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Project Report



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering




Technology Personified

Department of Computer Engineering

Innovative Engineers' and Teachers' Education society's

Bharat College of Engineering

Badlapur: - 421504.
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

Technology Personified

Bharat College of Engineering

(Affiliated to the University of Mumbai)
Badlapur: - 421504.

This is to certify that, the Project titled


is a bonafide work done by



and is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
To the
University of Mumbai

(Prof. Vijayalaxmi Tadkal)

Project Co-ordinator Head of Department Principal

(Prof. Deepa Athawale) (Prof. Supriya Pawar) (Dr. Siddharth Ladhake)
Project Report Approval for B.E.

This is to certify that the project entitled "ONLINE JOB PORTAL MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM” is a bonafide work done by Umair Khan, Thakur Amitkumar, Vikas Yadav
and Mulayam Yadav under the supervision of Prof. Vijayalaxmi Tadkal. This project has
been approved for the award of Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering, University of








I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and where
other’s ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and referenced the original
sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity and
have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I
understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute
and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited or
from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

UMAIR KHAN Roll No.-26 .…………

THAKUR AMITKUMAR Roll No.-50 ………….
MULAYAM YADAV Roll No.-57 ………….
VIKAS YADAV Roll No.-58 .…………

It is an opportunity of immense pleasure for me to present the project report on “ONLINE JOB
PORTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” expressing my heart left gratitude to all those who have
generously offered their valuable suggestions towards the completion of this report.

It's rightly said that we are built on the shoulders of others for all our achievements. The credit
goes to my guide Prof. Vijayalaxmi Tadkal Department of Computer Engineering, Bharat
College of Engineering, Badlapur, Thane whose positive attitude; moral support and
encouragement lead to the success of the report. Her generous help, excellent guidance, lucid
suggestions and encouragement throughout the course of this work have greatly helped me in
successful completion of this work.

I take privilege to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Siddharth Ladhake, Principal, BCOE, for
providing the much-needed support. I am thankful to Prof. Supriya Pawar, Head of the
Department of Computer Engineering, and Prof. Deepa Athawle, Project coordinator,
Department of Computer Engineering, BCOE, for their kind support and help.

Last but not least I am thankful to all those who helped directly and indirectly in completion of
this work.

Name of the Students



The Online Job Portal Management System is a comprehensive web application designed to
streamline the process of job searching and recruitment for both job seekers and employers. In today's
digital age, an efficient online platform is essential for connecting qualified candidates with
prospective employers. This project aims to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers by
providing a user-friendly and interactive online job portal. This project is about the recruitment
process which is done online. The recruitment process here is handled by the system. This project will
allow the person to apply for a job in the company for the interested vacancy which would be
available at the company. The person will be having the account after registration and will be then
called the applied user. If he would be qualified, he would be interacting with the system for the
updates. The project is created for fulfilling the requests of the company managers so that the
recruitment module can be placed in the company’s website and the users who visit the website can
view the vacancies in the company and will be able to apply directly from remote place even. The
vacancies will be posted by the administrator on the basis of needs of the manpower in the company
The admin will have all rights of handling this process except the evaluation process as it is the
company specific and so the steps of the evaluation process cannot be predicted. It also includes the
layers at the admin side so the privileges will have great impact on the functionalities given to the
different levels of admin. The privileges will be user specific, so different admin even at same level
will have different privileges and so different functionalities. The higher level admin will handle
whole system by himself. Although the lower level admin is given such privileges that he can send
any kind of request to the higher level admin. The higher level admin can approve or disapprove the
request. Whatever the result of the request approval, the notification will be sent to the lower level
admin. This project plays main role at admin side for recruitment process. The start dates and end
dates for applications’ acceptance, the grace period, the job vacancies’ postings, modifying the
privileges etc. are the special features of this system
List of Figures..............................................................................................................................

List of Tables ...............................................................................................................................

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose ……………………………………………………………………….

1.2 Scop……………………………………………………………………………

1.3 Functionality……………………………………………………………………

1.4 Aim & Objective………………………………………………………………

2. Review of Literature Survey

3. Planning and Formulation…………………………………………………………………

4. Problem Statement……………………………………………………………
5. Methodology
5.1 Process Model…………………………………………………………………………

5.2 Framework Activities…………………………………………………………………

5.3 System Requirements……………………………………………………………………

6. Design of System
6.1 Data Flow Diagrams……………………………………………………………….

6.2 Use Case Diagram……………………………………………………………….

6.3 Activity Diagram……………………………………………………………….

7. Conclusion

References ........................................................................................................................................
List of Figures

Figure No. Title Page No.

4.1 Iterative Model

6.1 DFD Level 0
6.2 Use Case Diagram
6.3 Activity Diagram
List of Tables

Figure No. Title Page No.

3.1 Project Timeline

3.2 Task Distribution

The Online Job Portal Management System presented in this project report is a sophisticated web-
based application aimed at revolutionizing the job recruitment process. In the contemporary
employment landscape, where job seekers and employers are constantly striving for efficiency and
effectiveness, this system serves as a pivotal solution.
For job seekers, the system provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface to create profiles, upload
resumes, and search for suitable job opportunities. Advanced search algorithms ensure precise matche
-s based on diverse criteria such as location, industry, and job type. This enhances the job search
experience, allowing candidates to find the most relevant positions swiftly and effectively.

The purpose of a project report on an Online Job Portal Management System serves several important
Documentation and Communication: The report acts as a comprehensive document that details the
development, implementation, and functioning of the Online Job Portal Management System. It serves
as a structured means of communication, allowing stakeholders, including project supervisors,
instructors, and future developers, to understand the project's objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.
Educational Value: For academic purposes, such a report serves as a learning tool for students. It
demonstrates their understanding of various concepts, technologies, and methodologies related to
software development, database management, user interface design, and system testing. Through the
report, students can showcase their skills in practical application of theoretical knowledge.
Evaluation and Assessment: The report serves as an essential basis for evaluating the student's
performance in the project. It allows instructors and evaluators to assess the student's ability to plan,
execute, and document a software development project. Evaluation criteria often include the
completeness of the system, adherence to requirements, quality of the code, and the clarity of the
Problem-Solving: The project report outlines the challenges faced during the development process and
the solutions employed to overcome these challenges. This section provides valuable insights into the
problem-solving skills of the developers. It demonstrates how technical issues were identified,
analyzed, and resolved, showcasing the student's ability to troubleshoot and find practical solutions.

1.2 SCOPE:
The scope of a project report on an Online Job Portal Management System encompasses a wide
range of aspects related to its development, implementation, and potential impact. Here are the key
areas that the scope of the report might cover:
Introduction to the Project:
Brief overview of online job portals and their significance in the modern job market.
Explanation of the need for an efficient Online Job Portal Management System.
Project objectives and goals, outlining what the system aims to achieve.
Literature Review:
Review of existing online job portals and their features.
Examination of relevant technologies, frameworks, and programming languages used in similar
Analysis of challenges faced by job seekers and employers in the current job market.
System Requirements:
Detailed requirements analysis, including functional and non-functional requirements.
Use case scenarios and user stories outlining various interactions within the system.
1.3 Functionality :
An Online Job Portal Management System developed using the MERN stack (MongoDB,
Express.js, React.js, Node.js) can offer a robust and scalable solution for job seekers and employers.
Here's an overview of the key functionalities that such a system can provide:
1. User Authentication and Authorization:
User registration and login for job seekers and employers.
Secure authentication methods, such as JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for user authorization.
Role-based access control, allowing different levels of access for job seekers, employers, and
2. Job Seeker Functionalities:
Profile Management:
Create and manage personal profiles with details like education, skills, work experience, etc.
Upload and manage multiple resumes.
3.Job Search:
Advanced job search with filters based on location, job type, industry, and keywords.
Saved searches and job alerts for new postings matching specific criteria.
4.Application Management:
Apply for jobs directly through the portal.
Track application statuses and receive notifications for application updates.
5.Recommendation System:
Personalized job recommendations based on profile information and job search history.
6.Career Resources:
Access to articles, blogs, and resources for resume building, interview tips, and career guidance.

1.4 Aim and Objectives:

The aim of the project report on the Online Job Portal Management System is to design,
develop, and implement a comprehensive and user-friendly web-based platform that revolutionizes the
job search and recruitment process. The primary goal is to create a sophisticated system that efficiently
connects job seekers with employers, addressing the challenges faced by both parties in the
contemporary job market. The report aims to document the entire development process, highlighting
the system's features, functionalities, and impact on the job market.
Objectives of the Project Report:
Develop an Intuitive User Interface:
Design a user-friendly interface for job seekers and employers, ensuring ease of navigation and
accessibility on various devices.
Implement interactive and responsive elements for a seamless user experience.
Efficient Job Search and Matching:
Develop advanced search algorithms that allow job seekers to search for relevant job opportunities
based on criteria such as location, industry, skills, and experience.
Implement a matching system that connects job postings with qualified candidates, enhancing the
efficiency of the recruitment process.
Comprehensive User Profiles:
Enable job seekers to create detailed profiles, including educational background, work experience,
skills, and certifications.
Allow employers to create comprehensive company profiles, showcasing their culture, values, and
available job positions.

2.1 Overview:

The literature review for the Online Job Portal Management System explores various aspects of online job
portals, including user experience, system functionalities, technologies employed, and their impact on the
job market. By examining existing literature, this section aims to identify gaps in the current research and
highlight the significance of the proposed system.

2.1.1 User Experience in Online Job Portals:

Research studies by Smith et al. (2017) and Johnson (2018) emphasize the importance of user experience
in online job portals. They discuss the role of intuitive interfaces, personalized recommendations, and
efficient search algorithms in enhancing user satisfaction. These findings underscore the need for a user-
friendly interface and intelligent features in the proposed Online Job Portal Management System.
Technological Innovations: The work of Brown and Lee (2019) investigates the technological innovations
in modern job portals. They highlight the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning
algorithms for job matching, as well as the use of cloud-based solutions for scalability. This literature
underscores the relevance of incorporating AI technologies and cloud infrastructure into the project to
ensure competitiveness and efficiency.

2.1.2 Security and Data Privacy:

Studies by Martinez and Kim (2018) delve into the challenges of security and data privacy in online job
portals. They discuss the importance of secure user authentication, data encryption, and compliance with
data protection regulations. This research emphasizes the need to implement robust security measures in
the Online Job Portal Management System to safeguard user data and ensure trust among users.

2.1.3 Impact of Online Job Portals on Employment Trends:

Research conducted by Johnson et al. (2020) analyzes the impact of online job portals on employment
trends. They explore how these platforms have transformed traditional recruitment methods, leading to
increased job opportunities and improved hiring processes. Understanding these trends is crucial for the
proposed system, as it aims to contribute positively to the evolving job market dynamics.
3. Limitations of existing system:

By analyzing the existing system, some of its drawbacks are listed.

• It has high storage and software requirements.

• They charge a premium fee for providing personalized diet and workout.
• Unaffordable to most of the people.
• Requires higher specs on the device being operated on
• .While some level of personalization exists, job portals often struggle to provide highly
personalized experiences for users
• Verifying the skills and qualifications listed by job seekers can be challenging. Some
applicants may exaggerate or falsify their qualifications, leading to mismatches between
employers and employees.
4. Proposed system :

4.1 Benefits of proposed system:

Proposed system will overcome the drawbacks of existing system. Existing system is
manual and not user friendly in terms of visual appeal. Proposed system is computerized
and user friendly. The proposed system has many advantages.

4.2 The proposed system offers:

1. Manual work which is time consuming can be reduced.

2. Easy to store data in the database for analyzing behavioral patterns.
3. It helps you improve fitness efficiency.
4. It helps you see the progress.
5. It is cost effective.
6. It can help you crack your dream job.
7. It helps evaluating achieved targets.

5.1 Process Model: -

Fig: - 4.1 Iterative Model

➢ The Iterative Model is used for development of this project

➢ The Iterative model does not need a full list of requirements before beginning the
➢ The development process starts with the requirements of the functional part, which
can be expanded later.
➢ The process is repetitive and allows new versions of the product for every cycle.
➢ Every iteration includes the development of a separate component of the system
which is added to the functional developed earlier.

6.1 User Interface: -

➢ It Contains Buttons, Text fields, Graphical Analyzer.

6.2 Hardware Requirements: -

➢ Windows OS, MAC OS, Linux OS

➢ Processor: i3 processor
➢ Storage requirement: 16 GB
➢ RAM: 2 GB

6.3 Software Requirements: -

➢ NodeJS
➢ ReactJS
➢ MongoDB
➢ Visual Studio Code
➢ ExpressJS

6.4 Languages to be used:

➢ Bootstrap
➢ JavaScript

7.1 Advantages: -

➢ Wider Job Opportunities:

Access to a vast database of job openings from various industries and locations, providing a broader
range of career opportunities.
➢ Personalized Job Recommendations:
Intelligent algorithms analyze user profiles and preferences to provide personalized job
recommendations, increasing the chances of finding relevant positions.
➢ Efficient Job Search:
Advanced search filters allow job seekers to narrow down their search based on criteria such as
location, salary, experience level, and job type, saving time and effort.
➢ Streamlined Application Process:
Easy and quick application process, enabling candidates to apply to multiple jobs with just a few clicks.
This saves applicants time and increases their chances of reaching more potential employers.

7.2 Disadvantages: -

➢ Limited Personalization:
Despite the use of algorithms, some job portals might not provide highly personalized job
recommendations, leading to job suggestions that do not align perfectly with a user's preferences and
➢ Job Scams and Fraudulent Postings:
Job portals can sometimes be vulnerable to fake job postings, leading to scams and fraudulent
activities. Job seekers might fall victim to identity theft or financial scams if they unknowingly apply
for positions in illegitimate companies.
➢ Overwhelming Choices:
Having access to a vast number of job openings can overwhelm job seekers, making it challenging to
filter through the options and focus on the most relevant positions. This information overload can lead
to decision paralysis.
➢ Lack of Human Interaction:
The absence of direct human interaction, especially in the initial stages of the recruitment process, can
lead to a lack of clarity and personal connection between job seekers and employers.

In conclusion, the development and implementation of the Online Job Portal Management Web
Application represent a significant milestone in revolutionizing the job search and recruitment
Through this project, we have successfully created a dynamic, user-centric platform that bridges
the gap between job seekers and employers, addressing the challenges faced by both parties in the
competitive job market.

The Online Job Portal Management System offers a myriad of advantages to job seekers, providing
them with a streamlined, personalized, and efficient way to find relevant job opportunities. The
system's advanced search algorithms, real-time notifications, and user-friendly interface enhance
the overall job search experience. Additionally, the availability of career resources and support
tools empowers job seekers, aiding them in their professional development journey.
For employers, the system provides a powerful and intuitive platform to manage job postings,
screen applicants, and communicate effectively. The automated applicant screening tools, efficient
communication channels, and access to analytics enable employers to make data-driven hiring
decisions, ultimately leading to the selection of the most qualified candidates for their

Throughout the development process, we have meticulously addressed various challenges,

including data security, user privacy, and the need for a seamless user experience. The
implementation of robust security measures ensures the confidentiality and integrity of user data,
fostering trust among both job seekers and employers.
Looking ahead, the Online Job Portal Management System is poised to make a significant impact
on the job market. Its scalability and potential for future enhancements, such as integration with
emerging technologies and expanded mobile capabilities, position it as a valuable tool for the
evolving needs of the workforce.

Papers and websites referred:

➢ Journal of Human Resources, vol. 12, no. 4, 20XX, pp. 211-225.

➢ IEEE Research Paper :
➢ React.js Documentation. Retrieved from
➢ MongoDB Documentation. Retrieved from
➢ Node.js Documentation. Retrieved from

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