Assignment 3.4 - Adeza Guntia

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1. The main idea of physical activity and nutrition is that maintaining physical activity and
a healthy diet can prevent or delay several diseases, including some types of cancer, heart
disease, and diabetes, and can help reduce depression and improve mood.
2. The main idea of overweight and obesity is that being overweight or obese increases the
risk of death from hypertension, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke,
gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, dyslipidemia, as
well as endometrial, breast, and prostate cancer, and colon.
3. The main idea of tobacco is that tobacco use, whether through smoking or use of other
tobacco products, can cause a variety of serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer,
lung disease, and respiratory disorders. Tobacco use can also increase the risk of premature
death. Therefore, avoiding or stopping using tobacco is very important to maintain health and
prevent diseases related to tobacco use.
4. The main idea of substance abuse is that the use of illegal substances or alcohol in old age
can cause serious health consequences. Many older people use drugs or alcohol as a form
of self-medication, which can lead to serious health problems. In addition, use of these
substances can interact with other medications that older adults may take, increasing the risk
of side effects and complications. Stereotypes about older adults often hinder recognition and
treatment of substance abuse problems in this population.
5. The main idea of HIV/AIDS is that although the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the elderly is
relatively low, cases of HIV/AIDS in the elderly population are increasing significantly.
Between 11 and 15% of AIDS cases in the United States occur in people older than 50 years.
Factors that contribute to the increased risk of HIV/AIDS in older adults include lack of
condom use, a decline in the immune system that occurs naturally with age, as well as HIV
symptoms that are similar to those of aging such as fatigue, weight loss, dementia, rashes skin,
and swollen lymph nodes. Stereotypes about sexual activity and drug use in older people often
prevent recognition of the problem of HIV/AIDS in this population. Therefore, it is important
to increase awareness and efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS in elderly people.
6. The main idea of Mental health is that mental health problems, including dementia and
depression, are not part of the natural aging process. Mental health problems in older
people can be caused by a variety of factors, including illness, reactions to medications, vision
and hearing problems, infections, nutritional imbalances, diabetes, and kidney failure. With
an accurate diagnosis, mental health problems in older people can be managed and get the
necessary help. Depression is the most common mental health condition in older people. If
left untreated, depression in older people can lead to suicide. The surprising fact is that suicide
rates are higher among older white men than any other age group, including teenagers.
7. The main idea of injury and violence is that falls are a major cause of injury,
hospitalization due to trauma, and death due to injury in older adults. One in three elderly
people (aged 65 years and over) will fall every year. Strategies to reduce injury include
exercises to improve balance and strength as well as reviewing medications. Home
modifications can also help reduce the risk of injury. Home security is necessary to prevent
intrusion. Home-based fire prevention devices should be available and easy to use. People
aged 65 and over are twice as likely to die in a house fire compared to the general population.
8. The main idea of environmental quality is that pollution levels and environmental risks
can have a greater impact on population groups with low incomes, racial and ethnic
minorities, and the elderly. Government research shows that a higher proportion of elderly
people live below the poverty threshold. These factors increase the health risks associated with
the environment. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to environmental quality and take
steps to reduce environmental risks that may affect the health of older people.
9. The main idea of immunization is that vaccination is an important step in maintaining
health and preventing disease in elderly people. Vaccination against influenza and
pneumonia has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of disease and death in the
elderly. Influenza and pneumonia are among the top 10 causes of death in the elderly.
Influenza vaccination specifically for the elderly has helped reduce the impact of the disease.
Pneumonia remains a serious infection, especially in women and the very elderly. Therefore,
vaccination is an important effort to maintain health and increase life expectancy in elderly
10. The main idea of Access to health care is that limited access to health services can be a
barrier to getting necessary care for older people. Factors such as cost of care, distance to
a health facility, lack of transportation, and inability to get an appointment with a health care
provider can hinder appropriate and timely access to medical care. This limited access can
have a negative impact on the health and quality of life of older people. Therefore, it is
important to ensure easy and affordable access to necessary health services for this population.

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