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A "version" of "I Am" , recapitulated in lunartic fashion.

The "dual arrow attention" working, is the soil for a manifestation of conscience,
understanding, doing, further digestion etc.
If I 'come to' in a moment, for some reason, pulled back from 'daydream/sleep
walking', then, there is a dual experience of 'me' 'here'. An experience of an
awareness "looking out", and my body, and outside world.
Now I am relatively present, remembered, I can make an act to increase or vivify
this presence, its realness , or expand, or concentrate, this presense in some general
or particular direction. I may formulate a wish to some degree now in other words,
a wish of course need not be verbal thought etc.
I bring the 'inner awareness' , its attention-to, to bear on my 'inner' bodily goings
on, all of it as one. Like wise, I retain attention towards the 'outer' world, all there,
though now I experience this outer as already less 'disturbing' to my presence.
Now I extend a 'discrimination' towards my 'inner' body goings on, at a most base
level. I distinguish presently two differently natured, tasting, currents in my body
presence and its functioning. One, sensation, as connected foremost to my spine,
and the sense of solidness, it is 'electric' to me, a fine resonance vibration that gives
a great field of solidity, just as electron charge gives to atoms, or bodies
interactions, touching.
This sensation ,though I sense as foremost concentrated in my spine, extends
equally to the whole of the outer world that my awareness is present to, at any
moment. Thus my body no longer has the same sense of "edge" towards the outer
world, they are blended, as one.
The second current I distinguish,(simultaneously to first, though here i am
constraint to linear exposition of what is essentially an antithesis of linearity) , is
feeling, and I feel it foremost concentrated around the plexus area. This, relatively,
is a thick warm current, yet extremely soft in its overall field of action. It connects
to "texture", another "motion", as opposed to the sense of 'solid mass'. This feeling
current is also blended throughout my body and the outer world. Though this
feeling current is different to sensation in this area of relating body and world.
When these two currents are present together 'before' my attention/awareness, are
blended together, then there results a radical shift in my experience of being. The
awareness ,via firstly the wholeness of sensation, linking body and all, likewise
blends with the feeling, as one. There is then no longer any seperation between the
triadic elements in the experience. The awareness, 'inner' body, and 'outer' world,
are as one.
This oneness is multiple, and related to the liberation of the main totalities to their
respective functions, and the real izing of "I" in each totality. There are now three
attentions and corresponding bodies, in a three way mirror. Attention, as head brain
is no longer "in" body, neither is feeling any longer "in" the body "infront" of
Along with my physical body and its sensitive attention, there is now also a body
corresponding to the former head brain attention, or 'inner looker', and also a body
corresponding to the former plexus concentrated feeling.
These bodies are in a certain relation, a form of embrace, just as that in 'impossible'
or non euclidean geometry objetcs, as escher drawings etc.

In relation to the above topic, it seems to me, that though blood or blood tissue
connects to my experience of feeling, the pulse of movement of blood is connected
to sensation experience. In this sense, the bones inner substance aids the heart in its
pumping of the blood, keeping perpetual motion. There are then two kinds of
pulse, or current, in my experience, which meet concentratedly in the plexus area,
and likewise 'in' the head brain area, though experiencially differently. Gurdjieff
mentions the difference of temperature as potentially serving for self remembering
and self observation, in an example in Views from the Real world. In a similar
vein, these two currents difference in 'quality' can serve for engendering
transformation. The 'electric' current of my spine, as my rod or pole, pillar, or axis
of being-presence, can connect with the 'gas' fire current of feeling, relatively
'infront of it', as my blood and tissues, heart etc.

It may be that in the centers, chakras etc, there is a switch acting as circuit breaker
or connector. The attention, perhaps itself, or its organizing affect towards
sensation and feeling, can act to make connection in the circuit of energies and
digestion through the centers. In the center related to the plexus, the contact of the
dual complimentary opposite natured currents or impulses, is a contact or blend of
sensation and feeling. This may be experienced quite literally as an inner motion
between spine and plexus, that can give an 'opening' of the top chakra or head
center etc.
In the six centered diagram of three stories, there is the cross connection of the
circuit of the centers in the middle story , the connection of the sensitive instinctive
lower story and the middle emotional story. This is then reflected in the top story
connection between its dual elements, and likewise in the top head story
connection to the lowest instinctive story. This is mirrored in each center, not
higher centers etc, in its own Triadic or hexadic construction scaled down etc. This
is to say that the attentional stuff must serve as the regulation or synthesis in each
center of the dual currents of 'sense' and 'feeling', in order to complete its Octavic
digestion or energetic circuit.

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