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CSR Strategy & Cases

Assessment 2 - Group Report

Ice Cream…Frozen Yogurt…Sorbet

- Cold Outside, Cozy Inside -


Dr. Hyemi Shin

Team C:

Defin Bryan Eliezer Prionggo - 12235405

Abdulaziz Sirojiddinov - 12190257

Noémie Metivier - 12235270

Kim Hoon Gi - 12152173

Alec Moinet - 12235271

Table of Contents

Cover Page………………………………………………………………………………………..1

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………... 2

1. Introduction................................................................................................................................3

a. Company Profile………………………………………………………………………….. 3

b. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………… 4

2. Analysis of Social and Environmental Impact........................................................................ 4

a. Social Impact..........................................................................................................................5

b. Environmental Impact............................................................................................................7

3. Evaluation of Success Factors...................................................................................................9

a. Internal Factors.....................................................................................................................10

b. External Factors................................................................................................................... 12

4. Identification of Upcoming Challenges and Recommendations..........................................13

a. Upcoming Challenges.......................................................................................................... 13

b. Limits of CSR Policies........................................................................................................ 14

c. Recommendations................................................................................................................ 17

5. Conclusion................................................................................................................................ 19

References..................................................................................................................................... 20

1. Introduction

What a courageous decision has been made to explore the concept of Corporate Social

Responsibility throughout this iconic brand of specific product which is ice cream. To further

discover how they make their difference in society, …..

“...It’s real for us to face analogy

With some tools and words in series

Let’s deal with CSR case & strategy

Welcome to the world of Ben & Jerry’s…”

a. Company Profile

Ben & Jerry's Homemade Holdings Inc. is a multinational non-GMO (Genetically

Modified Organism) certified ice cream manufacturer. Incorporated in 1977, the business was

purchased by parent firm Unilever in 2000. Despite having humble beginnings, the company

currently has operations throughout the Americas, Europe, the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania.

The company makes over 50 products, including dairy-free ice cream and frozen yogurt. Every

product is created with premium, and responsibly sourced ingredients.

Ben & Jerry's is committed to sustainable corporate concepts, focusing on linked

prosperity, respecting individuals and communities, and ensuring equal growth for all aspects of

its mission. 3 simple mission statements include their product, economic, and social growth.

Product mission plans to make, distribute, and sell the finest-quality ice cream with great natural

ingredients and business practicces which are respecting the earth and environment. Secondly,

their economic mission plans on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth, increasing

values for stakeholders and employees’ career growth. Lastly, their social mission plans on

initiating innovative ways for the improvement of life quality.

As publicly and openly claimed, Ben & Jerry's engages from its core values to positive

change through various corporate social responsibility activities. They primarily conduct their

social responsibility activities in four major categories, which are Fair Trade, Climate protection,

Equality and Peace.

b. Executive Summary

What a start to have known Ben & Jerry’s brief outline in the beginning. Let’s then get to

know deeper analysis of the impact from their status as a pioneer in integrating social and

environmental responsibility into its business model. What and how those internal and external

factors affect their success. What challenges Ben & Jerry’s had ever faced before and what could

be other upcoming challenges being identified. Last but not least, let’s also discover our group

recommendations as the consultant team toward Ben & Jerry’s corporate social responsibility

strategy & cases.

2. Analysis of Social and Environmental Impact

Ben & Jerry's impact can be well analyzed through various points of view and

dimensions. Let us see how this analysis will incorporate quantifications and exploration of

strategic alignments to estimate Ben & Jerry's concrete social & environmental impact on


a. Social Impact

In addition to publicly stated values, we need to look at tangible actions that demonstrate

the company's genuine commitment to positive change.

First, Ben & Jerry’s is deeply involved in community actions. “Ben & Jerry's social

mission seeks to eliminate injustices in communities by integrating these concerns into their

day-to-day business activities”. To take a meaningful example, like many others, B&Js invited

customers to support the Black Lives Matter campaign in 2016. The business invited its clients to

support justice and end institutional racism by joining them in the Black Lives Matter campaign

in 2016. The business has recently gone one step further by acknowledging that they are capable

of more than just dealling with social justice advocacy. "Ben & Jerry's is committed to becoming

a truly antiracist company by eliminating racial disparities within the company," the company

said after looking into social inequities within the organisation ( Let us not forget

as well that its business model promotes local partnerships and thus contributes to maintaining

relationships with relevant individuals and organisations in the peace-building community.

Ben & Jerry’s holds dear to fight for equality. Ben & Jerry's is committed to fostering

peace, guided by their belief in "Peace, Love, and Ice Cream". Ben & Jerry's business model

addresses the gap between rich and poor, supporting economic growth that alleviates poverty and

contributes to a more peaceful, fair world. Since 2014, as an example, all Ben & Jerry's

ingredients are Fair Trade certified, focusing on economic justice and empowering small-scale

farmers in developing countries.

Last but not the least, Ben & Jerry’s has been building consumer awareness and

empowerment, including through increased transparency, and distribution of various ESG and

financial reports.

Thus, their CSR policies are systematically aligned with the UN SDGs, respecting world

norms in ethical trade practices. By rigorously respecting non-GMO standards, fair trade

principles and actively participating in responsible consumption initiatives, Ben & Jerry's is

making a substantial contribution to global sustainability goals. The UN SDGs they are fighting

for with their business are the following : responsible consumption and production, reduced

inequalities, and decent work and economic growth.

According to Carroll's CSR Pyramid, two categories of duty that can be directly linked to

the social impact are ethical duties and philanthropic obligations.

Ethical duties, which are predicated on the notion that a corporation should act in a

morally and fairly manner, make up the next layer of the pyramid. According to the company's

mission statement, one of its objectives is to advance ethical business methods, which include

generating value for all parties involved, increasing employee opportunities, obtaining products

from nearby farms, utilizing natural ingredients, etc. These are a few instances of just and moral

business conduct that the public expects all businesses to adhere to.

Philanthropic obligations, which guarantee that the company contributes to

environmental and social goals, make up the last tier of the pyramid. Ben & Jerry's is driven by

its mission statement and core principles to make ice cream that has an impact on the world in

ways that go beyond the product itself. The company wants to safeguard the planet's natural

systems while advancing human rights and dignity, supporting social and economic justice for

marginalized people, and leveraging its operations and platform.

For instance, Ben & Jerry's has established a training program for young people called “Ice

Academy Project”, that is aimed at enhancing skills in social justice, entrepreneurship, and

sustainability. This is a direct example of ben&jerrys commitment to philanthropic and ethical


We now see more clearly that Ben & Jerry's demonstrates a robust commitment to

positive change through tangible actions across various fronts. The company's impactful business

model and CSR policies systematically align with UN SDGs, emphasizing ethical trade

practices. Ben & Jerry's ethical duties and philanthropic obligations, outlined in Carroll's CSR

Pyramid, underscore a real commitment to creating a positive societal impact beyond the mere

scope of ice cream.

b. Environmental Impact

Ben & Jerry’s impact towards the environment reveals how the handful of billionaires in

shopping for real estate in outer space can be handled by our protection towards our planet. Here

are those several impacts regarding environment on our climate.

Sustainable Sourcing:

Ben & Jerry's is committed to deal with the sourcing of environmentally sustainable

ingredients. They have been well working with those suppliers who prioritize sustainable and

ethical practices as their efforts to reduce the environmental impact of their supply chain.

Packaging Initiatives:

The company has implemented initiatives to reduce the environmental impact of its

packaging. This includes efforts to use more eco-friendly materials and reduce overall packaging

waste. We love cones because they're plastic-free, contain the drips, and you can eat the whole

thing! But that pint in your freezer has to be packed in something, so we're laser-focused on

creating a more sustainable packaging process by reducing the amount of single-use

petroleum-based plastic packaging used throughout the supply chain and in Scoop Shops.

Renewable Energy:

Ben & Jerry's has set goals to transition to 100% renewable energy in its manufacturing

facilities. This commitment to clean energy helps reduce the carbon footprint associated with the

production of its ice cream.

Doing something starts with knowing something. And while we've been actively working

to reduce Ben & Jerry's overall environmental impact for decades, we now have the data to

measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and estimate our carbon footprint each year, including

what contributes to it the most.

Here's what we could know:

- Dairy ingredients account for around 53% of our carbon footprint, while our other

ingredients (nuts, dough chunks, swirls, and other add-ins) add another 21%.

- Manufacturing accounts for just 1% of total GHG emissions, but getting the ice cream

from the factory to stores and Scoop Shops accounts for another 7%.

- A single pint of Ben & Jerry's produces about 3.4 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent, or

CO2e (also known as our "emissions intensity").

Tracking these numbers annually tells us where we have the biggest opportunities to

reduce our footprint, and how we’re doing on our journey.

Climate Justice Advocacy:

The company is actively involved in advocating for climate justice. Ben & Jerry's

acknowledges the impact of climate change on the environment and supports policies and

initiatives aimed at addressing climate issues.

It's important to note that while Ben & Jerry's has made efforts to be socially and

environmentally responsible, no company is without its challenges or criticism. Some critics

argue that the brand's association with Unilever, a large multinational corporation, may impact its

ability to fully embody its values. Additionally, ongoing efforts and commitments to

sustainability and social justice are essential for any company aiming to make a positive impact

in these areas.

3. Evaluation of Success Factors

Ben & Jerry's is the undisputed global leader in pint-sized ice cream. The success of Ben

& Jerry's can be attributed to various factors, including the competitiveness of their products,

consumer choices, and market changes. However, what many experts and the media particularly

highlight is the company's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy. In this report, we will

analyze the factors behind Ben & Jerry's success by dividing them into internal and external


a. Internal Factors

In our analysis of Ben & Jerry's internal success factors, we shall not forget to evaluate

governance, focusing particularly on the Board of Directors’ composition. Modern corporate and

capital markets have evolved to position the Board not as an administrative body but as a

representative of shareholders, fundamentally changing governance. Today, the Board is more

than just a corporate organ; it has become central to decision-making and directional strategies of

the company.

Ben & Jerry's Board of Directors operates independently of Unilever, playing a role in

protecting and advocating for the brand's CSR. One of the board members of Ben&Jerry’s,

Anuradha Mittal, is an international expert in human rights, agriculture, development, and

conservation policy. As the founder and chairperson of the Oakland Institute, she has led efforts

to expose land investment deals in developing countries that lack transparency, fairness, and


Chivy Sok, chair of the Tikva Grassroots Empowerment Fund, is active in various fields

including environmental justice, community-centered conservation, human rights, corporate

responsibility, and sustainable agriculture. She has been involved in numerous human rights

projects, including co-founding the Devata Giving Circle, the first Cambodian-American

women's philanthropic group in the U.S., and serving on the steering committee of Amnesty

International USA's Ginetta Sagan Fund.

Another board member, Constantina Tribou, currently serves as the Chief HR Officer for

Unilever's Beauty & Wellbeing Business Group. Her diverse roles within Unilever and her

position on Ben & Jerry's Independent Board of Directors as the Unilever representative add

significant value.

Another dimension that is worth analysing in their governance is their legal status. Ben &

Jerry's B-Corporation status is of key importance to the company's corporate social responsibility

strategy, broadening the scope of its commitments beyond mere financial benefits. Ben&Jerry’s

has been certified with the B-corporation status for 11-years. Ben&Jerry’s has a 96 overall B

Impact Score -80 qualifies for B Corp Certification and 50.9 is the median score for ordinary


As a B-Corporation, Ben & Jerry's is committed to high standards of social and

environmental performance, demonstrating a holistic approach to corporate responsibility. It also

means that Ben & Jerry's integrates its core values into every facet of its business, the company

is assessed in key areas such as governance, impact on employees, the community and the

environment. This reinforces the company's credibility as a serious player in promoting

sustainable business practices.

Thus, we can see that both the Board composition and the B-corporation status are

closely aligned with the concepts of CSR and can be analysed as an internal factor contributing

to the success of Ben & Jerry's CSR initiatives.

b. External Factors

When it comes to the external factors contributing to Ben & Jerry's success, we should

focus on a key aspect: the rising interest of consumers in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

The success of Ben & Jerry's can be attributed more to the choices of consumers than to policy

or economic factors.

There is no denying consumer interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has

significantly increased in the last decade, and this interest extends to customer loyalty,

purchasing intent, and even the market value of companies. According to Lee Joon-seob,

corporate activities in economic, legal, ethical, and environmental responsibilities significantly

influence customer loyalty and purchasing intentions through emotional and cognitive trust

developed in consumers. Furthermore, Han Hye-jeong and Kim Young-chan argue that when

companies integrate economic, social, and environmental values into their decision-making

processes and enhance transparency through ESG reporting, it leads to an increase in corporate


This trend is also validated by direct consumer survey data. A survey conducted by

Embrain Trend Monitor involving 2,000 adults nationwide showed that 90% of respondents feel

proud when their consumption helps others; 83% consider a company's image important when

making purchases; and 68.9% are willing to pay more for products from companies that practice

ethical management.

More surprisingly, this trend toward CSR-focused companies is not limited to older

generations. A study by University Tomorrow’s 20s Research Institute in 2019, targeting 1,000

individuals aged 15 to 34, revealed that 50.1% (multiple responses allowed) would endure

inconvenience for consumption that aligns with their beliefs and values, and 35.3% utilize

product and service purchases as a means to express their convictions.

Such social changes in attitudes toward corporate social responsibility activities (CSR)

have a meaningful impact on customer loyalty, purchasing intent, and perceived customer value.

The statistics show that CSR activities are significant enough for consumers to tolerate

inconveniences and higher prices. This suggests that Ben & Jerry's CSR activities have had a

significant influence on the company's value and consumer choices, with customers actively

choosing Ben & Jerry's, a premium ice cream brand, for its CSR initiatives.

4. Identification of Upcoming Challenges and


a. Upcoming Challenges

Unilever purchased Ben & Jerry's in 2000 with the understanding that the ice cream

maker's independent board would oversee the company's social goals. Today, Unilever owns

100% of the company. But there has been a significant obstacle recently.

Ben & Jerry's filed a lawsuit against its owner in the summer of 2022, claiming that the

owner was undermining the company's social goal and, eventually, its entire operation. It claimed

that because it sells ice cream with political themes and frequently donates a portion of the sales

proceeds to related causes, its customers are aware of its commitment to keeping specific ethical


The business declared in 2021 that it will no longer sell ice cream in the UN-designated

Occupied Palestinian Territories. That ruling was effectively overturned by Unilever, which

arranged for the sale of Ben & Jerry's Israeli subsidiary to its local distributor in exchange for the

freedom to keep selling the ice cream under its long-standing Hebrew and Arabic product names

and to package it in the same manner in order to avoid political backlash in Israel.

A judge in New York dismissed Ben & Jerry's claim in August of 2022. Upheld by US

law, Unilever's statement was that the independent board overseeing Ben & Jerry's social mission

lacked the authority to block the sale. The inference was that it possessed zero power. It would

still be an open question for the company how to overcome such a challenge where Ben and

Jerry have no power to support their social missions and they. In fact, they need a solution to put

things in order, but it would certainly take time and some legal actions as well to revive their

power. Any further consideration regarding this? Let’s have this to be deeper continued in the

part of Limits of CSR Policies section.

b. Limits of CSR Policies

Even though Ben & Jerry's might be pioneers in CSR matters, their CSR strategy still has

room for improvement.

Indeed, their CSR policies encounter deadlocks and limits in different areas : Some limits

are intrinsic to their business model and activity. As a matter of fact and to illustrate one’s saying

with an example, Ben & Jerry’s works with various business partners such as suppliers, of whom

they cannot control the CSR policies. They need to be very careful when choosing who to

collaborate with, else it might end up in a scandal similar to the recent scandal unveiled by the

New York Times last February 2023 ; in spite of Ben & Jerry’s “self-proclaimmed” progressive

values, one of their suppliers would apparently use child labour in its manufacturing process.

Also, they might lessen their environmental impact with local partnerships with producers and

manufacturers, yet their business model and global organisation still induces gas emission linked

to the transportation of finished goods and as of today they still account for 7% of Ben & Jerry’s

total GHG emissions.

In fact, if we take the Transparent Assessment 2022 available on the B-Corporation

website as a reference, Ben & Jerry's is far from having exemplary CSR conduct yet. “Our goal

is to have 100% of our packaging be free of petroleum-based plastic. And we want it all to be

reusable, compostable, or recyclable by 2025!”, in spite of Ben & Jerry’s efforts to reduce the

environmental impact of its product’s packaging, as of today the packaging of the ice cream pot

is still non-recyclable and toxic.

Other limits are linked to the ownership by Unilever. Indeed after joining the Unilever

group, Ben & Jerry's employees told management in a letter that they plan to unionise as they

felt they needed a union to protect their rights. While this may seem like a minor point, it points

to a much deeper issue in the relationship between Ben & Jerry's and Unilever. Ironically, it is

since the takeover of Unilever that activism seems to have increased, with the emergence of the

American woke culture embraced by the company. Unilever was already fed up with Ben &

Jerry’s when the ice cream company publicly supported the Occupy Wall Street movement in


The recent statement by the founders of Ben & Jerry's accusing Unilever of not

respecting the original merger agreement reveals a significant shift in opinions between the two

stakeholders. The moot point from where this conflict is coming from is the disagreement over

Ben & Jerry's 2021 decision to boycott settlements in the West Bank without consulting Unilever

beforehand, as stated above. As a matter of fact, due to the substantial financial impact of the

boycott announcement on Unilever, Ben & Jerry's Israel sued the parent company. The dispute

persists despite the fact that the two parties earlier this year came to an agreement that gave the

Israeli branch limited autonomy to sell its products. Ben & Jerry's is undergoing a lawsuit against

Unilever, claiming that an improper decision was made to split off its Israeli division.

The dispute highlights an internal power struggle between Ben & Jerry's independent

board of directors, which is willing to protect the company's social mission, and Unilever's

unilateral and performance-driven decisions. While Ben & Jerry's has always positioned itself as

a socially committed company, this dispute highlights the very complex challenges that

progressive companies face when operating on a global scale and especially when they are part

of a world leader group.

In conclusion, in spite of being a pioneer in the field of corporate social responsibility,

Ben & Jerry's CSR practices have their practical limits. There are still issues with trying to

control greenhouse gas emissions from worldwide operations, and ensuring the good practice of

its suppliers. Concerns regarding the relationship with Unilever definitely exist, as evidenced by

the recent disagreement and the rise in activism following the acquisition. These elements

highlight the challenges progressive businesses confront in carrying out their social mission


c. Recommendations

Packaging Innovation:

Invest in R&D to discover sustainable substitute materials for packaging. Examine

technologies like recyclable, compostable, or reusable bio-based or plant-based plastics. To

identify workable solutions, cooperate with packaging specialists (most important),

environmental organizations, and other stakeholders.

The situation between Ben & Jerrys and Unilever appears to be complicated since it

involves corporate ownership, social mission, and legal disputes. Let's look at the possible

recommendations to address or navigate these challenges so that it may not face such challenges

in the future and reaching the social mission will never be a problem.

Despite the court's denial of Ben & Jerry's claim, legal approaches remain viable. The

company can still talk with legal professionals to learn about alternatives, possible appeals, and

other legal paths to take in order to resolve the company's issues. 1. Consult legal professionals.

Get the assistance of legal professionals to perform a comprehensive analysis of the case, the

ruling made by the court, and future legal tactics. They can offer information about potential

appeal grounds, different legal paths, and solutions to Ben & Jerry's concerns. 2. Investigate

contractual obligations. Look at the current contracts that Unilever and Ben & Jerry's have in

place. Legal professionals can assist in locating any inconsistencies, breaches, or possible

renegotiation points. A legal plan to uphold Ben & Jerry's social goal within the parameters of

the current agreements might be influenced by the results of this investigation. 3. Think About

Regulatory Compliance: Make sure that any legal plans consider the requirements of the

applicable regulatory bodies in the various jurisdictions. Creating a winning plan requires a

thorough understanding of the legal environment, particularly as it relates to social responsibility

and corporate operations.

Interact with a range of stakeholders, such as coworkers, clients, and advocacy

organizations. Recognize their viewpoints and worries, then show that you are committed to

resolving them. 1. Maintain Open Channels of Communication: Get involved with all parties

involved, such as staff members, clients, and advocacy organizations. To address concerns and

provide updates on the company's handling of the matter, establish clear and open lines of

contact. 2. Ask for Stakeholder Input: Ask stakeholders for their opinions and suggestions

regarding the company's ethical standards and social objectives. Gaining insight into their

viewpoints can aid in improving tactics and proving a dedication to common principles. 3. Show

commitment: Make it obvious that the business is dedicated to achieving its social objective.

This includes describing specific actions being taken to maintain moral principles in the face of

difficulties. Rebuilding trust might benefit by exhibiting a sincere dedication to social

responsibility. 4. Investigate Collaborative Solutions: Work cooperatively with stakeholders to

identify solutions that meet both stakeholder expectations and the company's values. To

guarantee a more inclusive and moral attitude, this may entail getting feedback on actions taken

in the future, such as corporate operations in delicate areas. 5. CSR Reporting: To give

stakeholders comprehensive information about the company's social and environmental actions,

think about improving CSR reporting. This may promote accountability and openness.

A firm can manage legal difficulties and stakeholder concerns related to its social mission

and ethical standards by integrating legal measures with proactive stakeholder involvement.

Finding answers that not only abide by the law but also represent the expectations and beliefs of

the larger stakeholder group is the goal of this integrated approach.

5. Conclusion

(*the written conclusion from analysis of social & environmental impact, success factors

and limits on how Ben&Jerry’s is an example when it comes to CSR policies + (optional)

interesting opening like a recent press article about CSR or something)

An essential component of corporate strategy, a company's mission statement frequently

discloses a great deal about the organisation's guiding principles. Ben & Jerry's is able to

successfully integrate CSR strategy into its business practices because ethical and sustainable

business practices are fundamental to the company's mission. This benefits the company and its

stakeholders in a number of ways.

By putting a CSR plan into practice, the business can clearly identify itself as a

conscientious ice cream manufacturer. By doing this, you may draw in new business and reassure

current clients that the ice cream they are purchasing is produced in an ethical and sustainable

manner. It also offers a number of internal advantages, such as risk management, which enables

the business to ensure that all laws and regulations are followed while conducting operations and

procedures in an ethical manner. Implementing CSR also guarantees proper internal governance

and an internal corporate framework that empowers staff members rather than devalues them.

Lastly, Ben & Jerry's corporate social responsibility initiatives, which aim to lessen

environmental harm and advance social justice worldwide, also have a positive effect on the

outside world.

6. References

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