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Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews 12 (2001) 375– 391


Interleukin-8 and human cancer biology

Keping Xie *
Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology and Cancer Biology, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The Uni6ersity of Texas, Box 78,
1515 Holcombe Boule6ard, Houston, TX 77030, USA


The aggressive nature of metastatic human cancer has been shown to be related to numerous abnormalities in growth factors
and their receptors. These perturbations confer a tremendous growth advantage to the malignant cells. Interleukin-8 (IL-8),
originally discovered as a chemotactic factor for leukocytes, has recently been shown to contribute to human cancer progression
through its potential functions as a mitogenic, angiogenic, and motogenic factor. While it is constitutively detected in human
cancer tissues and established cell lines, IL-8 expression is regulated by various tumor microenvironment factors, such as hypoxia,
acidosis, nitric oxide, and cell density. Understanding the mechanisms of both inducible and constitutive IL-8 expression will be
helpful in designing potential therapeutic strategies of targeting IL-8 to control tumor growth and metastasis. In this review, the
role and regulation of IL-8 expression in the growth and metastasis of human cancer with a focus on human pancreatic
adenocarcinoma will be discussed. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Interleukin-8; Pancreatic adenocarcinoma; Leukocytes


1. IL-8 expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376

2. Regulation of IL-8 expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376

2.1. Constitutive expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
2.2. Nitric oxide (NO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
2.3. Hypoxia and anoxia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
2.4. Acidosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
2.5. Other stress factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380

3. IL-8 expression and cancer progression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380

3.1. Clinical observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
3.2. Xenograft mouse models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
3.3. IL-8 gene transfection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382

4. IL-8 and mitogenic effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383

5. IL-8 and angiogenic effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384

6. IL-8 and motogenic effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384

* Tel.: +1-713-792-2013; fax: + 1-713-745-1163.

E-mail address: (K. Xie).

1359-6101/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 6 1 0 1 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 1 6 - 8
376 K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391

7. Targeting IL-8 expression for cancer treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

8. Conclusion and future directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is currently the fifth lead- malignant melanoma cell lines stimulated with either
ing cause of cancer-related deaths with about 27000 new TNF-a or IL-1a, the IL-8 mRNA signal corresponded
cases and 25000 deaths occurring each year in the US well with the amount of secreted IL-8 protein [20]. It
[1 – 4]. The incidence appears to be increasing, especially was predicted that IL-8 would play a role in the regula-
in women. Also, about 10% of pancreatic cancer patients tion of melanoma growth and metastasis. IL-8 expres-
are able to undergo a curative resection. The average sion has since been found in various human cancers,
survival duration from diagnosis of this disease to death including acute myelogenous leukemia [21], B-cell
is about 5 months, and the overall 5 year survival-rate chronic lymphocytic leukemia [22], brain tumors [23],
is less than 5%. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is usually breast cancer [24,25], colon cancer [26 –29], cervical
refractory to conventional adjuvant therapies, and many cancer [30], gastric cancer [31 –33], Hodgkin’s disease
experimental therapies for advanced disease have been [34,35], lung cancer [36 –42], melanoma [43 –48],
investigated with disappointing results. The major cause mesothelioma [49], ovarian cancer [50 –62], pituitary
of death in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cases is metasta- adenomas [63], prostate cancer [64 –70], renal cell car-
sis. In fact, at the time of diagnosis, patients usually have cinoma [71], and thyroid tumors [72,73]. There have
locally advanced disease or metastasis involving the also been a few studies involving IL-8 expression in
lymph nodes, liver, lungs, or peritoneum [1 – 4]. Consid- human pancreatic cancers. Wigmore et al. [74] first
ering the very limited treatment options for pancreatic mentioned that MiaPaCa-2 human pancreatic cancer
cancer patients, the development of new treatment strate- cells secrete bioactive IL-8 into culture supernatants.
gies is of major importance to reverse the metastatic Later, a high level of IL-8 secretion was also found in
biology of this disease. An understanding of the biology a newly established YAPC human pancreatic cancer
and pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer is crucial to cell line [75]. The IL-8 production in a HuP-T4 human
improving the treatment of this disease. pancreatic cancer cell line can be suppressed by treat-
Earlier studies have established that human pancreatic ment with IL-8 antisense oligonucleotides, which is
cancer overexpresses many growth factors and their associated with cell growth inhibition in vitro, suggest-
receptors, including the epidermal growth factor family ing that IL-8 produced by human pancreatic cancer
[2], vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [5–7], cells may act as an autocrine growth factor [76]. Our
fibroblast growth factor [8,9], and numerous cytokines, systematic investigation has revealed that IL-8 is over-
such as transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) [10,11], expressed in most human pancreatic cancer tissues and
interleukin-1 (IL-1) [12], interleukin-6 (IL-6) [13,14], established cell lines. Additionally, the expression levels
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) [15], and most recently appear to correlate with their tumorigenic and
interleukin-8 (IL-8) [16 – 19]. The relevance of these metastatic potential in an orthotopic xenograft model
factors to tumor growth and metastasis has been evalu- [16 –19].
ated [1–3]. In this review, IL-8 expression and regulation
and its role and mechanisms in human cancer progres-
sion, with a focus on human pancreatic adenocarcinoma,
are discussed. 2. Regulation of IL-8 expression

It is now known that IL-8 is produced by various

normal and tumorigenic human cells. While the pro-
1. IL-8 expression duction of IL-8 can be induced by various stimuli, such
as lipopolysaccharide, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate
IL-8 was originally identified as a neutrophil chemo- (PMA), IL-1, and TNF (Fig. 1) [77 –81], many tumor
tactic factor in the supernatants of activated human cells apparently express IL-8 constitutively. Further-
monocytes. As a member of the CXC chemokine fam- more, we have found that several stress factors, such as
ily, IL-8 plays an important role as an activator and hypoxia, acidosis, nitric oxide (NO), and cell density,
chemoattractant for neutrophils. The initial observation significantly influence the expression of IL-8 in human
of IL-8 expression was done in human melanocytes and pancreatic cancer cells.
K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391 377

2.1. Constituti6e expression NF-kB-, and NF-IL-6- like factors [79]. Mutations in
the NF-kB and AP-1 sites abolish the constitutive
Constitutive IL-8 expression has been observed in promoter activity, whereas mutations in the NF-IL-6
many human cancer cell lines, including pancreatic binding site preserve some promoter activity. Further-
adenocarcinoma [16– 19,74 – 76]. We systematically de- more, high levels of NF-kB and AP-1 binding activity
termined the IL-8 expression in 15 human pancreatic as determined using electrophoretic mobility-shift assay
cancer cell lines under in vitro culture conditions. (EMSA) have been detected in cells expressing high
About 80% of the cell lines constitutively expressed levels of IL-8, whereas low levels of NF-kB and AP-1
high levels of IL-8 in vitro as measured using enzyme- binding activity have been detected in cells expressing
linked immunosorbent assays and northern blot analy- low levels of IL-8. In addition, transfection of Mia-
sis [19]. In addition, IL-8 protein secretion directly PaCa-2 human pancreatic cancer cells expressing high
correlates with the steady-state level of IL-8 mRNA. levels of IL-8 with a dominant-negative IkB (IkBaM)
Since this steady-state level can be dynamically regu- expression vector decreases the constitutive level of
lated by many factors at both transcriptional and post- NF-kB binding activity and promoter activity. The
transcriptional levels [77– 81], we measured the constitutive level of IL-8 expression at both the mRNA
transcript degradation rate (mRNA stability) of the and protein level is significantly decreased in these cells.
IL-8 gene. We found that the IL-8 mRNA half-life was These results indicate that AP-1- and NF-kB-like fac-
not consistently correlated with the level of IL-8 expres- tor-binding elements are mainly responsible for the
sion, indicating that the stability of IL-8 mRNA was constitutive expression of the IL-8 gene in human pan-
not a major deciding factor in the differential IL-8 creatic cancer cells. Also, maximal constitutive IL-8
expression. In contrast, the rate of IL-8 gene transcrip- expression appears to require the presence and coopera-
tion was correlated with the level of IL-8 expression, tion of the NF-kB and AP-1 binding sites.
suggesting that a constitutive level of IL-8 gene tran-
scription was a major contributing factor in differential 2.2. Nitric oxide (NO)
IL-8 expression in human pancreatic cancer cells [19].
To characterize the DNA sequences involved in con- NO is a potent biological molecule that mediates a
stitutive IL-8 gene activation, luciferase reporter plas- diverse array of activities, including vasodilatation, neu-
mids are used in which IL-8 5%-flanking sequences are rotransmission, iron metabolism, and immune defense
fused to the firefly luciferase coding sequences. A series [82–87]. Recent studies have suggested that tumor-as-
of deletion and point mutants is then generated [79], sociated NO, which is presumably produced by tumor
and constitutive IL-8 promoter activity is measured. cells and/or host cells (e.g. macrophages) that infiltrate
We have found that the sequence between − 133 and tumors, has a pleiotropic effect on carcinogenesis, tu-
− 85 is apparently the minimal region essential for mor growth, and metastasis. Also, the outcome appar-
constitutive IL-8 promoter activity. This region has ently depends on the source and level of NO
been shown to contain the binding sides for AP-1-, production, which are dictated by the isoforms of NO

Fig. 1. Transcriptional regulation of IL-8 expression. The arrow downstream of the TATA box indicates the start site of transcription ( + 1). The
AP-1, NF-kB, and NF-IL-6 indicated by the sequences are major binding sites within the IL-8 promoter. IL-1b, TNF-a, PMA, and LPS induce
AP-1, NF-kB, and NF-IL-6. These transcription factors cooperate differentially to activate IL-8 transcription in different cell types. In pancreatic
cancer cells, hypoxia and acidosis activate both AP-1 and NF-kB.
378 K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391

Fig. 2. Expression and function of IL-8 in tumor growth. The imbalance between uncontrolled tumor growth and blood vessel formation leads
to a decrease in tumor perfusion. The resulting tumor hypoxia and acidosis activate NOS II. The production of NO may promote angiogenesis
and vessel dilatation and then increase tumor perfusion. NO, as well as hypoxia and acidosis also activate the IL-8 gene. The elevated IL-8
secretion may not only directly or indirectly stimulate tumor cell proliferation but may also support tumor mass expansion via direct or indirect
induction of tumor vessel formation.

synthases (NOSs), i.e. NOS I, NOS II, and NOS III. A necessary for IL-8 induction by NO in human kerati-
low level of NO production, mostly from elevated nocytes [90]. Conversely, NO can suppress IL-8 expres-
expression of NOS I and NOS III (constitutive NOS), sion. Fowler et al. [91] found that exogenously supplied
most likely benefits tumor growth [83– 85]. The expres- NO down regulated the secretion of IL-8 in activated
sion of NOS II (inducible NOS), however, can have the endothelium. This process also required the NF-kB site
opposite effect. Besides its capacity to mediate cytotox- in the promotor region to be intact. Additionally, Oda
icity, NO is also potentially a key molecule that regu- et al. [92] using a T98G human glioblastoma cell line
lates expression of genes important to tumor growth cocultured with a RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cell
and metastasis. line, demonstrated that excessive production of NO
Several studies using NOS inhibitors and NO donors during the interaction of glioma cells with macrophages
have indicated that NO serves as an intracellular sec- suppresses the production of IL-8. The apparent dis-
ond messenger to regulate IL-8 gene expression [88]. crepancy may be due to the use of different cell lines
For example, in a study using a G361 human and NO sources. Finally, it is known that the NO
melanoma cell line, three NO donors— 3-morpholi- concentration is an important determinant of its impact
nosydnonimine hydrochloride, S-nitroso-N-acetylpeni- on cell functions, including gene expression [85]. The
cillamine, and S-nitroso-L-glutathione — all caused an biological relevance of NO-mediated IL-8 regulation in
tumor progression remains to be determined.
increase in both IL-8 protein secretion and promoter
activity. Truncation of the promoter showed that 101
bp of the 5%-flanking region proximal to the transcrip- 2.3. Hypoxia and anoxia
tion start site are sufficient for the response to NO.
Also, mutation of the NF-kB and NF-IL-6 binding Like with many other solid tumors, growth and
sites led to a significant decrease in NO-stimulated metastasis of human pancreatic cancer depend on the
promoter activity. Furthermore, TNF-a-stimulated IL- development of adequate vasculature [93–97]. Despite
8 promoter activity, was inhibited by the NOS inhibitor undergoing extensive angiogenesis, solid tumors have
N G-amino-L-homoarginine (NAHA). The NAHA-me- an overall vasculature that is poorly organized and
diated inhibition could be partially reversed by the marginally functional due to structural abnormalities
addition of excess L-arginine but not D-arginine. These (Fig. 2). Consequently, regional and temporal varia-
results suggested that NO is an endogenous regulator of tions in tumor blood flow as well as tissue oxygen
IL-8 production in G361 melanoma cells [89]. More tension and diffusion limitations produce hypoxic re-
recent experiments showed that IL-1b stimulation is gions within solid tumors [94–97]. A local decrease in
K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391 379

oxygen tension has been considered a major cause of gene expression during hypoxia. This is further sup-
the induction of many angiogenic factors, such as ported by our experiments showing that hypoxia acti-
VEGF [93 –97]. Such factors profoundly influence vated both AP-1 and NF-kB binding activity as
many aspects of tumor cell function including determined using EMSA [18]. Therefore, hypoxia in-
metabolism, proliferation, metastasis, and therapeutic duces IL-8 expression via activation and cooperation
response. Our studies and others have indicated that of NF-kB and AP-1 and contributes to the progres-
IL-8 is predominantly expressed in the tumor cells sion and metastasis of human pancreatic cancer.
surrounding necrotic areas of human cancer lesions,
suggesting that hypoxia may contribute to the overex- 2.4. Acidosis
pression of IL-8 [16,98– 100]. A similar finding was
observed in human melanoma as determined using in Functional and structural abnormalities of vascula-
situ hybridization of IL-8 mRNA in primary ture lead to the development of hypoxic regions
melanoma lesions and metastases. High levels of within solid tumors [93–97]. Hypoxia increases anaer-
melanoma cell-associated IL-8-specific transcripts were obic metabolism of tumor cells and leads to elevated
exclusively detected in close vicinity of necrotic/hy- production of acidic metabolites. Reduced blood flow
poxic areas of melanoma metastases, whereas IL-8 ex- hinders the removal of these metabolites. Conse-
pression was low or absent in both primary quently, hydrogen ions accumulate and cause a de-
melanomas and in non-necrotic metastases [100]. crease in extracellular pH (Fig. 2). In addition,
The induction of IL-8 by hypoxia was first demon- induction of IL-8 by hypoxia appears to require pro-
strated in human endothelial cells [101]. Specifically, longed hypoxic or anoxic exposure under normal cul-
incubation of human endothelial cells under hypoxic ture medium in vitro, whereas significant and rapid
conditions (pO2 of approximately 14– 18 Torr) leads induction can occur under HCO− 3 -deficient culture
to a time-dependent release of bioactive IL-8 into the medium [18]. These data suggest that prolonged expo-
culture medium. Production of IL-8 by hypoxic hu- sure to hypoxia or anoxia induces IL-8 expression via
man endothelial cells occurs concomitantly with both a decrease in the pH of the culture medium and/or
increased levels of IL-8 mRNA and transcription. The the intracellular pH because the cellular capacity to
induction of IL-8 by hypoxia in tumor cells was first maintain intracellular alkaline pH is impaired in an
demonstrated in human glioblastoma cells [98]. Hy- HCO− 3 -deficient, hypoxic environment. Therefore, it is
poxic/anoxic insults on glioblastoma cells in vitro us- highly possible that hypoxic tumor cells are also un-
ing anaerobic chamber systems or within spheroids dergoing acidic stress, which may contribute to the
developing central necrosis induced an increase in IL- elevation of IL-8 expression in these cells as well [16–
8 mRNA and protein expression, which is associated 19]. This hypothesis was tested in COLO357 human
with increased protein binding to the AP-1 site on the pancreatic cancer cells, which were incubated in
IL-8 promoter [99]. Interestingly, in human melanoma medium having different pH levels. The expression of
cell lines, anoxia induces IL-8 mRNA and protein IL-8 was inversely correlated with the pH of the cul-
expression in the highly aggressive/metastatic cell lines ture medium. Also, the extent of IL-8 induction de-
but not in the poorly aggressive cell lines [100]. pended on the level of pH and the incubation time
In human pancreatic cancer, hypoxia-mediated IL-8 [16]. Low extracellular pH also induced IL-8 expres-
upregulation involves transcriptional regulation and sion in other human cell lines, including SW620 hu-
posttranscriptional mRNA stabilization because hy- man colon cancer cells and PC-3 prostate cancer cells
poxia increases the transcription rate of the IL-8 gene [16,17]. Therefore, like platelet-derived endothelial cell
and stability of the IL-8 transcript [18]. IL-8 pro- growth factor/thymidine phosphorylase and inducible
moter reporter analyses have revealed that the activa- NOS [102,103]. IL-8 can be upregulated by low tu-
tion of the IL-8 promoter by hypoxia requires a mor pH, suggesting that tumor pH regulates angio-
similar minimal region that has been shown to confer genesis-related molecules and contributes to tumor
responsiveness to IL-1, TNF-a, and PMA in many progression.
human cancer cell lines, including fibrosarcoma, gas- Further investigation has indicated that the rate of
tric carcinoma, and ovarian cancer cell line, T cells IL-8 transcription increases only with mild acidosis,
and monocyte cell lines [77– 80]. This region contains e.g. pH 6.9 for short time as compared with that at
a putative AP-1 binding site (− 126 to −120 bp), an pH 7.4. However, more extensive acidosis, e.g. pH
NF-kB-like binding site (− 80 to −71 bp), and the levels at or lower than 6.7 or prolonged incubation at
C/EBP-like factor NF-IL-6 binding site (− 94 to − pH 6.9, significantly inhibits IL-8 transcription. These
81 bp) (Fig. 1). Mutation of either the AP-1 or NF- data demonstrate that only transient exposure to low
kB binding site abolishes transcriptional activation of extracellular pH that is near the neutral level acti-
the IL-8 promoter during hypoxia, suggesting that vates IL-8 gene transcription, whereas persistent expo-
both AP-1 and NF-kB are indispensable for IL-8 sure to low pH does the opposite [17]. This effect
380 K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391

may be due to the cytotoxic effects of low pH in tissue 3. IL-8 expression and cancer progression
culture and in vivo as earlier reported [94,96]. Interest-
ingly, the stability of IL-8 mRNA was significantly As a potential prognostic factor, IL-8 expression has
increased in the tumor cells incubated in a medium been investigated in clinical studies using patient tumor
having a low pH (7.1– 6.7). Therefore, pH regulates tissue specimens and preclinical animal models using
IL-8 expression at both the transcriptional and post- established cell lines. In human pancreatic cancer, IL-8
transcriptional level. The increased IL-8 mRNA stabil- is overexpressed in tumor tissue as compared with
ity is consistent with reports showing that there are normal tissue. To determine the role of IL-8 expression
stability-sensitive elements in the 3%-UTR of the IL-8 in tumor growth and metastasis, we used an orthotopic
transcript [77–80]. However, it remains to be deter- xenograft model to evaluate the tumorigenic and
mined whether extracellular pH acts on these elements metastatic potential of COLO357, FG, SG, and L3.3
through the same factors. Therefore, transient exposure cells, which were derived from a parental COLO357
to low extracellular pH (6.7–7.1) induces an increased human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line. The consti-
steady-state level of IL-8 mRNA, which correlates with tutive IL-8 expression in vitro directly correlated with
prolonged IL-8 mRNA stability and to a lesser extent, the extent of local growth and production of sponta-
transactivation of the IL-8 gene. Also, mild acidosis neous liver metastasis following implantation of these
activates AP-1 and NF-kB activity, whereas extensive cancer cells into the pancreas of nude mice. Further-
acidosis (pH 6.7 or lower) inhibits both AP-1 and more, the sequence spanning nucleotides 1– 298 of the
NF-kB activities. The presence and cooperation of human IL-8 gene was amplified by polymerase chain
these factors appear to be necessary for maximal IL-8 reaction (PCR). The PCR product of the IL-8 fragment
gene transactivation by mild acidosis. Since most solid was subcloned into the pcDNA3.1 expression vector
tumors contain regions of pH lower than that in their downstream of the cytomegalovirus promoter in an
corresponding normal tissues in a given time, we expect antisense orientation. Also, the FG human pancreatic
that temporal and spatial heterogeneous tumor pH may adenocarcinoma cells were stably transfected with an
lead to similar patterns of IL-8 expression and con- IL-8 antisense oligonucleotide expression vector. The
tribute to tumor progression [16,18]. transfection blocked IL-8 mRNA expression, decreased
IL-8 protein secretion, and suppressed tumor growth
2.5. Other stress factors and metastasis in vivo. Our data clearly indicate that
IL-8 plays a significant role in both local growth and
Ultraviolet light at wavelengths of 280– 320 nm can metastasis in this pancreatic cancer model [16]. It re-
stimulate synthesis of IL-8 in keratinocytes [104], A431 mains to be determined whether the expression of IL-8
cells [105], and human cutaneous melanoma cells [106]. can serve as a prognostic factor for pancreatic cancer.
In addition, the expression of IL-8 in human melanoma
cells can be upregulated by inflammatory cytokines, 3.1. Clinical obser6ation
however, IFN-a and IFN-b can counterregulate this
stimulation [107]. The up-regulation of IL-8 expression Diverse results have been generated in clinical studies
in melanoma cells is regulated at the transcriptional of IL-8 expression as a prognostic factor, reflecting the
level and is rapidly and specifically inhibited by IFN-a use of different approaches and different tumor types
or IFN-b, independent of de novo protein synthesis, (Table 1). For example, several recent reports indicate
perhaps due to a transient modification of a pre-exist- that expression of IL-8 correlates with disease progres-
ing factor or factors [108]. In a study of paclitaxel-in- sion in human melanoma [111–113]. In ovarian cancer,
duced secretion of IL-8 in a series of cell lines, including ascites and/or plasma of patients with ovarian cancer
human ovarian cancer, induction was dependent on showed significantly higher levels of IL-8 and other
transcriptional activation [56,57,59,109]. Additionally, cytokines as compared with that of patients with benign
treatment with all-trans retinoic acid enhances IL-8 gynecological disorders [53,55,116]. In addition, IL-8
protein release in HOC-7 human epithelial ovarian mRNA was up-regulated in the peripheral blood leuko-
cancer cell line at the transcriptional level [110]. Also, cytes of patients with metastatic prostate cancer com-
our recent data indicate that the cell density directly pared with that in similar cells obtained from healthy
influences IL-8 expression under in vitro culture condi- individuals. The IL-8 serum concentrations correlated
tions. Although dense culture upregulates many genes, with increasing prostate cancer stage and also differen-
e.g. VEGF, IL-8 expression drastically decreases in tiated benign prostatic hyperplasia from clinical cancer
pancreatic cancer cells under confluent culture condi- [117]. Immunohistochemical studies of prostate tissue
tions. We are currently investigating the molecular showed that prostate cancer cells stained positively for
mechanism of the downregulation of IL-8 expression IL-8, while benign prostatic hyperplasia and normal
due to a high cell density in human pancreatic cancer prostate cells displayed little staining. Other results
cells. indicated that significant levels of IL-8 are present in
K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391 381

prostate cancer cells but not benign prostatic hyper- serve as a prognostic factor for human cancer
plasia or normal prostate cells in vivo [118]. progression.
However, there is still controvery regarding IL-8
expression in melanoma metastases [111,113]. A recent
report pointed out that melanoma cells express multiple 3.2. Xenograft mouse models
cytokines and that the role of IL-8 was not as promi-
nent as that described above [111]. Also, IL-8 expres- The prognostic value of IL-8 has been tested further
in preclinical experimental xenograft models (Table 2).
sion in melanoma associates only with biologically early
In a SKOV3 human ovarian cancer system, SKOV3
malignancy, whereas other cytokines, such as TGF-b,
cells growing in nude mice displayed constitutive ex-
GM-CSF and IL-1a are highly expressed in biologically
pression of IL-8 [126]. The expression of IL-8 in
late lesions and TNF-b is an apparent marker of
SKOV3 and SKOV3.ip1 cells was inversely associated
metastatic dissemination. Therefore, melanoma cells
with animal survival [60,127–129]. In a PC-3 human
can utilize cascades of growth factors and cytokines for prostate cancer system, steady-state IL-8 mRNA ex-
their progression [119]. In another study, constitutive pression appeared to correlate with the metastatic po-
IL-8 expression was determined in melanoma cells from tential of a metastatic PC-3 human prostate cancer cell
20 fresh surgical specimens. Most of the melanoma cells line and its metastatic variants derived from selection in
tested expressed IL-8 mRNA, which did not directly nude mice [130]. In contrast, the role of IL-8 was
correlate with the clinical stage at the time when the negligible in an LNCaP human prostate cancer cell line
bioptic specimen was obtained [120]. The serum IL-8 growing in mice as analyzed in LNCaP cells and two
level was detectable in about 50% of the patients with variants derived from selection in nude mice [131]. In a
metastatic melanoma and correlated with tumor load COLO 357 human pancreatic cancer system, IL-8 ex-
but not metastatic sites in a third study [121]. Finally, pression correlated with the tumorigenic and metastatic
loss of IL-8 immunoreactivity appears to be a sign of potential [16]. Interestingly, Singh et al. [132] first corre-
malignant transformation of human keratinocytes lated the steady-state transcription and protein secre-
[122]. Therefore, to some extent, IL-8 expression may tion of IL-8 in 13 different human melanoma cell lines

Table 1
Expression of IL-8 in human tumor tissues

Tumor Materials and IL-8 expression and prognosis Authors


Breast cancer ELISA serum High in progressive and recurrent disease Yokoe et al.,
1997 [114]
IHS surgical Higher in tumor tissues than normal tissues Green et al.,
specimens 1997 [24]
Colon cancer ELISA serum High in patients with poorly differentiated tumor and higher in patients with liver or Ueda et al.,
lung metastasis 1994 [115]
Gastric cancer IHC, ISH Higher in gastric carcinomas (32/39) than in corresponding normal mucosa; correlates Kitadai et al.,
surgical with vascularization 1998 [32]
Melanoma IHC surgical High in thick melanomas, but little or none in dysplastic nevi and thin or metastatic Hensley et al.,
specimens melanomas 1998 [111]
ISH surgical High in 59% (22/37) of melanomas (14/19) in superficial spreading melanomas versus Numberg et al.,
specimens 4/12 in nodular melanomas), but none in melanocytes and melanocytic nevi; IL-8 1999 [112]
expression correlates with worse prognosis
IHC surgical Highest in metastatic lesions and high in 50% vertical growth-phase (invasive) Singh et al.,
specimens melanomas but not in radial growth-phase melanomas in situ. IL-8 expression 1999 [113]
correlates with disease stage and metastatic phenotype
Ovarian cancer ELISA ascites High in patients with ovarian cancer compared with those with benign disorders Radke et al.,
and plasma 1998 [53]
ELISA serum High in malignant ovarian tumors but low in benign ovarian tumors Ivarsson et al.,
and cyst fluids 1998 [55]
Pancreatic IHC surgical Higher in tumor tissues than in normal tissues Le et al., 2000
cancer specimens [19]
Prostate cancer ELISA serum High in tumor tissues; correlates with increasing prostate cancer stage and differentiates Veltri et al.,
benign prostatic hyperplasia from stage A, B, C, or prostate cancer 1999 [117]
IHC surgical Present in prostate cancer but not benign prostatic hyperplasia or normal prostate cells Ferrer et al.,
specimens 1998 [118]

Abbreviations: IHC, immunohistochemistry; ISH, in situ hybridization; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
382 K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391

Table 2
Predicting the malignancy of human tumors using nude mouse xenograft models

Tumor system Animal model Relationship between IL-8 expression in vitro and Authors
malignancy in vivo [reference]

Human melanoma
Thirteen human melanoma cell lines Nude Direct correlation with angiogenic, tumorigenic, Singh RK et al.,
mice/subcutis and metastatic potential 1994 [123]
A375P, A375-C5, A375SM, and A375-C28 Nude Direct correlation with angiogenic, tumorigenic, Singh RK et al.,
mice/subcutis and metastatic potential 1994 [123]
WM 98-1, WM 1341, UKRV-Mel-4, M7, M13, Nude Diverse expression and no clear-cut correlation Schadendorf D et
UKRV-Mel-2, and MV3 mice/subcutis with angiogenic, tumorigenic, and metastafic al., 1996 [124]
O6arian cancer
HEY-A8, SKOV3, SKOV3.ipl, OCCI, and 2776 Nude Direct correlation with tumor growth and inverse Yoneda J et al.,
mice/peritoneum correlation with animal survival 1998 [60]

Pancreatic cancer
SG, FG, an dL3.3 Nude Direct correlation with angiogenic, tumorigenic, Shi Q et al., 1999
mice/pancreas and metastatic potential [16]
Twelve human pancreatic cancer cell lines Nude Diverse expression and no clear-cut correlation Le X et al., 2000
mice/pancreas with angiogenic, tumorigenic, and metastatic [19]
Prostate cancer
PC-3P, PC-3M, and PC-3MM2 cells Nude Direct correlation with angiogenic, tumorigenic, Greene GF et al.,
mice/prostate and metastatic potential 1997 [65]
LNCaP, LNCaP-LN3, and LNCaP-ProS Nude Low IL-8 expression and no correlation with Balbay MD et
mice/prostate angiogenic, tumorigenic, and metastatic potential al., 1999 [125]

with their ability to grow and metastasize in nude mice. Since all of these studies involved the use of estab-
They found that highly metastatic cells expressed higher lished cell lines that had been subjected to multiple
steady state levels of IL-8 mRNA transcripts than did rounds of in vitro and in vivo selection and the use of
lesser metastatic cells. nude mouse xenograft models, the experimental results
However, Schadendorf et al. [124] studied the may no longer reflect the natural history of human
metastatic behavior of seven human melanoma cell cancer progression. Therefore, the biological relevance
lines derived from two primary cutaneous melanomas and significance of IL-8 expression in human cancer
and five metastases established from the liver, skin progression remains unclear. The current data must be
pleural effusions and lymph nodes. All cell lines were interpreted with care, and the role of IL-8 in human
analyzed for their capacity to grow in nude mice after cancer progression needs further investigation. Like-
s.c. and i.v. injection. The diverse pattern of growth wise, it is necessary to re-evaluate the rationale using
kinetics and metastases found did not correlate with the nude mouse xenograft models to predict the metastatic
IL-8 expresson. In addition, we compared the IL-8 potential of human cancer.
expression and tumorigenic and metastatic potential of
12 human pancreatic cancer cell lines using a nude 3.3. IL-8 gene transfection
mouse model. These cell lines are established from
different patients and show a diverse pattern of IL-8 As a direct approach to determining the relationship
expression, which is not correlated with their tumori- between IL-8 and tumor progression, various types of
genic and metastatic potential in nude mice (data not human tumor cells have been transfected with the IL-8
shown). It appears that there is an intrinsic relationship gene (Table 3). IL-8-transfection leads to both tumor
between the IL-8 expression in and malignancy of a inhibition and promotion depending on the cell type.
given tumor cell line system consisting of an original For example, in gastric and pancreatic cancer IL-8-
cell line (parental line) and its sublines obtained from transfected cells produced rapidly growing, highly vas-
selection, mostly in nude mice (poorly or highly cular neoplasms as compared with control tumor cells
metastatic variants). However, there is no clear-cut [16,33]. The most surprising finding was a report show-
relationship between IL-8 expression and metastatic ing that IL-8 transfection makes nonmetastatic human
potential in cell lines representing different clinical melanoma cells metastatic [133]. In sharp contrast, Lee
stages. et al. [62] transfected human ovarian cancer cell lines
K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391 383

with an expression vector for human IL-8 and tested melanoma cells. They found that human melanoma cell
their ability to form tumors in nude mice. IL-8 expres- lines secrete significant amounts of bioactive IL-8
sion in the transfected cells did not alter their growth protein into the culture supernatant and that this secre-
properties in vitro. In contrast, tumor growth in vivo tion was inducible by IL-1 and PMA. Exposure of
was significantly retarded in animals that received IL-8- some human melanoma cell lines in vitro to antisense
expressing cells when compared with mice injected with oligonucleotides targeted against two different sites of
control cells. In addition, ovarian cancer cell lines in human IL-8 mRNA inhibited secretion of IL-8 protein
which constitutive IL-8 expression was elevated did not into the culture supernatant, cell proliferation, and
form tumors. These results suggest that IL-8 produc- colony formation in soft agar in a dose-dependent
tion by human ovarian tumor cells can play a role in fashion. The effects were reversible by both removal of
reducing the rate of tumor growth. This effect appears the oligomers and addition of exogenous IL-8 protein.
to be mediated by the increased targeting of neutrophils A monospecific immune serum and two IL-8-specific
and other mononuclear cells to the tumor injection site. monoclonal antibodies were also capable of inhibiting
Also, in a rat model of colon cancer carcinomatosis, melanoma cell proliferation in the same manner. There-
IL-8 produced an antitumoral effect, which was associ- fore, IL-8 can form an autocrine loop for IL-8-depen-
ated with the enhanced infiltration of CD4+ T dent proliferation of melanoma and may play a role in
lymphocytes [137,138]. These inconsistent results may
melanoma progression and metastasis [48]. This finding
indicate the use of different cell lines, mouse models,
was confirmed in human melanoma [123,139], pancre-
and levels of IL-8 production.
atic cancer [140], colon cancer [28,29], and malignant
mesothelioma [141].
In addition, identification of IL-8 receptors on tumor
4. IL-8 and mitogenic effect cells further supports the autocrine growth factor hy-
pothesis. Specifically, Norgauer et al. [139] demon-
Since the discovery of IL-8 production by tumor strated the expression of IL-8Rb protein at the cell
cells, it has been predicted that IL-8 may stimulate surface of various melanoma cell lines using flow cy-
tumor growth [20]. Schadendorf et al. [48] first demon- tometry with F(ab%)2 fragments of the IL-8Rb anti-
strated that endogenously produced human IL-8 can serum. This antiserum partially blocked
act as an important growth factor for human serum-independent melanoma cell growth. Similar re-

Table 3
Modulation of tumor growth and metastasis by IL-8 gene transfection

Tumor system Animal model Effects and mechanisms Authors


hu-IL-8 expression 6ector

SB-2 human melanoma cells Nude mice/subcutis Increased tumor angiogenesis, growth, Luca M et al.,
and metastasis through upregulation of 1997 [133]
FG human pancreatic adenocarcinoma Nude mice/pancreas Increased angiogenesis Shi Q et al.,
cells 1999 [16]
TMK-1 human gastric carcinoma cells Nude mice/stomach Increased tumor angiogenesis, growth, Kitadai Y et al.,
and metastasis 1999 [33]
SK-OV-3 human ovarian cancer cells Nude mice/subcutis Decreased tumor growth through Lee LF et al.,
increased neutrophil and mononuclear 2000 [62]
cell infiltration
CT-26 murine colon carcinoma cells Syngeneic immunocompetent BALB/c Decreased tumor growth through Nakashima E et
mice/footpad increased T lymphocyte infiltration al., 1996 [134]
253J-P human transitional cell Nude mice/bladder Increased tumor angiogenesis, Inoue K et al.,
carcinoma cell line invasiveness, tumorigenicity, and 2000 [135]
metastasis via upregulation of MMP-9
hu-IL-8 antisense expression 6ector
Human glioma cells Nude mice/subcutis Inhibition of tumor growth in vitro Yamanaka Ret
al., 1995 [136]
FG human pancreatic adenocarcinoma Nude mice/pancreas Decreased angiogenesis, tumor growth, Shi Q et al.,
cells and metastasis 1999 [19]

253J B-V human transitional cell Nude mice/bladder Decreased angiogenesis, invasiveness, Inoue K et al.,
carcinoma cell line tumorigenicity 2000 [135]
384 K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391

sults were obtained in human colorectal carcinoma cells [145], rabbit neovascularization cornea in vivo [146],
in vitro using the specific antagonist peptide AcR- and others [147]. IL-8 is now been recognized as one of
RWWCR or with blocking anti-IL-8 antibody. All of the secretory products that influence angiogenesis in
the colon carcinoma cell lines tested expressed mRNA vitro and in vivo from macrophages [147–149] and
for both IL-8Ra and IL-8Rb when grown at conflu- mast cells [150]. IL-8 may also play a role in angiogen-
ence. At the protein level, all the cell linesexpressed esis by IL-1 [151], TNF-a [146], H2O2 [152], hypoxia
IL-8Ra. Expression of IL-8Rb was weak [28,29]. [16,18], and acidosis [17].
In earlier studies of pancreatic cancer, treatment with The involvement of IL-8 in tumor angiogenesis was
IL-8 antisense oligonucleotides suppressed IL-8 produc- first demonstrated in human bronchogenic carcinoma
tion from and cell growth of HuP-T4pancreatic cancer [36,39]. The researchers found that increased quantities
cell line. These data also indicated that IL-8 produced of IL-8 were detected in tumor tissue as compared with
by human pancreatic cancer may act as an autocrine normal lung tissue. Additionally, immunohistochemical
growth factor [76]. In our recent study, we found that staining of tumors revealed primary localization of IL-8
the growth of FG human pancreatic cancer cells in to individual tumor cells and demonstrated the capacity
vitro was minimally affected by the production of IL-8. of tumors to elaborate IL-8. Functional studies that
This was based on our observation showing that a used tissue homogenates of tumors demonstrated the
specific IL-8-neutralizing antibody only marginally induction of both in vitro endothelial cell chemotaxis
blocks the growth of the cells in vitro. Even suppressing and in vivo corneal neovascularization. The addition of
of IL-8 expression by 90% after transfection with neutralizing antisera to IL-8 in these assays resulted in
pcDNA-8Af (the antisense oligonucleotide expression the marked, specific attenuation of these responses.
vector) affected the in vitro growth rate by less than These observations definitively established IL-8 as a
10%. Therefore, the dependence on IL-8 for cell growth primary mediator of angiogenesis in bronchogenic car-
in vitro varied widely among different tumor types. cinoma and offered a potential target for immunothera-
Some tumor cell lines were apparently dependent on pies against solid malignancies. They also predicted
IL-8, whereas others were not. However, in vivo, there that interference of the angiogenic function of CXC
was greater than 90% suppression of tumorigenicity chemokines, including IL-8, permits novel targeted
and 100% suppression of metastasis, suggesting that the therapy aimed specifically at attenuating tumor growth
role of IL-8 in the progression of pancreatic cancer is and metastasis [38]. This observation has been confi-
more complex than that of a simple autocrine growth rmed in human glioma [153], mesothelioma [154],
stimulator [16]. glioblastoma [121], head and neck squamous cell car-
cinoma [155,156], none-small cell lung carcinoma
[40,157], prostate cancer [158–160], colon cancer [161],
5. IL-8 and angiogenic effect breast cancer [162], ovarian cancer [55,128,163], gastric
carcinoma [33], uterine cervical cancer [164], melanoma
The angiogenic activity of IL-8 produced by mono- [165] and pancreatic cancer [16].
cytes and macrophages was first demonstrated by Koch IL-8 receptor expression on endothelial cells has also
et al., [142] in 1992. They found that human recombi- been demonstrated. For example, human microvascular
nant IL-8 was potently angiogenic when implanted in a endothelial cells express the IL-8 receptor, which allows
rat cornea and induced proliferation and chemotaxis of direct interaction of IL-8 with endothelial cells [166].
human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The angiogenic IL-8 may also promote angiogenesis by inducing of
activity present in the conditioned medium of inflamed endothelial migration or chemotaxis [167].
human rheumatoid synovial tissue macrophages and
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated blood monocytes was
equally blocked by antibodies against IL-8 and TNF-a. 6. IL-8 and motogenic effect
In addition, an IL-8 antisense oligonucleotide specifi-
cally blocked the production of monocyte-induced an- IL-8 is a physiological initiator of the chemotactic
giogenic activity. These data suggested that migration of leukocytes, e.g. neutrophils and
macrophage-derived IL-8 has a function in angiogene- macrophages. Overexpression of IL-8 by tumor cells
sis-dependent disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis may lead to elevated infiltration of leukocytes, which
and tumor growth. The abrogation of angiogenesis have been shown to potentially produce various growth
using IL-8-neutralizing antibodies has been predicted to factors and angiogenic factors in large quantities and
control these angiogenesis-dependent diseases [143]. rapid expansion of tumor mass. The tumor cell-initiated
This initial observation was immediately confirmed by and tumor infiltration cell-mediated tumor angiogenesis
several studies using different approaches including a may produce strong indirect tumor-stimulating effects
rat sponge angiogenesis model [144], in vitro model of and underscore the importance of the direct effects of
tubular morphogenesis of vascular endothelial cells IL-8 as a growth factor and/or angiogenic factor as well
K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391 385

as those of other potential growth factors and angio- by IL-8. Additionally, there are two receptors for IL-8:
genic factors produced by tumor cells. On the other IL-8Ra, which is specific for IL-8, and IL-8Rb, which
hand, it is interesting to notice that IL-8 can also also binds to other CXC chemokines, such as neu-
function as a motility factor for tumor cells, which may trophil-activating polypeptide-2, epithelial neutrophil
be relevant to tumor invasion and metastasis. This activating factor, 78 amino acids, and melanoma
concept was first tested in human melanoma cells [168]. growth stimulating activity (Gro-a) [173]. Several mu-
Both natural and recombinant IL-8-induced migration tated IL-8 antagonists of the IL-8 receptor have been
across polycarbonate filters of A2058 human melanoma shown to compete with IL-8 [174]. For example, a
cells. Also anti-IL-8 antibodies blocked IL-8 induced synthetic peptide inhibits GRO-a from binding to its
melanoma cell migration. Checkerboard experiments receptors and inhibits the growth and metastasis of
revealed a gradient-dependent response of the human melanoma cells in nude mice [175]. Antisense
melanoma cells to IL-8. Filters that were exposed to oligonucleotides have also been shown to decrease IL-8
IL-8 and washed supported melanoma cell migration, receptor mRNA and inhibits the proliferation of non-
thus implying a chemotactic component in the small cell lung cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo
response. [176].
The initial observation described above was repro- We have shown that human pancreatic cancer cells
duced in many other tumor cell lines, including human transfected with an IL-8 antisense oligonucleotide ex-
colon cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia. In the pression vector significantly decrease the constitutive
human colon cancer model, LIM1215 cell migration and inducible levels of IL-8 mRNA and protein secre-
was determined in circular wounds made in the conflu- tion and suppress tumorigenic and metastatic potential.
ent monolayer culture. This migration was stimulated Since NF-kB is essential for constitutive and inducible
in a concentration-dependent manner by IL-8 with IL-8 expression, we transfected MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic
maximal effects of about two-fold above basal migra- cancer cells with a dominant-negative IkB (IkBaM)
tion. The motogenic effect of IL-8 was mediated inde- expression vector. The expression of exogenous domi-
pendently of the effects on cell proliferation. In nant-negative IkBa significantly suppressed NF-kB
contrast, the effect was partially dependent on gene binding activity and NF-kB reporter activity, IL-8 pro-
transcription and protein synthesis and involved the moter activity, and IL-8 expression at both the mRNA
activation of pertussis toxin-sensitive G-proteins. The and protein level [19]. In fact, interference with NF-kB
short-chain fatty acids, acetate, propionate, butyrate, signaling has been shown to inhibit tumor growth and
valerate, PMA, and TNF all stimulated the secretion of metastasis via blockade of angiogenesis and promotion
IL-8. However, only the motogenic effect of TNF was of apoptosis [177,178].
dependent on IL-8 [169]. More recently, IL-8 has been
shown to stimulate PC-3 prostate cancer cell migration
and invasion in vitro through a reconstituted basement
membrane and both long-term migration and short- 8. Conclusion and future directions
term adhesion to laminin, a major component of the
basement membrane. The stimulation of tumor cell The development of multiple autocrine growth-sig-
migration and invasion by IL-8 was achieved in part by naling pathways renders tumor cells a tremendous
altering the activation states of the b1 integrins [170]. In growth advantage and imposes significant difficulties in
addition, Till et al. [171] showed that IL-8 induced the designing effective cancer therapy. Adding to the long
migration of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells within list of growth factors and cytokines, IL-8 may also play
lymphoreticular tissues. Furthermore, IL-8 may regu- a role in human cancer progression. The inference of
late tumor cell migration by regulating the expression the impact of IL-8 expression on tumor growth requires
of MMP-2 and/or MMP-9 at the gene transcription combined consideration of data obtained from cell
level [133,172]. cultures, animal models, and clinical studies. Neverthe-
less, multiple mechanisms are apparently involved in
IL-8 action, including direct effects on tumor cell prolif-
7. Targeting IL-8 expression for cancer treatment eration, angiogenesis, and migration, and indirect ef-
fects via attracting host infiltration cells, such as
The role of IL-8 in the growth and metastasis of neutrophils and macrophages, which may in turn pro-
some types of cancer, including human pancreatic ade- duce numerous factors that promote tumor angiogene-
nocarcinoma, makes IL-8 an attractive target for treat- sis and growth. While the upstream signaling of
ment of cancer. A direct strategy may be to use an inducible and constitutive IL-8 expression remains to be
IL-8-neutralizing antibody to interfere with the func- determined at greater length, targeting the expression of
tions of IL-8. Alternatively, blocking the IL-8 receptors IL-8 may indicate new directions for the development
will also block the signal transduction pathway initiated of antitumor strategies.
386 K. Xie / Cytokine & Growth Factor Re6iews 12 (2001) 375–391

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