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SAkunl 1PL klnC

We all know abouL sakunl as a wlcked person buL lL ls LoLally wrong All abouL hlm was Lold wlLhouL any
concreLe proof We were Lold LhaL sakunl's faLher was held as capLlve along wlLh hls broLhers and puL
lnLo a well and fed wlLh a flsLfull of rlce daly Sakunl belng youngesL was made Lo eaL Lhe flsLful of rlce
and Lo Lake revenge agalnsL Lhe kurus 8uL Lhere ls no evldence Lo Lhls ln vyasa mahabharaLa
Sakunl ls Lhe klng of Candhara desa le presenL day kandahar We all know LhaL uruLarashLra Lhe eldesL
son of kuru dynasLry ls born bllnd and nobody ls wllllng Lo glve Lhelr daughLer Lo hlm 8hlshma was ln
search of a sulLable brlde for urlLarashLra and ln dlscusslon wlLh vldura Lhe mlnlsLer of kuru dynasLy he
senL a word Lo Candhara klng Candhara klng readlly accepLed Lo glve hls Lo daughLer Lo uruLarashLra
Lhrough bllnd Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon of hls enormous klngdom buL hls sons are agalnsL Lo lL
Candharl knowlng well LhaL drlLarashLra ls bllnd accepLed Lo marry hlm and made a vow LhaL slnce her
husband ls noL able Lo see Lhls world she wlll also noL see Lhls world and Lled her eyes wlLh cloLh 1hls
she has noL removed ln her llfeLlme excepL only once Lo glve boon Lo suyodhana ln 18 days kuru war
Sakunl Lhe broLher of Candharl accompanled her slsLer afLer marrlage and sLayed ln PasLlnapura lLself
Pe had very much affecLlon Lowards hls slsLer Sakunl ls a greaL paLrloL 1he condlLlon of LhaL day ls LhaL
kuru dynasLy ls a blg one havlng enormous wealLh and was ruled by urlLarashLra Lhe bllnd klng 1hough
urlLarashLra ls klng by name day Lo day acLlvlLles ls conLrolled by hls broLher klng andu 8uL accordlng
Lo law Lhe eldesL of Lhe klng only become klng nexL Lo hlm
uue Lo reasons noL known klng andu wenL Lo foresL wlLh hls Lwo queens kunLl and Madrl 1he klng
andu has a curse from a sLag couple LhaL he wlll dle lf he had unlon wlLh hls wlves WlLh upseL he has
been Lo foresLs and dolng Lapas 8uL he felL very much LhaL lf he has no lssues no one wlll be Lhere Lo
hls anLyeshlLl and hls soul wlll wander ln Lhls world wlLhouL geLLlng moksha Pe knew LhaL kunLl was
blessed wlLh uurvasa Munl a manLra wlLh whlch lf she worshlps any god LhaL god wlll bless a chlld Lo
her Pe requesLed kunLl Lo worshlp uharma devaLa Lo have a chlld and have a chlld called
yudhlsLlra/uharma ra[a 8uL he ls noL conLenLed wlLh one chlld and agaln requesLed Lo worshlp vayu
and Lo have a chlld and LhaL chlld ls 8hlma Agaln he requesLed kunLl Lo worshlp lndra and Lo have a
chlld and LhaL ls Ar[una now slnce Madrl ls noL have any chlldren he requesLed kunLl Lo worshlp Aswlnl
uevaLas and Lo have chlldren Lo Madrl and Lhey are nakula and Sahadeva Madrl Lhe daughLer of
Magadha ls so beauLlful and Lhe klng one could noL conLrol hls passlon and had unlon wlLh her and
lmmedlaLely dled now boLh kunLl and Madrl are lefL alone wlLh 3 chlldren and no one ls Lhere Lo
safeguard Lhem Pavlng undersLood Lhls 8hlshma persuaded Lhem Lo arrlve Lo PasLlnapura and be ln
Lhe palace
Pere only Lhe acLual sLory sLarLs 1he ?udhlsLara belng Lhe flrsL Chlld and Lhe nexL Suyodhana ls noL
wllllng Lo glve away hls rlghL Lo klngdom and Lhe acLual lnLernal war sLarLed 1o puL full sLop Lo Lhls war
urlLarashLra has glven Lhe deserL khandava vana Lo andavas and asked Lhem Lo seL rlghL and have Lhelr
klngdom Lhere 8uL Lhe pandavas wlLh Lhe help and supporL of krlshna able Lo seL rlghL Lhe khandava
vana as lndraprasLa and able Lo geL all Lhe klngs from kashmlr Lo kanyakumarl and Cu[araL Lo Assam
under Lhelr conLrol and had enormous wealLh 1o celebraLe Lhls Lhey have performed 8a[asuya ?aga for
whlch Suyodhana was also lnvlLed 1he wealLh of andavas caused greaL humlllLy Lo Suyodhana and he
wanLed Lo conquer Lhe same Pe has requesLed hls maLernal uncle Sakunl Lhe ways and means Lo
conquer Lhe andavas enormous wealLh and klng dom
Pere 1he Sakunl paLrloL LhoughL hlmself LhaL lf Lhe klngdoms of boLh andavas and kauravas comblned
lL wlll be a huge one and lL can be managed by only able person Cn hls vlslon only Lwo are avallable
le Suyodhana who ls wlcked uncompamlslng cruel and noL frlendly Lo people 1here ls no slngle good
quallLy ls wlLh Suyodhana Second one ls ?udhlsLlra a good plous schlor buL noL havlng capaclLy Lo
rule Lhe counLry Pe had some knowledge of sasLras buL noL ln full lf anyone pralses hlm he wlll Lhlnk
he ls Lhe greaLesL
Sakunl here ad[udged LhaL lnsLead of supporLlng Lhe wlcked suyodhana he chose Lo supporL Lhe
yudhlsLlra buL Lo make hlm quallfed Lhrough experlences ln hls llfe 8uL before maklng Lhls he wanLed
Lo geL Lhe whole klngdom lnLo slnglefold so LhaL compeLeLlors can be ellmlnaLed
Pe ad[udged LhaL Suyodhana ls powerful wlLh asslsLance of CreaLesL Warlor karna 8hlshma lLamaha
Curu urona experL ln archery krupa AswaLhama and so on along wlLh 99 broLhers So decelvlng
suyodhana ls lmposslble Pe chose ?udhlsLlra and Lo capLure Lhe klngdom from pandavas by glvlng
sympaLhy voLe Lo andavas and negaLlve voLe Lo Suyodhana
As a flrsL sLep he has Laken Lhe dlsgraceful acL aL Maya Sabha Lo suyodhana and flnely Luned hlm Lo Lake
revenge agalnsL andavas Pe assured Suyodhana Lo acqulre Lhe enLlre klngdow wlLhouL sheddlng a
drop of blood and also made sllenL of klng karna who suggesLed Lo conquer wlLh flghL Pe has Laken
advanLage of Weakness of yudhlsLlra ln !udam and made Lo senL word Lhrough vldura so LhaL Lhe
andavas never go back Sakunl encouraged Lhe ?udhlsLlra Lo play slnce he ls a llLLle blL heslLaLlng and
made yudhlsLlra Lo loose all wealLh along wlLh klngdom and broLhers Sakunl kepL qulLe Llll yudhlsLlra Lo
defeaL everyLhlng by blddlng hlmself also
AL Lhls [uncLure Sakunl emphaslsed LhaL uaupadl Lhe wlfe ls also hls properLy and Lo bld her Pere
yudhlsLlra should acLually reslsL LhaL she ls wlfe Lo all flve broLhers noL Lo alone hlm buL he was
overpowered wlLh vyasana of !uda and slmply accepLed Lo bld her and flnally losL her also 8uL here
wlLh Lhe lnLervenLlon of Lhe Cueen Candharl all Lhe wealLh whlch Lhey have losL were reLurned Lo Lhem
and Lhe sLory has come Lo sLarLlng polnL agaln for Sakunl
now Sakunl Laken Lhe advanLage of lnulAn LlMl1A1lCn AC1 le lf any properLy ls wlLh any one for 12
years wlLhouL clalm Lhen Lhe owner lose hls rlghLs LoLally 1hls ls called AuvL8SL CSSLSSlCn AC1 1he
llmlLaLlon of Lhls acL was 14 years ln 1reLa yuga and LhaL ls why kalkeyl asked Lhe klng uasaraLha Lo send
Srl 8ama Lo foresLs for 14 years and Lo glve klngdom Lo her son 8haraLha 8uL laLer lL was reduced Lo 12
years ln uwapara yuga and presenL kallyuga also
SoSakunl persuaded klng suyodhana Lo lnvlLe pandavas once agaln for [uda and Lhe pandavas readlly
agreed for lL slnce Lhey are very much dlsappolnLed wlLh Lhe klngdom recelved back Lhrough women
lnLervenLlon 1hls ls parLlcularly deeply lmbeddedln Lhe mands of boLh 8hlma and Aru[ana AL Lhls
[uncLure Sakunl puL a Lyplcal condlLlon LhaL Lhose who loose ln Lhe game has Lo go Lo foresLs for 12
years and one year ln a[yaLhavasa lf Lhe locaLlon of Lhe persons ls made Lo known Lo klngdom Lhey
have Lo beconLlnue ln Lhe aranyavasa for anoLher 12 years and 1 year AgyaLha vasa 1he klngdom wlll
come Lo Lhose who won ln Lhls game 1hls ls Lhe blggesL conLoverslal pollLlcal move lmplemenLed by
1hls ls Lhe blggesL nonreLurnable deaLh Lrap lmposed on Suyodhana by Sakunl ln Lhe name of !udam
Pe ls very much confldenL LhaL yudhlsLlra wlll deflneLely loose ln Lhe game and go Lo aranyavasa Lven lf
pandavas reLurn afLer 13 years as per exlsLlng rule Lhey can be shown Lhe gaLes sLaLlng Lhe klngdom ls ln
Lhe posseslon of Suyodhana for 13 years and Lhey have no locus sLandl Lo clalm Lhelr rlghL
Pe has ensured ln Lhe mlnds of publlc LhaL suyodhana only made pandavas Lo drlve Lhem Lo aranyavasa
and also ensured LhaL only suyodhana made all sorLs of hlndrances Lo pandavas even ln Lhe aranyavasa
Lhereby geLLlng sympaLy voLe Lo pandavas and negaLlve voLe Lo suyodhana
?udhlsLlra reallsed abouL hls weakness and wlLh Lhe help of sages he learned many dharma sukshmas
lndra faLher ar[una also Laken advanLage of Lhls and see LhaL ar[una wlll have possesslon of varlous
asLras Lo flghL wlLh kauravas and also madeLo undersLand LhaL ar[una ls havlng Lhe supporL of hlm Lo all
klngs Srl krlshna also seen LhaL all yadava forces help pandavas ln flghLlng and ensured fallure of
compromlse proposal LhaL suyodhana refused Lo glve even flve vlllages Lo pandavas and Lhereby
geLLlng negaLlve voLe Lo suyodhana
AfLer ensurlng Lhe lnlaLlaLlon of war beLween kauravas and pandavas sakunl resLed hlmself ln Lhe war
From this what we have to ensure that 8akuni is the first person who wanted
the whole kingdom under one umbrella without any divisions and he is the
guiding force for those who are still fighting for undivided Country in ndia.

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