Irreversible Reaction Kinetics of The Aerobic Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid / Analytical Chemistry Hughes, 1985

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Anal. Chem.

1985, 57,555-558 555

(7) Headridge, J. B.; Riddington. J. M. Scanning Electron Microsc. 1981, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 1982, 4 6 , 1627-1651.
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Irreversible Reaction Kinetics of the Aerobic Oxidation of

Ascorbic Acid
David Emlyn Hughes
Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,' Norwich, New York 13815

Aerobic oxidation of ascorbic acid (AA) is studied at 25, 62, Several mechanistic studies on the oxidation of AA have
75, and 86 'C. The AA is determined by 2,6-dichioroindo- been performed in the last 50 years. An excellent review of
phenol titratlon and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) is deter- the literature of aerobic and catalyzed oxidation is presented
mined simultaneously by continuous-flow derivatlzatlon with by Mushran and Agrawal ( I ) . Definitive kinetic results may
o -phenylenediamine using fluorescence detection. The have been unobtainable for several reasons: (1)the presence
pseudo-first-order, reversible rate constants for the formation of metal ions as impurities in laboratory water sufficient to
of DHA and diketoguionic acid are discussed. The activation catalyze the reaction, (2) the absence of specific methods for
energy for AA degradation and the irreversible pseudo-first- the determination of AA, and (3) the absence of precise and
order rate constant for AA and DHA loss are presented. A sensitive methods for the determination of DHA.
degradation pathway from AA to products without the for- Whereas under anaerobic conditions AA degrades to fur-
mation of DHA is postulated. fural and carbon dioxide, the aerobic mechanistic path is
postulated to be oxidation to DHA followed by hydrolysis (2).

Ascorbic acid (AA) is an unsaturated lactone which is a 0 OH

strong reducing agent. It is converted to dehydroascorbic acid \/
(DHA) according to the reaction
- FI
I /
OH 0 0 CH2OH
dehydroascorbic acid
+ 2Ht + 2e- (1) I
oxalic acid
-I- other species
O=C C-H O=C, C
' 0 1 diketogulonlc acid
I The degradation is apparently a function of at least the
I h20H concentrations of the metal ions present, the pH, and the
available light ( 3 , 4 ) . The different kinetic routes apparently
ascorbic acid dehydroascorbic acid all produce DHA.
The reaction is apparently not reversible and is a function Hence, the oxidation of AA is assumed to occur by the initial
of at least the temperature, pH, and oxygen content of the formation of DHA followed by conversion of that species to
aqueous sample. The autooxidation is strongly catalyzed by diketogulonic acid (DKA) (5). The reactions are apparently
several metal ions, notably Cu(I1) and Fe(II1). pH dependent. In a more recent study, Blaug and Hajratwala
(6) determined the unreacted AA vs. time using the 2,6-di-
chloroindophenol volumetric determination. An apparent
' A Procter & Gamble Company. first-order rate of degradation was achieved at 67 "C and a
0003-2700/85/0357-0555$0 0 1985 American Chemical Society

pH range of 3.5-7.2 a t an ionic strength of 0.4. The authors maintain saturation of the solution with oxygen.
postulated a mechanism in which undissociated AA, mono-
dissociated AA, and a complex formed by the two irreversibly DISCUSSION
formed products. The implicit assumption of existing kinetic schemes is that
Some studies ( 1 ) have been performed using the classical the mechanism of degradation of AA to DHA and DKA is
2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivative of DHA [Roe's (7) products products products
method] which absorbs a t 500-550 nm after treatment with
85% sulfuric acid. The method does determine AA and DHA
but requires a 3-h incubation period. Okamura (8) used a
reduction of DHA with dithiothreitol followed by AA deter- kI
mination by the cup'-dipyridyl method which offers more AA y T- (3)
sensitivity than Roe's method. The classical 2,6-dichloro-
indophenol titration of AA has also been used and is quite characterized by comparatively large rate constants k , , k,,
sensitive to metal ions but lacks specificity in the absence of kz, and k2; k , is assumed to be small; and the paths with rate
a suitable masking agent. Methods relying on ultraviolet constants k , and k4 are not considered. As long as ascorbic
detection are hindered by the sensitivity of the AA ultraviolet acid is the only species determined (as in previous studies),
maximum to pH changes and the very low absorptivity of the rate of disappearance of AA from reversible paths and
DHA. High-pressure liquid chromatographic (HPLC) irreversible paths cannot be distinguished since ( k , + k 3 ) is
methods (9) combine the above difficulties with kinetic the apparent pseudo-first-order rate constant
questions concerning the effects of residence of the species -[AA] = k,[AA] + k,[AA] = (k, + k3)[AA] (4)
in the mobile phase. Several spectrophotometric and titri-
metric procedures are available (10, 1 1 ) for the determination where [AA] = d[AA]/dt and the brackets indicate concen-
of AA including the colorimetric procedure of Schmall mod- tration in bg/mL. With the addition of DHA degradation
ified to use p-nitroaniline (12) where sensitivity is not a concentration-time profiles, the role of the irreversible re-
problem. In this paper, a procedure for simultaneously de- actions of ascorbic acid becomes clearer. If the DHA ap-
termining AA and DHA will be presented. Kinetic data a t pearance rate is lower than the ascorbic acid disappearance
several temperatures will be presented and a mechanism rate, one or more of the kinetic routes with rate constants k,,
k4, or k , must be considered.significant. In the most
proposed. This mechanism suggests that some traditional
vitamin C analyses may require careful interpretation. -
straightforward case, [AA] [DHA], that is, the absolute rate
of disappearance of AA approximates the rate of appearance
EXPERIMENTAL SECTION of DHA and rate constants k,, k,, k,, and k , are small com-
Materials. All reagents used in this study were of an ana- pared with the k l equilibration step.
lytically pure grade. T o test this simple case, the analytically correct form for
Methods. AA was determined by the 2,6-dichloroindophenol the concentrations according to Rodiguin (16) was employed,
volumetric method as modified by Hughes (13) for solutions i.e., for eq 3 with k,, k,, and k , = 0
containing physically and chemically interfering species. The AA
standard solution, maintained at the cited temperatures, was PlPZ
sampled periodically with a 2-mL pipet and titrated immediately. Co = [AA] = Co'o'---- +
Simultaneously, the DHA was monitored by continuous-flow YlYZ
analysis. The sample line was combined with a 1mg/mL aqueous
solution of o-phenylenediamine and passed through a delay coil.
The resulting fluorescence due to the condensation product 3-
(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)furo[3,4-b]quinoxalin-l-one was then mea-
sured using a Technicon Autoanalyzer I1 Fluoronephelometer
equipped with a Corning No. 58 secondary filter and a Corning
No. 7-60 primary filter. Continuous flow was provided by a C1 = [DHA] =
Technicon Autoanalyzer proportioning pump. The general me-
thod has been used previously to determine the total vitamin C
content by prior oxidation with Norit (14), n-bromosuccinimide,
and other oxidizing agents. The availability of automated pro-
cedures has made this method more precise (15). However, since Cz = [DKG] =
some problems in the oxidation step have been reported in the
literature, the o-phenylenediamine procedure may not be satis-
k1hZC0(O'-+ e-ylt + e-?*t (7)
Y1Y2 YI(Y1- YZ) Y d Y 2 - Yl)
factory for all determinations of AA. The procedure used here
has proven successful for the determination of DHA. This appears where y1and y2 are the roots of the equation
to be the first time that this reaction scheme for the determination
of DHA alone has been reported in the literature. Five spikes
(100-1000 fig) of DHA to 1 mg/mL ascorbic acid solutions at a
pH of 2.6 and room temperature gave an average recovery of with reversed signs. The rate constants were then determined
101%. DHA standards were linear (RSD f 2 7 0 ) with a correlation on a Hewlett-Packard 3357 with the experimental AA and
coefficient of 0.999 from 100 to 1000 Fg of DHA/mL. DHA concentrations as input. Using Rodiguin's nomenclature,
A. is AA, A , is DHA, A2 is DKA, k-, is PI, and k-? is p2, as
KINETIC STUDY described in eq 3.
Method of Analysis. An accurately weighed quantity of The kinetic data (Figures 1-3 and Table 11) were collected
AA (ca. 50 mg) was dissolved in water equilibrated to the water a t 25 "C and pH 9.0, 62 "C and pH 2.6, 75 "C and pH 2.6,
bath temperature in a 100-mL volumetric flask. The contents and limited data at 86 "C and pH 2.6. The rate constants were
were immediately poured into a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask in calculated assuming this simple mechanism. The results
contact with a water bath thermostated at the desired tem- appear on Table I. The activation energy for the reaction
perature. Two-milliliter aliquots were removed periodically was determined to be 12.0 kcal/mol at a pH 2.6 by the
for titration and a continuous-flow injection line was placed standard Arrhenius plot of log k , vs. 1 / T , where T is the
in the flask to sample the dehydroascorbic acid. The initial absolute temperature. The activation energy is consistent with
pH of the samples was measured. A bubbler was used to the value of 12.2 kcal/mol, pH 3.52, given by Rogers (17).

500 r



0 30 60 90

TiME, MINUTES 0 30 60 90
Flgure 1. Kinetic data for the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydro-
ascorbic acid at 25 "C and pH 9.0: 0 represents ascorbic acid and
0 represents dehydroascorbic acid. Figure 2. Kinetic data for the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydro-
ascorbic acid at 62 "C and pH 2.6: 0 represents ascorbic acid and
0 represents dehydroascorbic acid.
Table I. Rate Constants for the Oxidation of Ascorbic
temp, "C k,, min-' &, min-' k,, min-' &, min-I
62 8X 2X 1X 0
75 1.2 x 10-4 1 x 10-5 7 x 10-5 0
86 3 x 10-4 o 1 x 10-5 0
The exact solution for the mechanism eq 6 with k,, k4, and k , =
0 was utilized. k , and are the forward and reverse rate con-
stants for the AA to DHA conversion and k, and (3, are the forward
and reverse rate constants for the DHA to DKA conversion, re-
spectively. 250 1
Table 11. Concentration Profiles for Ascorbic Acid [AA]
and Dehydroascorbic Acid [DHA] at 86 O C and pH 2.6

time, min [AAI, d m L [DHAI, PLg/mL

10 479 66 _L-_-2-----J

20 440 137 0 30 60 90
30 403 200
40 369 250 TiME, MiNUTES
50 339 261
60 311 324 Figure 3. Kinetic data for the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydro-
70 285 ascorbic acid at 75 "C and pH 2.6: 0 represents ascorbic acid and
80 261 0 represents dehydroascorbic acid.
90 240
In the mathematically simplest form, R is not a function of
Although a reasonable set of rate constants was obtained time and eq 10 becomes
with the reversible reactions mechanism, the computer fit of [AA] + [DHA] = Rt f Ro (11)
DHA-time data was not satisfactory, since the predicted DHA
concentrations were higher than the experimental values. The where Ro is the initial sum of the concentrations of AA and
mechanism was therefore extended to include irreversible DHA. Hence, a graph of ([AA] + [DHA]) vs. time would be
paths to products. expected to be a straight line. For the AA data, the extrap-
If k l and k - , are much larger than the other rate constants olation formula

[AA] + [DHA] = 0 (8) [A] =

to the extent that AA and DHA are lost, then was used since all previous AA degradation studies suggest
that the decomposition may be treated as a first-order reaction.
[AA] + [DHA] = R (9) The sum of [AA] plus [DHA] was then found and the resulting
function plotted vs. time of reaction. After an initial maximum
where R is some "global" rate of formation of products. Note occurring in each case at typically 30-40 min, the ([AA] +
that this rate might itself contain a reversible reaction, e.g., [DHA]) then decreases monotonically with time. Linear re-
DHA might be reversibly converted to DKA and then irre- gression of the data reveals that the relative standard deviation
versibly to products, as in the accepted mechanism. Inte- for the 40- to 90-min data points is 1.4% for 25 "C, 0.81?G
grating with respect to time, eq 9, becomes for 62 "C, 0.41% for 75 "C, and 3.2% for 86 "C. The data
are seen to be linear with an average relative standard de-
[AA] + [DHA] = I R dt (10) viation of 1.5%,which compares well with the expected rel-

T a b l e 111. R a t e C o n s t a n t s k, and k4 for the I r r e v e r s i b l e Loss of A s c o r b i c A c i d [ A A ] a n d D e h y d r o a s c o r b i c A c i d [DHA] by

Equation 3

temp, slope, intercept, A([AAl + [DHAl)/

"C PH unitless !.G/mL A t , fig mL-' min-' k,, min-' k,, min-'
25 9.0 -0.852 436 --0.785 1.8 x 10-3 1.5 x 10-3
62 2.6 -1.03 544 -0.201 3.7 x 10-4 3.8 x 10-4
75 2.6 -0.489 351 -0.772 2.2 x 10-3 1.1 x 10-3
86" 2.6 -0.444 300 -0.840 2.8 x 10-3 1.2 x 10-3
a Limited data a t this temperature.

ative standard deviation of f3-5% due to instrumental im- some other species. Vitamin C assays ( 1 4 , 15) which rely on
precision. the quantitative oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic
If we now consider eq 3 with k 2 and k-, = 0, Le., two irre- acid may be affected. Assays of this type require careful
versible paths evaluation since the AA to DHA concentration ratio in samples
-[AA] = + k3)[AA] k-,[DHA]
(121 - (13)
is not under the control of the analyst. Hence, such a method
may perform well with AA standards and samples that contain
-[DHA] = (k-1 + k,)[DHA] - k,[AA] (14) a high percent of total vitamin C in the AA form. Assays of
predominately DHA samples may yield erroneous results.
combining eq 13 and 14 With real samples, the analyst is not aware of the AA-to-DHA
-([AA] = [DHA]) = k,[AA] + k,[DHA] (15) concentration ratio and is therefore unable to evaluate the
results correctly. The irreversible paths involving the com-
and hence bined AA and DHA pool are of biological interest since only
k4 [AA] + [DHA] AA and DHA show antiscorbutic activity. Hence, if there are
significant irreversible paths from AA and DHA to products,
[AA] = - -[DHA] - (16)
k3 k3 the "total vitamin C", or sum of the AA and DHA, will de-
A([AA] + [DHA])/At is a constant in the range t 2 40 min, crease markedly with time. If the oxidation of AA may be
hence eq 16 takes the form envisioned as solely the conversion to DHA, the total vitamin
C activity will be maintained.
[AA] = m[DHA] +b (17) An irreversible path from AA to products without inter-
where m = -k,/k3 and b = A([AA] + [DHA])/k3At. A graph mediate DHA formation has a significant effect on the in-
of the AA concentration vs. DHA concentration allows the terpretation of the kinetics of the oxidative mechanism and
calculation of irreversible rate constants k, and k,. Table I11 analytical methods that rely on quantitative conversion.
summarizes results of the calculations for k3 and k,. Rate LITERATURE CITED
constants k , and k., represent total first-order loss of AA and (1) Mushran, S. P.; Agrawal, M. C. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 1977, 36 (6), 274.
DHA. Rate constant k 3 represents the loss of AA by a (2) Connors. Kenneth A.; Amidon, Gordon L.; Kennon, Lloyd "Chemical
Stability of Pharmaceuticals"; Wiley: New York, 1979; p 138.
mechanism that does not have DHA as an intermediate. (3) Czuros. Z.; Petro, J. Acta Chim. Acad. Sci. Hung. 1955, 7 , 199.
Although the kinetic data presented here fit reasonably well (4) Rao, B. S. N. Radiat. Res. 1962, 77,683.
with the accepted AA-to-DHA-to-DKA mechanism (eq 6-9), (5) Grochmalicka. J. Zesz. f r o b / . Postepow Nauk R o h . 1965, 53, 57;
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further analysis presented here suggests that an irreversible (6) Blaug, S. M.; Hajratwala, H. J. fharm. Sci. 1972, 61 (4), 556.
path from AA to products appears to exist. The rate constant (7) Roe, J. H.; Kuether, C. A . J . Biol. Chem. 1943, 774,399.
(8) Okamura, M. Clin. Chim. Acta 1980, 703.259.
k, appears to be large enough that it may be possible to (9) Rose, R. C.; Narhwold, D. L. Anal. Biochern. 1981, 774,140.
degrade measurable amounts of AA without any DHA being (IO) Pandey, N. J. Anal. Chem. 1982, 54,793.
formed. The concept that AA may react significantly with (11) Verma, K. K.; Glutai, A. K. Anal. Chem. 1980, 52. 2336.
(12) Weeks, C. A.; Deutsch. M. J. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 1965, 48,
several species is not new; in fact, Rogers (17) postulated 1245.
reaction with monodissociated AA, ascorbate ions and a (13) Hughes, David Emlyn J. Pharm. Sci. 1983, 72,126.
(14) Deutsch, M. J.; Weeks, Cora E. J . Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 1965,
monodissociated AA-AA complex and presented rate con- 48, 1248.
stants for the processes. The presence of an irreversible path (15) Roy, R. E.; Conetta, A.; Salpeter, J. J. ASSOC.Off. Anal. Chem.
from ascorbic acid to products without intermediate DHA 1976, 59, 1244.
(16) Rodiguin, N. M.; Rodiguina, E. N. "Consecutive Chemical Reactions";
formations requires some examination of accepted analytical Van Nostrand: Princeton, NJ, 1964: p 42.
methodology. Vitamin C assays in which the AA is oxidized (17) Rogers, A. R.; Yacomeni, J. A. J. fharm. fharmacol. 1971, 23. 218.
titrimetrically, e.g., by the classical 2,6-dichloroindophenol (13)
procedure, are unaffected by the mechanistic details since RECEIVED for review July 30, 1984. Resubmitted November
these assays only require that the AA present be oxidized to 5 , 1984. Accepted November 16, 1984.

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