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Provided By MindFlex Home Tuition Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Agency ANDERSON SERANGOON JUNIOR COLLEGE JC 2 Preliminary Examination 2020 GENERAL PAPER 8807/01 Paper 1 28 August 2020 1 hour 30 minutes Additional Materials: Answer booklet READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your name, Class, GP tutor’s name and Question Number on the cover page of the answer booklet. Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid Answer one question. Note that 20 marks out of 50 will be awarded for your use of language. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. All questions in this paper carry equal marks. This document consists of 2 printed pages. [Turn over ‘© Anderson Serangoon Junior College 2020 Looking For A Home Tutor? Contact Singapore's #1 Tuition Agency @ +65 9695 3522 Available 24/7 via WhatsApp or Call:) Provided By MindFlex Home Tuition Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Ageney 2 Answer one question Answers should be between 500 and 800 words in length. 1 Assess the view that there is no future for museums. 2 Howeffective is education in reducing inequality in your society? 3 ‘The only concems of young people today are self-centred ones.’ Is this a fair statement? 4 How far has technology led to the world becoming a dangerous place? 5 ‘The individual is powerless in the fight against climate change.’ Discuss. 6 How far should religious beliefs be considered in government decisions today? 7 ‘Inthe light of current realities, a third world war is inevitable.’ Discuss. 8 Should rules always:be followed? 9 ‘As sport becomes more like a business, its ideals have been forgotten.’ Do you agree? 10 ‘Firms place too much emphasis on making profits today.’ Do you agree? 41. ‘There is reason to be hopeful rather than fearful about the future.’ Discuss this in relation to your society. 42. ‘The media is now beyond the power of governments to control.’ How far do you agree? (© Anderson Serangoon Junior College 2020 Looking For A Home Tutor? Contact Singapore's #1 Tuition Agency @ +65 9695 3522 Available 24/7 via WhatsApp or Call:) Provided By MindFlex Home Tuition Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Ageney ANDERSON SERANGOON JUNIOR COLLEGE AA YY Sy) ‘JC 2 Preliminary Examination 2020 WV GENERAL PAPER 8807/02 PAPER 2 28 August 2020 INSERT 1 hour 30 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST This Insert contains the passage for Paper 2. This document consists of 3 printed pages and 4 blank page. [Turn over Looking For A Home Tutor? Contact Singapore's #1 Tuition Agency @ +65 9695 3522 Available 24/7 via WhatsApp or Call:) Provided By MindFlex Home Tuition Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Ageney Simba Delyon considers the evolution of leadership. When we look back at the annals of history in search of the genesis of the term “leadership”, We would find that people have been thinking about it for a very long time. Plato, Confucius and the poet (or poets) who wrote the Bhagavad Gita expounded on the qualities of leadership, A great deal of time was spent thinking about how lesdership quattiog might be detected so that Jeaders could be identified in advance of their elevation. Historians Rave doclimented the ean are ae lecisioné of individual leaders for years. | Howes these rerotda a ave yet 1o.con le kind of systematic descri tion one would need in order to say that sor ne i _Gusles. Thesolater i erates Saanes of osdae pega SoUNe a RANT See ago, but lave met with little success, 2 [eary leadership experts had remained nostalgic for traditional leaders} In the nineteenth Century and well into the twentieth century, academics studying leadership such as Thomas Carlyle, who wrote “On Heroes, Hero-Wership, and the Heroic in History’, attempted to isolate the character traits of ‘great men” from history. These leadership experts elaborated on atrat Model of leadership] They proposed that leaders were an exclusive gr 2up_of jin Sngowed with certain personality, traits—courage, decisivenéés, intelligence, attractiveness an Thade temlnsteat leaders, By the mid-twentieth century, alternative modeis of leadership emerged. After rigorous studies about the psychology and experiences of leaders many have settled on a fprécess-based approach] Leadership has come Sj be — = Something that develops in stay dividuals. In.trying to accomplish.a goal. an individual ¥5 put through more chalengeg nome ae Sno (0t he flounders) and he gains leadership skills in the process. This heralds a more democratic selection of leaders—anyone can der. With the shifting sands of technological change in the 21st century, every company and nation needs to consider howto better prepare their current and future leaders to meet the challenges resented by technological disruption. In the last four decades of so, as the world has changed irastically, lsaders-have~atso-beerr forced, to. change—sometimes jkicking and scream “Technology has created unprecedented levels of disruption across numerous industries, forcin, ieaders to balance multiple challenges while reluctantly navigating change and promoting innovation. In such a climate, successful leaders will not necessarily be the people with the ‘most experience or expertise, but those who possess and develop the key competencies of agile leadership. With 70 percent of people around the world working remotely, virtual tearme ate already an integral part of many companies. The demands of leading these virtual tears however, present huge challenges to leaders who are more accustomed to managing facets. face teams, Effective leaders are able to build trust across virtual teams. They are able to Kesp team members engaged, building camaraderie even within remote-based teams. In viteat teams, team members may work in different time zones or keep different schedules, The bect leaders find ways to set up systems that monitor progress and ensure that everyone romaine accountable for their work while avoiding micromanaging Truth be told, leadership may be hard to define, but in Of crisis it is easy to identity. As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads fear, disease and death, national Waders across the diobe have been severely tested. The leaders who have,gained the respect and attention of thee eople, and who have succeeded in dulling the impact, le Virus, Share certain Ware Worth: Noting as the pandemic roars on— and for future crises as Well A wi ngness 16 take quick and bold action, even when it carriés political risk. is surely among the most important Nalrarke of “eadérshipina crisis WS Fi ious that thé United States President Donald Trump's attempt to downplay it for far too long proved disastrous. The Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinca ‘Ardem, by contrast, chose, as she put it, to “go hard and go early” and has brought Cove 19 2 Looking For A Home Tutor? Contact Singapore's #1 Tuition Agency @ +65 9695 3522 Available 24/7 via WhatsApp or Call:) 10 A 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 Provided By MindFlex Home Tuition Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Ageney to heel. Clearly, some leaders have fallen sh A ort (sometime )..butthere are those who faverrisen tothe moment Even in fair weather, elements ofpfecive leadershinglude respect ni . gpganess information and pi ssuraiice-6f théncial support wee necessary A ind ase exeienee GerRan trerebler aes Metal ecraund eee Scientists y af accounts a major factor in her credit, her most comping atibute as @ ler. The qualities of a leader ultimately determines the public's trust in the government and how far the detrimental effects of a crisis can be limited. Good _leadershin.helps.prevent -sentasting narratives based on untruths from creating confusion. When a nation or organisation is brought its ne must first seek to calpt their tolowersatd une et may ist the seemingly, omnipresent danger that they mYst confront. But beyond manipulations of spin doctors and worldly poittical ‘advisors are qualities of character that cannot be faked, chiefly cmpassion, which may be the most important in Eg puino.a.ttotnened nopliation, Nobo ‘would ever question Angela Merkel 's Compassion. When she addressed Nation on television, her parting words were: ‘Take good care of yourselves and your loved ones”. Leaders also must be, visible with. their pane, honest with. their words.and adaptable. with, their actions. Political scientist Arjen Boin who has studied the most successful and unsuccessful responses during previous emergencies argues that sound leadership provide: e_with the infrastr for makir any leader worth their sal] ris yea 6 In any crisis, there is sometimes a natural temptation to simply wait it out. Leaders of countries and organisations cannot give in to this instinct. Leaders today are facing alperfect stormjof ‘economic downturn, a host of social problems and a fast-spreading pandemié: Good leadérs -know.when,to persuade. and when to. cr yet to rigid contrat (a choice that can quickly Backtire ftnt aken wih sutable Cactcn} the ably © dco ensures octal stabi Good leaders recognise that they are part of the process where theffongevity of the organisation OC timate goal. This is a far cry from the past where the elite were content to roost in thelf tenurelas part of the management and were committed insofar as their sizeable ‘pensions wére gusranteed. Just as leaders were coached to their success by their predecessors, they too consistently mentor their successors, People, especially millennials, Gravitate to leaders WR Wil GSBEh MAT W Sucsese Recording to a report by management Consultant McKinsey, when five hundred executives were asked to rank their top three human- Capital priorities, leadership development was included as both a current and a future priority. ‘Aimost two-thirds of the respondents identified leadership dé ae pe ‘concer. When current leaders include" the team fo de ‘take pride. in. what, they. create and this RIBS "organisa (astiers understand that by erirustig” people Wit throughout their employment tions retain talent for years to come. Fésponsibiitiés, people will improve To some extent, leaders believe that they are storytellers, but really, they arelmerelyjcharacters in stories. They play leading roles, but in dramas they cannot predict, control and détnot always understand. The world is constantly changing, and with that, our judgement and expectations of leaders shift. The definition of leadership that we have struggled with for so long seems to be something that we will continue to struggle with for years to come. Looking For A Home Tutor? Contact Singapore's #1 Tuition Agency @ +65 9695 3522 Available 24/7 via WhatsApp or Call:) 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Provided By MindFlex Home Tuition Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Agency ANGLO-CHINESE JUNIOR COLLEGE JC1 PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2020 GENERAL PAPER 8807/01 Paper 1 Additional Materials: Cover Page and Answer Paper 1 hour 30 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your index number and name on all the work you hand in. Write the question number on the cover page. Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. ‘Answer one question. Note that up to 20 marks out of 50 will be awarded for your use of language. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. All questions in this paper carry equal marks. This document consists of 2 printed pages. Gp 80074 ‘age chinese Jin Cotage over] ACJC 2020 General Paper Department oo Looking For A Home Tutor? Contact Singapore's 1 Tuition Agency @ +65 9695 3522 Available 24/7 via WhatsApp or Call) https: // Provided By MindFlex Home Tuition Singapore's #1 Home Tuition Agency ‘Answer one question. ‘Answers should be between 500 and 800 words in length. 1 ‘There is a lack of imagination today.’ Discuss. 2 ‘Awoman's place is in the home.’ Do traditional gender roles still have a place in the modem world? 3 To what extent is inclusivity promoted in your society's education system? 4 _ Is life imprisonment justifiable in today’s world? 5 ‘Globalisation has built walls rather than bridges.’ Discuss, 6 _ ‘There is too much focus on economic prosperity in the world today.’ Comment. 7 sit realistic to expect moral courage of today's leaders? 8 — Consider the claim that social media confuses more that it informs. 9 ‘Artificial Intelligence has only negative effects in today’s world,’ How far do you agree? 10 ‘The Arts are not essential today." How true is this statement? 11 Should there be political intervention in environmental conservation efforts? 12 Can the commercialisation of heritage sites in your society be justified? Looking For A Home Tutor? Contact Singapore's 1 Tuition Agency @ +65 9695 3522 Available 24/7 via WhatsApp or Call) https: //

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