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Electromagnetism – is an interaction of electric current and magnetic

Magnetism – refers to physical phenomena arising from the force
caused by magnets that produces fields that attract or repel other
Two kinds of magnet – Natural and Artificial Magnet
Three Main Types of Magnets – Permanent magnet, Temporary
Magnet, Electromagnet.
Types of Magnetic Materials – Ferromagnetic, Diamagnetic,
Properties of Magnet – Have 2 poles & Like poles repel and unlike poles
Hans Christian Oersted – a Danish physicist who discovered the
relationship between electricity and magnetism.
Electromagnet – a magnet that is made of electricity.
Parts – Battery, Copper wire, Nail.
Electromagnetic Induction – a process where a conductor placed in a
changing magnetic field causes the production of a voltage across the
Michael Faraday – English physicist that discovered that the magnetic
field creates electric current.
Electric Motor – is used to convert electrical energy into mechanical
Parts: Power source, Field magnet, Armature coil & core, Commutator,
Brushes, Axle, and Shaft.
AC – Alternating Current
DC – Direct Current


4. If the frequency of a certain electromagnetic wave increases, what happens to its wavelength?

b. Decreases

4. Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between wavelength and energy
in electromagnetic spectrum>

b. Shorter wavelength s has higher energy

6. How are radio waves applied in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology?

b. Tracking and identifying objects

10. How are visible light waves harnessed in fiber-optic communication networks?

c. Carrying information through glass fibers

11. What is the cutting-edge application of infrared waves in the field of astronomy?

a. Thermal imaging security

12. In what ways does electromagnetic radiation from solar flares and cosmic rays impact the Earth’s
atmosphere and climate?

a. Contributes to global warming c. Promotes ozone layer formation

b. Enhances atmospheric transparency d. Causes cooling of the upper atmosphere

14. In what way can excessive exposure to blue light, a component of visible light, affect sleep patterns?

c. improving sleep quality

17. In a room with multiple plane mirrors. Each reflecting the same object, what is true about the
images formed?

a. The images are identical

18. Which of the following is qualitative characteristic that applies to both plane and curved mirrors?

a. Lateral Inversion c. Dispersion

b. Chromatic aberration d. Total internal reflection

19. When an object is placed in front of a convex mirror, the image formed is:

c. always virtual and larger than the object

d. always real and larger than the object

21. in a plane mirror, the distance between the object and the image is:

b. equal to the distance between the mirror and the image

22. Which of the following is a qualitative characteristic of an image formed by a plane mirror?
c. Virtual

23. Rob sees the reflection of the clock without numbers in your plane mirror. The image formed by the
hands of the clock shows the time of 3:30. What is real time?

c. 9:30

24. A light ray, travelling parallel to a concave mirror’s axis, strikes the mirror’s surface. The reflected
ray __________
d. passes through the mirror’s center of curvature

25. Which property of mirror is crucial for application in telescope and periscopes?
a. reflectivity b. focal length c. transparency d. magnification

26. In a magnifying glass. Which type of lens is commonly used to produce an enlarged virtual image?
b. biconvex

27. In camera lenses, how does adjusting the aperture size impact the image?
c. it controls the amount of light entering the camera
28. in a compound microscope, what is the primary function of the eyepiece?
c. to magnify the image formed by the objective lens

29. For a person with myopia (nearsightedness). What types of lenses are commonly prescribed to
correct vision?
b. concave lens

30. In astigmatism, what is the primary cause of distorted or blurred vision?

a. uneven curvature of the cornea or lens

31. What term is used to describe the phenomenon where the left and right sides of an object appear
switched in a mirror image?
d. lateral inversion

32. A person with hyperopia(farsightedness) experience difficulty in focusing on:

a. nearby objects

46. According to the right-hand rule, what is the direction of the magnetic field around a current-
carrying wire when the thumb points in the direction of the current?


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