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Pre- Board 1 (2022-23)

Set 1
Q.N. Answers Marks
Section A
1 (c) Cl2 and CaOCl2 respectively 1
2 (c) oxidation 1
3 (d) silver nitrate and potassium chloride undergo double 1
displacement reaction to form silver chloride and potassium
4 (c) H2CO3 and NH4OH 1
5 (c) Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Cu 1
For Visually Impaired
(c) (ii) and (iv) 1
6 (a) absorb moisture from the gas 1
7 (b) (ii) and (iii) 1
8 (d) de-colourise the leaf 1
9 (b) One process occurs during day time and the other at 1
10 (d) A are dwarf and B are tall 1
11 (a) olfactory receptors → dendritic tip of a nerve cell → axon 1
→ nerve ending → release of signal →dendritic tip of other
nerve cell
12. (b) binary fission 1
13 (b) the shape of the resistor is changed 1
14 (d) upward 1
15 (c) The rheostat can only increase the resistance in electric 1
16 (a) an electric charge moving perpendicular to its direction 1
17 (d) A is False but R is true 1
18 (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of 1
19 (c) A is true but R is false 1
20 (b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 1
explanation of A
Section B
21 Heat: Decomposition of calcium carbonate 1+1
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
Light: Decomposition of AgCl
AgCl→ Ag + Cl2
(a) CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2 [any other reaction]
(b) AgNO3(aq)+ NaCl(aq) —> AgCl↓ + NaNO3 (aq) [any other 1+1
22 Bile does not contain any enzyme but it is essential for 1+1
digestion because:
1) The food coming from the stomach is acidic and has to
be made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act.
2) Emulsification of fat.
23 No energy is required for water transport in xylem, whereas 2
energy is required for translocation of food in phloem.
Water transportation is unidirectional whereas other is in all
24 The nervous system controls and coordinates all the 2
functions of the body. It carries out its functions in close
coordination with the hormonal system. Nerves cannot reach
each and every corner of the body and hence needs
assistance from the hormones to control all the parts of the
25 A concave lens of focal length 4m should be used.
Here ½
f=? ½
using, 1/f=1/v-1/u or 1/f=-1/3 + 1/12
OR ½

for Visually Impaired

1. Refraction
2. Dispersion ½ X4=2
3. Total internal reflection
4. Refraction
26 Hawk as it is the top carnivore. 1+1
Biological magnification.
Section C
27 (a) When lead nitrate is added to potassium iodide then 1+1+1
yellow precipitate of lead iodide is formed along with
potassium nitrate.
(b) Balanced chemical reaction is as follows :

(c) This type of reaction is called precipitation reaction in

which one of the products formed is an insoluble substance
or this is also called double displacement reaction.
28 (a) Onion juice is an olfactory indicator. As the liquid ‘X’
turns blue litmus red, hence it is an acidic solution. 1
(i) Acids react with active metals such as zinc,
magnesium etc. and evolve hydrogen gas, for
Zn(s) + dil.H2SO4(aq) → ZnSO4 + H2(g)
(or any other example)
(ii) Acids react with metal carbonates to give carbon ½
dioxide with brisk effervescence.
For example, Na2CO3 + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + CO2 + H2O ½
(or any other example)

29 The lymphatic transport system moves fluid, 1

macromolecules, and formed elements from within the
interstitial spaces into the lymphatic capillaries in the form
of lymph. 1+1

(Any two differences)


½ X4=2

Proper labelling
for Visually Impaired
Nose→ nasal cavity→pharynx→ larynx→ trachea→bronchi→
bronchioles→ alveoli

30 Magnification, m = −v/u ⇒ -2 = −v/u ⇒ v = 2u ½

Now, if v = – 30 cm then u = – 15 cm ½
As focal length of the mirror is
1/f=1/v + 1/u
1/f= -1/30 -1/15= -10 cm
f=-10cm ½
If the object is shifted 10 cm towards the mirror, then the
object is between principal focus and the optical centre 1
and the image formed will be virtual and erect.
31 (a) Hypermetropia 1
(b) Causes
(i) the focal length of the eye lens is too long, ½+½

(ii) the eyeball has become too small.

(c) convex lens

32 (a) Imaginary line around a bar magnet. 1

(b) Tangent at that point
(c) Lines never intersect, arise from north and ends in south
outside a bar magnet (or any other two)
(a) Solenoid.
(b) Uniform magnetic field. 1
(c) (i) Magnitude of current flowing through it.
(ii) Number of turns of a circular coil.
For Visually Impaired
(a) Pure iron cannot retain its magnetism for long time.
Hence it cannot be used for making permanent 1
(b) Cobalt-steel or some alloys of iron such as ALNICO are
used for making permanent magnet.
(c) Formation of permanent magnet electrically by: A 1
current carrying solenoid is used to magnetise steel 1
rod. Steel rod is kept inside the solenoid. A strong ½+½
uniform magnetic field produced by the current
carrying solenoid magnetise it. The magnet so formed
retains the magnetism even after switching off the
current in solenoid.


33 Ultraviolet radiations split the oxygen molecules present in 1

stratosphere into free oxygen atoms. These free oxygen atoms
then combine with molecular oxygen to form ozone.
O2 → O + O

O2 + O → O3
Ozone layer is a protective layer which protects the earth
from harmful UV radiations. Any damage to the ozone layer 1
would result in UV rays entering the earth's atmosphere.
These UV rays can cause diseases such as skin cancer and
They can also adversely affect the crops.

The ozone layer is damaged as a result of 1

chlorofluorocarbons. These are often used in refrigerators, air
conditioners and fire extinguishers.
Section D
34 C=Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH) ½+½
R= Sodium ethanoate (CH3COONa) or sodium salt of +½+
ethanoic acid ½
A=Methanol (CH3OH)
S=methyl ethanoate (CH3COOCH3) or ester
Reactions involved are
2CH3COOH +2Na→2CH3COONa+H2 1
Conc. H2SO4 1
OR 1
(a) It turns milky
(b) Test tube A 1
Test tube B 1
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O 1
(c) If ethanol is given instead of ethanoic acid, no reaction
will take place. 1
(d) The lime water is prepared by dissolving calcium oxide
in water and decanting the supernatent liquid.

For Visually Impaired



35 (a) Sequence of events 4+1

• zygote formation
• Implantation
• Formation of embryo
• Development of foetus

(b) The thick and spongy lining of the uterus break and
comes out through vagina as blood and mucous, i.e.
menstruation occurs.
(a) Two reasons are
• Avoids wanted undesirable pregnancies
• Use of condom prevents the transmission of
infections from one person to another/ STD's.
(b) Oral contraceptives change the hormonal balance of
the body so that the eggs are released.
(c) Sex selective abortion in a procedure that is done for
female foeticides. It adversely affects the male-female
sex ratio.
36 (a) Wire C has maximum resistance because it has 2
maximum length, least thickness and highest
resistivity. 2
(b) Wire F has the minimum resistance since it has least
length, maximum thickness and least resistivity.
(Using R=p l/A) 1
(c) R3>R5>R1
Section E
37 (a) Calcination: heating up an ore in absence of 1
air/oxygen ½+½
(b) Froth floatation method, magnetic separation (or any
other two methods) 1+1
(c) Electrolytic reduction: During electrolysis, the electric
current passes through an ionic substance in a molten
or dissolved state causing the electrodes to react
chemically and the materials to decompose is known
as electrolytic reduction. Molten metal is obtained at
cathode. ½
OR ½
(c) Electrolytic refining is a process of refining a metal ½
by the process of electrolysis. ½
Cathode: thin strip of copper metal
Anode: thick rod of impure copper
Electrolyte: copper sulphate solution
38 (a) 800 1
(b) Recessive trait as it present in heterozygous condition 1+1
with dominant allele.
(c) 3:1
OR 1
(c) tall
39 (a) Lens formula: 1/f=1/v-1/u 1
(b) S. No. 6 is incorrect. As object distance is less than 1+1
focal length, so image will be formed on object side.
(c) S. No. 3, as object distance is same as image distance. 1
For Visually Impaired
object at S. No. 3 indicates u=-30 cm, v=+30cm i.e. center of
curvature 1
so, f=30/2=15 cm
Real image and inverted.

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