LAB211 Assignment: Title Background Context

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Type: Long Assignment

Code: 721081002.docx

LAB211 Assignment LOC:


Create a Java console program to manage Candidates of company.
Background Context
Candidate management system project in java is basically developed for manage the candidate of HR (Human Resource)
management. In all company the candidate management is very important and it is not easy to handle it manually. So a
candidate management system project is make as computerized. By making system is computerized it make possible to
overcome the problem and work is efficient.

Program Specifications
Candidate management system includes some functions are work for creating, updating, deleting as well as searching.
Create three classes with three kinds of candidate: Experience, Fresher, Intern
All Candidates have common attributes: Candidate Id, First Name, Last Name, Birth Date, Address, Phone,

Email and Candidate type. There are three value of candidate type(loại này để HR chọn )
- 0: for Experience
- 1: for Fresher candidate
- 2: for Intern candidate
However, each kind of candidate has addition different attributes:
- Experience candidate: year of experience (ExpInYear), Professional Skill (ProSkill).
- Fresher candidate has addition attributes: graduated time (Graduation_date), Rank of Graduation
(Graduation_rank) and university where student graduated (Education)
- Intern candidate: Majors, Semester, University name

Candidate: astract class [Candidate Id(method riêng), First Name, Last Name(pattern), Birth Date(input riêng),
Address(Pattern), Phone(Pattern), Email(Pattern) and Candidate type.]
Method: String autoCreateID(Object), String inputPattern(String msg, String pattern)-là chữ cái, Int
inputBirthDate(Object)- length is 4 character (1900..Current Year),void
menuChooseCandidateType(String candidateType) - in menu, choose option, tự động truyền vào thuộc
tính của đối tượng; searchName(ArrayList a); displayCandidate()_ở view; addCandidate(Candidate
e)_ở controller rồi

Experience: class extends Candidate[year of experience (ExpInYear)(dung input pattern), Professional Skill
Method: void year of experience (thuộc tính exinyear của đối tượng)-is number from 0 to 100, void
Professional Skill (ProSkill của đối tượng)-là chữ cái, displayCandidate(); addCandidate(Candidate e)

Fresher: class extends Candidate [graduated time (Graduation_date)(dung pattern), Rank of Graduation
(Graduation_rank) and university where student graduated (Education)]
Method: void menuChooseRank(Graduation_rank)-in menu,switch case; displayCandidate();
addCandidate(Candidate e)
Intern: class extends Candidate[Majors(dung pattern), Semester(dung pattern), University name(dung
Method: inheritance; displayCandidate(); addCandidate(Candidate e)

candidateManagementSystem: extends Menu, import Candidate
- Attribute: tạo đối tượng của Intern,Fresher, Experience
- method: execute(int choice)-tạo switch case, void createExperience(Experience a), void create
Fresher(Experience a), void createIntern(Experience a), void createCandidate(Candidate a),
searchCandidate(String name, int type)-if 0: gọi searchName thao tác với mảng đối tượng
experience,tương tự 1,2; displayAllCandidate()-sẽ dung các display con

MAIN:tạo đối tượng candidateManagementSystem, gọi method run()

1. Main Screen as below:


1. Experience
2. Fresher
3. Internship
4. Searching
5. Exit

(Please choose 1 to Create Experience Candidate, 2 to Create Fresher Candidate, 3 to Internship Candidate,
4 to Searching and 5 to Exit program).

2. Function details:
2.1. Create Candidate and store in ArrayList.
- The program have to check valid data for: Date of Birth, Phone, Email, Year of Experience, Rank of

o Birth Date : is number with length is 4 character (1900..Current Year)

o Phone: is number with minimum 10 characters
o Email: with format <account name>@<domain>. (eg:
o Year of Experience : is number from 0 to 100
o Rank of Graduation: with one of 4 values (Excellence, Good, Fair, Poor)
- From “Main Screen”, use select one item (1,2,3) to create candidate. After each candidate is created, the system
shows message: Do you want to continue (Y/N)?. User chooses Y to continues, if you chooses N, the program
returns main screen and display all candidates who are created.
2.2. Search function
- User select item 4, the program displays all candidates and requires user inputting Candidate name (First Name
or Last Name) and type of candidate. The program will search and display result with: Candidate name ( First
Name + Last Name), Birth Date, Address, Phone, Email and Candidate type. For example:

List of candidate:
===========EXPERIENCE CANDIDATE============
Aelbrecht Stefan
Aguirre Eva
Ahlgren Maria
Antošová Adeleva
==========FRESHER CANDIDATE==============
Barbosa De Souza
Cabrera Cornide
Calderon Cuevas
Casulari Motta
===========INTERN CANDIDATE==============
Maria Madeleine
Joana Filipa
Patricia Carine

Input Candidate name (First name or Last name): eva

Input type of candidate: 0

The candidates found:

Aguirre Eva | 1990 | Sao paulo| 940394 | | 0
Antošová Adeleva | 1989 | Rio de janero | 984933| | 0

Technical Requirements
1. Using Object-Oriented programming style: inheritance
2. Use only core Java functions and classes.


Slot Task Description

1 - Code Design Should create Candidate as a SuperClass. Experience, Fresher
- Create Experience Candidate and Internship Candidate as SubClasses that extend Candidate
2 - Create Fresher Candidate Should use ArrayList to store Fresher Candidate
3 - Create Intern Candidate Should use ArrayList to store Fresher Candidate
4 - Search candidate
5 - Review program

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