SW Process Models With Examples

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Software Process Models with


Process Models

Process Models

Process Models

Process Models

Process Models

Process Models

Example of a Web-based Project

Example of a Web-based Project

Example of a Web-based Project

Example of a Web-based Project

Choosing a Software Process

Changes during the software development process are expensive.

● If a big software system has many interrelated components, avoid
major changes to the design of a system during development., such
as the modified waterfall model.

● If the market for the software is poorly understood, use a process

that gets operational software in front of customers as quickly as
possible. Incremental, agile.

● If the requirements are poorly understood, or expected to change,

select a process that keeps flexibility. Iterative, agile.


Chess Game

It’s a well-designed game built to play in a very interactive way where

pieces get moved from block to block by the system itself. This
project is built to predict (human) moves and accordingly, it takes
action. This app can be so satisfying and will make you feel like
you’re playing in the real world. The best part is that you can even
play with friends (remotely) and with the computer as well.
It would require you to set up a MySQL database so that user’s details
can be stored (including name, score, ranking, etc.).

An appropriate software engineering process model would be the
Iterative and Incremental Development Model, with a specific focus
on Agile methodologies. Here's why this model is suitable for this
● Complexity of Chess Rules: Chess is a complex game with
intricate rules. An iterative approach allows you to gradually build
and refine the game's logic and rules. You can start with basic
functionality and gradually add advanced features, ensuring the
correctness of each component before moving on.

● User-Centric Design: The description highlights the importance of

an interactive and satisfying user experience. Agile methodologies
emphasize frequent user feedback and involvement throughout the
development process, allowing you to adapt the game to user
preferences as it evolves.
Remote Multiplayer Support: The ability to play remotely with
friends and computer opponents is a key feature. Agile development
encourages incremental enhancements, making it easier to integrate
and test multiplayer functionalities step by step.

Database Integration: Setting up a MySQL database for storing user

details is part of the project. Agile development allows you to
prioritize and implement this feature early and incrementally while
continuously testing and improving it.

Flexibility for Change: Agile methodologies allow for flexibility in

adapting to changing requirements or incorporating new features as
the project progresses. This is particularly important for games, as
user feedback can lead to new ideas and improvements.
The Extreme Programming Process


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