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TIME: 90 min MM: 40


1. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions.(Any 5) 5marks

My brother, David, was always close to our grandmother. They both share a love
for Mother Nature and the food they grow themselves. Whenever his schedule
permitted, he would drop by for a short visit and a cup of coffee. One day, when
he found no one at home, he left the garbage on his porch. This began what later
became known as his “calling card”. Grandma came home sometimes and knew
right away that David had found a piece of dirt on her porch.

Although Grandma had a poor upbringing in Italy, she managed to do well in the
United States. He was always healthy and independent and enjoyed a full life.
Recently he suffered a stroke and died. Everyone is saddened by his death.
David was disappointed. His lifelong friend is now gone.

1. Who shared a love for Mother Nature and the food they grew themselves
with David?
A) His mother
B) His sister
C) His grandmother
2. What did David do whenever he found no one at home?
A) Left a message
B) Left a gift
C) Left the garbage
3. What did the “calling card” refer to?
A) A message left by David
B) A gift left by David
C) The garbage left by David
4. What country did Grandma come from?
A) The United States
B) Italy
C) Germany
5. Was Grandma always healthy and independent?
A) Yes
B) No
6. What happened to Grandma recently?
A) She had a stroke
B) She passed away
C) She moved to another country
7. What happened to Grandma after she had a stroke?
A) She recovered
B) She died
C) No information is given
8. How did David feel about Grandma’s death?
A) He was happy
B) He was saddened
C) He was indifferent

2. Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow: 5 marks
We must do all we can to stop conflicts and civil war. Most conflicts happen in poor
countries, especially which are badly governed or where power and wealth are not
distributed fairly between different tribal or religious groups. So the best way to check
fighting is to make a political arrangement in which all groups have their

The need is to ensure human rights and economic development of all.

The next fundamental freedom is one that is not mentioned in the UN charter. In 1945,
the leaders could not imagine that such a situation would arise. That is the freedom of
future generations to live on this planet.Even now many of us have not understood its

We are using up the limited resources for our present use. We are over using and even
wasting them. We are, in fact, robbing our children of their right to live. We must
preserve our forests, fisheries and wildlife. All of these are collapsing because of our
own habit of consuming or destroying them.

1. Answer the following questions briefly: (any 3)

(a) Why do most conflicts happen in poor countries?

(b) What is the best way to check conflicts?

(c) What is meant by ‘the freedom of future generations to live’?
(d) How are we robbing our children of their basic right?
(e) What must we preserve for our children?

2. Find words from the passage that mean the same as (any 2)
(a) Dispute (Para -1)
(b) keep safely (Para-3)
(c) coming to end (Para -3)


3. Write a letter to your friend describing how you spent your winter break in about 120 words.


Write a paragraph on any one of the followings in about 120 words:

a) Christmas
b) New year celebration
c) My school
d) Importance of exercise

4. Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences

(any 3)
3 marks

1. the desert / A camel / carries / trough / travelers

2. prince / The young / far and wide / traveled
3. wind blew / The garden / around / the strong
4. after saying / The prayers / left / the clildren
5. provides / summer day / The tree / shade on a

5. Fill in the blanks choosing correct answer from the options given in brackets:

1. Can I ask ………… question? (a/an/the)

2. What is the time ………………… your watch. (in/on/by)
3. Somebody has …………………………….. this window pane,
4. I feel good. I …………………………….. very well last night, (sleep/slept/was

6.Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow choosing the best option from
among the given ones. 4MARKS

Never let a thought shrivel and die

For want of a way to say it

For English is a wonderful game

And all of you can play it

All that you do is match the words

To the brightest thoughts in your head

1.The thoughts die when

(a) they are bad

(b) they are good
(c) they are beautiful
(d) they are not expressed

2. To give expression to the thoughts one has to

(a) work hard

(b) think well
(c) find proper words
(d) study a lot

3. The poet feels that English has enough words

(a) to express every idea

(b) for us to learn
(c) to confuse us
(d) to write any book

4. English is a game which is

(a) like cricket

(b) like playing cards
(c) for all persons
(d) for those who love to express themselves
7. Answer the following questions. (any 3) (9 MARKS)
1. When Jumman’s aunt realised that she was not welcomed in his house, what
arrangement did she suggest?
2. Why was the crocodile unwilling to invite his friend home?
3. What happens to our body when we sleep?
4. Why does Dolma believe that she can make a good Prime Minister?
8. Choose the correctly spelt word ( 1 Mark)

A) Continuous

B) Fourty

C) Mathmatics

9. Narrate the story of the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile in about 80
words. 4 marks
What is a dream according to you? Have you ever had a dream? Explain in about 80

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