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Assignment Details
Strategic People 7HR029
Module name Management Module Code
Lecturer Name Prof. Prasadini For the attention of Dr. Jennifer Jones
Gamage (Module Leader)
Due date 15th of May 2023
Assignment title Case study – AT&T, Retraining and the workforce of Tomorrow

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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................3
2 OVERVIEW OF THE CASE STUDY................................................................................4
2.1 LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES..................................................................5
WORKFORCE 2020, AND WHAT ARE THE WEAKEST?.....................................................8
3.2 WEAKEST ARGUMENTS IN FAVOR OF ADOPTING WORKFORCE 2020.............................9
3.2.1 Short-term costs...................................................................................................9
3.2.2 Resistance to change...........................................................................................9
3.2.3 Implementation Challenges..................................................................................9
3.2.4 Impact on Existing Employees.............................................................................9
3.2.5 Effect of external factors......................................................................................9
4 HOW DO YOU EVALUATE AT&T'S EFFORTS TO DATE?........................................10
4.1 EMPOWERING EMPLOYEES........................................................................................10
4.2 INCREASING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT AND SATISFACTION..........................................10
4.3 ADAPTABILITY TO CHANGING MARKET DEMANDS.........................................................10
4.4 STRENGTHENING INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY..........................................................10
4.5 LONG-TERM STRATEGIC ADVANTAGE.........................................................................10
4.6 STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES................................................................................11
4.6.1 Strengths of Workforce 2020.............................................................................11
4.6.2 Weaknesses of Workforce 2020........................................................................11
4.7 WOULD YOU CONSIDER IT A SUCCESS OR A FAILURE?................................................12
DONOVAN AND BENKO TO BE COMPELLING?...............................................................12
5.1 CONSIDER THEIR MERITS AND DEMERITS...................................................................12
5.1.1 Merits.................................................................................................................12
5.1.2 Demerits.............................................................................................................13
DEVELOPMENT OFFICER'S PERSPECTIVES?.................................................................13
6.1 LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICER'S PERSPECTIVES..........................................13
6.2 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S PERSPECTIVES.............................................................13
MAKE IT MORE INCLUSIVE AND EFFECTIVE?.................................................................14
7.2 MORE SUPPORT FOR UNDERREPRESENTED GROUPS..................................................14
7.3 ESTABLISH CLEAR METRICS FOR SUCCESS.................................................................14
7.4 COLLABORATION WITH EXTERNAL PARTNERS............................................................14
FEMALE EMPLOYEES, LESS QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES?................................................15
8.1 OLDER EMPLOYEES..................................................................................................15
8.2 LESS QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES.....................................................................................15
8.3 FEMALE EMPLOYEES.................................................................................................15
8.4 UNIONIZED EMPLOYEES............................................................................................16
9 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................17
AT&T is a telecommunication company founded in the late 19th century. The
company was founded in 1877 by Alexander Graham Bell, credited with inventing
the telephone, and was initially known as the Bell Telephone Company. However, it
grew rapidly and eventually became known as American Telephone & Telegraph

Initially a monopoly, AT&T controlled most of the U.S. telecommunications industry,

building a coast-to-coast long-distance telephone network and becoming the first
company to transmit transatlantic radio signals in the 1920s. AT&T then expanded
into new areas and continued the evolution of telecommunications over the years,
including the development of the first commercial cellular network in the United
States in the 1980s.

In 1984, the U.S. government ordered AT&T to divest itself of its regional telephone
companies, thus creating seven independent "baby bell" companies. Since then,
AT&T has continued to evolve over the decades, expanding its offerings to include
high-speed Internet and digital television. Today, AT&T is known as one of the
largest telecommunications companies in the world, with operations in dozens of
countries and hundreds of thousands of employees.

AT&T has approximately 230,000 employees as of 2021. The company's workforce

is diverse, with a wide range of roles including,
 Customer service representatives
 Sales representatives
 Network engineers and technicians
 Software developers
 Marketing and advertising professionals
 Human resources and recruiting specialists
 Finance and accounting professionals
 Legal and regulatory compliance professionals
 Operations and logistics professionals
 Executives and managers at various levels of the organization
1 Overview of the case study
The rapid evolution of technology and the spread of digital connectivity, driven by
increasing demand, is having a profound impact on a variety of industries, including
telecommunications. As one of the world's leading telecommunications companies,
AT&T was at the forefront of this change, facing a variety of workforce-related
challenges and opportunities as it responds to the dynamic landscape of the
telecommunications industry (Recruite Works Institute, 2021).

It forced AT&T management to address the significant challenge of retraining

100,000 employees by 2020. 2012 internal analysis revealed that AT&T employees
skill shortage needed for the new job requirements. To address the potential skills
shortage, the company launched a company-wide initiative called Workforce 2020.
The initiative aims to transform AT&T's workforce through a variety of means,
including redesigning jobs and encouraging retraining for high demand professions.
While some have hailed the "Workforce 2020" model as a new "social contract"
between employers and employees, others have expressed concern that the
program unfairly disadvantages certain groups of workers. in 2018, AT&T renamed
the program "Future Ready," and has indicated that it is committed to retraining its
workforce beyond 2020.

This case study aims on AT&T's workforce in 2020 and examines the company's
strategies, initiatives, and experiences in managing its workforce in a rapidly
changing industry. (Kerr, et al., 2019)

1.1 Learning and Development Initiatives

Learning and development is defined as the process of ensuring that the
organization has the knowledgeable, skilled and engaged workforce it needs. It
involves facilitating the acquisition by individuals and teams of knowledge and skills
through experience, learning events and programs provided by the organization,
guidance and coaching provided by line managers and others and self-directed
learning activities carried out by individuals (Armstrong, 2022).

Due to the increased demands for learning that organizations around the world are
facing, learning must now be delivered more quickly, cheaply, and effectively to
offices and mobile workforces that are more significantly affected than ever by daily
changes in the market
(Marquardt, 2002).

As Michael J. Marquardt says some of the crucial issues facing today’s corporations
 Reorganization, restructuring, and reengineering for success, not just survival
 Increased skills shortages caused by schools that have not adequately
prepared people for work in the 21st century
 Doubling of knowledge every 2 to 3 years
 Global competition from the world’s most powerful companies
 Overwhelming breakthroughs in new and advanced technologies
 Spiraling needs for organizations to adapt to change
The goal of L&D is for employees to master the knowledge, skill, and behaviors
emphasized in training programs and to apply them to their day-to-day activities. For
a company to gain a competitive advantage, its training has to involve more than just
basic skill development (Noe, 2010).

According to Michael Armstrong and Stephen Taylor, the purpose of Learning and
Developing is to ensure that organizations have the knowledgeable, skilled and
engaged people they need to achieve their goals now and in the future. Learning and
developing is achieved by learning through experience and by social contacts,
coaching mentoring, guidance by the line managers, self-directed learning and the
formal training (Armstrong, 2022, p. 7).

Learning and Development (L&D) is one of the commonly assigned functions in HR,
but it may vary from organization to organization. The main components of L&D are:
1. Learning
2. Development
3. Training
4. Education

Source: Armstrong 2010

The Training Design Process is truly a systematic approach to developing a training

program. The process involves a series of steps and considerations to ensure that
the training program is properly structured, effective, and achieves the desired
learning outcomes. The following are the general key steps included in the Training
Design Process.
Trainers or program designers should concentrate on two key perspectives in
learning and development: the perspective of the individual learner and the
perspective of the organization (Kathy Beevers, 2020).

(Noe, 2010, p. 7)

Human resource managers should put a priority on employee training and education
so that they always have the most recent knowledge and skills to serve clients and
perform their jobs (Serrat, 2017).

Companies employ a variety of practices to promote learning and development

within their organizations. Here are some common practices commonly employed by
 Conducting a comprehensive analysis to identify the training needs of
 Defining clear and measurable learning objectives
 Developing well-structured training programs
 Combining different learning modalities
 Implementing a digital platforms or Learning Management Systems
 Cultivating a culture that promotes continuous learning and development
 Implementing leadership development initiatives
 Encouraging employees to create personalized development plans
 Offering coaching and mentoring programs
 Providing access to performance support tools and resources
 Conducting regular evaluations and gathering feedback to assess the
effectiveness of training programs
 Encouraging collaborative learning and knowledge sharing among employees
through specific platforms

The Workforce 2020 program at AT&T is among the best areas to think about
implementing the idea of learning and development. According to Workforce 2020,
people need to be retrained and upskilled to meet the needs of emerging
technologies and digital transformation AT&T wants to ensure that its workforce
remains knowledgeable and flexible in a changing business environment, so it has
created learning opportunities.

1.2 What are the practices adopted by AT & T to train its employees?
AT&T has its own corporate university called AT&T University. It provides a wide
range of training and development programs for employees at various stages of their
careers. The university offers both online and in-person courses, covering topics
such as leadership development, technical skills, sales training, and customer

AT&T places a strong emphasis on leadership development and provides programs

that are especially created to promote and improve leadership abilities. These
programs support a culture of innovation, better decision-making, and leadership
development among staff members.

AT&T offers its staff significant technical training. To stay current with emerging
technology and market trends, this also involves training programs for IT specialists,
engineers, and technicians.

AT&T promotes a culture of lifelong learning and offers resources for staff members
to advance their knowledge and abilities. This entails having access to online
learning environments, electronic learning materials, webinars, and possibilities for
self-paced learning.

Depending on their tasks and functions, AT&T provides job-specific training to its
workers. Employees gain the skills and information needed to do their jobs well
thanks to this training (Anon., 2023).

In order to enhance employee development, AT&T offers mentoring and coaching

programs. These initiatives link seasoned workers with individuals in need of
direction and assistance, fostering skill development and information transfer.

AT&T has implemented a performance management system to effectively monitor

employee performance and identify areas for improvement. This system
encompasses various elements such as goal setting, regular performance
evaluations, and feedback mechanisms.

2 What are the strongest arguments in favor of adopting Workforce 2020, and
what are the weakest?
2.1 Strongest Arguments in favor of adopting Workforce 2020
As we have stepped into the digital age, the demand for technology is ever
increasing. This demand exists even among the average consumer, who is
increasingly looking for more advanced technological gadgets in their daily lives.

Similarly, at the industrial and government levels, there is a demand for more
efficient operations through the technology employed.

With this growing demand, companies are investing in skilled technical engineers
and developers to improve their products. With superior talent working on
technological development, technology evolves more quickly (Judy & D'Amico,

AT&T had to transform the company's workforce in response to changes in

technology, the economy, and the needs and expectations of the company's
customers. Adopting Workforce 2020 helped AT&T to remain competitive and
achieve sustainable results. Equally important was ensuring that employees acquire
industry-relevant skills so that they can adapt to the latest developments in their field.

Incorporating a 2020 recruitment strategy was only cost-effective but also enhanced
the overall capabilities of AT&T's workforce and enabled the company to effectively
compete with its competitors in the marketplace.

According to the company's research, the goal of increasing the percentage of

STEM-educated employees from 50% to 95% by 2020 was recognized as a difficult
endeavor that could not be achieved without a comprehensive, long-term training

Workforce 2020's focus on employee development not only increased employee

engagement and job satisfaction, but also improved employee retention. AT&T
invested in its employees to develop a highly skilled and committed workforce. By
focusing on development, employees could excel in their roles, adapt to evolving
challenges, and have the skills and knowledge they needed to effectively contribute
to the company's success. As a result, AT&T could foster a culture of continuous
learning and growth, enabling employees to reach their full potential and promoting
the company's long-term prosperity.

Workforce 2020 had many benefits for both AT&T and its workforce as a whole. By
adopting this strategy, AT&T established a more agile, innovative, and skilled
workforce that is critical to meeting customer needs and competing in the
marketplace. This approach allowed AT&T to effectively respond to evolving
customer demands while fostering a culture of continuous improvement and growth.
Ultimately, Workforce 2020 helped AT&T gain an edge in a competitive environment
by developing a workforce capable of delivering superior results and driving the
company's success.

2.2 Weakest Arguments in favor of adopting Workforce 2020

There are legitimate concerns and potential weaknesses in adopting Workforce 2020
at AT&T, and it is important to balance them. Some of the weaknesses that argue
against implementing Workforce 2020 at AT&T include the following.

2.2.1 Short-term costs

Adopting Workforce 2020 required a significant investment in training programs and
employee development, which resulted in increased short-term costs to the
company. However, it is important to consider the long-term benefits and return on
investment that skilled and engaged employees bring.
2.2.2 Resistance to change
When implementing a new workforce strategy, the company faced resistance from
employees accustomed to traditional methods. Overcoming resistance and fostering
a culture of openness and adaptability requires additional effort and resources.

2.2.3 Implementation Challenges

Implementing a comprehensive workforce strategy such as Workforce 2020 was
complex and faced implementation challenges. Careful planning, coordination, and
effective change management was required to ensure smooth integration and
alignment with existing systems and processes.

2.2.4 Impact on Existing Employees

The focus on capacity building and skill development created gaps with existing
employees, who felt left out and overlooked. It is essential to address these concerns
through transparent communication and provide opportunities for growth and
development for all employees.

2.2.5 Effect of external factors

The timeframe of 2012 to 2020 is a considerable duration for a large-scale retraining

External factors, such as economic crises and pandemics, pose challenges and
disrupt the company's operations, potentially affecting the implementation and
success of the reskilling initiative. However, any significant transformation or
strategic initiative carries a degree of risk. Organizations must carefully assess and
mitigate these risks through proactive planning, scenario analysis, and contingency
measures to ensure resilience in the face of unpredictable events.

While external factors can create uncertainty, it is important to weigh the potential
risks against the long-term benefits of a skilled and adaptable workforce. By
equipping employees with the necessary skills, the organization can improve its
ability to overcome challenges, adapt to changing circumstances, and maintain a
competitive edge. A well-executed reskilling effort can ultimately position the
organization to thrive even amidst the turbulence of external events.

3 How do you evaluate AT&T's efforts to date?

Workforce 2020 has the following benefits.

3.1 Empowering employees

Workforce 2020 prioritizes the development of employee skills and competencies,
allowing AT&T to invest in training programs and initiatives to help employees
acquire the knowledge and abilities they need to excel in their roles. This improves
job performance, productivity, and overall employee skills (Schindelheim, 2018).

3.2 Increasing employee engagement and satisfaction

By focusing on employee development, Workforce 2020 increases employee
engagement and job satisfaction. Highly engaged employees are more likely to be
highly motivated, committed to the organization, and loyal. This results in better
retention, lower turnover, and a positive work environment.

3.3 Adaptability to changing market demands

Through Workforce 2020, AT&T can build a workforce that is agile and responsive to
evolving market demands. By aligning employee skills with new technologies and
industry trends, AT&T can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in a
rapidly changing business environment.

3.4 Strengthening innovation and creativity

Skilled and well-trained employees foster a culture of innovation and creativity, and
AT&T encourages employees to constantly learn and explore new ideas, thereby
fostering innovation, developing cutting-edge solutions, and staying at the forefront
of technological advances. and stay at the forefront of technological advances.

3.5 Long-term strategic advantage

Workforce 2020 will develop a highly capable and adaptable workforce that will lead
AT&T to long-term success. This strategic advantage will enable AT&T to overcome
challenges, seize new opportunities, and maintain its strong market position.

In summary, AT&T's Workforce 2020 strategy leverages employee development as

the foundation for strengthening competence, engagement, and adaptability,
providing a solid foundation for achieving business goals and succeeding in the
digital age.

3.6 Strengths and Weaknesses

3.6.1 Strengths of Workforce 2020
AT&T was able to address the skill gap among its employees and provide them with
training and skill development opportunities through the Workforce 2020 program.
The program aims to equip the company's workforce with new skills required in the
rapidly evolving telecommunications industry, preparing them for the future. The
program's online learning and on-the-job training components provided employees
with flexibility, allowing them to learn at their own pace. By offering opportunities for
career advancement and skill development, this program contributed to AT&T's
talent retention and acquisition of new talent.

Another strength of the Workforce 2020 plan is its focus on global expansion. By
targeting different communication segments, the company sought to expand its
business on a global scale. This approach allowed the company to explore new
markets and reach a broader customer base. In addition, significant changes were
made to the infrastructure to support the expanded operations.

One more strength of the company is its focus on employee benefits and
advancement. Workforce 2020 implemented a variety of training and development
programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of its employees. By investing in the
professional growth of its employees, the plan aimed to increase employee
satisfaction and productivity.
3.6.2 Weaknesses of Workforce 2020
One notable weakness was the lack of accurate forecasting. Due to the lack of
reliable forecasts, the company had difficulty predicting market trends and changing
its strategy accordingly. This inability to make well-informed business decisions
affected the company's overall performance.

The program was expensive to implement, and AT&T had to invest heavily in
developing and delivering training programs. Overinvestment in employees led to
financial challenges for the company. While employee development is important,
excessive financial burdens strained the company's resources and led to a financial
crisis. This situation necessitated a review of resource allocation and financial

In addition, reduced flexibility became a weakness. The implementation of the plan

reduced the company's ability to respond quickly to changes in market conditions
and to adopt new strategies. This lack of flexibility limited the firm's responsiveness
and hindered its overall effectiveness.

The effectiveness of the program in improving the skills and knowledge of

employees is difficult to measure, and it is unclear whether the program has had a
significant impact on the company's performance.

The program was launched at a time when AT&T was facing multiple challenges,
and it is unclear whether the company was able to allocate sufficient resources to the
program to ensure its success.

Overall, it is difficult to determine whether Workforce 2020 was a success or a

failure. While the program had several strengths and aimed to address the
challenges faced by AT&T, it also had weaknesses and limitations. However, it is
important to note that investing in employee training and development is a long-term
strategy that may take time to yield results. Therefore, it is possible that the full
impact of Workforce 2020 may not be apparent in the short term.

3.7 Would you consider it a success or a failure?

I rate Workforce 2020 as a successful initiative. This retraining program encouraged
employees to be proactive in building their own careers. Therefore, not only have
they acquired the latest technology, but they also seem to have gained an
independent mindset, confidence in their careers, and a high level of motivation.
I believe that Workforce 2020 assisted AT&T employees who work in aging
industries and wish to mitigate their chances that they will lose their employment.
AT&T is currently the largest telecommunications provider in the USA as a result of
workforce 2020. Without this extensive retraining effort, AT & T would not be where it
is now.

4 Do you find the models/transformation plans proposed by Donovan and Benko to

be compelling?
John Donovan, AT&T's Chief Technology Officer, and Cathy Benko, Vice Chairman
of Deloitte, evaluated AT&T's process and offered valuable and important ideas and
input on Workforce 2020.
They have provided employment models that are very effective, cutting-edge, and
persuasive, assisting employees in adjusting to the changing character of the
company. The models presented technical methods for the firm to adapt technology
innovation (Kerr, et al., 2019).

4.1 Consider their merits and Demerits

4.1.1 Merits

 With the introduction of new technology, the model has improved industry
performance standards. The implementation of this technology allows for
more effective operations and lower costs.

 The compensation framework of the company has been reorganized by the

model. The changes have improved employee morale and productivity. The
new compensation structure has the effect of motivating employees by
providing performance-based recognition and incentives.

 The development of the model has made it easier to evaluate employee

performance. The developed indicators provide a basis for clearly measuring
and evaluating employee performance and results. This allows for fair and
objective evaluation and helps identify directions for employee growth and

 The introduction of new technology by the models elevated the industry's

performance benchmarks, allowing the company to operate with greater
efficiency while effectively managing costs.
 The model's reconstruction of the business's compensation system boosted
employee morale and bolstered productivity. It is now simple to evaluate
employee performance thanks to the metrics that have been developed.

4.1.2 Demerits

 Senior and older workers could find it very challenging to adopt new
technologies and use digitally based tools and equipment. Arguments,
clashes, and even leaving the firm could arise from this. This causes a
significant loss to the company and raises staff turnover.

 Before implementing new models and structures, the personnel may need to
attend the proper training sessions and receive the necessary education. It
can take a long time and a lot of money to reorganize the functions.

 It could be challenging for workers to adjust to new technology and change

their work habits. People may be able to reject the fresh models and concepts
as a result. There may be disagreements between management and
5 What would be the biggest concerns and praises you will have about the model
from Chief Executive Officer and Learning and Development Officer's
5.1 Learning and Development Officer's perspectives
Officers in the role of learning and development are in need of developing and
putting into action training programs that will improve employees' abilities and
knowledge and give them the tools they need to do their jobs well. Workforce 2020 is
a broad effort that intends to address the growing workforce needs of AT&T and give
staff members the skills they need to be successful in a sector that is changing

Workforce 2020 offers a framework for creating training programs that are in line with
the strategic aims and objectives of the firm, according to learning and development
executives. The project places a strong emphasis on the value of ongoing education
and training, which is crucial in a field that is always changing.

Additionally, Workforce 2020 gives Learning and Development officers access to a

variety of training resources and tools.

5.2 Chief Executive Officer's perspectives

From the CEO's perspective, Workforce 2020 would be seen as a critical initiative to
develop a talented and skilled workforce that can deliver innovative and high-quality
products and services to customers. The initiative's emphasis on continuous learning
and development would also align with the company's goals to remain agile and
responsive to emerging technologies and market trends.

The CEO might see Workforce 2020 as a crucial recruitment and retention strategy
for elite people. Competition for qualified workers is fierce as the telecommunications
sector develops; as a result, businesses must provide chances for professional
development and progress in order to draw and keep the best personnel.

The CEO may also understand that investing a large amount of time, money, and
staff in Workforce 2020 would be necessary. The potential advantages of having a
highly skilled staff that supports the business's strategic goals, however, would
outweigh the expenditures.

6 What specific changes would you make to Workforce 2020 to make it more
inclusive and effective?
I recommend applying following specific changes to make Workforce 2020 to make
more inclusive and effective.

6.1 Increase the types of topics addressed in training programs

AT&T needs to ensure that the Workforce 2020 training programs it offers are
inclusive and cover a variety of topics relevant to workers from different
backgrounds. All employees should be given equal opportunities, and training
sessions should address the themes of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
6.2 More support for underrepresented groups
AT&T needs to do more to support underrepresented groups such as women,
people of color, and people with disabilities. Leadership development programs,
networking opportunities, and mentoring are examples of such support.

6.3 Establish clear metrics for success

AT&T needs to set up precise success indicators and track how Workforce 2020 is
affecting employee performance, skills, and career development. This will provide
the business a chance to pinpoint areas in need of improvement and modify the
program accordingly.

6.4 Collaboration with External Partners

AT&T needs to work with external partners, such as community organizations and
educational institutions, to increase the effectiveness of Workforce 2020. Such
partnerships can help create a more diverse and inclusive workforce and provide
additional training and development opportunities for employees.

Management can implement an open-door policy and evaluate the effectiveness of

By implementing an open-door policy, it helps employees to open communication,
fostering innovation, and providing a fair and respectful work environment.

It creates a safe and non-judgmental space for employees to voice their opinions,
ideas, and concerns. Assure them that there will be no retaliation or negative
consequences for utilizing the policy. It helps the managers to address employee
concerns in a timely and appropriate manner.

Another suggestion is to promote diverse employment. By creating a more diverse

work environment that strengthens the inclusive nature of our business and engages
people of different nationalities, cultures, regions, and backgrounds in their
organization. When people have different perspectives and experiences and work
together based on their expertise, they can create richer ideas and solutions.

By putting these ideas into practice, AT&T can make Workforce 2020 more inclusive
and efficient and guarantee that all employees have an equal opportunity to advance
their careers within the firm and develop their talents.

7 How does the AT&T treat older employees, unionized employees, female
employees, less qualified employees?
7.1 Older Employees
Older employees did not respond positively to Workforce 2020. Older employees at
AT&T said that the business plotted on a corporate level to fire older personnel.
Furthermore, according to the plaintiffs in cases against AT&T, they suggested group
members' severance payments did not adhere to requirements set forth in a federal
legislation intended to safeguard senior workers. (Spicer, 2018)

7.2 Less qualified employees

Thousands of less qualified employees are at a high risk of losing their jobs.
(Communications Workers of America, 2023)
7.3 Female employees
Workforce in AT&T

AT&T was founded on the fundamental role of women. They encourage others to do
the same and assist in moving their business ahead. AT&T put a lot of effort towards
advancing women, paving the way for female leadership, and offering them the tools
and resources they need to grow in their careers.

According to their website, AT&T makes significant investments in the future of our
female tech leaders, inventors, and business owners.

Since 2012, AT&T has given approximately $10 million in cash and in-kind donations
to Girls Who Code and its computer science summer programs in an effort to close
the gender gap in technology.

HACEMOS collaborates with, a nationwide program that

informs young Latinas and their families about opportunities and jobs in technology,
to offer STEM activities for girls. is co-produced with the
Televisa Foundation.

Pro Mujer, the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, and AT&T
Mexico recently unveiled eNovadoras. To encourage women-led technical
entrepreneurship in Mexico and reduce the gender gap in the country's workforce,
the program offers training, support networks, and seed money for female
entrepreneurs. (AT&T, 2023)

7.4 Unionized employees

AT&T is a well-known employer in the country with a sizeable, unionized workforce.
The management consistently has a favorable opinion of the unionized workers.
Although the company's management views the unionized workforce as a great
asset, the union workers have different views. AT&T management received these
negative viewpoints from the unionized employees as a result of the company's
widespread layoffs of thousands of workers.

Due to the company's conduct, the unionized workers have lost faith in it. As a result,
few years ago, we witnessed protests by AT & T employees in various US states.
(Peck, 2022)
8 Bibliography
Anon., 2023. Human Capital Management. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 07 05 2023].
Anon., n.d. s.l.:s.n.
Armstrong, M., 2022. Armstrong's Handbook of Learning and Development. Great Britain &
United States: Kogan Page Limited.
AT&T, 2023. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 9 5 2023].
Communications Workers of America, 2023. AT&T Is Not Investing For The Long-term.
Available at:
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