Destination C1&C2 - T NG H P NG Pháp T V NG

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DESTINATION C1 & C2 @TTO CHANNEL TONG HOP NGU PHAP & TU’ VU’NG Sw dung kém Video trén Youtube Tai FREE tai fanpage: “HOC VOI OTTO CHANNEL” Luyén thi Chuyén & HSG Than tang cac ban da ung hé Otto Channel Teach from & not from = HAN EL OTTO MENY Online Zoom Class_ One price for all levels her APPETIZER 4. LépA1 (Thi Flyers & HSG lop 4,5) 2. Lop A2 (Thi KET & HSG lép 5,6) @ 2s. SPECIAL COURSES 3. Lop B1 (Thi PET & HSG I6p 6, 7 & DH Chuyén) 4, Lép B2 (tri) (Thi FCE & HSG lép 7,8 & DH Chuyén) 5. Lop B2 (Thi HSG lp 8,9 & cdc tinh thanh KHO vita) DESSERT 8.C1C2-HSG cap Ill (Thi HSG Lép 10, 14, 12 & Chuyén) wd ) e! Ss. MAIN COURSES Cre kone ei) ui ea SCN Te W7Re oR Wns lee 1) ree een eas || Mea ua Sen seas Va cdc tinh thanh co 46 KHO cao) KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HS6: TONG HOP DESTINATION G12 DESTINATION C12 — UNIT 1 (GRAMMAR) A. CACH SU DUNG THIHIEN TAI DON 1. Cach sir dung (11 cach) 1. General truths (su that hién nhién) > Vidy: The left-hand side of the brain controls the right-hand side of the body. Current habits (mét thdi quen van cén & hién tai) —+ Vidu: | don’t always go to lectures that are early in the morning. Ny Permanent situations and states (tinh hudng vé trang thai kéo dai) Vi dy: Tom teaches French at a local adult education centre. Telling jokes and other informal story (ké chuyén vui hoe céc cdu chuyén thén mat) Vi dy: So, a man goes to see his psychiatrist. a) a Live sports commentary (binh lun truc tiép thé thao) Vi dy: Messy passes to Ronaldo. It's a goal. ee oe! Newspaper headlines (twa dé cila bai béo) — Vi du: Hawking wins Nobel prize 7. Reviews and summaries (phé binh phim, séch bao, tom tat ni dung) + Vidu: The film ends with us not knowing whether they have been successful or not. 8 Instructions and directions (huéng dan chi duéng) — Vidu: You turn left at the end of the road 9. Proverbs and sayings (thanh ngir tuc ngi) — Vi du: Too many cooks spoil the broth. (Im thay théi ma OR nhiéu cai dau thanh héng viée) 10. Fixed event (the future, cdc su kién tuong lai c6 théi gian theo lich trinh, thoi khoa biéu) — Vidu: Term ends on 21 December 11. In time clauses (the future, trong ménh dé tuong lai c6 céc td nhu when, as soon as, before, after, untilfill, while, once ...) — Vidu: I'llbe so relieved when I finish this crossword. 3|| You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 I. Céc tir/cum tir thueng duge sir dung trong thi hign tai don always, usually, generally, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, Whenever, nowadays,- these days, most, from time to time, | every nowand then, much of the time, _ it's/that’s the last time lll, Nhdn manh trong thi thign tai don * — Sir dung do/does 4 nh4n manh trong thi hién tai * — To emphasize contrast/ Nhén manh sv tong phan —+ Vi dy: Adam doesn't know much about psychiatry but he does know quite a lot about psychology. * — To emphasize strong feeling/Nhan manh cam giéc, mong muén manh mé —+ Vi du: | do like playing word game. B. CACH SU DUNG THi HIEN TAI TIEP DIEN I. Cach sir dyng (8 cach) 1. Actions happening now/ Cac hanh déng dang dién ra vao lic ndi > Vidu: The boys are doing their homework right now 2. Actions happening around now/ cac hanh d6ng ngat quang nhung van dang dién ra — Vi du: What book are you doing in English at the moment? 3. Temporary situations and series of actions/ tinh huéng va hanh déng bi anh hudng tam thoi —+ Vi du: We aren't having any exams while the lecturers are still on strike. 4. Changing and developing situations/ cdc tinh huéng dang thay d8i va chuyén bién + Vi dy: More and more people are recognizing the advantages of being able to speak a foreign language. 5. Annoying or amusing habits/ din ta théi quen x4u — Vidu: Dan's always coming up with the craziest ideas! 6. Background information in jokes and other informal stories/ B6i cnh k& chuyén dua ui + Vi dy: Aman goes to see his psychiatrist. He's carrying a bag full of honey... 4] You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Sj The future (for arrangements)/ mang yéu t6 tuong lai st dung nhu thi tvong lai + Vidy: When are you taking your driving test? 8. The future (in time clause)/ si dung trong ménh dé chi thdi gian thay thé cho thi twong lai — Vidu: I'll probably be a bit scared when I'm waiting outside for the exam to start. I. Cac cum tir hay ding Now / right now / for now / currently / at the moment / for the time being / at present / today / this week / etc / It’s the last time / That's the last time Cha y: Néu cé It’s the first/second/etc time ta diing hién tai hoan thanh Nhung: Co It’s/That's the last time ching ta ding thi hién tai tiép dién hoc hién tai don. EX: That's the last time we've inviting Jane to one of our parties ! EX: That's the last time | ever order from that pizzeria. It was disgusting! C. CACH SU DUNG THI HIEN TAI HOAN THANH 1. Cach str dung (6 Caéch) 1. Situations and states that started in the past and are still true/ tinh huéng hoac trang thai kéo dai tir qua khir dén hién tai. > Vidu: I've been a member of MENSA for over five years. 2. A sseries of actions continuing up to now./mét chudi su kién kéo dai tir qua kh dén hién tai — Vidy: She's done a BA, an MA and a PhD s0 far. 3. Completed actions at a time in the past which is not important or relevant./ 4a tieng lam viée gi d6 trong qué khtr nhung khéng quan trong hoac lién quan dén hién tai. + Vidu: Have you ever read any books by Edward De Bono? » Completed actions where the important thing is the present result. hhanh d6ng da chdm dirt nhung cé két qua anh huéng quan trong & hién tai. + Vidy: She's been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard. 5. Actions completed recently/cdc hanh déng viva méi hoan thanh. > Vidy: I've just received my exam results. 5 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6. The future (in time clauses)/str dung trong ménh 48 mang yéu té tvong lai co when, as soon as, before, after, untilftill, while, once. — Vi dy: Tell me when you've finished the report. Il. Cac tir/cum tir throng dugec sir dung voi thi HTHT. Since for, it's the first'second, etc. time, before, already, yet, ever, yet, just, still, recently, up to now, (up) until now, so far. ll, Sy khde nhau gitra American English and UK English. us: == UK: mS Did you find the answer yet? Have you found the answer yet? | already found the answer. ‘I've already found the answer. D. CACH SU’ DUNG THI HIEN TAI HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN 1. Cach sir dung (2 cach sir dung) 1. Actions and situations continuing up to the present/cdc hanh d6ng van cén lién tuc dén hién tai EX: We've all been wondering what to get Tony for his birthday and we just can't decide. 2. The future (in time clauses)/ sir dung trong ménh dé mang yéu té turong lai cd cc tly nh when, as soon as, before, after, until/till, while, once ... EX: | won't take my driving test until I've been having lessons for at least two months. ll. Cac cum tir hay ding v6i thi Present Perfect Continuous Since for just allday week etc CHU Y: SY’ KHAC NHAU GIGPA 2 THI PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS To specify a particular number | To emphasize the duration of an action/situation. of times/things, lve written two essays this | I've worked here for five years, (no emphasis) week. ve been working here for five years, (emphasizes the duration) 6 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 E. BONG TU CHI TRANG THAI VA KHONG CHI TRANG THAI (Stative and non-stative verbs) Khi mot s6 dong tir durgc str dung dé mé ta trang thai, ching thong durgc st dung 6 cac thi hign tai chr khéng si dung cac thi tiép din. DANH SACH BONG TU CHI TRANG THAI VA DONG TU KHONG CHI TRANG THAI Chic nang Te Nghia tham khao ‘Communication — agree — dong y (Chie nang — deny — phi nhan giao tiép) — disagree — khéng déng y Thinking — believe — tin twéng (Chie nang — consider — can nhdc/xem xét tuduy) — doubt — nghinge — expect — mong doi = — imagine — tuéng tuong E — know — biét ms — mean — yla, muc dich la is — realize — nhanra 3 — suppose — gid str a — suspect — nghinge — think — suy nght — understand — hiéu Existence — be — thinal (Chire nang — exist — ton tai thé hién sy tén tai) Emotions — adore — yéumén (Chtre nang — appeal — hap dan thé hién cam xtc) — appreciate — cam kich — desire = mong muén — despise ~ khinh thudng — detest — ghé tom 7 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 = dislike = khong thich — envy = ghen ti — fear — sg hai ~ feel = cam thy — forgive — tha the. = hate = ghét = like = thich - love - yeu = mind - dby — need - can ~ pity = dang tic — prefer = thich — satisfy — théaman — trust ~ tin tuéng = want — muén — wish — uc Perception — appear = duéng nh (Chute nang — hear — nghe nh&n thie) — look — nhin — notice = chi = recognize — nhan biét — resemble = giéng nhau - see — thay — seem = duéng nh — smell = ngiri mui — sound - cove — taste — evi Possession — belong — thude vé and relationships = concern = quan tam between things. — consist = bao gdm (Chite nang so héu va — contain — chiva eee cost — tén 8 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 — depend — phy thuéc — equal — bikip — fit — phi hop ~ have - © — include = bao gdm — involve ~ lién quan = lack ~ thiéu - measure - do - owe - ng — possess = so hou ~ suit — phi hop — weigh = can Other — deserve — xing dang (Chire nang khéc) — matter — van dé * Chi y: Truéng hop duoc siz dung thi tiép dién voi dong tiv chi trang thai Néu cdc déng tir néu trén mo ta hanh dong chir khéng mé ta trang thai thi ching ta cd thé sir dung thi tiép din, mét s6 dng tir hay dug sir dung la: appeal, be, consider, depend, feel, have, include, look, mean, mind, see, smell, taste, think, weigh Vi du 4: | think it’s important to know how to use a computer, (state: think = believe) Vi du 2: I'm thinking about going on a computer course, (action: think = consider) F. MOT SO TU VUNG/ CAU TRUC TRONG BAI UNIT 1 Stt Tiricum tir Nghia Tiéng Viét tham khao 1. | Too many cooks spoil the broth | Nhiéu thay théi ma/ nhiéu ngudi héng viéc (idioms) 2. | Psychiatry (n) Tam than hoc 3. Psychiatrist (n) Nha tam than hoc 4. | Psychology (n) Tam ly hoc 5. _ | Psychologist (n) Nha tam ly hoc. 8 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU’ LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6. | Every now and then Thinh thoang (idioms, adv) 7. _ | Every now and again Thinh thoang (idioms, adv) 8. | Spot a camel (phr) Phat hién ra mét con lac da 9. | Eventually (adv) Cuéi cling la, rudt cudc la 10. | Ona regular basis (phr) MOt cdch thuéng xuyén 11. | Long (verb) Kéo dai 12. | Walnut (n) Qua 6¢ cho 13. | Allergic to (adj) Dj eng voi 14. | Capital punishment (n phr) Hinh phat tir hinh 15. | Deter... from (v) Ngan _khdi... 16. | Commit murder (v) Pham tdi giét nguoi 17. | Frown (v) Nhan mat, nghiém trang, gian 18. | Resemble (v) Giéng ai d6/ viéc gi db 19. | Fly fishing (n phr) (Cau cé bang rudi (mdi) nhan tao 20. | Press release (n) Théng cdo bao chi 21. | Broadband (n) Dudng truyén internet manh 22. | Have something in common | Co diém chung (phr) 23. | Desperately (adv) Tuyét vong 24. | Evolution (n) Sy tién hoa 25. | Extinction (n) ‘Sy tuyét ching 26. | Skilful (UK), Cé ky nang, khéo Iéo Skillful (US) (adj) 27. | Harsh (adj) Th6 bao, Khdc nghiét 28. | Twig (n) anh cay 29. | Intricate (adj) Phirc tap 10 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 30. Collective history Lich str chung (tap thé) CHUYEN GA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG. TONG HOP DESTINATION C12 DESTINATION C12 - UNIT 2 - VOCABULARY TOM TAT TU VUNG THEO CHU DE No. | Vocabulary Dién giai tiéng Viét/ Vietnamese A | Chir 48 tir vyng/Tu duy 1. | Optimistic (adj) Lac quan, ty tin (about) 2. | Pessimistic (adj) Bi quan, thiéu ty tin (about) 3. | Biased (adi) Thanh kién, thién vi (d6i voi 1 ngudi, 1 vat hoae 1 y kién cy thé) 4. | Prejudiced (adj) Thanh kién (6i véi mét nhom ngudi chung chung) 5. | Prejudicial (adj) Gay tn hai, gay thiét hai (quy&n Igi clia ai 46) 6. | Cynical (adj) Da nghi, thiéu thanh that chi quan tam dén ban than minh 7. | Dubious (adi) + Da nghi, hoai nghi vé kha nang, nang lye (céng viéc) + Thiéu minh bach, khéng r6 rang, mo hd (cau chuyén) 8. | Sceptical/skeptical (adj) | Hoai nghi/ da nghi vé sy viéc nao dé ding hay sai 9. | Naive (adj) Nagy tho dé tin, ngor nghéch thiéu hiéu biét 10. | Ingenious (adj) Khéo Iéo, tai tinh (May méc, thiét bi, ké hoach, etc) 11. | Plausible (adj) Cé vé hop ly, 66 thé dang tin 11 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 12. | Baffle (v) Gay béi r6i va kh hiéu, gay tro ngai 13. | Discriminate (v) + Phan biét d6i xt, ki thi (t6n giao, ching téc, dac diém ca nhan) + Phan biét sy khdc nhau gitra A va B 14. | Assess (v) + Danh gid tinh huéng, sy viée, con nguoi dé phan xét + Tinh toan, anh gia chi phi cia tai san 15. | Assume (v) Gia siz, cho rng (cha cé chieng minh la dung) 16. | Speculate (v) Suy xét thao lun chuyén moi xay ra/ (on) 17. | Justify (v) Bign minh, bao chira (cho hanh d6ng ctia minh) 18. | Deduce (v) Suy din, suy luan dya trén ching ctr sin co 19. | Estimate (n) ‘Sy w6c tinh vé chi phi, sé lugng dé lap du toan, dy tinh 20. | Estimate (n) Bang u6c tinh chi phi/ bang dy ton chi phi dé lap ké hoach 21. | Estimate (v) Usc tinh chi phi, wéc tinh sé lugng dua trén thong tin s8n co 22. | Reflect (v) + on ‘Suy ng&m sau vé, ng&m nghi vé (cc sy kién da qua) 23. | Presume (v) Nghi la, cho la didu gi 6 thé ding (thiéu chdc chan) 24. | Concentrate (v) Tap trung vao cai ban dang lam 25. | Centre on/around (v) —_| Tap trung vao chii d&/ sé thich 26. | Focus on (v) | Tap trung vao 1 vat, 1 ngudi, 1 diéu cu thé 27. | Consider (v) | + Can nhac ky truéc khi quyét dinh + Cho rang, xem viéc gi do nhu thé nao do 28. | Contemplate (v) ‘Suy ngdm, suy tinh, liéu truéc cho tuong lai 12 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643500 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 29. | Ponder (v) Suy ngdm, tram ngam mét thi gian dai trvéc khi quyét dinh 30. | Deliberate (v) Can nhc, thao luan than trong, c6 chu tam, c6 tinh toan 31. | Dilemma (n) Tinh huéng tién thoai lwéng nan (lam mét quyét inh khé khan) 32. | Faith (n) Niém tin hoac sy tin twéng manh mé ai dé 33. | Gather (v) Suy ra diéu gi la dung, cho la vy (khéng cé ai néi, tw duy din) 34. | Genius (n) + Nguoi thién tai + KY nding thién tai 35. | Grasp (v) Nam duge, hiéu van 48 36. | Guesswork (n) Phuong phap phéng doan, phéng doan 37. | Hunch (n) ‘Sy linh cam diéu gi dling va 06 thé xdy ra 38. | Ideology (n) Hé tu tuéng 39. | Inspiration (n) Ngudn cam héeng 40. | Intuition (n) Truc gidc 41. | Notion (n) Y niém, quan niém 42. | Paradox (n) Nghich ly, nguoc déi (ngudi, vat, tinh huéng) 43. | Reckon (v) Tin rang diéu gi dung (chdc chan) 44. | Suppose (v) Tin rang diéu gi c6 1é ding (khdng chac chan), gid inh rang diéu gi dung dua trén kinh nghiém, kién thire... 45. | Query (v, n) + Cau chat van, héi dé lam 16 théng tin (n) + Nghi ng@, th&c mac (v) + Hoi (v) 13 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 B | Chu dé tiv veng/Hoc tap 48. | Academic (n, adj) + Lién quan dén gido duc, hoc thuat (adj) + Gidi viée hoc, nghién ciru (adj) + Khong thy té (adj) + Vién si (n) 47. | Conscientious (adj) Tan tam, chu dao, 06 lvong tam 48. | Cram (v) Hoc nhéi, luyén thi, cay d& thi 49. | Curriculum (n) Chuong trinh hoc, Gido trinh (n) 50. | Distance learning (phr) | Viée dao tao/ Viéc hoc tir xa 51. | Graduate (v, n) + Tét nghiép + Ngudi t6t nghiép 52. | Ignorant (adj) Khéng 6 kién thie va/Ngu dét 53. | Inattentive (adj) Khéng chi y, khéng 48 tam 54. | Intellectual (adj, n) + Thudc tri tué, tri thire + C6 gido duc va dam mé nghé thuat van hoc, van chuong... + Ngudi 6 tri thre 55. | Intelligent (ad) Théng minh 56. | Intensive (adj) Cp téc (kha hoc), chuyén sau 57. | Knowledgeable (adj) —_| C6 kién thre, am tuéng, thanh thao 58. | Lecture (v, n) + Bai gidng (n) | + Giang bai (v) 59. | Mock exam (n phr) | Ki thi the (n phr) 60. | Plagiarize (v) An cép y tuéng, copy y tong, dao van... 61. | Self-study (n) Ty hoc 14| You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 62. | Seminar (n) H6i thao 63. | Special needs (n, phr) | Cac nhu cau dac biét (cho ngu@i thiéu may man) 64. | Tuition (n) Sy ging day, hoc phi 65. | Tutorial (n) + Bai thao luan nhém (noun) + Thu6c gia su, thuéc day kém, thuéc phy dao (adj) 66. | Tutor (n, v) Gia su, day kém ll, TOM TAT CUM BONG TU No. | Cym d6ng ti*/Phrv Dién giai Tiéng Vigt/ Vietnamese 1. | Brush up (on) Cai thign, nang cao (ky nang, kién thie) 2. | Come (a)round (to) Thay d8i y kién, quan diém (bj thuyét phuc) 3. | Come up with ‘Sang kién, nghi ra (y téng, ké hoach) 4. | Hit upon D6t nhién nghT ra y tudng, khém pha didu gi dé tinh co 5. | Face up to ‘D6i mat v6i, ch4p nhan (6 gdng xir ly van dé, kho khan) 6. | Figure out Hidu ra duge, xir ly dugc van a8 (diéu gi d6, céch cu xi? cia ai 46) 7. | Make out Thay, nghe, hiéu mot cach khé khan, a8 nghi, am chi 8. | Mull over Suy ngdm va van d8 gi dé qua mét giai doan thoi gian dai | 9. | Piece together ‘Xu chu8i lai cdc théng tin 10. | Puzzle out Gidi mét van 48 khé khan bang cach suy nght cn than 14. | Read up (on/about) C6 nhidu théng tin do cham chi doc sch 15 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 12. | Swot up (on) Hoe nhiéu, hoc nhdi nhét vat va cho mét ki thi 13. | Take in Hp thy, tiép thu, ch4p nhan didu gi dé dung, lam ai tin diéu gi d6 khéng ding 14. | Think over Can nhac, xem xét van dé hoae quyét dinh mét cach cn than 15. | Think through Nghi thong suét, xem xét cdn than 16. | Think up Bia ra, tuéng tugng ra, diéu gi dé nhu mét cai co 17. | Go about Bat dau, duong dau voi z 18. | Suss out Nhan ra, hiéu, kham pha ra 19. | Pile out Tia ra, dara 20. | Drown out Lan at (tiéng dn) 21. | Sound out Diu tra, kham pha 22. | Stand out Néi tréi, néi bat 23. | Worm out of Moi théng tin (tiép can tim théng tin) 24. | Fathom out Hiéu y nghia, hiéu thong tin 25. Core acroes Cw xir, bay t6, tinh co thay 26. | Pull yourself together | Binh tinh Tai FREE tai fanpage: “HOC VOI OTTO CHANNEL” Luyén thi Chuyén & HSG 16 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bul Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 II, TOM TAT CACH KET HOP TU No. | Collocations Examples / Phrases Dién giai T. Vig Vietnamese Account (n) Account for (give) an account of Take into account Take account of On account of By all accounts On sb’s account Associate (v) Associate sth with Giai thich cho N6i / miéu ta cho biét cai gi Xem xét, cn nhc cdi gi Tinh dén, ké dén Béi vi/ because of Bug ndi bdi rt nhiéu ngudi Vi ai d6, vi diéu gi do Lién tuéng cai gi... dén cai gi Balance (n) Hang in the balance Strike a balance Upset the balance Alter the balance redress the balance Balance between/of On balance Off balance Chua cha chan Can bang hai bén Mat can bang Thay adi sy can bang Khéi phuc thé can bang Cn bang gitra/ctia Sau khi can nhac ky Mat sw can bang (dé té, nga) Basis (n) Basis for On a daily/ temporary/ ete basis On the basis offthat Nén tang, co’ sé cho, Iy do cho Trén co sé tam thoi... Trén co sé clia/rang Express belief(s) Belief in/that Contrary to popular belief Beyond belief In the belief that Bay té niém tin Tin vao/rang... Trai véi quan nigm thong thudng Khéng tin duoc Trong niém tin rng... 17 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 Popular belief Widely held belief Widespread belief Firm belief Strong belief Growing belief Quan niém phé bién / thinh hanh Suge tin boi nhiéu ngudi Burge tin tuéng r6ng rai Niém tin manh mé Niém tin manh mé Niém tin manh mé Brain (n) Pick sb’s brain(s) Rack your brain(s) The brains behind Brainless Brainchild (of) Brainstorm Brainwash Brainwave Lay va ding y kién ctia ai Nan 6c suy nghi BO ndio chinh cila t8 chive. Khéng cé nao, ngu ngéc Ké hoach/y tuéng ctia .. Déng nao Tay nao, khéng cho nhé Y kién hay bat chot Conclusion (n) Bring sth to a conclusion Come to a conclusion Reach a conclusion Arrive at a conclusion Jump/ leap to conclusions In conclusion Conclusion of Logical conclusion Foregone conclusion Bua diu gi dén két luan Bi dén két luan i dén két luan Bi dén két luan V6i va dua ra két luan Tom lai/két luan Két luan cia Két lun logic/ hop ly Két luan da dug biét tree 8. | Consideration (n) Take into consideration Give consideration to Show consideration for Under consideration For sb's consideration ‘Dua vao xem xét ky Can nhac ky van dé gi... Té long tén kinh/ chu dao Sau khi xem xét ki 6 bi lai dp lai 18 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 Out of consideration for Luu y dén/ 48 y dén ai/diéu gi Doubt (n) Doubt that Nghi ngé ring Have your doubts about | Cé sy nghi ngo vé Cast doubt on Raise doubt In doubt Tao nén sy nghi ngé vao.... Lam tang sw nghi ngo Dang nghi ng Doubt as tofabout Thiéu sy chac chan Beyond (any doubt) Khéng nghi ng& (a) reasonable doubt C6 cn cte/ nghi ngo hop ly Without a doubt Khéng cé nghi ng& Open to doubt Khéng chac, khong xay ra Dream offabout/that Mo vé/ rang Have a dream C6 mot mong muénigiéc mor Mot gidc mo a@ lam ... Adream to Beyond your _—_wildest dreams Tuyét voi hon cd tuéng tong A dream come true Gide mo thanh hién thy In your dreams Dang huy vong Like a dream Nhu mét giéc mo Focus on Tap trung vao The focus offfor ‘Sy tap trung... RO rang/ 16 nét/ tap trung Khéng 15 nét In focus Out of focus Focus group Nhém tap trung/ nhém ly mau Main/primary/major focus _| igu quan trong cn tap trung Impression (n) | Havelgive the —_(false/ | Gay/dva ra 4n tong (sai), gia mistaken) impression that | vo rang. Do an impression of Bac chuéc diéu b6 Create/make an impression | Tao 4n tugng/ gay 4n tugng (on sb) len ai do... 19 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643699 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Under the impression that First impressions C6 cam tuéng/cdm gidc rang 4n tugng dau tin Make a mental note (off about) Mental arithmetic Mental illness Mental age Mental health Make up your mind Crossislip your mind Have/bear in mind Have a one-track mind Take your mind off Bring to mind In two minds about On your mind State of mind Narrow/broad/open/absent- minded Ghi nhé didu gi ... Sy tinh nham Bénh tam than Tudi phat trién tri tué ‘Strc khde tam than Quyét dinh Nghi vé viée gi d6 Ghinhe Chi nghi vé 1 van dé Théi nghi vé 1 diéu gi dé Lam cho nhé cai gi Luong Iv, chura quyét dinh Lo lng vé van 48 gi Trang thai tam triftinh than Dau 6c hep hdi/ coi mé/ hay quén.. Misapprehension (n) Under the misapprehension that Hiéu nhdm, l6n théng tin Perspective (n) Put into perspective (to see the true value, importance) size or From another/a different/ sb’s/ etc perspective From the perspective of In perspective Out of perspective A sense of perspective Lam sang td, diéu gi d6 trong béi canh phu hop.. Tir mét géc nhin khdc/ mot quan diém khac Tw quan diém cia Ding thyc trang/ dé so sénh trong béi canh, trong téng thé Vién véng/ khéng thurc té Mét cai nhin thyc té 20 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 17. | Principle (n) Have principles C6 nguyén tc Stand by/stick to your | Tuan theo, gitr vig nguyén principles t&c clia minh Principle of sth Nguyén tac cia Principle that Nguyén tdc rang In principle Theo nguyén téc, ndi chung A matter’ an issue of | Chi la van dé thi tuc/nguyén principle tac Against sb's principles Bi ngugc lai nguyén tac Set of principles Bé6 quy tac Question (n) Beg the question Dat cau hdi/ dua ra van dé Raise the question (of) Bua ra van dé/ cau héi ve Alno question of Mot van dé va/khéng kha thi In question Dang bj chat van/ thao luan Out of the question Khéng thé, khong dugc phép Without question Khéng c6 nghi ngo Beyond question R6 rang, chdc chan ‘Some question over/ as/ to | Cé sy hoai nghi vé vn 48, su Jabout viée nao do Awkward question Cau héi héc bua Sense that Cam thay rang See sense Hidu duge, nhan thirc dugc Make sense (of) Hidu van a8 Have the sense to C6 khiéu lam gi ‘Come to your senses Tinh ngé ra A sense of Mét kha naing/ nang khiéu. In afone sense Theo mét cach nao 46 Common sense Lé thuong/ kién thire co ban 20. | Side (n) Side with sb Vé phe ai ting hé ai Take sides Chon phe 21 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 See both sides (of an argument) Look on the bright side On the plus/minus side By sb’s side On sb's side On either side (of) Nhin thdy 2 mat cia van 48 cn gidi quyét Lac quan Mat tich cye/ tigu cue Bén canh ai dé Déng tinh vi ai Trén mét phia/ phuong dién Set/put sb straight about ‘Set/put the record straight Get/come straight to the point Get sth straight Thinki/see straight Straight talking Straight answer N6i thang, néi that v ‘Twong thuat chinh xc Bi thang vao van a8 Chinh lai cho dung Suy nghi ding d&n/ ph hop N6i thang View sth as Take the view that Take a dim/poor view of Come into view In view of With a view to View on/aboutithat In sb’s view Viewpoint Point of view Tra Idi thang cau hdi Xem cai gi nhw... Cho rang/xem rang Xem thuong van dé gi Hién ra truéc mat Xét valvi ly do/bdi... Vé6i y dinh/ myc dich Thay rang Theo quan diém ciia ai Quan diém Quan diém 22 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643500 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 AIGING THUDNG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § BEN LOP 12_ IV. TOM TAT THANH NGO (IDIOMS) No. | Thanh ngi#/ Idioms Dién giai tiéng Viét/ Vietnamese 1. | Goto your head Ty cao ty dai 2. | Have your wits about you Suy nghi nhanh chéng va quyét dinh sang sudt 3. | In the dark (about) Khéng biét gi vé (Bi che dau) 4. | Know what's what Biét nhiérng diéu quan trong nhat 5. | Not have a leg to stand on Khéng cé ching ctr dé chteng minh 6. | Not see the wood for the trees_| Kh6ng nhin thay durgc hoan canh hién cd 7. | Put two and two together Ci thé ma suy ra i 8. | Quick/slow on the viglaie Tiép thu nhanh/cham 9. | Ring a bell Nghe quen quen 10. | Round the bend pién 11. | Split hairs Cai nhau vi chuyén nhé 12. | Take stock (of) Nghi vat 6c 13. | To say the least N6i giém nhe, néi viva phai, néi khong cudng diéu 23 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643569 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 V. TOM TAT WORD FORM 1 Assume (Vv) ‘Assumption (n) Cho rang, gid sir | Assuming that (conj) Unassuming (adj) No. | Tirgéc Tir loai lién q Tiéng VigtTham khao Sy gia dinh Gia sir rang Khiém t6n Unbeliever (n) Disbelieve (v) Disbelieving (adj) Unbelievably (adv) Assumed (adj) Duge cho la ding 2. Believe (v) Belief (n) Niém tin Tin rang Disbelief (n) Sy hoai nghi, sy hoang man Believer (n) Tin ad Ngw®i hoai nghi Khéng tin Khéng tin duge, la ky Khé tin 3. Brilliant (a) Brilliance (n) Léilac, tai gidi Brilliantly (adv) Sy tai gidi, Ii lac ‘Sang chéi, Idi lac 4. Conceive (v) | Conceptualize (v) Nhan thir due | Concept (n) Conception (n) Conceptual (adj) Inconceivable (adj) Khai nigm héa Khai nhiém (nguyén tac) Y niém (cia mot ai do) Thuéc quan niém, nhan thtrc Khé twéng tugng duge Thuyét phuc Convinced (a) Unconvinced (a) Convincing (a) Conceivable (adj) Tuéng tong duc 5. Confuse (v) Confusion (n) Sy béi r6i Gay béiréi Confused (a) Bj béi r6i Confusing (a) B6i réi Confusingly (adv) M6t cach béi réi 6. Convince (v) Conviction (n) ‘Swrc thuyét phuc, sy két an Bj thuyét phuc Thiéu thuyét phuc Thuyét phuc 24 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 Decisiveness (n) Deciding (a) Decisive (a) Indecisive (a) Undecided about (a) Unconvincing (a) Thiéu thuyét phuc 7. Decide (v) Decision (n) Sy quyét dinh Quyét dinh Decider (n) Tran dau/sy viéc quyét dinh Tinh quyét dinh C6 tac dung quyét dinh Kién quyét, dirt khoat Chan chir, thiéu qua quyét Lung ly, do dy Undoubted (a) 8. Define (v) Definition (n) Su dinh nghia Binh nghia Defined (a) Duge dinh nghia/ xdc dinh Definitive (a) Cuéi cing, tét nhdt, dit khoat Definite (a) BA [én lich, r6 rang, chc ch4n Indefinite (a) Map ma/ khong r6 rang 9 Doubt (v,n) Doubter (n) Nguoi da nghi/nghi ng& Nghi ngor Doubtful (a) ang nghi Chan chinh, 16 rang Inexplicable (a) Doubtless (adv) Khéng cén nghi ngo 10. | Explain (vy Explanation (n) Sy gidi thich Giai thich Explanatory (a) Dua ra giai thich Unexplained (a) Chua duge gidi thich Explicable (a) C6 thé higu durge, gidi nghia duoc Ly do, nguyén nhan chua duoc biét, chura due giai thich 11. | Imagine (v) Imagination (n) Tuéngtueng —_| imaginings (n) Imaginary (a) Imaginable (a) Imaginative (a) Unimaginative (a) Sy tuéng tung Diéu ban tuéng twgng trong dau Tuéng twong vin véng Cé thé hinh dung duge Tuéng turgng sang tao Khéng giau tuéng tugng, c6 thy 25 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 12. | Judge (v) Judg(e)ment (n) ‘Su phan doan Phan doan Judiciary (adj/noun) —_| Thudc tda 4n/ bd may te nw | Judiciousness (n) Sy sang suét, sy khén ngoan Judicious (a) Sang suét, dung én Judicial (a) C6 6c phé phan/ thudc toa an Judg(e)mental (a) Hay phan xét thiéu cn ctr Judiciously (adv) Mét cach ding dan 13. | Logic (n) Logical (a) Logic L6 gic Illogical (a) Thiéu Logic Opinion (n) Opinionated (a) Bao thi 14, Quan diém 15. | Rational (adj) —_| Rationalize (v) Hop ly hoa Hop ly Rationalization (n) Sy hop ly hoa Rationalist (n) Nguoi theo chil nghia duy ly Rationalism (n) Chi nghia duy ly Rationality (n) Sy hop ly Irrationality (n) Sy khéng hop ly, phi ly Irrational (a) Khéng hop ly 16. | Reason(n,v) | Reasoning (n) ‘Sy lap luan Lydo Reasonableness (n)__| Tinh hop ly Reasonable (a) Hop ly Unreasonable (a) V6 ly Reasoned (a) Trinh bay hgp ly, chat ché 17. | Sane (adj) Sanity (n) Sy tinh t4o, sy minh mn Tinh tao Insanity (n) Sy dién, mat tri Insane (a) Dién mat tri __| Insanely (adv) Mot cach dién, mat tri 26 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 Sense (n) Sensitize (v) Lam cho nhay, lam cho cém déng Gay té Hanh dong v6 ly Cam giac (a6i voi co thé) Gide quan Desensitize (v) Nonsense (n) Sensation (n) Sensitivity (n) Sensibility (n) Sy nhay cam, tinh d& cam xe Tinh da cam tri giéc Senseless(ness) (a) Sensible (a) Bat tinh, khong co nghia Hop ly Nonsensical (a) Vo ly Sensibly (adv) Sensitive(ly) (a,adv) Think (v) Thought (n) ‘Suy nght Thinker (a) Hop ly Nhay cam ‘Sy suy nghi, ty duy Nha tu tuéng Thinking (a) Tu tuéng Sy tram tu Sy v6 tu, nhe da Cé thé nghi ra, c6 thé hinh dung Khéng thé nghi ra, hinh dung Thoughtfulness (n) Thoughtlessness (n) Thinkable (a) Unthinkable (a) Thoughtful (a) Thoughtless (a) Tram ngam, tram tu, than trong V6 tu, nhe da, khinh xuat Wise (a) Wisdom (n) Wise (a) Tri kh6n, su khOng ngoan’ Khon ngoan Khén ngoan Unwise (a) Khéng kh6n ngoan, ngu xuadn Unwisely (adv) Thiéu khéng ngoan 27 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 VI. MOT SO TU’ VUNG TRONG BAI TAP UNIT 2 VA BAI REVIEW 4 (UNIT 1 AND 2) No. Tw vung Nghia tham khao 1. | Plain (adi) ‘Don gidn, dé hiéu, chat phat 2. | Terminology (n) Thuat ng 3. | Calligraphy (n) Thu phap 4. | Bother (v) Lo lang, ban tam, ay nay 5. _| Astrophysics (n) Mén vat ly thién van 6. _| Cryptic crossword (n) © chi khé higu/bi an 7. | Communism (n) Chii nghia céng san 8. | Captitalism (n) Chi nghia tu ban 9. | Exam syllabus (n) 8 cong én thi 10. | Overhaul (n) Dai tu (sira chia lai cho dep, cho méi) 11. | The latter/the former (n) Cai d cap sau / cai dé cp trvoc 12. | Go about (verb) Bat dau, xi ly 13. | Reincarnation (n) Sy tai sinh, Luan hdi 14. | The best course of action Bung Idi/ phuong huéng hanh déng tdt nat 15. | Recurring dream (n) Gidc mo [ap lai theo dinh ky 16. | Interest rate (n) Lai suat 17. | Mortgage (n) Mua nha tra gop, sy c&m cd 18. | Whereabouts (n, adv) Ché 6/ & gan noi nao 19. | Lateral thinking (n) Tu duy ngoai bién, tu duy duéng vong 20. | Place (n) Nhé (tén, noi gap go) 28 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 21. | To say the least Néi gidm nhe, néi khéng cudng digu, néi viva phai 22. | Mental institution Co sé didu tri bénh tam than 23. | Illegible (a) Khéng thé doc duge 24. | Illustrious (a) NGi tiéng 25. | Illiberal (a) Hep héi 26. | Illegitimate (a) 8 hoang, khéng hyp phap, khéng chinh dang 27. | Illusion (n) Ao giac 28. | Illuminated (a) Chiéu sang ‘29. | Rhetoric (n) Tai hung bién 30. | Underlying (a) Co bn, nam 6 co sé, & du6i 31. | Date back (phr v) Co tir thoi 32. | Substance (n) van dé, thyc thé 33. | Peer (n) Ban cing trang lira 34. | How/why/what on earth Trdi oi la tro, 35. | Plot (n) Cét truyén, am muu (nhiéu ngudi lam chuyén xdu) 36. | Conspiracy (n) Am muu (d6i véi 1 nguei nao dé) 37. | Tarantula (n) Nhén den (d6ng vat hoc) THE END 29 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG: TONG HOP DESTINATION c12 DESTINATION C12 — UNIT 3 (GRAMMAR) CACH SU’ DUNG THI QUA KHU' BON (Instructed by Otto Trung) Cach sty dung (7 cach) Single complated actions /Hanh déng da hoan thanh trong qua kht’ cé thoi gian xac dinh Sony and Philips invented the CD in the early 1980s. Repeated or habitual actions in the past/ Cac hanh déng [4p di lap lai theo thoi Juen trot a kh 3S ; 2 en Tai FREE tai fanpage: “HQC VOI OTTO CHANNEL” General truths about the past/ Sy that hién nhién trong qué khityén thi Chuyén & HSG Early clocks were usually very unreliable. We moved house a lot when I was a kid. Permanent situations and states in the past/ Tinh hudng va trang thai lau dai trong qué khir Did the ancient Egyptians have more advanced technology than other civilisations? The main events in a story/ Sy kién chinh trong mot cau chuyén Frank turned on the TV and sat on the sofa. The present in conditional sentences/ Sir dung trong cau diéu kién loai 2 (see Unit 11) If we didn't have computers, what would the world be like? The present din ta sy viéc hién tai khi sau cac chi nhu wish, it's time, would rather, etc I'd rather Michael didn't waste so much time playing video games. Nhén manh trong thi qua khir To emphasise contrast in the past/ nhén manh sv tuong phan trong qué kh Perhaps our grandparents didn't have e-mail, but they did have the telephone and telegrams. To emphasise strong feeling in the past/ nhdn manh cam giéc manh liét trong qua khir | did enjoy our visit to the Science Museum last summer. 30 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 I. So sanh thi qua khir don va hién tai hoan thanh 1. In general, the past simple is used to refer to periods of time or moments which are finished. The present perfect is used to refer to periods of time which continue up to the present. // Nhin chung, thi qué kht don dién ta hanh d6ng da cham dit, thi hién tai hoan thanh dién ta hanh dong van kéo dai dén hién tai. + The nineteenth century saw many technological advances, such as the camera and the electric light bulb. — There have been many technological advances in recent years, the most important being the spread of the Internet. 2. The past simple is used to refer to events at a specific time in the past. The present perfect is used when the specific time something happened isn't important or relevant, or when the present result of a past event is important. // Thi qué kht# don dién ta cdc sy kién & mét thoi diém cy thé trong qué khts, thi hién tai hoan thanh dién ta céc su kién xay ra trong qué khi nhung khéng quan trong hoac lién quan dén hién tai. Tai FREE tai fanpage: “HOC VOI OTTO CHANNEL” Luyén thi Chuyén & HSG + I sent my first e-mail six months ago. —+ Have you ever sent an e-mail before! B. CACH SU’ DUNG THI QUA KHU TIEP DIEN (Instructed by Otto Trung) 1. Cach str dung (10 cach) 9. Actions in progress at a particular moment in the past (Hanh déng tiép dién tai mot thdi diém trong qua kh) —+ Were you chatting to Matt online at midnight last night? 10. Actions in progress around a particular moment in the past (Hanh déng tiép dién trong khoang mét thoi diém cy thé trong qua khtr) + Atthe turn of the twentieth century, many discoveries were being made in physics and other sciences. 11. Temporary situations and series of actions in the past (Cac hanh déng tam thoi va chuéi hanh déng trong qua khtr) — Atthe time, | was working for a large software company in California. 12, Changing and developing situations in the past (cdc tinh huéng thay déi va phat trién trong qua khir) — Iwas getting frustrated with my internet provider so | decided to change. 31 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 13. Annoying or amusing past habits (usually with always) (thoi quan x4u trong qué Khe) —> When she was young, Tina was always taking things apart to see how they worked. 14. Background information in a story (théng tin nén, co sé cho cAu chuyén) > Itwas raining outside and people were making their way home after work. 15. Actions in progress over a period of time (cac hanh d6ng van cén dién ra trong ‘mét théi gian dai) —+ Were you writing e-mails all yesterday morning? 16. Two actions in progress at the same time (hai hanh déng dang dién biét cung thoi diém trong qua khw) > While | was playing a computer game, my brother was doing his homework. 17. The present and the future (in conditional sentences) (Sir dung trong cau digu kién dé chi hién tai, tvong lai) > Would you be happier if you were studying computer science? 18. The present and the future (after wish, it's time, would rather, etc) (Tham khao Unit 13, Sir dung trong cau wéc, it's time, would rather... dé dién ta sy viéc & hién tai hoc tuong lai) —+ I wish we were going to the computer fair next weekend. QUA KHU TIEP DIEN QUA KHU DON We often use the past continuous to describe background events in progress and the past simple for the main events. Ching ta thuréng ste dung thi qué khir tiép dién dé miéu ta cdc sw kién dang din ra trong b6i cénh va thi qué khir don cho cae sy viée chinh dién ra. We normally use the past simple to describe regular or repeated actions in the past, not the past continuous. Chang ta sir dung thi qué khtr don dé miéu t& céc hanh dong xay ra thuéng xuyén lp di lp lai trong qué khi. — Wewere talking about MP3s when Andrea mentioned her new music website. —> When | was a child, | visited my grandmother every week. 32 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 QUA KHU TIEP DIEN HIEN TAI HOAN THANH In general, the past continuous is used to refer to actions in progress during periods of time or at moments which are finished. N6i chung, thi qué khte tiép dién duge sir dung dé chi cdc hanh dong dang di8n ra hodc dang dién ra va & hoan thanh. The present perfect continuous is used to refer to actions in progress during periods of time which continue up to the present. Thi hién tai hoan thanh durge sur dung dé chi cée hanh dong van con tiép tue cho on thoi diém hién tai. — We were working on my computer — We have been working on my for four hours yesterday. computer for four hours so far. C. THI QUA KHU HOAN THANH Cach sir dung (4 cach) 1. _ Situations and states before the past/ Cac tinh huéng va trang thai dién ra truéc hanh déng hod trang thai khac trong qua kh. Had you had your computer long before it broke down? 2. Completed actions before a moment in the past/ Cac hanh déng hoan thanh truéc mét thoi diém khac trong qué kht When talking films appeared, the cinema had already become a popular form of entertainment. When Dimitra called, | had managed to fix her computer. 3. _Asseries of actions continuing up to a moment in the past/ Nhiéu hanh déng din ra lién tuc trvéc mét thoi diém trong qua kht. By the time of his death, Thomas Edison had invented a number of things that changed everyday life. 4 Completed actions where the important thing is the result at a moment in the past/Cac hanh dong da hoan thanh va cé két qua quan trong tai mét thoi dim trong qué khir | beat Jason at International Captain because I'd played it a lot with my brother. D. THI QUA KHU HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN Actions and situations continuing up to a (or just before a moment in the past)/ Cac hanh déng va tinh huédng van con tiép dién trréc mét thoi diém trong qué kh. She'd been writing computer games for over ten years before she finally had moment in the past 33 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 E. WOULD VA USED TO 1. WOULD Past habits, particularly for the distant past/ Thoi quen trong qua khtr, dic biét la da lau. — The ancient Greeks would rely on the power of slaves, rather than machines. 4+ cHU %* Would can also be used with a continuous infinitive when we are referring to a habit involving actions in progress. // Would cé thé diroc str dung v6 thi tip dién khi ching ta d8 cép dén théi quen lién quan dn céc hanh dong van cén dang dién ra. —+ Whenever | went to James's house, he would usually be playing on his computer. * — Would is not usually used to refer to past states./ would khéng phai Itic nao cing din t hanh dong & qua khir 2. USED TO Past habits and states, particularly for the distant past/ Thoi quen va trang thai trong qua khi?, dac biét la dién ra da lau. —+ Itused to seem strange to be able to communicate over long distances. 4+ cHUY: * Remember that used to is not the same as be used fo. Be used fo refers to a situation that is now familiar or no longer strange./ Chu y la used to khac véi be used to. + Atfirst, people found it strange sending messages by mobile, but now everyone's used to it * — We use get used to to refer to the process of becoming familiar with a situation. + It's surprising how quickly people in the nineteenth century got used to travelling by train. 34] You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 F. MQT SO TU VUNG/ CAU TRUC TRONG BAI UNIT 3 Stt Tur/cym tir Nghia Tiéng Vigt tham khao 1. | Backpack (v) Du lich byi (tw di véi nhiéu a trong ba Id) 2. | Onwards (adv) Tre vé sau 3. _| Industrial Revolution (n) Cuéc cach mang céng nghiép 4. | Telescope (n) Kinh thién van 5. | Orbit (n) Quy dao 6. | Kidnap (v) Bat céc 7. _ | Frowning (adj) Cau may, nhan mat 8. | Out of breath (phr) Hét hoi thé hén hénh 9. | Flute (n) Ong sao 10. | Jealous of (adj) Ghen ti véi 11. | Such a mess (phr) That la mét mé hdn don 42. | Specialists (n) Chuyén gia 13. | Omament (n) Vat trang tri 14, | Inthe late 1960s (phr) Nhting nam cuéi 1960 (VD: 1967,1968, 1969) 15. | Initially (adv) Ban dau 16. | Status symbol (n) Bidu tung dia vi xa héi 17. | Aslight misunderstanding | Mot sy hidu [im nhé 18. | Evolved (v) Phat triénvtién hoa 19. | Fundamental (adj) Co ban, nén tang 20. | Ingenuity (n) Sy khéo Iéo 21. | Faint marks (n) Dau mé/ nhat 22. | Deposit (n) Lop chat dong lai 23. | Tales (n) Chuyén ké (tuéng twong) 24. | Sheepskin Da ciru 25. | String Soi day 26. | Backgammon Cé tao cdo 27. | Horse and carriage Ngwa va xe ngya 35 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643500 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG: TONG HOP DESTINATION 612 DESTINATION C12 — UNIT 4 - VOCABULARY TOM TAT TU VUNG THEO CHU DE No. | Vocabulary Dién giai tiéng Vigt/ Vietnamese A | Chi dé tir vyng / Sy thay ddi 1. | Adapt (v) Thich nghi (thay déi quan diém hoac hanh vi véi tinh hudéng moi) 2. | Adjust (v) | Digu chinh (thay ddi nhé 48 chinh xac hon, higu qua hon, t6t hon) 3. | Alternate (v, adj) Lun phién, l4n lwgt nhau, ké tiép nhau 4. | Alternative (n) Ké hoach dy phéng, vat thay thé, vat dy phong 5. | Alternative (adj) Hoa ci nay hoac cai kia (1 trong 2 cai), Ilva chon thay thé khac 6. | Amend (v) Diéu chinh (tai liéu, luat, hyp ddng....) 48 cap nhat, | dé tét hon 7. | Conservative (adj) —_| Bao thi, than trong, dé dat (khéng s&n long chdp nhan cai moi) 8. | Convert (v) - Chuyén déi hé théng, phwong phap sang cai moi - Thay déi niém tin ton giao, thuyét phuc thay dai tn giao 9. | Convert (n) Ngudi da thay déi ton giao/ thay déi dirc tin 10. | Decay (v) Muc nét, théi ria, phan rd, suy tan (do qua trinh ty nhién) 36 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643598 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 11. | Decay (n) Tinh trang muc nat, Tinh trang suy tan, tinh trang dé nae... 12. | Deteriorate (v) Giam gia tri, hy héng hon, lam cho x4u hon 13. | Distort (v) Bop méo théng tin, xuyén tac théng tin, lam sai léch th6ng tin 14, | Dynamic (adi) Nang dong, s6i ndi, khong ngizng thay adi 15. | Endure (v) Chiu dung, cam chiu (tinh cdnh khé khan va kién nhn thdi gian dai) 16. | Endure (v) Kéo dai (qua thdi gian dai) 17. | Evolve (v) intoffrom | Tién héa, tién trién, lam phat tién 18. | Influence (v) Anh huéng (béi ty duy, hanh vi, chuyén gi dé xay ra) 19. | Influence (n) ‘Sy Anh hudng dén (quyét dinh, y tuéng, hanh vi, chuyén gi xay ra) 20. | Innovation (n) Sy d6i moi, sy cach tan (y tdng, thiét bi, phuong phap) 21. | Innovative (adj) Cé tinh 43i moi, sang tao, cach tan 22. | Last (v) (for) Kéo dai (dn mét thoi diém cu thé) 23. | Maintain (v) Duy tri (cing mirc 46 dang c6) 24. | Mature (adj) Truéng thanh, chin chén 25. | Mature (v) Tré nén chin chan, tré nén trudng thanh, hoan thién 26. | Modify (v) ‘Sita déi (lam nhe hoae diu di, lam tét hon) 27. | Novel (adj) M@i la, la thuéng (a novel idea) : 28. | Persist (v) (inwith) | Kién tri, c6 quyét tam cao 29. | Potential (n) Sy tim nang trong tuong lai 30. | Potential (adj) C6 tiém nang 37 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 {STINNVHO OLLO 19h 908) 31. | Progress (v) Tién bé, phat trién 32. | Progress (n) Sy phat trién, su tién bo 33. | Radical (adj) Thay ddi triét 48, cp tién, 44i moi, tir gécmara (Ding cho cac danh tir nhw: reform, change, politician, Party, flaw...) 34. | Refine (v) Lam cho tinh té hon, lam cho tét hon (sé thich, ng6n ngf, tac phong ...) 35. | Reform (v) Cai cach (hé théng, chinh quyén, théi quen chinh minh...) 36. | Reform (n) Sy sia déi, sy cdi cach (hién phap, rudng dat, giao duc...) 37. | Remain (v) Gide nguyén (vi tri, hoan canh, tinh trang) 38. | Revise (v) Xét lai, duyét lai (y tudng, phan xét, dao luat, 6n thi) 39. | Revolution (n) - Cuéc cach mang (thay déi phuong phap, hoan canh....) - Cudc cach mang (lat 46 chinh quyén...) 40. | Shift (n) Su thay di (y tuéng, thai 46) 41. | Shift (v) Thay déi y kién, thai do, ké hoach 42. | Spoil (v) Lam hu, lam hai (sé thich, niém tin, vé dep...) 43. | Status quo (n phr) —_| Nguyén trang, hién trang (to upset, restore, preserve status quo) 44. | Steady (v) Tro nén vieng chac, git vieng 45. | Steady (adj) Viing vang, kién dinh, ding dan 46. | Steady (adj) Git veng ciing mic a9 (tc 46, gid tri...) 47. | Substitute (v) Loai bé cai nay bang cai khdc 48. | Substitute (n) Sy thay thé (ngudi hoac vat thay thé cho ngudi hode vat khac) 38 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509 roseduey 16) Ta PL KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 49. | Sustain (v) Duy tri, chéng d@, chiu dung 50. | Switch (v, n) anh trdo (thay thé cai nay bang cai khac) 51. | Switch (n) + Sy thay déi tir cai nay thanh cai khac + Céng tc dién 52. | Transform (v) Bién déi (vé b& ngoai, tinh cach, khi hau...) 53. | Trend (n) Khuynh huéng, xu hung, chigu huéng 54. | Uniform (adj) Khéng thay déi vé hinh thirc, hoac tinh cach (chiéu dai, kich thuéc, hinh dang, mau s&c, nhiét 46, chuyén déng....) B | Cha dé tir vung / céng nghé 55. | Breakthrough (n) ‘Sy dot pha 56. | Broadband (adj, n) | Bang t&n rong, sy truyén dé ligu nhanh 57. | Click (v) Click chudt 58. | Complex (adj) Phite tap | 50. | Consumer electronics | Thiét bi aign tr ban r6ng rai cho ngudi tisu dung 60. | Craft (v) Lam thi céng 7 61. | Craft (n) Nghé thi céng, sy lam bang thi céng 62. | Data (n) Dor ligu (s6 nhiéu) - 63. | Datum Dor ligu (sé it) 64. | Download (v, n) Tai théng tin tir internet, sy tai théng tin tw internet 65. | File (n) Tap tin : 66. | (Games) console Thiét bi dién tir két ndi d& choi game 67. | Manual (adi) Tha cong (duge van hanh bang tay béi con nguo’)_| 68. | Manual (n) Sach huéng dn stv dung 38 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000843596 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 69. | Network (v) Két néi hé théng 70. | Network (n) Mang lu6i vi tinh 71. | Nuclear (adj) ‘Thudc nang lugng hat nhan 72. | Offline (adj. Adv) Offline (khéng két néi v6i internet) 73. | Online (adj, adv) Online (c6 két néi véi internet) 74. | Primitive (adj) So khéi, nguyén Khai, tién sir 75. | Programmer (n) Lap trinh vién 76. Nguén (théng tin, nhan Ic, nhan sy, tai nguyén, Resource (n) thiét bi...) 77. | Technique (n) ky thuat 78. | Upload (v) Tai (di ligu len) TOM TAT CUM BONG TU No. | Cum d6ng tir/PhrV | Dién giai Tiéng Viét/ Vietnamese 1. | Back up + Dy phong (sao chép théng tin 48 dy phong mat) + Ung hd sai dé (ddng y voi ho dé ting hd) 2. | Change around Thay di vi tri 3. | Change into Thay quan do khac 4. | Change into Bién thanh (ti tinh trang nay bién thanh tinh trang (intransitive V) moi) 5. | Turn into Bién thanh (thay déi hodc phat trién thanh mét cai (intransitive, khde, lam ai 46 hoac didu gi dé thay déi thanh mét cai khac), cdn hoc khéng mét tan ngt (object) transitive V) 6. | Make into Bién thanh (bién nguoi hoac vat thanh cdi khac, can (transitive V) 1 tan nge) 40 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 7. | Change out of Thay cai méi, thay quan do khac 8. | Do away with Vart bé (get rid of) - 9. | Do up Tan trang, lam méi 10. | Fade away Nhat dan, bién mat dan dan 11. | Key in Nhap di liéu vao may tinh 12. | Mix up Tr6n ln (48 khéng ding vi tri), nham ln (ngudi vat #) 13. | Switch on/off M6, tat 14. | Take apart Thao roi 15. | Test out Kiém tra tha 16. | Use up Can kiét, sir dung hét 17. | Wear out Mon rach, khéng sir dung duoc 18. | Brush up (on) Cai thign, nang cao kién thre 19. | Bring up é cap dén, nuéi day, nén mia 7 20. | Take up Chon mét mén thé thao, chon mét sé thich dé choi tham gia 21. | Make up Bia chuyén hodc bia c@ (invent, cook up, think up) 22. | Turn up ‘én (théng thudng la khéng 6 ké hoach) 23. | Show up ‘én (théng thur’ng tré va khdng c6 ké hoach) 24. | Turn out | én (mot sy kign 48 xem) | 25. | Puzzle out Kham pha ra, hiéu ra (suy nghi rat lau) 41 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643500 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Vil. TOM TAT CACH KET HOP TU’ No. | Collocations | Examples / Phrases 1. | Access (n, v) | Have access to Cé sy tiép can én Gain access to Dat dugc sy tiép can/truy cap Provide access to Cho tiép can! cho vao Intemet access Truy cap internet Wheelchair access L6i vao cho nguéi di xe king 2. | Break (n,v) | Break a habit Tir bé théi quen Break with tradition Lam mét viéc moi mé # cach ci Make the break (from) Lam sy thay déi Take/need/have a break | Can sy nghi ngoi Awelcome break from | Co két qua t6t ti viée tam divng. Lunch/tea/coffee break | Nghi gidi lao 3. | Change (n, | Change from sth to Thay di tir gi do dén gi do v) Change sth into Thay adi thanh Change sth for Thay déi diéu gi d6 vi Change for the Thay déi tro nén tét hon/ té hon better/worse Change your mind Thay déi quan diém Change the subject Thay déi chi dé Make a change Cé sy thay di, khdc biét Undergo a change Tién hanh sy thay di 4. | Clock(n) | Seta clock Hen gid) Watch the clock Xem gid Against the clock Chay dua véi thdi gian Around the clock Lién tuc suét ca ngay dém (Anti)clockwise Theo/Nguoc chiéu kim déng hd | Clockwork (adj, n) Lam viée du dan, nh mét cdi may, b6 may déng hd 42 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Date fom Co ngay tir Date back to Co tir thoi Keep sth up to date Git didu gi d6 duoc cap nhat Setfix a date C6 dinh ngay Go on/ make a date with | Hen hd véi ai dé wt sb Atalater/ future date —_| Mét ngay sau dé trong tuong lai To date én ngay hom nay Demand sth from sb Yéu cdu didu gi tir ai do Meet/satisfy ademand —_| Dap tng, thda man nhu cau Make a demand Thyc hign yéu cu The demand for Nhu cu vé .. In demand C6 nhu cau (cé nguei mua) (On demand C6 sn (khi dug héi, yéu cu) Have the energy todo — | C6 nang lveng/nhiét tinh 48 am Lack the energy to do Thiéu nang Iwgng/ déng Ive lam B6 cong sifc/ thai gian vao vide Put/throw your energy into Nuclear energy Nang Ivong hat nhan Source of energy Ngudn nang Ivgng Energy needs Nhu cau vé nang lvong Khting hoang nang Ivgng Energy crisis Tao ra 4n tugng/ cam xc vé Form (n, v) | Form an impression of Take/assume the form of | Dudi hinh thirc cia Bién vao don Fill in/out a form In the form of Trong hinh thirc, dui hinh thc In good/bad form Trong tinh trang tét/ xdu Application form Bon xin viéc 43 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 Good (adj) | Good (for sb) to do ‘A good deal + UC noun A good many + C noun ‘A good few Good of sb to do For sb's own good No good It's no good doing Know (v) Know (sth) about Know sbisth to be/do Know better better to do Know better than (sb) Get/come to know Let sb know In the know Know-how Lead(n,v) | Lead sb into Lead the way Lead the world Lead sb to do Lead to Lead down Lead through Take/hold the lead Follow sb's lead In the lead 44 || You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_E Tét, 06 Ii dé lam gi do Rat nhiéu (khong dém duoc) Rat nhidu (dém duge) Mét sé lwong kha kha Tét cho ai dé lam gi dé Viloi it ctia ai Khéng cé loi/ khong tot Khéng ich chi, khéng Ii dé lam. Hiéu biét vé Biét ai do lam gi d6 Théng minh/khén vi khéng lam Biét r6 hon (vi cé kinh nghiém) Danh thd gian tim hiéu Cho ai do biét Bidu biét Bi kip kinh doanh, san xuat Lanh dao ai d6.. DAn Idi, dn duéng Dan dau Dn dat ai 46 d& lam gi d6 D&n dén Dan xuéng D&n qua Git’ vi tri dn dau Theo dy lanh dao cia Dang dan dau (doan dua) KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH. QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 Link (n,v) | Link to Link sth/sb to/with Click on a link Follow a link Find/prove/establish a N6i voi Két néi didu gi/ ai dé voi ai d6 Click vao duéng link Theo mét link Tim/chizng minh/ thiét lap mdi lién két/ Put sth in(to) place In place of Out of place Place of work No place for Process (v) | The process of In the process of doing Peace process A process of elimination link between quan hé gitra Change/swap/trade Thay di vi tri voi ai do places with Take the place of Thé ché ... Take sb's place Thay vi tri cla ai d6/ thé ché cho Dat lai dung vi tri Thay vi/ instead of Khong ding vi tri Noi lam viéc Khéng cé vj tri/chd cho Tién trinh/qua trinh cia Trong qua trinh cia Dién bién hoa binh Qua trinh loai bé timng cai mot Purpose (n) | Serve a purpose The purpose of doing Sb's purpose in doing A sense of purpose On purpose Reality (n) | Escape from reality Face (up to) reality Become a reality In reality Virtual reality Reality TV Phuc vu myc dich Muc dich ctia viéc lam gi d6 Muc dich ctia ai lam viée gi 46 C6 muc dich cy thé/ c6 y nghia Céy Thoat khdi hién thy Déi dién véi hién thyc Tré thanh hién thy Trong truc té Thuc té do Truyén hinh thc té 45 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 17. | Tool (n) 18. [Use (n, v) A tool for (doing) MOt cng cy dé lam gi dé A tool of M6t c6ng cy cla Tool bar/kit/tool box Thanh cong cwhdp dyng dd Use sth for (doing) Sir dung cai gi d6 dé lam gi do Str dung cai gi dé dé lam ‘Sir dung cai gi nhu la Use sth to do Use sth as Use sth properly Sir dung cai gi hop ly Have many uses Co nhiéu cach sir dung In use ‘Dang duge sir dung/thinh hanh Khéng 06 ich Khéng c6 ich trong viée lam gi d6 That la King phif khéng cn thiét Of (no) use It's/there’s no use doing What's the use of doing? 19. | Web (n) Wheel (n) ‘Surf the web Luet web On the web Trén web/ dang luét web Website Website Web page Trang web Webcam Webcam World wide web www Webmaster Quén tri web Weblog (blog) Trang blog trén web Take the wheel Quan ly, diéu hanh At/behind the wheel Phia sau tay Idi On wheels Tréi chay Wheel of fortune ‘Sy thang tram cia sé phan 46 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Vill, TOM TAT THANH NG@ (IDIOMS) / LUYEN THI CUNG THAY OTTO TRUNG No. | Thanh ngi®! Idioms Dién gidi tiéng Viét/ Vietnamese 1. | A leopard can't change its spots | Giang son dé di, ban tinh kho doi 2. | All mod cons Tién nghi (all modem conveniences) 3. | Break the mould Lam didu khdc biét voi truéc day, pha cach 4. | Change your tune Thay adi quan diém, thai d6 5. | Have a change of heart Thay di y kién, quyét dinh khéng lam nova 6. | Know sth inside out Hiéu ré vé, rat am tudng ve... 7. | Reinvent the wheel Di lai Idi mon, lang phi thoi gian lam nhong chuyén nguéi khac 4a lam rdi 8. | Stick to your guns Git ving lap truong 9. | The tools of the trade Cac ky nang va céng cu lam viéc 10. | Turn over a new leaf Cai ta quy chanh, tir bé théi quen x4u 42 tét hon IX. TOM TAT WORD FORM No. Tir gdc Tw logilién quan —_‘Tiéng Vigt/Tham khao 1. Adapt (v) ‘Adaptation (n) sy thich nghi Thich nghi Adaptor (n) bé chuyén adi Adaptable (adi) 6 thé thich nghi 2. Adjust (v) Readjust (v) iu chinh lai Biéu chinh Adjustment (n) sy didu chinh Adjustable (adi) 6 thé diu chinh duge 47 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Alter (v) Alteration (n) sy thay déi Thay déi, bién déi Unalterable (adj) khéng thay déi dugc Unaltered (adj) dn nguyén, khéng thay ddi Alternate (adj) luan phién, xen ké/ lan luot Alternative (adj) 6 thé thay thé dugc/ dy phong cho Alternative (n) vat/ ngudi thay thé/ dy phéng cho Arrange (v) Rearrange (v) xdp sép lai Xap sép (Re)arrangement su sap xép lai (n) Arranged (adj) dugc sap xép céng suat Capable (adj) Capability (n) Co kha nding Incapable (adj) khéng cé kha nding Capably (adv) thanh thao, khéo léo 6. Change (n, v) Exchange (n) sy trao déi Thay 6i Changeover (n) sw chuyén déi/ thay déi toan dién (un)changing (adj) dang thay ddi (un)changeable dé thay déi, hay thay déi (adj) Interchangeable c6 thé thay thé cho nhau, (adi) hodn 48i Continue (v) Discontinue (v) dinh chi, gian doan/ bé théi Tiép tuc quen Continuity (n) sy lién tye Continuation (n) sv tiép tuc, cdn lam tiép Continual (adj) ap di lap lai, lién tuc (gay kho chui) Continuous (adj) _—lién tuc, khéng dizng Continuing (adj) vn con dang din ra/ van tn tai 48 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 8 Convert (v) Convert (n) Chuyén déi Conversion (n) Convertible (adi) ngwoi thay adi dire tin/ ton gido sy chuyén di, su cai ta quy chanh C6 thé dBi, 06 th hoan cai dugc Immature (adj) Convertible (n) xe 6 6 mui tran 9. Electric (a) Electrify (v) cho nhiém dién, dién khi hoa Tao ra dién, Electrician (n) the dién do dién tao ra Electricity (n) dign Electrified (adj) hdi hdp, kich thich Electrifying (adj) thu vi Electrical(ly) (adj, lién quan dén dién (thiét bi) adv) 10. Endure (v) Endurance (n) sy chiu dung Chui dyng, cam chiu, Unendurable (adj) ~—_kh6ng thé co thé chiu dung kéo dai duoc Enduring (adj) lau dai, vinh vién, kién tri Durable (adj) bén, lau (dung cu, dé dung) "1 Evolve (v) Evolution (n) sy tién hoa Tién hoa Evolutionary (adj) _thudc tién hoa Evolving (adj) lam tién trién, tién hoa 12. Flexible (a) (in)flexibility (n) sv (khéng) mém déo, linh hoat Mém déo Inflexible (adj) khéng udng duge, thay déi duoc 13. Influence (n) Influential (adj) 6 Anh huéng, 06 uy thé Sy anh huéng 14. Mature (adj) Maturity (n) sv trudng thanh Chin chan, Immaturity (n) ‘sy non not trvéng thanh Maturation (n) sw chin (trai cdy), sy sung ma (myn) non nét, chwa chin chan 49 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 Modern (adj) Modernize (v) Mang tinh hién dai Modernization (n) Modernism (n) Modernity (n) Modernist (n) hién dai hién dai hoa quan diém hién dai, phuong phap hd i hién dai, tinh chat hién dai ngudi theo/iing hé chi nghta tan thoi New (adj) Renew (v) Moi Renewal (n) Newness Renewable (adi) Newly (adv) ‘Anew (adv) thay méi, lam méi, hdi phuc lai su hdi phuc tinh chdt moi mé, tinh chat méila 66 thé d6i moi, hdi phuc lai gan day (lately) lai mét lan na khac cach co Persist (v) Persistence (n) Kién tri Persistent (adj) Place (n, v) Replace (v) Vitti, oat vi tr Placement (n) Placing (adj) Replacement (n) (ir)replaceable (adj) Process (n) Processor (n) sy kién tri, bén bi bén bi, kién tri thay thé sp dat, sdp xép viéc lam xép dat sy thay thé khéng/c6 thé thay thé duoc may ché bién, hé théng xir ly Qué trinh Processing (noun) —_sy ché bién, sy gia céng Processed (adj) dugc ché bién, duge gia cng 20. Revolt (n, v) Revolutionize (v) _ céch mang hoa Cuéc ndi day, ndéiday Revolution (n) cudc cach mang Revolutionary (adj) Revolting (adj) thudc cach mang oye ky khé chiu 50 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643598 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 X. MOT SO TU VUNG BAI TAP UNIT 4, REVIEW 2 (UNIT 3 AND 4), REVISION TEST 1. No. Tir vung Nghia tham khao 1. | Undergo (v) Chiu dung, trai qua, tién hanh sy thay di 2. | Undertake (v) ‘Bm nhan, hira hen, cam két | 3. | Under the bonnet (phr) Dui nap ca pé xe hoi 4. | Spanner (n) Co Ie van 6c 5. | Transistor radio (n) May (dai) phat thanh ban dain 6. | Elimination (n) Sy loai bo | 7. | Clockwork radio (n) Radio cm tay, hop nhac g8 8. | Court proceedings (n) Thi tuc xét xiv ciia toa An 9. | Manifesto commitment (n) Bang cam két 10. | Acquit (V) Tha béng (khéng cé tdi) 14. | Confidential (adj Bi mat 12. | Period furniture/custom/dress | Bd dat oi (o6 tir thoi xuva) 13. | Abdicate (v) Ti bé quyén I9i, thoai vi, nhuén ngéi 14. | Rotation Quay véng, luan phien 15. | Rejection "| Sw bé di, khong chap nhan, loai bo 16. | Internal/External (adj) Thuéc bén trong/ thudc bén ngoai 17. | Incoherent (adj) Khéng mach lac, roi rac 18. | Innate (adj) Bam sinh 19. | Handy for (adj) Gan (near) 20. | Phonograph (n) May quay dia/ may hat 21. | Filthy (adj) Ban thiu, do day THE END 51 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643609 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HS¢x TONG HOP DESTINATION C12 DESTINATION C12 - UNIT 5 (GRAMMAR) A. 04CACH THUONG SU’ DUNG BE DIEN TA CAC SY KIEN TUONG LAI Vidu1: The shop closes at 3 pm tomorrow. Vidu2: The shop is closing at 3 pm tomorrow. Vidu3: The shop will close at 3 pm tomorrow. Vidu 4: The shop is going to close at 3 pm tomorrow. Lya chon cach sir dung phy thudc vao: Y Chite nang (function ) & Thyc hién yéu cau (request), 4 Hira hen (promise) + Dua ra dé nghi (offer) ¥ Tinh huéng da duge lap ké hoach, thoi khoa bidu (fixed event, schedule) ¥ Mic dé trinh trong/than mat (Level of formality) B. NHONG CACH KHAC DIEN TA TUONG LAI) OTHER WAYS TO EXPRESS THE FUTURE 1. Cch 1: be (just) about to / for the (very) near future —+ I'm just about to ask for my pay rise. 2. Cach 2: be (just) on the point/verge of / for the (very) near future —> I'm just on the point/verge of asking for my pay rise. 3. Cach 3: be due to / for formal arrangements —+ I'm due to meet my boss at eleven o'clock. 4. Cach 4: be to do / for obligations for formal announcements —+ You're to get those reports written before Friday! + The factory is to open in July 62 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 5. Cach 5: other modals to express certainty, possibility,etc/ (see Unit 9 for more information) I might ask for a pay rise tomorrow. C. CACH SU DUNG: WILL 1. Predictions/dy doan + It looks as if Jake will lose his job. 2. Future facts/ sy’ viéc trong tuong lai + The factory will open in July. 3. Decisions made at the moment of speaking/Quyét dinh thuc hién tai thoi diém n6i — I know! I'll ask for a pay rise tomorrow. 4. Offers/aé nghi —> [ll help you with the advertising campaign. 5. Promises + I promise you you won't lose your job. 6. Requests/Yéu cau — Will you give a presentation on the sales figures? 7. Refusals/tt chéi — No, | won't give a presentation on the sales figures. * Chit 4: For offers and suggestions in the question form, with | and we, we use shall not will. > Shall | help you with the advertising campaign? (offer) + Shall we discuss this in the morning? (suggestion) * Chit y 2: For requests, we can also use would, could or can. Would and could are more polite than will and can. — Would/Could/Can you give a presentation on the sales figures? * Chu y 3: For refusals, we can also use couldn't or can't. Couldn't is more polite than won't and can't. — No, | couldn’t/can’t give a presentation on the sales figures. 53 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 D. CACH SU DUNG: BE GOING TO 1. Predictions based on present evidence/ du doan dwra trén ching ctr + Look at that wall. It looks as if it's going to fall down 2. Intentions/ dur dinh — I'm going to get my degree, then get a well-paid job E. THI HIEN TAI TIEP DIEN/ PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. Arrangements/sap xép —> I'm meeting Fiona on Friday to discuss the advertising campaign. 2. Intentions/dy dinh — I'm asking for a pay rise tomorrow. * a Both be going to and present continuous can be used for intentions. However, present continuous is not usually used for Intentions in the distant future. ¥ I'm going to work for a really successful company one day * I'm working for a huge multinational-one day: F. THIHIEN DON/PRESENT SIMPLE Fixed future events (e.g. timetables and schedules)/Cac sy kién cé thoi gian biéu —+ The shop closes at 3 pm next Saturday. G. THI TYONG LAI HOAN THANH/FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE 1. Completed situations before a certain time/hanh d6ng hoan thanh truéc mét thoi diém nhat dinh — It looks as if Jake will have lost his iob by the end of the week. 2. Continuing situations up to a certain time/Hanh déng tiép dién dén mot thi gian nhat dinh — This time next month, I'll have worked at the company for exactly 25 years. H. THI TUONG LAI HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN / FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS Continuing situations up to a certain time (emphasises duration)/ nhén manh + This time next month, I'll have been working at the company for exactly 25 years. 54 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643598 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 |. TUONG LAI TIEP DIEN/ FUTURE CONTINUOUS 1. _ Situations in progress at a certain time in the future/ cac tinh huéng dién bién & mét thoi diém nhét dinh trong tung lai — This time next week I'll be travelling round Russia on business. 2. _ Situations which will happen in the future in the normal course of events /Cac tinh huédng sé dién ra trong tong lai theo qua trinh binh thuéng ciia cdc sy kién —+ The company Chairperson will be arriving on Thursday. 3. Habits or repeated actions at a point in the future/Cac hanh dng theo théi quen hay dugc lap di lap lai tai mét diém cia thoi gian I think that, in the future, more and more people will be commuting to work by plane. J. MENH DE CHI THO! GIAN/TIME CLAUSES 1 After many time words and phrases, such as when, while, once, as soon as, etc, we do not use will or be going to./ Sau cdc tir when, while, once, as soon as, etc chiing ta khéng ding will hodic be going to, ma sir dung 2. Thihién tai don/present simple — I'llgive you a pay rise when you start working harder! 3. Thi hién tai tiép dién/ present continuous — I'llgive you a pay rise once you're bringing in three new customers a week. 4. Thi hién tai hoan thanh/ present perfect simple + I'llgive you a pay rise as soon as you've proved you're a hard worker. 5. _ Thi hién tai hoan thanh tiép dién/present perfect continuous | won't give you a pay rise until you've been working here for three years. K. TUCONG LAI TRONG QUA KHU? FUTURE IN THE PAST When we look back at what was the future once, we usually make the future verb forms past. Will becomes would, is going to become was going to, etc. Tenses such as present simple also change, by going back one tense. * — BGi tir: will > would Then _ : I think the factory will open in September. Now — : | thought the factory would open in * Bdi ii: present simple > past simple Then: I'min a rush because the train leaves at 4 Now | was in a rush because the train left at 4. 55 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 L. MOT SO TU’ VYNG/ CAU TRUC TRONG BAI UNIT 5/ BY OTTO TRUNG Stt Twicym tir Nghia Tiéng Viét tham khao 4. | Branch Chi nhanh (c6ng ty), nhanh cay 2. | Hand in/ submit Nop (hd so) 3. | Arrogant Kiéu ngao, chanh 4. | Indue course Trong thdi gian s6m/Trong thoi gian phu hop 5. | From the look of things | Tw viéc quan sat xung quanh 6. | Make redundant lay off | Giam bién ché 7. | Sponsored jumpathon ‘Sy kién thé thao gay quy tu thién 8. | Reception Quay tiép tan 9. | Sign autograph ky tang trén hinh anh/ vat pham 10. | Sales figure Doanh sé ban hang 11. | Selection process Qua trinh la chon (tng ctr vién) 12. | Economic downturn Sy suy thodi kinh té 13. | Mislay - Mislaid - Mislaid | 8 that lac 14. | Cryptic message Tin nhan due ma héa/ bi mat 15. | Physical restriction Han ché vé co sé vat chat 16. | Exaggeration Sy phéng dai 17. | Interms of Va mat xét v8 mat 18. | Portable C6 thé mang theo (cam tay) duec 19. | Lightweight Trong Iveng nhe 20. | Indeed That vay, qua that 21. | Dial-up connection Két néi quay sé (c6 day) 22. | Row Chéo thuyén THE END 56 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bul Van Trung_0071000643598 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HS6: TONG HOP DESTINATION c1Z = DESTINATION C12 — UNIT 6 - VOCABULARY A. TOM TAT TU VUNG THEO CHU bE 4. CHU DE TU VUNGITIME No. | Vocabulary | TL Dién giai tiéng Viét/ Vietnamese 1. | Abrupt (adj) | Dot ngét va khong dec mong doi, chwra dure nghi dén (gay khé chiu, byc béi) 2. | Anachronism (n) | Viéc 16i thoi, ngudi Idi thoi, sy sai nién dai 3. | Annual (adj) | Xay ra hang nam, tinh cho ca nam 4. | Antique (adj) | Cé xva, theo Idi cd, khéng hop thoi 5. | Antique (n) | 88 cB, tac phdm mg thuat cd, phong céch nghé thuat od 6. | Century (n) | Thé ky (100 nam) 7. | Chronological | (adj) | Theo thir ty thei gian 8. | Contemporary | (adj) | wong théi, thudc vé thoi gian hién nay, hién dai 9. | Contemporary | (n) | Ngudi séng cling thoi, ban cing thai, ban ding nghiép | bao chi 10. | Decade (n) | Thap ky (10 nam) - 11. | Duration (n) | Thai lugng, khoang thoi gian ma mét su viée ton tai 12. | Elapse (v)_| Tréi qua (néi va théi gian) 13. | Era (n) | Tho ai, ky nguyen (n) 1 14. | Eternal (adj) | Vinh hang, déi doi, vinh vin, bat diét, khong ngieng 15. | Expire (v) | Két thive, hét higu lye, Hét han (v) 16. | Frequency (n) | Tan s6, tn suat (ny 17. | Instantaneous | (adi) | Xay ra ngay lap tirc, duge lam ngay, tic thoi 18. 7 Interim (adj) | Tam thdi, lam thoi (che ai d6 hode viée gi do dugc quyét dinh chinh thtrc) 87 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Interim 19. (n)_ | Thoi gian ngan tach biét cdc phan cia mét vé kich, bo phim, budi héa nhac, gidi lao... 20. | Interval (n) | Khodng théi gian gitra 2 sy kién, khodng khéng gian gira 2 hoac nhiéu vat 21. | Lapse (v) | Mat hiéu lye, mat quyén luc 22. | Lapse away | (phr) | Trdi qua 23. | Lapse (n) | Sy nham Jan, sy sai sot 24. | Elapse (v)_ | Tréi qua (néi vé théi gian) 25. | Lifetime (n)_ | Dei ngudi, tudi tho may moc 26. | Long-standing | (adj) | Tén tai tir au hod trai qua mét thi gian dai, [au doi (long-time) 27. | Millennium (n) | Thién nién ky (1000 nam) 28. | Obsolete (adj) | Cé xua, qua han, da I6i thoi (adj) 29. | Overdue (adj) | Qué han, qua cham (adj) 30. | Period (n) (n)_| Ky, thoi ky, théi gian, giai doan, thoi dai, tiét hoc (n) 31. | Permanent —_| (adj) | Vinh cifu, lau dai, vinh cru, o6 dinh 32. | Phase (n) (n) | Giai doan, théi ki phat trién sw viéc (giai doan lich si, chién tranh, khé khan) 33. | Stage (n) | Mét giai doan cia hoat déng (dy an, két hn, giai doan nguy hiém) 34. | Postpone (v)_| Hoan lai rdi tiép tuc (v) (delay, put off...) | 35. | Prior (adj) | T6i trvéc vé thdi gian, trat ty ho&c y ghia quan trong, wu tién 36. | Prompt (adj) | Ngay lap tire, tire thoi, mau le, nhanh chong, khong cham tré 37. | Provisional —_| (adj) | Tam thoi, lam thoi (sé bi thay di, vi dy: chinh quyén lam thdi, bang lai xe tam thoi) 38. | Provisional —_| (adj) | Tam thdi (at ché chua chinh thirc, chwa xac nh&n, so sanh véi tentative) 39. | Punctual (adj) | Ding gié, khong cham tré (adi) 58 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 40. | Seasonal (adj) | Thay d6i theo mia, xay ra trong mot mila riéng biét, phi hgp theo mua 41. | Simultaneous | (adj) | Bdng thoi, xay ra hodc duoc lam oung mot lac (ad 42. | Span (n) | Khoang thoi gian tir bac dau dén khi két thic 43. | Span (¥) | Kéo dai qua, néi dai qua 44. | Spell (n) | Mot giai doan thd’ gian ng&n, mét dot, than cha, bia mé 45. | Spell (v) | Banh van, 6 nghia, bao higu 46. | Stint (n) | Mét giai doan théi gian ngan lam viéc gi 46, sy khong lam hét strc minh 47. | Subsequent —_| (adj) | Tiép theo, xay ra sau, dén sau (mét sy kién nao dé) 48. | Temporary —_| (adj) | Tam thoi (dugc thyc hién,sir dung, t8n tai trong mot thé’ gian ngan) 49. | Timely (adj) | Kip luc, xay ra & thoi gian phu hyp nhat 50. | Vintage (n) | Sw hai nho, dac trung thai ki phong kién, o& dién | 51. | Vintage (ad) | C8 dién, tiéu biéu, truyan théng, first-class 2. CHU DE TU VUNG/ WORK 1. | Civil service | (nphr) [Cong chic nha nude néi chung, nghanh dan chinh, céng vu 2. | Client () | Khach hang (théng thuong la nguéi mua dich vu) 3. | Customer (n) | Khach hang (thuéng la ngudi mua hang hoa) 4. | Consumer (n) | Ngudi tiéu dang néi chung 5. | Colleague (n) | Bang nghiép 6. | Consultant (n) | Ngudi tu vn, ngudi cé van 7. | Effective (adj)_| Cé higu qua, mang lai két qua nhu dy kién 8._| Efficient (adj) | Cé hiéu qua, c6 nang suat (trong viéc si dung cae ngudn Ic) 9. Executive (n) (n) Nha quan ly, nha quan tri, CEO = Chief Executive Officer 59 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 10. | Fire (v) _ | Sa thai (so s4nh voi dismiss, sack, lay off da hoc & Destination B2) 11. | Headhunt (v) | Sn du ngudi ( san ngwai gidi lam viéc, tuyén mo nhan vién gidi) 12. | Leave (n) | Swnghi phép, sy cdo te 13. | Marketing (n) _ | Tiép thi, truyn théng, quang cdo 14. | Multinational (adj) | Bao gdm nhidu née, da quéc gia 15. | Multinational (n) | Céng ty da quéc gia 16. | Promotion (n) | Sy thang chic, sy xtc tién, sy day manh hoat Ong tuyén truyén 17. | Prospects (npl)_ | Vién cdnh, trién vong, toan cénh 2 18. | Private sector | (n phr) | Linh vyc tu nhan 19. | Public sector | (n phr) | Linh vue nha nuéc quan ly 20. | Recruit (v) Tuyén dung, phuc hdi strc khée 21. | Recruit (n) | Linh mdi, tan binh, thanh vién méi 22. | Redundant (adj) | Gidm bién ché, bi sa thai, thira, dur 23. | Sack (v) | Sa thai (vi di tr, vi lam sai, 4 tiét kigm chi phi) 24. | Strike (n) | Sy dinh céng 25. | Strike (v) | Bai cong 26. | Union (9) | Higp héi, lién minh, sw doan két, sy hop nhat B. TOM TAT CUM DONG TUICUNG THAY OTTO TRUNG No. | Cum d6ng tiriPhrv | Dién ng Viét/ Vietnamese 1. | Crop up Xéy ra d6t ng6t, xuat hién dot ngot 2. | Dive in Tap trung vao, Bam chim vao, mai mé vao, di sau vao 3. | End up Két thc, két lun, ruét cu6c Ia 4. | Kick off (with) Bat du voi 5. | Knock off Ngirng hoat dong, ngtng lam viée 6. | Knuckle down Tich oye lam, kién quyét lam viée ho&c hoc tap 60 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 7. | Lay off Sa thai (do kh6ng c6 di viéc lam, cho nghi viée trong thdi gian ngén) 8. | Lie ahead Sp xdy ra 9. | Make up (for) Bu cho, chiém, trang diém, bia dat 10. | Press ahead/on (with) | Quyét tam thy hién, c6 gang thy hién 11. | Set out Thiét lp muc tiéu lam viéc 12. | Snow under Bj nggp bdi qua nhidu viéc phai lam 13. | Take on Thué ngudi, dam nhan hoac chp nhan tréch nhiém 14. | Tide over ‘Giup vugt khé khan (dac biét cho vay muon tién) 15. | While away Danh thdi gian choi gi dé rat ldu, mai mé 16. | Wind down Hoan thanh dan dan, gidm khéi long céng viéc, nghi ngoi sau mét thoi gian tha vi va lo lang. 17. | Get on with Bat dau lam vie gi dé 18. | Beaver away Lam viée cham chi trong khoang thdi gian dai 19. | Pop in Ghé t6i 20. | Break away Thoat khéi 21. | Explain (sth) away | Bién ho 22. | Hammer away Lam viéc day né lye va khéng ngizng nghi 23. | Pass away Tw tran, qua doi | 24. | Plod away Lam dan dan, lam ti tir 25. | Slave away Lam vige gi d6 hang say 26. | Type away ‘Banh may 27. | Work away Tiép tuc lam viée, dang lam viéc 28. | Sort through Phan loai 29. | Pry into Toc mach, soi méi, t& md 30. | Check up on sb Kiém tra ai dé da lam viée phu hop hay chua 31. | Pay the way for Nhung ché cho, don duéng cho 32. | Toughen up Gia c6, lam manh hon 61 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 C. TOM TAT CACH KET HOP TU No. | Collocations | Examples / Phrases [ *. about partly/mainly/all about Dién gidi T. Vidt Vietnamese | Mot phan/ chil yéu/ toan bd do sth about Thyc hién viée gi vé about time a dén lic phai lam gi about to do Chuan bj lam viéc gi 2. |age act your age Hanh dong phi hop véi tudi (at/by/from) the age of 18 | G/vao/tir dé tudi 18. 18 years of age vao tudi 18. under age chua di tuéi school/working/ete age d6 tudi lam viéchhoc tap... with age theo thdi gian age limit gidi han d6 tudi age bracket/group nhém tudi (in the) Stone/Bronze/iron Age trong thoi ki dé da/déng/sat 3. ages take/spend ages (doing) t6n/ danh nhiéu thdi gian lam gi a6 ages ago cach day rt lau seems/ feels like ages cam giac nhu xdy ra rt lau (tir (since) khi) 4. | course run its course é phat trién ty nhién in/during the course of trong khi (trong qua trinh dién ra) in due course trong théi gian phi hgp, kip lic ona course theo hung, theo muc tiéu course of action/events duéng Idi, ké hoach (vach ra) 5. | day make sb's day lam cho ai hanh phic day by day from day to day any day now in this day and age day off ngay qua ngay tir ngay ngay dén ngay khac s6m théi trong thai dai hién nay ngay nghi 62 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000649599

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