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Journal of Mammalogy, 97(4):1111–1124, 2016

Published online March 31, 2016

A standardized framework for examination of oral lesions in wolf

skulls (Carnivora: Canidae: Canis lupus)
Luc Janssens,* Leen Verhaert, Daniel Berkowic, and Dominique Adriaens
Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery of Companion Animals, Hertstraat 50, 9000 Ghent, Belgium (LJ)
Clinic for Small Animal Dentistry, Lintsesteenweg 5, 2570 Duffel, Belgium (LV)
Natural History Collections, Department of Zoology, University of Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel (DB)
Department of Biology, Ghent University, Evolutionary Morphology of Vertebrates & Zoology Museum, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35,

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9000 Ghent, Belgium (DA)
* Correspondent:

Oral lesions in wolves (Carnivora: Canidae: Canis lupus) are usually reported in a nonstandardized manner, and
often only a few abnormalities are indicated. This approach has likely led to underreporting of oral lesions, thus
limiting our ability to interpret wolf health conditions and thus making comparisons across geographical and
taxonomic groups difficult. Here, we present a standardized oral exam protocol to examine wolf skulls for their
oral lesions. Using this protocol, we analyzed 40 skulls of adult wild Middle East wolves representing 1,680
teeth. Six wolves were Canis lupus arabs, 34 were Canis lupus pallipes. Only 3 skulls showed no oral lesions.
We were able to identify a large range of oral lesions and refined subclasses, exceeding the variety of what has
been reported on wolf oral lesions so far. No statistical differences were found in the type and number of lesions
between the 2 subspecies of wolves. Therefore, the lesions were pooled in subsequent analyses. This standardized
protocol should provide a useful framework to assess oral lesions in wolf skulls, facilitating rigorous comparisons
across geographic and taxonomic groups.

Key words: Canidae, Canis lupus arabs, Canis lupus pallipes, Carnivora, dental lesions, oral, oral lesions, periodontal disease, skull
lesions, wolf

© 2016 American Society of Mammalogists,

The Middle East wolf is represented by 2 subspecies: Canis Severe oral abnormalities in wolves can cause serious mor-
lupus pallipes and Canis lupus arabs (Pocock 1935, 1939). bidity or mortality and include fractured teeth, pulpa necrosis,
C. l. pallipes has a range that extends from India in the West, severe periodontal disease, periapical bone loss, and mandibular
to Palestine, the northern parts of Israel, and the Mediterranean and maxillary fractures (Van Valkenburgh 1988, 2009). Wolves
coast in the east (Pocock 1935, 1939; Mendelssohn 1982). with a dental root abscess, osteomyelitis due to pulpa disease,
C. l. arabs is present in the desert areas of the southern parts tooth fractures, or severe periodontal disease may die as a result
of Israel, below of the 50 mm isohyet (e.g., Negev Desert and of secondary septicemia, or simply from starvation, because of
Arava Valley—Mendelssohn 1982), in the Egyptian Sinai pain and the inability to chew (Barber-Meyer 2012). Those that
Desert, and the Arabian Peninsula. Populations of Middle survive are less able to compete when feeding on larger prey
East wolves have declined considerably over the last decades and may lose weight, condition, and status (Miles and Grigson
(Mendelssohn 1982). They are protected in Israel since 1954 1990; Barber-Meyer 2012). However, even lesions that are not
and more recently in Oman but not in other countries where severe have an influence on morbidity (Pavlica et al. 2012).
they are considered a pest and hunted intensely (Ginsberg and For example, mild periodontal disease can lead to substantially
Macdonald 1990; Hefner and Geffen 1999). Although wolves reduced longevity, and secondary lesions involving cardiac
as a whole are considered to be “Least Concern” by the IUCN, valves, kidneys, and liver (Pavlica et al. 2012). Therefore, it is
the Middle East population is thought to be in need of protec- important to report the occurrence of these less severe lesions.
tion (Ginsberg and Macdonald 1990). Middle East wolves feed About a dozen articles have been published concerning
on wildlife (hares, ibex, gazelles), livestock (chickens, sheep, oral lesions in wolves (Supporting Information S1). Some
goats), berries and plants, and human garbage (Hefner and reports are anecdotal case studies or document this condition
Geffen 1999). for few individuals (Theberge et al. 1994; Lazar et al. 2009;


Barber-Meyer 2012), while others report larger numbers, rang- were definitely not C. l. arabs as they had been shot at the Iran–
ing from dozens in Croatia (n = 32—Pavlovic et al. 2007) and India border, a location where arabs does not occur (Hefner
in central Europe (n = 51—Stockhaus 1965) to more than and Geffen 1999; Nowak 2003; Cunningham and Wronski
a 100 in Latvia (n = 187—Andersone and Ozolins 2000), 2010), and were reidentified as C. l. pallipes.
the Soviet Union (n = 324—Dolgov et al. 1964), the United Visible lesions were recorded during examination of the
States (n = 112 and 373—Van Valkenburgh 1988, 2009), skulls (Table 2) and by examination of digital photographs
the Soviet Union and Europe (n = 500—Vila et al. 1993), made from rostral, buccal, and lingual views. Detailed images
Scandinavia (n = 131—Räikkönen et al. 2013), and Canada were taken of specific teeth or regions with lesions. Information
(n = 241—Wobeser 1992). Because most studies focus only on recorded was based on predetermined and reproducible criteria
1 or a few types of oral lesions in larger groups (Buchalczyk by means of an established classification adapted for use on dry
et al. 1981), it is not always clear if other lesions are absent skulls (Verstraete et al. 1996; Abbot and Verstraete 2005). We
or just not reported. Most studies of larger samples focus only used a dog chart for oral/dental examination to record lesions

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on 1 or 2 easily observable abnormalities, such as the number (Emily and Penman 1994:7, figure 1.8) because the dental for-
of teeth and severe tooth fractures, and make no mention of mula of wolves is identical to that of dogs (Huxley 1880; Miles
concomitant oral abnormalities. This makes the information and Grigson 1990). Our nomenclature for anatomy and lesions
gained incomplete, conclusions on morbidity incorrect, and follows that of the American College of Veterinary Dentistry
does not allow for comparisons between geographical or tem- (AVDC—Harvey and Emily 1993; Emily and Penman 1994;
poral data sets. Lobprise and Wiggs 2000; AVDC 2015). Lesions identified
A comprehensive protocol for a more complete and system- were periodontal disease (gingival inflammation, infection,
atic assessment of oral lesions in wolf skulls is, however, lack- and gingival attachment loss), tooth fractures, pulpa disease
ing. With such a framework, oral lesions across wolf subspecies (infection and necrosis of the neurovascular bundle in the pulpa
and populations could be mapped and compared, allowing cavity), abnormal number of teeth, abrasion (wearing of den-
inferences about health status and ecology in the wild. The goal tal areas by grinding), atypical attrition (wear of tooth tips),
of our study is to record the nature and prevalence of congeni- enamel lesions, and malocclusions.
tal and acquired dental abnormalities in skulls of Middle East Periodontal disease classes (Fig. 1) are divided into 4 stages
wolves using a standardized and thorough protocol, as is rou- of severity (Miles and Grigson 1990:525, figure 24.2). For stage
tinely used in veterinary oral exams of domesticated dogs. We 1, lesions are not visible on skulls, only on oral soft tissues and
postulate that by applying this protocol, robust comparisons of the alveolar margin is parallel to the cementoenamel junction
dental lesions in wolf skulls across geographic and taxonomic (Fig. 1a). In stage 2, a small part of the root is visible (< 25%;
groups will be possible. Fig. 1b). In stage 3, between 25% and 50% of the root length is
visible (Fig. 1c). In stage 4, most of the root is visible (Fig. 1d).
A special form of periodontal disease, called furcation lesion,
Materials and Methods has the alveolar bone of 2 adjacent roots of 1 tooth retracted so
We used a standardized and detailed protocol for oral exams that a furcation lesion is visible under the crown. This lesion
(Table 1), as applied in clinical practice of companion animals coincides with stages 3 and 4 periodontal disease (Fig. 1e).
(specifically dogs) and examined a group of 40 Middle East For tooth fractures (Fig. 2), we observed 4 different forms in
wild wolves from 2 collections (Appendix I). All specimens our skulls. These are enamel fractures, complicated and uncom-
examined were wild wolves. We examined 33 Israeli wolf skulls plicated crown fractures, and infraction. We did not study other
from the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Department types of tooth fractures such as root fractures (observable
of Zoology at Tel Aviv University, Israel (ZMTAU), and 7 only with radiographs) and crown-root fractures (e.g., Emily
skulls from The Natural History Museum in London, Great and Penman 1994; Lobprise and Wiggs 2000; AVDC 2015).
Britain (BMNH). The skulls examined belonged to either Enamel fractures show areas with detached enamel chips and
C. l. pallipes or C. l. arabs (Pocock 1935, 1939; Mendelssohn intact underlying dentine (Fig. 2a). Postmortem enamel chips
1982; Hefner and Geffen 1999; Nowak 2003; Sharma et al. can be distinguished from those created during life by observing
2004; Cunningham and Wronski 2010; Mivart and Keulemans the fracture borders, which are crisp in postmortem specimens.
2012; Bray et al. 2014). The sample of wolf skulls from the In uncomplicated fractures, enamel and dentine are fractured,
ZMTAU collection was obtained by taking out 3 boxes (each but the pulpa cavity is not exposed (Fig. 2b). In complicated
box containing all bones from 1 specimen) per drawer (every fractures, enamel, dentine, and the pulpa cavity are harmed,
drawer contained 5–9 boxes) without a priori verification of leading to visible tooth discoloration and pulpa infection and
oral lesions. The drawers had not been organized in any way necrosis, plus eventual further spreading of infection through
(location of find, age, weight, sex, date found). In this way, a the root canal tip into adjacent alveolar bone leading to focal
quasi-random sample of the collection was examined. Of the bone loss and a local abscess (Fig. 2c; see pulpa disease below).
33 ZMTAU skulls, 32 were C. l. pallipes and 1 was C. l. arabs. Preparation and conservation fractures can be recognized by
The BMNH collection of wolves contained few specimens and the presence of preserved fractured fragments and clean, sharp
many were severely damaged due to bullet holes or trauma. fracture edges without secondary changes in pulpa. A special
This left 7 intact skulls all marked as C. l. arabs. Two of these form of tooth fracture is infraction in which a series of parallel
Table 1.—Terminology of oral/tooth lesions in wolf skulls.

1 Periodontal disease: inflammation of the attachment apparatus of the tooth in alveolar bone, often accompanied by infection
1.a Stage 1: gingivitis only; this pathology by definition cannot be observed on prepared skulls
1.b Stage 2: gingivitis plus gingival attachment loss, with alveolar bone loss less than 25%
1.c Stage 3: more than 25% but less than 50% loss of alveolar bone around root
1.d Stage 4: more than 50% loss of alveolar bone, widening of periodontal space, and tooth unstable in alveolus
 1.e Furcation: sometimes seen in stage 4 as a furcation lesion (“sort of tunnel”) from lateral to medial and observed between rostral and caudal roots of one tooth, between the crown and bone, visible or
2 Tooth fractures
2.a Enamel fracture: chip fracture or crack of enamel
   Fissure: tooth broken with a fissure line, fragments present and in place
 2.b Uncomplicated crown (or crown-root) fracture: fracture of enamel/dentine (or cementum) without pulp exposure. Visible by loss of a part of the tooth. Can be horizontal, vertical, oblique, chip fracture, or
2.c Complicated crown (or crown-root) fracture: fracture of enamel/dentine (or cementum) with pulp exposure (acute)/pulpitis/pulp necrosis (subacute and chronic)
2.d Infraction: enamel cracks/fractures, visible as horizontal lines (often on canines)
3 Pulpa disease: pulpitis/inflammation/infection of the tooth pulpa due to 1) trauma with tooth fracture into the root canal or tooth/root displacement with rupture of the root tip blood and/or nerve supply or
2) severe periodontal disease
3.a Discoloration seen as darkening of the tooth with intact enamel
3.b Pulpa necrosis seen as open/empty pulpa cavity (due to facture or excessive wear)
3.c Periapical bone loss with local cyst/granuloma/abscess/focal osteomyelitis at the root tip
3.d Local osteomyelitis of the mandibular of maxillar bone surrounding the tooth root
4 Abnormal number of teeth
4.a Missing teeth
   4.a.a Hypodontia (genetic): no alveolus present
   4.a.b Traumatic: tooth is missing, alveolus visible and deformed
4.b Excessive teeth: polyodontia/hyperodontia (genetic)
5 Abrasion
 5.a Abrasion: loss of tooth structure (starting with enamel loss) due to external factors such as gnawing/biting on stones, hard bones, fences, or tin cans or due to abrasive sand in food, mostly seen on vertical
tooth plane, dentine visible
5.b Cage biter syndrome abrasion: a specific form of abrasion, the wear is specifically seen on the caudal side of the canines due to biting and pulling on metal bars
 5.c Sand eating abrasion on incisors due to eating food on sandy surface or flea biting on the lower back
6 Attrition: loss of tooth structure due to wear of opposing teeth (6.a), starting at the crown, mostly seen on horizontal planes of teeth (6.b), a physiological age-related process depending on abrasiveness of type
of food. Dentine is exposed and when advanced also the pulpa canal, which will fill with black dentine (6.c; a physiologic phenomenon)

7 Enamel hypoplasia/defect: due to severe general disease at young age (most frequently viral canine distemper) or local trauma to a deciduous tooth causing infectious pulpits: the underlying mature teeth will
then show enamel defects
7.a Mild enamel hypoplasia: brownish enamel discoloration
7.b Severe enamel hypoplasia: part of tooth is enamel free, dentine visible
8 Malocclusion
8.a Mesiocclusion: mandibular incisors more rostral than normal (overbite)
8.b Distocclusion: mandibular incisors more caudal than normal (underbite)
8.c Level bite: incisal edges or tips in occlusal contact with each other
8.d Post-traumatic malocclusion: after malunion of mandibular or maxillary fractures or tooth fractures/dislocation with displacement

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Table 2.—Details of oral pathology per individual skull and classified per pathology type (see Table 1) in this series of Canis lupus arabs/pallipes. The numbers that follow categories
(e.g., periodontal disease) and the categories themselves are the same as explained in Table 1. Accession numbers in bold represent Canis lupus arabs. 1114

ID wolf Periodontal Tooth Pulpa Number Abrasion Attrition Enamel Malocclusion Total
disease (1) fracture (2) disease (3) of teeth (4) (5) (6) dysplasia (8)
1.b 1.c 1.d 1.e 2.a 2.b 2.c 2.d 3.a 3.b 3.c 3.d 4a.a 4a.b 4.b 5.a 5.b 6 7.a 7.b 8.a 8.b 8.c 8.d
ZMTAU 09439 15 1 1 1 1 18
ZMTAU 09460 11 11
ZMTAU 10334 11 1 12
ZMTAU 10338 0
ZMTAU 10355 1 1 2
ZMTAU 10402 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 1 18
ZMTAU 10608 16 1 1 1 1 20
ZMTAU 10609 0
ZMTAU 10610 0
ZMTAU 10615 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 15
ZMTAU 10619 16 1 2 19
ZMTAU 10621 9 1 10
ZMTAU 10682 14 1 2 1 18
ZMTAU 10685 6 1 1 1 1 1 11
ZMTAU 10686 5 2 2 2 1 1 13
ZMTAU 10688 11 1 12
ZMTAU 10692 10 1 11
ZMTAU 11041 18 18
ZMTAU 11109 20 1 4 25
ZMTAU 11110 8 5 1 2 4 1 21
ZMTAU 11118 1 1 1 3 7 13
ZMTAU 11119 13 1 1 1 16
ZMTAU 11121 1 23 24
ZMTAU 11250 1 1 2

ZMTAU 11275 2 1 2 5
ZMTAU 11417 12 1 1 13
ZMTAU 11418 18 1 1 20
ZMTAU 11475 7 4 3 2 16
ZMTAU 11476 22 1 1 24
ZMTAU 11479 13 1 1 1 16
ZMTAU 11516 38 1 1 1 1 42
ZMTAU 11685 16 16
ZMTAU 12130 16 16
BMNH ZD.1891.2.5.1 8 2 2 1 2 5 20
BMNH ZD.1895.10.8.1 12 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 12 34
BMNH ZD.1897.1.14.4 7 14 1 1 1 12 4 1 41
BMNH ZD.1899.11.6.36 4 1 5
BMNH ZD.1924.8.13.1 1 1
BMNH ZD.1940.193 8 2 1 1 10 22
BMNH ZD.1948.368 18 18
Total teeth 372 53 10 7 1 3 13 12 7 5 2 8 8 9 3 32 8 23 2 39 2 1 2 1 591
Grand total teeth 442 29 22 20 40 23 41 6 591
Total skulls 27 9 7 5 1 3 10 7 6 5 2 6 8 9 3 4 3
Grand total skulls 33 15 11 17 6 3 7 6

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Fig. 1.—Periodontal disease: a) A normal molar tooth (without periodontal disease) in a prepared skull (right mandibular M1), labial view, roots
are well covered by bone. The alveolar margin runs parallel to the enamel; b) Stage 2 periodontal disease. Labial view. Both roots of the left man-
dibular P4 have periodontal disease. The arrows point at the caudal root and mark the retracted alveolar mandibular bone ventrally and dorsally the
original height of attachment of healthy oral mucosa. The root is partially denuded due to loss of alveolar bone (less than 25% of total root length);
c) Stage 3 periodontal disease. Labial view of the rostral root of the left maxillar P4. The root is partially free of alveolar bone (between 25% and
50% of the total root length); d) Stage 4 periodontal disease. Labial view of the rostrolateral root of the left maxillar M2. This root is visible for
most part due to loss of alveolar bone (more than 50% of the total root length); e) Furcation lesion. The arrow points at the furcation lesion seen
between rostral and caudal roots of the left mandibular M2. Labial view.

Fig. 2.—Tooth fractures: a) Enamel fracture. Only the enamel layer is fractured or fissured. Here visible in the right mandibular C. Lingual–caudal
view; b) Uncomplicated fracture of the right maxillar M2. Labial view. Enamel and dentine are fractured, dentine is visible but the pulpa canal is
unharmed; c) Complicated crown fracture. The enamel, dentine, and pulpa canal are part of the fracture. Here visible is M1 of the left mandible.
A transverse fracture of the cranial part of the tooth is visible with concurrent bony lesions caused by secondary local infection with bone loss.
Labial view; d) Infraction. A series of parallel enamel cracks which are horizontal in appearance. Here visible on the caudal side or the left maxil-
lar canine. Labial view.

enamel cracks, horizontal in appearance, are present in canine lesions. First, there is discoloration (Fig. 3a) with pulpa and
teeth (Fig. 2d). dentine (not enamel) being discolored, usually dark red or
Pulpa disease (Fig. 3) is most often related to tooth trauma, brown. Second is pulpa necrosis. At first, the pulpa is exposed
although severe periodontal disease can also cause these after trauma, followed by infection, then necrosis (Fig. 3b). On

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Fig. 3.—Pulpa disease: a) Discoloration, seen as darkening of the tooth with intact enamel. Here visible on maxillar I1 and I2 on the right side (see
arrows). Rostral view; b) Pulpa necrosis due to trauma and seen as open pulpa cavity in C1 left maxilla. Ventral/oblique view; c) Periapical bone
loss with local cyst/granuloma/abscess/focal osteomyelitis at the root tip. Left maxillar C1, labial view; d) Local osteomyelitis. Abscess at the top
of the caudal root of the left maxillar P4 with a draining tract opening (arrow). The maxillar bone surrounding the opening is spongy, caused by
local infection and periostal reaction. Labial view.

skulls, the infection presents itself as an open canal colored related to gnawing or biting on hard structures, such as stones or
black or dark brown. Root tip abscesses (Fig. 3c) are a further bones (Fig. 5a) or grinding substances like sand (Fig. 5b). Cage
(third) temporal step in the pathophysiology of infected pulpa, biter syndrome (Fig. 5c) is a specific form of abrasion only on
when bacteria invade the alveolar bone adjacent to the root tip the caudal surface of canines. It is generally associated with
to form a local abscess. In the last (4th) and most severe class biting on metal (such as fences and bars) and is not reported
of pulpa disease, root tip infection spreads to the adjacent bone in dogs that bite and gnaw on bones, as enamel is harder than
causing osteomyelitis and a cortical bone-perforating draining bone. Abrasion of the rostral aspect of incisors gives an indi-
tract (Fig. 3d). cation of intensive coat nibbling (usually associated with flea
The next lesion is an abnormal number of teeth (Fig. 4). infestation) or feeding on erosive sandy surfaces and can pro-
Hyperodontia can occur (Fig. 4b) or teeth can be absent vide information about eating habits and/or external parasites.
(hypodontia; Fig. 4a). Hyperodontia is genetic in origin, whereas Attrition (Fig. 6) is the physical erosion of crown tips by
hypodontia occurs when teeth in prepared skulls are absent due to friction induced by biting and gnawing. In our series of skulls,
preparation (no lesions), trauma, or genetic causes. Preparation physical, age-related attrition (Van Valkenburgh 1988; Anders
absence is easy to determine as a clean, deep, sharp-edged alveo- et al. 2011) was not recorded. It was only recorded when asym-
lus of an entire tooth is discernable. Traumatically lost teeth can metric or allocated to only a few teeth. A special form of attri-
sometimes be partially lost, in which case fractured remnants of tion is seen in level bites where upper and lower incisor tips
roots are still visible in the alveolus. If the tooth is totally lost are in contact (Fig. 6a). In attrition, teeth tips wear at a very
due to trauma, the alveoli in which roots were located will grad- slow rate. First enamel wears down and the underlying dentine
ually fill with alveolar bone, leaving a scar-like, small elevation becomes visible (Fig. 6b). As this process continues, the hollow
or pocket at the original location of the root (Fig. 4a.2). Thus, it pulpa canal will start to fill with dark-colored dentine, which
is possible to discern trauma-related tooth loss from hereditary then shows as a dark “bull’s eye” in surrounding dentine with
hypodontia. In the latter case, the mandibular or maxillary bony an enamel border (Fig. 6c). In canine teeth, this will lead to
ridge is flat and straight (Fig. 4a.1). typical concentric dark circles, with the outer concentric ring
Abrasion (Fig. 5) is the erosion of a part of the tooth through being enamel (ivory color). Near the center, the polished ivory-
abnormal mechanical external processes. It is most frequently colored dentine is present, and centrally, the dark (black to very

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Fig. 4.—Abnormal number of teeth: a.1) Hypodontia. Absent P1 in the right maxilla. Intraoral dorsal view; a.2) Traumatic tooth loss. The arrow
points at a lost I1 in the right maxilla. The alveolus is filled with bone. Rostral view; b) Hyperodontia. Excessive teeth. The left mandible shows
an extra M4. Labial view.

dark brown)-colored reactively filled (with dentine) pulpa canal was estimated to account for overdispersion. In this model,
can be observed (Fig. 6d). the number of lesions was the dependent variable, and sub-
Mild enamel hypoplasia is recognized by enamel discolor- species the explanatory variable, i.e., a factor. This analysis
ation and/or surface irregularities with enamel thinning, seen as is an analysis of variance (ANOVA)-type test because the
irregular, undulated areas of enamel (Fig. 7a). Severe enamel number of lesions is compared between groups. However, an
hypoplasia consists of areas absent of enamel, with dentine ANOVA with associated F-test would be inappropriate in this
being exposed (Fig. 7b). This can be seen as pits, planes, or case because the data are not normally distributed. Counts, as
ripples. A specific form of enamel lesions consists of a horizon- in this case the number of lesions, are typically Poisson dis-
tal enamel hypoplasia line spread over several adjacent teeth tributed. A GLM with a Poisson error distribution and using a
(Fig. 7c—Miles and Grigson 1990:448, figure 20.16), which log link function is thus appropriate. The linear model can be
is typically caused by a Morbillivirus infection (canine distem- written as:
per) during growth and tooth eruption (Fiani and Arzi 2009).
Malocclusion (Fig. 8) consists of mesiocclusion (under- log(number of lesions) = µ 0 + α + ε
bite), distocclusion (overbite), level bite, and post-traumatic
malocclusion seen after fractures with malunion (bony union where µ0 represents the natural logarithm of the mean num-
with deformed anatomy). In normal bite, the upper incisors are ber of lesions for pallipes, α the difference in mean number of
positioned rostral from the lower incisors and are in close con- lesions with arabs (on a logarithmic scale), and ε the error term.
tact. In mesiocclusion, the maxillary incisors are positioned The significance test of the null hypothesis that α = 0, i.e., no
caudally from the mandibular incisors (Fig. 8a). In distocclu- difference, was based on an F-distribution, taking into account
sion, the mandibular incisors are positioned much too caudally the overdispersion (due to many 0s in the data set). Because 24
relative to the maxillary incisors (Fig. 8b). In level bite, tips comparisons were performed, we used a Bonferonni correction.
of incisors from the mandible and maxilla touch each other
(Fig. 8c).
To minimize the likelihood of major differences in the num- Results
ber of lesions between the 2 subspecies, we tested for differ- Results of the GLM were not significant. Comparisons between
ences in each of the lesion classes between wolf subspecies the 2 subspecies were not statistically significant at the 5% level
(arabs, n = 6 and pallipes, n = 34). A generalized linear model for any of the lesions classes. We therefore decided to present
(GLM) was used with a log link function and a Poisson error the results below combined across the 2 subspecies.
distribution test for differences in the number of lesions in A total of 40 skulls representing 1,680 teeth were exam-
each of the classes between wolf subspecies (arabs, n = 6 and ined. Lesions observed are presented in Table 2 and in the
pallipes, n = 34), a GLM was used with a log link function Supporting Information S1. Teeth missing due to preparation
and a Poisson error distribution. An extra dispersion parameter were not counted as lesions. A total of 591 lesions were found

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Fig. 5.—Abrasion: a) Extreme abrasion with intact pulpa in the right-sided maxillar C1; b) Incisor abrasion of the maxillar I. Due to flea biting or
eating sand contaminated food; c) Cage biter syndrome in maxillar canines. The caudal enamel of the canines is eroded; d) Cage biter syndrome
on the caudal side of mandibular canines.

among the 1,680 teeth (35%), and the total percentage of skulls premolars were missing. Missing teeth due to traumatic dislo-
with lesions was 92.5% (37 skulls). Periodontal disease was cation and loss were seen in 9 skulls (22.5%). Three skulls had
encountered in 33 skulls (82.5%) and 442 teeth (26%). Stage 2 hyperodontia with 1 supernumerary tooth (7.5%); in 1 skull a
was especially prevalent (372 teeth or 19%). premolar and in 2 skulls a mandibular 4th molar.
Noncomplicated tooth or enamel fractures were observed Abrasion was observed in 5 skulls (12.5%) and 40 teeth.
in 4 skulls (10%) and 4 teeth. Complicated tooth fractures Evidence for cage biter syndrome was present in 3 skulls
with exposed pulpa were observed in 10 skulls (27.5%) and (7.5%) and 8 teeth, but only at the level of the canines. Sand
13 teeth. Fractures mostly involved incisors and canines (5 and abrasion in incisors was seen in 2 skulls and 20 teeth. Abnormal
14, respectively). Infraction was seen in 12 teeth in 7 skulls attrition was documented in 6 skulls (15%) on different types
(17.5%). In total, 29 tooth fractures were seen in 15 different of teeth. In 1 skull, it was single sided and caused by avoid-
skulls (37.5%). ance of biting on the side where a complicated crown fracture
Pulpa disease was found in 11 skulls (27.5%) and 22 teeth. with pulpa necrosis was present. Another had a 1-sided, cau-
Discoloration was encountered in 7 teeth in 6 skulls, pulpa dal mandibular, molar attrition. In the last skull, the problem
necrosis in 5 teeth and skulls, and root abscesses, periapical was symmetrical and located in 3 caudal mandibular molars.
bone loss, draining tract, and local osteomyelitis in 10 teeth Enamel hypoplasia was observed in 7 skulls (17.5%) and 41
and 8 skulls. teeth. In 2 of these skulls, an incremental horizontal hypoplasia
Abnormalities in the number of teeth were present in 17 line was present affecting a total of 35 teeth (12 in 1 skull, 23
skulls (42.5%). Hypodontia was seen in 8 (20%); mostly in the other).

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Fig. 6.—Attrition: a) Attrition due to level bite as seen in incisors. Rostral view; b) Attrition. Here physiological age-related tooth wear or attrition
is present in all premolars and molars of the right maxilla (labial view); c) Attrition. Dentine is exposed and when more advanced also the pulpa
canal (arrows), which fill with black dentine (a physiologic phenomenon). Intraoral view of the left maxillar P4, m1 and 2; d) Typical attrition of
a canine tooth. Three concentric circles can be seen: the outer enamel circle, the central discolored, and darker pulpa cavity with reactively filled
colored dentine—a nonpathological process—and in between dentine.

Fig. 7.—Enamel lesions: a) Mild enamel hypoplasia at the labial side of the right maxillar C1. Apart from coloration changes (which is also seen
in pulpa discoloration), the color change is localized in the enamel itself and combined with enamel surface irregularities; b.1) Severe enamel
hypoplasia on the left mandibular apex of C1. Labial view; b.2) Severe horizontal line hypoplasia as seen after canine distemper infection dur-
ing growth. The enamel hypoplasia is located in between the 2 parallel lines and visible in C, P2, P3, and P4 of the right mandible. Labial view.

The frequency of malocclusion was 15% (6 skulls). Two Discussion

skulls showed mesiocclusion, 1 showed distocclusion, 2 had
The results of this study are unique in that no other studies have
level bite, and 1 a post-traumatic unilateral bite abnormality
either reported particular lesions reported by us or they have ab
with peripheral displacement (subluxation) of a canine and sec-
initio focused on specific lesions and thus may have overlooked
ondary penetration of the hard palate.

Fig. 8.—Malocclusion: a) Mesiocclusion. The maxillar incisors are positioned caudally from the mandibular incisors (underbite); b) Distocclusion.
The mandibular incisors are positioned too caudally in regard to the mandibular incisors (overbite); c) Level bite. Incisors from the mandible and
maxilla top on each other causing excessive attrition. Rostral view.

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lesions that are included in our analysis (for an overview of oral were overlooked or not reported. Pavlovic et al. (2007) reported
lesions reported by other authors, see Supporting Information on periodontal disease, local osteomyelitis, caries, and com-
S1). Reported low rates of occurrence for some lesions may plicated root fractures. Based on their figures, we identified
thus represent an underestimate due to overlooked subtle vari- additional periodontal disease stage 2 in 8 roots and 5 teeth.
ants. A standardized reference as presented here provides Their reported osteomyelitis can be further diagnosed as being
a useful tool to allow a more systematic and comprehensive complicated by a visible pulpa necrosis. In another tooth, in
assessment of lesion types across studies. Specific examples addition to their reported severe periodontal disease stage 4, a
are provided below. fracture of the root can be observed, causing secondary osteo-
Oral lesions reported elsewhere but not observed in our study myelitis. Their reported caries should be diagnosed as attrition
include permanent deciduous teeth, caries, locked foreign bod- because of a typically black coloration of the filled, reactive
ies, microdontia, and deformed and rotated teeth (Dolgov et al. pulpa canal. Caries is related to sugar-rich food, unavailable in
1964; Van Valkenburgh 1988; Wobeser 1992; Vila et al. 1993; the wild. With the exception of Pavlovic et al. (2007), caries has
Andersone and Ozolins 2000; Pavlovic et al. 2007; Barber- not been reported in wolves or feral dogs. Losey et al. (2014)
Meyer 2012; Räikkönen et al. 2013). The nature of these lesions reported tooth fractures, tooth loss, trauma, and enamel hypo-
and the fact that they are clearly visible when present indicate plasia and focused mainly on injuries to dogs that were likely
they would be easily detected using our protocol. Thus, it seems inflicted by humans. Thus, although their study entails a large
probable they were absent in specimens examined here. sample size (400 skulls), it does not report periodontal disease,
Some studies have reported only 1 or a few easily diagnos- pathological abrasion, or attrition and pulpa disease. Lazar
able lesions. These studies were generally cranial morphomet- et al. (2009) reported missing teeth, malocclusion, complicated
ric studies that also looked at the number of teeth. Andersone and noncomplicated tooth fractures, pulpa disease, abrasion
and Ozolins (2000) reported some broken teeth and Stockhaus on the rostral side of canines, root tip abscess, and periodontal
(1965) reported mesiocclusion and distocclusion. Van disease stage 4 with focal osteomyelitis and draining tract, all
Valkenburgh (1988, 2009) and Leonard et al. (2007) reported observed in a single specimen. Following the criteria applied in
only tooth fractures related to attrition in extant and extinct our study, the reported fractured maxillary canines show traits
Pleistocene carnivores. Also, Vila et al. (1993) focused on tooth that rather link it to the condition of severe attrition, not frac-
loss and its possible influence on survival. Unreported lesions ture (Lazar et al. 2009:87, figure 3). Räikkönen et al. (2013)
could, however, be identified using figures within these papers. reported a population of inbred wolves and documented many
Van Valkenburgh (1988:292, figure 1) shows a stage 3 periodon- oral abnormalities. One image of a skull (p. 4, figure 2) shows
tal disease in all roots of P1–3 and the rostral root of P4 in the periodontal disease stage 2 in the caudal root of mandibular P3,
maxilla of a hyena, which was not reported as the study focused and severe enamel hypoplasia, and appears very much like cage
only on fractures. Wobeser (1992), Theberge et al. (1994), and biter syndrome, but is not reported. Miles and Grigson (1990)
Barber-Meyer (2012) report on a locked foreign body that over report a variety of lesions, including periodontal disease, a
time induced ever more severe lesions, starting with local infec- locked foreign body, malocclusion, hyperodontia, and 1 case
tion (gingivitis and periodontal disease), and progressing to of enamel hypoplasia. Enamel hypoplasia was also reported by
gingival necrosis, exposure of maxillary palatal bone and tooth Losey et al. (2014) in 2.5% of skulls, which is considerably less
roots, followed by local osteomyelitis, draining tract formation than in our study (17.5%). It is possible that many authors do
and enamel necrosis, possibly with enamel chipping and tooth not recognize enamel hypoplasia or have considered it to be a
fracture. Because these lesions all represent secondary events preparation error.
that result from the initial problem of a locked foreign body, we Periodontal disease was reported in some studies: Miles
considered them to belong to a single category. and Grigson (1990) reported it in 2% of animals, Pavlovic
Other studies have focused on a wider variety of lesions, et al. (2007) in 10% of skulls, and Lazar (2009) in a single
but figures within those papers suggest that particular lesions skull. These values are much smaller than those reported in the

present study. It may be that periodontal disease occurs more cardiac valves and kidneys caused by repetitive release of oral
frequently in Middle East wolves due to different feeding hab- bacteria into the bloodstream. More severe periodontal lesions
its or genetic susceptibility. Several of the studies noted above may be indicative of possible secondary septicemia, oral pain,
did not report the presence of periodontal disease, giving an reduced ability to gnaw or bite, and subsequent loss of weight
overall frequency of occurrence of these lesions (in > 3,000 and condition (Miles and Grigson 1990; Pavlica et al. 2012).
skulls total for all studies) that is astonishingly low compared to There was no statistical difference in lesions between the 2
our study (we reported a prevalence in 26% of the teeth and in wolf subspecies. It is important to note this may be due to the
82.5% of the skulls). It is likely that only the most severe stages difference in group size, and especially the small number of
were reported in these studies. We report stages 3 and 4 in only C. l. arabs (n = 6). The latter resulted in a relative small statisti-
6% of skulls, which is similar to the percentage reported for the cal power hindering detection of subtle differences.
other studies. The framework proposed here will make possible the correct
It has been reported that Middle East wolves forage on identification of oral lesion types and degrees of severity and

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human garbage and thus consume relatively soft food (Hefner can serve as a guideline for both researchers and wildlife man-
and Geffen 1999). Consumption of soft food makes wolves, agers working with wild wolves. Use of this framework will
just as dogs, susceptible to development of periodontal lesions provide a standardized format and facilitate future comparative
(Talbot 1899; Hamp and Lindberg 1977; Vosburg et al. 1982; studies across geographic and taxonomic groups. It can pos-
Miles and Grigson 1990). Moreover, African wild dogs (Lycaon sibly also be used in other carnivore species, and its criteria
pictus) that feed only on wild prey exhibit periodontal lesions can probably be generally applied across taxa with long-lived
in 41% of cases (Steenkamp and Gerhard 1999) which is con- animals.
siderably lower than in our study. On the other hand, in our
series of skulls, those from the preindustrial period (and pre-
sumably not feeding on human garbage) do not show less peri- Acknowledgments
odontal disease than those that lived recently (Table 2). Genetic We are grateful to R. Fleisher and K. Helgen from the
susceptibility is one possible explanation for this. Periodontal Smithsonian Institute for guidance. C. Smeenk and S. van der
disease has a genetic component (Peyer 1973; Watson 1994). Mije from the National Museum of National History in Leiden,
Dogs have a very high incidence of periodontal disease and a The Netherlands, are thanked for helping in the search for suit-
recent study suggests that the Middle East wolf was the pro- able skulls; P. Jenkins and R. Portela Miguez from the Natural
genitor of dogs (Vonholdt et al. 2010). However, more recent History Museum London are thanked for allowing us to exam-
genetic research suggests a Eurasian origin with the Middle ine the available collection of Canis lupus arabs and pallipes
East wolves being a closely related subspecies (Thalmann et al. skulls; C. Lefevre, A. Abourachid, and H. Lellèvre from the
2013). If this subspecies is genetically close to dogs, it could Paris Museum of Natural History are thanked for searching
explain the high incidence of periodontal disease (Vonholdt their collection; M. Nussbaumer and P. Schmid from the Bern
et al. 2010). However, we postulate that the most important Museum of Natural History are thanked for helping with the
explanation for the difference of occurrence is simply under- search for appropriate skulls and their examination; F. Voltera
reporting in previous studies. is thanked for informing on specimen available in Belgian
Overall, it is clear that the type and extent of oral lesions in museums; and S. Meiri from the Tel Aviv Faculty of Life
wild wolf populations has not been reported consistently or Sciences is thanked for helping and allowing us to visit and
accurately. Our analysis of 40 skulls using proposed diagnostic examine their collection. Very special thanks go to F. Verstraete
traits to distinguish between the different pathological catego- for scientific help and advice. S. van Dongen is thanked for
ries is an effort to remedy this situation. This approach identi- statistical advice and A. Gautier for his critical reading. S. De
fies clearly diagnosable lesions and thus provides data on the Cauwer is thanked for helping with the careful preparation of
frequency of lesion types in a population. The ability to identify the table layout. D. Jaggar is thanked for all the time and energy
and assess the prevalence of different lesion types is crucial, not he put in linguistic assistance. Also “thank you” to all authors
only to permit comparisons across populations and studies but that answered our mails requesting for extra information. This
also for using these observations as reliable proxies for behav- article was written based on sympathy for the endangered car-
ior and overall health conditions within these populations. For nivore: the Middle Eastern wolf. http://videos.howstuffworks.
example, while cage biter syndrome is linked to domesticated com/animal-planet/6636-global-wolf-endangered-middle-east-
dogs, it can reflect chewing on fences or feeding on human gar- ern-wolves-video.htm. Accessed 20 February 2016.
bage (e.g., tin cans) in wild wolves (Hefner and Geffen 1999;
Cunningham and Wronski 2010; Tourani et al. 2013). Two addi-
tional examples exemplify the link between dental lesions and Supporting Information
health of wolf populations: the correct identification of linear The Supporting Information documents are linked to this
enamel hypoplasia may indicate the prevalence of Morbillivirus manuscript and are available at Journal of Mammalogy online
in a population (Fiani and Arzi 2009), and minor stages of peri- ( The materials consist of data
odontal disease suggest reduced longevity and a higher preva- provided by the author that are published to benefit the reader.
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Appendix I
List of the wolf skull samples. The Israeli collection from George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Department of Zoology at Tel Aviv University (ZMTAU) and the
London, British Museum of Natural History collection (BMNH) represent 33 and 7 skulls each. Collection identity numbers, genus, species, subspecies, and sex are pre-
sented as are country, region, and locality where the specimen was caught, found, or shot. Accession numbers in bold represent Canis lupus arabs.
Accession number Genus Species Subspecies Sex Collection date Country Region Locality
ZMTAU 09439 Canis lupus pallipes M 1905 Israel Gallilei ?
ZMTAU 09460 Canis lupus arabs F 1905 Saudi Arabia Sandiya Abha
ZMTAU 10334 Canis lupus pallipes F 2005 Israel Galilei Shamir
ZMTAU 10338 Canis lupus pallipes F 2003 Israel Galilei Lahavot Habashan
ZMTAU 10355 Canis lupus pallipes F 2005 Israel Golan Merom Golan
ZMTAU 10402 Canis lupus pallipes F 2003 Israel Golan Yahudiyya
ZMTAU 10608 Canis lupus pallipes M 2003 Israel Galilei Shamir
ZMTAU 10609 Canis lupus pallipes M 2003 Israel Golan Mahane Romah
ZMTAU 10610 Canis lupus pallipes F 2004 Israel Golan ?
ZMTAU 10615 Canis lupus pallipes F 2004 Israel Golan Nahal Maitsar
ZMTAU 10619 Canis lupus pallipes F 1905 Israel Golan Golan
ZMTAU 10621 Canis lupus pallipes F 2004 Israel Golan ?
ZMTAU 10682 Canis lupus pallipes M 1905 Israel Golan Gamla
ZMTAU 10685 Canis lupus pallipes M 2003 Israel Golan Nahal Kanaf
ZMTAU 10686 Canis lupus pallipes F 1905 Israel Golan Tel Hispin
ZMTAU 10688 Canis lupus pallipes M 2002 Israel Golan Golan
ZMTAU 10692 Canis lupus pallipes M 2002 Israel Golan ?
ZMTAU 11041 Canis lupus pallipes F 1905 Israel Galilei Lahavot Habashan
ZMTAU 11109 Canis lupus pallipes M 1905 Israel Galilei Shamir
ZMTAU 11110 Canis lupus pallipes M 2004 Israel Golan Fajer Nahal Suach
ZMTAU 11118 Canis lupus pallipes M 2004 Israel Galilei Shamir
ZMTAU 11119 Canis lupus pallipes F 2004 Israel Golan Ortal, North Golan
ZMTAU 11121 Canis lupus pallipes F 2004 Israel Golan Ortal, North Golan

ZMTAU 11250 Canis lupus pallipes M 2005 Israel Galilei Kefar Szold
ZMTAU 11275 Canis lupus pallipes M 2005 Israel Galilei Kefar Szold
ZMTAU 11417 Canis lupus pallipes M 2005 Israel Galilei Shamir
ZMTAU 11418 Canis lupus pallipes F 2005 Israel Golan Maagar Yosiphon
ZMTAU 11475 Canis lupus pallipes M 2005 Israel Negev Ruhama
ZMTAU 11476 Canis lupus pallipes M 2005 Israel Golan Nov
ZMTAU 11479 Canis lupus pallipes M 2005 Israel Galilei Lahavot Habashan
ZMTAU 11516 Canis lupus pallipes M 2006 Israel Golan Ramat haGolan
ZMTAU 11685 Canis lupus pallipes M 2006 Israel Golan Kanaf
ZMTAU 12130 Canis lupus pallipes M 2007 Israel Gallilei Moledet
BMNH ZD.1897.1.14.4 Canis lupus arabs F 1897 Saudi Arabia Jaquakar Burkab
BMNH ZD.1891.2.5.1 Canis lupus arabs ? 1891 Saudi Arabia Bouraida Qasin
BMNH ZD.1895.10.8.1 Canis lupus arabs M 1895 Yemen Aden ?
BMNH ZD.1899.11.6.36 Canis lupus arabs M 1899 Oman Muscat ?
BMNH ZD.1924.8.13.1 Canis lupus pallipes ? 1924 Iran ? ?
BMNH ZD.1940.193 Canis lupus arabs F 1940 Saudi Arabia Jeddah Jeddah
BMNH ZD.1948.368 Canis lupus pallipes ? 1948 India ? ?

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