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Copyright © 2023 by Ralf

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tional purposes only, and not for purposes of treating any psycholog-
ical, emotions, sexual, or spiritual problem. Due to the rate at which
conditions change, the Author reserves the right to alter and update
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The guy who struggles...................................................5

Sexual Anxiety.............................................................11
A new Mental Paradigm.............................................17
The Framework...........................................................23
Opening the set..........................................................29
Sexual Attraction........................................................35
Sexual Escalation........................................................41
Pulling the trigger.......................................................53
So now what?...............................................................59


It is 9 PM on a Saturday night and Joe is lying in

his bed scrolling through Instagram. His friends are
posting stories of partying, drinking and having fun.
Girls are posting pictures in bikinis and showing off
their asses and tight bodies. The compulsive scroll-
ing through all these posts awakens in Joe a mix of
stress, jealousy, sadness, hatred towards women, and
low self-esteem. In a compulsive manner, in hopes of
releasing stress he opens Pornhub and busts a nut.
Then he falls asleep, disappointed in himself, won-
dering if he will ever become that guy who can easily
get women to like him and actually get laid more.

You see, Joe have`t got laid in months. In fact he only

ever slept with one girl - his first girlfriend, which he
met 2 years ago when he was 20 years old. She broke
his hearth when he caught her having wild sex with
one of his best friends a couple of months ago. This
motherfucker even made her scream his name, and
she seemed to be enjoying it much more than any-
time she was with Joe. She was always this innocent
looking girl, how can she do something like this to
me, Joe thought to himself on the day of encounter-
ing this heartbreaking scene.

Months pass, and the bitterness in Joe grows. He is
stuck in a perpetual routine of working his 9-5, play-
ing video games in the afternoon, getting no matches
on Tinder, and jacking off to porn before bed. There
needs to be a way to break out of this, I can`t go
on living like this anymore, Joe says to himself. De-
termined to fix his dating life, he gets seated behind
his laptop and starts looking for guidance online.

On reddit he stumbles across a “seduction commu-

nity”, where guys like him discuss how to become
better with women. After some surfing he discovers
this book called The Game, which everyone recom-
mends as a must read. Without hesitation he down-
loads a pirate copy of the book, and starts reading it.
He is a bit sceptical of the idea of cold approaching
women, or becoming a “pick-up artist”, or a player,
but it might be worth giving it a try. Anything to fi-
nally get some results with women.

While reading The Game, Joe realized there is a

bunch of tips and tricks he can use to get a girlfriend,
or to get laid. He also learns about his guy Mystery,
which seems to be the guy who mastered the art of
attracting women. Still not taking any action, Joe ra-
tionalizes to himself, Once I know what this Mystery
guy has to say, I will start going out and meeting

women... but I need more information first.

Weeks pass, and Joe fell into a rabbit hole of mental

masturbation on the topic of meeting, attracting and
seducing women. It became his new obsession. He
reads post after post from various PUAs posting red-
dit posts, and reads a couple more books on picking
up women. All the while he still hasn`t met a single
new woman. The only thing he really does, is day-
dreaming of the day he will finally be prepared to go
in the field to try these things out.

During his “research stage”, he finds in-fields videos

on youtube about guys cold-approaching women on
the streets, or in a club, and this makes him motivat-
ed to try it out for himself. So on a Sunday morning
he finally grows some balls and heads towards the
mall to do his first cold-approach. While walking he
stands erect, smiles and holds prolonged eye-contact
with attractive women (the PUA guys advised this).
Then a hot brunette catches his eye, and in an effort
to approach her, he moves his feet towards her fast-
er than his mind can object to not to. His heart is
pounding and his palms are sweating, but nonethe-
less he steps in front of this girl with a nervous smile,
and says hello.

She seems polite and nice, and Joe stutterly uttered
a canned opener that he learned from Mystery. Can
I ask you a question... who do you think cheats
more, men or women?, he asks. The brunette finds
this question kind of weird, but nonetheless an-
swered with men. They chat a bit around this top-
ic, but soon Joe becomes a nerve-wreck because he
doesn`t know how to move the interaction forward.
He knows that he needs to at least “nuber-close” her,
but not knowing what to say next her remains silent
for the next 10 seconds. The girl lets out a nervous
laughter, and says It was nice meeting you, but I re-
ally need to keep going, I need to catch a bus. As he
observes her walking away, he feels rejected, but also
proud of at least making a move.

After his first ever cold-approach Joe went home and

wrote down his experience into a specially dedicated
diary. Also, he decided (as an online PUA suggests)
that he will do 10 cold-approaches every single day
for the next month, and try to get a girl`s number
every single time. With a new hope and filled with
excitement to meet new women the next day, Joe
falls asleep.

After coming home from his 9-5 the next day, Joe
heads towards the mall once again. As he planned he

will approach 10 new women. And he does. He was
extremely nervous and the interactions were shit,
but one of the 10 girls actually exchanged phone
numbers with him. Joe feels like a winner, he can`t
wait to finally go on the first date with her... or at
least that is what he hopes. At home he texts her,
but he never gets a respond, so he text her a second
time... and a third time, but still nothing. What have
I done wrong? he wonders.

In the month to come, he did as he planned. He ap-

proached 10 women every-single day, had a quick
conversation with each, and tried to exchange num-
bers. Joe also went on his very first date, but it was a
complete mess. Most of the interaction was silence,
mixed with some fluff talk, no physicality, and a “it
was nice meeting you” goodbye. He never heard
from the girl again.

Joe gained a lot of experience while cold approach-

ing women in the mall, and eventually he even start-
ed going out to clubs and bars. Sets became easier
to open, girls were laughing at his silly jokes, and he
was also getting more physical with women. Then
one day it all finally paid off - Joe took a drunk girl
home, and they had sex. She was not the best look-
ing girl in the world, but at least he finally got laid.


Joe`s story is an illustration of what a lot of guys go

through nowadays. There are many guys out there
that had a crush (or even a girlfriend) but got heart-
broken, so they decide to do something about it. And
there are a ton of guys out there that are not having
the sex life they desire. No girlfriend, no hook-ups,
no sex, a lot of them are still virgins at 20 or even
25 years of age. One 2019 study shows that almost
one third of all men between ages 18 and 30 report-
ed having no sex in the past year. So this is where we
are - a lot of men do not get laid on a regular basis.

The Beginner Framework is not a PUA handbook,

where you will learn funny pick-up lines, get women
to laugh and be “red-pilled” about women`s hyper-
gamous nature. Instead, we will go deeper than that.
I will help you rewire your mind in a way that is con-
ducive to getting success with women (you can think
of this as “inner game”) in a natural fashion. Also, I
will equip you with a concise framework on how to
meet and approach women, and escalate things from
hello to sex.

All the things covered in the Begginer Framework

are heavily based on human nature, female psy-

chology, behavioralism and inter-sexual dynamics.
There is a lot we will cover, and it is a good idea for
you to re-read this book several times. But study-
ing the material on its own will not get you results.
The results will happen once you start applying the
knowledge. This is true for the “inner game” part,
as well as for things you will do in field. So keep in
mind that you will need to go out there, test things
out, fail, re-think your approach and try again.

Now, before you can start going out, meeting new

women, and getting laid, there are two crucial steps
you need to take. First you need to start working on
identifying and eliminating your sexual anxiety, and
second, you need to replace you unhelpful beliefs
about women, sex, and relationship, with helpful
ones. These two are not really steps, but rather pro-
cesses, because you will work on these while already
going out, but non-nonetheless, you have to start
here. No worries, I will guide you through the whole
thing. So without any further ado, let us jump into
the topic of sexual anxiety first.

So what exactly is sexual anxiety? Sexual anxiety, in

my definition, is any nervousness you feel around
the topic of sex. Whether it is being uncomforta-
ble discussing sexual topics with friends or women,

doubting your sexual abilities, blushing when you
see a sexual scene on TV in front of your parents, or
not having the courage to go for the kiss, the under-
lying beast is sexual anxiety.

Sexual anxiety is a topic most “dating coaches” out

there completely ignore, but as you will realize, it
is the foundational block for your success. All the
things you will do in field will be sabotaged if you
haven`t eliminated you sexual anxiety. Just think
about it for a minute - would you really be able to
pull that hot girl home from the club and have wild
sex with her, if you believe that hooking up is bad,
your dick is small, and if you would be a complete
nervous wreck while talking to her? Probably your
dick wouldn`t even get hard, or maybe you would
shit your pants in the process. So, removing sexual
anxiety is a crucial component in your journey.

Let`s now talk about where sexual anxiety comes

from. In short, it comes from your cultural and fami-
ly background, and from any other outside force that
could influence your beliefs as you were growing up.
Parents, school-teachers, your priest, social media
influencers, Hollywood actors, and your peers are
just some typical examples of people who (either in-
tentionally or unintentionally) seeded sexual anxiety

in you in the form of limiting beliefs. Throughout
your life you then unknowingly reinforce these be-
liefs by gathering feedback information from real
world (i.e. your experiences) that is aligned to these
beliefs, which create a cemented mindset you now

So, how do you know you have sexual anxiety?

First off, every single guy out there has some form
of sexual anxiety. You can think of sexual anxiety as
running on a spectrum from guys having almost no
sexual anxiety (e.g. porn-stars), to guys who have
very severe sexual anxiety (e.g. a nerd who piss-
es his pants when his crush sits next to him). I will
just briefly line out some points which demonstrate
various types of sexual anxiety a guy can have. This
should help you identify what sort of sexual anxiety
you have, so you can later start eliminating it.

The first, and most common sign of sexual anxiety is

any worrisome thoughts related to lacking sexual ex-
perience. Next we have performance anxiety, which
is related to thoughts of not being able to satisfy a
girl, believing your dick is not a good size (or shape),
and being insecure about your performance in gen-
eral. Moving on, there is any discomfort you might
feel when the topic of sex is brought up when talking

to a woman you like. Furthermore, we have escala-
tion anxiety, which is related to you not being able
(or being scared) to make a bigger move, like going
for the kiss, holding hands, asking her out, taking
off her pants, etc. And lastly, we have lack of sexual
confidence. This is when you are unsure about your
knowledge about sex, and doubt your sexual abilities
in general.

I will conclude this section by giving you two meth-

ods to work on eliminating your sexual anxiety.
They are education, and getting a regular sex part-
ner. Regarding the education part you want to grab
some books on the topic of sex (some recommenda-
tion: Sperm Wars, The Guide To Getting It On, Why
Women Have Sex, My Secret Garden, Sex At Dawn)
and study them mercilessly.

The second part is where the rubber meets the road.

Getting a regular sex partner might seem counter-
intuitive, especially if you have severe sexual anxi-
ety or really struggle with getting a girl, but this is
something you must do. You need to meet a girl that
is willing to have sex with you at least once per week.
She does not have to be that attractive or whatever,
but simply a girl who is down. With her you want to
try new things out, and talk about sexual topics.


Ok, so you`ve ordered a couple books about sex

from Amazon (or stole them from your local li-
brary), and you asked your bellow average-looking
cousin`s friend out, and now the two of you are
fucking every Friday evening back at your place.
Great. Now we will get our hands dirty by entering
the realm of working on your beliefs. The process of
rewiring your brain to remove old, unhelpful beliefs,
and replace them with new beliefs that will help you
get more pussy, is crucial, and never-ending.

Let`s start this chapter off with the concept of sexu-

al comfort zone. Your sexual comfort zone is simply
put a “zone” in which you feel comfortable sexually,
bounded by the limits of sexual anxiety sabotaging
you. If you are only comfortable interacting with
“innocent” girls, if you think all girls are prude, if
you are waiting for sex until marriage, and if you feel
uncomfortable discussing sex in public, then a lot
of works need to be done in order to expand your
sexual comfort zone. But on the other hand, if you
only experience some escalation anxiety, and find it
difficult to express your sexual desires to a woman,
then you will expand your sexual comfort zone a bit

The key to expanding your sexual comfort zone is
to first identify at which level you are currently lo-
cated, so you can progressively expand it. So, let me
provide you a list of things that depict various levels
of your sexual comfort zone. You want to go through
this list and pin-point the level you are currently at.

The list starts with approaching a woman you’re sex-

ually attracted to, followed by flirting, giving a state-
ment of intent (e.g., expressing that she is attractive
or sexy, and similar), going for the first kiss, setting
up a date, calling the girl’s phone number, bringing
her back to your place, meeting her at your place,
taking her into your bedroom, kissing her, removing
her bra, attempting to remove her pants, getting a
condom, and finally, engaging in sexual intercourse.

Once you identify where the level at which you cur-

rently get uncomfortable, you know the thing you
need to work on. Once you level up, you then want
to work on the next thing and so on, until you are
completely comfortable going through the process
of meeting the girl to having sex with her. And yes,
you will only be able to do this by going out and
gathering experience in real life, with real women.

Next, I want to talk about beliefs, and how they are

related to sexuality. Beliefs are ideas that we accept
as true, despite if they actually are true or not. Some
beliefs are good (e.g. knowing you can`t fly will pre-
vent you from jumping off a roof), while others hold
us back (e.g. if you think you are too short to attract
certain types of women). Beliefs related to our sex-
uality are deeply ingrained, and they form your self-
image, which shape your expectations. Beliefs are
extremely powerful, because the affect your actions,
which affect your results, which in turn reinforce
your beliefs, forming a feed-back loop.

Let’s illustrate the immense power of beliefs with an

example. Suppose I hold a negative belief about sex,
thinking that women only have sex within commit-
ted relationships with wealthy, good-looking and tall
men. Now, imagine I see an attractive girl that I’d like
to approach and have sex with. However, due to my
limited belief, I convince myself that since I don’t
possess those desired traits, I shouldn’t approach
her. Consequently, I miss the opportunity to engage
with her, reinforcing my belief that I can’t attract the
type of women I desire. So in this example, you can
see that it is vital for us to identify our beliefs sur-
rounding sexuality, women, and relationships, and
then work on replacing them.

So, I already mentioned “bad beliefs”, and “beliefs
that are conducive to success”, but what exactly so I
mean with this? Let me elaborate, starting first with
beliefs that are holding you back from having the sex
life you desire (aka bad beliefs), following by the be-
liefs to replace them.

One belief that many guys hold is that women don`t

enjoy sex us much as men do. Non-sense! Women
have wild sexual fantasies, and most of them would
do very dirty things with the right guy (much dirtier
than you can imagine). Sex is the most natural things
in the world, and yes, women enjoy it, probably even
more than men. Next, there is the belief that women
don`t like being approached and hit on. Gibberish!
Women don`t like to be approached by losers, but if
you are a well-put-together guy and you approach
a chick, she will be flattered at the least. Moving
on, we have guys who believe that women expect
commitment before they will fuck them. Not how it
works. If you are the right guy (I will teach you how
to become one) she will want to fuck you first, and
then only hope it leads to something more. Next, we
have the bad belief that women only desire tall, rich,
famous, or whatever, men. Not true. Women are in
relationships with all sorts of men. Just take a look
around you. And finally, we have the “relationships

must be strictly monogamous. Yeah right. You might
be raised in an environment where this is the norm,
but let me tell you, friends with benefits and dating a
couple of girls at once is what`s up for me.

So these were some bad beliefs, now I will just brief-

ly outline some helpful beliefs. First off, you have to
realize that sex is normal and natural. Next, women
are as sexual (or even more) than men are. Moving
on, women go out to hook-up and meet new sexu-
al options. Next, there is the belief that you screen
women and not the other way around (more on this
later). Further, we have the “It`s fuck or bounce” be-
lief (basically you don`t deal with women who are
not sexually available to you). And finally we have
the belief that approaches are either fun or boring,
and you decide whether to continue or leave an in-

I go in extreme details on these beliefs in my other

books (Seduction Blueprint & Quick Lay System),
where I also talk about a 3-step system for replac-
ing bad beliefs with helpful ones. In short, the 3-step
system is based on using daily affirmations, activat-
ing your Reticular Activating System by seeking evi-
dence that supports your new beliefs, and by adopt-
ing performance statements.


So now that we got the “inner game” part out of the

way, I would like to set the stage for presenting you
the actual framework you will be using when going
out with the goal to get laid. As I said, the Beginner
Framework is not some bullshit PUA book. Many
guys might assume that my books aim to turn a
bunch of guys into degenerate fuck-ups who go out
and fuck whatever moves.

I even get a lot of DMs from guys saying that I

should stop promoting promiscuity and hooking up,
but this is not what I am all about. My main goal is to
promote the idea of how to get sexual with women
you find attractive as fast as possible. I want to equip
the average guy with knowledge and skills that are
needed to get good with women. Then it is up to you
if you want to make a girl your girlfriend, or if you
just want to hook up with multiple chicks. But get-
ting to the sex part is the most important thing you
need to do before you start any sort of relationship
with a woman.

Ok, so how does the actual framework look like?

The process of how I go about getting laid (and into
sexual relationships with women) is build on a sim-

ple model. In some ways it is similar to the Mystery
Method. In general you first need to approach a girl
(or a group), create a sense of superficial comfort
with her, get her sexually attracted to you, create a
deeper sense of comfort, escalate the whole thing
sexually, getting more and more physical, solve the
logistics, and finally pull the trigger. Then after you
fuck, you want to evaluate how to take things further
and what possible kinds of relationship you can have
(or want) with that girl.

Depending on your experience level, and on the ac-

tual situation you find yourself in when interacting
with women, many parts of the framework can be
skipped. In other words, the framework is not a line-
ar model. There will not be two exact same instances
of you talking to a girl and going through the exact
same process both times. Every situation is different
and you will need to calibrate your approach accord-

For example, you may approach a girl on the streets

in the middle of the day, and here it will be very in-
appropriate to dirty talk to her and start making out
with her after 5 minutes. This is completely situa-
tionally inappropriate and not how socially intelli-
gent people go about things. On the other hand, if

you meet a girl in a club on a Friday evening, and
both are a bit drunk and having fun, you can expect
that you don`t necessarily need to talk about your
passions and life goals, but can instead directly start
sexually amping up the interaction and solving logis-
tics as quickly as possible, and then take her home
and have sex in under and hour of meeting her.

One really golden advice I want to share with you at

this point is for you to journal things. After you go
out, meet women, and escalate things sexually, you
want to reflect on what happened. Try to evaluate
what you did and what effect it had on the overall
interaction. Then you want to constantly evolve, try-
ing out new things, one little step at a time. For ex-
ample, if you`ve been going out and approaching 10
new girls on the streets but can`t get any numbers,
you obviously need to change something. Then once
you field test some things and find something that
works, stick to it. The key at this process is to not get
overwhelmed with things you want to field test. Try
one new thing at a time, for many repetitions. Then
see if it works out for you or not, and only then you
experiment with something else.

Now that the stage is set, I will briefly go over each

step of the whole framework, so that you have

everything in one place, in a condensed fashion. If
you struggle to get a good grasp of how to connect
the whole process, this is the section of the book you
want to go back to - think of it as an augmented table
of contents. Let`s jump into it.

First things first, meeting new women. Right off the

bat you might ask, But Ralf, where do I actually
meet women nowadays? Well, basically everywhere.
There is an abundance of girls out there, and con-
stantly new girls become old enough for you to fuck
without ending up in prison. Where you will meet
new women is completely up to your preferences
but also dependent on your environment. You may
try dating apps, day-game, club-game, social-circle
game, or simply what like I like to do - meeting new
girls whenever the fuck an opportunity to do so lies.

When you see a girl you like (assuming this is not

on dating apps or anywhere else online), you want
to approach - usually right away. Having good body
language and non-verbal communication is key here
(as you will later learn), but you also need to say
something. So, you want to use a so-called opener.
This can actually be whatever the fuck. Find some-
thing that works for you, and stick to it. I usually just
say Hi coupled with a bullshit compliment, or I bark

like a dog, or ask a silly question.

Then you want to do some “normal guy” conversa-

tion for some time, which should indicate to her that
you are not a threat to her. Afterwards you will break
rapport (I will go into this soon), which will initiate
the attraction process. Specifically I will teach you
how to generate sexual attraction. The whole point
of this is not to make her laugh and giggle but to
get her turned on and ready for sex. The majority of
“dating coaches” out there teach what I like to call
“value-based attraction” or “emotional attraction”.
We will not do that here, because I want you to stand
out and don`t want you to end up just like another
random guy she just meet, who will end up in the

Then once you know that she is sexually attracted,

you want to start amping up the sexuality. Massive
escalation is key here (don`t worry I will show you
how to do this). In the meantime you will try to fig-
ure out her logistics and forge a plan on how and
where you two will have sex. Once you have this info
and the plan you want to pull the trigger. Here you
need to be prepared to improvise, but in general
you can either go for an in-venue lay, same-night lay
(SNL), one nights stand (ONS), or set up a date.


Already then, now we got to the core of this book.

Congrats for not yet giving up and continuing with
what I am about to teach you next. So, opening the
set is where all sexual relationships start. You are
walking down the streets, maybe you have a class at
UNI, you are sent to your hot secretary, a hot blonde
sits two rows ahead of you in church, or there is a
hottie shaking her ass on the dance floor - no mat-
ter where you find an attractive woman, you need to
approach her first, before you can get some pussy.
No girl will just magically hop on your dick, without
you doing something about it.

So, you see her, you grab yourself by the balls and
go and talk to her. As I said, what you say matters
very little. What matters is how you say it, and how
you present yourself (body language on point, good
physique, groomed, smell nice, well dressed...). Your
approach should do two things at once - it should
initiate the interaction but it should also convey to
her that you are sexually comfortable. If your body
language, voice tonality, eye contact and charisma
are on point, this on its own will generate a sufficient
amount of sexual attraction (despite what you say),
allowing you to directly start amping up the sexuali-

ty (note that this is for once you get more advanced).

Ok, but let`s suppose you are a complete newbie

and don`t have any clue how to start a conversation,
and really want to hear some “pick up lines” or sen-
tences you can utter to start things going. The first
thing you can use is an old school “opinion opener”.
I don`t really use these, but they are effective. Simply
put, you ask a girl for an opinion on a subject. For
example, you may say, Excuse me, my friend over
there and I were arguing who cheats more, men
or women, and we need a girls opinion on this. Or
you may ask, Hey, sorry to bother, but what do you
think about this perfume. I am buying a gift for
my sister and I have a hard time deciding what is
trendy now.

Another opener you can use is a cocky, bullshit, not-

making-any-sense opener like Ding dong, bingy
bong, what am I going to do with you. Or you can
use one I find extremely amusing, Wow, you seem
very toxic, what is your name. Asking for direc-
tions, or asking her what time it is also works, but
there you will need to skilfully climb out of it and
change topics. Again, you can make these up and it
does not really matter what you say, the way you say
it is more important. So, these were some ideas for

beginners. For me, I usually just improvise my open-
er - rarely do I use the same opener on every girl I
meet. But you want to have a couple openers ready in
canned form, so you can routinely bust them out just
to get interactions started and gather more feedback
and experiences. There are also things like warm ap-
proaches, and looking for “approach invitations”, but
I will not delve into this book.

One more thing that is very important is to get phys-

ical ASAP. When you are about to introduce your-
self, give her a firm handshake (you can also hold
her hand for a longer period of time to gauge sexu-
al availability). Then while interacting you want to
continually escalate the physicality, and this will be
accepted much easier if you start it early on. Things
like touching her elbow or shoulder, spinning her
around, picking her up, hugging her, high fives,
thumb wrestles, etc., are all things that are build on
top of earlier physicality. Think about it, you can`t
really get your dick inside of her if you haven`t kissed
yet. And you can`t really make-out if you haven`t
touched her hand prior. So keep this in mind.

I already mentioned the importance of good body

language and displaying sexual confidence, and now
is the perfect opportunity to give you a brief crash

course on this topic. One fundamental aspect of
your body language is your eye-contact. You always
want to hold strong eye contact with women. Don`t
break the eye contact down (sign of submissiveness),
but rather break it to the side, and ideally let the girl
break it first. One thing you can use throughout the
interaction is the infamous triangular gaze. Simply
put, as you already got her attracted and things get
more and more sexual, you look into her left eye,
then her lips, then her right eye, back to lips and so
on. You can even stare her down and get caught for
“checking her out” and sticking a teasing compli-
ment to it, but I digress...

When talking to her, your vocal projection is king.

You should speak loud, slow and clearly. Making
yourself the centre of attention in a group, getting
others to listen to you, controlling and directing
the interaction, and having a strong presence are all
demonstrators of social dominance, which gener-
ate sexual attraction, so make sure you use this to
your advantage. This is what I mean when I say that
what you say matters very little. You can literally talk
about the weather and how you like to make Star-
bucks sandwiches for fun with your niece, but if you
can manage to capture attention and steer the inter-
action you are good to go.

Moving on, we will look at your posture, taking up
space and your gestures. You want to have a firm,
erect stance, and you should be the most comforta-
ble motherfucker in the room. Your body language
should signal comfort, which women subconscious-
ly interpret as confidence. When you are interact-
ing with her, or a group of people, you should have
things under control. Your gestures are intentional,
slow, and controlled. No nervous movements, no
rocking back and forth and no jumping all over the
place. You lean back, occupy a good amount of space
and take a position that puts you in a relaxed state.

Then after you initiated the interaction, did some

“nice-guy talk” to get her superficially comfortable
(which let`s her know you will not kill her or rape
her, but rather you are a cool guy to talk to), it is time
to break this comfort and initiate the sexual attrac-
tion process. Some tools you will use here are sexu-
alized teasing, disagreement, statements of intent, a
bigger physical move, calling her a silly nickname, or
injecting sexuality into the conversation in any oth-
er way imaginable (examples in next chapter). The
point of doing this is for her to not see you as a mere
friend or shopping buddy, but rather as a potential
sexual mate, who means business. This will set the
agenda on the table, and let her know what`s up.


Nice, you are still here. What you are about to learn
next will differentiate you from what other guys are
doing, and it will get women wet, begging you to
fuck them. I speak this from experience. So with-
out any further ado let me introduce to you (...drum
roll) the concept of sexual attraction.

Women in general can be attracted to a guy in many

different ways. And if you are like me when I was first
learning about this concept and field testing how the
fuck do you know you got a woman attracted, you
probably have no fucking clue what attraction is -
or at least you find the whole concept kind of hard
to grasp. Guys online say attraction this, attraction
that, one book teaches you to do this, another says
you should do that... I am here to simplify the whole
thing and focus exclusively on things that work in
practice, and things that will produce actual results.

As I pointed out earlier most “dating coaches” will

teach you value-based attraction. They preach how
you should demonstrate your value, let the girl know
you are rich and successful, and how you are well
connected and know people with status. Although
these things do attract women, they are not inher-

ently sexual. At the best, these things will make the
woman categorize you as a provider or a potential
boyfriend (which might actually be something you
look for). Since there is an abundance resources on
this online and in other books, I will completely dis-
regard this topic.

Another thing a ton of dating gurus focus on, and

what most of old-school PUAs were doing is trying
to get women emotionally stimulated. This will get
women attracted to you, but again, it is not inher-
ently sexual. You can tease them, tell emotionally
charged stories, take the girl through an emotional
roller-coaster, make her laugh and giggle, and these
things do work. Women will desire you more if you
are able to emotionally stimulate them. But it lacks
the sexual component, and the girl can see you as an
entertaining dude, and once you suddenly make a
move, she may get creeped out. I want to the chase
and focus exclusively on sexual attraction.

Sexual attraction is the most powerful type of at-

tractions a woman can feel for you, simply because
it stimulates the primitive par of her brain, which
overrides her emotions and her logical brain once
activated. The Triune Brain Theory supports this.
Essentially our brains are composed of three distinct

brains - the neocortex, the limbic system and the
primitive brain. In short, when you demonstrate val-
ue, you stimulate her neocortex (the logical brain).
When you make her laugh or angry, you stimulate
her emotional brain (limbic system). And when you
sexualize the interaction, you stimulate her primi-
tive brain, which holds the upper hand. The prim-
itive brain controls our impulses and the drive to
mate, so if you successfully trigger it, you will start
generating sexual attraction.

Now you might ask, But how do I actually get this

part of her brain triggered, Ralf? Glad you asked.
There are certain so-called sexual attraction triggers
that will stimulate her primitive brain an generate
sexual attraction. And to successfully trigger them,
there are certain tools you can use. I will just briefly
go over these triggers, and outline some of the tools
in our next chapter, but if you are serious about how
to implement them, you should get my other book
- The Seduction Blueprint, and study it mercilessly.

First things first, the sexual attraction triggers. After

studying many books on sexuality, psychology and
human nature, and after years of experimenting var-
ious thing in field, I`ve distilled 4 triggers that evoke
sexual attraction. These triggers are: Social dom-

inance, Sexualized stereotypes, Social proof, and
Arousal. Let me now go over each of them in some

Social dominance is all about you dominating social

situations. It is what sets you up as a guy high in a
social hierarchy, by you demonstrating the traits that
guys who are at top positions usually posses. Having
a loud and clear voice, controlling the conversation,
being the focal point of the interaction, exhibiting
self-assurance and self-amusement, and demon-
strating control over the situation are some of the
things you need to do in order to come across as so-
cially dominant.

Next, we have sexualized stereotypes. A sexualized

stereotype is basically an archetype of a guy she
wants to fuck, just for the sake of the stereotype. It
is not just about what you wear, but more about the
overall character you adapt. Essentially you want to
develop your identity in a direction that when a girl
meets you, she can say to herself Oh, I really want
to sleep with this guy, because he is an artist (or
a rock start, or whatever). It is crucial that you
embody a stereotype that is unique to you, and you
have to realize that this stereotype will work only on
a certain demographic of women. But once you find

these women, they will be able to project their sexual
desires and fantasies onto you, just for the sake of
you being this stereotype.

Moving on, there is the Social proof trigger. The

form of social proof that I want to focus on is pre-
selection. This is basically what happens when wom-
en see you around other women who seem to be in-
terested in you. This will get her attracted, because if
she sees you get attention from other women, in her
mind this translates to There must be something in-
teresting and appealing about this guy... All these
girls can`t possibly be mistaken. Social proof trig-
gers jealousy, which in turn fuels competition, which
will make women actively fight to get your attention.
So use this to your advantage whenever you can.

Finally, we have arousal. Arousal is essentially a

combination of unconscious physical and mental
processes which start with blush-like feelings and
lead to making her pussy wet. At some point in the
interaction you simply have to activate her physical
responses to arouse her. This is your ultimate goal.
You can do so by speaking in a deeper voice, sexual
eye contact, sexual rapport mirroring, spanking her,
pulling her hair while making out, using dirty talk,
and so on.


Now this was quite some “theory”. Hopefully your

brain is keeping up. All these things are quite hard
to internalise unless you go out there, gather expe-
riences and get feedback. With that said, let us now
move on to probably the most important part of the
whole interaction - sexually escalating things. This
should be the frame you operate in. The undertone
of the interaction should be one where you are esca-
lating things towards sex, progressively and in a way
comfortable for her. This is what`s up, and you want
to do everything in your power to escalate things -
verbally, physically and logistically. Constantly, until
you get your dick inside of her.

Escalating sexually is actually a unique type of game

because you’re hooking a girl in with emotions first,
then defining a sexual identity for her, and finally
arousing her and doing takeaways to keep that at-
traction stimulated. The first thing you want to do is
to ground yourself (Mystery talks a lot about this).
Basically you talk about your past, how it shaped you
into the person you are today, and paints a picture of
you in her mind which that informs her about what
she can expect from you in the future. Grounding is
also a great opportunity to frame yourself as being

a certain type of guy (non-judgemental, non-needy,
gets girls, adventurous, etc.).

So after you ground yourself, next you want to start

moulding her sexual identity. To do this we use a
framing model. The frame in this case is the sex-
ual identity that we want her to have. Some useful
frames are: independent, non-judgemental, sexually
aggressive, emotional, decisive, goes after what she
wants, always gets what she wants, etc. For example,
suppose you want her to be decisive. Why? Because
later on you’ll be trying to pull her out of the venue,
and you want to be able to call that frame back if she
says, Oh I don’t know if I should leave my friends.
You would simply respond, I thought you were de-
cisive, I thought you went for what you wanted.
Come on, don’t change being the girl that I really
liked, and that is a heart-melting line that will make
her come and throw her panties at you.

To define this decisive (or any other) identity, early

on, you might say to her, Do you know what I real-
ly like about you is you seem like a really decisive
girl... that’s a rare characteristic. I usually attract
women who are aggressive, but you’re just real-
ly assertive and I really, really like that. This is a
shaping statement. It’s a statement towards some-

thing you want her to be. Next you are going to prep
her for later, and say a statement of intent like, And I
mean that even though I’m trying to get into your
pants. Then you are going to release, because say-
ing “I want to get into your pants” is pretty hardcore.
So then you can say something like Too bad you’re
such a dork, and at this point she’ll say something
like, Oh, at least you’re honest.

Now you can use the identity shaping to build onto

something else. You can for example say, You know,
you remind me of a girl I used to know. She was
really, really decisive too, and she was really funny
because she was super promiscuous and she would
always tell me these funny stories. Like she took
some guy home a couple weeks ago, and the next
morning he was like, “Wow! It’s so great to have
a girlfriend”. That’s so weird. Don’t you think it’s
weird when guys get super-attached?” Now you
can say she’s decisive, and she thinks it’s weird if I
was going to get really attached, and she knows if
she wants to sleep with me, you are not going to
get weird the next morning, and she will understand
that people do sleep together casually and still are
good people.

You can also shape a sexual identity with cold reads.

Cold reads are basically presumptions about wom-
en that they are likely to agree with, but they frame
her in the way you want her to be. You might say
things like, I bet you that you’re a little bit sexually
insecure in a relationship, or, I can tell that you’re
totally the type of girl who goes after what she
wants. Like if your friends are telling you not to do
something and you still wanted to do it, you’d do
it. I bet you have some sort of piercing or tattoos
you regret.” Cold reading is a great way to shape her

The next step is sexual arousal. I usually say things

like: If no one else was here right now, you have
no idea what I would do to you, or, If no one was
here right now, I’d bend you over this table and
take care of business., or, things like, I totally have
an idea. I bet your favorite sexual position is either
doggie style or on top. Or, sexual cold reads like,
You totally have a fractured sexual identity. You
know sometimes you need to be treated sweet and
sensually, and other times you need to be fucked
like a dirty slut. All that kind of stuff goes into the
idea of arousal, and that comes after you’ve shaped
her sexual identity.

So, to recap, you want to first talk about yourself, so

you can ground your emotional baseline and give
her ideas of what to expect from you. I like to talk
about how I’m non-judgemental, how I’m sexually
open, how I’ve been engaged in long-term relation-
ships, and how I know what I want in girls. I let girls
know that I have a lot of female friends, that I’m not
someone who jumps into relationships, that I’m very
passionate and I don’t think there’s anything wrong
with having sex the first night you meet someone. If
you ground your emotional baseline it will all work
in your favor.

Then you want to use our framing model, and cold

reads (you can make up your own), and you start
molding her sexual identity. Then you cycle in the
arousal - physical, verbal, and sexual. You might
make out with her, then start fingering her, then
break it off. You push her away, and the pushing
away and the releasing and the slowing down is the
real power in sexually escalating. You can get super
fast escalations by telling girls no, by slowing things
down when they’re really hot and heavy and she’s
about to say no, and by using various other sexual
push-pull techniques. As I said, to go into depth on
these various sexual attraction tools and techniques
is out of the scope of this book, but if you really want
to learn more, go grab the Seduction Blueprint.


Right. You still haven`t given up. Mos guys don`t

even read through half of books they get, let alone
go out and apply any of it. So if you came to this
point, at least you are invested enough to finish it.
Hopefully you then also start going out and field test
what you`ve learned, so you can finally get the re-
sults with women that you dream off.

Let`s talk logistics now. This is what separates the

guys who get laid from the guys who get no wom-
en and jerk off at home, using their tears as lubri-
cation. Logistics refers to the idea of getting a girl
from wherever she is right now, to a place where you
can comfortably (for her) have sex with her. Logis-
tics come into play both when you first meet the girl,
and also on any potential dates you later have with
her (read the Players Handbook to learn more about
logistics and setting up dates).

You can play have an extremely “tight game”, but if

you don’t plan your logistics right, you’re not going
to get laid. I’m always baffled at how many guys don’t
think of this stuff and blow great opportunities for
sex time and time again. But obviously, you’re not
going to be that guy. That’s because I’m about to

break down the entire process of solving logistics
that will not only eliminate any chances of you not
getting laid, but will actually make it way easier.

You see, managing logistics separates boys from the

men when it comes to getting laid. So, to figure out
where you will be able to have sex with this girl you
just met, you have to screen her for logistics. And
you will do this by asking her three logistics ques-
tions early in the interaction. Keep in mind, that
these three questions are tailored for clubs and bars
but they can be modified and applied in any other

The first question you will ask is What is on the

agenda for later? This will let you know if she stays
at the party (or wherever you are), goes home, or if
she does not know. In whatever case, you want to
invite her to an “after-party” to your place later on,
or offer to walk her home or whatever. As I will soon
talk about, in general you simply need an excuse to
pull the girl home. The “what is on the agenda for
later” question is basically the polite and socially ac-
ceptable way of asking her if she is down to fuck.

The next logistical question is How did you all get

here. Ideally you want the girl being by herself, or

driving herself to the venue, or using some sort of
public transport, or even coming there by foot. The
worst case is if she is with a group of cock-block
friends, and also driving them all with her car.

Then you also want to ask her What you have going
on tomorrow. If she has to wake up super early and
has to go to work, you have a logistical issue, and
your only options can be to set up a date for later or
another day, or go for an in-venue lay, or a quickie
in your car or something like that. Ideally she says
things like I don’t have any plans yet, or I have a
day off, or I will be sleeping late. All the informa-
tion that indicates that she is not busy the next day is
a good sign of you getting laid soon.

So, you want to sprinkle these questions throughout

your interaction and gather these logistical informa-
tion. Simply getting a girl attracted and turned on is
no enough. A lot of guys think that if a girl is into
you, then it’s automatic that she will be going home
with you. The thing is, there are certain situations
where you can kind of keep things going but you
have to have common sense. For example, if you are
trying to get a girl to come back to your house, and
it’s a two hour drive away, does it make a lot of sense
that she’s going to drive for two hours at 4:00 AM or

2:00 AM when the clubs close and then she has to
drive back another two hours? No, that doesn’t make
any sense.

Then after you have the logistics figured out, you

have to isolate the girl away from her friends, as-
suming she is not there alone (again, the things I am
teaching you here are mostly applicable at bars and
clubs). So many guys do not isolate. It’s amazing how
few guys actually get into a one-on-one conversation
with a girl, away from her friends. Isolation is ac-
tually super easy. You just need an excuse, for her
to rationalize why she will go with you. You can say
something like Hey, it’s too hot in here, or Let’s go
grab a seat, or I’m going to go outside and smoke a
cigarette, or Let’s go find my friends, or The music
is too loud, I can’t hear you.

Then what you should do next, is after you’ve got the

girl into a position where you can actually do some-
thing sexual with her, create a plan in your mind.
Where can we possibly have sex? Where are those
locations? If you are a smart guy, you should already
have a location ready before you even went out to
meet girls. It could be your apartment, or your home.
Then you want to choose a second and a third loca-
tion (which you choose based on current circum-

stances), like the venue, or somewhere outdoors,
where you could also potentially have sex with her.
Here you have to be ready to improvise.

Once you’ve outlined the entire possibilities of where

you can actually close and seal the deal, then when
you’re talking to that girl in isolation, you need to
be thinking to yourself Which of these three places
is it most likely to be, that I’m going to have sex
with her. That doesn’t mean you should disregard
the other two, because again, it’s very important to
maintain flexibility.

You may suggest to her going back to your house

because it makes sense, and it’s comfortable. But if
you find out that she is really freaky and she’s willing
to doing something sexual right away, but she lives
a long way from where you live, then you will have
a logistical issue once you get to your house with
her maybe wanting to leave early... so it might make
sense to just go for it and do it in-venue. Then again,
if not, you want to have a full plan of how you will
actually get to leave the nightclub, how will you will
get from the nightclub to your house, etc. Basically
you have to construct a logistical funnel that you`re
going to be feeding her through, to get to the result
that you want.


Up until now we covered how you will work on your

“inner game”, how you approach new women and
initiate conversations, how to get them sexually at-
tracted to you, how to escalate things sexually, and
how to solve logistics. All these steps are what you
usually have to go through if you want to get laid.
Now, I want to go through the last step of the frame-
work, which is to actually close the deal.

Before we get to the juice of the topic, you need to

understand the concept of the tipping point. As you
are interacting with a chick you like, and as things
progressively become more and more sexual, the sit-
uation will come to a so-called tipping point. This
is the point where arousal turns into foreplay. As
you are physically escalating things (for example,
handshake, high-five, prolonged “accidental” touch-
ing with your legs, hug, kiss on cheeks, making out,
grabbing her ass or boobs, fingering her...) you will
get the girl more and more aroused. And once you
start to actually touch her private parts, arousal will
turn into foreplay.

Now if you don`t realize, this tipping point is a dan-

gerous beast, because once you cross it, the foreplay

will either turn into sex, or it will turn into buyers`
remorse, and the girl will resent you and the whole
situation happening. So, what you need to do, is to
make sure that you are at a location where sex could
happen (or at least very close to it) before you cross
this tipping point. This is because once you cross it,
you can simply escalate things further and close the
deal. But if you, for example, start fingering a chick
on the dance floor and have no clue where you can
pull her, then you are basically fucked.

Another thing to mention at thins point, before we

can move to the actual meat of closing the deal, is
that women need to feel sexually comfortable if you
plan to get laid. This means that sex happens at a lo-
cation where SHE feels comfortable in. We guys are
pretty ok having sex anywhere there is a locked door.
Not women. For them comfort is more important,
and you have to be the guy who can lead her through
the process from hello to sex in a comfortable, nat-
ural fashion. Some girls are comfortable having sex
in club bathrooms, or outdoors in your car, but most
will need a locked bedroom in an apartment. So
keep this in mind.

So, where were we. Ah, closing the deal. When you
come to a point where you are sure the girl is into

you, she is aroused, you gathered logistical info and
isolated her, then you want to choose from the op-
tions. Your first option is to set up a date by seeding it
(see the Players Handbook for more on this), spec-
ifying a particular time and place, and exchanging
phone numbers. Your second option is to bounce for
a same-night lay (SNL), or a one-night stand (ONS)
that day/night, either to her place or yours (rather
than going to another club or grabbing a meal). And
lastly, if things are heating up physically and really
on, you can go for an in-venue lay, or maybe some-
where outdoors or in a bathroom. It’s important to
note that this option is more suitable for those who
have more experience in the field. Now, let me break
down each of them in more detail.

Your first option should always be to set up the date

for another day. You want to exchange numbers and
seed the date during your interaction, despite the
potential possibility to actually pull her home the
same day and closing the deal. Why? Because things
can always go south later on. Maybe everything goes
super well, she is into you, you made out heavily, she
said she is crazy about you and can`t wait to get your
dick inside of her, you know the logistics and already
have a plan to pull her, and then once you isolate
her and you are about to take her home, booom...

her 200 pound feminist friend interrupts and cock-
block the hell out of you. This is why, you always
want to at least set up a date first.

Then, the second option you have is to go for the so-

called “in-venue lay”. This will happen in situations
where you get a girl so heated up that she is down to
fuck right away, if only you get her to a private loca-
tion. Note that most girls will not be down for this
since they don`t want tu suffer “reputational dam-
age”, but you`d be surprised how many girls now-
adays will suck your dick in the club bathroom, or
be willing to have sex in whatever venue you are in.
Most guys will never experience this, and generally
very experienced (and also sexy, and good-looking)
guys will be the only guys who pull this off. Person-
ally, I in-venue lays are not my cup of tea, especially
not having sex in a nasty rest-room. But there are
guys and girls who are ok with that.

What I am a big fan and practitioner of, is the SNL.

And before I delve into it I want to make a clear dis-
tinction between what a SNL and ONS is. A ONS is
what happens when you take a girl home (or wher-
ever) and have sex with her on the same day/night
of meeting her. Then you basically never again hear
from her again. Now, there may be occasions where

you truly will never be able to see the girl ever again,
like for example if she is a foreigner on a vacation, a
weekend trip, or if she flies back home to her grand-
mother in Alaska the next day. But this is not what
you should be doing with girl in general. What you
should do however is go for a SNL in any situation

Remember when I mentioned that you want to get

to the sex part ASAP, and then decide if and how
to take things further? This is what I meant. Ideally
you want to meet a girl, pull a SNL, and then start
a relationship, which started with sex. Many guys
might (wrongfully) believe that such relationships
can`t possibly work out, or be stable, but the truth
is that starting a relationship with sex, and only then
taking things further (becoming a couple, friends
with benefits or whatever) is the most effective way
of doing it.

So, just to make things clear once again, a SNL is

what happens when you have sex with the girl on
the first day/night of meeting her, and this marks the
beginning of your sexual relationship with her. Then
contrary to a ONS, you will meet the girl many more
times, and hopefully develop a strong relationship of
any kind that you desire.


Alright, we are approaching the end of this book,

and before we get there, I want to point out a crucial
element of “game” that most “dating gurus”, “dating
coaches”, and “PUAs” online don`t even fucking talk
about - the actual relationships with women, after
you have sex with them.

You see, meeting a new girl and getting laid is one

thing, while constructing and maintaining a rela-
tionship afterwards is another. In a way you should
be asking yourself Why do I even want to get laid?
If you are like me, you want girls in your life on a
regular basis. A ONS might be fun, but I much rath-
er have a girl, or a couple of girls, that I genuinely
like, with whom I regularly meet, bond, fuck, and
have fun with.

You probably want the same if you are honest with

yourself. Having a relationship with a girl, or a cou-
ple of girl that you truly like (and who truly like you)
is extremely fulfilling. With these girls you can expe-
rience love, commitment, crazy adventures, and so
on. And ideally, you can get a girlfriend mad about
you in this process that will potentially become
the mother of your kids one day. Again, some guys

might argue that if they just met a girl in a club and
fucked her the same night, how could she possibly
be a “quality” girlfriend or a wife. Rightfully do they
think so, but you can also pull a SNL on a collage girl
you just met on the streets, who is actually a virgin...

Now instead of arguing any further where to find

your “perfect girlfriend” I want to equip you with a
couple ideas of what sorts of relationships you can
pursue with the girls you`ve already slept with. First
off, you can become a couple (potentially a long-
term monogamous one), then you can also opt for
friends with benefits (FWB), also you can choose to
“rotate” several girls as your FWBs or GFs, and final-
ly you can just occasionally hook-up (booty calls), or
even go for threesomes and other stuff that I will not
cover in this book.

Let`s begin with a girl you really like and want to

make your girlfriend. With this sort of girl you want
to take things slower from the onset. Maybe you re-
alize in the beginning stages of the interactions, or
after you`ve already slept with her 5 times Dayum,
I really like this girl. You catch feelings (and maybe
she does too). The thing with this girl is that you want
to make her feel like a slut for “giving in” that easily,
and you also want to demonstrate more of a “boy-

friend vibe”. With that I mean things like demon-
strating value, creating a deep bond, exploring com-
mon interests and passions, and similar, rather than
being very aggressive and giving of a “player vibe”.

On the other hand you may be a busy guy like myself

who is currently more focused on work and business
and is not looking for anything serious at the mo-
ment. Here having a girl or two as your fuck buddies
is ideal. No emotional investment (along the way
both of you may catch feelings), no monogamous
commitment, just having a good time. You will be
surprised how many girls there are who are down for
these sorts of relationships, you just have to give the
initiative, and play the game right to not lose the girl.

So whatever it is that you want, you still have to man-

age the relationship. This will take time, money, and
effort. You will have to text these girls, keep them
“hooked”, meet them, take them out, and so on. But
this is what the whole thing is all about. I hope you
enjoyed the Beginner Framework, and learned a
bunch of things that will completely change your
life. The things I teach come from heavy research
and around 10 years of experience with women, so
you can trust me that they work. The only thing left
for you is to study my material, go out and test things

out, gather feedback, and get pussy.

Before I wrap the whole thing up, I want you to

check out my other books bellow which are packed
with value, going in depth on the subjects covered in
this book. They also cover many things that are far
out of the reach of this short book. Also, if you think
you are someone who has a hard time succeeding
with women on your own, I offer a 1-on-1 coaching
program where I will walk you through the whole
process in detail, give you weekly assignments, and
keep you accountable for taking action.

I would also like to congratulate you for making it

all the way through the book. You are one among the
minority of guys who are (just like Joe in our intro-
duction story) determined to do something about
your current situation, and finally get different re-
sults in your sex life this time. And trust me, if you
will go out and practice you will be successful.

If you enjoyed reading this guide and found it help-

ful, please leave a 5-start review here. And for those
of you who want to dig deeper into the things I brief-
ly went over in this book, and who really want to
level up their results with women, I have three books
you want to check out.

If you are a virgin or didn`t have much good results
with women so far, start with the Players Handbook.
Guys who already get some pussy can start with the
Seduction Blueprint, and if you already get laid at
least once or twice per month, get The Quick Lay
System and learn how you can get laid even more
often, and very quickly after meeting a girl.

Use code SPECIAL50 to get 50% off on any of these.

1. Players Handbook. In this book you will learn

about how I turned from a man with no women in
his life to a guy who can get laid regularly with new
hot women. Also I outline a theoretical model for
picking up women that revolves around creating
attraction, building comfort, qualification, and the
actual process to get to sex.

2. Seduction Blueprint. Here you will learn ad-
vanced techniques to create sexual attraction, how
to non-verbaly seduce a woman, and how to bring
out her sexual side in a manner where she will be
comfortable opening up sexually and also allow her-
self to get really wild with you. By implementing the
things from this e-book, you will get laid or get a GF
very easily.

3. The Quick Lay System. This book is for advanced

guys who already slept with at least 5 or 10 wom-
en and want to get laid consistently any time you go
out in the shortest amount of time possible. The QLS
works on the principles identifying women who are
down to fuck, screening them, getting them to a sex
location, arousing them quickly, and sealing the deal.

Get Laid More Coaching Program. This 12-week
program will turn you from a guy who has little, or
no experience and success with women to a guy that
has an abundant sex life, and a guy that women will
go wild with. I will coach you 1-on-1 and give you
weekly tasks, while holding you accountable. After
finishing the program you will be able to hook up
with a new girl any time you go out, get a girlfriend,
or get a couple of fuck buddies.

The program is constructed to bring you results. It is

aggressive in nature, based on taking massive action,
and holding you accountable. If you are not ready
to put in the work do not get this program, because
I only work with dedicated clients. As a bonus, you
also get all of the above books included.

So these is all of my additional material that I offer.
Check it out, and feel free to contact me directly to or drop me a DM
on Instagram or X if you have any questions, or if
any help is needed.

Cheers, Ralf


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