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NAME:__________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION:____________________

I. Identify the terms being referred to in each statement. Write your answers on the space provided.
___________________1. The variety of life in a certain area of ecosystem is commonly known as _______
___________________2. These are group of organisms that share a genetic heritage, are able to
interbreed, and to create offspring that are also fertile.
___________________3. Level of biodiversity that refers to the variation in gene within a species.
___________________4. Level of biodiversity that include all the species and all abiotic factors characteristic
___________________5. It is refer to as the Science of Classification
___________________6. He is known to be as the Father of Biology
___________________7. It is the system of assigning a scientific name consisting of two components
___________________8. He is considered as the Father of Taxonomy
___________________9. Kingdom classification that are highly represented by protozoans
___________________10. A Greek word where Protista came from that means “very first”
___________________11. This are “tail like” structures of some protozoans
___________________12. This body part of some protozoans are known as “false feet”
___________________13. These are specific kind of protist that causes red tide
___________________14. This kingdom is mainly represented by bacteria
___________________15. They are known as extreme bacteria
___________________16. This group of bacteria are known as the true bacteria.
___________________17. They are the capsule shaped bacteria
___________________18. This are consist of spiral shaped bacteria.
___________________19. These bacteria are round in shape
___________________20. These are extreme bacteria that can withhold excessive acidic nature
___________________21. This are bacteria that can survive in very hot temperature
___________________22. These are comma or kidney-shaped small bacteria
___________________23. The body of the bacterium is swollen at places.
___________________24. Kingdom Classification that includes mushroom, moulds and yeasts
___________________25. Group of plants that produces naked seeds
___________________26. This are plants that contains transport tubes
___________________27. Transport tubes that carries water and nutrients for plants
___________________28. Plants that produces covered seeds
___________________29. These are plants that doesn’t have any transport tube
___________________30. It serves as the male sex cells of a flower
___________________31. This is the part of growing seeds that eventually transform into its stem
___________________32. This serve as the food supply of a growing seed
___________________33. The food making process of plant
___________________34. These are animals that don’t have backbones
___________________35. The only kind of vertebrates that gives live birth on the offspring
___________________36-37. 2 kinds of Eubacteria
___________________38-40. 3 kinds of fungi based on their nutrition/food absorption
___________________41-45. 5 kinds of Vertebrates
___________________46-50 5 kinds of Invertebrates


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