K6 domes-
peds, usually of those
ties of mudhrooms, the former i ticuted tc/iii 'ku, a boar 'ma
; :

is brought from Tartary </«i; ;

'kli, a stallion. According to
iliiU or iTignn 'shi ,kn, n puff- Kanghi's dictionary, a cow.
ball, the lycoperdon Hsd c/tw,! ; To explain the words nf tli>;
or Jung '/t«, small edible rDusli-
Ku ancients by modern iiliHtr -
rooms. A sort of upland rice,
tions ; 'hi faii' to expmiiui ;

'I'hese two
characters are: 'kii (i/i, traditions.
often interchanged. 1 A drum, skin insfrumoii;.s
'-f-* Ancient, that which has come i
-, >of music once made t>f e«rtli.

^. down through tea months ; \

_gjjen; radical of characters per-
remote, from of old antique, ; kii taining to drums; earthen.^cats
old; antiquity; former, old, or flower-stands; a measure of
practiced in, accustomed 'ku ;
about ten pecks drum-shaped; ;

ikam, ancient and mo«lern; *A-»< to drum to excite, to encour.


*<«n^, antiques, curiosities ; 'Atm. age, to arouse to urge a fire ;


^ku tiky old fashioned kom^ ;

to soothe a watch of the ;

'ku kiodi' so odd, strange; 'kon" night to play on a lute "-ku

; ;

cheki 'ku 'Isai, to tell a strange '

ngoki instrumental music yaty ;

story, a funny incident; 'A;w fiV 'ku ngoki a band of music ;

Hd ytung^ of an ancient shape; Idn' tdi^ 'ku, a vile wretch ;

'ku chap,set in his way, fixed ;

'kii 'ch^ung, to clap the hands ;
'^li iyan, or iSin 'kit, ancestors, 'kii chu' to melt metals it'ung ;

one's progenitors; the an- 'ku, aknobbed gong 'ku fs'di' ;

cients ; ^ku tsik^ relics, sacred a groat hubbub ; ,poiig 'ku, a

or venerated spots ; 'kii iUian, tamborine (fd 'ku, a side ;

ancient writings, the classic drum i-'ku, the second watch;


style: tsok^ 'ku <,yan^ to die; 'Id(kdng 'kfi, to strike the

tsz'^ 'ku H iloi, from of old watches ; tsz'- ip'd ishiin, fsz'^
(Sdm 'kuf the three periods of 'td 'kii, I can myself paddle
antiquity, i. tc. at b. c. 2850, and drum — I am independent
1120, and 550. sheki 'ku, an earthenware seat
'/JL To price, to estimate, to vaUj or stand jti "-ku, a fish tambo-

to guess, to reckon price, rine used by tiie Rationalists ;

\^ ue ;

value /oi 'yfcw, to raise the

Hui 'ku, to drum rapidly 'kd :

price ; 'ku hai^ mat, what do fuki pursy, corpulent ; Jio ku,
vou think it is? 'ku Ihmg^ to the stars a, /?, y in Aquila.
suppose, to give an opinion ;
Sj^ Eyes without puj)ils, or uiiich
t.soi' pafy'^kii, very unexpected ;
^, can not see objects blind a ; ;

'/li '/cii chunfr^ you guessed leader of an orchestra, a musi-

right ;
'kii kni' to reckon the cian ;
/? kit, musicians in the
;; ;

KU. KU. 181

palace ;
'^kii mtcki iynn, a blind in Kwingsi ; shau^ 'ku^ poison,
man ; ViM miiki iiii- a blind ed ; t/*i 'Am, flies produced from
asylum ; H^ung 'ku <.s^ung ifu, worms in grain ; 'ku tuki poi-
a blind man leading another. sonous kon' 'ku ; ^chi 'tsz' a

A ram, a particolored ram a
sheep, male or female

tdi^cfu, the lord of the five

; son who atones
parent's errors;
ed by a malicious
oi* repairs a
'ki, possess-
sheepskins a story of Peh-li-— elf-shot ; ^ku wdki to impose
hi, B. c. 660. on, to cozen.
The haunches, the upper A salt pond in near or Shan-
'Bi- part of the thigh, the rump tung not lasting, not durable,
f ;
Ku ;

the lega strand of a cord badly made to suck tempo-

f^j ;
; ;

K& a share in a concern ; a di- rary, for the time.

vision a proportion, a fold, a
; A cause, an occasion, pre-
quota ; a chapter or head of a text, that which affects or in-
discourse ; a spoke in a whrel duces a result a reason for

strong, stableJ'an ^ku '/sz' to ; because, therefore, on that

pay the portion due to writer.'? account,on purpose that ;

in a y^mun ; yaU 'ku (Shang V which was formerly, old, for-

a share in a business tai^ '^ku ; gotten, neglected ; to die, to
fan' the head partner; tfan ''ku decease old, long in posses- ;

to divide the assets (Sam 'ku ; sion; death a matter or affair ;

(fthing, a threefold cord 'ku ; yat^yatiiji. kiV daily the same

chvi' si lull trembling with fear; as before kd^ ih&iing^ my ;

'ku ikwang, the limbs, met. native village ku' fdn^ pre- ;

statesmen; pat, '^kii, eight sumptuous error ku' s?'^ an ;

heads in an essay. old aff'air, an ancient story ;

^ A shopman, one who trades 'pdi kii' sz'^ to parade old

in a market, a resident trades- things, as in a procession tai*
KQ ;

man ;
to trade, to traffic; 'hi death of parents, the « great

^shi, a market, a bazaar death;' ^shan ku' or mati ku'

(Sliiung 'ku, a merchant. dead ku' ^yan an old (or de-

Worms in the abdomen, ceased) friend jAo ku' why ; ;

Ku which are thought to caus'-

ku' Hs'z' therefore ; ku' i' pur-

dropsy a venemous worm,

; po!fely ; kii' kau' old, long used;
used to poison people a slow ;
sffid k(i' causeless, unseason-
poison ; an inquiet ghost to ; able ; isi isui sai' ku' a trifling
disturb, to disquiet to stir up ; ;
to delude suspicious ; to trou-
; To turn the head and look,
ble one with doubts, to per- to look after, to attend to, to
vert from rectitude the 18th ; care for, to regard ; consider-
diagram 'ku chiung^ the drop-
; ate to reflect upon, to con.

sy ;yb/t^' 'A;u, to poison one, sider ; consonant to, corres.

saitl to he dune bv the women ponding ; to assist with one's
; ;

182 KU. KU.

counsel or business, to patron- •

To fuse iron or copper to
ize an initial word, hut, on
Kd mend cracks, to stop up care-
the contrary ku' chu^^k'u look ; fully ;
Aam' Ati' to bind more
after him, to see to; ktV nim^ carefully, to keep out, to re-
to remember, to consider po^ ;
press, to prevent, as good men
kv? to disregard, inattentive ;
reaching office.
/»•??havr to lay up, to reflect A chronic, incurable dis- '

on the consequences ^s^ung leprosy, gout,

Ka ease, such as ;

kit' correspondent, mutual ac- &c.

tion ; kii' "pun to be careful of
one's capital 'rti kiV 'Art/?, do ;
(212) Ku.
you look well after it tsx^^ ;

kv? pat hd^ I have no leisure


(or not enough) for myself;

s'/n kfi^ min^ ^pi, careless of
To dwell, to stop at a place,
and live there, to inhabit, to
reside to seat one's self, to
M ;

one's name, disreputable

remain stationary to fill an ;

iinung Jcwong kt? to favor one office or station to be acting,

with custom a shop phrase — and thus is often merely a par- ;

(tn .•iJnii Am' not heeding kt?

ticipial form of the next verb, ;

iTTiun "han, to regard the re-

as (kii c-tong, In mourning ckii ;

putatlon oftheshop. Used for (ku king' bein^

ut) lying in ;

the next. respectful cS^nng (kit, widow- ;

"j To hire, to rent, to engage ed to consist in to hoard, to ; ;

\ for wages to borrow ; Ai?

collect to engross goods ;

!ikung, workmen krV i'thiin,

retired, not in public life
to ;

Ka to hire a boat ; h? ynmr ikong,

desist ^ku ik'h goods kept to ;
to rent a house Aw' 'teng ^kni cku chii' to
raise the price

engage a sedan.
S'uit around, sluit up; well
live at; Mi, living in Mn
retirement or otiuin ; Jdi ch'ii'
strengthened, fortified imper-
Ku a residence man- hau^ 'hi cku,

vious, solid firm, constant,

to inquire about one's health

obstinate, pertinacious, fixed,

or circumstances; 'hi (kit, act-
determined chronic, as dis- ;
ing and quiescent, operating
ease to defend to render sta-
and ceasing <Au csam «dn'

ble assuredly, certainly, firm-

tong^ heart bent on dissipation

Iv vulgar, rude, rustic '^chi'i


lasting, strongly made

csan a new residence ;
M, ;

a res- iCh'd ikiJL, a 'tea-shop,

A6' chapi pati <fung, immova-
taurant hiU <ku, to visit, to

ble and deaf to reason, per-

lodge ,kii<kun, to be in office;

so ;
hni? 'kdm,
kiV </s'z'

iTnd 'sho

place;\Aw's2''' a retired scholar.
'chi, no abiding

clinc firmly ; An? lati' ^yi iinnn,

thf> rustic, unpolished people ;
The skirt of a robe, the tail

of a coat (Ch'^ung (ki'h a long

kiV Jang, or Am' i' willful, will K.i

own wav. skirt, a train proud, haughty.

have his :
— :

KU. KU 133

4E A tree found in Hondn, used moted man," a kiijin gradu-

^^^ whip. handles, and old ate ^ku Jiiung sin, to set forth
Ka ;

men's walking-staves. (or nominate) a village wor-

iK Ornamental gems hanging thy ; '/tti tsin' to recommend
l^ from the girdle, one on each one ; 'A-u tdi^ Jo, to lift a fal-
side; ik'ing (kii, precious or- chion ;
ikung '^kii, nominated
namentis, bijoutry ikii p^ui' ; by the public ; 'Au shai' man-
girdle trappings. kind /oi 'ku, not
pati ^chung


wheeled barrow, vehicle,
^^'l th® 159th radical
worth bringing forward
a whore (also culled iinan

of characters pertaining to iTfgau, from the parts of this
vehicles ;
the jaw-bones ;
yat, character) 'A« '^shau to raise ;

shing^ ikii, a carriage ;

^b ^lun the hand 'Aii '^chi, deport- ;

<fcu, a rail-car ; skiing ^kii, a ment ; 'Ati on' its'ai jmi, '•
public office ; tso* ^kii, to ride even with the eyebrows," to
in a carriage hd' (kii, to get ;
respect a husband refers to —
out of a car, to arrive at hoki ; an old legend of MangKwang.
Ju' ^'ng ikii (or (Ch'i) master A carpenter's square ; a rule,
of five cart-loads of books law, usage ; a pattern ; strict,
very learned hd^ (kii (i 'cA'i,
exact ; what is constant, uni-
^ having just arrived here. form ; an angle; to square,
/& All; altogether, at once; both to adjust ; ikw^ai 'kii, usage,

^ jointly, together with, the two;

fully supplied, all right, pre-
cius] did not overstep equity
pat, ii^ 'A«, [Confu-

pared; complete, per-

ckii ils^iiii kit-, ''ku, rules of conduct which
fect in all its parts ; ^ku sht' influence others.
yat, ^y^ung"; all are the sam%; A name for the taro in Shan-
ifcnpi^ all is ready ; ,k'h '^ho^ tung; name of an petty ancient
are good
all ;
^kii ^md, nothing state in that province, now
at all. the superior district of Kii\
with the hands,
raise chau in Ichau fu.
,T^\io carry between two, to ele- A round osier basket, hold-
^jvate; sometimes denotes the ing about half a peck of rice ;
Kq action of the next verb, as lour handfulls of grain, or a
'A-M ''yam, drinking to raise in ;
public opinion, to introduce A stately, solitary, independ-
to, to recommend to to vene- ent gait going alone, unso-
Ku ;

rate, to rise in one's esteem ;

ciable 'A"« Jeung JLeuvg,
; 'A«
to speak of, to allude to, to careless way, wanting no help.
extol, to praise ; to advance, A stop in reading, a comma ;
to promote ; the whole
all, a period, a sentence; a phrase,
number to confiscate ; an
; an expression, a term, a word ;
aficient weight of three taels a line in a stanza ; a classifier
'Aw iyan, or 'kit pak, u •' pro- oi phrases, as yat. ku wa' a
;; ;

184 KU. KV.

plirnse yat} kit* ishi, a verse

session of; to lean against or
tfan kii^ tau^ divide it into sen- on ; to have form or substance ;

tences; '/ci kii" shut:, iDd^ several substantial, tangible ;

phrases ; Him U'un kii^ punctu- testimony, evidence relying, ;

ate it s'm tuki lah H'iin ku'

according to, de[;ending on ;
you don't read it properly ; conformably to, it appears
j'm iShing ich^ung kit' ungram- that; A;w';/d'to take possession
niatical, unintelligible ;
yat:, of a shop chirn' kii^ to occupy

kii' ku' (td 'liiuf I understand by force, to eject ; pa' kv^ to

every word. usurp ku^ shiit, from what he

/rR' A saw to saw, to divide says, &ic.] kii^ '^shau, to guard


to reduce ; kii' ^ch'i, teeth of a carefully ku' yiuk-, according


saw ; ku' ^kengt cut his throat; to the contract ; kii' sz*' flun
kii' ^c/ii ipy a leaf with serrat- sz^^ each thing to be done in
ed edges ;
ildi kii' to saw ;
kii' itsown way ; ^yau iho rhing^
^kdm tik:, jtd'cheapen it a httle. ki^ what proof is there?
Prepared, arranged placed A furious wind, common
A' together orderly
; to

along the southern coasts of
to furnish, to lay before ; tools, China; a whirlwind, a cyclone,
implements; 'A:a« Aw' carefully a tyfoon kii' ^md, or cfvtig

prepared kii^ itsai pV all is

; kij- Han, the prognostics of a

ready <.chi {ining put:, kii^ 1

; tyfoon.
omit the name, as you know A frarRefor a bell or drum ;

it; ku' fung^ kwo' '/li, give read ik'ii, an ancient table
them to you iying kO^ imple- ;
utensil of gold or silver.
ments of torture hi' kit' the- ; To stand or sit carelessly ; a
atrical apparatus ; kii' iShan free and easy way ; __
a proud,
ichl iLing '^chi, in whom is the sans-souci, haughty, carriage ;

Spirit of God. a vain, self-confidertt gait;

^' Hastily, instantly, suddenly, strong, as kii' <vga, strong
5^ quickly fleet, hurried, swift
; teeth, tusks ; ku- n^o' haughty.
agitated, trembling, fluttered; To squat, to sit on the feet
to forward, to send on, to trans- to sit in a rude, uncivil style ;
mit ; a post, an express ; kap-, iki kit' to sit like a tailor ; ku'
kuf h.urried, urged on iking ; tso' to take the best seat ; ip'iia
ittf frightened; )tM^^t/i*a slight k'i' to sit improperly.

glance at icWun ki^ chi yiki
a postman, a courier.
Poor, miserable; rjstic, rude,

The chief, the great one, first
of its sort, great, vast, very,
mighty, large ku} man' a my- ;

uncer^nionious; kii' jP'o", riad of myriads, innumerable ;

poor kii' shd' a defense for the
; ka' ich'dt the great raft, is
head when carrying burdens. supposed to refer to Noah's
4ri|* To lay the hand on ; to ark kit' maki
; the thumb
1^ defend, to bar off; to maintain (Chiung thoi ku' '^hau, to open
a place ; to seize, to take pos- the mouth wide.
K'^. K'(i. 185

5c2 How, in what manner? often hook paU ck'ii ^wung Jtoi, no

implying the opposite of what limitupon your proceedmgs,

is said to stop at, to reach to
; ; come as you please (k'u chapi ;

ignorant of a language; kij^ jii or [k'ii ni^ obstinate, self-will-

'te'z' sti, was it till this? kii' a' ed in one's own views ; (k'ii

who would have thought it ? i»id, to seize, to arrest ; tk'it

i, c. it was unexpected, un- chuki to restrain, to keep in

wished. The last is sometimes order, as inferiors ; cA"' ii ihin,
used in this sense. to drag along ; j'm ik'u, M
>E0* Hard as iron or steel, obdii- intimate, perfectly free, no
^ rate ;
great, chief; fierce, im- restraint ;
pat:, (.k'u 'Ai cto, no
placable ; ku^ikunfi, a term for limit as to the number ;
the emperor ; kvc" t'% iron- don't be so particu-
'^shai ik'il,
hard. stand for trifles ; Jcii
lar, dort't
%C^ A kind of black millet, of iUai patj tt'unff, obscure, un-
'^r- which spirits used in libations intelligible ; ck'u chapi kwo^
were anciently made. ff'au, too fastidious.
IB^'] To stand in awe
fear, to A colt under two years' old ;

»^^ ',of : apprehen.sive ; '^hung kii^ a fine colt a small sized

ASl j
or /tti'p'd'todread, afraid lest; horse, a pony ; Us'in Hi (k'ii, a
Kq tcai' ku^^ng^fat:, to respect- swift horse, a term of praise
fully fear the laws ; Jid ind ku^ for sprightly lads.
tdn^ not afraid a bit ; chin^ kit' A place or hold for storing
trembling with fear.
or concftaling ; a dwelling, a
'^- The upright posts of a frame hamlet, a small house or store-
'^ on which bells or tinklincr
room to class, to sort, to as-
stones are hung
sun ku^ a
111 ;

sign to its own place or rank :
bell-frame. a line of division, a boundary;
jbQ^ A reddish, sweet fruit ; 'cAt lA'u tt'it, trifling, petty ; used
^S^ kU} the Hovenia dulcis, used to denote one's own things,
to settle spirits or wines, gift, or opinions; 'Jcii pili to
g^- Shoes or sandals, formerly properly discriminate cA-'w ;

made of coarse cloth ; tcliiin its'ong, to hide away ik'ii ak'ii

ku' to put on shoes si/j ki^ ;
ichi ,sant, my private feelings,
to steal a pair uf shoeii. my trifling regard.

The body, the entire person ;

(213) K'ii. body or substance

a yuki ;
Jcu, the bodv Jcun Mu wai^ ;

4 "2 To
grasp with the hand, tn kwok, to ofl'cr one's self for
^®^^'"' to grapple with, to stop; his country.
to re-strain, to moderate, to ffjff "i
A fleet horse ;
to run fast ;

repress adhere to
; to hold, to : ^^r* ;. to drive out beasts from gruin ;

obstinately attached to, bi"o. ^^ ! to drive them in to a baitue;

ted ; to lake, to receive ; tu h.'a to lash, to switch up ;
to drive

To>. DicT. 'Jl


186 K'U. K'U.

on to urge, to exhort
to ; A street, a broadway, a high-
move, to order into their place; way, a public road, from which
'.k'uchuki to drive out, toexpel; others diverge; d^ung JiU^a.
(Sin (k'ii, vanguard hau^
the ; tlioroughfare pb^ yapt /in ;

ik'ii, the rearward ich'i ik'ii ;

jjt'u, to go to the equator, i. e.

cpan 'L'tau, to whip up and to see his Majesty.

gallop fast (k'ii its'^, to expel A species of thrush, or grack-
what is

noxious; ik'ujiiu^k'u ml i-le called ik'u kuki or pdtt

hu' take him out.
vf§ij Jco ; its plumage is black, with
To dissipate or expel noxious K'U a white spot on the seconda-
influences or malaria ; to avert ries (the Tardus violaceus?);
evil ; (k'ii cfung, to expel ik'ii kuL
^ngdn, the grease
windy humors; ik'u ak'u, colored spots seen in argillite
strong ; ik'ii sdti^ to scatter. iiikstones.
The cuff of the sleeve, a
j^ A kind of milky stone, resem-
wristband ; an ornamented bling argentine, used for cap
cuff; a sleeve. K'Q
knobs by officers of the sixth
A sort of ring ; a surname. rank it is called cc/iV ik'ii.

The water lily, called iho ifu

A kind of coarse bamboo ik'ii
; chtuh y6uKi ifu ik «,
mat, used for floors it is liken- ;
splendid as th& lotus flower.
ed to a shriveled, deformed, A drain, aqueduct, or gutter
man ^k'u Jiongf a tray for
a pool, pond, or cesspool, into
silkworms. which a drain empties great, ;

A kind of wild wheat, called ample, wide gradual ; a dis- ;

j&'ii maki used in simples a ;

trict of Shunking fii in Sz'-
mushroom ; ik'ii Jc'u, content- chuen a personal pronoun,

ed, satisfied. he, she, it, for which the next

Labor, care, anxious solici- is now chiefly used ik'ii ik'ii, ;

tude ; jA;'m j/d, the toils and careful luki maki ik'ii, a large

K'U sewer passing through the new

troubles of parents, t.he pangs
of childbirth. city at Canto!!.

A fearful glance of a bird» Used for the last the third ;

timid, apprehensive to look ;

person personal pronoun ; he,
at ; to examine wildly, care- she, it ; ^k'ii W they, them ;

fully, or hurriedly ; a surname. ^k'ii kd' his; ^k'ii hai^ it is him ;

Also read ku^ ; carefully, cir. hai^ ^k'ii ke" it belongs to him.
cumspect ; J,6uiig 5t'' kii' kv? To ward off with the hand ;

a discreet, wellbred scholar ; fe

to stop, to obstruct, to with-
hu^ lin, alarmed. stand to oppose a plan, to

Thin, emaciated, poor, like stand out against ; k'ong^ ^k'u,

a ghost iyingiyung sham' Jcii,
to resist ; liki ^k'ii, strenuous
a lean, cadaverous Io6k. opposition ; 'k'ii po- to resist
Kt. KlI. KUK. le:

legal authority ; ^k'u tsiUi to ments on coffins ; an ancient

repel utterly ; ^k'u iSh^utig 'Ad principality in Hondn.
ito iyan, wounded many men ;
Crafty, cunning, mischief,
^k'u chv} to' stop one, to defend 19 making; '^kdu ^kHi, deceitful,
one's self. fraudulent.
A cock's spura dew-claw, ; Hashed meat or f.tsh ; a
a hallux to go to, to reach ;
salad ; to cut snmli ; 'kHi cheki
to oppose, to attack to stand ; hashed and roasted.
over against, opposite to bor. ;

der on, conterminous the dis- ,• A colloquial word tired, ;

tance between, distant from; weak, without strength, worn

to skip or leap over; to stab out; kdm^ kau' kui^ so tired
backiianded ;
,kai ^k'ii, a and weak keuk) kui* weary ;

cock's spur (kau ^k'ii, a sort ; from walking.

of grappling-hook, used in
war, a lure iCh'iii ^k'u, to leap
(216) Kuk.

(214> Ku.
A valley, a gulf, a ravine,
with or without a stream the ;

150th radical of characters

<Kt2. To pout;
pout out the
'hi Hsui, to relating to valleys
a channel
water between hills, the

cITm. To roll ,up in a ball ; to bed of a rivulet an empty ;

rumple ; to rub between the space the east wind to nou-

; ;

hands , ik'ii H'tn, to roll up in rish, to sustain ; difficulty,

a ball ; nioki ^k'tl icKdu, don't
iShdn kuk> a embarrasment ;

rumple it ; maU sy^ung kuk> and WJiit'

<k'il kdni' lun' valley
why is it so tangled? ik'ii kith-, the place of sunrise and W ;

improperly, troublesome. sunset. Often used erroneous-

ly for the next.
(215) Kui. *n- 1 Grain, cereals, corn ; real,
^'^^ \ well off", substantial good, ex-

One who acts as a broker to spaA cellent, virtuous; a succession,

keep up or settle the price of Kuh connected, to continue; liv-
goods iTiga '^kui, a midsman
ing, alive ; income, salary t
in trade. "n^ kuk-, the common kinds of
To cut off, to amputate, to grain pdk-. kuk, all kinds of ;

decapitate to broak asunder, ; vegetables; pat-, kuk, *>the not
to cut in two '^kui Hsz' or worthy," i. e. 1, your humble

kui 'tsz' '^shau, a headsman. servant ishau kuk:, to lay up ;

A durable kind of wood, a provision kuk-, tan' a lucky ;

TIP sort of juniper or cedar, the day kuk- Js'ung, a granary, ;

timber of which is suitable a bin kuk. c/*.Vu/2^, t lie beard ;

for coffins and ships orua. or awn pf grain,. ;

; ;

18ft KUK. KUK.

g& The nave or hub of a whfel, Svngenesious flowers like

Kuh' "*^'* *^h^^'' carriage ; j/u/j kuk,

the Asler, Chrysanthemum,
hub of a wheel cch'ni kiik:, lo ; marygold, &c.; kuk, ifa, the
push on the nave, to recom- China aster ; kuk, ifd Hsan^
mend one lim^ kuh cchi ha^
; spiritswith petals of the aster
at or about court. i
steeped in it ; 'sh^ung kuh to
^t 'I'o inform with haste, an enjoy the beauty of Asters.
Kuh urgent communication; tai' A ball, a sort of chatt' foot-
Kuk; the emperor Kuh, b. c. ball an awl to bear, to bring
; ;

2435, or 720 years after the up, to nourish, to train ; to

deluge. rule ; a boy, a child ; being,
Manacles, lianrlcuffs ; sedi- life; full,much to bend the ;
TO tion a neck-collar; chnU kuki body to investigate to push
Kuh ; ; ;

fetters, stocks ham' c« kuk^

; to an extreme kuh Ming, to ;

imong, involved in sedition incline the head fap^ kuh to ;

and death. Read Koh; self- kick a football ; kuh yuk> to

restrained ; straightfoward. nourish, to rear ; kuh Hsz' a
/J-ft. A shed, stable, or pen, for stripling.

^ j^' cattle and horses it'ttng (ngaii; To investigate a case judi-

kuk-, a pen for calves. cially, to question a criminal,
i!:6 A target, a bull's eye an ;
to get at the truth ; '^sham kuh
^"^' ^ design ; a little bird to inquire into and judge a
Huh ;

the swan, called ^fin ^ngo or case ; kuh man' to strictly ex-
sky goose white, hoar, vene-
; amine. Often interchanged
rable, like an old man kuki, ;
with the last.
tclii chV high, comprehensive Leaven, barm the slime or ;

views, great designs allud- — Kuh

mother which collects on li-
ing to the aerial flight of the quors kuk. Hi spirit.cakes, ;

swan ; kuk^ lap, to stand on used for fermentation.

the lookout like a swan kuk) A square on a chessboard ;

fdti gray haired. a game of chess an order, a ;

A species of singing thrush, rank, a distinction contract- ;

called ik'i'i kuk:, or more com- ed, coiled, bent up ; narrow,

monly Hiu (ko. mean, low-lived ; the body
^ ] To hold or grasp with both
'j'/' 'i^hands a handful, tlie hand
confined or cooped appear-
ance, look, aspect; an affair,

^, J
filled ; the hollow of the hand matter, undertaking; a com-
Kiuh pali<ying y'tt-, kuk, not enough pany, a club, association ; a
for a handfull ; siu' (yvng 'ho place where work is carried
kuk; much pleased with ; kuk on, which must be guarded
iindi ^k'ii, to drain one of or carefully looked to, as a
funds, to bring in custom to; mint, a powder-factory, or a
kuki "^hi (p'du iSoi, to swell out manufactory; a gaming-house;
the cheeks in anger; kuk, to delude, to put out a bait for
ds'au, overworked, no rest; to bake, to heat under a cover.

KUK. KDX. 189

<o mnke (ea : curlv : ^ni .^m OR To bow the head, to ^bend
(C/ii kiiki (ChvTig fchi 'fu, you ^^'.^down, to humble one's self;
don't know what trouble will crooked, bent Jciin kuki bent. :

attend it ; Ar/A-j (Chung, a tea-

cup with a cover dong hiki This character is often pronounced
ftuk. when meaning a song but the ;
'ch^ iinai, besotted with
[gam- most correct sound is hxik, which see.
ing or venery] kvki Jo, an;

oven jjnd ashing kvki an un-


finished game or affair, a still- (217) Kun.

born business ip'ing kvk^ a

fair, even, bargain, no loss on [The first five of these characters are
either side ; H'ai mat, ^y^ ktikj often pronounced VnJ]

min' see what is meant bv it, Lg Beautiful, comely, eleganf,

learn the real object; 'ki. ,shi '^P pretty, slender ;
-hu kukiwhen will the casting sprightly, i^hin (kiin, a lady-
be over, wiien will the matter like woman ; (kiin (kiin som-
be finished ? ^mi lyan kvki a ber, distant ; Jiin ckirn, arched,
house of assignation; ch'iukvki crescent ; ptji^ (kiin, dancing,
or 'pat kiiki to do a game well, gesturing, pantomime,
to take one in nicely kuk^ ; [fc^ Little red larvae found in
vgov' cchi ipan, a looker-on, v^
puddles; the larvae of mus-
' ^ -,, ,
one not concerned in; %d yaU kefoes; a large caterpillar :
kuki Jci, to play a game of crawling to ; stir up, to disturb,

chess ; kuk^ t.suk, confined, too to agitate. Used for the last.
narrow or too small kuki ; la Angry, impetuous;
Uvng^ 'pin 'siu, a little mind- distressed; anxious; Ifati
ed, mean-spirited fellow kdk, ;
(kiin, angered (kiin (kuut ;

kuki appearance physiog- of, careworn, tristful.

nomy, symptoms, looks; y^uki 1-'=* To reject, to throw awav, \o
kuki a dispensary its'in kuki a cast off; to disdain, to leave,
mint; chan^ tsaV kuk^ a rooti)' to renounce ; to subscribe at
for dispensing food to the poor: a call from government, to

kuki shaP the position of a buy office or title ; to part, as


game, a situation, advantages! at death (kiln it'ai, to sub- ;

of; Hd kuki a gaming-shop ; scribe (kiin xjigan, to pay up ;

kuki p'in^ to trick one s/iau' money (kiin chik, to buy a

; ;

kuki gulled j'm 'pi ynpi kuk,_

titip ; (kun (kiin, to buy an
not let him join the company, office ; (kiin ndpi to contribute
to black-ball one; 'fid Ttgoi'\ to government ; (hoi (kun, to
kvki great show, all preten- i op)pn a subscription to aid go-
sion, fine outside ; kuki sIujVl vernment (kun hi' to risk, to

-i ixhing, the matter is all ar- cast away, to die (kitn (pdn, ;

ranged, the contract is made ; he purchased the office.

kuki Hd ''kit, to pigeon or l A colloquial word ; to ex-
tltece one. amine carefully, to pry ; to
;'i :1'': ;

190 RUN. RUN.

squeeze through ; to stoop =i^ To roll up in a scroll ; spiral,
to make a hole in ; to guess crisped, curled, rolled up lo
Itjckily, as in lottery tickets
Kmen ;

; whirl about ;t09eize, to carry

tkiin tuk, t'ati^ to examine off; '^kiin (mdi or '/:u« 'Ai, to
thoroughly .kiln kwd* hu' to ; roll up; 'kun jdU curly hair
squeeze through, to wriggle (Shdn (Ch'un, to seize
tsiki 'kiin
in ..kun Jung, to get through
; the country' or region ; tsik2
a hole ikuu ^t'oi Hai, to stoop
; 'kun ji /d, run off with the
under the table. whole; (fung 'kiln 'k, the wind
Looking askance, and with whirls the rain ; tun^ '^kUn, roll-
„. displeasure at; reciprocal dis- ed wafers; -.shu and '/:ii«, are
Kiuen ... •
_ • , , .

like ; ikun (kun, to reprove to unroll and to roll up. Inter-

with a look. changed with the next.
ijS A brook, a runlet, a small '
<fe. A
roll, a manuscript, a scroll,

^^'"^'''^»which swells as it r^ a book; a section, a division,
runs ; pure, clear ; to cleanse, a part of a book; ruled paper
to purify ; to select ; to ex- for writing essays on ; a clas-
chide a river in Shantung
sifier of things rolled up, of
ikiiii kaU lucky time to select ; books, manuscripts, dec; to
(fcurt oki to exclude the bad. I
roll up; ihoi '^kiin, to begin a
^o A bridle the traces of a ; lesson ^ch'o ihoi 'kiin, com- ;

V:nl harness a scabbard long.

menced his studies 'shau 'kim: ;
Kiuen ,- ' .

ample, as a fringe. a scroll containing pictures ; |

Bja The cuckoo, or a species of inhii 'kiin, books tnaki 'kiin,


go'-^^sucker of the same hab- original essays of the candi-

it of laying its eggs in other dates for kftjin ; lok} 'kiin, re- i

nests,- culled /d' ikun ; td^ ckwii jected essays. Read kiin\ a
t/d, the AzHlea td- (kun /ai, case at law; on' kiln' the pa-

the cry of the cuckoo, con- pers relating to a case.

tinued all night till blood -W&' Bound with silken cord 'Inn ;

comes into ita eyes as the. ^V* kiln' attached to each other
Kiuen - J i
— . . .

Chinese believe. ,

in friendship, united, insepar-


9&, A worm, produced in rotten' able.

K vegetables appears to be — To look upon with affection, I

a glowworm; bright, pure, as parents do; kiin' kiin' pat,

shining to purify, to clean
; 'sh^, unremitted care kiin' ;

to maintain purity to illus- jwdi, solicitous for, anxious.


trate, to manifest; to put aside, Same as the next in these

to excuse, to remit govern- senses.
m<?nt dues haste, quickly ; To love, to care for, to regard ;

(kiin chiung^ to excuse the affectionately those whom ;

pityment of taxes pat^ ikiin, one loves, relatives, family,

impure, sordid (kiin hnin, to kindred; related to gracioua;

; ;

remit dues to government. 'pd kiin' your wife; (Ad kiin'

, ;

KUN. K'UN. 191

a family, one's household ^md '

Jed kiiri' widowed ; kun' ku^ to (218) K'iin.

regard with aftection, to see
to carefully ; (yan kiin^ tai'
your relative by marriage ;
The hand doubled
fistjboxing, fisticuffs; strong,
ap, the

(t'in kiin' shaV tyan, Heaven's vigorous, athletic ; to hold

gracious regard for men ; kuii' in the hand, to grasp; ^k^On
^mai, rice for family use, best it'au, the fist learn ; '<d ik'Hn, to

rice ; nov' kiin^ women are in- to box; ikUn pugilism; fat)
side —a notice to visitors, ich'di Jciin, the game of mor-

fg^ A thin cheap silk, used for ra; Jtung Jtun, empty-handed;

^T* linings or covers, for painting jfc'«« sfc'w", careful, respectful,

on, &c.; a kind of lustring attentive ; sung' ^ni Jciin ji'au^

or taffeta, of which there are to shake the fist at ; yaU Jciin

many sorts a bird-net, once;
(Chung kico' hii' a blow with
made of lustring ted* kiin' ;
the fist ; itno Jciin ts'dU '^chiung,

lustring for painting on; iS^ang itching to have a fight.

kiin' ipin, to bind the edge Careful Jcxin ik'Hn, atten-

with lustring kiin' pd' cot- ;

,. tive, earnest about, applying

ton lustring or lutestring. one's self; to stop.

© '^ A not or gin for taking an-
o/fe limbs contracted or dou-

S ) > imals ; to entangle or catch K^ n

^'^^ "P '^'^'* ^*'^- stooping,
bent up.

7-^ in a net. J^
A fine head of hair ; curly
hair ; Jc'i <,yan 'mi 'ch'e ik'un^
XS"' To skip about, frisky, play- K'luen
he is handsome and adorned
j^/)ful; hasty, prompt, light.
with fine hair.
^^ minded a moderate, modest
The weight of the steelyard;
Kiuen man of probity, but not ta.
„ to weigh
a weight to ba- ; ;

lented, one who must be

lance, to equalize ; to plan,
to devise ;
power, authority,
f^' A
pen for animals is com- influence ; influential ; cir-
^monly called kiin\ as ^md cumstances, position ; mean-
kiin' a horse-stable, or shed. while, for the time, temporary;
Otherwise read (hiin, as ^hiin contracted Jtiin 'cK^, under ;

chi^ ^k'ii tsd^ give him this for the circumstances Jcun ji, ;

a stint. temporarily obliged ^chd Ji'un ;

to desist
fagged out
fatigued, wearied ;
from labor ^p'i kUn'
^md kiin^

ping' to wield power Jciin'^tsz'
^mb, to get interest on money ;
Jc'Un (heng chnng* weigh it

ried, persevering ;
pati (Chi im' Ji'iin pin' to adapt one's self
kUn^ indefatigable ; ^^shan kiiti^ to circumstances ;
Jtiin Jl, in
tired out 'Ad kau' ; kiin' very the beginning Jtun ishan, a ;

tired. powerful statesman ; ^k'Un

— ; ;

192 KUX. kun:

iUang, power and ability, in- rank d' ^kun Hsai, a young

fluential ; ipingjcun, military gentleman ; ya/jj (Awn, to con-

power Jtun iinan, to plan at
fiscate ikun Id' a highway, a

the instant, saojacioiis ; tsuvg^ public road ; Mn

iyan, term
sfe'u/j, according to circum- a wife calls her husband Hd ;

stances; 'ya« c&'m/j, powerful, Jiun^sz' to carry a case before

having the nutliority ; ik'ua the authorities cfeiirt wd^ the ;

yam^ a substitute in office, left court dialect, the language of

in charge. scholars ; cAwn 'Cai, official
The cheek-bones Heung ; dignity or dress, stately, awe-
t.- ikiin, the cheek-bones H^ung ; striking ; ikun c,ch'^ung iChung
ik'unikd, ifudd, [a wife]
sftdl:, iyan, a person belonging to
with high cheek-bones is a the government; ^kun ising
hut>band-killin<; knife. 'fiin, his star is rising, he will
soon be in office ; tsiki ikun
sfuii' trusting to official power
s'm p'd' ikvn, "chi p'a' 'kun,
(219) Kun. don't fear the officer, but the
ruler;it'iti ^kiin ts^^^fuki may

<A» An of government
officer the ruler of heaven send you
',r*. the magistrates, the authori- down blessings ; ikCirt iCh'^ung
ties, rulers a title ot adula-
cchung, among the rulers
tion or respect the govern- ;
ikun ikun iS^ung wai^ officers
ment collectively an office
countenancing each other in
government a evil.
belonging to ;

public court; official; business; it5fThe emperor's charioteer, or

''ng (kun, the media of the

'K one who has the care of his

senses (eyes, ears, nose, mouth carriage.

and eyebrows); tsd\kun^ to be 4|^ That which closes all affairs

in office cA;urt '/m, officers, tT . for this world, a coffin; the in-

an officer; iinan, 'md, hoki ^kun, ner one, when there are two ;

officers of the civil, military, to encoffin, to close up ; (hln

and literary departments ; 'rti its^oi, a coffin ; ^kun its'oi tsoki

hai^ mali ikun, what is your a reproachful epithet, you cof-

name or office? iTing Mm, fin-chissel ! wan\kun, to take

Mr. Ting, or Tingqua, as it is a coffin home ; 'she ikiin, to

commonly called in Canton give coffins —
a religious act ;
the change to qua is derived its'z' hi' ikiin its'oi, a crockery

from (kw"d, the pronunciation coffin, met. a skinflint ; (kun

of 'Ma at Amoy; '^ki'-pan <.kun, Js'oi {.shall ch'uU '«/ia«, a hand

what rank he ? '^hitshan lAriin,
is comes out of the coffin, grasp,
about to vacate office '<'ai ; ing till death tkun chdu' a ;

,krin ^yau ^ngdn, he has eyes pall tkun ^ts'oi ham} one bick

for an officer, he fawns on unto death.

; ; ;;,

KUN. KUN. 193

gg'i To look at carefully, to see; 'f^,] A little flute or flageolet

ito observe, to travel and see t
p* a reed, a tube, tubes to make

wide view of to 'g*] pencils of; a classifier of fifes,

'^Mj to take a ;

KwSn manifest; observed, manifest- K wan flutes, pipes, quills, and tubu-
ed, the appearance of; a 8pec» lar things ; to rule, to govern,
tacle; many (kun mong^ to
; to control ; to have the man-
look at; tkun ^kwong, first en- agement or care of; to awny,
trance to the literary exam- to influence primarily ; ^hin
ination ikiin s^ung' to judge
(td, a butler, a mujor-domo ;
physiognomies (Kiin ^yamifd ; '/f«rt f.hd^ to rule over ; pot,
aati the idol Kw^nyin, called '/r?J«, tube of a pencil 'A-r'm ;

the Goddess of Mercy ; iknn sz'^ ifong, a manager's room, a

(fung, to mark the manners and pantry ; 'An'/n tim^ a coolie, a

wonders of a place ^mi Jcun, a ; shop assistant; '/flirt Vj, to ma-
beautiful aspect, a fine action; nage, to rule ; '^kun kiii' to see
<At/n tfin ^man, astrology; partially, as through a tube ;
ikun(yamcp'ing, a lady's man. one's imperfect views, my op-
Read Kun^ a temple of the inion ; chati '•kUn before other
Rationalists ; a hermitage, a verbs intimates compulsion
secluded cell or retreat ; a gal- or constraint, ciTti not be help-
lery; to make known ^'Ng ed, ; —
as chnt:, 'kvn tsd' must lie
(Sin kun^ the Five Genii mo- done ; chat^, '^ktin ''kong, talk
nastery in Canton. away, let him talk; ''kvn s/id'
fcTj*. A conical cap or bonnet, a a treasurer or money -keeper
'TO- covering for the head comb '^tsung 'kun, a superior ruler,
of cocks, crest on the head of to superintend ; shau^ ''kuii
birds rka ihin, to cap a young
hati governed by 'Anin ^k'ii j'/n, ;

man ; ^tsing ishing Jtun, please must make the best of hira,
remove your caps ikai ^kun ;
hard to manage '^kun i'm chu^ ;

,fa, cockscomb flower ; kd* unmanageable.

(kiin, wattles ; ^mtn ,.f{un, off '^t>^ A tube of stone, made into
with your caps, said to officers to polish metals; a-JP flutes;
,., ,, Kwan '

in the presence of their judge; gem-iike pebble.

ikun '^min *s'' with parade, '«fe Impotent, weak, worn out
showy. Read ift/n'; to cap a ^a. sick from "grief or disheart
young man, now done a' ened by disappointment.
marriage, and equivalent to A hotel, an inn, a caravan-
putting on the toga virilis; the 'It serai, a lodging or stopping,
chief or head able, superior ; place for travelers; iicouncil-

^yung kuri' csdm (kwan, the Kwan room, an assembly-hall, an

bravest '» capped" in three exchange or place for public
jirmies —one
has been who consultations, a hall; an offic<
promoted for courage ; kun^ study, or counting-room, wh^n
ic/i'^uj»/j, excelling in the three they are built separatelv; a
ninrtial tests. BulooJi ; a room for any public

Ton. Dict. *^5


194 KLN. KUiNG.

pur[»ose a school-room lidic,

; ; To run or flow together ; to
"kun, a tavern iknng 'Am«, a ; J^. discharge or disembogue into,
governmental hall, the lodging to water, to moisten to give ;

of an oflicer ui' ^kurt, a mer- ; one drink, pour down one's

cantile hall, often called in throat ; much bushy trees ; ;

Canton, a consoo-houae ; cshi), kini^ ^k'ii 'yam, force him to

'kun, a college, a school ; 'kiiii drink: kun^ (fa, to water
sh6^ lodgings to let, a hired plants; kiin^ tsuP made h,iir>

hall ; 'S6 "^chi 'kiin, office for drimk. Used for the next.
opium-orders ; Jioi 'kiin, to ^El' To pour out K libation ot^
open school pdn^ '^kiin, pur- ;
Z!'^^ the ground to spiri ts ; kiin^
veyor inayamun; iko Jau'^kun, 'tsau to offer a libation when
an eating room ; sfnii^ '^kun, calling upon the spirits.
custom-houses 'kun fi^ a post ;
A jar, a gallipot, a cruse,
in a yamun as a writer, a lite- a vase, a mug ; a water or
rary man's occupation 'kun ; t oil jar, round and having no
A/i/f) salary ; ci '^kun, a hospital. KwAn spout ; icli'd ktin^ a tea-canis-
ter. The second form is
'^ffil A fife or small wind instru-
ment like
, J
it ;
a string to sus-
"= ,
A crane two species of it ;
pend drums; to rule; a shuttle.
are noticed, the pdk^ kun'
'i^J cTung '^ki'in tin', the district entirely white and the (« ;

^ti cast of the Pearl River, near kiiri' of an ashy plumage and

the Bogue. Read j«n, a kind a black tail.

of coarse grass (Coix lachry-

mal) used to weave mats; to (220) Kung.
smile, to look pleased.

•S" A string of 1000 cash to

/\ The opposite of selfish or

thread, to string upon, to run 'j^ ^^mean ; common, public, uni-

^^, " versal open, general just,
thread through ;
to connect, ; ;

equitable, fair; male of ani-

to traverse ; linked, joined to;
mats a duke a lord, master
to implicate, to involve; to ;

or head, a term of respect and

penetrate, to go through ;
dignity added to names of
hill' ^ts'in, a string of cash ;
relationship (kung tM, the
kiin^ (ming, to see through ;

imperial family (kung 'chii, a

tsiki jtwn' origin and parentnge, ;

princess ; (kd (kung,

a bus-
account of one's self required
band's father also, my father ;
at examinations jji Jui knri' ;
(kung iSz' a public company
Hy like thunder piercing the ;

in Canton, the East India

car; kun' ck'un^ to run or get
through, to bore through hin^
Company a mercantile firm

thing (Si' (in, E. 1. Co.'s wool-

'kan ^k'it, fasten it tightly, as
ens knng ''Siio, a public hall,
bv runninu a string through. ;

a town-house ;
,kung qnng or
— ;; ;


hung Id- fair, just ;
'm ^kung, tea ;
,kiing .ngan, or kung
ineun, dislionorable kung ui* ; its'in, wiig<;s; Jioi kung, -shau
a corporation, a puhlic com- ikung, to begin work, to stop
jianv; ;^»»i^ Hsai, images, play- work ^liinikung or sdn\I,ung,

things, statuettesJiung Is^uk^ ;

job-work iCli^ung ^kung,

the rank of a duke seung\ ;

constant occupation td ikung ;

(kung, a gentleman, a master ;

"^Isai, assistants, clerks Jiung ;

ikutig (Sam, public-spirited tsoki skill of work;

quality ;

ikung c«' public and selfish, '/d Jcitng, to work ds'o Jiuug, ;

the governnienl and |)rivate poor \\ ork p'un' Jiung, a piece


purposes .kung iy^, my lord

of work ts6' fd^ <.kung, the

duke, my gruudfaiher t'dt ; maker of all things; Jsing

ikuvg, a grandfather, an old .Aung, or hdu (kung, skillful
man ;
Wai' ,kuug, Mr. Wai or tine work ^yau ^kung Jn, ;

usfrd by equals jiai a' skiing;

busy, occupied; .kung tsz"' yaU
hu-o' 'hoi, when the clay god ch'ut, j'au, the letter kuvg
crosses the river — he can not has no head a workman can —
secure his own safety -mau ;
not become a boss.
ikujig, a certain gentleman : To attack, to assault, to fight
'/() J(ung, husband a
ngoi^ ;
,, with, to beat : to put in order,
ikuiig, a maternal grandfather; to set to work at, to applv
ikuiig ikwig, a eunuch (chii ;
diligently to; to rouse, to re-
(knng, you gentlemen ^kung ;
prove for faults to stimulate ;

.viitn, a government office the energies or vital powers;

ikuns if ong, the room where urgency of desire on the heart,
a coi.rt is held ikung hong' ;
temptation sirciig, 'enduring ; ;

public funds or articles; Jong (kung 'td, to set on, to fight ;

(kung md- for the government (kung (Shu, to study hard ;

use ihitng 'fsz' a gentleman's
; .kung fu, to seize robbers yat. ;

son, an officer's son 'Unng ; (Sam (kung ^chi ^ch^ chung^ a

ikung ip'o, a married couple ;
crowd of desires attack the
ikung (ii ^chi hd' leisure from heart (kung yuk> to work

public duties. gems (kdn (kung, to join


ilj;\ An insect ;
^ng kung, the battle.

centip'^de, commonly called ri-t Actions deserving praise,
pdki tsuk, or hundred feet, V, ' honor, reward, or mtrit me. ;

-|* A workman, an
laborer, a ritorious; virtuous, worJhy ;

jT^ artisan, a mechanic; lal)or, a good service, woik,<»r atf lir

""^ art an ornament re- virtues of medicines; (kung Jd
craft ; ;

quiring skill; a work; an of. merit, that wliich deserve.^

fjcer ; the 48th radical ; ^kung reward (kung Uki merits verv
; ;

.,7jan, laborers; (kung Iseung^ efficacious as medicine; tdi^

ailisans; kung ,fn, \\ox\i, la- ikung, nine moitf hs' mxurning,
\mx -..kung Ji'i rhd. Congou put on for uncles iiii kung. ;
— ;


five months' njourning forcou- emperor shing^ ikufigt the

sinrt; A:j^ ikung, to record me- sacred person huk> tkungt ;

rits ; ithing ikwg, a finished the bended body.

work Jc'iiig ji tsz'^ ^kunn-, self-

laudation, vain-glorioiis ^yati

To respect, to behold with

regard, to venerate by an out-

(kung, meritorious ; 'md (kung, Kung
ward serious, sedate, depori-
undeserving pat^ kai' (kmig,
ment ; rPspectful,complaisani,
regardless th« labor; dstung
collected, courteous, atJiiblo
tkung shuki tsui^ to expiate
in one's conduct as an adjec- ;
faultsby good deeds y^uh
tive, often merely enforces the

tkung hdu^ the virtue of

next word tkung ^hi, respect-
the medicine is' great ^hing ;
fully wish you joy ; tkung king^
iTning, high rank; '^hai.-pincKu!
respectful, venerating tkung ;
yung^ (knttg, where do you i

shun^ submissive tkung ho' ;

study? ikuiig <«d« 'pd kwo' no
congratulatory present!- tkung ;

good acts can wipe out his

tkung jM Hai, very polite, ac-
crimes tkung t'ung Isoi^ l^d\
cording to etiquette tkung ;
your goodness has [as it were]
iPan, ladiea of officers of the
recreated mc.
4th rank.
pi A bow the 57th radical of ;

'„ ' characters relating to bows; /jj. To place before, to offer or "1

archery crescent, curved '•^ V present to, to lay out, to ar-


a cover of a carriage a mea- ^-\^} range to supply with to pro- ; ; ;

sure of five or six ch'eki the Kung vide, to succor, to give to ;

length of a iiow fifty made — confess, to give in evidence,

a bowshot ; to n)easure tkung ; to declare ; tkung kap^ to fur-
tsin^ bows and arrows; tkung nish tkung yJng\ to provide

ihdi, women's shoes Jiung ; superiors, to pay the dues of

tc/ia, a stretch used in arch- office ,^hau -.kung. verbal evi-
ery; tkung j/n, a bowstring; ,ldi dence; ^ngo tkung ^k'ij, I accuse
tkung, to pull a bow tkung, ; him tkung tch'ing, he confess-

tto, 5/ieA'] trials in pulling a bow, es saying; iCk'un tkung sy<w>,

fencing, and in!iftingst<meB interpreters for witnesses;
at the military examinations. tkung '^tong, to tell of one's
"^ A medicinal plant, the root accomplices tkung tp'dn, to ;

V * ^ of which rescuibles tornien. accuse falsely tkung cluky to ;

" tilla the best is from Sz'-

; assume an office tkung ui^ to ;

rli'uen, called -xli'un tkung; pay back to the club one's

the decoction is used to purify proportion. Read Knvg\ to
the blood. nourish, to support; offeringn ;

6^ One's person, personally, kitng^ yinng^ to sustain omc'.s

' •' one's self or h.od v ; < kuns ds'an parents; kung^ jJw, to oifer in
Kun<r I ,
^- ,

lA- 1 .« do a thing one s

' to worship r/i't/j kung^ to ar-

self; cham\kung,0\ir3Q\^, the ranae the offerings.

; —


fi^ Interchanged with the two against attack to shrink or ;

'J^ last ; ii 8urnu(ne ; to give : re- dry at the fire a district in ;

* specttul. Hondn fii in Honan ; 'kung

^> A mansion, a building ;
now kii' well guarded
^pi ; <»/iu

confined to the imperial re- 'kung 'hi, the book-cover:)

^ sidence the palace a w-.iil
; ;
warp 'kung ikun, to dry ul a

11 temple a district college ; ;


the tirst note in the octave ; •^' To offer tea liege, to present;
lo castrate to surround the ; ; ,f^ to offer tribute or taxes : tri-
fwung .

circuit of; ,kuiig tin- a palace; j

bute, taxes, or presents given
thing %'a7n, the seraglio by inferiors or fiefs, as the
(kitiig ^fi, imperial concu. peltry, gems, &.c., of Tartar
bines ,kur>g iy'ng, " punish,
tribes sent to Peking to an- ;

ment of the palace," castra- nounce offers of service


tion (kung iVgo, maids of ho-

and hence merit, worthy ac-
nor; hoki Mungi a college in tions ; tswi' kii7ig' to offer tri-
a district or prefecture ihang ;
bute or taxes kung^ 'pan, ar- ;

ikung, a rural palace ichai ; ticles of tribute ; kung^ as'' the

loki Hang ikung, put her in tribute-bearer vdpi kung' to ;

the "cold palace," said of a pay taxes pat, kung' a select-


wife or concubine who is ed siutsai kung' iin* provin-


discarded it refers to the ha- ; cial examination. hull kung* ;

reem where rfjected women iShiin, vessel bringing tribute.

used to be sent ;
"^shau ikutig, -'
-|y Generally, all, altogether,
a house lizard. ^^ in all, collectivelv ; in fine,
To join the hands before the in slort, to sum up; with,
breast as when bowing ; to and, together with the same,
Kung ;

hold or take with both hands ; alike; to include in, to live

lo encircle ; an arch ; arched, with; kung- 'tsung, the whole,
bowing ; '^kung ''teiig, a don)e, altogether hdp2 kung^ in all,

n cupola ''kung ''s/iau, to bow

; all taken together; kung^ kai'
with the hands even with the the whole amount; kung^
head; '^hung pVi to bow and /ling ^k'ii hii- all are gone
part 'kung ip'ung, a kind of
; witli him; ^ngo hung^ '/ti, 1
dooi-porch ;
kul) ising 'kung and you /ung tsaia kung*

f/ijii' may happy ftars shine of the same mind ; paU

around you ;
kung ^ngd, semi- kung' yoU shall can not live
cylindrical tiles. in the same house kung* ;

'i.4j- A post, prop, orpilhr 'kung

; ishing '«ji 'kii, it will be a
^'•^ 'foil, the capital i;r top of a good act to make up the sum
K'lung ;

pillar hma' 'kirni 'koig ^m^, have

To bind with thongs, to you beei: 'ilking with a ghosi?
bind securely firm, strong, Read 'Kung, to superintend
Kuns :

well secured wtll guarded ;

woik; tciwardrt openly. ;

198 K'UNG. KtiT.

3^ A fabulous animal likn a

'.^ griffon ; a kind of locust ;
(221) K'ung. JI ik Wig hnun y^, the fly-
ing locusts fill the [)lains
Brouglit to the last degree ik'ung ik'ung, concerned for,
^Jg ;

if 7 poor, abmdoned, exhausted, sad ; ik'ung jj/am, the locust'ij

impoverished, no means; chirp.
the poor poverty the end,; ;

the fimil termination of; to

make helpless or poor to ;
(222) Kiit.
search thorouglily, to investi-
gate to the bottom to exhaust; ;

ik'ung kw'an^ destitute, on Name of a river; streams

.yjr 1
xesowvces Jcung kiki at the \
{-jT* } flowing different ways ; to
end, nothing at all ^md Jiung, ;
yi>j fl«w, to lead streains ; to
inexhaustible, endless; 'shui
Kiueh spread abroad to decide, to ;

ik'ung (ihdn tsun^ no way to pass sentence, to settle to cut j

go, no way open ; Jc'ung
off; decided upon, certainly,
kau^ to thoroughly examine ;
fixed, positively ; doubtless ;
ik'ung iChui, to pursiie every-
kiit:, sin, certainly isso 'ch'u
where ik'ung it' by left on thp
kiiti sentence to death ktit,
to ;
road without means ik'ung ;
tsiiti renounce kiiti
to utterly ;
holi'^ck^, a poor scholar sung'
it? must have it
kiit, yuki to ;

s/iirt Jivng, idolatrous cere-

take out of prison.
monies at the year's end ;

ik'ung //i' iS^ung -ye., you will til Parting or dying words ; to
get poor too Jcung Jci liiii. ^^^^ leave, to depart ; a fare-
; KiuJh
to search out a thing to the well ; an art, a rule, a pre-
bottom. cept a mystery or secret ;

Lofty high and vast as the

abstruse doctrine; a trick, a
sky eminent
spacious, ;
sleight ; j)? kOf:, undivulged se-
empty ik'itog Jsong, the crets ; kiiti pUi to take a lastintr

azure canopy, the empy- farewell ; Jau kUti a dying

rean to stop up, to prevent
legacy or words ich'iung kiit, ;

entrance. eternal sepuation maL kiiti ;

An inferior department near the doctrine of the pulse 'hau ;

Cliinirtn fu in Sz'ch'uen :
km, gibberish teach a
; to
name of a river |)oorly, sick, craft. Interchanged with the

troublesome. last.
infirm ;

Biimboos tit for making -TJi a broken or halved ring,

w:ilkinir-sMcks for old men ;
Jy^) formerly used to indicate
a kind of bamboo. l»reaking ott all connection
^C The eye of aji ax or hammer: a semicircle; an archers
',.' " '/"/'/
k'ung, the hole of an .ix.
ring; p«r.-ioual oruuuients.
— ;;

KLT. KLT. 199

Kh A broken, dofectivo, clipped, Ht» A post, a stake, a pile ; used

^^\ or cracked, vessel deficient, ; §r^\
for half of a thing a stick,
, c ,

wanting, short; defects; a a lever, a piece ot wood a ;

deficiency; to make a vacancy post in the middle of a gate-

in an office duties of an of-
; way ; the bit in a bridle ; a
ficial post, of wljicli there are drum. stick to/, yaU kiif, cut

three sorty 'kdn kuU an easy off a piece, cut about a half;
post, tc/iwn^ ^M^ medium post, '^kam 7jnl) kiiti take off half, cut
and W
kill:, an important post it in two.
and the salaries are propor- 3£ An edible fern ; the stalks
tioned ; Jioi kul-. to make a are cooked for food whea
vacancy ; ^pd A-«^ to siipply a tender, and a flour is made
vacancy ; 'fid^ a good from the root kiiti^fan, farina;

office, a profitable situation ; of the fern. root. The draw-

kulifdU wanting, not enough ; ing of the kiit) resembles an
(fang kiiti broken, defective ; Aspidium.
tai^ kidy hdm^ a grievous thing
Insolent; (Ch'<j7ing kiif, un-
or event kuU '-piin, to aflfecl
ruly, ferocious, disobedient,
or ""educe the principal. iueh
according as applied to chiU
To hope or expect impa.
dren, robbers, or animals.
tiently, to long for one's re-
Kiueh ^^ Ananimal that carries an.
turn; to make known; to
regard with dissatisfaction
^^\ other the vague description

of it may refer to some mar-


to want; deficient.
supial animal.
To shut the door, to close
the office ; to stop, to rest
Vj^ To stumble, to fall, to slip
Kiueh <
1^', down ; to fail in ;
to leap, to
terminated, done; to prohibit; Kiueh. '
. . ! • ,

end of a song -ffuki kilt:, to


jump prostrate, to go quick.


take nir mourning ^ko shb'' ;

ffi^ Tongue of a buckle, a hasp ;
A-«/j several tunes or songs.
'. a ring on a carriage for fas-
^A '
catch, a mark by which to
remember a cliaracter to ;
tening the reins to, called
kiit^ ndfi ; a ring with a
Kiuth tongue or hook for fastening
mark off; Jcau kid-, to mark
off criminals for execution, to part of a lock.

as is done by the emperor at Feigned, counterfeited to ;

the autumnal assizes.

1?'^'. impose on; hypocritical, craf«
ty to please or agree with
A p<;rsonal pronoun, he, she, ;

it ; that, that one, the man; one to gain an end.

ts, his ; short ; to project a^ A shrike, called pdk) Jd ; it
stones ; to bow the head to V \ sings in the seventh month,
the ground
kiit:, Haug^ they. and is said to -eat its dam ;


gouge, chissel, burin, or (shdn pdki Jd, the wild
^"', "raver, used bv carvers and butcher-bird, an epithet for
car|>cntcr8. disobedient children.
'JOO Ktr. KWA.

(224) Kwa.
(223) Kut.
tTT General name for gourdj»,
'Jr\ melons, cucumber?, brinjais,
yht To unite all the parts, unit- egg. plant, squash, &c.; the
^H '
ed strength to tug at
; to ;

"'" 9*7 th radical of characters

reach ; to collect or assemble
pertaining to melons csai ;

kuty kuU tugging.

iktrd, tlie watermelon ;
J^ To inclose or embrace ; to
(kwa, cucumber ; /s?^ (kwd, a
^\ bundle-up, to tie up, to en.
velop ; to infold, to compre-
hairy squash (Oi (kwa, egg- ;

plant (fan (kwi'i, small yellow


hend to examine into; to

squash ; (tiing (kwn, a large
arrive at ; cpd« kut-, to bundle coarse squash mnkukwa, the ;

or wrap up; to contain, to papaya ; tV ytvki (kwa (fan,

have an understanding of; the country cut up (or ap- is
^nong kuU sz" 'hoi, he • bags portioned) like the carpels <>f
up the four seas," i. e. he a squash ; ^yau (kwa ^-o^ there
knows everything; kufyfdt, to is a liaison or intercourse of
do up the hair in a coil.
pome kind (kwa ts'o'C (fan, a

W3t To makea great clamor, to greengrocer's stall ; ts^urig^

^^'' stun one,tom<ike a din im- ; (kira, a kind of pickle made of
portunate, bothering, distrac- the tender paki (kwa ; ^kwd ^k'i
ting, noisy ; to injure an affiiir (i toi^ change it when melons
by talking ; A:u^ kut, inapt, are ripe, i. e. next year ; (kita
ignorant ; (to jin ki'if, to din % tViiTnin jmin, a numerous pro-
in one's ears ; kuti ^iu, clamor- geny, many
ous. To distribute to several; few,
JS' ten
Fleet, hasty
one; a man's name;
quick ;
to has- KwA little seldom, unusual, rarely

alone deficient, what is short


kuty /nne, to understand a widow the regal We ,ku; ;

'A-tcri, orphans and widows, left

soon Pdk,-kuti was one of

Wan Wang's officers. alone desolate (to'^kwd, much ;

or few, how many ? 'hcd fu or

Aft' A garden slug, called frri^5<2 ;
'fcrm ^md jp'o, a widow 'kwa ;
^^' vulgarly pi^ t'ai^ iCh'ung, or
Ourself, I, the
the snivel worm ; a frog's
'kwd Hd, a widower, an old
eggs ; katt Jtauy the mole,
bachelor '^kim pat, tiki chuv^'

alono I can't stand them all
^g An o|)en valley to pcne-
; 'hrd {man, little experience.
^•^'t trate through ; to understand; ±1 ' Divining lines or diagrams
liberal, magnanimous ; kut^ ^•^ invented by Fuhhf, to serve
tail perspicacious ; kuti fin as an abacus by which to phi-
itnivg, fully understand it. loaophize first there were ;
Kvvi; kWA. 201

eight, then these were involv- A final word, indicating a

ed to sixty-four ; to divine ;
?K.doubt, or orne's opinion of; ^k'u
ichim kwd' or puk^ kvca' to Jm'i Jiiu kwa' I think he has
divine ; ifigd 'cICi '/d kwd^ come ;
fiai^ kwa' I
icuAj 'c/<^
shivering from cold or terror ; think so; p'a' i'm hoki
it is

kwa' it'au 'chun, he guessed tak, kwa" I'm afraid I can't

right. learn it kdm' kwa' so ? are

4iM To
suspend, to hang up ;
you sure it is so?
>~, , to dwell on or prolong to ; ftfe,'] The thighs, space between
^y divine by straws to remem- the legs, the crotch ; kwd'
^^ , ;>

kwa ber; to distinguish ; to lay

j^ j '//jd, lo bestride a horse ; kwd'
aside in suspense, anxious
; ;
K.\vk yuk^ to shame one by making
kwd' Ad* to enter names in a him go between one's legs
visiting-book, to make or keep kwd' ifu, one forced to submit.
a list of articles or names The second character also
jfcifld^ 'c/»'i, to make people talk means trowsers.
of kwd' rnong^ to hope for
; ; Cfe' Interchanged with the last
kwd' (Sam or kwd' lu- to be ^^ to pass over, to straddle, to
anxious for; kitd' ^sheung, to bestride ; to surpass, to excel
hang up kiDd\kun, to secret-
; to border on a country ; the
ly leave office kwd^ c/iu' ^k'ii,; crotch ; kwd' tso' a son who
to keep thinking of hca' niin} ; excels his father ; kwd' «/j to
to bear in mind (d^ kwa' a ; excel pat^ kwd' Jci kwok, not

small green parrot kwa' ; incroach on his territory kwa' ;

imeng, to call by. in name ihoi tui' ''shnu, to stretch or

only; kwd' '^hi fan^ inoki voii throw out thti arms.
may hang up the griddle out —
of business.
iti.' A
jacket worn over the robe, (225) Kvvd.
T^^'^ having short and wide sleeves;
'//id A-Jcd' a riding-jacket, a sort

of dress overcoat or sack tdi^ ^^ Prodigious to vaunt, to brajr; ; ;

Jttcd' a pelisse worn by ladies, C*7 magniloquent; self.conceittd. j

a short robe jp'd kwa' cere- ;

Same as the next,
monial dress, robes ikwan To talk big, to boast ; to
; i
iki kioi.^ a sort of vest, with bragg'ng, grandilo-
very short sleeves. quence conceited, arrogant

S^^ An impediment, a hindrance; wide, ample — said of a dr^ss ;

to hinder, to obstriict to fall (kw'd ^hau boastful ikw'd

^Zl ; ;

;nio a snare; kwa' ngoi^ an ^Ls^iins ^k'u, to adulate one ;

obstruction. f*t'* ikw^a, self-laudation.

To deceive, to cozen, Xr^"^ Jfj^ Vain, conceited good, pret- ;

•••tv" impose on ; to disturb Arwd'ii^

tc^i ty ikw'd Isity regardful of
; ;

us to mislead
lead ; kwd^ lun} ^t'in one's appearance or conduct, jj

ha^ to distract the emi>ire. faijtiJioUb-, finical.

To>. DicT :5



:^] A sceptre or baton made

'^^ofsfone, given to noblemen
(my Kwai. ,JjEj''nd princes as a sign of rank,
Kwei and used at levees ; a mea-
sure equal to a pinch or six
To return to the same place grains of millet some say, ;

*i»i **' state to go, or send back,

; 64 grains, or what can be
tl^j 'o restore, to revert to to ; taken up in three fingers;
Kwei terminate, to end; to belonij chap> (kwaiy to hold the baton.
to to go home to marry out
; ; To butcher ; to eviscerate,
to send a present, to give, to . to cut open ; to stab, to stick
promise; to unite, to assemble; a knife into.
a terminus ad quern ; a home, The stride of a man ; the
a country, a native place, a 15th of the 28 constellations,
refuge, a center ; to divide answering to parts of Andro-
fractional numbers ; tfdn /m' meda and Pisces, and auspi.
ikwai, to go home ; (Jcwai mah cious to students.
it/an,vvhoui does it belong to? The door separating the pri-
(kwai kau' to lay the blame J
vate from the public part of a
on the right one ^kwai ckan,
; house the apartments of the

to trace to the end Jtwaifuki ; women ; unmarried females,

to return to obedience, to give who have not yet left tiie
up rebellion; j»id 'sho (kwai, hareem ; women; female, lady
no home, wandering said of — like, feminine (kwai ^nii, a ;

ghosts (kwai iwdn hii, send it

; virgin, a young lady ; (Sham
back to you ; (kwai ,mdi yaU (kwai, the inner apartments;
pirif to go or put aside ikwai (kjoai (mun, to stay at home,


'^ku or (kwai shai^ dead ; (kwai of a retiring disposition said

iiiing, a bride's visit to her pa- of maids (kam (kwai tsiki a

rents; (kwai (U 'f'd, to be bu- rollster.

ried; ctioaij/'in, to resign office,
«1 The chief of
tortoise, the
to return to one's homestead i
beings^ the 213th
tkwai fat) division dHn ha}
(kwai (Sam, the country looks
^ radical of characters pcrtain-

Kwei ing to the cheloniae; (kam

to me ; (kwai 'pan tsiki to (kwai, a small species of Kmys,
bring a region under rule ;
whose carapace, divided into
(kwai (kwai yaU yat-, put every- 28 plates on the edges, is used
thing in its place "-kau <.ktoai,
; in divination ; (kwai Ao/ca tor.
a table for reducing fractions. toise's shell ; ,kwai (kung, a
/jc To conform to, to receive cuckold (kwai 'chdu, a pimp

'^^- instruction, to comply with ;

(kwai tdn^ or (kwai Hsai, a bas-
ikwai (hfuki fat, to hearken tard (kwai piiV arched over,

and conform to instructions like a tortoise's back; tdi^

as disciples do. ngong^ (kwai, you stupid dolt.


Lots made of paper or wood ;

demons —dead; ship^ Mng kwai
tochoose by lot inim ^kwai, ;
kdm' yiung^ he is like a ghosl,
to draw lots. afraid of the face of men.
A spirit of a dead person, a A dish for holding grain at
which the sacrifices, once made round
Kwe manes, that soul . !

reverts or turns to at death ;
within and square without a ;

the 194th radical of characters dish or platter ; 'kaa tdi^ 'kwai,

of demons, phantasms, &c.; nine platters —a set oulj; 'kwai

a gho^t, an apparition, a 'un, large dishes or basins

spectre a demon, a devil ; a
muki 'kwai, wooden open dish-
horrid looking object a mise- ;
es, used for holding the grain
rable person, a wretch the ;
in the equinoctial worship of
Cantonese stigmatize foreign, Confucius.
ers as (kwai, and say their '% a vestige
An axle; a
rut ; a trace,
a path a
shrill voices resemble the ; orbit, ;

plaintive cry of spirits ; vji ffi/^ ;

law, a rule
treasonable plana ;

kin^ ^kwai cm^, have you seen K wei against a country to imitate; ;

a ghost —
what are you scared pat:, 'kwai, unconformable ;

at ? '/cteat /au '^kwai ^nd, to 'kwai to' to follow in the path,

peep, to hide and seek; 'kwai a constant path.
'shu, a suspicious, dishonest,
t^ A box a casket for papers ; ;

person; '^kwai ^shai ^ni m^, l^f to put in a box to bind with ;

did a sprite get you to do cords.

this? cliong^ 'kwai, to meet a JUS A
ruinous wall, one ready to
foreigner '^kwai j'au fung, a
; ^^^. ruinous, dilapidated ; to
fall ;

wiiirlwind t^ai' '^sz' A-ioJt, a

destroy, to demolish.
wretch taken instead of the '^^ To deceive, to cheat, to de-
real criminal; tsd* lOtti' 'kwai .P^- fraud; to blame, to reprimand;
/au, done altogether wrong; to oppose what is good to ;

'^kwai [Tnai '/li, are you po^- vilify, to insult, to defame ;

sessed ^shang 'kwai kdtn' 'fan,

! bad, malicious, perverse ; odd,
frisky as an*^tf 'kwai 'Id 'kwai, ; strange 'kwai kioat-, crafty, ;

a jnmt plan to swindle one ;
fraudulent 'A: waj c/id' lying;
'kwai snk, the 23d of the 29 j/nd its'ung 'kwai iis'ui, do not
constellations, stars y, S, i\, 6 in follow cunning tales; 'kwai
Cancer ; kwai tsluiu, the gods, V extravagancies, wondorful
spirits ; sliui 'kwai, ghosl of a things, incredible ; 'kwai ^/nd
drowned man ; cti p'in^ 'kwai, kinki shiki a bad fellow,
a besotted opium-slave ; din ^^i A gnomon^ a dial daytimp, ;

'kwai,unavenged spirit of n j^*. the day ; yati 'kwai, a sun-

murdered man; 'kwai ^ind, bad- dial mat:, ^yt^ 'kwai luik, what

ly done, careless iini'ia 'kwai, ;

is mark on the dial? ifan
a I'.atch in a bolt ; yapi 'kww (kd kai' 'kwai, to prolong ihe
.mi'tn /.m/J, enterod the door ol' dav by burninji candles.
; : '


j^' Honoriible, noble, pxalted, (p'i <yav, cassia oil; kicaV ^tsz'
jv^ . iIlu!?trious ; dignified, worthy, cassia buds ; '^sliau ipdn (tan
pood ; your, thine, in direct kwaP to pick a cassia twig,—
address; dear, hiiih-|)riced to become a kiijin kwai' ^fd^ ;

precious, valuable to esteem, ; the Olea frngrans ; kwai^fit

to honor, to desire, to make pd' figured calicoes; iilt hvui'
much of; kmai' sing^ your the monthly rose (Rosa sem-
name ; Icwai' lak^ Isai^ very perjlorens).
dear (tsun kwai^ ^yau taki to
f<i.^ The last of the ten stem",
honor the virtuou? ; kwai^ j^. which with iyam, belong to
siting^ a noble, inirenuous water the character i> sup-

countenance ; 'yau mat, kwuP posed to represent water flow-

koii' what jo your business? ing to a center ; to consider,
/ai ikd kwai^ 'shan, please lift to calculate ; it'in kwai' the
up (or off) your hand, please menses ;
let me off; iking kmaP rare, T^' A which is
perfect pearl,
precious /cicai' saP delicate,
^^ by night, called jniwi
elegant, as manners ; ktraP hi' kwai"; hence jWiui kwai" (fa,
precious things applied to — the red rose ; rare, precious,
darling children; kwaV thi^ excellent, admirable; fk'ing
fyan, your excellency ; kioai^ kwai' a. kind of jasper.
rhnng' 'yd, a rare article.
^*' Food, victuals, viands ; pre-
^fe' L'ttle, tender, junior, wliat-
^^. sents of food ; to prepare food ;
'^ ever is young and immature ;
to attend to the kitchen, to
the least or last of a series ; a
present food toone; kwai^yan,
season, a quarter of the year;
a king's baker.
half of the year, when speak,
To present to, to give, to
ing of crops or paying rent;
offer ;
gifts of food. Nearly
maiti'\chung',kwai\n series of Kwei
the same as the last.
three; *2" kwai^ the four sea.
A basket or hamper of straw
8ons; (Ch'nn kwai' spring;
„ . or bamboo for carrying ; a
tch'un kwaV uf^ the third month
vegetable like the blite or
of spring ; kwai^ Hsz* the
etrawberry.spinach, having a
youngest child; kwaP shai'
red stem ; name of a hill.
the last generation or dynas-
ty 'man kwaV the late or se.
case with doors, a press, A
cond crop. ; exhausted, a chest, a locker
3^' To perturb ; agitation of f^M wearied out tt) fail in (Shii j
; ;

mind ; the end or fringe of n Kwei k'nai'n book-ease; kirni\wn\

belt or girdle. a counter ; kwai^ ^^unff, a
jkt' Cdfsia tree (Lauras cassia druwer dfaki kwni^ a wari. ;

and cinnamomea): met. lite,

robe, a bureau ; aU hcai" a
r iry reputation and honor sum put in deposit for rent ;

Arircij' ip'i, cassia bark ; kuHiV *A-'i iiwai^ or 'chtung kieai^ a

;; ;

KWAI. KVV'Ar. 205

in a shop ikam /ang

clerk ; secret inspection of; (kw'ai
kwai^ state records, archives si'* wait for one. to see
of state. what is going on ; (kun dw'ai,

m I
To kneel, to bend the knee
^'^. to the ground; the legs; a
" a tuhe.view," a partial exa-
mination of, a bird's-eye view.
crab's leg; ktvai^ ha} to kneel To peep from under or be-
down kwip to bow and
; "pdi^ hind a door, or through a
kneel to kwaP IW to kneel;

crack to observe to glance

on chains a mode of torture — at, or

have a slight view of;


Vwai^ sat, knee-pads. sU,(kw'ai, to look at by stealth.

t^' Quick, active, diligent ; to Interchanged with the last.
^* J
play with the feet ; hiraV A helmet, a casque or de-
ItwaP its'vtig sz'* to stir up one fense for the head; a block
to attend to business, diligent. Kw'ei
on which caps are ironed and
fashioned ; a basin or por-
(227) ringer ; /au (kw'ai, a casque
made of iron plates, worn by
military officers ; (kw'ai kdp,
ifl A pnir of compnpses; a law, armor.
'^^ regulation, custom, usage ; a ^^ A term formalvacpous plants
douceur for connivance ; a 'Sei '';Semblingthe Malva, Gera-
rate for taking a farm ; to rule nium, Althea, Hibiscus, 6ic,
men according to usage ; to ikw'ai ,fd, the AUhea rosea;
regulate ; to calculate, to plan ;
iwong s/iiiki ikw'ai,the Hi.
to line or draw a line ; the disk hisciismanilwt ; ,'i^iing' yati
of the pun or moon; iktr'ai ikw'ai, the sunflower ikw'ai ;

vdki to draw lines ,kw'ai 'ku, ;

shin^ leaf fans, made from
nsagp, custom ; (kw'ai lai^ law; the leaves of the Raphis
«/} -pun- ikw'aU moon half full fiohelliformis ; ikw'ai ip'twg,
,$hau uti ,ktc'ai, to receive the awnings or thatch made of
mon'hly fee ; 'mwn tkir'ai, (he leaves; ikw'ai ts'oi' an esculent
time covered by the fee is up ;
tsit, (kw'ai, fee due three times -1^1 To lead by the band, as a^
n year ngdA-j (kw'ai, a fixed 1'*'-''''^"'" blind man; logo with,"
fee ; (kw'ai china^ to regulate i1^ to!
take along, to join, to
others ^hong cktr'ai, bye-laws
; Hwui lock arms to carry ; to take ;

of a guild, up from the ground to leave ;

g^ To peep at, to look furtively /ai ikw'ai, to lead by the

^*' "^ through a crevice to band, to carry, to recommend
K^ to look on sliiy ; ff)

spy ; one ikw'ai IdV to take along,


observe for one's own use ;

to sustain from falling Jcto'ai ;

ttie lengtli of a stpp (kw'ai ; . ^shav, to take by the band, to

fdm' to spy, to go about look- take an arn) ikw'ai ildm, to

ing inlo ; tkic'ai sUi' to make carry a baskot on the arm,

;; ;

306 KVVAi: KWAl.

An ivory or horn

MVui ^'''^'^'"» ^^^

opening knots i (828) Kvv§i.
anciei'jtiy worn on the girdle
a kind of tortoise ; the name
of a star, f* Perverse, obstinate, to turn
mj*. A containing 50 'www,
field ^^^ ^^^^^^ o" cross-purposes
k' k'

u^ or about 8 English acres a ; to contradict; strange, extra-

plat of ground; a low wall vagant; cunning, crafty; ikwdi
around a field ikw'ai ts^oV a. ; 'Atiti, wily, ingenious maU ; taki A-^m' ikwdi, so well train-

Jig- The
jaw-bones, the sides of ed —
said of children ; Jsing
a place where nine
fwce tkwdi, clever, ingenious at
kw'ei*^® ;

or many roads meet, a tho. contriving iktodi p'ik^ mali- ;

roughfare name of a mush, ;

room ichung Jkwai, a man of
; 'J^ Different, to pull or flow
the T'^iig dynasty, now deifi- ^^ . different ways ;
parted, divid-
ed as a protector against de- ing ; absolute, certain ; the
vils, and drawn clutching a 54th of the 64 diagrams.
sword, and standing on one 'Jri To deceive, to swindle, to
K A- S"" to seduce, to kidnap, to

A one-legged monster, drag. decoy one in order to carry

on,'ox and man combined him off; to entrap persons ;

Kw'ei ;

'ktodi p'in' to gull, to swindle

a statesman in the days of ;

Shun ; a certain plant. "^hcdiHsz^ a kidnapper ; "^kwdi

p'ili' ipan tx'ip, to elope with
To consider ; to calculate, to
a man's concubine ; ''kwdi tdV
^. guess to surmise the mean-
lyan ^han, to cajole in order
ing, to weigh in the mind
to carry off; '^ktedi k^uk-, crip-
to examine ; ^kw'ai toki to
pled, lame ; 'kzodi iyan loki
estimate, to reason upon pak:, ;
tam^ to lead one into evil.
^kw'ai^ a superintendent.
'4S An old man's staff or crutch,
The sun and moon in appo-
sition distant from, absent
J^ . with a crooked top; ^hodi
Kw'ei ;
ch^ung' a cane or staff.
from, separated ^kw'ai (wai

^ '^'"^^ ^^ grass, used for
yufi 'kau, [we have been] a ,>'^'^ . making sandals, withes, or
long time sundered. mats '•(waivt, grass sandals,

Irfj '"j Ashamed, abashed, discon- used by chief mourners ; a

jjr,>certed; shamefaced, bashful ; surname.
15g j ^o feel shanie when detected ; X*.' Strange, marvelous, extra-
K w'ei conscience-stricken, remorse; ,},. ordinary ; bizarre, siipernatu-
csau houV ashamed ; kip'nP ral, portentous, monstrous ;

^niiOiJnd its'oi, I feel shnme for rare, wonderful, curious to ;

my stupidity ; kw'ai' J'ttV con- dislike, to bear a grudge

trite. against : to deem strange, sur.
; ;


prised at ; ik'i kwdV strange, Hsz' the princely man, the

surprising ; kwdV mati a mon- beau ideal of virtue; good peo-
ster, an apparition ; s'ra V/o kW ple (fu xkwah,
; husband my ;

k'wdi' don't be surprised, don't («in Jtwan, a deceased father ;

feelangry '/dn kwdi^ 'ni, he : Hiung ikwan, your son ; ktook)

lays the blame on you wrong- (kwan, the emperor iktoan ; fu
ly hodi^ chdk^^k'u, reprimand
; and t'di' (kwan are father and
liim iJidn kwdi' ^k'ii, can not
mother in epitaphs iWJn ;

(or ought not to) blame him ;

iktoan, a blue-beard, an unkind
kwdp Usoi, strange kwdi' ^m ! husband sai^ (kwan, my wife. ;

taki not surprising ; r^chiu ktmi^

to bring blame on one's self;
An army, a force of 12,500
men; the head-quarters of a
kwdi^ tdn' 'chi sz'^ marvelous, troop an inclosure military,
; ;

ghost-like; ^kwaiktpdV horrid, warlike (kwan iping, a camp ;


ugly ; 'yaw 7nat, kwdV ^fau, ihang (kwan, to move troops ;

what wrong have 1 done ? kdm' /thV (kwan, servants who

attend the candidates within
the hall Aon' (kwan, Chinese

(229) Kwak. Bannermen (kwan ; itnan 'fti,

a sub- prefect Jcwan (ki tdi^ ;

im To slap the face with the ishan, the General Council of

T^' hnnd; kwdk-,yat:,(pd, a single state /aw (kwan, to enlist

"slap ; a clap.
ktcdk:, iSheng, ^yatt mat: (kwan 'md, what plan

^S A colloquial word a loop, ;

has he, what will (or can) he
^^' a bight of a rope ; to tie up do? (kwan (kung, military
with a loop a stroll Hd yat-> ; ;
merit man^ (kwan, banish*

ho' kiodki make a noose ;

ment to the garrisons.

ho^dki chii} ^k'u, catch him in H Together, alike or compar-

a lasso, noose him; itnng '/u Ip** same time evid-
able, at the ;

Aii' kw'dky ^hd, let us take a an elder brother;

ent, clearly ;

turn. descendants; many, a multi-

tude ; with, then ;
to take pre.
cedence ; (kwan tai^ or (kwan
Kvvan. chung* brothers hau} (kioan, ;

descendants (kwan ^rlirmg, ;

•^ A chief, head of society ; a all insects (kwan kwaV ; '/ji '^kl

j^„ prince, sovereign, or ruler how many brothers hive you?

honorable, in high station,
exalted superior, wise, ono
^ The Kwanl'in or Koulkun
range of mnunfains, lying
who can influence others; a about lat, 35° N., t)etween
term of respect given to '
the Desnrt of Gobi and Tibet
others, and used by all per- the Chinf^e retrfird if ns ihe
sons ; to rule, to fulfill the abode of everything myste.
dutas of a guvereign ; -kwan rious and supernatural.
a;; j ;


AS The roe or spawn of fishes a ; knave, a band of pestilent

'£J^j^jjIeviathan,a whale (kwanfd' ; fellows; kwan' a pet-
,wai ip'ang, the whale turned tifogger; kwan^ kom' ^kwong,
into a roc. bare as a stick, poor kwan' ;

0^ A sort offiallinaceous bird ;

kivk) a dangerous fellow.
^^jj perhaps a heathcock or jun- DE^tf' An inhabited place, a princi-
gle-fowl. j?f' pality, a small district ;
Jjfci An inatrurnent for moulding applied to a prefecture ; '^fu
pottery ; equal, just, in simi. kwan} a department; ^ni hai*
lar parts ; even, level, plane, mati kwan^ what prefecture
flat ; to equalize, to adjiLst or are you from ? kwan' ^md, a
harmonize a musical instru- ; king's brother-in-law or oeice.
ment ikwan efan^ equally

divided ikwan ip'ing, impar-


tial, equal loki iktcan

^fu (231) Kw'an.
(Chim, sorrow and joy equally
portioned ; Jiioan itiai tfong
ching^ all regular and proper The earth, q. d. inferior or
haV let
iktoan cchi it be so now, iTT] obsequious to heaven; hence
don't change it. applied to the moon, states-
fefe| A quarter of a sheki or pe- men, wives, and to whatever
'^7 ' cul a weight of 30 catties
; has a correlative superior the
; ;

a potters lathe; to equalize, 2d diagram; favorable, com-

to harmonize just; impor- ;
pliant, obedient 'tau shat)

^kwnn or ihting cktoan,

tant; tdi' cottage can
ik'in Jrw'^an tdi' a
the Great Framer, wheel of contain a great mind ; (kw'an
events, heaven, nature ,kwan 'kdn, a betrot bed's horoscope.


tf your wishes or orders M^ A

punishment of shaving the
polite phrase. Used for the 'j7^^ head, inflicted on the prince's
last, family for slight offense**;
^£ The green tough skin of the bald a leafless tree.

^f^ bamboo, which contains silex. Jte- The plaited skirt of a lady's
Also read iWun. y^, dress, sometimes elegantly
^^B Fire, fiery, the flame of a efnbroidered ; rim of a tur-
^^^ fire ckwan iv? blazing. Read tle's skell : (Chinifr ^hoan, or
Kwan ;

\ a ^r .

wan'; name ;
yo wair wan'i ji i
vol' ikw'an, petticoats ; iwai'
sliiting^ iching, the lambent ikw'-an,an apron, a bib iC/t'iii ;

flame curled upwards. ikw'an, an embroidered silk

XB' a round stick, a club; to apron worn by officers; Jtw'an
^^ bind up sticks; a sharper; k^iiki itnui, waiting-njaids;
tsdpiHm kwan^ inhing, prac ikw'an ich'd, a gore in a skirt
tice makes a thing natural ikw'an fdi^ ichi (ts'ajt, relatives
Jcwong kwan^ a " bare-stick," of a different surname '•hiung ;

a scoundrel jin min^ kwan^ a ;

ikw'an, a skirt with bells or
pastry roller; Jcwan J'd, a jingles.

KW'AN. KW'AN. 209

^^ A flock of sheep, as few as "^^fe The mushroom mold on ;

'^^ three a herd ; a concourse,

K^.„„ bread or paste; fat, '^kw'an,
a group, a multitude, a horde, moldy ; ti' 'ftio an, toadstool
a company men of the same ; ''kw'an kioai' a sort of fine,
sort ;
friends, equals, compan- quilled cassia ;
^looHs' b'-kw an
ions, feilow-officers ; a form of fine mushrooms raised on
the plural number to sort ; muck.
with, to agree with ikio'an ; '^ A threshold; door.posts a ;

ishatifn, all living ],^kvoan Hong, small door in a gate ; door

a company, messmates; ikw'an of the female apartments
ttii^ to form a group,
iTndi yat, females; '/cto'an noi^ and "^kivan
to go together ^mdi Jcic^an, ; ngoi^ are terms used for with-
to consummate a marriage. in and without the palace, the

'iaj Sincerity, singleness of heart; court and country.

j}'^ unadorned, simple, said of 'J^ A general name for deer ;

style "kidan shati unafFect-
; .^ perhaps specially the Antilo.
ed, simple-minded iyung ;
pe gutturosa, the doe of which
ishan ts6^ 'kw'an, I can not is hornless, and both sexes
forget your kindness used — are easily frightened.
at the end of letters. ';^ To take up and put in order,
*4cg To tie or put together ; to K^n '° P"^ ^^ rights to complete ;

v\ plait to make firm bv beat.

an unfinished work.
ing, to work at ^k'p an ku' ; '^ Paths between or among
to weave sandals. Same as t?^, buildings or rooms in the
the next. palace ; to dwell in ^kivai ;

'^ttlTo bind, to tie up with cords, kw'an, a virtuous woman.


^,^^to fetter to plait, to braid '^^

A large fish ; name of the
a border or fold on the skirt £^^jj father of Yu the Great, who
of a garment for ornament to ; lived B. c. 2200.
hem, to put on a band or fold '/^ ;
Imperial robes embroidpVM
'^kw'auHens, to bind the neck
Kwan {^ with dragons
'kvo'an ^min,

of a dress; 'kw'an'^pong, to bind robes and crown, a royai
up '^kw'an imdi yat:, ch'uk:, tie
; dress; '^kw'an '^kw'an 'hoi t'eng
thein up together '^kwan it'ii'i, ; worth hearing.
tape used for hems; 'kwan 'y^ Water flowing in a rapid,
(j)in,a broad fold; '^kvoan/ang bubbling manner; boiling,
to bind with rattans 'kwan / ^ ; welling up, rolling to roll, to ;

ixhan, to tie on the girdle; /u'icgo off"; to boil; 'kw'an 'shui,

(teung '^kw'an, to insert a fold boiling water ; ^kw'an pd^ dear
or band on garments. out, be off*! '^kw'an tdn' to go
'fga To bind with rope full, well- ;
away ;
Js'oi ^iin '^kw'an 'kw'an,

il*^ |)rovideH •
'•kiium IsoP j ^kioai capital must be constantly
to return


,. , ,

laden, circulating —a shop phrase .

successful in business. 'kiv'au Ian' boiled to ra;ia •

Ton. Dili. 27
\^kw'an liin^ <o make mistakes a door ;a gateway lo a market
7d '^kwan^ to roll about, to a frontier-pass : n place where
make a feint in fencing by goods enter, a custom-house ;

rolling over; '/o '^kw'an 'ngo, a post-house a limit, a line, a ;

he vexes me. boundary, both literally and

A ribbon, a cord; to sew, to metaphorically ; to bear upon,
stitch together
" : to bind, to efiect, to have a relation to
wan '

or connection with, to belong

A ruined house confined, ;

, cramped, cribbed, like a to, to concern, to allude to,

^ *" plant which has no room; ex- to involve consequences, ;

results to pass through or by

hausted, disheartened, weary, ;

worn out, jaded poor, beg- way of; to pierce, to penetrate;


gared weak, diseased want-

; ;
Moan maki the middle pulse

insufficient, needy to in the wrist; (kwan ;»o' or 7toi

ing, ;

weary, to repress to [kwan, the collector of customs,

tire, to ;

called a hoppo; ckwdn ^hau,

impoverish to influence so as ;

a custom-house itn Jcwdn

to hinder, to be the slave of; ;

^ngo sz" none of my business

hampered for want of; the
'/iT i'm (kwan (Sam, you did not
471 h diagram mourning for, ;

sorry, afflicted , oppressed with;

pay attention ;pat:, Jcwdn ship,
to put forth labor; fluster,
no connection with, indepen-
kun^ wearied out dent of; (kwan tsit^ covert as-
ed ; kw'aii'
kwan' confused by sistance the circumstances or
'..iO:^pP 'tsau
condition of; Hd (kwan tsit-, to
M drink kvian^ chu' to restrain,

give a douceur for underhand

to disable ; kw'an? '«/iau, poor,
aid Hsau (kwan mnki to act
nothing to do; kw'an' kiki

beggared Jiang Hi kw'an'fdt, on the boards sung^ Jcwdn, (o ;


pass free of duty (Kwan laV

in want of funds or baggage

the God of War (kwdn (Sam

on a jaurney. ;

^' Afflicted, enfeebled poor, ;
chiti' liu-
ly (kwdn hai^ results, consc-
look after it

JP^ distressed, in urgent want of; ;

quences '^hd(kwdn hai^ a very

urged by to distress, to ha- ;

pih straitened serious matter (kwdn (Cham, ;

rass ;
kw'ari' ;

a pin (kwdn (Cimng, " inside

kiDan' kap^ in need. ;

of the pass," is a term for

^' A round granary a spiral
twisted ;

kw'ari' contort- Shensi and the neighboring

regions : ik7odn(Shit, proposals
ed like roots, spiral.
to engage a teacher or secre-
tary df:: (kwdn is the money

(232) Kwan. sent with the letter.

Diseased, infirm, sick;in-
BH To shut or bar a door, to
to fasten, capable, incompetent for the
4'*'^ stop up a doorway ; v^^
for a ^^*" duties of; (kwdn^kun, an in-
""to f^x, to stop a tlwng
ol elficient ruler.
little while ; the cross-bar

^5P A a widower an
large fish ; ; The death of a prince or
old man, who has nevv-r been grandee to die many fleet,;
Hunw ; ;

married alone, single, unat-

; prompt (kwang ^kwang, the

tended ikwdticfu, a widower

buzzing or hum of insects.
ikwdn cA-ti, to live alone muki ; Noise of drums or belk, clam-
ishiung ikwdn (.kwdn, sleepless, or rushing of waters ; din of
restless. loud voices.
l^^ Accustomed to, experienced iKwang ikwang, roaring of
habitual, addicted to; practic- waters over atones dashing ;
K win
ed in ;
to slip, to of waves.
kwdn'sfiuki used to; hu' kwdn'
often going there '^fdn kwdfi' ;

very playful j'm kwdii' un-;

(234) Kwang.
skilled, unused to; kwdn' 'td,
to stumble and fall kwdn' ;
l^x' To wander about, to ramble,
eking, in the habit of; yut^
to take a walk, to go to and
ikdu kwdn' ^to, a fall ; kwdn' lai^
fro; hu' kwdng' to walk
the common way or custom ; abroad kwdng' iiin '^yam

'/d kwdn' to overlook, to be

ich'd, take a cup of tea after
easy with ; Hd kwdn' addicted a walk.
to gaming. A colloquial word; to lalch,
Ob' The two tufts made in *^ to fasten or loop two doors,
. dressing children's hair, com- with a string or hoop ; kwdng'
J? '.

monly called id kok) kai'.

itndi itnun, fasten the door
kwdng' '^kau, to tie up a dog ;
kwdng' long' a number or
(233) Kwang. load of things tied together.
To rub against, to run up-
WC The rumbling of wheels, on one in the street; kwdng'
',yP muttering of thunder, roaring (ts'an ^k'ii, rubbed against it

of cannon ;
a buzzing, stun- kwdng' ldn\shdm, to tear one's
ning noise ;
ilui ikwang, noise dress by catching it ktodng* ;

of thunder ;
^kioang lifi irasci. ^k'uloki Jai, catch it (a kite)
ble, ikwang ^kwang, ; down; H'ai nwdng' lookout,
stunning, as a noise ikwang ;
[lest I] run against you ! —
Jang, t\ie clang ofglas;-^, tin, or .. porter's cry.
other sonorous bodies.
n/- The upper arm, the humerus;
^"^' Jcwang s?
^ Colloquially called ^kw'dng,
as Jam ^kw^dng, baskets.
u* ^''^ ^"^"^
^^ ^ ^cham, to pillow his head on

'Kw'dng. A twig, a sprig, the

his arms. small stems of herbs and tree:*;
^k. A large cyalhiform goblet peduncles, stalks of leaves;
'J*'^ made of rhinoceros' horn '^kw'dng, willow twig""; ,fAl

Isau kwang, a wine cup. ^kw'dng, t\vig^», stalks.

;; ;

Wj KWAT kwAt.
^^ False, crafty, intriguing to ;

j?v^\ 'impose on ; time-serving,

<^'') Kvvat.
wily, crooked kical, chd' tor-
tuous conduct.
The bones of bodies wbat-
10- ;
4^ To dig into the ground, to
ever is hard that is inclosed in ^'•^^ excavate, to scoop, to open,
something as the ribs of
soft, to hollow out kwali dung, to :

leaves, sticks amonj^ leaves, dig a hole: kwati ikam, to dig

knots in cloth, or seams in for gold ; kwtiti '^cKung to dig
garments ; the 188lh radical a grave ; kwati Jiang, to open
of characters relating to bones; a drain. Used for the nc\t.
the figure, the person kwal:, ;
iHS Rising loftily like a soliliiry
kdk-, lai^ a large, frame or per- peak eminent, dif<tiiiguish-
17^\ ;

son ; yaUfu'k'irat:, kak-, a skele- *^*

ed kwali Vti standing alone,

ton ; shv} kwat-, heart-wood ;

/ra Obstinate, opinionated Artro/,

kwal-, Hsz^ particular, exact,

Kmeh '^'^""i^' [-(.rverse, willful. A
finical ; kwat, yuki brothers,
colloquial word
cut otT : to
children, relatives by blood ;
stiort ; a dull or broken point
shati' kwaty ju ipli^di, lean and
abrupt a way stopped up ;

bony as a slick ;

regardless of his promise; '/a«

^tnd du kwaty
W kwati the road is stopped ;

shitl, wd^kwati an abrupt sen-

,:i kwalr to turn against one for and kwat^ are
tence ; itsim.
a slight cause (Sung kwat:, to
opposites, sharp and dull.
crack the joints tsz^^ ^yau ;

kwal, liki the characters are

vigorously written ; tsW kwat,
it'au, you baseborn runt ; kwat,
(236) Kwat.
ip'dJ, dominoes.
The noise of waves to con- ;
Jf-'^ To pare or scrape off, to
J'"'', found, to mix ; to unstop, to \ ^\ abrade, to rub or rasp to ;

let tlow out ; to rise, to float burnish ; to even off grain ; to

kwat, icliau, to confuse. kwat, siuk,
raze ; to extort ;

Read Mit,; a river in Hii- to scrape met. to op|)ress to

; ;

pan, called Mut, Jo ckong, cheapen kwdt, dsiung, to stif-


which enters Tungt'ing Lake fen cloth kwdt,ip'wg, to even


on the southeast. (grain) Hau kwdt, a striker

; ;

small kind of orange ipiitg tV (fong, to des-

1^ A ku'dt,

^^' ikain kwat, the Citrus madtirr troy a place; kwdt,muknS^ung

e/j*w, or kumquot orange, used (hon, to rub one's eyes find lo

for sweetmeats ; ciaw kwat, treat well —spoken of another's

. . Hsz' tai' a dear little fellow ;
sudden prosperity It' kwdt, a ;

kwat, Jmng, dried orange-skin tongue-scraper. Kwdt, is used
brought from Hwa chau in in Canton for a quarter, in
the S. NV. of Kwangtung. imitation of the English sound.
; ;


jM;? A sort of coarse hempen

J^T' fabric, made of
the Dolichos ;
(037) Kwik.
anciently, used for towels and
1 A rrack, a chink, a crevice,
fissure, a cleft, a gap, an
^l' pied
Silent, from being unoccu-
empty, solitary, alone.
ji^, i interstice ; leisure-time, an ;

Kih '
interval ; an occasion for, an
Opening for variance ; suspi-
cion, dislike ^yau kwik-, split, ;

as a board suspicious, resent- ;

(238) Kwing.
ing JLs'am kwik^ to seek occa-

sion against ; (hdn kwik) at

leisure t/nfj kwik^ ccAi <.kdn,
door-bar or latch outside
in an instant. of a door to bolt or bar a;
water-course in fields; a door; a bar or frame in a
Jr. 'moat: a sluice for water:
chariot to hold weapons an ;

overtiowing. ear or handle ; ikwing imun,

Same as the last. Read to bolt the gate; ^kwing Jiwing^

j^' wik, to flow rapidly; a current

to examine.
water foaming and rising.
Quiet, silent, peaceful ; taci-
m '""^
desert or void place, a
wild remote from towns the
edge of a forest.

^""^^ '
^"'*^' tsing' peaceful,
undisturbed. '^ri Distant, remote ; profound,
Bp^ To take the heads, or to vague ; an abyss ; to forbid.
] Kiling
j^' ;^cut offthe left ears of persons To examine with a clear
^(j\ killed, or prisoners taken in /•"* light
"S""' ;
"i •^••••'^'~, lustre

Kwoh and send them to

battle, ^ 'kwing ^kwing, eflTulgent
court —
(his was done in an- 'Aril A garment without any
cient times as evidence of ^fbl'v '^lining and of a plain color;
victory the face. «tS to drag or lead one along
; 1

tf^ The gash or marks made by Ki.ii/g quickly.

Kw^jh ^ ^'S^''
^^hen seizing his prev; ':jrr« Void, waste, desert remote ; ;

a surname name of a state "Wii also, bright, lustrous '^kxoing


in the Tsin dynasty, now "'""^pi/, very difiereijt.

YungVi'ing hien in K'4ifung 'ffra A large and fat horse, one
fu in Hoiian. in good case; a pasture or M^
*""^ paddock for horses
^^ To terrifv, to make afraid 'kwing ; ;

^^ alarmed as when seeing a ; '^kwing ^mau 'fljd, robust, fine

tig'T : a kind of fly. stallions.
is The tailor bird, called 'A/fu '1©. Toadvert to and understand,
j/^y;i 'niii, " the cunning wife," ,\r*> (o be excited u|)on : distant,
an<i many other names; it toappear remote; kwmg kok,
sin<js at (he equinoxes, and to perceive. Also read 'king
marks the seasons. in the Fan Wan.

214 KWlT. K'.VO.

cause and effect; absorpfion

into Budha jti 'kwo hai^ 'kdm^
Kwit. ;

is it so, really
? or as a reply,
it certainly is so; 'Ajoo *pa/j,
A squeaking noise at night, call,
sorts of fruits ^ktoai ching*
ed kwiti isheng, is thought to ;

"^kiooy to reform one's conduct

be the cry of ghosts the ;

jwi tik-> '^kwo ishang, this fruit is

squeaking of mice; clever,
green y'an 'kwo, meat cakes
astute, sagacious kom^ kwiti

so smart — suid of children.

steamed ^t'ong 'kwo, sweet

meats 'kwo lipi plates of fruit;


iShi 'kioo, fruits in season; 'kioo

(240) Kwo. Mn, a fruit-market; ^k'i sz'-

paWkioo, the matter is not yet
ended. The second character
A kind of halberd, the cross is commonly used for fruit.
bar of which is used as a hook; The solitary wasp or sphex ;
the 62d radical of characters 'ktoo 'lo, wasps, which impri-
referring to arms warlike ;
son caterpillars in their nests.
weapons '^cham ikioo top tan-
To bundle up, to wrap or
laid on their arms till morning;
Ko wind around to envelop a ; ;

tung- (kon Jcwo, take up

to bundle the receptacle
; of
arms, to commence war. flowers, place where the fruit
"j To strike, to whip a horse sets; 'kwo k^uki to bind the
.m ) a switch, a lash; grass, plants

feet cpdu 'kwo, to wrap up

wide, easy hunger ; the first

ichong 'kwo, habiliments of the

Ko of these is also read cc/id. dead 'kwo H'd, a belly- wrap-


A branch of the R. Hwdi, per, a stomacher.

Ko which Honan, and To

rises in overpass, to exceed, to
flows S. E. into it at HwA,i-
Kwo go beyond, to pass along ; to
yuen hien in Nganhwui. pass, to spend, as time be- ;

1 Edible fruits, fruits with yond, further ; to transgress,

i seeds or kernels in them to ;
to violate propriety an error, ;

overcome, to surpass results; ;
a transgression, an impru-
Ko to conclude, to see the end dence, a sin of ignorance; de-
of; courageous, hardy ; really, notes past time, the pluper-
truly, indeed ; perfection or feet a sign of comparison,

nigbun of the Budhists pak:, ;

great,much, too; the 28th
"ktvu, all sorts of fruits 'Awjo ; and 63d diagrams, are called
siH, certainly kih '^kwo ^k'ii,
; tdi' Arico'and 'siu kwo'; kwo' hii'

tinish him, make away with to go, togo by hii' kwo' Jai, ;

him, said of criminals; 'kwo gone, I've been there tsoi'' hit' ;

fii/i' to decide finally or justly ; kwo' go again t'dP kwo' a ;

'^kiro'tsz' fruit; 'kwo'kom, great great blunder ;

pat, kwo' Mim
courage, intiepid iyan Livo,
ko' onl) threp, no more than


three ; J(wo\thai^ or A/oo' isJian, a sovereign : 'pf/n hook, my

deceased ; s'm kteo^ taki V mis- country ; tshdn kwoh a hilly
taken, 1 was in error ;
j'm ktooi' country ; ktooh ckd, the state ;

tak) /»«' impassable, I can't kwoh ^mo, the empress ; iigoi'

do it 'Ad kwo^ better, improv-
; hook-, foreign countries ; tdi^
ing ; 'Ad kwo^ ko' tik> better iTs'ing kwoh the Manchu
than that ; J'eng hoo' I have empire 'hi mali ^yd ;
kwoh ^fon
heard it shV kiod' I have tried
; what country are you of? ^tvn,
it kwo' ik'i, it is past the hour
; kwoh the kingdom of keaven ;

(td hoo' tak; I can get along Jioi kwoh to found a stale ;

on a pinch ; it will do ; well, clmi' kwoh the contending

make it do ; kwo* it'av, too, states, about B. c. 400-260.
very ; a common superlative, Jjffl A kind of small green frog,
nsjfuli kwoi* it'au, too broad ; ^'^. called Jajt kwoh with long
jTian kwo^ hard to get by, or thighs.
over, or along kiu' ^k'ii Hsati ;
A hempen cap or kerchief
kwo' Joi, tell him to come
Kwoh worn by women when mour-
quickly yt?<7o\Ai«, gone, past
ning ; a female headdress ;

ifing kioo^ evenly balanced or ikan kwok, ichi yuh the " dis-
matched, at quits kwo^ y^^ to
pass the night kwo' ikwong, ;
grace of kerchiefs,"
troon ry.
pol- —
to gloss over, to make a false To slap one's head or mouth;
show kwo' ^lid it'im, wait a
^ ', often pronounced kwdh in
while 'yau tjco' faulty, guilty;
; Canton.
kwo' tsd- season past, as fruit
po; liteal space ; the
deceased kwo' shan^ too cau- ^t^' calf of the leg.
Kwoh »
tious 5'm its'ang kiri' ktod' I
^1/ The wall inclosing the gates
have not seen it kwd* sun' ;
^' '.of Chinese cities, forming a
yat-, 9 give me a little credit;
greater security for defend,
jmo hoo' j« shi^ none better ing the gate, commonly call-
than this hoo' ko' (pin, go ;
ed vng' Jiiin ; a surname.
on that side itn hoo' lak:, ;
fiijF Hide, dressed and curried
'^shan, don't give it into his
\ skin, with the hair taken off.
hand hoo' tah ^ngdn, into-
I can not suffer it. ^ A coffin or box which
true coffm mea-

Kwoh closes the ; to

sure ; sheh kwoh a stone
(240 sarcophagus.
A state, country, kingdom, Kvvong.

> empire ; a nation, a people


}h region; national, govern- :^ Light, splendor, lustre illus. ;

Kwoh tnenta! mdn^ kwoh all nat. 'I/'-* trious, brilliant, bright ho-
ions ;

kwoki iwoiigf his majesty;

nor, eclat, glory
^1,1met. one s ;

;; ;


presence ; naked, smooth, sively diffused or made known;
bare, only, barely
bald to ; ; ^ktvong tap large, profound,
illuminate, to adorn, to reflect as one's learning or estate ;

crediton yali Jtioong^ day- ;

'^kwong iP^ng, to publish
light Jfwong (Sin, smonth and
; everywhere 'Kwong Uuvg ;

new.; ^kwong it' an, bald, hare- isheng, (ho city of Canton Hd ;

headed ikicong Hsoi, splen-

; 'Kwong Jung, an old resident
did shaved clean ^fan ngoi^
; ; of Canton ^L^img ^Kicovg, ;

tkwong, too bright ; itdikioong the two Broad provinces ;

Hiu, all consumed, bare of Uung^ "^kwong, able to drink

Jid Jttco7ig, a nimbus on the much.
head of idols ikwong slip a ; f/r Wild, incoherent talk ; to
sunbeam, a gleam of light ,? , deceive, to mislead, to lie
fong' tkwong ich'ung, a glow, to "^kwong iin, lying words ;

worm (kwong min^ ckang iju,

; yau' '<.vz' ishhung ,,md sW
eye-service tkwong Jsung, to ; 'kwong, children never mis-
glorifj' one's ancestors, by lead one.
one's good conduct fong^ ;
'1 The ore of iron, lead, and
(kwong, incandescent han' ;
,> other metals minerals; the

tkwong, we wait for your pres- j

lode of metals, gen)s in the
ence /s^' ikwOng, to borrow
; Kwang matrix ;
/.'»<> kwong' iron ore,
clothes (jackdaw-like) or other ironstone.
articles of one (kwoiig ixhan ;

ilaif come without any bag-

gage ; naked tkwong ^indng, ;
(243) Kw'ong.
the light is too bright.

A kind of palm like th«! areca, <j\ Mad, crazed, raging, raving,
^ called ckwong ih'tg, of which
"^ sedan thills are made; a
K i
v/M, incoherent; hasty;
unable to judge about mat-
cut water (ki Javong, the ; ters, stolid ;
cruel, irascible ;

beamof the loom. eccentric, enthusiastic, new-

jJU, Watersparkling and glisten- fangled, precipitate, rash, im-
ing in the sun ; a river in prudent, —
often sneeringly ap-
g(^^„g^. ^jjg. ^/ftff,jng ,kwong plied to the acts of others ; de-
martial, threatening. ranged, insane, delirious

nJ^ The bladder is called ip'ovg ikw'ong ^mong, extravagant,

<kioong, the last word refer- mad, vicious ; '/sou Jcio'ong,
k1 "^ ring to
its breadth. sillyfrom liquor fdl:, ikio'oug, ;

Broad, extensive, wide, spa- raving mad ^kw'ong ^liiln, a

'^fe ;

cious ;
to en-large, ample mad dog ^shii ^kw'ong, book-

kwang mad, pedantic ^kw'ong ts'o^i

large, to broader or make ;

wider, to extend ; to increase ; light-minded ; moki ko" kdm

to diflTuse a body of 15 ;
ikw'ong, don't be so hasty
chariots; ^kivong Jimg, cxteu- ^,kw'on" sing' headstrong.
LA. LAf. 217

'F'o prepare ground for rice

C>44) La. black, dark brown;

ruunerous Jai iVning, early
A finnl particle expressing

Jai ^man, ttie black-

certainty, permission, or what
will do ; it often follows pa\as
haired race the Chinese; Jai —
chtitig'the people, a multitude,
"^('ai pa' Jd, comn, let nie see ;
all iLui jftin^ tribes of abori-
'Ad M, well ; Uiiti^ 'k()rn Jv,

gines in H.uitati I.
do fsd' .«'- Ji Jd, lo
that will ;

do things wrony, Ht sixes and A kind of lierb, whow? leaves

are edible when youtig, and
sevens Jd tpd, a long pipe

or hu|ile, called Jiii M- trie stalks canes when fit for

'l\» take with the H tigers, to

grown ; a
of golden rod

p'rii' s/tf/, a confused multitude;

grab at, to clutch up; '/a ''hi
up. Jai ch^iing' a cane tsat^ Jai, ;
Jai, tak«j it
a spinous herb used in oph-
A crevice, a cleft, a crack or
very slight fissure ^yau Id' ;

it is cracked, opened; lau- W f A colloquial word used for 5^

leaky to escape, to elude
; ; W Joi ; to come
used with other verbs, to de-
; able ; to begin •

Ji /a' Jung, a cranny, a hole,

note a command, as cni/ig ^c/i'd
by-placo Ad' Id' 's^, write ii

Jai, bring tea here; a final

between the lines; /d' ^ckd,
dirty, fouled ;kwik, a cause
particle, making the present
perfect tense ifou^ Jai yau^ hit'
of offense ; a crack hong^ Id' ;

a very narrow alley. coming going; Jai j'/ra

J^'ft^tg, has he come yet ? 'f'ai
A final particle, used when a
matter is finished, or will d<» Jai ts'au' Jo, see if it can do,
or will suit Jai lok, cominij
as it is; '^kdm md' Id' well, as ; !

-^iised as a reply c/d/i Jai,

you say t^b' mat, ^yi Id' what

comfe back fxd' maL '^^ Jai^

have you been doing ? ;

what have you b»^en doing?

cli'uly ikdi Jai, \ have been
out ; Jai 'chi ip'di, to play
(245) Lai. cards.

A word to turn,
colloquial ;

jg^ A plough ; to plough, to pre- as Hoi 'chiin /an, to turn the

pare ground for crops day- ; head stiH', as fan' Hai "-heng,
Li ;

break, jast before dawn a ; a stiflT neck from shiepmg

piebald ox forms part of the ; awry to accuse falsely %ii
; ;

name of hordes of Huns Jai ; ^k'il tsi^ ts'dki impeached him

'7d, old and grimed with dust; as a n»l)ber ; <m« '/«/ '//«, in.
yat^ 'pd Jn'u a plough Jni Jd, ; volved hiiri .alsely ; 7«/ \shau
a colter ;
Jai /in, to p!ougli ;
"pi., give it behind hi-- back ;

ifii Jai. a ploughman. if/an, 7at 'shall db '^ttnng, he'll lake

Interchanged with the next. less if tie is bent c^*wn.

Ton. DiCT. 23

319 L^l. LAtI

Propriety, etiqueUe; cere-
acts wliici) are
'^nfionies, rites,
—presum|)tuous ignor.
jjJLj meet when serving the gods ;
A whetstone ; to grind, to
H decorum, manners, politeness;
rub, to sharpen to inspirit, to;

the rules of society, what is excite, to animate to disci-

^ -
requisite and hecoming to a pline ; to con) me nee

; severe,
station ; ofticial obeisance, harsh, stern, majestic ; raging,
worship courtesy, prompted
; furious, violent, cruel, exces.
by good feeling; offerings, aj sive, tyrannical ;
ugly; to ford
gift required by usage Hat ji, ; a stream ; dangerous disease ;

or ikon Hai, a present of mon-j dm lai- severely strict lai' ;

cy Hai sho^ requirements of!

; itnan, to oppress the people ;

politeness, rules of society ;

lai\piiig, to animate troops;
Hai mdu- good manners ; hdih, lai- '^kwai, an orbate spirit,
'/at,courteous jwio Hai, im-j ;
a fierce demon. Used for the
pertinent, rude (kam yati Hai\ ;
four following.
pdi' to-day is Snbbath yat, ; I ]V To exert to encourage, to ;

Ao' Hai pdi' a week

Hai pdi' ; animate; to urge to ^min lai^ ;

i^ Tuesday Hai pdv /otlg, a
to rouse up to effort.
church; sung^ Hai, to send a! '^'^ cross a stream on step-
^' ping-stones, to ford a rivulet
present 'Zai ikani or Haisz''*^ ;

money paid at betrothing ; j

cslunn tsak, lai, if deej) then get
sitapi Hai, a present (not of stones to cross.
money) ; Hai cto, obsequious ; yA^^ Foul, virulent ulcers, plague
iSli^utig Hai, usual etiquette;] '^ij^ sores ; a pestilence, epidemic :
^hang Idi^ Hai, to perform a noxious vapors,
high obeisance Hai <foiig, the ;
gf^^ A coarse kind of sandstone,
department or office in a yd- a whetstone for sharpening
mun which attends to obser- tools ; sandstone.
Ini^ sheki
vances. fj^' Coarse, rougt), food ; unhull-
3^ Sweet or newly distilled spir-
ed or unclcansed rice; lai*
made from
glutinous rice shiki coarse food ; its'd lai^
U its,

sweet, applied to fountains;


plain —applied to fare.

A rock oyster, called hnaii
'hiung Hai, an imperial feast
'Isau Hai, spirits used in sacri-

lai'; lai\fong, the shell of this

fice. m()llut.k used as a medicine.

Name of a river 'emptying %W A stag walking and then
is. into Tungting Lake; -Lai '^j^ stopping an adjective of

ichau, an inferior prefecture praise ; elegant, graceful, glo-
in the north ofHunan. rious, adorned, good, lovelv,
A wood borer, bugs which fair, beautiful — according to
cat wood; ip'dng Hai, a marsh the character of the noun
in Yangchau fu. Read,a. luxurious, extravagant; flow,
calabasii H Jai ch'ati:, Hioi, to
; cry, bright : a pair
to couple, ;

lueasure the ocean with a attaclied to, belonging to, as


LAI. LAli 21<)

clothes or the hciirt do to the! A fruit tree, the lichi or lai-

body; a boat; a beam; aj ch; (Dimocarpusleche); a kind

number ; to hit ^wd lai^ mag. of tlag with fibrous roots

nifical ; 'mi lai- beautiful ;

ktcaP luki lap ichi, small-pit

(Ko lai^ kicoki Corea ;

^siung laichi, the best sort ; tdP Jio

lai^ proportional, corres- tjpdu lap iChi, the early laichi.

fu- j

ponding to, as guilt and pu-

(24G) Lai.
fiiji* A pair, a couple, as husband
1^ and wife; together with com- ;

panion-i, mates, fellows ; k'ong" The last child ; Jdi Isai, the
lai^ a match, youngest child Jdi ^ini, the ;
riia^ To look at, to gaze ; -/J/^aw last one .ktcd Jdi, any small

^W". lai- lai- to stare at ; hii 'mai ckwd or melon?.

lai^ chij} '/Jgo, don't stare at To pull, to drag along or up
me. to one to lead
; to claw, to ;
BBf^ Name of a place in the state seize with the talons or lingers;
^C Lu, now comprised in the pre- Jdi ktP to saw Jai tsiirP to ;

fecture of 'J'angchau in Shan- work a bit Mi ''ch'i, to pull,


tung a surname, ; to tear apart Jdi chip to hold ;

iti^ To compare together, to to detain by force ^Co Jdi ;

', ,' class'ify, to adj ist, to arrange ; 'shau, to take one's hand in
laws, rules, regulations, direc- walking Jdi IdnP to pull a

tions, by-l;jws ; order, disposi- boat Jdi lak^ i^gan, to borrow


tion of thing*, mode or custom money lai mano^ to pull to

; ;

of; tsaki lai' rules of the borrow money Jdi ^cli'iin Jni ;

Boards; regulations; 'pi lai^ pdP no one will trust me Jdi ;

to compare fan' lap or iWai ; tak^fo' (o get goods on credit

lap to oppose or break the law ;
Jdi kwo' tik^ move it along a
(hoi lap to make a rule s'm ; little;Jdi id, to settle a matter,
hufh sz'^ lap it is not the way to hush up or quash an affair ;

or custom lap /au, a regula-

; Jdi ^td <yan^ to nab a man, to
tion lap «/t«u- "would have
; arrest one; Jdi ,fdy open work-
legally been given," a phrase — ed carving Jai koi' ip'ing kwai'

applied to titles of deceased even now, the matter is balan-

graduates lap paU <Ju, not
; ced. Read lap-, in the Fan
according to etiquette or taw; Wan.
ten^' lap a settled custom ;
A colloquial word ; to leave
inhing lap it has become a behind one, to omit, to pass
CUStlMU. over; tired, indisposed to; Jii
JLr.r Trees growing
rows a in ; Jdi kwat:, ts'ik, tired out, my
"^1 } kind of worn! used by cart- back aches Jdi lau' careless, ;

wrijihts. Rt-ad hi, a kind ol slovenly Jdi J'au sat. ^ini,


wiltl rlicstnut. negligent in everything.


220 LAI. LAK.

A virulent blotch or eruption; (247) Lak.

the leprosy or a scrofiilou><
aHection like it ; now applied til* The ribs, the side of the
to the itch, the impetigo, and 'y body ; laky Hm, the side ; lak^

other chronic cutaneous dis- shdky kumty the ribs (or ; Hd

eases ; (Iton /««' the itch ; shap, t'uh) cliiky Inky barebacked ;
ldi' theimpHtigo; ^shan^ Idi^ to strip laky kaky rugged, un-

to have the itch ; IdV (Sin, even, as a path ; l^kyit'iu kwafy

one covered with itch ; Iq,'^ a spare rib ^kai lak, '' lien's ;

(Ch'ong, itch sores. ribs," is a useless thing or

*fe*1 To depend on, to lean on ;

num. Often pronounced lak,.

^^jVtorely on, to confide in, to \h To

divine with fifty straws
wp I trust to ; to {jissiimp, to act y^/ between the fingers they are ;

Lai on a falsity, to trump up; to reduced to 49, and divided into

profit one's s«'lf, to get advan- two parcels at hazard, from
tnge ; to Civluniniati*, to accuse one of which a straw is taken
falspiv ; to bave, to forget and put by the little finger,
it'd Idi^ to involve the guiltless and four others then selected
in punishment ; {Wio ilill ^inb to put with it, the remainder

lar^ Hying by hi* wits, a hap- of the parcel being distributed

haziird living itndhW icin /^ :
between theotiier two fingers;

no dependance on, a loafer, a the other parcel is then divid-

lazv fellow, a suspicious chap; ed in the same manner on the
Idi^loki to forget to tal^e a\yay; other hand, and the lengths
trumped up
ldi} shcl' to extort a of the two compared with the
del)t kung^ ^k^u Idi^ linn^ very
64 diagrams to ascertain the
intimate with him Idi^ Jim luck. Also, to hind.

fsz'' to omit a charqicler Idi^ ;

A bridle-bit, a curb; a head-
shing^ pal) /iu, left one behind stall ; to bridle, to rein in, to
me }m^ ts'o' to accqse falsely, restrain ; to oblige, to require,

a groundless charge. to force todo to exact unjust, ;

ly, to to engrave, to cut

vex ;

its' Fallen in ruins ; remiss in

in stone to tie up or around,
sacrificing; cchix ldi' to purse,
Lii to strangle 'ma l-aki ^ horse's ;
to imprecate.
bit ; laki soky to extort ; to
^W ^ water vegetable, a sort of compel one to take up with :

T-Ti celery ; to pqver, shaded ; isdm laki cliii^ c/ieki '///«, hold in
Idi^ capoor ciftchpry- the horse; laki du, to lit-j^bv

^^' A
musical pipe with three the waist ; lak^ yik^ to force
tubes or ree<ls any arrange- ; or insist on doing; lak^ <(/'"'
uient of tubes or pipes u ; to re(|iiire to resign ; lak, chd
wlii^^ing, moaning, or sough- to oppress in order to get
ing no|se fvt Idi'tsz" imin(i,
monev ; /t/A, 'jj' to strangle
the whistling of the Wind. to deul^h.
LAK. LAM. 221

^ A spinous and thornv kind

.of hamhon, used for hedges ;
m Dropping dripping, water
running off; to soak, to mois-

fmmboorofits ; spines, thorns ;

ten, to wet Jam (fa, to sprin- ;

Leii Inkikom' asahrnni- ifii'ti,rough kle flowers'; Jam Ji, soaked,

ble laki lam' a bramble or
; drenched, continual drop,
quickset bush; 'fO(i/^unirlakia pine chiii^ j'aii Jam, to throw

cactus 'f A'di ch^uki laki to

; water on one Jam shap) wet ;

stick a thorn in the foot. The through.

first character is also read Interchanged with the last;
tkan; the second is unauthoriz* a timely rain of three days
ed. fail; incessant rains ;,Admj/aw,
an opportune shower ; 'ii J^m
(248) Lak. d'aii, wet in a shower ; met.
care taken after losing things.
A final particle, implying a
fullfdment, a finish of a mat.
'//d Idk^ very well
; so, ;
A kind of pr.;cious stone,
species of prnoc.
ik'au Jam, perhaps a

that will do
certainly, he's gone.
; no more ; hu'lak,
disease of the
bladder or
a strangury or dysury

arising from any cause ; cshd

<2<n) Lam. Jam, gravel hut, Jam, bloody ;


* A
down over

a gabble, reiteration a? Jam


to cover or bend
kom^ clam lut^ such
To look down upon, to behold
with a care for, to superin-
tend ; a superior regarding or
girl of the streets; 'ching
'/.?fli,a going to an inferior; to bless
ilam likt make it sloping a or curse, by coming to; to des-
little ; dam Jam ts^uki a hoot, cend upon to go to to com. ; ;

ine owl ; (fa. Jam, a flower mence, at the point of, about
bud. to do during, when, time of

A grove, a clump of trees or meeting makes the present


bamboos ; a wood, a forest ; a gerundive the 1 9lh diagram ;

Lin ;
luxuriance X)r abundance of; great; Jam '«' near death,
one's village or native groves ; when he was dying Jam ^man ;

a group of, a company ^ch'd : to superintend or govern the

Jum^ a tea-shop ; Itiki Jam, a people Jam shnV to come

mountain in Hupj'h, hence a into the world ; ,taan Jam 'fai,

den of tliieves ; liiki Jam hdk-, go and see myself; Jam ^shi
a band of robl)ers shiV Jam, a ; 'n^'sz^ to hinder a matter at
fdre^f : it^ Jam Im-
ku-au, the the time; Jam //w' going .,hm ;

)>«'rial (i lard ; ^ynm Jam, an hip. Jam jnons., to hurrv onf's

out of the WMV place, a bvr- s"lf, be quirk Jam y/^ night-

ciiiner : Jtim hd' itt'oi 'rUii, an fall : JiwnniJ Jam .mdn alU^ vou
opulent retired otijcer. hoijoi luy luuulet Jam ,skum,;

222 UAMI LA Ml.

to face or brave danger, fear, to hide in the crowd ; Jam^
less ; when he
J,am loki dau, its'ai, to pile or lay even ; lam^
goes down stairs Jam Hd yapi ; its'^ung, to lay a wall.
tjd its'ung, to take a young
wife wiien old ilam t'ip^ to ;
(250) Lam.
imitate a writing; Jamching^
to examine diseases;
Covetous, greedy of gain ;
iCliiu, to be at a levee J-am ;

to desire, tolong after Jan ;

sJu'm/i, tinrjc of childbirth.

J,dm, avaricious, niggardly;
Shivering with cold great ;
Jam sdpi grasping, close Jam ;

cold an awe-inspiring man-

dsong, hoards obtained by
ner ; trembling, fearing, as griping dealings ;

people slioiild in presence of Vapor or cloudy mist on a

rulers Ham, Ham, piercingly
hill is called ishdn Jdm
awe-struck ; Ham Hi, Lan
cold ; name of a hill near Tayuen
stern, terrific; Ham ^tsun, trem- fii in Shansi.

bling obttdionce. B;iskets, usually with cross

government granary
corn-house, a grange, a ddpQt
to give grain to
; a
handles, made of bamboo, wire,
or-t^tan',Jdm(kw'dng, baskets
for grain ;
in general ; cwi (Ch'lung 'i
students ; di'ong Ham, a gra- Jdm, to -back a long-eared
nary Ham lulci the stipend for

certain students ; Ham ishang,

basket —
to be a beggar c/a ;

Jdm, baskets made of flowers.

a stipendary siiitsai ';>d Ham, ;
A plant used to dye blue,
to get on the list of stipenda- iftn. the Isatis Jam shik, a blue

ries. Lail
or indigo color ;
^y^tmg Jam,
A colloquial wprd ; to sooth,
foreign indigo ; Hd Jam, blu3
to make sleek, to soften what black Jdm ct'in, the blue

is harsh, to smooth ; Ham ctsltn field, a famous place in the

1 .
it'iii 'mt, smooth its tail, m,et.
district of that name near Si-
polish or mollify his expres-
ngan fu in Shensi ; Jdm tin^
sions. native indigo. Used for the
Fear, respect ; Ham Ham, se-
rious, afraid of, reverentially
Lin A single coverlet ; ragged,
obedient or accordant to.
mean clothes, without Collar
Tonourish, to give, to sus- or trimu)ing d ^shdm J/im lii^

tain, to provide food or pay tattered raiment Jam Haii, ;

for ; to give out grain. dirtv, as raiment.

;,Ki)mHdm, the Canarivm, of
up, to lav

group, to go in a crowd
to pile
on each othnr a

which the pdl(i Ham
Canurium album and ;

the <«

sooth, to soften what is harsh ;

7a«i is the Viinarium pimela ;

lam^ 'hi, pile it up lam' ^rh'd, ;

Ham shi^ or Ham kok-, a con-
pile up tea "-isau iinui it/an lum^
diuient uf olive^j ; Jium Hdi/i,
LAMJ lan: '2-2S

.s.'iUcd olives; Jiau ^him, Atlatn's to float ; to soak ; excessive,

apple ; Jidm mukiHdm, to hold profuse, beyond bounds ; irre-
a wooden olive — silent ; Jiii gular, careless, loose, or law.
Hdm icali carved olive seeds. according
less, to the circum-
-4^- 1 To grasp, to carry with a stances Idm^ ; ipifigi illegal
j'^^^ firm hold, to carry in both punishments ; Idin^ f/ung^ to


Ldti in
arms ; to usurp,
; to monopolize, to hoard
to interfere
use profusely Idtn^ '^si, scrib-
bling; swjo Idm^ no excess;

grasping ; an armful 'Idvi fo^ ; Idm* fat' \o waste ; Idm^ Jidxiy

to engross goods '/«m '<»'?/, to ; to associate with the lowbred ;

carry in the arms, to seize all ; Zd77i^ Jioi shd^ muki to charge
Ham iindi pan- to manage higher than the settled price.
alone; Udm tt'au, head ma-
nager of an aflfair ich'di yah
Ham, an armfid of wood Hdm

A baluster, a railing,
of bars below a window a
den for furious beasts to cage; ;
a row

'pong, the last name on the list Idm^ Idm^ rumbling of car-
of kiijin graduates Hdm^shan ; riages Idm^iCh'^, a cart with

HdmsliaVio wrestle and play. n cage on it. Sometimes read

'^S To behold, to look at care- Kdm\ and used for the last.
fully, to see from a distance ;
A war-junk a man-of-war ;

to understand, to perceive with strong bulwarks, a frig-

ynU Ham, at one view Hdm ; ate a kind of defended round-

slii- to see .kung aching «^ Hdm

; house on deck chin^ Idm' a ;

sent up for his majesty's in- man-of-war.

spection ; ip'ai Hdm, to publish
judicial cases to the |>eopIe ;
Hdm \kuii Jcam ^ku, an exten-
sively read man.
^S^^ A rope, a
hawser, a cable,
cLon. A colloquial word ;
speedy ^p'an Mn, in a hur-
^^ a painter to tie on, to bind

ry, quick.

with cord to drag with a ro|)e;


IdvO ^shu7i, to track a vessel ;

Idi^ Idni^ a cable ; Hd Idrn^

to twist ropes ; '/rui Ztiwr to
weigh anchor Idm^ ^fau pdk, A
^ colloquial word ; a bazaar
to bind on a mourning cap, ^ or row for the sale of an ar-
a funeral garb Jdi Mm^ to ; ticle;(hdm (hd Jdn. the salt-
haul the rope; Idm" 'A-d/t <'m shrimp row iYati Mn imun, ;

iindi, rope will not join

a the Oil-row Gale on the south

them, very unlike ; Jdm- Id" of Canton, called the Petition
n tracking path, Gate lok, Jdn hii^ gone to

vgt^ A fresh, a rising of water ; the bazaar : ,7ndi Jdn, to take

[™|-^ excess; incroaching, overflow, to the bazaar, to turn peddler
ing, violating, intruding on; 'kwo Jdn, the fruit market.

224 LAN. LAN.

DM To oversfep, to pass over fo ; the street ; iind (hrdn Jdn,

v** creep, to twine around ; dun nothing to guard itwith Jdn ;

ti^ to crawl on the earth ; Jau tsiti to stop the way Jdn iCau

/o/j^, to twine over, as a grape cfiong' to wait to meet one.

vine grows, Swelling, continuous waves,
•tea A raihng or balustrade for Laii
surges dirty rite-water^; <pd

'T', a support and defense ; a pen j/d/i, rolling lUi Jdn waves;
or bar for animals ; to rail in ; ik'iu, the Eddy
returning (or
ildn ikon, a railing '//id J-dn, ; current) Bridge, the bridge
a horse pen. near the Factories.
^tf A general name
for gynan- A mixture of colors on ani.
d'"""'* and others with
flowers, Lan mals, mottled, speckled ^pdn ;

a single flower on a pedimcle; Jdn, striped, brindled.

used in a yood sense in com- A listless, lazy lout ; remiss,
parisons met. adopted, sworn; sluttish ; sleepy averse, disin-
Ldn ;

pleasant, delightful ; icku J,dn, clined to do Hdn to' lazy ; ; tdi-

the Chloranlhus inconspicuus ; sfiiki Hdn, a lazy glutton ; 7o

tiv' ildn, the air-plant kiti pdi' ; Hdn, to shirk work ; Hdn \tdn,
Jcam Jdn, to adopt one for a dawdle ^shan Hdn,
to lofe, to ;

sister ;
Jdn Hs4,an adopted to gape and stretch tso^ Hdn ;

sister ; M" Mngt a sworn bro- ixhan, an idler; Han Hd ki"

ther ; Jan ip'un y^ung^ cyathi- thing (fii, very easy work; yaft
form. (ShanHdn kwati incurably lazy.
A door-screen ; a wristlet To cook thoroughly, to boil
to shut in, to seclude, to sepa- to rags; rotten, corrupted, pu-
L&n Lau
rate; late, evening; failing, trid, over-ripe ;
torn, tattered,
fading, falling into ruins; few, worn out, broken, spoiled,
rare; in limited quantities, ruined; to break; splendor,
moderate ; Jidn yap^ to go in bright ; to oppress many ;

abruptly imiin Jan, a door-

very, a superlative, as /d/i' Jo,
screen; y^\ldn, the night near- a great many 'hong wd^ Idn* ;

ly past, very late. Hd, he s|>eaks very well Idn^ ;

To stop with the hand, to Hsai, a rascal Idn^ Hiau, a ;

hinder, to prevent ; to embar- blackguard cAjV Idn^ worm- ;

L&a eaten Hd Idti* to break Idn*

rass to divide, to separate;
; ; ;

,ch( ildn, to hinder, to prevent Hilt, broken, spoiled Zd«* j/idi, ;

seeing or going; lin ^u ^che old shoes Idn^ J'ung Idn^ I'it^

Jdn, to baniho<izlu, to dissuade, bits of broken copper and iron;

to use amphibology ; Jdn lii, Inn' iCh'di J'au, a hard knot to

to stop an officer's sedan ilan ;

met. a hard matter; /d«'

W 'tstunfi hip> to stop up the me/j^^ahard fate; lAu^ ^Cau

ro id lo rob men Jdn Jioi, to ;
H'ena, a reckless dare-devil;
part [combatants]; Jdn ^kdi /drt* (Chin /d Idi* a beggaily
hat, sliik, be^igars blocking up scamp who tries lo involve one.
; — ;


(203) Lanj catch one in a basket ; also,

to wear a false or paper bridal
coiffure t'dn' yal, lap^ lapy
n^ A colloquial word ;
a jingle
each basket of coal

lap. Ho
'^ of tin or glass vessels is raled
'^'«, humbugged him


Jtwang Junfi; onci dang U'eng, n glove yaU Heng Hau lap,
lap:, ;

a kind ot'tanka boat pushed by one umbrella hat; /opj chii'

two oars, common at Canton. 'slwri, to put on gloves; Zap,
Lang' A lot of things tied toge- chii- H('u, to put in a basket.
ther is called kwdng' lau^\ Similar to the last a pen
it" ;

-"•'or inclosure a basket for car- ;

rying game iChiilapi a basket
(•Jo4) Lang. ;

to carry pigs in.

(This is often pronounced Up.)

is read lang in the Fan Wan.)'
Cold, icv, chilly ;
frigid, in- ± To
stand erect, to stand ;
"1^* established, erect, fixed, up-
/" different;" still, clear; Hang lam' right to establish, to found,
"^ distant, neglectful, as friends;
to set up, to institute, to per-
insipid, as books; dull, as to agree upon, to settle,
fect ;

trade Hang Js'ing dsHng, still,

to fix, to effect ; to place in
quiet, alone Ha Hang chan' ;
order, to arrange; the 117th
to shake with cold faU ^Idng, ; radical soon, presently, the

the ague ^yan itsing Hang

; arrival of the time of; Hit lapi
'/lii'i, men's feelings are ve- stand up lap^ hdk^ instantly ;

ry changeable Hang t'iU I'U, ;

lapi ccA'wn, it is now spring
very cold; kam' Hang keuk^ one of the 24 terms; lap^ V or
"to forbid cold feet," means isam, to resolve on, deter-
to prevent strangers seeing mined lapi (kiing, to establish

small-pox patients 'Idng ;

one's fame ; '/li lap, keuk^ mi^
.shettne c/i/n^. "ose snuffling have you just entered
from cold ; Hang ngdng' 'shau upon these duties ? lapi liin^
kiuh hands and feet benumb- in disorder, all in confusion ;

^Idng ^ngdn H'ai kin' to

ed ; lapits'ipi to take a concubine
look at coldly or carelessly ; lapi'-pan, to reform, sown his
Hang Ui ,cham, a thermometer; wild oats; lapishatAo setup
Hang fan* /aw. China root.
a house, to marry lap^ ting* ;

k^uki engaged to stay.

(•255) Lap.
(2r,6) Lap.
A rain hat,
open basket, a hamper a
made of splints

ii|J| A colloquial word ; to take

'•-^' up a number of the
tIovc an imposition, cheat
thinijs in

lo hoodwink ;
iai' ifa lapi to arms ; to lump or take all toge-

To?f. Did. i:"y

; ;;

^26 LAT. LAT. LAU.

ther ('^58)
; 7dp> sWiut ^chai ka' ch'it' Lat.
lake and put them all there ;

lap, sWidi ^yait'^kij.o, how ni^ny i^itinjz, pun- piquant, hot,

are tliere in all ? gent,- acrid, taste, likepepper
'Jo hold and manhge to ; severe, heavy, as a punish-
y. .lump, to take together; Idpi ment; injurious, recriminating,
iindi yati Jtii, put them all in a as abuse Idli (tsiu, cayenne

pile ; Idpi sap, refuse, dirt, of- pepper kani' ifiu V/d Uti the

fal ; Idpi Idpi Isdpi tsdpi mixed prohibitions jjre very stric! ;

up, heterogenous, disorderly. J(d Idti a freshwater crali

n^ To sacrifice after the win- ha^ Inti '^shau, to " down a hot
j^j' ter solstice ;
to dry flesh ;
lap, —
hand," to punish severely ;
iitj the twelfth month ; Idpi dp, ishang tak, Ho Idfi precocious,
dried ducks ; Idpi Jton, to jerk strong while yet young.
meat ; Idpi m%^ cured meats ;
Intractable, wicked; inhu-
iChan Cambodia. Idpi kwok, ;
man, harsh to cut In twain, ;

4t^ Wax, beeswax waxy, wax- ; to mangle a row of things ;

T^^ed, glazed pdk^ Idpi insect ;

with interstices between them;'
wax obtained from bugs on the 'pi do Idli (hoi, cut it open ;
Idpi siiii^ or wax-tree ;• ifung: ehvvg^ Jioi yat, Idti Idti plant
Idpi beeswax ; Idp^ iiin, waxen them open rows Jiwdi Idti
in ;

pills ;
yellow or
Idpi slieki perverse, cross-grained; Jcdu
greasy quartz; Idpi 'chi, paper 'cKi Wi a dovetail. Often
smoothed^ with a soaped stone ;
confounded with ^|| Is'z'^.
Idpi '^peng,- wax tapfers ; tapi
Hsuh a hawfinch (the Cocco (259) Lau.
tkramteis melanura.y

^^ The leaf of the betel-pep.

'^^ ^er (Piper belle); a plant used
(257) Lat. f

^^m j
to catch fish ipi betel ; Mu
Lau leaf; ds'ing Jau, fresh pepper
A colloquial word ;
to let go, leaves ; '^Hoi (fung J,au, leaves
to leave off, to loosen ;
broken from Haifung hicn.
off, severed, come off, parted ; A colloquial word to throw ;

hi, take off your hand,

'^shau. or wear over the shoulders a ;

let go to part from, as ft lends

; cloak to hang down, as a

t'm tak, lal, it won't come off; sha wl does J,au ^yam miW a ;

lat, Hai, bottom fallen out, girl whose (lair covers her fore-

ruined ;
iCh'v laf. ^k'ii, lake it head tdi' dan, a cloak dau
; ;

down ;
lat, (huh' come apart or pok, (kan, to wear a shawl dou ;

off; 'tdlatf, broken off; ttsing ?sV ipan ip'i, false, only the
hit, cpin, smart enough to take skin of aman ; dan ^(iv ch'ut,
h'm queue off; tt'ui lat, ishan i^ dtdi,constantly asking him to
to got rid of a business. go out ; Vwjf shui dau, a bib.
;j ;;;

LAU. LAtr. 227

nA- Loquacity troul)!ePome and ;

A kind of vessel^ with high
J^ talkative Jau Joi Jau hii' ur-
,— stern galleries or frames made
ging, to talk much to get an in stories.
endj Jau i,yan ^mdi, to urge A^ The mole-cricket, called Je^
one to buy.
The 16th zodiacal conslella-
tion, it is in the head of Aries
Jau ;a kind of ant 'f'd Jaui

a four-horned fabulous goat


; Jau Ji, a small dragon-fly.

a surname an ox tied up a
; ;

j^ A sow in heat Jau cchii, a ;

troublesome number; frequent,

Lau ^^^^ ' ^ certain wild beast.
many a mound
; simple, ;

stupid. M^ A skull without skin or flesh;

/^ Crooked, curved huncliback, ;
P* c/ji Jau or tuk^ Jau, a skull, the
'j^ stooping; Jau ^chati ij/an, a upper bones of the skull.
beggarly fellow Jau '^chi, to ; WP } To detain, to stop a guest
bend the fingers. '^ on to, or keep by one,
> to hold

1,^ Diligent contented, joyous,

;gg!to keep back; to delay, to
§")! to be pleased; iZa« jau tcAi
Li6 procrastinate ; remaining ; di-

isam, a sedulous disposition. latory, slowa long time Jau


1*: To drag, to draw or pull to ;

pUi a keepsake, a parting gift ;
carry off, to elope with to Jau loki detained in a place
Y"^ ;

embrace, to hug Jau ^p'd, to ;

by poverty left by mistake;

fall on the neck Jau chu^ to ;

handed down from ancestors;
hold in one's embrace. Jau^k'ii j'm chii^ could not keep

A a staging or tower
him Jau ifan, to keep for

Y^ the upper floor or story of future use j'm Jau (Sam, givt-

buildings^a peak; a layer ing no heed to, careless ; Jau

storied, in stories; to assemble; yam^ to keep in office or place
^sheung ikd Jau, to go to an longer ^wdn Jau, to take by

eating-room, to tiffin Jau the arm

to stop Hs'ing Jau pd^ ;

sfi^ung' Jau, two-storied 7id

don't trouble yourself to come
Hs'oi, Jau shhtng^ Jau, good,

out —
said by a visitor Jau ;

I'm in for luck (kdng Jau, a !

Ad' to leave with one for a
watchtower; ''«^ its'ang Jau while, to relinquish jmd fi ;

(Cliii yuki the loin of pork Jau, no murderers remain Jau ;

tarn} hV keep in your breath ^

Jau chan^ sleepers of a floor
mnng^ Jau, a lookout tower pal, "J^ing Jau, not to stop a

Jau s/i<^»ng- up-stairs ^wnng single moment Jau ^il ti\ ;


Jan. green flower-hoats; ^t'i'ing

leave a little space, don't be
'/li Jau kom^ 'hi,
too hard.
Jau, brothels ;

har<l to
do; ^sheng Jau, gate-
towers; nchurtg Jau, a bpl-
"iV^ ^ts'ntig Jjou, the

The pomegranate
the pomegranate fo
tree; sheki

fry ; aheki Jatt, the flowering pome-

Five-storied Pagoda in the granate ; c/d» shek^ Jau, a
city of Caiifon. guava.

228 LA,U^ LAU.

A kind of bamboo ra( ; 'md yat, Jau jWid peng' I've never
.IS Jau ^or (lav), a monkey ; '/»d before been sick iCh'iung Jau,
Liu ;

{/au '2«at, a nickname for chil- continual, overflowing tin* ;

dren. Jau Jci hilt) willingly shed his

A tumnr, excrpscencp, wpn, bad habits ; to shed ; flowing
or swelling ofany kind ynki ;
out ; to seek, to select ; to beg,
Jau, a tumor hut:, Jan, bloody
; to intreat ; a class, a low set,
tumor '^hdm laid ko' Jau, made
; the vicious, low. life people ;

the swellinsr by a knock hi' ; roving, vagrant; shifting, float-

Jau, swellings in the neck ing ; to be transported; Jau
from anger; ^fan sjtau, a slough, Ji shati \^7io, vagrant, without
ing tumor. a home ;
pat:, Jau Jo hai' 'Ad/w,
The sighing or breathing of it is ever usually
so, this is

the wind Jiuu JaUt waving in the way ; yat, Jan (yan, a class
Li a ;

the wind. of men ; 'hm Jau, females ;

A kind of owl, called Jau Ji, blood j/ouAd^and Jaxi^shiung,
ft which eats birds and mice. ebb and

flood tide ; 'Arau Jau,

A chestnut or bay horse, with the nine professionsJau ^man, ;

black mane and tail 'tsz* JaUf ;

vagrants, vagabonds.
a sorrel horse with dark mane. JLau iicong mr'd, sulphur, flow-
A pearl a vitreous, glassy
ersof sulphur Jau iwong, ;

substance; Jau iU, glassy, shin- brimstone.

ing, like a new mat or ice ;
To kill, to slaughter; a kind
also cups for water lamps Jau of sword ; to arrange, to set
ik'au kwoki the f^ewchew Is.; in order, to lay out ; Jjau Pi^
Jau Ji ^ngd, glazed tiles, used a famous general of the Three
on temples. States.

Pendents of a crown, hung Clear, limpid, deep water

before and behind ^min Jau, ;
iLau <.y^ung ikong, a river in
Liil Liu
crown pendents the narrow ; Hrn)4n a strong wind ; rust-

pendents attached to a ban- ling of trees.

ner, called tdi\ Tiie willow; a groove; brind-
The flowing of water; to
led, striped; met. pleasure, dis-
pass along, to go from one sipation slender, wasp-like
Li 6
place to another ; to circulate, arched, crescent ^thui cSi' ;

as news to spread, to diffuse

Hau, the taniarix (fa Haii /i' ;

itself; to descend in life, to (foug, places of di.ssipatiou ;

cast off restraint; to get into Hau it'iu iShaiufi^D^Gr person

Jau ^ngan lui- to shed tears ; ^Zatf-^^i^'^nrched eye-brows ;

' ~ I nr,Croupiers,, of^oriv

- •
the 24th constellation, it is in

from another province; mat^ Hydra iiP yap^ ^lau, it must


be grooved Hau 'sii, willow

kdm' Jau ik'au, why are you ;

catkins ko' Hau 'shau, that

gorude and unmannerly; Jau\ ;

hut. to bleed ;
Juu -in, rumor ; 1
ftflair —
a slang phrase Hau ;
; ;;;

LAU. LK. 229

/iu 7)0' a kind of striped cloth : *j/j lau' to let out a secret
Vii Hau, to make a groove. lau^ hV waste of breath ;j lau^
To take up earth and daub Mu, leaky ; jWd Aro' tat' lau-
it on, when building a wall ;
no such good news as that.
to level with the hand. A river in Kw^ngsl ; to flow ;

A word to toss in
colloquial ;
to issue ; a gutter under eaves
the arms; to shake in the arms; tcdty lau' glossy, smooth.
to toy with : to fuss over lair Lingering, stopping on a
hd- ^k'ii, dandle him, as a babe

journey ; tau' lau- loitering,
lati^ 'fo Jd, make a fire ; lau^ lurking about.
iwan ^k'iit shake them up tho-
(260) Lau.
A bamboo basket or hamper
j/rt/j Hau t'dn^ a hamper ot"
A trap or net of bamboo for
4M To drag or fish for in the
^'*^^^^^ ^^ grapple from a deep
taking fish or crabs, made like Ldu
Liu place, to dredge for ; to hook
a seine.
out ; Jau '^hi, to haul up 7d
A skein or knot of thread,
of a hundred lengths; a fob
or pocket ; Hsin Hau ki^ a cut-
c/d», to drag for; to make a
search for; ^md Ji Jdu ch'du^

no dredge, nothing to help

purse, a pickpocket.
myself with ; Jdu Jid hok, to
A narrow, dirty residence,
a vile place; a strait; low,
dredge for oysters : <'om' Hai
Jdu, to price a thing dirt cheap.
rude, rustic, vulgar ugly, ill. ;

favored uninformed, unac- ;

quainted, obscure, ignorant of (961)

tilings ; 'c/t'au lau' horrid-
looking; lau^ iku'ai, hush-
money ; lau^ lid:, vile-looking, pm A final particle, like lokyH^
useless ; tsoi^ lau^ hong^ in my denoting that a thing is or


poor lane affected talk. should be in a certain manner
'i'o drip, to drop on a clep- rendered by surely, doubt,
^M^ ;

1^ sydra ; to leak, to ooze out ;

less, so, &c.. according to the
to lose ; to disclose, to blab scope 'lim ,U, [the lamps] are

to evade, to escape from ; to lighted ; hai' M, it is so : yes,

forget, to sight of or let lose it is j/.M come
iU, Afi' ^U, let
; ;

.•ilil) to moisten
; a crack, an ; us go ; 'kwo /au J^, too much,
aperture, a leak shaiii' lau^ it ; most certainly.
leaks chap-> lau^ to mend a
; nf^r A final and colloquial par.
leak ; Jau} /d' an oversight, ^* tide, implying an order a ;

forgotten ; tsij). lan^ catch the mere final sound At? /<^' gone ; ;

water ; hiu^ 'kam /iii */«>' for- wa/j ^yi U\ what is it ? hai*
got (o enter in the account
'horn W ]ti' let it be so.

6^^ LfiUK. LEUNG.

Leuk. liinder a current the fasten- ;

ing of the knob on a cap mel. ;

the principal trustworthy ;

X-^ To
rob with violence, to
Jceung J^ting, atrocious, one
.f<y^ plunder, to take things by worthy of death pi' J^ung, ;

force ; to invade, to waste, bridge of the nose ^iin Jeung^ ;

to make a foray ; to punish
hung himself from a beam;
with a stick ; a sweep stroke to
kd' J^urtg, to lay the ridge-
the left in writing a character
pole; met. to side with the
cch'du Uuhi to snatch the valu-
weak in a quarrel Jidi Jeungt ;

ables ds'am Uuki to make a

the ridge-seam on shoes.
raid ''pong Uuki to bastinado.
a mast of a boat; used for
W "I
divide or mark fields;
To '
»r* the preceding ^sh&ung Jeung ;

^^^ >a boundary of fields; to plan, ^'"^"^

tdi^ kat:, good luck to raising
^^j] to counsel, to contrive as-
Ljoh tilte, shrewd; to abridge, to
the ridge-pole —a sentence
wriltert on it.
diminish labor ; a resum^, a
ipts Large grained millet, a spe-
digest of, an abridgment; a 17"^ cies of Holcus, of which tliere
little, in general, rather, slight-
Liang ,,
J 1 •»
are yellow, green and white
ly, not minute ; to disosteem, varieties ; spirits are distilled
(o slight a path, a rule ; to;
from it c/ro Jeung, the Barba-

take or seize ; to walk, to go ;

does or tall millet.
to ofiend, to transgress ; to *B.l Food, provision, victuals ;

sharpen tai^ Uuki for the most

'•^'rations or pay of soldiers;
psirt, in general lu' Uuki the
^jj^ land taxes in kind -Js'tn Mung

radical or important parts of;

Liang taxes or their commutation ;
Uuki ^yau, oaly a few Uuki ;
pay ; shiki J^iing, in govern,
Ihuki understand this
"-hill, I
ment pay, a soldier; nkon Jiung
somewhat; sWWh /^mA-j clever at, provender for a journey; J6ung
foreseeing, shrewd, forecast- ti9 commissioner of the land-
ing Uah do tik:, rather too
tax kdk: Jeung, to stop the

many ;
Ao' l^uki mdP cyan, apt
rations ndj)i J^ung, to pay in

to seize and sell people Uuk,

taxes (kwdn JC-ung, to receivfe

(Chi yaU i\ understand it a

rations deung Hs'd, rations

little l^uki ti^ to enter of pass

and provender; food, eatables ;

through a region. kip:, il^ng, to forage.

pA To jump; t'hV Jeung, to
dance and hop about. Also
(363) Leung, Liang
read Jong, to go; Jong cp'ong,
ready to go, starting.
^^« A
plank across a stream, a A Goodhearted, gentle, liberal,
'"^5 foot-bridge a ridge-pole, a ;
^*^ mild, benignant excellent of :

° lintel, a Ixam or sleeper, n ° its kind, valuable, perfect,

.stretcher; a dam or jnles to suptrior ; a term of praise ;

; ;


loyal, oljerlienf; capable, skill- ^' A classifier of carriages ; a

ftil a long time
; past mid- ;
car ; a pair of wheels.
night; Jeung iyau, my good-
't&S An elf or gnome, like a small
ni;>n ; my good wife; J^ung
jT^ child ; ^mong H^ung, a sprite.
good; ileung isam, devout,
desirous of doing right ^mb ;
'/BES Clever at, skilled in ; ^ni mat,
J f ring ^sam, ojipressive, bad, Lilnjr^^'
'^^""^' ^'^^^ have you
hardhearted Jeung 'kmt^ a ;
practiced, what can you do?
long time iUiing /in, a fertile ; J^,- Clear, bright, like the sun
field ; Jew'g i>nan, the loyal ./f-* or moon lustrous: transnar-

people Jenng tkiiing, galan- ent Iiglited, illumined; trust-


gal ; Mung iS/ian, a fortunate ing in, believing in which —

hour or day. senses it is used with the next
Cool, fresh ; pleasant rc- leung' (Slia transparent gauze;
y^' ] ;

tktcong luting' lighted up, not

'^9? (f^rcsbing ; cool, distant, as
obscure, as a room J.'in Uung-
sYM '"^"'^^'^ \\tt\e of, sparing in
' ;

day light.

Liiingneed of, straitened; a pre-

fecture in Kansuh ; Jeung A colloquial word; loud noise,
distant sounds ishing ,yam
ifung, a fresh breeze ; <,shing ;

ileung, to take the air ileung Jiu leitng^ the music sweet; is

^shong, cool and pleasant kdm' '^h^ung Uung^ such a loud

iUung ip'dng, an awning of noise.
mats Jeung kwd' ^Iid chd^
; ^j^ Sincere words, faithful, ve-
cooling off a little ''^^'°^^ '
*** believe in, to ac-
'pp: A common contraction for credit, trusting fo ; to know
,'^J the next, when meaning a certainly; tosuppr)se, to guess,
^ tael1/^1-
or Chmese ounce, equal
to conjerture ; to aid, to a.ssist,-
to 1^ oz. or 579^8^4^ grs.
fl?)., kin^ lenng- to excuse, to make
ir.; the highest Chinese no- allowances for pat^ (nang /an' ;

minal money, worth $1.38, Uung^- inexcusable l/nng' pUt ;

or 6s. 9d.; <,ng(m ^Uung^ mon- fiai^'^kdm, 1 am pretty certain

ey, cash. of it Uung- pat:, ^itgo kwdi^ I ;

a couple, a pair; think he will not blame me;
*R^ '

^^ >hoth, doubled, twice, again j'm 'pi 'k'ii Ihtng* Hb, \ shall ;

^ Heung H^ung ^chung two taels'


Liing weight ; H^ung ^chi (ipai, two

not do as he supposes.
To measure, to judge, to
masts H^ung '^fan (fan, divide estimate to keep an account
; ;

it equally s'w csdm ''kau Heurtg of; a measure, a capacity, a


undignified, degrading isdm limit, a determinate point or ;

(.?dm H^ung H^ung, in small quantity ability to eat or ;

groups. drink, appetite an enlarged, ;

Read l&ung^, a classifier of liberal mind, good feeling ;

chariots a car, a chariot. ; opinion, views »)f the mind ;

The ne.xl is now used in this- mnf. kbm^ h'ung^ kiraP why do
sense. vou drink so little ? can't vou

233 LI. Lf.

stand mucl« wine ? ^ngoUung^ one's absence ; Ji pit, td part

chiit, t don't drink much ; 'A;k from one; Ji<.kd, to go abroad;
l^ung' to guess kuki lewig^ ; fali Ji (fi noth-
'rtiM, [is still]

tdi^ a shrewd ohseiver of men, ing but a bird.

astute ; '/nd tik, Uung^ no ca- A fence or wattle of bamboo;
pacity; hdn^ Idling' ^ki do, what to fence, to inclose ; a small
is the limited quantity ? pat, basket tray; ifdn Ji, a bamboo
tst'^ Z^M.1^'^ an over-estimate of hedge ; chuki Ji, a bamboo
one's self. tray ; chdu' Ji, a strainer, an
Read iUung ; to measure ; open ladle for taking out cakes;
to deliberate upon ; (Sh^ung tau^ Ji, a trellice for beans to
lUung, to consult upon ; 'pi run on Ji ^pd, a hedge.

Han Mung, measure it with a To stretch or open ouf, to

'/au, or peck, spread out, as wings ; to place
in order, for a display. Also
read jcA'f.

(264) Li. Water dropping and soaking

into the ground ; tlie pattering
of rain or hail ; to instil by

M A colloquial
der, careless
he does things slovenly.

in disor-
M ild,
drops; thin
Jam Ji,
and bad mak^ '^shui
the letters dropped like
from his pencil calli-

Bright; elegant; the 5th graphy, beautiful penman-
diagram interchanged with ship.
Li A vitreous, translucent sub-
the next.
A. yellow bird of a beautiful stance ; Jail Ji ichu, glass
plumage to retire, to disperse,
beads ; Jau Ji t'dp^ a bedstead
Li with glass in the sides.
to scatter, to dismiss, to sepa-
rate or go from ; to leave, to I
An ornamented girdle, put
} on a bride by her mother
part from ; distant, absent,
a sash a perfumed veil worn
parted ; dispersed, scattered ;
j ;

to divide, to cut in two ; to Li by brides; to sew shoes ; (kam

arrange or divide off; in pairs; yah kit:, Ji, she is married to-
the 5th diagram pat,iU, en- ;
day. Read ich'i, sharp, like
gaged in, attached to, employ- a cold wind.
ed upon ; J-i iming, the morn, Thin, poor spirits; weak
ing ; lU ihoi,, parted J,i (Siln, ; Li
a sister's grandchild ; Ji ^t'oi, =^ Deceitful language, sportive
to get up from table ; lati lot, ^Vj jokes, bantering; to ridicule;
Ji Ji, coming off, very loose ;
(Chi Ji, verbose, exaggerated
Ji 'Ad 'iirt, very far off; Ji talk ; not trustworthy.
jWan, to leave the company A^ A mountain elf, a hobgoblin,

or group ; Ji sdn^ to scatter, to Q^' ^^"^*^ '^^ '"'^ regarded aa ma-

disperse ; Ji han^ sad from liciuus.

a.\ U.T 2»a

Aft A dragon without horn?, A pear ; ttitig^ Ji, a face grim-

*grj. just mohed ; a (prm appUed
ed with age sfth Ji, a russft ;

to cruel men ; isuii^ }i, a spirit- pear fiorrr T'lentsin (Sfid Ji, ;

ed horse. native pear Ji Jiti Hsz* tai^ ;

play-actors siit^ Ji ikd, pear

j;Jg Used for Hi >™« to suhjecl

jam ifa Ji muk^ rosewood.

fM cause to submit to re-
[to, to ;
A yellow b!rd, the iWong Ji^
'^|gu'a<e the lOOOth part of a
or mango bird.
j7(Vj 'ael, nominally equivalent to Li
Li the coin called a cash the ;
A a charger ; a
fleet horse,

second term infraction's, a black horse to drive a .span ;

hundredth a very little, a
of horses Ji kd' a carriage ;

grain, a hair's breadth; a pair and span.

to give Ji^tan^, n small nion-
A prune or apricot to get ;

ey steelyard 'md J.i ts'o^ no ready for a journey Jiang Hi, :

; Li
mistake at all 'mo Ji ''kan hV ;
luggage; iVdm (wd Hi, a yellow
not the least attention httd Ji ;
plum ; /o Hi :c/idiig tch'un, the
yung^ useless ; ^mdj.i sz^ quite peach and plum emulate each
at leisure. The form last is other at spring; tsin^ «t'^ jK

used only in numeration. <i'd Hi, to recommend a pupil

as a plum or pear.
^•ffl^ A name for many small
'^^l^animals, like the fox, rac-
A place of residence a ;

neighl)Orhood, a village, ori-

j^i^ooon, wild cat, &i.c.\ ^yi Ji, » Li
Li ginallv of 25' or 50 families';
sortof wild-cat ; jW Ji, the fox,
a lane in a village, a place or
thought by the Cliinese to take
court in a town, a street a
a human shape : (ka Ji, a cat :

measure of If'figth of 860

'^hoiji, a seal '/?/ Ji, a yellow

paces, the Chinese mile it

fox ; Jiiiivg Ji, li.e civet ;

is ot- various lengths, usuallv

Ji ilsing, a fox-fairv, a witch,
a siren —a term of reproach LSOT.J E iglish feet, or 274 U
to 10 Eng, miles; the g<!0.
fit, Jisliiki an iron grav color:
graphical It is the ^j^yof a
'-kiDo'-lsz' Ji, a sm ill civet-like
degree or 14fi0.44 ft., or of -j-'jj
animal, wuich is eaten.
a French astronomical league;
^C A widow : Ji-fii, h woman mournful, alus; the 166th rad-
whose husband is dead.
Li ical ''"go Ji^ung Hi, mv neigii-

A string; sadness, sorrow : bor or townsman Jun ^li, a ;

toencounter, toincur to mee' ; neijjhborhood Hi iyaii, one ;

or hap|)en to ;
/«'' Ji chuiig' oftiiis place ; yfl/) Hi Id' one
kaii^ to incur great pu:iisii- mile ; Js'in Ht ^ind, a courier ;

ment ; Ji ^k'ijiung hoi^ suffer- (haling Hi, the country, village

ed his deadly malice miti mo ; plac s.

Ji, without any sorrow <,fiiitg ; Ristic, vulgar, gross, low-

pdky Ji, afllicted willi nmii\ fl fa ed, vile ; to protect, to sup-
griei's. poit ; ,a trust, protection, a re-
Ton. DicT. 30

234 Lf. iX:

source Hi tin, low expressions,

; Hi, reason, the propriety of
vulgar talk ^md '«Ao Hi Idi^
; things ; Hi Iwr to reason, tp
nothing to look to, resourceless; debate Hi *«'* to attend to an

Hi Hsz^ a term for the people affair ; jman Hi, style of writ-
of Wiichau fu in Kwangs'. ing Hi tit* to comprehend ; Hi

Brother's wives are called fdti to dress the hair ; Hi shd^

chuki. Hi ; or vulgo, 'sham '/nd. hai^ '^kom, it should be this way,
this is the manner ; Hi j'm /o'
A mat sail ; any small sail
I have no time to see to it
'^ch'i Hi, hoist sail ; 'sAai tsun^ ;

chiu' Hi '^kong, to talk reason,

Hi, set the whole sail met. to ;

exert one's full power '^chiin ;

ably hSp^, Hi, reasonable
; ^m ;

Hi, to wear sail Hi p'a^ a sail- ;

yapi Hi, unreasonable ; ilin Hi
'^chi, a marriage alliance ^ngo
loft ; Hi it an, the foot of the
^ui Hi, I can manage it '/li
sail ; Hi Idm^ halliards ; 'Mm Hi, '^Id ;

take in Hi ip'in, you was in the wrong;

sail ; '^kdm tfung j'm
Hi chiki hi^ chong' reason is
'^kdm Hi, is to profit one's self
at other's expense. mild, anger is violent.

basket or hod for carrying
a spade or narrow mat-
m ] A lining, the inside of gar-
vments; inside, within, inner ;
home; 'piii Hi, false silk, burn,
tock, for lading in earth.
Li ed in ancestral worship Hi
To work gems according" to ;

'M their veins ; to polish, to burn-

min^ or Hi Hai, within, in ; Hi
Li pd^ coarse cotton lining tsoi^
ish gems veins or striae;
; style; ;

to govern, to regulate to con-

tka Hi, at home.

trol, rule, manage, adjust, rec- The carp (CyprinidtB), the

tify, or put to rights, as cir- king of and fabled to
cumstances require; to'meddle change into a dragon ish^ung ;

with a match-mtiker reason

; ;
Hi, a letter the ^kam Hi, yellow

inman, right principles, nature carp, is the most common at

rule of action, that which is Canton Hi fa' Jung, the carp

felt to be right or proper the ;

has become a dragon, met.
principle of organization or rapid promotion in office.
rules by which matter is kept A leather shoe to put on a ;

in its essence Hi follows some ;

shoe ; to tread on, to walk ; to
verbs, showing that the first act, to walk in a way actions, ;

verb is done properly, as csau conduct met. the body, the


Hi, to repair; ifai Hi, to look man salary, a living, some-


to carefully ; ct'in H(, heavenly thing to depend on, subsist,

reason, analogous to retributioh ence Hi Hai, the sole of a sho<';

or overruling Providence ti' ;

Hi liki record of good acts Hi ;

Hi maps hori' It' Hi csin

it'o, ;
(,yan, to do humane ac's Isin^ ;

iShang, a geomancer /iii Hi, Hi, to tread ;

Hi Jiang, to walk,

regulations topography ; tlie the conduct ; Hi Ham, to go

or capabilities of a pkce to' ;
and see for one's self.
; ,'
j ;

Ltl Lf. 235

Sharp edge or point : acute,' '^kdm (Sheng, thickmouthed ; li*

keen, edged advantageous, ; Jidi, a strumous tongue ; W
profitable, useful Bmooth, for- ; (yam, final particles.
tunate, happy, beneficial; gain, ^^ A dysentery or flux s6^ ; li-

profit address, ; cleverness a purging, a diarrhoea ^hung

; Y^* ;

smart, nrreedy for gain, covet- W a bloody flux ^yau sik, ; li'

ous trade ; interest on mon-

; a chronic diarrhoea kam'hau ;

ey ; to benefit others or one's //'cholera morbus.

self, to ol)Iige ; to nourish ^^' A flower, highly prized by
jtno li^ to sharpen h^ ^s/ii, an ; ^/ the Chinese mutt It' cfd, the ;

advantageous market, prosper- white jasmine; also the name

ous ; W
hi' cutlery, edged tools; of a common song.
tfung W
^shi, (often pron. lai* (W|P A sort of clam, called kdp^
^shi) to give cash at newyear
found on the coast of Fuh-
to children, or a retaining fee kien, and pickled by the peo-
to a physician, or to funeral ple.
a-ttendants ; li* sik, or IV its' in, i ^it^l Water running down ; wa-
interest ; n/ip, h^ to pay inter- ^'77jf-ter grasses, rushes; to come
est; pat, W uitlucky, disadvan- )p[ j to,to descend towards, to
tageous, unsuccessful W^/iau, ; Li arrive at to enter upon
; or
fluent speech, pleasant tasted; [
assume the duties of; to see ;

W tuki gluttonous, mean; li^. the seat or place where an

pin^ convenient, at hand ;
(kd officer acts yam' to go to ; W
yal, 10 per cent, peri
li' to get an ofllcial post h' iman, to ;

mouth icJiati ichan ;hoi' W govern the people li' sz'' at- ;

truly awful or formidable,! tending to business, active Zi* ;

stingy fdi' keen edged

W ; W (kun, the rule or conduct of
kin^ ldi\ynn, happy if Youri an officer.
Honor notices me; (ming IV, ^^ To scold about, to blame or
Heung /d, two pursuits, letters! ^ be angry with h' md' to rail ;

and trade ^md pa/, shun' IP, ; at, to abuse li' yuki to disgrace

everything as he wished, al-| by much obloquy,

ways prasperous /j' '(siii ^fd ;
'^' Oflicers, magistrates, rulers
lOifd, talkative and s|>ecious ; "£>• deputies or secretaries in of-
h- h' ^shi ^ski Jai, done care- fices, any subordinate execu-
fully and willingly. tive to rule Ll' Po' the Board
; ;

Clever ; jwd W active, ex- of Civil Office U' ifong, the ;

pert. department of a magistracy

m A colloquial word for the

tongue, used becatise the pro-
|>er sound shiti also means to
which receives officers (*/ju Zi*
government writers; 'tin
head writers li' muki the de- ;

lose ; (Shan iViii W put out your pufy in an inferior prefecture ;

tongue ; 'pi Zt^ *rim, tapte it; W ,ti/i, attendants;

official ,<«<

h' f, a furred tongue ; kol, li' It- an oppressive officer.

29% lllK. LIK.

exhaust to say all

; retired, ;
W'^) Lik. silent wide apart, as teeth
; ;

liki ich'iii, successive dynas-

•W^ A specirs of onk(Quercus ties likjoi^ successive genera-

Vvj' '^erra/a 7) hard and tough, con- tions or ages liki^ni, from the ;

sidered to be a useless wood, first till now Joi liki the an- ;

not even fit for fuel employ- ; tecedents of, notices of; ^yd
ed as a depreciatory term for its' anfr ,king lik) gone by, pas-

one's self, sed lik, '^kau, long since gone;


^gffli Gravel, shingle, coarsesand, liki lin* experienced in lik, ;

^?V' small broken stones or pebbl&«; 5»f«, for a series of years liki ;

c<(iM liki cinnabar or ore of liki ''ho 'ftdu, every item is

quicksilver; higd liki potsherds, trustworthy, all can be proven ;
broken pottery. liki tsim^ ils'ai J,eung '^kingt I

^^ Crushed under a wheel a ; have passed through all evils ;

/V rut or path for wheels ikw'ong ; liki Itk, '^ho '.</(o, I can count
(Ch'^ tsin' lilt, ridden over by all to this time, all can be
the furious chariots. 'accounted for.
t^& To move motion a step, a
; ; Jte A drop, a very little left in

pace. Read Loky to exceed : a cup ; to drink the last drop ;
cli'^uk:, loki extraordinary, sur- to drop or drip; liki hUU to
paj<sing. ZiAri bam-

stab one's self; r/ir^^,

4S A sort of oak. of which the boo sap, thought to be afebri-
^^j" acorn is edible; a stable or fuiie 'yam tsu»^ j/i hki drank

cote for artimals; ils'dm lik, the last drop lik, J.s'ing 'pan ;

frames for worms to weave k'nn^ humbly petition with the

their coccoons on 'md liki a ; sincerest feelings; yat, liki
stable Uk^ csz' to squeeze the
; ts'oi^ a row of vegetables ;

fingers between sticks. yat, liki to make a furrow.

^^ A clap yik, lik- the crash-
; f^ The Ho liki the
scrofula ;

^j' ing> splitting sound of thunder; Y^r' king's evil ^ngdn tsaf} ; "^h liki

anameof the God ofThunder. rheumatic ophthalmia kap^ ;

^J The heavenly bodies the ; "pan lik, scrofula undtr both

''^. course of the spheres to ; ral- ears; liki kdm' hina^ hii' Isd'
endar licnes and seasons ; t/A, ardent as the scrofula to do it.
cs/ai, an almanac fdh as- ; liki "^ An incense caldron, contain-
tronomy. Interchanged with ^'^**"* '^"' pecks, placed in
f^h '"f'
the next. uun, :• temples; the 193 radical of 1

n^ To pass over,- byj or to; to characters relating (o boilers,

away, as generations do or food cooked in them.
JlV ^^^^ ;

to pass through, to experience 4i Streneth, nerve, brawn, mus-

one's self; to transgress, to ,
..^ cular power the full use of ;

overpass the laws; arranged any organ; force, power, vigor,

orderly next in order, succes.
; spirit, energy of mind divine ;

sive; disordered, eonfu»ed ; to lielp or succor assiduous, ;

— ;

LtM. UU 237

smart, dillgenf, active the ; one's reputation ; ^mb Jim 'ch'i,

properties or strength of a shfimpless, avaricious, brazen-
thing the stift'ness of a bow
; ;
faced ;
^hdn Jim^ over-frugal;
the 19th radical of characters Tttct/j so close ?
kom'' Jim, why
relating to force ; yung-liki or ^y^wig Jim iiigant anti-extor-
cli'ut, liki exert yourself; liki tion allownnce to officers
'^shiii, weakly Fah liki help ; its'ing Jim, uncorrupt, integri-
of Biidha peitg^ liki danger-
ty ; ^d' Jim o- mi^ <.kd, delicate
ously sick liki nchdng, test
; flavoredand not high priced ;

of strength, to argue Hsau ; Jim iming, to examine equit-

liki the strength of wine; likt ably.
hung' bodily vigor, aptitude ; jjj||1
screen of cloth or bamboo
paljliki a nervous style ; heavy ^'WS ^splints, hung before doors;
penmanship ;
"sliai iOgd liki f>r.
j^ chnki Jim, bamboo blinds pd'
} ;

dering people, talkative and Lien Jim, cloth curtains muki 'pan ;

lazy; its'oi liki trusting to his Jim, Venetian blinds ; not' Jim
wealth; itti'pd (kung ^ki ko'hki ikun, examiners of essays ap-
how much (i. e. in catties) is pointed by the fuyuen ; ^kun
the strpnsth of this bow ? cho' Jim, roil up the screen.
yatipV iclii liki to lend a hand, A mountain stream falling in
to assist inanything liki yam- ;
\^ a sheet of water ; thin, poor;
to hold office beyond the usual Jim Js'iin ^hdng, a cascade
l»eriod; ^ngdn hki sliarpsighl- near the While Cloud hills.
ed. '^^^ ngoi'
*^"'^ "^ ''^'^ '^^ '
To rocks
split ; the veins or
''""' ^^^ '*'''" '*""® '^'*" ^^"^
1/ n '

creases in rock* ; to write, as i'ip, hog's spleen.

iTnitig Ung^
nanie is written elsewhere,
lik^ (or laki) my ^ A sickle
^^^ (pou, a
or reaping-hook
tinder.crtse and
1/ \f'^
a phrase used instead of a flint Jim, a sickle.

signature. ^^ A species of silure ( Arius

Interchanged with /a^2 ^)'
spines on plants; prickly, spin-
ous; tui' mill' liki the Gardenia
falcatus) of a didl green color,
with a large mouth and 6 cirri.
k^ The embroidered quarterinff
spiitosa ; ^Id '^shii liki a rough
grass, the Spinifex squarrosus.
V^ on a banner on the inner edge
near the staff,
j^ A coarse kind of sandstone,
(266) Lim. U^ unfit for polishing ; met. spu-
rious, hypocritical.
KS A corner, an angle by the ; 3§i A lady's dressing-case, a per-
side or on one side sparini;,
. , ,
' '
'.'.'^ fuinery-case or toilet te-box ;
economical, moderate pure, ;
ichong Jim, a bride's trousseau,
disinlen^sted, uncorrupted to ; or portion Jim j?, a money ;

ex amine ; 'yaw Jim ^ch'i, mod- present to a bride kcng^ Jim, ;

est, shanie.aced, regardfid ol a toileltt-case.


Qm &fMl LiN.

Jjjj A flag, showing wfiere^ wine ihe capital; Hm^ t^ ti road in

'® ^^^^ ^*'''" ^ tavern the palace |)recincts H (kit
L^n ' t^'** ;

signboard. Hm' 'flid, took his mother in a

A kind of creeper ;
pdk} J-im, carriage lim' ikii, a sort of

L^ a drying or styptic medicine wheeled sedan.

'/fiL To gather in harvest to ;

amass, to collect together, to

'L^ (267) Lin.
hoard, to husband, sparing of;
an ingathering, a hoard; ^shau
Him, to gather in to harvest
Him, io extort to collect

connect, to continue, to
united, as in mar-
join, to be
Him sz'^ not to meddle with Lien
riage; to compromise; reaching
Him hiuk:, to stay at home ;
to, conjoined, continued, con-
Him imdi cheki ^shau, to draw
tiguous, annexed; a junction,
up the arras within the sleeves;
a succession of; a lumping;
its'iin Him, saving, to lay up
an adversative connective par-
little odds. To l)e distinguish-
t\w-A ticle placed at the beginning
ed from ihom ^j^ to desire. of a sentence, even, with, also,
To draw the hands in the and Ari/j J,in, banded together,

sleeves ; Him ^yam, to sleeve as thieves ;c«^«n^^ Jin, close
the hands, a curtsey Him ^yam ; together iCung, joined a3

'pdi'pays her respects-a phrase by a thoroughfare ilin ikd, a ;

on a lady's card. flail ; Jau Jin uninterrupted


'5^ To shroud a corpse, to lay to hang on, tedious Jin ; lui^

L^n °"^ ^ ^°^>' '" **" ^'-^ clothes implication, to involve; Jin
j| for the grave; ^shan Him, to hV Iso' do it after that is done ;

encoffin ; '^siu Him, to shroud Jin (yan, allied by marriage ;
without coffining, as Moslems ''h^ '^Isz^ Jin Jang, five sons
do. became kiijin one after the
• ^^ ^^® cheek the face met.
; ;
other Jin sek:, tin ore
; Jin ;

'^n *'^® reputation, honor bad lim^ ; Jin, unceasingly, one after the
^ shameless; hang^ lim' ruddy other, again and again Jin ;

cheeks. Read s.ts'im, thick simnc'Vewn^, successive firings

soup or gravy. ofguns;j/in imdi, taken to-
Water overflowing to over-
2fiL' ;
gother Jin ,xvdn kap a plan

^'^^l'" ^^^ edge of waves
'> that effects two objects ; Jin
/im' im* brimfull, just running yali for several days ; Jin
over. imonfi, speedily ; Jin min^ Jd
^' barrow or hand carriage
A. j'jfl '«a», he does not evea
I^T^ drawn by men carriage-hor- ;
wash his face.
ses ; (he imperial chariot ; met. Ripples on the water, a rip.
the emperor or court ; to trans- pling appearance; weeping;
port, to convey ; to take to, yap, t'aP Jin Jin, unceasing
to draw ; Inn' hiV at court, at crying name of a river.
— a
; ;;

LiNJ LIN. 239

The lotiis or nelurnbiutn Jiti ;

Idn' apt to break in carrying
the water lily j/in ip'ung, ^lin kito* iyan take it to the
Lien (fa, ;

the receptacle of the lotus man ;

j'nt 'A' aw Hin, it will
Jin Hsz^ lotus nuts ^ho ji ;
hardly bear handling.
tp'dn Jin, a child climbing by To boil silk, and to soften
Ihe lotus —
a scholar acting
its harshness ; to experiment
unworthily Jin ka' the lotus
upon, to learn by practice, to
seat, i. e. Kwanyin
jwdi Jin ;
drill ; habituated to; to select,
Hi, the lotus with the plum to choose ; white, a splendent
affianced Jtctm Jin, «' golden white a piece of silk ; lin*


lilies" ladies' feet ; Hs'oi Jin isdpi to learn to do a thing;

ishiin,a pleasure boat Jin pd^ ;
lin^ shuki tik:, t«' dressed raw
a tine lady-like gait ; Jin t/d silk Ivi' (Shang i' to learn bu-

loki a well-known song ; Jio ijpi siness kom^ Hd lin^ ver}- well

Jin, the nasturtium. skilled in ; lin' tak. kdtn^ irdi*

Unrefined lead or tin a ;
quite spoiled by bad habits ;

chain; 'so Jin, a lock and lin^ I'm Jsing, does not become
chain ^piujin, a watch-chain;
skilled in ; lin^ a, mourning
^sheung Jin, to wind up [a for thirteen months ; '^shui lin'
clock],; Jiang ^/min Jin [the the water police.
watch] is run down kwai- To smell ores of metals to

; ;

Jin, to kneel on chains refine ; to forge ; wrought ; to

torture. work upon thoroughly, appli-
A species of carp, ^the A- ed to the mutual action of the
bramis bramula 7) called tpin five elements to discipline, ;

Jii, or broad-fish, at Canton. to test by trial experienced, ;

To commisserate, to have matured, exercised, disciplin-

charify for, to sympathize ed, expert, practiced a diain ;
with, to have compassion on, pdki lin^ thoroughly refined ;
to love Jin sut, to pity
; '/<o (Sau lin' becoming religious ;

Jin Hk-, pat>ihdm Jin,

pitiable ;
the religious ; lin^ Fafi Bud-
unworthy of pity J'ungjieng^ ;
hists ; lin-Jsinff, perfect ; tch'ui
fSeting Jin, tlrose in the same Zirt' well hammered or wrought,
disaster sympathize with each as iron; lin^ H'd ^shang muki
other. earth produces wood when
Vases or chargers to hold matured.
grain at sacrifices in the an- Interchanged with the last
cestral halls. to separate dross ; to test cha-
To transport, to remove, to racter, to discipline ; lin^ dan,
carry in the hands, to take a to refine the pill —-and become
thing to one Hhi "^hi, lift up
immortal, as the Rationalists
'[to a higher place] Hin Jio'i ; do..
Jai shdi^ take them out and
sun them; Hin Joi Hin hit' t<i
take back and forth ^ui Hin
species of cherry or bul-
whose fruit is sour; the
river dragons abhor
; it.
240^ LING. LING.

as a dolt ; Jsing Jiug, smart,

wide awake isharig ding, an- ;

Ling. imated beings ^u Jing, to go ;

by ihe side of the tablet in a

funeral procession ; shing^ di'ig
A coll<>qinnl word ; tlie tink-
is used for the Holy Spirit by
ling of a bell -ydhif! (lingishertf^.
some ;
Shing^ iLing dum isam.,
the ring of money, a riietallic Holy
the Spirit atiects the
sound ; ding J im 'ku, » two- heartding tming, to readJy

headed rattle drum used by understand it.

Spiritual, pervading, incor-
M| Generous, rich spirits, made
'pfW with great care, called di"e
^_^ ^poreal, sul)tlo, etherial ;
that Ling o ' 'a
^^'^'''^'^ is efficacious, felicitous,
jV'C J j^fe Ice collection of ice, an ice-

Ling miraculous, or able to act upon

other powers and produce ef-
Y^ house to insult, to shame, to

dishonor shameful, injurious ;


fectssupernatural, effective,
to advance, to exalt d'ftg ;

mysterious; a soul, a spirit, a disgrace, to abuse, to

yitki to
divinity, a disembodied agen-
deflower cwai /m^, to intimi-

cy ; divine influence or as- date di"g iican, raised to the

sistance ; the type or the mast clouds, ambitious di»g shad ;
excellent of a class, as ma n of
an ice-house ding <,rlii, tlie ;
creat»!d beings, or the unicorn,
ignominious and slow punish,
phoenix, tortoise, and dragon
of all hairy, feathered, siielly,

ment of quartering. Iuter>
changed with tl\e next.
and scaly beings, which aie A mound, a bnrrow; a hill
1)^ ;
called the *» four Jhi^;'^ wlinl is

opportune, subtle, in<);enioii- or


V^ H cemetery, a n)ausoleum to :

insult; to invade, to usurp;

obscure, as iU"g *". a lucky j
to desecrate to aspire to a ;

shower Jing jAi, a curio s

high place, to aim high stfy)n^ ;

contrivance intell.g^nt, per-

difigt the imperial tombs dutg

spicacious nstute, able to hold

yiuki to treat cruelly.
spiritual cc»nverse ; Jina iShan,
^^ An angle, a corner ; a seg-
an efficacious deity; Jitifi y'mg^
'7^ ment ; a kind of rice ;
a clas-
a divine respdiise ^sin Jing, ;
"sifier of tields; ^wai di"g^ dig.
one's ancestors ^yam Jinii, ;

nity, majesty of a god; '/« dingt

ghosts, the dead ^indjiing pin^ ;
has a ridge 'H ding it'in, how
no tact Jing iWan, thf.hmn»n ;

many fi -Ids ?
soul lU'iS w^i-^ ''»6 ante-burial

pel per tablet ; ip'uh an l^] Interchanged with the last.
ancestral wooden tablet ; wa} ''^^A cubical piece of timber;
tak. kiki iliiig, a shrewd ftir- iVT j '* corner a beam in the roof ;

tune telling; pal, Jing, ineffi- Lang of a tem|)le (Ttio ding ^sliau, ;

cacious, as physic or a charm ;

a trimmer, one who tntjs to
no rcspoiibc, as uu idol ; stolid, j)lt'ase all, a time-sei ver.
;; ;

LING. LING.: 241"

An aquatic vegetable, the iling To try sounds, to hear, to

kofd or water caltro|)S (Trapa pay attention to ;
to follow, to
bicornis), sometimes called obey faki Jing
; (.Using fui' I
buflfaloe's horns J,ing ^fd, a shall be hnppy hear your to


poetical name for a mirror clear instruction a polite

iling ''fan, flour made of the phrase ; sho' ikii Jing Jing,
iling koky ; a three horned sort to understand readily.

is called /ci' -^ and is perhaps A kind of strengthening me-

dicine iWan Jing, China root
another species of Trapa. Ling ;

from Yunnan Jing H, a sort of

Damask a term for thin silk

as thin

woven with a glossy surface,

satin da-
boletus or fungus, sometimes
used for food.

; (fa iling,
mask ihung iling (,su, a cooky
An insect ; some say a grass-
with red bean flour inside. .. Ling
hopper ;
its'ing Jing,

Interchanged with J-ing ^^j flies (Libellulidoe), which have

name of a river in Kw4ngsi many local names.

to gallop over, to pass over or Feathers or wings, plumes
beyond; to tremble. the feathers on an arrow the
Ling ;

The traces of, to run over tail feathers of the peacock,


iUng liki the rut of a wheel,

used in official caps ^shiung ;
to crush under a wheel ; Jing ^ngdn fa Jing, a two-eyed
Jiwang, the jolting rumbling peacock's feather Jam Jing, ;

of wagons. a plain plume; tdP fa Jing,

To play the droll, to act the to wear a feather pdh hu^ fd ;

buffoon musicians, posture- Jing, to take away an officer's

Ling ;

feather tsin' Jing, the feather

makers ; clever, apt; to employ, ;

to use persons; alone, single; of an arrow.

Jling Jciin, master of the mu- A round hollow ball like a
,1^ sleigh-bell they are hung
sicians ;
}ing It' smart Jing ; Ling

iting, deserted ; the

lonely, around horse's necks, also on
name of Lintin I.; iLing Jing flags, to p^nounce a|>proach ;

iyeung, Lintin Bay; 'shaiiUng, a little bell a term applied to;

a servant, a boy lukilak^ Jing light literature '/nd Jing, a ;


Jing W li^ read it very dis- tinkling bell to hang on horses

tinctly. or dogs '^h^ung Jing, small

The tinkling sound of gems ;

bells hung from pavilions.

Jing Jung, beautifully carved, The last drops of a shower,
carved out hollow, made in small rain what exceeds a
or with grots also, perspica- ; round number; over, a fraction,
cious, acute said of men's — a residue, a remainder in nu- ;

wit. meration used for «'a7id," or to

A long necked jar or ampho- show that one denomination
ra, with small ears concave ; is not used, a cypher Jing
Ling ;

liles used on roofs. sui' iUgan, bits of silver Jing ,•

Ton. Dict. 31
; — ;

242- LINO. LING.

(fing, miscellaneous, odd ends; charge of ; to record ifung ;

j7tn^ /aw, a little over the a. ^hng, a throat band yat^ Heng ;

mount, something thrown in, ^md kwa' one pelisse Hing ;

the thirteenth in a dozen iSam ; shau^ to receive; ^ling tsi^ re-

^Uung iUng i* (fan,- 3 taels and ceived with thanks a reply —
2 candareene yat, paky J,ing ; to a present Hing kdv? to re-

yali 101 ^ind iUng, no remain-

; ceive instruction, to wait on
der Jingloki scattering rain ;
one ; Unk-) Hing, I've taken
scattered, out of employment enough Hing ming^ to receive

iling ding, alone, solitary, an orders; to assent to a request

individual ; iHng mdi^ sold by (these three are polite phrases);
retail ; Hsin, to cut off for iSam Hing, deeply indebted for
retail ; '^ (ov ileng), j'ffi 'A:dn» Hing, can not think of

a little past nine o'clock ;

Jing taking Hing tsav} " collar and

'ki (to, how many over ? sleeve," a leader, a headman ;

A little bird tsik, J,ing, the ; Hing ch'uU iloi, to take away,
wagtail some describe it like
; to go and receive; isham Hing,
a kind of titmouse pah iling, ; exceedingly obliged tso^ Hing, ;

a singing lark ; koh J^ing, a an officer over 150 Banner-

crested lark. men, a sort of under-resident
The front teeth ; not. the age, in the colonies ; yati tpui Hing
vears; mzM-jZm^, young, under loki to assent toeverything, to
age \(ha s?tng, old, gray haired; promise readily tdi' Hing, to ;

shau^ iling, a sexagenary. command, to head ; tdV Hing

KI A prison ; a place inclosed ^yan kin' to introduce at court
lp3 by rails; iling ^ii, a jail. Hing ^sai Hai, to be baptized ;

Hing *2'^ ckiin, an officer who

(The two next are often pronounced leng.)
receives orders, a consul ;
^shan Hing, a head officer of
species of carp, the leucis-
cus or dace ; H'd Jeng jU, a any kind.
Ling The inside of a dress; a
common kind (the Leuciscus
molilorella), reared in ponds bridal dress ; a band or neck
{icong ^mi deng, yellow tailed cloth.

dace (L. xanthurus); iling Ji, A break or pass in a moun-

the pangolin, which the Chi- tain, where a road passes; a
nese suppose to be transform- road over a peak a ridge or ;

ed from a fish, and to grow as chain of mountains; Hing if an,

large asakraken. a peak, a high summit iMiii ;

The the collar of a

tliroat ;
Hing, the Plum ridge or Mei-
garment, a neck ribbon or col- ling, in the north of Kwang-
Ling tung Hing jwdm, "South of the
lar a classifier of upper gar-

ments ; to manage, to govern, Ridge," i. e. Kwangtung and

f o direct, to attend to to re- ;
Kw4ngsi ; ishdn Hing, hills

ceive from, to take to take ;

and mountains ;
ihang (6- tsuti

LING. UP. 243

^ung Hitig, got to the jumping- liant ; chd^ leng' false beauty ;

off place, no way to turn. H'ai leng^ ^m leng' see if it be

/^^ Law, rule, orders; to enjoin pretty ;
^kbm it'au kdm' leng-
'U upon, to warn, to prohibit, to fine as a fresh orange ; chV
coinmand to cause a cause ; ; leng' hai' "^kdm, this is the pret-
of, to oblige to do, to occa- tiest agoing.
sion a period of time
; good, ;

excellent, worthy of regard ;

(269) Lip.
and hence, in direct address,
your, your honored; ling^itsiin,
your father lin/j- iCong, your ; ^^ To hunt wild animals ; the
mother ling^ ching' your wife; chase, gunning, fowling, hunt-
; Lj^^
ling^ shuk, your respected ing, hawking ; to pursue ear-

uncle ch'iki ling^ an imperial nestly, to get with difl5culty,


order jim ling^ the stringent to experience ; to move, to


laws ; also, to govern strictly shake ; to bring together, to


is/ji ling^ divisions of time, hunt up; lipi hunting; 'fd

times and seasons ling^- tsiti^ ;

fong^ lipi go a gunning or to

a triangular warrant issued to hawking lipi 'kau, a hunting ;

a patrol, a flag stuck in the —

dog must die on the hills.
To smooth down, to straigh-
ears of criminals ; ling^ ^yan
^ihang hV it will make [>eople
,^^' ten out, to take hold and ar-
Ung^ ^k'u Joi, cause
range ; Itpi, c«d, to stroke the

him to come, bring him here. beard; lip, tim- 'A'w, put them
O^ Dwelling or being apart, straight.
.v' separate, distinct; alone, par- 9^ 'J'o stride or pass over, to
^ ticular another, besides, fur-
L-^"leap over ; to overstep, to go
thermore ;
to divide in two ;
out of the way ; to tread, to
ling' tsz'^ hy hse\f ; %'u ling^ stumble pat) aiang lip^ 'tang,

tsz'^ hu' he went by himself; must not override, can not

lin^- he came alone ling^
overstep the regular order.

besides, exclusive

of; ^
^^* mane
Bristles of a hog, a horse's
hair on the head
ling^ ^yau 'ki (to, how manv ; stift'

more are there ? kok-, ling^ hix'

of an animal bristly, stiff; ;

tsd^ let each do his own work; long pectorals or cirri of a fish;
ling- yati another day ; ling- ikong lipi a hog ich'eunglip, a ;

-iigdn isiung Jion, to look at long beard,

amazedly. ffi^ A name for many fishes

LieU *^® perch, with spinous

(This character is usually pronounced leng.)
dorsals iiin ishuii lipi the soft-

.^W fo adorn, to prink up, to lip))ed perch (the Pristipoma

^/''^paint the face; handsome, grammopcBcilum); tkam iSz' lipi
"elegant, becoming beautiful, ; the common kind( Ckrysnphry
good-looking ; clear, transpar- cofdinalis). Often pronoun-
ent, dazzling; '*/a/n leng' bril- ced Zap.
;; 1

244 llT. LIU;

rious, excellent, eminent, dig-

nified, majestic, imposing ;
(270) Lit. kdm' liti sing^ very fierce lUi ;

a chaste woman
^niiy liti liti ;

f^ To
bind, to tie silk up for mournful imposing, as moun-

^-^,' dyeing. A colloquial word ;

tains ; lU-i .«'^ a patriot.
a knot, a joint, a knuckle; arij Remnants, cuttings of silk ;

knots in wood an altercation,

; f^^ to tear, to crack open, to split,
a difference, a quarrel, a law- to rive, to rend or tear in two;
suit : 'j/iau '^chi lit, the knuck- tsz^ 'ki liti split or cracked of
les ; 'td ko* lit-, tie that knot itself p'o^ liti to tear open
; ;

j)'o' (hoi iC/idilityspWt open the Iso' pik, liti vein it irregularly,
knot ; met. solve the riddle, as cracked chinaware ; ?i/j

explain the difficulty ^Id 'sAti ; thoi ishdtn, torn clothes ; Hd

lit, a slipping- noose 'td shafi ; liti to break; yat,
shiver, to
koi' lit, to embroil people, to it'ifi liti ^liau, a crack pik, liti ;

egg on parties to qunrrel 'sa' ; ils'ong itnui, made in an angu-

lit, a hard knot ; ishang lit, a lar manner, irregular, like
loose knot. fancy windows.
To separate, to distinguish,
*° dispose properly, to arrange
in order or spread out accord- (271) Liu.
ing to rule; to state in order;!
a rank, series, order files of, ; To run ; to go off, to clear
soldiers; Jioi lU^ iViing pdki out ; to cross tiie legs Jiii (Id,
to write out clearly and pro-
begone clear out J-iu he's ! !

perly, as a bill 'pdt liti to set

; gone diu IM ^pin, where's be ;

in order pat, ^ku pat, ^^hing

gone or fled ?
Uti without beating the drums, A companion, a colleague,
the ranks can not be formed an assofMate a fellow-offi-;er ; ;
Liau ;

Uti kwok, the several states, a one of the same rank, an equal;
name given the feudal states same kind or class -^ to hold
of China, b. c. 300-225 lUi office and serve together it'ung


wni^ you, gentlemen used in J,iu, comrades, of the same

direct address; Zi/^ clian^ troops rank (kun j/iw, a fellow-officer; ;

in ranks. the magistrates yat, jZ/ti jyon, ;

nil A cold air ; cold, chilly a profession or class of men.

^ harsh wind '^tseng Read '//«, a good appear-
Li h '/""^
'*^* ;

liti ikon its'iin, cold wells and ance, an easy manner.

fountains. Interchanged with the last
7^\] Raging fire, burning, ardent, in the sense of a fellow-officer,
^>*f 'hot; impetuous, energetic, dar- a fellow-student a small win- ;

ing, enthusiastic ; irritable, dow ; to study at the same

fierce, cruel ; high princi[)led window or room a cabin, a ;

adherence to virtue, nierito- [

shanty, a hut made of thatch
; ;

Liijr. LIU. 245

and boards a stall ; dwellings

ijsfe To
burn, to blaze ; to set on
put on boats; tap, yat,, ^kdn ^""^ to enlighten ; an illumin-
Lifu '

iUt't, put up a hovel ; tdn^ Jid ation ; torches placed on stands

JiUf thatched hovels occupied to illuminate, a link, a faggot
by tanka boat people on the brightness jrratin J.iu, a light

river side '*Am jZiii, aquatic

; at the door J.iu isan, faggots
peddling-shops .ch'iung j/tu, ; jZiii ju 'chi 'ch^ung, plain as
a brothel. pointing to the palm.
The voice of a creature ;
^iu 4^ To heal, to cure diseases ;

Jivmg^ to listen to distant cries;
L^i *^ ^^^P ^^ ailing ; medical
the cry of pain. practice ; J.iu peng^ to heal
Clever, smart, discriminating; sickness.

Liau to reflect upon, to examine

into; iliu luti struck with alarm.
'i'o bind or wind around, to
"P; gyves, fetters; to
To dally, to trifle, to play manage; J.iii 'nau, to wind in
with; good-looking; in which — a ball
Jiu Hu, to saunter about,

senses it is like the next; ^mai to pass around from one part
J.iu ^k'ii, don't play with him; to another, as a crowd at a
^iu (Hii, playful, boisterous feast or show ^iu ^sz' bow-

iliuishun kwd^ '^cKi, to bother lines on the leech of Chinese

one, bothering ; a maternal sails; sung^ Jiu or jTTidi Jiii,
grandmother is called Jit/ J.m slack off or haul in — the sail
(or Mu
Jdu), at Peking. to the wind.

To take hold of, to pull about,
to wield or manage a thing
^ Remote,
^"." ''*" «'*"'
^^^y ^^^
Ltau ;
Lku '

to regulate; to provoke, to in- lUiiJiu, much too long ; jLtu

cite to evil, to seduce or lead (<«n^,the country of Lidutung,
into evil to play with hd\liv
; ;
now Shingking; sZ/iM jAo, the
lyan, playful, he likes to sport ;
River Li4u in Manchuria.
Jid lung^ to move about, to lay 3^6 A small bird, like a wren or
many plans.
Read ^liu, a colloquial word
uS or
sedge wren, which lives
to stir up, to brush away ;
marshy thicJcets ;
pdk, J,iu^ a
to brush lightly, to tickle, to shrike or butcher-bird.
move along
gently 'pi ckuk,
take it off" with a
v^<^^"*' wide, vast
void, silent, solitary,
unoccupi- ;

bamboo ; Hiu chuk^ tsit, to ed ; unoccupied, de-

jZ?u loki
entice crickets Hiu H, to brush ; serted; idle, disengaged; $ham^
the ears, as barbers do to ; shuki iliu Jiti, reduced to a
tickle the ears; Hiii "hi 'fo, very little, very unimportant.
poke the fire 'Hii 'seno ^k'u,
J^ Confiding in, to trust really; ;
tickle him to Wiik«^ up Tiu 'hi
'uku ^^^^' anxiety for impatient
'^k'u ,nnn, to touch hinj will of ; comniisserating; ^md Jiu
make him cross. "^no anxiety, nothing to do.
;! ' ',

246 LH!r. LIU.

A ringing in tlie ears; tol A clear, bright eye ;

wish, to depend on ; a support; vision, clear sighted ; to seo
Liau Li fill
in which senses it is used with ! afar.
the last an initial particle, im-
An acrid herb, a species of
plying a diminution of, doubt- polygonum ; met. sorrow, ca-
ful about, carelosH about, any-'
lamity ^siu Hiu, a marsh poly- ;

how, then iliu *u (Cki fTnait,'

; gonum, smart-weed.
then let us consult ^iu ^ch'^ ;
ifi^ To measure, to estimate, to
tying iShino, promised it off-!
fjv ju'^g^'j ^o reckon, to calculate ;
hand; jmd H Jiu ^shang, no-
to take a census ; to manage,
thing to live by.
to dispose properly, to give out
The fat around the intestines,' orderly ; to reflect ; stuff, ma-
the fat taken out of the bowels. terials of which things are
Fixed, determined; intelli-! made glass an employe, one ;

'T gent, knowing ; to conclude, wlio is of service, as a clever

to bring to an end, to finish ;
man ;
provender, grain man. ;

finished, done, a sign of the ure ; clear sound of a drum ;

past tense; much used in the to pull ; liiV taky "-ki Jo, how
court dialect, for which loki is many do you think there are ?
here used before a verb, Hiu
; ZtiV s'm 16" unforeseen, une.\-
means entirely, clearly, wholly, pected ;
liu^ Hi, to manage, to
very; '«^ <.ua Hiu, written itj oversee ;
judn hard to sayliu* ;

all ; 'sai Hiu, washed ; mi^ Hiu tsz'^ liu^ pal, itiang, I think I

sz*^ not yet finished the aff\ir can not do it isfiui liu^ who ;

or job sz'* s'w» ioh-> Hiu, the

; would have thought it ? pat,
matter can not be done shai^ ; ch'ut,'^sho Ziii' what I expected ;

itn taki Hiu, strength unequal /in liu^ manure 'md liu^ gram ;

to it, impossible; yo/j muki for horses ; mali liu* materials ;

Hiu jin, clearly understood at hV glass-ware

liii^ ;
Uu^ p'ia'
a glance 4 Hiu -pat:, taky verv, liu^ ;
sui' broken
exceedingly, unequaled ; Hiu glass ;
iking Ztti- superfine glass
pat-, lakykdm^ Han, inconiparab. 1 ornaments ich'iu iCing hV liu* ;

ly lazy; mV- V Hiu, not so easily ;

to be a statesman, a valuable
done Hiu iko, a black grackle;
; employ^ ccAu liu^ paste made ;

"^Hoi ifiam Hiu cko, the wattled .

of pig's blood ;
j'm tsd' tak, liu*
grackle or minor (Eulabes 'skai, I can make nothing of
indiciis); '^kdm tsau- Hiii, that's it, useless ; liv} sz'* iU kin' I

the end, now it is finished ; Hiu think you will find it as I say.
knki the matter is ended ^xhi ; This character is often pro-
to^ Hiu, We
know it 7/m Ain ; nounced Hiu, when meaning
az'- the job is done Hiu pat, ; gli\SS.
Hiorlonst can not be borne, in-
1^' A man's name, a surname.
supportable ; 'm«) Hiu ik'i, no
end to his troubling. Liau
; 1

LO. LO. 247

0|)en bamboo baskets, with-
covers or handles, some-
I ^ *"'^
Lo. I'lP
times with eared holes at the
top, in which to run cords,
A final sound in singing ; j

used to keep fruit or grain in,

children's prattle do ^so, troa- j

Lo ;
or to peddle ; Jdi Jo, a " basket
blesome, annoying, petty ; ^au
puller,'' is a nickname for the
fh, banditti. A final colloquial
fruiterers in Fruit Row in
particle, used in answers tsd' ;
Canton ; tso' Jo, a condemned
tak-, Jo, it will do ; hai' Jo, yes
Criminal, from their being car-
Joi Jo, come on.
ried to execution in baskets;
A spring-net for birds a kind ;

of silk, woven like gauze, used

Jam Jo ffau, a peddler ^h'd ;

Lo 'tsai Jo, peddling panniers;

for dresses, and sometimes
called 16 or law; to spread out,
Jo 'tsai, small baskets.
arranged in rows ;
yat, paU ^ Parasitic plants
like dodder, convolvulus, d:c.,
and twigs
Jo, a piece of law Jo pd^ ;

linen woven in stripes; ts'z'^ which twine around trees;

Jiung Jo, " to give a red law. small stems of plants Jo pak^ ;

sash," is to strangle one Jo a turnip or radish Jixmg Jo ;


^mong, a bird net ; Jo cheang' pdki a radish ; iitong Jo ydki

a bed-curtain; tch^ung Jo, to a carrot knng- kU^rSz' Jo, the

spread a net met. to borrow vines and tendrils have inter-


money; Johon' distinguished laced a marriage alliance.

disciples ofBudha, of whom 18 derived from the names
were personal Jo hon^ ^s'ung, ;
Jo and Vo' isz\ two kinds of
the yew ; Jo hon^ '^feng, the twining plants ; Jo pdki kom'
Romish tonsure some Bnd- ;
tav ko\sam, heart as big as a
hists wear it; tdi' Jo, heaven, turnip —
generous and grateful.
A gong ; it serves in armies
the great canopy 5/0 Zi/j sliapi ; \

jtaly (Ch^ung, he arranges thejj*^]^ for wash-basins and boiler.s ;

eighteen essays, he talks con- Vd Jo, to beat the gong 7d ;

fusedly Jo Jiing (or ikdng) or

/tiM Jo, striking the gong
Jo p'tin, a compass; ^Lo sFfl"| ahead—announcing an officer's

(Sfidn, famous hills near Shik-I approach iVfiing Jo tsv} chung^


?ung; Jo iWai (ku Hnng, to to sound the gong to collect

sleep alone and cold as a — the people.
deserted wife. A mule '^hoi Jo ^p'i, beaver's

A kind of tree growing in Lo

skin ;
Js'ing Jo, a bay mule ;
Hun4n, easy to burn Jo Ivk, Jo^md, a mule.
Lo ;

a fence made of stakes. 'JB$} A name of spiral univalves,

A river in H'lnan, in which ^ ,, like the Lymneus,Voluta, He-
Kiuh Yuen drowned
Mnf, Jo ,kong
callf^d ; it
Lo '

a volute
Murex, &c.; a conch;
a s(.Tew ;
spiral, ;

Tungting Lake. screw. like; Jin Jo, fresh water


246 LO. l6/

snails sT/it) H'ai Jo^ shells with
; parents; Ho chdi' to get a debt
eroded ends; '^hivvg Jo, conch- tki jii Ho Hii, nearly took him

es used for horns jto (Sz' a ; otr, he was almost done for
screw ; 5/0 j«'fn, inlaid shell Ho sti, to catch fish Ho jiii suni* ;

lackered. ware J.o kai* a spiral ; bring an answer back.

head-dress* jZo AoAj shells in
Lo' Smell of burning animal
general Jo kdni' Jiin, crookf>d
matter; to burn, to singe;
as a screw Jo 'im, the opercu-
lum of univalves.

Read %,
'*Aut ck'nu' 'fo the water is W
in the name 'Awo 7o, the sphex,
or solitary wasp.
cruise about, to patrol ;

to makea circuit, to spy, to
Naked, barebacked; naked-
inspect as a guard ; to inclose
ness the naked the upper
Lo ; ;
and screen, as mountains do a
part of the body stripped to ;
valley ; a guard ; Js'un lo^ to
strip, to make
bare Ho iCh'ung, ;
patrol; Zo* /o' '^chun, playing
the " naked insect" i. e. man ;
about, here and there.
Ho (Shan, nude.
A. maid servant, a waiting
woman. Read ^wo ; 'ico ^ngo,
delicate, slender, like a weak
woman, elegant. 1^0.
Fruits ripening on the ground
or growing on vines and herbs, (Some of these characters are oflei) pro-
Lo nounced lu.)
as melons, pine-apples, toma-
toes, water-caltrops. A colloquial word ; to mix up
The king's evil, called Ho M in disorder, confuse ; to to
liki ; this name refers to scro- hash, to chop sorts of food ; to
fula only as it appears in the mix in ; to bother, to make
neck. one trouble ; trouble, care,
To rend or split ; to select. pains Jd k^vk, to poach on a

Lo A colloquial word ; to get for, friend for a meal Jd liin} to :

tobuy or procure, to bring to turn things over in confusion,

one to vex to injure Ho Hd
; ; ;
to make a bother ; M' Jd ^hd
ip'o, to married get
'nt '^lo ;
^k'u, go and bother him ; Jd
^kw^an ^ngo, you provoke me ;
Jin Hii Jai H'ai, turn them out
Ho Jai ^ngo,' go and get it for to look at, as things from a
me ^ni Joi Ho iOgnn, you come
box Jd c/rd Hsai, a blackleg

and get the money 'md ^y^ ; chdn^ tak, '^shau ip'ijd, had my
Ho c/an Joi, nothing to bring trouble for rny pains ; Jd isin,
back 5'wi tsang Ho itndi, not
to give false hopes, all talk ;
yet got all Ho imeng, to vex
: ^yau mat) Jo J'au, what pay or
one's life out, bewitched Ho ;
perquisites are there ? Jd
chdPHsai, a child dying early, icKiung iik^ a little profit ; Jd
before he has recompensed his tik) J'oitg, put in a little sugar.
l6; r^ 549

To toil, to labor, to exert one's A vessel for holding rice ; a

self, tofag to trouble one ; pan for grog-shop
fire ; a
Laii ;
Lu ;

wearied, fatigued service, ; black itong Jd, a shop where


toil, distress, exertion for; warm spirits are sold tdm Vw/u ;

anxious, careworn worthy ; £?/ Jd, to cover the mouth and

deeds, merit 'yaw ib 'hi, I anj ; laugh. Interchanged with the

troubling you ; )b iSlian, to three next.
weary one, tired out; ik'an The skin ; the abdomen ; to
Jd, to be diligent Jd ^fii, toil- arrange in order, to spread out;
some ^d lung' iyan, to
labor ; to transmit, toconvey orders,
trouble people and engage to intimate to. lo hand down ;

their help Jd Jd luk-: Ink:, wea-

Jtung Jb /sa'^Court of Ceremo-
ried and distracted ; Jd kd' nies iCliiin Jd, a n^^me for

excuse me for the trouble I the fourth among the Hinlin ;

have given you. Sir said to — Jd hh to put in order.
a visitor
Jd <.sam, obliged to

you for your kind thoughts.

A windlass, a pulley, a snatch.
block ; liik) Jd, a machine on
Sickness and wasting of the Lii
which ropes turn to haul
body from toil or care con-
Lau ;
things. j-^
sumption, atrophy of the vis-
Interchanged with Jii "/^.J
cera Jd peng- consumption,
a rush-like bamboo; a large
phthisic a pining away from
covered basket a spear handle. ;

grief; in Corea, poisonous

drugs; Jd Idti the pain of a r^j A fire-place, brazier, grate,
sting. >. stove, chafing-dish, chimney,
kind of univalve shell-fish; ! or furnace for lighting a fire ;

a small species of cicada, call- an incense vase; 's/taw Jd, a

ed J'ai Jd ; Jtam Jd, a gold hand-slove ; '^b Jd, a vessel
spotted spider. or place for a fire ; tfuvg Jd,
An inclosure or stable for a fogong or portable furnace ;

cattle, especially sacriticial Jcing iPgan Jd, a refining
animals, a corral an aviary ;
furnace fining Jd, an
domestic animals a granary ; ;
covered fireplace knk, Jd, a ;

a prison, a jail firm, secure, ; bake-pan, an oven Jd ip'i'ig, ;

strong to take firmly, to know

: a set of a censer and a jar,
certainly tso^ Jd, in prison
usually made of metal.
fdi' Jd, an ox shiu^ Jd, a ;

Black, stiff clods, not yet

sheep Jd Jung kaV a schenjp
harrowed yellow earth s,inong
to inveigle and injure one by Lu ; ;

Jd, the yellow clods, the grave,

false promises Jd Jd '^kan kV ;
hades ; 7^au Jd, a wine shop.
reniember it clearly ; Jd kv"
secure, strong Jt\n Jd, the ; Interchanged with the last ;
emperor's prison ; Jd pat, '/lo a vessel for spirits Jong Jd, a ;
pd' it is too secure lo be open- shop where hot spirits are
ed, it is very fast. sold also, a dram-seller.

Ton. Dict. 32
250 L6. l6.

A queen-post the peduncle of

; Jd 'kui^ hash or slices of the
Lu flowers jd kwaU a fruit (Erix).
; Jd fish.
bolrya japonica )t the or Tliick dregs of spirits; iShun
Chinese medlar. Read jL« Jd, high flavored spirits, gene-
in the Fan Wan. rous wine.
Name of a river in the east To hunt by night by torches,
of Kiingsi ; an inferior pre- as in deer-stalking. Also read
fecture in Sz'chuen on the Jiy,. This is considered the
Yangtsz' kiang Jo '«/»?«, a ; most correct form of the next.
tributary of the Yangtsz' in Large. A colloquial and some-
Sz'chuen. what demeaning word for a
A gem or a kind of precious man, a person, a fellow, one
stone of a green color. of a class ; it is often equi-
eye valent to the termination er ;
The pupil of the ; to see ;

iTiidng Ho, a blind man ; tdi^

itsHng ild, a clear eye.
Hd and sai^ '/o, an elder and a
Hempen threads to ;
younger brother Jieung Hid ;

flax or hemp and make it ready

Hd, a villager ngoi^ ^kong Hd^

for weaving. a notherner ; Hd Uii^ Hd, an old

A name for boats ; the stem
fellow ; itigoi Hd, a fool ; cICau'
or stern of a boat or vessel. tfilCung Hd, a foul mouthed
High rushes along river cour- fellow ; mal:, tikj Hd, what fellow
ses, young and flowerless is that ? what does he do ? jnai
rends used to repair dikes 'shui Hd, a mason ^k'i Hid Id,;

mttki s« ilo, wooden gourd- a Bannerman ; ko' Hd, that

shaped floats strapped on chil- man, that stranger.
dren in boats Jd 'wai, rushes ; ;
Old, seventy years of age ;
Jo iCiidi, reed faggots Jo waV ;
old, out of date, used a long
sAoes Jd wai\kdu, the juice
time ; old at, skillful ; venera-
of the aloes used for the hair. ble, aged an ofllicer ; a term of

The skull of a man /aw ; respect and honor, Mr., your,

Jo, the skull ifu Jd J'av, a; often prefixed to relationships;
bare skull, a decapitated head. to grow old; the r25th radical
The fishing cormorant, called of characters relating to age ;


Jd J^'z\ and poetically c« 'Zoc^Mwg'j^/dsp'o, husband, wife;

Lu Hd iyan tkd or Hd /di* an old
'^kivai, the black devil.
A name for fishes like the man Hd iau- or Hd Hsz* a

Labrax family ,pdn Jd, the ;

father Hd t'dV a mother, »

spotted labrax (L. Japonicus); lady ; a tide-waiter ; 'Zd c/m7»a'

pdhJd, tlie white labrax (Pris- ikwan, a man whoise son is an
lipoma pihloo); j'au Jd, the officer ; Hd shaU honest ; Ho
redlieaded labrax ( Prislipoma Your Honor Hd J-ung
iye. Sir, ;

kaakan); ,fd 'Urn Jd, the spot- one of the same age hok^ Hd, ;

tud lubrux (Prislipoma nugtb); men of Chauchau fu ; Hi) 'ku,

l6. L6. 251

a wliore; -Zd Js'ln, versod in, the 197th radical of characters

no novice, cute — applied to pertaining to salt ; uncivil,
gamesters cAm/j [I am]
; % rude Hd mi' meat corned with

old and stupid Hd IW well ; spirits Hd pd^ order of the


learned in Ho tikioan, Laiitsz',

; emperor's traveling ; ishun Hd,
founder of the Rationalists ;
barren land; jZd 'ts'd, careless,
ishdm Ho, the coat is old Hb ; heedless,
ihotig 'chiung, an old trader ;
n*.' To give a present to one, to
Hd Wai' Mr. Wai Ho ,loi ; "r: bribe, to corrupt to leave ; a ;

ik'ung, poor and old Hd shiu^ ; vessel used in ancestral wor-

the old and the young Hb ^chu ; ship fuP Zo- d'uvg Jiang, bri-

hV old and firm, as a table bery prevails everywhere.

an old customer. jfcfe^' A car, a state carriage ; yuki
^ , lo^ the emperor's chariot ; the
(The next six arc frequently pronounced Jw.)
traces of the harness ; 16*
*^, Blunt, stupid, dull, obtuse ; Hs'am, a post-hou3e for the
the name of a feudal state, emperor,
now the province of Shantung; n^^ A road, a path, a way where
Hd lun^ dull of apprehension ;
yV people go and make it plain ;
Ho cfu, a coarse, dull, fellow ;
a passage ; met. a way of ac-
Ho ^mong, dull and easy, bull- tion, duty ; overthrown ; great,
headed. principal a carriage
; isam ;

U^/} A great buckler of wood ;

(Ch'd /o- a trivia shapi tsz'^ ; W
sA^ ia movmg tower the scull on ; cross-roads ; kwaU ifati 1d^ a
wm\ the stern of boats Hd suti the ;
cul-de-sac ; ihang csz' /t>' to act
LO scull pivot ; /ui Hd, push the improperly ; long' shahld- mis-
scull, i.starboard the helm
e. ;
sed the way man^ Id^ to ask ;

ctndn Hd, port the helm ; H'ai the way '^ki ^iin '^shvi Id' how

Hd ^mi, lookout for the scull fnr is the voyage ? 'md no- W
i'lu Hd, to scull Hd p'dn\ the ; thins to do, out of work Hid ;

scull tie. W s//o' |)rosperousU^ shd' ; mat:,

^(^ To seize, to capture, to take what luck do you have ? yd*

alive in war ;
captives, prison- ts'aU pdU Id- or hah Id^ a dark
ers ; a sla~ve to, devoted to ;
way (because on the 27th and
'^shaiii1s'inHd,a slave to money; 28th days, the nightsare dark),
Hd Ituki to rapture Hd <,yaii
; misdirected ; Id' wdti a slippery
laki shukito seize and hold men way Jiang ipK^uvg
exiled W ;

for tsau' 16^ to pass or go around
Interchanged with the pre- by ; iiodng Id* a cross cut
V7j ceding; to capture prisoners; iyeungich'^ung tdi^W a straight
to seize people for slaves or to highway ^mdi Zd' Js'in, to give

ransom ; Hd <yan, a kidnap|)er black miil tak:, Id* to com- ;

Suit,rock salt ; salt licks, mence learning; cZ*oiZ()^tocIear

salt ponds, or lands from:Which the path fjr a soul it'ung (ktcai
Lu ;

salt is obtained bajren lands; ; yal) Id* both died at the same

%n La LOI.

A great rain, an inyndation,

time pati ;

as a pencil
kdiri' tint'

; Jiang tpin /iw

Idi^ straight
a rushing torrent caused by
/o' which is the way to ^o1 rains; to macerate, to soak;
l<? ich'ing, an itinerary ; 'Aion a collection of water ; ihang
W to hasten, urgent to get on ;
Id' a torrent.

Id^pan- a muddy road ; Id^ To hanker after, to dote on ;

kang^ shuk:, I know the way concupiscence, lustful affec-
well. tion for : liin' Id' sick for love
A river in Shenst in the pre- Ld' Tuki a paramour of the
fectnre of Li'i-ngdu ; a river mother of Tsin Chl-hwAng
in Yunnan. hence, a libertine, a Sir Fran-
1V5 A valuable and beautiful cis Chartres.
-6^* A lithe kind of bamboo,
(274) Loi.
^ good for making arrows.
reward labor, to remem-
>)?H,' To
ber services in order to reward Same as Jai ?jj^ in the col-
Luu loquial to come, to reach
them; to console, to commend, Lai
; ;

to assist ikwan Id^ tsah pdi"

coming, arriving; to effect, to

return thanks for the prince's bring about, to obtain, to

rewards. induce; denotes the future, or
Dew, mist which comes progress of time Joi is often
f^^ in ;

drops to bedow to bless to joined with hi'i' to denote com-

La ; ;

ing and going, here and there,

disclose, to divulge to make ;

manifest, to open, to show again and again, &c. but ;

through, to exhibit; naked, dis- after this verb it is often a

closed, apparent ; /d%f'in, oix^n form of the pluperfect ; after

to the sky ; W '^shui, dew ;
many verbs, it merely indicates
paV W to let out (a secret); their action ; and if a negative
W 'cKi, exposed teeth : j'm /d- is inserted between, the idea

of inability of the first verb is

min' not to see a visitor; ffs'ong
it'au 7o' ^mi, the cat at last let implied, as cfting Joi, bring;
out of the bag 16^ '^shtii, ^mdi paU Joi, can not buy it;
(fa. ;

colo<rne water Id' vd^ general :

after the verbs Vii and ch'ut^ it

orders in an army; Id' iping, means to begin, showing the

to see the real form or naked-
commencement of the action
ness of; Ha. ham' Id' to gape indicated in a previous verb,

Id' cKvU ^ma V/jdw, the secret as '^seiing ('m 'At Joi, I can not
is it is found out.
out, rpcall if (»himg ch'iit^ pevo'

long legged bird pahi Jd- ;
Joi, you will Iwcome sick ;

tsd' pat:, Joi, it is impossible

a white egret-heron (Ckii Id' ;

a red-headed crane ; Id' ftdj Him tsd' iaki Joi, how can it

a sfealtliy way of moving, like be accomplislied ? Joi ^irong,

(his bird. going and coming, intercourse

— ; ;

LOI. LOK. 253

with, to and fro; Joi Jeieai, fo A thistle, wild herbs growing

come home ; ^ni "^ki ixfii J,oi, in waste places; waste, sterile,
when did you come ? Joi yuli untilled ground to clear up ;

to-morrow Joi jnjn, next year;

jungle J'in Joi, a fallow, or

Joi ^shav, one who brings a neglected field Joi fuki a ;

th ing Joi Wfo^ foreign goods

turnip Joi Hs'd, a sow thistle,

mal; Joi J'au, what did you its leaves are esculent.
come for ? cWh Joi j'av, the ori- To confer upon, to bestow
ginal condition of an article on an inferior a largess; Jd :
or a thing fin Joi is also a
; loi^ to reward for services; loi^

kind of adversative phrase, tsz"^ an imperial reward.

meaning yes, indeed; yet ; The handle and beam of a
but truly <»m Joi ^rhd Us'z' -li,
; plough; the 127lh radical of
never was there such a mode ;
characters pertaining to til-
'kong j'm Joi, can not say it, lage to plough
; loi- tsz*^ a ;

unable to get it Joi lil'i origin

plough met. agriculture. ;

and history of, antecedents of; A eulogy on the dead to ;

^yfiu Joi tsz'^ there is more eulogize, to write epitaphs; loi*

coming ; Joi yatifu' ct'im, get shvti to narrate one's virtues
another set Joi ^yan, reason;
loi^ iman, a eulogy, or prayers

of, cause c'm '^shai man- Joi

for the virtuous dead, often
jt/flf/, dont ask the reason of if burned at the burial.
lolci Joi, come down ^iii Hd ;

cpiii dCu' Joi, where did 5"ou

come from ? ^yau Joiliki there C<iT5) Lok.

is proof; Joi (yanwa'-md 'ch»v,
Disputatious ; read koJc, a
story-tellers are not to be be-
lieved. Loh
cock's cry. A colloquial final
particle, like Jo, used in an-
Read Jot' to receive one, to
swers, implying indeed, cer-
meet one coming.
tainly finished, done; so; hai*
A mountain in Sz'chuen, one ;

lok, yes, indeed tsau' 'kdm lokj

of the peaks of the Min Mts.,

Lai \ve\\, that'll do.

near the confines of Shensi.
Interchanged with the last; To burn brand to spit,
in, to ;

to toast, to cook by roasting;

al^jo, to receive strangers with Loh
Lai red hot; a branding-iron; '/a
yon' lok, to brand hk, t'iti a
m The pupil of the eye distorted,
to squint; ^min Joi, to glance
at sideways, to look at ear-
spit-iron lok. Jion, to toast

or roast till dry; Jok, to' (tsiii,


roast it thoroughly.
Hemp not yet rotted silky
m for
A i(-)cal

name in Shantung
cotton fibres, staple of cotton ;
continuous, joined to bind, to ;

A mare, seven cubits high ;

lie around (o enf'ompass a
; ;

a powerfid tall horse. coarse net, u:^il ti> curry boxes

; ;

254 LOK. LOK.

in, slings; the blood vessels; fixed, arranged ; loki Joi, come
maki lok:, the pulse Jim lok, ;
down ;
lok, siil, it snows ; Us'iin
mutuni assistance, joined /oAr, ; lok, a village ; tit, loki ti^ fell
^md it'au, to halter a horse ;
to the ground loki kd^ the ;

csam pericardium
ipdti lok, the ;
price has fallen lok, poki re- ;

yaU liiV J-'ang lok, a pair of duced in wealth, poor lok, ;

rattan slin^is; siii' lok, netted iShiug, the job is completed

slings; shau^ ipan Jung lok, tdi^ ifong loki a term for the
duped, taken in ;
lok^ iCh'aUy a five years in the cycle with isz'^
sort of sarsnet. in their name ; loki Hki be

^^ A speckled or brindled cow ;

smart lok, teng^ to pay bar-

tT^' open, manifested, patent ;

pok, gain money loki fnin' to up. ;

loki a particolored ox ; cK^uk:, braid, (o abuse with foid lan-

loki preeminent, to excel, dis- guage; ZoA-j'pj/nj/^'iji to advance
tinguished lok, lok, clearly
capital loki pal, to begin a

understood hk, hok, hard and

work, to commence writing;
even, like a good road. loki fsoi' (pin ck'ff where has
|gfr Cream dried milk racky
; ;
it gone to? where is he at
r":' made from mare's milk fat, ;
work ? loki fat, to shave off
greasy, unctuous hang^ lok, ;
the hair, to lose the hair ; loki
or hang^ ^ynn ^clia, an emul- (kong, sunset ; loki i^hiin, to
sion of almonds ^uZoAp) thick- ;
go aboard ; loki <.shd, to mix
ened milk, porridge. in sand J^au fo^ export
; loki

ffi^C A white horse with a bhck cargo; be easy about.

/oAj ^sam,
'f'H'mane: Lok, J'in, a country Pleasure, joy, happiness,
near Annani lok, ^l a, a camel.; ease, gratidation; to rejoice
/tffc A kind of bird interchang- ; in, to delight in, to take plea-
"^^^ ed with the preceding, and with sure esteem a pleasure
in, to ;

the next; lok, lok, iin, afraid. loki ill ming^ pleased with
'^^ A fine river in Honan, a fate, to accord with the decrees
y'y large tributary of the Yellow of heaven Jiang loki J'd, a ;

River; the dazzling glare from portrait; Isok, lok, to make

water Lok, iy^nrig, the an-
merry ; loki tak, ^irai, pleased
cient Lohyang in Hbnin, the to do ;
Jio loki <M cchi, where
capital of Fuhhi ; lok, iyiung shall be better pleased ? loki

ifd, a caryophyllus. t^sam, contented.

^^ Thefalloftheleaf or of rain; Name of a river in Shan-

fT"|Mo scatter about; to fall, to tung, A bank, a large pool
^ tumble off, to let fall, to fall
or estuary.
into ;
to descend, to gather at, Interchanged with y^uk, ^^'
to come down to to ; lay a Dead branches of trees wiih-
Loh ;

thing down to put into, ;

to en- ered leaves. Read ch'^uk,
ter, as an item in an account light, bright, splendid ; bril-

the place to which one falls, liant, refulgent ;

to fsliin^, to
one'rf gathering place; settled, glisten ; to embe!liiih.
; ;y;

LONG. LOxNG. 255

<dl A wolf or jackal, a beast

(276) Long. 'j]*^,^ whose howl scares animals;
° cruel, furious, oppressive
^Tt A
place or summer-house in ididi Jong ctong Id' a wolf is in
r^' the Lu state a term of reapect ;
the road —
said of cruel rulers ;
for officers and persons a ;
Jong isam, cruel Jong tsiki ;

gentleman a male ling^ilong^ ; ;

more than is wanted, scattered
your son c«a/i Jong^ a bride- about, confused Jong pwi' ;

room is^an Jed Jong, attend- fettered, embarrassed, involv-


ants at a bridal procession ed ; Jong tuki truculent, callous


and cruel.
'Aron (C/iM
tosow Jong (kwan, my hus-
Jong, to lead a boar
^ Young bamboos, called ds'ong
chuk:> ; a basket a
band pun^ Jong, groomsmen
; ; I/nff
^^^"^ ;

tdi^ ling- Jong, i' ling^ Jong, screen for a carriage.

young gentleman, second
4^A "Weeds in rice or grain, or
young gentleman these terms whatever hinders its growth
; r i ;

are added by others to the Jong ^yau, darnel, tare; pat^

names of sons ;(di- Jong is a Jong pa/j ^yav, neither darnel
term a wife gives her hus- nor grass— good for nothing.
band's eldest brother. ^A A mantis, called it' on g Jong
Bta Rooms or porches on the two ^ met. ineffectual efforts ; J,'ong

sides of a hong between the Jong pet'mantis

iihiin, the
^ halls, or on the sides of court, catches the cicada, (and the
somewhat like a gallery or catches the mantis).
corridor chambers adjoining ;
Also read J^ung ; ik^ung
a hall ;
Jsun Jong, a portico Jeung, the tumble-dung, a
or porch, where watchmen kind of Ateuchus.
stay Jong mhV Js'oi, distin- S3 A lofty door vacant, empty, ;


giiished talents as of states- y^J unoccupied Jong ^un, fairy ;

men; Jong '/no, side galleries. land ckd Jong, a high gate-

iS 1
A species of palm, the wood way Jong Jong, extensive,

'l^ ;. is good for sedan thills, and waste.

the pith for food ''kau Jong, a ^Aa Clear, lustrous, bright, as the
s^pjj i ;

Ling species of Pruniis, found in 1^'' moon ; distinct utterance ; lus-

Kw^ngtung; iViing Jong, a tre, clearness ; Jewong Htmg^

kind of rattle used to drive light itsHng Hong, limpid,

fish into nets. pure Hong chiu' to receive or


ittn] Ornaments made of coral, ask assistance of, blessed ef

'•^ ;. called Jong ,kon ; Jong Jong, «/> Hong, moonshine Hong ;

sj.^ a sort of necklace or clasp for

Hong tsvng- (.king, to recite the
classics in a clear voice.
L4ng the neck.
!m' a cemetery, a tomb, called

Interchanged with the last
a kind of locket Jtam Jong ;
(fan long- in Shansi fong' ;

(long, a little bell. lonii' a desert waste.

; ;

256 LU. LO.

\Ai Waves, billows, surges; a An ass ; ^ye Jii, a wild ass ;

1^ drum; dissipated, extravagant, Lu 'kin Jii, a limping or slow ass ;

wasteful, profligate; imperti- Jii (till, ill-setting, £is clothes,

nent, disrespectful unsettled, ; bulging out.
unfixed in mind mong^ long^ ; A plant, used to boil with
rude and unmannerly <fnng fish, in order to give it u pleas-
long^ waves ; loiig^ t'ong^ va- ant flavor.
The gate of a village or lane,
gabondish, inconstant
hng^ ridiculing, audacious
y^uk} ;

a gate a hamlet of 25 houses

long^ Hsz^ a spendthrift ; long^ a habitation ; to dwell ; iinun

yung^ wasteful long^ Hi fd tin, ; Jii, a dwelling; 'i Jii, leaning

foolish and lewd talk. against the door and hoping —

Read Jong, in the river for one's return ; Jii Hi, a viU
iTs'ong Jong in Shantung. lage gate.
H'rt* To dry in the sun to hang ; A kind of palm, with pointed,
V f** up to dry long^ ikon hung up
: sharp leaves Jii mukt a. fine
*°^ Lu ;

till dry ; long^ (hoi. spread out grained red wood from An-
to dry cyam long^ dry it in na m.


the shade. The spine represented by

Read long^ ; a colloquial s
the character; tones in music ;

word; tostand a thing on trest- lukiHii, the six flat notes ^sam ;

les, or on whatever will raise Hu (Chi ishan, a loyal minister ;

it from the ground; to put a ^La sung' Spain 'siu ^Liisung^ ;

thing upon a shelf or place ;

Luzon or Manila.
to chock or shore up long^ 'hi ; A colleague, a companion, a
'A'm, raise it from the ground to associate with, to
La fellow ;

long\kd tiky raise it a little accompany; Jiang ^lii, a travel-

higher; isUiin 'pi sheki long^ ing comrade; kiliHii, to agree
chv? the ship is stranded on to go in a company, to make
the ruck. up a party pun^Hii, a partner.

This character is often pr6.

nounced Hii, in the sense of
(377) Lii. within, inside.
A battalion of 500 men a ;

(The pronunciation of the characters under stranger, a visitor, a guest, a

this syllable and those in the 279th and 280th Lu
js often difficult to distinguish.) sojourner; a company, many ;

itg A
thatched hovel, a cottage, to travel about or to other pro-
a choultry by the roadside ; a vinces to lodge an imperial
; ;

lodge or shed in a field, for sacrifice to heaven ; a path ;

workmen a poor house ; a ; orderly, to arrange in order

term for one's own house; to foreign self-planted grain

pass the night pai^ Jii, my ; Jiang Hii, a traveler ; Hii hak-,
house Ju sh6^ a cottage, my
; or (Shtunsi a traveling mer-

lodgings /t» Ju, a cabin in

; chant ; Isz'
in order; Hii
a field. tini' a lodging-house.
;; ;

L«. LU. LUI. 257

The backbone, th3spino ^yau ;

Hu liki he has great strength. (27b)

Lq Lu.
To tfiink upon anxiously, to
expect, to care about, to feel
sad for ; to plan, to calculate,
cLm. a colloquial word ; to spit
to devise ; to cogitate, to turn
to spit out of the mouth ; J,u
over in one's mind concern, ;
ch'ut^ ilai, spit it out.
dubious of, suspicion, anxiety;
Lu'. A colloquial word ; confus-
cSz' lu- serious thoughts of;
lii-hau} to think of the future;
ed ; iku W all in disorder.

W to' precautionary, thought,

ful of; iTnong W not to par-

ticularize, a general view of; (279) Lui.
W nim^ to have anxious
Deceitful to deceive a ; ;
A hedgehog or porcupine ;
man's name, Chau Puhlii in
the Sang dynasty. Wt a class, a series, a collection,
many of the same sort to ;

A a rasp- a polishing
classify; dense, abundant ; tsz^*
tool ;smooth, to give
to file
La Hid, a dictionary. Also read
lustre to to correct or reform
one's self; sTno lii^ to polish, to
A worm which eats wood.
Usually pronounced Hai, which
Frequently, reiterated, many Li
times, often; continually,
La A heap or pile of stones to
successively; prompt ; W ts'z''^
pile or throw stones together

many times; lii^ jnin, for m^ny Lu

into a pile Hui Hid
years W W again and again
clearly understanding.
; loki loki

lu'W 'kdm, he
hai^ always is
sea A
so — he
military wall, a rampart
just is stupid.
to pile up, to heap, to lay on
Usually pronounced hv}.
Read W
each other a pile reiterated
; ;
Rustic, unpolished. ;

Lu graves in a row Hui sheki to ;

in the Fan Wan.
pile up stones; robust, vigor-
Hempen or silken fibres not
ous form, figure Hui Hun ^chi
; ;

yet spun
a forfeit of cloth ; a

or knot ; pd^ coarse W iTigai, imminent danger as of —

cotton cloth /«i ^fan
sik-, W breaking a pile of egg? ^kwan
Hui, an intrenched camp yah

to arrange and speak of points ;

Hui sheki a heap of stones

in order ;
yat:, lu^csz' a knot of ;

Hu* pih> iCh'an, a constellation

including parts of Capricorn,
Interchanged with the last

the lappet of a coat ; Jam W Aquarius and Pisces.
A flower-bud, flowers partly
ragged clothes, seedy gar-
opened ; t/d Hui, a flower- bud.
ments. Lui
^ Tos. DicT. 33

258 LUl. LUI.

Interchanged with J.ui tw' *E' Good, unselfish, excellent ;

and often pronounced lui^ ^'^ a species, a sort, a class, a kind

Lui ;

To dram, to beat a drum or a luP is contained in a pd^, and

gong; to turn over stones; sdh larger than di'^chung, as a class,
Hui p'du' to beat a reveille and genus, species; imperial sacri-
fire a gun Hui '^ku, to drum.; fice or worship to class with, ;

.m To destroy, to injure mutual- to become one with ^I'mig ;

ly, as in a fight pdi' Hui, to luP of the same sort '^sJio ^yau
f ;

rout ; fdp Hui, puppets, auto- mail lup whatever things there
matons tsz^- Hui Jii; -^s/ian, he are lui- Hs^z' similar in kind
; ;

injured himself. ch'uk> lup domestic animals

m A
kind of vine or melon
^f^ koU Hui, a sort of gourd J,s'in
- pat:, iS^uiig luP unlike, not of

the same sort ; lui^ kvP


Lui ;

suP Hui, a sort of vine appear at court on succeeding

-^ flyi"S squirrel, called Hui to a father's title ; shin- luP the
^^^y ^^^ considered me- good hd^ ^ago. become like

dicinal, and allied to the bat. me, make one of us; luP Hs'z^
To stoop, to bend, to crouch ;
^k'ii, 'kbm '-yeung, very much
to ofiend ;
to reach to, at ; de- like it.
termined, set ; curved, distort- ^fes- Knots
in silk thread a de- ;

ed, crooked ; perverse, rebel, yM a flaw; out of sorts; per-

lious, stubborp ungovernable, ; verse, unmanageable ; harsh ;

impenitent, criminal tsuP lup ;

^fan luP morose. j^
wicked lun (fi luP /in, the
; '^. li»terchanged with lii-
^1 > J^
kite flies to heaven. to bind, to detain, to tie toge-
^^^ Like the preceding to bind ; ther ; to lay on or above, to
W- so as to force out the blood ;
heap ; repeatedly, often haP ;

incurable, virulent, as a dis-

Hui, to tie up ; Hui ^sz' to em-
ease ; a I'lant furnishing a boss, to njake raised figures
green dye ; ts'dki lui- a thief; {
on a plain surface.
luP (fii, an unreasonable man. J To involve, to compromise,
'^^^ chirping of a bird J,iu L'ui to implicate to put an affair ;
llS." ;

Y^ luP the scream of storks or on another, to bring trouble

herons. to embarrassed, oppressed,

yS^l Toweep, to cry ; tears ;

troubled with many affairs
5^, i^ grief^ngdn lui-
to weep ;
j'o luP to involve another

f H J
'" ^"*^ '^ '"^'" tears, to weep lup chuP embarrassed with ;

Lui bitterly ; ^man luP to dry up iUn lui- to implicate in punish,

tlie tears
cc/iii lui' pearly
mcnt ; <7nn kwd^ luP no care

tears lup ^ngdn, eyes r*d from

about ; luP .thaV ^kwai, a most
weeping ; lui-^mun ichim ^k'^ am, annoying wretch ; cKuP lui-
tears bedewed the coat tpi ; ke^ skiiti 7cd^ constant repeti.
lup tears and sorrow; lup ^hari, tions; luPk'apz <yan, to involve
the traces of tears Int^ <ying ; another.
iSoi% tears wet his checks.
; j ;;

LtTl. LUK. 259

arrest ; and en-

to creep over
tangle ; hooks or
of armor ties
(2S0) Jui Jiii, forlorn, forsaken Jui
Llli. ;

hai^ to bind with cords.

An edible salt-water oyster

A sort of porcelain wine-vase
If or clam, found in the waters Lui
with looped ears, having clouds
J.ui painted on it, to show its inex-
off tlie Bogue.
haustibility a bowl used ill ;
Thunder; a deafening, thun-
sacrifices. .^.
dering noise to imitate, to do
Same as Hui ^§.5 a kind
like Hd jZ/ii, or Jiang J.ui, to
of hod or basket to carry earth
thunder yat^ ishvig Jai, a
creeping plants.
clap of thunder Jul Jcung^ the ;
Interchanged with the pre-
'J'hunderer, sc. Jupiter tonans
ceding. Also read Jo, in Jo
fdn\lui, killed with lightning ;
Ui, a basket.
Jui iCung, to hit upon the same
Lean, meagre, emaciated,
as another has ; J,ui ikung S, a
fallen away ;
feeble, debilitat.
tadpole Jiii Jcung (kicang a
ed, infirm entangled turned
; ;
peal of thunder Jui f'ek-, p'd'j ;
over Jui shau' very thin Jul
a shaving shop where money ; ;

Jti koh caught by the horns ;


is lent at high rates Jdi (pin, ;

Jilifuk, turned over or bottom
a flash of lightning ; if/ing li^
yal, iShing Jiii, a clap of thun-
der in a field, a sudden sur-
Interchanged with Hui, in
(281) Luk.
the sense of to drum. To
rub fine, to triturate with a •j^ A green colored stone, chry-
pestle to treat harshly ; to soprase ? stony, rocky, uneven,
precipitate ; Jui its^ung, to rough ground laborsome, toil- ;

make flour for starching ; J.ui some a chunk of tim-

; small ;

itigdn ZiuMo grind paints; Jui ber ; ZmAtj luk, rough ; unimpor-
a pestle for triturating;
ich'tii, tant, insignificant following ;

Jui Idn* ^k'ii, grind it fine ;

after another ; Jd luk, unwea-
Jiii 'ku, to drum ; Jiii slieki to! rying, painstaking yal, luki ;

throw down stones. shii^ a length cut off from a

bind with ropes, to secure '

tree syung luk, an ineflScient


as a criminal
ont*, a black ; man, a drudge ; luk, luk, itno
rope Jui sit, fetters, bonds.
; | lUang, a man of no parts, or
ESIB To join together in a series, |
force ; cpo luk, a vulgar name
to concatenate to place on, ; I for a pumelo.
to superimpose, to add to to ; To move to shake, to rattle; ;

die or be condemned, when to roll over or on the grouud;


innocent; to invt)lvp, to en- to rock ; luk, loki rolled over

tangle ; to bind, to detain, to| and fell down ; 'pi k^uk, luk.
; — ;;

260 LUK. LUK.

roll it with the foot ; Ink-, of sixty years chdki luki shik-, ;

itndh rolled together, like two to throw six dice luki luk^ ;

drops of quicksilver ; luky <,inai thirty-six.

cpin clCv? where has it rolled jj^ High, dry land, terra firma ;

to ? Ink-, ik'aUf to roll a ball ;

P^jMand, as distinguished from
luk:, '^ku, a rattle drum ; luk^ -water used as a complex form

fTiai, to roll earth smooth Zm/c> ; of the last ; Itiki Wa land jour-
wdti rolled smooth also said
ney ; ihajig luki to go by land ;
of men well versed in ; Ink:, luki tsuki in succession, suc-
iVgau, a game of rolling cop- cessively ; luki lo^ cpin^, land
pers ; luk: iloi luk:> hit' to rock troops ; luki tsuki J.oi, came
to and maki to roll
fro ; luk, one after another.
ink in printing; luk:, Ho ch'u'
T^> I Late planted grain, which
slipped down.
The rut of a wheel a roller
t^ yet ripens early in the sea-

^^ wheel luk^ Jd, a windlass
Lull ;

ich'^ luk-, a colloquial word for fy^ Green color Js'tng luh color ;

a wheel luk^ icKi, a waggon. 'j^j^^ of young leaves; (mung luki


A river in Changsha fu in dark green tdP lukiind^ to be ;

Y^TjjHunin; to ooze out water ;

a cuckold; sheki luki mala-
drained off, dregs; to drag from chite luki ifdn, green vitriol

the water; luk:, chap:, 'sAa ti^ ^Lii suvg' luki an emerald

tlie dripping water sprinkled luki <i Jong, a rising man, a

the ground, distinguished man.
ft*? The foot of a hill woody ;
5& Emolumentsof o(?ice,salary,
*'^^'0"s,pay, income prosper,
1^^ places on a hill-side luk:, 'shau, ; Luh ;

a forest ranger, a forester. the enjoyment of a thing


^^ A
high pannier basket for to enjoy an income ; to salary ;

^^' inclosingfowls ; ^shii, luk:, a a defunct scholar

pat:, luki

basket for books; met. a stupid one who died before entering
pedant. office ; luki wai^ an office

*to A deer the 197th radical of

fu7}g luki a salary shiki luki ;

^*^j" characters relating to cervine pleasures of the table, gusto;

animals luki ; ii/ung, harts- d luki pal:> tsuki insufficient
horn itnui (fa luk^ or ikam food and raiment jmo luki ;

its'in luki the white spotted shiki no salary ^Kwong Luki ;

axis deer. tsz'^ the Banqueting OfFiio

-^ Six ; tai^ luki the sixth ; luk^
at Peking — also applied ironi-
cally to cooks.
Liih'/^"^' ^^^ ^'^ departments in
, .

a provincial yamun luk^ hdpi Interchanged with luh

; jP,'
zenith, nadir, and the four car- clear water.
dinal points; the twelve horary A plant or grass of which
stems coupled into six pairs cloth can be made ; luki fau^
Luh I*

luk, shapi ,fd kdp, tlie cycle a green-colored bean.

;; ; 1;

LUK. LUN. 26

A metallic lustre or color foolishly, to disgrace ; shdU

to copy, to luki to slaughter luh
Luh veins on a
shell ; ; I's't/u,

transcril>e ; to record, to make to put prisoners to death ; luk^

a note of; a record, a narration liki united effort.

an order, a series, an index ^S Long and large, like vege-

the teeth ,c1Cdu luh to copy
* tation or grass; luh luki ''che

luki ch'ut; Jai, to compose, to iHgo, the long, large rush.
write muk> luh an index sin
; ;

Jiang^ luki record of one's words

and acts Hsii luh to be select- (232)
ed out from the candidates for
a degree luki sz'^ to detail, to

write an account of; ynt,

iph'eung tsuh luh one act wtirth
noting 'ki luh shapi ts'z'^
A colloquial word to gnaw
a bone to lie uneven stam-
mering; uneven, as crumpled
m ;

to be recorded ten times as —

paper shut-, wa^ dun tchun, ;

worthy officers are luh tsik^a. hesitating talk, stammering

record of a family, a register ilun kwat:, ^t'ou, to gnaw a bone;
luh s"^ai, to inscribe and to]
Jun {mdi tiki ito, pick your
reject candidates for degree bones clean.
of kiijin ; tdi^ kai^ luki the Constant, regular, that which
triennial report of officers ; shv'
is acknowledged by men as
luh inscribed as a kiijin luh Lun
right, proper a species, class,

'hau (kung, to take minutes sex ; relationships, affinity of

of evidence. things and classes with each
A map or chart a book ;
other, a natural law to dis- ;

ancient records ifu luh a ;

tinguish or choose ^^ng J,un^
Luh ;

charm, a magic writing. the five relationships of socie-

flS51 A pleasant kind of spirit, ty yih Jun, to violate these

«^ called iling luki, made with the duties by inhuman and atro-
water from the Lake Ling in cious acts; Jtin ts'z'^ a series;
Hijn^n. (t'inJun, one's parents tsilti ;

tfS. A famous
steed called Ivki Jun, to exterminate people.
'I, belonging to the emperor A range of mountains, called
Luh ]^
Muh-wang of Chau dynasty. '?*" iKwan Jun, the Koulkoun Mis.
(^ To disgrace, to injure, to in Koko-nor.
•^ ^
put contempt on; to act fool- \^\ To choose fit persons for
"'ishly; siu'luh opprobrium. ,. /office ; to select, to pick out;
ridicule of men luh y^h to ; ^^i to connect with to come in ;

act disgracefully. Lun turn, to takeby turns Jun ;

^?fc To war or for crimes,

kill in sun^ to select fit ones Jun ;

^^,' to massacre to mangle° a bo- : its'oi, to select men

of talent
Luh , ^ J- I
<ly, todisgrace a cor[)se by Jun (pdn, to attend to in turn ;
exposure and cruelly to act ; si ikd Jun td^ '/li, it is your turn
; ;;

362 LUN. LUN.

now ; Jun lohi Joi, come in strength ;
Jun Jau ihon ^shau,
regular rotation. The second to watch in rotation ; 'kwong
character also means to walk Jun, latitude and longitude, the
with difficulty parsimonious. ;
area or expanse of a country ;
A ripple, " white caps ;" an Jun ch^uk:,^k'u, it is his turn ;
eddy, a whirl of waters; chaos, Jun (hoi /«d- do it by turns.
turhulent water to sink or be ; 1 An ignis fatuus, supposed
engulfed, submerged, drown- ;.to be an exhalation from the

ed to be lost in perdition,
; j
blood of murdered persons ;
damned J.u7i loki sinking in ;
Lin shining ; '^kwai 'fo Jun Jun,
d»'stitution and vice ich'am ; devil's fires abounding and
Jun, lost for ever Jun sang'
; shining.
extinct, as a dynasty or family;
Jun muti destroyed utterly. M
Feeling ashamed, abashed,
To arrange or twist raw silk
Precipitous, lofty peaks of
for weaving; to wind silk; a mountains; Jun lofty
Lun Lin
silken cord ; to compare and mountain clifis.
distinguish, to classify, to ad- "I Water murmuring over the
just ; to know ; Jun ^yam, 5. stones ; stones by the brook ;
" silken sounds " are His Ma- clear water of a brook '^sfnii
j ;

jesty's words; <.?&' Jnn, sorted Lin lok) Jun Jun, the water tum-
silk, fine thoughts; ^invn fuh bling clear over the stones.
(king Jun, eloquent, full of Read lun-; to rub a stone thin,
just thoughts. to make thin ; shingle, gravel.
Read (.kiodn, in the phrase Name of a ri ver clear water,

ikwdn Jean, the cap of Kung- issuing from rocks and run-
ming. Lin
ning among hills,
Jjun ii^ the name of a boat A veined appearance, like
the bow timbers of a vessel. that of agate jun ipan, chato-
un Liu

Crawling of insects or snakes yant, variegated.

of serpent.
others say, a kind
a liirge frog ;

The rumbling of wheels,
which the next is also used
threshold abundant,
; a
A wheel with spokes a wheel ; ; full

disc a round face a round, cliung\cfie Jun Jun, the noise

Lun a ; ;

a revolution, a circuit, a turn ;

of many chariots ; u' Jun, a
large to rotate, to roll round
; :
Jun round and
'^chiin, to turn Near, contiguous, proximate
round Jun imiin, to go from
connected with, supporting,
one door to the next fong^ ;
assisting, as ministers do a
yaiyJun 'p'du' to fire a volley prince conterminous, neigh-

of cannon Jun 5I//, transmi- ;

boring a neighborhood, neigh-

gration ^chun Jun, to reenter ; bors five families

; Jun Hi, ;

life '^« icli^ Jun, to lift thf

the neighbors; kdk] Jun, next
[stone] wheel a trial of — house, near to one's house
;; ;

LUN. LUN. 263

a neighboring villago;
A:</n's/un, verse upon ;
pin' /««' to dis-
52" Jun, neighbors Jun kwok^ ; pute, to argue ; kok:, ^yau ifui
contiguous countries; chani' lun^ each maintains his own
Jun, adjoining ; Jun kan^ near views icliui lun' to infer

to. tsoki maki /««' to write a diag-

A piebald horse
black, lips.
; a horse with nosis of a disease ; 'm jwd lun^
ts'z'^ to discourse without me-

Scales of fishes, soft and over- thod y^uk. hin^ if we admit,


animals, as snakes
ly ing; scaly
premising hin^ ''hi, to talk a-

Liu bout lun^ i.yan, to speak about

and fishes repeated, succeed,

ing, like scales jM s'utj, fish- people.


saV -^^^ Avaricious, stingy, mean,

scales ; tfiing '^sliui Jun
Jun, the breeze raises the sca- '^j i sordid, sparing ; to dislike, to
part with, to spare to be as-
ly ripples ; Jun pa' scaly tribes. 'b^ } ;

The female of the unicorn JJ^-^

hamed of; lun^ sik, close, to

Jci Jun tsoi' '^Is'z' the unicorn

'rJ J hold on to ; c«fl« lun^ ashamed
Lin Lun
is here — written on bridal se- of, reddening
of one's steps liang^ mafi htn*
; Ittn^ po' afraid

dans; Jun 'chi idling J^s{ung, ;

the unicorn's hoof has brought yuki 1 hope you will not re-

luck —
an heir is born. The gret your steps a phrase on —
idea of the Chinese unicorn an invitation pat) lun^ unspar- ;

may have been derived from ing, liberal.

a one-horned Tibetan equine Raveled, as thread; confused,

animal. intricate, involved to em-
Wan ;

broil, to confuse pat) <.yung

5^ To
, walk with difficulty ;

'?^ covetous, avaricious, grasping. lun^ to disallow any confusion.

An egg; the roe of fish;

A rush proper for making
mats ; a surname ^md ; lun^ the
-"•' testicles ^kai 'bin, hen's eggs; Lin
iris or fleur-de-lis ; lun^ shek^
Hun 'Isz' the testes; Hun tshang,
stones on walls for throwing
oviparous '??/n yiki to bring
down upon an enemy.
up, to cherish shaP ^u fuki ;
The rut of a wheel ; to run
Huni like one screening or set- when
against or drive over one
ting on eggs. Lun P..
^/v- To discourse upon, to con-
Pi^y^sider about and discuss; to
reason, to think upon, to con-
(283) Liin.
sult ; discourse, deliberation,
counsel ; a process or regular
train of reasoning, a full ac- To bind or tie in any ^Vay,
count of a matter; according to connect ; the hands or feet
to, by the, speaking of; lun^ contracted by disease, bent
Jean mdi^ sold by the catty over; crooked, winding; to
s'm hui' Jo ''shiti, no matter crook or bend to take hold ;

how many ; J'dm lun- to con- of and drag along Jun kuk) ;
— ;;

264 LtlN. LUN.

crooked Jun jwd, curly hair ;

; R^ Connected, joined to, as the
Jiin bent over, as a luincfi-
(iii, I : V^ ear is to the head to com- ;

back ; Jiiti ishang, twins ; dun bine With, to make alliance

tkiin, winding, devious ; Jm with; to associate, to assemble,
itndi, bent up, cuddled, as from to unite to join in a regular

cold ; wat) iliin, to bend, to order a distich or parallel ap-


warp sat:, Jun, bandy-legged.

horisms ; Jhn Jixcan, to crowd
A kind of tree, slender like together, a company or flock
j^ Jan to baste or stitch

'^7^. a spear, from which a drug

(i fuk^
called Jun (.king, is procured
clothes ;
Jiin 'fong, to combine
in cabals tui' Jiin, antithetical
a sort ofgynandrous plant; ;

the ends of an angular bell.

couplets hung up in houses ;
Jiin (kii, dwelling in a row or
A fabulous bird, the embodi-
near to ; Jiin iming, to sub-
ment of every beauty and scribe names, as to a petition
Lw^n ;
grace, a phoenix the J,un ikai, ;
Jiin 'shau, united strength
or argus pheasant, seems to do with
Jan csam lidpi tsok-> to
have furnished the type ; the united purpose.
cock is ilun, the hen is (too;
^%i^' Ardently loving, to long for,
iliin fting^ iiDO iming, the phoe-
nixes sing in concert a mar- — ''V'* to think of continually to
dote on, to hanker for li'in^ ;

riage: (.ku Jun ''kwd suk, the

md^ strong attachment lan^ ;

solitary phcEnix and lonestar

^tsau, to hanker for spirits ; lun^
unmarried (hung Jun, a star ;
shiky lecherous ; li'm^ liin^ pat-,
lucky for marrying ; ichu Jun itnong, in tender recollection.
*/s*oJ, elegantly colored. Used
01 '1 To
confuse, to disorder, to
for the next, because the bells
1^'^j^ throw into trouble; discord,
were suspended from a phoe-
PLi j anarchy, insurrection, com-
nix's bill.
Lwdn motion in confusion, tumul- ;

^^ Little bells, such as are hung tuous, out of place, disarrang-

*^ on imperial cars ; imperial, ed, raveled wrong ; to regu- ;

" royal His Majesty's

; s?"'» 5". late, to put in order ; tdi^ lun^
chair Jcam Jun tW the palace;
; commotion, turmoil, in a house
fkam Jun .po, a term for the or in a state liin^ chong^ to ;

Hanlin college; Jiin fso^ an meet rudely ; <rnong kwok:, kdrn'

idol's shrine iui Jiin, H. M.'s ; Vun^ all in confusion, at sixes
return ; also applied to the re- and sevens ; tsokt liin^ to rebel,
instalment of S!i4ngti ; Jun insurrection ; csam /w/iMisturb-
ii wai- the
emperor's guards- ed mind ^mai^td lun' dorCt
in ;

men Jiin hV his godship

; ; mix them up lun' Jai, disor. ;

Jiin Jing, small bells. dercd, it is all wrong; /««'

to disturb the country,
^^ The vertex or peak of a hill, sha'v'

a pointed summit ; to sur- to turn the world upside down

Lw^n luii' iscr to sit awkwardly.
1! ;

LtTNO; LUXG.' 265^

'fnttki the " dragon's pinlse," re-

(284) Lung. fers to subtlegeomantic influ-
ences and tokens; Jungcchung
Sometimes written UjL? but <rM ^nin, decre^)id. old ; Jung

the class of lizards, drag-

Lung erroHeously a hole, an aper-
; ,|

a wide cleft; Hd'^shu

ture, ons, serpents< &c.; Jung ufi
Jungi a rat. hole yapi itpong the "Dragon's Cave," or Lan-

itiai Jung, gone into the cluy keet I. near ihe Bogue.
hole —
buried ^hoi ko' dung, ;

The throat <hau Jung, the

* a
Jutu Juns '^/ufune,
make a hole pi'faJ. dung, the ; Lung " J ,1 * .

" sound in the throat.


nostrils dch'un Jung, bored,


has holes '^hurtg Jung, or ^fu;

]' j*S To grasp, to seize, to drag ;
Jung, a hole Jung la/ an to attack, to charge on to ;
; l'"^
opening, a crack or hole. collect or assemble ; to effect

AA A dragon, the chief of scaly an end, to exert one's self; to

^"^ animals, thought to have su- work on, to operate ; to lay
[Mjrnatural |)o\vera, and ot hold act with ; Jung iJndi
of, to

which many kinds are sup,K«- 'shau, to sleeve the hands ;

ed to exist geomancers say ;

Jung kan^ bring [the boat]
much of them an emblem or ; \
near to cause to ap;jroach,

badge of imperial power andj to near ^md Jung ff'an, a


awe; the emperor's power :| headstall ;

Jung fdU to t»e up
imperial, dragon-like; to per- the hair 'mo Jdi Jung, no

vade ;
to bud
gracious-, kind ;
intercourse or business with ;

%lung dragon boats, so!

'/^ rto Jung kico' hfi' he was cut

named from the carving on I

with a knife Jung leuki to ;

the bow Jung ih^iing, the an- capture Jung tiki to charge

cestral effigy at weddings ;

an enemy's force ; Jung lok,

'^hoiJung iWong, the Neptune chit' to detain by excuses.


of the Chin»ise Jung war the ; tTtie rising sun obscured

throne Jung 'Cai, the emper-
. /ung Jung, break of day the ;

or's perst^n Jung ^ngdn, His ;

°sun scarcely seen.
Majesty's presence; Jung ^ngdn tThe
rising moon itnung
obscure, dim,

the lungan (Dimocarj)us
'^kwo, a.-i

[Euphora] longan), a fruit; ^ beclouded moon or a dirty

ipd Jung, paddling boats, that glass,
go fast Jung sp'di, the impe.
^g A wooden noill for hulling
rial tablet, adored by officers rice : to rub, to grind down,
La ng
Jung tin^ a shed or erection to sharpen to grind (rno ; ;

for the '^td Jung, tsiiV: ^lihing Jung, to grind to study hard ; ;

to get married ti- Jung, a>i ; Jung kvfc^ to hull grain ; ktik:,

Jung, a wootlen hand-mortar

earthworm ; ^ui\nd Jung, can

seize a dragon clever; its'am — Jutig im- to sharpen, tu rub
Jung iU, tlie sturgeon Jung : and iriake bright.

Ton. Dut. 34
; — ;;

a66 LUxVG.' LUNG.

:^S A dragon-shaped gem used j^ The leggings or overalls worn
Lfng '" deprecating drought J,ing ; r
^by Chinese in winter.

Jimgf the tinkling of gems

also clear; the sighing of the
R^ Grand, eminent, high above
-•-^ what surrounds, exalted, con-
wind. abundant,
^spicuous ; overfill.
tMt ^ ^^g6, stockade, or inclosure ed, opulent, fertile ; exalting,
Lune o^^vood for birds or animals; glorious; to glorify, to exalt,
its'au ilungj a cage to carry
to magnify ; to rise up ; Jiitig
prisoners in ; ifong Jung, to
Jung, prosperous ; Jung pokj
confine behind bars ; Jim generous and mean ; isham
Jung, to screen ofl'for privacy ;
Hing Jung JsHng, to receive*
shau^ <yan Jo Jung, to be taken favors
distinguished ; itsiin
in, deluded. Interchanged
Jung, highly honored ; Jung
with the next.
shing- atfluent.
A cage, a den an open work-
Infirm, weak in the back

-'IE ed basket, for holding earth or j«^ ;

lyung -'\^ Jung peng^ diseased from age

animals ; a quiver to mono- ;
Jung paV costive.
polize or engross goods '^td ;

^*g A mound in a field a grave,

Jung, to entrap birds ch'if,
Hd Jung, to inveigle people

^ a tomb, a tumulus to engross ;

° or b)iy up goods ; Hung tun'

piii^ Jung, a frame for drying
undulating, as a road or coun-
clothes ; ts^uky Jung, a bird-
try to speculate in, as a bro-
cage cchii Jung, a pig basket

ker ; iyau Hung, a mound, a

(Chii Jung Nepenthes
cfd, the
grave, u hillock csz' Hung tiin^ ;
flower ; a shrimp
(Ad Jung,
peculation, to use other's mon-
net Jungfo' maU to hoard up
ey in speculation.
or buy up goods Jung chdu^ a
fish-net made

a basket to
A colloquial word ; the in.
side of a thing ; hollow, empty
cover fish ; met. a sentence
of, (kun Js^oi Hung,
nothing in ;
giving the key or subject-
inside of a coflin (hung Hung, ;
matter of a book or essay ;
empty, all taken out.
Jung loki a bridle met. to ;

msnare by words, to get control A dike to prevent the irrup-

of. Also read Hung, a trunk. tion of waters ;
%n^ ^/nai/ ccAi
Deaf, hard of hearing unper- ;
""^<Hn, among dikes and fields
ceived or hidden, like things in agricultural pursuits Hung ;

Lung ^sai, an old name for the west

covered up ; a' Jung, a deaf
person (Chong Jung cha' ^d,
of Shensi, now a district in

feigning to be deaf and dumb ;

Kansuh Hung Hsung, all, the

icli i Jung, silly and deaf. whole taki^Lting mong^ Shuk


having got Shensi he wanted

^g A species of water polygo-
;™ num ^mung Jung^ overgrown
""^ with weeds, concealed, hid- An unauthorized character
den by something ; Jung .su a trunk, a box, a case for car-
ts'oi' asparagus (?) rying articles; ip'i Hung, a lea-
; ;

LUT. lttt: 267

thcrn trunk d Hung, a clothes ;

an initial word, forthwith,
trunk; ^shau lok, ^hing, pack then, straightway, according-
it in the trunk '/o shiki Hung, ;
ly ; the 12 9th radical.
a case for eatables. A statute, an ordinance, a
3£- To play with, to trifle and -^T!- fixed law or regulation, a com-
y* toy with to dally with, to use ; mand, a penal law; a military
badinage, to treat disrespect- code to divide, to distinguish;

fully ; to make, to handle, to the sharped musical notes, or

do, to feel ; hi' lung- to sport luki lut,, are the ydng ones a ;

with hmg' ^ngd, to bear a

; stanzas or distich the rules ;

daughter lung^ leki to play a

; of versification to stale, to ;

fife ^md lung^ dsiin 'ch^ung,

; record to estimate the merits

to despise dignities lung^ fan' ; of, to adjust to trim the hair ;


to cook rice lung^ 'pa hV to ;

fat) luti ^yam luti in laws ; 7i6
play tricks of hand lujjg' 'Z:d ; good tune, good rhythm yaty ;

ishingichan, to fullfil what was 'shau lull (Shi, a stanzas of

promised in joke lung- vsdi' ; eight lines Zm/j lai' the statutes ;

to spoil lung' kwaii' Hiu, thor-

; and ordinances, the code of a
oughly practiced in tndi^ lung^ ; country kdV luti precepts, ;

to show off, bragging 'mo ; commandments ; luli-.shii, law

lung' ts'o' 'pi lyan, don't give books.
it to the wrong man ;
lung' ^& Water flowing rapidly. Also
ishan lung' 'kwai, to make fpj-read k'ut, to gush out as a
Yuh ^ . -"^
much ado about the
. . ,
gods. iountain; an islet.
The note or song
to chirp sz" kon' '/id lung-
; ^*d^
of a bird, ^ A well rope luti
#H." for drawing; water.
; sok:, a ropo
^^^ ch'ung^ he does things very
^h To follow, to comply with,
^»- to obey ; to narrate an in-;

itial particle ; luti Jci ^man

Lut. cts'ing, to review or examine
his writings.
A word
n colloquial
order, morose, cross; to talk
; out of
j^ A black horse with
^f^- hind quarters.

luU chut, disarranged, difficult

g^ A chestnut ; chestnut wood,
to do, not rhythmical, mud-
-used for tablets; firm, solid,
dy, as a style Jam lut-. scold- Lih
durable severe, strict, exact ;
ing, hard tosuit, sullen, selfish;
to overpass, to exceed ; to re-
lut, hV tui' -ngdn wali to flach
spect ; full grown grain ; cfuiig
the eyes, to set the eyes on ;
luti the chestnut ; skeki luti a
lul^Vm ,kun wd' to speak the water
sort of acorn ; 'shui lut-,
court dialect.

pencil, style,
; lo narrate, to
or writing
obey, to ^ Cold
<1, -cold wind.
; lufi lifi a piercing,

follow : to dcclarei to write


*«9 um *ftr.!

djfi Afiaid, |>«ile, appfchenvive, oselcss luh 'jw«, vicious1jor.«?c.


1^- trembling, fearful; chin' Inti A^ A

low dike or path dividing
trembling from fear ; luti luh r .
* ',
fields a mound ; to mark or

quakir)g with Hread.

iUgfti kii^ survey fields, and designate
^B The name of a river in Kiang- their limits the same, equal,

yi^" su, andof a district (Lihshwui alike a mountain tarn, a pool


hien) near Nanking; Lut, '^lang liUi same sort ; hnd lui, a
ichau, an island in the Yang- bridle-path.
isz' kiang near it. i^ To
take in the fingers, to
gfc A scope, a
a stretch, mark ;
jT * '
draw througli the hand, to
£^"as of a bow the opening of ;
grasp ; to scrape, to brighten,
the lappel of a garment. to rub, to exfoliate, to amaas ;

^^ A bamboo rope or hjjiwser liit^ iWdi yaty ^tui, to bring to.

£|T|^for tracking boats, or letting gether into a pile ; liiii (kd J-ai
tipwn into mines ; cords used (t.sin, take off the fat for trying;

in lowering a coffin ; lutt ^h, a lijt:, ik'iJn s,t'aUf to brandish and

pulley Inti Hu, cords for let-

; rub t\\e fists, as if eager to
ting down a coffin. fight lut:,
; itnai sdi' scraped
Clouds of various colors, everything together ; '^shau liiti
[.felicitous clouds, which are to scrape or rub off with the
tri-colored. hand, as leaves from a twig ;
To dart down upon,asa hawk liit'. woki to scrape a boiler of
y^j'does ; to fly swiftly and high. the skin left after cooking liitt ;

(kon iseng^ rub it ofl" clean

^fc Thearound the inwards
fat ;

lut:, ^ndi, to milk ; liiti tirnf

|*ij"of a sacrifice, which was an-
it out
liit} c»u» to ;
ciently burned in temples, cal- ->. i
stroke the beard.
led luti iUu ; fat.
afi^ To pour out a libatipn in
Wy *
worship H Hsau liit:, (or Idi')

to pour out spirits on the

(2§6) Liit. ground. Often read Idi^.

i^ Infirm, feeble, weak, inade.

/T' ! quate humble, poor, insignifi- (287; 'M.

cant* a term used by one's

Self, as li'Ui its'oiy my poor tal- IJE A word a simple
colloquial ;

ents inadequate, a little, bare-

; \Vrt
'^'^g'^tive, do not, no ,'m
not, ;

ly, scarcely ; rustic, vulgar, its'ang, not yet ^m hat' no ;


vile, rude, mean, unpolished ;

t'm d' no, not at all a reply ;
lilt} Jcam^ depraved gentry, Wii iin, he wont; ^m (Shene:,
who tyrannize over the villa- he says nothing 'ni '*^ ^'m hai^ ;

gers; ok-i Zii/j exceedingly bad; (.nil ilid you write this ?

lut', 'la/ig, siulsai who can not

Also read ^ng, a sound in
pftss review, and are degraded : 1
singing; ri ..'n^, a refrain at th«»
Jiil, tak. siniill virtue ; liit: ythik, \
end of a line.
; ;;

MA. MA. 269

and coarse clad poor |veh!nns; —

iSam liiit' md, troubled, like
(288) Ma. iij.

tangled hemp ixnd imd tik, let ;

it pass; jTnd iCh'd, dim, ob-

A twin ; to bear twiiig ; to
scure ; imd quick, prompt.W
go halves, to divide in two
Tsz' ;
An unauthorized form of
a moiety, a half; to share witli,
the liist ccAi sffid, or lyau jwid,
to take equal responsibility ; Ma ;

the sesamujn ichi iWid iyaut ;

to duplicate ^ma ^shang, ; %'ii
the oil of sesamun); imd ts&ung'
he is a twin ^shang cmd 'Isai, ;
ground up sesamum seeds,
to bear twins dnd '^fo pUn' to ;
used in cooking ijna. kuxUt
go equal shares md ^k^u tsd^

"ktcdi ch^ung^ a staff of hemp


join him in doing it itna'^chi, ;

is useless.
a double thumb twid /aw, a ;

double head, one with a large A cutaneous disease of chil-

tumor on it ^md sffidi Aw'gone dren, like chicken.p<>x or
off together md H'd ti- two ;
measles; torpidity, p:iralysis;

gods of the land, placed back imd, he has the measles


to back near the treasurer's of- imd muki numb keuk^ imd, foot ;

fice in Canton haky ^md cTnd, is asleep; ^md <fung, leprosy.


pitch dark tWd tez'^a duplica-

A striped frog ; Jid imd, the
ted expression, a repetition ;
edible frog. Read mok^ a sort-
<»Mi iTTid (fi'i, well, no great of gnat.
matter, as you please. iMd A mare a mother a maid-
; ;

is also beard at the end of a servant, a waiting-woman

Ma ;

question, as a contraction for ip^o -md, a grandmother, an

<'m (d, is it not so ? old maid-servant, a granny d' ;

A colloquial word a nurse; ; 'md, a female servant.

#* •rtdi cffid, a wet nurse ckon ; A horse the 187th radical

a nurse; ^sho j^au jna, a

cf7id, of characters pertaining to hor-
tiring woman chap^ -md, a ; ses warlike, spirited cavalry
; :

midwife; (ind emu, mother, the right foot put forward to ;

mamma ^ku cTwd, aunt, aunty.

; clamp, to stitch; to join togetk.
Hemp, the female plant er, a clamp, a stretcher which
(Cannabis) the linen of the joins things; J.eung ^md, a gen-
Chinese; sackcloth or mourn- tle horse 'md <fau, a landing

ing apparel hempen ; linen ; place, an anchorage for boats,

or grasscloth a kind of drum ;
a ferry 'cho chu- 'md it'au, to

the 200th radical ^md pd^ ;

stop a man, as beggars do
hempen fabrics; .rndsiw^ hem- ^md sh^ung^ tsd' do it immedi.
pen thread ; imd r/d»i, a ham- ately, as if on horseback ; (ts'in
|>er for holding the Uih iind, 'li -md, a swift courier ; ^tsau
or hatcheled hemp ;
,ts'd .md 'md ^sh^ttng yam^ to go to an
pit' sackcloth jWid yav^ hemp
office immediately to bury- ;

oil ; ts'd ii jnd pd^ the hempen as soon as dead ; 'wjd ^fau


270 MA; M.W.

tkwan, or ^ma ifu, an hostler To rail at,' to abuse with

or horsekeeper Heng ^ma^ an vile language, to callnames,
avant courier, one on horse, to scold ma} paU chii' 7trtM,

back in processions ^ma j?i, a ;

he never ceases railing ; yuki
square wooden stool hndchd-pi ; md^ to vilify j'm 'hang shau* ;

a canf)p-stool ; ^ma lapj tang' a md^ I won't be scolded so.

stirrup ich'o ha} -/na, just arriv-
; Sacrifices or auguries olTer-
ed ^md ildn, a horse-paddock
; ed by an army to insure a
ohdpi hnd pd^ ti plant the foot
Ma victory worship to the diivicB,

firmly out as in boxing; 7<d when journeying.

*md pd^ a firm standing 'md ;

lyv ifong, a stable hnd ^mi ^md, ;

«» tailless horses" — nickname a

-u: for chair-bearers fdi' ^md Jai,

quick —

come very a like fleet

(289) Mai.
horse ; ^md ^Cung, a close chair
jM'mm iiheng ^md, a letter-
carrier; ch'ut:,hnd,todoa thing, A colloquial word ; to purse

to advance the money, to bear up the mouth and keep still ;

the expense ^md chu} to ;

,mai {mdi 'haii, to pucker up
clamp 'md i(eng, a clamp.
the lips.

nail ^md '^kan ^k'ii kai' Jeng,

To deceive, to delude ; con.
seize him fast by his queue. fused, perturbed stupified, be-
Ml ;

A. leech ^ma iwong^ a blood-

wildered, blinded, beclouded,
sucker ^md chd' a locust or as by vice stupidly attached ;

Mt to \mai woki deceived by, se-

grasshopper. ;

The agate ; ^md -no, the cor- duced i-mai <,wan chan^ infatu-

nelian or agate stone ; ^rnd '/id ated, enslaved by fan imai ;

iM& pat, 'sing, dead to all remon-

iman, having angular lines,
strance cviai itnung, stupid,
like fortification agate. ;

illiberal dong knki 'ch6 imai,

irg| Used for the last a yard ;

M^ weights for money


or goods

players are stupid — the lookers
fat) '/nd or ^md '^tsz' weights ; on .see the game best ; 'ktcai

,*«' ^ina ch'ing' 16 taels to a mat, possessed by a spirit,

catty i* ch'eki ^z" s'/'^i !/<^^ '/"o crazed.


2 cubits4 puntos make a yard ;

To bury, to inter smaj tsong^ ;

tsuh iSz' 'ffid, full weight. to bury a corpse itnai its'ong, ;

<ng To scold,which the next for to hoard or lay up. Usually
is now used
a final, interro- pronounced {tnai.
Ma ;

Storms of sand; misty, dark,

gative word, denoting doubt
whether it is or not (hoi p'd' cloudy sky, arising from fog or
hai^ hnd, have you not opened dust ;
smai/wi' foggy, smoky ;

a shop ? m«/i ^y^ ^mdl what do pull iTnaikin' (t'iu, brush away

you want ? 'A-dm 'md, so eh ! the mists to see the sky — said

implying disapprobation. of a clear writer.

1: ;

MAI. MAI. 3:7 Ic

Rice after it i« hulled small ; ||

grains or seeds of plants the'ij ;

I19tii radical of characters C^O) Mai.

relating to rice; fiKMi ;

'/ftui, lotus seeds; ^hd V/wt,

dried prawns
or isai ^inai, sago

ishd kuki ^mai'\

^mai Cdp^ ^cKui

ingd dan ;

ceal ;
secrete, to cover, to con-
to lay by, to hoard
harbor ; to come near, to ap-
to ;

to interfere and spoil a busi-! proach to ; to lay hold, to an-

ness ; 'nwi 'Isai, refuse, brok- nex, to connect with to hide ;

en rice ; 'hung kiik} ^mat, red i

away to crouch ; to concrete ;

rice ; lek, ^mai, to buy rice ;
j following other verbs, it often
t'iu^ -mai, to sell it ; shiki shal-, I

means up, in, to, with, at, or

-tnai, he's not worth his food ; j
merely a past or completed
j'm ichi hnai ka' he does not action, according to the con-


know the price of rice inex-j text iTndi ngon' to go ashore ;


perienced ; 'mai /ngau, a wee- '/d tak^ imdi, accordant with,


vil; also, a rice-shop coolie;' agreeable, fit; j'm Cai\mdi, not

'cAu 'ni kf ^mai, to cook youri quite shaven cliuti ^mdi, to
rice — to slander you V^ 'mai, ;

pay out, to furnish {Twdt muti

spilled the rice spoiled the — j

to conceal, snb rom


; smdi ^shau
affair 'mai <,kdm 'shui, rice
to lay hold of, to begin a job ;

gruel; 'mai fan- table expenses, Jiu iWdi yaU t^ Arofrj thrown into
allowance for food. j^. a bye-corner, indifferent to ;

word like moki^^j

'^ Aa collo<^iuial (mdi iSliiin fung, the wind has
negative, do not, not yet ; i

brought us almost there to —

^mai ko' tsz'- don't do that yet ; \ quickly avail of; imdi \t'aUf
'mai fan, do not play or idle ; ]
up to the wharf; Juing ^mdi
mai chai^ don't do it -mai Joi ;
j ya(, (pin, step aside a little
tsz'^ wait a while, stop a bit. |
sffidi (lai, come near ; <.hang
A cufl' or sleeve, a wide ^mdi kbm' noi^ long been gootl
sleeve to take hold and open,
; friends ^t'in 'nun j'm imdi, it
to open out, as drawing the won't harden in warm weather;
arm from the sleeve ; (fan mai- jTwdi un* to harbor ill-will.;
to " part sleeves
" — to take a ^sdung tffidi, to prepare one's
leave of ishdm mai^ sleeve of
; words beforehand •,^mdlikyihoi
a dress 'pd mai^ to seize the
; nothing at all to give
jTTitti, ;

sleeves, as at meeting. s'm ^'ang "-kong imai, you've

An enigma, a riddle, a dou- not told it all ; tsut:, <rndi, to
ble entendre ; to puzzle, to condense, to make small.
Mi To buv, to purchase to ob-
make an
hint, a hidden meaning '<d
allusion ; mai- 'ii, a
tain, to win ; tsd^ '•mai mdi* to

(tang mai^ to guess a riddle trade 'mdi mdiUyan, a trader;


that is written. ^mdi yapi to buy; ^mdi '»A«f,

;;; ;;

072 WAV.r mak:

to *' buy water " at a parent's (291) Mak.
death ; Jing sui^ ^mdi^ to buy (All these charactors are often pronounced
by retail ; '/ndt pd/i^ a compra- like the next syllaMe)

dor, a purveyor ^mdi pd^ to Ttfo Wheat, grain with an awn;


« buy fear " to give hush j^^the 199th radical of characters
money, to curry favor by pre- relating to wheat maki ; Mo
sents 'indi fnki ^man (Sam, to
; oats ^sdm kok, tnahi buck- ;

win the people's hearts; sV» wheat; suA'j^naA'j winter wheal;

^mui tsz'^ I'll not now buy it tap maki barley maki ingd, ;

. ..,*/ntti chuk:, to hire villains to wheat sprouts, used in soups ;

,. injure or inform against one; 7naki, Js^au, wheat harvest in
,. }mdi td^ obtained by purchase ; July; maki Jiong, bran; sat)
10 .
r'/tJM ^ndi, wanted to buy ; vtriki, to sow wheat.

tr" '^mdi its'ong wai^ to

cabin or a passage.
engage a
^y ] Dark, cloudy, sombre ;
night; still, silent, retired;
^gi To sell, dispose of for
to PzEj ! meditation, memory, mind ;

J^. money ;
to betray, to inveigle Meh inspired, internal influence;
to mock, to make game of; to not at ease maki mm' to me-

vaunt, to show oft"; mdi^ fo^ ditate on maki maky jWjo si.i,

'shau, a salesman ; mdi^ cKvt:, not speaking a word maki 's^, :

to sell ; c/i'uij rndi^ for sale ; to write froni memor}' maki ;

mdi^ ts'iu^ to show off, to trick shi^ a silent or spiritual com-

one's self out mdi^ ichu 'tsai, ;
munication, or a revelation
sold as a pig into foreign — something analogous to pos-
servitude mdi^ Hsui ikwdi, to ; session or inspiration maki iti^ ;

talk glibly mdi^ ^fau mdi^ hni, ; to understand by meditation;

to sell off the driblets cheap ; mnki maki pat:, ^on, distressed.
mdi^ ifuvg, to give another the £g Ink black, obscure, dark,

leprosy mdi^ fi'^S^ to allow

; ^;|'=^' like ink ; met. letters, writings
criminals to escape mdi^ lung' ; to brand with ink ; a measure

xfung its'ing, to set off one's of 5 cubits a dejected coun^


charms, to catch admiration ; tenance yalo ^fong maki a cake


mdi- ktooki to betray, one's of ink maki '^shtii, liquid ink

; ;

country, to forsake one's flag ; , shoe-blackinjr ishing mak)


mat' min- -kwong, to keep up marked and lined all correct;

appearances with one. c/'drt maki sin^ to strike a line ;

5|6f I To wax old, to pass away ; miri^ (Sham maki chopfallen ;

?^ to overpass, to surpass, to ex- sWrtrt mah rchi iyan, a student

ceed, to go beyond; vigorotisly; maki'-kun, first draft of essay ;

to go away, to travel far ; loki maki to write hn loki maki ;

old, -senile ^nin mdi' old rmi' ; ; tsd' do you begin to do it maki ;

mdi' indifferent to, remiss fJK the cuttle-fish ; '^kong pat^

yat^ uli Jii mdi' the days and maki to tilk like a book; ichii
luouUis pass away. viaki red ink,
; — ;

MAK. MAK. MAX. 273

^& A f:ord, a two-fold cord ;

jj^/cord up.

pj^ 1 The pulse, the blood run- (292)

'r^ >ning in ihe veins streaks, ;

nTi] veins, inwood or flesh a cur- ; J^ A colloquial Nvord ; to break

Meh rent of thougiit, a full idea ;
^"in two, as a cake ;
to open, to
a line of succession, a descent, split, to tear, to pull asunder;
parentage /jo/j' mak.„ 'pa maki
met. to disgrace maki Jioi
; */ii

or H'ai niaki to feel the pulse 'hail, open your mouth mdk^ ;

maki Hi, philosophy of the fii'(king 7nin' to make one's

pulse maki the circula-
; hul-, father and brother blush; maki
tion ;maki to hit a pulse
7i/n tap ^ngan H'ai, open your eves
ft' maki the geomantic forms and see kiP mnk> the thumb;

and marks seen on the earth, mdk> 'chit to tear paper 7ndki ;

supposed to influence the luck po^ ihau, to split his throat

of a place, subterranean water with crying ; m^ki '^peng, to
courses mak^ itjifni, the puis*-
; break bread.
at the wrist yat^ maki a Joi,;

an unbroken descent.
^^ Misty, small rain makitnuk, ;
j^j^' drizzling rain, which falls
silently, a slight shower.
IJS A which divides
raised path ^t^^Jr A musketo, a gnat; fu ^man, a
fields ; a path or street
going Wan striped musketo; ^manchcwig'
through a market a road ; a musketo curtain <ma/i kom' ;

maki sh^ung^ on the road ;

its'd, a hum like musketoes

cMiwaA-jamarket-street maki ;
tman Jn ^h^ting, smoke to kill
disagreeable to one,
Id' iijan, musketoes nian ^cham ingau

not pleased with. koky like a musketo boring a

^^ A tapir, the Malacca tapir, horn —
Hs hard as it is useless;
of which many fabulousslories ^manjui, the buzz of mus-
are told it probably still ex-
ketoes ; tman fat, a musketo
ists in Yunnan. whip ; man ndiP a musketo
Sometimes written for the bite.
^^^ ^
^'' ;.la8t;a tribe of northern abo- Strokes, lines, veins, mark,
rigines near the ^jAt; ; quiet, ings, bands, spots, strife, clou,
^•jfj J Wan
Meh settled; ^an mak, 5'wi ^chi dy what is variegated or or.

ipong, barbarians (the

the namental; symmetrical lines
Man and M<il:) do not know and colors slender, beautiful,

their country —
said of persons genteel, stylish ; elegant, ac-
wholly inexperienced. complished, scholar-like; what
^L To get on a horse ; to jump ; is extraneous as distinguished

J^^'rnaki iili to leap or spring over from the essential literary, ;

anything. letters, literature; the literary

To>'. DicT. 35
; ;

274 MAX. MAN.

and ; a dispatch
oiHcial class ; ]
a smooth surface ; iVdng itnan,
a of coins ; the 67th
classifier across the grain.
radical of characters dcnotinji .SL -I'he autumnal sky, fall of

markings; vaty iVian, a cash, j^^ the leaf; to compassionate, to

a dollar; ^n
Hi, style in writ- feel for, to sympathize with ;
ing ; {«' jTwon, tine, chaste, iinan din, autumn mel. heav- ;

scholarly, genteel ;
yal^ if' in en, the clear expanse.
iman ich^ung, an essay ; t/.*i« AL A small fish, with small
iTiiart, pak, ,jnan, ^p*' scales and brilliantlv marked.
the simp'e text {un (inan, the ; A Sparus ?

original text ; ^Icu shiih inian HL 'I'hc multitude, the peojilf,

fCheung, he is a judge of com- '^^ subjects, the uninstructed .irid
poeition ; pat:, iVian, inelegant unofficial of mankiiui
part ;

iTnaii ishu, a governmental sz" iinan, the four classes of

document paU a three- ;
itnan people fa' ngni^ ^10111 (inan,

storied literarypagoda /cm ;

the canaille, the ruffscuff; 'tsz'
iman, to deliver a dispatch ; fjnan, you poor people ; mdn-
iinan fdU grammar, rules of tvian, all the people iman ;

writing '•kit ^jnan, the ancient

; chong' militia, volunteers
style of writing jwan cch'^ung ; iman iyaiu the people J^ung ;

tai' Jcwaiiy the God of Litera- iinan, loyal people; itnancfung,

ture ^man icICeang sing, stars
popular customs or fancies
6 (p V in Ursa Major ; 'Xd iinan iinan tsiki a register of the peo-
ifung, a good literary reputa- ple //«^ jmara, to take a census.

tion ; 5;7ia;i pal, (kd Him, the A fish-line a cord ; to string


unimprovable string of cash to give

style is c'*" ;
Min cash a ; ;

,maii, false, unworthy of credit or use garments as bedding ;

,« yvk, iSz' man, to disgrace abundant jiw ich'in yatumany


scholars ; '//aw s'/ia/Jc/s'oi, learn- had a string of cash around

ed, scientific. his waist.
Read man^ to gloss over, to WA Simple, country. people ;

moderate ; man^ kwo' to con-

' J^ ^vassals, those who have lieen
ceal errors. iBCJ fugitives from other countries;
't^ Pattern, marks, or figures in ;
Mang ignorant, imprudent.
iW^ weavincr ; a mark or trace of ; I

iJiW A range of mountains in th»'

marks in wood, lines in the Min
north of Sz'cbuen province,
hand ; it<t'e iinan po' cotton I
a spur of the Pih-ling, sepnr
drills ; iinan ^ngan, tine pure ating the valleys of the Ycllf"'
silver, sycee ;^shui tpo jniw, |
R. and Yangtsz' kian*! jlf/'i ;

ripples on water ; ^yau tik,

a district in Kansul)
<ffian, ;

iinan Hi, there is some regulari- iMan tkong, a large tributary

ty in the figure rather pretty ;
of the Yangtsz' in Sx'cbuen.
tsati'iVian, wrinkled, pucker, A fine kind of stone, like
ed ; iman li/n^ the pattern is alabaster or marble, but not
awry ; 'mo iinan Isik) no lines, considered ;i c^m.
; ;;

MAN. MAN. 275

^ To
hear, to porceive
'" learn by report
by thr
the hair
pomatum on
; ^man J'au fdl, to rub
the hair ; ^man
>V an ;

to state to, to cause to hear (Chiin ^hau, to point bricks

report, fame, news / iinan,
; ^man lui- to wipe away tears ;

to hear; icliun (inan, to repeat hnan (fuf, to rub in pitch or

a report; a tradition, a legend ;
putty ; hnan mat^ fill it in tight.
^fung man, rumor ^san ,Tiiav, ; A river in Shfintung, running
news ; ^man ^ii iicono, told it to west into the Grand Canal,
the king 5?na/i its'iii siky smell
; near Wan-shiing hien ; 'man
it Uiok, yati ,maii tuk, heard
; -man, contumely, disgrace.
of it yesterday ; ^vdn ^man, The corners of the mouth ;
hard of hearing, hard to hear the lips met. speech, talk
pa/j "-yaii ^man, distressing to
Wan ;

tsip', hnan, to join the lips, to

hear, heart-rending.
kiss ; t'd^ ^iiau ^man, to pout ;
P^ A kind of snake ; the an- nioki iheng k'iit, ^nian, don't be
-Izy cient name of P'uhkien
river Min in that province
the ;
too facile with your lips be —
; careful of your words.
iMan Chit) 'tsung hik^ the To join to blend as one

governor-general of Fuhkicn blending and mingling ^mcux

and Chehkiang. Wan ;

hopi joined, harmonioualy

-ffl Mourners at the door; to blended.
^^ feel for, to mourn with ; heart- To cut one's own throat
sick, indisposed, ill ; out of
Wan ^man 'keng Jidut the tenderest
sorts, from grief or trouble ;
friendship, close friends ; tsi'-
to exert one's self, to urge. ^man, to cut one's throat 'man ;

-.jBa] Interclmnged with the last "keng tsz'^ itning, I am quite

aware of the consequences.
,^ ^
to r-iourn for, to
^j ^° f^^' concern for
Min to befriend
'man cho^ ;
Active, clever, quick, smart,
prompt serious*, respectful
^man, to pity
; J,in Alin ;

pati tsukihnan, not worth one's quick at perception, witty, in-

pity. genious, skilled at, capable
J.yH. Watery, an expanse of water: the great toe tsiti 'man, ready

^° ^''"' exhausted, drain-

"^^'' at, quick-witted; ^ts'ung 'man,
ed destroyed, finished ; con-
ready, quick parts '-man tsifi ;

fused, obscure, distant ^man : (hungifu, fine and quick work;

dead and forgotten ; -man
jiiuti 'mail liki energetic, smart
millexterminated ^man hnan ;
'man pin- ready at retort or
</"" /«"> all in confusion, argument 'man Jcav, to earn-

auiircliy. estly beg.

yS- 'i'o rub, to feel, to smooth A perch. like fish common at
with the hand to dry up bv ;
Macao, the Corvina catalca,
rubbing; to point bricks, to spotted dark brown.
pay seanis, to fill up cracks a ;
Strong, robust, able to per-
horn spatula used in dressing -Mm form things.
; ;

276 MAN. MA?f.

i3B ]
To be constrained, forced lo to inquire after another's he-

J Q i-do anything against the incli- alth ;

man\ndn, to search into
"ra nation or strengtii
; to ^strive ;
the reason of, to get difficulties
Min to virge, to push ^iiian ^ininy explained man' imeng, to as-

; ;

compelled, unwilling to do. certain a girl's lineage when

Read ^Mang ; a toad, known betrothing; ^t'ing man^ I beg
in some placs as Wd np, or to ask ;
^kung mnn^ a govern-
earth ducks; a kind of dark ment mandate inan^ (mun, to

striped toad; tlie205lli radical salute a bridegrooui's relatives;

of characters pertaining to pat^ 'r/t'i ha^ man' do not be
rantB. ashamed to ask of inferiors.
pE.' A collfvjuial word the edge ;

*^ of a thing, the brink near in ;

time, last moment to go near ;

to the limits of; s'»» kot:, koin

(201) Man.
man' don't cut it so close ^k'i ;

tak- Cdi' man' he stands very A

!^ colloquial word ; to turn
near the edge 7nan' 'mi, the down

last of Jiang man' kico' tt'ou,

M^ or towards
over, to push, to pull
to bring down, as

you go rather too near ; Hang pride ; ctndn tik:> ^ye loki take
td' kdm' man' fjtiun^ waited till down something ; ^mdn (fan
the last moment, kwo' Jtai, to recover, as a lost
^i Character, reputation; place case ; to get back ; j'm ''kdm
J^' to which sound reaches ^fhing ; (man ip'iii 'hi, I can't venture
man^ iiiil'in, the sound reached to contest with you (man ; Jioi
to heaven ; ling^ man^ your imiin, pull open the door.
fame. ^M A very weak worm bar- ;

P^i To demand, to exact of ; to "jyj^j barons tribes and aborigines

^^^ ask, to search into, to ascer- of the south, unreforrned by
tain to inquire of or about
; Chinese civilization; met. the
to investigate, to try, to ex- south of China external and ;

amine a case, to convict, to barbarous tierce, brutish, un-


give sentence to clear up a ; reasonable, not amenable to

doubt; a command, a mandate; reproof- indm iindn is an old
man^ tdp^ a dialoiue, conver- name for people south of the
sation man^ Jiwan, transport,
; Mei-ling and of Formosa
ed crime 3000 Hi to the
for imdn si, barbarians, savages ;

garrisons or y4mun man^ ; ^mdn (Sing, imgovernable fan ;

'liin, exiled to the colonies as (.many rude, willful, uproarious ;

a convict man^ '^chdm, to sen-

; ^fii fong' itndn, you have no
tence to decapitation man^ ; fear or respect ; Hd iindn '^kong,
iming pdki ask distinctly; man^ you speak likea savage ;

ktro' 'A'w, then ask him [if von 7/d smd'i ke' an unreasonable
doubt]: man* .on, or man^ hau^ man ;
iVidn sliek^ rubble-stone.
— ;

-^g, Leavened wheaten bread or ly correct, all right mdn^ ptU, ;

If-j*: cakes steamed jWd/J ^fau, ; taki 'i, must not be omitted or
steamed bread iman ^t au fad in ; nuln^ yaU
'«' a myriad

''pengy steamed cakes. to one he will die; wtdn' lyau

-n^ Evening, sunset, decline of iiin, men's interest," is a
" all

xx/r' the sun, night

Wan '^ late in time ; name for the Hd Ish?; yaU pdk^
or in hfe ;
tlie last ;
late, tar- mdn^ a million shapi mdn} a ;

dy afterwards ; ikam ^mdn,

; lakh mdn^ pat-, k'api yal) not

thisevening; '/adrt(/«'d7i,even. one can equal him, unsurpass-

ing meal ; ,di ^mdn, towards ed mdn^ shau} ^kung, tlte em-

evening ye^ hndii, late at

; peror's temple, erected in every
night -man (kdJi, in the even-
; district ^shing mdn^ db ^yatt,

ing, tilt midnight '//jdn ^shang, ; there's fully a myriad 'Ld ;

your pupil, your servant, I mdn^ :shdn, the Ladrone Is,;

a polite term used in both mdn^ shau^ '^kwo, the papaw ;

writing and speaking; tsok; mdn^ man- ten thousand times

/nan, last night ^man ^nw-, ; ten thousand, innumerable
old, aged "^tsd hndn, early and
; mdn^ ichung fpid yaU the very
late, morning and evening : best.
hndn iWO, or hndn (so^ the Uist g,- Long, lengthened, extended ;

crop of rice ^'m '/won, I am f?" eood, fine ; marked with lines ;
Man* J ' ,. : - ,
not late suP hndn, late in the
; an adversative particle, not
year ; iS^ung han^ ^mdn, kW yet, not, do not without. ;

I regret I did not know you j^^ Used for the two next ; re-
before •,fdi' (Chi ^indn -i, it is i^S- miss; slow ; mdn^ (*e, stop
^ a
now too late t<j^repent 'h^ung ;
hndn fuk) to enjoy happiness j^'- To despise, to affront, to
at last. C?- slight, to contemn, to disgrace;
1^-] Bees which swarm in to scoff, to insult to reproach ;

f^j > numbers under a queen; a mdn' to

(li vilify, to upbraid ;

^'j myriad, thousand, theten mdn^ "-kwai ^shan, to blaspheme

Wan higiiest number usually em- the gods ; ';nd wdn^ contemp-
ployed in notation ; an inde- tuous,
finite number, manv, every jljgji Indifferent to, negligent,
one, all a strong superlative,
; j*^ remiss, careles.'* about ; disre-
great, very, high ; widn^ pat^ spectful to, disobliging, proud,
on no account, a strong nega- rude, supercilious; to con-
tive ; mdn^ mdn^ paU inangy temn, to treat haughtily; slow,
I can not possibly do it ; mdii^ dull, sluggish, dilatory, easy
sni' jt/^, the emperor ; kdp, about ; scales falling from light
tndn^ a strong-box, a money weight mdn^ man- Jiavg, go

cliest mdn^ .»/*aK^his Majesty's

; slower, easv Han man' lazy, !

birthday mdn^ iinan, all peo-

; heedless ; tjio' sz'^ ^mo kap,
ple mdn^ pat) shat) yat> whol-
; man' he'll take his own time,
; ! ;

278 MAM. MANG.

he nevor hurries moh Jieng ;

man* 'Icii, don't be rude to him;

(t'em; icliiii mdn^ Jiidn- tomorrow (295) Mang.
morning wlien at leisure mdn^ ;

'shall, a slow hand man* -liu ; (All these characters, and the laflt five oa-
pecially, are ufteu heard pronouuced lil^e the
^i)i, he was rude t(» you ,sin, ;
next syllable.)
man* are ternjs used for heavy
weight and light weight mdn^ ; n^ A word coarse
colloquial ; ;

I kau^ the steelyard falls, it

'^^ ^mang (mang, very coarse,

is light 'sctdi^mdn* you write

; inferior ^mang (kai, scars

very slowly mdu^ to" ii'i Hs\, ; abf>ut the eyes '/<) jnangt a ;

be careful how you speak so. scull. tie.

f-B,'- Used for the last ; to deceive Tifej To germinate, to bud, to
Jlr^ asuperior, unfaithful toatrust; ij/' send forth shoots; a sprout ;
Man .
to insult
cna man^ cunning ;
1-5-5 incipient, fisrt risings of; to

man* ,,in, to exaggerate. ,g plough up the ;

starting again
Often used for man* t^ > of old evils or habits (mang

}P^. an exi)anse ot water, a sheet in<:d, to sprout ; '/.vo ^mang jii

ot water ; breaking boutjds (Snm, thoughts rising in the
and destroying like water de- heart ; ^mang tung- brewing
vastating ; spreading, ditTiised ; trouble, incipient risings of
reaching like water, every- discontent.
where ; to let go, to set loose ; B^ An oath, anciently taken in
color of clouds; vague, diffuse, ;.™^ blood or smearing blood a ;

as writing Idn* man* scattered,

" contract, an alliance, agree-
all dispersed ; mdn^ wid/i' lone; ment ; to swear, to bind one's
and far, like a road ; mdn* self before the gods to form ;

chung^ to saw broadcast. a a chulkan or corps

pact ;

^i A sort of bean (a Dolichos); among the Mongols fining ;

^fr to shoot forth as vines do, to (Sam, guileless, with the whole
ramily, to creep ; creepers, heart iWang shai* to take an

vines ; wide-spreading vege- oath iTs'un Tsun^ ^chi imang,


tation ; intricate, tangled, ab- the compact of Ts'in and Tain

struse ;
(in md/t^o spread forth, states —a family alliance ;

to expatiate, diffVisive as style ^m-ing (Shv, a contract, an

koU man- a sort of vine man* ; agreement in writing.
man* ijati mdn^ spreading every '^ A fierce, strong dog strong, ;

time more vigorously. ,, resolute ; determined, brave ;

A curtain ; tapestry or hro rigid, severe, inhuman, sharp,


^, cade hangings a screen; Vctw ; cruel ; hot, as fire ; biting, as

mdn* seslaii curtains ch^unfi'' ; wind; to rouse, to inspirit;
mdn^ a screen to curtain olT. ; -mang lili ferocious, violent
Ag'- A sort of eel ( Congrus) cal I
\fo ^mang, a strong fire ; ^mang
r:'^ p:d mri'i- Mi. like the ctinj^pr ^ifnng, valorous, valiant; Joi
eel. With larg<,' ^rctoral Ims. shai' shanv '^mung, his approach
. ;;;

MANO. MAT. 279

was terriblR iwai -mang, awfn!,

; gaiters used by women ;tmdn^
stern, inajestic ; ^inang sing^ a pd' ch^nng^ to stretch out an
violent tem})er ; tfting ^mang, awning; 7.«n itnang mang^
the wind is high. keep it (or him) very tight
grasshopper or locust '^fs'd also hard pressed for funds.

mS.^*'"""^' * grasshopper; also

" called cha^ ^mang.

Blind from loss of the pupi(
or optic nerve, having eyes
-Jjl5 A small boat, a pinnace ; rha^ ^ but no vision; blinded in heart,
a '^'''P's 6'g»aj"lb'- deceived, obtuse imdng (fung^
Mane''"""?' ;

^ boat. a variable wind ^mdug ^ngdn, ;

Jj^h' A colloquial word : to pull, blind ;/rt^ ikai imdng, to have

*^^ to stretch to pull out, to pull night blindness itnang ; ,Tni/i,
to and Iro to pull up, to weed
; ; a blind songstress mdng ;

mang^ Jiau uUi ds'Cunr;, it pulls (hung chvk, a blindman's stick

my throat but he heaves it to met. a guide (indng (nin, a

the wall trifle to him but year without the ///irA't/n term;
life to me tZdt 7nang' pull it
; iindng tsz'' ctn shik, totally ig.
along; mang\fung shin" pull norant of letters : iindiig Ud, a
the punka maiig^ laU pulled
; blind man.
it off; mang^ (sfio, thin out [the

grain]; mang^ ich'emig, stretch

it out, pull
it taught.

^- Great, eminent, lar<;e se- ;

-5™- nior, the first, the eldest first ;
month oi tlie quarter to use ;

effort, to exert to beiiin, the ;

begmnmg of; mang^ chvng' A

JLj colloquial word what ;
kwai' a triad, the Isf, 2d. 3d, ^* who

why ; in what way a ;
of a series; Mang- ,fu Hsz''
diminutive of quantity maf, ;

M'incius, the Chinese sage;'

tthni, w ho ? mot:, '^e (l)y elision,
mang^ long^ exaggeration,
m'i-y^)y what ? what is it ? mah
imeng, what is its name 1 mat,
'//t '^kdm ki^ why do you act so ?

^md matiiVan, not inany njen ;

mati tak, ^ni kdm^ '/jd, h«)W did

Mang. you get such a good one what, ;

so incom|)arable ! c"i tik, j'ot

hai- mof, Vni, very this is not
A colloquial word ; to pull, good ^Hdmaf, Mr. Such-a-one,
as a bow ; to cover, to puil Mr. A.; d' mat, a term for
over and cover to draw over ; boys or servants; hai' maf,
for shade; '.mdng ikung she'] what is it ? {';« wd' mat, 1 can
ts'ui' to draw the bow and let nr>t express all my thoughts^;

fly the arrow; h^uk, ->'R«"^,i ishaiig mat; Jd lu' Jai, you

280 MAT MAT.

must certainly come ; waP ate, constantly with one mat, ;

mat:, sz'''iTn Iso- why don't you tik, "shau, ply your hand, work
do it ? what is Ihe delay ? .sharp ; pi' mati hidden, con-
ftjt A
negative, do not a han- ; cealed iciiau mail placed close

^^ } ner or standard at temples ;

together, not open to the air,
mall mall in haste, diligent, thickset ; (ki mat, a hidden
desirous of; ^shau mafi, lung' cause, the secret spring of a
do not touch it mali'p'a^ ivdn, ; machine or conduct pdki mat, ;

do not be afraid of obstacles. drive it up close mati mati ti^ ;

A an atom
particle of dust, be a little still about it; mati
Zifi ;

A,"^- mall muki inexhaustible, mi- ^ngdn, blind.

nute ; abstruse. ^ Honey, nectar sugar sweet,
^j^- luscious met. honeyed, sweet,
; ;

Mft A thing, a substance ; an


^V goods matter a crea-

article, ; ;
ifung mati bees'
; mati

tsiii' J'ong 'kwo,

ture, a being; a day; to dis-
sweetmeats, comfits mati Idpi ;
criminate, to distinguish by
beeswax si ffia/> confectionary,
appearance to have a know- ;
cakes ^p'o Jo mati the jack-
ledge of; mail kin- a thing;
fruit mall chapi kom' jCim,
tkam mall to-day tsoki (or ;
dear as honey.
its' am)
mall yesterday ; md/i*
£ij& To speak quietly, in a low
mall all things (exclusive of P^j^ tone, to whisper careful, still,
m^n); iyan maU a man; mah

silent, quiet ; tsing^ mati quite

ku' deceased Idi^ malid tiger ; ;
isdm mall are the dog, cock,
and hog ; also, three leading
moral duties; fo' mati mer-
chandize 'ch'dn mati natural ;

productions; iShan mali lusiis

('298) Mat.
naturae, strange things ; ishang
mall living things mati ipi j
See Mid,. This word is
possessions, property ; mati
sink, to judge of by the looks M.'.h
often pronounced mati when
meaningto wipe.
shiki mail eatables.
Stockings, socks, hose ; yat^
>p -stop
Still, silent, rest

Mall a sage noted

secret ; to
tuV mail a pair of stockings ;
; kdp, mo<j lined socks imin mdti :

in the San Kwoh Chi. quilted socks; t&? ^t^ung mdti

<^ 1 Thick, close together; fine ;
a stocking to fit all some- —
JtX' >small intimate, friendly
thing that is generally useful
^^ij hidden, not to be seen, occult, ichai tsoi^ mdti ^Cung, stick it

Mih secret, still, mysterious, re- into the stocking — as is done

tired, profound ; to stop, to with pencils, foot-rules, &c.;
rest : to repeat or do rapidly, po' mdf, stockings made of
to ply ; its'ait mati very intim- cotton cloth.
MAU. MAU. 281

/j^ Equal, of the same sort or

class, alike; even; to accord
(299) with ; 'ktcing pat^ ^seintg imau,
truly they are unlike, very

'^ colloquial word to sit on <R^ ''he pupil of the eye the ;
^ the heels ; to rest

upon, to Mau ^y^ '"""^ '^^' 'h® apple of the


tye ; ^ming ^mau shin^ loi^ a

perch, to roost ; to thump .mau ;

it'au }iok->head with

to rap the clear eye glances brightly.
the knuckles; cmau 'W diu" ^^^ Hempen thready bound
squat you there .man kd' vng' ;
"^^ around intimate intercourse,

Jai, to squat in a jar to be — closely bound, familiar; wrong,

ignorant of the world; ,mau4ai, perverse, erring ^ICau imau^ ;

to sit on the heels. intricate, thick, closfly united.

^=y^ A stratagem, an artifice, a Read muki, a bad name in

'^^^i^^'* P'°t ^^ make plans ; an epitaph.
Mau ;

to devise, to ponder, to fore- ^& An iron pan or boiler a ;

cast ; to deliberate, to consult

^n '*'"'^ "^ h*' casing Jan (mau,
an ancient helmet, worn hy

with and upon ; to plot, to go

about, to contrive ; ^mau hoi^ officers, with a flaring rim.
to plot against .k'i iinau, a ; -^] A certain person, time,
cunning scheme ;
(T/iav shat-, to ty !"P'3ce, or thing, used when
murder, to devise one's death; "A^ I
the name is unknown and ;

imau (Shatig, or it/ing (mau, to Mau also for used as a hiank,

I ;

lay plans for a livelihood (mau ; when one or two of the con.
^fo-ti, to plot, to cabnl ;
^maii tracted form are used instead
min^ to see one, to mark one's of inserting the name ; 'mau
physiognomy ;
iViau h'api ^fti ^mau lyan, a certain man '/d ;

it/an -.ying 'sz', he died for tell- ^mau, to emphasize a passage

ing the scheme to his wife ; by ad'ling yat, Jin ^mau, a
jWiOM J^id'i a plan, a plot
; imau
row of 'man on the side, equi-
sz^* tso? (yan, iShing sz'- tso'i^ valent to S'nall capitals ^mau ;

(t'in, man deviseth his wavs, uti a certain month 'mau ,sin ;

but heaven coin|>Ietes his isliang, such a gentlen)an ;

plans. '/nt/« hdki Jai, a certain stran-

•fe To low, to bellow ; to take, gcr is here.
to usurp, to incroach,' to de- A Chinese acre, which has
()rive ot ; to surpass, to pass varied much in size at diffe-
beyond; to like; to double: rent eras it is now estimated

an earthen utensil. Used for at 260 p6\ which makes it

the nrxt. equal to73:^^ sq. yds., or 6^%
d^A Biirley, aho called gn-at ^man to an Eni^lish acre ; met.

M ^'''"^"* s^WM inahi barlev, or

• fif'Ids, arable land; yaf, ^mau
barley and wheat. It^ an acre of gruuml /in ;

ToK. DlCT. b6
282 MAU. MAU.
^ataUf Belds and farms ; shuV
^mau, taxable fields.
*4hl The threat toe tsuk^ ^mau, (3()0)

the great toe ; tp'ing ^mau^ a

double toe.
*AL The male of quadrupeds in ;
jC. a
spear or lance, a hooked
j^ a few cases applied to plants ; Map weapon ; the 1 10th radical of
a bolt of a door ; a male screw ;
characters relating to spears ;

the part of a lock which slides "shieldsand spears"

iindu H'tin,
in ; a piston ; ^pan ^mau, female is a contradiction, opposing
and male cow and bull ^mau
; ;
words ; tsz'^ ^s^ung ^vidu U'vn,
Jan ifdy the mowtan paeony ;
self-contradiction ; J'tn iindu,
'matt Mn ich'd, the mowtan star j8 in Bootes.
camellia. ^^ Reeds, or high rank grass,
"^* Exuberant foliage, rank, a Mau ^^]^^ ^^" l»fi "sed for thatch

jjj^y luxuriant growth; flourishing, a kind of low palm, resembling

thrifty, highly developed, a a Thrinax, or perhaps a scrub
high rank or quality of; a term pine ; thatch ; jwidu sh6^ a cot-
of praise, as elegant, fine, and tage, my humble dwelling;
much used in names to exert, ; {OTdM iliu, a lodge in a field ;
to endeavor, strong, vigorous. tmdu uk:, a thatched house, a
ly a group of five persons
; ;
hut ik'au ihoi itndn saky pray

mnu^ shing^ exuberant, exces. to have my mind enlightened


sive mau^ Jts'oi, fine talents ;

isin jmdtt, a sort of scrub pine

all cyclic years with suU fV imdu '<«'d, rushes for thatch ;
t'iu^ itndu ishdn, to perform
in them are called dm mav}
prayers by T^u priests over
tV man^ 'kdm J'au^ a dolt-head ;
the sick
; pdki itndu Jsan, roots
sau' mau^ thrifty, rich foliage
mau^ '^in, many descendants.
of couch grass a febrifuge. —
Interchanged with the last
A grub which destroys the

)0f- > roots of grain (jmn iwidw, a ;

j^* to exert one's mind, force of
moral purpose full, luxuriant ;
t^j lady -bug foimd on the Doli-
Mau chos, and used for blistering;
pit-, mau^ ^ndi tak) with a fixed
purpose, virtue will be strong.
3^i Extravagant words of a fool :^ An ancient country situated
'" ^^^ present province of Sz'-
0^ falsity, error; mistake; to de- Mau
ceive, to err, to irritate, to con.
lAfi An aquatic vegetable, 11 ki
found or mislead ; tdi^ mau} a
great error jAd ^md ich'd man^
Mdu *"""ows ; t''e leaves an
not the least error ; chu niau^
fabulous, unworthy of belief. m A cat
jyj.^a striped fox
; jmd»puss (mdu Ji,

mat^ imdu 'kdm


as smtMtth-spoken as a

cat.seller;j;mdu 'jf/tti ifungimin.

MAU. Mt. 288

the cat and the rat sleep togeth- the countenance used in
er — rulers and thieves at definitions to express

an ab.
league ;
jwidu ji ^ngdn, the cat's stract quality of a thing to

eye ; swiau pi' kdm' tung' cold draw a likeness ^ng mdu'
as a cat's nose a hopeless — form, figure imin mdu- coun-

thing. Often spoken itndu. tenance, expression ; ^mi mdu^

-J^ The fourth of the "ten stems," handsome mdu* ''ch'an, ugly,

homely (ymg mdu* outline,

mIu ^'""g'' *o wood and is referred ;

to the rabbit ; a horary charac- aspect, as of a mountain 'Ad ;

ter ; morning
a time, a day,
'paw mdu* good and elegant
an instalment, a term ; a catch ifd ^nng uti mdu* beautiful as
on a carrying-pole ; flourishing, the moon and fair as flowers ;
luxuriant ;cArdu'wa«, 5 o'clock mdu* skin* ifong isam tvki be
A.M.; ching' ^/nau, 6 o'clock ;
careful ofsmooth faced fellows.
'ffWM u/j the second month
wdti 'wdu, a smooth catch to ;

fail in paying money; ^md^mdu (30U M6.

tani' ikon, a smooth beam, a
slippery fellow ; Jioi ^inau, to
first payment of a
begin to bamboo
upon the opening of offices
^ A colloquial word ; io carry
a child pickapack ; to carry
on the back ; to back (.m6 ;

afternew.year ^pi ^mdii, to ; ^Isai, to carry children ; (m^

bamboo remiss policemen or (pdufuki to carry a pack ; (OT^
recreant debtors tap ^tndu, ; tdi^ a pack-wrapper ; ^m^
substitutes who sellthemselvess ^shtung (Shnn, to take the res-
to be bambooed ying^ '//idu, to ;
acknow ledge.
ponsibility of, to
answer the roll by a substitute; Also, a final interrogative in-
ying^ chu' hndu, to forego a terjection, expressive of doubt
thing to another Him ^mau, ; ^kdm ytung* ki* m^i such a
to call the roll ^nuiu Jc'U 3d ; sort, eh hat* (W^, is it so
! !

and 8th davs in a month (the The bleating of a sheep ;

3d, 13th, 23d, 8th, 18th, and tm^ <sheng, a bleating a^ung ;

28lh), when papers are receiv- (ffi^, a sheep, a kid, a lamb.

ed by magistrates ; icaki ^mdu, A colloquial word ; awry,

to answer a summons, to ap- askew, crooked, asquint, twist-
pear ktco^ ^/ndu, to pass by, to
; ed to put or lay wrong iwdi
; ;

overdo. (Wdi '»n^ 'm<^, all wrong, all

< "^ The eighteenth of the 28th awry ;
a wry mouth ;
'«i^ 'teui,
j^P constellations, answering to a wry neck
'i72^ ]!t'au, rather ;

PU'iades. boozy ; ^maifong^ Vn^, don't

^i Aspect; the outward mein, lay it cro. ked 'A'i 'm^ tik^ to

?j^ manner, gait, form, look, ap. stand at ease, to lull, to lean
pcarancc, or figure; the visa gp. against.
284 MEK. MENG. mi.

said of a present ; a thing of

little or no use ;
itni muti very
(3«2) Mek. little, the least bit ; i,mi jmi siu*
a passing smile.
J^ A colloquial word ; to throw A slight shower of rain ; jWii

"^"a tliin<» away

meki loki ^shu, ;
small rain ; a tor-
jWii '«, finf,

to throw a book on the ground. rent flowing in a ravine.

(303) Meng.—*See Ming.

tables for
kind of pot-herb;
Js6una jwii, a variety of rose

fdki iTnif swallow- wort. (An

iMeng. This soun<1 is often heard asclepias ?)

as a contraction for j'ni Js^an^,

not yet. Also ^ts'unii iinPug,
m -\ delicate, beautiful
elegant, handsome.
woman ;

rosin, gum of the pine or fir. The eyebrows; old, aged;

brink of a well ishau (mi paty
Mei ;

'chin, to knit the eyebrows,

(304) Mi. contracted eyebrows, rueful ;
^iigdn (mi, the eyebrows (ngo ;

njSj To purse up the mouth to (mi, arcl)ed eyebrows ; rm' (mif


shut, to close, as the eye or a green, white-eyed thrush, a

mouth the last ; small, mi- songster; Ho (kwan jWii, "Lau-
nute ;

to sip ; ^mi tik-, Hsau, sip tsz' eyebrows," — a fine pekoe

the wine ; (ini imdi 'Aar/, silent ;
tea ;
(mi miik^ Mu lai^ beauti-
lok, ^ii cTTii, fine rain ; '^shau ^chi ful eyes and brow.
cffii, the little fincrer. The marginor brink of a
#rf- Small, insignificant, mean,
'1 stream; water plants growing
"Jlp trifling; minute, delicate ; in along the banks, mixed and
a slight degree, rather ; ob- tangled like a thicket ; jiMi (li,
scure, mysterious ; hidden, ab- a lake in Hondn.
struse, recondite to fade, to
dwindle, to decay, to diminish
in value to hide away, to con-

A famous peak, called iNgo

ishdn, in Kiating fii in
near the Ta-tu
ceal to repress, as grief; not,
without, have not ; an ulcer The lintel of a door or wind-
on the calf; imi saP very ow the plate of a roof; (Xhang
sm ill, fine work ; jmi ihd, tri- ^nu tsoki iimin (mi, to bear si
fling, unimportant ; ifnl miu^ daughter is as a lintel [which
exactly the thing, it just went upholds the housf ]; ^wdng itni,
in, minute, very smill ; jmi a cross-piece of timber in a
po^j too thin ; ^mi.fiing, a little roof or story.
brneze jmi iPlCnn,
dusty, A district town in Fnng-
atoms of dust ^mi tsin^ vu'- ;
tsiang fu in tlie S. W. of Shen-
gar; inferior; itni ma/i trifling, si, south of the R. Wei.
Mf. Ml. 285

An elk or large species of Unwearied, indefatigable,

deer a stag itni lyung, stag's 'Ml continued exertion willing ;
Mi ;
Wi ;

horns, not deemed the best 'mf ^mi, unceasing.

sort ; iini luk^ a stag. The tail of animals the end, ;

A halter for an ox ; to tie

Wi the extremity, the tail of, the
up, to fasten. Used for the last, the remnants of, driblets ;
next. little things, the hinder part

A sort of rose, called its'^ung of; a stern ; the bottom of; a

iTni, or cinnamon rose. classifier of fishes copulation
Mi ;

A spirit made from wheat, of animals ^shau hni tai* i' ;

and drank from off the dregs

a very poor sort of, inferior;
Mi ;
^shan 'mf or it'au 'mi, beginning
double fermented spirit.
Rice gruel, thin congee and end, h^ad and tail, first
or last (Shau 'mai ingan 'mi,
macerated by action
dissolved, ;

Mi broken and bad money bought;

of fire or water ; scum ; en-
tirely chuki rice boiled to 'mi Hai, the results of, what
; iTiii
follows (kan ^mi, to follow one,
pieces ^wi Idn- boiled to rags
; ;

meJ- oppressed, harassed to re- as a lackey ; '^pdi ^mi, to wag

the tail tap^ ^mi, to put the
bellion iinifaV to waste ex-

tail between the legs ; sko' 'mi,

travagantly ; ip'o 'Ai Js'aug
small unsettled balance ; {'»»
iTni, a scum floats on it kwok) ;

cc/ii '^shau ^mi, I don't know

Jid sWjipaiUhe state is wholly
ruined. where it was put, I don't know
about the matter ^md tiki
A bow unstrung and bent ;

back ; at ease, resting to de- '^shaii ^mi, heedless, immethod-

Ml ical ^mihan* afterwards ^mi
sist, to hinder, to stop ;
to for- ; ;

get ; to destroy, to put down hau}''tim, what happened then?


imt td^ (On }hinfi, to put down yah hni jii, one fish its' am ^mit ;

the seditious, and quiet the look for a few more like this.
loyal : Tpatt iVang jWii imong, 1 Sweet, delicious, well-flavor-
can not forget it. ed, savory, beautiful, excellent,
Laid out, spread abroad, dis- good-looking, handsome ; hap-
persed ; troops retreating, put piness ; good, well ; to delight
Mi to esteem to praise, to
to flight,scattered, defeated ;
in, ;

overturned, inclined poured ;

commend hni '/i«, a pretty ;

out : profuse, showy display, woman jwd ^mi, elegant ^mi


prodigal luxury, extravagant mi^ good tasted 'mi /dm, well- ;

not having, not, without to ; said, good words ; ^mi ti^ rich
implicate, to involve 'mi 'mi, ;
lands ; tsdn^ hni, to praise
'mi ;

slowly; private, sm;ill, insigni- tchung pat-, tsuh his happiness

ficant imd hni faP no waste
is not perfect ^mi lai^ fine, as ;

of it ; (t'in ming' 'mi ^shhing, a gem or piece of work yal, ;

heaven's decrees are not un- ich'^ung 'mi i? a good intention,

changeable. a kind thou>;ht.

286 Mf. MIK. MfN

the sixth
ihe " twelve
yet, not
branches," and
now ;

the eighth of
Smirking, ogling, smiling;
bewitching, engaging, attract-
ive to flatter, to adulate, to

symbolized by a sheep time ; speak soft words to blandish, ;

from 1 till 3 o'clock p. m.; tow. ment, dalliance 'cA'm mi* to ;

ards evening; mi^ ting^ uncer- flatter, to toady 'f shiki mi*;

tain; ml^pil^ probably not ; mi' lyan, to please people by one's

pit) '•kdm^ not so, I am sure ; looks; (kiu mi* fascinating,
ffij' its'ang, not yet, no ; Aii' (d' exciting love ; mi* t'di* the
nti' has il got there yet, have mincing gait of Chines<j girls.
you been there ? mV^yau, none An ogre or demon brute,
vet, never has been. with four legs and human face,
Taste, flavor, seasoning, re-
lish ; a refish, a delicacy, a
which frightens men; tU mi*
elves and ghosts.
dainty the style or beauties

of a book or composition; to
relish, to take pleasure in, to (305) Mik.
solace or recreate in '-/id mi* ;

t^ good, delicious 'y^ mi* ;

game, delicacies from the for. ^3* ] To

search for, to go about
est iShii imd mi* tdi* tasteless,
^- ^seeking to hunt up, to seek,

insipid stupid, as a book

; ;
^> j as quotations ; miki'^yam shiki

kano^ tfctt yat) mi* season it Mih on the lookout for a dining.
more, add another taste Hsan ;
place mik-. Id* to look for land

mi* lost its flavor; jWid mi* miki tuh found it ; miki kit' to
flavorless ; mi* Ini* aromatics, search for qtiotations.
spicery, seasonings; mi* jfc'i A napkin to cover food
jirt, relished his words; vii* with to cover anyth ing with

yapi mi* not yet well seasoned ; a cloth ; to veil; the 14th
hdpi mi* very palatable ^'ng ;
radical of characters denot*
mi* kd' a castor 'Ad dsz^ mi*, ;
ing coverings.
very interesting, pleasant.
tojSi To rest from labor, to sleep ;

^.^* sound sleep stupid, sleepy. ; (306) Mm.

headed ^k'u mi* he is asleep
; ;

miins* mi* to dream mi* 'sAui, ;

to dive or walk under water ;

OW To sleep, togo to sleep ; the
mi- iTndi iShiung ^ngdn, to shut Mi^ sleep of animals and plants ;
the eyes, to keep the eyes shut dim, confused vision ;

tight ; 'frd mi*, to doze. ich'ong, a l)ed ; go to

hii' imin,
Dust or mote in the eye, ob. b-^d ;
H'lu imin, the sleep of
. scuring the vision ; the ninht- the willow ckino '^sing jwi/i

mare, called at. (or Hm) miing*. kdii* frightened out of sleep ;

mi'^imiin, sand in the vye, an iinin itinan ti* a " sleep v cow's

irritable eye. land " is a lucky spot ich'eung :

— ; —

MlN. MIN. 287

itnin, the "long .sleep" —death prevented his coming; ^min

jwiin taki '^ki fuU how much lai^ toelude the laws; to annul
room do you use to sleep in ? a law ^min chin^ to decline

what use is there in wrangling battle %'it kwd' 'min chin*


for such a trifle ? ip'di, he shows the white

^^^'j Soft, cottony silk, like floss feather mi^ 'minfai\shan, he

-iiP >or raw silk drawn out, pro- ;

spares no labor hnin Jd, don't ;

iflijfj longed, extended, outstretch. trouble yourself, don't put your-

Mien ed ; uninterrupted, enduring, self to inconvenience.
lasting stnall, weak ; thick,

'i% Same as /ti fl{f ; 'min'shau,

close c«i' jJrain, refuse silk
; ;
Mien to hang down the head.
Cmin ^in pat) tsvii unceasing
-Sijj To force one's s(;If, unpleas-
flow of, continuously; idCin
jyij^j^ant to one's feelings; con-
jmin, wound round and round,
bound many
strained, compelled, urged by
to by ties ; '«n
circumstances; to put forth
lU jwin, weak as floss. Inter-
eflxtrt ; to urge, to animate, to
changed with the next.
stimulate, to persuade ^min ;

JbA The cotton plant ; muhi ^kUung, unwillingly, by con-

fl^n /min. the cotton tree (Bombax
Mien t \ 44 . \r. straint ; ^min liki to be diligent;
cetba); cotton jwitn </a, raw ;
^k'iung ^min ^ni^ 1 would urge
cotton imin po' cotton cloth ;

yoti on.
{Twin (foi, a quilt of cotton wool;
imin ishd, cotton yarn iinin X^ To bear a child fan 'w^n, ;

Mif n to be brought to bed.
ndp> quilted garments ^kung
imin, bowed or flocked cotton
^ A crown, a coronet, a dia-
jyij^dem of the Chau dynasty,
tso^ ijnin (fa (pdu, like sitting
made like a Cantah's cap, with
on a bale of cotton — stable,
pendents ikun 'min, a crown ;
tsd^ tak-, cktin ^min, it will do
To put away or oflT, to free very well, finely done i. e.
from, to dispense with; to do for a crown.
spare, to forego, to excuse, to
-BiG To look askance at to look ;

forgive to avoid, to prevent,

^^ ^^^^dly to ogle, to glance
to evade escaped fiom to
Mien ;

; ;
the eyes ^min yaU %d ^ngdn^;
remove fromotfice; a negative,
take a look at it.
do not, no need of; ^min^kun,
A '^t^s near Hanyang fu in -JiH
to take ofl^ a cap ^min J.oi, he ;

Mj/nHupeh; a name given the

need not come ^niin tsui' to ;
Han R. near its mouth ex- ;
pardon, not to judge a crime
uberant waters, the banks full,
'mj/i kin' he need not come in,
flowing over.
can not see him ik'anpaU^min
t«2' be careful in noting, and

^^ think upon, to ^reflect on,
jv'i7nto consider to recall to mind.
you need not be recalling to ;

mind ; kfiU ^min J^'tmg, to remit '^'* "'^^*^' *" ^^^'J*^" *o stimu.
the taxes ^min tdi. ^k'u Joit ^^*®-
;;;; ;

288 MiN. MING.

-SBj Drunk, fuddled, intoxicated ;

a looking-glass ^shun min' on ;

X- addicted to, immersed, sunk deck min' shiki complexion

; ;

in vice ich'am ^min, sunk in

min' Js'in, before, in sight
excess ; ^min Hsau pa/j cKvl^ so Jtau c/iin tik^ pokimin' leave me
drunk he would not appear some reputation min' shin' ;

J,aa ^min, completely addicted acquainted with '^Id chiu' min' ;

to. made a visit ^shang min' un- ;

-j&jS Fine silk thread to think acquainted with.


Jl?" upon, to reflect, to imagine ;

Wheaten flour; min' shiki
light obscure ^niin '^seung, to
pastry cakes, the dessert of

ponder hiin tin' kwokt Bur-

; j
a dinner min' ^fau or min'

Mien (pdu, bread in loaves ikon

mah ^min jin, to look at what

is distant. shiki min' to give money in-

stead of the dinner ; tnin' ''fan^
jffji The face, the countenance,
flour ; icKdi min' to knead flour;
Jj. the visage the front, the top,
itigdn min' to roll out dough ;
the surface, that which is for-
'td min' to fry flitters ^fad min*
wards or anterior a side, a ;

to raise bread.
face face to face, in one's

presence, openly; honor, cha-

racter, reputation to front, to ;

show the face, to see one, to (307) Ming.

turn the face to ; personally ;
the 176th radical of characters
pertaining to the face a clas- ; qH Bright, clear, plain evident, ;

sitier of mirrors, gongs, and ij. open, above-board, manifest ;

drums ; wi»' mdn^ the expres. brilliance, brightness, splen-
sion ; min} mnki the face, the dor ; intelligent, astute, per-
look of; mW
(Chii, the cheek spicacious to enlighten, to

bone pin- mi«' a fan, a screen

illustrate, to shed light on by
pdti min} the four points of explanations; to distinguish
compass and their halves ; niin^ clearly iming pdki clear, in.

tkdu, to give to personally ^iii ; telligible;^chi {inin^ pdki I

chat) min} icha, do you just know all about it; ^ni iming
look for yourself; min* h^iinii^ pdki s'm Js'ang, do you per-
^sh^ung, the top this side up ceive it yet ? (kwong (ining^
itiu to lose one's character; light, clear ;
j?/ta« iming, gods,
% mill} the inner surface, in. idols; 'k'aiiming,break of day;
side '/a/i
; min' displeased with, the iming yat^ ;

to turn away the face ; dong to-morrow iming lyan, an


min' in presence of, to his face honest, trustworthy man ;

tui* min' opposite ; yaf, min' iming ikung, clever, quickwif. ^

tod' hii^ ynU min' wd' t'm liij} ted iining /<^/^, mental powur
; ;

one while he says go, and then (Sin <?niiig, new, showy ^nda ;

he says stop yaU min' keng' ;

iming, hard to comprehend;
; ;

MING. MING. '289

itnin^ (niing tsoi^ hd' inferiors *a* Dark, dismal, doleful, ob-
(or the people) know it well; ^j-j> scure deep, dark recesses, like

iming rchiii Hsd, early to-mor. a cavern, night-likr; approach

row morning <,miTig hndi iViing ; of night ; mind uninformed or
mdi^ a lawful business iTning ;
immature, as a child's the ;

*long, transparent clear, like ; world of darkness, aheol or

fine printing ; iinirig fining hai- hades ifs'lng iming, heaven

it clearly is so. (.yau iming, lost to sight, the

abode of spirits iming 'fu, or
(This character is usually pronounced m«n;.)
iming (kdn, limbo iming iwan, ;

^ A name, that by which a

1/-^ being or thing is called the
uninstructed,stupid (hoiiming
W to " open the dark road,"

given name of persons met. ; is to ring bells and make in-

a person a title fame, repu-
; ;
cantations for the dead,
tation, official merit; eclat, yg* The wide and boundless sea,
credit, merit ; famous, well- the deep; drizzling rain, fine
known, noted, meritorious, re- mist, clouds on hill-tops ; '*m
nowned, eminent, celebrated 'ii iming iming, a fine soaking

to name, to designate fining ;

rain iming 'hoi, the blue

tshingt reputation, fame '/« ; boundless ocean.

kiu' mati (tneng, what is your *^ A lucky plant, called iming
name <yan imeng ^mb pdk} ^^J^frap, which grew in Yu's paU

'^shui, men's names have no ace, and in its foliage followed

certainty in their characters the moon perliaps a sort of ; —
^mdi <xneng, to buy title or bulb, tiie leaves of which alter-
fame ts^^ imeng^ to borrow or
; nately sprouted and died.
take another's name at an iJjG^ An insect which eats grain
examination, to pretend to -^^ and causes blight iming iling, ;

cning fip-> a visiting-card ^a caterpillar on the mulberry,

iVieng ho'- or imeng tsi"^ an which the sphex is supposed
epithet or denomination by to adopt for its young iViing ;

which a person, shop, or thing Jing (Chi Hsz' an adopted son.

is known ^ming hd- under or
P^ The cry of a bird or animal,
attached ioa name Him imeng as a crow, song, buzz, hum.
Ming' ;

to call over the names wan} yell, &c.; a sound emitted


Uneng or c/a imeng, a nick- from a drum or sonorous body ;

name mo' itneng, to forge a

to sound, to cause to yield a
name, to use another's influ- sound to resound, as fame ; ;

ence or name ; 'u imeng, ^shu birds calling to each other ;

imeng or ^hin imeng, and pit} iming ichung, to sound a bell

imeng, are the infant name, iming ilo, to strike argong ;

the official name, and the style (kai iming, cock-crowing tuk, ;

taken by men at different times 'ch^ung indn ^ming, it's hard to

of life; (^un^smen^, reputation; clap with one hand iming ^iin, ;

ik'au imeng, to seek honor. to petition fur redress. '

Tox. DiCT. 37
;; ;

390 msa. xMlT.

'''^^' '^°"^®'" 'eaves of the lot;'/« meng^ wretched, unfor.

/jP^ tea chi^ ^niing, to prepare tea
tunate in life ^t'in meng' will

^Ji^ung 'ining, fragrant tea; of heaven, fate iu' /iw meng* ;

(phan JieuHg ^ming, a kind of he wants my life ; iku titki

white (Macartney's?) rose. meng^ alone in the world siin' ;

-flp^ A spirit made from glutinous meng' to tell fortunes ; fung'

j^^ rice and wheat ^ming 'ting, ; meng- to get orders; ich'dung
very drunk. meng^ a long life over sixty —
-^ To remember, to inscribe on years ; ishang ming' living
j^i>? the memory, to record for the things, life ; ming' on' capital
purpose of preserving ; to en- cases (in law); meng' wan^ a
grave, to carve on metal or horoscope, and its correlative
stone ; a book of precepts for of a ruling character over ^
one's conduct, guides for con- years ya/> yat, jM meng' every

duct ; ^ming isam, engraven on thing done as ordered iwong ;

the heart ; cpi ^ming, a stone meng' a death-warrant pun' ;

tablet or record ; ^ming itsing, meng' to risk life; meng' ^fu,

an eulogistic banner carried at a titled lady meng' (ChiUf

funerals ^ining 'kdm ^''ng tioi'

; natural bias, nature J'in ming' ;

held in grateful remembrance. to suffer capital punishment.

-H^ To close the eyes in death ;

dull vision, indistinct sight

"*l"g 1 ^ c
ikdm (Sam ^mmg muki to shut
• Till
(308) Mit.
the eyes cheerfully in death ;

^ming ^mingy obscure vision ;

^ming ishan, the " blind states,

IjJ^ To strike with the hand to ;
man," is an epithet of Sz'
^j^lJpull up; to feel of to push. ;
Kvvang of Tsin, b. c. 540.
" Utensils, dishes, and vessels
A colloquial word ; to tear
off or up, to pull to pieces or
used in eating; the 108th ra-
'"^ apart to pull off, as a scab
dical of characters relating to
to pinch to break off, to pluck,
dishes hi' 'ming, articles used
as a leaf; mil:, Jio Jdn tav} to
in worship or eating, <kc.
shell pease ; m%H Ho., to pinch
(This character ig often pronounced meng.) the cars ; w«^ 'c/jt, to pull off
/^' To order, to command, to paper, as when it is pasted
'\direct; an ordinance, a be- mt/j min' ichii, to pinch the
Ming checks.
hest, a rescript giving orders,
a direction, a decree in polite ;
To destroy with fire to ;

usage, a request, a wish ; ^^ exterminate, to finish, to ab<>-


heaven, fate, destiny, lot in '/^, j lish, to cut off; to put out ;

life;nature, natural habits of; Mieh mifi -Jang, put out the lamps ;
fortune, luck; the natural life 'f*iM mi/j to raze to the ground,

of beings; animated, living, to exterminate utterly ; mHi

creatures ; 'Admeng- a happy Heng, the water is overhead ;

;; ; ;;;;

MIU. MIU. 291

tdm} mill rtnii perfectly taste- tern [chinaware]; jTOim lodlfi to

less, insipid ; Hd miti to extin. paint or sketch ; (miu yat,
guish fire, by beating it tsz^' ; yiung^ take an exact copy
'ts'ii mih (ftiong, he brought on imiM iyung, to take a portrait
his own ruin. " paint eyebrows,"
imiii (nii, to
Interchanged with the last alludes to conjugal aflfection.
not, without small, minute, ; '^'^® mewing of cats also,
Mieli 'fft ;

worthless scraped thin, pared

{7^ a cat ; hnd imiv, a cat ; imiti
miau , -

uncivil, to show contempt to mewing. iSneng, a

vitii ^yau, none pat:, miti iinan ^"^ ^y® small or wanting
'^h ;

ikung, not to disregard merit

jyj<^ a contracted, deep sunk eye
among the people mih Mi to look at with one eye, or with

dispirited also, dull in vision.

drawn up eyes, to glance at
Bamboos or reeds split into small, trifling, minute, subtile,
rods or slats ; splints for wea- abstruse ; all, to have nothing
ving baskets, or for hoops beyond or better ; ^miii shi'
splinters, twigs, thin lath-like iyan, to regard proudly, to look
slips; skin of the bamboo; down on one ;
(.sham hniu mys-
chuk) miti bamboo splints ; yat) terious ; sffji ^miu, minute.
it'iu miti a lioop.
-jH;], The boundless, indistinct,
Sand flies or ephemera about
vVr and dazzling appearance of the
stagnant water, generated in
Mieh ocean ^miu imong, immense,
damp grounds, called miti confounding so as to be hardly
imitng, which light and heat the subject of proof; doubtful,
what can not be predicated on ;

no telling what will come

^miu ^miu, vast, unfathomable.
(309) Miu. ^ The end or point of a tree,
Jjpf a small branch the tapering ;

end of a post the limit of, the


Shooting up of grain, the
tender blade of herbs and grass;
descendants, progeny the im- ;
end of a year or season sui'
hnidt the close of the year
tc/ti '/nftJ, the end of a branch ;

perial sumn)er hunt (iniu Hsz^ ; ilam ^miii, the skirts of tiie
aborigines still found in the forest.
south of China ^mhi yui- pos- ;
^J^ Oljscure, as the sun setting
terity (icoiniii, paddy sprouts; ^", behind trees, distant and in-
shuki imiii, the subdued Mi4u- i
distinct, dark, dusk profound, ;

tsz'. abstruse; confused, not f>er-

To trace, to line, to draw,
design, to sketch to copy
paintings or drawings ; iiniu

ceiving clearly ^mia ^miu moki
moki very obscure 'miu mingi

dull, not plain, applied to the


Jcam to gild, to make designs I day or the mind ^miu jWo ;

in geld ; lam' tm«/, blue pat- cj/am, no word from him.

; ! ;

292 MIU. MO.

'^ A plant yielding a purple

j^j^ydye; small, trifling, petty,
contemptible remote to re. ; ;
(310) Mo.
gard contemptuously, toslight,
to look down upon superci-
r^l Minute, delicate an inter- ;

lious ; ';/im shi^ to look at dis- '

"f^ > rogative adverb, what ? a final
dainfully ; ^iniii Jieng, to dis- ,1^ j
interrogative, suggesting an
regard ; ^miu 'siu, small, petty. Mo alternative, or a surprise or
'^^ Interchanged with the last. doubt ; '/li Joi Hiu ono, have
*^ Also read moki; to look at from you come hero ? sham^ imo is
a distance ; 'mm ^miu, distant a common interrogative in the
mournful. court dialect, like maU ^yi in
#i An adjective denoting ex- the Canton dialect ; Joi tmo,
1^.. cellent, capital, perfect, good, has he come ? hai^ (mo, is it
admirable of its kind wonder- ; so, or is it not so? jiii mo,
ful, fine subtle, mysterious,
; small, minute affairs.
incomprehensible, difficult to
fathom; spiritual, superna-
tural ; miv} kuP a capital plan ;
M A word slow 'ni
ihang mo ^mo, you walk very
slowly ^n'l shik, tah kdni' mo,
; ;

miu' 5z'^ a fine affair mhi^ ;

how slow you eat
Kihau, a skillful artist miv^ ;
To feel or rub with the hand,
yiuki an excellent remedy, a to handle, to touch, to feel the
wonderful medicine; miu- iiiin, Mo
texture of; to polish, to rub ;

one under age, a youth. to destroy cyam iyeung (S^nng


A temple of ancestors or
yofidols, a fane; a church; the
mo, the dujCl powers rub each
other — are not harmonious ;

;S front hall of a palace (kd

! ;
'/m mo, to pat gently ; '^shii
MiAu MiV.Jmiu} nr
or '/cA miu- an
Hsd mill- an nnppctrul
(mo, to pilfer, to steal like a
temple t'dV miu^ the great
rat ; 'shut Hai ,mo iiU to seek
temple of the emperor's fore- the moon at the bottom of
fathers; ishan miu^ an idol's
temple ; miu^ a bride's kW
the water —
an impracticable
thing ; moiso, to play or dawdle
worship of her husband's an- with ; cwio (mo ^ha, feel of it
ccstors ^sh^ung miu^ H sz'-
cWio (Sing Hivg, the Star-scrap-
to go to a temple to consult on ing Ridge on the White Cloud
business ; ihng miv} ichi hV an Hills near Canton.
utensil for a palace a likely, — A cup for water or tea, a
rising man miv} chuk, ckung
tumbler or drmking-vessel.
a temple curator, a sexton. Wo
A malignant spirit, a devil,

Mo demon to
a possess, torment- ;

ed by a demon mo 'kwai, the ;

devil a demon shvi- mo,

; ;

horrid dreams ; Hsau <mo, de-

lirium lre!uens;<.?/jj. /;»'>, poetic

m6. M6. 293

ravings ; ,mo peng^ delirious, mountain and a district in

raving 'kwai (mo '/li c/n^, has

Kweichau fu in Sz'chuen.
the devil got into you ? A— To deceive, to invent, to

M To rub, to polish ; to powder,

to grind,
bing ; to afflict,
to sharpen by rub-
to be distres.
affirm what does not exist ; to
accuse the innocent, to incul-
pate falsely, to calumniate ;

sed, to be brought down by false, visionary, superstitious

affliction; trials; to examine calumny, slander (md hdm* ;

into closely ; to draw out by to ruin by slander (md Idi^ to ;

torture ; itno li^ Jd, to whet a implicate one by lies; jmd kb^
knife grind it sharp
; <,mo It' ; a lying accusation ; j»nd tiipj

imo maki to rub India ink joto ; 'Ad iyan, to trump up a charge
iTigdn shiki to grind paints ; against innocent persons.
shau^ (tsoi jWio to receive trials t^ Hair, pelage, feathers, down,
and misfortunes <,mo kdm^ liki ; -"t" fyrj the covering of brutes
to work with utmost MSu ;

ft'au, the 82d radical of characters

strength ;
itno lai^ to examine relating to hair herbage, the

strictly ; Hd ino, to polish ;

imo covering of the earth ; nap of
lin^ to practice at, to fag at deprive of hair ; sWnjWid,
felt; to
study. round-haired t. e. quadrupeds;
To cut, to dissect, to cut 'pin find, flat-haired i. e. birds ;
open ; to pare off, to slice or
iyau a sheep V ^md, two
Mo iVtd, ;

divide up.
A word 'mo tsz''
sorts of hair —
grayhaired paU ;

imd (Chi ti^ a wilderness, a wild ;

stop, wait a minute !

met. savages j/no ^chui\g, the

A quern a mill for grind- ;

weight of a thing, including
ing grain grind grain ; to
tare and tret ^md peng^ " hair
Mo ;

'«Aut water-mill; mo^

mo' a disease," an idiosyncrasy, an
(ts6uns, to make rice starch ;
eccentricity, a penchant, a
mo' ifong, the mill-room ct'iii ;
weakness or failing ; 'Ad iling
mo' to turn the mill ; (di mo* imo, ek'gant birds, spirited
to push the mo- aam
quern ;
drawings of birds; jmd '/ctin,
(or suti) the pivot of a quern. the barrel of a quill imdcchin, ;

a carpet ; fat, jmd, to become

(311) Mo. The human hair ; the hair
on the forehead tufts on in- ;
A sorceress, a witch, an fants' heads, trimmed on each
-^~. enchantress, a wise woman ;
side of the fontanelle, called
to perform incantations ; sor- Mil' shun' .mo or filial tufts ;

rerv, magic '«u jwo, an en- ;

the long hairs mft. eminent,

chantress ; jTnd shuti magic courageous, superior ^md *t'* ;

arts, divination (nam jmo, a wi- ;

eminent scholars <.vh?i' ^md, ;

zard, a sorcerer ,mo <s/idn, a ;

superior to the rest.
' ; ;

2Q4 Md. m6.

tfeA cow's tn il, or cliowrie used leisure, no business ; jwid noi^

- '^
as a signal a squirrel or ; iho, no help for it ; chai^ /oi
marten's tai! used at the top iind noi^ Jio, the governor,
of a flag-stalf; ikon ^md, a tail general can't help himself; jWid
on a flag-staff. mah ichung yung^ very little
Overgrown with grass ; her- use ; itno i' ichutig ^mdi, bought
hage; vegetables; jWio (kaug, it without deliberation; imd
meat pottage ^md ts'op pot. ;
'^sho pat, (Chi, omniscient ; iind

herbs, greens. yah paty'^hiu, there's nothing he

lA A pattern, model, muster does not understand '/»u imd ;

* '1^*^'^ ^ ^'^'f" or guide to go ch'iit) childless ; iind ichung

"ma ;

by ; the figure ; a rule ; ikw'ai (Shang ^yau, it grew out of

iVid, a regulation ; manner, de- nothing, unfounded.
portment; imdyiung^a. pattern;
'^ A colloquial word, used for
'/d 'cAi s»/id, to make a sign the last none, nothing ; not

manual. yet, not ^yaii, ^md lUi, is there


^^ Interchanged with the last any or not? hnd tsd^ kwo^ never
-^^ to imitate, to follow a pattern ;
did it ; hit hnd 'pi 'ngo, you
to feel with the hand; to sketch; have not yet given it to me ;
jWio '«e, to sketch a likeness ;
iind isam takt unintentional
itniu iind yati' sun^ to forge or '/no hii' kwoi' never been there.
counterfeit a seal
; jwd iUng, Overrun with, rank growth ;

obsequious. dirty, dank, stinking weeds

fft Consultation, counsel, matur-
Wa waP covered with rubbish

*jj^ ed plan, a well settled course and )vceds; <fong iind, uncul-
of conduct ; a rule of action ;
tivated, grassy.
to imitate ^man iind, to devise ; To flatter, to caress, to sooth,
plans ; jwd noai- counterfeit. to comfort ; an expression of
A negative, do
prohibitive love affection htid iin, alas
y^ not, don't do; a denial; an sad, sad

; !

interrogative, intimating a A porch, lodge, portico, piazza

doubt the 80th radical ; tso^
: or corridor near the gate ; side
lit J.s6ung itnd, can I sit down ? galleries ; a large vacant house.
jWto iioai laki shi^ don't oppose Read iind, luxuriant, abundant
this special edict ; (inb 'hii, to foliage.
deny. Interchanged with the Meat dried without bones,
next. JUlJi
jerked meat used in sacrifices
H6 ;

<|^ "}
Not, none, not having, with- (Chati iUn ^md hnd, everywhere
not possessing, destitute
~^".» yout, it is fertile.
j/lQjof, wanting; not to exist; A
mother a female she or ; ;

Wu a useless fel-
iTnd ynnft^ syi",
Mu that which produces female ;

low (,md wa't} ichi m" an un-

; of brutes; met. earth district ;

im!)ortant matter iind han^ ;

magistrates ; the source of;
illitnitai)le, endless ; emu sz"^ at inferior, small '/o hnd or hnd ;
; ;;

MO. MO. 295

its' an,a mother; ^ii'/nd, a nursp, cfrd, a cadet ; 'mo ittgav, a

a foster-mother; ngoi' 'mo or stupid cadet — an epithet ; 'pi
ngoki^ -nio, wife's mother kai^ ; *md, trials of martial skill ;

^ind, an adopted mother, a step- islihig ik'i 'tsd hnd, to per-

mother ;
'/«' ^md, great and petuate his forefather's deeds,
small, as in sorts ; superior and -p^ A stone, called ^mo ifu, of a
inferior ; '//»() Jing Jiiung, mo- \^. fine grain, but not a gem.
ther cloves kipok'. ^md, the
empress shapi ^md, the ten

'^% A parrot, called tying hnd,

of a large size a ; macaw, a
stems "tsz' '//id its'in, interest
and principal ilung 'mo ininng
(niungy Amphitrite, the god-
To posture, to play with the
body, to gesture, to dance
dess of the seas ; ichu 'md, a Wu pantomime,
sow 'chu 'mo, the principal
fencing, tumbling I'iu^ 'md, ;
wife. Distinguished from -ffl-
dancing boxing 'md
; 'fd ^md, ;
by the two dots.
kirn' fencing had iSz' one in ;

A childless widow of fifty,

a lion's figure at play 'ku^md ;
who can instruct in female
VVu ishiiig ich'au, to excite
duties a schoolmistress ; an
to play and make them en.
elder brother's wife is called
emies ; tsik} thai' ^mb Jiiin, to
'/«d by her 'sham, or younger
afiect another's authority ; ^mx)
sisters-in-law ; Idi^ 'md, my pai} officers winking at de-
linquencies, official overlook-
it^t^ To insult, to despi
)ise ; to ing 'md ^md Jau, to play with

U^ hoot to ridicule, to make

; ms fun monkeys.
of; neglect, disrespect ; ^md 'I'o skip and dance ; to ex-
hing* to make game of, to be 1 cite ; ichiu hnd t.shdn, a moun-
humbugged ; ^mo man* to in- tain in Shantung.
sult, to lord it over. An old man of ninety years ;
Military, martial, relating to
Mdu forgetful, insecond childhood,
^* war ; strong, warlike, brave, decrepit, senile md^ tUi an old ;

audacious, fierce-looking, ma- man jwin 'A-i ^shui mo^ aged


jestic, firm to stop anarchy ; and infirm.

by force ; a vestige, a footstep, tffi.- An eye with a small iris

a trace to connect with ; 'mo with a dull eye ;

Jtun or 'md tseung^ miliiary stupid, bewildered ; "^fui md^
officers 'md t/w, a hero, a sol-
; confused, stupefied.
dierly man hoki hno ngai- to : ^,- To u«3 great effort, to bend
study tactics Vj«u 'md, mili- ; ^i^' the mind to a subject, to attend
tary examinations for kiijin to carefully what is attended ;

*J[fd Tsak:, it'in, a celebrated to, business, duty, concerns;

empress, a.d. 640, a Messali- a strong affirmative, must «'' ;

na, a courtesan ^md liin' to ; mo^ what one does, business ;

threaten ; iutimidatioo ; 'mo mo* tSii ia' absolutely required


296 MO. Mb.

md* 'pun attend to one's

ipi to To think upon with affection,
own duties md' pit, indispen-
Mu fondly to recall ; fond of, to
sible 'pu« md^ my own atfairs;
; long for, to hanker for to m- ;

t'm md^ no application ichiin ;

pire to, ambitious md*Ju* ^mdt ;

mb* tuki ishii, engaged in study to fondly think of one's pa-

alone isam md^ a project, an
ents; ^y^ung md* to look up to,
intention ; '^siii iyan md^^ii It^ to reverence oi' mo* to love ;

petty minds are bent on gain ;

titd md' tdi^ liis domestic affairs rHi The fifth of the «• ten stems,"
are important. ^h'<^^ answers to earth a for-
AlTu ;

Fog, mist ; vapor issuing tunate day.

forth from the ground ; yat, jS - A head covering to go on
Wd ;

it'au md' 'sAui, it is all a mist jyj^^

blindfold, to rush heedless on ;
to —
me unintelligible iWan ;
to assume, to feign, to take

md^ a fog; ihd md- a mist, upon one's self without author-
smoky i^cong md* a dense ity, to presume ; to venture on,

mist ^k'u tsd^ sz'^


mo' he M to brave out

blind to, rash, ;

does things very blunderingly ; false ; to falsify,

^td md* to go with a paramour. to counterfeit, to affirm what

^- A gay horse to prance is false md* imeng, to assume
; ;

wildly, to gallop furiously ;

a name md^ mui* obscure,

boisterous, violent. ignorant and rash md* fan* ;

^^ Theevening, sunset ; de- to willfully offend 'Ad ;n^^^•^i/I,


cline of life end of a period to pretend to be officers 'A:d

Md ; ;

of time /in md' decline of the

md*(.chiuip'ai, to take another's

day iChiii md* morning and

label md* '^him, to rush into ;

evening tiid* swin, aged tno*

danger rnd* ^u, indifferent ; ;

iclinn, end of spring. to the rain Vfdm md* to take ;

^- A barrow, a tumulus ; a low a slight cold.

^ grave, a tomb, a sepulchre md* 4iS-

jpt, a tombstone 7«d' chi' a
Envy, jealousy to regard
Mdu ^^'^^' ill-will, envious of other's
; ;

eulogy on a stone tcfidng md- excellence or prosperity.


li* disputes about

graves ^hui jj)H- A Chinese cap or hat, a ;

md* to open a grave. Miu covering for the head iUung ;

^- To invite, to call upon, to md^ a summer cap -nun md* a ;

^ ask people to do to enlist,

give a bounty to; a public

to warm or winter cap; tdi' md*

to wear a hat md- tim* a hat ;

invitation, a general call; md* shop ihung ^yins tno' cap with :

iping, to levy soldiers ichiu ; red fringe Hs^d md* a straw


mc^ chong' ding, to enlist vo- hat ; chuk, kdp, mb* a bamboo
lunteeers md- fa" priests beg-
coolie-hat 'pi kin^ ^kd md' lap,

ging alms mo'/d' jcA'un^ isau;

cfiii* '/li, to hoodwink, to bam-
to circulate a subscriptioii-list boozle with fair (speeches ; SM^
for repairing somothing ying' ;
md* a cloth hood ;
^chin md' a
md' to respond to a levy. full hat.
; ;

MOK. MOK. 297

don'traise the price moki ;

don't do it moki kwo^ S^

iu-ai, ;

(312) Mok. 'not more than, not more so.

*^ Moving sands, a sandy
j^^-plain; dry; careless, indiffer-
To feel for, or after, with the
ent to ; iSha moki the desert of
/hand, to feel and take, to
Sbamo or Gobi tdm^ mokj ;

grasp ; moh sok) to feel after

simple desires ; moki tnoki jiw,
with the hand ; sndn H chuki
vast, like a desert.
mok, not easy to tell, unlikely ;
chiuki mok, careless, leaving
•^ A curtain, a screen, a cano-
^^-py a tent, a large markee
things half done. ;

° defenses like greaves for the

A colloquial word ; to pare
legs ; to cover a secretary, a
'off, to skin to pull or take off,

private military secretary, a

as clothes, from another ; mok,
confidential clerk moki ^fu,
ip'i, skin it; mok, itsing Moon g,

to strip bare ; mok, hok, peel

an encampment, official moms
of a secretary moki ^yau^ or
off the husk.
A negative forbidding an moki (pan, a private secretary,
the adviser of an officer, an
?j*j^act; do not, not, no need of;
authorized clerk; tsok, moki
if, unless when preceding an
to act as clerk ; luki moki the
adjective, often denotes the
universe iyau moki a secre-
highest degree of, nothing like, ;

incomparably to plan; ample,

tary on a circuit. Used for

the last.
great; peace, tranquillity; moki
Joi,you need not come moki ;
m. Still, silent, as at night;

him alone, don't

'^hln 'k'ii, let
Mnh fsik, moki silence.

meddle with him mok^ tf% is ;

^S Sickness, disease one de- ;

i^j^fines it as an itching sickness.

both an interrogative and a
strong assertion moki c/i ''si tt^
; The filmy skin between the
ts^o^ unless you've written it' ff^.-flesh and epidermis; the tijin
wrong; mok^ y^uki nothing like peel inside of grasses or eggs ;
it, the best way, better than any membrane or pellicle in

moki sti, very proper, the best plants or animals, as the

moki sham^ tii ot' none stronger cornea, the mesentery ^ngdn ;

than love mok, pat, shi' it

; moki the cornea yaty its'ang ;

can not but be so is it not so ? ; moki a thickness of skin on

moki shuti don't say it, wonder the eye, a pterygium.
not —
a phrase implying com- Read imd ; to bow, to make
parison ; moki^sii 'yau, certain. obeisance ; to soothe ; to re.
ly must be brought about ceive by kneeling to ; Md p&V

mrtki tsb^ ifd, don't make marks to salute by kneeling.

on it, don't spoil its smooth- A^
A two-edged sword, called
ness moki ko' 'kong, don't spea k "^moki iye, famous in the Lieh
anything ; mok,, ko^ ^hoi ka" Kwoh Ciii.

Ton. Dict. 38
— ;


-Vt The awn or beard of grain ;

'^''arp or spinous point

MkniT ^ tail ;

" of a comet
(^'3) Mong. (tnong chung' ;

"bearded grain," one ofthe 24

terms ; onong finong, grand,
Jjgjg A colloquial word ; the man- much crowded ; ^mong (mong
go iTHong ^hwo, the mango <;i« cA;wai, excessively fatigued;
Waiig ;

fruit; the name is an imita- he turned back (ktvong iiiion^, ;

tion ofthe foreign word; anong a gleam of light, ara)', a tlasli.

'kico (fa, a mango Huwer ^tt 'J'lic iujinense expanse of the
great promise and no perform- ;<i- ocean vast, uncertain, d;i/.-

ance ijnong ^kwo Jo iWO 'sAiu,

" zlmg ; U-t ong iinong, dreary,
when mangoes are plenty rice vast, illimitable.
is dear. Tj4* Name of a hill ; ^mong ,_siu,
-I*- Lost, without adestroyed „a medicine, a kind of salts.
!,,. trace, exterminated; dead, mkng
Win ^ fir
/Hf; The point or edge ofa sword
out of mind, forgotten to ;

flee, to escape, to ahscond ;

1^2"^^""^ '"""'^' ^''® point of a
^ knife or weapon.
'sz' (.mong., dead imong shat^ ;
|Mt The name of a hill and town
lost, utterly gone imong ku' ;
"^^"^ ^^^ ancient capital Loh-
deceased ikd sari' ^yan iHiong,;
family utterly extinct itnong
iijan, a fugitive one dead ;

^ A gadfly, a breeze, a fly in-
festing animals; jwott^jcA'ur;^
iTiiong iioan, comatose, insensi. 1?^ r

ble. Used for jmd 4fflE not.

a gnat ^wong i>nong, a
; tly
which attacks cows,
l-jt- Fluttered, distracted with
cnre ; busv, hurried, much -jgl A net ; stopped, hindered ;
deceived, entangled; not,
'^occupied; ^ tii shai (inongy yy^"!^
without, nothing, none to
don't be in a hurry ;

accuse mipose upon

falsely, to
itnongy fidgotty, hurried; cA^uAc,
startled I)y sudden hn^ng kin' saw nothing of it
news j'm tsoi- ^mongy no need hnong map sagacious, intelli-
gent hnong lui'' to implicate.
of fear ; kap:, imongy hurried, ;

Used for the next.

t To forget, to escape the mind ; "^1 "^ "®* ^^^ fowling or fishing ;
neglect, to leave or disre- W^nff^ net of any kind, a web;
gard ; shW iinong, absent- that which arrests people, as
minded, a slippery memory ;
the law; a haul of a net; to n( i,
stnong kt' forgot it ; <jinong lyan, to catch to implicate people
; ,

ungrateful ;jra/5 imong, negli. iCh'an Vjon^, a " dusty net,"

gent ; tso^ (mong, to sit vacant- the world 'mong Jean, a net ;

ly itnong "-pun, to forget one's

cap, worn by actors t''i« 'mong ;

Ix^ncfactor or parent ^mong ;

the government of Heaven,
its'ing, unfriendly. fate ;'mong At, to catch fish ;


^mong the mesentery

it/an, ikw'ong ^mong, crazy, disorder-
^mong, a spider's web
ichi (Chii ly, overbearing ^md 'mong, ;

tsz'^ /au Jo ^mong, to run into the 25th diagram 'mong shdt, ;

the net one's self; J'in Jo ti* to give no quarter, useless

^mong, sort of a rat-trap j/a/; ;
slaughter 'mong tdn^ incohe-

ich^uvg ^motig, a net Us^ung ; rent talk, absurd, fabulous ;

^mong, to bait nets with eggs ;

'mong ching^ perjury, false
sdlj^mong, to throw a net j/a/j ; witness,
^mong '/d tsun^ to get all at one ft^i To hope for, to expect, to
haul —
prompt lau^ -mong, to ; ^' anticipate to observe, to look

escape from justice. ^ at, or forward, or towards to ;

s±tai The tire or felly of a wheel look afar, to espy, to stare ;

-^1' the emperor's hunting car hopes, expectations near to, ;

^ had double rims. opposite, over against, front-

Flurried, forgetful of one's ing the full moon a sacri.
; ;
.yT* duties ;
^inong 'c/i'o/ig, irrcso- fice to hills and streams ^kam ;

lute, disconcerted ; ^moiig jIH, ynti mong' ynti to-day is the

not knowing what to do. 15th of the moon; 'hi ch'ut,
iAffl A sprite, a gnome ; hnong mong- ngoi' joy beyond all
'leung, an elf, an undine, expectation ,mong'Hunk6' yati
iig Hsz* to expect a festival day, to
A dog grass ; thick in the
gr^ss, underbrush, jungle, look for a holiday ; hu" mong*
^ weeds a plant noxious to
'ha,go and see if it is so ;

fishes matted, confused, in-

mong* to live in hopes of; <md
distinct rustic, rude 'sho mong^ hopeles.«; shut, mong^
; ;

^moiig, weedy, tangled lost all hope itning mong- a

rude, ;

great reputation mong'- sh^^

clownish Hd ^mong, careless, ;

rough, impertinent ^mong to' expecting a pardon ;


chong' intrusive, forcing one's '^chi mong* 'ni tsd* I've been
self in, to obtruile on 't-t'd ;
ex|)ecting you to do it ; mong*
Ink, shapi nearly sixty years
muhi ^mong ^mong, like a ;

thicket, tangled, mong- mong* went off

iin hii^

disgusted chdk, mong* to cor-

-i^ The boa or anaconda, the ;

rect, to reprimand, as a child,

Mjng.largest of serpents; ^mong for reform jman mon^* the
iShi, or iwong ^mong, the boa ;

^inofig ip'd, a court dress em- hope of the people tnong-'k'ii ;

broidered with boas ^mong JoJ, waiting for him mong- ;


ich'iwg, a caterpillar. iwan, or mong* kwo' sdV seen

it all, looked it through mong* ;
5 lis. Disorderly, brutish, unman-
(Ch'iin (Sh^ung 'ngdn, bored
^ ^nerly false, vain, incoherent,
my eyes through expecting
"absurd, wild; immoral; ab-
andoned ceasing to exist, not ;

you tired of waiting for you.
existing ; 'mong tsnh-, ^mong
rH'tii, wild, unseemly behavior;
300 MUI. MUI.

A door-ring, having two locks,

(314) bolting the door, in ich'ung
Mui. Mei
it ;

iTnui, a double lock.

Rain in summer, damp wea.
# A
tmuif a
; cmui
servam girl ^chong ka^

a girl,

; 'shai
ther damp, moldy, mildewed

to mildew ; jmjzi Idn^ moldy,

spoiled au' itniii^ rotten,
,muiy a maid given a bride at ;

marriage imangctnuU a blind moldy ; mah Adm' shapj iinui,


songstress isdm tol'imuU lepers why you so dilatory?


of the third generation.
A small tree, a shrub the

go-between, a matchmaker,
an arranger of marriages
; any thing or person
; to

Mei ^'^'^ °^^ shrub a

cane, stick, ;

a whip or switch a gag a ;

which operates as a cause to

classifier of rings, the seeds of

produce an effect imuiip'o, a ;

fruit, of pears, of nails, of

female go-between jWiui ikdy ;

to pledge girls.
coins, <kc.; one of, each ihdm

to gag Soot ; coals, charcoal, em.

itnui, ; ick'di smw/, to
hers coal (in iinui, lamp,
guess the fingers, the game of Mei
; ;

morra black 'fo iinui, soot jmiii*

{miji (teng, nne
yat^. ;
Cdn^ fossil coal ; 7o iinui, to
nail ;
yatamui waii a kernel or
dig coal iHiui 'diong, a coal
of a fruit.
pit ;

plum, an apricot, a prune;
the flowering almond ; ^siin
jmiii, pickled plums; sour
d6p6t (Chi iinui, a
; paper
match '^fo imui iyung, tinder,

plums imui Hsai, plums A sacrifice or worship ofler.

od by the emperor for a son.
O'hjui iy^unn iinui, the Chinese tree Mei
strawberry (a Mi/rica); imui To conceive, to quicken in
chiuki the " plum bumper,"
the womb ; iinui iinui, lusty,
is a cup drank after weddmgs ; good looking.
Idpi jwtii t/fl, the Cliimouan- A bright red stone, called jmtit
thus fragrans ; iinui cfd itevg, .a kwai^, red coral or jasper ; imui
a bubo ; i-piu <,mw,marriage- kwai^ cfd, the rose.
Each, every, each one, any
able ;

spring rains.
iinui imui, obscure ; tmui
one constantly, usually, al-

Tiie meat on the breast or ways ; although ; to covet ;

between the mouth and heart ^mui inhf, each time ; 'mui
cchu imui yuki or kap, isam yuki ^mui jii '/*'«' it is so each timi',
the brisket of a pig. it is ever this way ; ^mlii (ynn,
^? A sort of raspberry or other each man ^mui yah kin^ ; sz'*
®'^''*'® berry moss ; itnui i'oi, ;
each affair.
moss and lichens covering ] To defile, to stain with
df\mp places Jdn ^chii jWitl? ;
'Ik V dirty waCer, to dirty or foul
jTWiii, the bright green herbage used atfectedlVf to annoy, to

by the streams. Mei request, to ask a favor of;

MfJI. MUK. 301

pdV hnui, to request of; ^mCi muki Hit' timber, lumber ; muA-,
t'oki to get one's kind office-. a block of wood, a billet,
Jcki A younger sister ; a sister ;
a stump muki hok, a wooden

<^ one's daughter; d' miii^ sister, dipper muki Ji^ung, putchuck;

sis ; ngoi^ mui^ half-sisters ;

Uuky muki to chop wood muki ;

ihing mui^ brothersand sisters iSing, Jupiter; muki ^k'iung^

(kwai mui^ a woman's marriage; cross-grained chong^ muki ;

the 64 th diagram 'piti mui* ; ichiing, to " strike the wooden

female cousins; ling^ mai' bell," is to get the bribe with,
your sister. out paying it over to the ruler;
n±.- No sun, twilight, dark, ob. muki ^ngau iyan^ an image, a
^^. scure, difficult to distinguish dunce ;«" J'ong muki a square
things ; perfidious ;
not under- block, a poor stick of a fellow ;

standing matters ; mui^ 'shong muki jmiifl, «• wooden doors,"

and mui^ kuki dawn and dusk ; i. e. a rich family.
md^ tnui^ blindly, inconsiderate
of results
To wash and oil the hair
mui^ J,iung., self,
wash, to cleanse, to bathe
deceived, to act falsely. Muh to ;

to enrich by kindness, to re-

Name of a city name of a

ceive favors
ed ; to rule kindly
; favored, enrich-
; muki yuki
i+i A kind of leather defense of to bathe ; muki cyaiif received
soldiers a plant used to dye
, .
^ •' favors viuki 'shau^ to wash

scarlet. the hands; e. it. to respectfully

^fe- Anxiety, disease brought on and carefully do anything.
1^ by care ; infirmity, disease ; Small rain maki muki driz- ;

c»flm inui^ sick at heart.

iS- Tortoise-shell, called
Muh zling rain.
Ornamented leathern bands
jyF'. muv'; a red marbled color ; toi^
put around a car to strengthen
mui^ sheki ipdw, the tortoise- Muh
shell garoupa (Serranus mega-
Mallards or wild ducks
of any kind ; hdk) kuk,
Read md^ a sqrt of sceptre. Muh ducks
lui^ muki to carve a stork and
make it a duck a failure. —
To tend cattle, to look after
(315) Muk. flocks ; to pasture, to put out
to grass ; a shepherd, a cow.
•4;- Wood ; a tree ; wooden ; the herd, a pastor, a horse-keeper ;
.,' . "TSth radical of characters per- to watch over, to have the
taining to wood one of the five ; oversight of, to superintend ;

elements and eight sounds; a ruler of a district, one who

unbending; honest, un-
is charge of a place a
in ;

pretending yaU /iii shv^ muki ; religious teacher muk, ingau, ;

a single tree muki tshing^ or ; n cowherd mnk^, /ung, ashep- ;

t'au' muki. jyaji, a carpenter; herd-boy mukt c*j' an over-

;; ;

302 MUK. MU\.

seer, a shepherd, a minister ; A herb ; muki auk, trefoil or
sirai iTnan mvki to be a district i-
i. ,- clover used to feed horses.
magistrate 7nuki itnan, to rule;
A kind eye, benignant, bar-
the people ; ^yau muki nomads, Bl
['t*-.- monious, peaceful concord ;

wandering shepherds of Gobi. among relatives, affection

J6 The pretty appearance of to agree with, to make peace

TjjT grain ;
pleasing, beautiful, ma- with ;
(iDomuki harmony J.s'an ;

jostic, ilispiring respect and muki kind, affectionate.

admiration grandeur, cordial ;

regard to revere to gratify

; ; ;

mnki muki admirable, royal

muki is used for Mohammed (316) Mim.
"^ '
in books; ,,chHu muA-jthe order
' ^ of precedence of ancestral
tablets, as parents and sons, A colloquial word ; to cover,'
grandfathers and fathers, left to cover a thing ; (miin '^ku, to
and right, cc/t'm being always cover a drum (mun (Shii ip'i, ;

superior to muki ; muki itnan, to put covers on a book imun ;

Mohammedans. (Sha, to cover with gauze or

R The eye; the 105th radical millinet ;
tmiin ^kan, pull it

.- u of characters relating to the over tight.

Muh , • ,

eye ; met. the mind, the per-


To feel, to lay the band on,

ception to eye, to look a( to
; ; to touch, to take hold of, to
designate, to name, to particu- examine, to <<earch for with
jarize ; a director, the head of a the hand ; ouiin shat^ to feel
body, the principal person, a for lice ;
^muu csam, to lay the
leader an index, a list, a sum-
; hand on the heart, self-exami-
mary the meshes of a net
squares on a chess-board ;
A door, a gate with two
muki the eye
.PI leaves, a gateway the
'/jgd« ; muki luki
Mun ; met.
an index, a table of contents ;
house, the family in it ; the
it'iu muki a list : (fo muki liter- 169th radical of characters
ary ranks above siutsdi, scho- relating to doors an entrance,

lars in those ranks ; nd^ muki an opening : a harbor a sect, ;

angry muki ha^ now, before

; a class of people, a profession ;

the eyes (mtt mnk^ blind mwAj

; ; a family a classifier of can-

tChung s»nd ipan, supercilious, non and affairs ;

yat, Id' jm?/n,
contemptuous towards one a single door ; m/> ^mun, a. cir-
'^fdn muki to turn against, un- cular door ; H^ung shin^ imun^
friendly shd^ muki numbers;
a two-leaved door itnun 'hau, ;

' '
«z" muki the four quarters ;
at the door, doorway; Idi'tmun,
' '
'ch'Ai ,kimn muk^ to teach the- the outer gate d imiin, the ;

atricalrt H muki ich'^ung, a

; medical profession cshd <, :

well informed person. or Ful ,mun, the Rudliisls or



Sl;amans ;
ftniin Jun Hsz* door- '^ A vast expanse of water,
posts to bar up a door yat, ",
spreading and swelling like

<,ntun (Shang V one line of bu- a flood. Also read Man'.

siness ; s/iapi irnnn p'du' ten iftS Steamed bread or wheaten
ciinnon ;
iWdng f,7niin, a side- ^j^jj cakes, light and leavened;
door ; ikung itniin, a public iVriun ff'au, loaves of bread.
office ;
(hort ^mi'tn (kvng, a door- Usually read jyidn.
keeper ;
cfi'ut^ iinun, to enter Ji^ A narrow entrance where a
upon otBce, to go abroad, to stream or frith runs between
marry a husband ; hai^ ^iigo hills, like a door,

iTnun ha} he is one of my sect nife A flat eye, one whose can-
iTnun iyan or ^lun ^shang, a '^\ thi or corners are nearly level
pupil, a disciple ;
^muri ^sh^ung, with the face ; dull eyes, half
a gentleman's servant, a major- closed, as if drunk, obscure
domo tdi' imnn 'liau, a great
; vision ; to blind one, to deceive,
family pdi'iTnun, to acknow.
; to impose on, to conceal from ;
ledge one as a patron finun ;
'^yan ^mtin, to hide from ; (mun

(fung, the reputation of a fam- p'in' to deceive ^pdu ^mun^ ;

ilv (I'eng ^mnn, to wait at the

deceived ^hi (mun Tnat^ ishuif

door by night '?/«« j/hmh, but. ; nobody is deceived by it, who

ton-hole; min^jWJin, the cheekt^; does not know it ? sliati paf-^

(mun iinun J.b '^hiu, knows every (SeiiTig keep no-

thing, Jack-of-all-trades ; A;ti/' thing from you A' iMun, the ;

jT/ziin, to pry up a door ;

pdfc) infantile name of Ts'du Ts'du.
itntin, to slap on the gate ; mo^ j^ A valuable stone of a red-
^mu/i, the place behind the 'C, dish or carnation color.
gravestone the
door-tablet containing
; iinun tp'di,
"^ Full, filled up, surfeited, re.
bulging, full complete,
of the fanjily imiin (Slian, a
M w!n P'®^*^ ' ;

the whole, entire, all that is
door-bar. included in the subject ; to
^fna Sign of the plural of persons; complete, to fill, to abound, to
* fat, plump 'rti jWiurt, you htfio ; ; suffice ; to finish a set time
"" we, us jye jma/i, official

iTnun, ; the Manchu people ; ^miin

attendants you, gentlemen ; ; ishan, the whole body ; ^mun
it'd iTnun, they d' ikun (rnun, ; tsoi' full of cargo ; fon g' ^miin,
young gentlemen ;
cfi^^ imiln, packed full tsd" ^mfin yaty yam-

*nd jrnua, these, those; here, completed a term of office ;

there. ichong ^mun tiki fill it a little

^M To paint or ornament walls fuller ^mun iiti the month of

^V^ ornaments on walls to cover ; a woman's confinement ^mun ;

with earth, as a wall. V quite met my wishes ^Tnun


A trowel ;
^nni iinun, a brick- it'ong rkwong, a three-branch
l?^, layer's trowel. Interchang- lamp ; ^mun ik'ifdti mdi' time
^'^^'^"ed with the last. having passed, they were sold
;;; ;;


^mftn kwo' it'au, too full ^mun ; .yan, obliged for a favor ^ung ;

ichiu 'siin, the self-sufficient kdu' kindly tell me itnung ;

bring on their own mis for. ilung, not bright, obscure, dif-
tunes ; ^Mun ichatt, Manchuria ficult to see clearly imung ;

^MUn lyan, the Manchus. wan^ confused, deceitful, in-

pBi] Sad, afflicted, grieved, sorry, experienced iinung (kwong kii'

[melancholy ; chagrined, hea. thankful for your patronage
)^ vy at heart ; ^yau tntin^ sor- or visit ihung imung, chaos ;
Mw4n rowful, unhappy ; tsokt mun^ iMung mui^ rash, blind to
to vomit from faintness or iMung '^ku, the Mongols.
heat (Vn mun^ to disturb one,
; A covering ;
to screen off, to
to hinder, bothering. .. shelter, to defend, as against
Mung^ .
"^ ,.'
sun or rain ; jp ing imung, to
screen ; imung imung, luxu-
(317) Mung. n^ Sun obscured ; d'in imung
early in the morning,
i1^] Dull, stupid, not intelligent The moon about rising or
'[^v obscure; vexed, perturbed; (R^ setting. "g Interchanged with
iWj grieved, ashamed to cover, to the last. ;

Mung blind ttnvng iinung paP you

{j^ Small, drizzling rain foggy
; ;
dolt stupid yat^ (mung isvng,
R^g i^ung ihutig, vapory, chaotic.

a cloudy, dull day Ho ctnung


7u«^, an old, superannuated 1;^ A cassia like tree, having

fellow ^Id td\mnng, in second
; Mung ^ y^"ow •^'af; ining imung, a

childhood onnng chy} ^ngdn,

lemon some write ^ung

'^kwo for the mango.
to cover up the eyes ifmivmng ;

(kvxtng, day is breaking. c9^ Dimsighted, weak eyes un- ;

kind of moss obscure per-
ception of, beclouded, dull,
; ^^2ncr ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^'of" ^ disease in
the nerves, an amaurosis
; un-

untaught, ignorant
simple, ignorant, immature,
of one's self; ^/igdn imung,
rash, childish a pupil, a youth, ;

bad sight.
a child to deceive, to conceal,
to cover,

to behave rudely J^ A wa;r junk, long and fast-

called imung iCting
obliged for, thankful, grateful MmSg'''*'''"S»
a large sort of vessel.
for a Hivor ; the 45th diagram ;

the Mongols ; (to imnng ^ni, 4j^ Ephemera or sandflies ; small

many thanks for, will be oblig- ^j^ which fly over water;

imung yuV ephemera-flies.

ed for, beg of you the favor ;
<jnung Hs'ii, obliged for your ^ Drizzling rain ; small rain ;

taking —
a shopman's phrase ;
m^g i"*""^ i^ung, a tedious rain.
on studies;
(hoi itnungy to enter ^^ A dish filled with food, an
^rnvng a teacher; fan'
csz' ^f^„ abundance of food, a plenti-
(mungy to teach boys itnung ^ ful table.

MUT. MtT. 305:

Tte^ I
To dream,
to see visions ;
-fc- The end of a branch, the

^ J
i a dream a vanity obscure ;

mung' kifi' saw in a dream

j^^ outmost twigs; the end, the
last, no more of, the least im-
^^ I

Mung ^ni/dti mimg^ itno, are you portant part, the meanest ; the
dreaming ?_/af) j/a<j ko" mnug^ opposite of the origin or root
dreamed a dream mttng^ ; of a matter small weak ; ;

'^siung,empty hopes, day- used for 1 when spoken by

dreams mung' chiv} a pro-
; one's self; distant, far off; the
phetic dream, a dream which remnants, leavings, ends, dust
comes to pass muna^ mt' (Cin ; powder, or refuse of the limbs; ;

m'^ a visionary aflfair mung^ ;

traders, as the least of the four
at-, the nightmare fok^ mnng^ ;
classes : spKd muti tea-rem-
spiritual visions yat~, icfi^ung ;
nants ; muti shai' end of the
tdi^ mung^ "one long dream," world muti ^yav, no more ;

— this hfe, the world 'Ardi ; ,»i mull or 'Au ti/, mvti
mung^ to interpret a dream. powdered pepper ; ichiing mut^
the very last ; muti tsiung^ I
the officer ; shuld tsoi' muti ts'iki
it is to your humble relative's.
(318) Mut. ^
^} the
The jasmine
Jaaminum grandifiorun
; muti h' ^fu^

the nameof a song.

To rub out, to make a clean VJ* ] To sink in the water, to
sweep, to wipe clean, to obli- r!^' } perish, to terminate, to finish
terate, to scrub, to blot out
J^i orie's own prospects to die ;

to dust ; to daub, to rub on, to Muh the dead doad, annihilated, ;

besmear, to color, to anoint finished to exceed, to trans-


yaU "^shau tntit:, kico^ to refuse gross ; to enrich one's self by

to pay anything ; miiti iymi, to swindling ; a negative, imply-
rub oil on, to paint muW^keng, ; ing there is nothing of, with-
to rub the neck, or cut one's out, none at all, not the least,
throat muty hu^ to rub out
: none, utterly muti tdt, sat, at ;

muti ngdki a fillet worn by a loss what to do further ; mitti

girls; mti/j /o?, to wipe the yuti Jid mi^ not the least taste ;

tablf; 'sai j/iji/j to wash and rub. ich'am midi sunk to oblivion ;
Tofeed a horse with straw, muti yiuki myrrh ; imdi mtit)
to give hay to cattle proven- to secrete or keep back an-
Moh ;

der of straw. other's things ^moTig muti ;

A branch of the Y4ngtsz' dead, perished 7nuti yniig' ;

kiang in Sz'chuen froth at ; useless muti shav" pat) imong,

Moll ;

the mouth, to slaver in sleep ;

I won't forget you in death ;
spittle foam, bubbles on wa-
; ch'uti mtiti to prowl about and
ter ; t'o" muli to spit out, to then retreat, as a band of rob-
sputter ; mul. spume on l)f"rs mufi tioi' iho, no alterna-

water; kau mitt, e.xp«'(-loralion. tive.

To.N. Di(.T. 39
! ;; —a

306 na. NAI.

A colloquial word ; a female

(319) dam
N^. of animals, a ; d' 'na,
granny, old mother ichii 'nd, ;

a sow 'rtd iying, a girlish boy,


A colloquial word ; a scab ;

effeminate; kop, "^nd, a. frog;
iCh'ong end, scab of a wound ;
shaft 'rtd, a louse.
tau' end, small-pox scab kity ; To point out ; a certain one,
(Hd, to form a scab it'ung ;
that ; then which
there, ;

tshan yaf) tdti end, all run into what, what then a vocative, ;

one scab. O, alas! it'in heaven!

'^nd, O
With, together with, in com- '/id ch^u' there ; where ?
'/id Hi,

pany even, alike to join in,

; ;
'/«d jwi/i, that year, what year ?
to take part with ; to stick to, 'nd ko^ that ; '/id M jj/aw, those
sticky ; ^ngo <nd '/ji hu' I'll go few persons ; 'nd ^shi hau? that
with you ; cwd itndi itdm hit' time.
carry them all at once j'tw cua A colloquial word a final

^ni I'll have no part with you ; word, implying here it is, here
maki j'm (Wd, the ink will not you have it, see, here hai^ ;

stick cwd ichinif sticky, imc-

cui ch'u\ nd^ oh, here it is.
tuous; itn ^nd tdpi incon.
gruous not of the same sort

'md end nang^ no intercourse. (320) Nai.

A final particle, drawing
attention to a thing lo see ; ! !

mati ^y6 oid, what is it ? H^ai vy13 j

Mire, mud ;
dirt, clay, soil,
{i»d, see -*^ ;. earth, clods ; dirty, miry ;
To lay hold of, to seize, to i^Mj a lump of dirt ; ^nai
kau' iTiai,

take, to apprehend, to arrest Ni 'shui '/d, a bricklayer (nai ;

to get an idea
appre- of, to pdn^ muddy, slushy ; inai tan}
ciate ; (nd Jai, bring it here ;
•A clay ball ; inai '^'d, earth,
jTid ^shau Isd^ tak, I can take dirt /d«^ (nai ^ndn jti pik:, one

it in hand that it can bo done; can't plaster a wall with rotten

jTid shall V it is resolved
'chii, mud — a useless fellow ;
upon ; imun sh^ung^ a
jTjd si'^ (kam shiki a pinchbeck color ;

clerk in charge at an office ;

iTtai ichiin, adobie, mud-bricks

i»jd chuky to arrest one ^nd ;

for making walls ;
^nai <f.s6ung,
^wan, to grasp firmly, to be a wall made of earth pound-
pretty sure of; jwd ^chd (nd, ed (<'o <riai tdV '^shui, dragged

nothing to hold on by, a nick- through the mud and water

name for a Budhist priest. obscure, nonsensical ; jwdi cii«,
Unintelligible talk a wran- ; muki sd' i^' spoken in derision
gling, a noise a bother tsuP ; ; of idols and men ;
(Shau (ntdi
tb^ iTid ni^ drunk, fuddled i(i (nai, "dust wanted!" —
from liquor. street cry.
; ;

nAi. NAK. NAM. 307

tieup the cow ndV ishun 'mi, ;

(321) Nai. fasten on astern '/nd mat) kwdf ;

ndi' nothing (or no one) depen-

ding on me ndt' dn Ifo, the

A colloquial word ;
lady fireworks are for him to give ;
#J (nai

(Tidi or cS«' tnai, a lady, (t'o '^fhau ndi' kiuk, to tag after
Madam ; (di^ ,7idi, i' cWaJj (Sdtn one!
(iidi, are compellations for the A colloquial word ; tired,
wives of three brothers, or for . - . weary, worn out ; weak ; kxii'
the wives of one man. ndi' 1 feel weak.

% ^ The
udder, dugs
nipples, teats;
>to suckle ; milk a nurse a
of a woman ;

; ; (322) Nak.
term by which children often
call their mother ^ndi ^md ;
Nai The toothache; carious teeth.
or '/idi iTieung, a wet nurse ;

ifigau ^ndi, cow's milk ; ^ndi Nih

A colloquial word ; to mouth
cream shik:, ^ndi, to nurse; one's words, to speak thick or
sp'i, ;

tsUi ^ndi, to wean d' hidi, ma, indistinctly ; to make a me-


nurse ! ^ndi it'au, the nipples.

morandum nak) iUgd, to

1 An adversative conjunction, speak thick, to muffle ; nak)

it may
chu' po^ make a note of, or
^but, be doubtless, ;

-"41 forsooth also, moreover of-

charge it in the book ; nakt
; ;


Nai ten used for the substantive nak) a little sour or turned ;
verb, or as an illative particle, rather raw, as uncooked rice.
denoting to wit, then, there-
upon, till then, certainly, if,
&c., according to the scope, (323) Nam.
and often needs no rendering ;
your, it is your's ^ndi y6uh) ;
JlA^ A good taste, well flavored ;

but as to ^ndi '^ho, will do then

; ^j*"'"'
to gormandize well dressed, ;
'«' ji ^ndi tsong' he is dead and
thoroughly done, mellow, ripe.
buried too ; Hs'z' ^iidi (Chau A colloquial word; throughout,
iChifu^ thisis Chau's father ; quite through soft, damp :

jWd, ^ndi pah hix' if not, then kind, good-natured, amiable;

don't go; Vio '«di 'fu (ying shdpi {nami boiled through ;

ct'uiig muki higau, how is the

iuam shin^ very good-natured,
prefect like a wooden statue ? placable ;Vwi ^s'ang shap)inam,
An iron or metallic tripod of not wet through j'/n ^ts'ang ;

great size, with two ears.

N..1 fdt) inarn, not soaked enough ;

A colloquial word ; to tie inam ^nam tik) a kind pleasant

PJ3' up, to fasten on ;
to hang on, person iCin ishi (Uam, humid

or depend upon one, as a fa. air shuh ^nam ting' thorough-


roily ; to belong to ; ndV jn^'Ot/, ly ripe, ready to drop.

;; ;

308 NAM. NAM.

Grain fully ripe, m.ifiirpcl in ; •p^ The south
; to go south to ;

a year, a season ; laid lai, ac- '^V* face south southern, austral ;

cumulated 'nam iniiit an a- ; iuum (fong, soutliern regions;

bundant year 'o/n ^nam its'oi ; iJiam ijnd, to recite prayers ; to
^ckii, a secretly rich man ;
cliant before idols ;
^ndm ^md
^itam oki apt in wicked ways. iSin .shang, Tau [iriests indm

Muddy, thick, splashy to ; imo Fati O Budim ! to rehearse

dredge mud. A colloquial or respect Budha's name ; iioo
word sound, as sleep ; slow
; Oidm, to clasp the hands in
going to reiterate, as a throw
; prayer ; 7»o '«?' indm vw€ he
of dice soaked through
; can sit to the south he can —
shok, nani^ deep mud, slushy, reign ; tso' indm, a northern
sloppy \fan' 7i«m' sound sleep ; exposure h&iing^ indtn, facing

nanv' isdm, to successively di- the south {ui iiidm, changed


vide threes.jpt gaml)lingcash to a south wind iNdm "^hoi ;

Jiang tak) din' nam^ he walks tin' the district of N.inh4i in

very slow makt 'shui nam' the
; which the Foreign Factories
ink has spread nam' lU, a ; at Canton lie.

gudgeon (Eleotru canlharius ); n^ Incessant talk, gabbling jhi ;

nam' ti* eaten to tiie full, stuff- '""^'*' ^ twittering, as of swal-

ed H'im nam' pat, soak the
; lows.
pencil full of ink. S^ Noise of conversation, hum
^UfT' of talking to chant, to sing; ;
to mutter, to perform incan-
tations over, to exorcise indm ;

(324) Nam. iiidm, incessant gabble indm ;

kwd' ^k'UfCeng, sing it for him;

tdi' indm Idi' '«Aai, loud shout,

W The male of human species, ings and great cuttings, like

Baal's priests.
'na ^ '"^" *^^ lowest of tiie five

ranks of nobility, a baron ifc"j A kind of yellowish wood,

*nnl vvery hard and suitable fur
itidm i.yan, a man ; a husband ;
furniture, beams, &c.; a sort
indvi 'tsz^ a man ; ^shang indm,
to bear a boy ; indm Istuk-, a
of plusn ; Hsz' indm, or indm
baron ; ^fd indm, a boy itidm muki a kind of iron wood jA^V ;

^nii, men and women, male indm, an astringent medicine

and female brought from Annam.
; '/tu ik'aji indm,
to send the girl's horoscope A large serpent, said to bo
first by the matchmaker; hdu^
eatable. Also read lim.
(ndm, a filial son said after — «j^ To grasp with the hand.
a parent's death indm '^tsz' ;
1™ A colloquial word ; to mea-
Nan ,

ikioang (kwano, a spirited man, sure by spanning ,1 e.

tlie fingers

one above low acts jt/awt Hsz^ ;

a span, a finger's length to ;

hon^ a high .spirited man. beat, to chastise ; yad chuk> .kd

NAN. NAN. 309

'/low* yat, jhiin ipan, Jo beat a

whole crew with one stii-k to — (326) Nan.
rail at one as belonging to a
class Htung 'nam yat, ch'eki

two spans make a foot "^shai ;

Difficult, hard, grievous, not

kioaii' 'nd/H ^k'ii, take a stick to easy or pleasant, irksome,

him. fatiguing ; distresses ; to dis-
Boiled meat, dried meat. tress, to afflict, to harass, to
.\ colloquial word
the belly ;
make another do ; oidn tsd'
Nin hard do 'kong, hard
of an animal a fat abdomen
; ;
to ; iiidn

H'd ^iidm tdi* a big belly ;

to say, ashamed to say ;

(Chu p'du^ '^ndm, a hog's belly. Js'ung 'rti meng^ 1 can not do
A colloquial word ;
to stride as you say (nan tak, hard to

over, to step across; to miss, get ; itidn wai' '/it, vex you, to
as a line in reading ndrn' kwo' ;
injure another; jidn H'ai, I do
hu' step over it ndm^ for lam') ;
not wish to see it tdi' j/idn, a ;

W tuki read every other line. sluggard, one who takes things
hard indn td^ hard to say, it

can not or must not be also ;

used as an interrogative ; sndn

id' ^k'ii im Joi, can you think

he won't come 7 (nan td* iWdn

(325) Nan.
"s^ung ^ngo, would he still
think of me ? iiidn td' ^ni imong
Hiut can you have forgotten ?

A colloquial word in Macao Heung (ndn, to be in

tsun^ I'tiV

milk to nurse
a strait, hard to retreat or to
; ; shiki inan, to
nurse, to drink
go forward.
cut oft' corners, to
'SS. across crosswise.
Lun ;
face, to
blush, to turn red in the
redden a blush ; 'nan
higdn, blushing

ihdrn 'nan
A colloquial word ; to play ;

with, to handle, to rub in the 'nan, very salt, briny ; ^keng

fingers to dirty, to defile, to 'nan, to redden when surprised.


be dirtied ; to train, to breed,

To venerate, to fear, to re-
as pigeons ; H'ai 'nan ^ngdn,
spect, to be in awe of.

to defile the eyes by obscene — Name of an insect.

things ^nan pdki kdp, to train
A colloquial word ; the bite
carrier-pigeons p'ung' ''nan ;
of gnats or insects a sore, a ;

^shan, to get dirty by running pimple ; (man nan' musquito

against one moki '^ching '^nan
bites ;'Aau «//«/; Hfln' flea bites ;
(ifvki don't dirty your clothes; yat^ (Shan ndn' covered with
*pi Uc'ii 'jif/n, let him play with eruptions.
it ; V^ '^nan swdi, to get well To stitch together ; nan' <X

dirtied. fuki to basle clothes.

;; — ;;


^tt'- Adversity, calamity, difiioul-
ty, trouble to reprimand, to (328)
^^^ ;
reprove ; toiin' ndn^ calamity ;

(tsoi nan' providential afflic-

tion loki ndn^ fell intotrouble
; jkjjr A grain of rice a kernel of ;

'/u nan- in affliction Idi^ ndn^ ;

Lih R""^'" '"'''• fo'^d a small pellet
; ;

ilam it'mt, a great calamity or thing a classifier of small


has come upon us shau^ ndrt' ; thing.s, pearls, grains,

to suffer j7/j wda* death from
; buttons, pebbles, &c.; yaty napy
childbirth. ^mai, a kernel of rice ; nap,
s/uA^i eating rice ; ^md napy shiky
nothing to eat ;
yaty napy tau^
a single bean.
(327) Nang. rut A colloquial word sinking, ;

""^ hollow, concave a cavity a ; ;

losing business napy tsz" cha-

6^ A word unlucky,
colloquial ;

''1'^ raclors sunk in 7iapy ^kdm tiky

ill-omened ich^o yaU <.nnng

,nang, to meet a bad om^n at

lost a little by it.

the new moon Hsd luang ^nang

*.3i A colloquial word ; sticky
*H i
or oily, as machinery slushy,
tiki bad luck in the morning. ;

A sort of deer as large as a

splashy, as mud ; to stick or
^1^ paste things together tough,
lj*'^^bear; power, ability, skill, ;

" talents apt, able, capable,

sinewy dilatory, slow
; yun^ ;

skilfull,competent to be ;
isdm uti kom' napi as slimy as
able, may, can ^k'uinang kon^ a third intercalary month

he can manage it ^md ^nnng, because of the dampness and


disabled, incapable, unskilled sludge ; napi no^ dilatory


pa<) can not

<jiang, unable,
as if stuck in the mud; nap^
innng '^fau, can it be done ? lyau, impeded by the dry oil

its'oi ^nang, talents ^nang Hd shap, napi napi very muddy,


as the streets.
iiang til-, he can fight and
recover himself too; innng man
'sho pat) (nang, can do what
men are unable to do (nang ; (329) Nap.
yat) fat) inang i' I can do it
only once.
*\^ A colloquial word ; to walk Aj)|j Silken threads shrinking
*^^ on the heels; "^nang^nang ^hd, ^!y-to enter, to collect, to obtain,
limp along; cc/ian^ ''nang, to to receive, to insert; to enter
dig the heels into the ground. upon possession ; silk put in
Read nang^\ to tie up to ; soak; to pay, to give to, to
connect with, to he attaclied offer, as presents within ;

to to go with one nang^ chu'

; ;
(Shau ndpi to receive ndpi ;

^k'ij, tie him up. fuky to be well ofl", comfortabls;

— ;

NAT. NAT. NAU. 311

*/»i kan^iloi ndpi fuk, have yoii over nd^ cpai, a flat iron vdtt
; ;

been well lately ? ndpz shut' lo iynn kdm' Ui hot as if 1 had been
pay duties ch'ut) ndpi to pay
; ironed —
feverish, dry and hot
out ndpi chik^ to buy title or
: ^min jiV ndt, ^/igdn, to press the
officer mong^ jfe'i siu^ ndpi I eyes with a nut to cool them;
think you will favorably (or itsin kioat, ndU yuki bones and
smilingly) take it ^ynng ndpi ; flesh seared and blistered
to contain, to take in liberal, ; preiised down, afflicted.
generous in feeling ; ndpits'ip} To press the hand down
or ndpi '^ch'ung, lo take a con. heavily a sweep or dash to

cubine jfe't jin pat^ napi 1 can

the riglit in writing p'il, ndti ;

not assent to his words. Used sweeps inclined to the left and
for the next. right.
patch, to line, to over- A colloquial word ; a pipe,
n^lay a lining ; lined or quilted
; called '£0fid^2^ copper clarinet.
jackets ; priestly garments ;

met. a priest, a bonze kdp) ;

ndpi a lined coat jmrn ndpi a ; (332) Nau.

quilted coat or ndp^ ; du nnpi
Usui, a jacket sp'i ndpi a fur
jacket sp'a/t ndpi I, a poor
To play with women, to pull
or dally with ; lewd gambols.
priest; icU'au napi a silk lining; Niaii
ch^uk:, muki ndpi to " put on a
A colloquial word angry, ;

wooden lining," — to eiicoffin.

cross, fretful
angry at ivau naU irritable,
; to scold, to be

'l^he reins of the inner span ;

cross chung^ iii^ iUau ctiau it'init

- of a team of four horses.
Nah you must get a little more
angry;yd^c'J«w»a fit of anger ;
ivau no- angry ; (Ttau ils'an,

(330) Nat. scold him ;

s'wt 'shai oiau^ don't
get angry.
To with the
twist, to turn
f A colloquial word ;
joyful, •ft hand, wring, to wrench ;
^'happy, frolicsome; pleased to collar, to seize to turn ;

with ; '/o an naU jiati, the from side to side, to wriggle ;

smoke irritates me; rw/jVc'u, I cramped, as tendons; twisted

like him. contorted to turn over in the ;

mind 'naw 'c/juh, to turn over

; ;

to flirt, as a stick in the hand ;

(331) '^uau ''chiiii (Sam -jch'^ung, to re-

form one's ways 'nau kaVtdi* ;

iU'ong, a master hand at plan-

A colloquial word ; to iron ningguilc; '^nau'-keng, perverse,
with a flat.iron ; to sear, to testy k^uk^ ';/.««, club-footed ;

smooth ; to [»rcsi ou, to lay nau kit) to twist, to clasp and

; ;

312 NAU. NAU.

finger the hands, as priests do /^' A colloquial word eaten ;

'nau cpin» to seize by th« cue ;

•^ too much, surfeited to lothe ;

'/ia« 'part, to seize and carry food overstocked

dirty ; a«' ;

to a court '/ia« (kon, to wring nau* dirty, muddy ; nau* ^slii,

dry '»»«« '^kwai, a foreign
; unsaleable, in mt demand
key; '««« lat, twisted off"; "-nau u' nau* (t'in islii, dull, close
itnaniclidi.^ wood with crooked weather ; "-pdu nau* eaten to
grain ; met. a crooked stick, a the full.
cross-grained fellow.
knob on top of a Chinese
seal a button a hilt a knob
; ; ;
(333) Nau.
or process on which a thing
turns or connects with another;
'^shau ^nau, manacles ; '^naii
i^ Crooked, distorted, tortuons;
fe'aw' a button -loop yato nap^
'j^ bigoted, prejudiced, unjust.
Read nau*; to bend, to wrench
'nau, a l)utton ; kU^ "-nau a cord-

to break ; to disperse weak,

ed knob ; cfd 'nau,ornamental ;

lithe, flexible, slender ; ndu*

buttons 'nau icfiii, a pivot,
the Dipper.

man* mati to scatter things as —

wind does ^loong nau* to mis-
A thick bus'iy tree, like a ;

represent, an unjust judgment.

Prunus ; the wood is good for
bows. Read 'ch'auy manacles,
5^ Noisy debate, contentious
"j^^ disputes arguing, wrangling
ofopinions, as among sectaries;
'^ Colic, colicky pain 'nan H'd, ;
loud talking
^hiin iudu, ^nda
J.' griping pains in the bowels. ;

noisy disputing.
t7id«, Inter-
*{rn. To knot, to braid up into a changed with the next.
to tie, to bind ; a fasten. Clamorous noise wrangling, ;

ing, a knot, which easily un- vociferation. Also read t/id ;

ties; a point of junction, as Jau jTiffl, the noise of voices.
the tie of a girdle. VL^ Perturbation of mind in- ;

« /Trt. A dogwhich wishes to be '\ quiet confusion of intellect,


Mr coaxed proud accustomed to,

; ;
beclouded jmiu liin* mind all ;

reiterated, doing repeatedly; in a fog, bewildered.

inclined to evil familiar with,

to approach
^^ Cymbals, which were used
; ;
Na ^^ ^^"^' "'^ music in the army;
^nan tsdpi used to, practiced in. the clang of martial instru-
^^- A kind of spade for weed- mcnts; y<7/> tui\7idu, a pair of
5rv ing ; to weed, to clear ground cymbiils, commonly called tdi*
of weeds to study nan^ 'ts'd, ; ; 'c/i'du, the " great clang."
to root out weeds ^clio nau' ;
<frij An anchor; a grappling-iron;
to dig and weed; pal, Jcattn w- (p'du indu, to cast anchor ; 'hi
skit, nau' to plow with a pencil i/idw, to weigh anchor {Wd« ;

and dig with the tongue to — /«/«' a hawser iiidu paW a ;

be a pcd.igoguc. buoy.
;;; ;

Kt, NENG. NEUNO. 'NG. 313

A natural salt from Tibet,

called ifidu cs/td, sal ammoniac. (335) Neng.
A mountain in the ancient
state of Tsi or Shantung. 'Neng. A
colloquial word a clas. :

of garments yat, '^neng

To disturb, to vex, to annoy,
md^ a hat ya/, 'neng ^shdm, a

to disarrange; to twist, to
N6u jacket.
wrench ; to pervert, to distort
to scratch ; vexa- ^ndti isam,
(ious; confuse right
'rtdti liin^ to (336)
and wrong ; */idu waU to shrink
up, to draw in *ndu chij^ %'u, ;

up. it A a miss, a young lady ;
i"! The
noisy wrangling and ladies a mother ,ku ineitng,
; ;

vconfusion of a market or fair,

, a young lady i^ in^ung, ;
a joyful bustle hum, crowd, ; he younger sister ; i^ in^ung,
Nau tumult, noise obstreperous ; concubines ; d' (n^ung 'tsai, a
to scold, to rail ; to contend, little miss ; ^te in^ung, father
to embroil, to make a distur- and mother ineung (n^ungt ;

bance ; 'Ad ndu^ iti a great to- the empress; her ladyship. Our
do ; ndu^ iytin, to scold one ; Lady of ^san iniung, a bride

ndu'sz^^ to make trouble ; ndw'

Ad' Hsz' a pestilent fellow, an
tdi\niung, the Madam, term —
used by concubines ^n^ung ;

impracticable man ; ndu- '^Isau, hnd, the Goddess M4-tsijpo,

a drinking carouse ndu^^jidii, ; Amj>hitrite; 'Ai wai^ ia^ung
to berate, to talk in an over- ^nii, several ladies.
bearing to manner {ii ndu' to ;

Bcold unreasonably ndu\kdu, ;

to wrangle Idi^ ndu} yat, (337)

ich'iung, a tumult, a brawl ;

/dP ndu^ ,fd itang, a great

bustle with lanterns on the — Tffj A colloquial sound, implying
*^*^ dissatisfaction with,
15th of the 1st moon. reprehen-
A stream muddy, miry ;
sion ,'ng, i'm 'hd, Oh, that's

clay, loam thoroughly wet. wrong ,'ng j'w ch^u/a eh

Nau ; f

that will not do !

^. A personal pronoun I, my ; ;

Wa "^' ^^^ '

^° '"il'ede, to guard ;
Ne. i'ng 'tang, we, us j'n^ ,fi

^mati iyart, I am not that man ;

(Cht i'ng, confused

careless, ;
A colloquial final particle, ifan sz'^ rchi ^^ng, he bungle*
'^S' used in there; see!
replies; at everything he does; ,c/ii
mail ^ye ji^, what ? see there !
i'ng 'lii'i sz'' to hurry through
a job carelessly.
Ton. DicT. 40

314 'NO. 'NG.

Name of a tree, famous for A of five soldiers

file a ;

its fine, even grain, and used squad a company of men a

Wu W6 ; ;

to make lutes ; i'ng it'ung, the fellow, a comrade, a friend, ii

Eleococcus oleifera (or Dry- companion ; to associate with
andra cordifolia of Thunberg); ihong ^^ng, a file of men, the
the fall of its leaf denotes ranks met. a soldier "^pdi tui*
; ;

autumn ; cchi i'ng, a pillar or ^''ng, to parade troops, to draw

support not quite perpen- up in rank isau ^ii ^wai ^'ng,


dicular. ashamed to be in his company.

The flying squirrel, called An opponent, a match a ;

iTig 'sAii also (Shang, be- pair an equal in rank -^tig

; (fi Wu ; ;

cause it is thought to bring tsok^ an undertaker; a coroner.

forth on the wing. Sometimes used for the last.
Loquacious, bragging The seventh of the " twelve
s^ to
^^ boast, to talk big one of the ;

stems," answers to the horse ;

States, extending over time between 11a. m. and 1
the southeast of China pat-, ;
p. M.; noon, midday to op. ;

itig patitigo^ neither clamorous pose, to cross ; crosswise, trans-

nor headstrong. verse south, because 'ng is

^^ An insect ; ^ng Jcung, the written on the compass at that

Wii centipede Cng jcung Hs'd, a
point; cA:dM"/J^, eleven o'clock;
kind of shrub, whose branches ching^ ^'ng, noon ching^ ^^ng ;

somewhat resemble a centi- <fong, directly south ^'ngfdn* ;

pede. or kwo^ ^^"g, a luncheon ;

fl ^ Five; a perfect number hd^ ^'ng, afternoon shdung^ ;

denoting all, applied to many
things —
the virtues, the tastes,
the elements, the planets, the
^'ng, forenoon ^sh^ng ^'ngy
a recess of actors Ai/j ''n^-, a
nooning, a rest at noon ; J.un

^^- colors, the grains, human re- ^^ng, festival of dragon-boats ;

lations, the viscera, ranks of ^'ng islii midday ; ^'vg koU to
nobility, &c.; tai^ ^'ng, the cut crosswise '/o ching^ 'tsz' ;

fifth ^k'ii Hd ^'ng Jcang, he

; ^'ng get it just north and south.
beats the five watches, he is a To meet, to fall in with ; a
watchman ,cKq ^'ng, the fifth ;
rencontre ; to go athwart to ;

day of the month ; ^'ng uh the oppose, to resist, to go counter

fifth month ; ^'ng mi^ all tastes; to, to go against ; contrary,
^'ng iSh^ung, the five virtues ; athwart disordered, confused

^'ng Jiang, the five elements; disobedient ^'ng yiki rebel-


^'ng cfongj the four points of lious, disobedient ; ^'ng 'chi, to

the compass, and the centre ;
oppose the divine, or imperial
'kau ^'ng hav" 'kom ydung- it will ts'ok, ^'n^jblended, mix-

can't vary much. The third ed H^tmg Jid Mung ^'»g,


is the contracted, and the each set in hisown way, mut»

second the complex form. ually obstinate.
;; ;;;

'\G. NGA. 315

arnnse and understand
lo to awake, to perceive
fully, (338) Nga.
clearly aware of, discerning,

noticing, alive to '^sing ^ng- ;

The molar teeth, the grinders,
to stir up, to awaken ; kok:> ^ng' the double teeth teeth a pro- ; ;

first idea catch the ideaof, to ; cess like a tooth the 9.3d ,•

/*2'^ 'tj^- to bethink one's self;

radical of characters relating
^yau ^'ng sing, he has a clear to the teeth jagged, scored,

understanding 'ng' ch'uU to ;

or toothed a bud ivory ; {ngd
; ;

appreciate in all points. Vung^ the toothache </a iVga ;

To awake from sleep 'ng^ ; W 'Isui, specious, seducing talk;

mi' waking and sleeping. In- iVgd tp'o, a woman who acts
terchanged with the last. as a broker, usually]tosell girls;
§^- 1 To deceive, to mislead ; iVgd ikd, a broker, an agent
|.to mistake in error, wrong, ; iVgd liki strong teeth con- ;
*|^" ]
misled false, erroneous, to
; vincing, able to convince ; (ngd
Wft hinder by mistaking, to fail shik^hnff, salmon color isiung* ;

shot, 'ng^ to fail to do, to forget ^ngd, ivory ;

jti^d shin' ivory
ts'o' 'ng^ mistaken 'ng^ tdi^ sz^ ; fans ingd dan ^mai, cochineal;

to neglect important business ivgd ifui, tooth-powder ingd ;

'^chii ku^at, 'ng^ well made and ts'df, a tooth-brush iVgd kdu' ;

no mistake 'n^' sun^ mistaken ; the jaws ^ngd Mwdn ^kan paV

trust itdm 'ng' to hinder by

; the jaws immovable, dying ;

dawdling or delay ^ng^ Hiu ; ingd iCh'ung, carious teeth

yah jfc'r, to overpass the day, yaUfu' ingd a set of teeth ;

to procrastinate beyond the ^ngdu <,ngd,\.o grit the teeth, to

time ;mat:, ^ng- don't disap- dispute or oppose another ^ngd :

point by delay ^wai ^ng^ heed- ; Ming, a worker in ivory ; (ngd

less and tardy. sf,an ulcerated tooth and cheek;
Mc} ] Interchanged with the last ingd ^ch'i 7d ^hi, the teeth
5Wi ^-obstinate, disobedient, sedi- chattering with cold t'uttingd, ;

5^" tious, rebellious, untoward

} ;
to extract teeth ; ^s^ung ingd,
.^VQ set in one's opinions; to run to insert a tooth.
coimter to, to cross anof * ^r's Agerm, a plumule, a sprout
wishes or path. to bud the beginning, the bud-

ni- Light, clear, lustrous to ; ding forth of; mak^ngd, wheat

y^^ perceive what another ."ays ;
sprouts; ingd ts'oi' tender bean
intelligent ; to make clear, to sprouts, used for food ingd ;

meet, to explain, to see face 'sun, bamboo shoots iwong ;

to face ^kau paU ("i^ung ^ng^

; ingd pdki colewort fdU ingd, ;

not seen each other for a long to sprout.

time min^ 'ng^ a personal' ijn-
; A colloquial word ; the day
t^rview ^ng- pit, chi. ^hi,
; after the new and full moon ;

after I left you» die. fau ingn, 1st moon, 2d day .

; ;

316 NGA. NGAI.

iTigd, to observe tliese days

tsd'' gtti Interchanged with the last
*miingd,\2th moon, 16th day. S!^ to express surprise at, to ex-

The markee of a general, claim,

distinguished by a standard A colloquial word t6 stop ;

Yd ;

the road, to obstruct ; ^mai ngd'

the house of rulers, a palace, a
court, an office a tribunal teng^ don't block up the way ;

the exercise of the functions pd' ngd^ ko' tdti ti^ to occupy
in a court iUgd ividn, the of- a spot while others want it ;

ficial residence of a Chinese ngd^ chd* to impede one's pro-

officer, often called a yamun ;
Hsbcnga, an early court; itigd
yiki official attendants jp'dt ;

ittgd, to open the court itigd ;

(339) Ngai.
*shu, an office, ^shiung (ngd,
an officer's visit to his superior
on the 1st and 15 th days.

Elegant, correct, genteel,
decorous simple, pure, plain,
m A colloquial
tune, to dun and press a re-

quest, to solicit ^ngai Vid 'k'ii,

; to impor-

unadorned ^ngd chV elegant,
urge him more ;
^ngai jioi mgai
stylish gentle, soft jwan ^ngd,
; ;
hii' beg in many ways;
correct, studious, classical,
iTigai ip'o sdU to weary the
scholarly Jidn ^ngd elegant
gods; sai' oigah ^ very little,
leisure ; ^ngd tarn} plain, yel
mean-spirited, stingy ; Jcam
stylish min' ch'ik) paU ^ngd,
mgai, incessant urging ; also,
impolite to scold people.
to disregard importunity.
Earthenware, pottery ; tiles /A High, precipitous; imminent,
the 98th radical of characters ; dangerous, hazardous, unstea-
Yi 'J,'-*
pertaining to earthenware a ;
dy inclined, not upright an ;

roof; ^ngd it'ung, the round, uneasy place sick, in dan- ;

upper tiles hon' ^ngd, the bot-

ger of death to rush into dan-

tom row of tiles ; ^ngd Jiang, ger, toendanger to ruin the ; ;

the space between the ^ngd 12th of the 28 constellations,

tji'ting on the roof; iwong ^ngd, - comprising a Aquarius and ij
yellow imperial tiling ^ngd ;
6 Pegasus Jam {ttgai, dan-

min* or ^ngd put' a tiled roof gerous, near danger, in dan-

^ngd hV earthenware ; Jung ger; ingai 'hhn, hazardous;
*ngd cchi hing' the joy of hav- iJigai ^mAt, dangerously ill ^ngai ;

ing a daughter ^ngd ipun, a ;

ji«, words of caution and warn-
glazed earthen dish. i"g iffg^i i^g&nii a dangerous

To go out to receive one, ledge, a precipice ingai tsoi* ;

^to meet,to descend and greet; tdn^ tsiki in imminent danger ;

to see with admiration ; king' near dissolution ijigai ingai ;

Ya ngd' to respectfully receive. £ii, very dangerous.

! ;

NGAI. NGAl. 317

Little, feeble, weak, like chil-
dren to glance at the young
and delicate a limit, an edge, ;
I'm 'Art yuki don't stir, even
the ants bite ; ^ngai ^ngdu
'^kdm iCh^, [fidgetty] as if ants
a verge to benefit, to distin-
were biting me ; c/i ^ngait
guish itiin (tigai, exact, the
flying ants.
least point, the beginning 'teo ; To turn a boat's head to the
ingaiyau'iTigai, to glance right shore ; to lay a boat up to a
and left, to look about. bank.
A fawn ; csiin ingai, a lion- ^^'1 Ability, aptitude, the skill
like animal, able to devour 2^, ;.or art necessary for doing a
tigers ;ingai Jcau, garments Jff^ j thing a craft, an art, an

of deer's skin. r occupation, an accomplish-

The rainbow, specially the ment ; skilled, accomplished ;

secondary one, called the to distinguish ; the

to cultivate
female ; {wan ingai, a rainbow ;
arts ; luki ngai^ the six polite
Hsoi lUgaiy variegated itigai ; accomplishments ; iman ngai*
in* *« 'cAi, when the rainbow literary occupation ngai^ ; its'oi
appears, the rain stops. ability, ngai* u
skill; '^shau

|g A cross bar, to which animals handicraft hoki ngai^ to learn ;

are fastened when dragging a trade; 'mo ngcu* military

the vehicle. tactics. •

^ I

High, elevated, lofty and
alone, like a detached peak;
^^^^ Interchanged with the last*
to plant, to cultivate trees ; to
^j sublime, exalted, as virtue; set out with the band.
Wu conspicuous ingai ingai iu, ^'- A famous archer, called Hau*
look aslant or askance

and grand ^ Ngai^, who flourished about

B. c. 1980.
at, glancing the eyes, as an- An.i Unbending, firm, resolute,
imals do; the sun shining a- ^^ intrepid ; forgetful of one's self,
thwart yati ^ngai csAo Jam, the
magnanimous ; stern, wrath,
sun glances through the copse ful ;
power of endurance, for-
nd^ ^ngai, an angry look. titude,patience ; ngai^ tijj,
An ant ; a generic name for firmly convinced, decided ;
insects like the ant ; a demean- Jiong ngai^ unappaled, unde-
ing term, " as the petitioner," terred by danger.
I,a «' suppliant," used by the /|5^i False, hypocritical ; counter-

people when addressing their ^^. feit, not genuine, surreptitious;

rulers ; the commonalty, rab- to deceive ^tai ngai^ not pure ;

the lower classt^rt; pdkt

ble, or real, as money ; tsok, ngai*
^ngai, the white ant iwong ;
to act falsely ngai* fo' coun- ;

csz' ^ngai, small red ant ^ngai ; terfeit, as goods

ngai^ shin* ;

iVian, or ^ngai Uang, we, the to act the hypocrite.

people ; we ; ^ngai tsu' collect- •f^i To reach a place, to go in
ed like ants, as banditti ; ^ngai •^P person ;
to advance, to repair
it'au, an ant-hill ; 'ngai ^ngau to ; to meet at a resting-place •


well learned, pro-
ds'an ngai- went my- ^ is
Tocut grass, for which it
used with the next to go-
vern, to regulate clever, able,

High, a mountain;
lofty, like talented ngdi* lOn, at (>eace,

name of the Three
of one as a country.
States, A. D. 200, over which To mow, to cut grass ; to
Ts'au Tsdu ruled, including kill, to exterminate, to cut off;
the present Honin also one ; vgdP 'ts'd, to mow.
of the contending states, b. c. Mugwort, artemisia, a plant
350, now comprised in Shdnsi. from which the moxa is made
a term for labiate plants like
mint or catnip ; old, fifty,
waning in life ; to quiet, to
(340) Ngai. relax one's self; ngdi' a shiH.^
beautiful woman ; ngdi* lyung,

The bank
of a river, a shore,
moxa punk ; ngdi^ifu, a charm
of the artemisia, hung at the
a beach ; jmd iUgdit
a limit
Yii doors on 5th of ."jth moon
illimitable (Shang itigdi, bu- ;

ngdi* -pa, mugwort burned to

siness, occupation ; (tsun jW^di,
dispel odors.
a mart on the wnter-side.
] The side of a hill, a cliff,
va ledge, a precipice, a high
(341) Ngak.
bank iftgdi ngon^ a steep

Yai bank; a discrepancy, disagree-

ment of things; c^'in ingdi, the
horizon ishdn {ngdi, a pre-
rffij A colloquial word to de- ;
'''^' swindle one a notch, ;
cipice iNgdi ichau, a district
a catch ngak, Hd ^k'ii, swind-
in H.^in^n ; ^Ngdi imiin, a

led him; 'ni ^mai ngak-, 'ngo

place in Sinhwui hien, where
kdm^ (to, don't delude me so
the last emperor of the Sung ;

'piiyan ti* ngak) sdp swindled

dynasty died.
out of everything; j'm ngak>
outer corner of
to angrily at, to
the eyes;
stare up-
tah ishan, cannot deceive the
on ; to glance at.
tor? To lean against to lounge,

to loiter, to put off, to trifle

with, to procrastinate ; to suf-
(342) Ngak.
fer, to endure
ngdi^ shaV kdP ;

to receive hardships in the The forehead the front ; ;

world ; ngdi- ^fu, to suffer ills; incessant the creaking of a


TW'n^ ngdi^ ngdi^ out of coun- jHj

chariot ; the name of a place ;

tenance, can no longer refuse ;

Gch a fixednumber, or quantity ;

ngdi^ chii- to suffer, Can't help n^d/lciif'au, the forehead; ngdki

it. kok the corners of the fore-
; ;


head ; ngdld sfid' a fixed quantity, or any other particu.

number ; tigdki shd' liai* 'kom, lar ; kbm' ^ngdm, so exactly
the matter is fixed it cannot ;
suitable ^ngdm sdV it agrees

be otherwise ; ngdk^ ngoi' in every particular (tigdm ;

beyond the amount fixed (Vgdm cb'ut) hii' just this mo-
iwdng ngdki a tablet with an ment gone out ^m (to crtgdm, ;

inscription upon it, suspended they don't exactly agree, spo-

in houses. ken of persons and of things.
colloquial word. Oppos- c^ 1 ^ ^^E^ bank a precipice: ;

^'ing, contrary to ngdki ,fung, ; g^ la rocky hill lofty, dangerous ;

a contrary wind ; ngdki 's/mi, -y^ J (Ttgdm iVgdm its'dm ts^dm^

opposing tide. Gau very high and precipitous ;

itigdm ilong a temple, a hall

iiigdm '^him, dangerous.
(343) Ngam. =^- A colloquial word.
'^ incoherent like a dream;

raving ; delirious nonsensi- ;

A colloquial word. To mur- cal ^mai 'hai ch'ii'fdli ngam*

.1^ mur, to complain, to grumble,

wd^ don't talk your nonsense

to talk incessantly against
others ; to take anything with
the hand from a narrow mouth-
ed vessel ; iiigam iCh'am to (345) i\Tgan,
grumble in a low tone of voice;
iTigam iloi (ngam kit' to grumble
incessantly ;

to feel in one's purse

itigam Jto ipdu,
; spoken '^^
^ A colloquial
delicate looking, thin
spoken ;
; small,

also of pickpockets ; <vgam tiki

of persons ; ishang taki kdm'
tfim, take a little more out.
lUgaiit born very thin and
Ngam' A
colloquial word. Old,
small d' <.ngan, a nickname
feeble, foolish ;
yatj <,nin yali
for a thin child ; <.ngan iVgan
,jiin jigaiiv' 'hi Jai, becoming
hiu'drawn up, crooked ; also
more and more feeble every
greatly vexed, and irritated.
year itigoi <,ngoi ngam' ngam'

to be in one's dotage, to be
m^ ^ Silver ;; the name
«^ I of a surname ; '^shui
a place ;
childish, foolish.
^ J
^^'^^^ quicksilver ^ngan (Chu
Yin Vermillion ; jwian ittganj or sai'

iSZ iPgan, Sycee silver ; sui'

(344) Ngam. ingan, broken pieces of silver,
used as money tfd ^pin jigaiu ;

j^ A colloquial word, very fre- a Spanish dollar, having a

'v^ quently used in this dialect. flowered edge its'in (ngan, ;

It denotes agreement, in re- the general name for money ,

spect to time, manner, place, ingan shut, the diflcrcncc in

;;; ;

320 NGAN. ngAn.

the value of different kinds of (346) Ngan.
silver ; ^ja Jiung itigan, reward
money ingan sp'di, a silver space between the eyes <^ The
"y * and eyebrows the counten- ;
medal H'ai iUgan, to inspect

money ; ^'ung tngan, silver, ance hilly color a surname; ; ; ;

with brass intermingled *<d

iHgdn iyung the countenance; ;

iTigaTi tsz fu^ a silversmith

cngdn sink) color (ngdn liu^ ;

way coloring matter, paint; ^tsun

iTigari iho, the milky
ifigdn, a respectful mode of
tngan dan, a money order or
address, used in writing.
bond; (ngan polfi silver leaf
Xrr A colloquial word. To rub ;
iiigan hi' articles made of
"'>'' to grind to draw a fiddle bow ; ;
itigdn i^ tin, to play on a two
4a A bank a limit a boundary; ;
stringed fiddle itigdn mvii ;
^•^ imd iUgan, unlimited. to grind to powder ^ngdn pokf ;

A surname to reprove gent- fiArjroUifoutthin, as of dough


ly; to spead kindly agreeable, 'pi kong^ Jai ingdn kim' Wii,
pleasant. to polish, by rubbing with a
To bark, and fight as dogs. piece of steel.
igg The eye a space a limit ; ;
"l^ a classifier a surname ^ngdn
sound of persons talk- Yen
; ;

ing ; stupid ; to utter things (Ch% the eyeball ^ngdn k'oi^ ;

Yin the eyelid ; 'ngdn (kw'dng, the

unworthy of belief ;
/li' siodn,

'md iTigan, the father is obstin-

socket of the eye ^ngdn iyan ;

ate, and the mother foolish. pupil of the eye cKdng'' Jioi ;

^ngdn, open the eyes wide ;

A stone resembling greatly
^ngdn ifd, the eyes blurred ;
the jade stone.
Yin j'm kioo' taki ^ngdn, wont bear
NgarC A
colloquial word. To inspection, not good ; also,
tread upon; to shake violently; unable to deceive a person-
vgari' ikd kiuh to stand upon j'm kok) bigdn, to over-look ;

tiptoe ^mai ngaii" H'iin kd'

not to perceive ^ngdn pdki ;

fat' '^pdn, dont break the board pdki before one's very eyes
in two, by standing upon, or to see clearly diu ^ngdn koki

jarring it. to look with a lustful eye; H'ai

ttrrt^A colloquial word. Tough ; itn ^sh^ung ^ngdn, to look with
WJv tenacious ; not brittle strong ; ;
disrespect upon ; pdki kdpy
any kind of sediment ^ni tik. ; ^ngdn to have pigeon's eyes,
yuki 'Ad 7igan^ this meat is i. e. to be proud, and insolent

very tough <ia ngan^ very ; fdt) ^ngdn did' cWi^, cannot
tough, hard to break or cut you see ? yaf^ ^ngdn icham, a
ngan} ip'h obstinate Jc'ing ;
needle Jung ^ngdn, the name

tts'ing '^shui ngan* to purify of a fruit V/d higdn likt to


water, by letting the sedmient judge of & thing accurately to ;

settle. see at a single glance.

; ;;


] A wild goose, of a small obstinate man; vgdng^'hau,

>size, a bird of passage, whose foul-mouthed; nffdngHsz'^ tsb^
j flight determines times ;
met. only 1 did it, 'twas rne alone
Ten in a series, in order, orderly, Jcong^ ngdng^ mulish, fierce ;
alluding to their flight mar- ; ngdng' kuk, kuk-, the rustling
riage ceremonies ; ngdu^ ingo, of stiffstarched clothes ; Hang
a wild goose ; ngdn' ihang, ngdng^ stiff from cold.
brethren ; to walk a little be-
hind another, as brothers
ought ngdn^ chat, a letter ; (348)
tirv' to pour out liba-
tions to the goose a wedding —
rite ngdn^ Joi, the »' wild prt^ A colloquial word ; to talk

geese come " the 9th moon —

^' at random, to talk wildly; ;

ikd ngdn} a married pair. raving, wandering, out of one's

False goods, spurious, adul- mind worthless ngap, ngdm*
; ;

Yen terated articles. The last is wd^ incoherent, nonsensical

sometimes used for this. ngap, ,sdm ngap, sz'^ to talk
without aim ts'ui' ngap, kdm'

ts^uP "short as pie-crust,"

Ngang. brittle ngap, ts'o' kff wd^ a

mistake, as in reading a sen.

jpi Hard ; solid, not soft ; stiflT, A colloquial word ; to mo-
jj'^ firm, not pliable unbending, ;
-lion with the hand, to beckon

* ^obstinate, inflexible, intract- to nod, to bow slightly; to

able, dear, high-
perverse ;
assent by a nod ; ngapi %'u
priced nervous, terse, as
Jul, motion to him to come ;
style ; only, indeed, must be, ngapi it'av, to nod to consent ;

in fact; a disjunctive particle, ckai if an ngapi dp, /au, hers

denoting a settled purpose; and ducks bobbing to each
certainly, still, however, sure- other, i.e. bowing like friends.
ly, yet ; to harden, to stiffen ;

ngdng^ kin^ hard, obstinate

ngdng^ taki tsai' very firm, (349) Ng^p.
domineering vgdng^ 'Ad shiki ;

it is very good tasted ngdng^ ;

id' ^lai, good pluck to the last, I To fasten the trowsen, to

fight to the death ngdng^ ilJ^ ;
tuck in, an end or
to stick
kau^ 'kdm do, must have it all , bight in so as not to slip ;
ichd ngdng^ hold it firmly to turn up the cuffs or trowsers;
ngdng^ <pdng (pdng, very ngap, H'di to strap the tiller
hard '^shau ngdng^ strong,
; when steering ngdp,fd^ ii'aUt;

brawny ; ngdng^ 'keng it/an, an to tuck up the trowsers.

To>-. DiCT. 41
I ! ; — ;;

322 NGAT. ngAt. NGAU.

rh Fatigued, wearied ; to fag at

(35o; hard, stony

Ngat. j^^jI
; ngafi t^guti $}cung
inin,wearied with labor the
whole year.
High and level at top, a iJ^ To reach or arrive at a place,

/.M; height: to cut off the feet: g^' to come or reach to; even, till,
Wuh. ° ' u . •
. •
up to, at last ngnfi ^king, to
immovable an interjection, ;

oh /id* ngafi to descend from

the last, finally ; ngafi ckam,
a high position; nsah 'ch^, the to this time, even till now.
maimed ; ngati tkd, to stand
on tiptoe ; it'in ^i/d, ngah tik:,
(351) Ngat.
oh heaven

irj* Dangerous ; disquieted ; iti

txr ng(th unstable, like a floating

I Ngdt, A colloquial word ; the odor
vessel, or on a giddy height ;
of urine, the rank smell of a
ngali kiiii' wearied o\it (pai ;
privy or sty nigijardly, close,
vgatx limping, to halt in walk,
fisted ;
ngdf) ch'au^ stinking.
^g To bite or chew. This
i|nr An arid, bare mountain peak
j^jj- incorrect pronunciation is not
ry ."^'o« ngati name of a five peak-
common ; see ngif^.
ed mountain in Kienwei hien,
in Sz'chuen.
Jti* To move ; to joggle ; to (352) Ngau.
^'^-sway to and fro : disquieted,
inconstant ; 7igaU ngafi iiu
'^kdm, to wriggle, to sway ; fih Correctly read ckau, but tho
uneasy, .fidgptty ; vgafi Jioi J noun often has this sound a

tih; move off a little; ngafi hook, a barb to hook to drag, ; ;

ngati Vid, to shake, to sway, to catch to dig up to sew a

; ;

to rock to and fro. seam Jim oigati, the hooks


A-jf A stump or trunk without of a door-screen (Vgau yau* ;

^J^y branches or leaves ; a sprout sai^ stitch it fine ; ^ngau ichi appearing; unsettled, [fan, to lust after a painted
unquiet ^T'd-ngafi a nntod
bandit mentioned in the Ch'un fJL An ox ; tho 9.3d radical of
Thu. -^ characters relating to oxen,
/^ Strong, robust ; warlike, «Scc.; lytgaii ^ku or i'igan (kung,

y.r like the prancing of a steed ;

a bull ; iOoan '/jd, a cow ; iigaii
suddenly ngati nfrat^ martial,
/«:'' a heifer ingau yiiki beef;

large, valiant tigati jf/j ji yap^ ; iWy'ig (nsouf a common cow

he suddenly came in. '*/»//£ iHgaii, a buffalo i^gau ;

1.U An abrupt isolated peak, with ip'iikitu, glue ^vgau ^-p'i (tang ;

\^- steep sides ; the highest peak ilung, a leather lantern i. e.

of a range. a stupid fellow ; shapi ^thui



jp't, water-soaked lea.

(ngau J-in ^ngav, the lily root ; ^ong
theriVgau pdki ipi -xh^iung,
^ligati, lily roots made into
Venetian {Jiit. tripe) blinds comfits.
tlion tvgau Usai, a herdboy ; \^ A colloquial word ; stupid ;
ingau iwong, ox bezoar ; ingau * ngau' tatc' dull, fatigued, no
iyau, butter ^ngau iyau chuk)
spirits for; ngau^ ^tsai, a dunce.
tallow candles; H'd (ngau^ a
clay ox —
made in the spring ;

jTigau ilong or Jiin itigav, a con- (353) Ng^U.

stellation comprising parts of
Aquarius and Capricorn tong^ ;

iVgau 's/ia/, used like an ox. To squint. A colloquial word;

-'/^ A pair, a match ; an even Kiuu bo-peep ; to play at hide and
J*^ number; double, paired ; a seek ; '^siu Oichong^ngau (.ngdUy
companion, a mate, a partner; children plying bo-peep.
to pair, to unite in marriage Perverse, vicious. A collo.

to mate, to accord with, as quial word to scratch ; to ;

a friend ; to harrnonize, to fit collect together, to scrape up ;;

a statue, an image, an idol ; tvgau ihan, to scratch ; kdid

unpremeditated, incontinent- pik, in<idu Cycling, to scratch
ly ; suddenly ; to happen ac- through a wall a useless at- —
cidentally, to occur p'a!, tempt Jo 'shin ^td ^ngdu ,fdn
; ;

^ngau, a pair, a married cou- tile, gather up as much as can

ple tkdi ^iigau, a happy pair

; be.
un^^ngau,-dn ill-sorted match To lay crosswise ; blended,

muki higau syan, a wooden intertwisted ; to imitate; luki

image ; met. a dolt, a simple- iiigdii, diagrams with mixed

ton 'ngfin
ii^ happened to lin<>s, thought to be like tlie

meet him; ^/j^qm ji//, accident, mutations of nature ; the 89th

ally, by chance ;
shat:, ^ugau, radical Ink, shapi sz'^ i^gdu,

lost his m:ite, widowed ; -jigan the 64 diajirams.

ts/m, to write off hand ;
pai^ A vase filled with sacrificial
^ngau tsii'.ng^ to worsliip meats ; prepared
to taste
Hiau ;

images. vianrls, delicacies set out at

Jta Two persons ploughing a ; feast provisions for a picnic.

double colter a pair an even
; ; Interchanged with the last ;
number ; a fellow, a mate ; to a feiist ; meals ^ngdu chdn^
Hiau ;

pair, to match to pervade; dressed meats; i'lgdu wal, meat

thorough p'ui' ^ngait, to go
; and fruits ^yau lik- mat, ^yi

with one ^/igau f.kang, to plow

; ingdu, what meats have you
together, for us?
i j>&"The ronts of the nelumbium ; Muddy water to mix wnn* ; ;

J*"^ ^ngau ''fan, arrow-root made turhid a river in Ho.

^* from the lily root ^ngau ,sz' Hiau in^dii, ;

;, tributary to the Yellow

the spiral tubes io lily roots river.
; !

324 NOAU NGf. NGiT.

Used for the three preced-

ing mixed, blended, confus-
(354) Ngi.
ed to mingle, as metals to
; ;

raise trouble, to excite sedi-

tion bones and flesh mixed
; ; A colloquial word ; to lie, to de-
food consisting of pulse {ngdu ceive; clia' itigi iVgoU you are


liti arranged in order itigdu ;

deceiving, you fib a child's ;

ivgdu hiu' tiki tottering, un- phrase.

steady, top-heavy. Note. —^The sound ngi is often heard at

Name of several hills in the Macao, where used at Canton.

i is

f^ western part of Honda pro-

To gnaw, to bite to chew, Ngit.
-f^] ;

t^j^vas a cud, to masticate; to

hold in the
teeth firm ;

ruminate upon;
to set the

v nibble
To gnaw,
; n^i<j
to craunch, to
kwal^ to pick
to speak, to read to cut even, l^j J bones ngUi
; iVgd, to grit the
to trim off; ^ngdu «i»' horn^
Nieh teeth ngit^ ngu* creaking, as ;

trim off the ends ; it suits to a a rusty binge.

hair ^ngdu ts'o^ tsz'^ ,.yam,

you've read the sound wrong

^ngdu ikung, a confession (356) Ngo. ;

^ngdu chff iTtgd, to hold the |

jaws ; ^ngdu ishun to bile the

lips ^ngdu Jioi, to bite in two
Y<fc Suddenly, hastily a mo- ; ;

^ngdu (Ch'tin, to bite or tear a '"®'^*' inomentarily falling, ;

hole ^ngdu ^ngdu, biting and
; ready to fall iiigo jfn, sudden. ;

chewing htgdu ingd, a lock- ; ly iVgo ^k'ing, an interval, a ;

ed jaw ^ngdu yati tdm' to bite

; little while.
a mouthful, to take a bite jljfl To chant, to sing or rehearse ;

^ngdu haii^ to clench the teeth •J/^ in recitative, to hum to one's

in anger. self; iyam (ngo, to hum,-as in
The first of these is also read reading poetry.
(kdn, the song of birds. High and lofty, like a <^ ]

To delight in, to choose, to mountain ^ngo rrnl ishdn, a "^i ;

take pleasure in clidu^ ngdu^ jll^j noted penk in Sz'chuen near

elegant, handsome that Ngo the junction of the T4-tu and ;

which pleas-'es delights ; knkt Min rivers ; ^go ^ngo^ h'gh,

^yau 'sho ngdn^ every one to his grand ; met. a commanding
liking ; ngdii^ vgdu^ pleasu- presence.
rable, delightsome; ngdu^tsUi Mi The silkworm moth ; moths,
^laingoki to delight in main, ^^^ sphinges, which
taining propriety and accord.
^ fly

at night ; jls'dm ingo, the

silkworm moth; .tang ingo, a
; ;

x\GO. NGO. 325

moon, so
; iUgo
called from
<rnt iiti the new
Chang- m
„ ing
Interchanged with the preced-
; foolish, idle rumors, false
ngo's arched eyebrows. and deceptive stories.
^S 1 A goose ; large water birds Handsome, excellent; the
'^, [with habits like the goose
''*'^ i^gOt the common goose


weak, the good
; Ho ^ngOy beau.

Ngo it'ong iVgo, a pelican ; ngdn^

iTigOt a wild goose ; ^kH ingo,
The first person, I, my, me,
mine we, us our, our's it
a penguin pakungo ^fam^ en-
; Wo ; ; ;

is often used in the plural

trance to Macao Passage ; ^ngo
number, with emphasis, as
hnd pati a quill-pen ; {ngo Mm ^ngo iChau tkung, our Lord
'tsauy one who presents a goose
and wine a bridegroom
Chau ^ngo li^ ^T'ong iyan, we

Chinese ^ngo Hang, ^ngo jwitin

ingo a feather fan
iTnd shin' ;

and higo tV are all used for the

itHn ittgo, a crane ^shui iUng ;

plural ; tsoi^ ^ngo, appertains

ifigo, a kind of teal.

Jj^ Good, excellent (kwtg ingo, ;

or belongs to me ; ^ngo tsz'^
-*^ imperial concubines iSh^ung 'At, myself;
I it'ung '/jt hgo

* ingo, the Diana of the Chi- hii' letus both go, I will go
with you ^ngo kv? higo, I look
nese ikiu iUgo,
; beautiful, ;

out for myself, I take care of
^fe A plant, whose stalks are number one ; ^ngo tik^ ishii, my
"J^ edible like celery ; the tender
book ; ^k'ii iind higo, he cuts or
" stalks of plants.
slights me. ThemenofKii-
To interpret the cries of birds
ying chau
are nicknamed
.11 and beasts, to translate foreign
^kong higai, from their peculiar
Ngo pronunciation of this word.
gibberish or speech ; to trans-
form or improve; to inveigle, ' Starved, famished, in want
to decoy a decoy or stool- of necessary food ; hungry,
pigeon, called ^niu imui;^d^ faint for want of food; to fast,
ingo iyan, a seducer to evil. to go without food ; ngo^ 'sz^
A fabulous monster, able to starved to death ; H'6 ngo^ very
speak and lie ; to change hunifry ngo^ yaU yah fasted
Ngo ;

speech, to lie, to falsify ; to a whole day ngo^ ^p'iu, a ;

promulge error; false, errone- starved beggar in the streets;

ous, deceitful ; to rouse, to ngo* ^ktoai, a hungry devil,
move ; an ignis fatuus ;
^ngo worshiped at the td-tsiu ; also,
cha' lyan its' in, to extort money a term of abuse to self-invited
by false pretenses ; iUgo iCh'un
guests or libertines ngo*
hi' (.chi, only an idle rumor; ^ngdn, a hollow eye ; Hai
ijau ingo, superficial ;
iUgo .in, ngo* to bear hunger; ngo*
idle stories ; 'i iVgOiCh'iin iUgo, Hd, fallen down from hunger
to retail idle stories, to trans- ck'ung (Sz' vgo* 'siung, the poor
mit error ; cfieki fsz'^ ^md itigo, think only how to appease
not a single word wrong. hungt;r.
;: —;

326 NG6. NG6.

m i To
i?** or toil ; to cease for
rest, to desist from care
a while \P^
^ The claws of a crab or lobster,
also called ^hdi kong'; (cU'i
^° to go to bed, to lie down, to '
i'tgd, a variegated species of
repose, to doze ; to be chang- swimming crab.
ed, as in sleep; a sleeping- A kraken or a great sea
place ; ngo^ ifong, a bed-room t]
^ i monster, fabled to carry the
isoi* ngo^ paU (n'wg, no ease sil-
$^j mountain P'ung-ldi on its
ting or lying ngo^ iiti iming,; Ngau back iVgd ^t'ou, the whale's

sleeping in the moon ikd ngo^ head, an ornament on roofs


•» to sleep high " to let the tuki chini' (ngd ifau, to be

world wag ; shui^ ngo^ to sleep. perched on the whale's head
to attain the highest literary-
rank ;
^ngd jM, a species of
(357) Ng5. 8Corp£Bna.
i^i To saunter; to ramble ; pro-
n^d' ngt^ pleased ;
Ngau^''^' '""^5
g«j To fly like a hawk to skim ; ;
a tall or long appearance.
'k- i^g^ ifs'^""g^ to fly in a wheel- Used for the three next.
^ ins manner, to soar to and fro.
loud wailing or cry
clamor, as asking for

I&]t^ Proud,

* noise, hubbub, from rudeness ; to treat rudely ; to

food ;

brave, to defy proudly ngd^

many voices or birds ; cluing^ ;

'hau iTtgd itisd, the clamor of man^ to treat insolently, to

scorn ; toi- ngb- lazy ikd ngo^
many people; every one is ;

me the hum arrogant, pompous.

tea-'ing ;
ifigd its'o,
oftnlking; s'»^d iUog Jing, ^&- A nalogcius to the preceding;
incessant talkinij. ^ vicious, spirited horse
^j To shake, to strike ; to joggle, stubborn, regardless of con-
^T* to (ngd luki ^kii, to
rattle ;
sequences, indomitable ; vgd^
^ rattle a handdrum, as peddlers • kiti resolute, in a good sense;
do itigd shik, to throw dice
; ;
proud, overbearing, in a bad
^mai i'lgd it'oi, don't shake the sense.
table. ;^- To ramble, to saunter, to
^^ A large dog, four feet high,
Ngau divert one's
self, to travel for
i^^ said to be able to speak; per- sz" 'hoi vgd^ s^aw,
|>leasure ;

^ haps the Tibetan mastiff; a to travel over the world ngd* ;

fierce dog. hi\ to go and see shows.

"lifr A sort of metallic musical %^' '^o apply heat to ; to boil
l.'*^ instrument, which makes a N»au'" water in another vessel, to
Ngau.. ,.
jinglmg. simmer, to distil ; to brew,
(^ The stem or cut-water of a to decoct, to warm ; ngd^ ikd,
^'* vessel ; the lowest timber in to boil a cake ngd^ yiuki to ;

^ a vessel's bull. decoct medicine.

;; ;


An oarthen or iron pot to good ; ngoi* ^kdm, affected by

boil food or cakes a pan or: the weather ; 'hau ngoi* be-
boiler, now called wok^; (Shiu yond the frontier ngoi* kuki ;

ngb^ to cook cakes. another set or company ^yau ;

An infelicitous bird, which ngoi* its'oif has a knowledge of

like the owl, assembles in the the world, not book-knowledge;
deserts. hdki ngoi* ^t'dji^ung, to do bus-
Lofty, assuming, overbear- iness in other than one's own

Ngau ing, haughty. A man men- town V ngoi* unexpectedly ;


tioned in the Lun Yu, who cfiitii ngoi* to go abroad ngoi* ;

rowed boats on land. mdu* a man's appearance

ngoi* iyan, a stranger ; ngoi*
^md, a postman.
(358) Ngoi. •rfZi"! To hinder, to embarrass,
^^^ > to obstruct, to oppose, to set
^IJF' to, to impede, to stop
a limit
Ngai progress to let, to restrain,

as one's conscience does ; to

offend, or be an offense to a ;

hindrance, objection to, rest,

Kg-i kdni' inaoi, stupid as a hog
rainf, impeditnent ; ngoi* chu*
what an ass! iVgoi iyan,a fool
whatever prevents attaining
chd^ iTtgoi, to feign or act like
an object ^mb ngoi* nothing
a fool ; kom' itigoi, so stupid !

in the way, no hindrance

iVgoi pan} a dunce. The
^yau ngoi*iU iyan, to offend one;
second character also means
chat:, naroi* an obstacle ; nsoi*
the s:l!y look of a pi'ppj'.
sheki a stumbling-stone; ngoi*
Outside, without, boyond
another, moreover; what is
chenk- injured by, stopped.
Analogous to the last to ;
extraneous, over and above
'^1 shut a door to prevent en-
foreign, strange o\it of doors, ^ ^^'
trance stopped, headed off,
beyond the village, from
obstructed ; '^cho
ngoi* prevent-
abroad ; to exclude, to reject,
ed ; ishiung ngoi* prevented
to put aside or outside; rela-
by an injury.
tions by marriage ngoi' kwoki ;

foreign countries; vgoi' Jtong

Hbi northerners,
men ; ngoi^ 'shang, another
(359) Ngok.
} rv)vince ; ngoi^ Hai, ngoi^ /ou,
or ngoi^ miv? outside, in the
street, ngoi^ Joh from abroad ; Music, one of the six arts
ngoP fu' a wife's father also — Yoh
^instruments of music ; met.
Sty lei HbngoP; jcA'u '/«'z' <.chi elegancies of life, refinement
ngoi* besides this one ; kdk> ngoki hV musical instruments
ngoi* cAi' 'Ad, extraordinarily Usau' ngoki or tsok^ ngoh to


play ; ngoki ^fu, a repository A crocodile, or gavial, said
for instruments ; tdi^ ngoki to have once existed in Chdu-
large instruments. chau fu in Kwangtung ; term
ilj, A lofty peak the highest applied to cruel, rapacious of-

Y ''J-of mountains ^^ng ngoki five ; ficers or gentry.

high peaks worshiped in C hina, "pM The calyx or receptacle of
viz., (lung ngoki in Shantung; j^j^ a flower, called t/d t'ok,,
(Sai ngoki in Shensi south of the
^'& The osprey or fish-eagle ; a
capital sfidm ngoki in Hun^n
t^"""^ ''"' ^^^ genus Hali-
I^ffoh S^^^
near the centre; pak^^ngoki in aetus ; ngoki lapi to stand
thesouthwestofChihIi; (.chung watching, as an osprey does ;
ngoki in the west of Honan, ngoki tsin' promoted to be a
near the Yellow R.; each of kujin.
them has other names.
j^ Used for the preceding
V-V ngokifu} ^md, a wife's parents ;
ishdn ngoki my father-in-law.
pg' A grave and serious feeling,
^l stern, rigid awe-struck, frigh-
^° tened ngoki mung^ an alar-

1^- A shore, a bank, a beach ;


Jj '7 margin of a stream an edge,

ming dream. ;

a brink ; a high cliff or bank ;

igg Siiprised, astonished, amaz-
steps of a palace the end of ;
^'} ed to wonder at
; to oppose, ;

^° uncomplying; ngoki jin, fright. a journey or a road the object ;

of effort, a goal a country ;

prison to show a front, to
=ffi Honest, faithful reproof,
^- "I

s blunt straightforward, friend-

exhibit ; a valorous, high-
minded man; ngon^ shiung^ on
^i j
Iv advice ; ngoki ngoky plain
the bank ngon^ sh^ung^ iyon^
Ngoh' spoken advice, of a friend or
a landsman ^sh^ting ngon^ or;
smdi ngon^ to go ashore, to dis-
Used for the two preceding
^J? embark jtnd iUgdi iind ngon*
^\ an
* the
ancient principality, now
modern Hupph a name

boundless and shoreless jcA'i ;


iloi isin ^sh^ung ngon^ the last

of Wuchdngfu ; a boundary.
gg Sound of two persons sing.
aboard goes ashore first the —
last is first ; jtij it'au shV ngon^
jT^j" ing responses. A colloquial
the shore is just behind you,
word up the head, to
to lift
i. e. you've made little pro-
stretch the neck ngoki '-fan ;
gress, a novice kdki ngon^ a

^chiin ifau, to turn the head

beach intervenes, an o^truc-
round ngoki JiO it'au, to raise
tion is in the way.
the head.
p^^ Rude, unpolished, vulgar-
3®fe A large eagle, called ngoki looking robust, rustic ; blunt
^J^lsuki emblematic of marriage. Y^ ;

in speech, unmannerly.
; ;

NGONG. Nf. 329

(362) Ni.
(361) Ngong.
A colloquial word ; to ab-
rtl Great, high dear, high- ;
scond, to hide one's self ; to
priced ; strenuous effort ; to
jij' keep secret ; fdi' tik^ cni imdi,
^ ^ lift the head to look, an atti.
hide quick ini to' maix mati ;
tude of expectation pronoun ;
keep yourself very close.
I, used by females ; Jai ingong,
A colloquial word ; an in.
low, high ; ka? JLs^in Jed ingong <« terrogative, final particle ; a
the price is extravagant pronoun, this, the nearer of
'Jcong U'dV tez'^ (iigongy to two mati ^y^ what
; ^ni, is it ?
Dobly exert one's self, hai^ ini, so ? (.ni 'id,
isn't it

Analogous to the last; to this one, this thing; <ni tiki
this Him sun' 'Ad jii, how shall
rise, as the sun, to issue ;

^ forth ; to raise, to elevate ;

we do now, what's best now?
to look stately ; raised, tall, To accord with, to agree ;
lofty,imposing dear in price concord agreeing a
; near, ;
; ;
ingong ''shau, to carry the head nun ;
a Budhist priest-
jTii Jtu,
high ingong kwav" exorbitant;
ess ; Chung^ .ni, Confucius.
chi^ hV in^ortgjOg'On^, satisfied, A slave girl .ni 'tsz' a maid of ;

joyful from having attained work in a house. Also used for

one's wishes Jiin iUgong, a ;
.ni Jcu, a nun.

fine, erect, portly gait.

A horse which carries its

twittering, a humming to
speak low, a murmuring ;

cndm, the twittering of swal-
head high .ngong iUgong, a
5^^ ;
horse frightened, a prancing
To blush, to color up nuk^;

steed; a white-bellied horse.

.nit to redden, to be ashamed.
(These two characters are also read oiig.)

*5' (The three following characters are also

Simple, silly, rude, doltish ;
sometimes read mi, as in the court dialect.)
of one's head
out ;

ngong' song
, .,;
crazy, wild affi") A bow discharged ; to shoot
acting ngong^ ke' ^kom y^ung^
'^ Ian arrow ; to reach or pervade

acting as if mad ngong^ Hd, ;

c^flJ^J everywhere full, universal. ;

a madman ngong' '^ch'un,

Mi extensive to prevent more, ; ;

still more long, distant .ni

foolish iil ngong' half idiotic,
; ;

stupid ; ngong' hi' wild, half- fto, more ; .ni 'tin, farther
witted ; mati ^ni 'kbm ngong' (ni uti a month old ; (ni ifung,

what's the matter you act so to patch ; to disguise, to hide

silly ? from, to screen; .ni Jsoi, to take

measures against calamity ;
3!E* Pearl-barley, the seeds of .ni lak, Fat^, the past Budba ;
3^ the i'^i plant.
^ytung jchi .ni <.kdt the higher

Tos. DicT. 42
; ;;;

330 Nt NIK.

every time I see it, it constant,

ly grows more vast jni ^ung (363)
patikujo^ the patch is too small.
A vast expanse of water

^mia. iTii, vast, ocean-like ; ini A
big bellied jar ; to abscond,
jTii, everflowing waters. to elude search
; to conceal, to
A monkey jwi jAau, a she ;
hide, to secrete ; to gloss over ;

Mi monkey. hidden, clandestine; nikuming,

A fawn ; the tender young anonymous, to give an alias,

or pseudonyme its'ong niki to
"Mi of animals Jtau, unyean- ;
; iui
ed skins for garments. Also hide away ; nik) song^ to con-

read imai. ceal a parent's death and not

The second person, thou
to put on mourning — a crime ;

niki pi^ to be concealed, to lie

Ni 'ni tik^ or ^ni ki^ your's ; ^ni W perdu.
you ; ^ni '^kiu mati imeng, what
is your name
? ^ngo ts'au' 'ni,
The sun drawing near ; time
you and near at hand ; daily, familiar
both of us; 'ni I, Nih
intercourse with to be near.
chung'wai^ all you gentlemen. ;

A father's tablet in the an. To be near, to draw near ;

cestral temple ; an ancestral
to stop ; settled. Like the
hall to carry a tablet about.
Bigoted, attached to to Small eyes.
Ni doat on ; Jcu nV pat) (fung, set Nih
in his way, deaf to reason ni^ ; 1^ Secret vice, depraved heart
tU (fung'shui, bigotedly attach- ^'wicked, dissolute, lewd, filthy,
ed to geomancy ; ni' iyan^ one malicious ; to gloss over vice,
set on gratifying his passions, to act the hypocrite ; to plunge
one lost to reproof. into vice, to do evil ; the moon
kind of dumpling or pie, when seen after sunrise ^yan ;

cakes, pastry, a tit-bit ; a bait niki to hide one's evil acts ;

for fish an enticement, allure,
; (jfcdn nik, profligate, licentious
ment, temptation to entice, ; (Sau niki to reform one's wick-
to tempt to take a bait; tiu? ; ed ways nih lU ok-> tsdpi to

ni' to angle with bait /dm ; abandon one's self to vile

ni' to love nice things; '^fan practices.
n9 flour cakes. A feeling of shame, to be
Grease, hardened fat ; gross, r' ashamed at what one has
fat,smooth, oily ; ni' chai^ done isau niki ashamed.
Ni ;

uneasy in the stomach, indi. To grasp, to catch hold of

gestible ; ni^ kdki overloaded ]^*to provoke, to excite to battle.
stomach jj/aMnPoily, greasy
A colloquialword to carry in ;

sai' «i' ichi kin^ little ideas, the hand, to bring ; nih Jnit
notional, whimsical ;
.fi ni' bring it here ; nik> Jed tih carry
very greasy, as food. it higher.
— ;; ;;

NIK. NlM. NlN. 331

B^ Wrangling between brothers A silure or bull-head, a mud

Kt' litigations, quarrels, mutual
fish. One account describes
contentions bitter animosi. ; it as a reptile like a siren.
ties nik) han^ reciprocal ha.
j*^ Usually read iChim,
tred ; Jiing taP iiiki lii its'iung,
reflect upon, to consider,
brothers quarreling in their
toponder in the mind, to think
house nik) tsung- two per-
; Niea
on with pleasure ; to repeat
sons bringing actions against
memoriter to chant in a set ;

each other before courts.

tone, to read loud, to drone ;
ip A break to stop or check a thoughts, reflections, inten-
"ijr* carriage to chock a wheel.
tions nim^ to think of;

^jj^ Sorry, mournful, from hun. nim' nim^ pah itnong, constant
^*'ger; to long for, to hunger remembrance of; jwdi nim^ to
after ; anxious thought. bear in mind ; nirn^ it'au, in-
^ To sink,
--^-to be drowned
to drown one's
to put
tentions, purpose, design; nim'
'^sfio (long nim* to bend the
the water ; to stifle, to sufFo- mind to ; 7iim^ iking, to chant
cate ; sunk in vice, lost to all prayers kwd^ nirn^ to doubt

reproof, reprobate ;
greedy, about, in suspense nim'ch^uki ;

passionately fond of, given up fu} ^md, to think upon one's

to ; niki 'nri, female infanti- parents nim' 'Ad kau- its'ing,

cide; hdmhiiki ik^iiman., to lead to recall a former affair nim* ;

the people into danger ; niki Fall to repeat Budha's name.

ov' a blind love for, love-sick ;

niki given to drink, an


inebriate niki iming, ambi-

(365) Nin.
tious of fame; niki '^shui, drown,
ed, submerged, shipwrecked.
iNin. A colloquial word milk

^yavi cnin, to suck ; chuU tnin,

(364) Nim. to take the breast.
^p A revolution of the seasons,
^Z** a year years of one's life
; :

take with the fingers, to shiu' ^nin, or jnin <herig, young
^jP handle ; to carry ; ikwai, mm Hd inin, or inin '^ki idi- aged,
to draw lots ; (jiim 'Ai tsaur tsd^ old ch*uty swin or §ning aiin,

make ready and then do it next year kavr iiiin, or Aix'


<niw (hittngt to take incense jnin, last year ijnin iuin, every ;

for worship; ^m ^nimlak-, cKuU year, yearly ^nin 'tai, ^nin ^mi ;

it can not be taken out ; inim or inin hnnn, the close of the
(fan ilai, bring it back ; Ai' year chii^ j/jin, yearly con-

tTiim crtim, panting for breath ;

tract of a laborer, a servant
tTiim pi* to catch by the nose hired by the year ,nin /au, ;

a vain hold. the first of the yt-ar tdi" yau ;

; ;;;

832 NfN. NING.

snirt, a prosperous year ; imdi <^1 ^®^*' repose, tranquillity,

iTiin, drawir)g to the end of 'JT[ I
quiet ; to bring peace, to wish
the year ; pdi' s.nin, newyear j-^ peace to, to salute, to quiet

congratulations Jau inin, a ; /^ I

to prefer, what one had rather
dangerous year in one's fate ;
KFn J have ; rather, better, more
tsd^ cnin, to perform newyear a term of compa-
desirable ;

rites -kam itiin, this year s'w

rison, followed by a negative ;

'Ad ifiin its'ing, an unlucky, ining ''ho ^sz' pati hu' 1 had
disastrous year; inin Jcang pat, rather die than go ining iin^ ;

tsz^^ the eight characters of the I prefer, I had rather ; lOn

birth hour, used in the horo- ining, quiet (kwai repose ;

scope kdh itiin ^fung, about

; ining, a bride's visit to her
the same age paU tsun^ if in ;
parents ; sning tsing^ tranquil
sTtin, has not filled up his full times, no wars 'ti ining, three ;

destiny. years' retirement from office

<^ Read ^lun ; flesh cut into to mourn for one's parents
j^f pieces, minced ;
jerked meat, swd iuing Jiim, humility is
A colloquial word ; a slice best, nothing like being hum-
of meat, a slice or thin piece ; ble. —The second form is the

yaU ^nin, a slice. contraction ordered to be used

'^ To work over in the fingers, when the Emperor Taukwdng
j|5«^ to roll over, to make by finger- reigned.
ing ; to play with ; to tread, V^ A tree, whose bark steeped
to follow ; '^nin (Sd, to fondle the ^y in spirits, is used medicinally ;

beard ; ikon '^shau Jean, to

'^nin ining iVnung, limes, lemons;
wring a napkin dry ; 'nfn chv} ining iTnung '^shui, lemon juice.
k'u 'keng, twist its neck ; ''nin
n^ To order iting iningt to;

iTnd, to felt hair or wool. This - "^ caution, to reiterate orders, to

character is sometimes read charge straitly.
Read ^ning, a colloquial
word ^ning ^ning 'hd, the tot-

tering, unsteady gait of a

(366) Ning. .
Chinese lady.
t}-i Eloquent, insinuating, per-

To pull and haul, to throw

^ ^"^
.skilled in
; talkative, flattering,
speech, artful, spe-
cious smart, or ready in
ij'j into confusion ds^iung dfiing, ;

to upset and tumble.


reply ; Mn
ning^ treacherous,
A colloquial word ;
to bring, subtle; 'chim nmg^^ cringing;
to take, to carry in the hand ^ngo paU ning^ 1 am unready
itiing ilaU bring it here ; lUing of speech.
saP hu' taken away aU cuing ;
colloquial word to turn ;

(hoi, take it off*; (fiing (fan with the fingers, to twine

^chiinit'au, bring it back again. around, to twirl, to whirl

NlP. NIT. XIU, 333

to twist ilo {W' nm^a wrench,

Pincers, pliers, hair tweezers,
a screw-driver ; ning^ lat^ ko^ forceps ; a fish-snare ; to pull
nap:, Heng, untwist the knob ; out ; nipi Hsz' (or kap^ Hsai ia
(tiu Jciu 'nau ning^ flighty, colloquial) a pair of pincers.
hoydenish ning^ ^chun ^Cau,; Interchang&ii-with the two
turn your head around ning^ last; a small basket.
(Ch'i iTn^, to twirl a teetotum ;
Topinch up with the fingers,
its'ui (fung ning^ a weather
to take a pinch; to take up
bird, a trimmer, an unstable Nieh
with tongs or pincers a pinch, ;

man. a pugil nipi isz' to shake out


A surname. skeins of silk ; nipi yaU nipi

Ning take a pinch yaU nipi ihung,;

Miry ni^ ning^ muddy, slip,

; a " pinch of red," is the mow.
pery and slimy, as roads after tan flower.
a rain. Fatigued, wearied out, ex-
hausted ; ishfti nipi unable to
perform one's duties.
(367) Nip.

To collect or scratch to-

(368) Nit.
>gether with the fingers ; to
^^EiJ work or pinch up with the
Nieh fingers ; to trump up a story,
A colloquial word ; to seize, to
clasp play with, to toy
to make a pretext to injure

with ; 'nan nUt, to play with ;

one ; to foist in, to usurp;
ham} to involve others by nUi ^keng, to seize by the
false charges nipi ^'iu tsiiP ;

to charge a crime on one

nipi hung' to inform against (369) Niu.
falsely ; nipi tsd' to insinuate
i^ Black mud at the bottom of XT Branches of a tree even at
puddles; to blacken, to mud-
dy, to stick in the mud defil- ;
Su the top.
A colloquial word ; small,
ing ; nipi ip'un, " the defiling nice, delicate, pretty, natty,
vessel," i. e. the world — tapering Cdi" ^niu taki Jtwdn

Budhistic phrase ; name of a hai^ too small by far ; 'shau

river. kwat, (niu, delicate, taper
:^ To whisper, to lisp or mutter, fingers ; (Uiu csiu, attenuated,
j^^" to put the mouth to another's becoming small ^ch'^ung emu ;

ear whisperings a surname.

; ;
tniu, ridiculously long.

5^ To tread on, to step upon ;

s^ A bird; general name for
^^'to ascend, to go up nipi tsuk-, ;
*^ aves; the 196th radical of cha.
to lift or point at with the feet. racters relating to birds ; rf-
;; ;;

334 NO. N6.

'niti, a flying bird; '»iti Miung to borrow of, to embezzle

a fowling-piece, a gun ; '/liii its'o 5«o, to rub in the hands ; j/io
}dn or ^niu ich'du, an aviary ; ihoitik, move it away a little
kwo* tsMn '/ut2, a culverin, a fTio '^chiin, turn it around ;
jingal. ils'oi '^chic Hd, to flatter a rich
A parasitic creeper, like the man ; itio ^yau, to rub on: paint;

ivy ^niu Jo ichi its'an, related cno iWO, to weed grain.

like a parasite said by parties flRj To transfer, to apply to
negotiating marriage. t
'"'[another than the right use;
^ An excellent horse ; to tie a
horse with silken fringes.
^jjj in which senses and tone it
No is like the last. To terminate,
i^gg to rest peaceful, contented
Delicate, like a girl ; long, ; ;

slender, easily moved, like

shau^ fuki pat, ^no, to

Nidu enjoy no great happiness.

waving willow branches; a
hum continuous sound ; ^niu -j^n Agreeable, affable elegant ;

; *niu, curling upwards, like in. ^" gaitof a lady V»'ti 'mo, beauti. ;

censq ; ^/liri 'no, wriggling, ful, graceful ; cO '/to, handsome.

squirming, like a worm ; the Glutinousrice, called "old
',} man's rice," and grown
mincing gait of a lady. ^ in

g^>] Urine ; Zdi^ nttiMo urinate

^ji^" j
drier fields than the common
/^^j '^in sleep niii} iU, a chamber- No '
kind; it is used for distilling;

met. soft, without energy, no

«&' J pot niii' kap^ urgent to piss
firmness; no'^mai Hsau, sweet,
Niau /au^ nm^ncontinence of urine.
The second character is only ish spirit ; no^ ^mai 'keng, a
used as a verb ; to make water.
mild, spiritless man.
iffij- ]
Infirm of purpose, timid,
apprehensive, soft ; no^ yiuki
l^j ;>

(370) No. i^n j

w^ak, fearful ; 'sAui nci^ weak
No as water.

To walk in a measured pace,

a genteel step soft, yielding
(371) No.
No ;

to exorcise, to perform cere-

monies tu expel apestilence, or •Art A slave, one bought with
the demons which cause it ; (i "<V^ money or sentenced to slavery;
jTiw, slender, graceful. an abject ; slavish ; a term of
rub between the hands,
contempt ;
jnd itsoi, your slave,
} to make round by rubbing used for 1, by Manchus in
t^r ] to rub, to burnish or polish by addressing the emperor ; ^nd
No rubbing ; to move to rub off; ;
puki a bond servant ifid 'p'i, ;

to rub on paste or paint ; to a slave girl '^shau its'oi j«d, a ;

transfer, to misapply to an- stingy fellow chuk^ jwd, a ;

other use to flatter, to praise; ;
bamboo bolster; ,tong jtid,

i«o j, to move away ;

jio tse' serving like a slave.
; — ;;;

n6. NOI. 335

«^^ I
''^ ^^''^ ' ^y children; a jff^i Anger, displeasure, fury, ire,
"^^ } bird's weakly, tail ; soft, j^" passion, indignation vigor, ;

s^p" what needs soothing; its'ai

mettle, spirit to be angry, to ;

Nu jTid, my
wife and children jwd ; get into a passion nd^ hV ;

jnd, weakly, said by females. tshiung Jcon, anger hurts the

A weak old horse, a broken liver ; fdt^ nd^ in a rage, an.
down steed iVd iCoi, a weak gry no^ shih flushed with
Nu ; ;

old a worn out

horse ; met. anger ; iwai nt^ sternness ; nd*
statesman, a term used by hi\ch'ung ikfirif his rage lifted
themselves. up his cap.
'm Vexed, annoyed, angered,
•^ indignant ; to feel irritated,
resentful ; ^nd han^ irritated, (372) Noi.
resentful ifdn ^nd, annoyed

and displeased yal^ "^ku Vid ;

Ai' a fit of anger, in a rage. Within, inside, inner, inter-

^^^ ^'^^''^ g'ossy, like nal ; in ; that which is within,
~kM] ' Nui
marrow; ^nd^ts^ung the brain •
the inclosed; near to, personal,
y ^

privy ; amongst in the midst

PiJ'fld toi^ the skull; 'nd k'oi' ;

Nau the brain-pan ; ^nd hau^ kin} of; the inner or female ap.
to see the jaws before the
(Soiy artments ; family, private the ;

brain —
when looked at from inwards ; noi^ /'lu, inside of
behind, is a bad phrenological it ; noi^ li^ the Inner Land
sign smd ifmt ^nb, " no head
China ; tsin^ noi^ or noi^ lyan,
or brains," inexplicable, unable my wife ;
itsun noi^ your wife ;
to understand, no head for; not' koki the Privy Council
imprudent. tdi' noi^ the hareem (Sham ;

-r|2] The cornelian, opal, forti. hak, ^^ng noi^ deeply engraved
^^yfication agate, and chalced- on my bowels ^yau noi^ jis^oi, ;

'Jjij ony, called ^md ^nd ; the striae has book-learning, theoretical

N4u in the best sorts resemble the noi^ chati nephew

a wife's
head of a horse. noi^ iwan, inwhich it is said,
^M^ A ballista or crossbow, con. abovementioned said in a —
trived to shoot several arrows, letter; paU tsoi^ noi^ is not
and set as traps for animals included, extra ; noi^ kuri^ ^chi
fong^ shoot a crossbow ;
^nd, to pd' stop at the women's room.
ik'6ung ^nd (Chi muti like the A kind of buUace or wild
weakness of a discharged bow plum, sour yet edible ; to
— a great cry and little wool. meet with, occur; an adver.
To exert strength, to ago- sative particle; how, in what
nize for, to strive, to put forth way ? a remedy, a resource
a last effort energy, force, a ; noi^ s'lo, to endure, to submit

desperate exertion 'nd liki ; to —

as noi^AO(t' in, to be resign,
Jiang shin' to do good with ed *o heaven noi^ iko, noi^ iho,

all one's energies. what shall we do now what .'

;;; ;;;;

336 .NOK. NOxNG. NU.

must be done? 'md noi^ Jio,
there's no resource, no help (374) Nong.
for it ch'uty jii jmd noi* must

make up my mind to it ; nop

taki maU Jio, what will you do j^ -A- bag, a sack a purse ; met.

then ? noi^ mat-, ^ngo ^ho, how 'isSig

property ; Jiang ^nong, a tra-
can you help my doing it ? vehng bag, baggage; ^nong
hV noi^ Jio,
Oio,could not help it.
or jWid 'ho noi^ chung, an empty bag poor
Hsau iuong fdv} toi^ you wine

jiaj i To shave the whiskers as a
UA punishment to bear with, to ;
sack and rice bag you lazy
lubber jp'i sjiong, a leather

suffer, to endure, to forbear, to bag its'ing {nong, the Green

undertake, to be patient with ; —

Bag a work on geomancy
patience ; patient. In colloqu- 'Ardi inong, one's purse.
ial, a time, a period of endur- MljT The pulp of a squash or
ance ; ^mb 'Ai noi^ not a long ^y^ melon a whitish pulp or pith,

time 'Ad noi^ a good while ;

^ as is in the pith-paper plant
noi? ^kau, a long time kbm* ; mucus of the nose ; Hd iUong
no^ so long ; '^yan noi^ endur- Jiwd, poured out the melon's
ance, forbearance ; noi^ kwdn' pulp —
empty, hollow ; itung
well used to it; j'm noi* tah tkwd {nongf a flaw in a gem.
insufferable ; j'w noi {fan, im- ^^^ In former times, days gone
patient of trouble, can not be j^ by ; passed by ; previously ;

bothered ; Hang noi^ tik-, wait ^nong yafi a few days ago,
a little ; noi^ noi^ Joi ^hd, come lately ; ^nong sik) anciently.
in a while ; 'Ao not^ k6^
little -4^ To push away by force, to
tyan, an old acquaintance noi^ ; J^^ drive off violently ; /tit ^nong^
*ldng, to bear the cold not ;
= to thrust away.
sing' patient, persevering.

(375) Nu.^
(373) Nok.
*^ A female ; an unmarried wo-

S^ A reply, a nod, an assent

^ man, a girl ;

feminine, female; the 38th ra-

a daughter

^*?^an answer of approbation; dical of characters relating to

ying' noki to answer a call women and vice the 10th of ;

yati noki one word

its in ikarn^ the 28 constellations, part of
(or promise) is as a thousand Aquarius ; -nUiVan, a woman ;
taels ; noki imd V noki one ^nu Hsaiy a girl ; 'si'ii ^nu, my
promise and no two words daughter ; '^ch'u 'nfi, a young
ishing itnung Jcam noki I have lady ; /ung ^nii, a girl under
received your golden {i. e. cer- ten years ; chati ^nii, a neice ;
tain) promise. Ming it'au '/jfi, an unengaged
;; ' ;


girl ; ^nii ^lau, the women ings are changeable, i. e. are

\fu ^niif wives and daughters, cold and hot ; ^nini ip'o, a bed-
women generally ;
'/lii (.chung warmer, made of metal to hold
ch^ng^ (fu, a masculine wo- hot water '««« 'niin iik, rather

man ;
^sin '««, a fairy ; ^nii tdri' too warm
'pdu ^niin, filled and

an actor of female parts ^nu ;

warmed, well taken care of.
Jid ^'au, of my wife's family ;
-g© The genial warmth of the
ikung ^nii, maids of honor jij^^sun agreeable warmth, like

a white crockatoo.
siiti li ^niiy a pleasant spring day warm ;

Read nii^; to marry a daughter warmed ; (ko ^niin ^shau, to

out ; to give a daughter in warm the with thehands
marriage. breath ; cfung 'niin, a genial
breeze ; ikam yati ^nun 'Ad cto»
it is much warmer to-day.
,376) Nuk. -|^ Food presented to superiors ;

daughter just after her mar-

To be ashamed nuh <nt. to •,

^nun ^ong fdv^ a wed-

riage ;

blush. To be accustomed to, ding feast given at the bride-
groom's house ^niin ch^uk-, a ;
Analogous to the preceding
M^ ashamed, a feeling of shame ;
bridal feast a house-warming —
Nuh ^t- Delicate, tender, small
its'dm nuk] mortified.
^^ young, immature, not fully
To bleed at the nose, thought grown weak, slender soft,
; ;
•to arise from fright a defeat,
Nuh ;

fine supple ; ci^in kV niin' of

a discomfiture ;
to be routed.
tender years ; sai^ nun^ fine and
A colloquial word ; to work
tender, like early leaves ; niin*
over or tread with the feet, as
Hsai,a stripling niin' Jam, a ;

in rubbing or mixing things,

light blue 'ni cshang iaki niin'
to press under foot nuki ^yi, ;
you are very young-looking ;
to knead with the feet nuki ;

(kiu niin^ delicate, fresh com-

ch'ut^ch'eung, bowels stamped
out, as when pressed to death
plexion; 7d —
opposites nti/i^are

in a crowd.
old — young yuk> niin^ flabby, ;

soft flesh ; nun^ ip'i, soft leather.

(377) Nun. (378) Nung.

'H^ '^'^ warm, to put near a fire iHt I'o toast.

.r^ warm, an agreeable warmth, Hungu A colloquial
^ word to scorch,. "*
; '

like a gentle fire warmed to burn or dry up in cooking

; ; ;

met. warm feelings, friendly browned, burnt, as in roasting , ;

^nijn hV a warm breath it/an s'wi 'chu laky !^nung, don't cook

its'ing Hang 'nun., people's feel- it to burn it ; ^shiu Id' Jiung^

ToN. DiCT. 43
.; ;;

339 NUNG. NUT. O.

done brown ; mung 'At fro' '^nin

min' to scowl, to look cross; iho
ipdu jiung Jeng, not a copper (379) Nut.
in my purse the words <nung ;

tteng are an imitation of the
Portuguese words nad tenho.
§li^ To stammer, to stutter to
To cultivate the ground, to P'l|'yspeak slowly and hesitating-
1^^ delve and dig; to plant, to "p^ij ly sparing of words; cau.

SOW; agriculture; ctiung ,fu, Nuh tious, embarrassed in doing,

a farmer s.nung kd, husband-; unready ; ^hau nuli stuttering ;
men pah iWai {nung iShi, don't
; nutiHsui, to pout; shiti ^fau
interfere with the times of null an impediment in speech ;
sowing. yuki null ju iin, desirous to re.
<^ I ; cO iUung, 1, myself ; -k'ii strain his words ikam ikai nuh ;

h''"^^'^; ^ pronoun
N^ff-**""^' ^^' Peruvian bark.
used in the Tdng dynasty.
^/S, Thick, as liquids spiced, ;

L^ seasoned rich, strong, as in. ;

fusions or flavors heavy, as ;
„ dew nervous, terse, as style ;

kind, hearty ^jiung tarn- are ;

opposites, as light and shade U'pT'j A mound an undulating ;

in pictures, rich and \freak, in '

jj. Kidge; the declivity of a moun-
flavors ; iUung ich'd, strong tea; (jiPj
tain a river bank ; one side ;

iTiung shui^ Jing deep sleep ;

O '
or end higher than the other ;

*/ii iTiung ifsHngf avail of your distorted, prejudiced near to ; ;

great kindness ;
inung Ji^ung, to lean against the beam of ;

a high flavored aroma iTiung ; a house to flatter, to cringe


itni, thick eyebrows iUung ; to to answer, to assent

; a ;

(yam, a thick shade. final particle, denoting who ?

ffiffi Analogous to the preceding ;
what ? with frequently a con-
^P^ rich, generous,high flavored, dition or choice included in
or strong, as wine iUung ^tsau, ; the idea an exclamation, O ; \

good wine. Ah alas used in sorrow or

! !

fite Pus, matter in ulcers slough. ; surprise ; an initial particle,

^ » Jng to rot away, as stubble

; used before names, when it
n ung 1 c i ' ..

iTiung '5/iut, pus inung hul^ ; is usually read a'; cO mi-fung^

bloody pus ktin' iUung, ripe, ;
iShing, to servilely flatter
as a boil nipy ^nung ch'ut:, to; tOiufung^ iShing ^ngo, he sim.
squeeze a boil 'au inung ^ to ; pers at my words, sycophancy


spue pus a vile speech. 'pi ^ngo '^fai cO, will you let
5gr Thick, close set, as growing me see it ? tO ngai- assafcetida
grain cnung mati thick, luxu. (O (ni it'ofati Araida Budha,
"^J^ ;

riant, as shrubs. sometimes used as an cxcla.

; ;;

o. 330

matlon of devout recognition,

asOBudha!cOcA:o,Sir,OSir; (38!) o.
mat:, 'j/^ cO, Oh, what is it ? tai^
yaf, fdi' kwo' shan't
-ni cO, I
ffiS Warm ;
to warm, to put fire
send you a piece ?
a vessel
"» in to boil or stew, ;

A helve, an a ax handle ;
as in cooking meats and ve-
large branch a helve, a fit for getables to warm in water ; ;

stalk ; a means, a cause a ;

cd yuki to stew pot-luck ; td

go-between chap^ (O fat, jO,

ichdi, to stew vegetables (d ;

to cut one helve with another, shvki or id iTiam, stew it well.

To bake or steam under a
to use another's agency ito ;
c^ "> lid ; same as the last. Usually
ts6^ '^ni chap, thank you
tO, I'll 1^
^ read ngd\
^0 be my agent or go-between.
J^ To kill, to slaughter, to ex-
Aquartzose gem, milky terminate; to fight in disregard
^^^ quartz or white chalcedony, '^u
of death ; a pan or broadish.
of inferior value a sea conch,
J^ To grind. A colloquial word;

with a white naker, used in *° reach after with the hand ;

ornamerl'tal work Nffau
; lO Jcam, iiUid takitd^ I can't reach up
pure gold. to it : td ^un tih reach out a
•^ Excellent to ; commend little further.
'^J may, might, can to be able
'J^ A robe, an outer garment
to be good or well off.
jy'^^ asort ofskin garment; ich'^ung
^ 'd, a long gown or robe jmi/i
^^ Wheels connected with the ;

*^ * axles, with each other

or :
a cotton jacket.

7id»i cO, carriages dragging Vexed, angry to regret ;

heavily, going slowly from the Ngan ^'^^ricious 'd haiv' to hate 'd ; ;

roughness of the road imped- ;

hid, angry, irritated 'd wdi^ ;

jtai, to brood angrily over a

ed, disappointed d' lO, the

infantile name of Mencius. thing, so as to injure one's

self, a fit of the sulks,
*^i I Undecided ;
<o ^no, weak, 'ft^ A large kind offish, eatable,

delicate, like a woman. Ne^u^"^ brought to market in
o Macao in winter.
il Disease, severe
sickness ;
'iM An old woman, an old
_^ i'Aau<o, sores about the mouth; -""^""y ^he goddess spirit of

fitp| convulsions or fits in little the earth.

O children. fia^* The south-west corner of a
A large fish, a kind of sciaena, j^^ dwelling, where one can be
called iy^ung ^sho cO, the sea retired ; deep, remote recon-
Ko ;

comb. dite, mysterious, obscure

MTo to go to
void excrements
stool ; cO Am/)
; ^o '^shi,
to pass
within, further than one has
penetrated to collect, to be;

blood ; (0 niu^ to make water. thick d' miu- not easy

; to
340 01. 01.

understand csham o^ deep, as ; l-f^ Drops of water, water trick-

a valley abstruse, as philo- ; ^^- ling ;
moki po' 1 can
tkun loi

sophy. Used for the next, not requite [your kindness to

i^* A bank, a high shore a ; the extent of] a drop of water.
jP^ bay, an inlet, a cove, a deep ^"1 To sigh to respond, to ;

bight, which ships can
in *-^> answer; to belch; a sound
shelter ^ a dock fdr repairing
iV^ or ejaculation of regret (Oi
j ;

ships ; O^ ^miin, Macao ^K't Ngai oi^ hushaby words used by

; !

o' the^ island of Kee-ow iNdm nurses in quieting a child.


tdi^ O^ Lantao js/m/i (.mdi o^ ; «^ Foggy, heavens obscured by

the ship came jnto the cove ; "
vapor, misty clouds and va- ;
(kam yati hu' O' he went to pors commingled; ^ts'^ung (wan
Macao to-day; iNdm d' Namoh. 'oi 'Oh snowy clouds and genial

^ Interchanged with

^^y ceding; a square

the pre-
piece of
Cloudy, obscure sun hidden ;

ground ; an even, flat, open by clouds; 'oi toi^ dull; that

ground like a plateau. which can relieve a dim aighl
spectacles, said to have been
brought from Malacca.
(382) Oi. Beautiful and luxuriant vege-
tation ; thick, shady, flourish-
ing; fine, personable, graceful;
To grieve for, to lament, to 'oi "-oi kat) sz'^ accomplished,
compassionate; to commiser- scholarlike persons, who can
ate, to feel for, to condole with help the sovereign ; jzoo ^oi,

one ; sad, pained, grieving ;

dignified, pleasing.
lamentable, grievous urgent- ;
Sun hidden by clouds; to
ly, heartily pity, grief, com- Ngii obscure, to cloud over ; 'oi 'oi,

miseration, sorrow, lamenta- moon behind clouds ; '^oi mui^

tion ; loi iUn, to pity, to sym- to do things confusedly, care-
pathize with other's griefs not tidy.

toi (tsoi, how sad, alas ! ^oi Hsz' Like, similar simulated ; ;

a motherless child lOi mfv} hard to see ; '^oi iin, as if,

; Ngai
^mo, alas, my
parents ^pi coi, !
likely ; '^oi yap^ to pant, short
to sorrow huk^ to wail and
; coz of breath.
cry ; toi 'Aan, urgently request ^> To love, to take delight in,
7io lamentable
cOi, iOi coi, ;
„^. to feel attached to; to think
sh^iing' ko' with bitter grief is
^ on joyfully to want, to desire

this presented a phrase in — to be sparing of; kind regard,

attachment the object
petitions ; ^oi ^oi tung^ huk:, love, ;

sorrow and weeping.

bitter of love, the beloved ; sparing,
Fine dust, such as is raised forbearing of, tender of; ds'an
by the wind; <,cfi an ioi, dust oV mutual love, friendship
settled on things. Cimg^ oV to love tenderly, an
OK. OW. 341

anxious fondness for ling^ oV ?5 ; Different colored clays

your daughter iUi oi' koi' tiki ^^l white or washed clay for

I don't want it ^ho oP lovely, ; crockery to wash or plaster ;

amiable (Sara '«/to oi^ what

walls, to whitewash plaster ;

one likes, pleasurable oV uh an unplastered wall.


kapi ct2, I like your house and

the crows too iinung ^ni kwd' ;

oV many thanks for your great

(384) Om.
kindness ; oP sik:, yak Hsz' spar-
ing of time '/it oi' tah ito, you

want too much oV hoki 'Ad, I ] A round hut, a thatched

> cottage, a straw hovel for
want you to imitate the good
soldiers or guard a pig-sty ;
tsoi' oV " mistaken love," w j
— ;

Ngan a nunnery csz' cku ibm, a ;


polite phrase, meaning, I am

Budhist nunnery yapi idm, to ;
unworthy your regard oi^ 'ki ;
become a nun ^om it'ong, a ;
iSuoi\yan, as you love your-
self, you should love others.
A^ A quail ; cowi ishun, a quail,
I^T under which two or three
^ species of Coturnix are includ.
(383) Ok.
ed ; Jnng ^dm, quails beaten in

fight, which are then put aside

55, Bad, intentionally bad for the table.

N^h V'<^'0"^» wicked, evil ; vile, j^ I

To cover, to hide, to screen,
ugly ; deformed, ungracious ;
)^^ by } putting something on ; to
filthy, coarse, sordid ; unfor- Jg! extinguish, to suppress; ^dm
tunate, unlucky. In colloquial, Ngan chii^ "^hau, to put the hand

used for hard, difficult, unplea- over the mouth ^ch^ 'dm paty ;

sant to do or get through with ;

chii^ can not be hid 'dm chii^ ;

ok:, <yan, a bad man ; kom^ oh it'au hoh to lean the head on

Hdfdt) hard to send him off, the hand 'pi ^shau 'dm chii^

such a troublesome fellow, as — cover it with your hand ; ^dm

a beggar ; oki Jiang, not easy mail Jo 'ku, " muffle the gong,"
to go ; (hung ok:, malicious, t. e.keep it quiet; 'dm <fung
truculent ; oh ''kong, hard to Jcam, to play a piano 'dm miti ;

speak; under constraint in say- to put out, as fire to quash ;

ing it ; oh sin, vile language ;

'dfTi pdh sWiai itnung, blind*
kwan^ oh unscrupulous and man's buff; 'dm chu} ^k'ii
bad oh ^yau oh po' wicked-
(Sh^ung ^ngdn, blindfold his
ness brings a wicked retribu- eyes; 'dm mah to feel the
tion ; '^ch'au oh vile,' ugly, pulse ; 'dm pui' '^shau to give
filthy oh ilong Jong, wolfish,
hush-money, to bribe. The
fierce oh ch'ul} tati incompar-
firstcharacter is read 'm, but
ably bad shin^ oh the good and
: also used with this meaning in
bad ; ok: tso- not easily done. the ping shing.
342 6M. ON.

<5ft Accustomed, skilled in, vers-

J*^ ed ; to know, fully acquainted (385) On.
with ; knowing thoroughly,
to commit to memory, to re-
cite, to chant or repeat ; 'dm !fc Still, settled, quiet; repose,
lin^ well practiced in, mature
*^®^*' tranquillity peaceful,
j'm 'dm shai' its'ing, unac-
Nedn ;

safe, calm at ease, uncon. ;

quainted with the world 'dm ;

strained ; to settle, to rest, to
tsung^ to repeat exactly. make easy, to tranquillize ; to,
^HH To shut the door, to with- remain at rest, to be content-
J^' draw from society, to retire ed an interrogative particle,

from ; retired, dark, an ob- how, how could ? where ? A

scure recess ; ignorant, dark colloquial word to place on, ;

minded ; badly lighted ; even- to lay down ; to put ; tOn loki

ing an eclipse 'dm jWi^in ts^
; ;
joy, pleasure csam, ; ^ni cOn
hAki to decline to see friends make yourself easy Hd con, to ;

'd/n y^uki unenlightened. soothe old people cOn 'hdung ;

*fflfc Dark, pitch dark, dark as tdi- p'ing, to enjoy the plea-
^H midnight ; astonied and silent, sures of peace ; d'au lOn, " to
as if lost in amazement; K'ap:, steal leisure," — lazy ; <o« 7jd,
'^Om a distinguished statesman towish peace to cOn '/an, ;

of the Hdn dynasty. contented with one's lot iishan

^^X* Dissatisfied, sorrowful, dis- H'ai him' lon, indisposed, out
contented humble, not pre-
; of sorts cOn cc/ii haP how do
sumptuous. Read /dm, to you know it ? j. e. you do not —
covet, to desire. know ;
sti ^kam ^on tsoi^ where
pJt' Sun obscured by clouds or is he now .' lon shi' (On (fi, to
J^l^ otherwise ;
dark, dimly light- lay down right and wrong
* ed, sombre ;
gloomy, not shin- (On wai' to console, to quiet
ing bright clandestine, un-
; con iindicpin ch'u' where shall
observed, secret, underhand ;
I put it? cO« chV put it down;
dull, not perspicacious ; pri. (On 'wan, put it down careful-
vate, mental ; kak^ bm' dark ;
ly ; lOn (kd, to give advance
tfin shiki dm' a dark day dang
money, an allotment ; ^on siki
dm^ a dim lamp; dm' 's^ung, yati the sabbath ; con siA;, Jiiung^
to think over ; Hd dm' hd- to gum benjamin ; ton ik'ai {cVd,
give a hint dm^ iChung tsd^
; Ankoi tea, from the S.W. of
sz'^ to do things in the dark Fuhkien lOn indm kwok-, ;

dm' muL^ dull of perception iho ;

Cochinchina Hh6ung loki ;

tpdu dm' ^iiam, a full purse, ip'ing peace attend

ton, let
well supplied with cash ; dm' allgoing in and out con tun* ;

(kdn, in the dark dm' Hiu, it ; to make all ready, to provide

is now night ; dm' hoi' to privi- things ; cOn tso^ to sit quietly,
ly injure. firmly seated ; man^ (On, to in-
ox. ONG. PA. 343

quire after one's health ;

^on according to, by'; on' ttf^ \hiu
Jai ^kong, to make up a story ;
<rigan, to pay wages by the
otC (t'in ishan, the god placed month ; on' fat] according to
in courtyards. law ;
on' iping, to halt troops
A saddle ; ^md i6n, a saddle ; on' long' a pledge ; to pawn, to

Nffan "^ ^^" ik'iu, an arched bridge. mortgage ; '^shau on' isam ^t'au,

^^' A an official table, a

table, to lay the hand on the heart;
on' ch'dt, c«'. the provincial
^^> bar or bench before a judge ;

that which is on his table, a judge on' chif 'kdm tsd^ fdU

case in law, an action a ;

do it just like the other ; on' k&
sentence, a decision to exam- according to the evidence on' ;

iDe,totry judicially, to decide chu^ ^hd, let it be for a while.

cases placed in order, serial

a limit or frontier a cup or ;

goblet oa' 'iii/i, papers relat-
; Q^^^
ing to a case on' its'ing, the ;

circumstances of a case ; on'

iyau, the merits of a case yat:, -^' A basin, a pitcher, a sort of ;

kin^ ori' a case in court kav}

Y^^" tureen full, abundant, like;

oiv" an old case; 'sham on' to try the sound of water overflow-
a case teng' on' to decide a
; ing ^ngd ong' potsherds, bro- ;

case tsoi^ on' is on record, is

; ken pottery.
in court on' its'in, before the ;

court, at the bar mo it'au ;

Jcung on^ illegal, unaccount- (387) Pa.

able ; on' ^shau, first on the list
of scholars at the examina-
tions in the district and pre- CO The crust in a rice boiler ;
fecture yat:> fu' Jiiung on' a 'pT* an ancient principality in the

set of tutenague censers ; ^fdn southeast part of Sz'chuen ; a

on' to revise a case tiu- on' to python ; tpd shukia. name still

appeal ming^ on' a case of ;

applied to Sz'chuen ; ^Pd ^ling,
murder ; pdk^ on' to slap the a district in Hundn ; a blow,
table on' Hai tdi^ ito, many
; a clap of the hand to gather ;

times brought up in court. or bring together a sign of ;

Jjju' To put down or lower ; to the optative ; Hd %'u yat^ ^pd,

^^ stop, to prevent moving, to give him a slap 'cMung Hsui ;

^ desist to take hold of, to press

; tpd, to slap the mouth a pu-' —
down, to lay the hand on ; to nishment;(pdit/5 ^Ad, strongly
grasp, as a sword to pull in linked, like dear friends; (pd

or hold, as a horse to rub, kili chduki to exert one's self


to chafe to examine, to try ; for a friend tpd j'm tak^ ^yau ;

a case, to inquire into ; to act yaU 'Idling, O that I had a

in conformity to, to conform tael pd put. tak. how I wish, ; ,

344 PA. PA.

I desire greatly ; cpd ^chd kw& thing is done ;

to take a thing
4'au^ too good natured. to be, to consider as, to regard
Dumb ; large mouthed ; the having, for a particle in-
as, ;

cHE wrangling of infants ; d' cpd dicating the accusative of the

'tez' a dumby ; 0d ^pd pat' M^ noun which follows it, as 'pd
a great hubbub, a bobbery. chung' iyan ^Cau hon' he steal-
^^ A father d' ^pd, papa ; ; d' thily beheld the men ; 'pd jWitin
*|F* ipd chdn^ ^jhfii Hsai^heungfuk:, (Shdn chit- he bolted the door
the daddy lays up pelf, and the also the object
of the verb
boy enjoys himself with it. following, ^ngo ^wai
as 'pd
^prt A disease of the joints icKong ; Jio iyan, whom do you take

Vk '^'^' ifiark of a wound, a scar, me to be ?;'pd ^ngo Him yeung^

a cicatrix, do you think I will do so ?
ted A sort of dried meat (giung ; 'j)d iWai (rnd yung^ regarded

Vt ''"*
'P^' ^"^^^^ o*" cured sheep's as useless ; "-pd peng^ to grasp
tails. a handle, to have something to
3Rpi A sow a two year old, or
; lay hold of, proof; tak:, Hiu ^pd

large hog dried meat. Used ; peng\ we now have proof,
with the preceding. something to guide one ^pd ;

^|pj A floating bridge ; they are tplii, to hold fast, to take care,
usually made of boats. to control one's self; yat:> 'pd
A corol, the inflorescence of a lighted torch
'^fo, yaU 'pd ;

a plant Jidm ^pd, an unopened shin' a fan yaU '^pd Hsui, a


Pa ;

great talker, " all mouth;" 'pd

flower ; elegant, flowery, as
composition. shall amountebank, a posture-
A banana a plan- tpd ttsiu,
maker; 'pd ^ngd, bailiffs or

tain ; cpd tau- croton tiglium sergeants in a court ; 'pd mdki

Pi to feel the pulse ; 'ki '^pd 'sAaw,
ipd itsiii cp^ing, a vase shaped
like a plantain. several hands at boxing ; nip,
cheuh yati '^pd hon- to brush off"
cfcp^ A defense or guard to a
the sweaf, to disregard the
^ chariot ; a war chariot ; a drag,

trouble or exertion ; ^pd "shau

<i^Ej ^ fi^6 toothed harrow ; cpd
P^ if in, to harrow the fields ; ^md puti ihoi, push it off with your
hand; yaU 'pd 'pun ^tsin, a
fdi* cpd, to flourish the trident
— a kind of gymnastics. The
handful of very
capital —a
next is often used for these. little 'pd Jed ^yan, the house-

keeper, whether wife or mother

To take hold of, to grasp, to
seize, to hold ;
to seize for the ^'"1 To reign by terror and
Pa to incroach upon ; to
purpose of using ; a classifier ^, > force ;

hold one in check through

of things held in the hand, as f^ J

fan, umbrella, rake, knife, dec; Pa fear a tyrant, a usurper


a bundle of, a handful, some- pd\wong, a valiant prince, the

thing bound together, a faggol; chief of the princes ; (hd pd'

with, the cause by whicli a| iyan, to intimidate people ;

; ;

PA. FA. 845

pd* hi\ audacious, fearless leave work ;

pd*ikimg, to strike
ihang pa' td^ to act by force for wages pd^ shi'
to foreclose
pa' chu^ to take to one's self,
; ;

the examinations for siuisdi —

to seize pa' chim' to incroach
by the people refusing to at-
on, to infringeanother's rights. tend pd' ikuiiy to dismiss an

A handle or hilt of a sword officer ; s'w hu' pd^ I'll not go,
or knife ; pa' feng' a handle and there's an end hii' pd' be
Pa ; ;

jWid pa' peiig' no authority, no off! '«^ <sau'pd' just write it,
way of acting, perplciwl, no that's all.
] An embankment, a jetty,
^or pier to narrow Jnd res- (388) p^.
if j
train waters ; a name given
Pa to many towns on the Yellow
Walking irresolutely ; to
River, from their position near
squat, to sit cross-legged to
levees; chuki pa' to raise a Pa ;

crawl, as a child to lie on ;

the belly ; cp'd Hd ch'e to fall
A small tributary of the
Wai River near Si.ngcin fu in
flat .pd, Hd fan' to sleep oa

the face.

The part of a bow grasped A

kind of beetle to level

f by the hand
dammar, a kind of
; pd' ^ind iyau,
and break clods a rake
to collect straw ij/iip'd ''kico,
the loquat, ( Eriobofrya japon-

The reins place where one

holds the reins or bridle

ica) a common fruit. Intur.
changed with the next.
dashboard or front of a car-
riage; a targnt pd' Hsz' a
A guitar with four strings ;

sp'i the Chinese guitar,

mark; sh^- chung' pd' to hit the Pd
the bellv is pear shaped ; iP'd
bull's eye.
ig* A colloquial final particle,
ichau, Whampoa I.

^^ intimating that a thing is n^jed- The name of a river.

less ; ifong mat:, ^yi pd' what P.
do you fear
of fear.
To suffice,
? there's

to cease from, to
no need
Interchanged with
to scratch ;

to rake, to scratch up, to

to crawl, to creep


Si ;

^ break off, to leave off; to to climb, to scale, to clamber ;

discontinue, to finish, to put a a scratcher, a harrow.rake, a
stop to, to quash ; to strike gridiron a pick ip'dfdn^ to
; ;

work to turn out enough,

; ; eat with chopsticks; ^p'd ihoi
no more a final particle, in-
; tiki rake it open a little ; sp'd

dicating no more of a thing, ihang, to craw], like a tortoise ;

that will do pd^ ^liu, enough,

; jp*a li^dn, to sort the counters
very well stop now pd' pd^
1 ! into fours; tp'd hhiung, climb
pd' oh no, no I want nothing
! ! up H ip'd, an ear. pick 'shau
; ;

to do with it pa^ 'ihau, to ; ip'd ipa, to climb and scratch ;

Ton. Dict. 44
;; ; ; ;;

846 FA PAI.

W* ch'u^ i1c*ant ip*&, climbing man ; tpai '^shau, lame handed

and skylarking everywhere (pai hiung^ pat) iTtiing, unrea>
tngau yitki ip*d, beefsteak. sonable partiality.
4n A colloquial word ; to paddle &h A colter, an iron plough
» a paddle ; yaU <chi ip*dt a pad- *$P colter the barb of an arrow

dle ; ip'd adm ^pdiit to paddle a probe with a barbed point

a boat ;
" scramb.
(p*d ilung, a a lever ; t*iti tpaU a crowbar.
ling dragon," a kind of fleet- To shut or close a door to ;

rowing boat ip'd dang isam, ;

shut out, to bar, to exclude ;
to trim and raise a lampwick. to screen, to shade ; to store,

iIjA'1 a kerchief or veil for pro- to lay up ; to stop, as a hole

Uecting the head; a stomacher o.'atructed, closed ; pai^ itndi
IPQ J for children ; /au p'd^ a red ^ngdn, to shut the eyes jjai* ;

P'a veil worn by brides ; '^(thau jmti«, close the door, to go into
p'd^ a handkerchief privacy; paV Jiing, obstruction
The character is also
first of menses ;
pav" ckung jfe'i, to
read maki a turban or silken checkmate in chess, to drive
fillet formerly worn by soldiers. into a corner ; Vam' pai^ ^k'Qf
The second character also detain him, keep him close ;
means a bundle of clothes or pai' sah stopped up.
roll a wrapper.
of silk ; To benefit, to take from one
lA* To fear, to dread to appro- ; to confer on another ; to aug.
7p7 hend, to suppose likely, to ment ; i' paP ji iloi, they came
think or fear something may on in order.
happen ; ^hung p'd* tih lest it •
Analogous to the preced.
fall j'm p'o* no fear p*d^ '^cKau
; ; ing brushwood covering the

I am afraid of ridicule, I am ground, small plants; delicate,
shamefaced ; p'd' ^k^u ilai, I minute, small to repress, to ;

fear or think he will come hide from view, to keep back,

Adfcj p^a* to frighten ; ^ngo p'a* to shade to screen ; to era-

thifi Wu, 1 am afraid ofhim ; brace, to include in ; to cut

p'd' 'w' k6^ igan, a timid man, off, to prevent advance; ob-
one fond of his ease. scured, dulled ; jtoon pai' utt
the clouds hide the moon
ccA^ paV to hide from view ;
(389) Pai. iVtuns paV chu^ to conceal from
others or superiors ; tsz' yuki
hu' pat' his vile lusts stifled
Bib Halt in the feet lame in ;

it (i. e. conscience); tsuki H

*sP^ the hand lame, crippled, im- ;

potent; to walk lame, to stand
paV Ml itwill fully expiate
his crime ; to atone for a sin.
or go on one foot ; to loll
favoritism, inclination, par-
Strong, robust, like a tor-
tiality to be partial to ; ^pai toise, which can bear great
k€uk: lame ; d' <j>at, a limping weights.
;!; ;;

PAI. FAl. 847

A colloquial word ; to be in 1^1 To go up stairs ; the steps

trouble; paP aP sad, in sorrow; 'S* of the throne ; the ascent to a
what a pity! loaded with debts. palace or into court ; paP tin*
> Tattered, bad, spoiled ; vile, the audience.hall ; paP ha?

abject ; defeated, ruined ; in* Your Majesty, :. e. we who
jured, as clothes ; to stop are before the throne ; paP kin*
used in affectation for my, to have an audience.
our ; paP Mung, my poor vil- ^i Tares, cockle, rye-grass ; a
lage ;
paP wdP ruined, last iT noxious weed found in grain
pap ia«^ deficiency, imperfect resembling rice, of a small
in any way paP ;
tau} t'dP do, grain ; hypocrites, dissemblers,
very many deficiences, utter. pretending to be good ; pai*
ly unfit; paP }d, your servant's 'ts'd, darnel ; paP shut, vicious

house ; tsz'^paP self ruined ;

novels, fables ;
paP fdtP a
paP isuki our customs. huckster.
i). Analogous to the above;
Iconquered, defeated, ruined
distressed, fatigued, reduced (390)
J Fai.
to extremities ; corrupt, pro-
fligate, vicious, bad, tricky,
vile, fraudulent deteriorated,
as coin ; torn, as garments,

To strike with the hand, to
cuff; to push from one, to turn
worn out used for pronoun ;
round ; to clean, to pare, to
my, our Uoh paP to impose
scrape off; to revise, to criti-
upon, to hoodwink ; ^md paP
cise, to animadvert ; to assist
to deceive, to surreptitiously
to give an officiul reply ; to
&lter ;paPlok> an exclamation, signify official will ; to post a
bad what a disappointment
case, as is done at the door of
paP ikd ''fo, a bad business. the office the notice or report
i Single and full pieces of
of a case ;a lease, a charter-
silk ; things given as presents;
Pi party ; a comment, a gloss
wealth, riches ; pearls and
cp'ai ^chuTtf to assent to a peti.
gems, gold, and copper, were
tion (p'ai {uif an official ac«
regarded as three kinHs of pa/';
knowledgmenf, a reply ; tp'at
money counters made of jade ghp to publisii a case ^p'oi sp'i, ;

used by the Mongols paP pdk, ;

pare off the skin ; cp'ai tun*
money and fabrics; jp'i paP to talk about, to canvass (p'ai ;

rich furs.
ifau, lease money, a bonus of
A violent death ; to fall pros-
a month's rent ^p'ai 'Ard, or

trate or dead ; to slaughter, to

'Pi (p'ai (tan, a lease ; cp'ai its'^ung
destroy, to ruin ; fd' paP fell
the side walls of a house
; ^ngo
chung^ '/ji, I've guessed
A wild beast, called pai'
what you've been at, I can
^t?" hon^ a prison, a jail.
tell your ways ; ^ling tp'ai, to
; ;;

348 PAI. PAI.

take a lease of; ,p'ai (tstm, (o of respect or of worship ; to

pare thin ; lapi ^p'aU to make worship religiously to visit, ;

^contract ; tp'ai inting, to state to pay one's respects to, to

clearly the terms of a lease to ; salute ; to appoint to an office,
criticise. to salute a man as such an
An ore of arsenic :cp'ai tSeung, officer ; a visit, a salaam, an
realgar or red salphuret of obeisance ; pdi' ^shan^ to wor.
arsenic it is applied to ulcers.
; ship the gods ; pdi^ ishdn,
To cut in two by a blow ;
worshiping the tombs; pdV
ip'ai ihoif cut it open. Cok-> to request, to engage one
To look about; ^p'ai^ngai the to do; pdi^ '^fong, to pay a

embrasure of a wall ^p'ai ^ngai visit ;

juj pdi' to return a visit
P'i pdi' a visiting-card turi^
tyan,one who peeps and pries t'ipi ;

into things ; —a fault finder ;

his obeisance
pdv" respectfully

a phrase on
*p'ai ^ngai 16^ ^ngo, your scold-
ing reaches me too.
cards pdi' kin' to see a friend

pdi' jmiirt, the bride's visit to

her husband's relatives ; to be-

(391) com3 a pupil of a teacher ; pdi*
ktvai^ to kneel and worship
pdv' ikon, to supplicate pdi* ;

'pun, to memorialize the em.

spread out, to expose, to
peror pdi' j<'ot, to sacrifice
lay out, to arrange, to set in ;

Pai at graves pdi' hdk) to visit

order ; to move, to shake ; to ;

strike to strut, to swagger pdi' skiing' a prime-rtninister


to get rid disembarrass

of, to
(kdm pdi' hd^ tfung, willing to

^pai ifoi, to set a table 'pdi learn of you.



(t'dn, to open a stall "^pdi 'mi, ni.i subvert, to destroy, to


to whisk the tail ;)'pdi pd' to be subdued ; defeated, discom.

spread out nicely 'pdi pd' ; i
fited, as in battle ; broken,
jyan, to play a trick on one, I
ruined, spoiled, as affairs or
to do or fix him ;
'pdi frd' Hsz^ I
things spoiled, tainted a de-
; ;

a vain chap, a conceited fel-l feat, a rout pdi^ broken,pV

low ; '^pdi tui- j'/i Of, to parade j
spoiled ; pdi^
to the family

Hsai, a ruin M yat, pdi' td' /i'

soldiers '^pdi pdki '^kong, to
; ;

make a clean breast jiii '^pdi, ;

a complete loss, an entire
to Rwinu the hands, to Btrut ;
» smash," totally defeated ;

'pdi ch'if; to set in oider, to 'sun pdi' ruined pdi^ chan' ;

place ; '^pdi "-king, to make a ch'ung' run the last venture,

fine show ; 'pdic/u (Mi, to dress take a last chance pdi' ^shui ;

out a street, d' (kun Hsai, a worthless fellow;

To bow, to reverence, to '/d pdi^ chiung^ defeated ;

honor, to muke an act of cour. wdi' wrecked, all lost ;

tesy to, to make an obeisance paV Hlu, the affair is ruined.

; !;

FAI. FAI. 349

rattan shields; ^p'di wai^ a

(392) tablet having names of gods
for worship; tchiu sp'rti, asign
ip'diichiv, a notice, an adver.
tP'di. A
colloquial word to brag, ;
tisement yaufu? '^chi ipdU a

to boast, to vaunt one's self or set of cards ; 'fa kwat, ip'di, to

doings ^shi (p'di iyan, to crow
play dominoes ; ihung ip'di, a
over one. port-clearance ; kdni' ^hd ip'di
;^fc To arrange in order, to dis- ^'aUf such a fine parade you

P°^ ^^*^"' *° place properly ;

make jp'di tfong, honorary
to make a show to push open, ;
gateways; ch'dm' muki jting
as a door ; a row, a set out ipdi, an untrustworthy man,
a while, a time, a chance one unfit to direct ,iti jp'di, ;

ip'di ich'iung, to dress out a "waist-warrant," a police-
make a show ^p'di lifi Hhing ;
man's token '^fu it'au j»'d:, ;

ihong, arranged in two rows ;

tiger-head tablets, hung at the
ifong yat, ^p'di, was well fright, doors of yamun ; '^shiung itigan
ened ; ip'evg ip'di, an even ip'ai, a silver medal, reward to
row, as of houses ; yal^ {p'di soldiers ; jp'di p'iii' a warrant
tsiv? a set of five arrows ; ini to arrest ; H ip'di, ear-rings.
ip'di citing^ ito, much sickness ^& A raft ; chuk^ jp'dt, a bamboo
at this time ; jp'ai ^p'oi tso^ •l^Tf raft; ch'dni' ip'di, a timber
come,'9it in a row — as children ^'raft.
do; ip'di its'in cliek^ a tailor's ^jji* To branch, ;as a stream ; to
foot.rule ; ^fdi ndn^ to make p!^. ramify* to branch off; a branch,
up a difficulty; ^p'ai ctsai, to as of posterity a rill ; to ;

push and elbow ; ip'di kwaU distribute, to give to each per.

the ribs ; ichy, (p*di kwati pork son ; to appoint ; a tribe ; tc/ii
chops ; iSin ko' ipdi, on that p'di' a tribe, a clan, a sub.
occasion, just lately. family to branch out
; tsz'* ;

/3b Dissipation ^p^di cyav, am- ;

p'dV name given to brothers to
"''^"'®"^s» especially theatri- distinguish tham from others
cal and other shows. of the same sept or surname ;
A shield, a buckler
J^ with ; a board p'dV ishu, to distribute books;
'p'7; a notice on it, a sign, tfan p'di' to appoint each his
board ; a notification from place ; 'Ad yaU p'di' <fong^ ti'

government ; a tablet, a me- what a fineplace spot or

morandum ; a banner a war- ; it'ung pdi^ of the same clan
rant, a passport, a port-clear- or branch ; p'di' iWan tiki give
ance, a medal, a token, a mit. them alike to each,
timus, a writ a government ; -(j^' Exhausted, debilitated, total
permit of any kind ; counters ^^^ "^ strength ;
p'dV kuii'
dominoes, playing-cards '/o ; languid.
ip'di, an express it'ang tp'dr, ;
350 PAK. PAK.

6^ The animal soul, inferior

p^' to the toan,and partaking of
(393) Pak. the yin principle; the power
or faculties of the senses, the
nervous perception; the animal
4U The north; to the north, spirits, as distinguished from
3^' the capital ; to be conquered, the reason; figure, form, man.
defeated ; to flee ; to oppose, ner; the dark disk of the
perverse ; pak^ <fong^ the north, moon ; ttsing pdk, vigor of the
northern regions Pak') iking, ; bodily senses loki pak, out of ;

Peking pak^ ;
tdi^ ikojai, Jack spirits, disheartened ; ishang
Frost has come pak, Hau,;
the pak, the waning of the moon
Dipper : ^kung its'z' pak, iSdm iWan ts'at, pdk, the three
*shiung^ to bid farewell on souls and seven spirits of a
going to Peking; pdP pak, man the last are supposed to

defeated pak, kiki the north

be the energy of the limbs and
pole; Pak, cbiki tai^ 'shdng, the five senses.
' northern province which di. A father's elder brother a ;

reels," t. e. Pih Chihii or Pe. \&

i^* senior, an elder, a superior an ;

chele pak, ^hau ng(n} beyond

earl, or the third in order of
the Wall. nobility ; an elder brother or
husband is addressed as pdk, ;
to control ; the word beg is
derived from this ; pdk,fv} a
(394) P&k. paternal elder uncle an old ;

gentleman pdk,^Tnd, the wife


of an uncle ; pdk, (kung^ a

ff^ A hundred ; a round number, great uncle ; pdk, shuk, pater,
^? 'the whole of a class or sort; nal uncles ; '« pdk, the god of
many, numerous, all pak, ;
sing^ Rain.
the people ; pak, tchung jWid /g A huhundred men; a centu-
yat, not one in a hundred iw.. , u bundle or string of a
, .

f po.k, ipin, all kinds of specula- hundred cash.

tions pak, tstik, the centipede
I/i 1 The cypress, the cedar
pak, 4m ccAi kiki very disa- ' ^ large; to urge ; ^pin pdk, the
greeable pak, Jcung, all crafts-
;|ijQ,j juniper {Cupressusthyoides);

men, mechanics pak, (ts'tn ;

Peb pdk) '/<i, a provincial judge.
nuin^ thousands of thousands j&A A sea-going vessel, a great
pak, pak, tsheng, no reckon p'v* ship to cross the seas in ; pdk,
of less than a hundred; '^kong ^s'd iShun, a junk from Tien-
(ts'in j'm '^kong pak we 'U talk tsin or Siam 'Aoi pdk, a ship. ;

of thousands not of hundreds ; t6 Amber, called fu pdk,; hut,

pak, fat, pak, chung^ a hun-
PehP^^' red amber mati pdk, false ;

dred shots a hundred hits amber maU Idp^ pdki yellow


always lucky. amber.

PAK. PAK. 351

White color, an unlucky clay used for porcelain; pdJci

^hue; clear, immaculate, as tdP fluor albus, leucorrhoea ;
white bright, 4s moonlight
; paki uki ch'uU ikung Jting, an
explicit, manifest disinterest, ; undistinguished family has
ed, freely, pure; melancholy, furnished a high statesman ;
mournful plain, obvious, ea.
^pdi pdki ^^ it's 80, and no
sy to comprehend the white ; mistake.
part of a thing to explain, to Plain silk, taffety wealth
manifest, to the make

clear ; M
^D -generally a present of silk ;

106th radical of characters kwa' pdki to hang long strips

relating to white ; the reverse of paper at the graves in
of a coin pdki shiki a white
spring pd pdki paper burnt

color ;
paki chough a
thief, a at worship as money jts'oi ;

sharper to swindle ; pdki ; pdki property, wealth ; j^s'oi

tch'du, a pasquinade '*^ pdki ; pdki t*ing cktcan, Plutus, the
isz'^ to write by the sound and god of Wealth.
not the sense V«'jt pdki wd^
to understand the local or
To fall prostrate
to crawl, as children, or
; jp'd pdki
plain talk of a place pdkifoki ^ making prostration to the em-

careless, worthless, contempti- peror ; to hasten to a friend in

ble, as a scapegrace pdkipdki ; case of need —so as to relievo
'pi hii freely give it to you ; him.
pdki tshang ishan^ hu' ts'o' to :^ A fragrant white flower,
have a thing suffer by going ^l^-called ^tdm pdki; Jo pdki a
off or gadding; hd' pdki *Ao/j general name for edible spindle
vain, lecherous; 'ngdn pdki shaped roots, as beets, turnips,
pdki eyes only could see it carrots, radishes, parsnips
unable to buy it pdki pi' iko, ;
tshang Jo pdki to have chil-
a slippery fellow, a cunning blains ; also, raw turnips.
rjiscal pdki a ^yan or pdki

dingy one of no rank, a com-

moner ; pdki ''fhauy empty (395) Fak.
handed, as when one starts in
life ; pdkikbp^ ^ngdn, " pigeon's
eyes," one with lofty aspira- l/t To pat, to caress, to clap
tions pdki iVcin, an albino
; ;
i^'or tap with the hand to slap, ;

pdki yati in open day, daytime; as a table to beat, as cymbals,


ikai tan' pdki white of an egg ;

or waves against a rock p'dkt ;

'Aau pdki the spoken parts of jtco, a peacemaker; p*dki (Chu

a play, not recited ihung pdki ;
il'un, to "pat the hog," to in.
tz"' red and white (i. e. lucky duce two to close a Ijargain;
and unlucky) affairs, pleasant p'dk:,^pdn, castanets ; hdp^
and melancholy events pdki ;
p'dki to chime in [with the
itun Hsi' petunse, or purified [
cymbals]; to rhyme p^dtc^ ;

352 PAN. PAxN.

hands and laughed

paki iClCiungJiung, the snowy

siu' clapped their
; sut^ long^ M \ Name of an ancient
Ipality in the south of Shensi,
ruled over by the family of

billows beat against the sky. Pin Chau before they got the
throne, b. c. 1134.
Cattle frightened and scat-
(396) Pan. tering to walk fast or run, to
flee, to run away to run after,

to run about in confusion ; to

A guest, one who receives be busy with, to fag at ; to
t^^attention, a visiter of another elope, to marry without ob-
« W i
surname ;

Pin' the host to submit, to come

to entertain, to act serving the rites ; ^pan Hsau, to
run, to scamper, to flee (pan ;

under civilizing influences ; fph'i, to hasten, like a courier

ipa/J Auftja visitor ; iP*ang
cpa/i urged by neces.' 'ty ; cpan (po
a friend ; isai ipan, a domestic ild luk) toiling and moiling,
tutor; (pan 'cAw, guest and anxious, caring about many
host; sz" 'Aoi tpan fuki all things ^pan isoug, to return

the country came submitting home to bury a parent (yam ;

itself. (pan, a clandestine marriage ;

J^l The areca-nut ; ipan Jong, stoat '^hau ^pan jc/t'i, lo bustle
*n|. V the betel-nut; cpan J,au, the about for a living ; (pan iloi
«/lfe]leaf and nut prepared for ipan hu' running here and
Pin chewing ^pan tsz' shapi ^man
; there.
the postag'' is ten cash ; (kwan 1A due mixture of plainness
Hsz' (pan J,ong, haUiidn, betel- [and ornament; well contrast-
nut is for gentlemen, tobacco ed sffian chat, ^pan ipan, sim-
j ;

for beggars. Pin plicity and elegance in har-

5^ The bank of a stream, the mony ; ipan
tpan, elegant and
*^ brink, the margin, the shore ; neat, neat but not gaudy, as
near, contiguous almost, at, ; the kilin's skin.
very near ; to boi ier upon, to Strenuous effort, valorous, as
ontlie ;
(pan '52' almost dead. when serving a prince.
The knee-pan ; the skin ; to Also read 'JPan, to be filled

cut (»ff the knee-pan or leg, as with rage to bubble or

; effer-
a punishment. vesce, as a spring ^fan jWitin,;

Colored silks mixed ; in con- the cardiac extremity of the

fusion, mixed, blended cpan ; ffisophagus.
ifan, a multitude of affairs, '* To make known to a supe-
bothered ipan ipan^ blended, by writing or speaking, to

a melange of colors, as in silks

Wn announce, to inform a higher
or bouquets. officer; to receive from a supe-
A pearl; perhaps denoting rior in course of duty or after
those found in fresh water, requesting to receive from

PAN*. PAN. 353

heaven, endowments, disposi- Jio 'pan k'api what rank is he?

tion to petition, to ask of;
; 'pan ma^j articles, things ; yaty
a petition, a prayer, a state- (kd 'pan, singular, eccentric,
ment '^panfnky to reply to a
; a man by himself; j'm lap,
superior, or a friend "^pan ko^ ;
'^pan, to act improperly "pan ;

to petition (by the people); ti' first state of, original parts ;

(Shan '^pan, to inform a supe- kiki "-pan, the highest of the

rior ; '^pan (^chi, a petition ; 'pan nine ranks.
Tip, an statement, with
official To receive a guest cere mo.
a blue envelop 'pan ^on, to ; niously ; to honor, to worship,
ask after an officer's health ;
to venerate ; to arrange, to set
'^pan ming\ to acknowledge, in order pan^ tsip,
; to enter in ;

or report upon orders received; to receive a guest

pan^ siung^ ;

hV ^pan, the natural temper or a master of ceremonies. In-

talents; k'^ 'pan, a prepared terchanged with the next.
petition dong miri' '^pan pdki
; ^^' To put out by force, to ex-
to complain of in person, to 1^ pel, to drive off; an officer
accuse '^pan shau? to receive,
; sent to the frontier to salute
to receive by permission what ;
an envoy; pan' hi" to cast
is natural to one '^pan ^shan, ; away.
to implore the gods. -fo^' A colloquial word ; to braid;
<IOi All of a kind, altogether ; a *^ pan' cpin, to braid the queue.
P" series, a rank, a degree, a class, ,^' A lady, a woman a maid ;

one sort out of a variety or a of honoror concubine a fairy ;

Pin ;

series; a grade, an official to marry out; a deceased wife;

standing a rule, a law or
; cfi pan' ladies of the palace ;
guide to go by, an example; pan' -fu, his late wife pan' iin ;

actions, conduct an article, ; ishing Jiong, to make many

a thing of a sort a delicacy, ; rows.
a rare dish to classify, to ;
To enshroud and encoffin a
rank, to arrange 'pan mdu^ corpse ;
to carry out and bury,
countenance, expression '^pan ;
to inter, make a funeral
to ;

hang\ actions 'pan kdh the ;

sung' pan' to accompany a bu-
deportment or carriage of a rial ;pan' to carrv out to
man, his natural 'md ways ;
burypan' Him, to encoffin ;

"^pan, no character, abandoned; pan' tsong' to bury.

^kwo 'pan, sorts of fruit '^pan ; ^' ] The hair on the temples
"^sing, the disposition, tempe-
^j ^ and sides of the face; the
rament ; ^kau 'paih the nine f sides of the face whiskers

official ranks, are divided into Pin curls, tresses ; iWan pan' hair
citing^ and tsung^ principal and on the forehead puffed out.
secondary 'A'ii hai- ; lilt:, 'pan, 4&2 The inside of a bamboo ;

he is a reckless fellow -, sh^ung^ 5^ coarse, not good ; stupid, ignor.

'pan, superior, the best quality ;
ant ;
pan^ i^goi, thickheaded,

Tun. Dicr. 43
; — ;;

354 FAN. PAN.

unapt pav} '•Isai, an ass, a
speaking of one's own works
dunderhead tai^ pan^ tsiung'
; iTvng hdu- ip'an, the mi-
a great blockhead, fat-brained; serable attempt of Tungshi to
'A'ii iong^ ^ngo pan^ he takes imitate the beautiful Sishi,
me for a fool yal^ it'iu ^ck'ung
which only made her uglier.
kdm" pan} dull as a worm. The female of birds and
beasts ; also applied to plants ;
^p'an ^mau, male and female
(397) p<an. of animals ^p'an (kai(Sz^ ishan,

the hen rules the morning,

"the wife wears the breeches."
Poor, having only a small
Sometimes pronounced ^fan.
portion destitute, impoverish,
To expel the breath forcibly,
ed, indigent, pennyless ; ip'an
to hoot, to spurt ; to snort, to
ik'ung, without resources ; ip'an Pin
breath strongly through the
tsW poor and lowly, ignoble ;
nose to sneeze struck, as by
; ;

yat^ (pan jii 'sat, poor as if

effluvia ;
p'an" hV to rave and
washed, quite cleaned out
snort ; a breathing or aspi-
ton ipan, contentedly poor
rate ; ling^ lyan p'an' fdn^ to
ipan Id" kiki extremely poor make one blurt out his food
ip'an ihon, wretchecly poor,
from laughing p'an' ^shui, to ;
^fcS Urgent, pressing; urged, pre-
spurt water, as over clothes ;
"2^cipitate, hurried; continually,
Jidm hut, p'an^ lyan, t«in tti Jii
incessant, repeatedly margin ;
^hau, he that spurts blood upon
of a stream ip'an kap^ in a
others, first defiles his own
hurry sp'an '^p'an iloi, contin-
mouth ;
p'ati' iCung, to blow a
ually coming q/an Jan, in a ;
sumpitan p'an^ ifu '^shui, to
great hurry ^p'on J,an j'm tak-.
sprinkle holy water, as the
yapi isheng, he is so bewilder-
Rationalists do in exorcising ;
ed he won't get into the city,
Jxeung p'an^ p^ah' very fra-
rffe An aquatic plant, a large grant ; Hd p'an' i'ui' to sneeze
"^^ kind of Lemna or duckweed*
P'in p'an^ (fa iCung, to let off a
(Pistia slratiotes?) with a
white flower, once used in
^A-' Interchanged with the pre-
J^P- ceding to bubble up, as a

The apple, called jp'an ^kico, P in "


brought from the north ip'an ;

\po, the Sterculia balanghas,

an edible fruit. (398) Pan.
fTo gle, as
smile, to simper
women do ; to knit the
and gig-

brows, to frown ; ip'an siu^ to ^t A boat returning to move, ;

smirk and laugh hdu} ip'an, ; p^ to remove to separate and ;

^^ distribute, to divide among ;

a poor imitation, badly copied
— a polite phrase, used in Used for the two next.


PAN. PAN. 355

CjS To confer upon, to dotate, shih variegated Aon- ^pdrif ;

^" distribute among all ; to white marks on the skin.
disperse, to divide amon^, as Variegated, streaked, like
a king does; to publish abroad, agate cpdn Jan, mixed colors,
to make known ;
gray, gri sly ; veined and striped.
tvan ihang Xin ha} to jub- f^ A poisonous fly striped ; it is
lish to the world ; <pdn tso^ 'p^ found on pulse ; cpdn jwiau,
to distribute ofTeriogs. Usod cantharides, any blistering fly.
for the next.
'jj^ A
board, a plank, deal ; board
To confer, to distribute 1'^ or plate of any kind a page ;
'p-^ rewards.and places to soldiers;

wooden blocks for books ; the

to make known, to extend palm or sole an instrument of

everywhere to place in a se- ;

punishment ; a stroke of the
ries an order, a rank, a row,
bamboo ; obstinate, doltish ;
a series, a grade a class of ;
Castanet players ; a stretch of
persons a tarn a classifier
; ; adobie wall ; a register yal, ;

of groups of men and plays; fdP '^pdn, a board kwo^ Jciu ;

a man:jger variegated, strip,

icKau '^pdn, having crossed a
ed, in which sense the next is bridge to pull up the planks,
used <.mun '.pdn^ personal at-
said of those who needlessly
tendants of officers ; Isd^ (pdn, injure of hers '<d 'pdn '/«' ;

torturers, those who bamboo to bamboo Hd 'shau 'pan, to ;

culprits ;fdV cpdn, official mes- punish by striking on the

sengers ^cK^ung ^pdn, body
hand 'hiung 'pdn, castanets ;

servants in constant employ ; hdk:, 'pon, to cut blocks for

^sh^ung (pdn, to take one's books chong^ '^pdn, *' im-

turn ^hd ipdn, to retire in

pinging boards," disappointed,
turn hV cpdn, a company of|
to disappoint (Sdm 'pdn, a ;

actors ; ifan cpdn tso"^ liti to seat ship's gig, a wherry, a row-
each one in his place ; ^Ld boat ^hi 'pdn, "old boards,"

iPdn, the patron of carpenters ,•

old notioned, not up to the

iPdn itmin lang^ '/«, to wield age ;/di' ^pdn and man- 'pan,
an ax before L5p4n, to think the quick and slow castanet
too well of one's self; Jtoi (pdr., players kdp^ 'pdn, boards in-

comes to my turn itung ^pdn ; closing books when lettering

piiP of the same company or them, or to support things a ;

sort tdP cpdn. chief manager,

flying dispatch from court
a supercargo, a common ad- 'pd?J ch^ung^ a board partition;
dress for a foreigner cpdnpdki ;
chuk; yaU 'pdn its^ung, to build
^chi, grayhaired, grisly, white. a mud wall; 'pdn 'keng, stiff-
t\t Variegated, striped, streaked; necked, mulish ; 'pan cliai^
p'*^ ;pdn /t««'mixed lustring min- ; doltish sing^ '/sz' t'di^ '^pdn, a

(pdn, pockmarked cpdn M'*^ ;

stubborn disposition; p'dA-; 'pan
stroaked and colored ipdn ; ch^ung' c-vz' ij/e, a secretary
;; ;;

856 PAN. FAN.

who case, one who
stops a purchase it pdn^ Hsau, to pre-

a mutter.
spoils pare an entertaminent pan* ;

Interchanged with the last H'o long^ all well ar-

H& ^ schedule, a register, a list ranged
pdn'fdn* to sentence
Pin ; ;

an insignia, a baton a board ;

criminals; pdn^ on' to depute
planks for building walls to ; one to attend to a case fph'd ;

partake, to divide ; '^pdn Isiki pdn^ a muster of tea tiii' pan* ;

a census or registration of the to compare musters.

people ; it'au '^pdn hi* (kun^ to The carpel or divisions of
throw down the mace and a melon or orange c/d pdn^
Pan ;

give up the office. (or <fd fdn^) the petals of a

•oK Great extremely
; '^pdn ; flower.
jT^ (Ch^ung, the sun very bright. Deep mud, mesh made by
Interchanged with the last. treading mud and water, the
4A.i To dress up, to beautify, to mire of the roads ; to get
adorn, to bedeck, to apparel mired, muddied ; pdn* jU,
to disguise, to rig out, to be- marshy fields ; ^nai pan* mud,
dizen, to counterfeit, to simu- slush ; tan' pdn^ ifong ^yau ts'z^
late dress, ornament; to beat
; beware, lest there be thorns in
with a stick (Chong pdn^ dres-
the mud, i. e. take heed how
sedout,gay, exterior show; Hd you oppress the helpless
pan} tah 'hd, well dressed; pan} ikau Jill pdn* offal of sewers ;
shik^ processions in spring ;
yat, ishan pan* dirtied all over
kwan' pdn} take a stick ^k^u, tc/i'd loki pdn* slipped down
to him ; 'Ard pdn^ Jtun (ch'di, in the mud.
to counterfeit policemen pdn^ ;

'ku sz'^ to dress up processions.

Read Y'^n; to seize with the (399) Fan.
hand, to hold to njove. ;

To tie up, to tie fast ; a

hand, a tie, a loop, a tether; ^1 To lead, to drag, to haul,

md^ pdn} a hat tie under the '^ [to pull down or towards one
chin ; Hs^ung pdn^ an oar-tie. <"^ j
to climb up ; to mount, to as.

^A- To manage, to dispose to P'^n cend ; to drag into, to impli-


attend to ; to prepare, to pro- cate cp'dn '^shau to lead by the

^y ;

vide to depute ; to do, to

hand cp'ari j'm Id' unable to

transact business, to act as reach with the hand ; (kimg

a factor a sample, a muster (p'dn, to denounce, to inform

of goods 'mdi pdn^ a compra-

against ; '/cdwi cp'dn d'oi kd' I
dor, a steward or butler pi' ;
venture to drag you, Sir, [to
pdn^ to provide for, to arrange my house]; .p'dn kwai' to be-
against ; pdn^ tsui' to give sen- come a kujin ; ^pdn ^hd,

tence ; pd/i' fo^ to contract for pull it down ; (p'dn 'chi, an

goods pan' s'm Joi, can't be
archer's thumb-ring; -p'dn (p'ui

got tor this, not enough to i'nj 7« don't draw together,

; ;;


unequally mated ip'dn Jau, ;

to civilly detain ^'m 'Atotti ikd ;

(401) P'ang.
ip'dn, I don't deserve such dis-
tmction, I can't intrude on you.
Aneye which shows much
"^ To stew
boil or ; to decoct
„,^ white, a turned up or distorted
ran J . ' •

jc/i'd, to make tea
eye .-p an Using,
a cataract. j

^p'ang lin^ to decoct and stew

Jtrv* A clear eye, a piercing, by stirring it; tsz'^ qt'ong Jti
beautiful eye ; p'dn' mong^ to
P^ look for in hope. ichan, he burnt his own fingers.
BH A friend, a companion, an
p-^ a fellow.student, an
(400) Pang. acquaintance to join in with, ;

to associate with ip'atig ^yau^ ;

a friend ip'ang Hong, a party


Wy The fall or slide of a moun- in the state, a clique or cabal;

p^-^ tain ; to fall in ruins, to fall ip'ang pi^ iWai ikdn, to club
from a high estate or position ;
ip'ang others in intrigue ; 'Ad
an emperor's death in collo- ;
with its'ing, very friendly.
quial, a fracture, a deficiency, W^ A monstrous bird like the
as a piece broken off; (Shdn p!^^ Arabian roc, fabled to be
(pang^ the mountain's rushed changed from the kraken
down, the state is ruined ip'ang '^chln cKv' the roc

hiitiishdn cpang, severe hem- has flapped his wings said —

orrhage from the womb ; (pang of a boxer.
fki make
iWai, to a breach in ^tBH A kind of stone ; ip'ang t«Ad,
the embankment of a river ; p-g„ natural borax, the sub-borate
(pang '/ia«, a harelip ipang ;
of soda.
it'av, a broken head ; cpang
d' ^^ A stand for a stone to

iCh'ui teki a harelip playing a ".^ ;>lean on ;'to trust to, to rely on;
fife —
to lose one's labor kd' ; i/c^J
confiding in, depending on;
ipang, the emperor is dead P'ang according to, as ; evidence,
tdi^ cpang pdi^ a great ruin, proof, testimony ; ^yau ip'ang^
what a fall was there ! Hd evidence 'mo ip'ang, unfound-

(pang, broken off. ed H mat:, iWai ^p'ang, what


p to
lean upon or against
depend on, to trust to, to
^ confide pang^ J.dn, to lean on
sort of proof have you ? ''hau
wd^ iTno ip^ang, words cannot
be relied on ^yan ^p'ang ishan
; ;

the railing 'i pang* to look ; liki men depend on the power
to for protection Jcon ^cKdi ;
of the gods ip'ang ku' proof ;

pang* a dry stick near the

'^fo, sTwan ip'ang, an officer's com.
fire —
one in the way of tempta- mission ; Id^ ip'ang, a kind
tion ^md pang^ nang^ unstable,
; way-bill, in which the stop-
unworthy of trust ^di pang^ ;
pages of officials are noted ;
to lean on a dependunce. ; yam' ip'ang 'in, just as you


please; (p^ang ^nVkong, accord- eggs ; Mng isong ^p'dng M,

ing to what you say, let it be as a small crab with red nippers;
you say ; ip'ang Jan, a contract ^md '^chdu ip'dng ik'i, a clawless
note m
trading, a bill of items. —
crab an inefficient fellow, a
To swim ipang ^ho, ; to cross lazy lout,
* ''tream without a boat or ^'
The noise of dashing waters ;
^ ^^^^ ip'dng
bridge, as a fool might try to iU iirt' the district of the
do. Pescadore Is. off Formosa.
Rg^ The belly puffed andswelled;
p. ip'dng (hang, a big belly, like
(402) Pdng. a sow ; Vd ip^dng ch^ung*
stomach distended, flatulent.
^J^ A club, a staff, a cudgel, a
A scaffold or staging for
^ P'sys or religious ceremonies;
p"^ stick ; to fence ; to cudgel, to anff
a framework ; a hut, shed, or
thump, to take a stick to;
banksal made of atap ; a cover-
^pang ^k'-ji ch'ut hu' drive him
ing, an awning }^ung <pdng^
out ; (.long ifau yjt, ^po^ng, a ;

an awning idp-, ipdng, to

rap on the noddle iti'^fo ^pang, ,

a hot poker can not be taken
erect a mat shed ipdng
'ch'ojig a temporary shelter, a

at both ends, an unmanage-

shed, mat.covering ; /«' jp'dw^,
able affair td^ (kam ^pdng,

theatrical shed ; shdi' ip'dng,

an agate burnisher.
a drying scaffold ikicd ip'dngj
A colloquial word bang a ; !

a melon frame cKdki ip'dng ;

report of a gun,
tsd^ kwo^ take it to pieces and
do it over again.
(403) pt^ng.

(404) Pat.
^^ An
exciting sound, as of a
p*?*^ drum a chariot-scythe to
; ;

journey, to go; a road; abun- An adverb, no, not it us- ;

dant ; unceasing ;
name of dis- :f>
p ually comes before
, verbs ; as
and a river in Sx'chuen;
tricts paU iTiang, can not before ad- ;

fP'dng Hoi, the west side of jectives, answers to un, dis, in,
the Poyang Lake ; ipdng — as pat) pin^ inconvenient
a beating of drums;
ip'dng, pati it'ung, unlike ; when re-
the crash of falling things ; peated with tak) forms an
iWdng ip'dng pang^ to put in affirmation ;
pa/j tah pati hu'
one's jaw, to rudely interfere. 1 must go, I can not but go
JAj A land crab, found in rice- following another negative,
-•^ fields and along the beach ;
the affirmation is stronger ; as
^ tam ipang Jet, to angle for moki pati lining P can not fail
crabs : ipdng Ji'i 'Isz' crab's of being understood ; when
;; ;

PAT. PAT. 359

placed between a verb repeat- A

woolen cloth ; pat, MU
ed, forms a question ; as Joi 'long ells or Spanish stripes.
pati J.oi, will he come ? re- A
kind of pulse ; pat, puti
peated before succeeding Pih ^"tsz'
long peppers. Used •
verbs, answers to neither, the next.
nor; as paU ^kd pah '-kdm, A wicket an inclosure ;

neither increases nor abates ; 'hedged in, made of bamboo or

paUiSdm pat:, sz^^ [he is] neither wicker; a wood cart;pa/3 iiniin^
three nor four, an unsteady, a wicker gate, a poor man's
unsta!)le person before jti or ; cot pat, luti a flageolet.

y^uki, negatives the compar-

, To warn persons off the
ison, as pat, iUtsoi^ nothing like
road, to make way
the for
sitting, better sit; pat, y^uki
sovereign tojstop, to halt an
; ;

hit' rather go, letus go after ]

imperial journey "-king pat^ ;

'Ad, it makes an affirmative to bid people to retire or halt.

question ; as 'ho pat, ^fun ^hi,
good not to rejoice 1 i. e. we Leather pads for the knees
ought greatly to rejoice pat, Pih
when kneeling a sort of apron. ;

yat, not a few, unlike pat, yat, ;

A pencil, a small brush, a
not many days, erelong ; pat, '
pen, a stylus; to write, to com.
jin, not so, on the contrary pose ; met. composition, style ;
^yau pat, shi' ch'ii' he has some drawing, penmanship, writing;
faults ; 7ii pat, shi^ how is it direct, straight ;
yat) ^chi pati
not ? it is so ; tdi- pat, Hiu sz'^ a pencil ;
itigo ^md pat, a quill
no great matter to do it ;
pat, iiin pat, a lead pencil
pat,fdti ;

sham? 'ho, not very good, to- rules of composition or pen-

lerable pat, (Siu fai, don't
; manship loki pat, to begin to

speak of that, let that pass write; yat, pat, Jcau isiu^ to
pat, yiki loki ju, will not that finish with one stroke of the
be pleasant? pen ; i'U, pat, the " iron pen,"
to write the archives of the
S. To to bring to an
^^'end completed, concluded, land ; ^kung pat, labored work

over, terminated the last, the ;

with the pencil i' pat, draw, ;

the ings quickly executed 'hbpatt

end; all, entirely; 19tli ;

zodiacal constellation, com- ,fdt, fine penmanship ; tdi^ pati

prising the Hyades ; a sort of large letters, a skillful style ;

fork or spit used in sacrifices ^chipat,fSeung h^ung^ pen and

an iron under a carriage ; a

paper at eacli other a great —

hand bird-net ; a document, litigation ; yat, pal, ^sh^nng hu*

writings pat, ^king, at last, went straight up, rose directly


after all ; pat, da' all came ;

up tim^pat, lat, straight as an

sz'^ mi^ pat, the job is not yet arrow ^suvg pat, pat, loose,

done jcnng sz'^ pai, when like cotton or wool ^man pati ;

public butjiness is done. a literary pagoda of 3 stories ;

; a

360 FAT. PAT.

tiki pat, an autograph pat^ ;

Usui, pal) c/ton, and pat:, it'uvg, (406) Pat.

the hair, shaft, and cover of a

A sort of yellow, even grain- Eight; the 8th radical;
p^*ed wood, very light, much y^ ]
}fai^pdt, the eighth ;
pat^ pat,
used for carving statuettes ; it sixty .four ; i^ pd', sixteen;
comes from Kiangsi. In

pat:, shapi eighty ; pat, ,yam,

?^ To aid, to guide, to assist, music pat, pdv'
; ^chi ,kdu, an
?H?-as a statesman : a splice or intimate friend ; i-mong pat, or
Pih ,

support on a bow

perverse ; iWong pat, /au, a shameless

iUung pall a good minister ; —
cuckold an abusive term

fu? pati ministers, assistants ; pat, itd, to divide, from the

*/ii 'Ad paiifu^ you are a good
composition of the word /Sk
friend jsAun sjtau pati a bow-

sprit. (fan ; pdt, ifoi ^kiu, « an eight-

Same as the preceding pati borne sedan," i. e. a gov. -ge-

V- W perverse, obstinate ; pat^

neral and governor pdt, kok,

ipau, aniseed oil pdt, isz'^

lyan ichi sing^ to act contrary ;

to other people. Usually read ishang tak, "-hby the eight ho-

rary characters are good —
good horoscope ts'at, '^shau ;

pdt, pV seven hands and eight

arms — agile.
(405) Pat. 4S|! The complicated form of the
p[j,' preceding ;
to divide, to rend
open; a ripping or splitting
A classifier of pieces of cloth
6*:: 'or silk ; the 103d radical ; yat,
(This character is often pronounced pat.)
p attpo a piece of cotton •,p at:,
iCau, woolen and other piece- 4r^ To pull up, to pull or pluck
goods ;
iShing p'at^ a whole l^^out, to eradicate, to pull up by
piece. the roots, to extirpate ; to
•jjnr A pair; one of two who storm, to take by «ssault ; to
~*'have been united; a fellow, elevate, to promote quickly ; ;

a mate, a partner to unite, ; eminent, conspicuous barb ;

to m^tch and pair a classifier ; of an arrow to exclude, to


of horses and fledgelings brush awa}' J'ai pdti to ad-


yati p'^at:, p'ui^ a married pair vance, to bring forward pdti ;

marry ; p'at,
p^ati p'^uV to (fu, '^hi ihdi, pull up your shoes ;

a husband, a widower ;
yal, pdti iteng, to draw a nail pdt^ ;

pat-, isii, a beard. I'il, stTi' to draw out iron wire ;

JfCb A
wild duck, a mallard; yat, iTnd pat, pdti not pull out
p!',' .tAm' ipan chap, pat-, a plebeian a hair —spare nothing ; pat^
takes a duck [as a present]. km' to draw a sword.
; ;;

PAU. FAU. PAU. 301

The roots of grass, stubble ;

thatched or mat hut. Often

(409) Pau.
read puti.
The demon of drought, rep-
resented as a naked or tatter- ^p\ To wrap around, to wrap
ed pigmy with one eye, and 'p^ "P* *^ enwrap, to infoJd, to
fleet as the wind. Deified, envelop ; to comprehend, to
perhaps, from the summer-colt. contain, to hold, to be includ-
ed in to be patient to under,
; ;

take, to contract, to manage

Pau. a whole matter, to assume, to

do for another to promise, to ;

engage, to warrant, to insure ;

-^ To collect, to bring together a bale, a bundle a wrapper, ;

^^ to diminish, to reduce
; many; a roll tpdu ^kung liv} to take

cpau tsii^ to congregate ; cpau a job and find the materials ;

ito yik} 7ctcd, to decrease the ipdu pdn^ '^kfm, a shop which
surplus and add to the defici- provides entertainments (pdu ;

ent. Also read (fmt. kok) to bind or rabbet a corner

hTi To draw in the breath. to strengthen it cpdu 'tarn cpdu ;

^' A colloquial word ; flabby, chdpi I'll let you pound or cut
puffy, spongy, tumid, swelled, it, for it is good ^pdu ^chi ^pdu

fatty ;
empty, deceptive ; lau^ kUy 1 can assure you that it
pav} not firm soft, like flesh ; ; is accurate zpdu ifau^ a fillet

«! ,.
-^"-^yat:, J^iin yaU pou' a sinking dr head-band '^fd cpau, to wrap;

and a swelling yat^ pau^ itiai, ;

to mat, as a box ^pdu soky ;

a clod of earth ^sung pau* ki^ ;

matting twine tpdupdn^ ich'd ;

flabby, a want of substance. to take contracts for tea ;

ka" '.pdu, a burtdle ^pdu ; i-nang
iyung, patient, fcrfbearing; cpdu
pi' to screen j to harbor, as a
(408) P'au.
criminal ^pdu Hdm, to take

the whole conduct of, to mo-

To cut in two with a knife, nopolize a commodity j ^pdu
to divide, to halve
split, to 'chung iCh'd, Powchong tea
Pau ;

to judge, to decide to expose, ; cpttw '/cJm tsd^ taki Jai, I assure

to lay open 'p'oM Jioi, to rive.
you I can get it done ; ^pdu
to rip open ;
c/on '^p'au j'wi Jioi, imdi yat, cpdu, do them up in
can not cut it open. .^- a bundle cpdu tso? noP it is

Interchanged with ipOU ^j included or reckoned in ; cpdu

to add to grasp, to take to ftiki a knapsack, a bundle
Pau ;

one to exact to get salt out

; ; (pdu Hd (kun 'fu, to assure the
of seawater
'^p'au hak^ to ; success of a case; tpdu cch'^ting
rigorously exact, as duties. a procurer ; apdu ^tii jwd s«'' I

Ton. Dict. 4^
362 VAV. FAU.
can assure there's nothing to by the fire ; ^shiu pdu' chuhi
to fear itnin ifd isdm ipdu,
; to let off" pdu^ fire-crackers ;

three bales of cotton. ts^una' fireworks

H'ung t/u ;

WjJ. The placenta or after-birth ;

pdit* Hiii, the tub's hoops are
*£f^ uterine brotherly a fish's
; ; burst pdM' kuki parched rice
; ;

air-bladder the crop of birds ;

pdu^ ch'dk) chapped pdu' ^fo, ;

a a pustule, blister to
vesicle, ; a crackling fire. Also read
swell, to puff up <^du ct, the ; puki.
after-birth it'vng (pdu Mng ;

tai^brothers of the same mo-

ther; nm' (pdti, the bladder; (410) Fau.
'^shui (pdw, a water-blister ;
it'ung ipduj like my own bro- XlJj To throw down to
fling, to ;

thers. ^My throw away

reject, cast ofl^,

to throw abroad to toss up

Rushes or grass fit for mak-

(p'dMjndu, to anchor; ^p^du ^so,

*^u ing mats or sandals; the cover- to throw a shuttle; ^p'du ii'au
ing of grain luxuriant, rank ; ;

Id^ min^ to appear in public ;

presents of food folded up in
leaves roots of the mulberry
tp'du hi' to abandon, to reject
; ;
tp'du piti to flee, to abscond.
chuk-, (pdu mau^ the its^ung
luxuriant bamboo and thrifty 1^ A slaughter-house a cook- ;

(pdu isong, stable, secure.

'Ar^room, a kitchen ; jp'du jj/a/i, a
cook, a butcher jp'dit^ iCh'u,
^1 A kind of dried fish regarded a kitchen.

as a delicacy pickled fish

Pau ; ;
jj&i To roar, as a tiger or bear
dry salted fish ; stinking, rank
to bluster tp'du (hdu, to roar,
fish. p,|jj ;

an angry cry jp'dU(/»du ikung

To eat enough ; satiated, fed, ;

gratified, pleased, as
angry blustering of
it'ong, the
^p satisfied ;
oflicials at the tribunals.
with flattery shiki ^pdu or ydky ;

eaten enough, I have ^. Interchanged with the pre-

dined ; '^pdu hoki ^chi iyan, a pV'^ ceding but more used for p'du*
very learned man H^ai '^pdu ; ^ ^""•
^ngdn, satisfied with seeing
*pdM V/win, or isung ^pdu, fat,
; ^ *JiE
calabash or bitter squash,
used for musical and
P au
obese ; 'pdu ^nun, fed and drinking utensils; anygurglet-
clothed H'ai kin' ^ni tsau^ 'pdu
shaped vessel ; the hard shell
the sight of you is enough of gourds jp'du (kwd, a gourd.

Jd ''pdu iyau <yan, hunger and ;/Wjj "! A

plane to plane, to shave,;

satiety are as men please. ^^° smooth ; jp'du icA'dt,shav-

V©» To burn, to scorch ;
to snap, sUU ]
ing3 ; £P*<i" '^hau ich'di, chips ;

^^ to pop to crackle, as a fire

; ;
P'^u jp'du c/d, resinous shavings
to chap to burst, to shrink
; for the hair ^sai Jtwd ip'du,;

from heat or dryness hot, ; a smoothing knife; ip'du wdh

sputtering, orackli»g ; to dry tiki plane it smoother.
fAu. PE. Pi. 363

to decoct, as medicines p'du'

A currier, a leather-dresser. ;

PilU shap, to dip, to moisten ;

To run, to gallop ; to paw p'du' relishes put in tea.
the earth, to scratch up ; to
prance, to gambol to ride ;

rapidly, as a courier 'p'du ^md, ;

(411) Pe.
to gallop '^p'du Hsau, to run ;

off, to race ^p'du Joi ^p'du ;

hu' running about. b4? ^P^ Hsau, a Canton word for

^^^ beer tdi^ ,p^, porter.
Interchanged with the last, ;

p,^- Also read poki to strike the n^- An

adversative colloquial
feet together.
"7T particle, expressive of dissatis-

IJS^' A leopard, panther, ounce, faction or mistrust ; 'A:dm p^

^^ other spotted felinae; the Him ,ni, well, and what then ?
panther is the official embroi- Also, a final particle ;
dery spotted; p'du^ shik:, ;
fuk:> M pi^ in short, he is en.
prettily ornamented.. joying himself.

'^o bake or roast in the
p,^ ashes to wrap up and roast

p'du' chat' to mix and infuse (412) Pi.

— as medicines; p'du? ^cKd,
mix to tea with condiments.
Used for the next. « Base, low, vulgar, mean, in-
jffifx' ^ Interchanged with ^^ Pi
ferior, menial, contemptible
"^j }pdit\ A balista, once used in humble, yieldiiig, respectful
^fQ j
a cannon, great guns
; ;
to humble, to abase ^pi lav} ;

F'du fireworks yat, ^mun pdu' a ;

vulgar, low-lived ; itsiin tpU
cannon ; p'du' ^tsang, a bat- noble and plebeian ;
pi tsin}
tery p'dn^higdn, a touchhole,
vile ; (pi tM, dirty, mean ; cpi
a port-hole fong^ p' du^ to fire ;
chik:, I, the magistrate ^pi ^pi ;

a gun p'du' il'oi, a fort c«Atw

; ;
paU tsiik, to' too unimportant,

ifd p'du' to burn the flower not worth mentioning.

gun when worshiping Ceres; A pillar to which victims
p'du' 'hiung, report of guns; were tied ; a tablet ; cpi md^ a
p'du"^shau, a gunner ;'«at p'du' grave -stone ; shek^ cpi, a stone
to scale guns ;fong^ Mtig p'du' in memoriam; ipi itnan, the
to fire a salute ;
p'du' Jtmi, a epitaph, an inscription ; W
rocket, ^sheung Jiang (yan ^hau Hs'z'
i^' A bubble, froth, spoon-drift, cpi, traveler's words are like
p-^ spume a bubbling, murmur- ; tablets.
ing noise name of a river to ; ; Same
as (p'ai ^Xt' An ore of
dip, to wet, to soak, to steep in; arsenic, realgar, the red sul-
p'du' a pustule, a blister,
'^shtii phuret of arsenic Also read
bubbles on water p'du' chai' ;

364 Pi. Pi.

^b Compassion, feeling for, sym- 'l^ To give, to benefit ; to cause,

*'k^^ pathy, grief at another's woe ;
pT to enable ; to follow, to accord ;

to feel for, heartfelt sorrow ;

to let, to allow ; to employ ;

tragic, as plays ; ^pi m, grief; a janitor a conjunction, that,;

tpi (fii, a husband

to bewail ;
so that if, to the end that ; by,
cpi itsoi, alas, woe worth its'z' ! with '^pi sheki kik) tyan, to

tpi^ compassion cpi t'dri' to ; strike one with a stone ; im

sigh in grief. 'pi iX/an ihang, don't let people
A bank, a side to bank in, ; go ; 'pi ^k'ii (Chi td' let him
to inclose and drain a pool, ; know ; sung' 'pi give it
cpi iph'i, a pool.
a fishpond ;
him "^pi
to ; do yati Jc'i, allow
bear of great size ; an more time. j^^
arctic or grisly bear, found 'j^ To throw down. Same as jfg
in Liautung ; Jiung cpi, a bear, V* '^pdi. Also to strike the hands
—when dreamed of, is omin- together.
ous of a son. ^' To adorn
ornamented, va- ;

riegated, as herbage the 2 2d

<^ The female organs, the vulva. Pi
diagram, connected with fire.

' Uj/ To compare, to classify, to ift;' To shelter, to cover ; afford.
pV sort, to judge of; to equal, to r^
ing protection or shadow
correspond, to select ; a com- to shield, to protect ; to lodge ;

parison, an illustration ; the pV yav^ to protect, as by gods

81st radical ^pi kau' to com- ; ^popV to shield with one's as-
pare '^pi tut' to pair, match
; ;
sistance ; ^toing pp continual
jTWd sj/an '^pi tak^ ^sh^ung, no protection ; tsiki pi' to trust to

one can compare with him ;

for aid ; cpdu pV to assure one
ping' itn fChi '/id 'cKau,
itud ^pi protection.
good and ill cannot be known •
Water flowing, as from a
without comparison ; '^pi yal, torrent or fountain, between
'pi, make a comparison ; "^pi banks running water ; name

ifong, analogy, a simile ; to of a river in the southwest of

measure ; to suppose. Honan, a branch of the River

m Pi
A deceased mother 'Aaw 'pi,
deceased parents or ancestors.
; H^n.
T Abstruse, secret, mysterious,
A distributive pronoun that, [divine inspired, as by an

; ;

the further of two, the op- j afflatus; unaccountable, in-

posite exclude, to leave
; to Pi explicable pi' jc/i'ti/i, myster- ;

out of the question ; ^pi '^is^z' iously conveyed, like mesmer-

that, this then, now ; there,
ism pVmafi undivulged, close;

here ; the former, latter ; '^pt pV ishii, a mysterious book.

itsoiy him, indeed ! Fragrant, odoriferous; the
To give, to confer, to bestow, perfume of flowers ;
pV (fan,
to distribute amongst. Inter- grateful to the smell, like food.
Pi Also read pih a kind of potherb.
chang«d with the next.
;'; ;

Pi. pf. 365

hM* To treat rudely or disres 1^^ The nose ; nasal to bore ;

'^ pectfully, as when one is flus- ^<T* the nose the 209th radical

tered with drink. Same as of characters relating to the

the next. nose ; the first, original in ;

y^,' Majestic, grave full, filled ; colloquial, a thing pi^ Jung, ;

V, up with a man's name. Usu.

; the nostrils ; pi^ Jeung, the
ally read pit). bridge of the nose d' pi' a ;

Jtk.' Laborious, painstaking fa. ; fool, an ass pi' Jco, the nose
; ;

^p^ tigue, care attentive, careful, ; pi^ CaV ich'ung, a slug; Jau
heeding ; to counsel, to warn ; pi^ '^shui running at the nose;
water flowing from a spring. 'cKtpi^ ihon, to snore; pi^ Jco Jd
P^' A closed door ; to shut, to ^md yuk, his nose has no flesh
^* secrete to skulk, to hide
; — he is greatly afraid iang iko ;

hidden, secret, deep, profound, pi^ a Roman nose ; 7td pi' a

mysterious, spiritual careful, ; good article, a good thing
attentive ; isham pV occult, p'l^ '^tso, the first ancestor in
very secret ; pV s?'^ a secret a genealogy; pi^ sakt nose
atfair ; pi' nik) to keep out of stopped up, the snuffles pi' Sti ;

the way. snuff; pi^ dun, the end of the

ffSj' A strong, well-fed horse ; a nose pi' fat' mucus from the

p^ fat, robust horse. nose sang^ pi^ to blow the


gg' Rheumatism, weakness or nqse chong^ pV Jco /m' follow


paralysis of the limbs, arising your nose, go on straight.

from dampness ; numbness in -^i A fine toothed
comb, single
the jointsk^uk^ pi' my foot is
^!* or double to comb to lead a
; ; ;

asleep ihang pV a sudden

kind of toothed net to catch
twinge in the legs ; ch6uk) px' shrimps ; tsiung^ itigd pi' an
rheumatism from damp. ivory comb to
pi- iCau JdU

The fore. arm the cubit; comb the hair.

the arm ; the shoulder or leg J^i To flee from, to escape, to
of an animal when killed ; the '
avoid, to shun, to shirk, to
power or strength of an arm ;
get out of the way ; to stand
in colloquial, to pour off' from aside, to retire, to withdraw ;

dregs ^shau pV the arm pf

; ;
to abscond, to hide one's self;
cKiln' a bracelet ; pV Isiti the pir kwo' (Tii chiung' 'him, escape
elbow-joint tytung pV a leg ; from danger; ^t'd
this present
of mutton ; '/dn pi' to throw pi' to shaV JaUf
abscond ;
the arms backward ; ^pong yat^ to shirk one's duty pi- chdi* ;

pV (Chi liki lend us a hand, to avoid one's creditors ; jtit

help here ; pi' /d' its'ing, pour pi' to stand aside as when —
it off clear ^pd pi' ji /dm, to ; officers pass pV 'shii, to avoid

seize the arm and converse, the hot weather pi^ 'Ad 'Ar'ti, ;

to take by the button mdi^ ; get out of his way ; pf' iHi
tiu' pV i«, nothing at all to do. ch'ii, did'nt dodge it.
— ;: ;

366 Pi. V'l

m i]To prepare, to have, to

provide for, to make ready,

to arrange, to guard against

A colloquial
t'- of two a final
ing certainty
word, express-

hai' pP yes it ;
word ; or, one

Pi to retain; prepared, provided, is s'm hai' pi' not at all so ;


complete, ready sufficient, ; ikung pi' 'nd, is it a male or

enough ; entirely, wholly, all ;
female ? <peng pi' kicaV is it
v} pi^ provided against ; tsuk:, cheap or dear now ? pi* Him
pi' enough is prepared ; its'ai y&ung' then, how will it be ?
pi^ all is ready ; ^yau pi^ (md then what?
w6n' calamity is avoided by 1^! Low, like a house or palace,
forethought ; pi^ liki cO» lUgai, 'pj humble, unpretending, mean ;
he has experienced both felici- short the nose ^Yau pi' the
; ;

ty and misfortune ;pi' ichiHai name of a principality which

sat' he knows it all minutely. the brother of Shun governed.
A favorite, a vile but be-
loved person, a familiar par-
Pi ;

tial to, blinded for ; depraved, (413) Fi.

lecherous ; pi' ts'ip^ a favorite
concubine; pi^ hang^ or pi' iyan
Grand, great ; first ; distin.
a catamite jp'in pi' entire ;
guished ; to offer up, to pre-
trust in, to adulate. Fei
sent to ; to receive (p'i 'tez'
•4/ * To harmonize, to equal ;

the eldes<t son.

p"r according with, even, equal,
Strong, robust valiant ;
regidur, uniform party. spirit, ;
many, a multitude ; Tdi' tP'U
ed, intimate ;
pal:, pV peerless, P'ei
not comparable to; pV ^yau
a mountain in Weihwui fii
in Honan.
a nun ; tO pi^ selfish, mean,
partizan-like pi} ping' equal.
A fox's cub ; ip'i jZi, a young

W^i fox.
To reach to, to add to, to Pei
pS protect ; to dress to provide A white and yellow speckled
or prepare ; to suffer, a sign of

«® horse, a bright chestnut horse

the passive voice ; by, from ; tp'i cp'i, pressing, hurrying
pi' k'api ct'in ^yan, heaven's along.
blessings reached
him pi'^k'u
wounded by him pi\fung ;
To open, to spread out, to
extend, to uncover to unroll, ;

shi'its'an, made ill by wind as a scroll to rive, to break ;;

when sleeping pi' fcd' a de- ;

to throw on, as a cloak ; to
fendant ; pi' Idi' implicated in; cast or throw off clothes to ;

pi' {yan jii fu' to be imposed oppose slazy, as cloth ; dis-


on, to suffer mockery ;

pi' kij} heveled ^p'i (SO, to put on a

allready pp'shui dsoi, suffer.

leaf.cloak ; ip'ifdU to dishevel
ed by a flood, the hair; cp'i c/wi, to open or
^i The reins attached to o split cp'i kdp-, cavalry, a cui-

^^ headstall or bridle ; c?iap^ pi' rasser ^p'^i cfea cs/io, to put on


to hold a horse. a surplice ; 'icp'i, achaircover,

; ;:
' ;;

Ff. FI. 367


a tidy ^shau ,p'u open with

; Lassitude, fatigue, weariness
the hand ,p^. (Shii, to look at ; inability, loss of strength ;;/i
Pi ;

a book ^pi Mng tai' iili to

; \
kiin^ tired out cp'i ^md, a worn;

cloak the stars and put on the out house ip'i ivdn, drudg-


moon to travel by night. I ing, tiresome, as an office.

To put on garments on the i Fatigued, ill, worn-out, tired ;
shoulders ; to dishevel, to un-' ip't Jd, harassed same as the ;
Pi P'i
do (p'ifdl:, to loosen the hair,
last in this sense.

Sanie as the preceding, in this To flatter, to adulate to ;

sense. dispute ; artful, specious de-

To peel, to flay, to pare off bate intended to flatter and
lE'l the skin to trim, to hew ; cp't win over (p'ijts'z to beguile,
Pi ; ;

'^shnu Ara/jj to trim the nails; to coax to do wrong.

(p'i ihiu ip'U pare off the skin. To
take leave of, to separate
=111: from ugly <p'i jzcai, ugly,
The skin, the undressed Pi

hide leathery, leathern furs; plain, as a woman.

; ;

bark, peel ; a wrapper, thci A fine toothed comb ; forks

case around goods, the tare ; with which victims were lifted
a quartering in gambling; tem- from the boiler ; a fruit ip'i ;

per, character to skin to ; ;

ipd, the loquat or medlar (Er-
rover, as skin does ; the 107th iohotrya japonicaj; jp'i jp'd
radical of characters relating H'ung, a barrel.
to skin A. musical instrument ; ip'i
ipH tfu, the skin
; ;

tngau ip'i, cow-hide ; ^p'i Hs'd, sp'dthe Chinese guitar or viol;

dressed furs kioaV ipi, cassia ; ;
name of a scaleless fish to ;

j^'j 'pan, furs not made up push with the hand.



j'»n kit' ip'i, regardless of

Contiguous, as fields ; clear,

Pi manifest
reputation, shameless ; 'hd jp'i thick, substantial

hV a good disposition ; 'piu '^chi

cringing; kind, to treat kindly,
to paper over liberal ; to assist jp'i j/ijj, ad-
ip'i, ; ^fung ip'h' ;

to seal up, to paper the cracks joining, conterminous ; ikw'd

mulish, obstinate ip'ai sp'i, servile.
fp'i Jii, ;

ipi, to peel, as an orange ; I

To pair, to conple, to marry;
chdtn? ip'i, to curry leather equal, paired, matched jp'i
; Pi ;

ip^ (or dm) ip'i, to tan; Jioil ^mi, alilie pretty.

ti'dn sp'i, to
ing — in
open the quarter.
gambling ^p'i Jui, or! ;
The stomach or tripe of a
cow, the manyplus; the navel;
thick, substantial, abundant
iWdn ip'i, fidgetty, willful, as

children ;
'^hd^p'tshik^ a clear,' ip'i tchi, the entrails of birds.
good complexion ; 'c/tV qii A sort of feline beast from
it'iu, unstable, not to be de- Lidutung, like a leopard
Pi ;

pended on ; mok ^p'i, to flay, some say a spotted bear or

to piill off the wrapper or peel ;
badger ^p'i -^yau, a flag with

jcA'm ip'h without the ease, j

a leopard on it.
368 Pf. H
•M^ A low wall ; to add to, to A stoppage in the bowels,
"^T augment ; attached to ; thick,
constipated; disease or pain
liberal, abundant ; low, mar. from costiveness.
shy, damp, places ; jp'i shap:> To obstruct, to hinder, to
damp. Pel
bar the way, to interrupt ; vile,
Grain which does not mature; wicked, bad, as mankind ; ^p'i
immature seed
the chorion or shai' the wicked world ; ^p'i
Pi ;

chaffy grain tares found in ; impeded, way blocked

grain ; ignorant ; ip'i thong, ming^ '^p'i, a hard lot 'p'i
up ; ;

chaff*, husks, refuse. kiki CdV Joif it is so bad that

The stomach, the internal it must soon better.

tunic which digests the food ; A frontier or country town,
the digestion ; the temper ; to small place a border, a fron-
Pi a ;

stop ; ip'i hi^ the gastric efflu- tier a town of 500 houses,

ence, the temper ; ip'i wai^ the five of which made a Men or
stomach jp'i wai^ sham} loong^
district ; low, country-like,
an excellent digestion; ip'iihii, vile, rustic, mean ; to despise,
languid, feeble ; mat, sp'i, the to contemn vulgar,
; 'p'l lau^
cells of a comb ^p'i hi' ngdng^ ;
the lower classes ; 'p'i lun^
obstinate, willful. niggardly 'p'i lut:,
; brazen,
Also read '^i, full, ample, as a faced '/id 'p'i ^k'ii, I utterly

dress. despise him ; 'ho 'p'i, despi-

^ Good, white rice, well hulled cable ; 'p'i poki to vilify ; tpin
<T and washed. 'p'i, on the borders, the frontier.

gl Small, as caps used by lords To destroy, to subvert ; to

in worship inferior ; benefici- prostrate, as a city ; Jting
Pi ;
to cast down.
al ; to assist, to supply defici- 'p'i,

ency ; to reinforce, to be use- A coverlet, a covering for a

ful to enable or give permis- bed to cover ; 'p'i c<dn, xi
Pi ;

sion to do; to give over to; sheet, a single covering ; kap^

ip'ifu} to assist ; tdi^ 'yau jp'i ^p'i, a double coverlet ^min ;

yiki of great benefit. ^p'i, a quilt ^pH min^ a coun-


A parapet or breastwork, in terpane; 'k'am ^p'i, to pull the

which embrasures are made ;
clothes over one; ^p'i ^p'd,
to benefit ;
^ts^eung qti, a para- bedding ; iUi ^p'i, a red wool-
pet : 's/jfltt ipi, an officer who en coverlet.
guards the walls. A maid-servant, a female
A drum cymbal used on or
slave, one bought or con-
horseback, and sounded in demned to servitude ; ^p'i 'tsz*
Pi a slave maid a term
battle near the general ; to ; ^p'i ^nii,

drum. for a daughter; also used by

A large species of ant, called women for themselves ; (kun
{/>'i ifan; a flower of a reddish ^p'i, condemned women ; «Ai*
color, like a hibiscuij. ^p'i, handmaids; ^nd ^p'i, slaves.
;;; ;

PIK. PIK. 369

compare, to make an jVo To dry at the fire ; fire
to understand
illustration a ^1^'dried pik: joawt ingau yuki to
Pi : ;

simile, an illustration, a para- bake beef thoroughly ;

ble, a comparison pi^ $«, for ; ^tsau^ to distil spirits; piki
instance, a comparison; '/s'fi t.nung, overdone.
p'V pat: ^iin, to take a com- jR^ A mud wall a partition ;

mon illustration p'V pat-, tak- ;

^r'wall, wall of a house a screen, ;
incomparable mr} p'i^ unex- ;
an obstruction, a military de.
plained, unintelligible.
fense a steep ridge the 14th
; ;

FiJ ' To break wind ;

p'^C '^ku, the
zodiacal constellation, of 7' in
^ posteriors ; fong^ p'V to
used as a contemptuous ex-
Pegasus and a in Andromeda ;

itsiung pik: a wall ; chiu' pik:

pression for what another says.
a curtain wall before yaniun
an opposite wall kdk: pik: a ;

partition wall ; kdk: pik: it/an,

(414) Pik. a next door neighbor ikd it'd ;

pik: lapi a poor family, only

bare walls itnun pik: a parti,
^S A valuable stone, translucent
tion to screen a room ; min}

^^'like prase or jade some are ;

pik: facing the wall, i. e. hard

bluish, and others greenish,
study pik: lap^ ^Is'in yan' the
like the deep sea pit, iwan, ;

ridge rises in lofty peaks.

the azure clouds ;
pik^ shu^ a
coralline tree, fabled to grow B^ A badge of office, made of
in the Kwanlun Mts. ^'gem, round, with a hole in the
is "] To oppress, to harass, to centre, and carried into audi-
j5' /ill-use, reduce to
to force, to ences ; the (kwai and pik: were
j^, j straits ; to crowd on to ap- ;
a sort of letters. patent to de- ;

Pih proach near, to press upon dine pik: tst^ to decline with


to distend, to fill near, urgent; ;

thanks written on cards ;
tchan ching' pik: iyan, really, '^fdn pik: to return a present.
what a crowd pik: tak: 'ho !
(This character is often pronounced paA.)
'^kan, a great press, a jam
pik: '52' to ill-use so as to cause

5^ 1
To urge, to insist upon ;
death ; 'Ad pik: very crowded ;
'^ J.
to press, to vex, to reduce

pik: 'kan, near to, bordering ;

50 > ' to straits ; urgent, pressing ;

Peh to force one to extremity

pik: td^ hV (to s'm H'aii tak: I am ;

so squeezed kap: pik: urgent, as work

1 can't breathe ;

hurried, pressed kwaii' pik:

pik: pik: to force, to compel ;

another, miserable, straitened, as a poor

to tyrannize over;
in s'.'iits; pik: jWid noi^
man jwai shai? 'shopik: forced

necessitated, obliged to do by circumstances pik: '^sz' :

(ts'iii pik: to dun, to hurry jammed to death.

P<^rverse, bad, pertinacious,
pik: hd- to oppress the poor 'I'W
pik: kit' a buskin. f^' self-willed, disobedient.

To>. Dior. 47
; ;;

370 FIK. Vis.

J^ To rive, to split, to open, to

(415) P4k. P^'rend, pHk^Hm} lih
to cut ; iyan,
a harsh man.
Pat A prince, a ruler heaven ; ;
3fe Indigestion ; a morbid ap.
^.r'a law, example, rule clear, ; p.^' petite ; a penchant, a fancy
to perceive fully punishment, ;
for, great partiality ; shiki p'ik,

to punish, to castigate, to kill; a craving appetite ; sing' p'ik^

partial to; tdi^ p'ik, a. severe a propensity, a passion for.
punishment, death p'ihiining ;
A sort of tile which is to be
nominal, by false pretenses; ^' partly covered by other tiles,
f^ and in which lines are made.
iWong pHki an emperor a ;

widow worships her dead hus-

band by this title. Occasion-
Clothes folded up and laid
in a pile ; p't/c, tsiki the plaits
ally used for the four next. or folds in the skirt of a petti-
i^ Mean, low-live, vulgar de- ; coat the gathers in a dress.

i^*praved, licentious; prejudiced, fflBfe Lame, unable to walk

partial ;
p'i/cj lau- rustic, mean ;
pTJ^' upset, overturned, prostrate ;

cp'in p'iki depraved, bad heart- ipai p'iki lame of both feet.
ed ; rough, uneven, as a path ;

fong^ p'iki dissolute ;

p'ilc} kin'
prejudiced, narrow-minded.
(416) Pin.
(This character is often pronounced p'ek.)

Jtek To open, to cleave, to rive

^!^'to beat the breast ; to throw Jj^ The side an edge, a bank,;

down on, or at; to drive aside ;

p!^ a margin a border, the fron.

p'ek) shekifong' 'fo, to throw tier, confines, boundary. In

stones and set on fire ;
p'ik^ colloquial, which, where
thoi, to break open p'ik^ ''yung
what place ^pin tik-, cfiV Vid,

huki yap-, to bare the feet and which is the best ? ^pin yaU
wail —
as for a death. cKu' in what place? 's^ung
Eg To burst forth, to disclose, tpin yaU y^ung- which one do
U^'to appear; to set in order ; to you fancy ? ^pin tak^ J-ai, where
develop, as nature does ; to did you get this? cpin ^lia
retire to, to shun; dioi p'ih, where ? Ai ipin ch'u' near what
if in ti^ the creation ;
yat^ hdpi place ? ipin ngoi^ beyond the
yaU p'iki an opening and shut. frontiers ; ipin ch^ung, the
ting, a culmination and de- boundary (Chung (pin, within

cline ; tch'o p'iki ti' ifong, and without t/a (p'ln, an em- ;

to occupy new land. broidered edge, as of a dress ;

<§& A clap of thunder ;

p'iki lik^ ,fd cpin itigan, a milled dollar
^\shengt a splitting clap; also (pin 'shdngf which province ?
applied to a crashing noise, the 'Aoi (pin, the seaside jWid hit' ;

rumbling of wheels chari^pHk-. ; (pin ch'iV don't go away ipin ;

a trembling, a shaking. ildn, the raised edge of a coin

; —

PLV. PfN. 371

^lii Hd (Shan tpin, stand by my Abream (Abramis hramu-

side ;
7*au tsoi^ W ipin, way-
la);one or two species are
side talk — truth : Hil ^pin, in- reared by the Chinese to a
side, within; .fin ipin^ the great extent.
horizon cpi/i ho' which one ?
; To plait, to braid, to twist,

^^ A bamboo basket, called to intertwine da cpin ; a cue ;

p^^ iau^ made

a dish, used in like or pan^ cptw, to braid the cue ;
worship to contain fruits tpt/i ; tdi* t.sung (pin, a loose plaited
iyan^ an eunuch, who brings cue ;
Jau a cue
(pin, left for
the server at sacrifices. as when boys shaved are first ;

jj^^ A bat, called ipinfuk-, or c»in ^iti tpi«, to wind the cue round

'*/tu, the fairy rat. the head tpin Heng, the hair
left on the head ; tpin jp'di, a
1 To
connect or string on a
false cue.
Kord a ligature, a band; a

Flat, round, low, not globular;

j cord to fasten bamboo books

Jen. together to arrange materi- a tablet a lighter or small

als in order, as when prepar- boat sp'di ^pin or ^pin ngahi

ing a book ;
to compose ; re- honor.nry tablets placed over
cords, books ;
to twist, to plait doors by graduates ; saV (kwd
a sort of turban 'Mri i-pin, a ;
'pin, a chopboat ^shiung ^pin, ;

book ^pin jwi/i, annals ipin

to put up a tablet 'pin pdki ;


isau, a revisor of books the the juniper karn' 'pi/i, to press;

lowest title in the Hanlin; ,pin flat.

lUi tsz'^ hd- to arrange marks Like the last. Flat, thin a ;

or letters in order. Pien

slice a board or tablet 'pm
; ;

A bamboo cart or barrow for ngdki a door tablet.

Pi^ transporting earth. Cramped, contracted, narrow,
H4f The hard skin of a laboring petty, small ; strait, as a terri-
'^'j^ man's hand ; callous, indurat-
tory, garments, or the mind ;

ed, hard, firm ; loose skin. 'pin 'siu, small, mean ; '^pin lau^

Read ip'ing in the Fan Wan.

mean ; '^pin ^sam, fearful, pusil-
lanimous, timid.
3^ A whip, a lash an iron cud- ;

gel a cut or lash of a whip

; Hasty, narrow-minded ; '^pin
Fien ;

to whip, to flog ; ^md cpin. a kap, impertinent, covetous.

horsewhip ^pin t'at, to chas- ;
Same as the last.
lise, to flog (pin tkon^ a whip- ;
To detract, to criticise, to
handle da ^k'u shapi tpin, give
censure, to dispraise ; to dim-
him ten lashes cliap, cpin ; inish, to abate ; to vilify; ^pd
itsung st'^ to take measures to '^pin, and blame as
to praise —
do a thing ; f'i/, cpin> ^n iron critics do 'pin hd^ to degrade


bludgeon yaU ^chi ipiii ikon,

as an officer to humble ; ;

a walking-stick; ipi (pin, a 'pin 'siin, to disparage, to do

lictor's lash ;
/ang .piny a rat- injury to by blaming 'pin ;

tan scourge. cliuU to take away a dignity.


372 PfN. PfN.

'^ To bury, to put the coffin of no consequence Jw pin^ ;

^^ into the grave ; burial -/pin hi' inconvenient, unhandy, not

implements for interment. ready; pin^ shi' is just so, of
/^^' To change, to alter to ; course, that is it ;
pin^ ^on, at
p|^ transform, to metamorphose ;
leisure,olium; 'siii pin^ to
a change in things, a mutation make water pin^ ju, a cham-;

from one condition or being ber-pot pin\chung ^hang imdi


to another a turn of attliirs,

; ihi, come in at your leisure ;

an insurrection, a revolution ^k'i iffidi yat) pin^ stand a little

in the state a calamity, a ; one side ; ma^ tak, kdm' pin-

judgment from Heaven '^koi ; how is it you have it so handy?
pin' to reform an alteration in ; pin^ long' well arranged, in its
affairs ;
piri' it'ung, perspica- place, all right ;
pin^ ch^uk^
cious, smart pin' (Sam^ to alter
then it will do ;
J,s'in iiigan
one's views or feelings pin' ;
pin^ un^ cash and silver readi-
fa' to change by influencing ;
ly exchanged fong pin^ what ;

the changes in nature, to alter is beneficial, of public or pri-

the substance of a thing ; piki vate advantage tsau^ pin^ will


pin' to excite to revolt by be ready presently ; pin^ tsiti

oppression pin' mdi^ to change
no trouble, in one's way <di^ ;

hands by selling ;
pin' ching' pin^ hd' huh the bloody piles
a change in a disease ; U'ln hdm^ ^yi ils'ai pin^ all is ready.
pin' providential calamity; pin' *> To separate or cut asunder
shik, change of countenance ; to divide, to distinguish, to dis-
pin' un^ change it. criminate, to dispute and dis-
/^i To put one who is irksome cuss, in order to ascertain ; to
pr** at ease ; to accord with rest, ; inquire into frame of a bed-

convenience convenient, ex- ; stead ;

an ancient land mea.
pedient, opportune, advanta- sure; pui' ihoi Jco (tai, to distin-
geous ; ready» handy, at hand, guish between the dear and
at pleasure, readily ; accustom- cheap; pin^ shik:, to discrimin-
ed to, ready at ; offices of ate colors ;
pin^ id' ds'ing, to
nature ; an adverb, then, so, thoroughly examine ,fan pin^

thus forthwith, immediately,

; to explain, to distinguish.
straightway, just as ; that is ; j^- Analogous to the last ; to
shun^ pW
to be convenient, ^Pr
dispute, to debate, to quarrel ;

to avail of a good chance ; It' to set in order ; to review,

pi/i^serviceable, advantageous; to criticise ; to insinuate
pin^ (.chting tsau' wd^ said it un- wrangling, artful pin^ poh to ;

premeditatedly ; 'ching pin} contradict ; ichdng pin^ to

all madeready, finished mP ;
wrangle; pM
lun' to debate ;
^yaupin^ not yet ready 'kiiShi ; pin'' itning pdki to argue or
to4>pi/i^ when will it be ready ? distinguish a point clearly ;
ich'd pin^ tea is ready its'ui ;
pin^ '^chiin, skillful at cajoling,
pin^ as you please, any how. to coax or cajole.
FfN. FfN. 373

-I-- Hurried; a rule, a law; to ity ;

prejudiced Jd
ip'in kiti' ;

P"* ^^^ hands to in a confused (p'in sJTiwn, to go

in a side door;
way ; name of a district ; pin^ met. dissipated, to follow evil
kap-, perturbed. ways.
Mr;^- Delighted, pleased, gay, -4A- A slip of written bamboo, as
p,. ' anciently used ; a red skinned
bamboo, with delicate tasted
O-t^ A river in Hupeh, a branch
shoots; a leaf of a book a pub-
of the River Han Pin- J^ung,
J. ' ;
lication, books yat} ip'in, one
the former name of K'aifung ;

leaf; cp'in «//apj a section in

fu in Honan.
the Book of Odes ; yaf, ip'in
^t} A casque, a leathern helmet ,•

bonnet of ceremony used in Hd Ho, has looked at

ishii H'ai
Pien ^
the Chau dynasty ; military
one book till he's old is only —
partially informed.
officers ; quick, hasty, alarm-
ed, trembling to clap the ;
^1 To fly swiftly, to run to and
hands itnan jU/j ^md pin^ civil-
Fen "^^ quickly; fluttering, hover-
ing ; bustle and running, as at
ians and army officers; ^ku pW a parade fluttering pennons ;
to clap and urge on to battle.

ip'in cp'in, flying about.

4^> To grasp, to put the hand on
^T* to sweep or brush awav to Small, as a boat cp'in (Chau,:

^ ;

throw away to reject pin^ Pien'a skifT, a little flat boat. Same
; ;

tneng* to risk or disregard as the next in this sense.

one's life. A flat bottomed boat, a shallop,
P'\'en used in eastern China; a scow.
i^ Urgent ; ip'in jp'in, diligent,
(417) Fin. i,*^ in a hurry ;
ijso,' to discuss,
r len •'

;i3>'j Everywhere, all around, the

/Q Inclined to one side, a side, '^, > entire, the whole, throughout;
plfP at or by the side ; partial, ex- jto j to go around, to make a cir-
cessive, bent on having, long, P ien cuit or tour ; to pervade ; a
ing for ; selfi^sh, secluded ; a visit or walk ;
p't/i' (Shan, the
half; 25 chariots fifty men ;
whole person ; p"i/»' ktt>oki
tp'in iu^ '^kdm, I must have it rchvng, to travel to the ends
so ; fp'in Hiu ^k'ii, neglected or of the land yaU p'in' a visit,

overlooked him cp'tn ifong, a ;

one walk or trip ; fih'im p'in'
concubine ; ^yau cp'in or cp'in to inform all.

ktco' I have, thank you a re- — g^* To vault into a saddle, to

ply when asked if one has mount a horse ; to take ad-
eaten ^p'tn kicai yaUpiii' leans
; vantage of, to deceive, to
oneside — asan unsteady boat; cheat ihong p'in^ or Jii p'in'

cp'in cp'ii du' willful, opinion- to lie to, to delude ; sliau^ p'iii*
ated, determined ; iSenng ip'in, deceived p'in' kuki a plan

to passon a present to a third for cheating ; ishni p'iti' ^niy

person; c^' in oi' undue partial- who took vou in?
;; — ;;


It.' *3ything thin and small, (ping a commanding

^T^^g ifWif, slip, splinter, strip, ofticer a foreign officer, as

bit, cliip, fragment ; a short the governor of Macao, is also

time ;
petals of a flower ; to so called its'dn cping, discom-

split, to slice, to cleave, to fited troops ;

its'd cping^ to re.
divide ; a half, a section of; view troops kau* cping^ to

the 91st radical; yad p'in' save troops, to succor troops;

'c/»i a slip of paper ;
p'iri' j/tdm, (ping 'fan ts'dki Jun, seditious
a note, a chit ; y^U p'in^ ^fu troops and rebellious banditti
(Sam, the whole heart engaged Jciln(.pine, government troops;
in it ; p'i/i' jin, half of the iping ik'iin, military power
story,one side of a question, a ichiu iping, to enlist soldiers
word p'in' ishi, a little while,
JLo iping, arms, an equipment
an interval ^ping p'iti' Baroos ; ip'mg iSliiin, a man-of-war.
camphor ; ick'd p'iti' a leaf of Ice ; clear, pure crystal! iz- ;

tea ;
yat, p'in^ ifau <,in, a lie, ed frozen ; icy, cold as ice ;
the whole of it ; (d p'iii' lin, to freeze ^ping Jto, a frozen

opium ;
ilau p'iii' a note left river ^ping tung^ ice
; ;
as a card ;
p'in' tsaW a memo- ^shui, melted ice-water ; (ping
rial ; ts'iU p'in^ to slice up, siiU iceand snow tping Hdng^ ;

as cold as ice, very cold iping ;

shatiO-n ice-house (^ping it'ong, ;

(*18) Ping. sugar-candy ; ^ping ^tsHng yuki

kiU iyan, a pure-minded good
man (.ping ^ki yuh chaU clear

A weapon, arms ; a soldier complexioned and faultless

an army, troops, forces, sol- said of a woman's person

diers ; military, martial, used (ping iyan, or tdi^ cping ^yung,

in war ; to fight, to use arms ;

a go-between ; tping (fd ifong,
<ping (ting, a soldier; (Ping Pd^ pounded sugar-candy.
the Board of War tdi- (ping, ;
A quiver,a case for arrows ;
the great army, the main body put the hand on the quiver
of troops engaged ;
^cK^ung so as not to let the arrows,
(ping, ''long arms," are spears, drop out.
muskets 'liin <:ping, " short
The third of the ten stems
arms," are swords 'Ai (ping, inferior, the last ; a fish's tail
to raise or marshal troops (ping and Uing belong to fire
ch'iU, (ping, to lead men out and the south, and hence mean
battle; (ping hV arms, bright ; Js'ing '^ping, heaven
to ;

military stores fuki ^ping, an lyam 'ping Mung'' facing


aml)ush pdi' ^ping, defeated ;


north and south as a house —
^M'in (ping, Manclm troops; or grave.
detachment Sad, deeply aflflicted ^yau ;
yat^ tclii (pi'igi «i

or wing of an army ; ^md (ping, (Sam 'ping 'ping, mournful,

pd\ping, cavahy and infantry sorry.
a ;; ;


*^ Bright, clear, like the day- iiti moon caf

° full moon of the
*J^« The light of fire, bright tVong '^peng, cakes eei
^f perspicuous, luminous, as a fants as presents.
^ style. A colloquial word to ;
JjE> A handle, a haft ; the root,
burn ^ping Hiii ^ki ikd, burned
^ ^ the
' source meL authority,

several houses.
power, influence having the ;

control ; 'pd peng^ to hold by

'Xrt A city in the ancient prin-
pv" cipality of Sung also in that the handle; ^yau 'pa feng*

'" powerful, influential, wise,

of Ching, in the east of China.
To be scattered, to expel, to having authority ; having a
basis of action 'md wa} ping*
J>^ dissipate, to drive off; to idle ;

about, to wander.
nothing to talk of, nothing to
'^ A handful of grain both
make a story plausible ^k*un ;

ping^ power ; ichd chii^ ko^ Jtiu

r^ hands full
Ping -'
; an ancient dry
. . •

peng'' take hold of the handle
measure ot grain containing ;

peng' ch'eki a foot-rule.

2 sheki or 160 Haii ; to seijfe or
grasp in the hand, to maintain,
Two standing or going iii'}
to uphold ; '^ping tak^ to adhere
together the leading idea is
^J I

to virtue ; '^ping Jcung, to act
jr' [dual together, moreover, al- ;

justly, to maintain equity

•^>|so, will), and at once, even ;

'pd ''pin^i to administrate, to

•^^ with, united, unitedly really; ;

direct '^ping chuk-, tov' tdn^ to

; ]Q[ J to copulate ; in colloquial, to
hold a light watching for the Fing compare ping' hopi united ; ;

dawn. ping' (fi, by no means ping* ;

^fan, to seize all, to usurp

'^ The covering or screen over
tjV'r a carriage,' a mat to put over
another's ; ping' tso^ sitting
ring ° *
together ; ^ni ping' kico' com-
a wagon.
pare them together yat^ping*
'JS To drive off, to expel '^ping ;

the crashing a single comparison ping*

(pci^gi ;
Pinff 'P^"^ '^P^^g
noise of broken crockery —
lapitvfo standing together ; j'w
ping' tah chu^ they are very
colloquial expression.
unlike, not to be compared j
*^ A scabbard, called '^ping
'pMw^ name of a village. ping' chung^ equally heavy.
P 1^ ;
Also read ping^ with the same
(This and the next are often pronounced meaning. y-.

*/6|fe A
cake, a biscuit ; pastry
/-tf >
Used for 'ping
and the
On a line with,
p^' made of flour, water and fat, ^ equal; to make one, to reduce
^ dumplings min} '^peng, cakes;
; to a uniform size or appear-
'^peng (koiit dry biscuit, crack- ance to expose, to be regard-

ers ; '^peng shiki pastry iTigau ;

less of; ping' kij} oppose to
^ndi "^peng, cheese, cheese 'ping meng' careless of one's
cakes; Hsau 'peng, yeast cak^s; Ufe — as in battle ;
ping' pal)
;; ;

376 P'lNG. P'ING.

|?6'iWai yaU pb^ reduced the peaceful, undisturbed ; totran-

eight hooks to one. quillize, to subdue to even, ;

(The three next characters are often to adjust, to harmonize, to

pronounced peng.) pacify, to conciliate plenty
; ;

joS^- Sickness, illness, disease a plain ikung ip'ing, just, ho-


i"fi''f"'ty, malady ; vicious, norable ip'ing (wo, at peace ;

nsf ;

vice ; defect, fault ; sadness, pleasant weather d'in ip'ing^ ;

sorrow, affliction to damage, : a pair of balances ; tdi' ip'ing,

to injure, to render worse to ; a state of peace ; ip'ing a W
criminate, to vitiate ;
to hate, level place ; ip'ing ^sh^ung,
to dislike ; to distress, to dis- common, usual; ^p'ing yafi
grace tsati peng^ diseases
; heretofore, constantly, daily ;
^yau peng^ sick peng^ '/id ; ip'ing iyiung tdi^ Id* an even
chvng^ dangerously ill peng^ ; highway ; ip'ing s,ming, dawn,
iWong ^ngdn, you've jaundiced daylight; ip'ing (pan or ip'ing

eyes a railing phrase peng^ ;
'to//o-, of equal rank, compeers

fuki fdti a relapse peng^ u^ ; iping iVfian pdk) sing' the un-
convalescent, well ngo^ peng^ ; titled and common people : 'ni
sick abed pd' p^f'g^ to plead
; ^chingikwan ip'ing, make them
sickness, so as to get a fur- all even equalize them ; ^p'd

lough or excuse peng^ tak, ; paU ip'ing, distressed, ill at

(kducktcdn, very ill; peng^ kmok^ ease ; '/*d ip'eng, very cheap ;

to injure the state; 'fm (or 7»i) iping fuki to subjugate ip'ing

peng^ infected, to catch a dis- tV'hiifungipo, to raise a need-

ease ; hoi'' (Sh^ung peng* an less disturbance ip'ing jon, ;

inward malady. well, happy, contented, pros-

perous ip'ing (Shing, the even

or first of the four tones ip'eng ;

(419) Fing. tiki tsd* laki a little cheaper

'twill do; ip'ing (fan, equally
divided ; chv' ip'eng hai* '^kdm,
A that's as cheap as it can be got.
"^o grasp, to raise. col-
• word ; to set to rights, EE. A screen a wall made to ;

to arrange ;
^p'wg 'Ad, to put f/r'" screen a doorway ornamental ;

in order ; j'm pa' chity ^p'eng or carved tablets; to cover, to^

fttca^j don't fear breaking your screen, to hide from view, to
ribs ; cp'ing iindi dpi tdn^ to keep out of view ip'ing (fung^ ;

hatch eggs artificially ; (pHng a door-screen iWai ip'ing, a ;

itnai jp'i Hs'd to sew furs to- folding-screen keng' iP'ingi a ;

gether. pier-glass in a standing frame ;

TTi Even, level, uniform, plain ;
ip'ing cheting' a hanging
!,,.' just, equitable ; common, or- screen ip'ing Hsai, small car-

^"^dinary, usual, daily ;_ cheap, ved frame ornaments of stone,

not high-priced tranquil, ; porcelain, &c.; ip'ing hon*
— —


servants, agents for another notes on a MS.; to review a

the emperor, and magistrates book ; ip'ing Itin^ ^kd (.kam, to
are so called ; ip'ing lap^ stand- compare ancient and modern
ing like a screen i. e. a ser- times; ip'ingchii' notes or com-
vant ; H ip'ing, the back of a ments spring i'Ui to look over

chair ; M
ip'ing, a purse. a
book, to revise it for the
Also read '^ping; to expel, to drive press sh^ung^ ipi^g, to praise;

off, to scatter ; to spoil, as rob- ipHng ^hd ko^to^ Hi, decide upon
bers to reprehend to reject.
; ; that rule or opinion,
jkn To conduct, to convoy, to jhft A screen on the side ; a pro-
i,,'' send a messenger; a mes- - •'
' tection ; sp'ing ^mung, a cur-
^"^senger; following, according ; tain, a protection, as an awn-
iS^ung ip'ing ^wai piin^ will ing over a house.
accordingly be his fellow. (This character is usually read/)'eng:.)
Ajff Hasty, warm-hearted, im-
p» ' petuous earnest, eager in
-Jfaj* a ] A pitcher to draw water ;

feelingand\on; Jeap-, ip'ing L^ ^ vase, a jar, a cruet, a vessel

earnest, vehement —
used in a cljlf J with a tubular neck, and small
P'ing mouth, and usually without
good sense.
13£ A kind of wood proper for an ear or nose a pitcher; c/a ;

^V' tables and footstools made ip'engf

a flower- vase Hsau ;

^ plane and smooth a game of ;

iP'eng, a wine bottle of tute-
chess, a chess-table. nague.
"^ A sort of edible celery or §P^ A span of horses
overplus, ;

p,l cress, of which deer are fond, "ppl^a redundance ; to associate, to

called ^p'ing /di- ; the leaves reach together, to arrive si-
are whitish and the stalk multaneously ; to join or clan

straight ip'ing ip'ing, grassy, together pahfukup'ing dsun


herbaceous. Used for the many blessings coming at

next. once; icht ip'ing, a double

A kind of duckweed, a
ing plant grown in fishponds,
float- thumb,
i*.' Elegant, as a women pHng^ ;

^ g""^^^^"'' lady-like car-

called ip'd ckiu, a sort of Azol- ?^s^ '*'^"^'
riage. Used for the
la ; met. busy, here and there, next. .

wandering about, traveling ;

To ask, to inquire of; to
iP^ing dsiing tjnd teng^ it's un. p.. send an envoy to a suzerain
certain where he's gone (p'ing ;
^ to make inquiries ; to demand
ifung, to meet ac-
'^shui is6iing information to invite with a ;

cidentally, as floating weeds. present, to request ; to nego-

gnt To discuss the merits of, to tiate a marriage, to espouse,, to
f/rr settle the order of ; to dispose, betroth ; a portion presents ;

--to arrange ; to deliberate, to sent before wedding, or by a

fix fairly ; to criticise a book, ruler when inviting one to of-
to revise before publication ; a fice ; p'ing^ (kam, money paid
moral ; tp'ai <ping, to make at marriage ;
p'ing^ Hs'ing, to

Ton. Dict. 48
; ;;

378 PlT. P'iT.

invite a teacher ; kwd^ p'if^g^ A colloquial word ; to issue

Half to send presents of mar- forth, to sprout as plants ; '^sun
riage or invitation ; hau^ p'ing^ pit, kbrn^ niin' as tender us a
a generous dowry; csdm p'ing^ bamboo just sprouted pit,
thrice invited as an ancient — cKuti ilaiy it leaks out, a drop,

hero was p'ing^ jin, to invite

good men to serve the state •fiM A species of pheasant or
k'^uki p'ing^ to decline taking p^^ francolin, called pit, ch9 like
a present, the gold pheasant ; it is fond
ft ' To run swiftly ; to fly, as i
of seeing itself in the water.

when defeated, in a direct o.i To separate, to divide, to
course ; ich'i p'ing^ to ride ^-f ^-distinguish part, to put ; to
swiftly, as a courier ;
p'ing^ '^^assunder; to leave, to recede
iWdi, pleased, elated, gratified. from, to go off; diflferent,
another ; a separation, a part,
ing a negative, not, don't

(420) piti yeung^ another sort piti

Pit. ;

ilk, another one ; <fan piti ^sin

haii' to distinguish the former
from the latter; ko^ piti to
Minutely divided ; certain.
t\Li announce one's leaving ^ni ;
pj~t 'ly, absolutely, decidedly it is ;
piti Jtun ^ngo, don't interfere
necessary, must ; determined
witii me ; piti hau^ after we
on ; pati pit-, unnecessary ; mi^
parted ;
piti Jiin, immaterial
pit) not necessarily so, not
sung^pit, to see one out on leav-
quite certain ^ho pit} what ;
ing; pi/ji'jj/an, another person
necessity, why must it be so ?
kdk, pit, yati 'kau, liave not
piti teng^ certainly pati Jio pUi ;
seen each other for a long
uncertain, unsettled; ik'ipit}'
time ; pit, lod- said something
decided on ; pU^ hai- indisput-
else pin^ piti to discuss the
able, certain ; pit:, tak^ doubt-
difference; pUi ipi to leave one
less; pit-, j'»n tak} you can't do
calling for another.
it, it is impossible ;
pit, iii' in-
A turtle, supposed to hear (421) Fit.
^{'ywith its eyes; all marine
-|& > cheloniae ; the stars Corona
Pieh Australis ;
a kind of
7idpi pit, 1 To strike lightly, to tap ;

turtle unable to retract its ^to brush away or along, to

head ;
pit, iyan, fishermen. ^^>jwipe; to divide or knock

A horn, called pit, Ivt^ blown P'ieh apart; to skim, off; to brand-
JP^by the Tartars to frighten ish to lead, to drag
some- ;

horses ; pouring out pit, fat, ; what, a modicum, gently the ;

a cold wind pit, fat, water ;

dash to the left in Chinese
issuing, as from a fountain. characters a down-stroke ;
;;; ;

PIU. PIU. 379

p'iU '« yftpi Jot, a dash of rain (piii Jed, first rate, excellent
drove in p"i<3 shap, Ao' cshan,
; pdki hdp:> ipiti, a lottery-ticket;
wet through by rain pHt:, fiiU ; cpiM ch^uU Jai, to appear con-
to reject, to skim off; Isd'- sz'^ spicuous ; Hang ^ngo ipiu iSin
p'iti tiit, to attend to affairs pd^ let me go ahead
a step or
promptly, to clear off business; two ipiu chV very pretty,

to clean off, to brush ;

p'it:, hit' unusually fine; it'au cpiii, a
pHl] Jioif to set aside, to push ticket of the first priz© ; ilung
away yah dd p'iU tuiv' drove
: ipiu, a banner given to a suc-
them apart at one blow of his cessful dragon boat ^piu iming ;

sword ;
p'it) ds'ing, to push to placard the names ; ^piii
aside, to leave off entirely, as iy^ung, to exhibit as an exam*
gambling or smoking. pie to all ; Jioi (piu, to open
c A hasty temper, a hurried the lottery.
manner ; vicious; p'it) sing^ a Blue, azure, greenish ; a sort
bad disposition. of fine blue silk ; :pi(i ipiu,
glance at, to pass the
eyes over, to look at slightly
buoyant, rising and sailing
away, like a phoenix ;^iA;3tpi«,
p'i/) kin^ a hasty glance. amethystine, cerulean ts'uV ;

^t Lame, halt, hobbling club- ; (piu, leek green rpi^ pah a ;

footed to lean on one foot
; pure white, as cloth.
p'iU p'tki to go round pit:> ;
The end or mouth of a scab-
isuki lame. bard covered with copper, and

^ff To hoe up weeds ; a raspber-
Piu. ""y feathers changing color,
as the ptarmigan does ; a mar-
tial look cphi (piu, military
4;1S A topmost branch, the op- ;

'tKT' posite of the root; a signal, a
signal-post a flag, a banner, a ; ^1 The bit on a bridle ; (piu cpzri

streamer, a marking-flag when

'p?;" abundant, in numbers, as a
used as a signal a spear a stud of horses.
; ;

sign-board a ticket, a card ; ;

jt^ A company of men ; a crowd,
a warrant, a mittimus to raise ; ^ S*"^^? ? herds in motion ;
P iiu
a signal to post a card, to put
; Jiang lyan (piu cphi, crowds
up a notice to write, to in- ;
passing along.
scribe in ; to appear, to exhi-
V^ The noise of sleet, rain and
bit, to become conspicuous ; to i'»'» snow falling ;
'm siiU ^piu tpiu,
rise extremely fine or pretty
rain and snow falling abun-
ipm a signal-flag to raise
fjii, ; dantly.
a flag c/i'ap> cpi», to set up a
; G# Fat, gross ; ^fi ^piti, fat ; <cAi
signal, (0 put out a sign ip'm ; ^pjjj^ obese, full ;
^cli^nng (pin,
^hi ichiung tsz^' put up a no- a long slice ; hau' (piii, thick
tice ; ipiu min' the finest flour fat, collops of fat.
; ;;

390 PlO. FIU.

:?ffe Dogs running about und re- pictures or scrolls ; 'ptii wa}
^V'* turning, dogs racing around ;
p'd^ a picture-framer's shop
applied to a whirlwind ; cpiii 'pi« Vid, repair it good —as a
(fung, a whirlwind. book.
Long hair, locks hanging - The body pliant ; cringing,

down the face ; the 190th
fulsome. A colloquial word ;

radical of characters relating to lean against, to crowd, to

to the hair ; iCh'^ung fdU ipiu press upon ; tdi^ cftd tan^ piil-
(piu, long bushy hair. allare pushing and crowding;
J^ The stripes on a tiger ; a piu- piu} ^hd, rather crowding
against piu^ loki push
^ small beast, striped likeatiger; to the ground.
ti- it

streaks, veins ornate iinan ; ;

tpia, elegant composition ^piv ;

'^ping, perspicuous, as a style.

(423) Fiu.
^ A flowing stream, water run-
ning north (piu ich'i, name
of a pool. A spiral gust, a whirlwind ;

The outer or upper garments; p^c* a brisk gale ; noise of the

exterior, outer, external ; be- wind swayed; by the wind,
yond the borders ;
to manifest, blown by the wind ; a light,

make known that

to show, to ;
easy manner, like sailing

. which makes known, a guide, along ; to fail ;

cp'iu tong^ rock-

a signal ; a watch
statement ;
ing, rolling, on a wave ;
sent in to the emperor a per- ;
(p'ia. iling, wandering off alone,
mit, a manifest relations of ;
as a stranger ; a tree bare of
leaves cp'zji p'ik, ti^ ifong, a
a different surname, cousins ;

yati 'piu <yan sfs'oi, altogether

deserted place ; Vto tp'fu ip'ung
a clever man "^piu Jiing, cou- ;
imminently dangerous, as rac-
sins of a different surname ing on a horse, or sailing in a
'pm c/s'an, relatives of another boat; tp'iw iyeung, sailed or
surname 'pit/ ii'oi or Hd 'piu,
blown over the seas.
stranger. Sir, friend a term — i"^ Analagous to the last to ;

of address ^shi iShan '^piii, a

; p<^ float to be moved, as by the

watch 'piu liti' a watch chain;

wind or waves cold, dreary- ;

'|)m Hii yaU inside and out

iii looking to bleach, to whiten ;

are alike heart and hand are ipiupdh to bleach ; cp'i« shdi^

the same ; '^piu cliuU to show to whiten in the sun ; <p'iw

through — as at a hole; "-piu "^piu (pHu, soaring aloft.

ch^, distinguished, renowned ;
nffS A
carriage thundering along,
'piti itning paki to represent 1,7^ swift; without rule, irregular:
fully. ip tu iiii, unquiet.
c4^ A lady's neckerchief, a sort
to paste two
^ A water plant, like a Riccia,
which floats on fish-ponds
P^ of comforter ;
" pieces of paper, to mount ip'u ip'iu, duckweed.

FlO. PO. 381

iffiffT A calabash a drinking vessel ; soaring, waving, as a pennant;

^P^ formerly made of a gourd a ; a mittimus, a warrant a bill ; ;

dipper yaUip lu yam, only a

a ticket, a passport tong^ piu' ;

gourd for drinking ^ye ipiu, ; a pawn-ticket ch'ul:, pHu' to ;

a cocoa-nut dipper. issue a warrant its'in ^piu? a ;

ijB Light, trifling giddy, wan- bill, paper-money ; 'td pixi' to


o"'? ton, lascivious lewdness gi- ; ;

seal or issue tickets pit^ Jcam ;

ven up to lewdness; a whore- a bribe to policemen not to be

master to go a whoring, to seized churi' p'ia' to prolong

follow women <p'iu sht^ a ;

a pawn-ticket \iShun ip'dip'iv?
brothel ; hd^ ip'iti, lecherous, a ship's manifest ^ch'di piv? ;

salacious ; (p'iu hah a forni- a policeman's warrant.

~^_] Famished, todie of hunger;
/.d^ ^ and falling down;
trees rotting (424) Po.
'—y j
ngo'^p'iu, died of famine.

^^1 Often used for cpiu A i|^ A

wave, a ripple moved, ;
f^- '^^ water by wind ; a
ruffled, as
j^/ small bell to strike, to pierce, ;

glance of the eye a glare ;

to stab; to puncture, as with
bright, shining, glossy t6
needles; to rob; to cutoff; ;

swift,nimble ^p'iu ^ts'eung, a communicate, to flow along;


old sometimes used as an in-

spear, a dart ^p'iu l6uki to ;

terrogative particle, in the

plunder Jieng ^p'iu, fleet,

active, as soldiers.
sense of thus ; tsak:> ch^^ qjun
,^ pa- cpo, shall be then thus?
Also interchanged with \^
-J0 paU
^^ ,piu. To
beat the breast ; to 'ho
cte'cM c/jo,
shi^ ^po not thus?
bright eyes; (kam
it is

lay the hand on the heart ; to

strike to fail, as leaves ; to
(po, the bright moon ; ^po k'ap^

beckon, to signalize point of

to compromise ; cj/an (po, to
benefit jii c/jo, remnants, left
a sword. ;

over '^shui ^po

A colloquial word ; to throw, ; (Tnan, ripples ;

heave away; to push cpo Jo ^kwo, pine-apple ^po Jo

to off'; ;

^p'iuch'uti sm?i« 7taM, show him maU jack fruit ;

q)0 Jim long^

^pHu kvxi' kdk-,

out of the door ;
tsing^ smooth water. A col-
loquial word, to imitate the
Ji, throw or push it to the
next door ^p'iu lolci ha} Hai, ;
English word ball ; a ball
throw it down. billiards ; cpo Jau, a billiard-
^ fish's sound or air-bladder, room Hd ipo, to play billiards;

'^M. Hd ti^ ipo, to roll nine-pins.

't^ called {M ipdu, from which
tish's glue is made. Uneven, as a road sides
j_g <Klnl ;

®' Used with and for cphi '^• '

>of the road ; ipo/o, irregular,
^^ Like fire, rising swiftly to ; < j>^ "°* level.
The second is al-
singalize by fire ; light, airy, Po so used for the next.
; ;

382 PO. FO.

A flcclivity, side of a hill, a

lull which contain gems
; hills (425) P'O.
or mines; a tumulus thrown
up, a pile of dirt, a mound ; A colloquial word a ; classifier
(po ''fan, a hank, an embank- ^t of trees ;
broad, said of soles
ment ; ip'ing (po, a hill with a yaU (p'o shii- a single tree yat,

level top ; 7ii yat^ ko' tpo, to a root of greens

ipo ts'oi' ; ihcii
raise a pile.
Hai tsd'- cpo tik, make the soles
A vitreous, clear substance, rather broader.
like a gem cpo J,i, glass, said White, plain gray, like old
Po ;

tohave been brought hither age; white haired, silvery hair

by Sanpau, a eunuch ^po ^li ;
turning gray ; a white belly;
Jeeng^ a looking-glass ; <.y6ung abundant.
tpo Ji, foreign glassware ; ^po
A district in Kiangsi iP'o
pin' window-glass cpo sui' fl?
ili ;
p.' (yeung cM, the Poyang lake in
broken glass. the north of Kiangsi.
Stones seviccable for arrow-
heads, perhaps a sort of obsid-
^ An old woman, a mother, a
wife a dame, a gammer, a
Po Po ;

ian. granny motherly, matronly ;


Avegetable introduced from used by the Budhists to ex-

abroad tpo ts'oV winter coarse
press immortality Ht) ip'o, a
Po ;

greens otherwise called cpo

wife ikung ^p'o, husband and

iling, and cKik:, (kan ts'oV the wife jp'o <,niung, an old lady
; ;
" red rooted greens ;" cpo Jo
itnui ip'o, an old matchmaker ;
stnopo' coarse gray grasscloth. a' ip'o, old ladya term of ad- —
To sow seed, to throw broad dress; grandmother; tsip,
cast, to disseminate, to scatter; (Shang ip'o, a midwife cfdn ;

to promulgate, to publish, to it'au ip'o, a stepmother ;cfa ip'o

divulge; to disperse ; to throw a flower-girl; hi' ij)'o Hsai, an
aside, to reject ; to flee ; to actress ; tdi^ ip'o, the legal
shake po' 'chung, ;
to sow seed; wife ; 'Jciod widow ^md ip'o, a ;

^un po' to make known afar ;

a' ipo (Chii yal^ cheki how much
po^ iy^nng, to winnow in a fan for the whole lot ? 'lo Hd ip'o,
to promulge ;
po' lung^ to act to get married tdn^ (kd ip'o, ;

as agent for another, and get a boat-woman ichi Jtau ip'o, ;

information ; chiin^po' to pub- the sticking wife a sort of —

lish abroad. fly ; ip'o iSo shai' kdi' a happy
A colloquial final particle, world. _—
sometimes expressive ofdoubt, cf-j'^ The
reverse of Vio Pj > a
at others of certainty pair, 'ho |--» [negative it will not do, can

liiii^sun' iyan po' it is not well 'jpj" not, ought not do not then, ; ;

to believe everybody i'm haP ;

P'o forthwith ;
"p'o sun' unworthy
lo' po' certainly not haP '^kdm ;
of belief; '^p'o noi' iSam <Jdn, I
he' to' po' it is so, doubtless. can not bear his impertinence.
; ;;;

PO. 385

The head ..'"clined,.

^^^^ ^pd, to repair, to put in order,
leaning; an \6xcess; ^ "^j- as a house iWong
Po ; '/>d iktoan
considerable soi-7Jpwhat^Qj.g ; 52'^ to reprove a prince — that
gree, a little; doubtK'''; '^p q^ , he may amend his faults
it nnust do, take thisV//''o-,e supply a new one ;
ip'ui ^pd, to
a good deal, rather muci'l ; 'j*
'pd J.un ip'o, a seamstress ; '/jd
^yauthave some, supplied, Jioi
chi' to make it up to one, to
too much '^pOichiyaU ; i^ only pay for an accident or a casu-
know a little 'po'-kau^ ; rather ally ; 'po s'm '/d« Jai, it did
a long time ; 'p'o hdpi can be not make up for the loss 'pd ;

to serve ; 'p'o 'p'o tik^ . ?^ W lau} mend this little
^ ' Hck or hole.
El*' To rend, to break, to split having
bird like a goose,
^> open, \o rip, to rive broken, ;
plumage, and flying
torn, tattered, ragged, split; ,!ffi ^ bcks described as without

injured, wounded ; to ruin, JP spoc.^ ^^...umble for a >

to defeat, to take by storm, to to give to eat to chew, ; "-.

occupy by force to detect, to ;

cranch, to masticate; a mouth-
lay bare, to open up to ex- ;
ful (po ^ii, to feed with pap

plain, to find out detected, as

; t'd^ (pd, to spit out food ; cd '^fdn
a scheme ; understood, seen crows feed by disgorging.
through, perceived, as plots; /^^ Used for the last an after- ;

to resolve, as a doubt ; p'o' noon meal or tiffin to eat

Pa ;

wdi^ destroyed, injured ; pd' gruel bait ^mdn ^pd, an even-

; ;

suP smashed to pieces ;

pV |
ing or late meal.
lUt cracked ^keng p'o^ Ham, ; r^ Time from three to five p.m.;
" fear has split his gall " lost — 'p'T' the sun declining the after- ;

all courage break it ;

p'o^ ^hoi, noon hd^ ijpd, sunsetting yat^

0|)en 'Id p'oi' to break

; Jion ;
itsiung (pd, the sun is nearly
p'oi' Hiu, I see through it all down 4 o'clock p.m. ;
pfui' cpd,
detected p'o' pdi^ defeated,
; ?^ To abscond to sus-
flee, to ;

as a foe p'o^ ich'di, to split

*p^ pend, to hang to owe govern- ;

wood ;
p'o^ ils'oi, to lose pro- ment, to be a defaulter a ;

perty ; H'ai lak-, pd' perceives peculator, a debtor ;

(po him'
it all at a glance; shiki p'd' owing government cpd fu^ ;

tsz'^ 'lam, yes, you under- debts ; cpd /o, to escape from
stand letters fully p'o^faP to ;
spend, to waste, to use up ;
ffi£ Todrink largely, to quafl^;
p'o^ kaV ch'dki to find out a plfl exhilirated by drinking, joy-
plot, to detect treachery ; p'o^ ful, merry.
ckd '^tsz' tni^ he's a ruin to the {^ A vulgar character. To heat,
family po* keng'' iCh'utig ii'm,
'^ to boil, to cook with water;
the mirror was broken, and he a cheap earthen pot a kettle, ;

has made it round said of a — used for boiling water a gre- ;

second marriage p'o'' ikicd, to ;

nude cpd ^shui, to boil water
; ;


384 PO. herbage, thick,

. Ajlberry sprouts; to
^pd chuh to make congee ,pd ;
-r u
cover, as a tree; even,
tdm^ it'ong, to boil thin soup ; ]
P-du " tO store up ; a legumi-
,ch'un <pd, burst the pot cfui ; ^IvxaT^^vild vegetable. Used for

,pd, a stink-pot; ,shd ^po or ^ngd y •,^ree next,

,pb, a kedgeree-pot; yat, ,pd j^^ei^^ small and low wall, raised
of water ,pd *^g\ or defense a battery, post for
Qmi, a kettle ; ;

sTiam, to boil soft ,pd fiKd, to

yjaroops, a small fortified town ;

make tea. lo .y a citadel or house of refuge in

^f^ Long garments, long slf'j to the country ; a council-house
*'^ I to set off the beauties mend' <? a division of a csz' or township
excellepj ^mi, ruled by elective officers sz^^
,^j proclaim the to vto sprs-,)t
shap^ pat) 'pd, " the 48 hun-

P4u praise, to laud,

as ffood actions ; cpi ^
t dreds," is one name for Ho-
To protect, tov.'«^oiid, te pre- nam I.
p'','^ serve from danger, to guard ;
'Itqt A
swaddling-cloth ; ^k'^ting
to feed, to nourish to be^ure- ; V^ 'pd, a swathe to carry infants
ty for, to warrant, to guaranty, on the back a clout. ;

to be answerable for, to secure, ^^$ Precious, valuable, as a jewel;

to keep entire a protector, a
; value, worth; a term of address;
guardian a security, a bail
; honorable, noble, respected ;
an advocate, a mediator 'pd ; to regard as precious, felicitous,
yau^ to bless, to protect, as or happy to esteem, to value ;

God does ; '^pd ^ydung, to nurse met. the great seal, the throne ;
tenderly ; ti'^pd or'^pb'-cheung, ^ni 'pd hd^ what is your shop's
a constable of a street ; ^kang name ? SMung^ tat' 'pd tan'
^pb, a watchman ; 'pd chung^ the honorable birthday festival
ishan H'ai, to take good care of Shftngti i^man (fong sz" 'pd,
of one's health dchnng 'pd
the four valuables of the study;
iyan, a midsman ;
kdp, 'pd, a 'pd put' precious, costly (Chan ;

village elder or constable ; 'pd 'pd jewels, trinkets ^md kd' ;

ilau^ to detain in a ydmun ;

'pd, priceless, invaluable; kicoki
^wing 'pd i,md cii, ever to pre- 'pd, the precious metals ; Mng
serve from injury 'pd ching^ ; tdi^ 'pd, to mount the throne ;
the highest elder in a village ; (,sdm 'pd Fati the three honor-
'pdHing^ to stand bail for J.un ;
able Budhas 'pd ^shd, emery

'pd, to get a village or street or corundum sand; (^kd cchi'pd,

to be bail 'pb 'ku, to recom-
; a family library ^mdi iCung;

mend, as a servant t'di 'tsz' ; 'pd, to guess the characters on

tdi' 'pd, chief guardian of the a cash —
a mode of gambling;
heir-apparent; 'pdjfs'M/i, to pre- 'pd shin} to value goodness, to
serve entire, to place in easy esteem the good shik:, 'pd, to

circumstances. know the merits or value of.

; ;;

Pb. p6. 385

A pl;ice for planting vege 'pd, to repair, to put in order,

tables a league
; a ward, of as a house ^ktoan ; '^pd iWong
Pu ;

which there are ten or more 52 '' to reprove a prince — that

in Canton so called shapi '/i ; he may amend his faults
iWai yati 'po, ten li make one ip'tii 'pd, supply a new one ;
league. Used for the next, 'pd iliin ip'o, a seamstress ; 'pd
and often pronounced with an chi' to make it up to one, to
aspirate. pay for an accident or a casu-
Akitchen-garden, an orch- ally ,• 'pd s'ffi '/d« Jai, it did

arda place for recreation a
; ; not make up for the loss 'pd ;

gardener Ho 'pd, a gardener ;

; (S^ W Uiu^ mend this little
i«/i 'po, a garden ; inung 'pd, crack or hole.
a small farmer. 'j^ A bird like a goose, having
An unauthorized character. 3^ spotted plumage, and flying
Pu An
open level place an arena; ; in flocksdescribed as without;

iWong ^pd, Whampoa. Also a hind toe.

read cp'd. The next is often -fc* Cotton or hempen cloth
used for this. p'' nankeen, linen, grasscloth to ;

A bank, margin of a lake ; spread out, to arrange, to dis-

a creek, a rivulet, an inlet or play to diffuse to publish ab-
Pa ; ;

streamletrunningintoalarger; road, to make known ; to infer;

'Pd i^hing, a district in Kien- to worship the stars ; a spring,
ning fu in Fuhkien Hd/ii 'pd, ; a source; Jis't itnan pd^ drilling;
a district in Lienchau fu in pdki po* longcloths '/sz' t/d ;

Kwangtung. pd' nankeen ha? pd^ grass- ;

To repair, to restore, to mend, cloth pd' li, " cotton clothed,"


to close up a breach ; to sup. ». e. common people ; pd' (Shi,

ply, to complete, to make up a to disburse in charity ;
deficiency to aid, to assist
(ts'tTtg nankeens;
pd' dark blue
tostrengthen what is weak, to chttk, po' linen pd' chV tak, ji, ;

recruit, as the body; a supple- well arranged, all is done pro-

ment, addenda a term for a
perly ; lyan pd' oiled cloth ;
thousand millions; 'pd cshan, pd' ching^ isz", the provincial

to recruit the body 'po A tiki ; f treasurer ; '^b 'u« po' asbestos
to mend clothes ; 'pd faki cloth ; kwai' ,fd po' fiijured
an embroidered official robe ;
shirtings ; dCik:, po' gray shirt-
'pd'^z' an embroidered official ings ; (/a pd* or Idpi pb^ chint-
stomacher; 'pd*/iutj to redeem; zes ; shiki po' colored cottons ;

'pdhati Ai' to strengthen the 'u pd' bunting.

bodily energies; 'pd ingan ^fim, /ifc' Used for the last and the
put in more money 'pd iTigan ;
p' next. On all sides, every-
^shui, to make up the discount; where reaching, spreading,

/oM, to make up the

'^poip'ing filling the whole space ifupa' ;

light weight of money ^sau ;

extending everywhere.

To:*, DicT. 49

; ;;

386 P6. P6.

Afc* To expand, to extend, to -it.1 To walk, to march, to go

open out; to disperse, toscat- p, afoot, to step ; a step, a stride ;
ter, to strike ; pd' sdn' scatter- to go by steps to
leisurely or ;

ed about, sprinkled. travel barrow

in a to train ;

ijjAt' Afraid, alarmed, surprised ;

a horse a pace, reckoned at

pi to cause fear, to frighten ; ter- five ch'eki in land measure,

rifled, as on account of crime ;
makes 3.055 square yards in ;

(king pd' frightened c/td' pd' ; long measure, 5 ch'ek, is a pd-

iii iTnan, to scare silly people or about a fathom footmen, ;

as wizards do. infantry a way, a course, a


To recompense, to requite, manner; a landing-place, a

make a jetty, an anchorage-place fur
to return for benefits
received or injuries done ; to boats; a god which injures
avenge, to requite a retribu- ;
men and animals; pb^ Id* or
tion, a re'vard, a recompense pd' ihang, to walk, to go afoot

to state, to inform an equal, pd' /aw, a landing-place p'd' ;

to tell, to report, to give an (Shatig pd* afraid of strangers

account of; a messenger a ;

— as dogs are ; pd- ^kam or tse^

report, an advertisement, a pd* doctor's fees pd* pd'- iloiy ;

gazette ; to debauch a supe- the first visit stepping along; ;

rior ^yau iyanpo\yan, he who

ihang (.ts'in pd* to travel much
receives favors must requite pdk) pd- (,cKun fyeung, to hit
the same ; pd' ich'au, to be the bull's eye at a hundred
revenged on an enemy ; mong^ paces; kin' pd* still in sight,
pd' I hope to recompense you not far off; yat, pd* yaU »d*

cyam pd\ iydung pd' a secret re- gradually, step by step ; jtai*

ward, an open reward pd' Idpi ii*pd* leave a few paces, i. e.


to recompense j«i pd' an do not use now, reserve it all


answer Hsau pd' fleet mes-

a little ,tHn pd* the course of

sengers iCung pd' general no- nature, ways of heaven pd- ;


tification, public information cping, foot soldiers Hsau HsHu ;

Jsingpb' Peking Gazette; yaU pd' a practiced runner ; pd' pb*

|)';' daily Court Circular; pd' (kd ishingj gradually rose to

ifiUt a notice put up at doors eminence ; tdpi '^wan keuh pd-

to announce honors received look well to your steps (fan ;

ji kwai'pd* may I trouble you

tsUi pd' a quick announcement
pd' pat, ip'ing, to redress the to step in, or to do somethini;

weak or injured ; tyan ds^ung yuki pb* your steps a pnliie —

icfiau pd' to requite evil for phrase ; 'c/ti pd'or ^au pd' res.
good pd' sun' ^chk., a mes- train your steps, stop ; pd' ,ta"i^

senger pd' ^Id, to plead age for fWan Id* to become a Hanlin.

retiring from office tsip, td' ; ^» A register, a tablet ; a book

ckd pd' received my fainily ^" for notes or memoranda ; ivory
t8U)let3 used by officers at au.
;; — ;

p6. P6. 387

diences ; an account-book ; to ^fei A luxuriant plant a screen, ;

record ; pd- tsiki a clan regis- P'* an awning a plant eaten by ;

ter 'cA« po^ a revenue officer

fish ; a period of 72 years
in a township Hin pb^ or 'chu ; pd' uky a mat house, a hut.
pd- a recorder, a keeper of the ^^ The dry, scorching sun, hot
records in courts and offices ;
5*^ rays ; cruel, violent, injurious,
itang hV po' put it in the note- destructive, fierce ; to strike
book ; */»6' pd^ account-books ;
with the hand ; to seize ; tern-
mdi^ fo' po' a sales-liook Jau ;
pestuous, stormy ; an inten-
'^shui pd^ a blotter tsun^ (Chi ; sitive of the following adjec-
pd' a cash-book cheung^ pd* a ; tive ; suddenly, abrupt ; to dis-
ledger ; Mng pd- to charge in cover, to bring to light, to
account; yati kVpd^a. diary, display ; pd* y^uki
to oppress,
a journal. as cruel officers do pd^ cfuugi ;

irV- The sum, the totality, the a fierce wind itcdng pd' out- ;

^\ general amount of, the entire rageous pd^ 'fuy to beat a

to take a general control of af.

tiger with the fist


as Fung —
fairs a tribe, a sort a class in
; ; Fu dida truculent, fearless

an arrangement, as a family in man ; pd' nd' very angry ; pd^

natural history, the elements, pd' suddenly pd* ^u, a violent

the radicals in the language, rain,

the constellations, &c. a tribu- ; ^a'- An unauthorized character,
nal, a bureau, a board ; a public )^ defined in the Fan Wan, an
court ; an officer in a board instrument to cut grass, a
a division of a book larger scythe.
than a'tiirt ; often used for the ;ilp>^ To cover over, as a bird
last when meaning an account, 3c* '^sets on her eggs ; to incu-
book a classifier of books ; a
%!' bate ;
pd* Jtai tan' to hatch

tribe, a horde, a clan; to divide; ?4u hen's eggs.

to spread abroad ; luki po' the 4£- To catch, to pursue and
Six Boards; Jcwaipdi' <.kd, be- p"* capture, to seize ; to chase, to
longs to the Boards ; pd* itong hunt, to fowl ; to search for
and pd* un* are titles of a gover- in order to arrest Is'ap^ pd' on ;

nor-general and fuyuen ; ^''ng the search for, as thieves ; pd^

pd^ the five elements yat:,pd^ jti, to angle 7jdpd' '/o, to put


(Shii, a volume ko' tsz'^ yap^

; a fictitious value on an article;
mat:, pd'- what radical is this pd' it'eng, a police-office, the
character under ? pdi' ha} of. superintendent of police in a
ficers not in the Boards ; kok^ yamun pd' chuk^ to arrest ;

^yaupb'sho' each thing has its pd'- yiki constables pd* '/«'u, to ;

classification kok-i ^yau pd'

; fowl pd' to' to seize villains ;

«jai*each one has his own ju- pd' (fung chuki '^yingy to chase
risdiction ; pd'- ts^ung^ officers the wind and seize shadows
below and undsr a general a vain search ; ^tong pd' to set
luipd' Mohammedan tribes. a watch for thieves.
— — ;;

388 P'6. f6.

jP*() tsUi the " flag festival"

(427) the 5th of the .5th moon q/d
Fo. a grass scourge made of

rushes ip'd Jcung lying^ the

Properly used for i^ po' To crawl, as a child does
Pa A door-knocker, called Jiam
P& qt'd pdki to go on the hands
ip'd, made like a tortoise to ;
and knees to strive for. ;

spread out, to extend, to ar- The grape ; q/d it'd '^(^au,

range ; to lay, as a table-cloth ; grape wine ; ip'd /d, a kind
to make up, as a bed a shop, ;
of rose-apple is so called in
where things are displayed ; Canton.
to make known, to extend, to A kind of tree brought from
pervade diseased, to make
Magadha, called the ip'd it'ai;
ill ; to sleep with bedding ; pdk^ q/d
ip'd it'ai Hsz' raisins ;

ipd it'dn, to spread the altar it'oi, sultana raisins jp'd it'ai

as at a Hd tsiu^ ; (p'd it'oi, to (Shd, a macerated leaf used

spread a table ^p'd ch'Ui or
for painting ip'd it'ai wd^ leaf

(pd ich'an, to lay out in order, paintings ip'd it'ai sdt, Ho,

to arrange; shut' (.p'd, bedding (from Sanscrit Budhisatwa,)

taken in traveling ; '/d q/d an inferior Budha; contracted
k'oi' tie up the bedding (p'd ;
to ip'd sdt,a demigod, or deified
tseki to" spread a mat," i. e. to
hero, of the Budhists an idol; ;

prepare a feast ; ^p'd 'pdt, to sdt-, ch'ut, lyav, an idol's

set out in order; ^p'd Jcdi ichiin procession tdi' its'z'
; tdi^ cpi
to lay tiles; iCuttg tp'd, a bed- Kwanyin
ip'd sdt, is ; ip'dsdt,
fellow; (p'd titi' to fee offi-
d'dm ^yi idols are
shiki the
cers, to defray the expenses of greedy of food (Shang ip'd ;

up a bed on the
'<d ti* cp'o,
to make
cp'd ti'
sdt, a living Budha a skillful —
'ham, spread like a carpet on Read ^p'ui, grass, herbage
the ground —
as fallen flowers. thatch a small mat.

The prints of a horse's feet, A robe, a court dress ; a long

a hoof mark. garment of ceremony a quilt-
t (i

A water plant, the sweet flag; ed gown the front skirts ; ip'i

name of a district in Hinghwi ip'd, a fur robe ^mong ip'd, an ;

fu in Fuhkien called Putien. embroidered robe it'ung ip'd, ;

Interchanged with the last.
The cat-tail reed; a water rush,
the sweet flag (Acorus gram-
a compeer
disrupt friendship
defensive armor
; kot, ip'd tiin^

; chiii'

td^ ip'd,
P to
ineus); a fine grass or sed<je, priest's robe.

of which sandals are made

ip'd kirn' leaves of the flag,

Used for the next large ;
pervading everywhere to ;

himg as a charm over doors; smear, to bedaub '^p'd pokt ;

ip'd 'ts'd j/tdi, grass sandals ;

vast, as the sou.
;; ;

F6. FO, 389

*Jtt. The sun iindi.stinn[uished in -*fej A colloquial word a bubble;

^ ahke

the sky daylight everywhere <*-' froth; to float, to drift

; ; ^mdko'

great, large wide- ; 'p'd At' there's no froth on it

spreading, all, whole, univer- 'shui ^p'd, a bubble.

sal, like light, filling, pervad- sLfe« To infold, to hold in, to con-
ing everywhere; 'p'd it'in ha} embosom, to carry in
pt*-" tain ;

the whole world, under the ^" the arms, to embrace to grasp, ;

heavens 'p'd tsa'i' 'iin, a hos-

to compress; to encircle; to
pital, an asylum, a retreat, a feel, to have
the heart or in
place for relieving the poor or will, to adhere to; the lap, the
sick 'p'd iSlii, to disburse to
; bosom ; 'p'd '^tsai, to carry a
all, to give freely ; ^p'o kaii' child; iwdi^p'd, pregnant; to
chitng^ cshang, to save all the have thoughts for, thinking
living, as Christ does; '^P'dit'o of; 'p'd chi^ to lullaby, to
ishdn, Pijto I. near Chusan carry 'p'd han^ichung ishan^

'p'd p'in^ universally diffused to feel angry as long as I live,

— as the air. never can forget it ; 'p'd peng*
«2^ A a chronicle
list, a record ;
to be sick kipi 'p'd to hold


^3 a treatise to teach an art tight as under the arm ; 'p'd

heraldry, an escutcheon a ge- ;
saU icliiung iyam, to hold the
nealogical table a register of
a census a biographical work;
knees and sing away literary —
leisure 'pd 'p'd, to grasp ;

to inscribe in a register, to y<ut? Hsz' tsoi^ 'p'd, a tender

insert in a genealogy to ar- ;
child in the lap ; 'p'd kd^ iPan,
range, to put in proper place one who accuses instead of the
to pertain to, belonging to; plaintiff; iwan 'p'd yat^ a halo
jty'i/i hau^ 'p'd 'tez' the official encircles the sun 'p'd hdrn^ to ;

escutcheon on the breast and feel regret 'p'dfv} Ji ish^ung^

back ; 'p'd Hm, a patch said — a rarely clever man.

'p'dyuArj official robes;
in sport ;
rrg' Altered from cpd g^- A
(Sfuing ^pd, a genealogy ; tsuk^ prn shop, a store, a workshop
'pd, a book of kindred or p'd' Hsai, a small shop 'Id p'd* ;

families in a clan ;
ik'atn 'p'd, a the old shop ; chins' p'd' the
music book ;
ik'i '^p'd, a treat, right stand ; the office, and not
ise on chess ; liki 'p'd or '^p'd the warehouse yati ikdn p'd* ;

hai^ historical annals, a ge- ifau, a shop ihoi p'd' to open ;

nealogy ; 'yau tik^ 'p'd, pretty a shop to open shop ; p'd' cArd,

near, not far off; ^md '^p'd, a tradesmen p'd' Hai, stock on;

great mistake you're far out hand and shop fixtures csfunt
extravagant ! — ;

said when one

f'd' to wind up a business t«*

makes a poor offer or a wide p'd' (t'o dsd, to stay in the shop
guess ; 'p'd jWid, a pattern (kd ;
and pay no rent koh (kdi p'd* ;

'p'd,a ftimily record; wd' ko' ti* the shops in every street
'^po Jai, set an upset price, men- p'6' hdk, a shopkeeper.
tioned the rate.

390 POK. POK.

extort, to oppress to exact by

(428) Pok. force ; one of the 64 diagrams ;

^ni p'tt' pok, ckoniy are you

afraid of being robbed ?

Ample, extended, spacious, ©^ A piebald, particolored horse;

'"^'great ;
general, universal ; in- p''^' mixed, impure ; to dispute, to
telligent, versed in, practiced, contradict ; to oppose ;
to find
well informed ; to barter, to fault with, to criticise ; con-
exchange ; to game, to play, tradictory, impracticable ; to
as at chess luki pok^ to play ; graft tranship ; to con-
; to
dice poki hoki well-read, a
tinue a series, to take up where
general scholar Ho pok-> to ; one left off; suddenly ; pokt
game pok^ jWian ; extensively
Hsui, to find fault, to deny ;

informed pok^ ^ngo H (inin, ;

2)ok, ka' to cavil at the price ;

teach me letters pok^ mah 'un, ; ty/ai pok, to reverse a decision

a museum poh Idmr well in- ;
of a lower court ;
pok, shik,
formed. particolored pok, shur to graft

1^ To seize, to spring upon, as trees ;

pok, it'ung kff wa} to
Vv' a tiger does to lay the hand ; correct the language pok,fo' ;

on to play, as on a lute to
; ; to' transhiped the goods

wrest from, to fight with, to here; pok, td' ^Uu ^mo (Sheng
strike ;
pok^ kik, to strike ;
pok) argued with him till he
chap:, to seize hold of. had nothing to say in reply.
&^ A kind of hoe ; a bell ; a jsC Name of a district in Ying-
^T'small bell, used to respond to jf^'chau fii in Ng^nhwui ;a place
a large bell potj $?»<«, brazen ;
in Honan, the capital in the
ornaments on a bell's frame. first days of the Shdng dynas-

WS^ A slice of flesh, a collop, ty.

CT^'dried sliced meat the shoul- ; ig& Usually pronounced koky
der, the upper arm to slice, ^^' Stiff, hard soil; boulders and
— fo^shred ;

as a carcase ; the clinking of

to strip

and mangle, cliffs on a hill

or vessel.
cracks in ajar;

stones strikin^r; pok^ it'au 3^ Trees appearing singly, no

(Shang V peddling, to hawk '"^-brushwood bushy. lie
articles ; Mn pok, the shoulder; thin, subtle, attenuated, made
tap, pok, (kan, a shawl, a wide thin ; slight ;
poor, bad, unfor-
scarf; 'hi pok, to shoulder ; yat, tunate; economical; light, few;
pnk, t'ok, sat' shoulder them to near, to approach ; to slight,
all at once; 'cM/i pok, to to dislike, to treat disrespect-
change shoulders. fully, cold, inattentive to

Usually pronounced mok,. To careless, vain and light ; by ;

•'flay, to peel, to skin, to exfo- a screen, a curtain thin leaf ;

liate, to scrape off*; to split off; or plate, a pellicle ; poki tsiii^
to uncover ; to wane, as the a slight off ;nse ; hau^ poki
moon ; to fall, to let fitll ; to thick and thin, gross or fine.
;; ;

POK. FOK. 391

liberaland stingy ; poki meng^

unfortunate poki its'ing, in- ;

different to, unfriendly poki ;

(429) pok.
hang^ iyan, a heartless man ;

^knm poki g^^Id leaf; jj/a/i Jing

(tan poki a few descendants ; XA: "1
To lean, to recline againsf;
poki Miyau, essence of pep-
permint ;po^j sp'i, thin-skinned
^* ".to strike, to flog, to b<iat
pat, to brush to impinge, to
; to
if p> ! ;

bashful, irritable, no pluck P'oh strike or rush against; to flap,

loki poki reduced, needy, spent to flutter, as birds do their
all, as a wasteful man reduc- wings p'oh yiki to clap the

ed to poverty poki md- nearly ;

wings ; c/d p'okt pi^ the fra-
dark, dark iind 'sho a poki no;
grance strikes the nose ;
refuge, no reliance yati poki ; miti ctang, to puff out the lamp;
shiki sun partly eclipsed ikd ; p'oh kwo' Jui, came flying
tshdn fuk, poki an unlucky against me p'oh -md, to whip ;

place or |)erson; poki Hai, poor, a horse p'oh ikon tseng^ to


contemptible, presents ti^ ip'i ; shake clean, as clothes from

poki without energy, a spirit- dust shai' ihung p'oh Jaii

less race. furiously rushed against him,

^A The glare on the water; as in anger.
!»-*. -a ripple to stop ; to arrest to
; ; J4^ Hard, fine-grained wood
anchor ;
to fasten a vessel to Jr^'unwrought wood, lumber; an
the shore, to moor at leisure ; ; unfinished vessel plain, sin- ;

twdn poki to anchor Jed az'* ; cere the substance of, the

tdrn^ poki the family is unem- material, the body, without

ployed poki ishiin, to anchor
gloss or ornament ; p'oh shati
a ship. simple-minded, sincere, un-
AA Usually prouounced pah a polished, rustic ; p'oh sd' una-
8^ Marge junk. Read poh in the domed,
plain, as dress ; p'oh
Fan Wan a boat used to cross ; kim^ frugal, what is necessary.
• shallows, a flat boat. 4r The bark of a tree ; used
^Jj A door-screen, a curtain for pVyfor the preceding; sincere,
?R 'doors its'dm poki a frame on
plain (maitp'oh the notes in-

which worms spin co<;coons ;

forming friends of a parent's
iii pnki a fish seine or weir. death pb' p'oh to announce

Used for the next. a death hau- p'oh a medicin- ;

kU Gold leaf; brass leaf, tinsel al kind of bark ; p'oh isiv,

^^|-foil of tin or gold ; J^ung poki sulphate of soda ^mai p'oh ;

brass-leaf. coarse rice, unhulled rice.

Etfi To fill up, to cram a ;
multi- ;^ The crust of a gem an ;

j^'tude ; ip'ong poki filled, as the ?^' unpolished stone; p'oki yuh
Poh an unwroughtgcm, a stone in
air fills the heavens ; a vast
number. the rough.
— ; ;

392 POM. PONG.

*a^ ^
The grains of liquor ; ,tsd watchmen to strike the lionrs
P'oh P'"^'
tlie sediment floating in on cpong ,pone
; 'Id, a watch-
a vat. men.
,^1 To bind the rim of a shoe

(430) Pom.
[a. binder, a support ; a substi-
tute ; a fleet a picking of
j ;

Pang tea ;shore up a thing ; to

assist, to help, to lend a hand;
tPdw, A colloquial word. The
to second, to succor, to defend;
sound of a cannon cpingcpdm^ ;
ipong choi' to assist ; yatj ^pong
a glass toy, so called from its
ishiin, a fleet of ships tpong
sound when blown upon. ;

'/>d, to supply a deficiency, as

in one's expenses ; ipong clian^

(431) to patronize, as a shopman
Pong. ;
ipong (Ch'di, a substituted po-
lice-man ipong '^hau, one who

iff A feudal state, a fief, a prin- talks for another d/?, :pong^ ;

a dependant guards, protectors (pong 's/iau

p^ cipality, state ;

to confer the rule of a state a substitute, an assistant ; to

on one ; a vast lot, a huge help, as in lifting ;
/au ipo?ig
quantity of; ^pong ikd, the i^h'd, the first gathering of the
nation, the state ipong kicoki ;
tea ; cpong 'ku, a subsidiary
a country tdl* cpong ingan, a
great treasure ;fdt^ tdi^ -P^^g ^^ The leathern heel-band of a
its'oi, to make a great specu- P^^shoe, put in to strengthen the
lation. ^back.
Anunauthorized character ; )^ A support put on a bow to ;

hoe, a mattoc yatj ^ch^ung ;

Pa^ propel a boata fleet ; to bam-

ipong^ a hoe cpong sji'in, to ;

boo criminals a splinter or ;

hoe the fields. slip of wood to praise rule

; ;

J-^ An elf or sprite, coming out for selecting Artym; a list of

p^ of the ground it is greedy to ;
graduates the list of success-

ful kujin ; Jioi '^pong, to an-

eat, and has no fingers.
lAl To screen or protect from nounce the names of kiijin or
*j^lview; to propel a boat; a tsinsz' graduates ; ckam (pong
,ttj) j boatman a colloquial word
; or Jung fu '^pong, the official
Pang to move one's residence; cpono' list of graduates it'ung '^pong

jj/an, a boatman ; ^ni 'A;i ishi c/mn^' fellow-graduates '^pong ;

ipong uk) when do you move ? shdnng^ iTnd imeng, name is

The second is also used for the not in the list '^pong ^nodn,

last. the second on the list ; H^ung

Name of a tree ;
a wooden '^pong cfiiit, cshau, a tsinsz'

p cylinder used in offices toc-'ll entering upon office; (piii '^pong

people ;
a bamboo carried by to praise, to become celcbrat.

ed 7id 'pong ttaii, good ar-

; Hjfc The ribs ; the region of the
chery, a firm attitude when iP'ong ^kwong, the blad-
P^ir 0''°'" '

shooting. der ipong (kwong kit^ it^ in-


To tie, to bandage, to bind flammation of the bladder.

with cords ; a bandage ^pong ; rf^ The noise of st6nes falling;
'^kan, tie chu' it tight ; '-pong p,^!, (piwg ip'ong, the crash of fall-
tie it csung '^pong, loosen the
; ing rock"*. Used in Canton
bandages ptii' ^shan '^pong ; a pound weight and a for
chii* his hands are tied behind
pound sterling to weigh in ;

his back. pounds shap^ V ^Uung iicai yaU ;

The pelvis, the hip-bone, the ipong, 12 taels make a pound

bones of the groin. dp'ong cKing^ scales for weigh
ing; ip'ong ich'd, to weigh tea
icham ip'ong, foreign scales.
(431) P'ong. Great rain the noise of ;

falling rain roar of running

p-^ng' ;

waters soaked, wet with the ;

j^ Great, extensive ; the side ; rain ; ip'ong ^Co td^ 'ti a heavjr
y^ on all sides, everywhere ; rain ,- ipong p'ui' a vast ex-
lateral, sideways side of a ;
panse of waters, a flood.
thing ; ip'ong ipin, the side ; Same as the last, when ap-
c?iukt lut' ip'ong iVung, to per- plied to a rain storm.
P' angi
ceive one thing when exa-
mining another tsau^ '^shatt
A heavy fall of snow and
^V sleet ; the noise of a driving
ipong ikun, to fold the hands
and look on regardless of — 4)^
storm, abundance of snow.
A crab, a sea crab; met. a
another's needs ikan 'k'eung ;

pV^^ harpy ; ip'ong ^hdi, a swim-

ch'ud side roots diverg.
° ming or seashore crab.
ing ipong itnun, a side door.

Also read j?'ort^^ approaching, ;

{?i^ To
go quick and wildly to ;

p/^^appear as if going; mat-, hii

nearly to approach p'ong^;

Jiang kdm^ Jong ip'ong, why


^^ng, nearly noon,

do you rush on so ?
i^ Analogous to the last near, ;

fj* by ; to approach : to depend ?^ A high house : filled full ;

against; ipoiig lean D,"^' confused,' mixed :

' a surname.
on, to P aiig
iyan, a byestander another ; n£ Large rocks ; bulky ; abun-
person, others mokiSun\p'ong ; ^^,^ dant, liberal ; numerous ;

don't heed people's talk ;

jfn, ip'ong Iiau^ liberal.
ipong (pin shi\fi, side remarks -jfo A shaggy dog ; the long pe-

captious words, detraction d ;

fj lage of a dog ; mixed, varie-
chiJ? ip'ong, lean against the gated, different furs mixed;
side ipovg Jiun ^che its'ing, a ip'ong tsdpi mix'ed, blended,


looker-on sees clearly as in confused. Interchanged with

a game ; '/loi ip'ong, the sea- the last and both of them are

side. often pronounced imong.

Ton. Dict. 50
; ; ;;

394 PUI. PUI.

-^ Fat, obese ; ifi ^p'ong, corpu- E| ' Tortoise-shell or other fine

'^"* ^P'^^S ch^ung" swollen, 'p> shells from the sea cowries, ;
VlHis '

puffed up. used as money before Tsin

^(^ A va\xsc\e(Uniones) like the Chi-hwdngti ; a conch pre- ;

^T^ oyster, long and thick-shelled; cious, valuable ; money, riches,

the pearl oyster ^pong kdp^ ; property, jewels, valuables
a thin shelled freshwater clam name of a silk ; the 154th
^pong itsing, the naiad in an radical of characters denoting
oyster Hd ^pong cshang ichii,
riches or trade pui' 'kam, rich ;

the old oyster has a pearl—said dresses or silk ; put' liki and
when an old man has a child ;
pui' Hsz\ a beile and peissc,
toati ^p'ong isiung ich'i, jfi {yan titles of nobility among the
taki li^ when
the snipe and Manchus.
oyster catch each ether, the
fisherman is the gainer said — ^p. ' The back behind, rear, the
back part the opposite of the

of going to law. face or front ; the cover of a

4A' To murmur against, to de-
book roof of a house
rays ;

•f-p tract ; to vilify, to injure one's

from the sun ; north side of a
good name ; 'wai p'ong^ to hall to turn the back on
; to ;

backbite one shah' p'ong^ to

carry on the back to oppose, ;

speak evil of others p'ong' ;

opposed to to recite memori-;

(sAu, a scurrilous paper or book.

ter ;unusual, rare ; '^shau put'
back of the hand ; pui' tseky
the back ; pfii' isam, a vest
ihon pui' cuddled with the cold;
(433) Pui.
it' pui' humpbacked Jxon Jion ;

tik-) pui' round shouldered

^kong pui' 'ti, to make signs,
Jjy^i A cup, a glass, a goblet, a a secret word hiung' pui' ;

*T^^|drinking.bowl the divining ; front and rear, as of a house ;

jlj^j^blocks; yaU cheki ipiiit a turn- 'ni chu^ Uih kdm' pui' you live
;ag bier king' Hsau isdm tpiii,
; in a very retired place ; shap^
<JttJ offered him three cups of ifan pui' very uncommon, as
wine '^tsau t/>tii, a wine-glass
; a word ; iwai pui' to oppose ;

iTiing ycUi tpui 'shuiy bring a pui' ishu, to con a book pui' ;

tumbler of water yaU tpui Jci ;

hau^ the back of, behind ; ^fdn
'cAtw, prayed and was heard pui' to turn the rear forward ;

at the first fall of the blocks pui' sun' to apostatize ; piii'

tpui 'td (Chi iin, irony, jokes, ti* '^kong, to take one aside to

double-entendre ; ^ts'eng shiu} talk with ;

piii' hau^ '^kong, to
shing' yaU tpiit, give me the Sjieak ofone behind his back ;

pleasure of a glass of wine with (S^ung pui' mutual double-

you ; ipui tp'un, a salver; Wii dealing back to back ^t'oi
; ;

(cput, to take a glass. put' aged, growing old.


PUL FUI. 395

/fc* To rebel, to oppose govern- jtlc- To dry by a fire, to dry over

ment low, vicious, vulgar ;
; ^cp. a fire ; to hatch artificially ;
pui^ puii^ to raise sedition ;
put' ich'dy to fire tea ; piii' ikon
^p'i put' vulgar, unseemly. tiki '5/^, fire dried things ; piit'

A flower bud an opening ; dp, miut to hatch ducklings ;

t» blossom, colloquially called /a 'fo pui' dpi fire hatched ducks;
dam. \fo pui^ fire-dried, kiln-dried ;

JA» To rebel, to resist superiors hong^ put* to make fretted

contumacious, rebellious, se- work, as with metals 'dmptit*
Y^' hush-money.

ditious; unreasonable, opposed '«/tau,

to nature or usage, perverse ;

puV yiki rebellious ;

ptii' Hai,
uncivil perversely civil, ^ as
(433) Fui.

kind to strangers, but rude to

friends. HT A foetus one month old an ;

^>] A hundred chariots made

embryo any unformed mass,

^r y one piii' ; chariots placed in an unfinished thing vapor ;

^^ a phalanx, a company
line ; ; not condensed into clouds;
Fei an order, a generation, a (p'tit it'oi, pregnant ; H (p'ui,

class, a sort alike things, ; ; hard of hearing ;

i8han(p'ui, in
kinds; to compare, to class; good liking, fat.
sign of the plural ; ^ngo puV A mound ; unburnt tiles or
we, our kind ^manpui' young to plaster a seam a
people, iCung puV

tr pottery
fashion, mold jnat

; cp'ui, crude

alike, same sort a comrade, ; earthen "^ts'ii sheki (p'ui,

; to get
an equal cpi pHt' we of this
; out a rough block, as for carv.
class —
a depreciating phrase ing a jewel; ^ching 7ii ko' (p'ui,
ttsun put' you all —a polite to make a mold ichiin ip'iiif ;

phrase; jmdpuP incomparable; unburnt bricks <p'tit imd, a ;

J^ung tpdn pHi* of the same model, a copy, a sketch or

rank ; td^ tah ichi put' the virtur an outline for a copy. ,

ous lying li^ ^chi puV traders,

; To fly or walk ; tp'ut lui, fly-
merchants ; kwd' put' to leave ing to and fro, irresolute, walk-
one's place. ing back and forth.
yFj> An animal, perhaps like a ^K A long robe ; a surname.
'J^ kangaroo, born with short ^^ Also used for the last. jPtit
fore or hind legs, so that one lUi'-ld, wild people in Hainan I,
rides the other to get along Qit, To make up a loss, to in-
ilong puV this animal, met. *pP demnify to restore, to supply

an embarrassed condition. a deficit to confess to cover,

; ;

Art' A high tree, growing in as in gambling ip'ui tfdn Jai, ;

^31 Birmah and India, of whose to make good, to replace jp'iit ;

leaves books are made

the ; itm/i, to repay sp'tit its'in fo^

talipot palm ? goods bringing a loss ; ip'ui


396 FIJI. P'tJl.

<w»' to pay, as a surety ; to ^/Jt To double, to multiply ; to

equalize or make up a loss ;
y^ increase; a time, as in repeti-
ipui Hai, to return a compli- tion ; ikd yaf^ ^p'ui add as much
ment ; 'ya« shat, 'md ip'ui, no again ; iSdm ^p'iii li^ JLsin., pro-
repayment for losses ; ip'ui ifdn fited threefold.
teng^ iTigan, to repay the bar- 35n> The color of liquor ; a fel-
gain money jp'iii pat, shi^ I ;
^,'-'. low, an equal, a companion ;
acknowledjje that I am in the conjointly, equal to, compar-
wrong ip'ui iWdn it'ong y^uki
able ; to unite with, to accom-
I'll give you to buy a poul- pany ; to pair, to contract, to
tice —as when wounding one join mate
together, to to ;

in a scuffle ; jp'tiz tsui^ to own copulate compare

; to equal, to
a fault. to ;
put' ^mdt mated horses ;
tit To add earth, to heap dirt p'uV hopi to join, to betroth ;

"pP. around; to hoe, as corn; to pati p'ui' no match, ill assort-

cultivate, to till ; to assist, to ed ;

p'lii' ^ngau, a pair, hus-
nourish, to add energy to ; to band and wife hdpi p'uV to ;

fit, to match man^ p^i' ba-

dam up a sluice
dsoi ip'ui, to ;

patronize, to make one a pro- nished p'uP shiki to match


teg6 q/ui ^y^ung, to strength- colors p'ui' tfan, to marry ;


en the body ip'ui ^kd ufc>

iS^ung p tip to couple, equaled;

kai' raise the ridge-pole higher; '^hup'ui to consent to a match.

ip'ui ichiin^ to lay or pile up i±' ALiiutung, and
river in
bricks. up. in Kiangsu copious, abun-
^ ;

Analogous to the last and dant humid, showery ; mov-

pp. next. To add mold (o plants ;

ing, progressing, increasing,
attached to, subordinate ; to expanding; to run, to flow;
assist, to benefit, to aid ; to ac- laid prostrate suddenly to ; ;

company, to associate with, to irrigate, to dam up water for

fellowship, to bear one com- watering p'ui^ lin tsz'^ taky ;

pany, to attend upon to dou- ; proud, vainglorious; p'uV chdki

ble, to match ; to fill ; (p^ui beneficent, kind, as good
'/li cKuii (kdi, I will go out officers ; blessing, fertilizing ;

with you ; ip'ui iShan, " sub- p'ui' iin suddenly hd^ 'u, it

sidiary ministers," a term rained (t'in p'ui' Jting fuk-,


taken by princes in feudal all in disorder, a disregard of

times ip'ui hdk, tso^ to enter-

all law.
tain a visitor ip'ui sung^ to ;
^&' Copious rain ; water flow-
escort ; to see a guest out ^ro. ip'ong p'ui' showery, slop.
ing ;

ip'uipun^a. companion; Aim' py, very rainy, flooded.

^p'u^ excuse my leaving you ^Wf' A
city or a small region
— a polite phrase ; (.kd ip'ui, pV known in the Shang dynasty ;
to multiply ; jp'iii cho^ to take p'upcfung, name of an ode in
a part in, to assist. the Book of Odes.

PUK. PUK. 397

Things worn on the girdle, or criers of an officer ; puk^

pendents, ornaments on the puki ifung ich'an, troublesome,
girdle; to gird about one, to impertinent matters ; puk^ ^p'i,
hang on the girdle ; to keep the servants in a house,
by one ;
to carry; to remember, ijfiffi Name of a river a kind of ;

to hold in mind ;
pui' kim^ to S^^large bamboo Puki ^chau, an ;

wear a sword ;
p'tii^ fuki paU inferior district in Tsau-chaa
itnong, I'll gird my clothes and fu in Shantung.
will not forget ever — I shall J^ Usually pronounced p'oki;
bear it 'kdm yuV
in mind ; •^'a club.
isham (yan, to bear your favor ij^ A sort of cowl or hood worn
in grateful remembrance. ^^-by the military a kerchief to

Girdle gems wind round the head ; the
worn by women on their gir- skirts trimmed off".
dies and persons tinkling ; To dry in the sun, to sun ;

things hung in the wind. i^^to manifest, to display ; to

To fly p'uP p'ui^ fluttering,
make known, to proclaim.
as of flags flapping in the ; Same as the last, and more
wind. 'often used in the sense of to
dry, to sun shdl^ puki to air,

to put in the sunshine.

(434) Piik. ^ta A cascade, a waterfall
^J^-water rushing down a hill;
puki po' a cataract, a roaring
K To divine by rattling cash cascade among the mountains;
' in a tortoise's shell to con- ; puki '^shui, a mountain torrent;
jecture, to guess ; sortilege, puki its'iin, a pool or tank fed
divination to give the 25th ; ;
by a torrent. Also read p6'
radical ; puk^ kica' to divine name of a river great rains, ;

by lots ichim puk, to cast or

draw lots, to prognosticate in ^_ A collar of a red color worn
any way a wooden
puk:> s«, ^^^ outside of the dress at court
block, like askull, used to beat or sacrifices ; to show outside.
on when chanting tpui puh ; ^, Hail ; to hail
puki to ; loki
to divine by throwing the Puh hail puki sleet and hail.
; sin''

blocks. Dft The web of geese and other

PS^ To follow, to serve ; a vassal Puh
"water-fowl web-footed ; in;

J^'a retainer, a servant, a menial, colloquial, to lie down, like a

one who helps in laborious beast lean on or over, as
; to
duties; a charioteer; a dis- on a table to turn over ;

ciple, a term for one's self, as sch'am iShiin puki ^hoi, the
" your servant ;" to belong to, vessel sunk and turned keel
to appertain ; to hide Ad puk, ;
up pukiHd ti^, fell all long

domestics ; 'cAti puk^ master on the ground puki 'cA«»i ;

and servant ; puki ton} menials turn it bottom up ward.

;; ; .

398 PUiV. PI^N.

ningof; native, one's ancestors;

proper to, appropriate; capital,
(435) Pun. principal ; a classifier of no.
vels, books, volumes, or docu.
iaSL To drive back water by a ments ; used for 1, my, our,

p*^ boat turning to transport by ;

own ; '^pdn ktcoki my native
water a sort, a manner, a
land '^pun its'in, capital in

way, a kind an affair, a bu- ;

trade 'pun ingan, the princi-

siness do cpun, many ways

pal, not the interest ; ^shiung

shapi pdti (piin ^md ngai^ the ^pun, tc^present a petition paV ;

eighteen sorts of military fen. '^pun, to memorialize the

cing yat:, cpUri, same as, like,
throne ; ^pun «2** able, clever
similar to —
an adjective of capable for business; rkan 'piin,
comparison, at the end of a the fundamental part imong ;

sentence c/j^' tpwn, that sort,

'pun, to forget one's parents
such, these, thus, so; cptin cpti/j, yaW^piin (Shii, a single volume;
or mdii^ tpun, in
ways. all itnong '^ptin iSam, an ungrate,
^^k} To remove from
one place ful disposition ;
'p?in doi mW
*^^ ^to another to move, to trans.
muki the original complexion ;

^md ''pun, no capital ^ch'du

*wi) P°^^ *° P"* away to bandy,

' ;

Pw^nto discuss J in colloquial, to '^piin Hsz' a plagairist ; ''pun

cleave, to split; cprin uh to ishan, 1 myself; ^pun 'fu I, the

move house ; cpti/i 'y^ loh iShiin prefect ; '^pun tying, what is
take the things on board ; cp«/i proper, requisite ^piin fan', ;

jWidi it'ung chu^ move our re- what is one's duty, or belongs
sidence to the same place; to one ; 'p6n ii^ iyan, the
(pjin sW c/i, to tell-tale, to natives ; cKuU 'pUn, to advance
cause heartburning among capital ; "^ptln sing^ kap:, his
friends ipiin }oi ipun hu? tak-
temper was hasty ; '^pun li^ tui^

ing things here and there; itHng, to square off accounts,

xpnn wan^ J4ung ^h^ung, to as at a banker's '^shau 'pun, ;

transport provisions, &c., for a visiting.card sent to a supe-

the army ; fptin ^hoi kau^ ich'di, rior ; shiU '^pun, to lose on a
to cleave a block of wood open; trade ;
$«« 'pun ki'' isam, my
tpiin sat' tiki split it smaller. original desire, the first inten-

1^ Often pronounced (pdn. A tion.

^^^^ ^ cicatrix pimples, :
' To divide in two a half, ;

marks, or pits, on the skin, p ', a moiety the greater portion ;

not very dark ; ^cKong cpUn, of, a large piece a small part, ;

mark of a sore. as pun^ pd' 'tsau pat, tah he

'jh^ The root of a plant ; the ori- can not move a step piin' ;

the fundamental part of, lyan pun' 'kwai, half dead with
p^ gin,
source, root, cause at first ; fear; iui'pf/n'todivideequally,
that which causes, tjie begin. to split the difference ;
;; ;;

PUN. FUN. 399

pun' a half pun' the grea-

; tdi^
ter part, the largest piecepun' (436)
y6* mid- night pun' shai' jj/an,
Fun. ;

a middle-aged mdn IdP ^ni ;

yat) pun' as old again as you

are ; pun' cKdm? ichung {t'd,
The name of a place jP'tin ,^ ;

pT^ jti, the district of Pw'dnyu,

came back from half way comprising the part between ;

tsd* sz^^ pun' lak^ kah doing

Canton and the Bogue.
things fby halves, unsteady *^ A river in Yungydng hien ;

jTiin dsiung pun' pdk^ about

in Honan dirt on the face ;
years old pun' Id- (fan Pw'dri
dirty rice-washings, swill

tts'ai, to divorce a wife after

a surname.
having her half one's life. A. platter, a trencher, a
MSI To revolt, to rebel against
'^r [basin, a deep dish a tub a ;

rulers to depart from their
s^K] deep vessel to contain liquids,

government, to go away Pw'in grain, &c.; a press, a frame,

pUn^ yiki rebellion Ji pun^ to a machine a receptacle, like
disavow the authority of a fhe pelvis an
afiair, business ;

government. curved, winding, coiled, curled

wyti Interchanged with the last.
up ; to examine ; a market
p ', A path dividing fields, a land- jp'iin fat' traveling expenses ;
mark disobey rules for
; to
ikdu ip'un, to Iiand over a bu-
dress ; separate from, to
siness to another 'Adw tp'iint ;

revolt, to rise up against

a windlass ^shau ip^un, to;

tkang ^cht y^ung- pun^ the wind up a business 'sai ishan ;

farmers yielded the land marks.

ip'un, a bathing. tub ihoi jp'un, ;

An a comrade,
associate, to open the market ip'un ; W
fellow, companion to follow, ; ch'ii' coiled up, as a snake
to attend on; '/o pun^ a partner (.shd ip'un, a coarse dish for
in business J'wig pun^ an ; cleaning rice ip'un, a

equal, a fellow, one in the childbirth ; ip'iin 'Ati shi^

same position jmd piin^ no ; Pw'anku, the first man ; toati
fellow, no one with me ip'iii ; bound up like
tshiu ichii ip'un,
pun^ to accompany one, as a a roasting pig, said of persons
friend pun'^ iniung, a kind of
; punished by Lynch law ; ip'un
bridesmaid. sat, to sit crosslegged ; ip'un
A lasso, a rope for catching ich'd, to examine into tfd ;

a horse ; to lasso, to catch ip'un, a flower-pot ; tying ip'tin,

rwan ;

to restrict, to hamper an ; obli- an encampment. Some of the

gation, a restraint ;
pun^ soki following are used in these
chu^ ^k'ii, tie him fast ;
piW senses.
hai^ to tie to, as a tree iwai ;

td' 'sho M pM restrained by

400 PUN. FUN.

^fi( Used for the last. A (ray, a fffr Fat, gross, obese, corpulent,
Pw^n ^^^'ter a tub, a wash-basin one had nothing to dis-
to rejoice to turn around
; ;
turb him
half of a carcase ;

ip'un loki to rejoice ; ip'un a slice, the collops on the ribs ;

it'ing, to revolve, so as not to (Sam "^kwong 'Cai ip'un, good-
advance. natured and fat.
J^ A large rock, a foundation. ^' To divide, to halve, to dis-
p-^Q stone; a great and remark-
P^n ^'"g"*sh ^" decide, to judge,

able rock, the Rock like to sentence to join two ;

Etam stable, firm, as a rock j

; halves to marry p'un' hdpi to

ipun sheki ichi con, peaceful, conjoin in bands of wedlock ;

as if settled on a rock jp'M/i ;
'^sham p'un^ to judge and con-
itigd lUn have
sui^ [bandits p'aip'un' an official ver-
vict ;

been] for a series of years. a decision p'tin^ titiin,

diet, ;

i^ A leathern girdle a large ; the decider of one's life, Atro-

4^^jj ornamented girdle; mef. a pos {I'ung p'an' a syndic in

purse, because the money an inferior department chiu' ;

was put inside of it ip'un taV ;

chiki p'un' to decide directly.
a leathern belt. i/^' A semicircular pool near
^P& To curl up the legs, to sit pKa the colleges of princes; a
crosslegged ^'un saU tso^ stream in Shantung, near
P wkn ; <.%

to sit with the feet under one; T&-ngan fu, an affluent of the
wat) curled up ; ip'iin
jp'tin Grand canal to dissolve, to ;

tmdiiJoUositlikeatailor.xj. scatter iyau p'un^ 'shui, to


j|g^ Interchanged with jmtin ^» " pass the college pool," i. e.

Pw'an to jump a wall ; to walk lame. to become a suitsdi; p'ua'
^£> To rejoice, to be glad '^sii ; Jiung, the college of a pre-
{T/In iP'li^i name of an ode in the
fecture ; p'wi' ich'iy the college
Shi-King. pool.
T^ A mountain stream in the ^' Interchanged with the last
|,W west of Shensi, a tributary y^, the colleges of the princes ;

of the River Wei, in Fung. to break, to scatter.

1^^ Read ifdn, meaning sow- i^' "}
To reject, to disregard, to
pW^.jjbugs, found under things. ^1^, y remove from one; to sepa-
Read sp'tin, curled up, writh- •f^ ] rate, to divide, to cut ofT, to
ing, coiled ; wreathing, curling Pw'an halve to throw away, to

around to bend,- to coil up in,

; throw down p'un' "^sz to ven- ;

to crouch in to intrust to ; ture to the death p'un'' meng^ ;

iwan jp'tin tdi' ti^ the clonds to risk one's life; p'un' Jtung,
encircled the land ^pun Hii, ; to contract for work p'un' 'cho

to encircle, spirally ; ip'un Jung t'm ivi' to waste, to lavish, to

kvoan' a cane with dragons hold lightly by ; p'un' Idn^ to
carved around it Jung ip'un ;
give up the reins ; p'un' '«' Aii'
lit jwai, a serpent crouching tso'- to do at the risk of life ;
in the earth. p'un' Js'oi, prodigal.
rUNG. FUNG. 401

(437) Pung. (438) Fung.

fint three are read fung in the Fan ^ A
pT* pronounced
colloquial word;
it is


the eyes with smoke or dust

'^ A loud, boisterous laughing ;
lin ^p'ung (p'ung, the smoke is
jj^ great merriment. very smarting.
<r# Ornaments ofgold, gem, or Read ip'ungy dust raised by the
p^ metal, on a scabbard or hilt wind.
^of a sword or dagger an em. f^ Mats made by interlacing

peror has gems, a prince has p^^ bamboo leaves within splints ;
gold. ^ used as coverings for boats,
<|fe Grassy, herbaceous '^pung ; awnings, stagings, die; a sail
tT" '^pu^gi abundant, luxuriant, as a roof; an awning; ip'ung
the vines of a melon ; laden mat houses ip'ung isung^
Jiiu, ;

with fruit. to walk rapidly ; '^kung ip'ungt

«^ A colloquial word. A hand- an arched roof, as over a ter.
Jy* ful to hold in the hand, to
: race ; tdpi iP'ung, to put up an
scoop up in the hand '^pung ; awning ; ip'ung '^ch'ong, a mat
chii} to hold by the sides or shed, used for plays, rest-
rim '^pung 's/tui 'ya»i, to drink
houses, &c.; piin' ip'ung ut^
out of the hands. shiki under easy sail enjoying
4^> 1 Torunagainst, torun upon, the moonlight '^chun ip'ung., ;

^> ? to bump to meet a person or

to go on the other tack Jtau ;

thing unexpectedly; a thump, iP'ung, to beat or sail on the

Ping a knock H'ai pung^ lookout wind.


for knocks a cry of porters

! c^ A straight, medicinal, plant
in the street pung^ Ho %'u or ;
pwg'"°^'°g among hemp; a
pung' chiuh hit against him species of flag; disorderly,
pung^its'ariit'au, to bump one's tangled, overgrown, like jun-
head ;
pung^ ^k'ii, hit him ;
gle ; waving, as grass by the
pung^ meet one, as in
kin^ to wind ; disheveled, as the hair ;

the streets. The second char- a malign star <,p'ung Joi, fairy

acter is a common but unau- land, the abode of genii, a pa-

thorized one. radise far from men name of ;

Pung^ A colloquial word. The a district in Sli&ntung.

classifier of walls, cliffs, ledges, J^ The hair in disorder, dis-
&c.; a puff of smoke or smell ^^ beveled; ip'ung ,sung, hair
yati pung^ iis'ui, a stink yaU ;
uncombed and tangled.
pung^ its'eurjg, a wall ; yat-. -U- Grassy, luxuriant, flonrish-
pung^ lin its'ui, an offensive p-T" ing ; bushy, as a squirrel's
smoke, as of burning hair ^ tail ip'ung ip'ung, abundant,

yati pung^ hV a bad odor. as a field of grain.

Ton. DicT. 51
;; ;

402 PUT. PUT.

TjE^ A rain garment, made of

(439) Put. X''?' leaves or coarse cloth, worn
by laborers.

An open dish, usually of

^ To change color, fluttered,
^'f* confused, to appear disconcert-
^y earth, to cook in ; a spherical, ed suddenly, furiousl}', to

narrow-mouthed dish, used by arrange hastily puti jin, sud-


priests a stoneware dish to

; denly.
grind paint or medicine on a ; i^ Interchanged with the pre-
beggar's clapdish ; met. Bud- ^'^' ceding. Plants suddenly shoot-
hism; pHii ffau, an earthen Pei '°8 "P > disobedient, untract-
dish ; lau^puti a tunnel ; jcft'tin able, unreasonable ; puti ^.sing,
d ptiU to hand down the robe a comet.
and dish — to leave one's office )^ A spring bursting up, or a
and place to a disciple ; ifung shooting up copious ;
Ph P'^"'' ;

s&) p'ut:, a large earthen pan. - sudden ; putt kiit:, gurgling,

To spread out, to place in
proper posts to allot, to dis- ;
bubbling ^ying hi^ puti puti

valorous, brave, boasting ; puti

pose ; to detach, as troops Hi (or ^ni) name of a country,
to root out, to expel, to abolish, thought to be Borneo.
to abrogate, to do away with Silken cords which are used
to rid, to exclude ; to get rid p, -to carry coffins by ; met. fine,
of; to dissipate, to scatter, as elegant, applied to the emper-
wind does clouds ; to cut up or's words ilun puti eloquent,

grass ; the dress fluttering ;

to persuasive, as imperial say.
as a fan
flirt, to extend ; to ; ings.
separate ropes for a hearse ; ; The water chestnut, called
puti ckungy to pull a bow ; pri/, puti or ^md ifai; the
iinan, to drive away musqui- EJeocharis tuberosus, an ediblo
toes ; pji/j Jioi (in, to dissipate tuber.
smoke pud ;
shW to fan ;
puU H-'Js
"^^ travel by land ; to walk
tung^ by fanning
^ic'u, cool it !^- through grassy paths ; to drag,
puh cMuh '^fo, to start a fire gle, to trudge, to go slow.y ;
by fanning puU ishd, to reel ;
to stumble ; to slip the st md ;

thread pdti ^md 'mi, a hanger-

for a candle ; an addenda or
on, a lick-spittle ; puh ikwm preface of a book, put in a
^pin, prejudiced for or against new edition ; the heel ; the
one, strong dislike ; cfan pi'it, root, base, foundation ; pUti
tping ding, to detach troops ;
shipi to slip ; k^vk, puti the
ipun puti to apportion each heel.
one's duties:
'shuU to disregard,
pii/j (indi
tA 'bell,
small bell, like a sleigh,
used in chanting or in
nothing more to do with ifung ; music to make a response;
puti iWariy wind scatters clouds. small cymbals.
; ;;

P'tfT. SA. SAl. 40S

^shui Hung, restless, to sit un»

(440) easily ,sai i.kwd ^pin, a chop-
P(it. ;

boat or lighter ; ^sai ,i'in, pa-

radise of Budha (Sai iy^ung ;

5^ sprinkle, to throw water

To iyan, a Portuguese at first ; —
l^^about; to scatter; to drip, to applied to all Europeans ; ,sai

ooze, to shower down ; dissipat- tkwdn d' c&tin Hsai, nickname

ed a shower piiti, 'shni, to
; ; for a rich and silly youth from
throw water, as on one, A the western suburbs of Canton;
colloquial word; slender, acute; (Sai 'rnai, sago; ^saipakt north-
mah to write boldly w'2
p'ut-, ; west.
p'iitj lively, revived, enheart- Bruised rice, the rice left in
ened ; <^nung p'ut:, vigorously a mortar, broken to dust after
written characters; p'nti ^fu, hulling, called ^mai ishd.
an adulteress itiH p'lity per- ;
A rhinoceros ; hard, good
verse ; tisim p'ut:, kdm^ itsim, metal, as a sword ; a carpel of
beautiful, tapering, as fingers ; a melon (Sai kok:> a rhinoceros'

ftsim very sharp-point-

p'luti ti^
horn tsai ^ngau, a rhinoceros;

ed ; p'uti sdi^ ishang V to lose tsam ^yau iling ,.sai, astute,

custom by rudeness sat, p'ut^ ;
acute at perceiving.
syan, a careless man, one who A diminutive sort of tha
wastes things. \Olea fragrans, with reddish
'flowers, called muh isai tfd;
cultivated at Canton. ,^
(441) Sa.
Often confounded with ^g»
sivir which is then pronounc-
^ilt A contraction for thirty ed ^sai, while this character
'*^ (SO,m, thirty-three.
is also called (Sui, in the name
*S^h coriander
Pronounced 'sd, a colloquial n'l isui or iiin ^sai, the

word. Confused, at sixes and or caraway plant.

sevens '^d koni' liin^ all in dis-

The neighing of a horse
; the

order 'sd ich'an (Wan ti* what chirping of the mole-cricket

a brag a bag of wind.
and cicada ; a hoarse, broken
noise, hiccuping ; a crashing,
clattering, rushing noise (Sai ;

(442) Sai. isai (Sheng, a cricket's chirp

(Sai shdti a furious onslaught,
the din of battle.
The west ; in divination be- c To bring to notice, to direct
longs to metal western, for- ;
, the attention to to put one ;
eign, European
enters into ; on his guard, to rouse up
many names of places; among to split, to rive ; /ai isai, to
the Budhista, refers to heaven; point out ; jai 'seng, to nudge,
isai ipm, a private tutor ; i.sai to hint.
; ;
; ;

404 SAl. SAI.

wash, to wash the feet pc> A son-in-law a husband
^ ;

•J5fe to purify, to rinse,

to clean ;
B sometimes so called
I is 'nti ;

Si \^' jsai' a son-in-law tin sat' a

to cleanse morally a wash- ; ;

ing vessel met. to wash out, ; Si worthy son-in-law.

to exterminate '^sai min} to ;

wash the face '«ai kwdU to ;

(443) Sai.
wash and scrape 'sat (Shan ;

or yuk^ to bathe ; "^sai Hai^


baptism '^sai ^sam, to cleanse

A colloquial word, To
or change the heart ; 'sai shap:,
throw away as useless, to
^'au i'm t'ai' m^, are 'nt you
waste isdi fdh utterly wast-
going to shave now you've
ed ^mai csdt ^y^, don't waste
— ;

washed your head ? you must things mail isdi ^k'u, don't

finish what you've begun Jtd ;

waste it (.sai ; sdi^ hai^ Je, all
iP'an iii'^sah as poor as if clean
thrown away, it is all used
washed out. up ihing min^ a dis-
csdi fu-
To wash out, to avenge
grace to one's family pdk^ ;

one's wrongs, to wipe off a

Si pdki isdi, uselessly spent ; ^sdi
reproach, as by the death of
tak) chung^ extravagant, using
a enemy. more than is necessary.
A plant, allied to hemp in
To move, to shift one's

its fibres, and used for weav-
Si abode or things be trans- ; to
ing; linen, fine hempen or Si
ported by order of the king ; to
exceed, to incroach on or over-
j* Fine, small, minute ; de- pass, as time '^sdi shin^ to ;

licate, finely made; soft in change for the better, to re-

texture subtile ; ; trifling, petty, form; 'sdt ikii, to live elsewhere;
unimportant, vexatious ; tho- 'sdi iiti to overpass the month ;
roughly, carefully sai^ isam, ; ^sdi yam^ to go to take another
careful, be careful saV pd^ fine ; office.
cloth; 'tez' sai' attentive to, he- Straw sandals, slippers,
edful saV hang* a peccadillo,
) grass shoes worn by posture-
trifling ; saP «'' a small matter; makers to go barefoot t'iit^
; ;

sat* taki tsai^ far too small Si '^sdi, to throw off the slippers ;

sai* isz' iUgan, sycee silver iyau hi' pai^ 'sdi, [to contemn
sat' 'Id (ko, a term for a lad, the world] like rejecting a
my boy ! sai* t«'dm, conversa- pair of old sandals.
tion, small talk ; sai' cKdU A kind of gauze kerchief for
to thoroughly examine; sat* , the head, a cap, a turban ;
*to, a younger brother 'Ad sai' ; strings of a cap a hair-band ;

very small ; 'at sai^ not so tall, a crowd passing along to bind ;

rather under size; sax' cman together or upon neatly ban. ;

^tsai, a child, children ; saV 'Id, ners flowing bravely. Read

a younger brother. jAt a kind of fine cord.

SAK. SAM. 405

Afraid, dispirited, fearful,

craven, cast-down ; timid,
bashful and awkward thrown ;
(445) Sam.
off one's guard ; toai' 'sdi,
fearful, abashed '^sdi iyung,
jfv"] The physical heart, con-
looking scared. *
sidered as the ichii or lord of
The royal signet or imperial I

seal ; the great seal, now us-

^P [ the body the centre, the ;

Si >K [middle; inside of a thing, as

ually called 'jJd ; the seal of '
a wick, heart-wood ; the affec-

the signet. "^

tions, the heart, the will ; the
A colloquial word. All, the
mind, understanding the in- ;

whole, complete, entire ; Aii'

tention, desire, motive; the
sdv' all aregone ^md sdv none
origin or source the fifth of ;

at all; shap^ ifan d'ung sdv'

the 28 constellations, answer-
thoroughly understands all ;
ing to Antares, g and t in
isung sdi^ let it all go, as a
Scorpio; the 61st radical of
rope 'p£ sdi' all given away
characters relating to the
kiii' kieo^sdV seen everything ;
feelings isam, Jton, the heart
horn' pd^ Idng^ shih sdi' all
and liver, met. that which is
completely eaten up.
doated on isam 'shui Js'ingf ;

imperturbable, not alarmed

^yau iSam Jci, clear-headed and
(444) Sak. attentive ^md isam M, indis-

posed, ailing; csam teng^ not

in error, certain of; isamfuki
jfig? To stop up, to fill up, to <yan, a trustworthy man isam ;

^^u close ; to obstruct, to hinder, ishan, the animal spirits ; 'Ad

to prevent by obstacles ; to isam iCin, tender, compassion-
spike a gun; obstructed, stop- ate ;isam j'm tsoi^ cliii' absent-
ped up ; solid, sincere unin- ;
minded isam iwdi pat) 'kwaiy

telligent, stupid, hard to ap- I can't understand his inten^

prehend an important pass ;
; tions, scheming ; r.sam it'au (,kd,

mat) "-kdm saky how can you be ambitious, in haste to reach,

so stupid ? sak) chit} %'u, stop highminded, a high-toned feel-
it up ; /in sak) to fill up, as a ing ; isam do, suspicious, cap-
hole ; sak) 'hau, to stop a hole, ricious isam isam' bent on,

to gag, to bribe, to stop one's constantly desiring isam puki ;

answering 'yung sak) ^kdi td^

; puki t'liP palpitation from fear
streets much crowded ihoi ; yapi csam, to remember, fa-
imdu sak) to make a person miliar with it'in (Sam, the ;

understand pi^ sak) the nose

zenith, meridian iSam chung ;

stopped up, snuffles; ^cKung cAd&j contracted, narrow mind-

sak) ct'in ti^ to pervade and fill ed, views; ^piin tsam, my view,

the world as the gospel will. my notion yung^ isain tsd' be ;

406 sAm. SAN.

diligent,be crreful in doing

things isam (fa (hoi, in liopes,
(447) Saq.
in high spirits, one's hopes
blossoming ; (fung (Sam ^yi, a
hollow, tubular thing ; ^yau Wood cut down ; to renew,

isam, much obliged, thank to restore, to to add

improve ;
you ;^nifaP (Sam, I am obli- something to, to increase ;
ged for your kind care ; (,ui new, fresh, the latest, just made
tsam, to recover one's senses, or gathered the new, the

to reform isam csa' desire for,

best occurs in many names of

discontent. places ; <sa« 'sin, fresh, as

Toooze out ; to steep.
drip, to eatables ; isan ch'ut-, mati just
A word; to sprinkle
colloquial ill market ; isan ilong, ^san
San and
dry things ^sam tik:) jiffi ; Mh iV^ungy a bridegroom
sprinkle a little salt on ^sam ;
bride ; ts'ii' iSan ^p'd, to get a
itn iWan, sprinkled unevenly ;
wife (San {niny newyear (San
; ;

nifcj (fui ham chii- bring ashes jmaw, news ; iak-i fa' yati (Scn,
to lay on it. his virtuons example daily
Pronounced «am^• bad, inelegant, renovates others said of a —
worthless 'A:dm sam} ki^ so good ruler isan fau* a new


vile; so mean-looking appli- — port a name for Singapore ;

ed chiefly to things. (San yiung^ new-fashioned.
Fuel, brambles, wood fit only
for the fire, firewood ; to col-
(446) Sam. lect fuel iCKai (.san, firewood;

(San Hs'd, grass cut for fuel

fu^ (San to carry faggots.
rH "1 Three ; thrice ; isam shapi Pungent, warm, piquant,
"7^ '
thirty ; tat' <,sdm, third ; tsoi' slightly acrid or bitter ; md,.
^ 'f(Sdm,
again and again
or isam ts'z'^ thrice;
irksome, bitter, hard, toilsome,
III grievous mournful, sad the
; ;

*a .
csaw* ''S2' you two or three eighth of the ten stems, corres-
people ; pat:, (Sam pat:, sz ponds to metal and the west
neither one thing nor another, the 160th radical (San (fti, ;

unsteady (Sdm H^ung yati in

; grievous, atflicted (San Idti
a few days (Sdm (d '^hau, ; W biting, hot, like

a cross roads isdm Icap^ ta^ ;
marshy plant, like sweet-
the three highest Hinlin; asarum long iSan
flag or the
Sin ; ;

tsdm cheki '^shau, a thief, a (San, numerous (San iin' a dis- ;

shoplifter (Sdm Jcw'an i^ ta'i}

; trict in Shdntung isan ^yi, ;

knots and groups of people. desert, marshy.

Read sdm^ to reiterate, to do "j Men and horses in com-
thrice ;sd»i't«' to think thrice, .f5t
ipany, a large crowd of [leo-
maturely thought of, deliber- pie
(San (San, the noise and

ate. Sin tramp of a crowd.

! ;; ;;

sAn. SANG. 407

To ask information, to con- take apart ; to dissipate ; to

^." verse, to inquire ; tsan c*an, a spread abroad ; to disperse,
crowd, many talking together. to break up ; to distribute, to
A multitude standing or go- apportion sdrC tfiKiung^ to dis-

ing together isan csan ik'iluki

perse, as an audience ; sdn^
liow numerous are the deer cpdn, to break up, as a party
sdn' 'Ad pd' to relieve one's
grief by walking or otherwise
(448) San. sdn? tsdpi to scatter clothes
(to the spirits); fdt^ sdn' to
1 A wheaten cake, fried in
dissipate, as a vertigo or cold ;
i,oil dry
or fat till it is iyau
tkd sdn' ii/an (inong, the family-
fSrJ'sdn, wheaten cakes. is scattered and dead : shaU
San sdn^ driven off, expelled by
'•jjH^ Strips of wood placed be-
force sdn' Jau jfi, to
'"'^^^ ^^^ fingers to squeeze
T 4n spread false reports; sdn^ ^wong
them ; a mode of torture like
sz'^ (fong, scattered in all di-
the thumb-screws ; to torture ;
rections, dispersed.
narrow 'sdn 'shaut to squeeze
^'^ To cover or shade from
the fingers.
A wine vessel, an amphora;
^j >the rain or sun ; an umbrella,
1^ a a state
•t^ a medicinal powder ; name S&n
parasol ;

canopy, carried behind high

Jo sari'

of a song ; slatternly, unti-

of which the red color
dy, careless, disheveled, as
is the most honorable ; ^ti sdn*
one's dross or hair; scattered,
an umbrella long^ sari' a sun*
tangled, put in confusion
not in order ; miscellaneous,
odds and ends ; '^sdn Jiung,
day-laborers ; 'ta "-san Jcung^
(449) Sang.
to work by the job ; -Id 'sdn
its'in, to break a St ring of cash;
a powder; Hdn'sdn,
/Qt A Budhist priest ; a religious
heedless, lazy Hd 'sdn /u' ;
tsang ^yan, a priest, a
k^uki to loosen the trowsers s'JJ
bonze ; cAd csang, a strict, con.
from the stockings ; '^sdn sok)
scientious priest iwan iyau
so/fj shiftlessly, done loosely ;

tsangt a begging priest ; jp'an

,hdn '«dn, otium
isang, a poor priest
I, tsang ;
jwo 'sdn, to grind to powder
(kd, Budhist priests, the priest*
'«dn ^kdm 'siuno, wandering
hood ; (Sang tsuk^ patt it*ung, a
thoughts sdU *«d« ^yan ^md,
religious and worldly life are
s" nt out vnc.r. 9nd horses, or
dispersed them, as in search,
unlike (ka : tsang, lama M
priests (Shdn ixang, recluses.
ing, or
posting troops.
scatter, as by the wind ^ Short hair
^^ disorder, tangled.
; ipang isang, the
San or by force ; to separate, to Swe ''*'''
40d SAP. ^Ap. SAT.

pfij> To lose the way, to wander CC To make a circuit, to go

'""^' '" ^ ^""y' fidget- Jr^'the rounds, like a watchman ;
*ty, acting foolishly, unapt, pervading a revolution; a ;

spoiling what one undertakes, side, a row (Chau sdpy to go;

A colloquial word. Sang^ pi^ about everywhere ; (Sdm sdp^

to blow the nose with the on three sides yat) sap, a row. ;

fingers ; sang' ^hd ^shau, to A colloquial word. To please,

shake the hands, as when wet to delight; shining, lustrous, as
or dusty ; hd^ sang' or sang' ; when
silk repeated, it is a
keuki lecherous ; sang' pi' tdi' strong affirmative ; j'wi sdp^
^tsz' a rich fool. Higdn, does not please the eye,
makes no display Jidi sdp, ;

sdp.. exceedingly rough ; Jum

(450) Sap. sdpi sdp:, very blue.
33 Feathers used to adorn cof-
fins ; a flabellum or great fan,
To enter the naouth ; a fish carried behind the sovereign,
'; sucking, A colloquial word. painted with flowers or fea-
A deceit, a take in; wheedling, thers. The state umbrella is
coaxing ; iCeng ^yan sap, to be now usedinstead.
deluded, overreached, diddled; 4^ Mixed up sound of break- ;

{yan sap:, ^ni hu' people will ifp'ing things. A colloquial word ;
coax you to go away ; j'm shau^ Idpi sdp) refuse, dirt, sweep,
lyan sap^ not minding people's ings.
blarney ; sap^ Hd^k'ii took him
in ; sai' sap^ sap^ very much
(452) Sat.
broken or cut up, minced
sap) sui' little things, rubbish.

n^ The knee to surround the ;

^'knees, as children do; a long

(451) Sap. thin spear ; toat, salt to kneel,
to bend the knee; ^p'd saty
The sound of wind, a breeze, icK6ung lyam, to hold the
a gust, a blast suddenly, for
; knees and sing away saU it'au ;

a minute ; paid cfung sdp^ sap^ cfco, the knee sat^ 'hd,youT ;

gusty north wind ishui sdpi ;

servant ; also, one's children ;
declining, going down, unsuc- 'jj'd sat, a knee cap used by
cessful, losing ground ; sdp^ surgeons cpdusat, knee-pads

ishi cMn, for a minute, a little ishang hok) sat, enlargement of

while. the knee-joint; sat, ihang^ to
A slight shower, a drizzling, creep ; Hd pUn' sai, to ben.d one
passing rain ; sap^ yshit mo- knee ; sal, *hd'^sat, ^id, hesi-
mentarily; sdp) iin JcdHf on a tatingly, going and stopping
sudden. tsuk, sat, holding both knees.
sAt. SAU. 400

(Sau yuki feeling guilty ; in-

(453) sulted,disgraced ^sau ktc^a^

Sat. ;

shamefaced, blushing itau ;

'cKiy ashamed ;
^m ichx isau,

jBJt To scatter, to disperse ;

to brazen-faced, no honorable
feeling (Sau ikd sz^^ ashamed
slh ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^"^ ^^®
other ;

to set loose ; sdt^ p'ut) to waste, of an affair; isau ^sau ^tdn,

as money ; sdti ^shau, to throw slovenly ihdm isau, to redden.

the arms 'about, to cast off; Viands, savory delicacies ;

sdty 'shau Hsung itn Hi, I'll have to offer food; tsau shin' presents
nothing more do to with it of food ;
ichan ^sau pdkt mi^ all
Mdtikufe, 'chung, to sow grain ; sorts of delicacies.
sdti Idi* to implicate another, To adorn, to renovate ; to
to make much out of a little
repair, to mend and make as
mistake or fault ; sdU ^mong, new ; to clean up ; to adjust,
to throw a net ; sdt^ Jioi ^k'u, to direct ; to regulate ; to cul-
spread it out, scatter it ar. ; tivate, to practice, to study,
range it amicably, as a lawsuit; as virtue ;
to chasten, to ex-
tat, tau^ ishing (ping, to make ercise, as the heart
tsaush^t ;

soldiers by throwing up beans to beautify, as the person

—a sort of Horcery in battle ; c*au ts'api to make as new ;
sat) 'shau k'api unexpect-
paU (Sailtkam, a teacher's sti|>end ;
edly ; suti 'mat, to shed rice on (Sau (Shan, to practice correct
a bridal sedan. conduct; isau 'ching, to restore,
^ To strike a back handed
blow ; to rub or wash out
to mend
letter ;

(Sau tak,
^sau (Shii,

to write
8 ah
muti sdti to wipe off. virtue, that which has induced
^fe '' A religious word, introduc- bliss ; iSau lak, to act virtu-
t^*ed by Budhists ; to assist, to ously ; 'kin isau, a go-between
see everything sp'd sdti an ; tsau lyam ikung, to do good
idol, an image. The word is works privately isau isam 'wat ;

a contraction of Bodisat, a '/td/n, don't do so for your own

candidate for a Budhasbip. sake and peace.

The sound of the wind
ciilly* windy the whirring of ;
an arrow iSau (.sau, a gust.
(454) Sau. To conceal to hide away ; ;

to search a house, to seek for

Viands, savory food, delica- hidden things to examine ;

to offer tip, to send in, to

cies ; into ; crafty ;
isau ik'au, to
present ; to feel ashamed, to seek.
blush, to redden ashamed, ; Interchanged with the last;
confused bashful, I am un-
; to hide. Read iCh'au in th«
worthy conscious of guilt
; Fan Wan.
Ton. Dict. 52
;; ;;

4|0 SAU. SAU.

1 An old man, a senior, a a sort of pad used when carry,

> venerable person ; Hd'^sau, old ing burdens on the head.
^^^ gentleman
"sau 'sau, the ! ^' Grain in seed beautiful, ;

Sau sound of washing rice.

<1^1 To search a house, as by
^ gay, as flowers to flourish, to
grow flourishing, elegant, ad-

^^ [the police ; to toss and throw orned ; comely, fair, beautiful

'ol ^^^^^ when searching to in-
' ; accomplished the first, the ;

Sau form one's self; to investigate, best sau' mau^ grenn, charm-

to search out to inquire into ; ing, as a field sau' mau' cWan, ;

the meaning of; researches in- beautiful, as a lundscape

to books swift, as an arrow; ;
sau' hV a fine person, elegant
to assemble ; popular opinion manners sau' its'oi, accom-
P' ^sau '^kim or '^sau ishan,

to plished talents

— the lowest of
search person 'sau Id'
the ; the four literary degrees; /aiic>
search for banditti
ts^dki to (fin ti' ichi sau' [man is] the

'sau its'am, to seek and find, best in heaven and earth

as secreted things. sau' (i, fine raiment a scho- —
To steep in water ; to infuse, lar.

soak meal or flour; to

to T^' A gem or prettily colored
macerate ; to urinate; 'sau Hsau "^ stone ; a pebble, which can be
to make or decant spirits 'sau ; used for ear-drops.
4iiki to make water 'sau pin' ; ;^* 1 To embroider, to adorn
calls of nature. ^, Vwith various colored silks;
vessel a ship or boat ;
J ornamented, embroidered,
- the poop
or stern of a vessel. Sid worked ; to embellish, to
Sau "^
variegate, to beautify; to illus-
Eyeless, blind from having
'8fi trate a book with prints
5^ sau*
no pupil a term applied to old

men itnung 'sau, blind, said ifa, to embroider flowers ; sau*

(kan, an embroidered hand-
of musicians ; 'kH 'Sau, blind
kerchief or scarf; 'kam sau*
Sau, who was Shun's father.
worked in colors, variegated ;
A plant used in dyeing red,
perhaps a sort iTniU ilung sau' fun g'- pictured
and also edible ;
Sau dragons and embroidered phoe-
of Rumex the hunt in spring,
when pregnant animals were

— ;iraiseoffine
ku' sau' to embroider.

not to be killed to collect, ;

to ;

assemble, as for a hunt ; to The second character is an

provision cavalry for war; to

erroneous form, commonly
t» hide, to used as a contraction of the
order soldiers ;

other ; it is rig itiv read t'au' a

screen ; to search, to inquire.
carpel of the cotton fruit.
A marshy preserve in which
-v- game is kept and fish reared ; 1 The rust of iron, steel, tin,

^"""a thicket ; skirt of a hill ; fat, i'

, Vor metals; oxides;
rich, profitable, gainful; a ^^ J (sfiang to get rusty ;
measure of 16- 'tau; W 'sctUr Sia keng' saw' mist on a mirror.

sfi. 9t. 411

To cough ; to expectorate, ] To write, to draw, to paint';

to raise phle;E;m ; cough,
a ^to design, to limn ; to write
coughing (kon ; sau' a dry I
one's thoughts ; to make out,
cough it'dm sau' to raise
; as an account to remove, to ;

phlegm 'kdm iheng k'aU sau:

; put aside, to overturn; to quiet,
a slight cough, to clear the as one's passion, to disburthen,
throat. Also read ts'uki to to compose the mind to found, ;

lick, to lap. to cast, as an image ; to leak,

m rect
To rinse
out a thing
to gnaw
the mouth, to
; to purify, to cor-
sau' 'han,
wash to spill over
'*^ sun' to
;'at^ tsz'* to write

write a letter 'j^ ;


; ; to (Chan, to draw a likeness ; '»^

wash the mouth ; sau" ^fun, to tshang, to draw natural objects;
wash. (Ch'du '*e, to copy ; '»e wa} to
draw pictures ;
'«^ chit' to cast;

(455) siti 'j6 to ffive vent to, to dis-

burthen ; '/i»o (Sam ^shii '«^,

A my mind is calmed; '^s6 loki

i^ little, like tiki or ti^ in
write it 's^ ^'iu itdn, make
colloquial it is usually com-
*sT ;

out an account '»e tsz'^ (tun ;

pared with something just ex-
'A'di, he writes evenly and
pressed, making
an adject, it

tive of comparison, answering uniformly 'a^ ; tsz'^ iyan, a

clerk, a writer '*^ tak^ 'Ad,
to the termination er ; short, ;

of time few, small in it is written well ; 's^ Hiu^

said ;

number a word of compari- written; ich'du '5^, to copy


son, as somewhat, partly, im- out tsoi' 's^ kwo' rewrite it; '«^

perfectly, rather, measurably ching' ikun 'pd«, write plain.


cA^ c«^, 'nd c*<^, this, that; these, ^' To let water flow off"; to
those ; M
^fiu (Chi miii a tri-
fling matter, unimportant yaU ;
^ drain land
a diarrhoBa,»a flux, a looseness,
; to leak, to ooze ;

t8€, a few fdP rsi, quicker; ;

a purging; to purge to elim- ;

hnd iSi mV disagreeable, dis- inate H'dsi' a dysentery s^'

; ;

gusting ; c*^(SU, trifling, a few y^uki a purgative ^fdn Jean ;

of, a little while or quantity ;

fuk-i si' spasms and gripes,
tak] ist 'ho i' c*m tui 'shau, better cholera morbus ; si' 'fo, or st'
retire when you have made a ^hd Ui to purge out feverish
little money l^uk, Ituki 'Ad ; feeling ; sity leak out
si' to
(«^, it is a very little better ;
si' 'tai sz'^ hollow, having no
,sham d' c*^,rather obscure foundation to go on ; Hd si'


txd\s^ shnm^ mo, what are you iCh'd, spilled the tea to lose
doinu ? (»^ ^siu sz''^ only a little a betrothed husband before
matter, a very trifle isi 'shiu, : marriage (k'ing ^dm jii si'


rathor little ; mdti i' tS?' not M ipuki to talk like a flux to tell
the least meaning; ^yau «5^ all : si' ,sdm jiii, purged thrice ;

jpali sW not very proper. si' 'sAmz, a watery stool.

412 SENG, StVK. SfiUN'G.

ytri' To lay asidfi, to leave, to fdti to shave the whole head

V'l relinquish, to cast off; to lay tp'ai siuk, to trim, to mend«
off, as clothes ; to vacate, as as a pen ; thi s^utj threads wide
an office ; to land, as cargo ;
apart, elazy, said of cloth ;
8^^ «z'' to throw up a business s^uk-, kxtah {?idn tfin^ I could
»^' yaTn\ to Pleave an office not make it up if I scraped my
*^' fo^ to deliver goods ; s^' bones; siuk-, td' pok^ scraped
tskan, to abscond ; s^^ pok-, to thin kwdh siuki ipan ^kd, to

bare the shoulder ;

«^' loki tarn- deduct from the price agreed
throw off the pole to
Json^ to — on ; s^.ukt iping ik'uriy to de-
give up a calling to retire ;
grade a military officer.
from ; ch'dk-, si^ to destroy, to
throw down, as a house si^ ;

kdp^ it 'tsau, to throw away (458) Seung.

one's armor and flee.

^fe To disrobe in order to plough;

Q^^ to assist ; to effect, to accom-
(456) Seng.
push to animate, to praise ;

to remove, to take away the ;

(For other words pronounced seng, soe
the syllable sing.) fore horses of a car an equi- :

page Siung iP^ng 'yw, name

fSeng. A colloquial word, often

of a prefecture in the north of

used as a contraction for (Sin
Hupeh (Siting isdn^ to encou-
tshang, a teacher or Sir ; iLo
rage by praise.
tseng, Mr. Lo.
Seng\ A colloquial word, de- ^^ To inlay, to enchase, to lot
qV^ in to coat or plate with ano-
noting a place, a path 'cAo ;

Jang ther metal to msert, to set, ;

ieng^ '^cho seng' how you are

as a gem in gold to connect ;
stopping up the way here !
two things, to rivet, to weld«
to mortice or clamp on bor- ;

dered, as one color on anoth-

(457) Seuk.
er ; (Siung cpiii, isiung ^chdn^
the inlaid cup and saucer used
shave at weddings; istung ^ngdn, to
^1 To cut, to pare, to off,

g" ^to scrape erase by scrap-

; to put in a false eye ; iSiung ingd%
ing ; to despoil, to invade, to false teeth ; ^stung ^po Ji, to

neize territory of another ; to glaze window-glass ; iseung

deprive of title or rank ; im- pdkuk'h a bordered white ban-
poverished ; a graver ; debility; ner; isiung fdi' Hsz' chopsticks

'^koi giuk, to correct or erase inlaid with silver.

writing ; s^uh chik, to de-
a lower rank ; s^uk^
t Urgent
^ in need.

hurried ;
to assist
*Hu chiky turned out of office This character is

kwaty stuk, to scrape off; s^uky usually read lyiung.

S£UNG, S£UNG. 413

J^ A cord to tie up the sleeves A side apartment, a retiring-

^^ a surcingle or belly-band ; to
room offthe hall ; .,stung ifong^
take by the arm. a side chamber; ^shing atung
g^ A spirited horse, shaking his noi^ ngoi* inside and out of the
^jr?5™head a horse whose right
city [of Canton]; Mnng jiong^
hind leg is white ; to gallop ;
lodge on the sides of a court.
to elevate distant, to go far; ;
This is used in the Red Book
fSiung it'ang, to canter. for the second character above*

4H Looking among trees; to as (S^ung iipong ik'i, a bordered

gj^^ examine, to inspect to blend ; yellow banner.
with mutually, reciprocally,
A large confluent of the
by turns, interchangeable, from
Yingtsz' kiang in Hun&n
one to another; often denotes name of three districts in
merely a reflective form of the Hunan and of a lake to cook, ;

verb; the substance oressence, to roast or fry ; cS^ung j/"f, a

distinguished from the acci- spotted variety of bamboo,
dents ; (S^ung '«, acquainted namedafter Shun's princess.
*Ad isiung
ing, courteous
intimate, oblig.
cS^ung kan^

box, a coffer, a casket, of
wood or bamboo a closet or
near, contiguous tsiung Hso, ;
storeroom ; boot of a carriage;
at variance, having different yat, koi" iS^ng, one box (Xiung ;

views ; iS^ung ^tsz' somewhat ^lung, a clothes' trunk ^fo ;

nlike ; (S^ung tsz' peng^ love, shiki (S^ung, a sort of partition

sick ; (Siung wai^ to help each tray for carrying food in pro-
other, log-rolling ; Hd ^stung cessions; (Chong (Siung, to
*u, an old friend jjnd Mung ;
pack a box lok^ ^s^ung, to take

tkon, no matter iseung {fan ;

one's trunk loki ^siung ^ch'i,

^ni, I will trouble you ^giung ;

pack up and be off! clear out
tsz' ts^uki a sort of robin ^s^ung
ttong min^ loki ^seung, told him
€} to meet, to come across one to his face to go; (S^ung ifong^
tSiung (p"in kwo^ 'A'li, pass it a closet, a storeroom; (kiin
on to him, said of presents (Siung, paper boxes for burning,
iSiung kW
hav} ^mdn, I am containing paper clothes 'cAi ;

sorry I am so late in seeing iinui (Spungy a sort of tinder

you a polite phrase ishing ;
and match-box ; 'si tsx'^ (Siungt
id t) it' in lun, separated as wide a writing-desk iSeung Hsai, a ;

as the heavens (S^ung 'Ad ;

little box ; ^shiung is^ung, to
tkan, friendly, well inclined to; make ready for a theatrical
.acting kW 'hd, /ung chij^ play ; (S^ung it'au, the top of a
indn, it is easy to visit people, box.
but hard to live with them; ^ ''^'^^ yellow color, like the
(Siung (.n' tau^ a red bean, the ^^ budding leaves of the mulber-
Abrus TprecatoriHS ; ts^ung 'Ad ry ^x^ung ,piu, blue and yel-

^'ang 'yau, a dear friend. low, said of silks.


414 SfiUNG. SHA.

f|& Hoarfrost, rime, congealed plan ; '^senng sun? kap ipan,

ShWdng ^^P""" 5 thinking how he can circum.
f^g'^' coldi grave ;

(S^ung siit) frost and snow vent one, his thoughts are

loki (S6ung, frosty iS^iing kong^ ; evil 's^ung '^hi, to call to mind. ;

the 20th tsiti or tsrm, from 4-H' To assist, to help a minis. ;

Oct. 24th to Nov. 8th ,s^ung ter of state, a prime-minister;

cwai, majestic 7i ^s^ung, to ; to support; to select, to choose,
step on the frost to use grent — todirect, to lead, to encourage;
care ; ds'z' (S^ung, a sort of to watch the times, as a trader
sweet cruller. does to receive an envoy ;

An unauthorized character, physiognomy, the art of phy-

sometimes written for the last, siognomy and palmistry; a
in the phrase ^p'ai iS^ung, ar- name for the 7th month small ;

senic. stars near S in Ursa Major

1^ A widow to live alone, as; skung^ '^ch^, leader of a blind
man; pdi-' s^M/t^^ a premier ;
ow cku iSiung, an orphan
; hoii^ s^ung' to foretell by the
and widow, a lone widow. lines in the face s&ung' fdti ;

|E^ A famous Bucephalusbelong. rules of physiognomy tdi* ;

Sh '
(t'"S ^° Kwoh Poh of
° Tsin dynasty, called Suk:>
the s^ung^ ikung, noble Sir —
polite expression siung^ it'au ;

(S^UJlg. s&ung^ 'chu, peeping and pry.

*y{;9 To think upon, to meditate» ing about siung^ ishi ji tung* ;

o'Vl' to consider to reflect, ; to act when it is a favorable

turn over m
ones mind to time not' siung^ eunuchs in ;


plan ; to hope, to expect to the palace formerly, a privy


desire, to anticipate; a thought, councillor.

an idea, a conception hnd tik-, ;

\ ^siting ifaUf no hope to get it,

impossible ^ni 's^ung ^Cau tdi^ (459)
your notions are too large,
you are extravagant shiki kwo' ;

chung^ 'sitings I want more of \Aj Sand, gravel; pebbles, shin.

what 1 ate ^ngo tsam 's^ung, g'^ sandy, gritty granulated, '
Shi ;

I think of it, I think so "s^ung as sugar; comminuted, broken


j'm Hd, impracticable, an im- to pieces, like sand; mealy,

possibility 'siting yat, 's^ung,
; as a fruit ^shd ili, a russet ;

think a little 's^ung i^m cfi'ut,; pear (Shd it'ong, grained su. ;

unable to recall, mind is con- gar (Shd mi7i^ a part of the ;

fused '^s^ung yap^ (Shan, in a western suburbs of Canton

; ;

reverie, day-dreaming; ^yau (Shd 'mi, a sand spit name of

tik:, mong^ \s6iing, some hopes a place near Napier's fort (Shd ;

for ; 'g^ung wdi^ faP the idea pnki a sand clam, a kind of
will hurt your lungs u useless —
Mactra ^Shd moki Desert of ;
;;; ;;

SUA. SHA. 415

Gobi ; (Shd ^sheng, hoarseness

moving sands (Shd
A surplice
; ckd cshd, a priest's
ikd ishd pd' fine muslin,
ilau ,:shd, ; ;

(Sliui,the snipe, sandpiper ; s'm cambric.

kwo^ tak, (Shd, cannot bring it
about, impracticable 'idu ;
The shark, so called from its
rough skin ; Jai /au cs/m, the

fih'^ung c«/ta, the cholera tshd ;

shovel-nosed shark jp'i cp'd ;

ich'ung, larva of miisketoes !,shd,the Rhina acyhsloma or

Hsui (Shd, a small fish, a sort spotted ray ; tkung Hsz' md^
of sardine ^shd imAn, Budhist ; ishdi the Sphyrna zygana, or
priests c*^d H'eng, a flat mud
hammer-headed shark ; isha.
boat ishd lau^ a water filter of
; {« sp'ij shagreen, sand-paper.
sand ishd kdmi' 'sdn, scattered To
*^1 sprinkle, to scatter, as
all about; csAd ngUingUi gritty;
(Shd ich'an tdi^ clouds of dust
^ wind does leaves to di-
vide to cast in, as hooks for

''I® j ;

ishd (kti H'eng, green flow^er-

Sljfe fish 'shd "-shut, sprinkle it

boats ; <S/id koki pdu^ it'oi, the '•shd iWan, sprinkle evenly
fort below Anunghoy fort.
^shd (hoi, to sprinkle <»i/i ^shd ;

T^U Used for the last ;

pebbles ;
sprinkle a little
tik, '^shui, first
' ^, (Chu (Shdf c'mnahdr ; '^pd ishd, water; ^shd s'm (hoi, not enough
emery ^kam ckong ; ^shd, corun-
to go around; '*Ad shap^ ji,
dum ;
pdv" csAd, to winnow got wet by the rain ; '^shd sd^
hulled rice ; Hd ishd tot' to
to sprinkle and sweep ; '^shd
learn boxing by beating a bag whitewash.
tfui 'shui, to
of sand kwdh (Shd, to scrape

ffiu (Shd, to pick pustules out

'^ To sport, to play with, to

of the skin. c^, amuse ; to trifle with, as one

Name of a fine wood, called can with opium at first; to,
exercise, as in fencing ; play,
tshd it'ong, brought from Tibet;
Sh^ jollity, sport games ; 'sAd
,shd J,i, a pear. ;

kwan' to fence with poles

^5|^ Gauze, thin silk transpar- ;

'^shd (td ip'di, to play with foils

®"^ '" texture, gauzy ; a fibre,
«h ^ -

and shields iWdn '^shd, to play,

a thread not twisted tsau' ^shd, ;

as children do; ^shd hi' to play,

crape pdfcj (Shd, white gauze
; ;

as actors do ; dsim 'sAd, expert

ishd itang, gauze lanterns di ;

at ; pati shi* '^shd tiky don't

(Shd mo- a black gauze hat,
worn in the Ming dynasty meddle or play with it ; ^shd
hi' iin, a pleasant tale ; ^shd (fd
t'iil:, iShd md^ to be turned out

of office itnin ^shd, mull, fine

(ts'iung, a man and wife's
sportive talk.
muslin sp'tin ishd, to reel

thread (kang (Shd, to lay a;

'ftjJK A colloquial to waive word ;

warp ; '« (Shd, bombazine -*^ oflf; '^shd 'shau, motion off" to

ip'd itai(Shd, macerated leaves or away, by shaking the hand.

varnished for painting ishd ;
A contraction for the superla-
ihung, a scarf worn by bride- tive shatt 'shau ; as '^sha 'Ad,
first rate.
;; ;


'tst^ spunky, irritated j'm ;

'shai, no occasion, unnecessa-

(460) Shai. ry; 'shai (hoi,yist begun to use;
'shai iTndn, outrageous, unrea-
sonable ; 'shai maU 'kong (ni,
^fi^ A huge bamlioo aseive to ; ;
what's the use of talking about
'^ sift, to strain, to pass through it then ? 'shai Jts'^in csz' fu} a

a seive yat) tshai Hau, a

; W spendthrift ; '^shai 'kdm tik-. hu'
seive ^mai tshai, a rice-seive
; take oflf a little ; 'shai kwdn'
or fan ; ^shai ^fan,a. flour seive skillful at using ; pd/fj 'shai
ishai tiity to sift and throw 'hau, nothing but talk, talks a
away : (Shai (ki, a corn-seive guod deal out gives nothing. —
tfd ishai iiti ''ying, the flowers W^\ The
world, mankind ; tim?s,
sift the moon's light ishai ;
g^l seasons, life ; a generation, an
Hsau, to pour out wine isliai ;
age; experience of life ; here-
'fan ^u a mizzling rain. ditary yaU shai' one genera-

•jgfc") A
horse running swiftly ;
tion shai' sliai' for ever and

^^ I strong, as a wind promptly, ;

ever, for ages ; hV shaV or kwo'
*^^j speedily, unceremoniously; shai' to die be ; ch'uti shai' to
8hi to sail a vessel to hasten ;
born ikam shai' this age, the

'shai ishun, to sail a boat present time ch'ong' shai' ;

*sAat ts'o' 'kong '^hau, to miss kdi'k^' iyan,one who has made
one's port ; '^shai fat} rules of his own fortune shai' imd ji'i ;

navigation ; '^shai Hi, toset sail. 'pi, unequaled in the age isd^ ;

«/jfe To order, to command ; to shai' kdi' to go through life,

^^ send, to use, to employ, to doing business j'm yapt shai* ;

'commission to cause, to make ; a dolt, a raw chap, verdant

succeed, to effectuate to oc ;
shai'(kd, an old family of liter-
casion to permit, to serve
; ary fame shai' iyan, people ;

one's self of; expense, use, now living ;

j'm 'hd shai' kdi'
service ; 'j/iai/aAj serviceable, bad times; shai' sz'^ business,
it will answer; '^shai fai^ tdi^ a calling'; shai' thing, a friend's
it will be expensive; 'sliai yung' brother ; shai' chali a friend's
ttf'd, it was costly ; ^shai 'p'i, son ; shai' tsdpi (nam tsiuki a
a maid-servant; 'shai fun' to hereditary baron 'ki shai' 'tsd, ;

call, at one's beck 'shai '/ceng, ; how many generations in the

pettish, sulky 'shai j'm Idn^ ; family ? shai' kdi' Jun Jau
not easily broken 'sJiai 'shau ;
'chun, the ups and downs of
keuk, to bribe, to use under. life, ; vicissitudes
shai' ^s'ing
hand influences; '^tim 'shai, pokt the world's contempt, as
how is it U36d, how can it be for poor people shai' kdi' cti ;

done? 'shai '/e'ti hvi' make him itni, unsuccessful in life ; Joi

go 'thai yung^ necessary ex-

; shai' the next world, a future
p'Rnsea, an outlay J^eng 'shai, ; life ;
{Tnd shai' kdi' in no
tu be in waiting; 'thai sing^ business, disengaged.

SUM. SHAI. 417

tSr' To get credit for, lo buy on the gods ; shai^ iin^ 'chu, one
cretiit ; to borrow ; to forgive, in his dotage ;
'-icong shai' un*
to show lenity to a criminal to perjure ; shai^ iin' tong'
shaP sh^' to pardon. ishang yati to love to swear.
*^ Power, authority, influence, To go away, to pass away,
^pomp, dignity, grandeur; to depart ; lost to life, to die,
strength, that in which the gone to oblivion sha^ '^ch^iii

Shi strength resides the resour- ; isz' such are the dead as
ces of a country; the virility of flowing water ;
^h'iung shai*
males, the testes exterior, air. ; gone for ever.
figure state of, condition ;
; To divine with slips of mil-
Jc'un shai' official authority, foil;the most efficacious is
great influence shai' liki per- ;
from the grave of Confucius ;
sonal prowess or standing; an exclamation, alas shai* !

shai' wa? td'i' grout authority : {«?'to cast lots whether to

*Ad shai' ifau, a good omen, fight or not ;
puk^ shai' sorti-
auspicious hdk: shai' to scare,
; lege, divination.
to pretend to browbeat ; shai' To eat, to gnaw, to bite ;

li^ to fawn on the rich shai' ; grief; reaching to; shai' jfiV
,/<«, waning power ^md shai' ; iho k'api how can you bite
ngai^ no occupation, no work ;
your navel? met. an impos.
tsoi^ shai' in authority ; kot^ sibility; shai' hdpi name of
shai' to castrate ; shai' j'm tak) the 2 1st diagram, denoting
impossible, beyond your abi- punishment ; shai' {ngd '^kdm
lity ;
shai' pat-, 'ho ji/t, he is tso' to work with great zeal.
afraid he can't return home, he
won't forgive ;
shai' 'sho pit-,

iin, it must be so, 1 am compel- (461) Shai.

led by circumstances; shai'
ihungy fierce, irascible; shai' dU
to put one down with authori- To lick to lap to take up
; ;

ty ;
ij/ing shai' aspect, figure. with the proboscis 'Zd tngau ;
* To
swear, to lake an oath, ^shdi tuki the old cow licks

to vow to bind one's self; to

bind another, to promise so-

her calf parental love ; ^$hdi
fawning, —
chi' to lick the piles
lemnly ; an oath, avow, an sycophantic ; ^shdi tak) ^k'u
imprecation to caution, to

order ; to receive orders from

id' licked up to him got his —
a superior clandestine es-
; j To
dry in the sun, to air
pousals fdti shai^ to swear
|>and to shine on; to
ttnang shai^ to take an oath ; j cure in
the sun ; shdi' (kotif
shai' un^ to adjure ^shiu shai' ;
Shdi dry it in the sun ; -shang
iChiiing, to burn a written shdi' U> dry fresh fruit shdi' ;

oath — as testimony sent to afufci (o sun clothes ; shdi'

Ton. DitT. 53
; ;;

41B shAk. SHAM.

tp'dng, a drying terrace or ich'am, abstruse, profound,

loft shdV ^hd itt it'au, put it
crafty mi} ichi (shatn Hs'in, I

in the sun shdV tah k^^ pd^ ;

don't know its depth, 1 am not
it can be sunned. The second very familiar with it; isham
form is unauthorized. Jam, a deep blue; isham hau*
3tJt> To pare off, to reduce ; to very intimate with, on the
gV^. descend ; to clip or shear ;
to best of terms ^sham ^yan, great ;

bend or come down in order kindness; ko^ isz'^ 'ltd ^sham^

to effect an object. that's an unusual character ;

^^> A halberd or spear ;

to clip isham H iWai iin, it is very
^y> the wings of birds, to prevent true ; (sham csham yap, a pro.
^^^' found bow; ^sham Jam dum, very
them flying.
deep, as a house or well ; '/id
isham tsz'^ maki very well
(462) Shak. read ; <,sham ^ming ^^ng noi*
deeply engraved on my heart.
A beautiful, precious stone
f^ } To get, to obtain ; to pull
a treasure ^fin (shamt gems

^;t' >out ; to feel, to seek to se- Shin

of nature, rarities.
^, j lect. A
word; the colloquial
The Melia azederach or
Soh division of a melon, an or-
Pride of India ; an abundance
ange, or other fruit a quarter ;
of trees, thickly wooded, over-
of, as of a duck a part of ;
grown sombre, as a forest

kdPisdm shdki cut it into three

severe, as the laws to plant ;

parts ; shdk^ Jai, he

hai* ko' china
trees isham muki

came from that part [of the mahogany ^sham jim, majes- ;

house]; '^pi shdk, (.t'im, give us tic, dignified, rigorous.

another piece

In this
dm' ^chung 'mo
shdk, to feel for in the dark.

sense, also jjpro-

M The
sTu ^^tfolia,
root of the
ginseng iyan csAam, ;
Panax quin-

ginseng Jiung yuk^ ^yiung


nounced shok,. tsham, clarified ginseng ; pdki

yuki iyiung isham, crude gin-
seng ckd lav' (sham, Corean
(463) Sham. ginseng; 'Aot isham, biche<de-
jttj? Name of an Inferior depart-
g^ deep
Deep profound, abstruse,

ardent, as ;
^ ment in the S. E. of Hunan,
on the borders of Kwangtung.
affection ; well read, learned ;

retired, far back, as an apart- IJU^ Faithful, sincere, trustwor-

ment ;
late at night true, devoted to speak
; oeep- -^ I
thy ; ;

tinted an adverb, very, ex- ip/t ^ honestly. The last is a man's


tremely, well to secrete a "f-u-lname; and also that of a

; ;

long robe ; ^yau ^sham 'shui, ^P'pJsmall state during the

'^ki Hdn
how deep is this water ? aham dynasty.
; ;


A high, sharp, tapering peak, *^ The wife of a father's youn-

like an aiguille a steep bank ger brother is shuk, 'sham ;
or cliff: a surname ; name of one's younger brother's wife
an edible root. is 'sham ^md; a nurse or res-

Pure, crystal, limpid, as pectable middle aged woman

water mountain rills to soak,
; ; is called d' 'sham.
to macerate a fish pool to
; ; ^£^ To consult upon maturely ;
rear fish puddles after a rain, ^° reprove, to reprehend to ;
puddles in footmarks 'u iSham ; signify, to make known one's
isham, a heavy rain il'ai isham, ;
views to go into a deep, or

tracks of a cow. abyss 'sham nim^ to reflect

A small fish, good for eating.

'sham kdrv' to admonish. .^,

Interchanged with ich'am |/L»
A portable furnace ; a three- Shhi
^*^''® *his, when read 'sham,
cornered stove, used for warm- means the name of a state a ;
ing apartments. surname.
The berries of the mulberry, '^ Gravy mak^ 'sham, the place

called isong tsham. (^j^on an inkstone where water is

held. Read sham\ a vessel to
A bird which eats vipers and
other snakes, the drawing of pour out water from,
which is like the secretary How ? in what way ? "^sham </^
deadly, virulent, mortal, vene- T^g'"*°' ^^^^y which way ? 'sham
raous ;
jsAam Hsau, poistmed (mo'hd (Tii, which way is the
wine ; iSham tuki deadly, as a best ? This character is pro-
poison. nounced '»Aani only before cwio.
To investigate, to scrutinize, See 'cham,
to inform one's self of, as a ^' To run to leak, as water off,

judge ; to discern between, to g^ to flow down, with noise ;*Aam'

judge, to discriminate ; a bun- 'tseng, a hole for water to
dle of ten plumes ; '^sham p'un^ run into a sewer; sham^ 'shui
to judge ; '^sham man^ a ju- ch'uti Jxii, the water oozes
dicial inquiry ; '^sham ktoa' to out sham^ lau" to leak
; ;

inquire by lots 'sham, to tdv' sham' Hseng, cle^n out yiur


compare opposing witnesses sewers a street cry.


thoi it'ong '^sham, open a

to j^- Social delights, pleasure ; an
court for trial ; ishing ^sham inadvertence ; forms the su-
ikun, an officer who specially perlative ; very, extremely, ex-
sits on a case tW 'sham, to ; cessive, in the highest degree
issue a summons 'sham shall sham^ 'hd, very good
kiki ;

a final judgment; 'sham tiki sham* to the highest pitch ;

k'ok^SL full examination 'sham ; moki 'ts'z' iWai sham* never
tsAi toki ahaV observe the times went to such a pitch piU ^yau ;

and then act 'sham ko\tsung ; sham* iin, there is even worse
on' try that case. than this sham^ its'am ixMung,
; ;;


of a good sort, not the bpsfl

nor the worst skam^ td? huge,

vast tdi^ sham' too bad, or

excessive in any way shatn} ;

cAi' '4dm, it is even now in

excess; sham' mo (un kit'
what's the cause sham' chV ;
^ The
body, the trunk the
of a thing the hull

'kdm ki' it is even so bad. S^n P^*"* ;

one's myself, personal,

self, 1,

(The two following are usually read my own person; the 158th
lami). radical of characters relating
to the body ; (Shan H'aif the
52- A trap for fishe.-?, made by
^t^ digging a hole in a tidal creek, whole body ;
(ts'an ishan, my-
covering it with sticks, and self; 'pun ishatiy my body ;

collecting the fish caught in ch'iit:, iShan, to enter on life ;

it at low water ^kon ko' sham' ;

^yau tshan ^kd, has some pro-
(or lam^) clean out the trap perty ;
paU ch'ing^ ik'i ishan^
does not fit him, as dress is
fu' sham' (or lam^) bail out ;

the trap. very unsuitable, as an occu.

\j^i Used for the preceding. pation ishan Hsx' ^yau peng*

Stakes so placed as to catch sick, ; (fan

ill ishan j'wi jioi, I
San can't divide myself, can't do
fish; trees in winter, leafless
trees, which look tali and bare. but one thing at a time ^yau ;

ishan 'ki, pregnant p'o' (Shartt ;

to take a maidenhead ; (shan

(464) Sham. 'fan, an obligation, proper bu-
siness, calling mdi' tskan^ to ;

go out to work as a cook

Feathers or long hair used Sti ishi ihoi (Shan, when do you
as ornaments; the.'iOth radical weigh anchor ? Hd (Shan, I,
of characters alluding to said by old women your;

a kind of fish.
stripes ;
father ; imong ishan, to forget
Clothes for the body, as a one's duty, reckless ;
yat, ishan
coat, a shirt, a spencer, a you worthless bag.
kroai' ktcaU
jacket; garments generally; gage cshang yaU ishan (Ch'ong,

iCh'iung iSham, a robe ^chung ;

the body covered with sores ;
(Shdm, a round jacket hon' ; (Skan ikd tdi' rather tall ; (tdn
(Shdm^ a shirt, an under-shirt; tshan ^tsai, a bachelor ; tin'

tdi' (Shdm^ a dress coat d ; tshan, to change one's dress ;

isfidm, garmentf?; ch^vki (Shdm, tOn (Skan, got a place, found

to dress tsd' jhdm ki' a tailor,
employment ; kwo^ (Shan, to
a seamstiess. die ; ch'ik^ cshan, nude, naked.
To cut grass, to mow, to tfa To extend; to stretch, as

cut herbs; to erase; to root out; ^^y when tired ;
to reiterate ; to
a scythe, a large reaping-hooki state to a superior ; the 9th of
;; ;


the 12 stems, the hour fmm

3 to 5 p. M.,over of whicii the M
excite motion,
heavenly bodies, which

monkey has sway (Shan ^shi ;

mark time a twelfth of a day,;

or (Shan hdk-, the 9th hour a Chinese hour ; hours, times,

(Shan iiti the 7th month ;
(Shan seasons the hour from 7 to 9

(Shan lii ^yd, easy, comfortal)le. A.M., the ."^th of the 32 stems,
careless of; iShan shik^ to re- over which the dragon has
primand, to straitly charge. sway ; ether, a place where no
Used for the preceding. To stars are ; the 161st radical;
stretch and yawn ; to dilate, ko^ 4#//'t ishan, a Chinese
to stretch out, to straighten ;
hour ishi ishan chiung, a time

to explain, to state ; to exhibit, incense stick patt iShan, ill« ;

to elucidate; to right, to redress, starred, unlucky 'Ad yo/j ;

to clear up a cause ; redressed, ixhan^ a lucky day.

righted, vindicated to be ; The sun beaming forth
worth, valued at, equal to, as morning, day, dawn clear ; ;
in pricing things; cshan tini' Hsd^shan, good morning; Jtung
^shav, to stretch out the hand; iShan, a fortunate day ^shan ;

(Shan it'iu IV put out your ifan itin Hd, to turn night into
tongue ; /liw' ^shan or ^shan ^hd day ishan
'ted td^ 1 came at
,iu, to stretch ; ishan Han, to dawn.
stretch when weary ishan Stn ; A where
retired apartment,
wed-) to redress a grievance the emperor dwells <fung ;
ishan iCh'an, to state a matter iShan, the maple palace, met,
to a superior ishan iman, a; the emperor.
statement (Shan chiki k^uk)
; That which operates by its
dead, laid out ^shan kwo^ 'Ai ;
own subtle energies, invisi.
ito iHgan, how much is it ble and intelligent, causing
worth ? ishan cKut; Jxd, push things to develop, yet formless
it out. and inscrutable the powers ;

groan, to lament; to above, the gods, the divinities
read in a chanting way who are worshiped; God, in
tshan lyam, to recite, as books the usage of pagans a spirit; ;

to sigh ; ich'iung (Shan Hiin the human spirit, that which

Van' whining and complain- is the stimulating principle of

ing. the body, the animal spirits ;

A large sash, a girdle with divine, godlike ; spiritual, as
ornamented ends to gird ; being higher than man ; ishan
Shin ;

those who
are privileged to itning, the gods £«Aa«, 'Artrat, ;

wear sashes, the gentry ishan csin, fall gods, demons, genii,


(k'am, or thhmg (Shan, or i»han and iSudhas are four orders of

sz'^ the literati, the gentry beings above man pdV ishaUt ;

and graduates ; tsun^ ishan, the to worship God or the gods ;

Red Book. sz'^ ishan, to serve the gods, as


an acolyte ;
iinnn ishan, gods the king's power and officers
placed near the door i.on islian, ; are everywhere ; pafj ixhan an
to quiet and content the gods, unfaithful minister 'pjin tdi^ ;

to set up gods to be worship- iShan, I, the high officer ; tndn^

ed iShan ts^ung^ idols ; ishan
kiooki iShan fuk^ all nations
muki tu lin^ ikwong tying, the submitted.
eye of a god is like the light- -^ The kidneys of men the ;

ning's flash ; iwdii ishan, to gf? gizzard of fowls the kidneys ;

requite the gods; Jca tshan, the of beasts are called ^iu ; the
lares or ancestral divinities ; one of the five viscera, which
^s'i iShan, malicious gods, evil is connected with water, and

spirits, demons ; iShan iwan, presides over wisdom and

the spiritual soul ^shan hdu^ ;
force to lead hard; noi^ ^shan,
; ;

divinely efficacious as a pill — the kidneys ; ngoi^ ^shan, the

isAan miij} divinely superior, as testes ; ^shan inong, the scro-
a physician t'han cA'uf> '/rtrai
tum dfi ^shan, ducks' giz-

yapi [he is like] a spirit going gards iiigo 'shan, gizzard of


oradevilentering-^-\vily;j*/*an a goose.
tcai^ the seat of an idol ishan ;
ptfj* A word. To
<»irtjigd kdni' ikon tseng^ clean • constantly lament, to com-
as a fairy's teeth nothing at — plain of, to whine about; moA-j
all ; ishan Jidm, the title of a Joi shall' d^ dont come here
god ; its^oi ishan, the god of with your whinings.
wealth ; isam tung^ iShan ^chi, li&i To act carefully and se-
the heart moves, and God per. g!^ riously ; attentive, cautious,
ceiyes it ; 'Ad yung* ishati, keep sincere, quiet ; ^kan shan* at-
your wits about you, be care- tentive; skan* ckung* to be
ful ; ishan '^chu sp*dt, a wooden circumspect ;
pat, shan* heed*
tablet in honor of ancestors ; less, inattentive.

iSkan iyan, a shrewd guesser,

a prophet tshan (Sam, devout,

religiously inclined jwid mat, (466)

ttsing ishan, out of sorts, low-
spirited ; islian <« Aui '^kwai lung^
ttang, when in the blues, the A hill, a mountain ; hills,
devil plays with the lamp — to
gf~/ heights, ranges of peaks; wild,
take advantage of. not domesticated or cultivated;
te A servant, one who is hilly, brought from the forests;
-^^ subject to another ; a minister the 46th radical of characters
Chin e •
of a prince, an officer, a vas- relating to hills met. graves ; ;

sal ; to^ serve in office the ; (ghdn a peak

(fung, ^shdn ;

131st radical ichung inhan, a ; [k'ai, a mountain creek ^shdn ;

loyal minister; iman ishan, tuki rustic, countrified ;

civilians ; mokt \.fi iWong ishan, yi>' wood and bamboo ware.
— ; ;;;;


6uch as baskets, brooms, tubs MQ To hobble, to halt; ^mun

(Shdn 'kau, people who dig and walk lame, not to
Shan'*^^"' ^°
watch graves f)di^ t*/idn, to ;
make progress. Used for the
worship graves on the hills two last.

Uong^ tshdn, to bury, to inter;

ishdn 'fU hill robbers ^shdn
'^shui, spring water cs/idn lyan,
^ An
to bolt
unauthorized character;
a door with a cross
bar ; tshdn ^cKtung ttrmn, to

a mountaineer, hermits ; hoi' bar a window.

ishdn sheung^ tkd JUn, got it on The bar which bolts a door
the hilltops ; ^shdn jidin ch^ung' -n
gate to bolt a cross-pin or
; ;

hv' malaria, noxious gusts key, a bar ishdn chdpi to bolt ;

(«Mn '•shui (Siung ifung, the a street gate imun ishdriy a ;

hill and water will yet meet door bar ; ishdn p'd\to shut up
you will yet see him yapi ;
(Shdn, to retire into obscurity tyt To
weep, to cry piteously
'/to Jed tshdn, a flourishing jMj Hiung muki (.shdn ^shdn, both
family ; (shdn ?:«, side of a eyes streaming with tears.
hill cshdn Jc'am, wild fowl
; ;
To bear twins to sucklo ;

ishdn ^^au, a hill pdi' ilung ;

two children at once to ;
ishdn, to worship a dragon (t. change ; tihdn 'fsz' twins.
e. a lucky or propitious) grave e> Timid, afraid ; weak ; era-
ishdn HsaU a hillock, ^W- barrassed ;j«Adn yiuki feeble ;
To pare amend, ishdn liiti incapablct unfit, as
mil off"; to fo
correct, to expunge, to edit for an office.
ShA jH rail at Toto manifest
and settle a text
ishdn 'hoi, ;

11?^ ,shdn Usau, to abuse, to scold.

to alter and reject ishdn hit' ; Chan
to expunge, as bad phraseo- 2^ The murmur of water:
logy ishdn ^kdm tik-, reduce
; ;(^ running water phlegm iShdn : ;

it a little; ts^cd-, ishdn, a stiff lUrij a current 'hau ^hdrit


painting brush. phlegm ; t'd' jsAdn, to spit out

TBgL Coral t«Adn jti, fine coral,
; phlegm ;
ishdn tin, slaver, to
*^^ which can be made into drna- slobber.
ments ishdn tti ^chii, coral be.
Fish jumping on the water
ads; ildricshdn, scattered about, 7W to snare fish in a
frisky ;

as fallen flowers; ishdn lU Heng, ^ wicker net ; name of a river

a red coral button, the highest in Corea.
in rank ; iShdn {u ahv} branch- ^.V To vilify, to slander ; to
ed coral. •fW murmur against, to traduce
Inn Good, beautiful to ridicule, ; shdn' *tu' to mock kdn' ji tmd ;

^^to laugh at; ,shdn nii* to shdn* do not scold when you
make sport of. reprove.
Read t»in, to go ; isin t»tn, *fr* Gripings or wind in the
to walk, a gait, a manner of '

X -

something like an-
iP ^.,
walking. gina pectoris ; swellings of the
;; ;


testicles ; shdn^ hi^ \>B\n in the for along time; iskang po^ ^/aw,
bladder, a stricture iSamshau^ ; a new acquaintance; (ti ishangf
angina pectoris ^mau shdii^ ; a preparation of raw fiih
one testicle swelled large ishang jU, the Ophicephnlus
^yung shdn^ inflammation ol tshang siki to get interest, to
the testes. make profit tshang itigan, to ;

^* To seize violently, to borrow money ; fong* ishang^

J^ usurp; to turn trailor, and to let living things go; ^shane
seize the throne; shdn^ tcai^ ngoi^ odd, singular ishang Isd^ ;

to usurp the throne ; shdn^ kt^ all made up, unreal ishang ;

shi^ to murder the sovereign. ishang put) '», age after ag*»,
unceasing succession ishoug ;

'kvDO Hsz'' unripe fruit ; ishung

(467) Shang. tak-, (t'in iin, made so by
heaven ishang shdUichi Jcun^

(This cJiaracter is almost always pro- power of life and death ; Jot
nounced ihiing.
(shang, the life to come ; t'ok^
Hj To bear, to produce, to (Shang, the doctrine of me.
g-^ bring forth ; to live ; to spring tern psychosis (.shang sz'' to ;

^ up, to arise ; causing to grow, make ishang yati a

trouble ;

to excite ; to come forth ; life, birth day ^shang Jcaiy an un-


vitality, living a live person; ;

altered cock cKuk:, iskang^ ;

born; birth; raw, unripe; animals of all kinds; ^sz\shang

unacquainted; unsubdued; the ^yau ming' life and death aro
100th radical; ikam ishang, appointed,
this life ; ip'ing ishang, the >S^ A musical instrument, of
whole life ishang iping tchi g'J^ the organ kind, made of 13
^"^ reeds inserted into a
likithe entire strength hoki ; bulb; the
(Shang or imiin (Shang, a young music is made by drawing in
man, a pupil ; iSin (Shang, a the breath ; small, slender ;
teacher, Sir, Mr.; iLiung fshang cAro, to play and sing,
tshang, Mr. L6iing ishang hV ;
met. peace and plenty.
to get angry ^shang ^ngdn ;
^W- Sacrificial animals, of which
'"^^ there are six
tez'* unusual characters ;c*A«n^ ; victims ; isdm
i'occupation, business, trade; ishang, pork, greens and poul.
ishang taki 'A;i 'Ad, rather pret. try luki ishangy the six sorts

ty, as a child ; ishang ting' of victims iShang ^hau^ cattle,


hai^ ^kdm, it must bfe this way draught animals.

ishang min^ a stranger ;
sj/an, ^B The children of one's daug.
a calling, a pro.
(SA<i/i^ (U^ai,
Sa^ hter ; ngoi^ ^shang, a sister's
fcssion ; ishang iCh'ung ikai, children ; ngoi^ ishang sat' a
a bcire-skinned pultet — a pot- niece's husband ; 'Atin ish-vig,
bellied child; cshang i-sho, not a ji .shang, chil- ;

much used to, not aeaw one dren of a wife's sister.

;; ;;


(468) Shang. (469) Shap.

(These two, though read thang iti the ^^*^*' humid, moist, damp,
Fan Wan, ate always pronounced broad.) ^M ]

^^' !> slimy, watery ;

hurried ; dis-
^^ To diminish, to abridge, to yy[ > ! appointed, dejected, depress.
g" lessen; to use sparingly ; fru- Shih ed ; hV humid exha-
gal of; saved, avoided ; to ex- lations,which cause disease
amine, to inspect; a spot guard- swelled and sore legs tsam' ;

ed for officers a province ;

shap, to soak shap^ moist- ; 'td
'shang iShing, the provincial ened, wet shap^ ^shang, all

city, as Canton
shapi pdt^ ; animals produced in the water;
'*Ad«^, the eighteen provinces ihntn shapy saline efflorescence,
or China Proper ; kok^ -shdng, dampness kdm' Jidm shap^ k^'

every province or part of the such a blackguard shap, trntii, ;

country 'shang 'kam tik^ take

; doing things by halves, spoil-
off a little 'shang sz'* to avoid
; ing what he undertakes; (fung
trouble to prevent the ne-
; shap, rheumatism ; tap, shap^
cessity of doing a second time; iShany to get wet with rain ;
'^shdng taki yau? JaU have it shap, sdi' wet through ; shap^
done out of hand 'shang ^man, ; 'shui, wet ;fah shap, to gather
an abridged phrase, terse dampness tit, shap, fell and

'shang taki ^ngo hii' saved ray got wet. The second form is
going 'shang 'ho do sz'' dim-
; erroneous.
inish the forms of proceedings,
to lessen the details.
1 Ten
perfect, complete ;

24th radical the second

)-the ;

'^S. Interchanged with the pre- f^, j form is the complex one ;

„" ceding, when meaning to les- Shih shapi rfan, entire, the whole,
^ sen, to circumscribe meagre, ; excellent, very, a strortg super-
emaciated. Also, a film or lative ; shapi ifan ^cKing tsdh*
staphyloma, which obscures to lavish praise shap^ (fan oki

the vision a disease caused ; very wicked shapi tsz^ <.kdi,


by demons, a sort of black a cross street ; shapi its'un,

vomit or plague a crime, a ; complete, as a recovery shapi :

fault calamity,
; 'sz" yat, ishans, ten to one he'll

'jjjk' A colloquial word ; to scour, die; shapi, V fan cheuki exactly

•" to rub bright ; to whet the right, altogether correct shapi ;

appetite 'shang Jcwong, scour-

; iSh6 pat, iU 'kail in' it's better
ed bright ; 'shang 'hau, to rub to sell nine things for ready
or clean the mouth 'shayig ; money than ten for credit
tcat^ to excite the appetite j'm hai' shapi fan 'hd, not so
'shdng tsing' or 'shang leng^ to very good, a poor sort shap^ ;

scour bright. tsuk) complete, perfect ; shap^

Tos. thc't. o4


toz'' id' a cross ; shap^ yaU
eleven shap^ (fan ^chi yaU a

tenth (cKo skapt the tenth of (471)

; Shat.
the month; kdkishapi a^ter ten
days ; shapi shing^ tak^ pat)
got eight out of ten. J^ To lose, to mislay ; to omit,
/U A file of ten men, or two neglect, to fail; to err, to
Sjjj^' to
gjjM'sections of five; sundries; miss the road to jeopardize ; ;

shapi mail things, shapi maU to leave behind ; to slip; fail-

Cm oi' want for nothing ; ip'in ure ; accidental ; a fiiult, an
shapi verses often lines, books omission ; shat, kok, not to pay
generally ; shapi shapi (Shang attention ; I beg pardon !__
i' a petty retail trade j skapi a polite phrase shat, mati to ;

Ai' chattels. lose anything kwoi' shat, error, ;

This character is sometimes lis. guilt ; shat, sun^ to forfeit one's

ed in the court dialect in the word; shat, '^shau, to miss one's
word shih-mo, what ?
object ; shat, 'shau Hd Idn^ let

^ To collect with
the hand,
g.'j'jj^to gather ; to bring together,
it slip and broke
pieces ;
shat, k^uk, to lose one's foot-

to arrange ; to pick up ; a sort hold, to slip up ; shat, Hiu, lost

of armlet ; s/iapi 'hi, to take shati 'pUn, to lose in trade;
up ishau shnpi to put up and
shati ch'dt, to neglect to look
arrnnge, as baasngR met. to into ; shat, j*Ai, to overpass

revenge ; chap^ shap^ matt kin^ time, to miss the hour; shati
put all the things together. iwa/i, to faint, to become insun*
sible ;
met. stupid, inattentive

shat, '^shui, lost overboard, gone

to the bottom
forgot ; shat, kV
Sh^p. it ; shaf, Hd Him,
the clue, lost
failed to give a bribe ; shat-,
'^han, dying; spoke wrong,
A fan ; the word is usually
"seen on formal cards. Also mistaken shat, tsip^ I missed

Shah- your call

pronounced sdp). shat, tu kdu' fan^;

Fiery, flaming. A colloquial lost the proper period for in-

it6k •

^^^^ ' ^^ provoke shdp, hV struction ; sAa<jts/i«fj, lost her

^^ih virtue ; shat, cin, a lapsus lin-
to provoke, bickerings shap^ ;

p'o' 'hau iliing, [scolded till]

guae shat,H'ai min* disgraced;

shat, kwok, lost the crown.

he has made himself hoarse.
Also read shdpi to boil in water,
to cook by boiling ; sliapt (nam
^ A
sort of harpsichord or
^'^^ silken strings;
tik, to boil thoroughly shdpi ;
numerous stern elegantly ;
; ;

(ngau yuki boiled beef; shdpi ik^am shat, ji'iu (wo, lutes and
tCong, to boil soup Bkdpi lan^ ;
harps in concord conjugal —
boiled to pieces. union ; shcUi shat, humming
; ;; ;;


of the wind. In colloquial

shot:, shaU ^ha^ walk slowly,
(472) Shdt.
said to a child.
A louse
KCiu' shati or 'kau shaU a flea
; shot-, 'nd, a louse ;

; 'n« To kill, to slay, to put to

^^> J csAd sArt<> sand-fleas; in^au «
ot-u death to murder to die from
; ;

Sih shati an ox-tick Ueng shah

famine to be destroyed; kill-

to crack a louse ; muki shaU ed by frost to seize, to hunt ;

bed-bugs, cimicidae. and kill game ; to fight ; to

t^^ A
house, a dwelling, an wound one with intent to kill
tf; abiding place; a room, apart- used in exaggeration, as furi-
nient ; a wite, a woman taken ously, to death, murderously ;
to one to marry kindred,
; ; shah ifau, to decapitate ;shah
family a cavern j the 13th of
; ^thaUf a headsman ; to throw
the 2R constellations, consist. up an affair ; shati ishnnp^ to
ing of a and /3 in Pegasus; kill animals ; sh&h Ai' a fu.
ching' shat) and ch'dk) shali rious, awe-inspiring manner;
wife and concubine ; shau^ irhan ching^ faP uh shot) I
shat) to marry, a marriage; shai^ shall die with joy ; shi'it, ynpi
shah an ancestral hall ; tkd chan^ fought his way into the
shot) a family ;
<ping shait an camp ; shdt) (Sing, a deadly
ice-house ;
J(ung shot, emper- star — a merciless robber; shati
or's palace. Js'oi, good for nothing, you
i^ ] Real, solid ; full, stuffed, worthless fellow.
-^^ compact
; hard, as a knot Interchanged with the pre-

m. •
true, real, honest, sincere ;
gj^'^^jj' ceding; to strike dead, as by
the sun; to kill, to murder;
fixed, as a price ;
the reality ;

--'to fill, to cram; fruit of noxious, baleful, malign to ;

plants ; the results, the fruit end, the last very shcih hV ; ;

of, effects, the facts of; shati deadly vapors jv/eo/; shah div- ;

tsoi^ or shall '^shau, are super- ine or supernatural effluences

latives, really, very, in ftct shnt^ising, a malign star Hong ;

kitiShah or ishing shahihe fruit shati toward off baleful influ.

has set ; ifhing shah without ences— by the pdti kwd^ and
fail, true ; Hd shah iyan, a real the inscription sheki^kdm Jong
honest man shah shah
; lok^ or Stone Warden Iso^ shah ;

loki securely, really ; t^ih kbin* unlucky, haunted,

shah solid as iron ; fixed, as a Hi! a brush, a scraper; a curry-
pri<-e ; shah ka^ fixed price ^"* comb ; to brush to cleanse,
Shwah ;

shafi a real affiir, the

«z'' to scour, to scrub a card for ;

facts of a case ; shali 'shau cotton; to print, as the Chinese

kirni' it is extremely dear; shati do '^hon shat) to cut and print

(Sam isiung ^u, a real sincere books shat, '^ch'i ^koi hang* to

fnend. wipeoffdisgrace by reforming.

; ;;;

4ad mkv. griAtJ.

iShau Vi'a s'm iiV I am ftfraid

Shau. he won't wish them ; ishau
icKiung pdk-, kit, my sorrow-
^jMr] To receive; to collect, to ing bowels arn tied in a huB.
j^ ^gather ; to harVest ; to seiie; dred knot? distressed. —
•'PC ^'* *ake ; to bind, to restrain
I ;
*2Pk The hand, the arm ; an au-
Shau to bring to an end, to con- gj-^y tograph ; handy, quick; to
elude ; td be annoyed by, to handle, to hold in the hand; the
be tnoverl, to receive the 64th radical of characters rela.
efFecIa of, in which cases it ting to crafts; met. a person ;
takes the f»eose of the pnssive actions skill ; pat, 'pd '^shau,

a cross brir in a carriage : an a hand ^shau ha' under one's


^ncieht hat made to receive order kd} '^shan or loh ^shau,


the hair iskau sknpi to nriHke

to begin a work; ihdn ^shau^
things ready (shau koU to cut;
an idler,unoccupied 'shau ;

and harvest ; ,shan Him, to 'pan palm 'shau

it'ong, the ;

collect in, as interest: (shau tsuk) brothers *Ad tsoh 'sAau, ;

shofh ^ni, I'll fix yon, I'll pay elegant writing ; 'shau tsok)
you up — as by imprisonment; handicraft, an art ; Vd 'shau,
ishaxt iiriai, to put by, or lav an old hand'shau tiin* at it ;

up, or in its place ; ^shau yap, a trick, cleverness, clever at

to receive, as a letter or money; (Ch'd to interlace the
tsAau p'd^ to shut up shop fingers 'sAam du^ the inner

tshau (kdniy to incarcerate side of the elbow 'shau 'kan, ;

(Shau ch^ung' to collect ac- penniless ; 'shau (fan, a hand,

counts (Shau Mn, a receipt
stove (pong 'shau, a helper ;

ishau (Sam, to reform, to call kwo^ 'shau, to give to another

in one's thoughts ,shau shap^ ;
to transfer 'shau tip, a visit-

tsdm (kwan, to involve and ing-card p'dk, 'shau tsd^ t6


endanger one's life; ,shau do a thing off-hand 'shau do ;

(kw'ai, to collect the fees (to ti^ to take things off, to look

ishau (kvns, to cease work at this and that ; 'shau'cki Jd^

^hdishnuishinff, agood harvest (Sho, open fingers will never —
tshau ^mi, the last, the rear hold money 'shau kim' jt lapi ;

tshan 'mdi iyan (Sim, to get held his sword and stood
people's hearts, as by largesses; sj/a« 'shau, a lazy fellow, idler
shau ^mai i^gan 'mi, to buy tai* 'shau 'pun, present a card
in bad money ^skau cping, to ; — as inferiors to their superior
recall troops ; ^shau ch^ung^ officers; 'shau ishang, a raw
hdki one who collects monpy. hand ; 'shau shuki skillful at
^1^ Mournful, sorry, sad, fearful, (fan 'shau Jai, to examine a
^,''^ chagrined ishau man* dis-
thing over and over 'shau ;

appointed, sorrowful ; ihdm ihan, lines on the palm, turn-

jkau, silent and sad, gloomy ;
ing things over, fussing.
:; ;;


*^jV To hold fast, to have custody j^' Lean, emaciated, poor, thin,
„, '* of, to maintain to guard, to ; ^^^'"^ ''*''® ^^sh meagne,
Shau J > , ^ '
, Sau ;

defend to protect, to ward

; from disease shau' mdki rndky

off; to supervise steadfast a ; ; very lank; kwat) shau' lU ^cU'di,

charge, a post 'shau tak^ 'kan, ; bones stick out like sticks;
keep clase watch over it "^shau ; min' shau' hatchet-faced ^/t ;

snV to watch for the new-year; shau'tak) ,{, well proportioned,

'shau pi' a major '^shau chai^ ; not too lean or too fat.
to mourn forone's parents
^ih* A hunting dc^ a hunt in ;

'sAflu tsU-, a widow refusing to ^y winter on grounds burnt over

marry ; '^shau 'pa chu^ to stop lU un shau' an imperial inspec*
ppople entering ctun '^skau, ; ting tour,
to exercise an office '^skau ; ^i To receive, to accept of; to
y^ to watch at night ; "^shau ii^ ^Qij admit, to contain to inherit, ;
or ifong 'sAnw, to keep watch ; tosucceed; to endure, tosuffer,
'^shau Jt'u-ng, to remain poor; to bear, a form of the passive;
'sAau 'pu/iyctTiMo keep to one's susceptible of; a charge, a
own business; 'sAou ipi iUan, thing given to be kept pah ;

it ishard to retain an estate 'kdm shau' how can I presume

'«Aau hdu' to mourn for parents. to accept it —
a polite phrase ;

*^ "!
Thehead, a chieftain, the ^ngo i'm shau* tak-> I can't eat
*^ chief, the head, the leader; it, I won't receive it ; ^mdi
ihe heads of a matter fore- ;
shau' to buy, bought 'ifn shau^ ;

most kinds, sorts ; the be-

to lend money on a real estate;
ginning, the origin ; to place s'm shau' yung' indisposed, ill ;
in the van; to manifest, to shau' tsiii' suffering for past
display; the 185th radical of errors shau' (ying, punished

characters relating to the tdi'shau' of great patience ;

head ; tun} '^shau paV bow the shau' fuk-> blessed ; shau' tsin*
head in respect ; jtrat '^shav, to be poor, willing lo be poor

acts as leader "shau <sin ku'

; shau' tidn' to be ill-treated,
to go first ; '^shau itning, the suffering; shau' kdu' to hear
first name ; ^shaii ^Ung, the instruction, teachable ; shau*
leader, the acting man ; on' ipi to be taught, as a pupil
"^shaut the first on the list of shau' (kd mdi' to get the high
siuts'di graduates 'sAoh ^mi; —
cap fond of praise shau* ;

ts^nng leu' look after both ichong pdn' one who is improv-
ends, examine everything ;
able by dress shau' lyan chap

'shau i'm tsin 'kdm, we must ^chau, to bp hamppred by others;

not do this wav. shau^'ndn' its'oi 'cAti, a miserly
A4»> i
To acknowledge, to take wretch, who stints himself;
f? -'
upon one's self; to confess 'Ad tarn' shau' k^' very stupid,
a crime ; to put at the head ;
like a beast —
a vulgar phrase ;

shau' tsui' to confess a crime. shau' ndu' to be scolded.

; ;


^g* To give ;
to communicate ; a sailor ; rnUti ha} (Sh6u, un-
3r^ shau^ shati' giving and receiv- lucky to the end, always un.
ing ich'iin shau' to impart
successful ; mtiticshdu, the end
instruction. of a thing ; <frd is/idv, poles for
^^- The
cord attached to a seal poling ; (Sh&ung ^shdu, a ship's

to carr}' it by a bag for a seal ; crew (Shdu tat' ^hd, give me

a tent or curtain cord ; knee- a lift ; to assist one, as in his

ties. business ; iVfidn ,shdu, to pro.

- Agp, years, longevity, long
life met. birthday
; the dead j ;
tect, to secure against harm.
A basket or hamper to carry
sh^uns* shau'^huTig shau} and grain in ; cshdu(ki, a rice bas.
ha} shau} are respectively 80, ket ; '^lau ^shdu cchi vj/an, a rus-
70 and 60 years of age ; shau^ tic, one who only knows about
'pan, shau' muki and i,t'mg shau^ eating.
are all terms for a cxjffin par •
A bow shooting an arrow ;

shau' to congratulate on a gj' / the ends or points of a bow.

birthday (ltd shan^ what is
ijl^ A sort of long-legged spider,
your age ? icK^nns shav} aged; or perhaps tipula, called
ou / cs/ii
shau^ tan' a god's birthday ; Also read csm ; a kind
«Aau'(i grave clothes, a shroud; of caterpillar found on the mul-
shnu^ Hsau, a brithday cap ; berry 'hoi ipiu csiii, the bone

shau} its'in, coin given by old of the cuttlefish.

people, which
children's necks.
is hung around
fA coarse weed, of which wild
boars make themselves lairs
jgb^ A beast, a wild animal, a or dens, in form like a house.
g^y^ hairy brute ; a gamekeeper, a
Road iSiu, the roofs of grass.
rant ;
; brutal, violent, igno.
shau- tsam, ferocious, tA
5j, sword
sheath a scabbard of a
dd (shdu, case for a

Hsau shau^ quadrupeds

cruel ;

the luki shav} are the musk,

knife or sword ^ping pat, ; M
tshdit, the arms did not leave
antelope, moose, bear, boar, their scabbards—-a time of
and hare. peace.
<tj^ Grain gradually expanding ;

J«*r5 a ration of grain from the

(474) Shau.
government stores gradually, ;

slowly, by degrees an adjec- ;

jWj The extreme end of a branch, tive denoting slightly, for the
* *^i? ^ staff used in panto- most part, partially '^shdu ;
Sh^ >

mimes; smull small ; sticks for Cnang, has some ability, able
fuel a rudder or tiller
; a • to do most of it ; ^shdu ^siii^

steersman, a sailor ; to knock rather small '^shdu m'' an un- ;

a thing off, as when it sticks ;

important thing, like eating;
an agricultural tool; (Shdu 'shdu '.«ftdu Vid^ taki a very
ikung, a steersman shau'-tst* ; little of it won't matter 'shdu ;
; ;

SHE. SHE. 431

'yau pa/j hdpi it is not exactly cheapen it than credit it (Sh6 ;

the thing, does'nt quite match; chiung' credits (Sh6 chiJ^ *Ad, ;

^shdu 'yau tik, /au Id' I have credit me for a little while
some prospect of work ^shdu ; (Sh^ imdi yati ishan chiung*
tto/i, dried partly ;
tide ebbing I'm loaded down with unpaid
somewhat ; '*Adu 'Ao, it will accounts.
do pretty well, probably. ^i^* A serpent, a snake serpen- ;

j*d.-'> A small or crooked mouth, ^^M tine, crooked malicious, de.


i'l' as of a jug; a distorted mouth; signing, treacherous, subtle ;

loquacious, gabbling liclors ; the constellation Hydra ; yaU
who cry before officers ; a iCiii ishe, a snake tuki iShi, a ;

guard, a guard-station to venemous serpent Jliing ish^,


warn against thieves ; to pa- like dragons and snakes so is

trol, to walk about ; to ramble. finepenmanship '/jan jsAe, to ;

A colloquial word to smear play with a snake ^sh^ tsuk:, a

; ; ;

teeth sticking out shdu' ishun ; snake's legs an unnecessary

revenue boats to suppress pir- appondagt^ ich'^ung ^sh^ chan*

acy shau\n f;<i ^md shau^ iX/ung

the long serpent volution in —
those with projecting teeth are strategy jZwi ckung ^sh^, a

shortlived people ^cKui shdii^ ;

gecko pdki ,fd ish6, a .spotted

to signalize the guard boats snake ;ishim ^sh^, a lizard ;

shdu' iyau, to rub on oil, as on ish6 hok} a snake's skin j.?A^ ;

boats ; shdu!' I'drrv' a spy shdu^ ;

{«'«« ^shii 'ngdn, a snake's head

'hau, a wry mouth shdu' kwoi' ; and rat's eyes wily ishi^yau— ;

ho' tat-, teng^ I'll walk about ishi W a serpent knows his
there shdu' yaU /iu hi' I've
; own tricks ^shi '^kdm Hdn, lazy

been there once Hso shdu', : as a snake; Fati '^hauishi iSam^

yau^ shdu' guards, a guard of Budha's mouth and a snake's
honor shdu' Ad' stationed at
a guard shdu' fjfon, a guard,
Also read jt, a wriggling gait ; to

sentry. squirm.
As. A proper name, the surname
^„7:! of a clan.
(475) She. ^
A Sanscrit word
iSh^, a nun ;
; a recluse
^hoi ^sht^

a Budhist priest ; j*A^ jirat, to

HA To buy or sell on credit ;
to burn a priest.
'J^ borrow, to get a loan ; slow, To let go, to relinquish, to
negligent, remiss ; distant ; to 1^ part with ; to leave, to
defer, to procrastinate ; (Shi on to desist from,
; renou nee; to
'mdi, to buy on credit ; ^shi to spend, as one's energies to :

borrow money
its'in, to tsh^ ; give alms, to bestow; to reject,
fo' to get credit for goods ; to impugn, as the authority
ydung^ ifiing pait jhi, better of; ^yau 'shi isam, charitable,
432 SH^. SHE.

benevolent ; 'sA^ tak, kij^ to lodge ;

imau shc^ or thi' Ad'
leave behind, as one's friends ;
my house sh^'tai^ ; my brother;
ffidn 'sh^y hard to part with ;
sh6^ (ts'an, my relatives ; »A^'
kot-, 'ghi, to part with strong chati my neice ; tsiki shi'^ a
self-denial ; '*/»! tak:, '^kdm, be cell in the examination hall ;

willing to do so 'ski tak-, tmo, ;

chuk:, sh^' to build a house ;

will you part with this ? 'ski uk, sh^^ houses, tenements
{SAa«yapJ^vz'^ to abandon one's shi^ li- Vm' a relic of Budha
family and become a priest; *A^' W t'dpi a dagoba erected
J Yk (*ii ^sh4 'A-i meng^ kau^ shaV over a relic. jl*
JesuH gave his life to save the Read W<^, and used for ^: to
world 'sAI 'pa'»» to bestow
; give, to part with.
coffins. ±X.> To forgive, to remit punish-
A colloquial word ; very, im- Sh^ ment, to pardon, to excuse to ;

mediately piu' mi/i' ^shi fdi* ;

pass over, to reprieve to let ;

he changed his countenance go pardon, amnesty s/i^^ tsiii^


instantly '4/j^ 'Ad, very best,

; topardon sins iCin shi' three ;

excellent. days in the year, when heaven

*^ The god of a particular forgives sins; tdi^ sh^^ tC%n hd}
a general amne^sty ; $kt^ kwd'
avTl p!*tce ;
the tutelary deities, the
cTii is^z'^ pass it over this time
lares rustic! ; a hamlet a socie- ; ;

company of persons; sA^' ^min, to forgive.

ty or
sacrifices to the gods of the |t4-- To shoot, as a bow ; to issue

land and their altars ; ^sh6 Isik) 3y, forth, to dart out, as rays ; to

gods of the land and grain, glance at ; to counterfeit and

worshiped by the sovereign as undersell to issue forth, as

patron gods their altars have — evil influences of a place

sh6^ tsW to shoot an arrow ;
no roofs; '«A^ yaii t\Vo festivals,
like the compitalia,- for wor- yati shi^ ikwojtg yapi Jiai, the
shiping the lares, about the sun shines in here ; ^pi ^ngdn
sh^^ 'hd, to cast sheep's eyes,
16;h of March and I8th of
to glance at sidelong sh^^
September /in *«A^, 10 or 25 ;

houses a field altar to the


'^yingy to shoot a shadow — to

up implicate one, to blame one

lares ; lap, ^shi Jtan, to set
unjustly «A^^ chnng^ 'pd, to
an altar to the gods of the ;

hit the mark : lun^ sh6^ to shoot

^^* To dwell, to lodge ; to halt, wide ; sh^^ W to counterfeit

another's mark in order to
_^ to rest a rest, a breathing

undersell she^ jin, to sound,

spell a stage of 35 7i a lodge,
; ;

to try with words.

a hospice a booth, a shed, a :

stall in a market a cottage ; ; Bg^ The musk deer, found in

lodgings used for the pronoun; -?^ Sz'chuen and Tibet *A<?' ;

^ (heungy musk ^kd shi^

my, when speaking of one's Mun^f ;

junior relatives ; shi' <.ku, to adulterated musk.

SHENG. sn£UK. siifiuNr.. 438

Sj& Interchanged with the pre-

(^'6) sheng. g^^j^
ceding, when meaning to
consult; to deliberate.
(See also words under Hhing.) ^-##"1 A a couple,
pair, a brace,

A colloquial
cautious, steady, as
word ;

-^ i-a two or a match of
c^\j anything an equal, a mate

; ;

rying things '/id ^sheng, take

Sliwangto go with, to mate ; a par-
good care, be very cautious. eel of land of five acres
ishiung ^ngdn cfd iling, a two-
eyed feather itnd ish^ung, no ;

mate unequaled
; csht-ung
(<77) Sheuk. its an, one's parents;

ltd, two swords in one sheath ;

*H The noise of daslung water; tSkeung iMun Hat, the Double

A Door, a sort of Temple Bar in
'l^'a river in Kiangndn. col-
loquial word ; soft, like thin Canton ishi.ung 'shau paki

mud or lime thin, like milk ;

fat:, an old grayheaded couple.

lean ; 'ni torn' sh^nk^ you are | /S To wound, to bruise, to in-

verv cowardly, careless ofi *
5^ jure, to hurt a wound, an :

vour reputation ; VAii shcuki "injury, a hurt; to grieve,

tiki cook it very soft. to mourn to cause grief, to

distress; to waste, as property;

to'lavisli, as strength injured, ;

(478i Slieunw. grieved, sa^l, in heart, clia.

grined, mortified ; wounded ;

harm, objection isheung hoi* ;

'^'^ consult, to devise, to de- to injure, to take revenge on";

'Jr^* liberate, to arrange ; to adjust (Shcung s/io/i,'a'n ague ish^ung ;

*"^by consulting; a merchant, ifuitg, to take cold; no? ish^ung

a traveling dealer to trade ;
pens^ spitting of blood ; ^md
one of the five musical notes; isheitng, there's no harm done;
an hour or more before sunrise iko iskeung, what objection?
and sunset an ancient dynas-
; !fhau- isdm ish^unt:, got three
ty, dating b. c. 1766 to 1 2'Z ;
vVounds ; s/td/j sh^ungf a mor-
haki iSh^ung, a traveling mer- tal wound 'sh^uns itsoi, to ;

chant isheung Hd, a rner-

waste money Hd ^shiung, ;

chant from abroad; ngoi^kwbk-, wounded rsh^ung ^sani, to be


(Sheung iyan, a foreign mer- grieved isfUung ^hau, lips of


chant iyeung ish^ting, the old

a wound asheung ^ico hi' to

hong-merchants t'U^^sh&ang, ; violate confidence ish^ung ;

an ironmonger; ish^ungchiuk, iSatn sz'^ a bad business, a

or ish^'ung iUuns, to consult misfortune; cpi ^^heutfg, to
about iim isli^ung,?L salt mer-
weep bittnrlv ; im' -.ffh^nng, to
chant. inspect wounds; chuitg-^shvung

Ton. Did, 55
severely wounded tsh^ung ; pacity ; ish^ung ish^ung kwa*
tfung pdi^ tsuki a degrading, nimr to think of all the time.
ruinouii custom.
An untimely death under
^ The skirt, the lower gar-
ments petticoats dishiungf
_, - 19 years, to die before pu.
C^s garments ^md mat^
; ;

; it tsh^uiigt
*"^ berty to die kwokt csli^ung, have not many clothes.
; ;

sddicrs killed in battle ; Hiin To taste, to test by tasting;

iihiung, a premature death ; t"j
j^ > to ti'y, to essay, to prove
ka* (shiungt to wed the effigy t-g-Jto deliberate; usually, ever,
of a betrothed husband, Chang always, formerly; sign of past
ftg A horn, a cup, a goblet ; a time, when it precedes tlie verb;
'^ bumper a feast, a banquet
; the autumnal sacrifice of first
"^ to give to drink; Hsau ish^ung fruits ; ishiung yaU iSh6nng,
a wine cup ; chi* (Sk^ung, or taste it ; isheung shi' tried it

kit^ (ShSung, to prepare a feast shi' ^xheungf to try, to attempt;

tch'ing ishiung, to take wine mi' liheungy not occurred, not
with txun^ (slt&ung, to offer
; yet happened to me ; ishenng
the glass; lam- .sh^ung, to over- iinan, I have ever heard imd ;

run, to exceed bounds, iskiung, changeable ; ^sh^ung

^fi A place in Loting. rhau in kicoi' tasted it ; ^shiung ipi

Sh*4 ^
Kwangtung ; a stream in hereditary property whose pro-
K weiydng fu in Kweichau. ceeds are applied to ancestral
Also read ilung. A pelting rain ; sacrifices.
moistened, soaked with rain. g& A son of flying gurnard, with
Constant, ordinary, ever, ^^1 orbital spines and jaws with

t frequent, common,
long continued, habitual, in
usual large plates.
i^ To restore, to make amends,
usage to keep, to maintain a
^pv to replace, to recompense
^ restitution to pay, as a debt;
rule, a law a stint ; a' spear

16 cubits long ishffung ishi, to forfeit ; to suffer, as a penal.


ever, always, constantly; ip'ing

ty ;
iSh^ung meng^ to forfeit
one's life ; /in ishenng, to for.
ish^ung, usual (fi tsliiung, un- ;

usual ; jmd ishiungi not com-- feit ; ip'tii isk^ung, to make

mon, hapjiens rarely or but ishdung (Sam iin^ a de. good :

once ^'ng ish^ung, the five sire gratified ^sheung iwdn, ;


to pay back.
constant virtues ; ^hd igh^wig
iShiung iUgo, the goddess of
fan} a common meal ^h^ung ^f^- ;

!,vr the moon, the Diana of the

^y<tu, keeps it always, as a
flhopman has an article ; chiu' Chmese ; met. the moon.
isMung, as usual, customary «<^ To give to an inferior
to ;

ish^ung ,shang, never dying,

* ^ to grant, as heaven to make
bestow, to aftbrd, to confer
everliving, eternal'; ishitmg ;

yali before, on a former day ;

largesses, to reward, to recom.

fliMung tyaiit of ordiirary ca- pense ; to celebrate, as a day ;

SIlfiUNG. SHfiUNG. id%

to, to congratulate, to
rejoice with, to take pleasure r Top, on top, above, on,
gTp^ upon ; facing high, above j

in ; t«j ^shiung iiti to

exhort ; ^remote, ancient ; before, as
celebrate the harvest utoon ;
in time ; superior, as good« ;
'sli^ung Ad' to give largesses exalted, honorable ; supreme
to troops 'shimig isam, to
; the emperor; ascending, ris.
delight one's self in ; ^sh^ung ing; 'chushiufig^ the emperor;
iftgan ip'di, to confer silver shkung^ ha} above and below,
medals ; Hsiung ^sheung pat-, high and low, up and down ;

iong^ an inadequate recom. '^kdm sheung* hd^ about so

pense ^sh^ung tipi a bill offer,
; much sk^ung* hd^ tb^ nearly

ing a reward ; ^ih^ung ts^- (fa. here, at hand iCin shiung^ in


ihung, to bestow the reward ;

heaven, in the sky shiung^ ;

kam^ '^sh^ung, to look over with yali the other day cWsh^ung^

pleasure, as a book ; '^sh^utig the highest ; ahiung^ ^'ng, fore-

t/a, enjoy flowers and
to noon ; sh^ng' ii^ an imperial
drink, as with friends 'shiung ; mandate ; ah&ung^ iCau, the
kdk^ scale of rewards 'sh^ung ; head, the chief; <Ort thiung^
k'ajh to bestow a reward. »nin' put it on top or above; tsoi^
I y* To go up, to ascend ; to go sh6ung' ikd, is above, as on the
g""-* to, as to court ; to write in ;
roof or on deck (Wong shiung^

^ to advance ; to hand up ; to hrs Majesty shiuug^ sh^ung^


esteem, to honor, to exalt or shiung* '^*"§"> the very best

^shtung ishiin, to go aboard quality ; Jidi shtung^ ia the
ship ^sh6ung hu' go up
; streets ; ishaa s/i^ung^ on me,
*sh6ung (king, to go to Peking; about one's person ; shiung*
^ifUung iau, to go upstairs ch^uk) the best plan shiu/ig^

i'»» ^sheung yat, iiti not quite ishing, the rising tone.
a month ^sh^ung ngon^ or 't^i
; To add to honor, to adorn ;

^sheung ikdi, to go ashore ; J- J desirous of; to esteem, to

^sh^tmg 'pun, to send a me- value ; to boast ; to have a
morial to court ; hhiung hok-. care of; to control, to direct,
to begin to go to school —.in which senses it forms ;

^sMuns: ip'ing, to weigh mon. a part of official titles to get ;

ey in the scales; ^sheung pd' a princess for wife ; used for

to credit in account; 'sktung the preceding in the senses
'kan yah' urgent to have it of high, noble ; a conjunction,
printed; ^ni j'm ^shiung ^sam, still, but» yet, probably, per.

you did'nt bear it in niiod Imps; »h6ung^ '^ctCi '^kbtn, still

^sfi^ung p'd^ iTjiun, to put up do it so; sh^ung^ ^hd 'k'u^
the shop doors ^shiung ^yan esteem him ; shiung^ ^yau,

tong^ to be swindled ; ^thiung there is still some ; sh^ung^ iu*

fo* to land goods; 'sA^ung tiki it is still wanted shiung* ;

,mat icKiung ishang, to get 'hd, the best; ahkung^ Jcung 'chU,
9 coOu> beforehand. to marry a princess.
; ;;

m SHf:*''^ SFlf.

A corpse, for which the next

(479) Shi. is used ; an image, an effigy
Shi ;

useless like a statue, to make

a sinecure of; to arrange;
^JL To express the feelings in set to preside, to order the 44th ;

'*'"'"^^^y poetry, rhymed lines radical of characters relating

of the same length; an ode, to corpses ; cshi wai^ sd' dsdn^
a poem, verses, hymns to ; to neglect the duties but get
: ' receive, to accept j sj/aw* cS^i» the pay of an office.
^to make verses; sfai
improvisatrize a sonnet ; tsok^
(Slii, to
^ A corpse laid out, a carcase ;
'*'' '*^^' ^ ^^^^ body iw} ishi,
'%h' ;

(Shi, to write poetry; cShi^King, to hold an inquest ishi'shau, ;

the Book of Odes cshi <yung, ; a corpse <S cshi Ciu' hoi^ to im-

a bard ;
cs/ti iyan, a poet ;
yaU plicate by laying a corpse to
'^shati cshi, a verse, a stanza ;
one's door; hdm^ (Shi, to inspect
wan^ the rhyme of poetry.
(Shi the wounds on a corpse.
Wfc A banner unfurled granted; ;
pfe A turtle dove, called c«Aic/fau,
*^-i expanded, exhibited, spread g'j'r but more usually ipdn ikau
-•:' out ; to confer, to relieve, to the wood pigeon.
' 'give, to bestow, as in charity ; ,Sk ^
spoon a key, which in ;

to afford, to diffuse to permit, ;

China resembles a spoon ich'a ;

to concede, to grant, to suffer a tea-spoon; 'aOssAi, a key;

to add to, to use to move ; 'nau ishi, turn the key ; iinvn
slowly cshi tsai^ to give in
; iShi, a door-key ;
js/u /iu, a
charity ; ^sfti cyan^ to show ladle-like spoon.
kindness ; ishi Jians,, grant ^njt"} 'J'ime ; a .season, an hour,
that it may be to allow ; ^shi ;
uM >^ period ; a Chinese hour a ;

'chu, a benefactor to temples; i E| J

quarter of a year an occa- ;

; t«W shiki to feed the poor ishi ;

bhi sion, an opportunity ; proper,
uJ shuki shuky hesitating,
t^shi suitable, convenient, timeous
ft •^"'embarrassed ^shi^sH^ pleased, ;
seasonable, recent, in season
. easy, happy; (Shi ^chin, inde- to time ; to be, is ; after a verb,
pendent, confident (Shi ip'di, ;
means when, as, while, during;
^•:i <1o boast, to act vauntingly at the beginning of a sentence,
vh ij»/ii ^sh^, to aid, to bestow. means at that time, then ; to
'^^^-Also read ^ch'i; to leave to; to observe, to see ; shapi i* iS/<
.f' remove. Read ji, to change, to
• isJian, a day, twelve hours sz'- ;

-'•'-'I transfer. ^a* iShi, the four seasons ;

yat., ^shi

\<Ms Interchanged and used for

fijl^ coarse threads for weaving
^; a
tsau} iu' I

ho' iShi hatt^ this time

want it at once


^ sort of sarsnel. iShi, an unsuitable lime nr

'«^' verbena,
A sort of labiate
anciently used in
plant like market
j«Ai (king,
^shi p')d'^
demand ; tsikj

• 'divination; the stalks also (ShU instantly ; (tong jsAx, at

served for hairpins, timt time ; hi iShi, when ? sWd

SHf. SHt. 437

iSM, all gone never, no oppor-

; to commence selling; 'hi 'sAi,
tunity ;
ishi 'kwo, fruit in sea- saleable ; said also of a man
son ;
Js'ui ishi, whenever con. who puts a high value upon
venienf, at a good time; ishi his services.
js/ii, always, constantly ;
pat, To use, to serve of; to try,
iShi, incessantly ; i/i* jsAi, now, to experiment, to test ; to com-
at this time ; csin iShi, before, pare and find out to endeavor; ;

the former time ; Jo ishi, a long to examine, as the literary

time ; if in iShi, weather ; also graduates ; a trial, a test ; shi*
the favorable juncture. yaty shV try once, make a
-Wt A hen-roo3t, made by cut- trial ish^ung shV to taste shx?
; ;

-yjT ting a hole in a wall, and H'ai V/d, try it t'dm' shV to ;
fitting sticks in for the fowls. make atrial shV iCh'^ung, an ;

A which enters the

fish examination for kujin ; shi*
rivers from the ocean in Miiy, im^ to verify lapi shV to in- ;
and returns in September stitute a trial ; shi^ ^shau shai*
probably the shad. to try one's skill ;
shi"^hau iki^
Ordure, excrement, dung ; see how he will talk.
'^shi (.hdug, H public necessary ; Right, straight, direct ; that
chap-, ^shi '/d, scavengers Hd ; which is right, that which the
^shifal, to bamboo /sltiH'ung, mind approves ; the substan.
a close stool. tive verb, is, am, to be t. e. —
Read M, a sighing, moaning it is so, it is right or certain ;
sound a murmuring noise.
; this, these, not that ;
pat:, slii^

A market-place, a square or so, no; shi^ yat, on that day,

g'.'. open place where people trade; then; yinki shV if it be so;
a crowd, groups of market. shi^ ^yd, yes, surely ; shi^ lokt
eer>; crowded; vulgar, billings- yes ; shi^ pit, certainly ; shi^ %
gate marketable, saleable
therefore, by this means ; ^yau
to buy, to trade in the market pat:, shi^ in error, partly wrong;
to bid, to oflTer a price to en- ; »Ai' A-o' ^hd iyan, he is a good
courage, as talent ^shikd' the ; man ; shi^ '/cd shi^ ^chan, is it
market price '«At /aw, a mar- ; false or true ? tsau^ shV JLai^ he
ket-place 's/jt Hseng ^chi <yan,
; will come soon.
low people, market people 5Bi Formerly used for the above;
Idn- 'shifo^ poor goods, second- right, proper good principles;
Shi ;

rate goods pd- ^shi, to stop ;

to judge.
trade, to refuse to expose A family, a clan, a gens; a
goods -shi chan^a great mart,
sect ;the 83d radical an an- ;
like Fuhshin '/id 'sfii id^ a ; cient of honor added to
title ;

ready sale (hii ^shi, a country

; names, denotes a female ; ^Li
market '«Ai td^ 'ch'^au, a dull
; shi' Madame Li ; ^Wong {Wiiin
sale for, unsaleable ^shi Hseng ; ^Li shi' Madame Wong nie
sz^ a dirty affair ;
fat. ^shi, Li Shik: shi' the Budhists.

499 SHt. snl.

To delight in, to be fond of, seen, to view as hon' «Ai' to ;

^^ '^I'sh \mve an appetite

*o look at t<*V shr' to glance at
*S^i ;

for, gourmandizing greedy ;

sideways po/, ;
*Ai^ jt'i kwai^
for, addicted to; to indulge the be disregarded his otTering
animal desires; shV 'yam gfiiki kan} $ht^ nearsighted.
fond of tlie table sht^ hd^ to ; gAJk* The results of conduct a ;

... hive, as a dish ixU^ shi' '.yam, ;

^?i name or honorary title given
•, to disrelish music.
after death; a posthumous title,
t|^i Salted eatables, as beans, an epitaph a meiiKtir or cu.

oysters, olives, which are after- logy of a del'unct; peace, quiet.

;,.wards dried and used as rel-
. ih^ To receive, as orders ; to ac-
(.f ,\^hes •,tau* shi' salted beans; ^j company near to, attending,

»Ai* lyau, soy min^ shi^ salted ;

waiting on, following, at the
flour and beans used in cook- side of, as officers or serants
.01; 'idw «/ii' stoned and pick- are ; sk? toai^ the imperial
' f,.! led olives; tau^ shi' Jiiung^ ealt. guards ; sW ilong, a vice-presi-
ed beans and ginger — a relish. dent of a Hoard fuki */«* ;

jrli Toshow, to declare; toman. to wait on, to serve ; shi^ lapt

ifent, to make known, as the to stand and serve.
will of heaven ; to instruct, to ij'i^ 'I o lean upon, to trust to,
signify, to proclaim for infor- Shi ^° "^^'y *^" ' looking up to for
mation to the people; an edict; support or protection met. a ;

a manifestation, an admoni- mother ;

to presume on ; as-
tion^ a prognostic, a revelation, suming ; dull, unintelligent
a sign, as from heaven in ; H shV to depend on shV shai^ ;

. polite phrase used for another's to presume on one's power or

,k'\ wishes a letter to see, to
; ; station shot, shi^ to lose a

shov to the sight; the 113th mother; t'm shi* tak> untrust-
radical of characters relating worthy sht' '^cKung, to count

to religion j kd^ sW to publish; on another's love shi^ 'shau ;

a proclamation ;ch^uU tW to tsuki to lean on one's relatives.

I, .
.issue an edict iHisW to wait ;
jjjJjp^ .i high, isolated, steep, peak;
.< \
.an answer; jZot jr/ii' an answer; qL provided, supplied with, as pro-
«/«' hd} to let me know-rraij visions ; (kung shi^ to prepare
epistolary phrase ;/a«* sh.^ to stores for public service.
be informed, teach me; tW ^- To plant, to transplant, to
chung* to admoijish the people gj set out ; to erect or perpetuate,
— as by an exeeutioQ. _ as a reputation ; ^chung shV
Read jt'i, a spirit ; same as jpj^^-
Uke his father, a chip of the
,5B'"| Te see, to inspect, io ob- pld block •
*Aj' Jio 'f»i' anise or

g^ .'.serve, to examine ; to see and ^nnel seed.

P^ j
imitate, to take knowledge ^^ To murder 9. king or supe-
^i of ; to behave to to compare, ;
|j^ rior shi'fu^ a parricide
.; ; thi*
flkikdi regard ; to cause to be i^wau, a regicide.

sniK. sniK. <4d»

] To adorn, to paint, to or.

^1^* vnament ; to gloss over, to
(480) Shik.
^^, ] patch up, to pretend, to make
Shih believeto excuse ? to wipe*

^ The shades
5^'pres.sion in the countenance
of color and ex-
to rub and brighten concord,
harmony of music to dress a ;

Sin ' r victim for sacrifice; ornaments

air, appearance, torm, manner;-
color, hue mode, quality, sort, for the head weapons a col- ; ;

description kind ; a beauty;

lar, a handsome binding or
fading ^shau sAiA:, a headdress;
glory, beauty,' radiance of; a ;

show of dress6d up \)i>omen ; 'im fhik) or Hm ^im shik) shiki

sexual pleasure, lust; the 139th a pretense, a made up story ;
radical ; shik) chakt or shik, (fctushik) to adorn iickong shik,
'*Aut, color, tint ; ingdn shik, tricked out, specious ; to im-

hue /iti* go and see

"^fai shik, pose on '/an shik> to white-

the show ch'uU shiki a fine

wash ; to color, to gloss over ;

color; kwokiSkikt famous beau-

a fair' show.
ties mat) shik) a beau ideal,
Sometimes interchanged and
confou'nded with the last. To
a strong fancy for ;
tsok) shik) \l
to bridle up, angry ; 7s'ot shik) enjoin, to direct, trt command,
variegated ;
^^ng shik) the five as a* inferior ; to strengthen,
to repair to adjust, to pre-
colors are azure, black, white,- ;

yellow, red ; '^king shik) a land- pare and arrange ready, pre- ;•

scape, the aspect of a country; pared; compact, firm; reverent,

careful, respectful shik) tch'di^
ishing shik) or tsuk) shik) pure,

shik) to dispatch on public service ;

as gold or silver ; 'Ai
pleased, laughing ; shik) 'shui fSAan shik) to strictly charge, to

ilai, an inferior color, alloyed ;

order ; '^ching shik) 'kd *A'u, put
venery, sexual inter-
^nii shik)
it in order, arrange it properly;
course pan' shik) to dress up, shiJc) ifong, to direct the pro-

as persons do who are cairried per otftce or department ; shik>

in processions ; Ad' shik) lust- lingf to command, to direct.

ful, libidinous, salacious shik) ; ^C The harvest, the crops ; to

'^tcim iii /in, courageous, va- PI 'amass, and accum-
to desire
lorous; shik) ihungngo''!dWiii, a ulate to begrudge
; sparing, ;

miserable whoremonger; Isalpi frugal avaricious, mean, stin-


shik) various sorts ching^ shik) ;

gy, parsimonious; shik) (fu, a
a sedate manner chdkt shik^ ;
farmer lun* shik) closefisted,

Hsz^ to throw dice witb^ the niggardly.

hand tshing shik)fo'
music, W %A Interchanged with the last.
lewdness, riches, and desire ^^I'To reap, to gather in grain ;
of gain —
are four snares to grain ready for harvest care- ;

mankind ; shik, yuk chung^ ful, nbt wasteful ; kd' shik, sow-
addicted to venery. ing and reaping_.
;; ;


^ds. Water running over stones; W To unloose ; to free, to ar.

^!^' rough, rugged not even or ; gjjj'jj'quit, to forgive, to liberate
smooth; harsh difficult of per- ; to open out, to explain, to
formance, relax ; to slight, to let alone,
.rib To know by learning, to learn, to put away ; to leave behind ;

JPmi' to recognize ; to distinguish; to melt ; to dissipate, as ice in

to be aware of, acquainted with; the sun ; to submit ; to make
experienced, versed an ac- ; soft, to soak ; the Budhists
quaintance iChi shik^ knovV'l- ;
shik^ iUi, to liberate, returned
edge ying' shik-, acquainted
from exile ; shiky fong' to let
with j'm shik:, ^k'ii, unac-
out of prison ; shiki fsui^ to
quainted j'm shik:, iSau, braze n'-
forgive an offense ; shik:, han'
faced, unabashed shiki ^Idi, ; tio longer to hate ; shik, 'i/jaw,
polite; sidh po' Isz'^ 'tdtn, to unhand, to let go; ^ping
mistook the character's sound skiki melted away, as one's
shiki t'au' I know him' tho- strength or forces ; shiky ckd
roughly ; hoki shik:, learning. iViau jTif, a Sanscrit term,
«g To go to, to reach, to arrive Sakya-muni, or Budha shik, ;

^^'at; a long distance;

to pass over jmun or shiky c/rd, Budhist
a bride gbing to a husband's priests ; shiky kdtP Bud h ism.
house ; tky marry out to hap- ;
gfe To abound; to flourish ;

pen, to occur to suit, to ac- ;

g^[j^'tiful; to color up, to grow
cord with, to chime in with ;
angry ; flushed, crimsoned ; a
to' follow ; what' happens sud-
carnation or carmine color.
denly, recent, presently, just •i^ A rain cloak puty shiky an ;

no\v, coming to pass usual,

overcoat or cloak of leaves,
cotrtmon pleased,' contented ;
worn by husbandmen.

of a good quality, accomplish- :d^ . A form, fashion ; a speci-

ed; in the west 6f China,'means g'^l
men, an example; a rule, a
to^ipply a deficiency, as* in an law, a pattern measure,
; to
arirty sliiki
; jiw, suddenly to make like a copy, to imi-
sJtHk) ^wong just gone mV ; tate ; fo respect, to honor, to
shik:, iyan, an unmarried wo- look up to ; to use ; an initial

man ; shiki Joi, just come •

particle, Oli ! a cross-bar in a
cKu' lucki-
shik:, chiki '/t'u tsoi' car/iagc, for which the next
ly met him- in, or just as he is used ; shik:, y^nng'a pattern;
was going paU i^ shik-, not to ;
h&py shik; it corresponds, is

marry a second husband shik) ; like the muster ; <«'' shiky a

its' ling, to come from, to follow, copy-slip ; c kill' shiky tsd' make
dr adhere to, as a party shik, ; it sample iWai (kung
like the ;

tkdn, just then, a lltite while taking your honor as

s/ii- 5/ttAr)

ago. jju a model 'fun shiky this very ;

Read tik, and then used for yi^' Biort ; <,ying jt/i yaty shiky xhit
u wife ; to direct. Ah ! it is exactly like it.
;;; ;


^cP A stretcher before a carriage oil on a book ; shiki $«/>, done

gj^ or sedan, to lean on when bow- eating 7<d shiki well tasted ;

ing to others, called a j/u '^s/iau s'/H shiki taki 1 can't eat, or it
'pan, or leaning board. can'l be eaten; skik^ takiUu, to
4dP 1 To wipe, to rub and dust eat a great deal shiki chai^ ;

^y ) with a cloth, to clean up to ; to have the dyspepsia ; shiki

lMi\> j
brush away to wash sheep
; ichdi, to fast.
Shih a duster '^fal:, s/uki to dust '0[|j To injure gradually, to eat
shik, t'aV towipe away tears, gj^.,'*away, as a worm does to in. ;

iJ* A kind of tree, anciently croach on; to eclipse; yali shiki

j2^j*"ised in sorcery or for making a solar eclipse; iifi shiki an
lots. eclipse of the moon.
/^ To eat, to drink,' to swallow,
gj^'lo take food; to siDoke to
(The next three characters are urut^ly
pronounced ahek.)
give to eat to take back, to

undo, to retract to' enjoy, to ;

TT A stone, a mineral, a rock ;
be in the receipt of; food an ;
g^jj'stony, rocky, as land mado ;

eclipse; to befool, impose tO' of stone petrified ringing, ; ;

on ; to take, as in playing sonorous stones tirni, decided; ;

chess; the 184th I'adical of a stone, a dry and liquid rnea-

characters relating to fi)od ;
sure of 100 "and of 120 cat.
^yam i/uA:^ eating and drinking; ties, but it has varied at times

shiki mall food yb' skiki the;

an aerolite; the 112th radical
supplies of food, daily bread ; of characters relating to min.
shiki tsi^^^ki, to Hnd one's self; 6rals ;
yal^ kaii' sheki or sheki
tdi' shik> Han $«/««, a lazy lout /««, a stone '^faa sheki solt ;

shiki '^pdu (tsin d'lli, eaten stone, almagaUiolite, used to

enough dough-nuts — old goods dut seals ;shau^ tskdn sheki red
left over, remnants; sfiikiluki breccia marble sheki (Aid, gyp- ;

to be under pay H shik^ pat) ;

sum ;
sum' sheki arsenic ; Idpi
yd' to hear and not understand; sheki greasy quartz ; Js'ing
'^siu shiki a lunch kak^ shiki ;
sheki common granite ; H'ai
food does not set well it) shiki ; cch'iinsheki sharpsighted, can
to disgorge, to spit out food ;
see through a rock; cV^"^ sheki
shiki ts'ati koiri' i/t/A-^ a glutton, limestone for rock work, be-
to gourinandize shiki ^yan ;
(iause it comes from Yingteh
^han '•shni, a lickspittle skiki ;
district : sheki ikdi, a paved
fun\sh(/ng yuki eat and grow alreel ; Ud sheki
a stone- '^lo,

fat ; shiki (yan iu^ong, a tho- cutter ;pebblessheki (Cliun, ;

rough rascal ; shiki an, Ip' Ho Jidn^ sheki argillite, used

smoke tobacco ; ihiki kuki for inkstones ds'ing /oi sheki ;

'chiing, to eat it (ilean up mT)SSy, dank rocks; ^wan shiki

muki sA''^2 ornamental dishes; blue clouded marble tai^ sh(ki ;

to look at wistfully ; shiki Jioi or ihting sheki freesluuej i^l

Jai, to spread ahd injlirc, as sheki biuck marble. >

Ton. Dict. 5(i

;; ;

'44'2 sniM. SHfiN.

Zgj' Great, corpulent ; full, ripe

g^-replete, to fill eminent, high- ; (482) Shin.
^ A burrowing rodent^ des-
gj^l^^tructive to griin ; the descrip-
(Some of these first characters are often pro-
nouneecl like the last.)
tion allies it to the dormouse,
iS^ To strike. A colloquial word;
or field mouse.
^r7 to beat with a rattan ;
(Shin 'ta,
to whip ishin (yan^ to give a

(4ai) Shim. man a raltaning.

Jr^ To level an area fur an altar
x'j' to sacrifice to the earth; to
A® A striped toad, called ishim resign or transfer the throne

^'^^'^^ *0 ^® *" ^^^ moon ;
to another family, as Trnjan
met. the moon, a month ;
ishim and Y^u did to sit and medi-

(kwong, moonlight; ishim iknng tate, as Budhists do absti ac- ;

Diana's hall, the lunar palace, tion, deep contemplation ; the

the moon. Budhists; ishin miv} a Budhist
; H& To give, to supply, to aid ;
temple iShin fat:, Biuihism ;

gV^jj liberal, plentiful, sufficient; iShin isz' a priest ^shin \skdn, ;

I'm afraid
'-hung -pal:, ishinit the town of Fuhsbdn.
there's not enough. iK Beautiful, graceful, bewitch-
l.«BH To peep out of or suddenly '"^' ^* ^ ^"^ woman ; iShin
*^' cross a door-wav to shun, to ikiin, elegant, as flowers or
evade, to avoid ; to glisten, to falling snow waving, like ;

i, I' flash to squirm, to wriggle;

bamboos jsAin Jin, relatives.

»)J L.'^lo slip aside, as

ing, flashing
on ice
chatoyant, iri-
glitter- ^
A famous chief of the Huns,
called iShin jii, about b. c. 25;
descent ; adulatory '^shim jWdi ; met. vast, like the deserts this
1 ', '< ',pi'>^ to slip aside or outof sight; man lived in.
^^« f^\*sliim tin^a flash of lightning ;
Also read 'shin, a surname.
.'i ,ihdikwong'^shtm'^shim,g\immer. ^im Still water; name of a river,
';-• ,fing, dazzling, shining; Wtim '^'"'* '""' '" *'^^ state of Sung.
c/iot, to turn aside 'shim ^ngdn, ;
Also read <d/j'; slow, indolent,
. to dazz\e the eyes 'shim 'shim I ijj^ A cicada or broad locust,
shuki shuki dodging about, in ^jTt" called H'iu iShin, t,l.s'aH ^shin,
and out ; 'shim shik-, change- and tshd ishin ; ishin t'llV the
able, as silk 'shim lik^ to slip ; exuviae of a cicada; Js'au ishtu
and sprain, as the ankle (tung ;
ham' the chirp of the cicadi; ;

. (c/ii [Sai'shim, squirming right j»/ji/i pan' hair dressed in pulls

and left on the temples.
« ^ The region west of the Yel- -4||^ An earthworm, vulgarly ca II-
1^ low river, now the province of g-u? ed iwong 'hiin, or the yellow
Shensi. Also read l/dj'j ,
dog. This character is con.
narrow. stantly used for the following.
sniN. SHlN. 443

An eel ;

i"^'^§ ^shin, a small yel-

pdki 'shin, a white ^
Good from
virtue,goodness great,
principle, excel-

tivT i
Snen ,
' ° ^ ' '

^» low I
mud eel chvkipdki'shin, ;
well, eminent wise, virtuous, ;

Shen to snare eels; ^shinjrang fried meek; mild, gentle, docile;

eel and pork stew: 'c/t'di/ ^/nu clever, skillful, good at, ready,
(OH 's/(i/i, fried split eels ;
^t'ong expert, handy, dexterous, au
shin, the rattan eel, common fait ; in a high degree, niuch ;

in Macao; {u H ^shin, <he to do a thing well toexpedite, ;

" black ear eel," a good sort. to bring about well; to approve
^' Leaves of a door, a door a ; of, to admire; shin^ oki good,

^/^ fan, a fire screen to fan, to ; evil shin^ sz'^ a good act; pat^

move to and fro; Hd shin^ or s/iin^ unskillful ; vicious; shin^

p'uli shin^ to fan
(fung shiri' a. ;
chdki a clever plan; shin^ Jsing,
ptinka ; 'chi sfiin^ a paper fan ; apt at, smart, both in goodand
iktc'ai i/tin'a leaf fan jmd s/it/i- ;
e\\\;^s^ung shin^ wellacquain-
a feather fan shiri' kwnU the ; ted, as old friends shin^ 'yau ;

ribs of a fan tsz'^shin^ it fans ; shin' pd' he who does well

itself —
as a butterfly ; ya/j shall be well rewarded shin^ ;

shin' iiniin, a single leaved iyan, a good man, a man of

door. probity shin' tak-, moral vir- ; ;

4^* To brush off; to fan, or tue shvv"^si' to die in a good


strike with a fan

• shin' 'wi ; cause.
cham' ip'i, I'll skin you, I'll V^-\ Provisions dressed for the
take your hide off. 2^2 stable savory ; food, viands ;

To fan a flame, to make a ^^ j
delicacies ; a meal Hsb shin' ;

blaze , a fierce fire ; to excite i

Shen breakfast ; ^mdn shin' dinner;
people, to make a ferment;! ikung shin' to furnish food to
shin^ wdki lyan isam, to incite '

a tutor ynng' shin' ml' have ;

and agitate people's minds, to you dined ?

stir up sedition. ^^i To mend, to repair to put ;

^^3' To seduce people by fair eu^ in order, to furbish, as wea-

pons to prepare to copy, to
^iP speeches to delude and effect
; ;

one's plans. state on paper, to correct and

ffa> To geld a horse ; to cut, to state properly; a scrivener;
ef" castrate ; shin' 'ku, a steer, an i
shin' 'i-^, to write out shin' ;

ox ; shin ckai, a capon. luki to transcribe ; shin' <.sau,

rg' To work and polish gems a x-^i to make ready. ;


White clay or earth used to

^^ calendering stone to calender ;

cloth; to slip, as when walk.! i^.'r' put on walls as plaster.

ing shin' pd' shek) a calender. ¥^'-
; To act as one pleases : to [

ing stone to take the

Blmi ^*'"'^p» ^'^ usurp ;
shin' Hd, to slip ;

down ; cchdng tik-, shin' 7d, responsibility of doing without

nt-nrly fell down shin' wutA orders willful pertinacious
; ; ;

to calender smooth. in illegally, arbitrarily, pre. ;

; ;



' sumptuously, despotic shin? ; be adequate to, to hear,

icH^uns* to tnanago skillfully; oi •• to sustain ; worthy of; to
shin^ tsz'^ tsd^ to do of one's raise, to elevate ;
paU ho
own will ; shin} ik'un, to act ishing sfn, cannot nil be told,
hnstily, to usurp authority ;
inexplicable pat^ cshing, tho ;

7dm 'kdm shin^ Jiang, to act highest degree, unsurpassible ;

' '
'Iwldly witijout orders. pnfi (Shing if(in 'A/, exceed-
ingly happy paU^shing yanH ;

unequal to the office.

(.483) Shing.
(This and the next are often pronounced

-YL a Chinese pint, measuring *^"1 A

sound, a noise a voice, ;

al) ten kbp^, and once made to 'IaIt

of speaking a tone in
[•tones ;

hold H catty of rice a pint ;

pd music music the tones of
! ; ;

measure a large cup to hold ; Shing words in speaking; verbally;

pencils a skein of 80 threads
; fame, celebrity; to promulgate,
the 4Bth diagram, denoting to declare to praise ; to ex- ;

advancement to complete ; ; hibit, to make an example of;

to advartce, to rise, as in office; ishing ill am, a sound, a voice ;
to 2o up ; to accumulate. A cshrng hV a report, an answer;
colloquial word; a thill of a i'm hd isheng hV an unlucky
sedan; a bamboo carrying.pole; report, bad news ^sheng ^mi^ ;

, .: to slap with the hand chuk-> ; final particles in talking, draw-

^i'J.htfhing, a bamboo pole ;
ynf-, ling tone, last words; c^dc5Aew^,
tAV ^kiti (Shing, a pair of thills; (tnicskeng, high tone, low tone,
pat^ (Shing, a pencil-cup as in speaking ip^ing ^shing^ ;

(Shing 'ki cpd, to slap several chaknshing,\.heeven tone and

times (shing ^mai ''p'a ^rJini
; the (three) deflected tones;
]' ^ngdi^ to exist on a pint of rice
\ 'hoikun isheng, in good repute,
-•'//and a fa^sut of sticks; (.shing as an officer ; itnan ^sheng,
(Wni 7d shaV to exercise power to hear a noise ;
to listen to
haughtily. your words tshing k(V mak- ;

'&_ 'Vo ascend, as the sun in the ing a parade of one's attain-
*{T* skv to rise; tranquil cshimr
' ; ments, grandiose; ishing ch'dkj
Shing , 7j
, .
''(. '

tptng shing' shai an age oi hoarse, grutT; ashing (kon, ^
and plenty.
tranquillity weak voice; shing shai^ tni-
1^ To ascend stairs to mount ; having an influential voice ;

to rise, to be promoted in cshing (ming Jnng tsiki has a

office to advance ,sking ; ; reputation for av;irice.
p'du' to a salute ^shing
fire ; A wall a wall of a city; a

it'oftg, to go into court and -^^ sepulchre; a walled citv, a

Shing .J J '
-I , -/i
open it ;,shing 'h'ln, promoted citadel a provincial capital
; ;

in office ; tkd shing, may you completed, done to mend, to :

rise high : high dignity. repair : yat-> tso^ ishing, a wall

:; ;;


chile-, inhing, to build a wall ticable ; 'Art is/iing, what per-

J/(tpi isheng,go into the to centage of it 1 ixhing yoti a
city inhengich'i, n moat karri'
: ; whole day; ishingp'nti a whole
isheng, the ' forbidden city,' piece, as of clotli isliing tiingi ;

the emperor's palace ; (San of age, 15 years ; ^shing $ycr7i,, 'Z»d ishcng, the New- to become a man to take a —
city and Old city, in Canton ;
wife ; t'm ishirrg (yan, incap-
ixkfTig ^lii, inside the city ^kai ;
able, incflicient (.sAi'n^ tsat^ ;

yiki ishcng, two curtains on to bring about loki ixhing, to ;

the southern wall of Canton ;

settle on the price s'w iShing ;

^sh('ung isheng, to go to Can- ynt; kiP does not make sense

ton is/ierig 53/an, embrasures pat) ishirtg following s7idn to*


on the wall ; isfierig sheiirrg^- makes a question as indn to^

on the wall isheng Juu, a ;
hting' pati ishing, do I
lodge on the wall fSkeng imiin ;
wish to cheat you ? ashing Jui,
'^hnu, at the city gate ; ch'ut: reduced to ashes ^shing ptng^ ;

go out of the city

ishfing, to ;
will get sick ishing mati 5z'*

paP isheng, to close perma- ^t'aitwhat do you ever finish,

nently the gates ; Jan iSheng, what good are you ? ashing '^hi
to defer locking the gates hip the whole lot is gone, all
(hung isheng, to attack the delivered complete; ^hing
city; '^shnu ishing, to guard the (ts'nn, betrothed.
city; kw'ari\shengt to surround Guileless, sincere, puremind-
a city, to beleaguer miin' ;
h'^"^^*^ ?
perfect in virtue;
^ti ich'eung ishing, the Great ^unalloyed, unmixed; renh,
Wall ;
iTian ^hu ishaii ishing, truthful ;
as an adverb, in fact,
hard to reduce the fortress of really, verily, you are aware
your grief; ikai isheng, the of; is/ting shnti sincerity;
hap;)y city —
a tomb. isliing csa/rt, devout, upright
t^ To finish, to effect, to per- j'm chP ishing, no genuine
'J^v* feet, to complete ; to become, virtue. '

^'"^to fallfil one's part, to do one's SI. The brightness of the .sun ;
duty ; to rise to ; to make, to 5 splendor ; the glory of
bring about; to terminate, to the sun.
accomplish ; to assist in ; to rft? The name of an ancient
tranquillize ;
perfect, good, gj^' feudal state lying in the pre-
completed ; whole, filled, over- sent Shantung.
whelming ; entire ; doubled ; a ff^ \ vase of rice used in sacri-
compact, a league a rest in ; ^^^fices a cup ; to receive into

music; duties to be done; a " a vessel, contained in ; array-

field ten li square a tenth a ; ; ed costume heaped up,
in fidl ;

district in Kiinsuh ynt.ishing ;

as grain in a measure I'm ;

sho' one tenth of it j'//j tfik. ; ishing ink: 'hi, I am unworthy

ishing, unable lo do, imprac- of it, vou overcome me.
— ;


•Sf To receive, to accept; to A conl, a string, a line, a

i^^jy succeed to a post, to exercise rope line stretched taut to
Sh^ ; ;

^1. ^a function; to take in hand, murk out by a line to adjust, ;

^"'^^ to undertake, to receive orders, to make right to cause to ;

fiv \
jis a shopman does; to con- conform, and warn;to restrain
' compete with; to assist,
'*''test, to to continue, succeed to to ;

"to second, to gict as deputy to, praise i/nt^it'iu iShing, a cord;

uiv^jl,, which senses, it is inter-

swd ishitig, a hemj)en line;
"• ''-jehanged with the next; to to make exact,
't7«<H tshitig,
"-'-'•support, uphold; ishing
to up to the mark iviang ashing ;

• '
fsipy to take in, as jobs ishvig ; kbm^ '^kan, pulled very taut
^hi kwaV jin, ( hear your re- an urgent affair hai^ ch'ikt ;

'quests; fung^ isking, to adu- iihitig, to bind the red cord

'late, to flatter (pau ishing, to i

to betroth ;
'<« iShing, to twist
iassure that an affiiir will be a cord ; is/iing iShing, con-
done ishing '^ting, to take a
; tingous, many, like a proces.
a business offanother's hands; sion.
jsA/n^ sAau' /a^) 7<i, he accom- MName of a river in the state
plished the job; .vA^«no-^ c/«/n^'
Tsi, now Shantung, a
hd} Jteng, i'/n ishittg taki''hi, ° branch of the Tsing-shwui R.
"'*'' the top is too heavy for the
Wi] A
dyke, a ridge between
bottom, and can't be held up. i^y fields, a high path on which
'rjftc To aid, to assist second, a ;
s)^ the farmers pass from one

^-r^ helper; a Cf»adjiitor, a deputy, Chirjgtield to another.

'"^an assistant; ^shing siting^ a
(This character is seldom heard shing.)
prime minister; UTi\shing, a
tsot&ng, or deputy t>fa district *^H A colloquial word a ; sorcer-
mqi^istrate. ^^ ess a necromancer;
; ^skeiig
§^ To mount, to ride in, as a ckung, a wizard '^sheng ip'd, ;

chariot ; to avail of, to take a witch; mnn^ '^sheng, to in>

advantage of, to seize ; to put quire of witches.
'"in order ; to get advantage of •
Hg' 1 The highest style of moral
^^'to add to, to multiply, as in ^p", [and intellectual powers ; in-
. arithmetic ; to plan, to cal- <5^ j
tuitively good wise and
" ''
'c'ulate ixhing ishi, to improve SBfiing possessing universal knowl-

k' favorable time ; ishing Jd edge holy, sacred
; perfect, ;

ai^ to seize an opportunity; supereminent met. the em- ;

fshing Jung, to take a wife; peror, imperial Confucius ;


filing shai' to embrace a good a tree of knowledge shing^ ;

" tjhance; isJdng (fung tsiing^ st/ort, a sage, Confucius; shing^


yb, to set on fire when there's sWitin, Confucianists, the liter-

I" a fi^ir wind ; ishing (wan ati ; shing^ it'in Hsz' or shing^
^shiung d'tn, to rideongcloud 'cAm, f he emperor; shing^ ii^ his
iip to huifven. Majesty's commands; u',<t/<//i"'
' ; ;;

the second sa^e, is Mtencius ;
left over ; sking\fdn tiki keep
shipg^ iWong, thesage kings, as back a little ; sliiag^ (kd tnng*
Yau, Siiun and others sJiing'' ;
property left at death shing^ ;

miu' a temple to Confucius ;

^yan hdn^ only a jittle is left
sbing^ ilingi shhtg' ilcingi and shing\ch' ut:, to sei aside out of;
shing^ yati are terms for the shing^ itsinf money remain-
Holy Spirit^ the Bible» find ing profits
; shi?ig^ fo^ drib-

the Sabbath. lets, fragments d^ shing' d' is ;,

fUfe' To con<|uer,- to beat, to get a phrase used after an enume-

^y"^ the victory^ to win ; to over. ratk»n, meaning <kc., &ci;
come, superior to, excelling ;
so and so, such as.
first raie,i best, excellent ; to
add are ornamental headdress

representing flowers, formerly ('^84)

worn on the 7th day of 1st
moon 'f^i shing^ eh^ung^- to
get a victory hd^ shirfg^ to ; 5i» To wade aci*088, to ford ; to
love to be preeminenf,- Diotre- J97 pass through,- as the world ; tO
phan ; tah shing^ victorious ; pass, to spend, as time; io
sking^ V your e*cellenl pore, to investigate, as books
thoughts —a polite phrase ; acquainted \Vith to implicate, ;

shing^ kwo^ iyan, he is superior to concern having a tendency


to common men. to ; shipi '^shui, to wade in

^} Great, abundant, plenteous, «^ater; .'j^^js/jai's^^an, a man
affluent, exuberant; in full 6f the world, one who likes to
quantity, in excellent condi- spend' money : liberal ; uhau
tion, flourishing, blooming ; sliip^ to be ferried over; shtpi
prosperity used in polite
sz'- to intermeddle in a matter;
phrase for another's residence; ship^ k'api cfi Hai, tending to
shing^ cKii' your dwelling, indecency ship-, nipj sfiai^

place ; siting^ waf your great ifs'ing, acquainted with tbp

kindness Shing^ ihing, the
world j'ffi ship> I'll have noth-

country of Mukten shwg- ;

ing to do with it. •

shai' a prosperous time, gener- +^ Similar to the preceding; to

al plenty ; sking^ sz'- a fine Jj?^.' cross over to ford on stepping

affair, a generous action, stones; approaching, inclining

^^- A
classifier of a span of to, advancing ; ship, k'ap, an
-4l^ horses, a chariot, a sedan a
Ching ;
approximation, an aid to, as
re . ,

team ot tour horses a chariot. ;

in study.
5fijj2"j An overplus, a residue To take; to collect, to gather
fragments, leavings; a sur- to inspect, to direct, to con.
^J^j J,

^^'jplus, a remainder to retain, ; trol, to take the management;
Shing (o keep back part not orrly; ; skilled, capable of managing
't/nu shing- there is something nicttters for others to put in ;

448 SHfT. SHIU.

order to act for, to usurp

A colloquial word: for it ^5"
'i'*'-'Uo pursue and seize at a loss ; ;
'"is often used. To lose in
ship) ^kihi sz'' to control trade to be imposed on ; shit^

affairs ; shipi ahi, to draw 'pun, to lose money on pal-, ;

straws ; s/iip) shck^ llie load- ihiti ^ngdn Us in tfui, 1 will

stone. not be cheated this time shiti ;

Read nifn ; to be peaceful ; to Uiu (faU t*> be swindled.

pacify ; to take up, as from the
<&^ To fear, to dread ; to lose (48G) Shiti.
Jtt^' one's courage, subdued, down-
hearted ; snipids ing ^kwai, a
sort of ghoul, whicli can wan- To burn ; to ignite, to light,

der among uieu without beifig to set tire to ; to burn ground

over ; to put over the tire, to
of lightning; the
flash roast ; roasted ; fired, distilled,
1^ 1
as spirits ^shiu, '^fsau, ardent
•^^ ^splendor of the sun a great ;

spirits isdni (.shiiit thrice dis-

'*/^>] blaze; the second character ;

Yeh is personal rtame of

the tilled, samshoo ; 'pi 'Jo ishiv,

Kanghi, and is usually writ-

put it in the tire ; ^m iskiu Ink,

ten witliout the perpendicular cheuki fif, it will mit catch

stroke ; ship) shipi abundant fire ; ishiit, an ^fu, to exhibit
ship, ^ngan, it dazzles the fireworks ;
^shiu p'du' tseung^
to let otF tire-ci ackers ch'dp,
eyos. ;

iskiu ^tsai, a concubine's child;

iskiufa' to burn up ; ^shiu ;i

(485) Shit.- tsUi the festival for burning

clothes for the d(>ad ;fdti(shiu,
got a fever (Shiii iiigo, a roast- ;

:f^ The tongue,* vulgarly called ed goose ^shiu ishdii, to burn ;

gP,-/i^ ; the run of a targ«l the ; over the hills; ^shiii uk, a house
. ,
cla|)per of a bell the hook of ; on fire ishiu ^chi, to worship

a clasp ; talkativt;. wordy ;

the the tombs, when paper is burn-
-^n^SSth of characiers
radical ed (.s/u« [CA«, a roasted hog
; ;

t>ni'Z(I»liit'»g 'o using- thetongue; ishiu iiinng, burned in roast-

^,,i;,|iya/> iCiu shitiA tongue ; shiti ing ishid (iiung ^pdu, a pock-
i\t, ,x,\lcaiig,
tongue ploughing tu — ;

marked man ; 'Ul ishid 'chi,

y, ,,,t?acu; wiiti shiti smooth- men torturing other prisoners

tongued ; 'hatt shitishi.^ J'i Uo, to get money.
talebearing is mischievous *7J An
ancient musical instru-
ick'itng shity thick tongued mbnt the music of Shun ; to
shiti it'au, tip of the tongue ;
continue; voices in harmony;
hoki yiau huki sMd to mock, mild iShiu ichau '^fut a depart-

to mimic; shiti it'au n'tdi to ment in the north of Kwin^-

blaunncr. tun".


'/}/ ^ Liftip, not much ;

few, not "I Hinh, eminent, as in vir.
>^ many; briefly, a little while ;
_-, Uue and character ini« ^kd ;

seldom ; in a slight degree, p\) \tak, shiu' aged and highly

limited; to owe; wanting, in- Shau virtuous the second means;

sufficient, dei>rived of; to a city in the ancient state of

disparage, to detract ; '^shii'i Tsin (now Shansi), and is
kin' iki, ignorant of things wrongly used for the first.
raw, gullible '^skiu pat, ^min, ; ^^- To strike : to commence, to
unavoidable, very necesssiry the foundation;
Chaii institute, to lay
'shiupat. tnki can not do witti- to rectify ; to extend to de- ;

out it, it is indispensil)le vise ; the beginning of; capa-

'shiu 7tin, limited supply of, ble, intelligent ; Shiu' hinfi'
inadequate ; Uo '^shiu, how '^fii, a department west of Can-
}many? j'm ichi Uo 'shiu, I ton, once the provincial capi-
don't know the quantity; tal.
'sA/ii '^shiu ti^ a very little ;
7W1* Exertion, effort to animate, ;

''shiu hau^ tak, have 1 failed CI ., to stimulate to take courage, ;

in calling on you a — polite to exert one s selt ; beauty ;

phrase chi^ [shiu, the very

; excellent ; shiu' oiitng, to eu-
fewest itn '^shiu, not a few,
; coaraHe the liusbauduieo.
a great m;»ny 'sAju '^ho, it ;

is but seldom ; 'sAjti ichi, to

disesteem ^to '^shiu :td hd,
(487) Sho.
much or liti'e will answer ;

^shiti hm^ to owe.
.»-. >
Young, juvenile a youth ; ; rA Ojwn, distant, wide apart,

^^ ) to assist, second to ; shiii' ''^'coarse; pervious; slazy, as

5«j/i, young in years
<Mtj chxh remiss,
; eas^y, free, lax,

sAim' the old and the young ; Sii careless ;

distant in relation-
shiu^ Hsz' the youngest son ; ship ; sundered, widened ;
sAtti' ty^, a young gentleman ; divide, to lay out, to partitioa
shit? \fu, a young wife ; njan off; to part with ; to rule ; to
shiu' tsnki mo^ fu'^mo, young engrave, to carve ornament- ;

people cleave to their parents ; ed, painted to discard to ; ;

shiu' ^ngo, treats me as a child, spread out to enlarge ; also ;

^V- To
connect, to tie, to join, used f«)r the next ; ^sho Jang
Jr*^ as a cord to continue, to ;
(hoang, very slazy, co&rse ;

hand down, as a trade ; to isho J'ung Jio, to clear out a

imitate or equal a predeces. ditch ; ,sho la' an interstice, a

sor ; skill' kdp a midsman, a crack ;

Jiii ,sho, not tried my
sponsor Shiu} Mng'^fu, a de-
; hand at it for a long time, out
partment in Chehkiang famous of practice ; isho its'oi, to
for its silk shin' ,ki ik'au, to;
disburse, generous in giving ;
follow a father's business. <ho ir todivulgf', to injuje by

Ton. Drt. o7
450 SHO. SHO.

inattention : csko ^iin, distantly omnipresent; '/li'yau "sho pah

related; cshOiCh'hingtS. lattice, ichi,you are ignorant of some
a jalousie ^sho ^ngdn, slipped
; things; ch'it' "sho, the place,
out of sight ishofiiti not met
; the locality; "ki "sho, how
for a long time csho tsho tv'
; many places or houses? iak,
not very closely related ; rather ik'i "sho, to get easy, to get an
coarse. occupation j/nd "sho sz'- sz"

general term for greens nothing to do, no business
and edible herbs cAd csAo, ; "sho ikwdn hai^ cliii^ it is a
fine rice tsho ts'oV greens ;
; very serious matter.
isho shiki coarse food. Vjfc' To state to a superior, to
A one-sided coarse comb ''s^j relate distinctly a statement ; ;

Sa lo
comb, to dress the hair to disuss, lo record ; tso\kwan
yat- chek:> ^sko, a comb <.sho ; sho^ anannual .statement to the
'ch'i, teeth of a comb; ^sho God of the F urance •,sho\ma7i
(pin, to braid the queue (Sho ; a clear statement.
it'au, to comb the head isho ;

ichung, to dress up, as women ;

ts^ung^ iUgd ishu, an ivory (488) Sho.

comb t/aw <.sho, to " divide a

comb," is to send one to put

into the coffin of a deceased To enumerate to recapit-
betrothed. ^ ulate, as a person's

• The sound of chopping to blame, to find
to fault ;

wood ; the place it falls in ;
count, to deal out to find ;

a place, a spot ; a classifier out the number, to count up;

of houses, parcels of ground ;
"shd cchi. paU tsun^ it can
a town or post; a building; a not be reckoned <jnd "shd ;

means or cause by which a ;

'^"kdm do, do'nt count out so
relative pronoun, that which,
much "sho hang^ tak^ to

the things which, what, and us- blame one's conduct; "sho
ually precedes the noun; "sho "ki (to, how many do you
H '^kdm, therefore it is so 'sAo ;
reckon ? "sho ts'o^ you have
'yflu, whatever there is sya« ;
counted wrong.
ii/an 'sAo it'ung, men are every- I
An account, a bill ; a list

where alike "^showai^ through

a nnylber, several, a few ; a
this, on account of; "sho wai' classifier ; a lot, a destiny, a
iho sz'^ ilai, why has he come ? fate sho' yah a few days shir'
; ;

"sho tsoi^ the place in, wher- balance of an account

^nit, ;

ever; uk:,yati "sho, one house ;

^sheung ch'u' sho^ charge it in
,:kung k'ap:, "sho, the examin- account; 'yau mat-> Id- shd'
ing hall where the graduates what have you for me to do ?
assemble ikung "sho, an as-
what opening is there ? "naii
sembly hall ; imd"s}topat)t!ioi' sho' "hail, to strike an average

of accounts, so that no loss is

felt fan^ shd' a dividend, a

(490) Shong.
share tnV sho^ to compare

accounts; i?nd sho^ innume-

rable; ^md shd^ no account with '^ To admit the light, to ren-
you ; '<d sho' to strike a ba- Shwang^" cheerful; to please;
lance yat:, it'iii shd' an ac- light, pleasant, delight-

count liki sho^ the disposal

some, sunny, cheering; grate-
of times, destiny paL shd^ ;
ful; easy, healthy, vigorous;
t,nin, many
years kaP sho'
not ;
happy, comfortable ; impetu-
to reckon ^shnu shd^ to col-
ous, noble, forcible; crisp,
lect moneys Us'ing sho^ to ;
tender to miss, to be in error

clear off an account sho' ts'z'^ ; 'shong fdi' in good spirits; ,sho
several times shd'muki J,i<,la, ;
'shong, noble minded, gener-
the account (or list) is con- ous ,kon 'shong, clean, dry

fused shd' tah ^yau hdnr he

'hau 'shong, quick, ready to
only got a few. promise; 'shong a'im, crisp and
sweet 'shong y^uk, to fail in

an engagement ; 'shong ,shan,

(489) Shok. in good health ; ^yau ti^ ^'m
'shong, not feeling very well,
^4 In a dilemma, hurried trou- ;

gjj'blesome, numerous; frequent;

irreverent, fluttered; (fan shok->
reiterated, too often, troubled (491)
with many things.
^n The first day of the moon ;

o^'the new moon to begin; a ; To unroll, to open out; to

beginning the north ching' ; ;
Shd expand, to make room to dis- ;

shok-, newyear's day; shok:, burden the mind; exhilirat-

yah the first day of the month. ed, tranquil ; at ease lax, re-;

i/^ A great spear, 14 feet long, miss, easy, slow, leisurely


^^*such as Tsiiu Ts'au wielded ;

order, comfortable ; .shu'chin,
ak'. shoki to play chess ; ik'i to spread out, as a roll ; easy,'
shok, a game of chess. indifferent about, careless;
p?j< Same as the last; a long ishiifuki to give in to, to ac-
i^'^'spear; also a harpoon or long cord with cshii ,shan yat, ko'

fish-spear. Han, to stretch once; tshil

^.*» ]
To suck ; to draw in the i.ynng, roomy, stretched out
^'•{y ;• breath ; to inliale, to inspire ;
ishu ch'eung' cheerful (Shii ;

Pjj^, shok:, pi- to snuff, to snivel ^s'ii, in order, carefully.


Soli shok, ''hau, to hold water in Slow, remiss; insensibly,

the mouth; shoh hV to whim- Shii
by little, to free from or

per. remove, as calamity.


452 SHU. SIIU.

To decant, to strain or drain game with him ; csAii Hd i,yrvg

ofl' liquids; to scoop out; to he loses he will thrash
iu' if
lay open one's mind, to state you, and if he wins he wants
one's feelings, to disburllien ;
the wager.
to explain. A tree with shining bark and
A book, a volume ; a record,
stinking leaves, whose wood is

aua writing; documents,

a letter, a
dispatches; to write style of ;
fit only for the fire perhaps
a sort of smilax <.shu lik-, or- ;

writing ; yuti pd^ tshii, one dinary stuff— 7«e^ a useless
volume; tshii kwaV a book officer —
said by themselves.
case; <shu kd\ a book-shelf; A long spear or pole to ;

tkwdn tshii, engagement for a kill with a weapon a spear

Sim ;

tutor ; ts/tM '^pnn, to write peti- handle the 79th radical of


tions ;^ (shii "-pan, a writer characters, mostly relating to

of petitions ^sku <.fong, a ; striking.
bookstore ,fan <.shu, a bill of
; To kill, to slaughter ; to cut
divorce; ishu pan' a clerk or off, to put an end to; to dis-
writer in a y'unun cs/ju ikam, ;
tinguish, to make different;
money for schoolbooks (Shu ; to wound ; differing, unlike;
''kun, a school-house iinan ;
to exceed ; an adverb of the
(Shii, dispatches on service ;
superlative ;
jsAm 'sz' to put to
tshii siin^ a letter ;
iShii<lU}ig, death ;
<.shi'i (inb '^pi'm sz^* not
the Book of Records cs/jw kdp^ ; the least talent ;
jni/i jsAii tsaU
a book envelop <s/i« Jdi Hsz' ; s/iapi just seventy years old ;

a book pedant ; ^shii shang, a ishii pati iin, it certainly is

scholar ; ishu (h^uiig ^chi <.kd, not so ishii shiiki "-ho s/i/J, it

a literary family. is truly lamentable iihu jmd ;

To extend ; to spread abroad: vii^ to^ not the least taste, dis-

to scatter, to disperse to as- gusting iShii shiki exceeding-

Shu ; ;

cend ; to decide, to settle. ly beautiful.

To rotate ; to make a pre- An esculent root, or tuber ;

Shd sent, to send tribute to sub- ;

iTiai tung^ ishii or tdi^ ishii, the
mit one's self; to send in, as yam ;
iho Jan ishii or jsAti '^tsai,

revenue a present, an offer-

; Irish potatoes; ihung ishi'i, or
ing to lose, to be beaten to
; ; (fan iS/iu, sweet potatoes !>//« ;

exhaust ruined, decayed a

; ; Jeuiig, a root used for dyeing
skirt of a garment 'Shii ndp> ; a brown color ;
jsA« tf a mo-
to send in taxes; <.shu 'to, to dicinal tuber, whitish and
bet ; vvhat'll you bet ? ishiipdi^ bitterish, for wh\chpdk) clu'vk,
to be discomfited ; '/a ^shu, to is another name; isliil '^fnn,
get a tlirashing ; Min (shii, to sweet potatoe flour; ishUiUumj
subscribe to the government ^kom it'au, an ugly face ynti ;

ts/tii Js'iri, to lose money; luk^ishii, rough, ugly, dollish,

ishii 'k'ii yati chcuk. I lost one as a potato.
— a
; ;

SHU. SHU. 453

'^ Summer heat, hot weather ;

5 TO. A public court, the office

Sh6 ^''^ sun's heat ; U'iii ishi ''shii ^.

rulers officiate ;
a tribu-
. , .
, ^
it, very hot weather, sultry nal ; appoint in
to place, to
chung^ sunstruck shav}
'shii, ; office ; acting, substituted
to ;

''shd, affected by the sun 's/iu ; hold a post temporarily itisd ;

it' in, the dog days pV '^shu, to ;

^shii, a court or yamun 'sA« ;

escape the ueal by going into yam^ an acting officer (kung ;

the country. ^shii, a public office ^shii ^li, ;

<^^ Millet, the panicled millet, to manage, to oversee.

^r* (Milium nigricans) ; the 202d -1^ A house in the country, a
radical of characters relating ^:^ cottage; a garden lodge; a
to millet and to pasting; kok^ shed a hamlet, a village
; a ;

^shii, a preparation of millet side waiting room

hall or
or glutinous rice, made on the piti hhii, a country house.
5lh day of the 5th moon, and
pfp* A multitude, a great number;
done up in bamboo leaves. g/', the people the whole near, ; ;

'i^ Arat; rodent animals in nearly about thus, in this ;

IJV general the 20Sth radical of ;

wise, so fat, sleek a con- ; ;

characters relating mosily to cubine shii^ mati all things ;


rodents met. timorous thiev-; ; Jni sAu' or shu\mnn, the peo-

ing skulking, lurking; a
ple shii^ 'tsz' a concubine's

rascal, a mean fellow ; '/o 'shii, son shu^ M, nearly, not far

a rat ; 76 'sAu kdpi a vice ; from, probably shii' katj iz'* ;

(^50 'shii, a screw-niole ik'ii a Hani in graduate.

'shii, a wharf-rat ^snng ; 'shii, i^' To be distinguished from p^
a squirrel ; shcki '^shii a mouse ^"'- '^° ^® exiled to guard
ifi '^shii, a bat; it'in 'shii, a the frontier ; to defend against
mole chuki 'shii, bamboo rat
inroads on guard ; ; soldiers
(Rhizomys Sinensis) pdki ^lo ; guard the frontier;
shii' tpin, to
'shii,white mice; 'ktoai'shii, a shu\pinikwdn, a frontier post.
skulking thief; 'shu sit^ 'kuu
;^U' Benevolent, excusing others,
it'au, thieving and pilfering,
like rats and dogs ckun its'oi S^^ considerate merciful, treat- ;

ing others as one wishes to
Vd 'sAii, a "coffin rat" — be treated, sympathizing to ;

hanger-on, a table leech; 'shu

pardon, to excuse to bear ; ishd cpd, a decoy used in

patiently shU^ tsiti^ gracious ;

housebreaking; met. try him

toother's faults ; sAti' higo I'm
first; 'sAii ^ngdn, rat-eyed, tim-
ip'ui, excuse me for not stop-
orous ; Ho 'shu tit, loki U'i/i
ping longer to wait on you; sj'ti
ip'ins, the rat fell into the
sAi/' to pa*s over, to excuse ;
scales [to weigh himself] sAm' kicit' 'ha, |pt it pass, don't
scold him sAti' hodi' don't ;

<J^ Sick from grief; a settled

think it strange, don't be
^^ melancholy; moping, diseased
angry ;
ftin shii' indulgent.
bv sorrow.

454 SHI! SHUT.

not very strict (chvng shir ;

sincere and Ibrgiving, kind- (492) Shui.


Water which falls season-
Chd ^'^'y» timely rains to enrich ; ^' To fade like a garment ; de-
or fertilize by rains well- ; g'^^^/- bill ta ted,growing old, worn
watered ; rushing waters. out; adversity, decadence;
^ iree, plants that grow weakened, declining failing, ;

H^, erect plants in general ; to unprosperous, decaying to ;


plant, to set out; to set up, lessen, to decline weak, fine; ;

404 i I
to establish, to erect, to (shui J-'ui' all vigor gone, de-
^* -"
screen, for which the next bilitated, blas6 ishxii shaP a
ShO ;

is the most proper shu^ ''tsz' ; vicious age; isdm tshui luh
the on heir-apparent of a feu- wong- more prosperity than
datory yat-,ipo shii^,yaLit'iu
adversity in life, the ups and
shu\ or 1/ati <.kan shu' a tree downs of life; hii 'Adw (Shui,
shu^ muki trees ; shit^ sakj how unfortunate you are! sucH
imun, to set a screen in the ill-luck (Shtiikwo\t'att dndu,

doorway ;
shii^ $<'«?/, a stump ; more unlncky than having a
shii- ichi, the sap or resin of cat stolen ;
(Shui Ud, old and
trees ; shv} (pi, the bark shw' ; feeble.
ishan, the trunk ; shii- Jam, a ^tS A row of curved sticks call-
grove, a forest tdi^ shii- 'Ad ; 'y^ ed . which project
cs/tMi it^ai,

ich^ ^yam, a large tree gives from the plate in imperial

good shade a rich man's — buildings ; <,tvd ishui, a carv-
patronage ; shu^'^tsai, a shrub; ed or ornamented plate,
shu^ ipi leaves ; 'A;?/ shv? dwarf- ivtt Who, what person ? whose,
ed trees ; ds^im shv} to graft
Shwui ^^'lO'" ^ "*"'' ishiii, who,
trees. what man ? ishtii ^yan, who?
PJC^ To erect, to set up, to raise iShiii 'kom, who dares ? mat^
end, upright
to stand whose is it? noi^ tak^
Sha on
to ; ishui ke^
establish, to render sure; up- ishui Jio, what matters it ? i e.
right, chaste, principled shv} ; do your worst ^shui 'seung, !

iWai tkon, to set up a mast who would have thought it?

shii^ lapi to stand up to es- ; unexpected '/id ichi shV iShui,

tablish shiir ^k'i, to set up, to

; who knows him,or what use is
raise. it if I do know him? ishui cchi

Same as the preceding, but ''kdm, who could have known

more specially used to denote of this ? ishni pat-, ,^chi, who
a lad, a youth, a wailing
boy ; doesn't kuow it? ishui'^ho Jin,
a mean, low person; noi- shu- who do you think pities yon ?
an eunuch muki shii' a shep- ; iskui (nang kau^ who is able
herd boy shii' 't^z' a low ; to do it? <.shui shi^Usz' whose
person, a menial. son is this ?
;; —


:jE: ',
To suspend, to hang down, vgdki '^shui and shin- '^sh'ui,
-^i>to let fall; to drop, as the head tide and fair tide '^shui ;

s3e hands; to leave, to reach from

ikon Cut:, tide all run out, dry
Chui olden time, to hand down beach ''shui Hs'in, shallow

to condescend, to bow to ;
pdV ^shui, to spoil a business,
regard; suspended, reaching to lose money ; '<d 'sAui, to
to; nearly, almost, immediate- draw water; ich'ui 's/jui, to
ly a lodge near the main
blow water into meat ; shap^
door; a boundary; ishui c« hau- yati 'ihui Id' a passage often
to hand down to after ages days ; 'shui k&uk^ freight mo-
ishui U'ai it'au, to hang down- ney, passage money ; kin' its'oi
the head ishui ''shau a tak~. ;
fa"-shui, to see one's expected
to drop the hands and get it-^ profits just slip away 'A'M ^ngo ;

to acquire easily ishui ku' to ; haV 'shuiy do you think I'm

regard kindly ^wirig iShui ; water i.e. a simpleton ; its'in
pat., ^yau, to perpetuate with- 'sAuz, discount on cash ; 'Arau
out decay ;
iShui loki Joi, it ts'ati 'sAut, 3 per cent, dis-
came down ; ssAu? 'sz' is near count choi 'shui, to add more

death ;
s'mssAi/iA-w' inattentive, water to tea^ to open the rice
careless of ;
jsAmj ^tau song' market; '5A«t fan, cosmetic
hV a doleful, downcast look ;
powder ; (ch'au 'shui, to de-
iShui iHgai, ingreat danger, duct the percentage, as in
imminent; ishui oi' to showj gambling; skafi 'shui, drown-
tender regard for. ed, lost at sea ; 't'ai ''shui, to
TSi. A boundary, a limit, a fron- be on the watch 'shui chukz ;

i!^ tier near a precipice, dan-

; the water is dirty a slang —
gerous. phrase of thieves for some-
Water, liquids, fluids fluid, ; body's coming 'sAui <p'i, buf- ;
g'^^^j running,- clear, watery, lim- faloe's hide '<a qi^ing "shui, ;

pid ; aquatic ; a stream, a neither party losing ; to level,

river ; a tide, the tide "shau, a
; a pas- to make equal ; '^shui
sage, the time of going
by sailor 'shui kwai, a water ;

water from one place to ano- kelpie, spirit of a drowned

ther danger by flood, an in-
; man 'shui tpo itnan, ripples ;

undation the first of the five

; csat '-shui, a flood, which at
elements a discount on coia ; Canton comes from the west.
or bullion trivial, comnroitas JQk'
; Rent for land or houses;
water easy, unstable, gentle
Shwiu ^^''^^ in kind; duties on
the 85th radical of characters goods to bequeath, to leave ;

relating to water yn^ tiki by will to lay at rest to halt

; ;

'^shui, a drop of water tnhdn at a post-house ndpi shuV to

; ;

''shui, spring water SAui tdi^, pay taxes; ^shau shuP to re-

'-shui ikon, ''shni nidn} are the] ceive taxes ti' shuV ground ;

flood^ ll>e ebb; aud slack tide ; |

rent ; lau' shui' to smuggle ;

shnV ^kiin, a custom-house last ; shuki chntt uncles and

koti shuV to deduct the tax nephews — relatives; Hd shuk,
from land shuV '^hiimg, du- ; ftp a father's old friend ; shukt
ties shut' ngdki the stated or
; it'oi, a family friend ; '^siushuk)
usual revenue of a place. a husband'syounger brother ;

Read tiip, to mourn for friends shuki a father's younger


who die at a distance. male cousin of a different

^^' To persuade men to a course, sjrname.
Shwui^" """S^' to plead for to in- ;
i^ To confuse, to disorder; to
cite, to bring about a pur- ^jjy^drew in, to retract, to pull
pose i^au shuP to go around back again
to collect
; to ;

and stir up. coil up, to curl up, as a snake;

a leader, a general, a com- to creep in; to draw back from,
mander-in-chief; to lead, to to back out to cease from ;
g^ly^j ;

take the command liin shuV ; to pucker up, to shorten, to

a generalissimo kwa^ shup ;
shrink; to strain, as wine;
to wear the seal of a general. tangled, snarled; retractile;
J^* To sleep to nod or snooze ;
straight, upright; diffident,
gj^^j in one's chair; '<« shuP to fearful shuk, (Shd, to refuse

sleep; shiiP kdu' sound asleep; to perform, to back out of an

iS^miff shuP sleepy; shiiP ''sing, engagement; kukishuk^sWeut
to wake up shup H, an easy ;
and dissatisfied kuk> shuk:, ;

lounge shuP dni, in bed as- ;

come fall to and eat cchong !

leep shuP ynpi htgdn, he is

(chong shuki shuk^ to peep and
falling asleep shuP cheuki ;
dart back, to dodge about
'sz' yati yiung^ sleeping like shuki'^tiin, to shrink up; shukj
a log. imdi, to shrink; to avoid being
seen shuki ''shau, to pull in

the hand, to decline having

(493) Shuk. anything to do with an affair;
'^yan shuk^ to keep out of the
way shuk, itndi yaU it'iin,

Jtrt To hoard up, to

collect, to cuddle yourself up in a heap,
gj^.'.'tmass a father's younger
; keep close shuk, ^hd shuk, ;

brother, an uncle a respectful ; ^hd, crawling along, as a worm

term applied to persons, either does shuk, swaz tsmP ^k'ii,

older or if slightly acquairrted afraid in one's presence to ;

with ; a sort of young squire ;

draw up, as in fear shuk, ''kdm ;

tap the eldest of a fa-

shtik-, Hhmg itdn, to shorten two
ther's brothers 4'
younger ; years, as one's age; to discount
shuki an uucle shukifiP and ; two years' [interest] shuki ;

(hr shuk-, an uncle used in — (fan it' an, to turn back shuk, ;

letters ;
shuk:, ,kung, a father's it'au, to draw in the head, as
uncle ; shuk> ;p'o, wife of the a tortoise.

/|5c 1 On a sudden, quickly ; a tJ|C The caterpillar of the sphynx

''j^' y change shuki fat. sudden,
gj^^m<rth, jjreeu, and large as one's
|l^> unexpected shuki shuk,; finger its'arn shuki a worm

Shuh fatigued, weary. found on the mulberry.

^|t Who, what 1 a crop, a har- Jjhj Good, excellent to begin ;

gjjyj^vest plentiful
to examine ; ; Jjjjj^to do, to act, to perform to ;

the original form of the uext; repair, to put in order.

skukiput shi-lai, whod )esn't ^tf Clear, limpid good, un- ;

know propriety? j,e. we know ci u corrupted, virtuous, correct;

each other very well. shtikiii/an, wives ol third class
^|f Ripe, mellow, mature well- ; officials a virtuous person
; ;

'^""^' ^^^" cooked thorough, ;
shuki 'n«, an accomplished
acquainted with, perfect at female shuki tak, female vir-

intimate, on friendly terms tue ;shuki hV genial, balmy,

skilled, ready at, experienced like spring weather.
soft, pliable, as silk a crop ; i^ A general term for pulse,
to succeed in sound, as sleep; gjjj^ especially edible sorts; shuki
shapi shuki boiled through '^shui ishing <fun, with pulse
shuki shiki well acquain'.'d and water [the poor] offer gra-
with, profound in shuk/shau, ; tification [to their parents].
skillful at, handy yut^ luin ;
B^ To give a pledge for, to
ynt) shuki one crop yearly ; au'"'u2ive security, to mortgage to ;

ynpi shuk, somewhat acquaint- compound <or punishment by

ed i^hiiig sliuki ripe, melfow,
; money, ti> commute for a fine ;

as fruit Isap^ shuk. to practice

; to atone by after merit to ;

till perfect in ^k'ii (chau iicai ; ransom, to redeem shuki sfii, ;

shuki mat) 'y**, what does he to take out of pawn; shuki tsui*
know about? shii^ sh^nng^ to commute a punishment, a
shuki ripened on the tree; satisfaction for guilt ; Js^ung
shuki an, cured tobacco. ckung shuki tsut' to remit a
^/^ An ante-room, a vestibule ; puuishmeui for subsequent
g^j|study-room3 let at the exami- merit shuki if'in, to pledge a

nations a place fur teaching

; field shuki ishan, to ransom

the children: a domestic one's self; '« toug\'m^u shuki

school ikd shuk^ or ,shu shuki
; redeeming a thing is not as
a private school. easy as pavviiing it; ^Id <t/an
jK^ A
worm; a sacrificial uten- liki shuki to seize and hold

Shuh^''' ^
tripod; a quadruped, men for
called luki shuki the onager ? Attached to, as an animal's 1

ipd shuki the western of the ^tail; belonging to, conuect-

three states into which China ffj^i ed with; to ptjrtain to, depend- j

was divided, a. d. '2:i0 ; now Shuh ing on allied, related. oikiu ; ;

applied to the proviivce of the degrees of relationship;

Sz'chuen. subject to, dependent, under

Ton. Dict. 58

orders, as <i deputy ; i?, actual, single minded, undivided ;

exi'fiiig ;
rank, a
a sort, a generous in feeling, liberal ;

grade to direct, to overlook

; ;
clear, not sickly, as a com-
to cause its'an skuki one's
; plexion ; subtle, essential,
relatives of every grade 'kd ; seminal; observant;
shuki family relations ; Au^ ishun 'tsnu, generous wine.
shuki inferiors, underlings; ifi Pure, limpid; genuine, honest;
skati shnki really is, verily ; rij to wash, to cleanse to snrin- ;

sh^uitg^ shuk, skuki still is; iin^ kle; a double banked w;ir-
belongs to the district; shuki chariot; saltish, barren, laiMl ;

^ngo '^sho 'kun, this belongs to iShiin ishun, flowing, ripplintr;

me to do ; shuki tsoi^ ^stiing iShun hau^ i/'"*,* f^'uki plain
'Ad, intimate, as friends; shuki and correct in manners.
kwoky colonies, the tributary ^/|^ Bright, fiery, as a blazing
states; shin^ shuki imaii, he ^jjyjjfire the color or appearance

is skilled at composition ; sz"- of fire.

shnki ^Uung iiidn, to act Read it'm ; to Pcoreh or burn,
either way in the business is without any blaze a torch ;

difficult; shuki iiin, a subal- to burn a tortoise on its shell.

tern, a lower officer 7.s'() muk, ; A-a^ A yellowish bullock with

ichi shuki it belongs to plants, black lips an ox seven ch'eki
or is a sort of plant. in height, suitable for sacri-

^^ A cdm jsAmw, a quail,

quail ;

(494) Shun. gjjy^ which the Chinese have a

notion is transformed from a
mouse iShun d, poor raiment.

^|h Pure silk ;

pure, unmingled,.
^^ A kind of water vegetable
g]^'-' unspotted ; best, fine, great, y^^or cress, whose stalks are
according the context; to eaten in summer; perhaps a
simple, guileless, sincere en^ ; sort of aquatic convolvulus.
whole; a measure
tire, perfect, ^^^ The lips; Vmu ishutt, the
of 15 cKekii ishun hau^ honest, '^l-lips; ishuH ''dii ichi cpoiig,
upright ishuu shiki a pure
; i'^j "lip and teeth countries,"?/ c.
color ishiin yat^ it is uniform
Shun states which are mutUHlly
throughout singleness of pur- ; dependent /V«'^ ishnn shif, ;

pose ishuu ''pan iyuii, a first

to spend the lips and toiisut--
rate man i/ati iShun kwo' all
; loquacious; (chii ishun, vei-
even arwi uniform. milion lips, ruby lips; ,;;«/;•
Read 'c'lMH ; a fringe or selvedge 7i«« iShun, a harelip.
on a dress. The margin of a stream; a
jjH^ Interchanged with the last. beach, a brink a high banic
Shun ;

^7^ Generous, pleasant, rich, as with deep water; 'hoiishun, the

wine thick, good,
as syrups;! sea beach.
! ;;;


To roll the eyos, to look here resigned to; shun' ^hau, to

cu., and lliere to dart a look, to
; speak without reflection, to
nasn a glance ;yat:, shun ;
babble shun"^shui J'ui ishiin,

ickiikdti, in a twinkling; '^shun to push the ship with the tide,

an instant.
siki I.e. to agree with one iVtan Ui ;

^1 An
ancient monarch or i'm shun' a harsh style.
g^Jchiefiain, called jii Shun^ who
swayed the blackhaired race
B. c. 2'28.> ; in epitaphs, it (495) Shiin.
means sage, holy, inielligent.
^- A plant, also called muki

ykan, whose pretty flowers op- 1 A ship, a junk, a vessel, a
T^ en in the morning and fade
^ > revenue cutter, a bark a ;

Shun at night; an emblem of what ^|C j saucer collar of a coat; a sort ;

is transitory and fading. Ch'uenof mortar; yat} cheki ishiin,

To accord with, to follow, one vessel lin ishihi, a wheel ;

acquiesce, to agree to; to and trough for grinding medi-

obey, to com|)ly, to yield to ;
cine ; 'Ad ishitn or loki ishun, to
let a thing pass, not to hinder ;
go aboard ^sh^ung ; iShiin lo go
retiring, compliant, harmoniz- ashore ; ti'tp: ishiin, to take pas-
ing, agreeable, not resisting; sage ; ishiiH ^chii, a captain ;
filial convenient, as one
: cm ishiin (kd, the whole crew ;

do f;iir, available, with one,

; ch'ut^ <sz' an imperial
as the wind or tide ; flowing, junk ; chin' ishiin, a man-of-
rhythmic?il, as a style ; free, war ;
ynt-, ^hoi Jd hai' ^Id ^yt
easy, as penmanship; sliim^ d' iShiJn, the whole is his affair,
prosperous shttn^shiiu' resign-
; I've nothing to do with that
ed to, submissive; shun^ pin' to' iShiin, a passage-boat ihang ;

when it is convenient, no hur- ishiin, to serve aboard ship ;

ry ;shun' shun^ tik, gently fshun it'au (kiin, a harbor

said in a crowd ts^^ shun- ^hd, ; master; the vice-consul at
a little one i«ide said by sedan- ! Whampoa is also so called ;

bearers pdki shun' to agree to

; it'dm iShiin, to bream a boat
everything shun' tnk^ ij/fin, a
; ich'd ifhiin, a saucer like a
mild person shun' 7i, reason- ; boat ; (hoi ishiin, lo go aboard ;

ably, to act properly shun' ; to weigh anchor ; ^Uuug <.chi

(fong, a fair wind shun' lo' ; ncai iShun, a brig ; ^liung ^wni
taking it in one's way ikwai ; pun' barque ^fo $/««
iShiin, a ;

shim' to return to obedience ;

ishun, a steamer ik'i ishiin, to ;

it'im shun' palatable, slips down go with a'jd watch cargo.

easily shun' pat/se, he writes
: -njj* To suck, to draw the breast
a free hand shun' ik'l tsz" ; jgjgjjto lick, as a sore ; K^hiin ikon
j7», let it pasi?, let them go, sucked dry; '.v/i iin tyung,

such is the luek ; shun' it'in, lo suck a sore nut. to flatter ;


sleight of hand ; hohi shuti

rules of study shuti a:'^ a con-
(496) Shung. ;

jurer, a profound scholar.

iJ^ To follow another's steps, to
Lofty, eminent; in the highest
degree estimable and honor-
another has invented
with, to practice
to nar-

"abie; noble, exnlled worthy ;

rate, to recite, to tell, to state
of worship to adore, to extol,
the particulars; to put into
to reverence to collect to ; ;
another idiom to compile ;

fill ; to end ; ishuiig pdV to books, to arrange jmaterials ;

worship king^ <,shung, to re-

to publish to tril ones rank
; ;

verence and adore is/mng taV ;

tsan shuti to revise |a work ;

most exalted ishuug Usau, to ahiiti kV to draw up a narrative;


pledge in a bumper. tsok:, s/niti to invent and prac-

tice ; iyon ichi iin, to
record the words of others.
(497) Shut
(498) Shut.
-J^ A glutinous grain a bitter ;

g^y^vegeiable.likeaSonchus, used
as a medicine; pnki shuti a ^{V To stir up another by speak-
sweetish root ck'iki shuh a ^" s^'y- ^°
Shwoh •"§ ;
^'*"^' ^!^ ^V^-^^r
bitter sort of root. to converse to discourse ;

A species of glutinous grain, upon, to teach, to set forth, to
sort of millet, used to distil narrate, to explain speech,
Shuh^ ;

-.spirits ; ddn shuU red millet. discourse, talk; shut.wa} words,

^ P"^^ ihrouwh grain ;
a speech, a tongue '^kdi shut-> to ;

gjjjjjpath ; a ward in a city ; the explain words or speech an ;

means of effecting an end, a explanetion, a commentary;

way of doing things; an art, shut- ij/an ah-^ ,fi, to talk scan-
a plan, an artifice, h trick, ho- dal ;
shiit) (^han shuti ^kwni, to
cus |)ocus, a device, a contri- talk of gods and demons, set
vance ; a precept, a mystery, a forth mysteries ; shut^ pati tnk,
rule, both in a b;id and aond can not be described; shuti p'o'
sense, but usually something to blab, lo divulge; 'yn// ishing
demonaicai, magical, or super- shut: it is all settled, the die is
stitious; a profession, a craft, cast, we are in for it; shiiti

an (ccupation ; fat shiiti in;i- tfong, to lie ; shiiti mung^ wn'

gical or astrological rules; kuti' to dream, to tell big stories ;

sknti sword (n;igic ; if'uns sh t. (chi, to state verbally;

shiiti similar docirine, of the shiiti ts'd ^liu, told it wrong ;

s.ime craft ; ,sam .^'Aw/i designs, it' am it' in shiiti ii^ to talk about
plans, schemes ; sUui shuti everything,
SIK. SIK. 461

water on a fire '^td sik, to ;

(499) Sik. knock out the fire as from a

link; kau' sik, i'm Asong, is
the house on fire put out yet 1
rUb Dried meats olden, former- ; Xj^ A son's, grandson's, or nc-
^.'ly, anciently, a longtime ago, l^^'phew's wife sik, ^ii, or Hsz ;

whilom ; former, the previous; sik, daughter-in law; isiin

a night ; siki j.s7ii, in former sik, a grandson's wife.
days ; s'lky yah on a former jUt To compassionate, to regard,
dny : the whole night;
ynt:, sik-, v^l^'lo love; to regret, to be spar-
sik^ '^cM, formerly 'A'u sik^ of ; ing of, to scrimp affection for; ;

old ; iknm sik:, pat, it ung, it is parsimonious, close, spariiig;

not now as it used to be ; ^noiig 'Aw sik, lanientable, alas! >w
sik:, yesterday. sad! liiri^ griping;
sik, stingy,

]§ A breath, a gasp, as of one jifit, sik, Jiung '^pyn, reckless

g'r'^'dying; a respiration; to breathe, of his money and labor; sik,
to respire, to sigh ; to stop, to (shcin, careful of one's self, not
rest, to desist, to repose ; to to lay one's self out sik, ;

live ; the starting of nature to tkwoiig yam, careful of one's

life, as in the spring; proge- time sik, moti not to waste

ny, offspring usury, interest, ; things, careful; sik, mivg^

increase of property to labor ; kind to living beings Cm sik, ;

at to stop, to obstruct, to put

; J.0 ''fit, not afraid of being
a stop to repose, rest, quiet, troubled.
a breathing-spell ; a moment, Mit Dried meat used for Inpi jjgcj, ;
a breath ; //i^ sik) a smell ;
yat, ^jv'and in the same sense jerked ;

it'ung Jiiung, a paper of sik:, meat, slices of meat dried for

incense sticks '/.sz' sik^ one's ; journeys; a long time; extreme;
children yat-. sik, iknn, in a ;
quick, hasty ; to put down, to
minute kit, sik, to take a ; lay aside Hsau, old
; sik, wme ;

spell (On sik, yati the sabbath;

; sik, yuki dried meat.
,«/! sik, ihinng, gum benzoin ; -Jj^ The whole knowledge of,
t'di^ sik, a long sigh ch'ut, ; ''^V to investicrate throuehoul, tho-
s>k, to pay inter* St ; sik, ^sam, rough comprehension of; alto-
to think no more of; '<d t'dni' gether, minutely, complete,
isiu sik, to ask the news; (kii entirely ;
both, unitedly, all ;

sik, to over indulge, as a child; acquaint one's self

sik, cchi, to
sik, <ping, to withdraw from a with make yourselves fully

campaign, to retire into quar- informed sham sik, yat: fs'ai'


ters ; sik,nd' to be pacific J. knows it perfectly, in all its

W^ To
cover a fire, to bury it in details.
j'''^ 'ashes; to put out fire: to ,
Jj3j^ The cricket ; sik, isut, a
quash; sikittang, toextinguish I
^:^ house cricket ; td sik, tsut, to
a lamp; ^lam sik> to throw i ivAd crickets,
402 STK. SiN.

dj-Jr A orround lizard, called sik

livid like a chameleoii,
Sih'y*''' (500) Sin.
vulgarly called 'kan ''na jsA^,
or a slut's snake.
-IC To split wood, to billet wood ;
jjb, To go ahead,
to precede, to
c , 'to separate, to discriminate, lo leading to surpass
dienS'^ ; ; ;

solve doubts ; sik-, ,snn, to spat to begin, in the first place,

firewood; sik^ (kit, to live in firstly; previous; gone before,
separate liouses; sik) Hs'un, to deceased, late; before, first;
live in separate messes. soon, early; formerly, past the ;

^. [
Clear, bright, brilliant ; to ancients; tsiw lum' before, afler,
both in time and place (sin
nlr (distinguish clearly, to dis- ;

'' criminate, man' light, heavy, as in balan-

cing scales, the weight being
Uc. To
wash and scour rice for called (siii ; ^sjn -kwan or csi/i
•|<r eating; the water in which rice my* late
fw' fi'her; d'in
has been washed; Sik, ifh'iin, tiuki in full vigor, has a strong
h district inIlonan ; siki lik:
constitution (bin ko' pvi' at

the pattering of rain. the other lime csm (s/iaiig, a ;

]|3 Wooden shoes, clows, pat-

teacher, a schoolmaster, a doc-
*iens; thesoleof a shoe, a thick
Sh keep one out of the
tor ; a Rationalist; suffixed to
sole lo
names or in address, it means
mire ;
great. ^.^ Sir or Mr.;(fonff(Si?i, in front;
Used for sik^ ^[{^ salt, barren
formerly csi» ish, before (sin
; ;

land, marshy; and for Is'Cuki

cf/a, a prophet; foreknowledge;
a magpie.
'rti (Sin Jiang yaU pd^ you step
(When meaning tin, this character is ahead a little (sin syow, one's ;

often pronounced sek.)

ancestors; (Sin ^nin, a year or
fin Tin, block tin pewter, an ;
two since rhinC (Sin it'au, step

5^'alloy of lead and tin an alloy ; ahead a little; (chdng <.sm, to

like white copper, but its con- strive to be first ; (Sin tsau (Sin
stituents vary according to the ch^uk, first come first served ;

uses it is to be put lo to give, ; (Sin shing^ lokt my grand-

to confer, to bestow to .spare, ; father bequeathed it ; csi;i s'?/*

as life; a fine kind of linen; (Sin 'kdm 1 how could you do
hi' pewter utensils; sek^Mnng it before being told the more —
on' pewter incense jars; '^fan ha'-te the worse speed (Sin ;

Sfky wliite lead sik:> Juki to ; forerunner.

^/nd, a
confer happiness sek.rhfung^ ;
Also read sin^; lo lead the way,
an abboi's crosier or staff; '/«« to lead on before to put first; ;

sek) or mong^tau seki Straits' to assume the precedence.

tin ; 'fii sfki Banc a tin lap. ; Rih A fine pebble, bui inferior
Hfky lustrous pewter ; Jan sek * /"^ lo a gem, such as a red jasper
white lead. or rose quartz.

SIX. SlN. 46d

lA,] An immortal nn old man ; The secrnd character is an

''^nvho changes and does not unusual form.
.'^jdie; a fairy, a genius; a fa- '^? M()ss : confervEB which grows
Sien miliar spirit ; the abode of the liy"
in damp places; it'oi'^sin, green
departed, hades; to become moss on walls ;S-7n!^a/i, "moss
immortal deathless iskaii isin ; ;
scar," met. a vestige.
gods and genii cshi ?.y««, to ;
'Wf ^ granary, where rice is

ramble among the genii to — gj'jj^ stored ; Ham 'sj/j, a storehouse

die csiw kwat^ a lean thin
for grain.

man /»«^ <sin, the eight Tetter, ringworn scaldhead ; ;

; '3?J^
genii, are Ching Ko-l^n, Li /''"' scrofulous or scabby diseases;
Tiehkvv^i, Lan Tsaiho, Han tkaiiiits in sm, a leprous patch;
Siangtsz', Li Tungpin, Tsau pakimin^'^sm, white face; ingau
Kvvohkau, Ho Sienkii, and ipi 'si7i, a sort of lepra tup ;

Han Chungli; i^ (Sin (kau, the imi'/n '^siti, a sort of shingles ;

" two genii gluf^," a medicine sWfln '5f/i, an incurable mcr-

isin 'king, elysiiim ;fung' <.sin phew, met. an intractable dis-
(fa, the impatiens or touch- position Jiung iivan hut:, 'iin,

me-not (shing (.s^n, to mount

a red ringworm (shang isin, ;

and be a fairy, to die; ain iSin, to have a ringworm.

to dance and waltz. ',\di To wash the feet, lo cleanse
3 clothes on.
; '/^m csin, dressed, i- a surname.

iM To kill the autumnal hunt,

(This character is usually read sin.)

^^^^" ^y ^h^ ancient emperors,
ijrt Spittle,the watering of the which was also a sort of judi-
'i<7 iv'outh flowing water ;
con- ; cial progress through the land ;
tinued, flowing, succeeding ;
deleterious influences.
Jung isin ('or ihi) a medicine ; '[E/L] Barefooted, to walk vvith-
'^shui ishi Cor M) mouth water- flllffi
''""^ shoes 'sin tsuh naked

ing, drooling ;
isin ('or iin) si, |("/gj feet; qj'in 'sin, to walk round
a child's bib. yii-'n and round, to whirl, as the
Fresh fish, alive fish: fresh, dervishes do, to wriggle and
raw, as meat; bright, new, writhe.
as colors; clean, pure, in *^^ Burnished, bright, lustrous,
good order ; csin sW, fresh ^/^ as metals; a small chissel ;

fish ; '/j«i iSin, fresh from the chilly, gratmg ; the corners of
sea <sin oning fo^ mati new
on olalojig bell ; the clamps on
goods; (Stn it'ini, savory, the ends of a bow.
fre;;h and sweet tSJn a, new ; <it& To molt, to renew the hair
clothes; isin fa , fresh flowers. ^T^or feathers; glossy, well fed,
Rare, seldom ; a few per- sleek, as newly molted birds.
sons ;
rarely ; all, finished ; <^jj? A fire on the moors, a signal
j'm lin} 'sin 'i, few such in fire to give alarm, a beacon;
Sien the land ! 'sm 'ahiii, very few. a fire ; fiery.
461 SIN. SING.

^* 1
Thread ofsilk or liemp, for' ^i^- Luxuriant herbage fine- ;

^J^> l-^s^^'"g! ^^^ '^o'"'^ '^^ lines a ; j,^ growing grain; a sort of wood;
^^ J
clue, a tra<;e a way for, a ; used for the preceding, as
Sien faint hope, an even chance fr^sh, new, fine, illustrious.
for; a little remnant, like an ^^^- A sort of plant, the roots are
orphan continue a family
to ; rjYigjjUsed to dye red or madder;
a spy; css' sin' silk thread; one sort gives a cariiRtion
shuki siit^ prepared silk cord ;
color, which was once used to
yat, Hsz' siti' a skein of silk ; dye the imperial robes. 'J'his
i/atisin\chi W a slight chance character is often read (Sai,
for (kung, a spy
; sin' 'fong ; and is then applied to the ,kmn
sin' to spin thread itiiit sin' ;
iU (Sai, a plant reared in fish
to sew ; sin' pd\sho, the stitch- ponds ^iin isai, caraway or

es are far apart ; Jung sin' cummin.

to get a clue of; tsok^ sin' to
act the spy.
IM^ 1
To castrate ; sin' ct««, a
Icapon Sing.
j^ ; sin' ''ku, a steer ; sin^
5^l] ushang kai, a half castrated
Sien cock. The first character al-
so means the catch or trigger
on a cross bow.
^ A
5-^ a spark
star, a planet
; a dot, a point
; a meteor
; spot-

S^' Sleet, snow and sleet falling, ted, dotted; miscellaneous ; aa

^r^ freezing rain sin' sith sleety ; islet;quick, shooting; a classi-
snow: sin^ sni, an expelled nun. fier of lights yat:, nap^ (Sing,

:^ ^ To desire, to long for ; to one star yat^ (Sing <.chi \fo, a


^- covet; an overplus, a remain- single fire, as of incense sticks;

der, an excess ; to laud, to es- "ng (.sing, the five planets, are
timate higher than others j ikam isiug (Venus), muki ising
name of a fairy ,yan srn^ joy- ;
(Jupiter), ^skui csing (Mercu-
fully expecting, to look for ;
ry), y'o (Sing (Mars), and H'd
idling sin^ to praise sin^ iti, ; (Sing (Saturn) ;
csing stiki con-
an excess, a surplus. stellations; j/ton^csirt^, planets;
Read tire, the path leading down tking ising, fixed stars isirtg ;

to an excavated tomb. ich'i, a fleet courier ilaii (Sin^, ;

^f^^ Beautiful, good, comely, a shootintr star ;

(Sing (Sing,
J™ fair, personable, as youths a ;
spotted, numerous, starry ; sil-

pretty mouth, smiling a ; very hairs; asing sdn' scatter-

daughter's husband to borrow ;
ed like stars, sprinkled ovor;
for a purpose, to serve ai> oc- Ksing ^wan, an aerolite; tsaki
casion ;
'//»i sin' a fine looking (Sing, a robber ishan (sing '^j ;

man ;
'^hau siu' sin' ikai, what tun, only a few scholars; '/o
a bewitching smile she has ;
(Sing, sparks yat. nup^ ising,;

toi' sm' instead of. 1,

a stdr.
SIN<?. SING. 4^
i^ A species of aj>e the c5in^ ;
^sing csam, to exainine one's

Sin? '^'"'S' '^ probably a species of heart; 'sing cAVi^ to investi-

a chimpanzee ; it is found in gate ; ''sing tsz'^ 'ki kwoi' self
Yunnan, and fabled to be able examination ; ''sing Js'nn, an
to talk. officer visiting his parents.
Et A bay or sorrel color; t5jn^
Intelligeni ; to consider, to
g?^ iUsau, a red cow ^sing (Sing, ; ,!S /-comprehend ; tranquil, still,

nicely adjusted, as a bow. J3tj quiet, as a starry night ira- ;

(The two next are often reid *eng.}

Sing perturbable,passronless;'stnor

00 Small tumors growing on '7ig^ to recall to mind. Also

read ^sing.
y?-^ the body measly flesh raw
; ;

° meat strong, rank, frouzy,

jLrf;' A
surname, name of the
stinking; the peculiar smell g^^ clan or family a clan to bear ; ;

a son U'ung sing^ of the same

of newly killed meat jW iSeng, ;

fishy; ''tsait cSt/ifO, odorof spirits; clan (kd sing^ d' or kwai' sing^

ising iii, raw fish asing ^chin,

what is your name? tsin^ sing'

smell of a he-goat tseng iwa» ;

iWong, my name is Wong;
(Won, a rank, fishy taste. -mdi iioui sing' to gamble on
'jffiS To recover from intoxication,
the names of candidate? 'ynn ;

sirig' to conceal one's name;

gj^to become sober to awake, ;

" to arouse, to bestir one's self; pdk: sing' the people aheung ;

to incite, to stir up; awaken- sing' a double surname sing* ;

ing, stirring: tsui^'^iing, to gel shi^ the surname of a sept.

over a debauch ; kiu^ ''seng 1)4-' N afural disposition, temper,
*k'u 'Ai ishan, call him^ to Si^ ahility, spirit; properties wf;
awake and get up ; iCiu 'seng innate qualities, nutural fa-
muki tik) put it where it will culties; naturally, unconstrain-
catch your eye; '<d 'seng, to ed ly ; timorous; sing" ds'ing,
awaken, to strike in order to tem|>er, ngdng^
disposition ;

arouse the attention; ''tang sins' obstinate no : ^nib sing'

'seng teng^ chu^ wait till you're faculty of remembering; uno
wide aw^ke ; 'sing shaV to ting^ sing' flighty, unsteady ;

arouse the age ; ''sing hiki to 'Ad ki' sina' a good menory;
give attention to, to compre- %id H sing' he forgets easily ;

hend im chi ''seng, did not

; ^1/au hiiti sins' sensitive of

awake; '^mai its'b'stng 'k'u, doing wrong, tender sin^' ;

dont makeanoisefo wakehim. chuti dull of learning ; sing'

'J^ To loi)k narrowly at, to ex- til exciting, excitable, o( a
g.^^ amine into, to inquire into, heating qu<rMty ; sing' kdk: su
° to inspect to discern, to un-
; iho, what is his rniiVd ? what are
derstand the diflFerence; to its properties ? sing' ming^ life,
regard as good, to deem ex-| existence of man or l^east;
cellent ; a fault; watchful;} (t'ln sing' natural gifts ; -.jj'i

used for the last, to awaken ;i sing' idiosyucf-isy.

Ton. DicT. 5U
; ;

466 SfP. SfT.

J^^ To leak, to drop, to oojs«

g^out; to divulge, to tell pri-
Sip. vately ; to drip out and soak
through to rest, to desist

from to e.xhaust to dimin-

JjS To project, to jut out ;
pro- ; ;

ish, to reduce, as an offense

aJllJecling, asappg.

a stream in Chehkiung
A colloquial word; to fasten, itiau ;

mi^ sit, he is still angry sit,

to wedge, to insert something ;

to steady or tighten- a thing

hV lost all its smell, as bottled

sipicheng' to wedge up, to even essences; sz'^ si/j divulged the

wedging; matter; sit, tdm^ hV to get
by sip, chu^ ^k'ii,

wedge it tight; sip, 'm^, it is

over one's passion tii ^y^ d'in ;

sit, hV like a puff from off a

not tightened evenly.
moor; sit,(hiu hV expended his
wrath mung^ sit) nocturnal

(503) Sit. iHf- Interchanged with the pre-
i-j^' ceding; to issue; mixed, disor-
derly purged, loose in the

13. Fragments, crumbs, broken bowels ;/df> .si/; to burst forth

g|^^*bits to break in pieces, to re-
; with renewed energy, as in
duce to powder; pure, upright; spring; '^shiii sit, pal, U'ting,
diligent, respectful, obser- not a drop can leak out, it is
vant ; to regard, to take pains completely closed.
) for -wimg doi siU sit, to gad

about, unsettled ''so sit, tri- ;

^ To tie
|Pji'cure, to put in fetters
up, to fasten ;

to se-
fling, vexatious pat, sit, to ; a halter, a bridle ; diii sit, to
disregard, unworthy of much bind with cords, fettered.
thought. Ml' Interchanged with the last
|g To steal, to tak-e slily ijg^'bonds, fetters; to halter an
^S I
clandestine, underhand, pri- animal, to fasten with cords.
|^>jvately; to regard privately, X|i To treat disrespectfully, to
Tsieh what one does one's self; I, 2?"^ insult females; to lust after,
ray ; when used alone, means to act lewdly to outrage. ;

I was there, it was my opin- Interchanged with the next.

ion,! did so to have a place, ;
^^J Undress, dishabille; ordin-
to offer an opinion unfit for, ; ^J^ary or dirty clothes, garments
usurped, assumed; tinged, co- worn at home ; dirty, in)pure;
lored sit, iman, I have heard
; ; rags, tatters; to treat disre-
,st' sit, to take without leave ; spectfullty,- to revile ;
to treat
d^au sit, to steal ; sH, i' my irreverently, as gods or digni-
humble opinion; skat, sit^ taries; sit', tiiki to-profane the
stolen : sit, clCdt, my private gods by improper- worship
observation, my own inquiry. sit, man} ditsr^spectful or in-
, ;;


suiting conduct: sit^a, in un- the time ; isiu shik^ melted

dress; si<) wai' filthy, indecent. away ;
csiii siting td' " to melt
tDark, obscure; female at- the eastern road," is to eat at
j.- .'tendants same as the preced-
; another's expense tsiu 'hd ;

ing, to despise, to treat con- tniin^ dissipate your grief,

tumeliously. cheer up; tSiu skan' to sell out,
^y An
ancient statesmen, Sieh it sells readily shau' to ; ^siu
^j^'Chih, in the days of Yu the obtain; digestible, agrees with
Great siti futy not to see a
; one (Siu Us ox hong' fuk-, to

friend for a long time. remove judgments and induce

^ To dress by fire, to mature blessings.
Sieh ^'y heat; harmonious, friendly, <^ Night, the night; dark trav- ;

in concord; united; to re- *gj|^eling by night small, few; iUn ;

gulate kindly, isiu, full moon of the 1st moon;

^fe^ A climber perhaps ; siL iSO, ch'ht} iuin tsjii, to celebcote
* sort of Mahxis; name of a the feast of lanterns; tsju yi*
feudal slatfe, the present Yen- to sit up and carouse ; J'ung
chau fu in Shantung; a sur- (^iu, throughout the night ;

name. (Siu ihang, the glow-worm ;

J^ To rub off, to wipe over ;

tsdm ckmi^ din isiu, for three
g^jj'ffiffi ait} irregular, not square, days and nights.
angular, cornerwise; queer, r4i Nitre, saltpetre; saline exha-
eccentric to place or press a
; '^tionsor efflorescing in rocks;
thing square and correct. (Siu 'ch'ong, saltpetre dep3t
ikdm^siu, saltpetre ;
p'ok, (Siu,
epsom salts ; (Siu ip'i, to taw
(504) Siu. leather.
if^ Plain silk woven from raw
<\\, Of un worked silk the woef of ;

JA* To melt, to liquefy, to flow silk fabrics ikdti isiu, a kind


*gi^yaw«y, to thaw; to lessen, to of byssus.

do away with to annul ; to ; Also read <shdH, to comb the hair
use up, to need and consume, in a tuft on the head.
as food to exhaust; to allay,
; 'i^ To saunter and idle about
to quench thirst; to digest; gj-^jcsm dn, to roam, to ramble in
diminished, dispersed, dissi- joyance, as the immortals do.
^^ To
pated sold out, saleable, in
melt metals, to fuse ; to
demand; irausp\r'iU2 <siu dau ; dissolve, to dissipate, to finish;
good traffic; isiii fa' digested ; to spend, as time to exhaust ;

isin hot, ping'' an intolerable to be deficient in politeness;

thirst; csjii wi/a to exterminate; small, attenuated, as a voice ;

,5iti iti to abate the fever; csiu

a spade ckii' (Siii, to clear

ich'ong, to reduce a boil t.siu ; off, as an accoutU; (.siii on' to

mo' sui' uti to past and killi decide a case in court ^stu ;
; ;

i^^ SitT. .SUD.

iJcnm, to wash with {jnld, to

To burn ; to scorch.
gild ; csi'w bsck the
Ao' to give
export permit on goods ship-
The sound of flying the ;

ped; (Siii '^tocii, to dissolve, to

molting of birds, or their fea-
ruin, to destroy what is use- Siau
thers rubbed off"; cSt'f isiu, the
less (k'tng cSJii, to assay, as
rushing of wings ^siuiin, sud- ;

air, the
empyrean, heaven
region of the
denly, impromptu.
Small, little ;
petty, mean,
narrow, contracted;
a halo ; fleecy clouds, vapory Siau
haze misty snow, which melts
what belongs to one's self,
as soon as drops; iwariisiu,
my inferior, in rank or qu ili-

fleecy clouds ds'lng tsiw, the ty young uneducated, vile,

; ;

lowlive subtle, minute to

pure vapors, heaven (Ch'un^ ;
; ;

disesteem, to think little of;

(siu, vapors ascending tSiw ;

the 42d radical 'siii ajan, a ;

silt hair melted snow.
A^ A sort of spider or crane-fly mean man my humble self, ;

said by a poor man 'it« 7iz' ;

called <dti(skdu the
STu (^'P"^")y ;
my pupils my servant ikwan ;
name is applied to several

long-legged insects.
^siu, a number of concubines;
'si'M '^s•(?, a Miss, a young lady;

tName of a plant, bitter like

ynti kci' '^siii ich'ung, my only
y. rue an ancient state, now the
son ; 'siii kdP my attendant, a
district of SiA.u in Siichau fii ;
follower; 'si'i iSom ^fo chuki be
(Seti it'iii, lonely, silent, deso-
careful of setting fire to things;
late, penniless, poverty-struck,
iVid tdi^ 'siM, not illiberal or
at the last extremity iniu^fu, ;
petty ; it fits any body, said of
a pruning hook; csi?i tsz'^ a
socks; 'siM V sz'^ a little mat-
Budhist monastery; ^siii (.sin,
ter ; '.SIM sz'* a trifling aff^iir;
neighing'i dn, troubled
a " small vessel," a
'siM hi'
The end or tapering points
contracted, unapt mind; 'stfi

of a bow. pilferer; 'siu :sz' a
'i'Aaw, a
:^ St irmy ; a river in Yunnan, wiiiting boy ; ^siu tint' my shop;
^'''^"^'^•y of the Pearl River; tV^ ifoiig 'siu, the place is too
also a branch of the R. Si ing small ; sai' 'sin, small ; 'siu
in Hun4n; ,siu tstw,driving hiii, my daughter ; 'siu ^kd
rain ;
(sit'i "-shd, ftne looking, a 'chung, little-minded, finical
pleasant place ; to lake amuser '.SIM 'fo, a body servant on a

nient, to enjoy one's self journey; 'sin tiki I, sn'id by

^^ . The pandean pipes ; a fla- menials; 'siu d ckan iki, chil-
*^1n eenlet: ends of a bow ; ccA'mi dren have got unimpaired vi-
iSiu, to blow an orphic pipe ;
gor; 'siii (Sam 'siu 'tdni, careful
tiing^ siu, an instrument like and cowardly, frightened at
a flageolet. little things; 'sjii £^u/i^, flannel.
; ;

so so 4G9

*^ A small sort of bambo6, suit- paddled rapidly :u ,so, a fish ;

2^ able for making arrows, very darling through the water.

firm and smooth. Read tsun' a sort of wood.
^C] To langh, to aigcrle ;
to be The prattling of children ;

r^i pleased glad, joyful ; smil- to incite, to instigate ; to set

^ ;
1^ ing, laughing ;
pleasant, at variance to talk to, to im- ;
Siau jolly; a smile ; laugh at,
to portune (t'iu (SO, to intrigue,

to ridicule ; 'Ao stYiMaughable, to sow discord; cso '^sung, to

ridiculous ; 'Ai sm' joyful 'y^ ; anger, to enrage 'sA«t tso, to ;

ii/(in sin' to act ridiculously ;

provoke to evil.
'^kong sill' to talk pleasantly ; ^^ A rain cloak made of bamboo
siu' ''sz' iyan, to laugh im- or palm leaves hanging loose,
S^ ;

moderately (.ho iho tdi^ siu' a ; 1 ike a ruff to thatch ; ; to cover,

horse-laugh kiri' sid^ tdi^ ; to screenfrom the rain <so d, ;

tfon^, laughed at by all respec- rain garments; (So lap:, a wovea

table people; si'i' wd^ ridicu- leaf hat dau (SO d kau' 'fo, to

lous talk, amusing stories; "hd throw on a leaf cloak to put

sill' truly laughable ;
siu' ndpi out a fire —
to run into danger;
to receive smilingly ; siu' Jd tso d (.cht, a leaf umbrella do ;

ihi, giggling; siu' tdi^ it/an d hoki a white crane with pen-
Wian, to get well laughed at dent neck feathers.
sill' it/am ^ynm, smirking and ^Ijfhl To rub in the hand cwio ;

laughing ; d'au siu' to smile •iKt% ^'^^i ^o finger, to toy with, to

at secretly ; siu' ts'ek- H'd, or
play with in the hand, for
siu' Ji'm ich'^ung, to split one's So which the next is also used.

sides laughing. A triquetrous plant with

|jaB>"j A whistling, hissingsound,
So hairy roots ; ^hau (SO, a sort
^j ylike a driving wind or let- of cyperus; to rub in the

ting off steam
roar ; to whistle
; to
scream, to
"^fii sin' a
fingers Jo ,so, to fritter or

rub away, vexatious; (SO (kai,

tiger's scream ; shin* siu' a sort of cricket.
good at whistling. ^'t Abundant vegetation ; ip'o

'•*"' ^^ "I*''*
ip'o(SO'.so, flourish-
ing and thrifty ; tso ip'o, roots.
(505) So. ^/9^ To dance, to frisk ; to trip,
'^ to skip; to play with the dress;
to siteasy, to lounge ip'o(SO, ;

A shuttle ; swift as a shuttle; to gambol, to make antics

to and fro, like a shuttle; idle, dissolute.
cp'dii (SO, to throw the shuttle ;
Fragments of gems; the link-
ich'iin (SO, to pass the shuttle s' ling of precious stones; con-
through i/ati iifi iii (So, the
tinuous, connected ; minute,
days and months pass like a fine ; troublesome, imperti-
shuttle ; Jung .so, a long punt, nent, petty, annoying; '^sosui*
im S6; S65

trifling, needless, unimportant harrass tsd cyan maki h&h a


cares; ifdn 's«, vexatious; ''so bard of high renown.

din, following, connected. Moved, aroused sad
A lock, a clasp; to frown
'1 afflict
(sd isd, toiling and suf-
; ;

to lock ; to fetter ; to detain fering.
So ;

a chain, rings or chains for To scratch with the nails ;

locking yat:, 'pa 's«, a lock to rub gently, to titillate; the

; ;
ihO(pdu'so, a padlock ;'i0 5niw/i nails, claws ; (Sd 'shau ic/i'i

to lock the door 'so ishi, a : ich'ii, to scratch the head in

key ; (fting 'so, to seal and doubt or grief; csd ^yeung, to
lock, as when
closing a ya- scratch an itching place.
mnn i/nt:,it'iti'so lin^ a chain;
; A fish like a sturgeon in ;

'^soUsz' A:a/>) chain armor 'non
Sau Canton, a sort of bream or
'^xo, to turn a key ; 'so imdi imi leuciscus is so called.
it'ait, to knit the brows ; U'oi
The sound of the wind.
,kd tdp 'so, wearing the cangue
and chained— a prisoner 'so ;
To reel off silk from the
kdu' butts and locks; '50 pat-, coccoons a piece of variegat-

chu\ isam j«« V ^md, I cannot Sau

ed silk for placing a gem or
be fettered, my heart is like an seal on.
ape, and my thoughts swift as Rancid, rank, fetid as putrid
a horse; 'so nd<) a clarinet, fat; smell
Sau of he-goats; reek-
also called t.i^ fd'and tdi^tek,; ing, strong, as a negro's per-
'so (sd, "lock beard," the inner
spiration ; ikd (Sd, rank pork
part of a Chinese lock 'shaii ;
fat ; iScng csd, noisome, strong;
'so. a lock which can be open-
(Sdngdt^ offensive tshan <sd, ;

ed without a key. redolent of perspiration; csd

(Sd, .^strong, as newly killed
The hair on the chin the ;

(The characters under this syllable and Su beard; bearded, hairy; whis-
'the SlOth are placed together in the Fan kers of animals tfd (sd, the ;

-Wan, and their pronunciation does not vary

stamens of flowers ccA'mj csd, ;

puffing and blowing, as an

To rub down a horse ; to actor; (tnan 'kdin csd, techy,
disquiet, to disturb, to agitate; angry t'aP ,sd, to shave the
perturbed, mournful, sad ;
beard ; dim <sd, to wear the
lame sorrows, afflictions j/d
; ;
beard ; ni dim isd, a beard
csd, grieved, depressed ind ;
around the face ; yun^ (sd, to
iyan, a bard (fung 'Sd, be-
salute the beard — when one
witching, winsome di^sd, the ; begins to let it grow ; nipi 7id
Dissipation of Sorrows name — csd, to twirl the whiskers; t'uki
of a poem rsd shdt fluttering
,sd, I'll pull out your beard,
loose in lbs wind 3^ Hu, f.o ; [you old JiarJ !
— ; !

so. SOI. 471

*jj^] An eldpr brother's wife ; a jlC-' ^j To go against the current;

,y^ >8ister-in-law ; h goodwoman, ;^v, }io go with the stream to ;

jl^j a \vife;d".fd, good wife, goody, ^|[ j meet one formerly, in past

bdti a term of address for women; Su time ;

to revert to, to carry
,ku 'sd, sisters-in-law ;
t/ra 'sd, one's thoughts back to ac- ;

I, the good wife; So '.sd, or cuse, to report so' <f^i^'g, a ;

lAi'n^ 'so, my sister-in-law strong headwind sd' {«i, to ;

^piu 'sd, good\Voman my good ! go against the current; .sd'

lady ! lyau, to go with it jtu sd' ;

4^' To sweep, to brush; to clean its'ung Js'in, generations past;

^V^ and sweep up ; broom, besom, so' tsz'^ on reverting to, since.
brush-broom ; to dampei>, as
one's ardor; to clear off, toj
rid, to make a clean sweep (507) Soi.

yat^'^pA sb'^pd a broom; d\ '.y6

sd' a coir broom ; sd\kon. tseng^ I

sweep clean; <kai uno sd' a!

"] The chops, the sides of the
jaws, the lower part of the
feather broom; 'fdsd^ to sweep; j

vDSj f'*^^ o''^^ '''<" ^^P' *he jaws;

sd^ hing^ to chill one's antici- ! ?

clean house; Sdi imdi\soi, plenty, a full table ;

pations ; sb^ uk~, to

sd' dsong, " sweepings of the

ch^tmg' ;Soi, or kukt ch^iing*
hold," —
the last ch«)pboat of tp'du soV to blow out the
cheeks, to pufT; (ch'un ,soi,
a cargo; s6"'pdisiug, a " star-
" bored cheeks," are ulcers in
sweeper," —
a slovenly, waste-
ful man sd'^peng 'k'u, make the jaw breaking through the

it even ; even it off, as a pile cheeks; csoi kdp, nip, lantern-

of grain ; sd^ tseng^ ^hoi <.fan, jawed ; 'nd h(iu' kin' cs«J, see-
" to sweep the sea-mist," to — ing the jaws from behind is —
destroy pirates so' ich'ii kdn a bad indication.

'^on^, to dismiss traitors [from ^\B The gill.s of a fish, the bones
court]. *Sai
supporting the gills isoi isoi, ;

4^> Interchanged with the last alarmed.

dyke or bank made of bam- ^Bl The bony marrow
or column
^^ A
the burr at the base
boos and earth ; clinks sd' a c!*^ in ;

bamboo broom ; u'ang sd' a-

or antlers the velvety cover-;

rattan broon). ing of antlers.

i(5^' To model things in clay, to ijiffl Hesitation uncertainty the ; ;

•^ mold into shape ; to make an

'*! mind not settled in its own
idol or statue molded, mo- conclusions.

deled; sd^ts^ung^a clay image: 3:^ To extend the wings to ;

inai muki sb' [stupid as]

itiil 'gjj" spread out the wings; the
carved wood ormoldedclay gambolings of a plioEiiix.
aHi)lt; sd' '.««» siung' a clay «^ A long, beard ; a bushy beard.
statue uf a man:

in SOK. SONG. su.

three years; ch'utt aong, ta

(508) Sok. inter.

^ The mulberry tree; met.

peaceful retirement; iSong'^tsz'
Stalks or plants from whose " mulberries (Song '^5z' my ;

fibres strings can be mad;; native village '^ts'oi (Song, to ;

a string, a line, a rope, a pick the leaves; ^song pdki

Soh' cord to bind, to cord up;
; ip'i, the bark of mulberry
to get, to obtain, to pull about roots ;
<song kV :shang, an epi-
or from a law, a precept, an
; phyte on the mulberry, a me-
obligation ; to demand ; to dicine (^song ichung ^chi yeuki

search, to seek for, to inquire iflicit intercourse.

into, to study; disquietude, ap- < XS forehead the front, the
'I'he ;

prehensions ynt) U'iu ishin^ ;

gT^ middle of the forehead; i.kai
soki a piece of string'^ a cord ; ''song, to bow to the ground ;
'/» soki sails and ropes ; '/d ''kinong ^song, a high forehead.
(sAa/i,o-so/:) to tie in a bow knot; '.^ The stone base or plinth of
'cA'di 'un soki to tread oi» slack
rope; to go up rope ladders, nfe^' To lose; to fail of getting;
as thieves do ; sok, '/s'ti, to
o^„ bereaved of; to pass into ob-
procure a thing ^ck'un U'au ;
scurity ; to ruin; failure; for-
yapi suk) to get noosed, to gotten, out of mind; to
inveigle sok^ chci' to extort song^
die; s&ng^ imins blind , ;

!»&, sok, to threaten and get dtung (Sam, lost all consci-
money ; sok, sok, afraid ; sok,
ence cyn« Us'oi song^ ming^

csz' to compreheiMl. Jost his life in getting a for-

tune song^ kwok, lost his

kingdom song\sam peng^ out;

(509) Spttg^ of his head song' shati ikd ;

ipi ruined his family.

To mourn, to lament (of thte

^^ dead
* mourning apparel time

of mourning a funeral fune-

real, mourning isong sz''

(510) Su.

funeral affairs ; sting^ tsong

to accompany to the grave gat 1 To collect, as grain ; to ;

isong fuki mourning kwok, ol-

M^'^'s^ to rest, to ejijoy ease ;

tsong, mourning for the emper- ,|I^J to take to resuscitate, to re- ;

or tiu' (Song, to mourn over

Su vive from apparent death, to

the dead huk, <song 'pang, ;

come to life, as submerged
staff used at funerals b^y chief pers^ons do, to breathe again ;

mourners; ikii ,soiig or 'shctu to rise from the dead a re- ;

iSon^, to mourn for parents surrection ;Fd liM, Jesus. ;

; }:, '

SI' su, 473

Used for the preceding; a plain diet, vegetables ; ^p'ing

sort of sage or clary cheerful, ; Mi' formerly ;
p'ok-, su' honest,
happy ; tsz' cSti, sweel basil ;
plain; ch^uk.sir to wear mourn-
hdpi ^yau, rose maloes tii/
c5ii ; ing ; kwa' SU' to wear a rosary;
muki sapan or brazil wood ; su' iChong, plainly dressed,
medicated wine;
5/'d ,su 'tsati, said of women : si' '^shau
drank on newyear Su rchau\ ; ip'nns, empty handed, and
fu, the capital of Ki^ngsu ;| nothing to act with su' fu' ;

isu s^ung^ the features of the| kvai' i/iang iufu'kicai' when

Kiingsu people, regarded as! you are rich act as becomes
the comeliest in China a" ^su ;
a rich person ; ^' ^aa, al-
or cSti '^tsai, a new born bhbe. ways poor. _^^
flfcl^ A
preparation of curd like Also read shak, same as ^^
*^ butter, made at the north;; sok tn senr h into, to seek.

tender, crisp, flaky, short, ^' Sincere, guileless one's ;


like crust; tSii ^yan, butter or,j real iuleiitious, an bouesi pur-
ghee ;
tsti ''peng, short cakes ;
iSii ts'ui' fa cshang, baked I

ground-nuts; (SU lok: kuauss, :!

brandy from milk. {

c'ffl^ A nunnery, a convent. j!

Sa jj


^Tt'^i accuse, to Salted mince crabs to wait,

tell; to in- ^^ :

VAH> ^
*°''"' "^' *SQ *^ Pxpect to help mutu-ally,
^^ ^"P^se ;
tostate in j
; ;

alternately; all, altogether; a

J^^ j one's defense, to reply an ;

Sa explanation, a defense; to! final particle to store up, to, ;

defame, to detract calumny have in readiness

; /i' csw, a ;

s<i' ick'ing, sit' ''pan, or su^'c hi, head clerk in a yannin now I

a plea, a reply to an accusa-j designated by another term.

lion; sii^ •vn, to state one's ^4M Rations, food fine rice used ;

wrongs it'aii su^ to report on,;

S^ in offerititTS to the qods in- ;

to complain, as to the guild come, salary received from the, ;

su' '^pon, to petition in reply ; ]

tsun' su\ch'ung huk, to relate
^3E To know, possessing learn-
all one's griefs. g^ ing and talents; sage, prudent,
^.' Pure white silk : plain, on- learned, scholarly ; chd' ^su,
"^ colored, unornamented; white fallacious, to deceive.
and coarse, such as is used for ;

i^]?theThe beard on the cTiin ;

mourning; emptv, clean gone; ^^ cirriof fii>h to wait for, ;

plainness, simplicity in dress t'l^j to e.xpect; slow, dilatory to ;

or manners ; contented in So g'pt what is wa.nted or is de-

the original state of; original manded, ought, must, is well to
color formerly, usually, here-
; be done necessary, requisite,

tofore, as at first ; t^hiki su' a serviceable, wood for use :

Ton. DicT 00
; ;

4^4 SC. su,

(SU jU,momentarily, for a little To settle or clear wine by

while (Sii yung^ necessary for
; infusing herbs in it to give it
use; pit-, tsu, absolutely want- a flavor; to disclose the figure
ed and (SU, needless ; tsti foV
through, to make manifest
ishi, you must wait awhile full,supplied rich, as a dress. ;

cs« j/ung^ ,sam, pray be very The clue or beginning of a

careful ; tsw $« "^ts'z' it must be ball or coccoon a thread, a ;

this way ccAmw^ ; c5W, always clue, a hint; the commence-

is necessary ; csti iii* ^tsz' sai^ ment, the beginning; the rule
.yon must be very careful. guide and to what follows ;

The second form is erron- the course of events; what is

eously, but commonly used. handed down in a family, a
Stopped by the rain, falling calling; a patrimony; to suc-
rain ; to doubt, to hesitate ceed, as to an office; to per-
Sa ;

compelled to stop ; to search ;

fect what others began to ;

fixed on, obstinately bent on ;

search into j/'au ^su, the be-

necessary, what is required, in ginning, the first principles;

which sense it is interchang- tsi^h ^sii, to connect with what
ed with the last the fifth of ; precedes '.su su, a remnant,

the 64 diagrams, appertain- an addenda, a tag end itnd ;

ing to water ipong ikwan tsii, ; its'ing imd 'sii, unpleasantly

supplies wanted by the army ;
situated, embarrassed, non-
es^, a little of a thing kap> ; plussed tki 'sw, a patrimony.

csu, waiting for it, is wanted i-ftiJ Coarse, refuse silk or cotton
soon. fibres, left after the best is
Cliattering, talking, the in- gathered coarse silk to min-
; ;

distinct hum
of talking chip> ; gle, to mix, to compound to ;

tsu, unmeaning gabble, vul- reiterate, to repeat verbose, ;

garly called ing6 uxgi isheng, wordy ;

pendent ; 'sii td^ tau-
a muttering also, to restrain ;
tological ; ^lau ^sii, catkins of
the expression of one's views. the willow ^su^siiU'dit'd, in-

To sleep, to immerse, to cessant jabbering, loquacious.

soak thick, jelly-like, viscid
Bright; the light of the ris-
to moisten; d imp, wet; glos-
ing sun sunrise, the dawn of

sy, fresh ; to urinate ;

patient, day manifest.

enduring, forbearing; (.chim To strain wine or spirits ;

wet, soaked; (S«c/t«i' slop-

tsii, dregs, grounds
lees, fine, ;
ped, obstructed, flowing slow- pure liquor, good flavored
ly, embarrassed isu ^yan, ; spirit.
patient. An isFand, a small islet or
Fine variegated silk like bal- rock in the sea ; a detached
the selvedge of cloth, near the shore '/fu long*
Su zarine ;
hill ;:

the edge, frayed out, a loose ^sH,the island of Kul4og!*u

fringe or raveled edge. near Amoy.

su SUI. 475

* To pass a limit, to pass


iover a year of one's age

, ; ;
(512) Su,
j^ J therevolution of the seasons;
Sui a harvest, the year's produce;
a year age, years; '^ do suV
iSit. A Ignor-
colloquial word. ;

ant not knowing how to

how old is he? sui^ ts'z" the
characters for the cyclic year
do things c« isu isit, all at

(Sem suV the newyear '^shau ;

loose ends, no regularity,
suV to keep newyear's eve;
man* suV His Majesty; mdn^
man' sui' may the king live
(513) Sui, for ever! Us'in suV a feudal-
prince, the heir-apparent
chong' suV robustious, sinewy;
A sort of ground lizard an ;

newyear's present of money,

animal, whose description re-
Sui also called at:, suV or " year's
sembles that of the proboscis
settler ;" t'dV suV a boy or
monkey a dubilative con-

an image to represent the

junction, although, if, suppos-
though, allowing Chinese Cybele, carried in
ing, even if,

off; isui dn, al-
procession when "meeting the
that ; to
spring;" also a great period of
though, albeit; ,siii tsak, haV
even if it be so -sui tsiki 'Adm, ;
1728 years; kwo" suV to pass
although it is thus .sui shuh
newyear; hu' sui' last year.

tsdm^ '.shi 'hd, if you do it now

2^' To
bre^k in small pieces,
it may be well. gjj to smash, to pound to bits, to
The traces of a carriage; comminute bits, fragments,;

pieces, endings troublesome,

reins hand strap to hold by
; a ;

Sui petty disheartened, broken

in a coach steady, quiet, ; I

tranquil; 'Sui ckwan, to draw

down ; 7d sui' to break in bits;
chap,\ p'o' sui' smashed to pieces
off troops; tSMi pi' traces ;

the reins; c5«i! sui' fo' retail goods, driblets;

(Sui, io seize
^wing (Sui kat, sui' yaki meat cakes shnpi ;
(Sui, tranquil ;

sui' miscellaneous, odds and

chiu} a happy omen of lasting
ends of work or things; sui'
ingan, broken silver 'so SMt'
A colloquial word to ravel ;

aui ''hau, a vexatious -keng 'tarn sui'

out, to fray out ;

raveled border. disheartened and chopfallen.

The marrow; the medullary jfc^* A
spinning wheel, called
matter in bone vigau kwat-, ;
gyj sui' (ck^i; a spool of thread.
^sui, beePs suet isliam ynpi ; ttj- Calamities sent from heaven,
ktoati [your kindness]
"^sui, Q,^ misfortunes which men can
penetrates my bones; chut,ik'i not prevent kwai' s«r a

'sMJ, to guck his marrow, i. e. monstrous calamity, a judg-

to be revenged- noent from the gods.
478 SU!. StJL

To accord with, to follow ; I A shroud to present a ;

not to oppose, not to hinder ; I S^ shroud or grave-clothes to a
then, after that, next, present- family, or money to buy one;
ly, incontinently, finally, forth- apparel presented to friends
with ; to go through, to com- sui'(if grave-clothes.

plete, to accomplish, to effect n^'- To call out, to alarm; to

to do of one's own accord ; a
Tsui '^st^> ^^ ^*' >
'"^' *""*^ ^o call
moor ; a canal or sluice for at, to hist.
irrij;;ition ; sMJ'^ i^ or sui^ iin',
Sad, chagrined downcast, ;

to have it as one wishes; pati ^j sorry-looking -As'iv sui'iyung ;

sup ik'i yuki discouraged his vigdn, coimtenance fallen,

requests' ;
pat:, tak, sui^ (Sam, melancholic.
disappointed in his hopes ; /^- 1 A thing to putout fire with,
pnt^ siii^ not to speak of, un- kIT, Van extinguisher; to temper
yielding. 'h^ j metals in water; todip; to
^- In the rear, as a back apart- Ta'ui (]yej to color; to bring into

meal of a house; deep, far contact with, as fire to water.
back, as banners in the rear. The second character also
*"fi^' "^ ^®'" h^"? "p'ln the gir- means to burn.
die, fur its lucky qualities. i^' Diseased, infirm, suffering
sun-glass; a speculum or Taui
t^'^'^'^u'. dumpish, indisposed;
mirror, for setting fire to
worn out, destroyed.
things ; a wooden fire-frictor The
angles or canthi of the
t un' sui* to make by rub-
gT eye bright eye clear,
; a clear ;

bing wood ; Sui^ ajan shV the pure

to look directly at sui'
; ;

Ctiinese Prometheus; jTo suV it'in, the fifth heaven,

a match. i^i Unmixed, sound grain pure, ;

^^- The appearance of grow-

fine ^T alike, mere, all of the same

ing grain siti^ sui' laughing quality; broken, shattered;

Sui ;

fields of corn. ishuH sui' unadulterated, un-

A path leading down to a mingled.
tomb, an underground road; ^i Thick, tufted, like tussocks
'A3|( a bye-path ; a lane, a path T of grass
• a sort of honeysuck-
J ;

Sui to revolve, to return, to turn le to collect, to assemble, to


round way, a road

; sui^ t>y a flock together, to be with a ;

path to a sepulchre.
tnd^ .^ui^ a collection, a selection ; rust-
ling of bushes or apparel
^^- A string to hang things to ; sui'

^^^ girdle; a fringe, a tassel; iiiynti it'ong, derived from

a loose bordering of threads the same hall or school.

cft^ung' sui' a curtain valance; gfe- To rail at, to scold, to vili-

yati (p'o siii^ a tassel md^ sui^ ; 'g-.j fy, abuse; to impeach, to

the fri'jge of hair on Chinese accuse petulant, angry '^kau

; ;

caps; itaiii^ sui' lantern tassels; sui' to brawl opprobrium ;


chii sui' knotted fringes. ding sui' to disgrace.

SUK. SUK. 477

I^- A sign of authority held byF pat:, suh the 28 zodiacal con-
Shwui f'^udatories, a signet ; a favor, stellations; suh iin^H ich^^ung,
a keepsake, a token a hap- ; my long cherished desire is

py omen, a sign for good now gratified yt^ fav^

; kdh
auspicious, felicitous; tstung^ hat^ suk, rice left over night
sui^ a lucky sign sui^ mati a ; turns; ik'au suki to ask for a
fortunate thing; Siti^ kwok^ night's lodging; suh xh'au,
Sweden. old enemies.
5^2 An ear of corn, a spike of 1^ Sometimes used for the last;
^^ wheat the heads of grasses
; g\ earlydawn, morning a morn ;

a spikelet, a tufted ear ele- ; early ; careful attention to

gant, graceful stii^ isheng, a ; one's business ; suh y€- morn-
name of Canton, especially for ingand evening, early andlate.
the New City yat, iwo 'kau ; ffi^ To walk mincingly, to shuf-
s«i' nine heads on one stalk *^^j^ fle along to walk carefully,

a time of abundance. where it is narrow.

^^- Fine cloth or linen brought BJh; To walk with circumspec-
^"j^ from the west, open and loose ^jjj' tioM to walk.
; This character
in texture perhaps a kind of is also read tih
Decca muslin. This ch;i- j|6 A general name for gluma-
racter is correctly read war
ceous grain, now applied to
with the same raeaninff. millet (Setaria) and maize ;

also the seeds of panic grasses;

a grain of millet; rent ia
Suk. kind, tithes; suh^mai, maize ;
tpdu suh an ear of maize
A halting place or choultry
suh 'mai ^fan, Indian meal
suh yuki cleaned millet cang
Suh ^^^ry three leagues
a stage ;

to rest overnight, a lodging-

suh cfd, the poppy; tseuh s/iiki
place a night's rest ; a night suh bird-seed.

to lodge over night, to pass fS"^ Respectful, reverential; fear,

g^j^dread, awe, caution; trem-
the night to lodge, to dwell,

blingly alive, as to duty re-

to sojourn ; a constellation, ;

ligious veneration to recede,

stars; a of spirits;
libation ;

former, long continued, old.

todraw'back; to render severe,
stern, or majestic
A colloquial word, meaning to receive ;

a guest courteously rapid ;

moldy, sour, turned, musty, as ;

food or things lain by too lonor;

dm suk> commanding, awful;
dau snki to ask one in to lodge, suky suh quick ; decorous.
to stop and stay a night; yat, i|fe A
famous charger, called
suki Haling dsdn, a bed once
'^^^suh^song, the Bucephalus of
and two meals is a rule of — T'dng Ch'ing-kung, b. c.250.
hospitality to visitors; suk. ^ A grass for cattle muh suh

suki tik: rather musty ; V sha/n ^^jj a clover, for fodder.

478 SUN. SUN.

Jht^ A feudal state in the Chau

(515) Sun. ' /' dynasty, now Puchau fu in
the southwest of Shdnsi and
that region.
iLun (Sun, hills rising over i;fci To ask about, to inform one's
liills ; deep ravines among g^^ self of; inquiry, investigation;
hills. to inform, to communicate
All around, to go or pervade to deliberate ; (Sun k'api jya/i,
everywhere to cast about, to ; to ask about a person.
consider all points, as mer- ^f^ To recede, to retire ; to act
chants do; to cause; quick, *^ *^ returning to go back
T^un ; ;

instantly, in haste ; somewhat, to follow ; a revolution of the

generally. Used for the next. moon; self-abashed, self-hu-
To bury the living with the miliated; (SMns^s'M/i, not advan-
.^ dead ; to comply with, to fol- cing, shrinking back, to de-
low ; to seek, to pursue an sist ; isun ts'z" following seri-
object inordinately engross- ; atim, in order.
ed in, given up to, greedy for "^ 1 The young and edible
to exhibit (Sun tsong^ to follow
; [shoots of bamboo; a tenon, a

to hades ;
.sun ("/«' shiki ad- ^S'j dovetail conical, pointed ;

dicted to gain and pleasure ;

Siun projecting a sprout; a sort of ;

tsun its'ing, obset^u^ous tooth- fine bamboo for making mats ;

er's whims <SMn kwoh to risk ; chuki '^sun, bamboo sprouts ;

and lose life for one's country; 'sun (hd, dry, salted prawns;
cswrt ik'nu, to pursue greedily ; iming 'sun, slips of bamboo
liti sz'^ (Sun iming, the hero is sprouts ready for cooking;
ambitious for fame. 'Jo 'surf., sprouts dried for
Sincere, conscientious de- ; peeping 'sun tsz'^ y^ung^ con-

voted, respectful, kind: pleas- ical ; ch'ut) 'sun, bamboos are

ed to exert a good influence
; ; sprouting met. to guess one ;

fearing, apprehensive. over in playing morra.

of a branch of the R. 'j^] To point a piece of wood
HAn south of Shansi,
in the j^^^and fit it into a hole ; a ten-
the town of Siun-y4ng stands '3|| j on 'sun ^mdu, a cntch on a

at its embouchure; to cry; Sun carryirjg-beam tau^ 'sun, to ;

true ; distant ; isun t'ai^ to dovetail |n 'sun iCau, a tenon; ;

weep silently. a wooden spike tnu' 'sun hdm^ ;

A species of gem fronj Lidu- it dovetails in well, it is very

tung, of which there are three opportune 'sun iugd, a dove- ;

varieties a sort of utensil.
; tailed edge of a board.
< lA The cross beam of the frame
•A kind of plant, which fat- I

tens those who eat it ; a sur- ^^>o^ which bells are hung in
name ; a feudal state, in which *^g Uemples ; a sort of tree ; name
sense it is the same as the next. SiuA of a district.
SUN. SUN. 479

Sincere, unsuspi- faithful, ya '

To sprinkle watery, wet ;

cious, truthful: a of his man i" speedy, quick, as a courier or

word, as the two parts of the the wind a military station,

character intimate faith, be- ; a guard-house ; sun' sb' to

lief, truth ; to believe in, to sprinkle and sweep 'jAmi sun' ;

credit, to follow, to confide a water-side post-station yati ;

in, to trust, tohave faith in ;

it'ong sun' a stage between the
a seal, a stamp, which gives stations, reckoned to be ten
ground for trust a letter two ; ;
It, or a league; sun' iV a guard-

nights' lodging; a messenger house ; iying sun' a military

or envoy s'w tfapi sun' be-
yond belief, incredible ; stm^ 53/ ' Q,uick, swift, hasty, fleet
U'ung, an envelope mi^ sitii^ ; -grj to go with speed, to hurry a ;

taki ichan, can not altogether wolfs cub sun' duip'at-, leapt

believe it; shati sun' authen- HmH, a quick clap which gives
tic, worthy of belief sun^ taky ; no time to .stop the ears
shnti he thinks it is true; (heng quick, as a word and a blow.
i' iurt' credulous; yati <fung =TI ' To inquire into, to search
sun' a letter i/an' sun' a seal investigate to interro-
Sin °"^' '** ;

itti sun' ds'6, don't believe I gate judicially, to try; an ex-

in newfangled notions kwo' ; amination; to wrangle, to
sun' to give credit in accounts; speak sharply to, bickerings
skati sun' to falsify one'sAvord to inform; to accuse; to direct;
sun' po^ Jiang, to follow one's tb agitate man^ sun' to make

feet, to gad ; '.yam sun' news, a bow, Budhists do with

talk of the day; ki' sun' to flat hands; sun' man* to ques-

send a letter ; sun' tah faith, tion, as a judge does '^sham ;

belief; sun' pat^ a ready pen- siiH' to try ; chap^sun' to catch

man sun' i'm sun' do you be-
; people's words to seize and ;

lieve katy sun' a pleasant

it ? question ; sun' tsati to cure
letter ingan sun' a letter in-
; ailments.
closing money; sun' sfieh (also B^> ]
A stand to grasp and

called zyan dn) arsenic; sun' ^j }

place firmly to select; the

^cki iyan ichi iknn ^pun, honfes- .5x j

8th diagram, relates to wind,
ty is the foundation of cha- Siuen and denotes mildness; bland,
racter. insinuating, gently ; to enter,

W ]

place on the hfeiids of
where the skulJ un-
Jites; the sinciput; sun\mun,
to ingratiate.
3^' Complaisant, conciliatory,
g]^ humble, docile, mild; retiring,
Sin the fontanelle sun' rtib^ a ; respectful, obsequious; to ve-
skull-cap, a common Chinese nerate, to give in to, to obey ;

cap ; ishang %mai 'nd smti* the sun' y6ung* to give place to,
hoax him now.
is closed —youcan't to respectfully yield
yielding; yai>i sun' obeisance.
; ,kim sun*
480 SUN. SUN.

shdxing^ti' to read aloud the

(516) Sun. emperor's orders isiin kd' the ;

emperor's proclamations.
I^ A jade stone, six ts'un'
7S A grandchild whatever ;
^""o^'^' anciently held in the
grows again or is reproduced hands by princes as insignia.;
'<sz' csiin, children and grand-/lA To stop to change next in ; ;

children, posterity; dsangisun Tsiun ^''^^'» ^o succeed to rest or ;

or aun sik^ a great-grandson ;

trust in one's opinion, willful.
iiin (SM«, a great-great-grand- ;^ In pain; aching, painful;
son doi (Sun, a great-gr.-gr.- '*"" sheki a sort of stone
grandson ngoPiSiin, a daugh-
^un ^un, prickling,
(Siin (siin

ter's child asiin ^nii, a grand-

aching; kwati csvn, shooting,
daughter thing cs«/i, grand-
rheumatic pains.
father and grandson sni iSiin, ;
1^ Acid, sour, sharp, tart, vin-
a sister's children. g^j^egarish prickling, harsh to

Also read .'iun\ and interchang- the skin irritating, distres-


ed with the preceding, sing grieved, afflicted; loiter-


y^^ A monkey Jinu iSiin, ; a ing from debility; iSiin ts'd'

'^^ species of small monkey. vinegar; cs«/i '^wo, pickles;

^ A sort of pretty and fragrant csiin pi^ a grieved nose afflict- —

ed at, as bad news; (Sam<sun,
grass or herb
''a'^ : t/c'fli (Siin, a
Sun o ^ , J c t I
• •
to commisserate, sympathiz-
water plant, a kind oi ins r

ing: ihamcsiin, sour; begrimed,

%^ An evening meal, tea, sup-
lothsome as a dirty man cs«»
'Z^ per a meal
; to eat to soak
; ;

cchimuki Chinese ebony cSW7i

or separate rice, in cold water; ;

mi^ acid.
lyung iSiin, breakfast and sup-
per ii/ung (Smi man kaV hard
jg^ A slight shower.
to keep np breakfast and din- Swan
ner —
poverty-struck. •^1 To wave a flag as a signal

^ To publish, to proclaim, to
g-^^promulge by the hiohest au-
",^ >the motion of soldiers' legs,
cj|§j as they march; to revolve, to
thority ; to circulate, as the Siuen go around, to go in an orbit;
wind does to pervade, to re-
; to relurn, to come back to
volve, to expand extended, ; the same point ; curling, rip-
manifested, expansive ; to pling; quick, ready; then,
summon, as a ruler does; slow; forthwith, next; isiin ''chiin,.

perspicacious; beginning to be to go around; tMung isiin, to

bald; isun chiu' to summon, go to one's village; '^kam jstm,
as to court; 'Aam aiin, to pro- a new graduate going home ;

claim by the voice pnt, .siin, ;

isiin fling, a whirlwind ; ip^un
not to say more used in — isiin, to visit among one's
letters; ,sun pd^ fuki ^yam, to friends ; ickau iSiin, to follow
prciich the gospel ; csiin tuh round : to sireet and enterrtain
sijs. SUN. 481

several friends; 'ho 'shi iSun 1 To select, to choose out,

chV make it come forthwith, to elect ; to appoint proper
quickly bring it about; csuh men to office ; to dance in
ilun, revolving, as the nrroon. a ring, like N. A. Indians ;

Mfc An eddying fountain, a cir- an instant, a moment; a lakh,

g cling eddy a little whirlpool.
; of one hundred thousand ;

p^'j A gem; isiin

beautiful apprehensive, undecided, ti-
\kwaV an ornament worn by morous; 'kdn 'stin, to pick;
ancient monarchs isun M, a
! ;
's«/i chdki to select pdkt ;

S'luenkind of arraillary sphere or S«n, a coin of the H^n

planetarium, by which the dynasty with a dragon on it.
rhotions of the stars were To number, to reckon ;,

anciently noted. to take to task, to reckon

£jyt A
pulley, or something which with;/a^j hit' kiJ^ sun^ don't
g*^jj revolves; a pewter vessel, in go, lest he reckon with you.
which water is put to warm ^^ To be selected for office ;

the wine; a wine-warmer. 5?^ ^ hau^ siin^ candidates waiting

for appointment
^j^ To diminish, to lessen to ;
'^po siin^ ;

injure, to spoil, to wound, to appointed to supply a place.

cause damage to lose to '^']
; The counting board or

reprove, to blame, as a critic ^L abacus to reckon, to cypher, } ;

does; detrimental, injurious; .^^ to calculate; to estimate, to !

damage, ill luck the 44th Swan regard ; to plot; numbers, ;

diagram -yau 'sun uno yik^

; figures; a calculation, a plan ;
it is wholly bad without any a scheme slips of bamboos ;

advantage; ts'H:,'^suri'^shau, to to reckon with ^nt kom' tsau^ ;

cut one's fingers when chop- stin' ju%t as you can manage it;
ping; 'siinpo' spoiled, broken; kau^ siin^ quite enough s«n' ;

(pan^ ^sUn, cracked, or a bit ^ngo p'd^ I'll give in, I'll knock
broken out 'imin 'xhiu ^siin, a
; under; siinr' -p'vn, the count-
display of riches invites mis- ing-board; sun'ya^arithmetic;
fortunes; 'swn i7/nn Id 'ki, to 'Ad '<d siin' a good speculation,
benefit one's self by other's to guess well siin^ ming^ to ;

injury ; '^sun Idn} all spoilt calculate destinies; h^pt siJn'

'AoOT 'siin nkwan Mung, id- to reckon correctly sim^ ;

peculate in the rations of the ^yan, to lay schemes against
army ; 7d ^sun, to wound, to others, to counterplot; swi'
spoil ; 'sun (Skeuiig, wounded ;
Idn- it'iu ich'^uug, a most
'siijj 's/iau 'swn k^uk-. hurt his painful scheme ; -k'ii h'li siin^
hands and feet; 's&n wdP ip'tin, he is a ready reckoner;
spoiled or ruined. swn' toh to calculate ; swn' 'nt
'^ The governor at a village 'Ji, I guess you're a rare one ;

^^^^^ household gear, uten- sfiti' 'p'tin mati very sharp,

Cbuen '

sils; numbers ; to arrange. (ilosefisled SM7I' '5z' U'd, he ;

Ton. Dicr. til

; ;;

482 SUNCf. SUxNG.

would kill plants, [lie's so '^shau it'au isung, rich, able to

cute] ; sun^ doi siin^ fiii' con- gratify one's self; iSam isung,
triving about this and that, contented, easy about it; Ksung
of schemes
full sun^ kwo^ ; '^song, elated, pleased, as at
itning pdki it has already been^ seeing friends; ishan Jo <sung,
all reckoned. 1 feel relieved, the job is off
^' Garlic, chives; swi^ it'au, my hands ; '^pong taki ^sung,

^^n g^i^''^ bulbs Js'ing sun' fresh ; tie it loosely ; (Sung ,fd, flock-
garlic; 5Mn^ '<snt, the shoots ed cotton ts'uP csung, crisp;

inside the bulbs. and soft, as boiled groundnuts;

^} Square, intricate characters, iSHtig iko, a species of light

Cnuen *^^"®^ ^^*' characters from cake isung tiki 's/toM, do it


their use any fanciful form ; quickly iSitng inid''kaii, a dog


of Chinese characters; to en- with shaggy hair /««' iSung, ;

grave old forms of characters; disheveled; <.sung (hoi /lArjcase

ornaments on bells siin^ ishu ; it some, loosen it a little, slack

or siin^ tsz'^ the seal character. (Sung p' atip' at i too loose,
^^- An ornament, like a seal too open.
C^en character, on the top of the i^ Easy, bland, complaisant,
tablets held by officers and gentle; ,su7ig ,suug
princes, in ancient times. it/uag (.yung, graceful, not
hurried —
said of manners.
<,ljb Fearful, agitated, swayed by
(517) Sung. ^"^ hopes and fears 'sung dn, on ;

the 5^uiyjuc, excited, timorous.

\(^ To stand stifily and jjrecise
highest of the five gj^^tofear; to elevate, to bring
*S ^ great mountains, which the forward, as good people; mo-
c^yj^j ancient emperors worshiped ;
ved, excited ; the flesh creep-
Sung it lies in Hondn fu in Ho- ing from dread, horrified;'su;i^
n^n, a high peak ot> the water lapi to stand in a formal atti-
shed of thte Yellow Rivei- and tude (.so '^sung iyan ikd, to

R. Han ; a lofty mountain sUnder people,

eminent, high', as Salesmen. 'j^ Interchanged with the last
Disheveled h!air st>ag2y, un- Deaf, born deaf; to urge
Sung two.
gy^^^dressed hair conlused, dis- ; on, to excite, to stir up; to
° ordered to relax to let go astonish high, elevated, as a
; ;

the hold of, to cast off, to un- mountain to rise, as ; bre-id

loose loose, flabby, movable,
; does to respect '-sung
; ; tsuiig^
slack, easy unimportant, not ;
excited to urge on ; ; '^sung
urgent; not careworn, easy; t'ing' horrified, astonishing;
spongy, soft, as some cakes ;
ikd ''sung, lofty ;
puffed out
''ki tsiing^ not much matter 'sung ii/an ^i muki to make
csung tuiig^in funds, moneyed; one's ears tingle.

SUNG. SUT. 483

Interchanged with 'sung t^

to pusli to hold, to seize; (518)
g^^ ;
to stretch one's self out.
^' To send a present, to give ;

g^ to send with, to accompany, iffil) I

'^° ^^^^ ^^^' ^° cow'pas-
to attend, to go with to see ; sjonate, to commisserate ; to
a gnest out; a present, a gift. jflljl>
have affection towards, to
A colloquial word viands, ve- Siuh love; pity, affection, sympathy,

getables, whatever is on the sorrow for ^siung sut:, mutual ;

table besides the rice smig^ sympathy; Wai suti to assist;


ihang, to go with <.siung sting^ Jtn iku snti ^kwd, to relieve


to make a present of; sung^ and pity orphans and widows ;

ha} ich'ing, food given chan' sut) to give alms to the

for a
journey sung^ yat:> idling, to
; poor suti zp'nn Hd, to feel for ;

go with one a litile; sung^'Iai, the poor and aged. ^^

presents; to give gifts; 'indi tP- To be distinguished from ^5q
sung^ to buy the accompani- r:^'shu\ Theeleventhofthe 12
ments svng^ ts'oP (dp 'pd, a
; branches, denoted by a dog
good lot of viands, &.C.; sung^ suti ishi the llth Chinese
A'd' to attend a marriage ; sung^ hour, from 7 to 9 p. m.; nature
yuki'sheung iCham, to go with fading, fall of the year ; sut)
the meat to the chopping- iiti the ninth moon.

board to run into danger; ^ bird-net to follow, to A ;

sung^ '^pi 'nt, I'll give this to 'conform, to imitate; to lead,

you muki sung' to follow with
; to command, to head, to bring,
ihe eyes shun^ <fung ;iS^ung to conduct, to direct to cause ;

sung' may you have pros- to follow ; to receive under

perous breezes ^ying sung^ ; one's orders ;
generally, for
to receive guests, and to ac- the most part, in the gross a :

company them to the door ;
resuni6; active, spry; suddenly,
sung' fo' to send goods to the hastily; from; a leader, a high
purchaser pdV sung^ to go ;
ruler, a captain; a mark, a
and see a friend off; sung' guide s'm sut^ kdu' he won't

tshang isz' ^md, Jupiter's mesr hear your advice moki suti ;

enger who brings down chil- ^fc^, don't order him tdi^ suti ;

dren sung' ckun, to hand up

; lup Hsz' for the most part
a prisoner. they are like this; suti tkw'ai
i^* A dwelling ; to dwell ; a "ku, to regulate the usage;
state lying in the pre- ^piii suti a leader, an example,
Sune feudal
fecture of Kwaiteh in the east a muster; (ts^d suti careles^ly,
of Hondn name of a famous ; not exact H '^ts'z\wai sut let

dynasty, which lasted from A. D. this be a pattern suti H ig, ;

970 to 1280 also a shorter ; to take the lead ; suti sing to

one from \.d. 420 to 477. conform to the light of reas. n.
; ; ;;

484 Sll^T- SZ'

jMt Interchanged with the last world to teach ; to imitate ;


g Vto lead, to conduct on, as a fu} a workman, one skill-


standard-bearer does sut> az' ; ed in an art csin (Sz' ancient ;

to lead troops. wise men csz' 'pm, patterns


Jj^ Name of a tree A coUo- of the world cSz' cku, a nun ; ;

^rf'quial word; a catch, a fasten- iking cSz' the court, the capi-
ing, a button to fasten, to ; tal ; kin' '/d ^sz' to visit a learn-
latch imun sul-, a door latch
; ;
ed scholar; cSz' ii/^, a private
suti chii^ ^k'ii, fasten it well. secretary of high officers, one
who writes their papers S/tMi ;

cSz' naval troops, marines cSz' ;

(519) sat. (.king, a chum, a schoolfellow

(pdn cSz' to recall troops from
foreign service ; tsz' jye '^kdni
^0 Snow Canton, often ap-
; in
fun, taking on airs like a
j^^^ plied to ice; and to whiten, secretary; ch'utusz' to march
to blanch, to make like snow,
out the troops; cSz' ishiin, a
to wipe or wash clean snowy, ;
frosted, white to wipe out, ;
A murex, a spiral shell
as an injury to revenge to ;
crenulated shells; cSz' ckdm, an
clear one's self; siiLcfa, Hakes Sz'
Area ; a scallop, or Pecten.
of snow loki suU it snows; ;
A lion a dog that whelps

sw<3 kdrri' tung^ cold as ice ;

two pups ; (Sz' "-tsz' a lion ; cSz'
sut^ han^ to take reveuge silt, ;
'A;dw it'au, hair neglected and
di, the T'ientsin pear Ar'au' ;
long shehi cSz' stone lions

d'au iii 'td siit:, to kneel and

placed at doorways of y^mun ;
knock head often ; c/a/i (fan
^md isz' to play masked lions;
tdi^ siit:, a fine fall of snow
its'in (Sz' a figure of a lion
siiti pdki snow white ccAa
stuck over with cash cKung'

iTiiai yat; pau^ sut:> to make a

its'anisz' p? you've just tweak-
ed the lion's nose, i.e. he's now
cross enough.
(520) Sz'.
To control, to preside, to
rule, to manage ; to attend to ;

a commissioner, a manager, an
Ajc Partof an army, a company, officer; an office for a court;

'^|, a legion of 2500 men troops; ;

a township or a subdivision of
to marshal a force, to call a district csdm (Sz' the three

out the troops a metropolis ;

commissioners (of salt, re-
or capital a leader, a general,
venue, and justice) in a pro-
one who collects and orders vince; ct'ung r.hing^ tSz' the
people a master, an instruc-
Court of Representation at
tor, a professor, one skilled Peking ; Hd (km cSz' to go to
in a sage, a pattern to the law; .ts'iin 'kirn <.sz' the chief
; ;

SZ'. SZ'. 485

officer in a township ; koki 'yau sandth, or the hundredth part

^sho csz' each has his own bu- of a cash stringed instru-;

siness, m ments of music ^sz' fdt:> silk ;

BB To be distinguished from lsi goods, raw silk iU cSz' raw ;

^y"*- '1'^ think, to consider, to silk from Kiangsii; '<'d az'

reflect; to desire, to wish ; to Canton raw silk az' anin, ;

cominisserate; an auxiliary silk batting used to wrap bo-

euphonic particle ;csz' ^seuiig, dies in, or for lining is:^.M ;

to reflect upon ; cSz' nini^ to ond not the least;

consider ; thoughts, opinions ;
cSz' chuk^ stringed and wind
7id (.sam cSz' a good design ;
instruments of music :»« cSz' ;

isam csz' cSz' dwelling on often, sai' ^u, fine, drizzling rain ;
continually planning ; cSz' cM, ihin cSz' kaii' exactly enough.
to think of one's family ; c5z'
^^ Private, peculiar, personal
former days.
Us'iji, to recall 'Xr illiberal ; selfish; secret, par-
To reprove, to admonish, as
a friend ought to urge one's
tial ;

clandestine, treasonable,
sisters call each
self on in duty. other's husbands cSz'; contra-
Read csoi, a large beard. band, smuggled, illicit ple- ;

jm A tree withhard wodjcs^wn^l beian, below the throne Hsau ;

the Abrus precatorius
cSz' shii^ (Sz'to smuggle tsz' ^hd fo*
's , \ ;

whose red beans are gathered smuggled goods; csm ^kung

as playthings. hau- cSz' public before private
^W A coarse sort
of unbleached interests ; cSz' hah a trader

grssscloth or hemp, used as who smuggles ; a private mer-
half mourning for distaut re- chant; isz' .sam, partial, ua-
latives; hempen, flaxen asz' ; just ; cSz' 7id, secretly cSz' cO, ;

j7»dyMA:i light mourning worn I

favoritism, to uphold one at
at funerals. any rate ts'ap^ tsz' to watch
| ;

board screen put before' for smugglers; /s'apMSz' ishiin,
*g^* the door to intercept the gaze a revenue cutter; csz' dm,
of passers, or to make a sort smuggled salt; cSz'tArd, private,
of vestibule, called ifau isz'; i
my own ; ckd cSz' personal ef-
a stand-in-the-way. fects, household gear ; cSz'
fra A
cool breeze; ds'ang cS^ its'ing '^kau hdpi illicit inter-
*rp'J^. a high wind. course.

1^ A wader, a sort of heron ;

(This and the next are also read tMi.)

*S^ /o^A's' an egret, with whitish x^ Name of an herb ; to quin-

plumage, and a pendent crest. '
Octuple; fivefold; y«i cSz' to
^fe Silk as it comes out from the raise five times, as a price.

worm ;
silken, fine, silky, flos- K^ To decant and strain liquors
sy ; silk in general ; to reel off" '^ to pour out a libation; to
coccoons; small, minute; a divide ^sz' '^tsau, to pour oflf

decimal, the hundred thou- spirits.

; ;

486 SZ' SZ'.

To split with an ax, to rive to die for, a martyr to;

a pronoun, this, that, these, urgent, intense ; 'sz' cArwn^ ,fu,
those this very one, this
; a work to which one is com-
place; forthwith, presently, pletely devoted ; hV '^sz' ^yan,
then a euphonic particle
one who cares nothing for
white mean, base, low, in-
; an other's anger, insolent ; Cm
ferior ; tsz' ishi, at this time ;
(chi 'sz' reckless, regardless of
n' 5z" this afFrtir; isz' unan, consequences dead ; '«z' tso^ ;

literary, polished, scholarly; '5z' '^kan U'au, near death oV ;

(ch'iu (Sz' tsiki isz' morning '*?' dangerously ill; isam '-sz'
and evening here, constant; indifferent to ; 'sz' isnm, in-
(po csz' kiooki Persia ; '/« iho tensely desirous of; 'sz' paki
a/an isz' what sort of a fellow a livid, pale complexion ; shi*
is he? 'sz' iii <kwai, to regard dying
1 A menial, a camp-follower, as going home ; 'sz' tsili to die
a horseboy, a forager or in defense of one's loyalty or

j- woodcutter a servant, an at- ; chastity ; 'sz' sing^ paL 'koi,

tendant, a waiter to feed, to ; death won't make him change
Uake care of; broken, in 'sz' 'hail ^ngdu shati maintain
pieces, as firewood ; a melee, it fixedly, irrevocable ; 'sz' sz'^

in confusion, as in a battle; one fearless of death, a hero

'siM sz' a servant boy ; tsz' it'd or a ruffian; 'sz' <.td^nganpaV

soldiers, privates ; «5z' ^yiung died with closed eyes, a peace-

tsutj a camp-follower. ful end 'sz' cu <fi ming^ a

To tear apart as paper ; to premature death 'sz' Id^ a ;

split, to rend ; cSz' (hoi, pull it dangerous road 'Cni 'sz' ^k'ii, ;
in two d'ai cSz' to nudge, to
; Hook upon him as lost, as an
direct attention to; 'shau isz' abandoned fellow to read one ;

to tear with the hand. clearly, to see perfectly ; aP

To immerse, to sink in the 's?' to hang one's self; kdki
water water exhausted, (}ry,
'sz' scared to death 'to, 'sz' ;

run out; <.sz' miti thrown 'into lih to tie a hard knot; tsam^
the water, lost in the water. 'sz' drowned peng^ 'sz' died

Used for the next. from disease,

The neighing of a horse to A narrator of events a his-
; ;

belch, to eructate a hoarse ;

'it torian, an annalist; a history,
Sz' Shi
broken voice '<d tsz' yik, to ; a registerof events, chronicles,
hiccup 'mi tsz' a neigh to
; ;
acts kwoki 'sz' historical re-

hinny, to whinny. pords ; 'sz' (kiin, a historio-

End of animal life, death of grapher 'sz' ki' history
; i' ;

'5E young persons; die; dis- to shnpi yaL 'sz' histories of the
solution, dying, death; pale, 21 dynasties 'tso 'sz' ,yau}'sz'

deadly, ghastly dangerous, ; the two court historians ii* ;

'52' censors.
mortal to the death, fearless,

sz\ SZ'. 487

V^ 1 To send, to order on some A team of four horses, four

'^ '.service; 'sz' tak:, it will do, horses abreast sz" ''ma ikii, a ;
enough ; ''tsnn '52' a runner. chariot and four d'in sz" the ;

sThis character is pronounc- four stars )S, (J, *, p in Scorpio;

ed 'sAa/, because the preced- sz" shing^ a war chariot.
ing is an unlucky word.
i B3 '
To be anxious about ;
IM^ j A messenger, a servant sent Sz'
•"^C"^'on, pure-minded ; V sz"
^^'^^ presents to inquire about, thoughts, wishes i'n 'Ad i' ;
an agent ch'ut^ az" a servant
; sz" disreputable, indecent,
sz'^ ishan, a legate, an envoy, impolite, vile, corrupting.
sz" 'ch^, one who is sent. .^' To expand or exert to the
Jjq>i Four; everywhere; the utmost; great, large, to the
second is

and the third the abbreviated

the complex form, utmost reckless, ruinous, ex-

cessive, profligate, unrestrain-

x/>|form; sz'^ 'hd, all about; ed, dissolute a point or posi-;

g ,
^sz" cfong, the four points, tion of the heavenly bodies ;
everywhere; cubical, square; to refuse a market-place, a

sz" 'hoi, the "four seas," i. e. shop for exposing goods to ;

China the world sz" '^ngdn,

; ; spread out, to arrange to ex- ;

pregnant 52" htgdn 7d, one

; pose, as an executed carcase ;

who wears spectacles; sz'' pat:, abruptly; now, formerly;/*?;*^*

s^ung^ very ignorant; tai^ sz" sz" profligate, disorderly; az"
the fourth; S2''d^ luh forty- cfftd ki^ tdn} he fears nobody

six -rti kbiti' sz" Vwz cA^^ what

; '/aaw sz" a wine shop ytujd* ;

a courteous man you are 'Aim ! sz" a conjurer's office sz** ;

tak:, sz'' sz'^ luki luki he knows ihang kipi linki to rob without
only a little sz" lo^ itno :mun,
; any check.
no resource whichever way 1 _l_- A learned man, an upright
turn sz" kwai' ch^ung^ four
; gj. man, a doctor, a scholar a ;

seasons or periods for settling male,agentleman, able bodied

accounts; sz" 7td :'m kiii' men soldiers, officers, states-

can find it nowhere "pak^ sz" ; men one who manages a par-

one hundred and forty sz" ; ticular department ; the 33d

(fong muki a block of wood, radical ; tnun' s^'- a doctor,
[goes no further than it is the third literary degree tdi^ ;

pushed] i.e. a dolt; -.'wcsam, s'm koki sz'^ a title of cabinet mi-
si" notone thing, nor another nisters csAon sz'^ the gentry
; ;

sz" kok> four cornered; (cA'» skW kati sz'* a Hanlin doctor
sz" the fourth of the month. without office sz'^ tsut, a ; sol-
*nri' Mucus, snivel ; a large feed- dier, aman-at-arms ^k'i ;
|L-? er of the Grand Canal near a stout horseman ; itnan sz^^ a
Yenchau fu in Shantung; t'ai^ student; ikil sz'^ a private
sz" <.wdng dnv tears and snivel , scholar 'tsau ; sz'^ a chief but-
flowing down. ler; tdi- fz'^ a title of Kw^nyin.
! ; ;

488 SZ'. TA.

/JU- To act as a magistrate, to

fill an office ; to serve, to fill a (521) Ta.
station, as a menial or officer ;

a public officer; ck^uU sz'^ to

enter on office; c/ti' sz'^ to 'Jr** To Strike, to pound, to
resign a public post; sz^^wan} -pl knock, to beat, to maul;
ichi (kd, an honorable family. to fight ; to attack, to pum-
An affiiir, a matter, a con- mel ; to set a fighting; to

cern; business, traffic; an excite do anything ; to to ;

occupation, an employment, a add; to play with or on; a

pursuit, a service; that which blow punishment by blows
; ;

is done, an action ; a subject, an auxiliary word, placed

a theme ; to serve, to obey ; to before verbs to denote action,
manage a business; ,.kung sz'^ simply to do or showing pre-
public matters; cfiuti s?" to sent time, according to the
go out to service sz'^ shati ; scope a preposition, by, in, at,

a fact, a truth, is well known ;

through ;'<d dti ch'iV ihang^,
sz'^ lai^ rules of business; ;/?tf) go by this way 'M ka' to ;

*.<Ao sz'^ 5z" nothing to do; squabble and fight, a brawl

'^kan sz'^ very important; 'Ad '/d i'm to' it will not reach, aa
tsamsz'^ good natured, friend- a shot 'yau icICung 'ta, the

ly sz'^ U'au, master, boss, the

; worms have eaten it t'it-, ''td ;

head of the concern 52" '^tsai, ; ki^ made of iron Hd t'it^ '^Id, ;

assistants, clerks 'yaw sz'^ ; a blacksmith '<d p'd' to ;

busy, engaged something go- ; frighten ; '<d stin' Us'in ^rtgan.

ing on; 'yau mati sz'^ knri' to try to raise the wind ; ''ng
what have you in hand ? chnp^ ko^ "td ts'at-, ko^ add seven to
sz'^ each one having his own the five; 'Ad '<d pan' elegantly
post; the attendants of officers; dressed 'td skeh it'au, to

to accuse one ndu^ sz'' to

; throw stones stonecutting ; ;

make trouble ; 'cAm 52" a grade Hd'^chi ip'di, to play cards;

of scholars below the Hiin- 'td U'ling, to work in copper;
lin paU sz'^ sz'^ not to attend
'<d pdi^ chtung^ to be defeated
to business sz'* do kio'd 'niai,
; in battle ; Vd ^pin cliu' ilai,
overrun with cares and bu- which way (or where) did he
siness; sz'* d'au k^uk, nhik, come?"td itfenng ik'am, toplay
above doing m-anual labor; on piano dui "td, to come
a ;

ik'i 5z" a strange affair ; si^-fu* to blows 'fd mnng' to dream ; ;

^md. to assist one's parents. 7d (kung, to work for Hd 'sz' ;

,,^^"1 To transfix, to stab, to killed ; 'fd cteng, to drive a

1^, pierce with a sword to put
; nail ; "td "tsui (pd, to beat on
]^| [a ploughshare in the soil to ; the mouth ; "td md* ^k'ii, beat
Tsz" stick into the ground, as a and reviled him ; "td ko^ chiin'
stake ; to erect. to lake a turn or linle walk

f A. TAl. 489

Vd '^shau ^ngdn, to bribe 'td ; Leathern or skin shoes lok-, ;

fdti 'k'u hu' send him there ;

dai, leathern greaves or shin-
'<d lii, to fish; diii Hd, killed plates dai ;
kii' buskins worn
by lightning; Hd t'ing^ to by actors.
listen Hd .pdu, to mat any-
Reaching, afrived at; ra-
thing ; '<d ^t'eng Ati' to go in a
Ti dical, fundamerltal ; an origin ;

boat 7d -li,; to attend to, to base, mean ; to return, to

manage 7d ; '^shiii, to draw revert to; a lodging place for
water ; '<d cngan M^ jya«, a the night the third of the 28

silversmitii ; '<d <^ai ikung, to constellations, consisting of a,

fight cocks ; '?d ;A;'Mrt, to fisti- ^, y, I, in Libra ; dai -^yan, a
cuff; '/d ishing, to twist cords; certain foreign country.
'/d 'ngdn, to perforate. To bend down,
f to hang down to
the head; to sink, as money;
to droop,
incline, as

(522) Pa. in a low place, down low, ;

as a tone ; cheap low, base, ;

humble vulgar, common ^kb; ;

/jfc) A personal pronoun; he, dai, high and low.dai, iHgong,

*H:^ >she, him, her, it; that, the looking down looking up; —
c^^ J other another it'd yah an-
; ; dai ngai^ counterfeit dai ;

T a other day pa/) '^kun d'd, I ; d'au, to droop the head dai ;

have nothing to do with him ; kd' low-priced, cheap; ch'ut>

tt'd ,mim, they ^t'd tik^ his, ; (Shandai, humble origin, low
her's; ching^ Xd, it is sW born dai ^sam, downhearted ;

certainly him. dai \skui, gone to the bottom ;

sunk the capital dai isheng, ;

in a low voice; k'uky dai, to

(523) Tai. stoop over; dai ngai^ 52'^ a
low business ^shui hiung" ;

daidaii, the water is running

A bank, a dike, a levee to out; dai cli d^ a low place.
it defend
against water to stop,

fill up with earth
against; to oppose

to pre-
m a
A ram,
ram three years
changed with the
a buck,
a he-goat;
a next.
barrier to place firmly. ; To gore, to push with the
Interchanged with the last
Ti horns ; to oppose, to strive
a fence, a ridge, a barrier; to against ; to push, as off a
dike bridged a heaped
off, ; shore Hai ch'uk^ to butt and

up way on chuk^ dai,to cross ; gore Hai hV pushing with the


to build a dike Jai yigon} ; arms, a sort of wrestling.

a diked bank or shore dai ; The famous bow of the
\fong, a defense, as against emperor Shun; a red bow; a
floods. bow with carvings on it,

Ton Drt t)ii

;;; ; ; ' ;

490 TAI. TAL

At the base of, under the value up to, reaching worth,
; ;

Ti shadow of; the bottom of; valued at; cheap, a bargain;

below, underneath, beneath Va« (tonff, to be worth; i'm
at the bottom, below the level '^tai ko' Idn^ kaU not worth a

low, mean, menial a servant ; rotten orange; i'm ''tai ds'in,

to stop at, to reach the bottom; not worth a cash Hai '-shau ;

to impede, to obstruct a first ; sdi^ clever at everything, jack


copy of; to fall to the bottom, of all trades Hai chit' hold it ;

as sediment; but, only; natural up, stop it; Hai ngdp to bear
vigor, constitution; a classi-| as well as I can cc/m/i ching^ ;

fier of cakes Uai tniti' the

; i'm Hai truly I was deceived,
lower side, the bottom s'ffi to' ;
1 was not up to him Hai its'iii ;

Hai, it dont touch the bottom ; ^y6, a very precious article ;

tb' Hai Him yeung- how will ^tai tah eld, well worth it ;

it turn out at last? ha} Hai, '^iai Idi^ to take or have an

down stairs, below ; '^tai ha} equivalent; tdir Hai, in gene-

under ; -mo Hai, bottomless ral, for the most part; ichan
ishiin Hai, a ship's bottom ;
hai- Hai ke' it was very cheap;
'^siuHai, waiting-boys; HdHai, Cm Hai, dear Hai U7i- to swap, ;

to prime, as in painting ; mati to exchange Hai tiki tak^ chv}


-y^ Hai Hsz' cKut^iShan, what able to stand against them, a?

calling (or grade) did he start! an army eijual in value Hai
; ;

life -ngdn Hai and iyan,

with ? !
tsuv to atone for crime to ;

supercilious, an upstart; 'Ao bear the blame.

HaiHsz' vigorous, hearty well ; 'Jtf- The trunk of trees, the part
principled d S 'A ''tai, what|
; Jp* of a tree near the ground the ;

do you rest upon for its com- root, the foundation.

pletion ? Hai Hsz' H wdi^ his tft-R A hotel where feudatories
constitution is all gone ; tv' ^' lodged at the capital ; a court,
Hai, on the ground ; the earth's a royal residence ; a lodging-
centre Hai sdi^ tsunr (Chi,
; house, a hotel for travelers
knows about it
all <.kd "-lai, ; the basis, bottom, the
family property Hai 'sliui, the ; support of a thing the stand ;

tide against one hau^ '^tai, ; for a sceptre a screen outside ;

back, rear, behind yal^ Hai, ;

the door; fundamental; to
you've offended altogether; arrive at, to reach 'lii Hai, a ;

yat> Hai (ko, a large cake. tavern Hai (.king, to reach


*4rt. To oppose, to stop, to ward the capital.

^Jr* off, to rush against, to butt 'Sff To defame, to
vilify, to
to slap, to hit together; to \iz^ slander ; to blame
to scold, ;

substitute to forfeit a pledge

to accuse falsely Hai ham- to ;

to transgress, to offend ; to implicate and injure; Hai yuk>

sustain, to bear, to have what to insult and reproach tai ;

oue deserves ; to reach ; to ^wai, to calumniate.

; — ;;

TAI. TAT. 491

A grindstone, a millstone; a ^ Small insects, like ephe-

Chi hone, a whetstone; smoothed,
mera, generated in the ether

level, as a whetstone; to polish it is supposed the rainbow is


one's condu</t, to regard rules Ti made of them tap tung^' the ;

and civilities ; ''tailai^ a grind- rainbow. The first also means

stone : to reform one's self. a snake; and the second, when
One who judges ; celestial read cliiit^ a spider.

virtue one whose virtue is
; To
twine and bind with
like that of heaven and earth, Ti leathern straps rising by de- ;

and made their vicegerent grees; a younger brother; to

among men:ergo, a sovereign, act as becomes a younger
a judge, a prince, a potentate, brother; a junior, a friend, a
ail autocrat, an emperor, of scholar 6P taP a boy, a lad
; ;

whom the world can only ihing tap brothers, younger

liave one : it is applied to brothers; ling' tap yowr young-
several deities denoting their er brother ; sAe' tap my own
supremacy in their peculiar at- brolh^; -nii tap a younger
tributes, as (Ktr 11 n lap Mars; sister; tap '<.sz' scholars 'sjm ;

iMati tap Apollo; :Wd tap tap I, my humble self; ngoP

God of Fire Shiung^ taP the : Jiing tap brothers-in-law.
Supreme Ruler, one at the Used for the above as a verb ;
liead of Olympus there are ;
Ti to act brotherly, to act as a
now several of them ; iwoug younger brother should.
tap the emperor top iwong, ; To wind around in ascending
a sovereign tap haiP an em-
; order; a consecutive series,
press '/»» tap the five rulers
; an order, a rank, a gradation ;

of the five regions the five ; to gradate, to make in a series;

elected emperors, before YiJ arranged in order; a literary
the Great, d. c. 2o97-2255. degree; a mansion, a bouse;
To judge, to examine into makes the ordinal numbers;
Ti to tap to
scrutinize; isham a conjunction, but, however,
examine and decide upon. yet, merely ; ts'z" tap rank ;

The peduncle of a flower, tap yat^ number one, the

Ti the foot-stalk of a flower or first ; tap y at, tnP

'Ad, the best ;

fruit; stem of a melon; rootlets; (sam ikdii, tap

the third house ;

nut. rootless, unfounded ; tfa ^ki ho^ which immber? taP

tap a flower-stalkping^ tap ;
chah. an an officer's house
ifin, a double flowered lotus; tnk^taP to get a higher degree;
tap kdp little prickles, motes, k'apitaP a doctorate, a Hanlin;
straws, trifles. ^k'u 'yau mati iko tap 'hi, what
A quinquennial sacrifice to high grade has he reached
the manes of the emperor's what cleverness has he? ts'z'^
predecessors; a worship ol tap to confer a mansion on a
royal ancestors a deserving officer.

492 TAI TAT.

Used for the preceding as a
Ti conjunciion but, yet, only ;
(524) ai.
name of a plant; pat^ tai* a
double surname.
1 To transmit, to send on, jr^ A ladder; stair?, steps;
Ko convey, to pass from hand 'Ip: to recline against; a means to
hand to hand up or in to
to ; ;
reach an end i/at> to' ilau ;

Ti exchange, to alternate; for, U'ai, a pair of stairs dau d'ui ;

instead of; distant taP Vii ; ifong, closet under the stairs ;

h^uki to change the legs over ;

's/ta?i d'ai, a hand ladder ; d'ai
tai^ inin, next year ; zch'iin tap tang^a step-ladder; '^pdn^'ai,
to send on, as by post to remit ; board steps; 'tin u'ai, a rope-
intelligence tni^ '^pan, to
; ladder; ^sh6ung iwan j'ai, to
petition for ; it'iu tai^ to go far, mount the cloudy ladder to —
distant: tai' aiimg Hoong amn, become a high scholar (tin ;

alternating, neighbors seeing it'ai, aladder leading up a roof,

each other ;
ildn iii tai^ chong^ a scaling rope ladder ^sh^ung ;

to stop an officer's sedan and ft'iti (t'ai konp iudn, as difficult

hand up a paper ifdn hii tai^

; as to climb up the sky; (t'ai
"chun, may I trouble you to '^han, it'ai k&uki head of the
take this for me ? stairs, and foot of the stairs.
A sort of small plum, not '£j3^"] Tares found among rice,
larger than a cherry a wild ; ,f^Mike that grain with small
cherry, common in Shansi; ^"i^j seeds, and not easily distin-
a piece of wood put under a T'i guished ; rice cockle ; shoots
carriage. on a willow trunk,
Attached to, belonging to, ^atf Lustrous pongee, used to
joined; attendants in offices, -^f make robes or gowns, which
underlings menial, abject,
; were given as presents a coat ;

base, vile, ignoble; pula taP or pelisse,

servants, suite tap (shii, the ; i^ji A water-fowl, called d'ai
square, plain character chih ; '^f? if(, a species of gregarious
tap attached to directly, as pelican, having a red bill, and
the superior achau and U'ing plumage an owl. like
departments are under the ndj To bewail, to howl and
governor; chiki taP ^shdng, "
Jl? cry the cry of birds to crow,
; :

the province of Chihii, so as a cock to coo and call, as


called because it is the metro- a pigeon to scream, as a


politan province. parrot or an ape d'ai huki to ;

Standing alone, as a tree cry and weep; ikai d'ai, a

solitary exuberant, flourish- cock's crow ckai cch'o U'ai,
Ti ; ;

ing distinguished, eminent.

oockcrowing at the 3d
first —
R-ead Ho : a tiller to steer watch <kai liitP U'ai, general

with, asjcull. cockcrowing at davva.

; ;;

T'AI. T'AI 493

PA a hoof, both solid and cleft Name of an insect ; d'ai

'^,r the feet pMchydermatae,
of do, a kind of cicada.
solidungula, and ruminantia Also read .shi, name of a bird.
to kick a trap to catch hares Reddish spirits, clear pure
II liquor;
; ;

met. a horse hndd'ai, a horse-

; the essential oil of
hoof; the water-chestnut dp, ; milk, a liquor refined from
*7ia it'ai, a flat foot like a duck the coagulum of butter, elain;
— sign
of a poor man d'ai ; d'ai ill, an unctuous liquor
kok) hoofs and horns, i. e. flowing from cream; met. the
horses and cattle. beneficent temper of Budha.
la. At ease; U'ai it'ai beautiful,
fascinating, as Si-shi was.
Read xhi, a mother.
Fully, handsomely dressed
hau* d'ai d'ai, properly
clothed in an elegant manner.

To lift in one hand, to lift Also read sW, with the same
up, to take up; to hold, to meaning.
raise, to carry to bring for- ; The forehead, the front;
ward, to bring into notice; to the head, the forefront con- ;

bring before a magistrate a ; spicuous a theme, a proposi-

drum or sounding-tube, used tion, a subject for writing, a

on horseback a syllable used : preface ; title of a book ; to
by Budhists :t'ai ship^ dsing ; look at ; to notice, to discuss,
s.s/m7», to rouse one to action ; to praise, to bring forward; to
it'ai ifong, to watch ; d'ai subscribe to do, to attempt ;

ishing, to lift on high ; d'ai to compose, to write ; d'ai

ikw'aiy to lead by the hand ; to niuki a theme an authority ;

bring up, to nourish; to lead for ; tdi^ d'ai muki an impor-

forward, to help on d'ai ij/ing, ; tant matter, an urgent order
the sentencer of punishment, from high officers ; d'ai ''seng,
a provincial judge d'ai tnh a ; to bring mind p'o' d'ai, to ;

major-general '^shui :sz' d'ai ; the exordium of an essay

tiik, an admiral d'ai d'nng, ; ishing d'ai, the enforcement
a courier d'ai csz' ^king kok,
of the subject 'si'w d'ai tdi* ;

to bring to notice fully d'ai ; tso^ to makemuch of a too

'hi, to bring to notice, to sug- littlematter; ^ni it'ai ^hd d'au,
gest ; d'ai dung, to carry a lan- do you broach the matter, you
tern d'ai tiii^ ukun, overseer
; try first ds'im d'ai, to sub-

of the candidates it'ai ikon ; scribe money ; d'ai tshi, to

tin' 'tdm, in a flutter, scared. indite verses ; it'ai tsau' to
Read '<«» ; to throw away. write a memorial to court
t^ Name of a gem, called d'ai the title to a book
(sAti d'ai, ;

;ndn d'ai, hard to do, impos-

To go out to see to sit and ;
sible po<3 cSiw it'ai, don't say

observe ; to look at from a any more about it, keep still;

Ti <;';« d'ai, to forget all about.
;; ;

494 T'AI. TAT.

A frisking, fine horse ;

li'iiit. husband and wife one flesh
it'ai, a nimble palfrey d'ai ; Jinng, to put in practice
'^t'ai ;
dsz\ a place in Shantung. 'Cai h? to regard, to assist
Weeds, tares; plants just '^t'ai pdki ^kom tsd^ do it this

sprouting. way and no other s'/n hdpi ;

Read d ; to cut down grass ^t'ai shik:, inelegant, as style;

name of a flower; cSom a c/a, indecorous, unusual, as dress.

the Magnolia purpurea. Read tai^ ; to view slightly,
The sky clearing up fair ;
to glance at.
weather, cessation of rain. T'i
t'i A colloquial word. To see
A sort o^ pheasant ; d'ai srf» to, to look after to deem, to ;

a kind of pelican. Read d; regard; to keep watch, to look-

d iyau, a flying squirrel. out for, have an eye on to ;

A sort of coitus or bullhead, conclude, tosuppose, to think;

m with projecting eyes the sour

things found in fish's stomach.
; Wai-k'iJi'm'-hi, I think he will
not answer ^ngo 't'ai tak,

'11 ] The body, the frame, the ^yau, I think there is some ;

^ whole person; a body, a I guess it is so; H'aiikang, to

! a class, a body of
; watch, as a watchmen H'ai ;

T'i officers ; real, substantial kcuki look to your footing,

the important parts of, the be careful how you walk '/'<« ;

essentials decorous, dignified,; kwdn^ used to, seen such be-

becoming, decent, proper; fore; '^pi ajan '^t'ai ''siu, you'll
respectable, reputable, influen- make men contemn you ; 't'ai
tial ; to realize, to embody, tak:, i'm H'ai taki do you think
to make substantial, to repre- he will pass? can such things
sent in action the views of do? ^t'ai kwo' I've seen it;
another ; to partition ; to join, H'ai cchan, look sharp '<"a« ;

to attract, related to ; to re- itigan, to shroflT money; Wai

ceive courteously (shan H'ai, ; (Ch'un sheki to look through a
the human body tdi-'^t'aimin'- ; stone, sharp-sighted ; '^t'ai 'tsz^

liaving a great reputation saV look very carefully after

yati Wai, the whole, all con- it ; '^t'ai -Jid d'in, look to hea-
cerned, accordant; -/«? H'ai, ven [for help] H'ai hvo' ;

courtesy politeness S2"'<'aj,

; duvg, to look beyond the
the four limbs shik:> tdPH'ai, ; mark H'ai d'au H'ai 'mi, I've

to understand the great rules seen they are all right; H^ai
of propriety 7td Wai its'oi, ; pung^ kati 'shau, lookout for
personable, well limbed, ele- your empty hands! a street —
gant ; shati'^t'ai, unbecoming, cry; ^ngdn H'ai H'ai, staring at,
rude, impolite ; hoaf H'ai not taking his eyes off"; hff
iwai 000, I fear your good H'ai hi'' gone to see the play;
self is indisposed ; H'ai sut-> to -yanmat^ -ye Hio H'ai, what fine
befriend; fu ''fa yat, 'fai, things have you'
;; a

T'AI, TAI. 495

A younger sister ;
sisters-iij-iaw; ''t'aifii,a (oas) Tai.
ger brother's wife; H'aiHsai,
a waiting-boy <.kdisliangH'ai,

a slave boy a" H^ai, my boy,

: Ab A colloquial word. Silly ;

my little fellow.
'^ acting like a fool ; cs/m ddi
To weep, to shed tears Hsz' a silly booby; ddi, Mi
Ti name of a lot; ya^j (ai' to dress out of order, slovenly.
lament and weep yat:, %£ung ' ^''^•'> vicious, evil, perverse
j^ ]

yi- Cai^ a foolish blockhead. ,^ the 78th radical of characters


To shave; to eradicate ! denoting misfortunes, death,

v» i> gr^ss,
to clear off land ; rub- Tai corpses; s'm cchi'^hd 'tdi, he
^jlj /•bish, underbrush; t'aVd'au does not know goodfrom bad ;

^fe' I
76, a barber; t'ai^ iSo do, a iWai <fi tsok:, Hdi, to make
<i!f: J razor; 'xJiii CaV to root out confusion and evil diung 'tdi
11..,^, ,

t ni fat:, isau thang, to turn iudn (.fan, not easy to tell the
priest ; iib. ku} t'ap U'au, to bad from the good.
shave in the moonshine. 'jfe A colloquial
word. pipe ; A
life' To reject, to cast away ''^ lirtHdi, a tobacco pipe ^skui ;

J''' from one. tin Hdi, a hubble-bubble, a

Read chdi- ; a hair-pin to water pipe; shiki ^tdi an, to
secure the hair in a knot. smoke one pipe.
An indissoluble knot; t'aP ^'"i A sash, a girdle; a belt,,

Ti (kdu, inseparably joined, as ^, ;^ region of country, a zone ; a

when married ; bandage, a compress a band,
closely shut.
j^ j ;

To change, to put another Tai a tape, a ribbon, a scarf, a

instead of, to substitute to narrow kerchief; to take, to

abolish, to reject, to set aside; carry to take along with one, ;

to wait; to stop; for, instead, to pilot, to conduct, to lead

in place of, in behalf; a sign and guide to remind be- ; ;

of the dative tuV t'aP ^ni hii'; longing to, related, implicat-
I'll go for you t'aV ishan, a ;ed places connected with ;

substitute t'ai' tak-. ch'uti %m,

; eachother, as a neighborhood;
doubtful if it (or he) will do a colloquial word, overmuch ;

instead -.iYciSV t'aPij/an shan^ fi'i' d'au tdV a girdle mati ;

tsiii- Jesus suffered for men's tdi' garters csz' tdV p'o' tape ;

sins; shaV t ^d/h hnotig t'aV her- and ribbon shop; tdi^ 'niying^
editary titles are not destroy- shik) go with you there to in-
ed; t'ai' 'k'ii ^kong, tell him; '.mo troduce you tdi^ iti tik^ rather ;

t'ai^ unchangeable; t'ai' ''sz' too warm tdi" ,chdng luk^ it ;

'ktcai, a criminal'ssubstitute. does not exactly suit fdn tdp


To sneeze a sneeze Hd ; trouble you to take this

; as a
^-^ pan' t'aV to sneeze .li ait letter taV liiv involved, as in
; ;

t'ai calchinii cold. a ruin kiodi IdV yan hau. .

;; ;; — •

49C tAi. T'AI.

to entrap and carry off girls; elder brother tdp Uuh in ;

had kwa' tdV no cares on my general tap ds'in yati day


mind tdV ''skui H'eng, pilot

; before yesterday Jeung tdp ;

boats. ^sin, wife and concubine tdp ;

The un-
rootlets of plants ; harp the " great limit,"
important, trifling kdi^ IdV a death sAaw^ Ml' sz^^ to kill
Tai ;

little matter, a mote. the emperor tdp kuh a fine ;

carry or wear on the appearance '^shtii tdP high ;

i head; to bear, to sustain, to

uphold to have over one, as
water tdp ^s(ung U'au, a

grand plan tdp 'yau '^sho yiki ;

the sky to respect to meet,

; ; he has made a great gain it ;

to occur, to happen
fdP md- ;
will be very advantageous;
to put on a cap tap ^ngdn ; tap Jo, too many tdp pat> ^lo, ;

kcng^ to wear spectacles oP ; impossible.

tdP ^k'ii, I respect and like
him pati kung^ tap it'in, the

same sky shall not cover us (526) T'ai.

^teng tdp a button or knob
itdm tdp to undertake for tap ;

ip'x ising, to wear the

A colloquial word. A rudder;
moon and wrap in the stars, M^- hold the
<.chd ^t'di, to steer, to
I. e. to travel and peddle.
tilleriswig H'di, to crane up

iJ^- Great, big, grand, large; a rudder to let go the tiller;;

'\£^ noble, old; chief, distinguish- cradra '^Cdi, to luff; iCuP t'di, to
ed fat, plump
; important, ; ease the helm ; H'di U'ung, a
prominent; a common superla-* tiller.

live, much, very ; to enlarge, Read tdp; a long narrow boat.

to exceed, to surpass ; to grow Great, excessive; too, very;
large ; the 37th radical ; tdP
*: b'"*^*''*^ ^^'^ extensive slippery;
TT^i ;

i'tn d'ung, very different ; tdP a title of honor for men and
^ii 'siM pat. it^ung, the large is women d^ t'dP the old lady,

unlike the small tap tak:> ; Madam ^Id t'dP t'dP an of-

how fast he grows tdP anun, ; ficer's lady, her ladyship t'dP ;

the front gate tdP its'in, the ; do, overmuch, excessive t'dP ;

great thousand," the world kwd' overstepping his pl?^,<ffc
tdp U'au Jid, " a big headed intrusive; more than„v,
prawn," you booby tap Jioi ! CdP pat-, k'apt insuffici/ gjjt
iniiin tso' do it with open will not do at all ; t'dP c^fc|,,j(r

gates, i. e. let every body a great-grandfather ; t'dP ei^sz'

know it 'Ao tap mtn} a- you
; the crown-prince ; t'dpip'i,^^ia^
think yourself rather great; general peace ; -Id t'dP 0j//,u3-
tdp kd' Hsz' a vain fellow toin-liouse examiners; t'dp „ .^'j^j

tap tfong tik^ be more lenient, ,koi, truly I am to blame,jp I

don't gripe him; a' tap my beg pardon.
; ;

TAI. TAK. 497

Interchanged with the pre- a favor, grateful ; to increase ;

ceding; exalted, high, honor- happy ; tak) hang^ virtuous

able ; superior in station or ex- actions sz" tah four [female]

cellence; extreme pervading; ;

duties 'ya« lah he is worthy;

peaceful; the 11th diagram; lynn tak) beneficence; tap

t'dV £t pat] tkiu, high and still tak) great kindness ; tsi^ikung
condescending, as ihe emper- tak) to perform meritorious
or; T*di\skdn, a famous peak acts, as Budhists do; oh tak>
in Shantung; kwok^ t'dV iman a bad efficacy; ,chi ^yan ''kbm
the country prospering
lon, tak) to be grateful.
and the people at peace. To obtain, to attain, to suc-
Slippery waters rushing ceed, to gel what one wishes;

Ik' and overflowing ex-cessive, Teh

to get from heaven to wish,
; ;
overpassing to wash, to rinse to desire; special; an auxilia-

and clean fshd CdV to scrub ry verb, can, may

; able to be ;

with sand tcA'^ t'd-V extrava- ; dtjne often forms the past ;

gant fond of women.; tense in colloquial Cm tokt :

To lend to loan on interest ; impossible, very difficult; im

Tki to intrust to another ; a loan ;

kwoi' tiik) P I am truly sorry,
to confer, to give; to release, mortrfied ; tak) Us'in mdPfong'
to pardon ; tsi^ t'dV to lend, to take bribes to let a thief
to use a while ;
qtong t'dp to go (knm t/ati tak, kin' I had a

borrow for another ; hat) t'di' sight of him to-day Wai tak) ;

to beg a ioan; chnkifatt pat) kill' able to see it; pat) tak)
t'di' to punish and not pardon. jt'i'sz' a premature death; I'm
Figure, form the habit of a ; ''kong tak, ch'uti inexpressible,
person, his gait, air, motions I will not say it ; j'wt 'tan<{ taki
T'ai ;

the expression of an idea I cannot wait; Jidng tak) cto,

configuration, circumstances; walked much; luh tak) lU
manner tJdu t'dV haughty
(to, it rained much S-^ tak) ;

shop t'dp tim diung, the S7ii?/, you've written but little;
cordiality or the disregard of tail* tak) very well, it can be

the world mP Cap seductive ; done; tak^tsvi^ to fun, to offend;

way, ogling; f'di' tt^ behavior. sz" i'm tak: iiin, the thing may
not be dune kdi' -.chi tsoi^ taky

repress your covetousness

(527) Tak. tS^«rtj^/flA; mutually agreenble,
coinciding; tak)i/'it;shat.i/at,
to get one and lose one ; tdp
'^ "1
Virtue, goodness, moral ex- tak tsai^ much too large ; taki
1^' i cellence accomplishments:
; fo kP a fellow work man.

jg,, I benefit, favor, kindness; vir- Erroneously used for the

Teh tue, quality, energy, efficacy preceding; water; watery, the
good examples, sensible o: appearance of water.
Ton. Dicr. tJ5
498 TAM. T AM.
A bullock fit for sacrificing the lead; tarn' tam^ chung^
a three-year stallion ; male of very heavy, burdensome; chdn^
beasts team of four to pair,
; ; chung- tarn' to make a large
to match to stand forth ; fortune; tam^ lok^ dai, to.hang
alone, single, separately, in- down, suspended; tarn' iU, to
sulated; special, purposely; fish with a line; tam^ '-p'dng
takidaiig doi, 1 came on pur- ik'i, to angle for crabs tam^ ;

pose pati taki '^kdm, not so

s/iau^ ke^ stupid, gloomy ; ta/n^
alone tak> iu^ specially tah
; ; dui, sad looking, melancholic ;

i' a special design ik'i taki ;

tam^ Idm^ to drop a hawser
truly unique, a strange thing so that a boat can cross it.
taki tV purposely laki taki ; A colloquial word. A low
brusque, eccentric, peculiar ;
place, a bog; to press down,
taki u^ a special edict. to crush ; to stamp on dai ;

A pear from Annam a post ; tam^ a low spot, as in a yard ;

to tie animals to a pillar a ; tam^ ^k'u, crush it, as with the

Yih ;

spike; iAcArj taki a stone which foot ^»»d tnjn^ d'ai, the horse

divides lands; ich'^ung deng paws hau^ tnm^ tam^ very


taki a long spike, a nail to thick yung^ k^uki tavi} '-pdit,


hang things on ; '<aw tah. to push the board down with the
drive down a post or stick. foot.

(528) Tarn. (529) Pam.

*;^ A colloquial word. To '>T'am. A colloquial word. To

^ pound, to hammer to strike revolve, to whirl; round, roll-
ing over d'am d'amHhiin, to

with the fist to rap to throw ; ;


at to throw away
; Ham dp. to whirl round and round d'a^n

stone ducks; '<ams«dM, to drop d'amihiin, the circuit of, as an

anchor; ^pdu Ham (^pau chdpi islet; around plat; d'amU'am

I'd let you pound or cut it iskeng, a rumbling sound.

for I know it to be good "^tam -*J^ A colloquial word. A cess- ;

yan' to " chop " dollars Ham

*^ pool a pit, a tank '^skuiH'am, ;
; ;

kwati or Ham ishan, to pommel, a tank for manure uwi H'am, a ;

to shampoo; ich'ui u'au Ham hole, dug for transplanting in.

^no, to hammer and beat one H^fctt' A colloquial word. Tode-
harshly Ham hii' to throw -^^"* ceive, to swindle, to play a

away. trick on to try an imposi- ; ;

A colloquial word. To drop tion; 'k'ti t'a}Ti"ni, he is delud-

down to drool, as saliva to

hang down, as a laden pocket;

ing you ; t'am^ Cam^ ^hd, try
oRce i'm d'eng -ni t'am^ I'll

to sound <awi' if'o, to throw' ;

not be taken in by you,
tAMl TAM. 499

M» Fringes or pendents hang-

(530) Tarn.
'^ ing
o on the border of crowns
or coronets, to conceal the
ears; flaps on caps; sound of
4&1 To carry on a pole acrvss a drum. ^.
'1^ I
theshoulders; to bear, to ^Kj[* Interchanged with ishom >^
<^|^ undertake, to sustain;
j" to 'Ian ^ Prison
exhilirated by drink,

4g grab at; responsible for, to

given to wine ddm 'tsau, ; S
security for itdm dti ko' fond to drink.
^TaJ ;

^<.s{'ung, carry this box dam

1 ^m
The gall, the gall-bladder ;

pd, to be security, to insure; ,^^ > courage, bravery; fortitude,

(tarn tak:,'^ki, yoa can lift it; IJs. endurance 7d//i '^skui, the ;

cfdm ikon ^ki, to stand security Tan bile; dam sap timid, fearful
for; itdm if ait, a patron, one's! (Chan 'Ad ddm, really brave ;
security c<«/« skeung ^shan,
hdk:, p'o^ ddm, scared so as to

riltakeihe responsibility; cfd/n sp!it h is gal l-bl adder; c/:»n7d»7,

csa.'tt c A u- to remember care-! liver and gall very intimate; —
fully itavi do '.Can, peddlers,
ddm ckV moral courage ddm ;

hawkers: dam ink:, Jigdng^ tsok:, ddm iwai, as we plan we

can certainly be assured of it ; will do, to carry out a purpose;


ddm cckau ''fii, or dam tdm^ 7d, ddm cshang imd, " his gall has
a coolie, a porter; ddm kok,\ got hairs," audacious, daunt- —
to retard, as by delay; 7caw less; iwoiig ddm, gall.
ddm dsiing, the dog grabbed -p^ The hum of a full table; the
the pudding, i. e. he does noti rj^ noise of many eating; craunch-
take the hint; ddm ying^ toj ing, grinding of the jaws.
stake one's credit. 4i^*
A burden, a load a pecul ;

J^&. Interchanged with the last! 1^> >or 100 catties; 'Ad tdi' tdrfi'
Tan and the next; a load of two ili j a very heavy load ynt, d'iu ;

peculs of grain the name of. Tan tdm^ ikon, a carrying-pole;


a large town in the northwest' tdm^ d'iu d'au cshnng V to get

of H linan I. a living by carrying burdens;

fffr Interchanged with the next ;

j/'7<;/d/n'cA'/n^' weighs a pecul;

tdm^ (.kon tsd- ch'e.k-, the beam

Tan '''^'^ pendent ears, long ears,!
regarded as a sign of wisdom. makes a cubit, a. e. it's as long

nHb»| To look at and yet think of as it is broad /dm' d^au, a ;

^J*) something else; to look about, peculage levied by the hoppo's

c^Jo^j as a tiger when eating giv- ;
office; tsip^ 'chiin tdm' I'll re-
Tan en to pleasure, lustful ; ''fti lieve your loa<l ynt, tdm^ ddm, ;

ski} ddm ddm, eyeing fiercely take it all at one load.

like a tiger, ji^-] To eat, to taste, to chew,
gg^ Dull of hearing; a man's ^, Ho masticate, to swallow to ;

name; ^LocTdm, or L^u-kiun, PS entice, to hold out baits a

founder of the Rationalists, I
Tan bite, a morsel, a mouthful;
500 TAM. T'AM.
a sw illovv ; wild, incoherent get on d'dm dsong, open to

yaty tdni' fan' a mouthful of bribes d'am U'au, the object


rice tsAi \sk^ tdm^ fdn^ give

; of desire d'dm ''yam ddm ;

a moutiiful of rice [to a poor ydkt a gluttonous drunkard.

man] chap^ ^md tdm^ hiip^ not
; A colloquial word. The quad-
even a suck of gravy a bare — |

ruped drawn on the screen

board ^ngdu tdni' ^ni, I'll bite
; in front of offices, for good
you it' ail '^kdin tdm^ to steal a]
luck it is like a unicorn, and

bite '/n ydki tdm' take a bite.

; should warn officials against
1 Fresh, tasteless, flat, insipid; bribery.
thick mucus from
weak, watery; light,
0i thePhlegm,

as a friend
; light,
as color
chung' u'dm, to
dead t'S' it'dm, to cough

indifferent to, temperate; dull, up phlegm, to spit U'dm an, ;

as trade; tdm^ishdi, detestably phlegm ;or U'dm U'dm t'o*

flat; (Sam tdvt^ no liking for ;

kiln' a spittoon, a ;

/dm^ taki tsai^ very weak, as fa' it'dm, an expectorant

tea -ts'ins tdm} poor ishang
; ; u'dm ^sheung ''keng, in the
i' tdm^ business is dull ^Idng ; death rattle.
tdrn^ abstinent; no cordiality f^ To converse, to discuss, to
for; no
tdm' 'sAwi, fresh water
trade, a dull market;
; tdiii^
T^ praie, to cavil
talk about, to speak upon to
; a patois, any

pnki poor, thin. peculiarity of speech : conver-

Marshy plants, low sedge; a sation, talk, chitchat; ihdn
sort of reed useful for making u'dm, small talk ; '^shau U'dm,
brooms. to play chess '<"d ; i<'d»i, alocal
Opening flowers mallows; dialect; U'dm
TAn budding flowers
Hihixcus mutahilis.

'dw tdm^ the and chat (ko U'dm, loud talk


kung^ ^ni U'dm U'dm, let us

siu' to

Tan manes of
sacrifice offered
to the
the end ^'k
talk a while.
To serve up food; cakes
of ihe three years' mourning. ^'^^ ^^^^ rolled in them, and
T n
sliced, a sort of sandwich to ;

bait, to allure.
(531) T'am. ^
L^ arrive
Reaching, extending to
at; great, extensive;
; to

u'dm (.ynn, royal favor.

>^ To covet, to long for, to J® To burn in the fire to ;

X,V\ desire inordinately ; ambitious ^(^ scorch, to bream to dry at a ;

1 tin y : .

of, bent on; avaricious; am •./ fire, to put in the blaze to ;

t$am, a covetous disposition ;

warm, to boil; U'dm ishiin, to
greedy, ddm, J'dm covetous ;
bream a boat's bottom ; U'dm
(t'dm 't'ai Tnin\ fishing for fo, burn some faggots
'hi tsd'

praise ; d'^drn Us in, an.x,iou» to of grass iang U'au %t'dm ^hd,

TAld. TAN. 501

dry it in the lamp d'am ; ^shui, relatives ; t'dm"^ aha '^shui, to

lo warm some water, as in a sound ; t'dm' ,fd, the third on

boiler; it'dni (am^ icKa, warm the list of the Hanlin doctors;
a cup of tea ; ^« it'a.m woki t'dm" t'eng' to seek news of;
^tai tsati^ ichi ik'ung, when iloi idvC 'Afl 'ni, just came in
the scorches the boiler,
fire to see how you are ; tditC ^tsz'
you'll know what poverty is. a spy t'dm' d'ong, to try the

Also read Us' am. heat of water t'dm* yati t'dm' ;

To converse, to discuss to ; try it once.

manifest; large, big; to talk
big; an ancient feudal state,
lying east of Tsin^n fu in
(532) Tan.
Shantung; a surname.
Nameof a river; deep, j^1 A heap, a tumulus, a mound,
Tan bottomless an expanse of ;
3a \ a barrow; a pile a hillock on ;

water, with deep holes (kon ; ^g[ja stepp ; a square

pillar of
pdki ingo it'dm, as well dry Tun bricks ; the base of a post, a
up the Macao Passage! i. e. plinth ; a company of boat-
you talk extravagantly it'dm ; people settled ashore a ton, ;

'/sz' iy^ung miv} passage be- used to imitate the English

tween the Bar Fort and Typa ;
word did dan, Oyster Heap,

mnn^ ch&ung^ csham it'dm, very or Second Bar; dp^ .tan. Duck
deep, no bottom met. I can't ; Hillock, opposite French Fol-
see the end of it. ly dan k^uk, a settlement

A wine jar, an earthen near Macao Passage Fort

vase to contain spirits; yat, Idpi chuki dan, a candle-stand;
tvrri. jd'dm'^tsau, a jug of spirits. cW tan, a fire-signal ; 'Ai ddn
T'an Often pronounced d'an. iU iu' 'td dan, pillars must be
jg. Clouds spreading themselves; made in single brick walls
ip^ it'dm it'dm, lowering, the sky sau^ dan. cushions used by
overcast. courtiers ; p'du\tan, a bundle
-dfflb Minced meat salted salted or
; of straw; me^ a squat, strut-
Jr~ cured delicacies; brine; gravy, ting fellow. The second form
the serous juice oozing from is vulgar.

meats H'dm ''hoi, preserved
or salted meats.

feel for with the hand,

i A colloquial word.
when it ought to go on to
put down a dep8t for opium
To stop

J?^ tosearch for ; to go todiscover; (dp'in^ "-tan, an opium ship;

to explore, to sound ; to try, Han tkd, opium dealers cAdt' ;

to essay : to make inquiries Han, an insolvent ; '^tan tsoi^

about, to visit, to ask after ; to imi'/n 'hau, putdoor- it in the
examine, to spy, to investi- way a while; Hanfai^goo^s, left
gate ;
7a t'dm^io learn about on hand 'tan p'a' a small ;

tdm'moiig^ its' an ts'ik; to visit flower, boat.

602 TAN. TAN

(533) T'an. (534) Tan.

Toswallow, to gulp, to bolt pL A carnation or cinnabar

to devour, to swallow up, to <^'^'"''5 sincere, honest; medi-
Tun Tan
seize, to ingulf, to grasp, to cines or other subsiatices
appropriate ; to merge in one ;
decocted or distilled; a pre-
«/'«« i'in, to bolt a pill d'an ;
scription, a remedy ;£//« or (/dft,
'^hau 'sAwi. to swallow one's an efficacious remedy ; dan
spittle ; to make one's mouth <fong, a good recipe; lin} dan,
water ; d'^an c/'in, to swallow to distil medicines; dan csha
the sky, i. e. grasping; U'an cinnabar ore; dan ^sain, pure-
it'in ha} to seize the empire ;
minded; (Sin dan, a divine

(t'aii ping" to engross all ; J'ln medicine dan U'in liki con-

loki hit' swallowed ; <t'an i'ni stitutional energy yati p'in^ ;

loki 'kens, I can't swallow it ddu'sam, entirely devoted to.

down d'an ikani, to swallow ffi
"j Single, alone, isolated, by
gold-leaf —
a Chinese niode of X" } itself; odd numbers a single ;

suicide d'an p'iri' to over- <i^' garment individual, an or-


reach iiodng d'an tfcin t'np, Tfin phan

only, entirely; thin, ;

to gulp a pagoda crosswise, poor, bad; debilitated, ex-

i.t-. inordinately greedy U'an hausted to surround, around
; ;

(sheng, to keep silent; d'an sincere, credible; a check, an

tnin} to take a swallow; pun' agreement, a bill, a receipt;
d'an pun' t'd' to tell only half an adverb, but, only, nothing
A sort of meat cake or nut, but (Shiung dan, double, ;

made of flour and boiled %wnn single; even, odd; dan tuki
T un ;

U'an, meal dumplings, eaten only one; (ku dan, orphaned,

with sugar. isolated; dan haP only that,

To undress, to disrobe
flowers fading and falling off".
A colloquial word. To pull the
merely, just dan '^ngd», one-
eyed (hoi dan, to make out a
bill (.shau dan, a receipt ui^ ;

arm within the sleeve to take dan, a draft, a promissory


out bones; to push along; note; dan poki thin, deficient,

t'an' kwati ckai, a boned poor '/fl dan tsdki blackmail ;

chicken ; t'an' htV ihong, drive paid dan cfin

: only one W
it into the next line; t'nn' way there;/«'cMn, an invoice;
ch'ut,overrun it, as in correct-' dan, money owing; dan

ing types t'an' lat^ to slip out;

ding yat^ ko' only one; (chi
of, as from a jacket; '/a td' dan, an order to pay money ;

t'an' the food rising on the I

chap, dan fit' to keep goods
stomach ; t'an' yuki ^lidi, scol- out of market; dan dd tipi a
loped crabs. I rattan shield and sword ; tan
TAN. TAN. 503

ishan Hsai, only myself; cfaw iiin tdn^ newyear's day ; imitig
i/u(i ''hi, do it on ihe odd days ;
tan-to-morrow morn tdti tdn^ ;

iiigan itdn, a check. to watch for the morn tso' H ;

:j^ The
extreme, the last stage toi^ tdn^ to sit waiting for the
*.p^ of, to the utmost; kan^ to Mn dawn ;
yat^ tdn' in a morning,
dive to the bottom of a subject; instantly.
<<dn liki the entire strength. But, only, simply but very ;

A small open basket for
T&n whenever, unre- as soon «s ;

r^^ holding boiled rice; a pannier; strained, set at liberty often ;

itdn ip'iuhung^ the baskets

lii^ placed at the beginning of a
and gourds were often empty sentence to add force tdn^


in a famine kwa" ddu <.wo ; '-kong i'ra p%^ speak boldly ;

sheimg^ a begging priest. tdn^ pat-> nchi, but I don't

Tffl -A garment without lining; know; tdn^ kin^ ii/an ^shdn

T n ^ single garment dan mah ; iynn '^hoi, he sees men like
stockings without lining; ^p'i hills or waves — a vast multi-
itdn, a sheet. tude ; tdn^ ij'dn, but, however;
^j{ A region in the south of whosoever ; tdn^ tak, how
Chihli province, now the dis- then tan^ iin^ iu Hs'z' 1 simply
trict of Hantan in Kwangping wish it so pat^ tail} 'kdm, he ;

fu. not only does so, but. . .

Men who
act girls
ddn, those who
; J'd
ta ^mo ddn, those

the parts of

Tan ball; a pellet; to shoot, to

snap; to fillip to hit to draw
w A pill ; a bullet, a shot, a

; ;

who act as female warriors a bow tdn^ Mn, a pellet met. ; ;

chirtg^ ddn, actors of elderly a little plat of ground; Hd tdn^

ladies; <shang ddn hV a play of to shoot balls with a bow ;

a love affair. pdu' tdn^ a cannon ball ; tdn^

|Jj£' ]
To talk wild, to boast, to iindng ^ngdn, to have an eye
>brag; fabulous, incoherent,
•^Tj, shot out p'du' tseung^ tdn^ ;

^|S unfounded, nonsensical to ; ds'an, the fire-crackers snap

Tan enlarge great, wide to bear ; ; against one.
children ; to nourish, to bring To dread difficulty or pain ;

up fono^ tdn^ to lie, to brag tired out, sore; fearful; sz'^

kiodr tdn^ strange, boasting ;
and ki^ tdn' no fear of any
tan' Hsz' to bear a son ; tdn^ body, reckless pat^ tdn^ ^fd'U, ;

yutia birthday '^pd tdn' or s/>"d ; don't be afraid of duty.

sdti tdn' an idol's birthday livi^ A tribe of the Miautsz'; an ;

tan' to congratulate one on eo[g tdn^ ikd, the boat-people ;

his birthday the second char- about Canton
; tdn}^ u^ boat- ;

acter only is u^ed in this sense. people; ikai tdn^ a hen's egg


Q- The morning, the dawn a tan^ ikd tsni, a boat child ; '

~1^ morning; light, dawn; clear, reproachful term; td?i\kdip'o,

bright used for ahati, » god
; tankn-buat women. ;
; ;

604 T'AN. TAN.

to bow. cotton it* an cch^ung, ;

(535) T'^n. an accusation U'dn ch'^ung* ;

^tsai, a singing girl; it'dn

ik'am, to thrum the lute; d'dn
To open and spread out, as Hm, to dye by sprinkling;
to spread and make d'dn ^chi cs« ««, a very little
T'an for sale ;

thin ; to gesture ; a stall, a while shau^ it'dn, to be blam-


mat or shelf on which goods ed it'dn maki sin' a marking


are displayed to pay in in-; line; it'dn dt:, to put down by

stalments, to pay dividends to ; authority, as a mutiny.
share, to apportion, to divide V^ An altar on which to offer
amongst slow, remiss
; to ; ^.^ sacrifices; the altar before
prorogue, to defer to another shrines ; a terrace or high
time ; d'an '^pAn, negligent, as place for worship or meeting
in working; it'dti tung^ the on an arena for a gathering,

food will grow cold ifan d'dn ;

like Olympia ; 'sA^ tsik, it'dn,
^kun, gambling shops; ip'd altar to Ceres; cAot it'dn, to
(t'an, to quadrate cash — begin the ceremonies of the
mode of gambling '^kwo d'dn, ;
lemuria pdi' hd^it'dn, to wor-

fruit stalls; d'dn ^shau d'dn ship wandering spirits; iman

k^uki to gesticulate much it'dn, a hall for literary meet-
d'dn ^fan, to pay the shares ings tdn^ (kd ^td <sii/' ^md it'dn

d'dn tin^ to make up tiinka people erect noa loss in the

proportion, as ininsurance; altars for worship, ?. e. there's
d'dn ihni d'dn poki to spread no good in accusing him;
out thin, as to dry d'dn ip'i, there is a play on the last

gambling cash cc/ta d'dn, to word in this phrase, as it refers


grab a handful of cash for the both to this and the last cha-
game; shik, d'dn, dice; ^mdi racter.
d'dn, to bet at quadrating. 4j© A tough wood fit for axles
Rapids, the water rushing T"^ sandal-wood 'ts'z' it'dn, a ;

through a rocky pass, a tor- kind of rosewood; d'dnih^ung,

rent; ishd d'dn, rapids and sandal-wood; it'dnsik-, incense
shoals d'dn (Sz'
; a pilot sticks of sandal-wood.
through the rapids. True, sincere; to trust; *W
To pant, to breathe hard T^i P'®"*y> abundant name of a ; ;

asthmatic, broken-winded, as far country beyond sea.

a horse; easy; d'dn d'dn, full, *i^ Disease arising from over-
vigorous, many to rejoice. T,r^ work; ;
o worn out: to
I iin ' '

To fillip, to play with the reprove; ulcerated, inclined

nails ; to snap, to throw at ; to to sores ; the erysipelas iwong ;
mark straight, as with a mark- the jaundice. Also read

iug-line; to depreciate; toj ddn, a disease in children like

report against ; d'dn imin <fd j
the piles or strangury.

TAN. TANG. 505

Plain, level, even; compos- "j

To sigh, to moan; to
ed, quiet, tranquil ; a son-in- admire, to applaud; a drawl,
T'in i-

law; csom Yrtn sin, gratified, j an

expiration after singing,
at peace ''Can fuk^ dun^; T'an A colloquial word. Given
ich'ong, a son-in-law; ling' to vicious courses, licentious,
'^t'dn, your son-in-law; Hi to' drunken, or gambling; ihui
^t^dn ''t'dn, a fine, level road. t'dn' its'ing, to bewail before
A vile woman, 'T^dn '^i, marriage, as a girl does ; t'dn^

Tan the concubine of the tyrant siki a sigh ; i'dn^ hV a moan ;

Chausin, b. c. 1130. hb^ lecherous; t'dn' <d

To bare the arm, to strip pin' given to opium smoking.
It Charcoal, charred wood;
Tan up the sleeves to bare the ;

body; next to the skin; to fossil coal ich'di t'dn' char-

disclose yuki '^t'dn, a naked
coal imui t'dn' coal
; ch^uki ;

breast '<so 't'dn, to help one

; t'dn' burning coals ;
^kin t'dn'
even when in the wrong. best coal; t'dn' iki, coal cakes ;

} To strike, to brush away (shang d'b t'dn' the peo-


> a small basket bamboo mats ; ple suffer calamities and out-
for roofs; a kind of felted hair rages ''tain t'dn'
; <.ki, to make
Tan ratteen or serge, very rough, coal cakes.
used under beds, for which
the first character is the most
correct; ich'ong H'dn, a bed (536) Tang.
wrapper dsung ^t'dn, coir

Quick, hasty ; the whole y^ To step up, to ascend ; to
heart engaged to move, to ^-"advance, to go up higher to
Tan ; ;

annoy ; urgent ; H'dn nd* dire attain; to record, to note;

anger ; ^ngdn
"^t'dn H'dn, to to commence, to start ; to
look at sharply, flashing eyes. ripen, complete;
to when
A numbness of the tendons; done, as soon Hang ishi, at ;

Tan fung H'dn or H'dn un^, palsy present, immediately, at the

or paralysis ; H'dn '^shau, a time Hang H'in, to go on the

crippled arm. roof; Hang pd' charge it to

A colloquial word. Beach • account Hang (fo, to become

covered at high tide a flat ; a graduate; Hang tkd, to

beach; reclaimed land lying ascend heights on the 9th of
along river banks H'dn it'in, ; the 9th moon Hang ich'ing, to ;

reclaimed paddy fields it'ui ;

start on a journey tak^ Hang ;

-sh^ung H'dn, push [the boat] din or ichiin Hang Jai, came
up the beach yat^fuk^ H'dn, a ;
purposely ^'ng kuk, cfung

line of beach; 'sfiai ^sh^ung Hang, an abundant harvest j

H'dn, sail her ashore inai ; Hang tin' suitably matched .

H'dn, a mud flat. Hang -.shi pin' siung' incon.

To.N. Dicr. t)4

;; ;

506 TAx\G. TANG.

tineiitly he changed his coun- gives the force of a noun
it ;

tenance; dang ckung tsd^ doing "^tang SAai, instantly

it for a special purpose. wanted '^on^Vid, wait a little;

A colloquial word. To push off ^lang hau^ to wait for ; ^t'ung

with the foot Uang jwi ^k'u, ; '^lang, same sort or class
push it aside. '^tang k'afh official grade ;

<'^] A lamp ; a lantern ; met. Hang, unlike, as in price ; a

^j- ^laws or precepts of Budha ;
variety ; <^koi yiki '^tang, those
iy^J \i/ati '^chan dang, a lamp ;
seditious persons; ^tang taki
Tang dang dung, a lantern d'in ; noV- waited a long time; sA^f/n^^
dang, a mid-street lantern Hang ckung <fu, the best work-
tfung datig, a screened lamp manship Hang ihdn pat:, ch'ut^;

a safe to keep meats in kuki ; ordinarily she did not go

dang, an opium-lamp; dang out Hang ds'ai, wait and go

d'ai, a riddle, a conundrum; together Ad- Hang, inferior ;


(hoi dang, to make a display ^tang cyan or Hang iyau, such

of lanterns ^tsauhnd dang, a
; circumstances "^ngo Hang, ;

horseracing lantern Hi ai ; we, us, ourselves; Hang 'shui

dang, fish-shaped lanterns; kwui' kdu' when there's water
'/m dang, to light a lamp ;
we can cross the creek Hang ;

dang csan '/5'd, the Scirpus higo tsd- let me do it.

capsularis, Lour., pith is used ^1^' 1

A form, a stool, a bench ;

for wicks; dang <fd, the snuff _/^, ^a seat without a back; Hau
of a lamp \dang ckdu' a lamp- ^^ J
tang^ square stools ik'iu ;

globe; cs/taM dang, put out Tang tang^ long benches k^uk^ ;

the lights; dang shu' a lantern tdpitang^ a footstool, a crick-

handle; dang <.ngo, a miller, et ; d'^ai tang'' a step-ladder
!\.moi\\;,.y^ung dang, a chan- isdm k^iiki tang^ a three-leg-
delier ;
dang (hoi <.fd iiigan ged stool — a cheat.
(kwni (kd, the flowers on the A colloquialword a stem, a ;

lampwick indicate good luck. petiole dsz' tang^ stem of


^^ A bamboo mat shade or a persimmon diit tang^ in- ;

j^ umbrella, like those made to tractable, perverse.

shelter hucksters. )^V- An ancient feudal state, now
^^ A sort of plant ^kam dang, ; ,^' the superior district of Tang
rp^ a kind of golden-rod or hyperi- in Ninyang fu in Hondn a ;

cum. surname.
«gfe A comparison ; to compare U^^ To miss a step; to tread,
rp^ an order, class, quality, kind, J~ to step; at one's wits' ends
Tang, • ', . . ,

degree, species, sort; equal, hausteii, to give up in despair.

like, same; a grade, a rank ;
A colloquial word. To pity ;

to wait, to attend sign of the

tang^ ^ni paV aP I pityyour
plural ; to allow, to permit, misfortunes ^ni tsang^ tang^ ;

to let ; after a verb, ^tang often you act as if you was possessed.
— — ;

TANG. TAP. TAP. r,07

BlU? a small sized steelyards used

for weighing money ili tang^ :
(538) Tap.
a money yard tang^ -sing, the;

marks on the beam kau' ;

Tap> A colloquial word. A lit-

tang^ ip'uH, to test the yard.
tle pot like a teapot, used to
heat spirits or water in '^sait ;

(537) Pang. tapi a wine-pot ; lapi lapi tap-,

tap:, very dirty mean and old. ;

To hang the head, to hang

BS To leap, as a horse ; to run, down, as an animal's tail tap^ ;

7r^ toffallop: to ascend, tomount; ttai, to hang down tap-, U'au ;

'J ang Man ka' nid^ to rise to (kai, a drooping cock a man —
the clouds and ride the mist without spunk, a dastard.
unusually clever. Tapi A colloquial word. Driv-
n^ To copy, to transcribe; to ing rain; to be rained on; to
copy out d'ang lukt to copy throw away to let fall yatt
T^ ^^^

out a copyist of essays it' ang ; tapi lokx ti^


tsau^ tdn^ if it


(Ch'du, to copy off. it will smash ; ^mai tapi shapi

V^ A flying serpent, fabled to ^k'ii, don't let the rain wet it.
l!?^ be able to rise to the clouds
T ang J
J^apy A colloquial word. Mut-
"and cause ram. tering, sulky ; "^kun tak-> ^k'u
Also read lah a locust. t'ap-, t'apy csheng, let him alone
.^ Water dashing up, spurting in his sulky grumbling.
about; to mouth words; emp-
ty; name of a feudal state,
now the district of T'ang in
(539) Tap.
•j^] Vines, trailing stems, creep-
^^ ] A bamboo hawse for drag-
"^;-ers; especially, the rattan; JS- >ging boats; an answer, an
5^K '
adistrict intheeastofRwang- ^y J
echo to answer, to respond,

'f angsi ;
(Shdd'ang, rattans ang ; -.t Tah to reply, to echo, to rejoin
iwong, gamboge it^ing csz' ; to recompense, to feel an ob-
rattan shavings '<a j'ang, to ; ligation ; suitable, congenial;
bind with rattan .t'angits'nng ; thick, coarse man^tdp, ques-;

the skin of rattan ; dang it'iii, tion and answer tdp^ '^tsiii, to ;

a rattan whip ; J'ang 'peng, a interfere; pd^ tdp, to requite

braided whip; srnd ipi it ang, favors ; tdp^ ying^ to reply to ;

dodder U'ang kdm' ngan'

; icfiau ti'ip-, giv^
d'tn ct/an, to
tough as rattan. thanksforheaven's kindness
Pain, an ache affection for, as in saving a house from fire
^^^ extreme regard for; it'ang

Usung i'm tdp, made no reply


"Cnng^ dolorous pain -Xang ; at all ; s'm tdp^ Cm sap:, no

Qi' ardent love ; it' ang ''chung, satisfactoryanswer there's :

a painful swelling. not enough for anv u^e.


r>08 TAP. T'AP.

"^^d^ Used
as a contraction for a firm tread, i. e. look before
rp-j^'thepreceding; n sort ofpulse ;
leaping ; tsin^ tap, to trample
to take upon one s/c'm tdp^ a ; on tap, hdm^ to go around on

sort of chevaux-dc-fri3e 'cAd ; an examination tdpt ds'ing, ;

tap, cow's bezoar. to worship the tombs yat, ;

•V^^ To touch, to hindle; to k'uk> tdpi ''U'ung ishuii, one

Tdh "'''^^ ^^ place on, to pile up
foot on two boats, met. two
laid on, made higher; to join irons in the fire; tdp,p'o^ broke

to to lodge at, to become a

; it by stepping on it.
guest; to suffix, to add to to ; V5R Abundant ; repeated, reite-
suspend to lean against ; ; tap:, ^rr'rated mixed; tsdpi tdp^ things

ishiin,to take passage tap:, ; mixed up, a medley.

hdki passengers tap:, chii^ to ;

lodge, to stay at ; tap, '/cd, to

make a scafToldiiig ; tap, po/ci (540) T'ap.
to lay on the shoulder, as a
scarf; tdpi rh'ing^ d'au, to
add for loss or tare, in weigh- i^ 1
Sound of things falling ; a
ing goods tap, dan, additions ;
-2.' rP'ls of earth ; a pagoda, a
to a manifest; tap, dan iuing ^g> J tower ; a dagoba ; inian t'dpi
hu' take this alon^ also tap, ;
T'ah a three-storied literary pago-
'^shauik'iu, a kind of fisticuffs da yat, tsoi' t'dp, one pagoda
; ;

with crossed arms i'm kaii' ; (Fa t'dp, the Ornamented

tap, it'au, that'll never make pagoda iKionng Cap, the

up enough ; tap, smP to make Fliin pagoda; CA'i A; ;-(A;on^/'d/;j

full weight of specie with bits; Lob-creek pagoda; iP'd-(chau
tdpi ^.p'dng, to put up mat t'dp, Whampoa pagoda ; iLin
awnings ; tap, ifau ik'iil, to ifd t'dp, Second Bar pagoda ;

put up a fool-bridge. t'dp, H'd, a fearless man ; (fan

^K Bubbling, rippling water t'dp, a pugoda pdt, ''pd t'dp, ; ;

rj^'jabbering, prattling to join, a dagoba at Honam temple. ;

united to pile on greedy,

A long sbed a sort of ;

avaricious; blindfold to back- \ vvooden couch ^shiung t'dp, ;

v^ ;

" to
bite foolhardy a pile, as of -f^' to go to bed hd^ t'dp, I ;

; ;

books a roof of a hong 'td T'6h letdown the bed,"

refers to ;

tap, to put on top yat, tap,, a story of Tsii Ju in the


uk> one division in a hong After H'ln dynasty; ich'oitg ;

i* tdpi the second division; t'dp, a bed.

yati tdpt'chi, a pile of paper rS An unauthorized character,
tdpi tdpi slow, remiss ;

^' for which the last is often used;

'hi, pile them up. a large unglazed jar, used to
vM To tread, to step on ; to warm things in, or to hold
rp^'walk in step when singing; flour; ich'ing t'dp, earthen
a step ;
tap:, shati ti' po' to feel jars and jugs.
;; ;;

TAT. TAT 509

n^ To forget; to lose one's self TL A tenon : anything jutting

r^^' possession, to get in a flurry, ,tH" above the surface, as a wen,
to throw off care to sip, to ; a hillock; protuberant, convex;
taste, to lick ; <'«/>> an y^uh asurplus, over; tati higdn, pro-
song^ bewildered, as from in- truding eyes yau tati more ;

tense grief. than enough tati tsz'^ letters ;

^g Name of a stream in Shensf; cut in relief; '«« tati to dis-

li^'also of an ancient district in gorge more than was taken,
that region ; rushing waters. to lose money ifau tati pro- ;

^y^ A plaice, a flounder, a sole jecting, as carvings; tati '/s«t,

rpl^'fish; t'dpjishdui, the sole fish. to pout ; tati eft lit:, to push out,
exposed tat ch'ut) sticking
+M* Low ground, ground set- ;

out, extruding.
rp'^'tling; a first ploughing; to
fall in ruins, to fall down ; '^to

fdp, sinking and falling, as a

house Jso t'dp^ to waste
wantonly, to throw about.
4b To make a fac-simile by
Jt^' transfer a fac-simile to echo
; ;
Open, permeable
to reach ;

kau'tdp, an ancient facsimile; Tah allaround to permeate, to ;

t'dp:, tv' lis in, transit duties on pervade; to perceive, to see

tea ; t'dp, ^ying, to get a thing through, as a subject to enter ;

by false pretences. into, as the water intelligent ;

intelligible to inform, to com-


municate, to make known to ;

(541) Tat. to give to, to transfer to to ;

promote, to bring forward, to

^ Abruptly, suddenly, furious-

.^^'ly; to rush out, to bolt to rush ;
advance to spring, as

all, every; tdti^yan,

a plant;

a shrewd man ; d'ung tati

against; to despise; inconsi-
passable, as a road ; clever,
derate, precipitate ; offensive,
ready, intelligent sh^ung'idfi ;
insolent ;
perforated ; to make rising, as in office or fame
a hole through ; tah (in d Jot,
tdti po^ to inform the Boards;
came upon suddenly; tatingnt)
7Ht^ idti yati kdn' not yet learn-
to stick up higher; to speak
ed anything to speak of; tdti
or act rudely, overbearing
(chi, let him know ; tdti '^tsz' a
ich'ung tati to rush against;
name for fat^the Tartars ;
d'ong tati to arrogantly offend.
<d<5 rising, prosperous; 'sh^ung
/^ To offend by pride it'ong ;
tdti to inform the throne.
,^^-<a/j arrogant, haughty in man-
Name of a plant, a beet;
ner and words,
The door ofa kitchen range, Tah \kun tdti ts'oV a coarse winter
greens .p'd tdti the brinjal or

r^J^' the place where the fire is put.

egg plant.

610 TAT. TAU.

(543) T'at. (544) Tau.

Wt To punish, to chastise, to A sort of helmet, a morion ;

ip^' castigate to strike, to beat

: helmet-shaped to incite, to ;
a slap, a blow. colloquial A irritate; to doubt; (.tau unait,
word. A
daad lo-ss, to gel no- an iron helmet; dan tdp-, an
thing back; cjoi/* fdt> to horse- impolite interference d'ong ;

whip t'dt: ikon tseng^ I've lost

; (.tau, a soup-turren Jau ^t'o, a ;

the whole, has not repaid me large bag carried at the girdle;
a cash ; t'dt:, ishd di, the sole fuV ip'd :iau, an old man's
fish ; t'dt:, ^chaiig ihdi, slip- chin ,tan -jnau, repulsive, as

shod t'dti cshan <.hd, to run an ugly face.


through one's patrimony, to

injure one's self; t'^dU cheung^
m To
clip, to cut
correct, to criticise
smaller ; to lift


tnuki a bad account Idti t'dt) ; toraiseby the hands ; toretain,
k^' dirty, filthy ; cA'Adi t'dt:, to to scheme after ; (tau -Idm,
throw away the leavings t'dt:> ; to engross, to meddle with, to
iyan ingan Jm ngapi ^ngdn, he grasp after ; itau ihoi, to lift
thinks nothing of swindling aside, to raise and put else-
people andt ds'^ung,
; t'dti where ;
itau (Shnu, to keep
throw it against the wall. wrongfully what is received ;

^B A
df^or, agate; an inside ctau (t'an, to make otf with;
rp^'door, door of the hareem a ; (tau taki 'sAmi, to throw or
screen ^^ktoai t'dt> door of
; take up water in the hands;
hareem: no-o'<'d^abed,anDok dau 'kai, to receive in hand,
where the bed stands met. the ; as money d'tu '/6 lok, I have ;

recesses or nooks of a country. got it; ctau 'hi kiu} to tilt a

J«3 M >ved, grieved, distressed ;
sedan ; dau '^ka-i, lift it care-
rp^'urgel by oppression; alarmed, fully.
dreading; to pity, to feel for. A horse-trough, a pail for
Also read tdn' to comp issionate. giving a horse drink an open ;
^^ Theheavenssuddenly becom- bimboo sedan a classifier of
— -'ing dark. A colloquial word. trees kwo" ,shdn dau, a moun-

Apatch.aspot, a daub; a clas- tain chair ;ya^ duu shii- a

sifier of patches, spots, &c.; a single tree.
bamboo mat ; Idn} tak> tdi^ "4 A dry measure of ten (sk'ing
t'dt:, tore O'Jt a large piece;
or pints, — it varies in size;
'un t'dti flexible mats ;
yat, vessels like pecks ; small, con-
daub, a grensa-spot;
t'dt^rjaa' a tracted the eighth of the 23

chuk) tdti heavy mats used for constellations, composed of fji,

fences or shads; ko' t'dt, ti^ X, a, g, T and f in Sagittarius ;

tfong, that spot or place. also w, ri, y, V,and o, in Her-


TAU. TAU. 511

cules; theGSth radical of cha- ^pan, a regatta; cchdng tau^ h.

racters relating to measures; brawl, to fight; /ou' 'a?/, to fight

a wine vessel shuV '^IcunHnn, ; together, as villages do; tau^
the customs' peck, containing tsam csz' to debate about tau^ ;

14 catties; Us'ong Hau, the fan^ to squabble about the

granary peck, contains 6i cat- shares itau^^'ng, to go snacks ;

ties,and measures 309.51748 ^sh^uiig vnun tau' tong' to go

cubic inches, or 1^^ gallons ;
to one and ask for work tau' ;

'/«« Ham, great courage \pak. liin^ sdr thrown all into dis-

Han, the Dipper -niun d'in ; order tau' muki 7d, a car-

(sing Hau, sky is covered with penter ^mai tau' don't touch

constellations Hau Hai \fong, ; it tau' ^ni "md 'chii i' 1 don't

a very small room ; Hau ahat. care much about buying it;
a little house ^fdn Hau, pi ly- ; tau' -'in chu' I can't stand with
incr, rollicking pa.i' Hau, to ;
you, I'll knuckle under taii' ;

worship the Great Bear fatj ;

''sun, to mortise ; tau' 'pau

Hau, a dust-board 'shui Hou, ; hnd, to race horses tau' ts'u' ;

a dipper deung (shing kwo'

; pleased, joyous.
'tau, to live from hand to '
To arouse, as one's spirits.
mouth Hau kok:, ; a carpenter's ^^ A colloquial word, for which
bevel ; <fui Hau, a hod. the preceding character is pre-
The capital of a pillar; the fefrtble. To touch; to work
square block put on top of a in wood.
Tau q'-
pillar. Also read ^chii, a long a trencher, a charger, a
handled ladle. an
^ sacrificial dish
Tau P'^*'^^''; ;

tadpole Hau '.man, called ; ancient weight equal to 16

the tadpole headed. An an- grains of millet, and the 144th
cient form of characters. part of a tael to measure o»it ;

A yellow silk ;announce

to ;
a peck pulse, beans; the 15 st

to propose, to agree Hau mnn' riidicalof characters relating

Tau ;

itnan, to inform the people ;

to leguminosse; mukt tau^ a
Hau kdpi to make a coalition ;
jvooden trencher.
is/iing (kin Hau man- to warn A colloquial word. father ; A
a friend of his misdeeds. - Hd tau' my father.

] To fight, to contest, to ^- Used for the preceding

wrangle, to squabble; to bat- .p?* pulse, peas, beans, legumes ;

tie ; to strive for superiority, ihnng tau^ red pulse, lentiles;
fto compete to discuss for; Using tau'- green peas; tan^
sharply; the 191st radical. M/j> bean pods; ^i' /o?<^ ground-
A colloquial word. To make nuts tau- koki beans in the

furniture, to work at cabinet- pod tau^ fn' bean curd tau^

; ;

making; meddle or play

to fu^ ,fd, bean curd jelly tau} ;

with, to touch tuu^ hV belli- ; fu' tkon, curd cakes; tau' k'au'
gerent, pugnacious tau^ jam ; nutmeg.
; ;

51-2 TAU. TAU.

jg- The small-pox ; cKuti tan' work d'au U'au ku' to steal

'„ sick of the small-pox; chung^ away d'au d'au shV -ltd, just

tail' to inoculate; dm tair to try it secretly d'au (shang, to ;

vaccinate Uvi ihaiig fan'

; shamefully save one's life ;

sporadic cases of small-pox; '^«^ d'au, a petty theft, a shop-

tau^hnd, goddess of small-pox ;
lifter: d'au '•tsati, to go along
fau^ its6ung, vaccine virus ;
silently d'au (^kai man' d'd, to

tau' (Ch'ong, pox pustules tan" ; be banished for stealing a

'tin, the scabs lav} ip'i, pock- ; chicken —
a disproportionate
marked taii^ ^pdu "shau, a
; punishment.
crippled hand. An ore resembling gold, and
$rti To detain to delay, to stop, ;
which forms an amalgam with
?r— to loiter about to remain, to ; quicksilver perhaps it is gold ;

stay without permission to ; quartz, said to come from Per-

peer and peep.toskulk around, sia.

in order to escape <««' dau, ; The head, the skull ; the

to delay and loiter, to skulk Tau chief; the front, the top ; the
about, not to go when ordered; first, the best; the end of a
to stop, as a clock. stick ;the entrance of a mat-
*^- An
aperture, a hole, a den, ter ; a classifier of affairs, acts,
r^ a burrow a cavern to bur-
; ;
&.C.;it is added to many words,

row, to dig through a wall ;

in some cases because they
an aqueduct, a drain; a waste- are roundish like a head, and
weir "-shui tav} an aqueduct
in others merely to make a dis-
'kau tail} a dog's kennel taif^ ; syllable ; it'au hok, the skull;
iiti a burrow, a hole saki tau' ;
d'au iwan, the vertigo; koki
to let down the water gate ;
d'au, a corner; iUi d'au, to Uirii
fong^ tau^ to drain the water the head v? d'au, taro yati
; ;

off, as from a field. d'au marriage

ds'an sz'^ a
?^- A period, a full stop in the affair; i'm 7id d'au shaP an
meaning <fan kii^ taii^ to di- unlucky omen kwo' ko' d'au,
T^ ;

go around that way sh^ung^


vide and punctuate a writing. ;

d'au, Ad' d'au, above, below

liigh, low '^wan d'iu d'au Id' ;

(545) T'au. seeking for work chity d'au, ;

discount on specie imo d'au ;

tkung on' a doubtful c.ise at

/^ To steal, to pilfer ; to obtain law kung^ -k'ii yah ko' d'au,

Ipl'' unfairly ; to make a pretext an intimate friend (ping d'au, ;

remiss stealthily,
for getting; ; a military officer, very gener-
underhand, clandestinely pri- ;
ally applied to all foreign of-
vately, secretly ; disrespecd- ^yau d'au and
ficials; tso' sz'^
ful ; dau -ye, to steal ; it'aw 'mi, he begins things he never
ihdn, to laze about, to shirk:; fiiiiehes d'au muki leader of

TAU. Tt. 513

bniiditti ; '^^d it'au chaii' the A colloquial word. To pant,

van in a battle; jwd ''siitng ;t4 to take breathH'au ; to rest ;

it'au, no other way; ch'ut^ -d'au, Ai' to pant, togasp for breath ;

distinguished, successful, ris* 'f'au Jo, go to sleep; I'll take

ing ; to take the lead ; U'au a nap ; '<'au 'Ad ''shau, hold up
tint' all right ; a straight road ;
a while ; '£'a« yat:>yati\o rest
u'au it'au ko' ishi, that first a day d'dn H'au, to rest 't'au
; ;

time it'au yatt ko' the lead-

; iUung, to take an airing.
ing man, the most famous ; -\^' To pass over, to leap over,
^ngo dong it'au, I am the ma- go from this to that
nager it'au iWai it'au shaP the
T^ to
pass through, to penetrate,
; to


first thing one meets auspi- light does glass ; to compre-

cious or unlucky kwo^ it'au, ; hend; thoroaghly, throughout;
over head, i. e. too, too much, to fear, alarmed. A colloqu-
in excess, very. ial word. To light a fire ; to
-JAk To throw at or down to ; offer, as a price for ; t'au'
^^ cast away, to reject; to lay it/ing ''kong, to tell all ones
down ; to give, to present ; to feelings ; t'ou' <.sain iUung, to
receive ; to engage one to do, chill one through, as ice-water;
to intrust ; to have recourse H'ai t'au' to sae a thing clear-
to, togo to, to give one's-self ly t'au' fa' iyan (Sam, to

up to; to dip to suit, to agree ; thoroughly convert the heart

upon to raffle, to bid for to-
; ; t'au' ch'it:, to understand fully ;

wards, incliningto; .ming it'au, t'au' iktcong, a skylight, an

to bid at auction it'au mah a ; opening for light; t'au' [fo, to
written offer for ch'ut^ it'au ; light a fire t'au' chiuh t'an'

fo' mati to sell by auction; shut^ the coal has kindled ; t'au'

wa? it'au -M, to agree in opin- ild, make a fire in the grate ;

ion, unanimous it'au ipan ; t'au' Hai ilau, to offer a very

dong, to consult with the low price for; U ung t'au'
neighborhood upon a matter; thoroughly.
it'au ishing, to return to alle-
giance, as rebels; it'au iman
ishii, to hand in a dispatch; (546) Te.
tsz'^ it'au ilo ^mong, fell into
his own snare it'au ftp-, to ;

leave a visiting-card it'au isai, ;

A father a' or Ji
; </<? ,t^, dad-
westward; it'au '^shui, to throw
one's self into the water it'au
f&^ dy ! papa ! 'Id de, venerable
sir ! addressed to old men ;
ik'i '5A0 ho' to like what he ikon (fe,an adopted father.
likea, sycophantic; it'au ikwan, A colloquial word. Remiss,
to enlist.
^^ ^ slovenly, lazy, inattentive to
;ajL Dice ; often used for 'iu f[jj one's duties; '<^ H^ liu' very
^^^ ihigh it'au 'tsz' dice.
careless and ui)tru8tworlhy.
T au ;

Ton. Dicr 60
^14 TfiUNG. t£lk Tf.

gpc^ To cut, to sever, to hew, to

(547) Teung. (^Jj^chop. to hack, to rive, to split
to hash, to mince; tHtkukun,
open coffins teuk, Ian*
to split ,

ffi|? A colloquial word. To peck to hash up t^uk, .chain '-pan ;

^ at, as a bird does lo thump ;
chmC ojan, to curse one wish-
one's head and wound it; hii ing him to be chopped on the
't'ai ihai teung, see lest the block ; t^uk^ yuki tsiung' to
hens eat it ; d&ang d'au hok^ mince meat.
to get money by threats of self
(549> Tu
(548) Teuk.
Ti. A colloquial corruption of nil

U2C ^" "^tcV, ; to pick up grain tik,: a diminutive adjective,

r^i* u with the bill ; a fowl eating ; to a little ; 7i6 tak, di, a very little
preen the leathers, to plume; better ; 'pi di d'im, give a little

t^uki (.mo, to dress the plam- more faPdi ihang, go quick-


age, as ducks do; t^nk^ muktl er hurry

; tcKui di M' to !

^niu, a woodpecker moki ttuk ; blow a trumpet ; d'l kdm" do, a

to knock at a door. very little.

teJ To push to strike ; ;

to carre, iijj- The earth, the globe; one
J^Vto cut, as letters; a sound of r^ of the three powers a place, ;

rappinij ; to reverberate ; to a territory grounds, a spot; ;

throw down. terrestrial earthy in the ; ;

taf To pound on wood, to strike, ground the ground, the bot- ;

-^^Vto bang;"
to castrate, as ^ tom, the support of; only, mere-
Choh ,, ,
. ,,.
punishment; teiik^ fCftt ding ly ti' ha' on the ground
; ti* ;

dingy striking it with repeated (fong, a place, a space, a re-

blows. ^ gion, a locality ishdn tx^ bu-

To drop, to fall in a stillici- rial places <»' i/d, an under- ;

J^j'duin, to trickle; to strike on grouiid refuge, a souterrain ;

the water a small stream ; <t^sin, sorcerers, villains, loaf-

southwest of Peking; a district ers ; ti' keuk, a spot ; a repu-
in Shuntien fi'i. tation, connections ti' '^chu, ;

TOO To work in gems; to cut, a landlord a god of the land ; ;

/-uuto carve, to dress, as stones;

Chon , '
ti' Jong (kiin, the local author-
, , ,

to choose diu ttuki to polish ;

ities ; ti* dsd, ground rent;
and cut gems yuki pati teuk, isarn t^ the disposition, the


a gem unwrought is a use- nature of; '/d ti* to prime in

less thing ;
ttuk, imo, carving painting ^ni ,sin Hd ti' do ;

and polishing ; dun t^uk. to you broach the matter ^k'u ;

select. yau ti' he is a man of sub-

TIK. TfR. 5Ip

stance 'ptin ; ti^ >.yan, n native higo tik. mine , tih ptiti my
of the place ; tso^ to' kom J' in, own handwriting 7d ; t'iti tik,
ti^ has it come
to such a pass ! a blacksmith ; oi' tiki loving ;

ti' Hi maps, charts

it'd, loki ; tiki kdm^ noi' in a little whiles
<i' fell down, as on a floor; kan^ tiki the nearer ; come
7jd ti^ wai^ a good situation, a near.
fine locality t\^ h^ products of :
S6 A
bridle chapi ^ki tiki to

the earth ^k'ii ichan hai' tv' ;

^vfj' seize the reins.
It' he has great influence bni
ti^ in secret, sub rosd : a dark

;® To stir up by the hand, as

place; ikam ti" a gilt ground.

^^'with a ladle. A colloquial
word. To lift up, to bring
pU|- A colloquial word. A sign
"^-^ with both hands to excite, to ;
of the plural of persons a ;

animate one's spirits yat, liki

sign of the posseseive, in which ;

tiki raise it with all your

sense it is a contraction of the
next mgo tv' we ^k'u <i* they
; ;
strength —
it is heavy 4 tik, 'hi

hit' hurry off with it tik, 'hi

ichung ichung tV so so, ordin- ;

isamikon, to ro^e one's spi-

ary ; ^k'ii ti' its'in, it is his
rits, to inspirit.
^^ The wife, a consort; tiki shot,
'^h^he wedded wife; tiki 'tsz'
(550) Tik. children ofthe wife;//A', /i'a«.
blood relatives tiki it'ong ;

Jiing tai^ cousins german of

6A Clear, bright ; evident, real same surname ;
tikj ^md, the
* '*''S^'> ^he bull's eye
an im- wife-mother.
Till ;

portant circumstance a red ;

'^ To drip, to ooze ; a dfip,
or white spot which shows U^' a very little^, yat, tik, ^shui, a
distinctly ; after pronouns, tik^ drop of water;
'pi tik, iyau^
makes possessive case, after
a put in a little oil tik, lik, ;

nouns the genitive, and after dripping out 'tim 'tim tiki ;

verbs a participlea person a ; ;

tiki drizzling and dropping,
small quantity an adjective as the rain tik, hut, to drop

; ;

of comparison or implying a blood into water, thought

quality ; kwaPtik.deHrer ynt, ;
to be a proof of relationship ,

tiki a very little ; 'yaw tik, there it'iu yati tiki take up a little
is some ; tiky k'uky fully sub- in a spoon.
stantiated, really; tik, tong' AR a ding tik, jars or am-
tile ;

careful,trustworthy -.chang ;
phora with ears on the long
tiki iynm, the tones differ imd ; neck large tiles.

'tim tiki you do not take care; Thehoofof an animal, of a

pdki tiki whitish tihi sik, P'S "• horse in particular a
^i ;

neat and small; miniature; foot; to join a party, to enli«t,

'siu tiki the littl« one, i e. I; to go over to.
;i6 TTK. riK.

The barb of an arrow, the ?tb 1 To tread in (he way of

Tih point ot"a dart a sharp point
6~r* f
others, to follow, to advance
iming tiki a whirring arrow. 5S'- '" knowledge; to obtain to 1 ;

An opponent, an antafjonist, Tih direct, to teach to go to a '


Tib a person matched
against one, place the right path ; ;

a competitor an enemy, a ; kati to be happy ii/au tih to ;

foe the enemy

; an equal to admonish, to put in the right
; ;

oppose, to fight, to withstand way '^k'ai tih to set a good ; ;

to compete, to contest, to example, to point out a right

strive for ich'au tiki an ene-
; way.
my tiki taki chu^ well able ^3 The Tartar pheasant dresses
; ;

to match him; pat^ tiki un- - " ornamented with feathers; a

equal, not matched; tiki -^shun, flabellum of feathers, a pan-
the enemy's fleet ik'^ung tih ache held by worshipers an
; ;

a powerful foe tiki '^t'ai ancient state, now Yen-gan


it'ung jsun, equally honorable fi'i in Shensf yau^^shau '^ping


said of a married pair tikt tih their right hands held the

'^shuu, a foe, a competitor feathers.

is^ung tiki opposed, inimical. Long, tapering, bamboo rods,
Name of Scythian tribes on jjj' cut off at the point, and suita-
the north of China, in the able for fishing-poles.
Desert a stag or great deer
(The four next arc often pronounced tek.)

musical officers. Used for the

A teh
To remove to a distance
® .
1 flute, a fife;
\to play the flute;
^wdng teh
a fife; ishiung teh flutes in
Tih to put away remote; tiki tih Tih
zealous, earnest to succeed.
533 To buy rice, to lay in grain ;
Delicate water plants, with
to wash rice quick teh ^mni, ;

whitish fragrant flowers ; a Tih ;

Tih to purchase rice; dt^ teh to

sort of arrow-leaf; dd tih a forbid buying grain ip'eng ;
tall species of arundo.
teki to buy rice cheap.

To see a person,
seeing each other to have an
two persons

audience tih min^ to see one

; (551) T4k.
face to face ; csz' tih a private
To wash, to cleanse ressels 0A To
cut the flesh from the
to scrape off', to hew
to purify ; to reform, as the ^Yh bones,
heart; to dilute spirits; stall avvay to pick
; up or di^
forkeeping cattle in tih hii^ ;
out at'iu t'eh to cut, as with

to wash away; tih tih witrm, a graver; t'ih ^ch'i, to clean

dry, breezes tih in} to wash ;
the teeth ; t'eh '^sing ^hij,
the inkstone and be ready — hint it to him, as an impend-
for studvy ing danger.
riK. TIM. 517

To kick ; to kick up; t'ek^ red to punctuate, to italicise


'in, to kick the shuttlecock ;

with dots to blot out, to dot;
yati kiuki t'ek> "at a kick," out, to mark for correction ;

J. e. lumping the lot; t'ek^'-sz' to see that all are correct ; to

ii/an, to kill by a kick ; t/i/i" point out to soil or spot to ; ;

,sing t'ek, 'tau, Bootes kick- disgrace one's self; to desig-

ing at Ursa Major a picture — ;
nate, to prick off; to light, as
(kai t'eki a cock's spur t'eki ; candles to nod in assent.
; A
ik'au, to roll iron balls with colloquial word. How, in what
the foot —
a sort of game. manner? what? 7i/« ,nt how
Respect, regard for; sorrow- shall it be done ? '^tim a? how
1g. ful quick, careful of giving ^tim'^kdi, what is its meaning?
Tih ;

offense, diligent in duties; what does he say ? '^chi 'tim,

t'ik:, t^iky love for. to point out, to show ; '<d 'tint,
A colloquial word. To to arrange, to sort ; to bring
place on, to lay down t'ik, ; to mind 'tim yiung' how, in

luk} poky it' an, to put on one's what way 1 Him siin' "hd, which
shoulders, as a shawl t'iky ;
do you think will be best ? i/at,
^.mdi, to put aside. ''tim ichnng, one o'clock Him ;

To expose the arm and tsam, a luncheon; Him ,suvi sz'^

#7' breast a vest or waistcoat what does he intend to do?
Tih ;

"fan t'iky to expose the bosom; Him ^ping, to detail troops ;

to bare the arms and square Him fo, to light a fire ^yam ;

off; t'iky 'Jcau, to turn a fur Him, advanced to be a Hdnlin

garment inside out. doctor Him d'au, to give as-

Free, unrestrained t'ih ; sent yaty Him ynty wdh. a


H'ong, noble manners, fine point, a line; Him tiin^ kii' tau*
bearing t'iky d«, free, easy.
; to mark the sentences and
An excess, an error to ; periods Him kwo' shd^ make

alter, to change doubt ; to out the list Him Hm ^hd, how ;

to err ; very, extremely t'ik, ; shall it be beautified yatyHim '*.

^mdng very furious

tiky Ao' ; ising, a mark, as on a steel-
itin paty t'iky high heaven yard Him tsd' taky how shall

errs not paty t'ik) no error

it be done ? yaty Him hV d'au,

or doubt. a little angry ,kdng Him, one ;

fifth ofa watch, or 24 minutes;

'tim (.chi, how do you know ?
(.552) Tim. Him ishii, to punctuate.
Ascreen in a doorway a ;

Tien sort of earthen teaboard or

'Bft 1 A
black spot, a dot ; a little, stand, used at feudal treaties ;

/'»* is mile; point in punctuation, a buffet or cupboard ; 'fdn tim*

]^ : a comma ; the stroke of a to turn down the cups on the
Tien clock ; dotted, spotted, star- stand.
518 T(M. t1m.

rt' A place to put goods in; a

,pj'^ <hop, a stand; an inn; hit. (563) T'im.
thri' lodgings, an eating-house;

'tsau tim^ a wine-sliop ; '/o tim'

the old stand 'kiin tini' a por-
To add, to increase, to aug-
ter in a shop, a coolie cKut^ ;
to put in more, to throw
len'"^"' ;

<im' perquisites to clerks; tint' in; additional,extra, more than

tka^ boys in eating-shops ; ^yt was counted ofj; ^kd d'im, to
tini' a rest-house. add more; (t'im ding, to have
iV* A flaw in a gem ; a defect, a son born ; 'pi tiki d'im, give a
Tien ^ ^^^ '^P^^ ^^ split, to injure
' ; little more; d'im ka' to raise
chipped, spotted disgraced. ;
the price; ^shhing 'Ad d'im,
A colloquial word. To run put on more, as coloring; d'im
against ; ishun tim' shth yapi. '-pd ilk) make it a little more ;

the water runs in when

'^shui, imd '^kdid'im, has no meaning
the ship strikes; tini yuki to either; ^yau 'u d'im, the rain
disgrace one's self; twi Js'an is coming too d'im shati doi, ;

^k'ii, run on it, hit against it make your real offer.

^t'ai tim' lookout for yourself! Peaceful, tranquil, content-

a street cry ; shi^ tini ski ^1?
to pass life tranquilly;
chtuki it is a good hit for you d'im tsing' at rest, quiet,

tini it'au hold to hump one's ij^ Water flowing along with-
head 't'ai tini ktuk^ ichang,
noise or murmuring a
I'll hit your heels, lookout
T ien°"^ ;

gentle, still stream.

pun' 'sz' tini ^k'ii, to threaten Sweet, pleasant agreeable,
?4|- } :

self-destruction in revenge. "^

> excellent, well-tasted, savory;

Rt' Dangerous, imminent, as a c^p jlolike; U'im shun' smooth,

^,j tottering wall ; disagreeable, T'ien oily, as wine (Sam d'im, ;

harsh, as a sound : tini lU 's;' gratified, appeased U'im dn ;

imong, in danger of death. mati ^lij smooth and honeyed

AjQ^- Read Jim, to try the weight words —
but deceitful d'im ;

f^j^ "f a thing with the hand. shui^ a sweet sleep taki di ;

A colloquial word. To lay up u'im it'au, pleased with a little

and down, to lay straight;
advance, had winnings at first;
straight, direct; ahead; kai' it'im nam^ nam' very sweet
i'm iim^ innumerable, can't be it'im ich'dng, sweet oranges.
reckoned up put^ koni tini -^^
; Ashamed, humiliated; to
Z<y a road slr.iight as a pencil
r^r disgrace, to dishonor; to bring *
1 len. „^ ,. '
. '
'<d tini fung' to lay along; iniamy on in disgrace, out ;

ti'ii paty lut) go on straight of favor ^t'im tsoi' iS^ung'^hd,


ahead; iiui .si/j' straight; s'//< to be intimate with a polite

tak, tini I can do nothing I phrase: ^t im yukt disgraced

am quite shu* up; i'm tifii^ b.y guilt: Hun pai> ichi \sau,
they are not straight. brakcii faced.
TIN. TIN. 519

-^ A fine slender sort of bam-! Read d'in, full, wide, like an

T^" boo; fine bamboo m;its, ele-i expanse of waters vast. ;

gaiitly woven with nowers. p-fi To fall, to stumble, to trip

-^* A colloquial word. To 'r^ up din p'ok^ to slip and fail ;

•**^ down.
taste, to try with the tongue;'
t'im t/aty 't'im, see how it Eg A horse with a white spot in i

tastes '/J//1 mahi take some Tieu '^'^ forehead.


more ink in the pencil. *||fa A canon, a ritual, a classic,

^^ a standaid; a code, a collection
of statutes documents, re- ;

(554) Tin. cords a rule, a law; to rule,


to manage by law ordinances, ;

acts to put in charge of ano-


AK The top, the apex, the ther, to mortgage <s2''7in, a ;

the head the besin-
* ,
; dictionary Hui uk-. to mort- :

ning ot ; to overthrow, to cast gage a house ashing Hin, to ;

down, to subvert ; to fall, to take in pledge; '^« '/in, an-

upset ; to die, to perish ; often cient records, notable acts
used for the next din '^ting, ; ck'uty 'tin, to mortgage the ;

the crown, the vertex; tinHd, mortgagor Hin '^chu, the mort- ;

turned upside down, to invert; gagee '<i/» iying, a penai


itin p'ok> to fall over U'ln Uin, ; code ii/an "^tin, great favor,

devoted to, single-minded, kind bounty ; '/ia tsikt books,

a|g Crazed, deranged, foolish,
] papers.
*^^^the mind overthrown; head m^- A lofty hall; the hall of
*^& I
'i^rned, mad after, frantic -p"^^^ audience; a palace, a royal
Tien giggling, out of one's silly, residence a temple, a fane ; ;

wits, infatuated ; in convul- to bring up the rear of a flying

sions, fits yii^) ttin, insane; ;
army fixed having little mer-
; ;

din ikw'ong, raving mad <fd ; it ; i/at>tso^ ckuug tin^ a palace;

din, nymphomania tin '^kau ; (kicon criming /i«'the Resplen-
^kdm yfiing^ acts like a mad dent Hall at Peking tin' Ad* ;

dog ; '^s^ung -.ngan din, money your Royal said to —

mad din hV hot headed, rash
; ;
the and crown-prince;
dindinfai'fai^ acting wildly ;
tap Jiiing '^pb tin' the vast pre-
din ^kand'au, going mad, be- cious hall in Budhist temples.
side himself. ^,- To lay down, to place on ;
1^ The summit of a hill, the -jT^ to fitll down, to sink into en- ;

Vien '^P^'^
""' highest peak of a grossed with merged in to ; ;

mountain, pay back money ; to remune-

^/j A lake near Tl-li in Yun- rate, as for a casualty ; to place
-''^ nSn tribes of the Lolos near under, to wedge 'i tin' a chair
Tien ;

Yunnan 'Ku din, ; a name for cushion U'ang ; tin' rattan

Yunuan. tabic mats ; k'ong' tin^ a lung
52a TIN. TIN.

sofa cushion tin} chdP to re- ;

pay a loan; lin* yuki a mattress; (555) I'm.

kiing^ -ngo tin' '^chim, please
pay him for me ct'dii tin^ to ; :^ "}
The highest of things ; the
pay the shares. '/^^sky, the heaven, the air, the
^i Fixed and settled, as moun-
empyrean, the firmament; a
rj!^ tains and streams are to set ; Tien day a season ages of the
; ;

up, as a god to offer libations ; world; weather; heavenly,

to the gods to lay down tin' ; ;
celestial ; the powers above,
^tsaii, to pour out a libation ; Providence, Nature, Heaven,
tin' '/'d, to put up the terrai- the overruling power, but the
nalia ; tsaP tin' sacrifices and Chinese give it no personality;
libations; tin' ngan' to wor- met. the emperor; to regard or
ship the geese at marriages. honor as heaven d'in tV iyan,
/pn- To till the ground to cul- ; heaven, earth, man

— are the
*'*'3*^ ^"'^ dress fields to fowl, powers
three d'in hd' the
Tien ; ;

to fish ;
tin' u' or tin' ding, a empire the world U'in H^z'
; ;

farmer, ploughman a <.kun ; the ehnperor ; 'Ad d'in, fair

tin" government lands. weather '/««« d'in mhan fati

^^g„500 Royal domains extending

li around the capital;
gods and Budhas enough to
fill the sky ^{in hV vapors, ;

government lands measuring air ;it'ung J'in hd' the world

64 square roods, which furn- over t/i d'in '-pun sz^' extra-

ished a war chariot, three men- ordinary talent luki d'in ''shui ;

) at-arms, and 71 soldiers; to Id' a passage of sixteen days ;

cultivate, toplough; to extend d'in kong^ descended from

frontier lands: tit tin' the em- heaven, an advent, asof Jesus
pire; /in' ij/rtrt, royal foresters, d'in ^ngdn kan' Heaven's eye
jjifci* Inlaid shell work ; inlaid is near, i. e. the gods know it;

with figures do tin'

T^n work ; d'in (hoi ^ngdn, heaven has
lackered-WRre with shells and observed it ; d'in (.man, astrono-
figures inlaid. my ;
d'in -yiung,
d'in ahang
^^- Lightning; a flash of light- nature bore him and takes
""^^' electricity ttn' ihwong^, care of him d'in kwaV chV
T n ; ;

glare of lightning; ''shim tin' marriageable d'in dn, natur- ;

, a flash; tin' ^md, lightning ally ; d'in it'ong, paradise";

Mother, the goddess of light- d'in fan' ,kd, he has noble
ning. endowments; d'in d'in dot,
^Jf} Indigo; to dye blue; indigo comes every day d'in mgdn, ;

5^ color iy^ung tin' prussian

; the emperor's face; d'in ,fd
blue tin' ddm, an indigo dye
; shing' ^/nd the goddess of small
made frotn the Isatts tin' Ja, ; pox; ichung d'in, the middle
indigo leaves J tin\koitg, dye- agrs, the Chau dynasty ;

ing jars. ha' it in summer.

TiN. TiS. 4n
Ot A Held, a patch laid out in
said of officers; it' in iwdn ^fai
^tM plats; to plant grain in rows; hnng^ to repay a deficit if'in ;

lami, cultivated fields; lands; ^pd, to make complete it'in ;

a plantation of; to cultivate; ifong, to tak« a new wife it'in ;

to hunt; the l0-2d radical of H'am to fill in a hole ; it'in (»iit

characters relating to land ^Id, noted as superannuated ;

it'un U'in, lands occupied by pay for another

toi^ it'in, to
soldiers ; 'aAmi it'in, fields it'in chdV to liquidate a debt;

overflowed ; if in Jci pok:, the tsan it'in tknew filled up

dykes between fields ; shi' d'in, land, a place in Canton it'in ;

to transplant a field of grain ;

unun Ho chdi' duns filling the
shapi ^mau it'in, a field of ten door it'in Jun ^mun, fill it up

acres; chuki it'in, a bamboo entirely ; it'in kau' filled up

plantation ; ^kwai it'in <.kun, a full, cancalled.
retired officer it'in fu^ the ; Read din. Diseased, infirm.
crown tax it'in ; dsd, the '^^^^ sound of stones or rocks
ground rent; ihdng it'in, high-
lying fields isan it'in, the ;
ffl To fill up, to stuff"; abundant
natural disposition, the pro-
sound; it'in it'in, rattling
pensity ; iShu it'in, fields whose T^ii'^
ofdrums; the rumbling of car-
rental is given to scholars
riages; iCin ifttun, filling up
'yfltt 'Art Uo it'in hnau, how
the door.
many acres in all 1 it'in <.kau,
'M Ashamed; to blush from
a drain; 'fso iwo it'in, fields for
rji-^p^shame, to feel disgraced.
bearing two crops ; unun '^hau
it'in, village fields ; kwati it'in, '}& Dirty, muddy ; to sink in
to hoe fields ; n»dt' it'in i'm '•mdi -jf^^the water ; "^t'in 'yan, filthy.
ground and not *B^
shiii^ to sell Abundance, much, plenty,
deduct the rental, met. not to -^^^enough of; skilled at; excel-
think of the future, lent; thick, rich, g''od, as
tn^ To cultivate, to level lands food; to forget; a long time;
i!^ for cultivation; to hunt, to fish; yati 't'in, deficient, trifling,
ta it in Itpi to go a hunting. unworthy of receiving; its'z'
ifen Flowers, or inlaid work for iind pati H'in, well able to
^T^^headdresses ich'di it'in, hair- ; speak.
pins and inlaid work in gold,
nacre, or feathers. ^^ A I
blushing face to redden, ;

|;]|r To fill up, to fill in to make 'jgiQ

I as from shame, or sense of
ly,^ up a deficiency, to supply a Ti'en
lack, to add to to pay, as a ; To
terminate, to finish, to
debt to forfeit, as life com-
; ; fp.jg^make an end of; to exter-
pliant, flowing along a rum- ; minate; ^miH'in, no end to.
bling sound, as of a drum ;
interminable; H'in tiuh to
noted for, characteristic of, destroy utterly.

Tojf. DicT. 66

(The two next are often pronounced teng.)'

(556) Ting.
&f A nail, a spike, a bolt, a

Ting ^"'.' ^^ '

gold to nail,
P"'''*"y ;

A stiiig; a nail, a pin ; the to fasten up with nails; to

bind, as books;
Ting fourth of tlie ten stems, con- ilo csz' deng,
nected with fire a person, an ; a screw ; t'it:, ding, iron nails ;

individual robust a strong ; ; ,shd, to bind books
fellow, a brave; to bear, to deng ^sz' nail it (irm\y; deng
sustain, as an office ; to order (fnng, an important dispatcli
Mng tkdn or iting ^ymi, to from the throne pdtihu'-ngdn ;

lose a parent ; muki paU shik) ickung deng, take away that
Mng, does'nt know a single nail (or eyesore) from my eye.
character ishing ding, of 'j5
; The top, the summit; the
age ;ya« ding, a man 'sjm Ting P^^^
; ^*'^ crown a knob, a;
' ;

dins, a youth; iiiding, camp- ball or a button worn by offi-

followers; ding tsz'^ lo^ '^liau, cers to carry on the head or ;

a corner where a cross street topof a thing; to point the head

endsding ding, lonely, dis-
at, to interfere; to substitute,
consolate iUrt ding, a gar-
to put instead ; a classifier of
dener ;yd<j ding, fortunate, as hats, caps, and sedans rising ;

a grave ^chdngding, differs a

on the stomach '^i U'an hoki ;

verylittle^c<j«.^(//e«n^, aclove. dins chi^ carry it on your

To enjoin; c/j/t^ s/ti«^, to head cliiu^
; ''en^, to treat

Ting charge; dins oiing kd^ kdV abont selling out a shop Hing ;

repeatedly bid him to be shau^ to take the stock of a

carefulding ckuki to order.
shop ding ,pdu, to slily put a

A\oiie -jiling ting, solitary; worse instead deng d'in ;

lapi ti^ one who can reach to

Ting ding ding it/eung, the Bay of
Lintin, south of the Boijue ;
heaven —
very talented ding ;

i.ku Jing ding, alone by itself shau^ ingan, purchase money

The noise of jingling stones ;
of a stock yat-. nap:,deng, an

Ting a hand gong ; ding ding, a officialbutton ding dsiin, ;

jingling sound ; ding dong, a curious in, seeking strange

hand gong hung in a h(-o;>, things chdki deng, to degrade

used by peddlers ; iiti ding, a from office; ding Idn^ s/ii, to

blind fortune-teller's gong spoil the market by under-
*siu ding dong, a silk-thread selling;ding(Sanimuki highly
peddler's call. displeased at, as at what one

A venereal ulcer, a bubcS, a says ihung deng, the red


chancre; pox, syphilis sores; button; dins Vt() the very best;
ishang ding, to get syphilis ding i'ln chu^ unable to carry
Bores; ^b ding (ch'ong, a it on, as a bu.^iness; ding
pimple, a tetter sore. U'au tfung, a head wind.

^Vaste land ; a dyke or foot- ten taels make an ingot ; {. e.

Tina P'*''* between fields ; a parcel the matter is a certainty ; tun

of hnd a lane near a house.
; ^pd ting' an ingot.
Druf'kf reduced to stupor; (The four next are often called teng.)
' vntH^ '"*«• ^^^'^ drunk, *^i Tranquil, secure, steady,
'U31 ^ A tripod
caldron with or Jir^ fixed; certainly, really, surely ;

.''^ years; a three legged kettle; absolutely ; brought to a pro-

pii firm, stable, settled, secure ;
per state, a state of rest, set
Ting mrt. the state; to establish, to fix, to settle on, to stop ; to
to fix; the aOCth radical; the decide, to adjust. colloquial A
50th diagram ; lapj ^ting or word. A place, a certain spot
tins^'ting, to get and settle the yat, ting' positively pititeng* ;

empire; ''ting tsuk:, tripod, an . it must be, certainly teng* ;

equal trio; tsdm'ting kdp, the its'an, to betroth ; teng' fo^ to

three highest of the Ilanlin. contract for goods; mi' leng*
=^-.-> To criticise, to compare ;
or i'm tcng' uncertain teng* ;

to edit, to collate ; to settle Mgan, bargain money ^md ;

terms of, to arrange, to deli- trng' '^chun, undecided, not
berate and adjust to adjust ;
fixed ; (.kdm ting' iu^ I must
taxes to loiter a consulta-
; ; have any rate; teng' dan,
it at
tion, a meeting 'hau thig^ to ;
particulars of a contract kui' ;

examine and edit a work ;

ting^ tot, teng' that place ; i'm <.chi

iining, to settle upon, to prom- tnig' I don't know the spot

ise; tiug^ ik'i, to fix a time. ^yau teng' hnd iiii, is there a
-il-r''] Ballast to steady a ship; I
place for it ? ting* kuk, in a
^J >a stone used for an anchor; fix ; fd7tt*<€n^' deliberate, slow
VJE > "^ gra|>nel ; Ad^ ti'ig^ drop and sure loki ; teng' to pay the
Ting the anchor. earnest money ;
^chi tak, teng*
x^' High, stout grain. Incorrect- I know it certainly ;
J|?= ly used for the last in the Fan in airance, lost in abstraction,
' Wan. colloquial word. A as Budhists pretend to be.
The stem of a fruit ; lut^ ting^ iih- To throw away, to throw
Iuk>(.yau, a pumelo with a bro- jjj^ down pet; teng* ^k'u,
in a
ken stem worthless fellow — a ;
throw him; teng' ich'd ,pui
it at
ihnu dung ting^ adam's apple ; shai' un' to smash a teacup as
ting^ ding yiiki a little tumor. an oath teng' p'o' it'aii hok, to

/ti- A platter or trencher with get one's head broke in a fray ;

T^^ feet, used in sacrifices an al- teng' loki a top 'md mgan
Tmg , (>
; ;

loy oi till or tutenague ; an in- teng' 'hau,uo silver has been

got or shoe of bullion uigun , thrown into his mouth, i. e.
tiiig^ an ingot of sycee '/>z' ; there is no trusting in what

of medical
iknin ting^ a sort he says the refers to

preparation used to rub on putting quicksilver into »

sores shap, Uung yat, tin^*
; corpse's mouth.
m Tim. riNG.
"^f A portico, a pavUion; t
(557) T'ing. rpr^" cupoln, a roof or dome sup-
ported on pillars a shed for ;

travelers; equal straight; to ;

t^^ A hall, a drawing-room, a stop at; to fashion pnUd'ing, ;

-j"*^ parlor a court, a place where

; in disorder; d'ing ^'ns, high
causes are heard tdi^ <t'eng, noon crA'd d'ing, a tea-stall
; ;

the great hall hdki d'eng, a ; on a roadside f pdi' d'ing, a

reception room ; unun thin porch in a temple-court;
ft'eng, a porter's lodge ; (king dating d'ing, a summer-house.
<t'tng, a deputy assessor in a To rest, to cease to delay ;
/^ ;

prefect's office pd^ d'eng, a j'.^ to stop, a.s when there is


superintendent of police in enough d'ing ikung, to rest ;

a district magistrate's iho from work d'ing H'o or d'ing

; ;

(t'eng, the superintendent of long'' arranged well, every-

boats on the river at Canton. thing in its place d'ing 'Ad ;

^^1 To hear, to listen; to rest a while; wnd ishi d'ing,

y understand ceaseless.
^^ quiet, still; to

t^fpj decide caseg. colloquial .j^ A

Handsome; p'ing^ d'ing,
T'ir.g word. To-morrow accord- ^^
beautiful, graceful, said of a

ing to ^ngo (t'eng dai ki^ I

; woman.
heard it said; tt'eng iman, heard
vTI Water stopping; stagnant,
about it it'eng Cm itnan, I can ^'JL l-as a pool in a stream a level
; ;

not hear it d'ens^ kin' to hear

«y^ bank along a stream, the low j

iftng taki kin' \ can hear, I Ting banks.

have heard xi^tCeng'nt:, Z^ A court, the place where
I can understand him tt'eng ^Jfr" audiences are held
; straight, ;

^kan 'k'it wa} I've just heard correct, regular; ichtu dmg^
what he said d'eng yati the court met. the emperor.
; ;

to-morrow; d^eng ^mdn, to- I«£ An open court in a palace,

morrow night 'Ad d'eng wa} Lr^^a ;
1 ing
vestibule before a hall a ;
,. .1 . , .
docile, teachable. hall; straight; c«tt ding loki
Read t'ing' ; to hearken to, to domestic felicity; d'ing fan'
receive, to comply with; to parental instruction; unun
wait, to tarry for; 'Id t'ens' to d'ing iil 'sAt, his doorway is
learn the news about: t'eng' like a fair, i.e. as a statesman's
its^wtg ^ni, I agree with you, beseiged by applicants.
I'llobey you; (Kh'nn^ t'eng'' A^ A dragon fly ; dsing d'ing,
hard of hearing; tHns;^ 'k'ii ^:/^,the Libellulidae, vulgarlycall-
d(hing 'Sam, as his kindness ^ed d'ong (»M.
prompts, as he is willing to Read ^tim, a sort of lizard.
do; t'inij' tsnns^ to decide ^^ A thundering dni d'ing, ;

cases; t'eng' 'Ad 'Ar'u, wait for rumbling thunder /in' d'ing, ;
him. a flash of lightning Jui d'ing ;
riNG. TiF. 535

,chi nd' the king's wrath;

thundering mad. v^**^) T,p.
"^ To pull up, to pluck forth,
»^^ to draw out straight, to hold


straight ; to relax a little, as "} To redouble, to pile npon,

with prisoners to lead out ; ^' ^to make a heap ;
to repeat, to
to rush forth, to stand forward, ^, j
reiterate to add to
; to fold ; ;

to bolt out; H'ing (Shan, to Tieh tremble with dread

fear, to
take upon one's self, to as- a fold, a doubling ich'ung ;

sume; 't'ing ch'uti to rush ich'ung tipi tipi to reiterate

cut; 't'ing chung, to stretch tiresomely to pile up in a ;

the arms; H'ing ngang* to pile Hd tipi iftang Hi, put the

push against firmly. luggage in a pile tipi "^hi, pile ;

-J-l^ A
single branch a staflf, ; it up tipi cheng^ pile it up

chaV H'ing,
TW*to brandish
club, a stick
a club.
; straight tipi ^mdi ,sam '^shui,

don't give yourself any trouble

-Bt? Meat or fish dried in the on that point ; tipi undi ko^
sun after it has been salted ; ikdn p'd^ that shop's business
jerked meat. is to be closed ; tipi andi, pile

(This character is usually read t'ens) it up well ; tipits'z'^ repeated-

ly, as visits.
-fjXt A boat, a punt, a canoe rtW Loquacious, fluent ; to taste
rJr^ small craft; long and narrow rJ^} blood, to smear with blood
boats; a boat to live in siu ;
wordy, talkative.
tipi tipi
H^eng or H'eng '^tsai, a small h Tablets for writing on a ;

boat; c/»d '^a« ^t'eng, a pull- !^} diploma, a warrant records, ;

away boat fdi^ H'eng, a fast Tieh "^ 1 • 1

genealogical registers ; in-
boat; 'ihong H'eng, hong boats structions, dispatches
twid dang H'eng, a covered royal genealogies to*
yuki tipi ;

coracle :shu s/zn' H'eng, a

diploma or certi-
tipi a priest's
letter boat; mat' at H'eng, him to three
ficate, entitling
fish boats with water in nod ;
days' lodging iman tipi dis- ;

H'eng, a lorcha </a H'eng, ;

patches of government '//d tipi ;

flower boats Han ^p'd H'eng, ;

family records.
brothel boats; ip'd dung H'eng, '

iffi Interchanged with the two

fast paddling-boats, used by ^''Mast; to tamper with soldiers; to
thieves; sd' Js'ong H'eng, the spy, to intrigue, to sound the
last chopboatof aship's import
views of others to inform the ;

cargo H'eng <.kd, boat-people.

enemy; a minute, a paper;
^y|tt Copper or iron ore the ;
tipi Ho or (kdn tipi a spy, a
Jf^ barb of an arrow empty, ;
secret agent of another party.
hollow, all exhausted. A
parapet with embrasures,
"^ A straight, narrow head
^^ a battlement on a wall to ;

J^ straight, as a road ; correct.

surround with a parapet.
5^ Tip. T'fPi

^S The lining or stuffing of the ^ft A thumb ring of gem or

o^'soles of shoPs ; a model for a gT jj'ivory, an archer's thimble,
shoe ; a patten ; Minis tipi commonly called ikung ''chi;
ilong, the Clattering Patten tipi ikau, a quiver.
Corridor, refers to an an-
cient story. 1^
4;^ Similar to ship, fJpf ; to take (559) T'lp.
Shh'^P ^"^ count: to fold; to
grasp. Usually pronounced
ship, in the phrase, ship, tshi,
t|j|t Writtet^ scrolls; a writing,
to divine by marked straws; rj.."|'a document, a manuscript, a
ship, tipi to fold up in the
billet ; a visiting card ; a copy-
hands. ^^t, „j. slip; a card, a placard '^pnn
i^ Interchanged with ^^ or ^^ t'ipi a petition ;

^/'^ a thin pl.ate or leaf; also a
Y h proposals for a contract, to,
window. Read tipi, a bed mat. invite proposals; fat:, t'ip,
s^ Waves surging along. »^^
black paper copyslips; iming
siK" Also read y% sit,, like
visiting card ddn t'ip,
t'ip, a
\ ;

to exclude; to clean a well ;

a single folded card its'iiu ;

to scatter to stop and rest

; ;
a five fold card; ch'ut^pak,

to disclose, to leak to dirty,
; i
t'ip, an anonymous placard;
curry leather. A collo- ihatig t'ip, to send a card ; H'o
g^'quial word. A plate, a platter, t'ip, settled, decided '^shiung

a fliit dish '«« tipi bowls and

cards offering a reward t'ip,
plates; (ping tipi a platter;
envelope or for t'ip, t'o^
shi\yau tip, sweetmeat or side cards; shV t'ip, an examination
plates; Is'^at, tip, lacquered
of essays in poetry.
plates '^sh^ung tipi a douceur
Hjh To leave as pledge, to give
to a waiter.
T^- u in ffase
o to cover or throw ;

A little boat, a puut, used 1 len

over one, as a cloak to sup-
fc) '

l^j'by poor people. ply, to make up to paste up, ;

^j^ A butterfly; ni <;p! a but- to post to lean on, attached ; ;

^j^terfly hdpi tipi butterflies and

; inim t'ip, to paste on '^t'ai t'ip, ;

moths sm tipi kdii' a broad

; to assist another, to p:itronize;
hinge or butt ;m tipi fa, an t'ip,csam, intimate, fellow-feel-

iris or fleur-de-lis dn ifau sin ing t'ip, ishan, attached to,

; ;

tip, gisauiirt butterflies from as a servant tip, '^kan kdk, ;

the L')fiu hills. di, near neighbors; t'ip,kb^ shi*

tjffi To walk along, to step, to to paste up an edict; ^pb t'ip,
rpl^'stir the feet ; to put the foot to make up a deficiency.
down, to stamp. Quiet, still, peaceable ; to be
Ate Platesof metal u.«ed in mak- 1ft 'resigned, submissive ; (Oiicsam
yjl'ing plate arnlor; the eiid of an tip, fttki mi\e{\y resigned, as
arrow. to G.)d'3 will.
TiT. T'fT. 527

official salary ; ihatig ih'i tit}

(560) Tit. tit. each one went in his order.

Melons just set, young bu-
rp^j'cumbers or melons, gherkins ;

PHk Toslip, to stumble and fall; cktod tit) large and small mer
rr.'^'to full over or down to kick ; Ion.'', met. posterity.
out reduced, as in price to
; ; 4^^ High, raised ground ; an
pass or jump over; to make •p-^j'ant-hill ; a cavern.
a false step to walk quickly :
Badges ofcoarse cloth worn
Hd tit. to down tit^ chiuki
Tieh"'* the head and waist,
to slip down titi 'td '^siiu
mourning; mourning scarfs;
iSh^ung, to get hurt by a fall ; <t« tit) funereal waistbands.
iiti Idn^ it fell and broke ^fe Age of eighfy, an octogen-
ishdng tik, tit^ loki came very r^^j'arian ; old, infirm ; hard fea-
near falling; t'lti ^kdm 'letins tured, as old people are; the
kci' two fell out and were lost
setting sun.
tit) kd^ the price has fallen ;

tit) 7d, fell over titi tstik) to


stamp the feet with vexation (561) Pit.

titi yati zkdu, had a tumble.
J4t 1 To alternate, to change;
~r > reciprocal, alternate, chang- - ") Iron, called hak^ ikam, the
^A^jingj to take each other's ,. black metal
; made of iiou ;

Tieh places : rotation ; tit} i/ung^ %/\,>j firm, decided ; t'lti hi' iron
lynu ikimg, alternately use T ieh t(K>ls ; t'it- sktk) (Sam ich'^ung
kindness and severity titi ; immovable, firm ; t ti ^shi kdm'
(hing titifaV now rising and shati hard as iron cinders; t'it^
then declining. cshd, iron filings; "^td t'it, to
|Hit A cloth or paper case to work in iron ; '<d t'lt, 7d, a
r^/f'cover Chinese books : a book blucksmiih pdkit'it^or iyeung
wrapper; a httle bag, a satch-
II. .

tit) tin plates;


t'it) pin' hoop

el to arrange in order; ishd

; iron t'it, d'iri, rod iron t'itt
; ;

titi book envelope.

a sin' iron wire t'it-. pat, pati ;

3^ Interchanged with the last; ^koi, an unalterable writing,

^<r?j'to stitch, to pierce with a like a decided officer's verdict;
needle; a period often years; t'it) iskd ili, an iron pear,"
,hoi ts'at, tit. entered the se- one who will not fork out
venth decennium, as at 61. Hang t'it-. t'iti very cold.
^T^ Order, in a series, regular; ^.^ Greedy, gluitnpous d'd ; t'it,

Chih *" dispose in order

to multi- ; ~,r^' avaricious, inordinately gree-
ply; a station, a post, an otiice; dy an emblem of avarice,

usual skillful in, acquainted,

; a monster drawn as a head
wise ; atlecennium; clear and without a body. Read t'ln
explicit, as teaching; luk. tit) in" the Fan Wan.
S38 TIU. TIl5.

SPQ Fading, falling, as the sere

Tiu. L'^^ leaf; exhausted, injured; did
ding, fallen and scattered
dying, as plants; did <5e^ fall-
f/j The original form ofc/d en, withered, as flowers.
Tiiiu perverse, recusa«t, seditious; JBj To cut and work gems, to
restless,cabaling, artful, in- ^ngi'^v^ precious stcmes did
Tilu ;

croaching by falsities itiil ;

t^uk) to polish gems,
fuHg, depraved manners; sedi- fflfe
An eagle, a lammergyr; a
tious cabals Uiu pat) rabid ; large bird of prey, whose pre-
writinijs diu itiii, lightly
; sence even makes other birds
moved by the wind itid ok> cast their feathers
; did did, ;

malignant (tiu imdn, outrage- clear, bright.


ous, violent diu ik'iu '^nau The marten or sable; diu


ning^ willful, one who can't be ^V. '*/»" ^p'i, marten fur '^kau V«i ;

pleased fong^ diii, dogged, tsuki diu, a dog s tail tacked


uncontrite "^ch'tng did, dic- ; on a sable incongruous; diu —

tatorial, assuming and over- ^mi, fur tails, worn by mili-
be iring dill iiodn, reckless
tary officers.
of consequences. cE'l To condole with mourners,
To cast away, to throw away; rt Uo ask respecting the dead > ;

to lay down; to rid, relieved of; rfj J

to wail, to assist at a buri-
to cast off; diu ^Idng, let him Tiau al condolence, sympathy t>
; ;

cool off; diu hki lay it down ;

compassionate others, feeling
did loki ^shui, thrown into the for suspended; to hang up, ;

water diu mi/i'to blast one's

to suspend; to take, to move ;

credit ; tiii tdt> wasteful, care- to order a rehearing t'id' ;

less of things ;
diu cshii ip'du, Vs' mourning, sorrowing for
to quote a maxim against one, friends; tid^ oti' to order a
to bring wise saw y^ung^
up a ;
second trial; CuV <.song, to wail

sz" did (hoi, cast your cares for the dead fdl^ it/eung
to the wind did hV to reject, ;
a paralytic fit ; (kui tid' to
to heave away ; din tm hd^ I prepare for a funeral ; ti^fdn^
can't get them off my hands to remove a criminal to an-
did ^itgdn koky to ogle. other court; tid' ''hi, hang it
nift^ To engrave, to cut figures up; '^te tiu' flighty, having no
Ion, to carve and adorn to application ; fiit' AcH^, hung
*B^ ;

t"^] polish, as a composition; or- by the neck; tid' '^t'ung, a

Tidu naniented, engraved; to tat- hanging bucket a fortune- ;

t«x> sometimes used for the

; sign yati tiu' Us'in, a
teller's ;

next; did (fa, to adorn with string of lOOO cash.

carvings; did haky engraving ;
*^' Deep, profound 'im ^or
' ;

did Us'eung, a wall adorned rJ^ -milt) tiu' in a deep place.

with sculptures. II
Head 'aid in the Fan Wan.
TITJ. Titr. 529

^E' To hang up, to suspend ;

transpose ijt'aitiv^ the usher

Jf'/^ to tie things, to bind or con- in the examination hsil; tiu*

fine a person. (fan '^chiin U'au, turn your
/fej|i' A hook, a fish-hook; to fish, head around shiki tiu^ (kung, ;

* to angle; a device ; to bait, to had a good meal 'td tiii^ '^k'u, ;

set a trap for ; to seek after, gave him a beating.

to fish for, as praise ; to use
something as a means '^^m ;

'sh^uiig 'ni tW he don't take (563) X4u.

your hook, he'll not be gulled ;

tin' M, to angle tiu' t'dt- .sha,


to hook soles —
a slang phrase •
/ik Weakly, young and lender ;

for stealing shoes. *

)^ unable to travel far impatient
^- I

Profound, retired elegant, ; "of labor, envious of others to ;

_? reserved, lady-like -/iu /jii* ad- appropriate to one's self; t^t'iu

mirable, beautiful, enchanting. ,t'iu 'kung Hsz' a weakling.

4J((- An unauthorized character. '

'^^ *^"'^' ^'^ P'^re, to scrape
^'' A small black glazed earthen -Via kiuk^ikan, to hanrj- ''^'}*^ a^-.

having no ears; idng tv?

jar, '''%iring, for a punishment.
jars; 'iUui tiu a water jar. )L^ Mournful, sorry; to despise, I

J^i To move, to shake to clash, i*" to disesteom; to have little :

3 • to strike against; correct,! I

'"'Mvinduc.«s for.
^'*" properly placed often used To carry on the shoulder or
erroneously next; toj
for the the end of a stick; to lift; to
change, to interchange; tiu'] '*"mix, to stir about to take out ;

hing^ to strike stoi'es together, of, to select ; to irritate, to

people's opinions clashing ; I
provoke, to stir up, to give
tiii' sliiti to wag the tongue ;
trouble; to sew in an edge, to
tiu- pi' to swagger ; tiu^ ifo'^g, baste, to sew together to ;

to lie. lead to play with, to trifle ;


A tune, a song the tone of ; quickly ; a spoon ; tdnv' (t'iu,

an instrument; a ballad; to to carry with a beam it'iu tso, ;

select to move, to transfer,
; to to stir up, to make mischief;
change about, to exchange ; to (t'iu t'dt, untrustworthy ; light
seek. A colloquial
word. A minded, (t'iu (hoi, to scatter,
classifier of meals and whip- to spread out ; d'iu to

pings; ya^.ccA^ tiu} A tune tiu^ ;

select out ; (t'iu (fit, a porter ;

shtung till- loki change this (t'iu (Shdm kwat) sew to

higher and bring that down ;
clothes tdi^ (t'iu
; yat, Hang,
tiir un' to exchange, to trans- a general selection of gradu-
pose; its'oi tiu- clever, capa- ates for district magistrates
ble ; (to tiu' to' never satisfied, (t'iu -.tang, to raise the wick ;

many alterations (hong tiu} a: 't'iu -yfin, to lead on, to take

tune, a ballad ; tiu- ^chu/i, to the lead iu doing evil (t'tuput^ ;

Ton. Dict. 67
530 T'lU. TltJ.

to sow discord U'iO, iui ^hi, ; 23 Distant, remote to go far ;

too heavy to lift; there are y~ away ds'tn ^li U'iu U'iu,

none fit to choose ; U'iu ihoi, '^"thousands of miles away U'iu ;

to lift off, to put aside. du, remote.

^i^^ To move or replace the •^ Ringlets, hair of children
* "^ family tablets; the ancestral 1^ falling down ; U'iu inin, young,
**"hall itsung it'iu, an ancestral
; '^"youthful.
temple, a patrimony; 'sAaa Mm 'I'o shed teeth young, child- ;

U'iu, to guard the lares. ish ; it'iu inin, a lad ; iCiu

To harmonize, to blend ; to ch'an, to get the new teeth.
restore the peace, to bring A pair of reins, made of
about an end, to adjust pro- leather; a bridle.
perly; to mix up, to compound, A long narrow fish, called
as medicine ; to attend to, as pah it'iu, perhaps a species
one's health ; to temper, to **"of Thryssa or Engraulis.
regulate, to moderate ; to tune A
branch, a twig; anything
an instrument; to try notes,
r~,!,v^ long and slender; a classifier
to find the tone of a character '^"^of long things, as a cane, a
to unite, as syllables ; to spell chain, a string, a snake, a bill,
U'iu -hd run through
koi' tsz'^
a queue, a worm, a river, a
that word d'tu lyam, to har-
rainbow, a feather; an item, a
monize sounds; d'iu mi^ to section an article, a division
; ;

blend tastes, to spice it'iu ;

a law a manner kdk/ki it'iu
; ;

ckv' to cure a disease; to put ikdi icav only a few streets off;
to rights ; U'iu 'ch'ii, to man- ya/j U'iii U'ai muki one thesis
age ; il'iti it'au ^hang ''hang, to
Jfdti U'iO, a main spring or
act sullenly, to refuse obed- hair-spring; yat^ U'iu ''shau
ience ; u'iu ikang, to season ikan, a handherchief ''ki U'iu^ ;

soups earthen spoon

; an several items; ^kio'aiu'iu, regu-
d'm iin, to tune a fiddle d'iu ;
lations; yati u'iu ^ts'd, a spear
^yiung, to nurse one's health; of grass; it'iu U'iii ^yau Vi,
it'iu hV lewd dalliance, every sort of thing has its rules.
^fan A
cicada or broad locust; ij^ A bamboo basket for carry-
'if..* u'iu kdp, the cast-off skin or
, •"§ '^^y **•" niiick, used by
"exuviae of the cicada. '''^"
husbandmen ho^ -t'iti, to carry ;

zldr] Clover a reed, whose tops ; a basket,

'aL >^^^^^ ^^^ brooms; dingU'iii, tt^* '^'" leap, to skip, to bounce,

t^Ja marshy plant whose juice j/jj*, ^to jump; to dance, to hup
T'iiu the hair black, also call-
^^y^** ^D J about to palpitate, to beat ;

ed " rat-lail grass; " a sort of Tian to intrude upon; to advance,

ivy or vine cleaving to walls; to shoot, as sprouts to fling, ;

U'iti liu, clover, turned in for to cast; t'iiV lioi^ to lay a

a subsoil in Chehkidng; U'iu crime to another's charge;
u'iu, high, lofty. t'iit'' lokidoi, jump down ; t'iu^
TO. TO. 531

up; its'ui ch'ii^

(kd, to jiitnp koTti' much has come;
do, not so
hopping and skipping
t'iii^ ''mat dai kdm^ do, don't come
abont (Sam puh puh i'iu^ my
; so often; I don't want so many
heart beats with terror t'iu^ ; tocome t'aV ^ngo do do man* ;

[fan its'iung, to leap a wall hau^ make my best respects

— an assignation; t'iu^ dung to him 'Ad do, a great many

omn, to jump the dragon's do admire him do Is^

ichi, to
gate —
to rise rapidly in de- many thanks t'm do, not over- ;

grees; tkd hdm' t'iu' techy as much cliuki iSam do, to pray

a crab t'UV ds'b, jumps from for the threemanies, i.e. sons,
his manger

to leave — an wealth and age do 's/ta»^, med- ;

employ causelessly. dling do kaV aoong, a schem-


rML' To look aslant, to glance ing fellow do %mung lokt I am ;

^~ furtively at, to peep; to look much indebted to you.

'*"afar ;
t'iu^ viong^ to gaze at. ^^ Hard, compact earth, clods ;

Jt"g* High officers sent to visit the ^^ firm ground.

court from princes; to have
(This is often pronounced til.)
^an audience; to send envoys
Branches hanging a cla?-
to the princes.
Read '^fu ;

to look at closely;
to incline the ear,
'^fu 'shau,
j,-. rc-jfier of flames and flowers;

TJs; J to lead by the hand to move ;


hanging the head and skulk- To ya'> ''" ^fo, one flame </a 'tii, ;

ing away.
flowers, bouquets ; H Ho, the
To rice, to dispose
ear ; Ho d, the chops ; Hu, Hit,
all sorts of flowers,
grain ck'nt^ t'iu^ to sell corn
i^ A
T'iau target side apartments ;
ip'eng t'iu' to sell cheap, as

used as school-rooms sht^ Ho

from granaries. ;

° or tsin' Ho, a target for arrows;

isheng Ho, an esplanade walk

on a wall.
(564) To. '^^ The body to conceal one's ;

^^ self, to hide away to skulk, ;

to slip off", to secrete 7o niki ;

Many, much often, numer-
ous; more a superlative, far,;
; to lie hid, to be out of the
way; '/o ^Idn, shirking work,
° very, too, much to admire lazy ; Ho imdi yat) ch'u' hid
; ;

to praise; to crave for more, away snugly ; Vo chdV to ab-

to add ; exceeding, excessive ;
scond from one's creditors 7o ;

tto sz'^ busy officious ^kido,

; ; pi^ to evade, to shun Ho ''shim, ;

how many? do 'shiu, how to dodge out of one's sight

much? do <aA;)^/j7, much oblig- Ho ds'ong, to secrete.
ed to you do kwo' U'au, far
; S|j' To chop fine, to hash, to
too many c/tung- tak> do^ this
; ^^ cut into mince meat; to' iwai
is the heaviest hiP dQ ''ki nn, ;
*° yuh ts^ung' to cut up flesh,
go again many times <.md dai ; to hack in pieces.
332 TO. TO.
The mind flagging nerve- ; d'otaPlid, help me on a little;
less, indolent, lounging, hizy d'o t'ipi hao" ^k'ii, I was oblig-
rude ^Idn to- loitering, lazy
; ;
ed by a loan from him d'o ;

toi' to^ remiss, cold and rude. d'au kdui' ^hd, mutually pleas-
P^- To fail in ruins; fallen, ru- ed d'o ding, to wear a pea-

f*^ ined, dilapidated, destroyed cock's feather

decayed, reduced, poor; to /»^ Often used for d'o, ^/C to
fall over, to fall down
hang ; to 't* carry on the back; d'o put'
down, to sag ;down,
to flow ° humpbacked ooai d'o, ele-

as tears ; disused, effete, worn gant, genteel,

out ;setting, as the moon •cfc A crookbacked person, a
occurs for the preceding to^ ;
'f'^ humpback ; having a diseased
loki to fall down degraded, ;
^ ° spine.

fallen, poor to^ loki <kai, ; /fil| A man's name ; Wan ^kung
damn you! chit:i to- may you be - *^ ichi d'o, a general in the days
cursed! (t'ui to- push it over; of Mencius.
tsuV to^ fell down drunk io^ ;
Streams diverging, a tribu-
ZoAtj «^ a reduced farjiily; tci^ tary; a heavy rain; falling
-ma, to full off a horse
To tears; the rFu d'o iho
; to' - is a
loki hau^ to fall behind. branch of the Tsz'-ya, one of
|J^- The undulating line of a the affluents of the Pei-ho.
* * range of hills, having peaks To sling stones Ud Ji d'o, ;

° and holiojl^s. to play at throwing slung

To stones and pulling them back.
The next occurs in this sense.

^^] A
(565) T'o. stone roller the balance- ;

yx^ weight on a steelyard da c/i

> ;

syi\^\d'o, to throw slung stones;

1 To pull, to drag along to ;
T'o ch'ing^ d'o, steelyard weight
'IS ;draw ; to draggle to lead, to ;
tarn' d'o, to throw the lead,
lake bv the hand ; to drair ^^•f^ A skein or hank of silk or
T'o into, to implicate ; to protract; "^_ floss ; silken tassels used as
d'o Mil '.sA«M, to join hands " ornaments on furs.
in walking ; d'o .shim, to track
^>^ A fabulous animal like a
a boat; a fishing smack that '^ sheep with four cars and nine
dragis nets; U'a va> titi^ 'aA«j, ' ° tails d'o do ii/u/ig, or t'o do

draggled tlirougluhe mud, »J6^ iui, velvet.

verbose, turbid, as a style d'o ;
fij;' To deceive, to insult; lying
lui' involved, as in loss or -P^ boasting. Read d, in the
danger t'o iku ishitn, a fish-
; * " phrase :i d, self satisfied.
ing ."mack tai^ d'o, a large

d'o sot: as if bending

<^ '"To
slip ds'o d'o, to stumble
going uphill to

, ; miss a good
the knee ; d'o chi? ^k'ii, lead ^ ^ chance, to let an opportunity
him along ; d'o An, to put off; slip.
TO. T6. 533


J'o J'o ling^ dizzy,
giddy, half-drunk; -t'o ingdn,
drink, p^'
to spit
° revile


7zai/ t'o^ to


t'o' iyan,
md' to

flushed, red in the face. and spit ; t'o^ mvti phlegm.

Steep, dangerous, as a path;
common Budhist syllable;
'js'o it'o, rugged a road along
(566) To.
a clitf; 'po ^t'o ^shdn, the is-

land of Pooto near Chusan ;

shd u'd, sandy stepps. A knife a sword with one ;

A camel to carry on the

7] edge; a knife-shaped coin cur-
back ; ioki d'o, a camel ; U'o rent in the Han dynasty a ;

To pvV hunchbacked. punt, a canoe; a classifier of

A horse carrying burdens quires; the 18th radical of
on horseback;
to ride or carry characters relating to wea-
To to back a burden ;/« it^o, to pons, cutting, &c., 1/at) '^pd,
carry a pack, a packhorse. do, a knife; dd Hsui, a pen-
A colloquial word. To hang knife; do yuki the blade; dd
upon, to suspend, as from the ^hau, edge of a knife do HsuU ;

neck or girdle d'o tsoP (k'am ; point of a blade tsoV dd, a ;

it'aii, hang it on the lappel; cleaver ich'di dd, a chopper ;


with child.
it'o .Co, shnn^ do, a stiletto ; '^tsin do,
A sort of water gavial, which shears, scissors tau^fu-dd or ;

burrows in the sand also a ; Hcung milt' dd, a bean-curd
To small species of dog fish or knife; 7net. adoublefaced syco-
lamprey. phant; do hoh ascabbard ^md ;

Like the preceding; a dra- its'in do, a guard of swords-

gon, a large iguana, whose men 'iAd 'hd 'md ds'in d'd,
To skin was used for drums sf'o make

a fair show of it; luki


'M if'ung ip'ung, the rattling do '^chi, six quires or folds of

drums. paper ; -/nd (<d c/a, to fence;
1 A rudder; -t'o ikung, a ikwdn dd, a claymore,
such as
> helmsman ; ^<'o :^'«n^, a tiller ;
Kwanti wielded; tdi- ds'dn
7'o ^mi, the rudder ; £ui -t'o, do, a case knife.
To to port the helm ; '/jd H'o, to A long narrow boat, a punt;
steer. a load of 300 huk, or 1500
Secure, safe, stable, fixed,
Tau 7aM or pecks, probably
firm quiet, at ease, settled cause this sort of boat carried
To 't'o

tong" all proper, secured,


that quantity.
everything right ^t'o t'ip^ well ; A metropolis, the residence
arranged, secured -j/au tik, ; of the court, the capital spot ;

i'm Co, there's something where is an imperial temple;
unsafe, there's a screw loose ; a fief granted to princes; an
"kong to, well said. imperial city whose rents were
534 TO. t6.

granted to statesmen ; the ich'^ung, to open a table ; '/d

state, the empire; abundant, ming^ to risk one's life, as in
fine, full ; an exclamation of war Hd meng^ tHt^ try the

delight, excellent! to dwell; to chance, as in trading Hdds'in ;

occupy; all, altogether, the to game see how it

; '<d ds'oi,
whole, in general ; also, toge- will turn out '<d chau' to ;

ther with still, not at

; all, swear, to take an oath; 7d
may possibly be, probably c/o ; tong^ d'au, to leave security
mV kin^ kwo' ^k'ii, I've not for a debt of honor,
seen him at all tdi- dd sii sh9 ; ^0 An island in the sea, an
all are about the same; sung^ ^^' islet; "^hoi ^td, an island opting ;

ltd Cm i«' 1 don't even wish it as doi csin '<d, fairy isles.

a gift; ^ngo dd hu' I will go *J-^1 To beat, as clothes; to

too; (.king dd, the metropolis; tV^ >pound, as in a mortar ; to
hai^ do are good
'Ad, all db ;
f^j ram down, to make solid, as
kioo' tak) can manage to get Tau* a wall ; to lean against; to
by; I can get along, I think; collect ; ^td Idri' to beat fine
dd haP chdn} wan- had nothing! '/d cKutt chnpy to pound out
but trouble; dd H'ung, a major- the juice; Ho d, to beat clothes
general; db ch'dt] ii/i^ the in washing.
Censorate. '^ To pray, to make supplica-
A tower or watchman's turret jjl^ tions, to intreat the gods ; to
over a city gateway a doub- ; ''"request, in courteous phrase;
Tu led door at a city gate. ik'i 'to, to pray Hd kd^ to

"j To look, to see, to observe, make known to the gods; shi^

,).to view : perceived, manifest- Hd, thus I request — used at
mati csz' ^yan, to re-
ed ;
'/i) the end of letters.
Til member people by looking
at what they left one.
% To fall

trate; to invert, to subvert

down, to fall pros-
; to

-^ To obstruct, to close, to shut " throw one's self down sign of ;

to guard, to ward off; a wall, the past tense, in which it is

Tu as around a yard 50 cubits ;
like the next an adverb, still, :

of wall at peace, settled, as

yet, indeed Hd^ch'd dai, pour ;

if at home ; '<d sak:, to close out tea and bring it 'sz' 7d ;

against; '/o tsih to guard ; to tf- he fell dead Ho mong iktod, ;

wall off the way to; cO Hi^, a rotten melon, one who is
coin, pelf, lucre — an old bloated 'td Hd, fallen over j

term '<d «' to defend.

tip over; Hd i'tn Hd, you

To gamble, to play, to wager, did not hit him shi^ tft din ;

to game; to risk, to stake ;

Hd, to confound right and
Tu gaming, play ; ^to kioari^ a wrong ; Hd ^ch'ong, to take to
gambler; Idn- "-td ind aoai, a one's bed ''kong Hd ^k'ii, con-

confirmed gambler is useless; vinced him, made him see it

'f() pok} to play ; ihoi 7d so; tsiih Ho, very laughable;
TO. TO. 535

ckuki '/d, seized him; 'A'i Hd td' yiki extortionate police-

ch'u' stand there ;
'<6 ti^ (u do, men ; td' and ich'ung, hairy
a sot rolling on the ground : caterpillars.
'/d shvti tiki indeed you 'Ad, Jijg' ^
Jealous, as a wife envious,

speak well '<d ihong, bank- ; ?V> ^feeling ill will towards, one
ruptcy of a house '<d wan^ averse; a jealous
td' [fu,
y/^ j

unlucky. T6 woman jealous tsati

; td' ki^ ;

3K|]' To arrive at, to attain, to td' envy, jealousy.

2-reach, to extend to ; to go or gt* To fall in ruins, destroyed ;
come to ; to, at, up to ; finish-
^^ to besmear, to dirty; ho' td'
ed, completed ; still, but, yet Ad* H'd, to do detriment to
till, on the contrary ; sign of earthly things.
the pHs\.tQi\se;huUd\pinch'u' s-^' A
road, a path, a way; a
where's he gone ? td^ dCu' yat^ 2;— thoroughfare; azone a cir- ;

y^unrr^ everywhere the same ;

cuit virtue, rectitude reason,
; ;

doi tb^ he has come ; to' iU <.kam doctrine, principle, what com-
till now ; 'f'm tak:, td^ he will mon sense approves the ;

be on the watch ; 's^ung tak:, Reason or the Logos of the

to" have thought all about it Rationalists; a principle, a
td' Hai, to the bottom ;
how- reason to follow out to ac-
; ;

ever, after all, finally, at last; cord with, to lead in the way,
d'au Joi, the matter is
sz'^ to' to direct, inwhich it is like
even now pressing mid 'sho ; the next; to speak, to talk, to
puti <d' omnipresent, it reach- converse; by, from, the way
es everywhere ichau td' all ; a thing comes a classifier of ;

around, complete; ishau to' dispatches and edicts; td^ Hi,

received ; td' M, reached reason, doctrine, propriety;
home; 'Ad td' ikd k^' one who td^tah virtue td' tdw} to talk ;

does not take offense td' 'yd ; about; <d' Id' a road, a way;
pa} well, let it pass td' 'yd is ^yau mat:, td^ lof have you any
an adverbial phrase, like in- thing for me to do? td^ tipi a
deed, just so; td' to' iu' hu' priest's certificate ; ching' td^
still you wish to go against true reason; to' tkd, the sect
all reason td' ^ngdn k^' a
; of the Rationalists; <d* sz" a

squinting man td' tiu' 'md ; Tau priest ; td^ u'oi, an inten-
tik: maki ^shiii, when hung up, dant of circuit, or tdut'di; tak,
not a drop of ink would come td^ to become perfect and
out of him, i.e. he knows noth- enter nigban ; ch'ik, tdi' the
ing iso' td' shapi <fan shap>
equator ; iioong td' the royal
done excellently well. road, that which is perfect,
^* Small worms grubs in ;
and operates per se <.kung td' ;

"^ wood; the tinea, a book-wnrm; honorable, just; tsz" '^ku td'
the cheese mite; weevil grubs; the proverb saith yut, td' ;

to'iii, a bookworm, a student; shing' 'chr, one imperial order.

536 TO. T6.

g^ - To lead, to conduct; to iX- A sort of bullace or plum ;

point out the way, to induce 1, to stop, to shut out, to restrict,
to do right to regulate ; to ;
" toimpede; a surname; to' tsiiti
exhort, to teach ^yati to^ to ; to stop the way ; to put an
show the way; to direct in end to; <<>' i/niin pat:, ch'tity to
right courses ;fan^ td^ district shut one's door, and remain
instructor (hoi td^ to teach
; at home ; td' dicing, a sort of
first principles ; (hating td^- a grass, whose fibres can be
village guide. made into cords
a ; to' (kiin,
^- A measure ; a degree, a goatsucker.

limit; capacity,endurance a ; =FiAk- A sort of glutinous rice, or
degree of latitude or longi- ^J^ millet, growing in marshy
tude a rule, a regulation to " places.
; ;

measure ; to arrange, to spread |K- Rice in the plant, p.iddy ;

out ; to pass, as time ; toki ynt> ^,^ luh tb' upland rice; sat, td^
it'iu to^ take a measure of it ""to sow rice; 'is'd to' early
Heung ($ani tcr it/an dsui^k'ii, rice.
sent two or three messengers {?55- To step down, to tread on,
to hasten him '^ki xh'^ung td^ ; i^ to, to put down the foot;
how long is it ? swio to^ no to tread under foot, to violate ;

limit, unlimited fdti to' a ; to' fat) todisregard laws; '^shau

regulation, a law td^ yah to ; ^mdtsuk:> to' to move the hands
pass the day shiki kwai' td^ ;
and feet, gesticulation to' ^k^, ;

eaten too much, stuffed ich'iu ;

to walk far.

td^ to get souls out of hell; I

,1^- Wounded in mind, afflicted ;
^ho tdi- to' leung^ very liberal, '
to grieve for, to pity an igno-

generous in feeling; tb^ huk-,\ rant offender ; to fear ; to die
to keep time in a tune; td^\ early in life ; td' hnk:, to bewail
uti to support one's self. for ; to' t'dii' to sigh for ; id'
r|p- To
pass over a stream, to itnong, grieving for one's rela-
^^ ford, to cross to go through, ; tives.
Td as a road a boat to^ ishiin, a
; ; "^ff} To covet, and t;ike by force
passnge-boat ; avdng 'shut td^\ ^^ to rob, to plunder ; to abduct
a ferry-boat
Tdu commit piracy a pirate, a
; td' it'au, a ferry to ;

loki td^ to go aboard the pas- footpad, a highwayman to ;

sage-boat; id^ HsiH, to ford appropriate another's goods or

shallows to^ 'hoi, to cross the
; country; ik'eiing to' a bandit;
seas; ^fan to' Us in, to divide po' to' to seize robbers iyinng ;

the ferriage. to' pirates ; td' ts'dki a thief;

To gild, to adorn with gold, <(?- aning, to rob one's good
to wash with gold; to plate; name ; tdi' to' a robber ; ii' td'
Ta to- ikam, to wash with gold to be waylaid ; shut:, td' robbed

td- 'shau shik:, gilded orna- of; td'(kwan hi^ to steal arms :

raeuts; to' mgan, silvered over. 'siu to' a thief, a pilferer.

TO. TO. 537

polite phrases; hang'-' J'd itin

(567) T*(>. kuii' all enjoyed the kind care
of heaven d'am d'd, greedy

of, addicted to— as lust,

VS Waters rising and swelling; ^f'^^^**' sorrowful ,sam dn ;

1;, overflowing, rushing waters; l}[^ d'd d'd, the heart bursting
to overpass bounds to be rude ;
^ ^" with grief.
to; a branch of the R. HAn ^S Gluttonous, gormandizing;
' "^
in Shensi it'd ^t'd pal:, tun^
; rapacious d'd shiki to eat and

flowing without cessation /i' ; drink voraciously d'd t'it> ;

yiA-j tt'd it'd, making money avaricious and gluttonous d'd ;

fast. fiiki one who makes a god of

To rejoice, greatly pleased his belly,
indulgent, in excess; to trciit jrife To cry and weep ; Jid d'd,
disrespectfully to doubt ; : sus- 1;^ bawling and screaming ; kiu'
picion a longtime; to refrain ^^ d'd, squalling, as children do.

from, as grief; ^t'd d'd pat, Jjl. A

peach; a flower bud, so
tkwai, did not return for a long ^V!^ called from their plumpness;
time; tt'd isam, reckless, in- ^" (J'jno- d'd, the beaked
peach ;

solent. 'jjirt d'd, or hdpi d'd, the

A a cord a
plaited sash ; ;
flat peach cAd mati d'd, the

f or fringe of threads;
occurs used for the next '<d
T'au it'd, to twist or braid silk
Khamil peach; hat} d'd, a
Walnut; j<'d;yan, peach-meats;
it'd sht' a sword cutler d'd
ifti, the peach charm, hung on


*S^^ A sheath or
case for a bow; door lintels; d'd ^kdm Hsui,
pjS^a scabbard; a covering for pouting, impudent; d'd 'u, gum
vXj weapons; a vantbrace ;
just; dibanum; sy^wn^ d'd, sweet
l"iu liberal ; u'd Uuk, plans for carambola d'd ich'ung, the

fighting, strategy, tactics. "peach bug," the wren; c/l

pTl To desire food, to love ho- d'd or shan^ tdPd'd, flowering
nor : to long for, to covet ; in- almond; p'ik^ d'd (fa, white
'ordinately desirous of, addict- double flowering peach d'd ;

ed to; ashamed of having ikung, peach bloom tying ;

had, to feel deeply grateful for, d'd, a cherrymet. a woman's ;

as unworthy of; it'd imung, lips; the peach garden,

d'd iiin,

to be greatly thankful for; J^d where Liu Pi made his com-

(ktcong, desirous of your kind pact Hangfdnr d'd, the bitter

favor,ashamed of asking your peach.

countenance ^t'd kdti^ very ;
^1 To abscond, to run away,
desirous of seeing you it d ; V~r >to desert, to elude search, to
H'im, ashamed of having so -k!L\ ^^^' ^^ escape; d'd 'tsau, to
many favors; d'd lam} insatia- T'au run away d'd hofa to play

ble of your kindness; — all truant; ''kwdi d'd, to abduct,

Ton. Dict, 6S
538 TO. TO.

as a child ; t'iit^ U'd, to get written on doors, as a charm ;

clean away; U'd ij/an, a silt' u'd, to. borrow U'd cmi t/ii, ;

deserter, a fugitive ; it'd pi' to a red rose.

avoid, to get out of the way. The lees of spirits, the sedi-
^jyt"! A hand-drum with two
ment of wine; U'd uni, a sort
"^Jj^ buttons tied to strings, twirl- of gin; u'd iSii 7sa?<, mulled
i^Jed by silk peddlers, as they wine, medicated spirits, an-
Tau go through the streets, com- ciently drank.
monly called ding dam ^ku, A gentle palfrey ; U'd u'd, a
or rattle drum. ^ip* well-trained horse.
Name of a river in Sz'chuen,
and one in Shinlung the ; last .^M A bird which burrows with
T'li " ",^ marmots or rats the notice of
flows into the Gulf of Chihli

" its habits resembles those of

ifb wti the twelfth month; U'd
the burrowing owl.
u'd, a heavy dew.
Mud, mire a miry road to ; ;
/fei An earthen vessel of any
daub, to defile, to besmear, ij/' kind. Read
du, a kiln for
T'd ''^
burning earthen or other ware.
to dirty ; to plaster, to white-
wash ; to blot out, to efface ;
Interchanged with the next.
to fill up a hole ; thick-headed,
IJ^ A furnace for burning pot-
dull ; thick ;
jti U'd, inapt, stu- i^,*^ tery ; earthenware mournful ;

pid ; ccA'a/i u'd, dirt and dust ;
thoughts; to nourish; to please,
mtt. the world, the age; U'o to exhilirate to give vent to ;

mut, to blot out, to erase Ib^ ; , the feelings; correct, straight;

u'd, a muddy road U'dUs'^ung ; U'd ujan, a potter U'd ajung, ;

to plaster U'd rniti^ a wall; to melt; to reform or trans-

to diacnior the face, as actors form ; %p'd u'd, grapes ; U'd
- or robbers do. '.yan, a kiln.
ij^ A path, a way; a pursuit, a Read du ; a man's name, (Kd
'^ mode; interchanged with the du, a minister of Shun ; du
" two last; ^.ch'^iing U'd, a long iiil, well satisfied.
road piitt' U'd dfaV to [Vi\ in
; j^ To scour, as rice; to wash
a pursuit, to stop half way ;
•' out, to sift, to stir about, to
iun u'd, along the road idling ; cleanse and search for, as fur
u'd, the road, the distance. gold dust u'd hnai, to scour ;

A fine and solid variety of rice; U'd^kon tseng^ to wash

pine woi^ used for making out clean U'd cshd, to wash ;

furniture out the sand U'd (shd Ho, ;

'^ A perhaps a sort

bitter herb, scavengers who wash out rub-
^ of colt's foot (Tussilago); the bish dnu '^sliuiu'd U'o, gently

tea shrub a weed U'd -.mdii, ; ; flowing waters,

light, lithe, graceful, as a girl ;
I'o braid cord to bind a ; ;
U'd tnh bitter troubles; ;.s/ta/i .t!v cord, a twisted string; U'd
it'd, a god, whose name is chit' to lie up, as a dog.
TO. TO. ^39

The vine ; :p'<) ;/'d 'hoo, no gain ; hup it'd, a rascal ;

fSy grapes; in Canton, a kind of it'diin, in vain, uselessly ; matP

*" rose-apple so called; jp'd d'd, transportation
is it'd\ for three
'tsau, wine from grapes; spi- years; yi ud, banditti.
rits flavored with rose-apples. Amap, a drawing, a chart,
Thecuff of a coat, the end a diagram to delineate, to;

of the sleeve it is often em- ;
sketch on paper to scheme,
Tau broidered and bhnped like a

to contrive ; to plan how to

horsehoof. get out of trouble to plot, to ;

Drunken, tipsy; imd J'd, intrigue to estimate, to cal-


reeling, tipsy, drunk, stagger- culate to wish for, to try for;


" ing along.

if dm it'd, to earnestly wish :

A^ti The wood used in a drum; U*d books and drawings

tsiki ;
^'™ the wooden part of a drum. rf'djyj'n^, theform of, the con-
Read liti, a drum. tour; a plate of; d'd cshii, a
4^ A block of wood, a useless stone or metallic seal ifd ;

l|,"^ stick; an auspicious animal; tch^ung, one's seal it*d ko' ;

i/'d/i^o/j perverse, intractable, ch'ut, ishan, to contrive ho«f
doggish U'd mui^ ichi 'ng*
to get the situation d'd IP to ;

passed it over ignorantly. scheme after gain.

^3^ Waves, billows; angry waves To butcher, to kill and dres^
l^l^ dashing on the shore ^po U'd, ;
animals to kill, to rip up, to
" dashing waves, T'a

rend d'd </ii or it'd iyan, a


^rt To cover with feathers; a

butcher karrP-.t'd, to prohibit

"7; kind of feather fing or fan,

butchering animals.
used by dancers or actors a ;
An animal when sick worn ;
funereal banner : .k'i :t'd, stan-
out by travel ^ma d'd, a jaded ;
dards of the army. TO

A strong wind. Read ich'au,
a gentle rustling breeze.
± horse.
Earth, soil, clods,
the fourth of the five elements

>jc^ To go afoot, to walk ; a a region, a place, a country ;
footman, a soldier a disciple, ; possessions; lands; a clayey,
Tu a follower; a crowd, a mul- sallow, or earthy, color ; on
titude ; a sensualist, a low fel- the ground of clay ; made
low ; banditti, ruffians; ser- local, peculiar, native to the
vants about an office; empty, as place; the 32d radical of cha-
an open hand ; in vain, futile, racters relating to earth ; '^t'd
to no purpose; only, barely ; to (Sins, Mercury '^sktti'-t'd, the ;

transport for three years J'd : climate, the peculiarities of a

tap a disciple, an apprentice; place if'ing '^t'd .ynn ds*ing,

ittid lap ichi it'd, a faithless local manners, spirit of a peo-

fellow ; d'd pd* to foot it ; i'tn ple; Yd 'cA'</«.productionsofa
haP ^hd it'd, a vile fellow ; it'd country ;'*'() :3^fln, the natives;
Jo ono kung, all trouble and V'd if dm, a patois ; 't'd /«' a
540 T6 t6.

go-down, the ground story; -td'^Iil ming pdki intelligent

t'dm^ H'd, to test the soil for to comprehend ; 'niin H'd, a
a grave, as geomancers do ;
stomacher ; '^fdn ^t'd t'ung' a
the terminalia hau'
*/'d \.shan, colic.
*i'd,the guardian of graves

— n-|-* To vomit, to spew; to open,

a dragon; H'^dmiiki^ngau iyan, as flowers ; to spit out ; to
a blockhead, a statue, a dolt ^ disgorge ; to disclose, to tell

Vd £«' Canton raw silk -jckwai all, to confess, to make a clean

Vd, to bury, to return to dust breast ; 'au t'd' to puke ; t'd'

H'd ^kwai, traitors, fellows in ch'uti dai, to vomit ; to tell

league with the enemy ; Au' t'd' shiti run out the tongue,
*/'d, one's native place '/'d ; as in surprise t'd' s6' vomits ;

yi, local banditti '<'d pa' a ; and purges ds'am t'd' csz' the

village tyrant; '/'d ti^ ip'b sati silkworm voids the silk t'd' ;

gods of the land '/'d ti^ tan' ; (fa, to blossom •,pun' it' an pun'
festival of the gods of the land t'd' not to tell all.
on the 2d of the 2d month. ^* A rabbit, a hare; pdki t'd'
To manage, to govern to ;
^^ a rabbit; ^1/6 t'd' a hare; t'd'
make war on, to punish crimi- Hsz' a rabbit.
nals, to destroy the seditious ;
A medicinal plant like se-
to kill, to put to death to in- samum, called t'd' Jsz'; t'd'
vestigate, to search

to put
Td ikwd, a gourd.

away, to put down to ask for, ; Large, wide, what envelopes;

to seek mixed to bring upon
; ; to envelope, to enwrap to add, ;

one'* self; '/'d ts^dki to attack

Tu to superadd to include in the

the enemy ^t'b chaV to dun

; whole, of general use a scab- ;

for a debt; Hsu '<'d, to dun, bard an envelope, a wrapper


to demand H^d 'Ad, to get a

; a bend in a river ; a snare,
good opinion for one's self, to a trap a cave; a classifier of

toady '<'d im' to make people

; sets of books, of plays, and
dislike one t^dm' H'b, to ; suits of clothes; i'm loki t'd'
search out, to explore. did not fall into the trap; (fung
The belly, abdomen ; a belly- t'd' a letter envelope yati t'd' ;

full, a good deal the mind, ; tsA«, the whole set; t'd' fti'
the understanding H'd fuk-. ; overalls, leg wrappers; t'd' chi^
the stomach; iclCiung H'd, the put it in the case t'd' tsau* ;

bowels i/at> H^d ^o, irascible,

; arm coverings; yat) t'd' dfuki
angry ; -ngo Hsau taki yat-, a suit of ceremonial robes ;

-t'd hi' I ran myself out of (hun t'd' a noose, a snare t'd' ;

breath tcAi tchu'-kdm't'd, fat,

lad' polite and general talk ;

big-bellied; '-t'dt'di'-'-hd (Ch'dng iho t'd' the great bend in the

ishiin, a liberal minded man, Yellow R.; t'iit} t'd' to disre-
patient ; 'siii ^i'dthe bladder of gard usage ;
ngoP t'd' great-
animals; yau f'b, pregnant; coats, over-coats.
TOI. TOt. 541

^&- To blacken the eyebrows,

(563) Toi. ^ *'
or paint black ones ; dsing
toi* a tint of invisible green.

1^ Cloudy ; 'oi toi* dull, ob-

/^^ A generation, an age a ; 5^ scure, as when clouds cover the
^ dynasty delegated, vicarious, ;
sun perplexed, as a business.

deputed ; to change, for, in- {?Et" To
wait for, to expect, to
stead of, in the place of; shai' }^,. wait upon, to wait till to be- ;

toi* an age ^'ng toi* it'ung ; have to, to treat ; provided

it'ong, five generations alive against ; '^tnng toi* to wait for
at once ; its'dn i Tong -'ng toi^ one toi* ishi :i tung* act when

. the Five Dynasties (a.d. 907- the right moment comes toi* ;

959) irode down China ; hau* lea'watch the price ; 'kun toi*
/oz* posterity toi* pan* to man- ;
to behave towards ; toi* man*
age for one liki toi* succes- ; disrespectful towards; /«i*<aA:>
sive ages or reigns toi* ^nthit' ; '^ngo 'hd, he treated me well.
I'll go for you; toi^ uti <.kwong 1=1' Impertinent, careless; dis-
iming, a fancy name for a lan- JjT^' liking, remiss, lazy self in- ;

tern toi* ishii, one who writes

; dulgent, inattentive wanting ;

for another, a clerk toi* ^shii a ; in courtesy, sluggish ; toi* to*

deputy. indolent toi* kUn* tired out

<4^- The high peak in Shantung, taki ishi imd toi* do not hesitate
*^. the easternmost of the five when the time comes.
mountains, called also t'dV J^ A dam a lock or inclined ;

(Shdn or Great Mt. -p^j plane on a canal where boats

z£^- ] Tortoise-she! toi* mui* pre- I ; can be passed by a windlass ;
'^j [cious tortoise-shell, brought toi* kdk, the scale of charges

J^' j from the south; toi* mui*^ngdn at a lock.

Tkx fceng^ spectacles with shell 5^-] An adverb of time, till,

bows. "^i even> till, (to; toi* k'api till,

>fjfe'- A bag, a sack, a case, a even to toi* hau* till after-

] ;

^^ purse, a pocket a covering ; wards mi* toi* (ping, not yet


to inclose and protect things ; married toi* ikam, till now. ;

'ffiai toi* corn bags ; .sAw toi* ^- ] To follow after to reach ;

a book-sack, a pedant <fung ; ^Luj ("to, to be at, to come before

toi* a windsail <^shdm toi* a ; pi^ J or in contact equal to a ;

pocket ch'an' toi* embroider-

; Tai duty the 171st radical ^ngo
; ;

ed pockets hanging from the rai* ichi toi* I am unequal to

girdle iho toi* a purse

tdp, ; it pati toi* '-kun hati it does

toi* a fob hung in a band sdi, ; not pertain to his jurisdiction.

toi* a quiver tsau inong fan* ; Read tai*; to blend to bind, ;

toi* a wine-sack and rice-bag, to put in ward, to parole ;yaf,

i. e. one given to eating mgnn ; toi* to bring up, as a felon ;

toi* a money bag. toi* toi* pleasing, agreeable.

m^ VOh T*OI.

a woman's dressing-case ; d*oi

(569) T'oi. ts^^ a pic-nic house in a gar-
den ; tsd^ i/at> it'oi hi' to have
a play; hV it'oi, a staging for
The womb a pregnant womb; ; plays, the boards ; 'Art t.s/u ^hoi
tocommence congenital to ; ; it'oi, when will the play be-
T'di gin c/iaP and
resist, to rebel 'y«M U'oi or ; ? it'oi, "-fu d'oi,

aodi d'oi, with young; d'oi d, ifuR it'oi, are the three highest
the placenta mb^ d'oi, an of- ;
civilians provincein ahoki ;

ficial cap without fringe sheh ; it'oi, chancellor

the literary
it'oi, barren ; loki U'oi, a mis- (Chu7ig it'oi, a president of a
carriage c/'oi ckd, unyeaned
Board Am' it'oi, a censor; a

lamb's-wool d'oiishang^shnu, ;
magistrate; d'oiits'in, in your
born with a stiff hand li^d'oi, ;
presence, in court; (fd it'oi,
a white, furred tongue ; vnm the receptacle of a flower
it'oi, a cotton quilt; i«« d'oi, it'oi t^wdn ^fii, Formosa.
to still the womb t'oicshang, ; J^l Name of a tree a table
— and
; ;

viviparous; tsz' d'oi, illicitly ^a theatre, the boards

pregnant; cwia d'^oi, twins. {1*q j
then interchanged with the
A miserable hack of a horse; j-^j last; yat> cch^ung it'oi, a ta-
jaded, lame, weak and useless; ble; 'se tsz'^ it'oi, a writing-
d'oi tong^ wide, vast said of — table, a desk ; 'yvdi it'oi or thoi
opening spring. it'oi, to set a table ik'am it'oi,

Eminent, exalted your wor- ; the table or altar before a

ship, your honor; venerable; shrine a magistrate's table
; ;

'to d'oiy great sir ; Mng d'oi, diit'oi, to leave the table; ^shau
exalted sir ; '^Id fu^ d'oi, our it'oi, clear the table yati d'oi ;

district magistrate ; d'oi Ad' 5M«^' a tablefull of viands ;pdti

eminent sir. (Sin it'oi, a table for eight
Read d ; I, rae ;
pleased ; sitters; it'oi pd' a table-cloth;
grateful ; to rejoice. i/ati t.<z'^ it'oi, a sofa table;

Interchanged and contracted
to the preceding. A square
high terrace or platform built j^'j
it'oi min^ a marble top

carry between two ; to

up; a turret, a lookout staging, ^^^ to raise, to lift; to move, to

an observatory a gallery, a ;
$1P shake it'oi '^kiu, to carry a
j ;

stage on open terrace ; a fort;

X'^i sedan ;
pdt^ ^yan it'oi, he has
a watchman's lookout over a eight bearers to carry him
gate an appellation of officers;
; chair-bearers (kd
it'oi '^kiu 7<i, :

a term of oompellation a ; it'oi ishi kd' to raise the cur-

menial, a servant <'i«rf'o/, a ; rent price d'oi ,fdn hii' carry


roof terrace, a verandah shdi' ; it back s'/w ; it'oi tak, ''hi, we

it'oi, a drying terrace; p'du^ cannot carry it: d'oi''ku, to
it'oi, a fori ; .s/io xliong d'oi. advance, to recommend.
TOK. TDK. »4a

A sedge or rush growing in

damp places ; a vegetable (571) T'ok.
which can be ealen.
ancient feudal slate, situ-
modern superior
ated in the To carry on the palm, to
department of Kien chau in 'bear up, to take on the hand
the centre of Shensi.
Toh to carry on the shoulder; er- ;

The^oot from fire, dust aris- roneously used for the ne.xt
^% ing from cinders and fire foki 'shau ''keng, to waive off,
smoky soot. to refuse ; t'oki (.pun, a waiter,

Moss, lichens, confervjB the
small plants growing upon
damp places; mossy, moss-
; a tray
loki t'ok:,

t'ok^ ''sh6ung pok-, '.fai/,
on your shoulder
; loki

grown dsing d'oi, fucus on

; unsocial, unfavorable times;
water, green mold its'ingU'oi ; pok^ t'ok:, to shoulder a thing.
sheki a mossy stone met. one ; To charge with, to intrust
who inveigles others ; d'oi 'sin, ^ with, to confide to, to commit
mosses ; .t'oi ts'oV a sort of in trust to ; to commission, to
lichen used for food. engage one to do, to depend
Dangerous, imminent; to on, to ask of ; to trust, to rely
expose, to hazard beginning, ; on ;to make an excuse of, to
approaching, familiar ; nearly use as a pretext pap t'ok:, to ;

at, about, on llie limits, al- request as a favor t'^oh lai* ;

most lazy ikang H'oi, to run

; ; by your favor, I've been well
into danger mgdi 't'oi, haz- ; — a polite phrase; t'ok^^ni tsd*
ardous ; ^I'ui clii' ynti 'tsoi, sz'^ I request you to do this ;

nearly a whole year ; 't'oi k'api t'^aki mung' to see in dreams, to

nearly, about. be requested by an apparition ;

t'ok} kii" to make an excuse
for t'ok, <.kn, to commit an

(570) Tok. orphan in charge ki^ t'ok, to ;

send by one -shau ij/an t'oki ;

engaged by another katit'ok^


rt^ To guess, to conceive, to the cackling of a hen a

j^* conjecture ; to estimate, to colloquial phrase.
" reckon, to calculate ; to throw A bun made of wheaten
in, as into a caisson tokid'iu ;
|£' flour ;/>«^i t'ok-i baked meat
tor measure the size ich'ai cakes.

toki to guess. Faded, withered, fallen, as

ifeS? Abell or cymbal, used in the 'leaves or bark rotten, dead, ;

army to convey orders; one T'oh

as trees split and dead bark.

" who arouses the age ; vtiiki The sheath of the bamboo,
toki a bell with a wooden clap- which covers the joints of the
per ;
fang tokz wind jiugles. plant.
544 TOM. TONG.
^* A bag or sack open at both tying dong, ought, is proper
,Z'^'encIs; a porte-monnaie. worn itong itn 'Ai, inadequate to
around the waist; an imple- dong ishi, at that time; dong
ment of potters. (kam, now, at this present
A watchmen's rattle or stick time dong tak^ do ij/an, equal

'which he beats on to mark : to many persons ; ikau dong,

the watches kik^ t'okt to ; a business, an intrigue, a job;
strike the hours. dong paV falling away, de-
M A camei with one hump on clining (^0/1^ ikdi, in the

its back t'oki it'o, or luk) sf'o,

; street; dongd'in, out of doors,
the Bactrian camel. open to the sky dotig ichung ;

to act as a midsman ; ^li "sho

dong iin, what propriety re-
(572) Tom. quires.
X^ Ear-rings, ear-pendents ;
ll^ els used on the head; ding
-^ Erroneously used for '<'«m^ ^^dong, jingling stones hung in
P^ a tank, a pit, in the Fan Wan. the wind <.kam dong dong, a

silk peddler's gong a gold ;

(573) Tong. J^ Interchanged with the last
If" a clasp or lock, called dong
f^ A proper value set on a field; "^dong ; sound of a drum.
1™ what is suitable, opportune, 1 «^
Not a few a village of 500 ;

^^ convenient, proper, just ade-

<^^ I houses; the elder of such a

quate to, competent to bear, ^igj village to fraternize, to club.

; ;
to sustain, to take the respon- Ting to form cabals against govern-
sibility to be equal to, to
; ' ment to assist in doing evil ;

stand over against or in con- associates, companions; a ca-

trast, to match, to mate to bal, a faction, a brotherhood, a

meet, to occur at the time league, a club, a banded com-


of, when, a certain time in —

pany, seditious junto to com- ;

which sense it is often the pare to intrigue to side with, ; ;

present participle; to manage, to bring to mind; a place;

to decide upon, to meet out ih^ung Hong, a village d'ting ;

justly, to superintend to act Hong, of the same party or


As, to be to bear against, to

; faction ts'dh Hong, banditti ;

withstand to screen, to pro-

; kit} Hong, to band together
tect Udm ctong, I'll assume
; ft Hong, a clan of thieves ;

the matter, I'll be security for Hong ching^ the village head-
it itn '-kom dong, I cannot
; man koki tii ik'i Hong, each ;

presume, i.e. you are too kind in his place Hong ^u, adhe-

dong ikd, to be head of a fam- rents of a faction; ipang Hong,

ily dong ^^ing, to be a soldier;
; a brotherhood.

A waistcoat or wrapper, an licensed pawnbroker ; 'sAat

undershirt; the crutch of a, ingan tong' 'shut, to ppeud
"^pair of breeches, called fu^\ n)oney as water 7'o tong' suit- ;

iong ; (kwan Jong, a pair of ably done; tong'' jid puki to

trowsers. treat you as a slave tong' noai ;

'^ Right, forcible words: ho- <»«d .sz" he thinks I've nothing
^^ nest, faithful advice; to exhort to do; he acts as if it was of
^ to Virtue. no importance.
'^^ An unauthorized character. l^' A wooden bed or couch
^^ A sort of poleax made crescent •"P purlines on a roof; a sort of
.shaped ; dau tkaia tong, a hal- *"°tree. A colloquial word. A
berd with side hooks, heat on a course 'p'du yati ;

i") To strike to impede, to ; tong' ^md, trt ride once round

>stop, to obstruct, to resist ; to the' course; tong' 'tsz' '/nd, a
^^aj cover, to screen; to push; racehorse, one used at the
Ting 'tong chiJr to hinder on-.: '^tong ; military examinations.
ka' to Slop the coach of a — 71ft- A stone with streaks, veins,
visitor, i. e. to take his card ^ or striae running through it;
instead of his visit tong it nu ;
^''^to overrun ; an excess imong ,

chan' the vanguard in a bat- fow^ hills in the district of Pei

tle ;
'tong chu' stop
7^1 ''shna in KiingsO.
or brace with your hand it
^fc- ] Large, level, vast, linagni-
'toHgichung, a screen or some- J^i i'ficent; still agitated, driven

thing to stop the wny. '

here and there, ready to spill

4^' Constantly used for the last; Tdng over, shaking; unsettled, dis-
/" to screen, to cover over ;
sipjled, vagrant ; to squander,
^"^'pm^^o/io'' to put aside secure- to wantonly waste Hd fong' ;

ly tong' 'moug, a scoop to

; ,fj (siu, to waste riotously ;

take fish out of a n^t. :'w iChi tong' hfi' <pin, I don't
^•' Suitable, favorable; topawn, kno\V where he has wandered
tp pledge to consider, to look ; to; toog^ '•ch'an, to spend an
upon as, reputed as; ii)stead estate ; fong' tong^ careless,
of, for, as ; to deceive, as a dissolute, profliTate;* tong'
pawnbroker does ; basis, foun- skat \osl his way, out of (lis

dation ;
safely, properly ; toni>' reckoning fono' tong' vague,

p'd" a pawnbroker's; on' long^ deep ; to overturn , as the la ws ;

to pledge shuk, tong' xo get: '5«« tons' wandering; tnng^

out of pawn tong' p'iu' a ; iiw, wasted, spent
all 't ai ;

pawn-ticket «» inoh sh^ung ; tong- f^ke care lest you

'Ic'ii tonii^ don't let him take spill it over dan di ^long tong'

you in ;
toHg"ngo fwv ,m^, do! gadding about and out of ein-
yo'.i think I'm asleeri ? 'k'u' ployment. The second char-
fortg' ^ngo -.ngni, he thinks F aoter sNo means » house mid*
am a fool ; -'Ai^/mj^ fi^ug j ^^ like a cjve.

To.\. DicT. ti'J

; ;;

546 T'ONG. TONG.

]^- A tub to wash in large, Wayward to stretch out
; ;

Jt^ great; moved, disturbed to ^y^) d'ong tail abrupt, brusque, ;

*'shove a boat on land. A col- s^p rude, froward, lacking inpro- 1

ioqutal word. To smear, to T'iingPcr humility; d'ong sak, \.o

rub over ; tiki tong^ to shake stop one's mouth, to answer.
about, as when washing <'iii'
tong^ in a panic tong^ <fui,
^ Boasting language, gascon-

to plaster, as a wall tong^kah


^ ade a path to an ancestral


"^temple; a dynasty which flou-
tnin' to blacken the face of one
who pasties bad rnoney.
rished AD. 618 913; a Chi- —
nese; iT'ong ishdn, China;
5Vong iyan, a Chinese d'ong ;

tfon iwo hdpi natives and fo-

(674) T*ong. reigners at peace; <fong d'ong,
Sugar; honey; candy; su- j'ldll
jfB^ Hot water; soup; '^^ ^ared tsAd d'ong, granulated
broth, } ;

,^ clouds passing in showers; to <t^j sugar pdki d'ong, white su-, ;

''"^bathe in warm water ichii T'^nggar <pingit'ong 'fan, pingfa

; ;

yuki U'ong, pork soup it'ortg sugar iwong d'ong or p'in'

; ;

'j>Ami, broth of meat (pdd'ong, d'ong, sugar in cakes; tping


to make soup d'ong (C^aii, a

; d'ong, sugar candy d'ong \<;kui ;

recipe for medicine itong molasses, syrup; kit} d'ong,


mirt' vermicelli soup d'ong unclarified sugar d'ong ikdu

; ;

'pdu Hsai, meat dumplings; half candied molasses mx ;

d'ong (tau, a soup turreen. {<'o«o, lost its sweetness; met.

An unauthorized character. losing one's powers of mind;
'fo butcher, to cut open, to chd^ d'ong, to press the cane;
kill and dress meat todissect; d'ong 'kwo, sweetmeats d'ong
; ;

d'ong mgaUf to butdier an (kiod, a sort of sugar plums ;

ox d'ong ii/ an, to dissect a

; ^h^ung d'ong, sugar images
body d'ong Jioi, rip it open
; carried in marriage proces- ;

d'ong H'd, to cut up is^ang sions. ;

d'ong, to cut up alive. *^ A hall, n mansion, a seat

,)lb A pool, a pond, a tant a a palace a temple a court-
; '^ ; ;

;^!?^^stHgnant pool or ditch; aclas- f •''^gfoom; a public hall or esta-

"sifier of leagues iu U'or>g^ a ; blishment; a hall in a house,
fish-pond cc/t'i U'ong, a pond
; the principal chamber the of- ;

din u'ong, a lily-pond ; yaU ficer who

presides in a hall or
d'ong sun^ a league ^hin itong ; on the bench; high, illustrious,
a muscle tank ikon d'ong, to
; venerable to control, as with

drain a pond; itongjid, celery. authority; distant relative.s of

4^ A kind of locust U'iu 'd'mtg ; the same clan a defignation :

'^ species of cicada or broad of a single family or household;
locust. a plateau among hills; a claa.

T'ONG, TSA. 547

sifier of graves and of trials; II

^^ The sound of striking drums ;

V«f> ikcin it'ong, a mansion, a 'J^ a drumming ; to bore through

hall ;ich'iii ct'otig, the hall of ^"^and bind with iron.
audience /«<3 d'ony, a Bud-
; 4# A mantis U'ong ilong, the ;

hisl temple ^kung ^i'ong, lhe'|

; 1^ praying mantis; it'ong twi, a
court-room in a yimun 'yching^ \
ii'ong, Uso U'ong, and yuu^
A curtain ; '^Hoi it'ong tsz'^
it'ong, are the district magis-'i
.1 the Honam temple. Correct-
trates and his two assistants ; ,j ly pronounced ich'ong.
iwong d^ong, the prefect's of-^| 'f|^ To look straight forward, to
fice; :ming dim d'ong, the;' rp^.^jj stare and gaze at closely.
general assembly hali in the'}
examination hall ling^ U'ong, ^jl^ ;
A treasury, a repository of i

rp, g"'*^i silver, precious cloths;

your mother; U'ong ihing tai^ \

^^^kwoky't'ong, the national trea-

remote second cousins U'ong ;

sury fu 't'ong, a treasury.

hdk, a lady, a gentlewoman; i

If, supposing, should sud- ;

\';ham Icwo' yat> it'ong, I have
denly, unexpectedly ^t'ong

examined the case once yat^ ; \

y^uki if '^t'ong haV "^kdm, if ;

it'ong ifan mo^ one grave; itong '

T'ang it be so ^t'ong iloi (Chi matx ;

it'ong (fan (hoi, divided it in
what comes unexpectedly it ;
the open hall, i. e. fairly (t'eng ;

comes fortuitously, as profits ;

it'ong, a large house; yuki
'•t'ong sak, wd' plausible talk,
lying it'ong, a foundiing-hospi- '.

blarney, to throw dust in one's

tat;' ong, visitor's rooms
eyes it'iii '^i'ong, to put ofi", to ;
in a monastery hung^ '^f'ong, ;

make frivolous excuses.

a general laugh; pdV it'ong,'
^^' A smoothing iron or flat-
a bride's worship of herjnew
parents it'ong it'ong, upright,' ^.
iron, made like a cup to hold j

coal/i to smooth with hot iron; ;

integrity, just it'oug itneng,
; \

to push or rub from side to

the particular name of a singlej
side; t'ong^^tau, a chafing-dish
family; ichnng d'ong, a prime
used to smooth clothes; t'ong^
minister; ,kb it'ong, my pa-'
(i fuki to iron clothes; t'ong^
rents ; ich'i, to control,
it'ong il

'^shnu, to feel for gently with

^* A sort of sorbu.s or service, i

the hands t'onn^ t'ip, just the

ii^ the woodis used in ships the ; I

thing, like the • mplc.

*°^side boards of a cart; ''hoi^.
it'ong fa, the Cydonia Japo- \

nica ; (ch'un '^hoi it'ong, the j

(575) Ts^.
Besonia discolor; it'ong tai^ \

<chiii, a brother on whom onei!

can rely. ;

,R^ Fat and fleshy, corpulent ; i A colloquial word in the

(hung it'ong, the breast, the north;myself; dsd (kd,
I, 1,
T'ang, j
oosoui me; dsu -./nun, we.
548- TSAI. TSAI.

pare, as opinions ; :wo tsai, to

(576) Taai. biend, as when mixing the
tastes of spices.
A colloquial word. A child,
To pare, cut even, to
to 'if a son ; a dmiinulive ; a little
triiu ; to equalize, to portion, thing, the smaller of two;'/5at
to adjust; to compound, as "/!«, sons and daughters, child-
pills; a dose, a recipe; yat ren ;
ikwdi 7sae, a good boy ;

itsai dose of medicine

yiuki a 'tsai tdi' ^tsai shai' kdi' when
E^'i'/i (tsai, to arrange amicably a son is old be must take care
chaU ctsai, a check, a bond, of himself; sat' (man ^tsai,
made so as to cut in twain for children, lads ; ^chu 'tsai, a
evidence. pig ; '^kfiu 'tsai, a puppy; (kiiitg
To push, to push over, to images, pictures, play-
upset to pres3 upon, to crowd
; things sz'^ '^tsai, a servant
diai'^yung to crowd and press , boy ts'au^ Hsai had, a nurse.

upon. •To sacrifice, to offer slaugh-

To reap grain a handful of ; tered victirns beA)re the gods
rice, as it is cut; to put it or penates, which are also
together to bind into sheaves. usually cooked to bring an ;

Bj^l To ascend, to go up, as oblation, to approach before

!^ >stairs, to mount a steep hill the gods the time of worship;

j^J to reach ; to rise, as vapor ; a a sacrifice, an offering ; tsai^

T3i r air. bow. shitig^ to worship the sages ;

To take or send a present tsaV tsz'^ to present sacrifices
^to present to, to offer ; to dis-
tsai\man, a prayer; an elegy
'p^j patch, as documents to send ; |)ung up during the 49 days
Tfli up to; ds'an dsai, to give to of mourning; '/>di lo^ tsaV to
personally; dsai suag^ to scatter or lay out offerings
send, as a present. along the road as at the —
^& Interchanged with the pre- funerals of worthy men ; tsai*
^ ceding. To take in both hands, cyan, to appease ghosts by ob-
* to offer to give to to prepare
; ; lations.
necessaries for a journey ; to A sort of panicled millet
supply, to leave and store up which is not glutinous, and
a sigh d^ii tsau^ ikun, a cou-
resembles wheat ; it grows in
rier, a bearer of dispatches; Shensi.
Jsz' (tsai, to confer ^•^ '^fung ; A limit, a border, a region,
(tsai, to baud up to. the line of junction of two
Jg^ A sort of leek to prepare ; things; the time or place
and compound, to blend, to where anothpr begins; to join,
mix, as tastes to make dishes ; to begin the time of occur- ;

of vegetables as the poor have ;

ring, now, since; 'ss' ishang
coinpouuiled, mixed to coqi^ ; \\
xhi tsai between life and
l^Al. TS'AI.

death : tsai tsip^ to receive, to


blend, to meet 'hb tsaV ii^ a ;

(577) Ts^ai.

good opportunity, a favorable ;

junclure i
t^'z' tsai' this time ; j!

ifiiug aoan A wife, a partner, a spouse,

tsai' ih' the winds'!
and clouds have met; met.\'i a consort who is taken with
to receive a favor. legal ceremonies ds'ai '' a j

Name of a river; to assist, wife /w^^ c<s'a/, your wife; ;

to succor, to benefit to fur- hdk, Js'ai, a courtesan

; Zd* ;

nish gratuitous aid; to relieve; 'j'an ,ts\ti, a wayside wife, one
to cross a stream; to make taken while sojourning else-
successful, to further, to bring where ip'ing its'ai, equal to ;

about, to complete able, apt, a wife, J. fi. a concubine ts'W

; ;

clever used for the next kau^

; (ts'^ai, to take a wife dn its'ai
; ;

tsai' to save and relieve s'/n my good wife, a virtuous wife; ;

tsai' sz'^ he will not do, he is ckiu its'ai ^mi ts'ip^ an accom-
inefficient ysai' moti sham^ ;
plished wife and handsome
sz'^ what is he good for? d'ufig concubine.
(chau kung^ tsai' to cross a Also read ts'ai'; to give a daugh-
river in the same boat tsai' ter as wife to one. ;

iki, to feed the hungry fd' ^^: Intense cold bleak, cloudy,
; ;

tsai' tt'in ha} to reform the ^^ wintry; a cold wind; shiver-

world ichau tsai' to supply
; ^Jing, freezing; calamitous,
another's wants tsaV tsai' s'i afflicted, grievous
; cfung ^u ;

abundant a concourse. ; its'ai (ts'aiy sleety rain and

W^' The rain stopping, the clouds wind ds'ai ts'ity bitter suffer- ;

^^, clearing away and the blue ing its'ai deung, grievous ; ;

sky appearing dsing tsai' a kdm' its'ai d^ung, so sad?; so


fair sky. serious, as consequences; cf.s'at

Ij^' Angry, enraged; suspicious, '^s'dwi, oppressed borne down ,

•^ envious of; to doubt J'in cchi its' at '^cKo sham' in urgent


ifung tsai' when heaven is case, needy. The second also
angry. me^iis gathering clouds.
Read dsai. To taste, to Similar to the last; grieved,
sip, to wet the lips ; a plain- afflicted, sorrowing suffering ;

Tsi Te'i
tive sound. from hunger cpi (.ts'ai, pitia-

A colloquial word. superla- A ble, suffering ; cts'ai cts'ai,

tive,denoting that the extreme gaunt, famishing.

has been reached tdm^ tak> ; The stripes, colored or plain,
tsai' excessively weak, as tea ;
in silken fabricsornamented, ;

^md maU tsai^ not much there, blended colors and stripeSi
nothing to speak of; iai^ taki ^^ Luxuriant foliage; (<.<j'ai(/s'ai,
tioi^ far loo large ; hai^ tak, -f^, moving clouds a maij.exerV' ;

ts«»"^ certainly ' ill 2 hiniseif,
6S10 ts'^aI'" TSAK.

.Ipr To look angry, frowning ;

Cress, shepherd's purse a ;

'1^ Js'ai itcong, vexed, sorry, dis- term

for small esculent plants
appointed. like pepper-grass, cress, mint.
^ To roost, to perch, to nest-
A thin fish, with a silvery
>le; to sojourn, to stay at, to > belly; a mullet; hnd -ts'ai,
«1^ !
""eside ; to settle down, to rest, \ a kind of anchovy (Coilia
Xs'i to repose; at peace a perch, ; plat/fairii) ; iwong ^mi Hs'ai,
a roost ; a sleeping-place ; a yellow tail mullet (Mullus
Jodging-place; ,kai dsai, a xanthurus ); pdki Hs'ai, green
hen-roost tsdw? ssAi t/s'at cAu'
; ish mullet Mugil ventricosus.
to live here for a while; swid Perspiring, sweating on the
leng^ its'ai (shan, no place to
jft forehead clear water fresh. ; ;

stay at ; its'ai sit) to and fro, clean name of a stream.


like a stranger. -Pn' All, every, the whole; yatt

^^ equal, uniform; to
Even, -T,. ts'ai* the entire lot ; c/««' /hi*
*-^ equalize, to tranquillize; to yati ts'aV I thank you for all
adjust, to classify, to arrange your kindness.
methodically or according to EJjj* A stone step ; ornamented
rank at once, all, together,
; 7, tiles laid for steps ; to lay, as
alike quick, smart gtwd to
; ; ;
tiles ; to place regularly, to fit

discrimmate; an ancient feu- in; ts'aV 'Ad, lay them even,

dal stale comprising the part as bricks; ts'tti* imdi, place
of Shdntung east of Tai sh4n; them straight ; ts'ai^ sheh li^

the 210lh radical 'ching j/5'az, ; to pave with stones ; ts'aV

well arranged, properly plac- ds'iung, to lay a wall ; ts'aV
ed ; its'ui ichau, an old name ^ngd, to tile roofs.
for China yof> Usai hu' all

go at once ishau Us' ai ch^ung^


muki to collect all the accounts; (578) Tsak.

itsai an old couple
swii, c'/n ;

pt«' tak) iyan Us'tii^ he was

not turned out a full man g|! A rule, a precept, a law, a —
said of a young sc.pegrace ^^'regulation a principle a pat- ; ; ;

itd ts'it^ kdm' its'ni, irinmied *^

-tern, an example a standard, ;

even, all of a size ds'ai (sam, a measure by which to test


of one mind 'tang its'ai, wait an act

; to conform to rule, ;

till all come; its'ai pi' all are to imitate, to walk by an ;

ready, fully prepared; pa/j illative particle, denoting a

its'ai, incomplete, unequal result, a reason for, a cause .

tts'ni (kd, to govern a family^ for wherefore, immediately, ;

^j^ A maggot its'ai -,ts'd, worms ; then a conditional particle, ;

*'*; in carcases: it/au its'ai, a grub, after that, in that case there- ;

^" larvae in mulberry and other

' fore, next, consequently ;fdt}

tree». fsaki a rule, a pattern 'chun ;


tsak, the pattern, at the time,]

like the rule, as a carpenter's i
,_^ '*
A fly
at its joints
which eats the grain
; a sort of Hessian
line is; iho tsak} how then 1 * fly. commonly called noong
tsak, ko' in the court dialect! ic/iung or the yellow bug.
is like/*d- lok-. well, then ^ e. \

g. sku'tsui^ tsak, ko' well, then j

I'll pardon the fault; ^yuu] (5«o) Tsam.

mati ^yau tsak^ both the sub-
stance and the immaterial
principle dn t>ak,\i90, then
; ; '^ What? 'tsam mo, what t
yat, tiak, H '^hi, yat, tsak, 4 *^* 'tsam 'kong, what does he
kii^Xo excite both our joy and ^say? used in the court dialect.
fear tsak, yat, '^yd, then they
; This isusually read 'sham.
are alike tswi tsaki'^kom. then
»3» To soak through, to pene-
I shall venture. trate ; to saturate, to steep in,
A species of bream (Cyp- Tsin
^(« to macerate, to wet; to sub-
•pT Vinws gibelioides) with a long merge, to immerse; to flood,
" dorsal, called tsak, -nd iii; to lay under water, as fields ;

skuk, heat, tsak, the blunt drenched, wet, imbued with,

headed bream (Cyprinus ab- watered gradually, gently
; ;

brtviatus): ikam tsak, the red tsam^'sz' drowned tsam\t' ong -,

tailed bream (Cyprinus au- soaked in syrup ; tsam' yun}

ratusj. to imbue with, to prejudice
against, to bias ; tsam' chd*
niggardly, closefisted ; 'sAut
(579) Ts'ak.
tsam' overflowed hon^ tsam^ ;

ikung ingdn, the perspiration

A robber, a high-
thief, a rolled down his face; tsofn*
wayman a bandit ; seditious,
; shap, wet it, soak it; 'pi 'shni
those who rise against the tsam' chu* cover it with water ;

government the enemy a; ; ik'ishiit, tsam' iy am, his words

term of contempt to rob, to ; are insidious and persuasive;
murder; to mnltreat, to op- tsam' 'tsaii, spirits in which
press H fly in grain ^Id ts'dki
; ; fruits have been soaked tsam' ;

an old robber; ts'dki ''kom yapi (Sam, it is wet through.

Higdn, eyes sharp as a thiefs ; ix ' To sound, to fathom, to a»-
ts^dki^ping, the enemy's force; certain the depth of water

'Arji ts'dki a pirate, corsair, "°7rcef. to comprehend; a large

freebooter ; ts'dk, U'au, a ring- affluent of the Yellow River,
leader of robbers ; ts'dk, '/sff?, and an inferior department in
a rascal, a pilferer tsd' ts'dki ; S. E. Sh4nsi tsam' tsam' ^hd, ;

to turn robber ts'dki (cfiong, ; try its depth. This character

booty ; ts'dki -.ying, a suspi- is sometimes used for tap, to
cious looking fellow. gel wet and for 'tarn, to sound.
ks^ TS* TS'AM
d^'am .sh^ung, usual, common;
Ts'am. kanils'am, to liunt after one ;

ds'am mnti died unexpecledly ;

>ts'am it'iu ka? to think out a

ipij To
usurp, to incro;»ch upon, i
plan ;
'^chdu ds'am, to seek
*LJ^ to enter gradunlly to appro- everywhere As^im ch'an* for ;

''"priate, t6 pluiider, to invade; td^ '^k'ii, him

I've got track of ;

possessed, by as a spirit; bad, Js'am iknn man^Hai, to inves-

calamilous, as a year Us'aiu tigate thoroughly ; j^s'^aw sz'*

hop lo injure insensibly tiain ;

to meddle with ; Js^am mati
chilli^ to unjustly incroach on
a colloquial phrase for yester-

its' am '^pun, to draw on the day.

principal ; Us am tik> i/a/Xi A«' To scald, as a fowl, in order

stick in a few bad ones its' am to pluck it ; to steep in hot

tfin ip'di, to braid in . false broth, to make a broth of,

hair; tdP d/am <.chi inin, a ^^ The sturgeon ; %ts'a/n dung

bad year Us am .ling, to in- iP* 5M, the sturnreon.
Isin °
timidate, to oppress. .:^ An enormous fish, with a long
"Read '^ts'am; diminutive, small.
i,"^ nose, found in the Yangtsz'
Occurs used
for the preced kiang probably a sturgeon.

jJPt ing properly a swift^ horse

; ;
(j^ The guard on
the hilt of a
'*"c<s'a'n its'aniy a fajsj. running
dagger, a dtrk
sworr* ;the a ;
courser. Sin
edge of a sword.
^i *
To influence, to act upon ;
A vase with a large belly an^
a malign balo ; abundant,
Td'jn small mouth a large kettle ;
great, full." Tsin
or boiler,
^3 To cut, tb engrave ; sharp-
'j^ To sleep rest, sleep to relit,
'*'* pointed. a point; an awl,
; ;


_^ to desist, to back
repo!<e a

a graver.
"'"chamber, a bed-chamber; ati


t Used
but erroneously,
for ,shatn
^^ ginseng,
adytum in
room in a
atemple; a retiring-
palace; a dwelling-
'^$ To hunt after, to search, on house a mausoleum or ihouse

\the track of; toseek, to inves- near a grave; lOn 'is'(7w, to

tigate ; to use, to employ to ;
sleep quietly; ^Ar'i Si'^ sup
continue, to connect iviih: ^ts'am, the affnir then termin-
usually, ordinarily; temporary, ated; 'ts'am skaf^ a dormitory ;

unexpectedly for a long tim(* ; the ancestral hrill in a man-

coninion a measure of eight
: sion ; crtdn ^ts'am, I cannot pet
cubits, or like the outstretched ^ asleep ; 'ts'am ^ping, to give
arm^ ; ds am /w ckeiikrl can rest to troops : ding ''ts'am, the
not ftnd It ; i'^'am ml Jo wish imperial mausolea near Muk-
more of, ;is of a tidbit : jiam .,, . .'4en; chiit;^' ts'am, room behind
d'au l& seeking for work the hall.

to salute, to see one;

to im-
(582) Tsam. peach, to report to the throne
on other officers; confused,
mixed, as colors a deposition, ;

f^ A hairpin, clasp, or bodkin, an impeachment; the 20th

^ used to confine the hair or constellation, consisting of
fasten the coiffure; to insert
|, e and x in
***" stars a, /3, y, S, •»),

in the hair, to slick on the Orion ; its'djn tsau' to me-

head; quick, brisk, to collect morialize against Hd dsdm, ;

speedily itsdm 'p'dng, a hair-

to make an obeisance ds'am ;

pin tiAdwit/«, to stick flowers

; pdV one; to worship;
to visit
in the hair -niti dsam, a gay ;
ds'dtnds'dmds'z' ds'z' uneven,
headstall yuki dsdm ,fd, the
; not well ranked, unassorted ;

tuberose; ,:kai d-^dm 'mai, the ds'dm kdk:, to degrade an of-

fowl pecks the rice a collo- — ficer and report it ds'dm tsapt ;

quial phrase. to throw into confusion

iift A
stone-cutter's chissel a ;
ds'dm ts^uHg^ a colonel ds'dm ;

'^small cold chissel to pierce, ;

it/^ung, to consult upon
'^°'^"as a thorn to cut in, to cut ;
ich'iu ds'dm, admitted to a
or chissel out; to carve, as levee to
; worship the Su-
flowers; Hsdm <fd, to carve preme ds'dm ting^ :md ittgOf


flowers; Hsdm dd, a stone I've examined it and found

chissel ; ^tsdm Jioi .pin, to no mistakes,
split open an edge; ^pi laki Three horses
f^ abreast in a
^Isdm, the thorn pierced me.
"'f chariot the horses outside of

Apart of a day for the time ;

^^ '^"the thills ds'dm shing' three

being, briefly, shortly, for a sitters in a carriage; t'ut-, ts'dm

short time, in the interim, d he unhitched the
meanwhile; suddenly; tsdm- wheelhorse and gave it to him.
ishU a litte while tsdm''i/an,
f] The silkworm caterpillars
> 5g ;

be patient ; tsdrn^ u' suddenly

S > which weave coccoons; ds'dm
met him tsdni' chil^ a tem-

r ich'ung, the silk-worm ds'dm


porary lodging; 'Ao tsdrn^ pat>

an ich'ung ^kon, dried silkworms
""ho ish^ufig, it will do for a
used for food ds'dm cAtm, god-

temporary arrangement.
dess of silkgrowers; ds'dm
'^hau, silken, silk fabrics;
(583) Ts'am. ds'dm shih. to gnaw like a
silkworm, incroach dn
other's domains ds'dm kdn, ;

^1 To
be concerned with, to a coccoon.
*^ join with for consultation, (J^j f l] To cut apart, to chop to

'VK" advise, to give counsel to to jif^^ chissel off tocut with a burin;
; ;

^ "*"t/s'rt/« r^y, a beveled knife or

Tsctn l*'6nd, to mix, to form onej
of three to have an audience,
; chissei» |l

Ton, Dict 70


i^^ A high, inaccessible peak unfeeling, callous 'Ad 'ts'dm, ;

very shocking Us'dm AaA:> op-

y^ ^or cliff; a cloud-c-tpt summit; ;

s^^'jUs'dm uigdin, a lofty, craggy pressive, fleecing the people

Ts'dn summit al»o high piled up ;
Us'dm Usd vodng wu^ to meet
rocks. with cruelty and misfortunes.
'i|^ Pained, feeling acutely, grie-
Crafty, wily, artful, as a
hare, which has many ways ''^ ved; distressed sickened from ;

of escape ; Us'dm t'd^ a crafty "former sufferings; already.

rabbit. '1^ A delicate hand, a hand with
=& To adulate, to humor, to *^ tapering fingers fine, taper- ;

ifj^ flatter; to inisrepresent, to ing. small ; to take up with

"gloss over, to calumniate, to the hand.
asperse, to traduce, todetract; •^ Bamboos varying in length ;

servility; detraction, maligni- a pandean pipe ; a hair-pin ;

ty ; its dm ning^ to cajole and an open basket like a fan
asperse Us dm ^chim, to in-
; fat:>Us'dm, a basket scuttle;
trigue against, to slander ;
ifuiUs'dm, a mortar-hod kuky ;

its'dmiyan,?i backbiter; ;/.s' aw ttau Us'dm, a grain fan Idpi ;

sin 'y^ "'"^calumnies induce sdf) Us'am, a dirt basket.

troubles; ds'dm iShan, an in-
triguing officer Us'dm 'hau ;

ikdu (kd, he is everywhere (584) Ts'an.

spoken against.
£& To gormandise, to be fond
i^lM of eating To love,
greedy, gluttonous, ia to be attached to;
Ts ^"voracious ; 'hau Us'dm, orani- '^^ liking, pleased with; near,
veroiis. intimate; near to, belonging
Ashamed, mortified, chop- to one's self, personal, myself;
. > fallen ; to feel ashamed of, to a relative, related to, having
i^jT blush for; to be sensible of
affinity, kindred, kin, kith ;
Ts'an one's defects or failure (Sau ; parents; a wife; afiianced
Us'dm, to redden from mortifi- used for ^san, new; Us' an Is' iky
cation tdV Un pat} Us'dm,
; one's relatives; ts'u\ts'an, to
he does not blush for a lie, take a wife ishing Us'an, to

he has no modesty; Us'dm consummate a marriage ; 'Am

laky conscious of one's de- Us'an or fu'^Us'an, a father ;

fects. Us'z' its'an or ^md Us'an, a

'1^1 Cruel, hard-hearted, in- mother; iyiitg ds'an, to escort
<!^^ human to be afflicted, injur- ; the bride tcng^ <f.'au its'an

jl^^J ed, wounded in the mind a ; iz" contracted the marriage;

Ta'an superlative, applied to suffer- ^yau Us' an, related to him:
ings ,pi Us'dm, extreme
; ds'an paty 'sd, wrote it myself
grief; ,^shiung tak^ Hs'dm, hor- ^kong (ts'an 'Ad 7ia« Idn^ split
ribly wounded ; ts'dm huk> my mouth if I ever said so
: ;

tsan; TS'AN.' S.'io

its'an iti very intimate ; Js'ayi tsan'' Wong, to still a courts

oP to love much ;
its'an kaii' as the crier does ; tsan* asking,
near to one; nearly related; to assist in bringing about
its' an Hsui, to kiss; p'ting" tsdti^ kW to visit.

c^-s'ttw, to run against; kwan^ To praise, to commend, to

its'an, to slip down ; ds'an laud sing praises to; to
; to
^ngdn kiii' I saw it myself; record the praises of; to as-
ds'an s/dimg^ (kd ds'an, to sist to explain
; tah lyan ;

be doubly connected (.pan ;

tsan' to be praised, praise-
ik'ung tun- Inh its' an, nohody worthy ; tsdn^ ^mi, to praise;
knows his poor relations. tsdn^ sin^ to commend ; tsung^
tsdn' to extol, to sing praises
to ; tsdn^ tuki ktco^ laudable.
^ To stir up muddy water;
(585) Tsdn. > turbid water; to spatter; to
rebound, to recoil resilient ;

Tsdn tsdn^ '-nan (Shan, dirtied and
To accumulate, to collect splashed; tsdn^ 'hi, to bound
together, to hoard up, to store.
Tsan back tsdn^ loki tv' bounded

To walk, to get on ; to flee, back on the ground tsdn' ;

to run away, to scatter, to put skapnshan, spattered against

Tsan me.
to flight ; to hasten, to urge,
to quicken, to press Hsnn po' A of stone sceptre
to walk quicker ;

ds'ui '^tsdn,
if made with cup, used in pour- a
to urge on 9/at^ ynti doi ^tsdn,
ing out libations; a kind of
he comes urging me daily ;
bottle used in worship.
'#sdn Vc'ii 'At (Shan, urge him
to get out of bed.
Promptly, quickly ; with (586) Ts'an.
haste; to hasten, to accelerate.

'# Sometimes used for Usd Pp

I, in the north. A sur- ^\ Toswallow.toeat; a meal;
name. '
^ > of meals; to gather
a classifier
To visit a superior, to come c^ J
and to select y«'= dsdnfdn^ ;

before a god to second, to

; a meal 'tsb ds'dn breakfast
assist in bringing forward, to tdi^ds'dn, dinner hndn ds'dn ;

introduce, to bring a present supper i/ati shiki csdm ds'dn,


to one; to make clear, to bring three meals a day ds'dn d'au ;

to light; to go out; to give fan^ a common meal chdn^ ;

evidence; to praise, to com- (ts'dn shiki works for his food ;

mend, in which sense it is snu^ shiki Jidm ds'dn, hand-
interchanged with the next some enough to be eaten
fsa/t' chu' to aid in, to further 'j>d« is' an, a good meal ds'dn ;
iwnn ;mtn titi dines in the
clouds and sleeps on the nnoou (587) Tsang.
— an enthusiast (ch'i fdit' ;

its'dn, a diner out;, <5'dn ckuk^

itsdnfdn^ a meal of congee -^ To duplicate, to add dsang


and of rice poor.

" isun, a great-grandson ; dsang
^ti% To ruin, to destroy ; to in- ^^"^^'tsd 'wtd, a great grand mother;
*^ ^P°'' ^^ mangle, to itsang 'fid, a great-grandfa-
T 'aJ'^'^^'
"tread on to kill, to slaughter


mischievous, wicked, cruel :

U^ To add, to double, to in-
spoiled, pillaged withered ; ;
' H crease; repeated, doubled;
broken food, leavings; defi- ^^^^ikddsang, to augment dsang ;

cient, nearly used up, ready to ka' to raise the price d^ang ;

vanish away; :<s'a«/ioi- trucu- imdi, to give a higher price,

lent, savage; 's/mw tsuh iS^ung to throw in the difference.
its'dn, fraternal strifes ds'dn ;
i^ To hate, to dislike, to abom-
ifa, a withered flower a pros- — '"'^ inate; dsang, hateful;
titute ; its'dn iuin, year going ^"^^^taky iyan dsnng, to be hated ;

out ; an old man ; ahiki ds'dn, hat iyan dsang, to act so as

leavings, orts ds'dn ^yan, to ;
to be hated ^ngo 'Ad dsang

injure people a villain ds'dn ; ;

^k'ii, \ perfectly detest him ;

(jfui, heeltaps ds'dn k'ut, de- ; dsang ho' pat: d'ung, capri-
irsie,nt, in Mired; ds'dn '^yan, cious, now hating and then
cruel, unfeeling. loving.

^r*^ many, much,
Haifa '<«« or peck
a meal,
multitude; a

^ A lifting net,
the corners "faod^ dsang, to
suspended by

1s an I 1 • 1
clear, bright; to agree upon; **"=let down the net •,\(.hd dsang,
fine, excellent; beautiful, as a crab-net n»ade ofcloth 'om ;

a woman; to laugh, smiling ;

dsang, to raise the' net; '^au
fine rice ;
pdh. ts'dn^ white dsang i' in ki'takit'o7w\loishi,
rice, anciently picked over he don't like to reTnember
by criminals ts'dn^ ts'dn^ ele- when he dragged for shrimps.

gantr as dress ts'dn^in d siti^ ; A general name for cqrnmon

he laughed outright; ts'dn' ^'" silken fabrics, as pongee,
d'au, a worthless fellow a — ^^"^sarsnet, lutestring.
colloquial phrase. ^' A boiler for distilling, an
M^* Resplendent, clear; attract- ^^ alembic, a still made of pew-
^^^ive, bright, gay ts'dn' Idn^ ;
a boiler for steaming rice,
^ ^"lustrous, brilliant; ts'dn'd'au, to steam, to distil ;loh tsuu^
you're a bright one! (Ching, put it in the still and
^* Thelustreofa gem, a bright steam it.

J^ gem ; its'iii ts'dn' pendent p^' To miss the jroad tsang' ;

gems, said of hanging flowers, *^S tang^ confused, in a flurry,

like the Vanda. 'rs=^"fflosi his clue.
;; ;;;


B&' To present, to give to, toj

"^ bestow on ; to confer, as by (589) Tsap.
'^**"^the crown ; to add to ;
suno^ to give a present to kb^ ;

tsang^ to honor an officer's t A colloquial word. A heap,

' a handful, a pile a group, a
parents for his merits tsang^ ;

(kun hV shiky to give a look at knot ; chu' imdi yat, tsap^ lin-
one's complexion a sign of — ing in a single
iindi yat-i tsap^
sitting to-
physiognomists; chit) ''lau

tsang' Jiang iyan, to give a gether in a group ; so' undiyati

willow-twig at parting toP ;
tsapi sweep it up into a pile

tsang'- waiting for promotion, api tsafi stingy, craven, slov-

as expectant graduates do, at enly yat,tsap,^mni, as much

sixty. rice as the fingers can grasp

it'au tsap) to make a little
(588) Ts'ang.

(590) IVap.
<^ An adverb of time; past,
^ ,
already, done; how? a sign
'*"^of past time i'm its'ang or
; S^ To collect in an arsenal, to
mi' ds'ang, not yet; often a ^' store up weapons; to gather ;

polite way of saying no; 'yd '

to desist from, to lay aside, as
its ang tso^ kwoi' it is already arms ; to fold, as wings ds'ai ;

done; Jio its'ang, when will ts'ap) ts'ap) to cut off evenly ;

it be ? its'ang kiri' I have seen 'c/i'dj ts'ap) td^ shati tread it,

; tsb^ i'm dsang, is it done press it down very solid ; ^tsoi
yet? ts'ap-, akon JcwOy to lay by

^^ A story of a house
a strata, a tier, a stage
; a layer,
; a la-
shields and spears.
Water rapidly flowing out;
^'^^mina, a plate, or whatever is 'l'^* rapid; cordial, harmonious,
piled or laid on ; still more, agreeing; to accord with.
added to; a step, a degree ±^ To twist a cord to join, to ;

above; a of stories;
classifier ^vjconlinue; to come after, to
(kd ^k'ii yati ds'ang, one peg follow, to succeed ; to pursue,
higher than it und Usang,
; to follow after, to be on the
no progress, it can't be done ;
search for to apprehend

dsin J.sang 'cfii, foliated mica; tsap, woki to pursue and seize;
^sh^ung tap csdm ds'ang, go ts'ap) isz' to watch smugglers;
up to the third story chung^ ; ts'ap) csz' ishiin, revenue cut-
yat-.itsang, one degree heav- ters ts'ap> ckiuki caught him

ier ^yau its^ang -yau /s'z"

; xh'd ts'ap) on the search
there are proper gradations. ts'un ts'ap^ to get on the trail.


I To collect the materials to j^ To flock together ; to gath-

J'form a chariot, a car well ,^^"er, as clouds
assemble, ; to
Ts '
arranged; union, concord, "to come together, to congre-
agreement to make every ; gate, to collect to bring to- ;

thing agreeal)le, put in its pro- gether; to go directly to the

per place to compile to act
; ; mark to mix properly, to

gently and cordially; to collect, blend to make a collection,


to congregate siro ta'api in ; to compile a miscellany, ana ; ;

good accord, to pacify iuing ; a place where people collect,

ts'afi peaceful ^sau ts'ap, dun ; as a market often interchang- ;

<pong, to induce the neighbor- ed with the last its'ni tsdpi ;

ing states to be at peace. all came together, a full con-

S; To put in order, to repair ;
course; imaix tsdpi a miscel-
'to cover, to thatch a spinous ; lany yat^ tsdpi one division

Ts grass; isau tsap^ to refit, as

of a book, what is collected
a house ; ts^ap> '/>d, to repair. under one head ; tsdp^. ui* hV
a varied bill, as at a theatre ;
ichun? yati fidpi tsdpi friends
(591) Tsap. here the whole day ; <.t'in Ad*
iwan tsdpi crowded together
A mixture of different co- from all quarters tsu^ tsdpi ;
- ^lors or ingredients; pariico- to assemble, to collect.
_^^^jlored, streaked; mixpd, un- "^ Double garments, lined
Tsah assorted, blended, mingled, 'robes, a court dress; a suit;
confused; various, all sorts, a robe fastened on the left
raiscelUneous, heterogenous, side ; collected ; repeated ; to
fragmentary to mix, to con- ; make a foray, to invade, to
fuse ; to repeal ; to revolve ; steal into; to receive, to in-
to bore through tsapi fo' ; herit ; hereditary, descending
miscellaneous goods tsdpi ; in a family ; shai' tsdpi here-
fvi' p'd' a variety store; tsap^ ditary; <5d/)s yfl/n' hereditary
shik) variegated ; csain tsapi protection and pension — for
distracted, not keeping long the merit of ancestors ;
at a purpose ; tsapi '-chnng tsdpni, a suit of clothes ; shaV
'^tsai, a bastard ; tsapi U'ong tsdpi Hsz' tseuki a hereditary
^kivo, chowchovv sweetmeats baron.
^^ng tfong tsapi 'cJCil, a place pi A continued flight ; to re-
where all sorts of people live ;
^peat the same act, to practice,
tsapi liin^ confused, put in to get accustomed to, to be-
disorder; Jian tsapi ;yan '^tang come skilled in practice, use, ;

loafers, idlers ; "td tsapi man custom, habit, exercise, re-

of all work shiki tsapt to eat
; petition ; hoki tsdpi appren-
anything, not to fast lap,, ; ticed to to learn about tsdpi
: ;

tsdpi miscellaneous, a medley. kwdii' isking tiz in, practice

; ;

rsAT. TSAT. 559

makes it natural ; tsapi shuki M^^ Envy, jealousy to envy, to ;

well versed in, habituated to ;

^^^dislike, as a competitor tsatt ;

tsdpi tin} practice ; tsdpi 'kau ^^'^im, to hate the worthy; tsatt
,1/am, to practice speaking; to' jealousy.
tsdpi d pati ch'dt> to take with-
^^ Gorse, furze; a thorny shrub,
out examination, careless prac- P^' whose seeds are biting and
tice ; tsdpi Cm Id' cannot learn ^'*
spicy; tsati -dai, a very spinous
the use of it tsdpi tsii/d ^ski
; plant, the seeds are used ia
an, I've learned the usages. diseases of the eye.
Firm, hard wood durable
t^i ;

'^'timber; tsdp, wiuA-j any kind

of hard wood, (593) Ts'at.
ng. Low, marshy land a pool, ;

•^"a morass, wet meadows at the

base of hills tsdpt d'in, low
(These are oflen pronounced like the next)
wet fields, marshes,
^^ A great shower, rainy an L. ] Seven ts'at^ shap^ seven-

Q^jj'ancient tribe of northerners "/^ My; shapi ts'at, seventeen;

near Corea or Manchuria, tIvij ts'ati ding pat:, loh nearde-
spoken of during the T'ang Taih struction, devastated, almost
dynasty. ruined ts'at^ its'ang ^kung ;

ifII, a work nearly done ts'att ;

tsiki 7th evening of the 7th

(592) Tsat. month, a festival ts'at^ tsUti ;

a pentameter of four lines

ts'at:,lutione of a eight lines ;

*5S Sickness, a disease which yat} yali don't think

ts'at:, I

^^; comes suddenly on one ; ca- much of that, so so; tsd^ ts^ati
lamities, afflictions ; urgent, to attend to the funereal rites
pressing, prompt, hasty; un- on every seventh day
tsoh ;

lucky, infelicitous; to hate, ts'at) ip'in, seven to write

to dislike, to envy; used fori essays. The second, used for
the next; tsati peng- disease, j
the compound form, is also
ailments man} fa-a/j to inquire
; a sort of tree, and a contract-
after a sick person (sot, ; ed form of the next.
tmong, testy, hasty, quick j^ Varnish, lacquer; viscid or
tsati shi^ to scowl at ;
ping^ 'TV resinous juices which can be
and tsati an, still he never '
used in painting to paint, to ;

spoke boisterously tsa/i diii, ; varnish; black, as lacquer; ad-

a crashing clap of thunder ;
hesive exceedingly friendly,

tsati iy an, a leper; tsati tsuk: doaling on iyau ts'ati to paint


impetuous, in haste; ds'dn and varnish iynu ts'ati 7d, a


tsati -chiiy an, thoroughly dis- house-painter ; ts'ati skiki poi-

eased. soned with lacquer ts'at) hi' ;

560 tSAT. !l'$AU.

lacquered-ware '/o ts^at^ seal- ; Ite An angle or corner of a city

ing-wax 'fo ts'atip'in^ wafers;
; l!,"^ wall, where it is retired a ;

'Ad ts^ali 'sAmi, lustrous varn- *^"

bastion a nook, a corner
; ;

ish; ts'atiitsing, fine varnish ;

to live together abashed, as- ;

Using (kdu ts'at:, his dis-

iu hamed mang^ (tsau, the first

position very affectionate

is nionth dm\tsau, a dark cor-

tkam tsat-> gilt lacquer yapt ;

ner ishing dsau, the corner

ts'ati been varnished; ts'aty of a wall ,tsau yap^ the resid-


skii' the varnish tree. ence of Confucius, and inter-

changed with the preceding.
(f{j^ The wail of infants; the
(594) Ts'at. hum of insects (tsautsiki the ;
cry of small children dsau ;

(tsau, the chattering of birds,

squeaking of rats.
To rub hard, to brush to
feel for a brush itigd ts'dt-,
To strike the rounds at
; ;
Ch'ah night, to pace the beat at
a toothbrush; tsdt-)initui\hdi Tsau,
night; to seize, to take with
brush this pair of shoes; into
the hand '^kan (tsau (tsau, tie
make smooth
tsdti to
tkon tseng^ brush it clean
; ts'dU
it up very tight, a colloquial —
tsdt) Idpi to wax and brighten.
kind of wood suitable for
9 tsdti a cockroach.
colloquial iKd
it is used for making

watchmen's alarms; a sur-

M» Silk first dyed red thrice,
(595) Tsau. '^^ and then twicedipped in black;
'^^^"a dark red-like puce.
=^ To consult with, to take
whisper, to speak into advice, to inquire into matters
one's ear ; to speak in a low of government publicly; to
Chdu tone.
choose (tsau kati to select a

A fabulous feline beast, called

c^ (tsau lucky day; kung' dsau <.k'i
J*^' emblematic of kind-
5«, ching^ to jointly discuss the
ness to animals and gentleness; right of the matter (tsz' dsau, ;

a royal groom or hostler. to take counsel.

A district in the southwest Minnows, white fish which
of Shantung on the Yellow skip over the water met. a ;

Tsau Tsau
River an ancient city in Lu,
; simpleton (tsau (Shang, a ;

where Mencius was born. f«>olish fellow.

WR The Lu where j^^
district in To scold, to rail at abusive, ;

*'^' Confucius was born, now in i}*^ scurrilous lanjjuage ishdn ;

'^°*" Tsau 1 •

Yenchau fi'i in Shantung ; it (<saM, to say outrageous things,

is not far from the preceding. to irritate.
;; ;


•-=^ To go to sail to travel

; To report to the throne, to

-f** to run, to hasten, to quicken memorialize the emperor, to

''^^ Tsau
one's steps to flee, to run off,
; tell the sovereign, to cause him

to clear out the 156th radi- ; to hear or know songs or ;

cal of characters relating to tunes to play music tsau^ ; ;

going ; Hsau ktoai^ "-ki 'shdng, ''pun, amemorial; tsau"^sh&ung

he has been over several pro- to send up a report p'in^ tsau* ;

vinces; "^tsati i'm lati could not a slip handed up tsau^ dau, ;

get away ; '^tsau ydki ti^ all lb report that an officer is de-
cleared out '^tsau taky mdn^ ; tained; tsau' ngoki to play
&he sails slowly Hsau hit' to music, to strike up the band

run off; "^tsau '^shni, a servant tsit:, tsau' to mark the time

tau^ ikai '^tsau ^kau, to fight tniri^ tsau' to state to the em-

cocks and race dogs ^tsau peror '^cktin tsau' to assent to ; ;

cSx' to smuggle ; Hsau lau} to a memorial.

disclose, to let out, as a secret; j^* Crape; rumpled, crenulat-
Hsau '^shni, to voyage ; '<»«« ^^* ed, crinkled, crisp, frizzled ;

I'm going ^^^

luki ; ^tsau do, clear to corrugate, to wrinkle ; used
out Hsau tah fdi^ tsui' he
! for the next ; tsau' ishd, crape;
runs very fast. camlet tsau' imdi,
sin' tsau' ;

Spirits ; distilled liquor made puckered, shriveled up, wrin-

•m from rice; it is applied also to kled tsau' ich'au, wrinkled
beer, wine, and other liquors; silk tsau' (Shd H'd, a capa-

given to drink; to redden; cious paunch iu tsau' Nan- ;

ishiu'tsau, whiskey, samshoo; king crape tsau' unan, marks


'tsau tsiki a banquet iwong ; of wrinkles.

Hsau, sweet spirits; s?«d Hsau #t' The skin wrinkled from
Uung^ I have no ability to
drink ,fdt/tsau tfung, irasci-
^ age; frowning tsau' uni d'au,
to scowl min^ ip'i tsau' a

ble from drink '^tsau ^fung ; wrinkled face.

k^uki gouty Hsau ifong, a ; c^- The place to which things
groggery, a wine room or cel- ipgjjjtend or culminate at; to go
lar ihung ^tsaii, claret pdki
; ;
towards, to approach, to draw
*^tsau, sherry; '^'d '<saM,beer; near; to accompany, accom-
'^shui'^tsau, weak spirits; (t'in modated to, to follow to com- ;

Hsau, genial dews; shik^'-tsau, plete, to make a circuit, to

mulled spirits; tsuV'tsau 'Id, a meet; completed, finished ; to
drunkard ^tsau ishan kong"; come near of time in point ;

to like the flavor of wine; tsam^ an adverb, then, immediately,

Hsau, to steep things in spirits just, just now, presently, forth-
ikd iUung Hsau, spirits from with ; conjunction, then,
millet, a pungent sort; 'mi if, as if; able to do, willing;
Hsau, good spirits ; '^tsau ipui, tsau^ chiiig' dot, he has just
a wine-glass. come; tsau^ chivg' d</i kwo*
To, Ditr. 71
; ;;

562 TSAti. TS'AU.

he's jusl come and gone ; /5fl!«^!

''koin lok, lei it go, that'll do;

(596) Ts'au.
^kb'H tsnu^ '^ho, this is right;
tsaur ,kd hiV then I'll go; he's
about going tsau^ isin, jusl a

little while ago, just now tsau^ ; XA^ Autumn; harvest, the time
chV hii' he's just gone-; tsan^ l^\ of reaping ; the return of the
'^shait, came to one's hands, as year, a year; autumnal; sor-
profits; tsaii} dot, presently, rowful, unhappy makiUs'au,

in a little; coming forthwith; wheat harvest its'an (fan, au- ;

.^ itung ishirig asai tsau- the east tumnal equinox; (chdng ds'^au
is done and the west finished, itiheat of dog-days ds'au J'in ;

everything is correctly done; autumn ds'au Jid ^mb fdn^


tsau^ hai' ko" tih it is just that not the error of an autumn's
tsav} ti^ Hsu ds'oi, this will down dsin ds'au, a thoiisand

serve the purpose he will do ; autumns a birthday dsau

— ;

for the occasion tsau} unni ; ikun, a judge, because cases

^ni, to bear with, to humor are decided in autumn; ds'au
one; tsaii'- '^kom y^ting^ W ishau, harvest ds'ait hau^ shbi' ;

well, let it pass; '^ynn '^kcng a fan in winter a useless —

tsau' iying, to offer his neck thing ;(/s'rt?//ii' cool autumnal
to the axe. weather.
3^- A large accipitrine bird ; .ttij> Malevolent; ill-natured; :'//i

P^i^'^^P^ harpy eagle, or a

"V, ds'au 'ts'oi, not to speak to,
T^i ^^ "^ the cut direct.
whitish headed condor,
4JU- The sleeve ; to put into the *iC"} To bind, to gather in
'^ sleeve, to receive in the hand ;
'^^ sheaves to compress in bind-
;. ;

tsau^ hail, a cuff; fsau-'skau, <trAj *"S'

*o collect, to assemble ;

to hide the handsln the cuffs ; Ts'id to 'if't) ^o g''^sp. '•o clutch to ;

tsaii^ d'au, official cuffs shap- gripe ds'au chii} to seize


ed like ahorsehoof; ^lingtsau^ ds'au H, to nab by the

fast ;

a chief, one born to command ; ears ; bind up,

its'au ch'ukj to
t'o' tsau^ sleeve-covers; tsau^ as a sheaf is.
's/trtM ip'o'ig Mini, to fold
hands and look on.
M A strong wood the tree is
^.* like a yew or cypress; ds'au

.j.jh- A den, a cave among the •'""s/Zm^, a chess-board.

•g^ hills; a glen, a ravine, gorge, tRjK To blush, to redden, to
or defile. change color; downhearted,
O^- Afleet horse; to run; quick, sad.
^^ lleet pressing, urgent; fre-
A pond, a fish-pond, a pool
quenlly, repeatedly; tsau- an a small tributary of the Yellow
a dot; arrived very quickly; R. near Lin hien in Shunsi
pal ^liu tsau' taki it can not cool mournful, to excite sad

be doue in an instant. feeliri''s.

; ;

TS'AU. TSK. 503

To change the color of; to reunion; to go with one, to

colly, to blacken, as with take care of; with, together;
^ ^"smoke ; \fo d'dni Usau, the a concurrence of circum-
fireblackens it ds'au hdk, ; stances, to e.stimate the proba-
smoked and blackened. bilities of; to strive to excel ;

2^ The brick lining of a well for ; bigo ^td t'eng^

hii hii' ts'au^
to lay, as bricks to ; pile up ; will you go and learn about
to finish off a well. it for me tsaii' 'Ad«, a lucky

The traces of a carriage ;

guess, a fortunate coinci-
a swing, a whir-
its^aii its'in, dence, just as ts'au\7igdm, a ;

ligig, see-saw; 'td dsau
a lucky hit just the thing "^pi ; ;

its'in, to swing. (Sam <.kl ts'au^^k'ii, look care-

^^] An eel the mud or conger ; fully after him 't'ai dai ts'mi^ ;

I'll see how I can do ts'au^

'al 1^^' ^"^' <^ts'au, a freshwater

t^^j eel ^hoiits'au, a sea-dragon,

; kau^ to make up enough i'tn ;

Ts'iu myriads of miles long; a ts'au^'ni'^hd, I'll have nothing

long, narrow boat ds'au di to do with you tx'an' undi
; ;

kwat:, whalebone. yaU hV lump it all in one;

^^ A long legged bird like an ts uii' kopi to group. ,

^^ adjutant, having redeyes and dfc* Similar to the preceding ;

^ '"bare neck it eats snakes. „^* centre of a wheel, place where

T ''ail tlie rays centre to collect, to ''


(The three next are often read ch'au.)

bring together concentrated. ;

^rn To imprison, to confine, to

-T^'cage; to handcuff; a prisoner,
a felon a prison ds'au dung,
; ; (597) Tse.
a cage in which criminals are
carried i/api it.>'nu, to im-

prison its'aufdn} a criminal.

; To sigh, to lament ;
•^ Spirits which have settled ;
regretsan interjection of

i,*^ wifie after the fermentation is admiration ah alas ds^ t'dn' ; ! !

over to finish, to come to per-

; to sigh doi icM s/iih to

fection ; the end ; valiant; ac- groan and beg one's bread.
customed to. A net with which hares
*^ I'o urge, to constrain, to
are caught ; a net for beasts ;

q.^, press upon a crowd, a throng ; to stop the way, as a net does.
to exhaust, to carry to the
utmost, to end brave, strong, ;
An eldtrr sister; a miss;
formerly applied to one's mo-
unyielding; to bring together; ther proud, saucy '/se mui'
; ;

dsau iyaii, a herald. sisters ; tdi^ 't?.^, my elder sis-

To collect,
I ,
to gather
" ;
to ter ; also, a marriageable maid-
.^>>run together; to run nito servant; 'siw Hse, a youiig
t^ ]
each oilier ; a gathering on miss; -ing^- 'ts^, your sister ;

Tsaii the water, as at a reg.itia ; a tsf. fit, a sister's husband : a


564 TSfi. TSfi.

'ts^, sister ; also a term for a hak. to excuse one's self to

father's concubine. visitors tso^ ts^^^tsau, to give

^W*.' To assist ; to lend, to bor- one a dinner tsP '^tsau, to


Jiv row ; to ask for, to beg of; to take wine with tsi} skaP to ;

make a pretext of; to pretend, die 'Jto/n ts^ feeling grateful


to assume, to suppose if, for ; for; tap} ts^ to return thanks,

example, suppo.sing, assum- to make a present in return ;

ing ; to use for illustration ; to ich'au ts^' to requite in kind.

praise ts^' doi, to borrow
; thV- A terrace having trees ar-
tsi^hiV to lend ts6^ itigan, to it, an arbor a place for
^} ound ;

ask fur money; ts€^ Udn, a storing musical instruments ;

borrower's note ts^* ^shdm, a high lookout, a keep, a tur-


to borrow a jacket isiung tsi^\ ret; a military school a fen- ; ;

to borrow of; tst^ cu, suppos- cing-room u/] ti^ an open ;

ing thill ts6* shop iwni oki to ;arbor.

avail of power to do wicked- The snufF of a candle the M- ;

ly ;<se' chiuk', higo si'^ he's Q^ expiring wick of a lamp.

got my business, he's stole my
thunder <s^' ko* ^kwong, to ;

use another's name, e. g. to (598) Ts'e.

get a letter v^ introduction ;

tsi^^rn^ tiki please step aside a

little; ts^^ HR Deflected, inclined, swerv-
Id^ihang, to beg a
way through metaphor- 'u ing from the right line; what-
; tse^ i'

ts6^ Jai ^kong, said it

ically ; ever leads astray: depraved,
for illustration, meant nothing bad, crooked, vicious, corrupt-
by it ts6^ k'iti to get a loan on
; ing, obscene specious, de- ;

interest. luding; heretical, illegal, not

1^- To decline, to withdraw acknowledged by the state,
from, to refuse, to go away ;
or in the classics; imsun\ts'6
to resign, to throw up to stop ; don't believe heresies ds'^ ;

intercourse with declining, ; M' erroneous doctrines Us'i ;

fading, as flowers to express, ; peng^ epileptic sickness Us'^ ;

to inform; to thank, to ex- fut) sorceries, tricks ; its'6

press gratitude to acknow- ; unacknowledg-
ishan, illegal,
ledge, to confess; to excuse ed gods, those whose worship
one's sel f Uo tst^ many thanks; ; corrupts; ckim ds'i, malicious,
*^ling <se* to receive with fornicating, illicit; '^oi Use
thanks ts^^ sz" to retire from ; tkiffai ching^ forsake errors
office ts^ tHpi a reward offer-
; and cleave to the right ta'r ;

ed piki ts6^ to decline a pre*

shut) charms, philtres, black
sent ^fd tse} fading flowers
art ; isam its'^, impure, lewd
ts^ tiu' to decline mourners in mind its'^ ^yam, obscene,

tsf pa' a doctor's fees tse^ ; licentious.

— ;


degree of nobility, r.tnk,

Ml j
Slanting, inclined, ohliqne,
across, crisscross, diagonal,
tle; a
station occurs for
: ;

I aslant, not with the rule .;

the preceding ts^uk, ^pui, a ;

distorted, scattered; often wine cup '^'ng ts^uk, the five ;

used for the preceding; </sV orders of nobility tsiuh tcai* ;

(man po' drillings, twilled of noble rank it'hi ts'^h


cloth ; J/j it' mi 'pui its'i, the heaven's nobility is a love

/sun is declining; Us"^ shV of virtue ts^uki luki income ;

to look askance ; ds'^ Us'e of a nobleman.

tiki it is rather awry ; iSai p» To chew, to bite, to rurai-

its'e i/j the afternoon sun is ^'nate, to craunch, to mumble,

hot; itsiifurtg, an unsteady *"*'to munch, to masticate; a
wind Usihigdn, cross-eyed.
; mouthful, a bite htgdu tstuh ;

A colloquial word. Not to chew ; tsfuki Idn} chewed

level, rising, as a road \foug^ it to pieces ; Jtdm ich'd tsfyiki
i$t^ lay it one end higher tsV ; fdn^ to mumble for a child
ts6^ loki go down winding ; ^ngdu irjian tstuki tsz'^ to bite
ts'i\po, an ascending plain;
ihau it'au ts'e' greedy.
and chew phrases pedantry.
A flanibeau, a torch, a link;

a lighted match burned at
night on an alarm.
Tseng. See Tsing. A white color, pure, unsul-
Mied, clean nice, clean look- ;

(599) Tseuk.
(600) Ts'euk.
>^ A sparrow ; a term for small
^^'birds, like the finch or lark ;

a kind of cap a kind of ;

|tjS^ A magpie, a jackdaw; a jay ;

wheat; ts^tik^ lapi to skip, to ,^r^'^hi ts'luki or ikoji ts'^uk, a

'° magpie isfidn 'hi ts'^k, a
hop, as a sparrow; '^hung isc'uki ;

a peacock ; :md tsiuk^ a spar- magpie with a gradated tail ;

row ; <.shdn ^md ts^uk, a lark; (t2 ts'^uk, a raven.

ts^uki koki litigation ; %wo fa

ts^nk-, rice-birds, ortolans;
imui ifd t%6uk-> the avedevat (601) Tseung.
(Friiigilla amanduoa): is/ti

ishan ts6uky a canary-bird ;

tseuki shiti fa, the Gardenia 'J'*^*'*'^®'^® hold in the hand

tSS ;

ll}r. sign of the future, shsll, will.

55 ^ cyathus with three legs, =
' u
about to go . .
sometimes a ;

^'''a cup for libations, a metallic form of the accusative; then,

wine cup: a bamboo wine pot- soon, presently ; to help, to
' ; :


accommodate ; to use, to avail hiiii' toe.Khort; dsiung 'sh^ung
of, to go with, to escort, to to hold out rewards to a re- ;

accomp!iny; great, stout; long, ward ; Jioyung^ kwo' 'ts^ung,

large to receive and act upon,
; why so much overpraise ?

endued with to act to pro-

; An oar chiiu^ Hs6nng, to
; ;

gress, to increase, to approach, ,^T* row; Hseung ishdn, a reve-

^' "°
to advance towards a mark nue cutter, because it has ;

to follow going, passing, as

many oars.
time the side
; dicung doi A surname; .ku Us^utig, an
; '^
presently Useung 'sz' dying
JS* aquatic grain wild rice ; ;

(tseuug kan^ dw' chau^ it is ^ tseung unuu, stubble, straw.

nearly noon -ts^uiig lio ch\it-> ^3:'
; A sort of sauce, pickle or
then he can go; dsiiitig ikioan, Jr^ condiment, made of salt and
a commander-in-chief, all of sugar relishes, seasoning, ;

whom are Manchus; met. the likeoilmen'sstores; salted pre-

best, tlu! principal ; ds^ung parations; ikon tsiung^ dried
ill (chi (.ho, how shall we then seasoning ts6ung^ din, a shop ;

act dseung doi icliung skiing,

? where condiments are sold ;

to confiscate effects dstung ; ts&ung'' liu} materials for pre-

ikam pok/pd, to value a rarity serves ; diii tseung'' to mix
with gold ; Us^ting 'pun ik'au sauces ; ^'ng mi' tsiung' a
/i* to make money on a capi- compounded sauce; mm' shi*
tal ; ishii ts^itng, to aid the tseung'' a sort of bean relish.
government ; dshun^ du dn ttftl* Totake charge of troops,
ick'iin />d' to avail of strange J}''^ to lead troops into the field,
words to make it known. ^^to act as a general a general, ;

^] Thick, half fluid, pasty; a leader; 7o tseung^ a soldier.

'u^) starch, syrup, pus, or matter ;
^- An elephant; a figure, a
«:^] to starch broth boiled down ;
^7^ form, an image; the shape
Taiingtbick, congee ;«a/ ds^ung, ; "^things take superstitious au- ;

mire ^tsau dsenng, a ban-

; guries or fancy imagination, ;

quet ds^ung (i/«^> to starch

resemblance; a law; to imi-
clothes; dseung ni, paste; tate; pantomime; tseung- mgd
m6\<s^«tt^, to prepare starch. ivory ; tseung^ put, a proboscis;
The second form is un- t.-i^ung^ ;/j'i, elephant's skin, a
authorized. medicine a name for india ;

y^ Small species of cicada or rubber t.-it^ung^ kdm' tdP chck}


grasshopper, whose elytra are k^uk} my leg is as heavy as an
T-^»s;reen. elephant's I'm ashamed to —
To exhort, to animate, to ex- go back tdi^ pan^ t^^ung^

cite, to encourage ; to laud, stupid, dull.

'''"''"'^to praise, to commend; to j
tj^t- Interchanged with the pre-
vindicate, to give efficacy to; V'* ceding like, similar; a figure,

to set on, as dogs tscitng ; imige, likeness a statue, an ;
; ; ;


idol to resemble, to imitate

; J^ Interchanged with the last
-ngau tstting' a statue '.shaa ;
"^ a spear, sharp at both fends ;
tsiiing^ an idol ; ts^ung\skang lance, a boarding-pike to ;

like life: mid ts&ung^ to limn bojy the head low its'eung ;

a copy ts6ung^ a ^ox-

; ii/an fail the hand manual ds'^nng ;

iTMl '^s^tiTig ts^ung^ au idea, it'au, a spear head lid? ^md ;

an illustration; c'm tseung- dstung, to give a back thrust

yeung' not according to rule. when unhorsed, to leave in
li^- A Avorkman, a mechanic, the lurch, to outwit.
H' an artisan of any kind 'td ; V^^ A sort of broad-ax; a pole-
'^"^sM^«H tshung^ a silversmith ;
*™|, ax made square, a bill ; to
viuki tsiiing^ a joiner, a car- '^"^hack, tochop iShil Us'^ung,

penter mat ''shui tsiung^ a

; a statesman in the days of
bricklayer ^kung tseung- a
; Shun.
mechanic. jf^ An asylum for aged people

IfV in ancient times, a village

"^school, a college, a gym-
\m) IVeung. nasium, an academy; to teach;
ds'^ung (shang, a siuts'ai ;

tmu^ Ua'eung, to become a

. To defend, to withstand to siiits'ai ynp^ ds'^ung, the ;


thrust at; to rush against graduates of a district, ;

^^a comet; 'i d' an ds'^ung tv' Happiness, felicity, fortune,
to knock the head against i, goodness an omen, a sign, ,' ;

the ground. ^ '^"°a prognostic Us'enng suv' ;

To walk rapidly; to move lucky omens kat) ds^^iivg, ;

'towards a superior quickly; a happy sign '^suUts'^ung and ;

"to gambol, to skip about. tap '.tseung, are the sacrifices

Similar to the preceding; to to ancestors at the end of^one
move irregularly, to go and two years, when the
T8 '^"oacross, to walk awry.
mourning is altered yatt ;

The sound of stones, bells ds'euTig (chi ckiii^ a most

and drums a noise a tink- unlucky omen Us'z' dsUung.,
; ; ;

Ts i^"cling; ihang ds^ung, the kind-hearted.

ring of metallic things. 5j^ To examine carefully, to
Interchanged with tiie last; ^fX ^G^^n and report upon, to in-
* the tinkle of bells, a jing- 8 "*"Squire fully into to discourse

Ts ^^ling sound a sort

of pot to ; upon, to reason upon to state ;

hold spirits ; speara gun ; a the circumstances, to min-

'rtiw ^ts'cung, a fowling-piece, utely narrate; the detail, the
a matchlock ; shiki its'^ung particulars, the facts, the
denng, to be a soldier ; '^shau arguments ; minutely, fully ;
Us'^nng, a [>\i[.o\]'fung Js'eung ds'^ung ^hd, examine into it;
an air-2uu. di(ung sa'C ''kong, told every
; ;

508 TS':&UNG. TSIK.

particular ; its'^ung iman, an many phrases; Hs^ung kip^

oflicial report ; i^mtchiUs'^ung to take by force ; Ha'^ung <.si«

sai^ I don't know all the facts ;

ihang, to thrust one's self
its'^ung siki a luminous ac- forward Hs^ung pan'' d'au,;

of, to struggle for the rocket

m To soar, to hover over to

look back dignified, severe,
Ts ianggtern iui Us'eung, to look
; stick on the 2d of 2d month;
Hs^eung tuti to snatch tun*
^ts'^ung, to grab at all.

back regretfully. Read Js'ong ; to saw.

UJU A spear, a \voo<Jen lance; a
~'}\^ post to kill to rob, to mal*
; ;

Ta'iingj^ggj (603)
its'^ung tsk^ung, to
wound; dsiung tsdki to
kill and rob.
A wall made of stone, An Eating, about to eat an ;

brick, or mud
a defense or ;
'f* 'adverb, now, immediately,
s*§j wall ; ichitn ds^iung, a brick soon, presently, when, then,
T«'iingwall ; inai Us'eung, an ado- forthwith now near if, per- ; ; ;

bie wall chuh its'iung, ; haps ; this, that is, or, alias ;

to build a wall tong^ Us'^wig, ; the snuff of a candle ; tsiki

to plaster a wall ; rni^ '^shni tsik-, an abundance, full of;
ickungits'hing, tocrawl under tsik) haki instantly tsik, yad ;

water, and build a wall, me^ the same day ; tsik, hai^ just
hard labor ; Jiu ds'^ung, to that, it is so; tsik, <.kam, just
adorn and paint a wall now ; tsik, ishiikdn, supposing
its^ung pik, a wall yati U'ift ;
it to be ; min ^mdn isoi^ tsiki

its'^ung kwo' a single back the end of the year is near

wall for several houses. tsikj tsik) tfdn doi, come back
Female officers in the impe- immediately ; tsik, ishi ''tang
rial hareem pan' Us'eung, ;
^kan, it is wanted very soon ;

"^"''^"^a lady of the bedchamber. tsik, tsik, in} money on the

4^ A mast, any spar or mast nail.

V^ which sustains the sails

Din ^^^ noise of a crowd the ;

Ts Ung^jj^ ds'iung, masts and sails. i,F' hum of insects ^tsau tsik) ; di
^^'^ hubbub.
?bfe A
rose dsiung twi <fa, the

^ cinnamon rose.
Taiang^jg^ read siki an aquatic
jiPj To make bricks ; to make
^ arched grave; the snuff of
vegetable. a candle, embers; to dislike,
V^ To take, to extort, to force to have a horror of, to snuff at.
away, to ravish, to snatch ; :^^ Lean, thin, reduced to a
dispute for, to struggle ., bone, emaciated ; poor, as
for; sudden, abrupt, rude; to land to make lean
; to im- ;

rob, as bands do tsiuitg pah ; poverish to retrench, to bring;

'^ki ku' he denounced him in down ; tsiki Ho, meagre soil.

;; : ) ;


R^ To step carefully; short a foot-print ; ssAan tsik, evi-

•p'?,' mincing walk
steps, a ; to walk dencesof divine power, mira-
here and there. cles; ^yitig tsik, '^ho a, a sus-
4E6 A wagtail, called tsik, ding picious appearance; ^md'-ying
j|*^'it has a mottled, black neck ;
tsik, no clue of him shing* ;

another name for it is ds'iti tsik, renowned, magnificent,
-mo, or money mother. as a view; ping^ imd d'Ung
^fc Merit, praiseworthy acts; tsik, I can find out nothing
^'meritorious deeds, conduct about him yan^ tsik, a stain
Tsih ; ;

Worthyof reward. Inter- ihantsik, a streak, as of dirt ;

changed with the next. bad-ieelings left in the mind,

j^^ To twist hempen threads jj^ A turban or cloth wound
^*^on the knee; to split hempen "-"•'around the head a kerchief ;

fibres; merit by laudable used instead of a cap.
works; an affair, a business; Rocks under water, half-
to complete, to bring to a con- /-^'tide rocks, a stony bottom
clusion to join, to piece; covered with sand and stones.

tsik:,iwa, to twist hemp ^kung ; A sharp agricultural instru-

tsik) works of public merif. -^'ment like a mattoc ; to attend

J^ To
gather, to hoard up, to to husbandry.
Jr^' accumulate, to store to in- ; V^ Panicled millet (Milium),
crease, to add to, to pile upon ;
^^'one of the five grains quick, ;

rapid the god of agriculture

increasingly ;fat:, tsik, to ac- :

complish, to succeed in '^shui ; ^shi tsik, the Ceres of the

tsik, uiiai, water standing, as Chinese its altars have no

in puddles dui fsik> to heap

; roofs hau^ tsik, a god of

up, as rubbish tsik, fuk, ; harvests; Ad' tsik, afternoon.

much happiness derived from Wfc To stride; to straddle, or
good works tsik, inin, during; j;7 'step over a thing to walk ;

many years, for a long time '^

reverently, to step in a formal
tsik, cJiuk, to hoard or lay by. manner, to measure one's
P§ 1 To bawl, to cry after to ; steps.
•^' > dispute about, noisy quarrel-
(This and the next are often read tsek.
^^> J ing distant, retired, hidden

Tsih garrulous, impertinent or; =^ The back-bone, the spine;

meddlesome ; to assent to ;
'ri 'the back; convergent, as the
tsik, tsik, tsdn' to chuckle ribs; the ridge of a house;
admiringly. |
a sierra, a ridge a bone a ; ;

? A; 1 A trace, a fool-mark, a foot- \

principle pfti'' tsck> kioot, the

'^^^^ ^'^^^'g^S' effects, con- spine nk, tsek, the top of a

\7lr '

iLjiJs ^sequences, signs the results ;

roof; imd tsik, kioat, no de-
of previous conduct to trace ; pendance can be put in him ;

'^' ^
out, to follow up, to seTTch

'At yat, it' ill isfk. raise a ridge ;

for the effects of; kiuk,tsik>\ ^nMiiUtsekib\.iy the fish's back.

To.N Dl(JT. 7'^

; ;


nap Interchanged wiili the next,' lead, ashy a string ; tsiki fuki

'meaning a mat; flowingj wide, by your kindness, I am well ;

large, as garments ample ; ;

tsiki '^hau, to make a pretext,
'/5'd tseki grass mats U^ang ; to gammon tsih iskan pV

tseki rattan mats chiki tseki ? yaii^ he relied on Divine help ;

to weave mats ikdi unan tseki ; tst^ tsiki to rely on for assist-
fine mats .fa tseki colored
; ance ; tsiki shaV to use the
mats tsek) .pdu, a mat bag.
; authority of others.
Mats a mat spread for eat-
; /^ Evening, dusk ; late ; last
'ing on a repast, a meal, a
; -^ "day of, as a year or niontli;
table ;
pliable, wifh^-iit force '
out of the perpendicular the ;

of character affection for to ; ; 36lh radical cchiii tsiki morn- ;

depend on; rest, quiet; to ing and evening ic/iu tsiki ;

spread upon, to lay out, as a last day of the year ikatn tsiki ;

mat '/som tsiki a banquet

; this evening.
<.iiA'3 .kan ;<'dfftA"'ajp? speaking Z/t The evening tide, high tide
while at table <^sni tsiki a

teacher 'i tsiki to lean ou the

; ^
the name of a;

; stream.
table cKit.tsiki to spread an

entertainment; vnai tsiki to sit

^ Dark, obscure, as a winter
•^ 'night; a vault a niche or re- ;

at table ; tfi/a ti- d tso^ to cess in a sepulchre (Ckun ;

spread a feast and sit down ;

tsiki the tomb, the grave.
tkaiH 'man dung tsiki 1 dine Still, silent, as an uninhab-
with you this evening. ^•<^'ited house ;
quiet, unmoved,
^S Tsih
A book for reci)r(U, a tablet like a recluse

; .solitary, deso-
,;jrvj|a list, a register of the people ;
late, lonesome ; tsiki tsing^ a
the place for enroling, one's dead silence ; iiin tsih com-
native place ; ushii tsihbooks ;
pletely silent, said of a priest's
iui tsiki to return to one's death.
home; iUn tsiki p\ncc where
one's family originated; loki
tsiki to be registered iSheung (604)
tsiki enrolled in two places ;

ilong tsiki notorious, infamous;

and tsiki ~yau (man, vagrants, A sort of pole-ax ; to com-
gypsey-like, without origin. passionate, to pity mournful, ;

A mat on which Tsih sorry

^^^ things angry, aroused, vexed ;

zTj^'can be presented ; to borrow ;

deformed, marked in any way
to assist, to help ; to use for a near, related to, dear to ; re-
while; to borrow from, to avail latives; Us'an ts'iky one's kin-
of, to make a means by in ; ; dred (1/au
; ts'iki isiung
all which senses it is often rkwdn, to feel for other's woes,
read tseU in confusion, dis- mutually effected ts'iki tsiki ;

turbed; liberal, veuerous: to melauohoiv.


TSI'-M. TSlM. 571

M , ,
to be afflict-
Grief, sorrow
pained, mourn- sad ;
: yapi -.kai 'king, opens up a fine
prospect gradually improv-

* * ful. Used for the preceding. ing, as one's prospects ; tsim*

A^ A sort of pole-ax, a bill an ;
ts'z" many times, gradually ;

,^^'oraamenlal kind of ax carried ds'un tsii^ tsiin- tsun^ to follow

in processions. on regularly, to advance in
Aj| To bore through to stab ; order.
rpS^o embroider: to tattoo, to I

^ *
mark the skin a prickle, a :

thorn ts'ik: ts'ik:> pati ^yau, (606)

incessant talking.
^S A fullness in the stomach ; a j

'pain from laughing; rheumatic >^ ;I All, the whole ; an unani-

iw'inges, pain in the bones:; '^ mous voice, the general opin-
H'd tstk-. laughed till
siii' to' ion; a flail; Us'im apt aiP
he ached; kwat^ fs'tk^ shooting signed it.

pains zsain ts'ek^ sorry for,,

; Slips of bamboo written on
deeply pained for U'au ts'ek:, ;
«^ for lots, for which the next
nervous headache. '^°one is used to subscribe, to ;

write one's name; a sort of

basket Us^lm tsz'^ a circular,

(605) Xsim. a subscription paper; </5'i/«

ivieng, to write one's name ;
dsim. d'ai, to subscribe to;
/j!^. Sharp, pointed, acute, taper- its'imihpdn, to join in engag-
1/^ a peak or point
ing to wedge- ing a teacher d^im ^ii, to
; ;

"^"like, pyramidal, conical, or draw lots for a response.

needle-shaped clever, ingen- Similar to the above; a slip,

ious 'ting itsim, ready at,
; a lot a warrant, a permit, a ;

smart; yuki dsim, a lady's ticket having the officer's
fingers dsim /t' sharp, quick-
; name on it to probe, to bore ;

witted Ha (tsim, to wedge in,

; through sharp-pointed chat* ; ;

to work one's self in .pan it^'irn or <:ch(i ds'im, to lot out ;

(tsvn ihdi, to dress in women's officers to their stations ; iiigo

shoes, to act the female parts. Js'im, todraw lots before idols:
^»- Name of an affluent of the! .ts'im -J'ttng, a cup to hold the
*"'' Yiinstsz' kiancr near Nean- slips; ch'ift: J/im, to issue a
king fii ; to find its way in, warrant or permit .k'au Jn'm, ;

as water does; to advance bv to divine.

degrees, slowly, by lit.le and Hjl To cut to stick in the :

little stealthily, as decay

; to ;
,'^* throat J-t'im -k'u ihau zhmg,

flow ; to imbibe, to tinge, to pierce his weasand -tsim ;

soak, to penetrate t.Hm^ tsbn^ : xhv, to stick a pig; ts^itn ski^

Joi. oime on irraduallv: tsin to ingraft by *lips
: ;

67« ts1m. TSfN.

Disputatious, skilled At argii- j|)g' To arrogate to on^e's self,

_. ing insidious, lying flattery
'\^ assume; to over-
to usurp, to

<^ts'im ii/an, a flatterer. '^"step one's limits or rank du- ;

^^ To soak, to moisten,
to dam- bious, false; usurped, despotrc,
pen ;to overflow a spring : assuming ; ts'im' fan' to as-
appearing and reappearing sume to one's self; fs'im' wa'i'
occurs used for the next jxfs'im to take
tovispire to the thron-e ;

miti to extirpate. rank

another's ts'im^ csin ;

('^ To destroy utterly, to exter- ^kon^, to speak before his turn.

J^ minate, to pierce, to kill ;ya^ ^'] The inoat around a wall,
itd its'im^sz' ^k'ii, stabbed him ^p, >a fosse, a ditch ; a sluice to
dead at a blow ; ds'im k'iit^ f^ j water upon trees
lead to ;

ifc'Uxfui, killed the chief him- Ts'ien deepen, to dig out ktoaZi ;

self. ts'ivi' to dig a sluice xhdng ;

^^] Fine silk ; small, delicate, ts'im^ a gutter,

*^;> like silken fibres; silk woven ^g' Boards for cutting books on ;
'^j ^^'^^ ^ white woof and bhck r^V^ tablets for memoranda, tab-
Sien warp; niggardly, stingy; (^5*iwi lets to be written on with a
ikd, like a fibre, minute; (ts'itn pencil.
its'iiH yuki 'sA«M, a delicate ?^.> xhe increasing light and
hand ; its'im du, a slender splendor of the sun advanc- ;
Sien •

waist. nJr, rising higher and higher


Similar to the preceding Ts'im^ do kiook-, Siam, a word

slender, sharp-pointed, acute probably corrupted from Sien
crafty, subtle ; ds'im yeuki through the Portuguese lan-
weak and delicate. guage.
3^^ To ford, to wade across,
'iLSi-to cross water; to dive, to
c^j walk on the bottom to hide ;
(657) Tsin.
Ts'Ienaway, to abscond, to secrete
one's self; an ancient name
for the River Htin ; carefully, "^ To fry, to roast in a pan to ;

feeling one's way, heedfully ; ^'V vex, to harass; itsin ikd, to

a cess-pool ; its'im pb^ careful ^'^"express lard yung^iymi (tsin, ;

steps; its'im ihnng ''shuiiclmng, use fat in frying it ; mdti'

to walk in the water; ich'am [fn itsin di, a slow fire fries
'.ts'im, reserved, diligent. fish ; small bets will ere-
i. e.

c^^ To move with the hand, to long drain the purse ^s/« ;

^ take up to select, to pull out,
; ittung, to fry brown ; 7i<>(y

as from a pile to draw, as ; itsin, to simmer, to decoct ;

lots; quick, rapid, urgent; vexed, irritated.

-^ ifs'itn j'/n 7(), I drew a blank Read tsiu\- to decoct, to boil, to
lot; its'im ch'tit: pull it out digest with heat to simmer ;

U^'im iih'an, to draw a slip. tsiii' chop to fry in ii>^ own

; ;;;;;.

TSIN. TSiN. 573

juices, as fruit; /5m' it'ong, to To destroy, to kill, to exter-

boil slowly ;
tsin^ yiuki to de- minate ; to finish, to exhaust ;

coct medicines, to clip, to shear ; entirely ;

j^ To sprinkle with the hand, pati ^tsin, unlimited.

''"' to bespatter name of a river 4i.' An arrow; an archer; a

Sz'chuen. "'* bowshot to dart out very

^''^^"in .^ ^

3<5 Used for Us an 7^ cruel. ^""^"quickly; swift, like an arrow; a

1^^ Small, narrow, cramped con- slender sort of bamboo brist- ; ;

tracted, as one's mind. ling shi^ tsin^ to shoot an ar- ;

^& Tablets or slips on which to row '.kung tsin' bow and ar- ;

l^^ make memoranda ; a letter, row ; lau^ tsin^ the gauge in a

^'^"a writing ; note paper with clepsydra '/o tsin^ a fire ar- ;

water-line or stamped pic- row '^Mung tsin^ a whirring


tures writings handed to the

; arrow 'Ad /sin' a good shot

monarch; (/sirt^c/ii, fancy note- ^md tsin^ mounted archers

paper ts' at: '.hong it sin, seven
; dm' tsin^ ish^ung iyan, to in-
lined billet paper Idpi itsin, jure one with a secret arrow


glazed billet paper. slander fong' Hang tsin' to ;

-^ A man's name, called ^Tsin shoot at privily yat.tsin' ichi ;

ly^ (Hang, Tsien Hing, who

or ti- a bowshot, or 120 ch'ek-..

^'"^"lived in the Shang and Chau

dynasties, to the age of 767,
^ '
Grass eaten by animals
pasturage to lead animals to ;

and then vanished. good pastures to introduce, ;

*§:^ To flatter pleasant, kind ;

to recommend; to lay out food;
J^r* words sly insinuations '^tsin
; ; to adore, to worship without a
tsin, shallow, artful talk. victim to wedge, to wedge

<Qu^ Even, regular, as feathers in ; tstJi' <ifoi k^uh to wedge

j^YJ-grow; to cut off smooth, to the table tsin^^tso, to worship

^ j clip even to shear shears,

Tsien scissors to kill, to destroy
; ;

ancestors '^kii tsin^ to recom-
mend one 's^ tsin^ [Sbii, to

to reduce, to clip off; light, write an introductory letter

as a dye ; yati '/>d '/si/t itd, a ^yau tsin" it'au, there is some
pair of scissors tdi^ kdu"^tsm, ; opening get a
; fu^ tsin' to
shears; chap-> '^tsin, belel-nut soul out of purgatory by
shears -.ts^ui Hsin, to cut out
; priests tsin' ts'oP take a little

garments to manage, to plan ;


greens with your wine said ;

^ts'ui'^tsin, subtle at argument to a guest tsin' ^hi raise it up. ;

'tsin ti^ ik'au noo, to give up ^^' Interchanged with the last
territory and beg for peace. '^ also to continue some to ; ;

Shallow-pated, superficial, "succeed, to recur repeatedly,

not profound unskilled, shal- ; as a famine; repeatedly, again.
low, not deep Jsoi '^tsin, me- ; |S.' Water flowing on a stream ;

diocre, ofsmall capacity 'tsin ;

" biirsting forth again; repeated;
Int. mean, intiiijniftcanl, ^"^"/sirt" /<Ai successively.

574 TSlN. TS'IN.

<^ * A prop to shore up a lean-

~\ ing house; a sluice or weir of (608) IVin.
'''^"earth or stone to lead water.
fij^* To present food to one, to
^^ give a farewell dinner to to rlL A thousand many, an inde-
; ;

**"send food to; parting present 1'. fiuit ite number (ts'in nidn^ iu' ;

of money or food conitits tsd" it must by all means be

tsin^ ihang, to give a dinner done Us'in Jt'i (fan dai, I ;

to one traveling tsin^ piti a ; earnestly beg you to return ;

leave-taking dinner; matitsin^ c<i'i« (.kam, your daughter ;

it'ong 'ktoo, comfits and sweet- dsin ^li hnd, a racehorse; a
meats tsiii' Hai, presents to
; courier Us'in '^tsung, a lieu- ;

a traveler. tenant ^Iddsin, an old black- ;

A swift current; a raceway leg name of a card Hd its' in,

; ; ;

to spatter up, to dash against to bend one knee ds'in Jean, ;

to squirt out, to spurt, as blood. a wrench to extract nails;
^S- Worthless, vile, mean, low, its'in sttV your Highness, said
Jy* ignoble, base; cheap, low-pric- to princes (ts'in ikam hoaV ;

ed to disesteem, to depre-
; H'ai, your honorable self, said
ciate, to lower used for what
; to any one da'in '^kii ikH ss'^ ;

belongs to one's self; ?/>'«« exceedingly strange; c^s'tn yat)

tnii' poor and mean tnn^ noi^ pati ^koi, a thousand to one

ray wife; tsin- sing^ Wai' my he'll not refctrm.

surname is Wai tstn^ s^ung^ ; Exuberant foliage, flourish-
a poor physiognomy, a thief's ing vegetation green, like ;

Ts ien
face tsin^ ktoati U'un, a mis-
; jade; c/.s'iM <<s'wi, luxuriant.
erable stick tsin^ iyan, you ^jfC.
; A road going north and
poor baggage said of women
south a cross-way through

ka' its'in '^ho tsin^ the price is *^"a field, a path to a grave.
very low ; tsin- kdk> a mise- «?|] To move, to remove, fo
rable lot, of poor talents *^' place elsewhere to ascend!•

tsin^ mail taiP ik'itng <iyan, the «5x J ^o ^6 promoted to change, ;

poor may meddle with cheap Ts'iento transpose, to improve; to

things tsok^ tsin^ he disgraced
; banish, to deport, to drive off;
himself. ipim (ts'in, to move, as one's
To tread upon, to trample residence Ui'ln iku, to ;

on or over to walk, to step

; change one's lodgings
Ap-, ;

to arrange out tsM an, to ; its'in, to eject, as a tenant;
fulfill one's promise; tsiri' tdpt '/.so Js'in, to degrade to a
to tread down or in ; tshi' kft^ lower place or rank.
to tread down the heels tsin^ qU Interchanged with .sin d^-

loaP to ascend the throne to 1/^ To walk round and round ;


walk in another's steps. Often to dance, to amble; panto-

read t/in. mime.
; 1 —


To swing lo and fro, to phy iUung, taxes, revenue ; Us'in

upon tlie whirligig ; Usau 'Itnng "-tsz^ shot, bullets
itsin, a swing. ickdng disputing about

t Before, in front of, in pre-

sence of; in advance; pre-
; iskon ''pdi pb^
serves tor everything ;
'^"viously; formerly, anciently; its'in '^shui dai, the rate of ex-

the former to advance, to ; change is low.

lead forward; Js'in hau^ before, 5j Shallow, not deep superfi- ;

after ;
its'in yaU daybefore ^ cial, not profound
^ light, as ;
len c, havmg tew
1 • \
yesterday ; lad i^in yatt three coloring ;

days ago dsin ; d'aii, in front strokes, simple, as characters

its' in itti last month dsin .yan; short-haired; dripping; isham.
'^td pa? hau^ iyaii, I am afraid, Hs'in, deep shallow hard — :

I have been once deceived ;

easy '^ts'in kan^ (.chi it' 6, a su-

^iigdn Us' in, before one's eyes; perficial scholar Hs'in iwong, ;

;/ot,come here, advance;

£<»'t/i a light yellow "-ts'vi Hs'in %o ;

about coming tsoi^ U/in, be- ; ^kong, he can understand a

fore,then ^skdiing its'in hit' ; very little; '/s'in sut^ vulgar
go ahead, g ) on "^tsau tung^ ; and superficial, as a scholar
pafi its'in, I can't well get on 7id very shallow, very

with it; it's a difficult job to easy ; 'ngdrt

'^ts'in, impatient,

manage; ds'in 'xliing 'jian liu^ having respect to persons hoi^ ;

it'snot easy to guess how it iyan pat^ 'ts'in, to endamage

will turn out '.ts'in .king, al- ; one seriously.
ready, before done. Siiallow, thin, beaten out,
€5-1 Copper coin, cash, coppers; jj

as a piece of metal ; superti-

-^>coin, a piece of money; cash, """cial, ignorant.
< j/|\
wealth, money, property ;

Ta'iena tenth of a tael, or mace,

which the cash once weigh- (6^9) Tsing.
ed ; '.t'ungcopper cash its' in, :

ikan Js'in, gold coins 'yau ;

its'in, rich, wealthy Us'in kuki ;

a mint; 'cM?/ ds'in, to ex- A banner, a standard having

change into cash 'Ai 'As in plumes, which when waved
Tding j

chung^ how many mace does encourage the troops; to make

it weigh ? foyig'' lo' Us'in, to signals insignia, signals to ; ;

scatter paper money at burials; discriminate, to make mani-

tdi' ikong ds'in, large coins of fest, to prove, to show forth ;

Kanghi Idn^ its'in, bad cash

itsing ik'i, flags uning Using, ; ;

its'in ''pan koin^ hau' thick as red banners hung by a corpse ;

a cash board li^ -Us'in, inter- 'Using ''piu, testimonials of me-


est; '^skuu Us'in iHo, a miser; rit granted by the sovereign,

'«a/< Us'in, to gamble ;

Us in and oi'ttiu placed over the door.


^ Lustre, brightness clenr,

',1^ pure, light; crystal; crystal-
; Useng kong' tap tod' very
clever at lying; ^k'ukai\tseng
^'"^ine ; '^shtii Jsing, quartz crys- he's smart enough Using yuki

tal ichd itsing, tea-stone,

; lean meat Using the ; hi' ether,
cairngorm stone fat:, dsing, ;
essence of: influence, pure,
moss agate mah 'tsing^ smo- ; the quintessence; Using chV
ky quartz ihung Using, rose ; beautiful, handsome ; Using
quartz ; .t'in hV Using, clear ikwdi, very clever at Using ;

'sAwi Using ikung,

weather ; kwdV an elf; spirit rappings,
Neptune's palace. prodigies; uoai Using, invo-
'^^^^ ^^" ^^ ^^® ^y^ ^^^ P"' luiitry emissions; -«i U^eng
Bra '

' •' pi! 'ngdn hafdUsing, the iris

; ^ngoi'imngoi, if you are cute,
^^"^paki Using, the while of the I'm not a fool Useng lut) ^pin, ;

eye ;fdti Using davong, night smart as a steel-trap; Useng

blindness; mtik} pati ''chun '/sai, a shrewd fellow; Useng
dsing, eyes fixed. tail' Useng, met his match.
^E Scallion blossoms a kind of ; A well ; a deep pit; a field
r^ three ribbed rush flowery, ;
ft.laid out regularly to draw ;
^'"^elegant, flourishing; imoUsing water arranged, laid out re-

a sort of greens like mustard. gularly ^tseng 'shui,

; well
4,^ A dragon-fly, called Using water; ^shi Hsrng, a public
P it'ing, which sips the water; market ^slii Hseng ichi it'd, a

^^"^Using liti a sort of cricket; worthless loafer U'in Hseng, ;

Using ding, a kind of locust. an open court tso^Hseng akvn ;

U'in, to look at the sky from

(The three next arc often pronounced tseng)
a well —
inexperienced Hseng ;

iHIa Cleaned rice; selected, ripe, dan, a well-curb Hseng Hseng ;

* '
" mature fine, subtle, delicate
; ;
^yau d'iu, all in order, do it
"^the best, the finest unmixed, ; methodically ihoi Hseng, to ;

devoted to, accustomed to, dig a well yat, Hseng ti^ a ;

expert at; skillful, as in strat- square rood of land U'o 'ku ;

egy the pure parts of any-

Hseng, to rinse the old well,
thing, etherial, subtle the es- ; i. e. to marry a rich widow.
sence of things; it is prefixed Clean, pure, spotless, unde-
to other adjectives to show a . filed ; upright, guileless ; to
high degree of; the animal spi- ^'"^wash clean, to cleanse ; only ;

rits the semen, the germinat-

all ; a rapids in the R, Man ;

ing principle of nature; an ikon tseng' clean, pure; k'Ui

apparition, form taken by spi- tseng' clean, to purify one's
rits ; 'Ad Using ishan, in good heart tsing^ chung' the nett

spirits,smart; Using <ping, weight ; tseng- '^shni fu, a

flower of the troops, picked cleansing charm, used iu
men dang hna Using -skan,
houses yat, kd' Ub hix" tkon

bright as a steed or dragon ;

tseng' every one has gone.
; 1 ;

iS- Still, silent, impr.ssible. im- radical ds'ing 'kico, the olive

nf perturbable; at re?t, quiet fati Us'ing, ultra-marine: din

^'"^peaceable, mild pure, like a ;
Using, black Js'iiig ikam, ;

pool; no bustle; to judge; to| lapis-lazuli color; luk>, ts'ing,

ponder, to meditate on; to' copperas; -.fsUng ifdn, blue
desist '.sam shui t^'ing- con-i
; vitriol iyeung -Using, smalts
; ;

tented, patient ; t.<ing- td' ^liu [ts'ing it'oi, mossy, slippery,

pat, taki very still; tsiiig- aa stones; (</ 1 »^ t'in pdh yati
-yeung, to cultivate quiet, \o a clear bright day Us'ing ; uiin,
ni.rse one's self at borne young in years ; miti ds'ing,
- tiing- tsiiig- tv keep quiet; bamboo .'plints ; i'ang ds'ing,
tsiiig^ isiii 'siu, solitary; no' rattan cords; kdni'-ngdnUsing
business, no bustle; iping in such a fury, outrageous ;

tsing^ at peace, as a country ; \

ipiu its'eng, new style, fine;
tdpi Js'eng, to worship the
ye- tsing' the stilly night, j

iH-Often pronounced leng^ in t >mb.-5 ic/id Using, a yel- \


j}'^ Canton. To call, to invite to: lowish green; ik'i ipi Js'eng

^allure; to ornament, to be-' (ts'eng, lender and green are

dizen still tsing' shiki dark

; ; the leaves,
eyebrows and cletr skin. j^ Pure, limpid, clear, unsulii- I

y^J- To become clean andto quiet ^^ ed, sharpsighted clean, in- ; j

small, fine to plan, think ;'"^corruptible, right principled | ;

'""^carefully on to tranquillize,; clear, ringing, as a sound

to restore peace, to clear, as to settle, ta become clear; to
the sea from pirates to re- ; purify ; to settle an account
gulate, to settle disturbances ;
style of the present Manchu
ifong ton tsing^ the land is
ti^ dynasty; Manchu •,'^shiii -ts'ing
now quiet tsiag- yiki to put
; pure water id shaV ds'ing ;

down the rebels. pi'iki a family of unsullied re-

^^ j
A pit. a pitfall, a hole to putation Using ckun, an hon- ;

\X\ I'
catch bfasts in to fall into ; est magistrate shan Uiing, ;

Yp\ J a pit h'lni- tsing^ to tumble

; a betrothed girl refusing to
Tnina into a hole. marry ining Us'ing, taken all

away Us'ing '^kd/n, sallow,


poor .ts'ing ^ch'o 'liu

; the W
(610) Ts'ing. whole n).ilter is done; Us'tng
shb^ to settle an account s/»d' ;

(.\ll these characters are oftea pronounc- ^m^ I'/ii Us'ing some unbalanc- ,

e<l ts'eng.)
ed accounts Us'ing td' '.k i, ;

^^) The color of mture, as the a banner to clear the way ;


^ ;
azure of th:j sky or the green
of growin;^ phmls: a very
Us'ing snu^ elegant, well form-
ed Us'ing Us'ing tik^ take a

-j'3J„glight green or blue tint wan, ; little ; tsxnt' iChnng ts'ing.

fading away, pde; the I74th occasioiully, when at leisure ;

Ton. Dicr. 73
; ' ;;


'shui 'vm c'/rt fs'ing, it en n not t'ipy an invitation to dinner

l)ewashed out; e.g. a sullied .
^t.s'eng kau' please tell me ;

name tsing a' an to, an old

; i
Hs ing ik'i, to appoint the time
bachelor ts'ingiSani, to dear ;
of marriage '/.s'j/io-pf/i^ don't;

one's character, to purify the let me take your time ^ts'eng ;


heart ctiiii^ ich'iu, the Pure

Hit'/., has been invited; '^ts'eng
or Manchu dynasty; (^ts'ing isin ishnng, to engage a tea-
taz'^ iVIanchu words, clier '^ts'ing ich'd, please take

jjdi The passions, reckoned to be your tea 'ts'ing ds dm, to re-


yy seven; the feelings, the de- quest dismissal from office,

°sires; temper, passion, affec- to throw it up; 'ts'ing ka^
tion ; Inst, concupiscence ; the please go, Sir '^ts'iiig ming^ ;

circumstances, the facts of a what do you wish ? 'ts'ing d'

case an affair, a matter sing^
; ; please; your good health; 'ts'ing
it^'ing, temper, disi)osition tsiiP to apologize, to confess;
yuiig^ d.<'ing, to assist one „ '^ts'eng yik. please let me know;
heartily ; ond its'ing or poki ''ts'eng man' to beg, to ask
ils'ingi ungrateful ; to its'ing, '^ts'ing'^ts'ing, thank you; good
or its'ing (sknm, very grate- bye (the word chin-chin is

ful; kw at 3 its' ing, thankless; derived from this phrase;)

Si" ds'ing, an affair, a con- Hs'cng ki'i' shiki fan' invited
cern ; shati its'ing, the real out to dine.
facts; itno ds'oi dhing, inapt,
stolid ; it'^'eng iynn, circum-
stances or causes of a thing (611) Tsip.

iSz Using, illicit, fornicating ;

itx'ing a.'t* tso' I'll willingly

dt) it ; dsing sli^ung- ok:, kioo' 4;& An oar, a paddle, or what-
a hard temper ; itslag Hi, ^"^'ever is used to propel a boat;
common sense, reasiinahie; lo row ; to avail of for one's
its'ing it'au, a mutual liking. purposes.
n^ The sky clearing up after (This character is also read hdp and hip.)
" 1^ sky; the
rain, the clear blue
'"=stars coming out; finUs'ing, ij^ Interchanged with hip if^
a clear sky •« us'iiig, it has ;
^''*' to assist. Water flowiiitr
stopped raining. through moistened, imbibed,

< r^ To request, to ask courteous- damp to instil, to penetrate

; ;

^™ ly, to pray, to beg to request ;

a complete turn of, a circuit
'"^liberty to do, to ask, as for tdp^yati a decade; tsip^ ishan
orders ; to invite, to bid, to twelve days or hours, a cir-
enra-'e; to confess, to acknow- cuit of the i'i branches; tsip^
ledge to inform 't/ing tso'
; ;
hiipi fully imbued with, to in-

please be seated ts'eng t^an, ;

terpenetrate ; to treat cordial-

to ask to a dinner ti'ing tsau ;

ly, as friends.

ts1p. TSfT 57»

tMg. The eye-lashes ; met. the

-^'eye; sMuiig^ tsip> the upper (613) Tsit.
T'*'*'''eye-I ashes.

Jkfc To receive in the hand ;

^^* receive, to connect, to join, Aj The of bambt^os
joint a ;

to succeed ;
combined with, '•'joint, a knot, a node; an ar-
united to to take in, as jobs;
; ticle, a verse, a section of a
to meet, to associate with; to chapter; a limit, a term; a
take, as reflected light quick ; ; holiday, a festival a time, a ;

tying tsijh to greet, to go and regular interval an emergen- ;

meet, as a visitor; tsipiip'Ui, cy, the period or manner of

to conduct a visitor to a seat doing a thing; economy, tem-
tsipy tsuki to succeed to, to perance, moderation ;
continue and tak^ tsip^ tsnki
; ty, virtue, in widows ; to limit
nothing comes after it tsipi ; a thing, to maintain, to re-
yaii' to receive the seals ; t^ip^ strain one's passions ; to mark,
ifung, to welcome a friend as music a classifier of joints,

back ; ishiiig tsip^ mai ^shui, limbs, affairs ;

tsit. ^yamshiki
orders received for mason- temperate in eating (fan ;

work ; fsip^ Ham hii, I'll divide ^li'ung tsit, do it two ways, pay
the present with you fsip> ; itat two times mo tsit, chai' ;

kd^ had, pnranymphs sent for no limits to his outlay, careles-j;

the bride ktrai'' tsip^ to kneel
ifa tsit, tally, passport, creden-
and receive, as a subaltern tials; tsit, i^ chaste, in not re-
does ^ngo tak^ tsip, I have
; marrying shut, tsit, lost her

got it tsipi (kun Wcng, a

virtue ; tsit, liiig^ the '24 solar
porch for receiving officers on terms tsb^ tsit, to keep holi-

landinir. day pdV tsit, holiday visits


hi' <6i^ anger, feeling; yat,

tsiti sz'- an affair ; ^mdi ,kwdn
(612) .
Xs'ip. tsit,to get degrees by bribery,
to bribe; tsit, tsau' to mark
the time in music to ishang ;

concubine, a wife taken ichi tsit, full of cares and bu-
without the legal ceremonies, siness; S/a isht tsit, on that
a secondary wife term by occasion; d'in ^ckung tsit,

which ladies c;ill themselveH; dragon-boat festival; (Shau tsit,

ts'ip) shi' or sfii' tsip^ a con- chrurig' \o coWeci bills at four
cubine; lapi ts'ip, to bring in terms; tsit, tsit,, ko, gradually
a concubine; fs'ipy (shaii, 1, rising in rank or wealth tsit, ;

your handmaid; 's^^/ ts'ip, my kim' frugal, within the limits.


concubine oi' ts'ip your con- ; A comb of any kind to

^ ;

cubine .s7i/m' ts'ip, my young

: 'coinb, to clean -kun tsit, :

concubine. luwels and coml)S.
;; ;;;

580 TS'lT. TSIU.

3S^ A small boil, a pimple, a ^s'i^ oi' warm love ; ts'it^ /d'
sui' cut to pieces, cut fine
ts'it^ it/o, to turn in a laihe
^^ To cut in pieces, to cut up ;

to work and carve to dehort. ;

,in^^to cut off, to amputate; to
as a friend ; tsHt^ <yam, to
intercepi, to cut off; to ob-
spell, to join an initial and a
struct; todiscriminate, to make
final ; k'oJd ts'it, pat, a, un-
nice distinctions ; a portion,
changeably fixed.
a half; dan tsiti or tsiti chii^
^Ar'ii, to stop, to arrest one's
pr<»gre38 ; ifan Hiung tsiti cut (615)
it two tsihd, a robe whose

body and skirt are of two

colors tsiti tun} to cut apart.

Pepper peppery, hot n'l

4^ To
obtain a victory suc- ;
; ;

black pepper ,f(i ilsin^

_ . ^cessful, victorious : a victory;
. ;

''^"cayenne or red pepper itsiu ;

to complete; to announce, as
\fong, the "pepper room,"
a victory or promotion has- ;
is a term for a queen; ^tsiu mvti
tily, prompt, quick, as a he-
ground pepper icliun itsiti, ;
rald ;
joyful news; knn. i^,,^
Sz'chuen pepper.
nimble, fleet tsttt king^ to ;

take a. short cut, a compen- i^ The banana or plantain

''V^ ih^wtg iugd Jsii/, green plan-
dious way tnti pd'' to hasten ;
tains; itsiu '^tsnu, spirits with
with good tidings din tsiti to ;
plantains steeped in it ; '^kH
attain degrees at successive
ich'ui itsiu, large plantains;
examinations \fdVtiiiti quick.
hni iyan dsU'i, thin skinned
This is also read tsipi.
^^ Scorched, burned ; blacken-
(614) Ts'it. !^V* ed, charred smell of burning:;

vexed, harassed, anxious

dsiu ipd (kon, dry, at the last
^\ To cut, to carve, to mince, extremity, starving fdn^Usiii, ;

,., to slice ; to urge, to press; crust left after boiling rice ;

a superlative, very, vehement, U'au Idn^ ngdki head


earnest, eager, pressing, im- burned and scorched, as by

portant, serious, momentous powder isam (tsiu, in great

the important parts, a re.sume ;

distress. Used for the next
sincere to feel, as the pulse
; ;
tttt The parts of the
body be-
to spell, to express a sound by ^f^ tween the heart and groifi,
joining initials and finals; ^s'i<) ''^three imaginary organs uhich
7'7' important; t'au' ^s't/i plain, regulate the secretions.
lucid ^s*i^yw^"»""^ced mea«;
: pf^ A husky, suppressed voice;
mat-, hit^ slay, don't go; * '"• the chattering ofbirds
ts'it-. : harsh,
tilt: ?nuk: to feel the pulse ;
'^^''"Mi.ssonant crv.


A soldier's brass kettle or

^* skjilet, about the size of a (616) Ts'iu.
peck measure ; a brass pan.
'^j: An
utmuthorized character
^ half rocky islets,
tide rocks,

i^ Wood fit for fuel ; scattered

rocks in the stream stones ; wood ; to cut fuel; a lookout
for fording; (ch'uk Jsiii, to Ts I'^Ujerrace, for which the next is
run on a rock. used; itsiu ifa, a woodcutter;
-^^ A wren itsiu ;
Jiii, a wren, it&'iu dau,z watchman's tower;
^"T'^ tarin, tody, or some such small its'iuking' a bridle path, a goat
bird, which nestles on high path ; ^ts'oi its'iv, to cut wood ;

grass koki takj kdm\tsiu din,

; iSai sTi'ii'/, a hilly district
playful, skittish, inattentive. southwest of Canton. _.
To destroy utterly, to ex- Often used for ts'iu' g^, to
> terminate, to devastate Unn ; scold. A lookout tower or
«||Wj /niij to extirpate, to rase, as loft; to ridicule; to bawl out
'fsiau is done to rebels or their at; to reprehend ; s^siii (kii,
towns; 'tdu tsiit) 'long ^ii, to a high turret laid on wheels
extirpate all the adherents of for archers.

a cabal.
To sacrifice
Lean, anxious and starving;
to ancestors
sui^ distressed from a
m its'iu

JT"" and spirits a sacrifice, a re- ; want of food.

Tsiau ^ r .

To look at, to see; to look

. • I

quiem to give a cup ot wine, \l^


lo a son at his wedding; fiu-l at furtively, to glance at .'».

ished, used up; to complete;] its'iu yat^ ds'iu, 1 had a look
to burn moxa '<</' tsiu' or kin']
; at it. Chiefly used in the
tsiu' to celebrate the all-souls' |
court dialect.
festival; aodn d'in tsiu' ai Like, as if, similar; hand-
thanksgiving service for heav- some, pretty, beautiful; su-
en's mercy tdu' to re-
; tsui^ perior ; Hs'iu ip'i, pretty ; 7«dz'
marry, said mostly of widows ; ''ts'iu, to show off one's pretty
*/d yo ising tsiu' the autumnal I face, as by standing in the
of Fire
festival to the God door;(S/jfl/J^ tak^'^ts'iu, bright,
tj^' Properly used for the last, as eyes; 'Ad 'ti'iu tui' ^ngdn,
in the sense of burning the sparkling eyes '^ts'iu t.shang,
'moxa; to char wood, to sear, like life, as puppets or images.
to scorch; kau' ^sam tsiu' to
A steep, abrupt hill a cliff, ;

apply the moxa thrice; tsiu' ',7 which obstructs the way ;

muki to char wood lo bend it. ^ '^"severe, strict vehement; Hs'iii


n^- To bite, to chew, to gnaw ; pik^ (ko, a per[)endicular cliff.

,'.".' ingun tsiit^ ^mau tan, the ox *il<§ Sad, downcast, sorrowing;
'eats tlie peony, (not knowing ''7. 'yau iSnm '^is'iu '/s'ni, sick at

it from grass); tsii'r Uin' to ^^'^"heari, quietly sad, sorrowing

chew fine. in secret
583 TSO TSO.

A scabbard, a sheath, in! dislike; '/.fo c.<!2' pau' ^siutig,

which sense this isofteii called thinking of this way and that;
'"<sAd?i, while that sound more 'tso 's/iau ikdn yau} 'shau, to
properly means a whip. exchange from hand to hand,
f^ A spade or pick an imple- ; i. not to give credit; liti i«

^^ ment for turning np the written as follows.


''^"ground to dig deep; ts'iu^ ; /A;' l^o assist, to second an as- ;

it'ong, to dig out a fishpond ; j^ sistant, a deputy, a second, a

tdi^ tung^ ts'ii? a crowbar. substitute tso' ^Ung, a major- ;

^* To assimilate, to imitate; general, a resident among the

a likeness or relationship be- Mongols iwong ; tso' ichi its'oi
tween parent and child, said talents of the prime minister;
to be proved by mixing their tso' tsdpi ihin, low officers
blood; resembling, like; small; assisting in a yamun.
a class; alike; dwindling, de- /lA- To sit to sit on the heels

teriorating; scattered, lost; "-^ sitting, remaining; a session;

pat) fs'iiV not like it, inf^yior, a seat, a place; to maintain,
degenerate also used by a son
; to hold ; involved in, implicat-
to his father ; ts'iu^ '/li ko^ ed to sit in judgment on, to

y&ung* resembles you, as a judge to place, to set down

; ;

bust or child; ts'iu\ip'i, pretty; to kneel; 'ts'ing <so* please be

shnpi i^ ishang f.s'iu^ the twelve seated; tso^ dfi, to curtsey;
animals which are thought to '/ti tso^ or tso^ ch^' good bye,
be like the twelve branches. said to the host; tso* ^li, to
^-^* To
ridicule; to blame, to let down sail ; tso^ kW to ride
reprehend to speak harshly ; in a sedan ; tso^ tsui^ <« hit, to
against; iki ts'iu' to satirize. bring the punishment upon
you tso^ tit) the month
; after
confinement; tso^ roaP a seat,
(617) Tso. a station ; tso^ shaft put it in
securely; tso^ sok:, to quarter on
one to force him to pay ; tso*
•^ The left, the left hand; I'fit loki no place to sit in'; tso*
"^second; an assistant; deflect- heung' the prospect, as of a
ed; depraved, bad; to degrade, grave tso* 7*d d'im, sit a while

to reduce in rank; ''tso m' to longer ; t'it^ tso^ to squat, as

verify, to prove, as a coadjutor a tailor ckdm, in prison; tso* ;

can 'tio ptn^ on the left ''shai

; ; tso* shenng'sh up higher tso* ;

kwan^ "to 'shnu, left-handed ; it'ong, in court, on the bench;

7.W sing' crotchelty, set in his tso* ^Uing fan' kdni' tso* to sit
way ; 'cki'm iwaii tso pin^ turn till the rice is cold, i. e. to
to the left hand
cs^ung ; 'tso, take French leave; 'td tso*
a mutual mistake: not to suit, (ts'dn ishin, to squat and
disagreeing; mm' tsu tso, lo coniernplai(% as Budhists do.

TS'O. TS'O. 583

1^- A seat, a throne ; a shrine ;

T^ To polish, to work on ; to

^^ a classifier of houses, towers,

cut and polish ; to work at, to

hills, cities, pagodas, movable make good, as composition ;

pavilions, ihoong
&/C.; (.hoi ts'iti Us 0, to cut and polish.

ishing tsai^ to vivify and en- ;^ To get convalescent, to re-

shrine an idol t/at> tso^ Cap. ;
^J^ cover a slight ailment, slight

^ ° epidemic, like influenza,

one division of a hong; hV
iaki isdm tso^ uky can build ^xjl' To cut, to lop off the cor-
three houses there <.kung ; tso' ners and sharp points, to trim
% an easy chair pdt) ;
tsu' and prune to cut up, to cut ;

eight chair-bearers. to pieces. Often used for the

/0l^* An iron pan or boiler ; a
(618) IVo. j; , file, a rasp ; to rasp, to file,
to smooth off the sharp or
rough points to rub down ;


The drunken frolics of a yati '/>a ts'o^ one file ts^o^ watt ;

'^ man inliquor; (<5'oi/.s'w, drun- file it smooth ^kai ,ch'un ts'o^ ;

ken antics. eggs, or (chi swd ts'o'

to file

1^ Uneven hills ; ^ts'o ingo, the to scrape sesamum seeds, both

the un-
inequalities of hills, mean a skinflint; t:>'o^ kokt
of moutitains
dulatiiiff outline to file off corners.
Xafe To twist by rubbing on the -kU' To break, to wound to ;

'^^ knee to rub or roll between

; 4,. take off the edge,
o to humble ':
Ts o '

the palms ;<<s'« unai yat^it'iin, to oppress, to treat harshly to ;

roll it into a ball ; Us'o siii' to trim, to file off: ts'o^ ik'i i/ui*
twist thread ; U^'o Jieuiig, to hi' to bring down his valor
cover incense slicks by rolling; improve, to polish
ts'o^ chity to
t/s'o iun kam' '^pin, can be roll- rude ways; tried by afllictions.
ed or flattened met. an easy ; fW^' To mince up meat broken ;

obliging man Us'o .no, to roll ;

Ja . to bits, minced; small to at- ;
1 o ,
and mix between the hands ; tend to tnnes.
rustling, flexible, like willow ^' In disorder, confused to ;

twigs. ^ .mistake, to err, to do wrong ;

A skiff; d7i Js^o, a sail boat, to slip erroneous, mixed,


vessels used in salt transpor- wrong; ^md ts'o^ no mistake,

tation. Also read <cA'fl. right; ts'o"^ngdm, a lucky hit,
To slip ; to err ; Js'o it'o, to ^ an error which is fortunate ;

rniss the time, to lose the op- V/rt ying^ ts'o' will not confess
portunity. -the wrong; tso^ k^uk> man ,fdn
A white, lustrous, stone; a slip may be hard to retrieve ;

fresh, beautiful to smile, to ; tsdi" kioo^ pit. 'koi, error must

look fascinating. Used fur be corrected ; 's^ ts'o'' written
the next. wrong.

584 TS6. rso.

'tsd loa' =/»,, 1 told you in good

(619) Tso. time; 'tsd noo, the firstj crop ;

(Ckiti U'au "^tsd, earlv dawn ;

Hsdfdn' breakfast; ch'nn' 'tsd

XU Rent in kind ; rental, rent; start early, and not be hurried

'.^tribute, tJixes; lo rent; Usd 'fid it'ui, the morning play


ingart, the rent ; cshaii ^tsd, to iwdn 'tsd, still early 'tsd 'tsd ;

collect rents ; koti Uso, to de- very early.

duct from the rent <tsd ynm^ '^ Used for the preceding. A
to lease; dsb uk> chii^ to live
in a hired house sh^ung^ ^k't ;

flea ; sand
fleas, or those pro-
sandy ground ; the
ttsd, to prepay the rent ,tdin ;
rut or trace of a wheel.
(tso, security for the rent ; 'Ai
^ grandfather a progenitor ; ;

itsd, to raise the rent. ^'^ancestors; the founder of a

^^^ family; an ancestral temple;
^^ The sediujent ;
grains left
after distilling spirits; dregs; the beginning, the origin, the
T35U as of a family
^dsd(hong, dregs and husks; first, ; to do like,
^tsau c<5d, grains;
distiller's to imitate a founder; accus-
(tsd lit, fish laid in grains of tomed to; to worship wayside
glutinous rice dsd Jwng (chi ;
gods : csire Vsd or 'tsd fv} a
its'ai, a wife who has passed grandfather; dsung 'tsd, my
through poverty with one. ancestors dsniig 'tsd, a great- ;

1^ To encounter, to meei to ;
grandfither ^kd 'tsd, a great- ;

*^j^ suffer, to endure, to occur, to' great-grandfather; the first

^*" happen to cruize, to go! emperor of a dynasty 'tsd miii} ;

about to make a revolution

a temple of Shangti ; an an-
an occasion, a time ctsd ts'ak> ;
cestral temple; ^ni ling^ 'tsd,
.kipi to be robbed; ,tsd kipA your grandfather; ikd 'tsd, my
time of a great affliction dso ;
[live] grandfather.

t'iitt mati kin- to waste and A,rt

' A band, a fillet, a string, a
misuse things dsd Cdti ii/an, ;

tape, for tying the dress or
^^"^ hair;
to abuse, to treat harshly;! a fringe or tufi of silk ;

pdki '^tsaii i/at) dsd, went once 'kdi 'tsd ikicai it'in, to untie
for nothing ; dso wo^ to suffer |
the cord and go home to —
calamity t'm -tsb t'dt^ ^k^ii, be
; resign oflice.
patient with him, don't berate J^ The fruit of the Cannarium
him. -;^ or jujube tree tnati 'tsd, dried ;

« B^ The morning early, soon ;

^'*^'^ dates, the fruit of this tree;

r* betimes, beforehand, early, ikung 'tsd, red jujube plums;

"previously; just commenced, the 'tsd and lul, are embleni-
unskilled; then, presently; '<so atii'> <»f female virtue.

mhnn, good niorning ^tsd yat> ; Ij

''^ To bathe, to wash the per-
ifan dai, come bnck soon ; ||
*^ son ; to cleanse the heart, to
ikam tsd, \\ns morning; <dt' II ^""reform ; sui tid, to bathe.

Tso; TSO. 685

ja Pendents of precious stones ilt- To build, to make, to con-

or pearls hung like beads •7** struct ; to create ; to act ; to
*^" around the edge of a coronet. * " do to begin, to commence
; ; a
^ ^^^^ ^^ aquatic grass (a crop kin' tsd^ to build
Vallisneria?) which ducks de- fa' to create

; 'Ad tsb^ fa'



light u) to joy in. delighted

; fortune kot^ iwo tsd' to cut

with; mef. fine composition,' the rice harvest cshang tsd* ;

because this grass is marked ;

I ch'uti ilai, an entire fabrica-
ifu '/sd (cAi sz'^ officers mu-j tion, made out of whole doth ;

tually pleased; 'Aoi 'tsd, con-| tsoi' tsd^ do it over «igain tsd^ ;

ferva or algae. |
""pun, to get some capital muti ;

^^•'i A furnace; a place fori tsd^ tong' isan cKut-. the last of
*^j ^-cooking, a kitchen-range; aj the season is as good as a
yi±. bunch of grass for fuel tsd^\
1 ;
new crop ; Hsd tsd^ ^mdn tsd^
Tsau kwatilung, the hole for the' the early crop, the late crop;
fuel ; 'A'i tsd'' '^fo, up se-
fired 'Ada tsd' skillful work.
veral times, as in cooking with ^-] A black color underlings, ;

twigs or grass ; Ha tsd^ to "^j >lictors, low officers who ex^

build a cooking-place ^td tsd^ ; -^ i
eonte commands a stud of ;

upset the jTurnace, i. e. failed, Taau twelve horses ; a manger or

bankrupt ; ihang ishiin tsd' pen tsd'cpdn, torturers
; ; fsd*
portable furnaces, cabooses fat'Mictors, understrappers;
-*15<^' iskan or tsd' ikwan, God i/t tsd' 3 sort of fragrant
of the Furnace. soap; fdn, copperas.

tUt- To do, to make, to act ; to Happiness derived from

•^ be, tQ perform the duties of : wealth or office ; dignities,
° much used for the next tsd^ ; felicity ; a year \fuk^ tsd' good
tak, very well, do yes it will ; ;
fortune long du-
: kicok, tsd'
I can do it, I will do it; tsi/ ration, as of a dynasty "-pd ;

tkiin, to be an officer tsd^ muki ; iTiin tsd' to recreate in one's

is a carpenter tad^ ''tsau, to

; old age.
prepare a feast; tsb^ 'Ai iyan, 0^- Roasted flesh offered in
a prosperous man tsd' tshang ; 'J,' sacrifices ;
to set up
^ an altar
Tsii . g~,
i' is in business, he trades ^ui ; to l>eres ; to recompense, to
tso^ ajan, he understands the reward ; blessings, happiness ;

^ world, popular; ^'m tso' tak^ it to bless ; a seat, a place ; tsr^

will not do, isn't the thing; ^ni yuki sacrificial flesh kak^ ts>' ;

tsb^ taky i'm you

tsdf' taki can to reject the oblation of an
undertake this, can you do undutiful son. ''

ill "^ni tso- mat} ^y^. what are j5^- The steps on the east to
you doing? tsd^ tak^ ?'m ?Adm Cm ' • ascend to the hall; steps; land-
tdm' neither salt nor fresh
it's ing where the host receives
— unsatisfactory tsd' mat^ ; his guest at the top of the
wherefore, why ? stairs.

Ton. Dicr. T-1

; ;; '

586 TS'6: rso.

A sort of revising jud^c '^ ;

(6ao) 1V6. judge of appeals; a place 1,^ a

*"where officers meet a com- ;

pany, a class; denotes the'

To take, to hold, to grasp; plural of persons luki ds'd, ;

to manage; to exercise, to the six Boards d'in Us'd and ;

drill expert, used
; to to (yam ds^d, gods and devils; -i

maintain, to restrain one's itx'o, you (.kun ds'd, officers ; ;

self, to moderate one's de- <.T:i'd (Ts'd, a famous general

sires; a purpose, a design, a A.D. 250.

self-imposed rule consistent, ptife Noise, clamor, hubbub an
; ;

principled; ds'o Hn or ^kd\ '7 outcry; to make a din; to

./ \
Ts'au ... .

its'd, to drill troops 7' at ds'd, vocilerate; 5<s o na« wrang-


to see a review tap Js'd, the! ; ling, squabbling: ckukom^ its'd,

triennial review ds^Oich'i, re- noisy as a market; ds'd Us'd
; j

solute, adhering to right ds'o paV a brawl; ^maids'o iyanH,


csam, anxious, careworn. don't deafen people with your

Coarse, uncleaned, dirty,: noise; dd ds'd, rude, rough,
vas rice just thrashed; large,' unmannerly shapi (fan ds'd ;

open, coarse; rude, vulgar,

' hi' panting after an angry
T»'6 boisterous, unpolished; gross, brawl Us'd Us'd '^ck'du ''cKdtt,

indecent, dirty harsh, as a ; a tumult, squalling, as tanka

voice; partially, rudely; ds'di women do ; s'm 'hd Us'd, don't
yau' coarse or fine, as cloth make a noise.
itsb tsnki ii/an, a rough vulgar j|:^ trough, a log channeled i A
man; ds'dHd, rough, unmnn-i out, a manger a vat, a tab for ;

nerly ; (<i'd tc/ti, partly knewj spirits a sort of fruit ; ^nta, ;

it ts'd too' obscene language

; Us'd, a manger; '^t^au Us'd, a

its'd skiks coarse food a grof<s wine vat Us'd <fong, a grog-
; ;

eatvT its'd din, nearly done

; shop '^shui Us'd, an eaves-
; ;

^skoM c/i'o, a large hand; Js'd trough, a horse-trough.

(Sam ifau ki' light, in?lttentive, Ij^ A mill-race, a sluice through
giddy Us'd 'shai taP yung^ il.7 which water runs; a gulf, a

careless in spending money * "gorge a canal to lead on ; ;

tti (tsd, dirty, unwashed. water, to turn a water course ;

The second form also mef»n8 to convey revenue to Peking ;

tu take long leaps as a deer occurs used for the next Us'd
; ;

to take precautions. wan^ to transport grain, to

ifl '^o K^ "Pi ^^ proceed, to take it to the army Us'd iho, ;

-^!^ travel to preserve, to lay up

; the Grand Canal ; its'd waP a
<.tsd tse^ to fade, as flowers. fortified city.
rn To die ; dead ; path to the
a A# A junk, a smack pdki Us'd ;

'2, ,
grave; Us'd loki to pass away, ^3 ^^^
rshiin, 8ea-g:oing junks; its'd
" to di«. ^ tsai, small janks.

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