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A Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences,

University of Northern Philippines

Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science


Jerlyn Aloha Babes Igne

Chapter I



In many developing countries around the world, including the Philippines, a

paradigm of inclusive growth is procuring key agenda. This is with the end view of

achieving a significant reduction of poverty or even eliminate it.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), has posited that inclusive growth is

anchored on three pillars, namely: a) economic growth which can be created by

generating full and productive employment, b) access to economic opportunities that

could broaden by providing mechanisms for capability enhancement and, c)

minimum well-being which can be ensured by providing social protection, (ADB


In the Philippines, tackling the worsening poverty situation is one of the

current government’s main anchors, along with governance. Good governance is the

main instrument in fighting poverty. Poverty report showed that in 2012, some

25.2% of Filipinos or 23.7 million people were poor. Confronted with these findings

on poverty, the government was moved to adopt a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT)

program which was renamed as Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).

The 4P’s is a human development measure of the Philippine government that

provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor under the Department of

Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). This program aims to eradicate extreme

poverty in the Philippines by investing in health, nutrition, and education.

The program focuses on two objectives namely: a) Social assistance which

provides cash assistance to address the short-term financial needs of extremely poor
families and b) Social development in breaking intergenerational poverty cycle by

investing in health and education of children, (DSWD).

The 4Ps traces its roots from the Conditional Cash Transfer Program (CCT),

which was first designed and implemented in Latin America during the 90’s. In

Mexico, CCT program was named as Mexico’s Progresa. It had two primary goals,

to improve child education, healthcare, and to transfer resources to the country’s

poor. After two years of implementation in 1999, Mexico conducted an evaluation

on CCT’s impact using scientific and quantitative methods. It was found out that the

program is successful in the accumulation of human capital and reduction in poverty

and inequality. In 2003, Brazil chose to prioritize goals over human capital

development by implementing CCT program named as Brazil’s “Bolsa Familia”

(Family Allowance), the largest conditional cash transfer program in terms of

beneficiaries serving over 11 million people. Again, another impact evaluation was

made in Brazil and was proven with favorable results, the same with the experience

of Mexico, (Rowling and Rubio 2003).

From the Latin America, successful experience of CCTs program is paved the

way across the countries around the world to adopt such program as a mechanism in

reducing poverty which many nations experience. These are the countries under

implementation of CCT programs. Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Honduras,

Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru in Latin America, Cambodia, Indonesia,

Philippines in East Asia, Bangladesh, Pakistan in South Asia, Turkey, Macedonia,

Kazakhstan in Europe, and Central Asia, Ethiopia, Malawi, Morocco, South Africa,

and Africa, and even in higher income countries such as United Kingdom and United

It was during the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo that

the national government created a localized version of CCT known as Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s) patterned after Latin America and African

countries version of CCT. The adoption of this program is pursuant to the

constitutional mandate of promoting social justice. The objectives of the program are

to improve preventive health care among pregnant women and young children, to

increase the enrollment and attendance rate of children in school, to reduce the

incidence of child labor, to raise the average consumption rate in food expenditure of

poor households, and to encourage parents to invest in their children’s human capital

through investments in their health and nutrition, education, and participation in

community activities.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program also helps the Philippine

government fulfill its commitment to the United Nations Millennium Development

Goals, (MDGs) along: a) eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, b) achieving

universal primary education, c) promoting gender equality, d) reducing child

mortality rate, and e) improving maternal health care. Furthermore, it also promotes

and supports the Philippine commitment to the UN Convention of the Rights of the

Child, (CRC) through provision of health, education, and other services as basic

rights of children.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program became the flagship project of

Arroyo Administration in Poverty Reduction and Social Development by providing

cash grants to the poorest of the poor families. The Department of Social Welfare

and Development, (DSWD) was assigned to implement the program under the

Executive Order No. 221 of 2003, amending EO No. 15, series of 1998. Said EO,

statute mandates the DSWD to provide assistance to local government units, (LGUs)
non-government organizations, (NGOs) other national government agencies,

(NGAs) people’s organizations, (POs) and other members of civil society in

effectively implementing programs, projects, and services that will alleviate poverty

and empower disadvantaged individuals, families, and communities for an improved

quality of life. (EO No. 221).

The Pantawid Pamilya Joint Memorandum Circulars 2009, signed by the

agencies, articulates the collective and specific responsibilities of each agency in the

implementation of the program. It is an interagency cooperation between the

Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of Education,

Department of Health, Department of the Interior and Local Government, National

Anti-Poverty Commission, Council for the Welfare of Children, National Nutrition

Council, National Economic Development Authority, Department of Budget and

Management, Local Government Units, National Council for Indigenous Peoples,

and Philippine Commission of Women. (4Ps Memo. 2009).

In 2007, the DSWD pre-pilot tested in the municipalities of Sibagat and

Esperanza in Agusan, Del Sur: the municipalities of Lopez Jaena and Bonifacio in

Misamis, Occidental. The Caraga and the cities of Pasay and Caloocan in a P50M

budget. The expansion of the program since 2008 necessitated the government to

secure loans from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, amounting a

total of $805 million to finance the program. (Reyes and Tabuga, 2012)

In 2010, President Benigno Aquino III continued the program and even

enhanced it after months he was elected.

At present, the 4Ps operates in all the 17 regions in the Philippines, covering

79 provinces, 143 cities, and 1,484 municipalities. As of September 30, 2014, the

program has enlisted 4,326,208 households, of which 300,994 in 680 are indigenous
households and 2,201,629 have at least one person with disability, PWD. These

households are also home of 10,941,945 schoolchildren aged 0 to 18. They are

selected through the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction

(NHTSPR), which identifies who and where the poor in our country are. (Official


The Municipality of Sinait, is a 3 rd class municipality in the province of Ilocos

Sur, Philippines. According to the 2020 census, it has a population of 25,998 people.

Sinait has a total land area of 6,740.18 hectares or 67.4018 square kilometers. This

covers forty four (44) barangays; 4 poblacion or urban barangays with an area of

111.10 hectares which constitutes 1.65 % of the town’s area. As of May 7, 2015, the

number of registered household beneficiaries in Region 1 is 26,504, which covers

768 barangays. The municipality of Sinait, out of 5,724 assessed households there

are 707 poor households was identified.

The 4Ps so far is the most comprehensive and also controversial poverty

reduction program of the Philippine government because of the huge amount of

money spent by the government for its implementation. Politics and money

frequently intersect. They interact and affect each other in complex ways. The state

is expected to play a role in shaping the economy. So naturally, state affects and

alters economy, but the economy also affects the state. Today, all the governments

must work to implement some economic policy, but there are no easy answers to

economic issues. Politicians try to fix the economy to get the favorable behaviors of

the citizens in order to satisfy the needs and wants of the people to gain trust from

the populace. The program shows political symbolism in a way that the government

is providing cash grants to the household beneficiaries equipped with conditions to

get the certain behavior the government wants them to be.

The study will be conducted in Sinait in line with the desire of the researcher

to contribute the results and findings of the study for the betterment of the

municipality and as well as the management of 4Ps beneficiaries. The study will aim

to assess how the government utilizes a program as a tool for good government that

is useful for social development and poverty reduction. Significantly, the study is

important to determine the incidental consequences of the program through the

introduction of a new tool in assessing the dimensions of the program.

The data gathered in the study may be used as reference by other future

researchers. Likewise, it can also be used by the other municipalities on its results

which can be used for the improvement of the administration and implementation of

the program.

Statement of the Problem

This study will primarily aim to determine the level of implementation of RA

11310 in Sinait, Ilocos Sur.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age,
b. Sex,
c. Civil Status,
d. Highest Educational Attainment,
e. Main Source of Information
f. Number of Appliances Available
g. Type of Dwelling,
h. Primary Occupation,
i. Number of family members,
j. Number of family members who have a job,
k. Number of children, and
l. Number of children who are studying.
2. What is the level of implementation of the respondents on RA 11310 (Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program Act) in Sinait, Ilocos Sur?

Scope and Delimitation

This portion of the study elaborates the extent of the study principally on

various variables deemed to the significance of this research undertaking.

This study involve the following variables on socio-demographic profile: sex,

age, civil status, occupation, monthly income, highest educational attainment, main

source of information, number of appliances available, type of dwelling, primary

occupation, number of family members, number of family members who have job,

number of children, number of children who are studying and the level of


The primary data gathering method will be used by distributing questionnaire

to determine the level of implementation of RA 11310 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program (4Ps) to the respondents. The research data will be based on the answer of

the sample. The respondents will be the residents in the municipality of Sinait, Ilocos

Review of Related Literature

This section of the study presents several studies which provide background

information of the study and the direction in the conceptualization and conduct of

this research.

A. Conditional Cash Transfer

Conditional cash transfer or also known as CCT is a type of program that transfers

cash to families living in extreme poverty on the condition that the household

beneficiaries will abide by the conditions set by the program (Fiszbein and

Schady,2009). Many countries are implementing CCT programs as a method of social

assistance and poverty reduction tool by improving the social aspects of the society

such as health, education and nutrition. The main principle of the program is the

process of transferring cash subsidies to poor households living in extreme poverty by

providing cash grants in exchange of the beneficiaries complying with the

conditionalities set by the program (Rawling and Briere,2006). Most Conditional

Cash Transfer programs are divided into two factors, (1) education and (2) health or

nutrition. The education element consists of cash grants to be given to students so that

they can go to school starting from daycare up to secondary school. Education subsidy

is focused on children aged 0-18 years old. The second factor of CCT focuses more

on the improvement of health of the mother and the children. The beneficiaries are

given free pre-natal checkups for pregnant women and monthly checkup for the

children. The health and nutrition element are composed of cash grants that are given

to the household ensuring that the beneficiaries should be having nutritional dietary

intake. In the Philippines, there area lotof social protection programs which are

offered by the government to help alleviate people from poverty, improve the

education of the children, increase the health and nutrition of household especially
pregnant women and children aged 0-18 years old. The most known social protection

program is the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program formerly known as Ahon

Pamilyang Pilipino or widely known by the public as 4Ps. It is the most expensive and

generous social protection program of the government (Canare, 2017). 4Ps is

considered as the Philippines’ flagship social assistance program. The Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) of the Philippines has been piloted since 2007 but

its implementation was widely recognized on January 2008.This program aims to

provide monetary assistance for Filipino families who are living in extreme poverty

and for them to achieve a certain human development goals given by the government.

It was influenced by the success of CCT programs in other countries wherein it has

helped millions of people across the world alleviate from poverty by providing cash

grants and educational seminars (Reyes and Tabuga,2012). Since the implementation

of the program, it has already financed transfers to approximately one million

households. The 4Ps program now operates in 17 regions, 79 provinces and 143 cities,

and 1,484 municipalities covering 4,326,208 household beneficiaries. It is currently

the country’s flagship anti-poverty program covering 75% of the whole population of

the Philippines. 4Ps is considered as the 4 th largest CCT program in the world based

on its coverage on population(Arulpragasam et al., 2011;Crostet al.,2014;Montillaet

al.,2015;Quimbo et al.,2015;Reyes et al.,2015; Canare, 2017). 4Ps acts as a lifesaver

for families living in extreme poverty because it provides monetary assistance to help

them finance their immediate needs. The beneficiaries are obliged to follow the

conditions given by the DSWD (Ranario,2012).4Ps help the government achieve the

country’s commitment to meet the Millennium Development Goals, namely: (1)

eliminate extreme poverty and hunger, (2) achieve a universal education in the

primary level, (3) promote gender equality, (4) reduce the death of children under 5
years old, and (5) ameliorate the condition and health of pregnant women(Reyes and

Tabuga, 2012;Ranario, 2012;Montilla et al.,2015). Apart from the program giving

financial support to families living in extreme poverty which they can utilize to

support their immediate needs, 4Ps also give attention to many issues such as the

targeting, monitoring and evaluation of the beneficiaries (“4Ps Concept Paper”,2009)

The 4Ps of the Philippines targets poverty not only by providing cash grants to the

beneficiaries but also by tracing the root cause of poverty and how it can be prevented

for the development of the future. The two main objectives of 4Ps are social

assistance and social development. Social assistance means that the program will

provide cash assistance and monetary support to poor household to help them

alleviate themselves from poverty and meet their basic and immediate needs such as

shelter, food and clothing. The second objective is focused on social development; its

focus is to break the intergenerational poverty cycle through investments in human

capital.(Cabral, 2008;Fiszbein and Schady, 2009;Reyes and Tabuga, 2012;Fernandez

and Velarde, 2012;Chaudhury and Okamura,2012;Ranario,2012;Mapa and

Albis,2013;Reyeset al.,2015;Quimboet al.,2015;Vigilla et al., 2015;Frufonga, 2016).

B. Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries are the ones who will profit from the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program. According to the National Household Targeting System for Poverty

Reduction or also known as NHTS-PR, the beneficiaries are chosen and rigorously

filtered based on their economic status to see who are the eligible and qualified to be

considered as a beneficiary of the program (Tutor,2014). To be able to become an

eligible beneficiary of 4Ps, one must meet the following criteria: First, you should be

a resident of the poorest municipalities, which are based on the 2003 Small Area
Estimates (SAE) of the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). Second,

your household’s economic condition shall be equal or even be lower than the

provincial poverty threshold. Third, at the time of assessment, a household shall have

children belonging to the age group of 0-18 years old and/or have a pregnant woman.

Lastly, a household shall agree to the terms and conditions provided by the program.

(4Ps Concept Paper,2009;Arulpragasamet al.,2011;Fernandez and

Velarde,2012;Reyes and Tabuga,2012;Chaudhuryet al.,2012;Montillaet

al.,2015;Quimboet al.,2015; Reyeset al.,2015). The chosen eligible beneficiaries must

comply with the conditions set by the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. A

beneficiary may only be part of the program for a maximum of 5 years and each

household can only register three children per household. A household cannot re-

apply even if one of the child-beneficiary already reaches legal age.5 years is the

maximum term of each beneficiary because it is hypothetically believed that in a span

of 5 years, a household already knows how to budget financially, learn skills which

they can use to work, and has already adjusted to the norms of the society. However,

the term limit of five years was abolished after Arroyo’s administration because it was

replaced with the rule that the household will still be a beneficiary until the youngest

child-beneficiary reaches legal age which is eighteen years old. The 4Ps head

beneficiary shall be the most responsible adult person in the household which is

preferably and most commonly recognized as the mother of the household (Cabral,

2008;4Ps Concept Paper,2009).A household may only appoint another member of the

family as a head-beneficiary only if the mother is not present (Tutor,2014). Under

some circumstances, a student may also be appointed as the head-beneficiary

(Fiszbein and Schady,2009).The mother is frequently appointed as the head

beneficiary of the program because it is believed that the objective of the mother is
closely in line with the objectives of her children. Transferring the cash grant to the

mothers should presumably lead to a holistic development of her children (Garcia and


C. Subsidy

The subsidy is the money that the beneficiaries are receiving from the program on a

bi-monthly basis. The cash grants are delivered directly to the beneficiary with the

objective of lessening the possible further expenditures on the beneficiaries’ side just

to travel and redeem their monthly cash grant from the program. Originally, the

subsidies were deposited through Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) which is a

government depository bank and caters the withdrawal of the beneficiaries through

the use of Landbank Cash Cards. The beneficiaries can withdraw their subsidy from

the program through LandBank ATM machines with the use of their Landbank Cash

Cards. On the other hand, in some areas wherein there are no available Landbank

ATM machines, 4Ps still finds a way to deliver the subsidy to the beneficiaries in a

convenient manner that is why they are partnering with other service providers as

alternatives such as Globe GCash Remit, local rural banks, local cooperatives, and

other local bnks that are available mostly in provinces (Cabral,2008;4Ps Concept

Paper,2009;Velarde and Acosta,2015). 4Ps is considered as one of the most generous

and most expensive cash transfer programs in the world. About 23% of the

beneficiaries’ income ae being received by the grantees on a bi-monthly basis

(Canare,2017). The beneficiaries must ensure that they strictly follow the

conditionalities set by the program in order or them to receive the subsidy and other

benefits being offered by the program. Some of the conditionalities are: (1) pregnant

women must have regular check-up and they should be attended by a professional in
their labor, (2) 85% of school attendance for the children, (3) monthly attendance in

the family development session, and (4) frequent checkup for children aged 0-5 years


D. Women Empowerment

Since the mother is always considered as the head beneficiary of cash transfer

programs, the mother’s empowerment was greatly highlighted under this project of

the government (Frufonga,2016).In contrary, Molyneux (2007) and Bradshaw (2008)

argued oppositely saying that appointing the mother as the head beneficiary and

giving the cash transfers directly to them may only distract them from their traditional

roles as wives and mothers. Mothers being the head beneficiary may only put more

responsibilities and pressure on their shoulders that is why their empowerment as a

woman under cash transfer program promotes gender inequality and thus resulting to

the destabilization of their development. Molyneux (2007) and Bradshaw (2008),in

accordance with Alzua, Cruces and Ripani (2013), states that the mothers complying

with the conditions provided by the program is time consuming and may only result to

the mother shifting away from the true essence of motherhood which is taking care of

her child/children, husband and managing the household. The “worthiness” of a

mother may also be seen outside the household wherein materialistic programs

organize clubs and associations that support women and children in empowering their

rights and knowing what they should stand for (Dewitt,2003). Both parents are

encouraged to join the monthly developmental session provided by the program.

However, only the participation of the mother as a head beneficiary is mandatory and

required by the program in compliance with their conditions(Tutor, 2014). Attending

developmental sessions and completion of the conditions of the program shall bethe
major responsibility of the beneficiaries and shall be mandatory because it acts as a

basic requirement to the household for the continuity of the subsidy from the

program(4Ps Concept Paper,2009). There has been a huge interest about

empowerment long before it became a common topic on social issues. Women

empowerment specifically is defined by women as a way of having complete and total

control of their lives, involvement in decision making which affects their personality,

home, community, government and having skills which is essential to them as a

woman(Rahman,2013). CCT is widely used in many countries. Some researchers

have already done a research on the effect of CCT to women’s empowerment. Barber

and Gertler (2008)have researched on how Mexico’s conditional cash transfer

program raised pre-natal care quality and birth weight focusing on women’s

empowerment. According to their research, Opportunities (CCT in Mexico) have

greatly affected women by providing them with skills and social support that they

need which empowers the women and increase their self-confidence. Hassan and

Zaky(2014),on the other hand, researched about the effects of CCT on women’s

empowerment in Ain El-Sira, Egypt. Results from his research state that women have

been more inclined to their work and are more unaffected by domestic abuse and

violence since they have knowledge about their rights. Results also proved that after

the implementation of CCT in Egypt, women who are abused by their husbands have

drastically been lessened and decreased. In addition, after the implementation of CCT

in Egypt, women have been more in charged on the decision-making in their own

respective households because her goals are much more aligned to her children than

that of her husband. N Ecuador,on the other hand, their CCT program is called as

Bono Desarrollo Humano, which shows that the program is effective in promoting

gender equality and women’s access to information on healthcare, education and

nutrition of their children. It is now time to look upon the situation here in the

Philippines since it also implements a CCT program and is called the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). Since many researches focused already on the

effects of 4Pson each household, this research paper aims to study if 4Ps is effective

in promoting women’s rights and their empowerment as an individual.

Theoretical Framework

Social Contract Theory is an arrangement between the people and the

government in order to achieve common good for the benefit of all. It is commonly

understood as the surrendering of an individual’s rights to the government by

honoring its authority and in exchange, the government will then provide security and

common welfare, which is advantageous to both the state and the citizens (Laskar,

2013). Rousseau (1762)theorizes that a societies’ political aspect should be divided

into two parts: (1) sovereign and (2) government. The first one should be a sovereign

state composed of the whole population including the women since most of the time

they are being neglected especially on a patriarchal form of government. It should

represent the general will of the people and shall act as the legislative power within

the jurisdiction of the state. The second division of the political aspect focuses more

on the government, wherein it should be separated from the first division. These two

divisions are essential to the state since sovereign cannot take in hand specific matters

such as the making, amending and application of the law which is the primary work of

the government. On the other hand, a government must be separated from the

sovereign body and shall not intervene with it at any cost. Under some circumstances

wherein the government interferes with the sovereignty of the people outside its

jurisdiction, the people have the right to abolish such government and replace it with a
new government. Rousseau also added that the nature of government shall be based

on the size of its territory since a government is equally strong as the citizens, and the

bigger the territory of a state is then the more effort the government must exert over

its citizens in order to keep an orderly and well-managed state.

Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Social Contract Theory may be applied at the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program(4Ps) because the said program is a great example of a

social contract wherein the state provides cash grants to poor household in order to

meet their basic immediate needs.In exchange, the beneficiaries abide by the

conditions set by the program. This theory can also be applied in this research since

the objective of this research is focused on women’s empowerment and Jean Jacque

Rousseau stated in his theory the Talimia & Salagubang unequal treatment of the

society on women. Social Contract Theory can also be applied in this research since

4Ps does not practice the separation of political aspect as proposed by Rousseau in his

Conceptual Framework

To illustrate the study, a research paradigm on the Independent Variables and

Dependent Variables Model was used to determine the level of implementation if

environmental protection and management in Sinait, Ilocos Sur.

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Profile of Respondents Level of implementation of RA

11310 in terms of;
a. Age,
b. Sex, a. Selection of qualified
c. Civil Status, households and criteria
d. Highest Educational for eligibility;
b. Conditional Cash
e. Main Source of
Information Transfer to Beneficiaries;
f. Number of Appliances and
Available c. Mode of Cash Transfer.
g. Type of Dwelling,
h. Primary Occupation,
i. Number of family
j. Number of family
members who have a job,
k. Number of children, and 1: Paradigm of the study
l. Number of children
who are studying.
This research design shows the possible level of implementation of RA 11310 in

Sinait, Ilocos Sur. Personal factors were included like sex, age civil status, highest

educational attainment, main source of information, number of appliances available,

type of dwelling, primary occupation, number of family members, number of family

members who have a job, number of children, and number of children who are

studying. Other considerable factors are selection of qualified beneficiaries and

criteria for eligibility, conditional cash transfer to beneficiaries and mode of cash


Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined as they will be used in this study;
Implementation. It refers to carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan,

process, or any design, concept, model, specification, standard, or policy for doing

something is referred to as implementation. As a result, execution is the action that

must come after some preliminary thought if anything is to happen.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). A conditional cash

transfersprogram that provides incentives for poor families to invest in their future by

ensuringthat mothers and children avail of healthcare and children go to school.

Conditional Cash Transfer Program (CCT). A program implemented

wheremay cash grant is given to eligible beneficiaries given that these beneficiaries

complywith certain conditions such as nutrition, education and family development


Deliberate. Refers to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully it

ischaracterized by awareness of the consequences.

Education. Refers to the action or process of educating or being educated; it is

the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process.

Economic. Relating to a household or its management and it is based on

theproduction, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

Usability. Refers to capable used conveniently and practically.

Poverty. Refers to the state of one who lacks a usual or social acceptable

amount of money or material possessions.

Beneficiary. One who benefits or receives from the program.

Literacy Rate. Refers to the increase of number of individual learns how

toread and write.

Attendance Rate. Refers to the increase of number of students

attending classes.
Parent’s Involvement. Refers to the active engagement of parents in

the activities of their child in and of their home premises.

Dependent Variable. The factor which is observed and measured to

determine the effect of the independent variable. Independent Variable. The one

which is measured , manipulated or selected by the experimenter to determine its

relationship to an observed phenomenon.

Respondents. Refers to individuals involved in a study from whose responses

of data are derived.

Variable. A characteristic that has two or more actually exclusive values or


F- test (Analysis of Variance or ANOVA). Used to test the

significant difference of the means of three or more independent samples. It takes into

account two sources of variations – from the between-group and from the within



This study was premised with the following assumptions:

1. The data gathering instruments will be used in this study are valid and


2. The respondents were objective and honest in answering the research


3. The variables in the study are enough bases to determine the level of

implementation of curfew.

The study hypothesized that the level of implementation of RA 11310 in

Sinait, Ilocos Sur is influenced by the profile of the respondents.


This portion presents a discussion of the research design, the sample of the

study, data gathering tools, procedures and data analysis which were utilized by the


Research Design. To know the purpose of the study, the descriptive

correlational method of research will be used to achieve the aim of the study.

Descriptive research is describing population, condition or phenomenon that is being

study. The descriptive correlational analysis will be used to assess the level of

implementation of RA 11310 (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s Act). It

was correlational in the sense that it showed and presented the influence of the

independent variable on the dependent variable.

The primary data gathering method will be used was by distributing

questionnaires to determine the level of implementation of environmental protection

and management. The research data was based on the answers of the sample.

Population of the Study. The subjects in this research were the residents of

the barangay. A stratified systematic sampling method will be employed. the sample

size will be determined using a statistical formulas, ensuring both reliability and


Data Gathering Instrument. The principal device that will be used by the

researcher is a a questionnaire that researcher conducted to collect data essential in

this study. The first part of the questionnaire gathered information about the profile of

the respondents. Part II is composed of the questions regarding on the level of

implementation of RA 11310 (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s Act).

To determine the level of implementation, the following norms will be used:

Numerical Value Range of Scores Item Descriptive Rating

5 4.21-5.00 Very Highly Implemented (VHI)

4 3.41-4.20 Highly Implemented (HI)

3 2.61-3.40 Moderately Implemented (MI)

2 1.81-2.60 Fairly Implemented (FI)

1 1.00-2.80 Poorly Implemented (PI)

Data Gathering Procedure. The researcher will ask permission from the barangay

captain before gathering the data essential in this study. When permission was

granted, the researcher personally float and distributed the validated questionnaires to

know and determine the level of implementation of RA 11310 (Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4P’s Act) in Sinait, Ilocos Sur.

After floating the questionnaires, the researcher retrieve the questionnaire and

the collected data. Researcher tallied, analyze, and interpreted the collected data to

know the findings of the conducted study and the researchers will discuss about the

findings of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data. In this study, the following data will be used to treat

the data gathered:

1. Frequency, count and percentage distribution will be used to determine

the socio-demographic of the respondents.

2. Mean will be used to determine the level of implementation of

environmental protection and management.

3. Person correlation analysis will be used to determine the influence of

the respondents’ profile on the implementation of environmental

protection and management.


A Research Proposal

Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences,

University of Northern Philippines

Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science


Jerlyn Aloha Babes Igne


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