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Developing a PPP (Public-Private Partnership) project risk allocation matrix involves identifying

operational and organizational risks specific to the project, along with establishing a Pre-action protocol
to mitigate and limit exposure to these risks. Below is a simplified example of such a matrix:

PPP Project Risk Allocation Matrix

Risk Category Specific Risks Pre-Action Protocol Responsibility

Regularly monitor and
engage with regulatory
1. Change in bodies. Establish a legal team
Operational/Organizational Regulatory to provide real-time updates Legal and
Risks Environment on changes. Compliance Team
Implement risk-hedging
strategies and scenario
planning. Develop contracts
2. Market with flexible pricing Finance and
Fluctuations mechanisms. Strategy Team
Regularly update technology
assessments and invest in
R&D for emerging
technologies. Include
3. Technology provisions for technology Technology and
Obsolescence upgrades in contracts. Innovation Team
Develop a comprehensive
force majeure clause in
contracts outlining
procedures and
responsibilities. Establish Project
4. Force contingency plans for Management and
Majeure Events immediate response. Legal Team
Implement project
management tools to track
progress. Set up penalties and Project
5. Operational incentives to ensure timely Management
Delays delivery. Team
Diversify suppliers and
establish alternative supply
chain options. Include clauses
for compensation due to
6. Supply Chain supply chain disruptions in Procurement and
Disruptions contracts. Supply Chain Team
7. Political Conduct thorough political Risk Management
Instability risk assessments. Establish a and Government
crisis management team and Affairs Team
Risk Category Specific Risks Pre-Action Protocol Responsibility
contingency plans for political

**Submission to SAB (Sponsoring Authority Board):**

Upon completing the matrix, it is recommended to submit the comprehensive risk allocation matrix along
with detailed risk management plans and protocols to the Sponsoring Authority Board (SAB). This
submission should be part of the overall project proposal and should include:

1. **Executive Summary:** Summarize the key operational/organizational risks and the proposed risk
management strategies.

2. **Detailed Risk Allocation Matrix:** Present the matrix highlighting specific risks, associated
protocols, and responsible teams.

3. **Pre-Action Protocol:** Provide a separate document outlining the detailed Pre-action protocol for
each identified risk, ensuring clarity on procedures and responsibilities.

4. **Risk Mitigation and Management Plan:** Elaborate on the overall risk mitigation and management
plan, including strategies for continuous monitoring and reassessment.

5. **Compliance Assurance:** Demonstrate how the project will comply with legal and regulatory

6. **Stakeholder Engagement:** Showcase the involvement of relevant stakeholders in risk identification

and management processes.

This submission will serve as a comprehensive guide for the SAB to understand the potential risks
associated with the PPP project and the proactive measures in place to address them.

Hotel Operation and F&B Risk Allocation Matrix

Risk Category Specific Risks Pre-Action Protocol Responsibility
Implement cross-training programs.
Maintain a pool of temporary staff. Human Resources
Operational Develop partnerships with staffing and Operations
Risks 1. Staff Shortages agencies. Team
Implement regular staff training
programs. Establish customer feedback Operations and
2. Service Quality mechanisms for continuous Customer Service
Fluctuations improvement. Team
Conduct routine inspections and
3. Property preventive maintenance. Establish
Maintenance contracts with reliable maintenance Facilities
Issues vendors. Management Team
Implement regular IT system audits.
4. Technological Invest in backup systems and ensure staff IT and Operations
Failures training for quick troubleshooting. Team
Establish a legal team for continuous
monitoring of regulatory changes.
5. Regulatory Develop comprehensive compliance Legal and
Compliance Issues checklists and training programs. Compliance Team
Implement stringent food safety
protocols. Regularly train kitchen staff on F&B Operations and
F&B-Specific 1. Food Safety and hygiene standards. Conduct routine Quality Assurance
Risks Hygiene health inspections. Team
Diversify suppliers and establish
alternative supply chain options. Include
2. Supply Chain clauses for compensation due to supply Procurement and
Disruptions chain disruptions in contracts. Supply Chain Team
3. Menu Establish a dedicated culinary team for
Innovation regular menu updates. Conduct market F&B and Culinary
Challenges research for emerging food trends. Team
Implement cost-control measures.
Establish contracts with suppliers for
fixed pricing or negotiated rates.
4. Fluctuating Regularly review and adjust menu Finance and F&B
Food Costs pricing. Management Team
5. Customer Implement comprehensive training for F&B Operations and
Allergies and staff regarding allergies. Clearly label Customer Service
Preferences menu items with allergen information. Team
**Responsibility Key:**
- Human Resources and Operations Team: HR and general operations team responsible for staffing and
general hotel operations.
- Operations and Customer Service Team: Team responsible for maintaining service quality and
addressing customer feedback.
- Facilities Management Team: Team responsible for property maintenance and facility-related issues.
- IT and Operations Team: Team responsible for managing technological aspects of hotel operations.
- Legal and Compliance Team: Team responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with
- F&B Operations and Quality Assurance Team: Team responsible for overseeing F&B operations,
ensuring quality, safety, and compliance.
- Procurement and Supply Chain Team: Team responsible for managing the supply chain and procurement
- F&B and Culinary Team: Culinary and F&B management team responsible for menu innovation and

This matrix can be adapted and expanded based on the specific characteristics and needs of the hotel and
F&B operations in question.

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