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Customer satisfaction Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal shopping



A. Male
B. Female


A. 18 -20
B. 21-26
C. 26-30
D. 30 and above


A. Student
B. Employed
C. Self employed
D. Others

5. Monthly income:

A. Less than 10000

B. 10000-20000
C. 20000-30000
D. 30000 and above

6. Which store first comes to your mind when you think of purchasing a clothes?

A. Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal

B. Max fashion
C. Siva textiles
D. Subbulakshmi silks
7. What is your expenditure on shopping at Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal yearly?

A. Upto 1000
B. 1000-2000
C. 2000-3000
D. Above
8.How often do you purchase?

A. Monthly
B. Quarterly
C. Seasonally/ during offers in occasion

9.What factor influence you to buy from Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal?

A. Hoardings
B. Newspaper
C. Tv
D. Window shopping
E. Reference group

10.How is the customer assistance process in Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal shopping?

A. Highly satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
D. Dissatisfied
E. Highly dissatisfied

11.Do you satisfied with the billing system of Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal shopping ?

A. Yes
B. No

12.Do you think that the discount offered by Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal attracts you to buy?

A. Yes
B. No

13.Which promotional services do you expect from Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal?

A. Discount/ attractive offers

B. Coupons
C. Free gifts
D. Game shows

14.How was the appearance of showroom and cleanliness?

A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Average
D. Bad
E. Worst
15. What makes you to do shopping at Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal?

A. Quality
B. Price
C. Collections
D. Others

16. Rank the following features that encourage your purchase in Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal?

category 1 2 3 4 5

excellent Very good good fair average




Good brand


17. a) Are you satisfied with the brands offered by Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadalunder different
departments and categories?

A. Yes
B. No

18. Where do you usually go for Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal shopping?

A. Shopping mall
B. Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal
C. Online shopping
D. Others specify

19.How was your overall experience visiting at the Sankagiri Chettiar Javuli Kadal shopping?
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Average
D. Bad
E. Worst

20. Rank the following retail shop according to your satisfaction

1 2 3 4 5

excellent Very good good fair average

Chettiar Javuli

Siva textiles

India skills



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