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Total 18 marks 30 min

Question 1 (2 marks)
a. Why is the handle of a hand flour grinder made near the rim?

b. Diameter of a steering wheel is 60 cm. Calculate the couple applied on the wheel
when two equal and opposite forces of 10 N each are applied on the rim of the
wheel. (2 marks)

Question 2 (2 marks)
State the condition when a body is in dynamic equilibrium and give a suitable

Question 3 (1+2 = 3 marks)

1. A piece of stone tied at the end of a thread is whirled in a horizontal circle. Name
the force which provides the centripetal force.
2. Do you agree with the statement “centrifugal force is the reaction force of
centripetal force” substantiate your answer.

Question 4 (3 marks)
A, B and C are the three forces each of magnitude 4 N
acting in the plane of paper as shown in Fig.. The point
O lies in the same plane
1. Which force has the least moment about O? Give a

2. What is the resultant torque about the point O?

Question 5 (3 marks)
A uniform metre scale is balanced at 40 cm mark, when a weight of 20 gf and 5 gf are
suspended at 5 cm and 75 cm mark respectively. Calculate the weight of the meter
Question 6 (2 + 3 = 5 marks)
The below questions relate to Centre of gravity:
a. The centre of gravity of a uniform wire is at its midpoint, but if this wire is bent
into the form of a circle, its centre of gravity will then be at the centre of circle.
Based on this information, what is the factor on which COG depends?

b. Mention two ways in which stability of a body can be increased?

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