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Digital transformation is a worldwide shift caused by technology becoming a bigger part of our lives.
It's changing different areas and crossing borders between countries. In the Philippines, using
electronic systems for business permits and licenses is helping the economy grow and making things
more efficient. There's a law that says local governments have to make this change within three years
to speed up the process of getting licenses and permits. But as of March 2022, only about a third of
local governments in the Philippines have fully adopted these changes.


Alright, let's break it down! Imagine you have a big puzzle with lots of pieces. This study is like trying
to put all the pieces together to see how they fit.

They want to understand how using computers and the internet (that's called "digital transformation")
affects the way people in a special place called Panaon Island get permission to do business. They have
a special computer system called eBOSS that helps with this.

They have some questions they want to find answers to:

1. They want to know if the people in Panaon Island are using this special computer system and
how much they use it in their work.
2. They want to see if using the computer system makes things better when they do different
jobs like getting applications, receiving money, and giving out special papers.
3. They want to know what's good and not so good about using the computer system, from the
point of view of the people who work for the government and the people who own businesses.
4. They want to find out if they had any problems when they started using the computer system.
5. Finally, they want to share what they find out and suggest how to make the system even better
for everyone.

So, it's like they're doing a special investigation to figure out how this computer system helps people
do their jobs and if there are ways to make it work even better!

Question: Pretend that you are a panelist, what will be the possible questions that will be asking based on
the SOP presented?

As a panelist, I might ask the following questions based on the statement of the problem:

1. How do you plan to gather information about the current status of eBOSS adoption and usage
in the municipalities of Panaon area?
Possible Ans: We will gather information about eBOSS adoption and usage through surveys and
interviews with people in the municipalities of Panaon Island.

2. Can you explain how you will measure the improvements brought about by the electronic
system in processes like receiving applications, payments, processing applications, and issuing
Possible Ans: We will measure improvements by comparing the time it takes to complete tasks
with and without the electronic system.

3. What methods will you use to collect feedback from government employees and business
owners about their experiences with using eBOSS?
Possible Ans: We will collect feedback through surveys and interviews with government
employees and business owners.

4. How do you intend to identify and address the challenges faced during the digital
transformation process?
5. Possible Ans: We will identify challenges by closely observing the implementation process and
listening to feedback from users.

6. Could you provide some examples of insights or recommendations you anticipate based on
the findings of the study?
Possible Ans: Insights and recommendations will be based on the findings of the study, such as
suggesting training programs if adoption is low, or refining the system if challenges are identified.

As for recommendations, based on the potential findings of the study, I would suggest:

1. If the study shows that eBOSS adoption is low, consider implementing training programs or
awareness campaigns to encourage its use among the municipalities.
2. If the electronic system leads to significant improvements in processes, consider expanding its
use to other areas or municipalities.
3. If feedback indicates challenges for government employees or business owners, consider
making adjustments to the system interface or providing additional support and training.
4. If there are specific challenges identified during the digital transformation process, develop
strategies to address them, such as refining the implementation plan or providing additional
5. Based on the insights gathered, consider creating a set of best practices for utilizing digital
means in the business permitting and licensing system, which can be shared with other
municipalities or regions looking to implement similar systems.

Related Concepts and Laws

1. Digital Transformation:
• This means using digital technology in all aspects of business.
• It involves new technology and changing how organizations work.
• Quickly adopting digital tech has changed the way things are done.
2. e-Government:
• This is when government agencies use technology to improve how they interact with
citizens, businesses, and other government groups.
• It aims to make government operations more efficient, saving time and money, and
improving how resources are used.
• It depends on the size and wealth of the local government.
3. Administrative Efficiency in Public Sector:
• This is about making sure government actions give good results compared to the effort
and money put in.
• Using digital tools can change how governments work, communicate, and offer
services, with big potential benefits.
• Turning government licensing and permits into digital systems could make it faster,
more open, and cheaper.
4. Local Government Code of the Philippines:
• This law lets local governments decide who can operate a business in their area and
gives them the power to set rules and issue permits and licenses.
• Local governments use these rules to help their local economies grow.
• It allows them to create simpler and better ways for businesses to get permits and
5. Business Permitting and Licensing System:
• This system aims to make it easier and faster to get new business permits or renew
existing ones.
• A rule introduced in 2016 made the process simpler.
• This is in line with the goals of the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Law.
6. EODB Law:
• This law makes government offices regularly check if they're doing things efficiently
and make improvements.
• It pushes for the digitalization of local government business permitting and licensing
• The goal is to make the country's business environment smoother by simplifying
processes and creating a more business-friendly atmosphere.
7. One-Stop Shop (OSS) Centers:
• These centers put different services in one place, making it faster, easier, and cheaper
to get a license, especially for small businesses.
• They help more businesses get formalized, create jobs, and grow the economy.
This aligns with the goals of the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Law.

8. e-BOSS:
• This is an online system that makes it easier to apply for business licenses and permits.
• It's a one-stop platform for handling applications, payments, and issuing approved
licenses and permits.
• The aim is to quickly and without physical contact process documents for local

Related Studies

1. Digital Transformation in Modern Governance:

• Quickly turning public services into digital formats is really important for modern
government. It makes things work better, be more open, and get citizens more
• Local governments are changing to digital systems for giving out business permits and
licenses. This helps businesses grow and develop.
2. Local Government Empowerment via E-Government:
• Local governments use modern tech and computer applications to make government
transactions easier and improve the quality of services.
• Using digital tech in public services can make things work better, reduce paperwork,
and make processes clearer.
3. Challenges and Barriers in E-Government Implementation:
• Things like not enough public participation, not enough people trained, policies, and
connections can make it hard for local governments to successfully use e-government.
• Using e-government means citizens have a bigger role. They're not just getting
services, they're helping to make them work better.
• If e-government works or not depends on both citizens having access to and using
tech, and the local government having the right setup.


• The review covers all the important ideas, laws, and studies for this topic.
• It points out that countries are competing for skilled workers, businesses, and economic
growth, and being good with digital tech is really important for governments.
• The studies show how digital transformation is super useful in modern government, especially
in making public services better and getting citizens more involved.
• There hasn't been much research on how digital transformation affects the business permitting
and licensing systems of local governments, so there's more to learn about this.

Theoretical Framework

1. Digital Taylorism:
• Compares old management ideas to how technology streamlines tasks.
• For LGU permits, it focuses on making things efficient and error-free.
2. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM):
• Says if tech is easy and useful, people will use it.
• For permits, it's about making the electronic system user-friendly and helpful.
3. Resource-Based View (RBV):
• Focuses on using what you have well and staying adaptable.
• For LGUs, it's about using tech, money, and people effectively and keeping up with

In short, these theories help understand how technology affects work and how people use it. They're
used to study how LGUs can improve their permitting and licensing systems with technology. This
research will look at these theories in the Southern Leyte region.


Study Overview
• Model Used: The researchers used the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model to guide their study.
• Flow of the Study: Figure 1 shows how the study progresses. It starts with gathering
information, goes through a structured process, and leads to an assessment.


• Key Factors Considered:

• Adoption Status of eBOSS
• Improvements in Business Permitting and Licensing Process
• Pros and Cons of using eBOSS
• Challenges faced by BPLO employees and local business owners
• Steps Taken:
• Personal Interviews
• Data Collection and Analysis
• Assessing the impact of eBOSS on streamlining business permitting and licensing

• Expected Result:
• Impact Assessment Report on Digital Transformation in the Business Permitting and
Licensing System of Panaon Island Municipalities


• The study focuses specifically on assessing the impact of eBOSS adoption on the Business
Permitting and Licensing System in the Panaon Area.

Purpose of the Study

• The study aims to provide a detailed analysis of how implementing eBOSS affects the business
permitting and licensing system. It aims to offer practical insights for decision-makers and
policymakers involved in similar digital transformation efforts.

Scope and Limitations

Study Focus

• This study looks at how the business permitting and licensing system is changing digitally in
Southern Leyte, specifically in the towns of Panaon Island.
• It pays special attention to how well the eBOSS system, used for business permits and licenses,
is working.

What's Included

• The study only looks at eBOSS and doesn't explore other digital systems.

Data Collection

• Researchers will talk to BPLO employees and certain business owners in Liloan, San Francisco,
Pintuyan, and San Ricardo.
What's Not Included
• Towns outside Panaon area won't be part of this study.

Significance of the Study

• This study is important because it can make local government services better by looking at
how automating business permits and licenses helps everyone involved.
• For Local Government Units (LGUs): Using electronic permits makes things faster and
better for LGUs. It makes services smoother, reduces wait times for businesses, and makes
them happier. It also makes the process fair and transparent, reducing the chance for
corruption and building trust between the government and businesses. Using this technology
shows that LGUs are modern and forward-thinking.
• For Businesses and Entrepreneurs: This system helps businesses a lot. It makes things
quicker, with less paperwork and faster approvals. This means businesses can start or grow
faster, saving them money. It also lets them see exactly where their application is in the process,
so they know it's being handled fairly.
• For Future Researchers: People doing more research can use what we find here. They'll have
a lot of useful data and information. They can use it to see how well electronic business
permitting works in different places in the Philippines, and find the best ways to do it, which
will make their own research better.

Definition of Terms

• Business Permitting and Licensing Office: The office in a local government that handles
issuing and renewing business permits, licenses, and clearances.
• Digital Transformation: Using digital technology to make a system more efficient, replacing
manual processes.
• Electronic Business One Stop Shop (eBOSS): An online platform in a local government
used for receiving and processing business permit applications and fees, and issuing approved
permits, licenses, and clearances. It's an example of eBPLS.
• Electronic Business Permitting and Licensing System (eBPLS): A software or automated
system in a local government for more efficient business registration processes.
• EODB Law (Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of
2018): A law in the Philippines that requires all local governments to automate their business
permitting and licensing system, making it easier and faster for entrepreneurs to register and
renew their businesses.

Research Methodology

• Type of Research: This study uses a qualitative approach to understand how digital
transformation affects business permitting and licensing in municipalities on Panaon Island.
Qualitative research collects non-numerical data through methods like interviews and
• Research Design: It employs a case study approach, which means researchers deeply explore
a specific program or activity over a sustained period. In this case, they're looking at how eBOSS
impacts business permitting and licensing.
• Participants: The study involves BPLO employees and business owners from Liloan, San
Francisco, Pintuyan, and San Ricardo on Panaon Island.
• Data Collection: Information will be gathered through personal interviews. Researchers will
use a set of open-ended questions in a semi-structured interview format.
• Ethical Considerations: The study will adhere to ethical principles like respecting
participants' autonomy, ensuring their well-being, and being fair in distribution of benefits.
Risks and benefits will be assessed, informed consent will be obtained, and confidentiality will
be maintained.
• Data Analysis: Thematic analysis will be used to identify patterns, themes, and meanings in
the responses from interviews. The data will be organized, categorized, and detailed
descriptions of themes will be provided.

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