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Jalaluddin Rumi
References of god’s attributes

"He knows that which goes down into the earth and that
which comes out from it, and that which descends from Hearing, Seeing:
the heavens and that which ascends into it. He is The And He has said:
Merciful, The Forgiving." (Saba' 34/2)
"Nothing is like Him; and He is The Hearer,
Might: The Seer." (ash-Shura 42/11)
And He has said:
"Indeed, Allah is the One Who gives livelihood, The Lord And He has said:
of Unbreakable Might." (adh Dhariyaat 51/58)
"Lo! Comely is this which Allah
Omnipresence: admonishes you to be. Lo! Allah is ever
And He has said: Hearer, Seer."(an-Nissa' 4/58)
"There is no secret conference of three but He is their
fourth, nor of five but He is their sixth, nor of less or more
but He is with them wherever they be: And afterward, on
the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of what
they did. Indeed, Allah is Knower of All Things." (al-
Mujadalah 58/7)
Three attributes of God mentioned
in the poem

There are 99 names of Allah. Only three are mentioned in the poem.

 All Seeing ُ‫صير‬ ْ

ِ َ‫ٱلب‬

 All Hearing ُ‫ميع‬

ِ ‫س‬ ْ
َّ ‫ٱل‬

 All Knowing ُ‫علِيم‬ ْ

َ ‫ٱل‬
Main Points

 In this short poem, Rumi has sung the praises of God and His attributes.
 He says that God is Omnipresent (Present everywhere), Omniscient (all
knowing and all seeing) and Omnipotent (Almighty/Supreme). How clear
of sight is He and keen of hearing! (Al-Kahf (The Cave) - Roukh 4)
 Attributes of God are so blessed and commanding that human beings
refrain from committing sins and avoid forbidden things.
 Attributes of God are not mere vain titles but are meaningful and effective
for character & soul building

God calls Himself ‘Seeing” to the end that

His eye may scare you from sinning.

God calls Himself ‘Hearing’ to the end that

You may close your lips against foul discourse.

God calls Himself ‘Knowing’ to the end that

You may be afraid of Him to plot an evil.


These are not mere accidental names of God

As a Negro may be called camphor;
So are these names derived from God’s attributes,
And not mere vain titles of the First Cause.

Comparing God’s attributes to Human titles will be just like comparing a Negro
with white aromatic camphor. However, God’s attributes are His real qualities
and are genuine, absolutes & significant.
Questions (BISE LAHORE)

Q1: How many attributes are mentioned in the poem?

Q2: How do these attributes help in refining the character of a person?

Q3: What made man scared of sinning in the poem God’s attributes?

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