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Task1: The given diagram illustrates the production of fish pies within a factory

Overall, it is clear that the fish pies are composed of salmon, peas, sauce, and
potatoes, and the production process can be divided into ten distinct stages, ranging
from the initial delivery to the final dispatch.
The production line commences with the preparation of potatoes. These potatoes
are delivered to the factory well in advance, potentially up to a month prior to the
start of production. They undergo cleaning, peeling, and slicing, while any
discarded peelings are appropriately disposed of. The sliced potatoes are
subsequently boiled, chilled, and stored for future use.
Unlike the potatoes, the fish delivery has a limited window of freshness, with a
maximum of 12 hours allocated for processing. The fish is first seasoned with
lemon juice and salt before being directly placed into a steam oven. Skilled
workers meticulously remove the skin and bones, ensuring proper disposal. A
comprehensive inspection of the fish is conducted prior to its combination with
pre-prepared peas, sauce, and potatoes. The resulting fish pies are carefully
wrapped, frozen, and can either be stored or dispatched according to specific
Task 2: The age at which children should start formal schooling differs from place
to place. Some people argue that kids should begin at four years old, while others
believe that starting at seven or eight is better. In my opinion, it's important for
certain countries to reevaluate when they begin formal education. Generally, I
support the idea of starting education at four, but I understand that there are
situations where a different approach might be necessary.
There are several reasons why starting education at a young age can be very
beneficial for children. Firstly, kids between the ages of one and three naturally
have a strong desire to learn and absorb information. They have excellent memory
skills and are quick learners. What they learn during early childhood tends to stay
with them for the rest of their lives. So, if they learn different languages during this
critical period, they're more likely to retain that knowledge as they grow older.
Additionally, early education can improve children's productivity and foster their
On the other hand, delaying formal education until seven or eight can have
negative consequences. Older children may have a harder time grasping new
information compared to younger children. It becomes more challenging for them
to learn a variety of subjects at the same time. Moreover, starting later can decrease
their enthusiasm for learning, leading to a lack of motivation and indifference
toward education. If they don't see the importance of learning, they may lose
interest in acquiring new knowledge. However, it's important to note that delaying
formal education can offer certain benefits, such as allowing children to gain life
experiences before starting their academic journey.
In conclusion, while some countries support starting formal education at four years
old, others prefer a later start. Personally, I believe that introducing education at a
young age can be highly advantageous. However, it's crucial to recognize that the
appropriate age for formal education can vary depending on individual
circumstances and cultural factors.

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