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BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 67, 1211–1217 (2002)

Decidual Lymphocytes of Human Spontaneous Abortions Induce Apoptosis

but Not Necrosis in JEG-3 Extravillous Trophoblast Cells1

Enrique G. Olivares,2,3 Raquel Muñoz,3 Germán Tejerizo,3 Marı́a José Montes,3 Francisca Gómez-Molina,4
and Ana Clara Abadı́a-Molina3
Unidad de Inmunologı́a, Departamento de Bioquı́mica y Biologı́a Molecular,3 Departamento de Obstetricia
y Ginecologı́a,4 Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Granada, E-18012 Granada, Spain

ABSTRACT cells [1]. Thus far, the functions of these decidual lympho-
cytes remain unknown. They may play a role in local de-
The human decidua contains an unusually high proportion of fense against infection; some authors propose that they also
lymphocytes, mainly NK and T cells, which are potentially cy- exert nonimmune functions involving fetal sustenance [2].
totoxic to the trophoblast when they are stimulated with certain
cytokines. Given the high incidence of spontaneous abortion in
Decidual lymphocytes, however, have been shown to be
humans and other species, our working hypothesis is that de-
potentially cytotoxic for the trophoblast [3, 4]. It is there-
cidual lymphocytes are involved in immunological mechanisms fore highly paradoxical that in normal pregnancy these cells
that attack the trophoblast and induce abortion when any ges- accumulate in the decidua, where under normal conditions,
tational problem arises. To test this hypothesis, flow cytometry cytotoxicity should be overridden in favor of maternal tol-
was used to compare decidual lymphocyte populations in first- erance.
trimester spontaneous abortions and elective terminations of Although pregnancy has been considered as an example
first-trimester pregnancy. We found significantly higher propor- of semiallogeneic graft acceptance, this graft is not always
tions of decidual lymphocytes that expressed activation markers, successful because between one-third and one-half of all
and of T cells (mainly T helper cells) in spontaneous abortions human conceptions fail to progress [5]. There is increasing
than in elective terminations of pregnancy. Decidual lympho- evidence that the immune system participates in the mech-
cytes from spontaneous abortion, like decidual lymphocytes anism of fetal elimination during spontaneous abortion [6–
from elective termination of pregnancy and peripheral blood 8]. In mice and humans, normal pregnancy is related to the
lymphocytes, were however, unable to lyse the JEG-3 extravil- local and peripheral production of Th2 cytokines [9, 10],
lous cytotrophoblast cell line in a 51Cr-release assay. Neverthe- whereas abortion is associated with Th1 cytokine produc-
less, decidual lymphocytes from spontaneous abortion, unlike tion [10, 11] or with a decrease in Th2 cytokines [12].
decidual lymphocytes from elective termination of pregnancy Recent findings in mice have shown that maternal T cells
and peripheral blood lymphocytes, induced apoptosis in JEG-3 tend to reject the semiallogeneic embryo, although under
cells as determined by DNA fragment-release assay. Hematox- normal conditions this rejection is inhibited by catabolism
ylin and eosin staining showed a significantly higher proportion of tryptophan by the conceptus [7], by clonal deletion of
of apoptotic JEG-3 cells when these cells were treated with de-
cidual lymphocytes from spontaneous abortion than when JEG-
fetal-reactive maternal T cells [13], and by the production
3 cells were cultured with decidual lymphocytes from elective
of Th2 cytokines [9]. Moreover, human trophoblast ex-
termination of pregnancy. The ultrastructural signs of apoptosis presses HLA-G, a nonclassical human leukocyte antigen
were confirmed by electron microscopy. These data support the (HLA) class I molecule that binds the inhibitory receptors
hypothesis that activated decidual lymphocytes participate in of cytotoxicity. The high expression of these receptors by
human spontaneous abortion by inducing apoptosis but not ne- normal decidual NK cells [14], and also probably by T cells
crosis of the trophoblast. [15], leads to the protection of the trophoblast against cell
cytolysis [14].
apoptosis, decidua, immunology, pregnancy, trophoblast These previous findings suggest that decidual T and NK
lymphocytes are prone to attack the trophoblast, and prob-
INTRODUCTION ably do so during spontaneous abortion, although their cy-
tocidal activity is down-regulated by different mechanisms
The decidua is the maternal tissue in closest contact with during normal pregnancy [7, 9, 13]. To investigate the par-
the fetal trophoblast. Immunological interrelations between ticipation of the immune system in human spontaneous
the mother and fetus during pregnancy are believed to take abortion, we compared the lymphocyte populations of de-
place in this tissue. In normal human decidua or endome- cidua and cytotoxic activity of these lymphocytes against
trium (the nongestating tissue counterpart), an unusually the trophoblast in human spontaneous abortion and elective
high proportion of leukocytes, including macrophages and termination of pregnancy (ETP).
lymphocytes, are detected throughout pregnancy and men-
strual cycles. In early human decidua most lymphocytes are
CD561CD162 NK cells, and a smaller proportion are T MATERIALS AND METHODS
Supported by grants from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la
Seguridad Social (Spanish Ministry of Health). Fifty-three samples from first-trimester spontaneous abortion (in wom-
Correspondence: FAX: 34958249015; e-mail:
en aged 21–32 yr; gestational age, 8 wk 6 10 days) were collected at the
Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecologı́a, Hospital Universitario San
Cecilio, Granada. Anembryonic pregnancies or fetal death was confirmed
Received: 22 June 2001. by ultrasonography. Fifty-five specimens from ETP (age range, 23–35 yr;
First decision: 11 July 2001. gestational age, 8 wk 2 days 6 7 days) were obtained at the Clı́nica El
Accepted: 17 May 2002. Sur (Málaga) and Gineclı́nica (Granada). Samples were collected by vag-
Q 2002 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Inc. inal curettage; in spontaneous abortion, curettage was carried out within
ISSN: 0006-3363. 24 h after diagnosis. None of the abortions was pharmacologically in-


TABLE 1. Monoclonal antibodies used.

Antibody Specificity Clone isotype Labeled witha Obtained fromb
Isotype control — — IgG1 FITC or PE Sigma
Isotype control — — IgG2a FITC or PE Sigma
Isotype control — — IgG2b FITC or PE Sigma
Isotype control — — IgM FITC Sigma
Anti-TCRab TCRab WT31 IgG1 FITC BD
Anti-TCRgd TCRgd 11F2 IgG1 FITC BD
Leu-2a CD8 SK1 IgG1 PE BD
CD56 CD56 NK1-nb11 IgG1 PE CALTAG
OKT26a CD25 OKT26a IgG2a FITC OD
Leu-17 CD38 EBVCS-5 IgG1 PE BD
Leu-23 CD69 HB-7 IgG1 PE BD
a FITC, Fluorescein isothiocyanate (green); PE, phycoerythrin (red).
b OD, Ortho-Diagnostic System, Raritan, NJ; BD, Beckton-Dickinson, Erembodegem-Aalst, Belgium; CALTAG, San Francisco, CA.

duced. Both groups received the same exclusionary criteria: women re- FCS, and cells were used as targets when they were in the log phase of
ceiving any medication or with infectious, autoimmune, or other systemic growth.
or local diseases, were excluded. Informed consent was obtained from
each patient. Blood progesterone from patients with spontaneous abortion
was quantified with a commercial enzyme immunoassay (Boehringer-
Culture of Lymphocytes with Interleukin-2
Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany). This research was approved by the eth- Decidual lymphocytes or PBLs were cultured for 4 days in complete
ics committee of the Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada. medium containing 100 U/ml of interleukin-2 (IL-2; Sigma). After this
period of incubation, cells were washed and suspended in complete culture
medium for cytotoxicity studies.
Extraction of Decidual Lymphocytes
Samples of decidua from different patients were not mixed in order to 51
Cr-Release Assay
avoid the induction of allogeneic reaction of leukocytes. The method of
extraction has been described elsewhere [16]. Briefly, samples from de- JEG-3 cells were removed from the flask with 0.05% trypsin/0.02%
cidua of spontaneous abortion or ETP were thoroughly washed in PBS. EDTA, washed, and suspended in complete culture medium. Cells (2 3
Decidual fragments were finely minced in a small volume of RPMI 1640 104) were added to each well of a 96-well flat-bottomed plate (Becton
(Sigma, St. Louis, MO) and then pushed through a 53-mm sieve (Gallen- Dickinson, San Jose, CA) and left to incubate overnight at 378C in 5%
kamp, Loughborough, U.K.). The resultant cell suspension was washed CO2. The plates were washed twice with medium, and 3 mCi of Na251CrO4
with RPMI and layered on an equivalent volume of Lymphoprep (Flow (Amersham, Buckinghamshire, U.K.) in 35 ml of culture medium was
Laboratories, Hertsfordshire, U.K.) at room temperature, and centrifuged added to each well. After overnight labeling in a moist atmosphere of 5%
for 20 min at 600 3 g. The cells were collected from the interface, sus- CO2 at 378C, the cells were washed three times, and then 100 ml of com-
pended in RPMI, and washed. The cells were then suspended in complete plete culture medium was added. Effector cells from decidua or PBLs were
culture medium (RPMI 1640, 10% fetal calf serum [FCS], 100 U/ml pen- added in a volume of 100 ml of culture medium to obtain different effector:
icillin, and 50 g/ml gentamicin), and incubated for 2 h at 378C in an target ratios. After 5 h of incubation at 378C, 100 ml of supernatant was
atmosphere of 5% CO2 to allow adherent cells to attach to the plastic. The removed from each well and counted with a gamma counter. Percentage
supernatant containing decidual lymphocytes was then collected, and the cytotoxicity was calculated according to the formula
cells were washed and suspended in PBS for flow cytometric analysis. % cytotoxicity 5 [(test cpm 2 spontan. cpm)
Lymphocyte viability was microscopically determined by trypan blue ex-
clusion. Only samples with more than 90% viable lymphocytes were used. 4 (max. cpm 2 spontan. cpm)] 3 100.
To obtain peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), blood samples were
This and the following experiments were carried out in triplicate.
taken from healthy volunteers. We diluted each sample in the same volume
of 0.25% PBS-EDTA, and centrifuged them on Lymphoprep. Thereafter,
we followed the same steps that we used for decidual lymphocytes. DNA Fragment Assay
To investigate the induction of apoptosis in target cells we studied
Flow Cytometry DNA fragmentation as an early sign of this phenomenon. One hundred
microliters of complete medium containing 2 3 104 JEG-3 cells was added
One hundred microliters of a suspension of 1 3 106/ml of decidual to each well of a 96-well flat-bottomed plate. Then, 0.5 mCi of [3H]thy-
lymphocytes in PBS was incubated with 10 or 20 ml of the appropriate midine ([3H]TdR; Amersham) was added per well, and the plates were
monoclonal antibody (Table 1) for 30 min at 48C in the dark. Cells were incubated overnight at 378C in 5% CO2. The supernantants were discarded
washed, suspended in 1 ml of PBS, and immediately analyzed in a flow and 100 ml of complete culture medium was added. Different amounts of
cytometer (Ortho Cytoron Absolute; Ortho Diagnostic Systems). To iden- effector cells from decidua or PBLs were added in a volume of 100 ml of
tify dead cells we incubated lymphocytes with propidium iodide (Sigma). culture medium to obtain different effector:target ratios, as shown in the
Although the isolated cells were mostly lymphocytes, cells were studied figures. After 5 h of incubation at 378C in 5% CO2, the plates were cen-
in the electrically gated lymphocyte cluster. The percentage of cells that trifuged at 400 3 g for 10 min, and supernatants were replaced with 200
were antibody-positive was calculated by comparing then with the appro- ml of hypotonic lysing buffer (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA pH 7.5) con-
priate isotype control. taining 0.2% Triton X-100. Twenty-five microliters of supernatant was
carefully removed from each well and counted in a b-scintillation counter.
Cell Line Wells with target cells and no effectors were used to determine sponta-
neous release (spontan. cpm). A solution of 0.1% SDS was used as a
JEG-3, an extravillous trophoblast (EVT) choriocarcinoma cell line, positive control for DNA fragmentation. To determine maximal cpm (max.
was maintained in complete culture medium RPMI 1640 containing 5% cpm), wells with target cells and no effectors were harvested onto glass

fiber filters using a cell harvester (Skatron Instruments AS, Lier, Norway)
and counted in a b-scintillation counter. The results were expressed ac-
cording to the formula
% fragmented DNA 5 [(test cpm 2 spntan. cpm)
4 (max cpm 2 spontan. cpm)] 3 100.
Our [3H]TdR-release assay was based on the methods described of
Matzinger [17] and Duke et al. [18]. As in the Matzinger test [17], we
carried out the assay in a microtiter plate format; however, as in classical
DNA fragment assays [18], radioactivity was measured directly in the
supernatant after centrifugation. The direct measurement of DNA frag-
ments makes the assay more sensitive.

Light Microscopy
Fifty thousand JEG-3 cells were cultured on a Lab-Tek chamber slide
system (Nalge Nunc International, Naperville, IL) and allowed to attach;
the slide was then washed with PBS, and 1.5 3 106 decidual lymphocytes
in 500 ml of culture medium was added. After 5 h of incubation at 378C
in 5% CO2, the slide was washed with PBS, fixed with methanol, stained
with hematoxylin and eosin, and then mounted under coverslips with di-
butyl phthalate xylene mountant for microscopy. Each preparation was
examined at a magnification of 10003 oil immersion with a 1003 objec-
tive lens and a 103 eyepiece. JEG-3 cells were much larger than lym-
phocytes, therefore, the two types of cell were easily distinguished. Apo-
ptotic JEG-3 cells were identified by the condensation of nuclear hetero-
chromatin into a crescent apposed to the nuclear membrane, and later into
a single body or multiple-dense bodies. Apoptotic and nonapoptotic JEG-
3 cells were counted and the results were expressed as percentages of
apoptotic JEG-3 cells.

Transmission Electron Microscopy

For transmission electron microscopy, we cultured decidual lympho-
cytes with JEG-3 cells on a slide as we did for light microscopy. The
preparation was fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate/
0.1% sucrose buffer. Cells were washed in the same buffer and postfixed
in 2% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated through a graded acetone series, and
embedded in Epon 812. Thin sections were cut on a Reichert-Jung Ultracut
E ultramicrotome (Vienna, Austria), stained with lead citrate, and visual-
ized and photographed in a transmission electron microscope (10C; Carl
Zeiss, Inc., Oberkochen, Germany). Apoptotic cells were identified mainly
by the nuclear alterations described in the previous section of light mi-
croscopy, and by the formation of apoptotic bodies. We also confirmed FIG. 1. Comparison of the proportions of decidual lymphocytes from
the integrity of the plasma membrane. elective termination of pregnancy (white; n 5 25) and spontaneous abor-
tion (black; n 5 25) by flow cytometry analysis. Results are shown as
means 6 SD. *P , 0.05; **P , 0.01; ***P , 0.005; ****P , 0.001;
Statistical Analysis *****P , 0.00005.
Proportions of decidual lymphocytes and percentages of apoptotic cells
were compared with the Student t-test. A P value of , 0.05 was consid-
ered statistically significant.
cytes. Decidual lymphocytes from spontaneous abortion
RESULTS seemed to be activated because the percentages of lympho-
cytes expressing the activation markers CD25, CD38, and
Lymphocyte Populations of Decidua from First-Trimester CD69 were elevated in spontaneous abortion. Populations
ETP and Spontaneous Abortion of activated T cells (CD31CD251 and CD41CD691) and
Figure 1 shows the comparison between the lymphocyte probably activated NK cells (CD56 1 CD25 1 and
populations from spontaneous abortion deciduas and pre- CD561HLA-DR1) were significantly higher in spontane-
sumed normal deciduas (i.e., ETP). No significant differ- ous abortion. A small population of CD561TCRab1 cells,
ences were found between the two types of decidua in the which may correspond to natural T (NT) cells [19] was also
population of CD201 B cells or in the NK populations of significantly elevated in spontaneous abortion in compari-
CD561, CD161, CD561CD161, CD561CD162 and son with ETP.
CD56 1 CD8 1 lymphocytes. However, the number of We did not observe significant differences between em-
CD31, TCRab1, and CD31TCRab1 T cells were sig- bryonic and anembryonic pregnancies in the lymphocyte
nificantly higher in spontaneous abortion. This increase was populations of spontaneous abortion deciduas (not shown),
determined mainly by T helper cells, as CD41 lympho- suggesting that the presence or absence of embryo is not a
cytes were also significantly elevated in spontaneous abor- determining factor in the variations in decidual lymphocyte
tion compared with those in ETP. CD81 lymphocytes proportions. Although serum levels of progesterone were
(CD31CD81 or CD81TCRab) also appeared to contrib- significantly lower in patients that had spontaneous abortion
ute to the increase in decidual T lymphocytes in sponta- (10.3 6 10.4 ng/ml) than in ETP (26.7 6 6.2 ng/ml) (P ,
neous abortion, although the differences in the proportions 0.01), we did not find any correlation between these levels
of these populations were not statistically significant. We and the proportions of spontaneous abortion decidual lym-
found no differences in the populations of Tgd lympho- phocytes (not shown).

FIG. 2. Two representative experiments

of seven 51Cr-release assays of the lytic ac-
tivity against JEG-3 cells of decidual lym-
phocytes from spontaneous abortion
(v—v), elective termination of pregnancy
(m—m), elective termination of pregnancy
stimulated with IL-2 (n—n), peripheral
blood lymphocytes (m—m), and peripher-
al blood lymphocytes stimulated with IL-2
(□—□). Results are shown as means 6

Cytotoxicity of Decidual Lymphocytes from ETP interacted with JEG-3 cells (Fig. 5, B–E). Some of the JEG-
and Spontaneous Abortion Against Extravillous 3 cells exhibited clear signs of apoptosis, although their
Cytotrophoblast JEG-3 Cells plasma membrane remained intact (Fig. 5, D–F): conden-
sation and shrinkage of nuclear material, chromatin aggre-
Neither decidual lymphocytes from ETP, spontaneous gation, pyknosis of the nuclei (Fig. 5, E and F), compacted
abortion, nor PBLs showed spontaneous cytotoxicity cytoplasm containing numerous vacuoles (Fig. 5, D–F), cell
against JEG-3 cells in the 51Cr-release assay (which iden- blebbing, and cell fragmentation with the formation of ap-
tifies necrosis). These target cells were, however, lysed optotic bodies (Fig. 5E). No signs of necrosis were evi-
when the lymphocytes were previously stimulated with IL- denced.
2 (Fig. 2). Decidual lymphocytes from spontaneous abor-
tion, but not PBLs or decidual lymphocytes from ETP,
spontaneously induced apoptosis in JEG-3 cells, as deter- DISCUSSION
mined by the DNA fragment assay (Fig. 3). The high rate of pregnancy loss in humans [5] suggests
the existence of selective mechanisms that stop gestation
Quantification of Apoptotic JEG-3 Cells Treated when conditions are less than optimal. Experimental evi-
with Decidual Lymphocytes from ETP dence [6–8, 10–12] has shown that the maternal immune
and Spontaneous Abortion system is involved in the elimination of the fetus. Our re-
JEG-3 cells cultured with decidual lymphocytes from ei- sults, in which we show that populations of T lymphocytes
ther ETP or spontaneous abortion were stained with he- are increased in spontaneous abortion decidua (Fig. 1), and
matoxylin and eosin, and the proportions of apoptotic JEG- that spontaneous abortion decidual lymphocytes induced
3 cells were determined by light microscopy. The propor- apoptosis in the EVT cell line JEG-3 (Figs. 3–5), also sup-
tions of apoptotic cells were significantly higher in the port this view.
preparations of JEG-3 cells cultured with decidual lympho- Although decidual lymphocytes constitutively express
cytes from spontaneous abortion than with those from ETP activation antigens [4, 20], the significant increase in the
(P 5 1.86 3 1025) (Fig. 4). proportions of decidual lymphocytes expressing these an-
tigens (CD25, CD38, and CD69) in spontaneous abortion
Ultrastructure of JEG-3 Cells Treated with Decidual (Fig. 1) further supports that a greater degree of immune
Lymphocytes from ETP and Spontaneous Abortion activation occurs in this situation [21–23]. In mice and hu-
mans, normal pregnancy is related to the local and periph-
JEG-3 cells cultured with decidual lymphocytes from eral production of Th2 cytokines [9, 10], whereas abortion
ETP or spontaneous abortion were observed with electron is associated with Th1 cytokine production [10, 11] or with
microscopy. Most JEG-3 cells showed a normal morphol- a decrease in Th2 cytokines [12]. It is therefore probable
ogy after culture with decidual lymphocytes from ETP (Fig. that the increase in CD41 cells detected by us in sponta-
5A). However, when JEG-3 cells were cultured with decid- neous abortion decidua corresponds to Th1 cells. A small
ual lymphocytes from spontaneous abortion, we detected population of cells with a peculiar phenotype
lymphocytes that sent membrane prolongations to or that (CD561TCRab1) was also significantly higher in spon-

FIG. 3. Two representative experiments

of seven DNA fragment assays of activity
against JEG-3 cells of decidual lympho-
cytes from spontaneous abortion (v—v),
elective termination of pregnancy (m—m),
and peripheral blood lymphocytes
(m—m). Results are shown as means 6

taneous abortion in comparison with ETP (Fig. 1). This

phenotype may correspond to that of CD31CD561 natural
T (NT) cells, detected in human liver, which produce main-
ly Th1 cytokines [19]. In this connection, decidual
CD561TCRab1 cells may also be a source of Th1 cyto-
kines in human spontaneous abortion. It is interesting that
decidual NTs, which secrete Th1 cytokines, have been
shown to be involved in murine abortion [24].
An increase in Th1 cytokines may directly induce cy-
totoxicity or activate cytotoxic cells, which may lead to
destruction of the trophoblast [6]. Although recent results
have shown that human decidual lymphocytes may play a
role in placental detachment during parturition [25], these
lymphocytes from normal pregnancies were unable to spon-
taneously lyse the trophoblast in vitro [4, 16]. Nevertheless,
they became lytic for the trophoblast after stimulation with
IL-2 [3, 4] (Fig. 2). This suggested that decidual lympho- FIG. 4. Percentages of apoptotic JEG-3 cells after culture with decidual
cytes were potentially cytotoxic, although in normal preg- lymphocytes from elective termination of pregnancy (ETP; n 5 14) or with
nancies the preponderance of Th2 cytokines probably decidual lymphocytes from spontaneous abortion (SAB; n 5 14). The re-
blocks Th1 cells, and hence inhibits cytotoxicity against the sults were determined by hematoxylin and eosin staining and light mi-
trophoblast [6, 9]. On the contrary, in spontaneous abortion croscopy and were expressed as means 6 SD.
we expected Th1-activated decidual lymphocytes to lyse
trophoblast cells. Nevertheless, we found that neither the results and those of Kokawa et al. [26] suggest that during
decidual lymphocytes of spontaneous abortion nor those of spontaneous abortion, this physiological mechanism of con-
ETP or PBLs could lyse the JEG-3 EVT cell line in the trol is more intensely activated, leading to a more extensive
51Cr-release assay. On the other hand, decidual lympho-
destruction of the trophoblast by apoptosis, which results
cytes of spontaneous abortion, unlike decidual lymphocytes in the end of pregnancy. The mechanism by which apopto-
of ETP or PBLs, spontaneously induced DNA fragment sis is induced in the trophoblast remains to be determined.
release in JEG-3 (Fig. 3). In this connection, using histo- Th1 cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor are directly
logical methods, we confirmed the incidence of a signifi- cytotoxic to the trophoblast [30]; decidual lymphocytes
cantly higher proportion of JEG-3 cells showing morpho- such as NK and CD81 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs)
logical signs of apoptosis, but not of necrosis, when these may also be activated by Th1 cytokines. In fact, the small
cells were cultured with decidual lymphocytes from spon- CD561 CD251 and CD561 HLA-DR1 subpopulations
taneous abortion (Figs. 4 and 5). that are significantly higher in spontaneous abortion decid-
These data show that decidual lymphocytes of sponta- ua in comparison with ETP (Fig. 1) may correspond to
neous abortion induce apoptosis, but not necrosis, in the activated NK cells, which may also contribute to tropho-
EVT. Our results are consistent with those of Kokawa et blast elimination. Furthermore, the expression of killer in-
al. [26], who also detected (by molecular biochemical tech- hibitory receptors (KIRs) by decidual NK cells, which in
niques) an increase in low molecular weight DNA frag- normal pregnancies is high [14], is reduced in human spon-
ments in the trophoblast of spontaneous abortion in com- taneous abortion. This probably leads to the disinhibition
parison with ETP. Kokawa et al. [26] observed a limited of cell cytotoxicity against the trophoblast [22].
but detectable cleavage of DNA in the trophoblast of nor- Most spontaneous abortions occur because of chromo-
mal pregnancies. We also detected a proportion of JEG-3 somal abnormalities in the embryo. The mechanism that
cells with signs of apoptosis (2.96 6 1.73) when these cells links this (or any) nonimmunological cause to the immune
were cultured with decidual lymphocytes from ETP (Fig. response of the decidua against the trophoblast remains to
4). Nevertheless, we observed no activity in the DNA frag- be elucidated. We have found that the presence of an em-
ment assay when decidual lymphocytes of ETP were used bryo does not appear to be an important factor in the im-
as effectors against JEG-3 cells (Fig. 3). This apparent dis- mune response because in our study there was no signifi-
crepancy may be attributable to the fact that the incidence cant difference in the proportions of decidual lymphocytes
of spontaneous [3H]TdR release by JEG-3 cells during this between embryonic and anembryonic spontaneous abortion
assay might have interfered with the detection of the DNA (not shown). Progesterone up-regulates the production of
fragments induced by the decidual lymphocytes from ETP. Th2 cytokines by lymphocytes [31], inhibits the production
Several authors [27, 28] who used hematoxylin and eo- of Th1 cytokines [32], and appears to down-regulate CTL
sin staining have also reported apoptosis in trophoblast activity in the uterus [33]. In our cases of spontaneous abor-
from normal pregnancies. Our percentages for ETP were tion, we observed a significant decrease in progesterone
much higher than those reported by Smith et al. [27], and concentration in peripheral blood from patients who had
higher than but close to those of Chan et al. [28]. The undergone spontaneous abortion. The reduced secretion of
differences are probably because we used an in vitro system progesterone may trigger a Th1 response, which in turn,
with an EVT cell line, whereas those authors determined would activate cytotoxicity against the trophoblast. Never-
apoptosis in sections of placenta. Nevertheless, other au- theless, we found no correlation between the serum con-
thors who used the in situ DNA ligation method reported centrations of progesterone and any of the proportions of
proportions higher than ours in first-trimester normal pla- decidual lymphocytes in spontaneous abortion (not shown).
centa [29]. The incidence of apoptosis during normal preg- It is probable that local rather than peripheral concentra-
nancy suggests that apoptosis is a physiological mechanism tions of progesterone correlate better with these propor-
by which excessive trophoblast expansion is controlled by tions.
decidual lymphocytes during normal pregnancies [29]. Our The Th1-Th2 balance appears to be a physiological

FIG. 5. Ultrastructural changes in JEG-3

cells after interaction with decidual lym-
phocytes from elective termination of
pregnancy (A, n 5 5) or with decidual
lymphocytes from spontaneous abortion
(B–F, n 5 5). A JEG-3 cell with a normal
morphology (A). Decidual lymphocytes
sending out membrane prolongations (B)
or interacting with JEG-3 cells (C and D).
JEG-3 cells showing typical apoptotic mor-
phology: apoptotic bodies (arrows in E)
and condensed chromatin with an intact
plasma membrane (E and F). Original
magnifications: 33400 (A), 35000 (B),
36300 (C and D), 34000 (E), and 34800

mechanism that may lead either to Th2 cytokine production to Dr. A. Caño from Servicio de Obstetricia y Ginecologı́a del Hospital
and successful pregnancy or Th1 cytokine production and Universitario San Cecilio de Granada for providing us with decidual spec-
imens. We thank K. Shashok for improving the manuscript, Dr. Pepi León
spontaneous abortion [6]. It seems that decidual lympho- for her skillful help with the figures, and Dr. Antonio Rios for his help
cytes are always prone to kill the trophoblast, although their with the electron microscopy images.
activity is blocked under normal conditions [7, 9, 10, 12–
15]. Maternal immune activity against the trophoblast may REFERENCES
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