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ISSN 2466-4073 – Oktobar 2023.

/ October 2023

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Broj/Issue No. 356 –Oktobar 2023. / October 2023

Er Srbija slavi prvih deset godina


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Reč dobrodošlice Welcome message

Oktobar 2023. October 2023

Dragi putnici, Dear passengers,

Dana 26. oktobra 2023. godine obeležavamo de- On 26th October, 2023, we are commemorating 10
set godina kako srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija posluje years since the Serbian national airline was rebranded as
pod imenom Er Srbija i sa novim vizuelnim identitetom. Air Serbia and received its new visual identity. Our entire
U protekloj deceniji sve naše snage bile su usmerene na efforts over the past decade have been focused on impro-
unapređenje usluge, razvoj flote i širenje mreže. Er Srbi- ving our services, developing the fleet and expanding the
ja danas leti do više od 80 redovnih i čarter-destinacija network. Air Serbia today flies to more than 80 scheduled
u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi, Aziji i Africi, and charter destinations across Europe, the Mediterrane-
a našu flotu čine širokotrupni avioni tipa „erbas A330- an, North America, Asia and Africa, while our fleet consists
200“, uskotrupni avioni iz porodice „erbas A320“ i tur- of wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft and narrow-body
boelisni avioni ATR 72-600 za regionalne letove. Airbus A320 family, as well as turboprop ATR 72-600 air-
U Er Srbiji svaki dan je poseban, ali u istoriju su ušli sa- craft for regional flights.
mo neki dani. Jedan od njih bio je i 23. jun 2016. godine, Every day at Air Serbia is special, but only some become
kada smo posle pauze od četvrt veka ponovo usposta- part of history. One such day came on 23rd June 2016, when
vili direktne letove između Beograda i Njujorka, i tako po- we re-established direct flights between Belgrade and New
stali jedina avio-kompanija u širem regionu Balkana ko- York after a 25-year hiatus, thus becoming the only airline in
ja ima direktne letove do Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. the wider Balkan region to offer a direct service to the U.S.
Novo poglavlje u našem poslovanju otvorili smo 9. de- We opened another new business chapter in our ope-
cembra 2022. godine uvođenjem direktnih letova između rations on 9th December 2022, with the launch of direct fli-
Beograda i Tjenđina u Narodnoj Republici Kini. U tom trenut- ghts between Belgrade and Tianjin, in the People's Republic
ku Er Srbija je bila jedna od samo nekoliko avio-kompanija of China. Air Serbia was then one of only a few European air-
u Evropi koje su imale direktne letove do te azijske zemlje. lines providing direct flights to this Asian giant. We fly to Tia-
Danas letimo u Tjenđin, a u skorijoj budućnosti planiramo njin today, while we plan to launch services to other impor-
da uspostavimo letove i do drugih važnih kineskih gradova. tant Chinese cities in the near future.
Linija do Čikaga, naše treće prekookeanske destina- The Air Serbia service to Chicago, representing our third
cije i druge u Severnoj Americi, uspostavljena je 17. ma- long-haul destination and the second destination in North
ja 2023. godine, posle više od 30 godina pauze. Od sa- America, was launched on 17th May 2023, after a break of mo-
mog početka ta ruta pokazala se uspešnom i korisnom re than 30 years. Since its inception, this service has proved
putnicima, i ponosni smo što značajno doprinosi boljim successful and useful for passengers, and we are proud to ha-
poslovnim, turističkim i svim drugim vezama između Sr- Jirži Marek ve contributed significantly to improving business links, touri-
bije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Jiri Marek
sm, and all other connections between Serbia and the U.S..
Generalni direktor
Pandemija korona virusa uticala je na ceo svet i na- Er Srbija / The coronavirus pandemic hit the entire world and gro-
kratko zaustavila putnički avio-saobraćaj. U tom trenutku Air Serbia CEO unded air travel for a brief period. During that time, Air Ser-
Er Srbija je sve svoje resurse stavila na raspolaganje drža- bia placed its resources at the disposal of the Serbian sta-
vi i narodu Srbije. Našim avionima u zemlju je dopremlje- te and people. Our aircraft transported hundreds of tons of
no više stotina tona prekopotrebne medicinske opreme much-needed medical equipment and material to Serbia,
i materijala, a u saradnji sa državnim organima i organi- while we also worked in partnership with government bo-
zacijama realizovali smo i brojne specijalne letove za vi- dies and organisations to conduct numerous special flights
še od 10.000 ljudi koje je pandemija zatekla van matič- for over 10,000 people who’d been left stranded abroad by
nih zemalja. the pandemic.
Sa preko 1.400 zaposlenih, najmlađom flotom u re- With over 1,400 employees, the youngest fleet in the
gionu, rastućom mrežom destinacija i jasno definisanom region, a growing network of destinations and a clearly de-
strategijom održivog razvoja, Er Srbija otvara novu dece- fined sustainable growth strategy, Air Serbia is entering its
niju poslovanja, spremna da se prilagodi svakoj promeni second decade of operations ready to adapt to any market
na tržištu, da posluje profitabilno i konstantno unapređu- changes, operate at a profit, and constantly improve its ser-
je uslugu u interesu putnika. vices in the interest of passengers.
Deset godina čuvamo vaše uspomene! Cherishing your memories for 10 years!
Hvala na poverenju. Thank you for your trust.

Jirži Marek, JIRI Marek,

Generalni direktor CEO
Er Srbija Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5

Sadržaj Contents

u fokusu air serbia
in focus 56. T ri miliona putnika od
početka godine do sredine
10.  r Srbija slavi prvih
septembra / Three million
deset godina / Air Serbia
passengers from the
celebrates first ten years
beginning of the year until
na letu
on board Intervju 58.  edmi ATR 72-600 pridružio
interview se Er Srbiji / Seventh ATR 72-
14. Sa nama putuje Vladimir 600 joins Air Serbia fleet
Aleksić, glumac / Travelling 34.  elena Gomez: Komedija
with us is Vladimir Aleksić, se vratila na velika vrata /
actor Selena Gomez: comedy is moda
back in a big way fashion
66. I klasično i pankerski: Kako
putujte pametno kultura izgleda glamur budućnosti?
smart travel culture / Both classic and punk: how
does the glamour of the future
Vodimo vas u Atinu / 38.  išta tako magično ne miriše
N look?
We’re taking you to Athens u Beogradu krajem oktobra
kao knjige / Nothing smells
quite as magical in Belgrade in
late October as books

44.  ikita Milivojević: Bitef

je uzbudljiva i neobična
avantura / Nikita Milivojević:
Bitef is an exciting and unusual

46.  odine su stvarno samo

broj: Stižu novi Stonsi / Age
really is just a number: new
Stones arriving

6 | Sadržaj » Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva

/ Editor-in-chief and publishing director
Jelena Isaković
Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor
Jelena Pantović
Urednički odbor Er Srbije
/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee
Arsen Rudan
Šef tehničke redakcije/ Chief of the
design and layout team
Zoran Stojković
Tehnički urednik/ Design and layout editor
Aleksa Vasović
Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout
Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević
Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor
Mladen Šurjanac
Fotografije / Photography
Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić,
Ritam srbije Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić
rhythm of serbia
Foto-agencije / Photo agencies
88.  Borinom Vranju se
U, Depositphotos
samo ljubi i plače / In
Bora’s Vranje, people only Lektori / Copy editing
Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić
ritam grada kiss and cry
rhythm of the city Prevod na engleski / Translation to English
Mark Pullen
62.  ole, košarkaši, basketaši:
N destinacija Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing
Lepe su medalje, ali je destination Mark Pullen
najlepše na balkonu / Novak
and basketball aces: Medals 94.  ajbolje čuvana tajna
N Oglašavanje / Advertising
are great, but being on the južne Italije: Čarobna Media Impact Srbija
Apulija / Best kept Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje
“balcony” is best
secrets of southern Italy: oglasnog prostora
magical Apulia / Executive Advertising Manager,
sport Izdavač / Publisher
76.  a li biste uživali kod Gvinet?
D sports Ringier Srbija
/ Would you enjoy Gwyneth‘s? Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd
102. Beograd za sportske
sladokusce: Vidimo
se u „Areni“ i na
„Marakani“ / Belgrade
Generalni direktor
for connoisseurs of sport:
Ringier Srbija /
seeya in the Arena, and
CEO Ringier Serbia
at Marakana Jelena Drakulić Petrović
Štampa / Print
Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution
Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije
Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er

ISSN 2466-4073 – Oktobar 2023. / October 2023

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača.

Broj/Issue No. 356 –Oktobar 2023. / October 2023

Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi

u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se
odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa.
All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the
written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those
of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does
not accept responsibility for advertising content.

Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air

Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP -
Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије,
Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia /
glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd :
Er Srbija slavi prvih deset godina Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm
Air serbiA celebrAtes first ten yeArs
• Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air
Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-
ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved
Er Srbija slavi deseti rođendan /
Air Serbia celebrating its tenth birthday Broj / Issue No. 356
Foto/Photo: Hajdi Kostić Naslovna strana / Cover
Hajdi Kostić

Contents » Sadržaj | 7
U f o ku s u / I n f o c u s

Er Srbija: Prvih
n a c i o n a l n a av i o - ko m pa n i j a s l av i r o đ e n d a n

Air Serbia: the

Godine 2013. tadašnja srpska nacionalna avio-kompani-
ja bila je suočena sa brojnim izazovima. Posle višegodišnje
stagnacije bila je neophodna kompletna transformacija.
Tako je 1. avgusta 2013. godine, uz snažnu podršku Vlade
Republike Srbije, potpisan ugovor o strateškom partner-
stvu sa kompanijom „Etihad ervejz“, a 26. oktobra iste godine rođena je Er Srbija.

Prvi let između Beograda i Abu Dabija obavljen je avionom „erbas A319“, koji je do- Beograd–Njujork
bio ime „Novak Đoković“. Već na taj način Er Srbija je želela da pokaže svoj pobed- Posle pauze od četvrt veka, u
nički mentalitet. Kompletno je obnovljena flota, proširena mreža destinacija, uspo- junu 2016. godine, ponovo su
stavljeni su efikasni procesi i implementirani novi savremeni sistemi. uspostavljeni letovi između Be-
ograda i Njujorka. Er Srbija ta-

Za manje od godinu dana u flotu je uvedeno deset ko postaje jedina avio-kompani-
aviona tipa „erbas“, osam letelica tipa A319 i dve le- ja u širem regionu Balkana koja
telice tipa A320. Prvi put u istoriji avionima nacio- ima direktne letove do Sjedinje-
nalne avio-kompanije počinju da upravljaju i žene. nih Američkih Država.

2013. 2016.
Back in 2013, the then Serbian national airline
faced numerous challenges. After many years
of stagnation, it was necessary to carry out a
complete transformation of the company. And
so it was that on 1st August, 2013, with the strong
support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an agreement on
a strategic partnership was signed with company Etihad Airways, and Air Belgrade - new york
Serbia was born on 26th October of that same year. After a break lasting a quarter
of a century, flights between
The inaugural flight between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi was operated using Belgrade and New York were
an Airbus A319 which received the name “Novak Đoković”. Air Serbia re-established in June 2016. Air
wanted to thereby display its winning mentality. The fleet was renewed Serbia thereby became, and
completely and the network of destinations was expanded, with effective remains, the only airline in the
processes established and new, modern systems implemented. wider Balkan region providing
direct flights to the United Sta-
tes of America.

In less than a year, the fleet had been joined by ten Ai-
rbus aircraft – eight A319 aircraft and two A320s. The
planes of the country’s national airline also began be-
ing piloted by women for the first time in history.

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

deset godina
t h e n at i o n a l a i r l i n e i s c e l e b r at i n g i t s b i r t h d ay

first ten years

Er Srbija je u ma-
ju 2017. godi-
ne ispisala novu
2,81 milion

stranicu u svo- Posle perioda transformacije 2019. go-

joj istoriji kada je dine započinje period rasta kompanije, a
uzleteo prvi avion sa kompletno žen- Er Srbija je te godine prevezla rekordnih
skom posadom. Od svog osnivanja 2,81 milion putnika.
do danas u Er Srbiji polovinu zaposle-
nih čine žene. Godine 2019. kompanija je prvi put sa-

obraćala sa sva tri međunarodna aero-
droma u Srbiji –„Nikola Tesla Beograd“,
„Konstantin Veliki“ u Nišu i „Morava“ u
Kraljevu. Uvedene su ukupno 23 nove
zaposlenih čine žene destinacije sa tri pomenuta aerodroma.

2017. 2019.
Following the period of the company’s
transformation, Air Serbia’s period of
Air Serbia inscribed another growth began in 2019 – the year when it
new page in its history in May transported a record 2.81 million passen-
2017, with the departure of the gers.
first plane of the national car- It was also in 2019 that Air Serbia first op-
rier to be staffed by an all-fe- erated from all three international airports
male crew. Since its establish- in Serbia: Belgrade Nikola Tesla, Niš Con-
ment and to this day, fully half stantine the Great and Kraljevo’s Morava
of Air Serbia’s employees have Airport. A total of 23 new destinations from
been women. the three airports were introduced.

of employees are women 2.81 million

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

U f o ku s u / I n f o c u s

U martu 2020. godine započetu ekspan-

ziju privremeno prekida pandemija koro-
na virusa i najveća kriza u istoriji civilnog
avio-saobraćaja. Kada je praktično ce-
la planeta stala, Er Srbija je sve svoje re-
surse stavila na raspolaganje državi i na- Od 2021. godine počinje period
rodu Srbije. oporavka. Flota Er Srbije osnaže-
U periodu od 18. marta do 27. maja 2020. na je sa dva nova aviona za daleke
godine, tokom vanrednog stanja, obavlje- destinacije. „Erbas A330-200“,
no je na desetine specijalnih letova – repa- sa imenom i likom Nikole Tesle,
trijacionih i evakuacionih – preko 10.000 stigao je u flotu Er Srbije u junu
ljudi prevezeno je u tom periodu i obav- 2021. godine, dok je avion istog ti-
ljene su desetine kargo-letova kojima je u pa, ali sa imenom i likom Mihaj-
našu zemlju dopremljeno više stotina tona la Pupina u Beograd stigao u no-
medicinske opreme i materijala. vembru 2022. godine.

2020. 2021.
The post-lockdown recovery pe-
riod began in 2021. The Air Serbia
fleet was fortified with the arrival of
two new planes intended for long-
haul destinations. The Airbus A330-
The expansion that had been launched 200 sporting the name and image of
was temporarily suspended in March Nikola Tesla joined the Air Serbia fleet
2020, with the outbreak of the Cov- in June 2021, while its sister air-
id-19 pandemic, causing the biggest craft, bearing the name and
crisis in the history of civil aviation. With likeness of Mihajlo Pupin,
the entire planet having practically arrived in Belgrade in
ground to a halt, Air Serbia placed all its November 2022.
resources at the disposal of the Serbi-
an state and people.
During the period of the declared state
of emergency, from 18th March to 27th
May 2020, dozens of special flights
were operated – for repatriation and
evacuation purposes – transporting
over 10,000 people, while dozens of
special cargo flights also brought sev-
eral hundred tons of medical equip-
ment and materials to our country.

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Dana 9. decembra 2022. godine ka Tjen-

đinu u Narodnoj Republici Kini iz Beograda
je poleteo let Er Srbije, čime je nacional- nove
na avio-kompanija posle 22 godine pauze destinacije
ponovo uspostavila direktne komercijalne
letove do te azijske zemlje. Dana 17. maja 2023. godine sa beograd-
Komercijalni let za Kinu bio je kruna uspe- skog aerodroma, posle više od 30 godina
ha Er Srbije u 2022. godini. Bila je to prva pauze, ponovo je uspostavljen avio-sao-
godina od izbijanja pandemije korona viru- braćaj između Beograda i Čikaga. Bio je to
sa u kojoj je kompanija imala pozitivan ne- ne samo važan dan za srpsku nacionalnu
to i operativni rezultat, ostvarivši profit od avio-kompaniju, za aerodrom Nikola Tesla,
21 milion evra, bez ijednog evra državnih za Srbiju i Beograd, nego i za čitav region
subvencija. Zapadnog Balkana.

2022. 2023.
Serbia - china
22 new

The first Air Serbia flight bound for the After a break of more than 30 years,
city of Tianjin in the People’s Repub- air traffic was re-established between
lic of China departed from Belgrade on Belgrade and Chicago on 17th May
9th December 2022, with which the 2023. That was an important day not
Serbian flag carrier re-established di- only for the Serbian national airline
rect commercial flights with this Asian and Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, for
giant for the first time after a break of Serbia and Belgrade, but also for the
22 years. entire region of the Western Balkans.
The introduction of this commercial
flight to China represented the crown-
ing glory of Air Serbia’s achievements
in 2022. That year was also the first
since the outbreak of the pandemic
that had ended with the company re-
cording positive net and operational re-
sults, generating profits of 21 million eu-
ros, and doing so without a single euro
of state subsidies.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11

Na letu On board

Z a š t o v o l i t e av i o n e ? W h y d o yo u l i k e p l a n e s ?

U avionu vreme i mesto

prestaju da postoje / Aboard a
plane, time and space cease to exist
– Volim sva iskustva ko- “I like all experiences
ja dolaze sa letenjem. Iz that come with flying. For
nekog razloga mi je veoma uzbud- some reason, taking off is very ex-
ljivo poletanje, onaj momenat kad citing for me; that moment when I
znam da napuštam površinu zemlje know I’m abandoning the Earth’s sur-
i ubrzavam se ka nebu. Takođe, vo- face and speeding skywards. I also
lim da gledam kroz prozor i da vi- like looking through the window and
dim tu zemlju ispod sebe. Biti 9.000 observing the land beneath me. For
metara visoko u vazduhu i kreta- me, being 9,000 metres up in the air
ti se brzinom od 800 km na sat za and moving at a speed of 800 kilo-
mene je veoma uzbudljivo i prilič- metres an hour is extremely excit-
no neverovatno. Ne mogu da ka- ing and pretty incredible. I can’t say
žem da se radujem turbulencijama, that I look forward to turbulence, but
ali kada se dese, imam osećaj kao when it does happen, I have the feel-
da sam u nekom zabavnom parku. ing like I’m at an amusement park.
Kada letite, prkosite gravitaciji i taj You defy gravity when you fly and
osećaj oslobađa... that’s a liberating feeling...”
Šta uvek nosite sa sobom What do you always carry
na letu? with you on a flight?
– Često se umirim i udubim “I often unwind and plunge into
u svoje misli dok satima sedim na my thoughts while spending hours
svom sedištu. Mašti pustim na vo- sitting in my seat. I unleash my im-
lju, to je moj prostor slobode u ko-
Vladimir agination; that’s my space of freedom
jem je sve moguće, a vreme i mesto Aleksić, where everything is possible, while
više ne postoje. Sa sobom zato ne glumac / time and space no longer exist. That’s
nosim ništa naročito, samo knjigu actor why I don't carry anything in particu-
i ajped, ako poželim da čitam ili od- lar, just a book and an iPad in case I
gledam film ili seriju. want to read or watch a film or series.”

Ko je Vladimir who is vladimir

Vladimir Aleksić je rođen 1977. godine u Zrenjaninu. Di- Vladimir Aleksić was born in Zrenjanin in 1977 and graduated in
plomirao je glumu na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom acting studies at the Novi Sad Academy of Arts. He moved to It-
Sadu. Neposredno posle završetka Akademije seli se aly upon completing his studies at the academy, at the invita-
u Italiju, na poziv italijanskog pozorišta „Motus“, sa ko- tion of Italy’s Motus Theatre, with which he still collaborates. He
jim i danas sarađuje. Sa njima je uradio niz predstava, a performed in a series of plays with Motus, including the 2004
2004. godine „Rooms“ dobija nagradu za najbolji po- play Rooms, which won Italy’s award for the best theatre pro-
zorišni projekat u Italiji. U Srbiju se vraća 2008. godine, ject in the country. He returned to Serbia in 2008 and has since
od kada je aktivan kao filmski i televizijski glumac. Godi- been active as a film and television actor. He performed his first
ne 2016. uradio je svoju prvu autorsku predstavu, reali- Tekst / Words: auteur play in 2016, as well as realising the project Philharmon-
zovao projekat „Teatar u Filharmoniji – Pisma kompozi- Jelena Pantović ic Theatre - Letters of the Composer. He is the producer, co-au-
Fotografije /
tora“, producent je, koautor i koreditelj predstave „Lepa thor and co-director of the play Lepa Brena Project, but also au-
Brena Project“, kao i autor i producent predstave „Puto- Alessandro thor and producer of the play Journey Beyond the Centre of the
vanje izvan središta Zemlje“, koja se igrala i u avionu... Pensini Earth, which has also been performed aboard planes...

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia




Dr Branko Krajnović je međunarodno priznat Dr. Branko Krajnović is an internationally

specijalista ortopedske hirurgije i spinalni hirurg. recognized specialist in orthopedic surgery and
spinal surgeon.

Bavi se minimalno invanzivnim operacijama kičme He deals with minimally invasive spine operations
kod degenerativnih bolesti, povreda i deformiteta for degenerative diseases, injuries and deformities
kičme, kod dece i odraslih. Takođe, vrši i operacije of the spine, with children as well as with adults. He
otvorene spinalne hirurgije i tretman bolnih also performs open spinal surgeries and treatment
sindroma. of pain syndroms.

Dr Branko Krajnović je nakon završenih studija After completing his medical studies, Dr. Branko
medicine otišao u Nemačku kako bi nastavio svoju Krajnović continued his education in Germany,
edukaciju i tamo je učio od uglednih stručnjaka u where he learned from respectable experts in the
oblasti moderne hirurgije kičme. field of modern spine surgery. +381 11 77 73 800

Oslušnite filozofe u kolevci zapadne
civilizacije / Listen to the philosophers in
the cradle of western civilisation
Pridružite nam se u šetnji istim ulicama kojima su hodali veli-
kani i otkrijte pravo blago grčke prestonice / Join us to explore
the same streets that were strolled by great men and discover
the true treasures of the Greek capital
Foto: Depositphotos / Roman KERT Rodionov

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

travel Atina / Athens scan
smart od Beograda:
from Belgrade: 80 min.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Možemo li danas pratiti kora- Epikurovog vrta, Zenonove
ke grčkih filozofa kroz vekovni Stoe i Aristotelovog Liceja.
pejzaž centralne Atine? Gde Što se filozofije tiče, sve je po-
su tačno bile njihove škole i čelo ovde, u senci Akropolja
svakodnevna mesta okuplja- i Partenona, u živopisnim uli-
nja? Dokazi o kretanju filozofa čicama i atinskim maslinja-
i omiljenim druženjima u Atini cima. Slava antičke Atine se
dolaze nam kroz kombinaciju ogleda u celom gradu; bukval-
istorijskih izvora i arheoloških no je svaki kutak bio mesto
dokaza. Stvarne lokacije Pla- slavljenih filozofskih deba-
tonove Akademije i Aristotelo- ta. Mesto gde su veliki filo-
vog Liceja danas su arheološ- zofi poput Sokrata, Platona i
ka nalazišta ili parkovi, dok je Aristotela iznosili ideje koje
Sokratova škola radila ispod su još tada predodređene da
drveća u hladu, na ulicama obeleže istoriju čovečanstva.
grada ili u privatnim kućama. Od Talesa, koji se često sma-
Danas možemo da posetimo tra prvim zapadnim filozofom,
mesta kojima su šetali slavni do stoika i skeptika, antič-
filozofi, uz mnogo mašte za- ka grčka filozofija je otvorila
mišljajući sve te divne razgo- vrata posebnom načinu raz-
vore... mišljanja koji je dao korene
Atina, kolevka zapadne civi- zapadnoj intelektualnoj tra-
Foto: Depositphotos

lizacije, nije samo rodno me- diciji. Demokrit je postavljao

sto već i večni centar filozofi- atome kao osnovu sve mate-
je, dom Platonove Akademije, rije, sa Sokratom dolazi kon-
tinuirano istraživanje etičkih
Sokrat, Platon i Aristotel privukli su pitanja i orijentacija ka ljud-
skom životu, a sa Platonom
sledbenike, uspostavili škole i ostavili jedan od najkreativnijih i naj-
večno nasleđe u Atini fleksibilnijih načina bavljenja
filozofijom i temama koje su i
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all attracted danas zanimljive u etici, poli-
followers, established schools and left tičkoj misli, metafizici... Plato-
nov učenik Aristotel bio je je-
eternal legacies dan od najplodnijih antičkih
autora, napisavši rasprave o
svakoj od ovih tema, kao i o
istraživanju sveta prirode.

Sokratova agora
U srcu drevne Atine ležao je
njen centralni trg i pijaca, ago-
ra, koju je skoro svaka odrasla
osoba, a da ne pominjemo vo-
deće građane, verovatno po-
setila u nekom trenutku. Glav-
ne aktivnosti u agori bili su
razgovori, upoznavanje sa pri-
jateljima i saradnicima i pra-
ćenje najnovijih vesti. Sokrat
je bio čest posetilac central-
nog trga u Atini i okolnih če-
Foto: Depositphotos / Valery Rokhin

tvrti. Tamo je šetao užurba-

nim uličicama, prisustvovao
sudskim postupcima i sa-
stancima Saveta kada je to bi-
lo potrebno ili razgovarao sa
sledbenicima. Sokrat se opi-

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

U srcu drevne
Atine ležao je
njen centralni trg

Foto: Profimedia / Marco Simoni / robertharding

i pijaca, agora,
na kojoj je Sokrat
praktično i živeo
At the heart of
ancient Athens
stood its central
square and
the Agora,
where Socrates
was practically

Can we now trace the foot- Garden, Zeno’s Stoa and Aristo- who was one of the most cre-
steps of Greek philosophers tle’s Lyceum. When it comes to ative and flexible philosophers,
across the ancient landscape philosophical thinking, everyt- addressing topics that are still
of central Athens? Where exa- hing started here, in the sha- of interest in today’s ethics, po-
ctly were the philosophical sc- dow of the Acropolis and the litical thought and metaphysi-
hools and daily haunts? Evi- Parthenon, in the picturesque cs. Plato’s student, Aristotle,
dence for the movements of alleyways and olive gardens of was one of the most prolific of
philosophers and their favouri- Athens. The glory of ancient At- ancient authors. He wrote tre-
te haunts in Athens comes to hens is reflected across the ci- atises on each of these topics,
us through a combination of ty; literally every corner has as well as on investigations in-
historical sources and archaeo- hosted celebrated philosophi- to the natural world...
logical evidence. The actual lo- cal debates and represents a
cations of Plato’s Academy and venue where great philosop- Socrates’s Agora
Aristotle’s Lyceum are today hers like Socrates, Plato and At the heart of ancient Athens
archaeological sites or parks, Aristotle presented the ideas stands its central square and
while Socrates’ “school” ope- that were destined to domina- marketplace, the Agora, whi-
rated in the shade of trees, on te the subsequent history of ch was likely visited at one ti-
the ancient city’s streets, or wi- mankind. me or another by almost every
thin private houses. We can to- From Thales, who is often con- ancient Athenian, not to men-
day visit specific sites that we- sidered the first Western phi- tion the city’s most prominent
re frequented by Socrates and losopher, to the Stoics and citizens. The main activities in
other famous philosophers, not Sceptics, ancient Greek phi- the Agora were talking, mee-
only in the Athenian Agora, but losophy opened the door to ting friends and associates,
elsewhere across the ancient a particular way of thinking and catching up on the latest
city, where a healthy imaginati- that provided the roots for the news. Socrates was a frequent
on allows us to hear those deli- Western intellectual traditi- visitor to Athens’ central squa-
ghtful conversations. on. Democritus posited that re and surrounding neighbour-
Athens, the cradle of Western atoms were the basic stuff of hoods. He strolled its bustling
civilisation, is not only the birt- all matter, Socrates gave us a lanes, attended court procee-
hplace of philosophy, but also sustained inquiry into ethical dings and Council meetings
its perpetual centre, the home matters—an orientation towar- when required, or encountered
of Plato’s Academy, Epicure’s ds human living with Plato, devoted followers. Socrates re-

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

Foto: Profimedia / Ael / Alamy

Foto: Profimedia / Classic Image / Alamy

rao konvencijama i dovodio u lično suvo i bez vegetacije,
pitanje društvene vrednosti, sve dok ga državnik Kimon ni-
pa bismo ga, prema današ- je navodnio iz obližnjih reka Zevsu i rekom Ilisos, u počet-
njim standardima, mogli ka- Kefis i Eridanos. U Sokrato- ku je bio posvećen Apolonu
tegorisati kao beskućnika ko- vo vreme već se ovaj deo oko Likeju, zaštitniku stada. Atlet-
ji je živeo negde na atinskoj Akademije smatrao najlepšim ske objekte Liceja koristili su
agori. Ali Sokrat je uživao na okrugom izvan Atine. Njegov sofisti (Protagora, Prodikus...)
otvorenom. Ksenofont svedo- hladan, senoviti maslinjak, po- pre Sokratovog vremena, dok
či: „Rano ujutru bi išao na jav- svećen Atini, bio je privlač- je Isokrat kasnije tamo preda-
na šetališta i poligone, u pod- no mesto za filozofe i njiho- vao retoriku. Godine 335. pre
ne je viđan na pijaci, a ostatak ve studente, koji bi stizali do nove ere Platonov učenik Ari-
dana je provodio upravo tamo ovog parka nakon šetnje od stotel vratio se u Atinu, preu-
gde možeš da sretneš većinu oko 1,5 km od kapije Dipilon zimajući zgradu Liceja za svo-
ljudi…“ Konkretno, bio je navi- u kvartu Keramikos. Platon, ju peripatetičku školu – tako
knut da govori u agori... iz imućne porodice u tom kra- nazvanu zbog šetališta, ili
ju, osnovao je svoju školu oko zbog njegove navike da hoda
Platonova Akademija 387. pre Hrista u svojoj kući, dok razgovara sa učenicima.
Prizor filozofa koji se šetkaju zapadno od brda Hipios Ko- Aristotelov Licej je sadržao bi-
po centru grada postao je sa- lonos. U narednim vekovima blioteku i zbirke uzoraka bi-
svim uobičajen tokom 5. veka školski kampus se dalje razvi- ljaka i životinja, čemu je zna-
pre nove ere, kada je Perikleo- jao sa dodatnim zgradama. čajno doprineo njegov bivši
va Atina postala intelektualni, Danas je Akademija arheološ- učenik, slavni Aleksandar Ve-
demokratski i umetnički inku- ko nalazište i pokriva je veliki liki. Kao mesto obrazovanja,
bator. Tri glavne gimnazije u travnati park. nastave i istraživanja, pred-
gradu od 6. do 4. veka pre no- stavljao je prvi „univerzitet“
ve ere bile su Akademija, Licej Aristotelov Licej zapadnog sveta. Danas po-
i Kinosargi, smešteni severno, Istočno od današnjeg trga setioci arheološkog nalazišta
istočno i jugoistočno od drev- Sintagma bio je i pastoral- pored Vizantijskog muzeja
nog grada. Akademija, koja je ni i dobro navodnjavani kvart mogu da vide temelje pale-
dobila ime po lokalnom hero- Licej. Omeđen na severu br- stre, osnovane 350–300 pre
ju Hekademu (Akademu), du- dom Likavitus i rekom Eri- nove ere.
go je bila sveto područje, pri- danos, a na jugu svetilištem

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Platon, koji je bio iz imućne porodice, osnovao je
svoju školu oko 387. pre Hrista u svojoj kući
Plato, who hailed from an affluent family, established
his school in around 387 BC, in his own home

sisted convention and challen- cratic artistic incubator. The

ged society’s values. In fact, by three major gymnasia of At-
today’s standards, we might hens during the period from
categorise him as a vagrant li- the 6th to 4th centuries BC we-
ving in the Athenian Agora. So- re the Academy, the Lyceum,
crates enjoyed the outdoors. and the Cynosarges temple of
Xenophon says. “Early in the Heracles, respectively located
morning, he went to the public to the north, east, and southe-
promenades and training gro- ast of the ancient city. The Aca-
unds; in the forenoon, he was demy, named after local he-
seen in the market; and the ro Academus, had long been
rest of the day he passed just a sacred area, though it was
where most people were to be arid and treeless until the sta-
met….” In particular, he was ac- tesman Cimon irrigated it with
customed to speaking in the waters from the nearby rivers
Agora... of Cephissus and Eridanos. By
Socrates’ time, it was already
Plato’s Academy considered the most beautiful
The sight of philosophers han- district outside the walled At-
ging around the city centre be- hens. Its cool and shady olive
Foto: Dimitrios Pikros

came even more commonpla- grove, dedicated to the godde-

ce during the 5th century BC, ss Athena, would have been an
when Periclean Athens beca- attractive place for philosop-
me an intellectual and demo- hers and their students, who

Foto: Giuseppe Masci

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

could reach this parkland af-
ter walking about 1.5 km from
the Dipylon, the Double Gate in
Ne samo da je the Cerameicus quarter. Plato,
drevna grčka who hailed from an affluent fa-
mily in the area, established his
filozofija utrla school in around 387 BC in his
put zapadnoj own home, to the west of the
Hill of Hippios Kolonos. The sc-
intelektualnoj hool’s “campus” was further
tradiciji već je i developed in the following cen-
turies with the addition of new
u svoje vreme buildings. A grassy park today

drmala kulturne covers the territory once occu-

pied by the Academy.
temelje / Ancient Aristotle’s Lyceum
Greek philosophy The Lyceum district, lying to
Foto: / COLLECTION ABECASIS / Sciencephoto

not only paved the east of present-day Synta-

gma Square, was also rural and
the way for the well-watered in antiquity. Boun-
Western intellectual ded to the north by Lycabettus
Hill and the Eridanos River, and
tradition, but also to the south by the Sanctuary
shook the very of Olympian Zeus and the Ili-
ssos River, it was initially sa-
cultural foundations cred to Lycean Apollo, a pro-
of its own time tector of herds against wolf
attacks. The Lyceum’s athle-
tic facilities had already been
used by sophists (such as Pro-
tagoras and Prodicus) prior to
Socrates’ time, while Isocra-
tes later taught rhetoric there.
It was in 335 BC that Aristotle,
Plato’s student, returned to At-
hens and took over a Lyceum
building for his “Peripatetic” sc-
hool – so named for the wal-
kways or his habit of walking
while speaking with students.
Aristotle’s Lyceum contained a
library and collections of sam-
ples of plants and animals, wi-
th a significant contribution to
the collection provided by his
former pupil-turned-conqueror,
Alexander the Great. As a place
of education, teaching and re-
search, it represented the We-
Foto: / Greek photonews / Alamy

stern world’s first “university”.

Visitors to today’s archaeolo-
gical site beside the Byzantine
Museum can view the founda-
tions of a palaestra wrestling
school that was founded ca.
350-300 BC.

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

D u b r o va č k i
z i m s k i f e s t i va l

Pozivnica za
sezonu čarolija
Pobegnite od običnog i pri-
grlite izvanredno ove zimske
sezone u Dubrovniku. Dubrovač-
ki zimski festival, koji slavi svoje veli-
čanstveno 10. izdanje, poziva vas da
učestvujete u spektaklu svečanosti i
kulturnih delikatesa.
Jubilarna svetkovina
Pozivamo vas na spektakularnu no- D u b r o v n i k W i n t e r F e s t i va l
vogodišnju proslavu na kojoj će na-
stupiti muzička legenda i regionalna
superzvezda Zdravko Čolić. Festival
obećava preko 20 očaravajućih kon-
An Invitation to a Season of Enchantment
cerata u različitim, ali uvek šarman- Escape the ordinary and em- stival unfolds, the magical presence
tnim gradskim kulama. brace the extraordinary this of Santa Claus from Finland sets the
Grad se budi winter season in Dubrovnik. The Du- stage for a captivating December.
Festival nudi bogatu tapiseriju muzi- brovnik Winter Festival, now celebra- Musical Brilliance on Stradun
ke, zabave, gastronomije i dečjih ak- ting its illustrious 10th edition, beckons The beloved Stradun becomes the
tivnosti. S protokom festivalskih ak- you to partake in a spectacle of festi- stage for some of the most brilliant
tivnosti magično prisustvo Deda vities and cultural refinement. musical performances during this
Mraza iz Finske uvodi nas u zadivlju- festival. Commencing with the le-
jući decembar. gendary Croatian rock band, Prlja-
Muzički sjaj na Stradunu vo kazalište, this year's edition sets a
Omiljeni Stradun postaje pozornica precedent with a grand finale on 6th
za neke od najsjajnijih muzičkih pred- January 2024, featuring the enchan-
stava tokom ovog festivala. Počevši ting sounds of Jelena Rozga.
od legendarnog hrvatskog rok ben- A Musical Journey
da „Prljavo kazalište“, ovogodišnje iz- Throughout December, Dubrovnik
danje predstavlja presedan velikim hosts a constellation of Croatia's and
finalom 6. januara 2024. uz zadivlju- the region's finest musicians. Revel in
juće melodije Jelene Rozge. melodies with performances by Gi-
Muzičko putovanje bonni, the harmonious 4 Tenors, the
Dubrovnik je tokom decembra do- resonant Tomislav Bralić and the In-
maćin plejadi najboljih hrvatskih trade choir, the timeless Parni va-
i regionalnih muzičara. Uživajte u ljak... Moreover, the festival promi-
melodijama Džibonija, „4 tenora“, To- ses an extraordinary stage spectacle
mislava Braliće i hora „Intrade“, „Par- I zima je u by Queen Sensation, a tribute band
nog valjka“... Festival obećava i ne- Dubrovniku A Jubilant Celebration dedicated to the legendary group
vreme za slavlje
svakidašnji spektakl grupe „Queen sa godišnjim As we usher in the New Year, we invite Queen.
Sensation“, tribjut benda posveće- Dubrovačkim you to a spectacular New Year's Eve A Wonderland for Children
nog legendarnoj grupi „Kvin“. zimskim celebration featuring the musical le- Youngest visitors are in for a treat wi-
Zemlja čuda za decu koji grad čini
gend and regional superstar, Zdravko th enchanting programmes such as
Najmlađe posetioce očekuju fanta- magičnim Čolić. The festival promises over 20 the North Pole Station in Lazareti, the
stični programi poput stanice Se- Winter in enchanting concerts set against va- Colourful Winter in the Bay of Lapad,
Dubrovnik is
verni pol u Lazaretima, Šarene zime rious charming city backdrops. complete with a train and ice ska-
also a time for
u zalivu Lapad sa vozom i klizalištem. celebration, A City Awakens ting rink. The Christmas Concert on
Božićni koncert 22. decembra i veliki with the annual The festival curates a rich tapestry of 22nd December and grand New Ye-
Novogodišnji koncert na Stradunu 1. Dubrovnik Winter music, entertainment, gastronomy, ar's Concert on Stradun on 1st Janu-
Festival casting a
januara dodatno će začiniti advent- magical spell over and children's activities that promi- ary promise to add spice to the Ad-
ske dane. the city se to leave you spellbound. As the fe- vent days.

Promo » Promo | 21


Šta je novo
u oktobru?
What’s new in
Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz
svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo
izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu
bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps.
There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here
we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering
Serbia and its rich culture

22 | U trendingu » Trending
Foto: Hajdi
U trendingu / trending

Iz l o ž b a / e x h i b i t i o n

Majstor i Margarita u galeriji „Art for All“

The Master and Margarita at Art for All Gallery
Montenegrin artist Hajdi’s exhi-
bition The Master and Margarita
addresses the topics of love, the
complete overlapping of the sur-
real and the real, and the merg-
ing of miraculous elements with
those that are real, thereby creat-
ing a story that speaks of the state
of human imagination and sub-
consciousness. With her breadth
and richness of talent, this art-
ist succeeds in imposing herself
on the audience and challenging
Izložba „Majstor i Margarita“ crnogorske umetni- them to reflect further, and you
ce Hajdi govori o ljubavi, potpunom preklapanju can verify that for yourself at Bel-
nadrealnosti i stvarnosti, spajanju čudesnih ele- grade’s Art for All Gallery until 5th
menata sa onim stvarnim, gradeći tako jednu pri- October. Hajdana Kostić, aka Ha-
ču koja govori o stanju ljudske mašte i podsvesti. jdi, was the winner of this year’s
Umetnica svojom širinom i bogatstvom uspeva Red Bull Doodle Art Montenegro
da se nametne publici i izazove je na dalja promi- competition. Her works are held
šljanja, a da li je tako, možete da proverite u galeriji in the private collections of ce-
„Art for All“ u Beogradu do 5. oktobra. Hajdana Kostić Hajdi je ovogodišnja pobed- lebrities like John Malkovich, Skye
nica „Red Bull doodle art Montenegro“ takmičenja, a njeni radovi se nalaze u privat- Edwards (Morcheeba), Frances-
nim kolekcijama poznatih ličnosti kao što su Džon Malkovič, Skaj Edvards („Morc- co Tristano, Sandra Nasić (Guano
heeba“), Frančesko Tristano, Sandra Našić („Guano Apes“) i mnogih drugih... Apes) and many others...

Muzej / museum The first ever Hermitage Days in Serbia

Dani Ermitaža u Srbiji

event, to be held in Belgrade from 24th
to 29th October, is being jointly organ-
ised by the Hermitage, one of the world’s

Hermitage Days in Serbia largest museums, the Serbian Ministry

of Culture and company Gazprom Neft.
In collaboration with the National Muse-
U Beogradu će od 24. do 29. okto- um of Serbia, the Hermitage will pres-
bra prvi put biti održani Dani Ermi- ent two exhibitions: the inclusive project
taža u Srbiji, koji organizuju Ermitaž, Invisible Art, which provides visitors with
jedan od najvećih muzeja sveta, Mi- an opportunity to literally touch history:
nistarstvo kulture Srbije i kompanija to touch ancient frescoes, antique car-
„Gasprom njeft“. pets and tactile replicas of other Hermit-
U saradnji sa Narodnim muzejom age works. The exhibition Tsar Porcelain
Srbije Ermitaž će predstaviti dve will connect the dinner services used by
izložbe. Inkluzivni projekat „Nevidlji- Russian monarchs at formal dinners and
va umetnost” pružiće posetiocima family celebrations with the history of the
priliku da bukvalno dotaknu istoriju: House of Romanov. On 25th October, St.
da dodirnu drevne freske, starinske Petersburg’s Yacobson Ballet will give a
ćilime i taktilne replike drugih de- ruskih monarha. Petrogradski „Balet Jakobson“ gala performance at the National Thea-
la iz kolekcije Ermitaža. A izložba „Carski porce- prikazaće 25. oktobra u Narodnom pozorištu ga- tre featuring the best works from its rep-
lan” povezaće istoriju dinastije Romanov i dvor- la-predstavu sa najboljim delima iz svog reperto- ertoire. Famous Russian baritone Vasi-
ske servise za ručavanje koji su bili u upotrebi na ara. Na istoj sceni 28. oktobra biće održan kon- ly Gerello will then hold a concert on the
svečanim večerama i porodičnim proslavama cert čuvenog ruskog baritona Vasilija Gerela. same stage, on 28th October.

24 | U trendingu » Trending
U trendingu / trending


Solunska 28: O seksu, drogi i rokenrolu

Solunska 28: on sex, drugs & rock’n’roll
Treći deo trilogije „Solunska 28“ donosi nam The third part of the trilogy Solunska 28 brings
priču Milana Jankovića – rođenog na adresi us the story of Milan Janković - born at the ad-
iz naslova knjige – o tome kako je krvavi ras- dress that forms the title of the book - about
pad Jugoslavije izbegnut zahvaljujući pove- how the bloody collapse of Yugoslavia was
renju svih njenih naroda i narodnosti u ro- avoided thanks to all its peoples and nationali-
kenrol. Završni deo trilogije „Solunska 28“ ties placing their trust in rock ‘n’ roll. This final in-
doktora Neleta Karajlića stavlja tačku na pri- stalment of Dr Nele Karajlić’s Solunska 28 trilogy
ču o sudbini jedne dorćolske adrese i nekoli- concludes the story of the fate of one address
ko generacija koje su tu živele. Takođe, time in Belgrade’s Dorćol neighbourhood and sever-
je otvoreno i novo poglavlje u stvaralačkoj al generations who lived there, but also opens a
biografiji čoveka koji već četiri decenije pe- new chapter in the creative biography of a man
va, komponuje, glumi, režira i piše li piše. Dr who has spent the past four decades working
Karajlić je rešio da u svojoj sagi o jednom as a singer, composer, actor, director and writer.
gradu i dva i po svetska rata istoriju ščepa In his saga of one city and two and a half world
tamo gde je najtanja i izvrne je naglavačke. wars, Nenad Karajlić decided to snatch at histo-
Knjiga daje moćan umetnički pogled na al- ry where it is at its leanest and turn it on its head.
ternativnu nedavnu prošlost u kojoj je krvavi The book offers a powerful artistic perspective
raspad Jugoslavije izbegnut zahvaljujući po- on an alternative recent past thanks to the pow-
verenju u rokenrol... Knjiga će se pojaviti u er of rock ‘n’ roll... The book will be available in
knjižara sredinom oktobra. bookshops from mid-October.

D a n i / d ay s Dani italijanskog filma održaće se od 24.

Dani italijanskog filma

do 28. oktobra u Beogradu, a biće prika-
zana najnovija ostvarenja italijanske ki-
nematografije. Poseban program biće

Italian Film Days posvećen Federiku Feliniju, maestru ita-

lijanske kinematografije (30 godina od
smrti slavnog reditelja). Italijanska „Ci-
necittà“ je jedan od najvažnijih evropskih
filmskih i fotografskih arhiva u kojem se
nalaze najznačajniji materijali evropske i
italijanske kinematografije. Reč je o veli-
koj audiovizuelnoj zbirci koja se bavi isto-
rijom 20. veka.

The Italian Film Days festival takes place in

Belgrade from 24th to 28th October and will
include screenings of the latest achieve-
ments of Italian cinema. The festival will in-
clude a special programme dedicated to
Federico Fellini, the maestro of Italian cin-
ematography (30 years after the death
of this famous filmmaker). Italy’s Cinecit-
tà represents one of the most important
European film and photographic archives,
containing the most important materials
of European and Italian cinematography.
This huge collection of audiovisual mate-
rial deals with the history of the 20th cen-

26 | U trendingu » Trending
Američka fank basistkinja, pevačica i ko n c e r t / c o n c e r t American funk bassist, singer and song-
tekstopisac, Nik Vest, najavljuje spek- writer Nik West has announced her spec-

Nik Vest
takularni povratak na muzičku scenu tacular return to the Belgrade music
Beograda. Nastupiće u klubu scene. West will perform on 2nd Novem-

se vraća u
„BitefArtCafe“ 2. novembra, u okviru ber at the BitefArtCafe club, as part of
koncertnog serijala „Musicology Ses- the Musicology Sessions concert series,

sions“, obećavajući publici nezaborav- promising the audience an unforgettable
no iskustvo puno pozitivne energije. experience packed with positive energy.
Nik Vest nije samo obična muzičarka, West is no ordinary musician. She is a vir-

Nik west is
ona je virtuoz na bas-gitari i kreativ- tuoso bassist and a creative force of the
na snaga 21. veka u svetu muzike. Sa 21st century in the music world. With her

returning to
svojom ikoničnom čiroki frizurom koja iconic ‘mohawk’ hairstyle, which is remi-
podseća na bas-ključ, ona nije samo niscent of a bass clef, she’s not just a tal-
talentovana muzičarka – ona je vizuel- ented musician – she’s also a visual artist.
na umetnica. Njene kolege muzičari,
kritičari i publika smatraju je za jednu the city Her fellow musicians, critics and audienc-
es consider her one of the most prom-
od najistaknutijih predstavnica nove inent representatives of the new funk
fank scene i naslednicu legendarnog scene and the successor to the legend-
Prinsa, sa kojim je imala blisku sarad- ary Prince, with whom she collaborated
nju. Poznati muzički novinar Alek Hen- closely. Alex Henderson, a renowned mu-
derson, iz magazina „Bilbord“, opisao sic journalist of Billboard magazine, de-
ju je kao retku umetnicu 21. veka koji scribed her as being among the rare art-
savršeno poznaje svoj instrument. ists of the 21st century who have perfect
Povodom koncerta 2. novembra u klu- understanding of their instrument.
bu „BitefArtCafe“, razgovarali smo sa We spoke with Nik, as we await the 2nd
Nik, koja kaže da je veoma uzbuđena November concert at Belgrade’s BitefArt-
zbog povratka u u Beograd... Cafe club, who says that she’s very excit-
– Taj nastup 2019. godine je ostavio ed about returning to Belgrade...
dubok utisak na mene jer pamtim ko- - That 2019 performance left a deep im-
liko je bila neverovatna energija publi- pression on me, because I remember
ke! Rado komuniciram sa svojim fano- how incredible the energy of the audi-
vima jer verujem da muzika ide dalje ence was! I happily communicate with
od samog izvođenja. Uvek želim nešto my fans, because I believe that music ex-
da podelim sa publikom, bila to pozi- tends beyond the performance itself. I al-
tivna emocija ili inspiracija. Moja omi- ways want to share something with the
ljena publika je bučna, uzbuđena i pre- audience, be that positive emotion or in-
puna energije, što me inspiriše da spiration. My favourite audience is loud,
pružim najbolje od sebe. Tada se ose- excited and full of energy, which inspires
ćam kao superžena! me to offer them my best. I then feel like
Pitanja o saradnji sa Prinsom su Superwoman!
neizbežna. Kako biste opisali Questions about your collabora-
iskustvo rada sa njim? tion with Prince are unavoidable.
– Ta saradnja je zauvek promenila moj How would you describe the expe-
život. Prins je umetnik koji se pojavljuje rience of working with him?
samo jednom u životu. Osećam veliku - That cooperation forever changed my
zahvalnost što sam imala priliku da bu- life. Prince is the kind of artist who ap-
dem deo njegove muzičke priče i da pears once in a lifetime. I feel huge grati-
učim od njega. tude that I had an opportunity to be part
Imate li neki savet za mlade mu- of his musical story and that I had the op-
zičare i basiste? portunity to learn from him.
– Budite autentični. Nemojte poku- Do you have any advice for young
šavati da budete kao bilo ko drugi, jer musicians, particularly bassists?
ste upravo vi posebni i svetu je po- - Be authentic. Don’t try to be like any-
trebno ono što donosite. Vaša publi- Postala sam majka. Imam malog sina koji mi je doneo one else, because you are actually spe-
ka će uvek prepoznati vašu jedinstve- mnogo radosti i inspiracije. Jedva čekam da podelim cial and the world needs what you bring.
nost. Vežbajte naporno, postavljajte muziku koja je nastala zahvaljujući njemu Your audience will always recognise your
I became a mother. I have a little son who has brought me a lot
realne ciljeve i dajte sve od sebe da ih of joy and inspiration. I can hardly wait to share the music that uniqueness. Practice hard, set realistic
ostvarite. was created thanks to him goals and give your all to achieve them.

Trending » U trendingu | 27
U trendingu / trending

f e s t i va l / f e s t i va l

BEMUS: I Kalas i
Kenedi / BEMUS: both
Callas and Kennedy
Ponovo u svom tradicionalnom, oktobarskom terminu 55. Beogradske muzičke
svečanosti predstavljaju zvezde klasične i savremene umetničke muzike, iz zemlje
i inostranstva, od 8. do 22. oktobra. Festival otvara gala koncert posvećen stotoj
godišnjici rođenja slavne operske dive Marije Kalas, u saradnji sa Narodnim pozo-
rištem u Beogradu. Među vrhuncima ovogodišnjeg BEMUS-a svakako su dva kon-
certa slavnog violiniste Najdžela Kenedija, koji se nakon pet godina ponovo druži
sa beogradskom publikom. Ovoga puta biće to program koji je u celosti posvećen
muzici Johana Sebastijana Baha i to dve uzastopne večeri na „Kolarcu“. Omilje-
ni ruski pijanista Boris Berezovski priređuje resital kojim će, između ostalog, obele-
žiti i stotu godišnjicu rođenja Sergeja Rahmanjinova, dok priznati violinista Roman
Simović nastupa kao solista sa Crnogorskim simfonijskim orkestrom na koncertu
posvećenom muzici Dmitrija Šostakoviča...

Returning to its traditional October slot, the 55th Belgrade Music Festival, BEMUS, pre-
sents local and foreign stars of classical and contemporary artistic music from 8th to
22nd October. The festival opens with a gala concert commemorating the centenary of
the birth of famous opera diva Maria Callas, in collaboration with the National Theatre in
Belgrade, and two concerts by famous violinist Nigel Kennedy, who is set to reunite with
the Belgrade audience after a five-year break, will certainly be among the highlights of
this year’s BEMUS. Kennedy’s concerts this time around, on two consecutive evenings
at Kolarac Concert Hall, will be dedicated exclusively to the music of Johann Sebastian
Bach. Popular Russian pianist Boris Berezovsky is preparing a recital with which he will,
among other things, commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Rach-
maninoff, while acclaimed violinist Roman Simović will give a solo performance along-
side the Montenegrin Symphony Orchestra for a concert dedicated to the music of
Dmitri Shostakovich...


HVOB dolazi 6. oktobra

HVOB arriving on 6th October
Duo HVOB („Her Voice Over Boys“) nakon brojnih sjajnih kon-
cerata širom planete, od Los Anđelesa do Bangalora, konač-
no će 6. oktobra posetiti Beograd, u kolaboraciji Terminal fe-
stivala i kluba „Drugstore“. Elektronski duo iz Beča čine Ana
Miler i Pol Volner. Ona je vokal i klavijaturistkinja, a zajedno
produciraju i sanjaju, dajući bendu i dušu i formu.

After countless wonderful concerts performed all around the

world – from Los Angeles to Bangalore - the duo HVOB (Her
Voice Over Boys) will finally arrive in Belgrade on 6th October, in
collaboration with the Terminal Music & Arts Festival and night-
club Drugstore. This electronic duo from Vienna comprises Anna
Müller and Paul Wallner, with Anna providing vocals and Paul on
the keyboard, while they produce and dream together, providing
the band with both soul and form.

28 | U trendingu » Trending
Uz kredite ALTA banke, klijenti mogu
računati na konkurentne uslove koji su
prilagođeni njihovim finansijskim
potrebama. Kreditni savetnici su tu da
pruže podršku i pomognu klijentu da
odabere najbolju odgovarajuću opciju
prema njihovim potrebama, u promo
oktobra 2023. godine.
periodu do 31. oktob



With loans from ALTA Bank, clients can
count on competitive terms that are
adjusted to their financial needs. Credit
counselors are at disposal to provide
support and help the client choose the
best suitable option according to their
needs, during the promo period until
October 31, 2023.
U trendingu / trending


Remi Jungerman: Inspirisan estetikom

Surinama / Remy Jungerman: inspired by
the aesthetic of Suriname
The solo exhibition ‘Tracing the Line’ by
artist Remy Jungerman (Suriname, 1959),
deemed one of the most prominent con-
temporary Dutch artists by Amsterdam’s
Stedelijk Museum, runs until 18th Novem-
ber at Lower Dorćol’s DOTS Gallery.
Jungerman is using this Belgrade exhi-
bition to presents works that he’s creat-
ed over the course of the past 16 years,
works that encompass a variety of artis-
tic media – from sculpture and wall/spa-
tial installations, via collages, panels and
screen printing, to video work. Howev-
er, as he explains for Elevate, permeating
Foto:Koos Breukel

through everything he does are the aes-

thetics of his Surinamese ancestors...
“The Maroons are a people that escaped
slavery and settled in the rainforest of
Suriname. My relatives are descended
Samostalna izložba „Linijom do isko- ovakvih zakrpa. Kada sam već studirao from the freedom fighter Broos. Back in
na“ umetnika Remija Jungermana (Su- i živeo u Amsterdamu, zapravo sam se the 1980s, when I attended an art school
rinam, 1959), koga muzej „Stedelejk“ vratio najvažnijoj inspiraciji koju sam in Suriname, I was inspired by the aes-
u Amsterdamu svrstava među najista- imao u Surinamu. thetics of the Surinamese Maroons for
knutije savremene holandske umet- Koliko ste upoznati sa Beogra- the first time. And you can find that aes-
nike, biće otvorena do 18. novembra u dom i šta vas najviše raduje u thetic in the textiles, in the patchwork
Galeriji DOTS na Donjem Dorćolu. vezi sa našim glavnim gradom? cloths that were worn as shoulder capes,
Na beogradskoj izložbi Jungerman se – Nisam još nikad bio, ali znam da je with large geometric shapes. It was with
predstavlja radovima nastalim tokom Beograd veoma stari grad i vrlo sam the help of those patches that I created a
proteklih šesnaest godina, u delima radoznao da vidim svašta. Kada me large painting in Suriname in 1988. When
koja obuhvataju raznorodne umetnič- pozovu da izlažem u različitim zemlja- I was already studying and living in Am-
ke medije – od skulpture, preko zidnih ma, samo odem na to mesto i vidim sterdam, I actually returned to the most
i prostornih instalacija, kolaža, panela šta mi donosi, radosno upijam lokal- important inspiration that I’d had in Suri-
i sito štampe, do video-rada. Ipak, ka- nu kulturu. Mislim da je za mene to naj- name.”
ko kaže za „Elevejt“, kroz sve se proži- važnija stvar. How well acquainted with Belgrade
ma estetika njegovih surinamskih pre- Imate li omiljene destinacije? are you and what thrills you the
daka... – Često putujem, a moja omiljena me- most about our capital?
– Maroni su ljudi koji su pobegli od rop- sta su Amsterdam, Njujork i Paramari- “I’ve still never been, but I know that Bel-
stva i naselili se u prašumi u Surinamu. bo u Surinamu. grade’s a very old city and I’m quite curi-
Moja rodbina potiče od borca za slo- ous about what I will see. When I’m invited
bodu Brosa. Osamdesetih godina, ka- to exhibit in different countries, I simply go
da sam išao u umetničku školu u Su- to that place and see what it brings me,
rinamu, prvi put sam bio inspirisan happily absorbing the local culture. I think
estetikom surinamskih Marona. I tu that’s the most important thing for me.”
estetiku možete pronaći u tekstilima, Do you have a favourite destina-
Foto: Remi Jungerman

u zakrpama koje su nosili kao plaštove tion?

preko ramena, sa velikim geometrij- “I travel often and my favourite places are
skim formama. Godine 1988. napravio Amsterdam, New York and Paramaribo in
sam veliku sliku u Surinamu pomoću Suriname.

30 | U trendingu » Trending
Intervju Interview
Selena Gomez,
g l u m i c a i p e va č i c a

se vratila
na velika
Dovoljno je biti na setu
serije „Samo ubistva
u zgradi“ sa Stivom
Martinom i Martinom
Šortom, pa da vam
osmeh ne silazi sa lica.
Smejala sam se već od
samog pogleda na njih

Ove jeseni na „Star

Channel“ stiže jedan od
najuspešnijih novijih sit-
koma američke produkcije, seri-
ja „Samo ubistva u zgradi“, koju u
glavnim ulogama predvodi zvezda-
ni trio – Stiv Martin, Selena Gomez
i Martin Šort.
Šou koji je već nagrađen sa tri
„Emija“ i 25 nominacija za isto pri-
znanje, uz još sedam za „Zlatni glo-
bus“, donosi urnebesnu i neobičnu
priču u kojoj Čarls (Stiv Martin), Oli-
ver (Martin Šort) i Mejbel (Selena
Gomez), zaljubljenici u krimiće i in-
trige, igrom slučaja žive u istoj luk-
suznoj zgradi u otmenom delu Nju-
jorka, u kojoj se dogodi ubistvo. Njih
troje se upuštaju u istragu kako bi
otkrili ubicu, pritom snimajući i po-
dkast o ovoj istrazi, ne sanjajući ka-
kve će im sve tajne o njihovoj zgradi
i ljudima koji u njoj žive ona done-
ti. Od misterija koje ih susreću na

Tekst / Words:
Nikola Dražović
Fotografije / Photography:
Star Channel

32 | Intervju » Interview
„U pauzama sam pevala momcima pesme Bili Holidej i Linde “During breaks, I sang Billie Holiday and Linda Ronstadt songs to the
Rondštat, ali bih ih povremeno i podmladila rep ili hip-hop hitom. boys, but I would occasionally restore their youthful vigour with a rap or
Naučili su neke pesme Kardi Bi (smeh)“ , kaže Selena hip-hop hit. They learned some Cardi B songs (laughs)”, says Selena

svakom koraku jedino su uzbudlji-

vije laži koje govore jedni drugima
kako bi zataškali prave tragove, jer
se ubica, možda, krije među njima.
U razgovoru sa jednom od glav-
nih zvezda serije, pevačicom i glu-
micom Selenom Gomez, nomino-
vanoj sa po dva „Emija“, „Gremija“
i „Zlatna globusa“, otkrivamo čime
su to „Samo ubistva u zgradi“ opči-
nila publiku, kao i velike holivudske
i pop zvezde poput Meril Strip, Stin-
ga, Pola Rada, Širli Meklejn, Džimija
Felona i mnoge druge koji se pojav-
ljuju u epizodnim ulogama.
– Čini mi se da dugo na malim
ekranima i striming platformama
nije bilo kvalitetnog sitkoma u du-
hu starih serija koje su obeležile TV
istoriju. Zahvaljujući Stivu Martinu
i Džonu Hofmanu, koji su ovaj pro-
Čini mi se da
jekat potpisali i kao autori, komedi- mi je ova serija
ti na setu sa Stivom i Martinom da zavolela. Čini mi se da mi je ta na-
ja se vratila na velika vrata. Nisam pomogla da vam osmeh ne silazi sa lica. Smeje- ša mala komunikacija pomogla da
bila ni rođena u vreme kada je Stiv odrastem i la sam se već od samog pogleda na prebrodim neke veoma velike i teš-
zahvaljujući svojim ulogama u le- It seems to me
njih dvojicu jer sam znala šta nas ke izazove sa kojima sam se susrela
gendarnim komedijama postao jed- that this series očekuje tog dana na snimanju. Teš- tokom prethodnih godina u životu i
na od najvećih holivudskih zvezda. helped me grow ko je kontrolisati mozak da sam za karijeri. Kao da mi je na neki način
Njegov specifičan humor bio je ključ- up and mature sebe ne pravi slike i unapred ne za- odmorila misli i pomogla mi da ih
ni pokretač ove serije. Od mnogih mišlja kako će izgledati neka scena ponovo složim i krenem dalje. De-
prijatelja čula sam da su bindžova- kada počnemo da radimo na njoj. finitivno sam mnogo Mejbl utisnu-
li sve tri sezone odjednom. Veru- Zajedničko svima nam je bilo to da la u svoju ličnost. Čini mi se da sam
jem da je baš naše ludilo privuklo smo hteli da se sjajno provedemo, danas čak više ona nego neka sta-
i ostale kolege da nam se pridruže da se smejemo i atmosferu učini- ra Selena. Mnogo mi je značilo što
pred kamerama. mo pozitivnom. sam iz epizode u epizodu razgovara-
Uspehu je, čini se, dopri- Koliko je teško pronaći la sa autorima serije i scenaristima
nela i sjajna hemija koju ravnotežu između svakod- o tome šta bih ja dodala njenoj lič-
ste imali. nevnog života, vaših osta- nosti. Kako je vreme prolazilo, imali
– Bilo je veoma izazovno prona- lih obaveza i snimanja? su sve više poverenja u mene i mo-
ći ravnotežu između komedije, mi- – Znate li za ono zlatno pravilo je savete po pitanju mode i njenog
sterije i drame u jednoj istoj seriji. u teretani: „Bez bola nema rezulta- stila. Značilo mi je to što sam na taj
Nas troje smo mnogo razgovarali na ta“? Tako je i u filmovima – ako se način mogla da učestvujem u krei-
ovu temu, jer kada vam sve te emo- pošteno ne oznojiš i ne zasučeš ru- ranju njene ličnosti. A taj proces je
cije dolaze iz toliko izvora (na sce- kave, publika će to osetiti. Postavili bio i obrnut. Koliko sam ja gradila
nariju serije radi mnogo ljudi i sva- smo sebi cilj da se okupimo i druži- nju, toliko je i ona uticala na mene.
ko od njih u priču donosi neki svoj mo, da odradimo posao i da se ludo U seriji se pojavljuje i
svet) dođete na veoma klizav teren, zabavimo dok to radimo. Nemam Sting? Lako se uklopio?
gde uz samo jedan pogrešan korak mnogo iskustva u glumi, ali baš ta – Svima nam je bilo neverovat-
sve može da se pretvori u fijasko. hemija koju imamo od početka pod- no koliko lako! Od prvog trenutka
U čemu ste najviše uživa- stakla me je da pojačam ritam i da na setu delovalo je kao da je u glumi
li kao deo ovog malog, ali u sebi pronađem talenat kog nisam već godinama. Pravi je štreber. Do-
ekskluzivnog trija? bila ni svesna. Čast mi je što sam po- šao je na set potpuno pripremljen,
– U smehu, naravno. Stalno su stala deo ove otkačene bande. znao je ceo tekst. Bio je entuzijasti-
se šalili na moj račun da ne presta- Ko je Mejbl? Upoznajte čan, fokusiran i beskrajno zabavan
jem da se smejem, čak ni u trenuci- nas malo sa svojim likom. i šarmantan. Osim toga, ima sjajan
ma kada niko ne izgovara nikakav – U ovom iskustvu sa njom naj- smisao za humor. Uživali smo ra-
tekst. Jednostavno, dovoljno je bi- draže mi je to što sam je iskreno deći sa njim.

Interview » Intervju | 33
I n t e rvj u / I n t e r v i e w

Nemam mnogo
iskustva u glumi,
ali sam u sebi
pronašla talenat
kog nisam ni
bila svesna
I don’t have
much acting
experience, but
I found talent
within me that
I wasn’t even
aware I had

Selena Gomez , actr ess a nd singer

Comedy is back in a big way

It is enough to be on the set of the series Only Murders we discover how Only Murders in
in the Building with Steve Martin and Martin Short to the Building enchanted the public,
ensure a smile never leaves your face. Just looking at but also major Hollywood idols and
the two of them made me laugh pop stars like Meryl Streep, Sting,
Paul Rudd, Shirley MacLaine, Jim-
Coming to the Star neighbourhood, where a murder my Fallon and many others who
Channel this autumn is takes place. The trio launch their appear in cameo roles...
one of the most success- own investigation to uncover the - It seems to me that for a long
ful American sitcoms of re- killer, while simultaneously creat- time there were no high-quality sit-
cent times, the series Only Murders ing a podcast detailing the investi- coms on small screens and stream-
in the Building, which has the star gation, never suspecting the kinds ing platforms, in the spirit of the
trio of Steve Martin, Selena Gomez of secrets about their building and old series that have marked TV his-
and Martin Short in the lead roles. the people who live there will be tory. Thanks to Steve Martin and
This comedy-drama series, revealed by their probe. The only John Hoffman, who also put their
which has already won three Em- thing more exciting than the mys- signatures to this project as writ-
mys and received 25 more Emmy teries confronting them at every ers, comedy is back in a big way. I
nominations, as well as another sev- turn are the lies that they tell one wasn't even born at the time Steve
en for the Golden Globes, brings another to cover up the real clues, became one of Hollywood's biggest
a hilarious and unusual story in because the killer may be hiding stars, thanks to his roles in legend-
which three fans of true crime and among them. ary comedies. His specific brand of
intrigue - Charles (Steve Martin), In this interview with one of humour was a key driver of this
Oliver (Martin Short) and Mabel the show’s leading lights, singer and series. I heard from many of my
(Selena Gomez) – find themselves actress Selena Gomez, who has re- friends that they binge-watched all
living in the same luxury apartment ceived nominations for two Em- three seasons in one go. I believe
building, in an exclusive New York mys, a Grammy and a Golden Globe, that it was precisely our “craziness”

34 | Intervju » Interview
that also attracted other colleagues pace and find talent within me that
to join us in front of the cameras. I wasn't even aware I had. I’m hon-
The great chemistry that oured that I became part of this
you had also seems to have funny gang.
contributed to the success Who is Mabel, introduce us
of the series? to her a little...
- It was very challenging to - What I love most about my
strike a balance between come- experience with her is that I genu-
dy, mystery and drama in a single inely came to love her. It seems to
series. The three of us discussed me that our little “communication”
this topic a lot, because when all helped me to overcome some very
those emotions hit you from so large and difficult challenges that I
many sources (many people work faced in my life and career during
on the series’ script and they all previous years. It was as though she
bring some world of their own to
the story) you find yourself on
very slippery ground, where one
wrong move can turn everything
into a fiasco.
What did you enjoy the
most about being part of
this small but exclusive
- Laughing, of course. They con-
stantly made jokes at my expense
so I couldn't stop laughing, even at
the moments when no one was say-
ing anything. Simply being on set
with Steve and Martin is enough
to ensure a smile never leaves
your face. Just looking at the two
of them made me laugh, because I
knew what was awaiting us on the
set that day. It is tough to control
the brain and stop it from forming
images for itself and imagining in
advance what a scene will look like
when we start working on it. One
thing that we all had in common
was that we were there to have a
great time, to laugh and create a
positive atmosphere.
How difficult is it to find relaxed my thoughts in a way, and sonality. And that process was al-
the right balance between helped me reconstruct them and so reversed. She influenced me as
your everyday life, other move on. I definitely imprinted a much as I constructed her.
obligations and filming? lot of Mabel into my personality. Sting also makes a cameo
- You know that golden rule for It even seems to me that I’m more appearance in the series?
the gym: “No pain, no gain”? It’s the like her than some old Selena today. Did he fit in easily?
same in filming: if you don’t really It meant a lot to me that, from ep- - We were all amazed by how
sweat and roll up your sleeves, the isode to episode, I spoke with the easily he did! From the first mo-
audience will feel it. We set our- series’ authors and screenwriters ment on set, it was as though had
selves the goal of getting togeth- about what I would add to her per- been acting for years already. He’s
er and hanging out, of getting the sonality. As time went by, they de- a real nerd. He arrived on set fully
work done and having a crazy fun veloped increasing confidence in me prepared and knew the entire script.
time while doing it. I don't have and my advice on the issue of fash- He was enthusiastic, focused and
much acting experience, but that ion and her style. It was meaningful infinitely fun and charming. He al-
chemistry that we’ve had from the to me that I was thus able to par- so has a great sense of humour. We
start encouraged me to pick up the ticipate in the creation of her per- enjoyed working with him.

Interview » Intervju | 35
Kultura Culture
Sa ja m kn j i ga u B e o g r a d u će se za tu priliku izmestiti na Sa-

Najlepše doba za
jam, kako bi posetioci imali prilike
da se upoznaju sa njegovim mno-
gobrojnim aktivnostima.

sve knjigoljupce Francusku delegaciju pisaca ko-

ji će posetiti našu prestonicu čine:
Pjer Asulin, Toni Valente, Suzan
Ajo, Feliks Le Bar, Patrik Beson,
Ništa tako magično ne miriše u Beogradu krajem Žan-Kristof Buison, Paskal Del-
oktobra kao stranice odštampanih knjiga na peš, Matijas Enar, Izabel Fimejer,
međunarodnoj svetkovini literature Žan-Fransoa Galtu, Žilija Kaže,
Katrin Kise, Florans Noavil, Flo-
Planirajte da se u srp- drić i Miroslav Krleža, da spome- rans Obri, Erik-Emanuel Šmit, Kri-
skoj prestonici nađete nemo samo dvojicu. Već naredne, stel Petikolen, Toma Piketi, David
krajem oktobra i poseti- 1957, Sajam knjiga održan je u Be- Rošfor…
te carstvo književnosti, koje je u ogradu – odmah nakon završetka Partnerstvo francuskih i srp-
kalendarima Beograda zaokruže- izgradnje moderne hale i veoma br- skih izdavača omogućiće da se na
no svake godine kao jedan od onih zo zaslužio je epitet kultnog. Da- štandu izlažu i prodaju knjige na
događaja koje jednostavno ne mo- nas se smatra najvećim stecištem francuskom, ali i prevodi sa fran-
žete da dočekate. Čak i da niste lite- izdavačkih poslenika iz celog sve- cuskog na srpski, od kojih su mno-
rarni fanatik, ima nešto neodoljivo ta, a svake godine ugosti najzna- gi objavljeni uz podršku francuske
u milionima šarenih korica, mirisu čajnije domaće i brojne inostrane vlade. Osim toga, na štandu Fran-
novih stranica, ljudima koji hoda- pisce i izdavače. cuske biće dostupni naslovi izda-
ju među štandovima sa spiskovima Najlepši začin donose zemlje vačke kuće „Noir sur blanc“, zna-
željenih izdanja u rukama zanese- počasni gosti koje na velikom pro- čajnog partnera ove manifestacije,
no prelistavajući tek izašle knjige. storu predstavljaju svoju književ- koji objavljuje prevode srpskih i re-
Sve je počelo na Zagrebačkom nost, a ove godine miris i ukus svoje gionalnih pisaca na francuski jezik.
velesajmu pod pokroviteljstvom Jo- književnosti predstaviće nam Fran- U susret Sajmu knjiga razgova-
sipa Broza Tita, i to davne 1956. cuska na velikom štandu u Hali 2A rali smo sa nekoliko relevantnih au-
Prisustvovali su tom prvom sajmu Beogradskog sajma. Organizator tora iz Francuske čiji se izuzetni au-
mnogi jugoslovenski velikani pisa- programa počasnog gosta sajma torski rad izdvaja i prepoznaje širom
ne reči, među kojima su bili Ivo An- je Francuski institut u Srbiji, koji sveta, a koji će biti gosti Beograda.

36 | Knjige » Books
Francuska je ove godine počasni gost France is this year’s Guest of Honour of the
Međunarodnog beogradskog sajma knjiga, International Belgrade Book Fair, which runs
koji traje od 21. do 29. oktobra from 21st to 29th October

B e l g r a d e B o o k Fa i r

The best season

for all booklovers
Nothing smells quite as magical
in Belgrade in late October as the
pages of newly printed books at the
international festival of literature

Plan to be in the Serbian

capital in late October and
to visit the kingdom of literature dur-
ing a week that is circled in the calen-
dars of Belgraders each year as one of
those events that you simply cannot
wait to arrive. Even if you’re not a lit-
erature fanatic, you will find some-
thing irresistible in the millions of
vibrant covers, in the smell of fresh

Sajam knjiga održava se krajem

pages, in the people navigating their
way through the stands holding lists
of desired editions, leafing enthu-
siastically through newly released
oktobra, a domaćin mu je od svog
books. osnivanja Beogradski sajam
It all began at the Zagreb Fair,
way back in 1956, under the patron- The book fair is held in late October
age of Josip Broz Tito. That inaugu- and has been hosted by the Belgrade
ral book fair was attended by many
greats of Yugoslav literature, includ- Fair since its inception
ing Ivo Andrić and Miroslav Krleža,
to name just two. The very next na- to provide visitors with an opportu- ernment. In addition to this, the
tional book fair was held in Belgrade nity to familiarise themselves with French stand will also feature titles of
in 1957 – upon completion of the its multitude of activities. publishing company Noir sur Blanc,
fair’s modern halls, and very quickly The delegation of French writ- which is a significant partner of the
earned its epithet as an iconic event. ers who are set to visit our capital Belgrade Book Fair that also publish-
Today considered the largest meet- comprises: Pierre Assouline, Tony Va- es French translations of Serbian and
ing place for publishing professionals lente, Susane Aillot, Florence Aub- regional writers.
from around the world, each year it ry, Félix Le Bars, Patrick Besson, In the build up to this year’s
hosts the most important domestic Jean-Christophe Buisson, Pascale Book Fair, we spoke with a couple
and foreign writers and publishers. Delpech, Mathias Enard, Isabelle Fie- of relevant French authors who will
Adding the most beautiful fla- meyer, Jean-François Galletout, Ju- be guests of Belgrade and who have
vour to proceedings are the fair’s lia Cagé, Catherine Cusset, Florence distinguished themselves and been
guests of honour, who present their Noiville, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, recognised worldwide for their ex-
national literature over a large area, Christel Peticollin, Thomas Piketty, ceptional work as authors.
and this year it will be France present- David Rochefort… et al.
ing the aromas and flavours of its lit- A partnership between French
erature at a large stand in Hall 2A of and Serbian publishers will enable
the Belgrade Fair. The French pres- the exhibiting and selling of books
Tekst / Words:
entation programme is being organ- in French at the stand, but also trans- Sonja A. Filipović
ised by the French Institute in Serbia, lations of French works to Serbian, Fotografije / Photography:
which will “relocate” its headquarters many of which have been published, Depositphotos
to the fair for the occasion, in order with the support of the French gov-

Books » Knjige | 37
Ku lt u r a / C u lt u r e

Svoje prve korake u T o n i Va l e n t e , s t r i p a u t o r /

svetu stripa Toni Valente T o n y Va l e n t e , c o m i c a r t i s t
imao je zahvaljujući izdavačkoj
kući „Delcourt“, za koju je crtao
četvorotomni serijal „Les 4 prin-
ces de Ganahan“. Nakon okonča-
nja serijala Valente je započeo rad
Beograd kao
na sopstvenom projektu „Hana
Attori“ („Soleil“), umnogome za- inspiracija za strip
Belgrade as inspiration
snovanom na uticajima manga i
anime serijala na kojima je odra-

for comics
stao, da bi se u potpunosti posve-
tio svom najvećem i najuspešni-
jem projektu – „Radiant“, čiji je
kompletni autor.
Toni Valente se može pohvali-
ti činjenicom da je „Radiant“ pre-
sedan, kao prva i za sada jedina
manfra (francuska manga) pre-
vedena na japanski jezik, a pro-
data u preko milion primeraka
širom sveta. Ovaj serijal u Srbi-
ji prevodi i objavljuje izdavačka
kuća „Najkula“.
Kada i kako ste se za-
ljubili u strip, odnosno
– Mislim da se to dogodilo
ispred TV-a, gledao sam „Zma-
jevu kuglu“ kad sam bio klinac.
Zatim sam otkrio mangu na kojoj
se temelji anima i svidela mi se!
Isto je s „Ranma ½“, otkrio sam ga
prvo u animi, a zatim u mangi...
Dok ste čitali stripove/
mange kao dete, jeste li
imali ideju da biste jed-
nog dana možda mogli
da ih i crtate?
– Nisam razmišljao o mangi,
jer u vreme mog detinjstva je bilo
čudno razmišljati o tome, pošto
nije bilo nijednog primera man-
ge izvan Japana. Voleo sam jako
francuske stripove i znao sam da
želim da se izražavam u toj for- balna manga, tj. manga koja je cije na Beograd i Srbiju?
mi. Nisam imao druge planove, nastala izvan Japana. Zanimlji- – Volim stare građevine, po-
da budem iskren. vo je da svaka zemlja ima svoju sebno srednjovekovnu arhitektu-
Jedan ste od glavnih reč za to i bilo bi iscrpljujuće na- ru, a znam da širom Srbije ima
predstavnika manfre u brajati ih. dosta neverovatnih ostataka gra-
svetu. Po čemu se ona ra- Stižete uskoro u Beo- đevina iz tog doba, počevši od Be-
zlikuje od japanske man- grad. Da li ste bili ranije ogradske tvrđave. Kao entuzija-
ge? u našoj prestonici? stu i kreatora fantazije, to može
– To je samo manga napravlje- – Dolazim prvi put i veoma puno da mi pomogne da izma-
na u Francuskoj. Inače, mi u Fran- se radujem. Srbija je na mojoj li- štam nove krajolike u „Radiantu“.
cuskoj ne volimo tu reč „manfra“ sti odavno i sad imam priliku da Jeste li upoznati s rado-
(smeh). Više volimo da je nazove- dođem i da je posetim. vima nekih strip autora s
mo francuska manga ili čak glo- Koje su vam prve asocija- Balkana?

38 | Knjige » Books
Tony Valente took his first prefer to call it French manga or
steps in the world of comic books even global manga, i.e., manga that
thanks to publishing house Del- originated outside of Japan. Inter-
court, for which he illustrated the estingly, each country has its own
four-volume series Les 4 Princes word for that, and listing them all
de Ganahan [The 4 Princes of Gan- would be exhausting.
ahan]. After finalising his work on You will be coming to Bel-
this series, Valente began work on grade soon. Have you pre-
his own project, Hana Attori (Soleil viously visited our capi-
Productions), which drew heavily tal?
from the influences of the manga - I’m coming for the first time
and anime series that Tony grew and am really looking forward to
up reading and watching, only to it. Serbia has long been on my list
devote himself fully to his biggest and I now have the opportunity
and most successful project: Ra- to come and visit.
diant, which he both wrote and What are your first associ-
illustrated. ations with Belgrade?
Valente can also boast of the - I love old buildings, particu-
fact that Radiant set a precedent larly medieval architecture, and I
as the first and to date only man- know that there are many incred-
fra (French manga) publication to ible ruins of buildings from that
be translated into Japanese, with time throughout Serbia, starting
over a million copies sold world- with the Belgrade Fortress. As an
wide. This series is translated and enthusiast and creator of fantasy,
published in Serbia by publishing that can really help me dream up
company Najkula. new landscapes for Radiant.
When and how did you Are you familiar with the
fall in love with comics, or works of any authors of
manga specifically? comics from the Balkans?
- I think it happened in front - Gradimir Smuđa is the on-
of the TV, when I watched Drag- ly one that comes to mind, be-
– Pada mi na pamet jedino on Ball as a kid. I then discovered cause he’s also published a comic
Gradimir Smuđa, jer je i on obja- the manga that formed the basis in France. Apart from him, I cur-
vio strip u Francuskoj. Osim nje- of this anime and really liked it! rently don’t know anyone else and
ga, zasad ne znam nikoga i na- It was the same with Ranma ½ - I I hope that will change with my
dam se da će moje putovanje u first discovered him in anime, and trip to your country.
vašu zemlju to promeniti. only later in manga... What’s your opinion of
Kakvo je vaše mišljenje o When reading comics/ Enki Bilal and did you
Enkiju Bilalu i da li zna- manga as a kid, did it ever know that he was born in
te da je rođen u Beogra- cross your mind that you Belgrade?
du? might one day illustrate - I didn‘t know that, to be hon-
– Nisam to znao, da budem them yourself? est! In France, he is an important
iskren! U Francuskoj je važna fi- - I didn’t consider manga, be- figure in French comics; he’s been
gura u francuskom stripu. Uvek cause during the time of my child- there for as long as I can remem-
je bio tu, otkad znam za sebe. Ne- hood it would have been strange to ber. He’s an incredible illustrator
verovatan je ilustrator i kreator think about that, as there wasn’t a and creator of amazing worlds.
neverovatnih svetova. single example of manga beyond Who are your favourite
Ko su vam omiljeni strip Japan. I really liked French comics comic authors and whose
autori i kome se rado and knew that I wanted to express works do you gladly re-
vraćate? myself in that form. To be hon- turn to?
– Neću biti baš originalan kao est, I didn’t have any other plans. - I won‘t be very original, as
čitač mange: Moja omiljena seri- You are one of the world’s a manga reader: my favourite se-
ja je „One Piece“! Postoji zaista chief representatives of ries is One Piece! There are really
mnogo sjajnih naslova u ovoj in- “manfra”. How does it dif- many brilliant titles in this indus-
dustriji, a trenutno me zanima fer from Japanese manga? try, and I’m currently interested in
„Dandadan“. Volim i „One Pun- - It’s just manga that’s made in Dandadan. I also like One-Punch
ch Man“, „My Hero Academia“, France. In France we actually don‘t Man, My Hero Academia, Witch
„Witch Hat Atelier“, „Vagabond“... like the word manfra (laughs). We Hat Atelier, Vagabond etc.

Books » Knjige | 39
Ku lt u r a / C u lt u r e

Pj e r As u l i n , p i sac / P i e r r e As s o u l i n e , w r i t e r

Očekujem da me u Beogradu
iznenadi ono što već poznajem
/ I expect to be surprised in Belgrade
by what I already know
Pjer Asulin, član Aka-
demije „Gonkur“, francuski
je romansijer, biograf, kritičar, no-
vinar i hroničar na francuskom ra-
diju, bivši odgovorni urednik časo-
pisa „Lir“, član uredništva časopisa
„Istoar“. Godine 2007. dobio je Na-
gradu za francuski jezik koja se do-
deljuje „delu ili ličnosti iz sveta knji-
ževnosti, umetnosti ili nauke koja je
na značajan način doprinela, stilom
izražavanja ili svojim delovanjem,
isticanju kvaliteta i lepote francu-
skog jezika“.
Dva puta ste boravili u Sr-
biji i učestvovali na Moli-
jerovim danima, književ-
nom festivalu Francuskog
instituta u Srbiji, koji je
posvećen savremenoj fran-
cuskoj književnosti. Koje
uspomene nosite iz Srbi-
je i šta očekujete od novog
– Očekujem da me iznenadi ono
što već poznajem! I siguran sam da
toga neće nedostajati i da će biti pu-
no iznenađenja u mojim susretima
sa piscima, izdavačima, novinarima
i književnim kritičarima iz Srbije. A
ti kontakti su uvek i prilika za me-
ne da otkrijem jednu književnu sce-
nu koju nedovoljno poznajem, ali i
da vidim kakav je srpski pogled na
francusku književnost.
Ovoga puta dolazite u Be-
ograd iz Krakova, gde ćete
prisustvovati obeležava-
nju 25. godišnjice nagrade
„Gonkurov izbor“ u Polj-
skoj („Choix Goncourt de
la Pologne“). Vaš roman
„Klijentkinja“ („La Clien-

40 | Knjige » Books
te“) bio je prvi dobitnik te Pierre Assouline is a - That’s a universal story that is
nagrade... Kroz jednu pri- member of the Académie indeed set in the period of the oc-
ču iz doba okupacije Fran- Goncourt. A novelist, biogra- cupation, but in essence is a story
cuske govorite o ljudskim pher, critic, journalist and chron- about informing as a human weak-
slabostima, o dvoličnosti i icler on French radio, he is former ness. That book has been translated
kompromisu? editor-in-chief of Lire Magazine into many languages and wherev-
– To je jedna univerzalna priča, and a member of the editori- er I’ve been invited to speak about
koja jeste smeštena u doba okupa- al board of L’Histoire magazine. it I’ve always heard: ‘you wrote our
cije, ali u njenoj suštini je priča o He received the 2007 Prize of the story...’ And the plot actually un-
potkazivanju kao ljudskoj slabosti. French Language [Prix de la langue folds in France. There are mecha-
Knjiga je prevedena na puno jezika française], which is awarded to “the nisms that reflect the essence of
i gde god sam pozivan da o njoj go- work of a personality of the literary, things that are ineradicable, sown
vorim, uvek bih čuo: Vi ste napisa- artistic or scientific world, who has into human nature (envy, jealousy,
li našu priču... A radnja se zapravo contributed significantly, through hatred) and which we discover in
događa u Francuskoj. Postoje meha- the style of their works or actions, all eras and many societies.
nizmi koji odslikavaju suštinu nečeg to illustrating the quality and beau- You address sport and re-
neiskorenjivog, usađenog u ljudskoj ty of the French language”. silience in your latest nov-
prirodi (zavist, ljubomora, mržnja) You’ve visited Serbia twice el, The Swimmer (Le Na-
što otkrivamo u svim epohama i u and participated in the geur). This will also be
mnogim društvima. Days of Moliere literary among the topics that the
U svom poslednjem roma- festival of the French In- French Institute intends
nu „Plivač“ („Le Nageur“) stitute in Serbia, which is to discuss at the Belgrade
govorite o sportu i otpor- dedicated to promoting Book Fair, with a view to
nosti. Biće to i jedna od te- contemporary French lit- the upcoming Olympic
ma o kojoj Francuski in- erature. What memories Games in Paris. What is
stitut želi da se govori na of Serbia do you have and the strength of a man, an
Sajmu knjiga, u skladu sa what do you expect from athlete, who is confront-
Olimpijskim igrama u Pa- your latest visit? ed by humiliation, by evil,
rizu. Koja je snaga jednog - I expect to be surprised by and is determined to over-
čoveka, sportiste, suoče- what I already know! And I’m cer- come it?
nog sa ponižavanjem, sa tain there will be no shortage of - My hero, Alfred Nakache, is
zlom i odlučnim da ga pre- that and that there will be plen- someone who carries resistance in
vaziđe? ty of surprises in my encounters his spirit, someone who is armed
– Moj junak Alfred Nakaš je ne- with writers, publishers, journal- with an iron will, a strong char-
ko ko nosi otpor u svom duhu, neko ists and literary critics from Serbia. acter, a tempered temperament.
ko je naoružan gvozdenom voljom, And those contacts are also always He never capitulates and always
snažnim karakterom, iskaljenom lič- an opportunity for me to discover cheers on his teammates. All his
nošću. Nikada se ne predaje, uvek a literary scene that I don‘t know qualities as an athlete, acquired and
bodreći drugove iz svoje ekipe. Sve well enough, but also to see what fortified during his victorious ca-
njegove odlike sportiste, stečene i kind of view of French literature reer, would come to the fore from
osnažene tokom šampionske kari- Serbia has. the moment he was deported to
jere, doći će do izražaja od trenutka This time around you will Auschwitz and Buchenwald, in
kada je deportovan u Aušvic i Buhen- arrive in Belgrade straight a tragic context that was tough-
vald, u jednom tragičnom kontek- from Krakow, where you er than all sports challenges. De-
stu težem od svih sportskih izazo- will attend celebrations spite everything, he would over-
va. Prevazići će sve i vratiti se životu commemorating the 25th come it all and return to life. What
uprkos svemu. Kakav primer, kakav anniversary of the literary an example, what a role model and
uzor i kakva životna lekcija! prize Choix Goncourt de la what a life lesson!
Da li pratite sport i koje je Pologne (Goncourt Polish Do you follow sport and
njegovo mesto u književ- Choice). Your novel La Cli- what place should it have
nosti? ente was the first recipient in literature?
– Kada je sport u pitanju, u nje- of that award... In it you - When it comes to sport, I be-
ga verujem i njega upražnjavam. Na- used a story from the pe- lieve and engage in it. Unfortunate-
žalost, njegovo mesto u književno- riod of the occupation of ly, it has a rather modest place in
sti je dosta skromno, možda i zbog France to address human literature, perhaps because sports-
toga što sportiste bije glas da sla- weaknesses, duplicity and men have a reputation for being
bo čitaju... compromise? poor readers...

Books » Knjige | 41
Ku lt u r a / C u lt u r e

Reč selektor a Tačnije, za trenutak kada sam odla-

zio iz Bitefa 2009. godine, kada je

Bitef je uzbudljiva i čitav kolektiv potpisao peticiju da

ostanem još četiri godine. Kada se

neobična avantura
na kraju sve malo ozbiljnije sabere
i oduzme, jedino takve stvari zai-
sta ostaju da se pamte.
Radili ste širom Evrope, a
Reditelj Nikita Milivojević priseća se svojih poslednjih godina, osim u
prvih odlazaka na Bitef i govori o ovogodišnjem Srbiji, intenzivno radite i
izdanju čuvenog festivala, koji dočekuje na mestu boravite u Grčkoj, što zna-
umetničkog direktora či da su letovi vaša svakod-
nevica. Šta za vas znači le-
Od 3. do 10. oktobra sve predstave, okrugli stolovi, hronike, teti Er Srbijom?
oči pozorišnog sveta biće čitava riznica najrazličitijih bitefov- – S obzirom na to da me je Er Sr-
uprte u Beograd, što znači – skih utisaka se na taj način godina- bija svih ovih godina vodila na naj-
vreme je za još jedan Bitef! Ovo- ma sakupljala. različitije moguće destinacije, sva-
godišnji festival, pedeset sedmi po S obzirom na to da ste sa ko novo putovanje za mene na neki
redu, prvi je iza kojeg stoji selek- različitih pozicija prati- način znači i novu avanturu. Zbog
torski trio na čijem se čelu nalazi li festival godinama, da li toga je i svaki novi dolazak na ae-
poznati srpski reditelj Nikita Mili- možete da nam izdvojite rodrom povezan sa vrlo prijatnim
vojević. Sa njim smo razgovarali o omiljene produkcije koje osećanjem.
pozorištu, putovanjima i jedinstve- ste gledali na Bitefu?
nim bitefovskim utiscima. – Još iz vremena studentskih
Sa kakvim emocijama ula- dana sećam se da je predstava „Klau-
zite u ovaj mesec, u kojem strofobija“ Leva Dodina ostavila sna-
nas očekuje prvi Bitef pod žan utisak na mene. Zatim „Zločin i
vašom umetničkom selek- kazna“ Andžeja Vajde i Bergmanova
cijom? „Gospođica Julija“. Johan Kresnik i
– Bitef uvek podrazumeva po- njegovih nekoliko predstava – „Si-
sebnu vrstu strasti i uzbuđenja. U lvija Plat“, „Ernst Jinger“, „Magbet“
emotivnom smislu, rekao bih da je – otkrile su mi neke nove mogućno-
to nešto slično kao kada imam pre- sti u pozorištu, pre svega one u ve-
mijeru. Ali nisam sam. U selektor- zi sa pokretom. Kasnije mi se veo-
skom timu su dramaturškinja Tija- ma dopao „Magbet“ Jirgena Goša,
na Grumić, odnosno producentkinja kao i njegov „Ujka Vanja“.
Ksenija Djurović, kojoj je predmet Kada vam neko pomene
interesovanja plesna scena. Već sada Bitef, šta vam prvo padne
nam je jasno da je ovakav način sa- na pamet?
radnje višestuko koristan za Bitef. – Bitef uvek na neki način znači
Šta biste posebno izdvoji- ugled. U našem pozorišnom okru-
li iz ovogodišnjeg progra- ženju nijedan festival ne može da se
ma? pohvali da je u njemu u tolikoj meri
– Mislim da nije u redu pre po- ispisana istorija pozorišta XX veka,
četka festivala favorizovati bilo koju kao što to može Bitef. Istovremeno
predstavu u odnosu na druge. Ono Bitef za mene podrazumeva i dosta
što bih zasigurno mogao reći jeste vrlo ličnih utisaka. Četiri godi-
da verujem kako će festival, pre sve- ne koje sam proveo u Bitefu
ga, biti veoma raznovrstan upravo teatru (2005–2009) sma-
u smislu različitih formi i izraza. tram vrlo važnim i kre-
A da li se sećate prvog pu- ativnim periodom u
ta kada ste na Bitefu bili u svom pozorišnom ži-
publici? votu. Jedna od naj-
– Moji prvi susreti sa Bitefom lepših stvari koje su
desili su se još tokom studija s obzi- mi se desile svih ovih
rom na to da dolazim iz malog me- godina koliko sam u
sta i da pre toga nisam imao baš pozorištu vezana je
mnogo dodira s pozorištem. Razne upravo za to vreme.

42 | Pozorište » Theatre
Selector's wor d movement. I later really liked Jür-

Bitef is an exciting and

gen Gosch's Macbeth, as well as his
Uncle Vanya...”
What first crosses your

unusual adventure mind when someone men-

tions Bitef to you?
“Bitef, in some way, always
Director Nikita Milivojević recalls his first visits to Bitef means reputation. No other fes-
and discusses this year’s edition of the famous theatre tival in our theatre environment
festival, which he will welcome as its artistic director. can boast of the history of 20th cen-
tury theatre being inscribed at it

as much as Bitef can. At the same
rom 3rd to 10th October, all What I could certainly say is that time, Bitef also implies plenty of
eyes of the theatre world I believe that the festival will, first very personal impressions for me. I
will be fixed on Belgrade, and foremost, be very diverse pre- consider the four years that I spent
meaning the time has cisely in the sense of having vary- at Bitef Theatre (2005-2009) as a
come for another Bitef! ing forms and expressions.” very important and creative pe-
This year’s 57th consecutive edition Do you recall the first time riod of my theatrical life. One of
of the festival is the first to have be- you were in the Bitef audi- the most beautiful things that hap-
hind it a trio of selectors, headed ence? pened to me throughout all these
by famous Serbian director Niki- “My first encounters with Bitef years that I’ve been in theatre is ac-
ta Milivojević. We spoke with him happened during my studies, con- tually linked to that time, or more
about theatre, travels and unique sidering that I come from a small precisely to the moment when I was
impressions of Bitef. town and that I didn’t previously leaving Bitef in 2009, when the en-
What kind of emotions do have much contact with the thea- tire team signed a petition for me to
you feel as you enter this tre. Various performances, round- stay for another four years. When
month, when we are await- tables, chronicles, a whole treasure I ultimately weigh everything up
ed by the first Bitef that’s trove of the most diverse Bitef im- a little more seriously, it is only
under your artistic selec- pressions were collected over the those kinds of things that are re-
tion? years in this way.” ally left to be remembered.”
“Bitef always implies a special Given that you’ve spent You’ve worked all over Eu-
kind of passion and excitement. In many years following the rope, and in recent years,
an emotional sense, I would say it’s festival from different po- alongside working in Ser-
something similar to having a pre- sitions, could you single bia, you’ve also been inten-
miere. But I’m not alone. The team out your favourites among sively working and spend-
of selectors also includes drama- the productions you’ve ing time in Greece, which
turg Tijana Grumić and producer watched at Bitef? means that flights are part
Ksenija Djurović, whose area of in- “Back in my student days, I re- of your daily life. What
terest is the dance scene. It is al- member that a strong impression does it mean to you to fly
ready clear to us that this kind of was left on me by Lev Dodin’s play with Air Serbia?
cooperation benefits Bitef in mul- Claustrophobia. Then there were “Considering that Air Serbia
tiple ways.” Andrzej Wajda’s version of Crime has carried me to the most varied
What would you highlight and Punishment and Bergman’s possible destinations throughout all
in particular from this Miss Julie. Johann Kresnik and these years, for me each new jour-
year’s programme? his several shows – Sylvia Plath, ney means a new “adventure” in a
“I don't think it’s okay to fa- Ernst Jünger, Macbeth – revealed way. That’s why I associate every
vour any of the plays over the oth- some new possibilities in theatre to new arrival at the airport with a
ers prior to the start of the festival. me, primarily those connected to very pleasant feeling.”

Tekst / Words:
Mladen Savković
Fotografije / Photography:
Nebojša Babić

Theatre » Pozorište | 43
Ku lt u r a / c u lt u r e

Diamonds“ biće
prvi studijski
album benda
sa originalnom
muzikom od
2005. i prvi od
smrti bubnjara
Čarlija Votsa
Diamonds will be
the band’s first
studio album of
original material
since 2005 and
the first since the
2021 death of


drummer Charlie

G o d i n e s u s t va r n o s a m o b r o j ljuje i dugogodišnji bivši basista Bil

Vajman. Tokom lajvstrima otkriven

Stižu novi Stonsi je još jedan zanimljiv podatak – Le-

di Gaga peva duet „Sweet Sound of
Heaven“ (sudeći po Felonovoj izne-
Iako je Mik Džeger nedavno napunio 80 godina, nađenoj reakciji, Vud možda još ni-
pun energije sa Kitom Ričardsom i Ronijem Vudom je trebalo da objavi tu informaciju).
najavljuje album „Hackney Diamonds“, koji izlazi Prenos uživo je zaključen pre-
20. oktobra mijerom muzičkog spota za prvi sin-
gl „Angry“, u kojem se pojavljuje
Izađu tako tri tipa ko- originalnom muzikom od 2005. („A zvezda serije „Euforija“ Sidni Svi-
ja u proseku imaju nešto Bigger Bang“) i prvi od smrti bub- ni. Pesma je klasičan zvuk „Stonsa“,
manje od 250 godina, ali kre- njara Čarlija Votsa 2021. a video prikazuje Svini kako se vo-
ću se gipko, smeju se stvarno, ba- „Stonsi“ su se pojavili na sce- zi u crvenom kabrioletu dok joj sa
caju fore iz 21. veka i još najavljuju ni sa Felonom u „Hakni Empajer“ bilborda peva Mik Džeger iz broj-
novi album koji će izaći 20. okto- teatru pred živom publikom kada nih epoha tokom svih ovih godina.
bra. Možda bismo se i nasmejali na je Vud objasnio da je grupa ušla u „Hackney Diamonds“ je album
ideju da neki osamdesetogodišnja- studio neposredno pre Božića 2022. koji su svi dugo očekivali dok ga je
ci snimaju rokenrol i idu na turne- godine, snimivši 23 numere. „Hac- bend najavljivao raznim tizerima,
je, da se ova trojica ne zovu Mik, kney Diamonds“, koji će biti objav- poput čuvenog jezika „Stonsa“ pro-
Kit i Roni. Ooo da, stižu nam no- ljen 20. oktobra, na kraju sadrži iz- jektovanog na čuvenim spomenici-
vi „Stonsi“! bor od 12 pesama. ma širom sveta. I mada je ovo pr-
Koliko je fenomenalno videti „Od kada Čarlija nema, drugači- vo LP izdanje „Stonsa“ u skoro dve
takvu snagu duha i tela, nije krio je je, on je broj četiri. Bilo bi mnogo decenije, bend svakako nije sedeo
ni Džimi Felon, koji je bio domaćin teže bez njegovog blagoslova“, rekao skrštenih ruku jer su prošle godine
trojici velikana prošlog meseca ka- je Kit Ričards i objasnio da bubnje- bili na turneji „Sixty“ obeležavaju-
da su odlučili da kod njega, dok je ve svira Stiv Džordan, zamena koju ći 60. godišnjicu grupe... Džeger je
ceo svet gledao, u prenosu uživo je izabrao sam Čarli Vots. Mik Dže- možda nedavno napunio 80 godina,
ispričaju priču o tome kako je na- ger je dodao da na albumu postoje ali ni na koji način ne izgleda kao
stao „Hackney Diamonds“ i zašto dve pesme snimljene 2019. sa Čar- da se umorio od svirke. A ni mi se
su ga posle 18 godina snimili. Bi- lijem, koji je preminuo u decembru nikada nećemo umoriti od nepre-
će to prvi studijski album benda sa 2021. U jednoj pesmi se čak pojav- vaziđenih „Rolingstonsa“!

44 | Ploča » Vinyl
A g e r e a l ly i s j u s t a n u m b e r the 2021 death of drummer Char-
lie Watts.

New Stones arriving The band appeared onstage with

Fallon at the Hackney Empire Thea-
tre in front of a live audience. Wood
Despite Mick Jagger having recently turned 80, he explained that the group had hit the
was full of energy in announcing, together with Keith studio just before Christmas 2022,
Richards and Ronnie Wood, the new album Hackney recording 23 tracks. Hackney Dia-
Diamonds, which is set for release on 20th October monds, which will be released on
20th October, ultimately features
Three guys with a com- How phenomenal it was to see 12 of those tracks.
bined age of little less such strength of spirit and body not “Ever since Charlie is gone it’s dif-
than 250 years emerge, but even being hidden by Jimmy Fallon, ferent, he’s number four. It would
they move nimbly, really smile and who hosted the three greats when have been a lot harder without Char-
tell 21st century jokes, and they also they decided last month, live and lie’s blessing,” said Keith Richards, ex-
announce a new album to be released with the whole world watching, to plaining that Steve Jordan, Charlie
on 20th October. We might even scoff tell the story of how Hackney Dia- Watts’s own chosen replacement, is
at the notion of some octogenarians monds emerged and why they chose featured on drums. Jagger added that
recording rock’n’roll tracks and tour- to record it after a break of 18 years. the album includes two tracks that
ing, if that trio weren’t called Mick, It will be the band’s first studio al- were recorded in 2019 with Charlie,
Keith and Ronnie. Oh yeah, we have bum of original material since 2005 who passed away at the age of 80
new Stones arriving! (A Bigger Bang), and the first since in December 2021. One song even
features longtime former bassist Bill
Wyman. There was another featured
artist revealed during the livestream:
Lady Gaga duets on the track Sweet
Sound Of Heaven (Judging by Fal-
lon’s surprised reaction, Wood per-
haps wasn’t yet supposed to dish
that info).
The livestream concluded with
the premiere of the music video for
the first single, Angry, which features
Euphoria star Sydney Sweeney. The
song is classic Stones, and the vid-
eo depicts Sweeney rocking out in
a red convertible as she’s serenaded
by billboards of the Stones in their
many eras over the years.
Hackney Diamonds has already
been highly anticipated as the band
teased its new era—the Stones’ fa-
mous lips logo was projected near sev-
eral famous monuments around the
world, signalling the big announce-
Though Hackney Diamonds is
the first original Stones release in
nearly two decades, the band certain-
Album koji će
biti objavljen ly hasn’t been resting on its laurels.
Foto: / BACKGRID / Backgrid UK

20. oktobra They last year embarked on the Six-

sadrži izbor od 12 ty Tour, to commemorate the band’s
The album, set 60th anniversary. And despite front-
to be released man Jagger recently becoming an oc-
on 20th October, togenarian, the Stones show no signs
comprises a
selection of 12
of slowing down any time soon. And
tracks we will never get tired of the unri-
valled “Rolling stones” either!

Vinyl » Ploča | 45
Ku lt u r a / c u lt u r e

N o v p o g l e d n a V o t e r g e j t / A n e w p e r s p e c t i v e o n W at e r g at e

Priča o braku, izdaji i nadi /

A tale of marriage, betrayal, love and hope
„Laž i manipulacija“ (Gaslit), sa Džulijom Roberts i Šonom
Penom u oktobru premijerno na „Starsu“ / Gaslit, starring Julia
Roberts and Sean Penn, premieres in October on the Starz network

Julia Roberts and Sean

Penn will move into our homes,
bringing yet another story of the
oft-analysed Watergate scandal. This
time around, Sean Penn plays attor-
ney general John Mitchell, a friend
and lawyer of then U.S. President
Richard Nixon, while the queen of
romantic comedy finds herself in the
role of his wife, Martha Mitchell –
the first whistleblower wife, without
whom, Nixon claimed, there would
have been no Watergate.
This interpretation provides a
completely new perspective and view
Foto: / Angela Weiss / AFP

on the entire scandal, at least accord-

ing to the claims of the series crea-
tors, who aimed to shift the focus of
the story of the Watergate scandal
to the people involved, as opposed
to sticking to the facts and politics.
Martha Mitchell was extremely in-
fluential and often made guest ap-
pearances on TV shows, during which
Džulija Roberts i Šon gde je kritikovala muža. Kada je she criticised her husband. She at-
Pen će nam se useliti u domo- Džon probao da je spreči da ot- tempted to warn journalists when
ve donoseći još jednu priču o to- krije aferu, pokušala je da upo- John tried to prevent her from ex-
liko puta analiziranom Votergej- zori novinare. posing the scandal.
tu. Ovaj put Šon Pen igra Džona „Jedva čekam da gledaoci uži- “I can’t wait for viewers to experi-
Mičela, prijatelja i advokata neka- vaju u glumi kompletne postave ence the extraordinary performances
dašnjeg predsednika Amerike Ri- koju predvodi Džulija Roberts u in this remarkable ensemble, led by
čarda Niksona, dok se kraljica ro- ovoj uzbudljivoj priči“, izjavio je Julia Roberts, in this thrilling tale,”
mantičnih komedija našla u ulozi Robi Pikering, kreator i producent said series creator and producer Rob-
njegove supruge Marte Mičel – pr- serije, koji je bio opsednut Nikso- bie Pickering, who’s been obsessed
ve žene uzbunjivača javnosti, za nom još otkako je video mamu ka- with Nixon since seeing his moth-
koju je Nikson tvrdio da bez nje ko plače gledajući sahranu bivšeg er weep while watching the former
ne bi bilo ni Votergejta. predsednika 1994. na TV-u. Sa 11 president’s funeral on TV in 1994.
Ovde je reč o potpuno novom godina sve što je Pikering znao o At the tender age of 11, all Picker-
pogledu na celu aferu, bar kako Niksonu bilo je da su ga smatra- ing knew about Nixon was that he
tvrde tvorci serije. Njima je cilj li lošim predsednikom. Ali, kako was considered a “bad president”, but
bio da se priča o Votergejt aferi je ispričao magazinu „Tajm“: „Ma- he told TIME magazine: My moth-
fokusira na ljude, a ne samo na ma mi je rekla da je bio sjajan čo- er had insisted that he was a great
faktografiju i politiku. Marta Mi- vek i da su ga razapeli. Od tog tre- man and they crucified him. From
čel je bila izuzetno uticajna i če- nutka morao sam da saznam sve that moment onI needed to know
sto je gostovala u TV emisijama o njemu“. everything about this man.”

46 | Serija » Series
Ku lt u r a / c u lt u r e

j o š j e da n h i t Pesma „Used To Be Young“ ima potencijal

one more hit da naglasi kako je Sajrus i dalje u stanju da
konstantno bude na vrhu top lista i dominira
radio-talasima / Her new song, Used To Be Young,
Majli Sajrus has the potential to emphasise that this singer remains
capable of consistently topping the charts and
vraća svoju dominating the airwaves

moć na listama Majli Sajrus je oduše-

vila novim singlom „Used
Miley Cyrus made a late
summer splash with the release

/ Miley Cyrus
To Be Young“ pokazujući da je, of her new single Used To Be Young,
uprkos nekim nedavnim singlo- demonstrating that, despite some re-
vima koji nisu prošli sjajno, u sta- cent underperforming singles, she’s

reclaims her chart- nju da brzo povrati status opro-

banog hitmejkera.
capable of swiftly regaining her sta-
tus as a tried-and-tested hitmaker.

topping power
Muzičarka nominovana za The Grammy-nominated mu-
„Gremi“ započela je 2023. godi- sician began 2023 with a bang,
nu velikim praskom, obeležavaju- marking one of the most remark-
ći jedno od najznačajnijih poglav- able chapters in her storied career.
lja u svojoj legendarnoj karijeri. The superstar started the year with
Superzvezda je počela godinu the single Flowers, which became an
singlom „Flowers“, koji je od- immediate smash hit. The tune de-
mah postao hit. Pesma je debi- buted at No. 1 on the Hot 100, on-
tovala kao broj 1 na „Hot 100“ i ly to maintain its reign at the top of
zadržala neprikosnoveni status this chart for nearly two months.
na takmičarskom nivou skoro dva Representing her ode to singlehood,
meseca. Majlina oda singl statusu Flowers first grabbed the attention
prvo je raspalila društvene mre- of the public because TikTok loves
že, jer Tiktok voli nered i dramu. mess and drama. Following the re-
Nakon objavljivanja pesme i soč- lease of the song and juicy music
nog muzičkog spota početkom video in early January, fans flocked
januara, fanovi su se okupili na to the social media platform to an-
platformama društvenih mreža alyse the lyrics and imagery in or-
da analiziraju tekst i fotografiju, der to unearth all the Easter eggs
u pokušaju da otkriju sve poruke about the pop star’s ex-husband, ac-
upućene bivšem mužu, glumcu tor Liam Hemsworth. Despite all the
Lijamu Hemsvortu. Mada je cela hype around this sweet revenge dra-
fama oko slatke osvetničke dra- ma having abated, the song remains
me prošla, pesma je ostala jedan among the biggest hits of the year.
od najvećih hitova ove godine. Flowers served as a preview to
„Flowers“ je poslužio kao the album Endless Summer Vacation,
najava za „Endless Summer Va- which was released in mid-March and
cation“, koji je stigao sredinom entered the charts and peaked at No.
marta. Sam album je dostigao vr- 3 on the Billboard 200, which was
hunac trećim mestom na listi „Bi- slightly below expectations given the
lbord 200“, nešto niže nego što massive success of Flowers. Howev-
su neki očekivali s obzirom na er, while the album came close to
ogroman uspeh hita „Flowers“. achieving chart-topping status, the
Međutim, iako je zadržao dobar two subsequent singles released from
status na vrhu liste, dva sledeća the full-length album – River and
singla „River“ i „Jaged“ izdvoje- Jaded – didn’t manage to achieve
na sa albuma nisu postigla isti the same level of success. Amazing-
nivo uspeha. Ipak, „Flowers“ je ly, Flowers has continued to outper-
nastavio da nadmašuje novije sin- form the more recently released sin-
glove sa „Endless Summer Vaca- gles from Endless Summer Vacation
tion“, i do danas održava svoju to this day, maintaining its position
poziciju u vrhu. at the top.

48 | Muzika » Music
Ku lt u r a / c u lt u r e

„T h e K i l l e r “ o d u š e v i o V e n e c i j u / T h e K i l l e r d e l i g h t e d V e n i c e

Udružili se Finčer i Fasbender

Fincher and Fassbender team up
„Ubica“ će biti u odabranim bioskopima 27. oktobra, a zatim ćemo ga
premijerno gledati na Netfliksu 10. novembra / The Killer will be screened
in select cinemas on 27th October, after which we will watch its Netflix
premiere on 10th November

Foto: / LaPresse / ddp USA

Foto: / NETFLIX / Planet

Najnoviji film Dejvi- činom umu. Sličnu ideju je rani- er who finds himself facing a psy-
da Finčera „The Killer“ („Ubi- je istraživao Fjodor Dostojevski chological crisis in a world with no
ca“) bio je pravi hit na nedavno u svom čuvenom romanu „Zločin moral compass. Michael Fassbend-
održanom Venecijanskom film- i kazna“, a nama ostaje da vidi- er plays the lead role of a haunt-
skom festivalu. Premijeru su pra- mo kako se Finčer izborio sa ovim ed, troubled assassin who fights
tile petominutne ovacije, što je teškim zadatkom. against both his employers and
donekle i zbunilo reditelja, ko- Za to ćemo imati priliku već himself. The film’s premise is based
ji očigledno nije očekivao takav 10. novembra, kada će film pre- on the birth of a conscience in a
prijem kod publike. mijerno biti prikazan na Netflik- previously cold, calculating killer
Jedan od najočekivanijih fil- su, sa kojim reditelj ima ugovor. and the psychological burdens and
mova ove godine prati putovanje fractures this will impose on the
hladnokrvnog ubice koji se nalazi The latest David Finch- killer's mind. A similar idea was pre-
u psihološkoj krizi u svetu kome er film, The Killer, proved to be viously explored by Fyodor Dosto-
nedostaje moralni kompas. Majkl a genuine hit at the recent Venice evsky in his famous novel Crime
Fasbender igra glavnu ulogu, ukle- Film Festival. The premiere prompt- and Punishment, and it remains
tog, problematičnog ubicu koji se ed a five-minute standing ovation, for us to see how Fincher handled
bori protiv svojih poslodavaca i sa- which somewhat confused the di- this difficult task.
mog sebe. Premisa filma zasniva rector, who obviously didn’t expect We will have an opportunity
se na rađanju savesti u prethod- such a reception from the audience. to do so already on 10th Novem-
no hladnom, proračunatom ubi- One of the most hotly antici- ber, when the film will make its
ci i psihološkim opterećenjima i pated films of the year, it follows premiere on Netflix, which has a
lomovima koje će to doneti ubi- the journey of a cold-blooded kill- contract with the director.

50 | Film » Movie


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Izložba je otvorena do 5. maja 2024. u

muzeju papirusa Austrijske nacionalne
biblioteke / The exhibition runs until 5th
May, 2024, at the Austrian National Library’s
Papyrus Museum

U zbirci
nalaze se
dokumenti iz
i ranog
Included in
the papyrus
are original
from the
Greek, Roman
and early
Arabic periods

52 | Beč » Vienna
Poklon Nila

Moć vode u
starom Egiptu
Specijalna izložba predstavlja
jedinstvene papiruse iz grčko-
rimskog perioda koji su posvećeni
reci Nil, odnosno održivoj upotrebi
dragocenog resursa vode

vreme faraona, baš kao i danas, ulagali A gift of the Nile

The power of water

su se veliki napori za dodatno obradi-
vo zemljište, čistu pijaću vodu, dovolj-
no vode za navodnjavanje i borbu pro-
tiv pustinje. Nil je bio jedini izvor vode
u pustinjskoj zemlji u kojoj je žetva zavisila od go-
dišnjih poplava.
in ancient Egypt
U zbirci papirusa u Austrijskoj nacionalnoj bi- This special exhibition presents unique
blioteci nalaze se brojni originalni dokumenti iz fa- papyri from the Graeco-Roman period
raonskog, grčkog, rimskog i ranog arapskog perioda that are dedicated to the River Nile and
koji se mogu iskoristiti za razumevanje različitih as-
pekata na temu upravljanja vodama. Izložba će pri-
the sustainable use of the precious
kazati preko stotinu eksponata, od kojih se mnogi resource that is water

prvi put javno izlažu.
Tekstovi izveštavaju o korišćenju vode koje kon- uring the time of the pharaohs, much
troliše i nadgleda država i o održavanju visoko razvi- like today, great efforts were exerted in
jenog sistema navodnjavanja kako bi nadolaženje Nila an effort to create additional arable land,
svake godine moglo da zahvati što više poljoprivred- Nil je bio jedini clean drinking water and sufficient quan-
nih površina bez nanošenja štete prekomernim plav- izvor vode u tities of water to irrigate the land and
ljenjem. Eksponati dokumentuju i propise o pravi- zemlji u kojoj je combat desertification. The Nile was the only source
ma na vodu, poreske olakšice u sušnim periodima i žetva zavisila of water in this arid land where harvests depended
mere vlade protiv širenja pustinje. od godišnjih on annual floods.
Svaki Egipćanin je morao da radi pet dana u go- The Nile was
Included in the papyrus collection of the Austri-
dini na održavanju složenog sistema kanala, brana i the only source an National Library are numerous original documents
nasipa koji je omogućio uspon Egipta do jedne od pr- of water in from the Pharaonic, Greek, Roman and early Arabic
this arid land
vih velikih poljoprivrednih kultura čovečanstva. Go- where harvests
periods that can be utilised to gain an understanding
dišnje poplave su okončane otvaranjem velike Asu- depended on of various aspects of the topic of water management.
anske brane 1970. godine. annual floods The exhibition presents over a hundred exhibits, many
of which are being exhibited in public for the first time.
These texts report on the use of water that was
controlled and overseen by the state and the main-
taining of a highly developed irrigation system in or-
der for the rising Nile to be able to inundate as much
agricultural land as possible each year, without caus-
ing damage through excessive flooding. Exhibits also
document regulations on water rights, tax breaks dur-
ing periods of drought and government measures to
counter desertification.
Every Egyptian had to spend five days a year work-
ing to maintain the complex system of canals, dams
Foto: Béchard, Emile

and embankments that enabled Egypt to rise to be-

come one of humanity’s first great agricultural cul-
tures. The annual floods only came to an end in 1970,
with the opening of the great Aswan Dam.

Vienna » Beč | 53
Er Srbija vesti Air Serbia news

Tri miliona putnika od

početka godine do
sredine septembra
Three million
passengers from the
beginning of the year This is the best result sin-
ce 2013, when the Serbian natio-
until mid-September nal airline rebranded to Air Serbia.
This means that the best annual pa-
ssenger traffic record achieved in
Er Srbija je 15. septembra 2023. godine, prvi put u svojoj istoriji, u the pre-pandemic year of 2019 has
redovnom i čarter saobraćaju prevezla više od tri miliona putnika u toku already been exceeded by seven
jedne godine / On 15th September 2023, for the first time in its history, Air per cent in September.
„On 26th October we will mark
Serbia achieved more than three million passengers carried in scheduled the 10th anniversary of business un-
and charter traffic in a single year der the name Air Serbia. The results
we are achieving today confirm that
the strategy devised in 2013 was a
Ovo je najbolji rezultat od kažemo da će broj prevezenih putni- Godina u kojoj winning one. The pandemic briefly
2013. godine, od kada srpska na- ka do kraja 2023. godine biti značaj- proslavljamo slowed us down but did not divert us
cionalna avio-kompanija posluje pod no veći od ranije najavljenih 3,5 mili- poslovanja from the path of development. This
imenom Er Srbija. Na taj način već u ona – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni ujedno je i year, in which we celebrate a decade
septembru je za sedam odsto nad- direktor Er Srbije. najuspešnija od of operations, is also the most succe-
kada poslujemo
mašen najbolji godišnji rezultat u Er Srbija leti do više od 80 de- kao Er Srbija, ssful since we began operating as Air
broju prevezenih putnika, zabeležen stinacija širom sveta, a pored matič- kaže Jirži Marek Serbia. By mid-September, we had
u do sada rekordnoj pretpandemij- nog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Be- This year, in which already carried three million passen-
we celebrate
skoj 2019. godini. ogradu, putnici imaju priliku da do a decade of
gers. Following the positive trend, we
– Već 26. oktobra obeležiće- željenih gradova stignu i sa niškog operations, is are confident that the number of pa-
mo 10 godina poslovanja pod ime- aerodroma „Konstantin Veliki“ i „Mo- also the most ssengers carried by the end of 2023
nom Er Srbija. Rezultati koje danas rava“ kod Kraljeva. will greatly exceed the previously
since we began
ostvarujemo potvrda su da je stra- Najpopularnije destinacije to- operating as Air announced 3.5 million,“ said Air Ser-
tegija koja je osmišljena 2013. godi- kom jula i avgusta u regionu bile su Serbia, says Jiri bia CEO Jiri Marek.
ne bila pobednička. Pandemija nas Tivat i Podgorica. Kada je reč o za- Marek Air Serbia flies to over 80 desti-
je nakratko usporila, ali ne i skrenula padnoj Evropi, najviše se putovalo nations worldwide, and besides its
sa puta razvoja. Godina u kojoj pro- do Ciriha, Pariza i Amsterdama, dok hub, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport,
slavljamo deceniju poslovanja ujed- su u široj evromediteranskoj zoni naj- passengers can also fly to their de-
no je i najuspešnija od kada poslu- popularnije destinacije bile Istanbul, sired cities from Niš Constantine the
jemo kao Er Srbija. Već polovinom Larnaka, Atina i Barselona. Od pre- Great Airport and Morava Internatio-
septembra prevezli smo tri miliona kookeanskih destinacija, Njujork nal Airport near Kraljevo.
putnika. Prateći pozitivan trend ra- spada u prvih deset destinacija po The most popular regional desti-
sta, sada sa sigurnošću možemo da broju putnika u julu i avgustu. nations during July and August were
Tivat and Podgorica. When it comes
to Western Europe, the largest num-
bers of passengers visited Zurich, Pa-
ris, and Amsterdam, while popular
destinations in the wider Euro-Medi-
terranean zone included Istanbul, Lar-
naca, Athens and Barcelona. Among
long-haul destinations, New York
ranks in the top ten destinations in
terms of passenger numbers during
these two peak summer months.

54 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

S r p s k a i t u r s k a av i o - ko m pa n i j a z a j e d n o k a k a n a d i
S e r b i a n a n d T u r k i s h n at i o n a l a i r l i n e s t o g e t h e r t o c a n a d a

Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajns proširuju kod-šer

partnerstvo / Air Serbia and turkish airlines
expand codeshare partnership


Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajns, nacionalne avio-kompa- Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines, the national airli-
nije Srbije i Turske, dodatno su proširile kod-šer saradnju, nes of Serbia and Turkey, have further expanded their co-
tako što je Er Srbija dodala svoj marketing kod na leto- deshare cooperation with Air Serbia adding its marketing
ve ka destinacijama u mreži Turkiš erlajnsa u Kanadi. Srp- code to flights to destinations in the Turkish Airlines network
ska nacionalna avio-kompanija je dodala svoj „JU“ kod na in Canada. The Serbian national airline has added its "JU"
letove „Turkiš erlajnsa“ između Istanbula i kanadskih gra- code to Turkish Airlines flights between Istanbul and the
dova Toronta, Montreala i Vankuvera, čime je po prvi put Canadian cities Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, which is
omogućeno prisustvo marketing koda Er Srbije na trži- the first time Air Serbia's marketing code will appear on the
štu Kanade. Canadian market.
– Putnici imaju priliku da preko Istanbula otputuju do "Passengers have the opportunity to travel via Istanbul
tri važna i velika kanadska grada. Letovi do Kanade su izu- to three important and large Canadian cities. The servi-
zetno značajni za brojnu dijasporu zemalja iz regiona ši- ce to Canada is of great importance to the large diaspora
reg Balkana, kao i za sve druge koji poslovno ili turistič- from the countries of the wider Balkan region, as well as to
ki žele da posete Kanadu – izjavila je Ivana Miklja Mučalov, all others wanting to visit Canada for business or tourism,”
menadžerka međukompanijskih poslova i alijansi Er Sr- said Ivana Miklja Mučalov, Air Serbia International Affairs &
bije. Alliances Manager.
Dodavanjem novih gradova u Kanadi, proširena kod- With the addition of new cities in Canada, the expan-
šer mreža sada uključuje 21 destinaciju „Turkiš erlajnsa“, ded codeshare network now includes 21 Turkish Airlines de-
na koju je Er Srbija dodala svoj marketing kod. Letovi su stinations to which Air Serbia has added its marketing co-
dostupni iz Istanbula, najvećeg grada u Turskoj, koji je sa de. Flights are available from Istanbul, Turkey's largest city,
Beogradom povezan sa više letova dnevno, i preko srp- which is connected to Belgrade with multiple daily services
skog i preko turskog avio-prevoznika, tokom cele godine. by both Serbian and Turkish carriers throughout the year.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 55

E r S r b i j a v e st i / A ir S e r b ia n e ws

N a s tav l j e n o p o d m l a đ i va n j e r e g i o n a l n e f l o t e
R e g i o n a l f l e e t r e v i ta l i s at i o n c o n t i n u e s

Sedmi ATR 72-600 pridružio se floti Er Srbije

Seventh ATR 72-600 joins Air Serbia fleet

Sedmi avion Er Srbije ti- od 27,05 m. Najveća brzina ko-

pa ATR 72-600 sleteo je na be- ju mogu dostići tokom krstare-
ogradski aerodrom, ušao u flotu nja iznosi oko 500 km/h, dok je
Er Srbije i počeo da obavlja leto- maksimalni dolet sa punim ka-
ve do destinacija u regionu. Lete- pacitetom oko 1.500 km.
lica je stara devet godina, pa pro-
sečna starost ATR flote Er Srbije
u ovom trenutku iznosi osam go-
dina. Air Serbia’s seventh ATR
– Regionalna flota naše kom- 72-600 type aircraft has lan-
panije i dalje se širi. Sa radošću ded at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Ai-
smo dočekali sedmi ATR tipa 72- rport, joined the Air Serbia fleet
600. Nastavljamo sa podmlađi- and commenced services to
U boje i
vanjem flote i daljim unapređe- destinations around the regi- joined the Air Serbia fleet to da- oznake srpske
njem usluge. Naš cilj je da ATR on. This latest aircraft is nine ye- te have a seating configuration of nacionalne avio-
flota u jednom trenutku broji de- ars old, meaning that Air Serbia’s 70 to 72 seats. Three of them are kompanije avion
je ofarban u
set aviona – rekao je Jirži Marek, ATR fleet has a current average equipped with Geven Prestige se-
Derbiju u Velikoj
generalni direktor Er Srbije. age of eight. ating, while the fourth, fifth, sixth Britaniji
Svih sedam ATR letelica ko- “Our company's regional fleet and seventh planes have Acro se- The aircraft was
je su do sada stigle u flotu Er Sr- continues to expand. We welco- ating that provides passengers painted in Air
Serbia’s colours
bije imaju konfiguraciju od 70 do med our seventh ATR type 72- with extra comfort. These aircraft and adorned with
72 sedišta. Tri imaju sedišta mar- 600 with joy and we are continu- are all equipped with two PW127M the markings of
ke „Geven Prestige“, dok četvr- ing with the fleet’s revitalisation turboprop engines, have a length Serbia's national
airline in Derby,
ti, peti, šesti i sedmi imaju „Acro“ and the further improvement of of 27.17 metres and a wingspan United Kingdom
sedišta koja putnicima omogu- our services. Our goal is for the of 27.05 metres. They can rea-
ćavaju veći komfor i udobnost. ATR fleet to consist of ten aircraft ch a maximum cruising airspeed
Avioni su opremljeni sa dva tur- at some point,” said Air Serbia of approx. 500 km/h, while the-
boprop motora PW127M, dugač- CEO Jiri Marek. ir maximum full-capacity range is
ki su 27,17 m i imaju raspon krila All seven ATR aircraft to have around 1,500 km.

56 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Iskoristite fantastične ponude do 7 dana nakon sletanja u Beograd.

Pokažite svoju kartu za ukrcavanje našim odabranim partnerima i
ostvarite popust do 25% na njihove usluge.

Uživajte u Beogradu!

Enjoy in fantastic offers, up to 7 days after arrival in Belgrade. Show

your boarding pass to our selected partners and get a discount of up to
25% on their services.

Enjoy in Belgrade!
Partneri Er Srbije / Air Serbia Partners
Ritam grada Rhythm of the city
N o l e , ko š a r k a š i , b a s k e ta š i
N o va k a n d b a s k e t b a l l a c e s

Lepe su medalje,
ali je najlepše na
balkonu / Medals
are great, but being on
the “balcony” is best
Hiljade ljudi ponovo je na platou ispred Tekst / Words:
Skupštine grada podelilo ljubav i podršku Jelena Pantović
sa sportistima koji su svoja odličja i pehare Fotografije / Photography:
Aleksandar Dimitrijević,
pokazali sa terase Starog dvora / A crowd of
thousands once again descended on the plateau
in front of the City Assembly to share their love and
support for the athletes showing their medals and
trophies from the balcony of the Old Palace

Tekst / Words:
Jelena Pantović
Fotografije / Photography:
Aleksandar Dimitrijević,

Na platou ispred Skup- pionke. Mnoge bitne stvari su se to ispod njega. I taj je balkon od
štine grada Beograda or- menjale, ali jedno je ostajalo isto 1995. ugostio mnogo šampiona
ganizovan je prošlog meseca sve- – uspesi sportista i doček na bal- i šampionki. Pa i Mariju Šerifo-
čani doček za srpske košarkaše konu Starog dvora. I svi smo mi vić posle pobede na „Evrosongu“.
koji su na Svetskom prvenstvu u prethodnih decenija bar jednom „Orlovi“ su prethodno bili na
Manili osvojili srebrnu medalju, bili tamo negde u masi, čekajući prijemu kod predsednika Srbije
basketaše koji su trijumfovali na da se sportski idoli vrate okićeni Aleksandra Vučića, nakon čega su
Evropskom prvenstvu u Jerusa- medaljama. izašli pred narod, koji se okupio
limu i najboljeg svetskog tenise- A sve je to počelo jednog leta u velikom broju da ih pozdravi.
ra Novaka Đokovića koji je na Ju- 1995. godine, kada je košarkaš- Bio je ovo jedan od najemotivni-
Es openu u Njujorku osvojio svoju ka reprezentacija Jugoslavije iz jih dočeka ikada priređenih spor-
24. grend slem titulu. Atine stigla sa zlatom. Taj doček tistima, a posebno je ganut bio
Momci su se pojavili na već je bio legendaran iz mnogo razlo- Novak, koji u jednom momentu
legendarnom balkonu Skupštine ga. Pre svega, ljudi su se okupili nikako nije mogao da zadrži su-
grada, gde se godinama dočekuju spontano u hiljadama i hiljada- ze, pa im se i prepustio. Košarkaši
najbolji sportisti Srbije posle ve- ma, još na aerodromu. Košarka- su priskočili da ga zagrle, a on je
likih uspeha. I mada u Beogradu ši su bežali preko piste kao da su oduševljenim ljudima rekao: „Tre-
ima hiljade i hiljade lepih terasa „Bitlsi“, od aerodroma pa sve do sem se, ne znam šta da kažem, a
i balkona, svi znaju, kad se kaže centra grada bili su parkirani au- toliko bih toga rekao. Hteo bih da
„balkon“, na koji se tačno misli. tomobili, deca, zastavice, sreća i čestitam našim šampionima, ba-
Jer na samo jedan već decenijama radost bez kraja, a onda svi zajed- sketašima i košarkašima, na fe-
izlaze isključivo šampioni i šam- no – neki na balkon, a neki na pla- nomenalnim uspesima, ne samo

60 | Beograd » Belgrade
Stari dvor i njegov čuveni balkon sagrađeni su između The Old Palace and its famous balcony were constructed between
1882. i 1884. po projektu Aleksandra Bugarskog u maniru 1882 and 1884, according to the design of Aleksandar Bugarski in the
arhitekture akademizma 19. veka architectural style of 19th century academicism

ove godine nego svih ovih godina

kroz istoriju. Hvala im što su pri-
hvatili da budem deo slavlja i da
se zajedno družimo večeras. Ovo
je ostvarenje dečačkog sna za me-
ne. Kao klinac sam, kao i mnogi
iz moje generacije, bio tu u masi i
slavio velike medalje sa šampiona-
ta naših slavnih košarkaša, odboj-
kaša, vaterpolista, svih ljudi koji
su fantastično predstavljali Srbi-
ju. Bio sam ovde nekoliko puta, ali
ovo je neprocenjivo i nezamenji-
vo, ovo se više nikad neće pono-
viti. Da stojim pored velikih šam-
piona, ali i velikih ljudi, sa kojima
imam prijateljski odnos. Osetio
Srbija se okupila ispred Skupštine sam njihovu slogu i zajedništvo i
grada da pozdravi svoje šampione taj momenat ljudskosti. Boriša je
Serbia gathered in front of the City
Assembly to greet its champions heroj nacije i zaslužuje da mu svi
skandirate. Boriša, Boriša! Nijed-
na nacija na svetu nema ovaj duh

Belgrade » Beograd | 61
koji mi imamo. Živela Srbija“, re-
kao je emotivno Nole.
Govorili su i košarkaši, pevalo
se, slavilo i zaista treba biti u Be-
ogradu kad „radi“ balkon Starog
dvora. Ali i kad na njemu nema
šampiona vredi videti to prele-
po zdanje. Palata srpske dinastije
Obrenović, u kojoj je danas Skup-
ština grada Beograda, nalazi se
na uglu ulica Kralja Milana i Dra-
goslava Jovanovića. Sagrađen je
između 1882. i 1884. s namerom
da prevaziđe sve dotadašnje rezi-
dencije srpskih vladara.
Za Stari dvor vezani su važ- A ceremonious wel- sands. The basketball players ran
ni događaji iz vremena političke come reception was held across the runway as if they were the
moći dinastije Obrenović: zgrada on the plateau in front of the Bel- Beatles. There were parked cars, chil-
je podignuta kada je Srbija pro- grade City Assembly last month for dren, flags, endless happiness and
glašena za kraljevinu, a u njoj je the Serbian basketball squad that joy from the airport all the way to
kralj Milan 22. februara 1889. ab- won silver at the FIBA World Cup the city centre, and then everyone
dicirao u korist sina Aleksandra. in Manila, the basketball players came together – some on the balco-
Od 1903. do 1914. Stari dvor je who proved victorious in the FIBA ny and some on the plateau below.
rezidencija dinastije Karađorđe- 3x3 Europe Cup in Jerusalem and And the balcony has hosted many
vić. Od 1919. do 1920. u njemu su the world’s top tennis player, No- champions since that fateful 1995.
se održavale sednice privremene vak Đoković, who secured his 24th Even Marija Šerifović after her Eu-
Narodne skupštine, a sve vreme Grand Slam title at this year’s US rovision Song Contest victory.
do 1941. dvorske zabave i prije- Open in New York. The national team “Eagles” pre-
mi visokih stranih gostiju. The boys all appeared on the leg- viously attended a reception with
Danas se ovi reprezentativni endary balcony of the City Assem- Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić,
prostori u Starom dvoru koriste bly, where Serbia’s best athletes have after which they appeared in front
za prijeme domaćih i stranih de- been awaited and congratulated af- of the people, who gathered in large
legacija i uglednih gostiju iz ze- ter great successes for many years. numbers to greet them. This was
mlje i sveta, svečanu dodelu pri- And despite Belgrade boasting thou- among the all-time most emotion-
znanja Skupštine grada, prijeme, sands upon thousands of beauti- al receptions for athletes, and No-
bankete, balove, koncerte, promo- ful terraces and balconies, every- vak found it particularly moving,
cije knjiga i druge kulturne ma- one knows exactly which one we at one point even giving in to tears
nifestacije. Tu su, naravno, kabi- mean when we say ‘the balcony’. that he was no longer able to hold
neti zvaničnika, ali i taj balkon o That’s because only one has pre- back. The basketball players jumped
kom sanjaju svi srpski sportisti... sented champions to the public in to hug him, and he turned to the
for decades. Many important things delighted people, saying: “I’m shak-
have changed, but one thing has re- ing, I don’t know what to say, and
mained the same: sporting success- there’s so much I would like to say. I
es and welcome receptions on the would like to congratulate our cham-
balcony of the Old Palace. And over pions, basketashi [3x3 basketball
the previous decades we’ve all been players] and basketball players, on
there at least once, somewhere in their phenomenal success – not on-
the crowd, waiting for the home- ly this year, but over all these years
coming of our sporting idols dec- throughout history. I thank them
orated with medals. for accepting me being part of the
And it all began back in the sum- celebration and for us hanging out
mer of 1995, when the national bas- together this evening. This is the re-
ketball team of Yugoslavia returned alisation of a boyhood dream for
from Athens with gold. That recep- me, and that’s the one I had as a
tion was legendary for many rea- kid, when – like many of my gen-
sons. First and foremost, already eration – I was there in the crowd
at the airport, the people had gath- and celebrating the great champi-
ered spontaneously in their thou- onship medals of our famous bas-

62 | Beograd » Belgrade
R i ta m g r a da / R h y t h m o f t h e c i t y

ketball players, volleyball players, Sa Er Srbijom od vom. Srebrnim srpskim košarkašima

water polo players, all the people Manile do kuće avio-kompanija je čestitala na fanta-
who represented Serbia so fantas- Avion Er Srbije „erbas A330 Mihajlo stičnom rezultatu, nenadmašnoj igri
tically. I’ve been here on several oc- Pupin“ odleteo je u Manilu po košarkaš- i borbenosti. Za Er Srbiju bila je velika
casions, but this is priceless and ir- ku reprezentaciju Srbije, vicešampione čast i zadovoljstvo dati doprinos da se
replaceable, this will never happen nedavno završenog Svetskog prven- košarkaši što pre nađu u svojoj zemlji,
again. To stand next to great cham- stva u košarci. Specijalni let od Beogra- gde su ih čekali svi oni koji su pratili nji-
pions, but also great people, with da do Manile trajao je oko 12 sati i bio hove podvige iz utakmice u utakmicu.
whom I have friendly relations. I prvi direktni let u istoriji Er Srbije između Tokom leta medalje su proslavljene uz
have felt their unity and that mo- prestonica Srbije i Filipina, koje su me- tortu, nazdravilo se šampanjcem, a na
ment of humanity. Boriša is a he- đusobno udaljene skoro deset hiljada poklon su košarkaši od Er Srbije dobili
ro of the nation and deserves you kilometara. veliku maketu aviona „erbas A330 Mi-
all to chant for him. Boriša! Boriša! Er Srbija je ponovo imala tu sreću da hajlo Pupin“, istog onog kojim su se vra-
No other nation in the world has kući vrati naše sportiste ovenčane sla- tili kući...
this spirit that we have. Long live
Serbia,” said an emotional Novak.
The basketball stars also spoke,
there was singing and celebrating…
you really need to be in Belgrade
when the balcony of the Old Pal-
ace is “working”. But this beautiful
edifice is worth seeing even when
its balcony isn’t hosting champions.
The palace of Serbia’s Obrenović dy-
nasty, which is today home to the
Belgrade City Assembly, is located
on the corner of Kralja Milana and
Dragoslava Jovanovića streets. It
was built between 1882 and 1884,
intended to outdo all previous res-
idences of Serbian rulers.
Linked to the Old Palace are
important events from the period
of the Obrenović dynasty’s polit-
ical power: the building was con-
structed when Serbia was declared a
kingdom, and it was there, on 22nd
February 1889, that King Milan ab-
dicated in favour of his son Alexan-
der. The Old Palace was the residence
of the Karađorđević dynasty from
1903 to 1914. It provided the venue
for sessions of the temporary Na- With Air Serbia from gratulated the basketball silver medallists
tional Assembly from 1919 to 1920, Manila to home on their fantastic result, unbeatable play
but also continuously hosted court Air Serbia’s “Mihajlo Pupin” Airbus A330 and courage. For Air Serbia, it was a great
balls and receptions for high-rank- aircraft flew to Manila to collect Serbia’s honour and pleasure to contribute to the
ing guests until 1941. national basketball team, runners up in basketball players finding themselves
These representative spaces of the recently concluded Basketball World in their own country as soon as possi-
the Old Palace today host receptions Cup. The special flight from Belgrade to ble, where they were awaited by all those
for delegations and distinguished Manila lasted approximately 12 hours and who followed their exploits from match
guests from the country and around represented the first ever direct flight to match.
the world, award ceremonies for the in the history of Air Serbia between the The medals were celebrated with cake
City Assembly awards, diplomatic capitals of Serbia and the Philippines, and a champagne toast during the flight,
receptions, banquets, balls, concerts which are separated by a distance of al- while the basketball players also received
and other cultural events. There are, most 10,000 kilometres. a gift from Air Serbia in the form of a
of course, the cabinet offices of of- Air Serbia once again had the good for- large model of the “Mihajlo Pupin” Airbus
ficials, but also that balcony that’s tune of being able to bring home our ath- A330 aircraft that they were actually fly-
dreamt of by all Serbian athletes... letes crowned with glory. The airline con- ing home on...

Belgrade » Beograd | 63
Moda Fashion

i klasično
i p nkerski
Kako izgleda
glamur budućnosti?
(Ne)očekivani povratak originalnih
supermodela uveo nas je u modnu jesen, koja
će, po svemu sudeći, biti u znaku jednog novog
pogleda na sofisticiranost

inda, Naomi, Kristi, magazinski naslov (doduše, tada
Sindi... glamazonke je britansko izdanje bilo u pitanju,
bez premca, dovolj- a sa njima je na famoznoj foto-
no slavne da svako grafiji bila i Tatjana Patic, koja je
prepozna o kome se preminula početkom ove godine),
radi čak i bez prezimena. Mane- njih četiri pokorile su internet.
kenke koje su redefinisale indu- Jedino je moćnoj Ani Vin-
striju i kanone lepote ponovo su tur (doduše, i njenom britan-
se pojavile zajedno na naslov- skom uredničkom pandanu, a
noj strani septembarskog bro- pre svega protežeu i dugogodiš-
ja modne biblije, američkog iz- njem saradniku Edvardu Eninfu-
danja časopisa „Vog“. lu) moglo da pođe za rukom da
Tačno trideset i tri godine na- ih u skoro originalnom sastavu
kon što ih je legendarni Piter Lin- okupi za potrebe naslovne sep-
dberg okupio na snimanju za isti tembarskog izdanja. Snimanje

Tekst / Words:
Foto: / Backgrid UK

Ivan Radojčić
Fotografije / Photography:

64 | Moda » Fashion
Usredsredite se na čiste, jasne, minimalne Consider clean, clear, minimal
kombinacije odeće, ali neka svi komadi budu combinations, but let all pieces be of
vrhunskog kvaliteta. Kupujte manje, birajte bolje! top quality. Buy less, choose well!

za, objektivno, najvažnije izda- od gomile sličnih osnovnih ko-

nje lajfstajl medija ove godine (a mada izdvajaju neočekivani de-
što ne reći, i nesporno najrele- talji dostojni modnih editorija-
vantniji barometar prilika u mul- la u najprestižnijim magazinima.
timilionskoj modnoj industriji) Na primer, čarape napravljene od
najavljuje dokumentarnu seriju najmekše kože („Bottega Vene-
„The Super Models“, koja je 20. ta“) ili lančić koji menja siluetu
septembra debitovala na Apple „Loewe“ oversajz bele košulje.
TV+. Osmišljena u četiri dela, se- Ukoliko ste mislili da će na-
rija je pokušaj da se odgovori na kon kovid krize nastati era na-
enigmu šta čini supermodela i lik burnim dvadesetim godina-
zašto je zaista u svega nekoliko ma prošlog veka – sa šampanjcem
godina – od zenita osamdesetih za doručak i šljokicama do pro-
pa do recimo 1993 – zahvaljuju- davnice – ova smirena modna
ći ovim svojim vedetama visoka klima će vas konačno razuveriti.
moda postala stub mejnstrim za- Strogi crni kaputi su gospodari-
bave rame uz rame sa filmom, te- li pistama za nastupajuću jesen i
levizijom i muzikom. zimu, zajedno sa neprevaziđeno
Međutim, pravu repliku na klasičnim belim košuljama stili-
to zašto supermodeli izazivaju ta- zovanim na bezbroj ingenioznih
kvo oduševljenje kad god se oku- načina (što je baš dobra vest ako
pe na jednom mestu dao je spek- već imate neku u garderoberu).
takularni defile na manifestaciji Isto važi i za mnogobrojne kor-
„Vogue World“, Bio je to svoje- porativne šik komade poput ode-
vrsni modni performans koji je la na pruge i blejzere „prens de
ove godine održan u Londonu i gal“ uzorka koji su, eto, neočeki-
gde su autentične modne heroi- vano dobili svoj ženstveni zaplet
ne izašle u couture haljinama od u novoj modnoj priči.
kojih zastaje dah, dok je Eni Le- No ipak nije sve na revijama
noks pevala svoj neprolazni hit bilo tako strogo i ozbiljno. Neki
„Talking to an angel“. Bio je to trenuci su zaista bili sjajni, u sva-
prizor koji je obišao svet. kom smislu, jer je odsjaj metalik
Ovaj povratak modne eki- tekstura i te kako na ceni (a šljoki-
pe koincidirao je sa lajtmoti- ce će tu i tamo odmeniti drapirani
vom jesenje mode: odmerena, lame materijal). Ne smemo pro-
svakodnevna garderoba izve- pustiti da pomenimo i prkosnu
dena u najkvalitetnijim tkani- pankersku energiju koja je ten-
nama. Kolekcije „Bottega Ve- denciozno, ili podsvesno, omaž
neta“, „Miu Miu“ i „Loewe“ su jednoj od najvećih dama ekscen-
do poslednjeg revijskog izlaska tričnosti – Vivijan Vestvud, koja
dosledne u toj temi – favorizu- je preminula prošlog decembra.
jući odeću koju bez muke i pre- Cvetni dezeni su za hladnije da-
više truda i razmišljanja možete ne dobili gotik opredmećenje; slo-
da nosite od jutra do sutra. Me- bodno pomislite na Sredu Adams
đutim, ovu novu jednostavnost jer je nemoguće poreći da je Net-

Fashion » Moda | 65
M o da / Fas h i o n

Both cl assic a nd punk

jesenje mode
How does the
je odmerena glamour of the
garderoba od
future look?
tkanina The (un)expected return of
the original supermodels has
The central theme propelled us into fashion’s
of this autumn’s autumn season, which will – all
fashion is everyday things considered – be marked
by a new take on sophistication
clothing in the
highest quality

inda, Naomi, Christy,
Cindy... these unrivalled
glamazons are so famous
fliksova hit serija ostavila utisak i uti- that everyone knows who
caj na niz slavnih kreatora. Kame- they are even without sur-
lije koje svoje prelepe cvetove daju names. These models, who redefined
u jesen, zimu i rano proleće bile su, both the fashion industry and can-
bukvalno i preneseno, polazna tač- ons of beauty, reunited for the cov-
ka „Šanelove“ kolekcije koju potpi- er shot of the September issue of the
suje aktuelna kreativna direktorka fashion bible that is the U.S. edition
kuće Viržini Vijar. of Vogue magazine. Precisely 33 years
Epitet „vanvremensko“ pred- after they were first brought togeth-
stavlja pravu modnu poštapalicu er by the legendary Peter Lindbergh
sezonama unazad; još otkad smo for a photo shoot for the same mag-
prvi put shvatili da su nam orma- azine (though back then it was for
ri krcati i da smo umorni od toga British Vogue and the famous pho-
da slepo pratimo trendove krat- to also included Tatjana Patitz, who
kog daha. Ipak, činjenica je da ni- passed away early this year), the four
kad nije bilo bolje vreme za one of them conquered the internet.
prave odevne investicije koje će- Only the mighty Anna Wintour
te kupiti sad, a nositi i voleti zau- (though, admittedly, also her British
vek. Neka detalji govore jezikom editor counterpart, and first and fore-
stila: ove sezone to je ponovo vo- most her protégé and longtime as-
luminozni, dramatičan šal. Oni sa sociate, Edward Enninful) could so
revije „Sent Loran“ podsećali su na easily manage to bring them back to-
tartan ćebad, dok su kod „Luja Vi- gether almost in their original com-
tona“ bili ukrašeni starinskim bro- position for the cover of this year’s
ševima. Vežite ga sa puno pompe September issue. Shooting for what
i možda ne morate ništa novo da is objectively the most important life-
pazarite, jer će takav mudro iza- style magazine edition of the entire
bran akcenat napraviti svu razli- year (and why not also note that it
ku koju želite da vidite ove jeseni. is undeniably the most relevant ba-
Uz to, napravite inventar svoje rometer of the state of the multimil-
Foto: / DFY / KCS Presse

modne zbirke. Verovatno ćete shva- lion-dollar fashion industry?) intro-

titi da se negde krije baš ono slično duced us to the docuseries The Super
svemu opisanom u ovim redovima. Models, which premiered on Apple
Kao što je slavno govorila Vestvu- TV+ on 20th September. Conceived
dova: Kupujte manje, birajte bolje, in four parts, this series attempts to
sačuvajte da traje. solve the enigma of what makes a su-

66 | Moda » Fashion
permodel and why it took just a few expectedly received their own fem-
years – from the peak in the ‘80s to inine plot twist in the new fashion
around 1993 – for high fashion to story.
become a pillar of mainstream en- Still, not everything was quite
tertainment, on a par with film, tel- so stern and serious at the fashion
evision and music, thanks to these shows. Some moments were truly
superstars. brilliant, in every sense, because the
However, the correct answer to brilliance of the metallic texture is
the question of why the original su- highly rated (with the odd sequin
permodels elicit such delight whenev- offsetting the draped lamé). We al-
er they get together in one place was so mustn’t fail to mention the defi-
provided by the spectacular parade at ant punk energy that intentionally, or
the Vogue World event – represent- subconsciously, pays homage to one
ing a kind of fashion performance of the greatest dames of eccentricity:
that was this year held in London Vivienne Westwood, who departed
and saw these authentic fashion her- this world last December. Floral pat-
oines emerge in breathtaking couture terns have received a gothic makeo-
evening dresses as Annie Lennox, ac- ver for the colder days ahead – freely
companied by a choir, performed her think Wednesday Addams, because
timeless hit There Must Be an Angel. it’s undeniable that the hit Netflix se-
It was a scene that circled the world. ries left an impression on (and in-

Foto: / Camerapress

The return of this fashion team fluenced) numerous famous fashion
corresponded with the central theme designers. Camellia flowers, which
of this autumn’s fashion: measured, bloom beautifully in autumn, win-
everyday clothing executed in the ter and early spring, marked – both
highest quality fabrics. The collec- literally and figuratively – the start-
tions of Bottega Veneta, Miu Miu ing point of the signature Autumn/
and Loewe stuck to this theme until Winter collection of Chanel’s cur-
the season’s final fashion show – with rent creative director, Virginie Viard.
a preference for clothing that can, The watchword “timeless” rep-
without too much effort and fore- resented a real fashion crutch over
thought, be worn “until tomorrow previous seasons – ever since we
morning”. However, distinguishing first realised that our closets were
this “new simplicity” from masses of jampacked and that we were sick of
similar other basic pieces are unex- blindly following fleeting trends – but
pected details that are worthy of fash- the fact is that there’s never been a
ion editorials in the most prestigious better time for the right “wardrobe
magazines, like socks made from the investments” in pieces that you will
softest leather (Bottega Veneta) or a buy now and wear and love forever.
small chain that alters the silhouette Let the details speak the language of
of an oversized white Loewe shirt. style: this season, once again, that
If you thought the Covid crisis means a voluminous, dramatic scarf.
would give way to the emergence of The ones featured in the YSL show
an era like that of the Roaring ‘20s were reminiscent of plaid blankets,
– with champagne for breakfast and while the Louis Vuitton versions were
sequins “for going to the shops” – adorned with vintage brooches. Tie
this serene fashion climate will finally it with great pomp and you might
convince you otherwise. Strictly tai- not need to buy anything new, be-
lored black trench coats dominated cause such a wisely selected detail
the catwalks ahead of the upcoming will make all the difference you want
autumn/winter, together with unpar- to see this autumn.
alleled classic white shirts, styled in Apart from this, compile an in-
Foto: / Camerapress

countless ingenious ways (which is ventory of your fashion collection and

great news if you already have one in you’ll likely realise that you already
your wardrobe). The same also applies have something similar to everything
to numerous corporate chic pieces, described in these lines hidden some-
such as pinstripe suits and Prince of where. As Westwood famously said:
Wales check blazers, which have un- “Buy less, choose well, make it last”.

68 | Moda » Fashion
Moda Fashion

R o d r i g o B a z i l i k at i K a r d e n

I posle Pjera
ostaje Pjer Karden
To što sam nasledio velikog kreatora je
zadovoljstvo, ali i odgovornost. Ipak, gledao
sam svog ujaka kako radi poslednjih 20
godina, pa verujem da će ljudi moći da kažu
„Ovo je Pjer Karden“ pre nego što vide etiketu

Srećan je što ima za čim da

iz prošlosti: Rodrigo i Pjer Kard
He is happy to have somethin
g from the past
to turn to: Rodrigo and Pierr
e Cardin

70 | Moda » Fashion
a reviji kuće „Pjer terijal koji se uklapa sa okolinom, Da li je odgovornost Kar-
Karden“, koju je ne šteti joj. Moramo da obratimo denovog nasleđa za vas
dizajnirao Rodrigo pažnju na energiju koju trošimo. teret ili zadovoljstvo?
Bazilikati Karden, Zato sam se okrenuo potrazi za – Apsolutno zadovoljstvo, bez
nećak čuvenog Pje- recikliranim materijalima. Svaki obzira na veliku odgovornost. Uo-
ra, videli smo u Beogradu 60 mo- reciklirani materijal je blagodet za stalom, sa ujakom sam radio i gle-
dela iz nove kolekcije „Mars“ koja svet. I to je moj inženjerski deo. dao ga kako radi poslednjih 20 go-
je prikazana na poslednjoj Nede- Ali u kreativnom delu na dina. Video sam da se ne igra, ali
lji mode u Parizu. scenu stupa dizajner en- da uživa u onome što radi. Jako
Kolekcija „Mars“ verna je fran- terijera? je bitno da nađete ravnotežu, ma-
cuskim vrednostima kad je reč o – Da, u načinu na koji crtam da je moj ujak postavio vrlo ja-
eleganciji i smelosti, ali sa jakim i razmišljam. Vi svaki komad i san pravac.
pečatom Kardenovog futuristič- oblik možete da transponujete u Teško da se danas ijedan
kog vizuala i avangardnog pristu- modu, ali ne i na skicu. Znate da razgovor može završiti
pa modelima. naši modeli oba- bez pominjanja veštačke
Rodrigo je ostao na vezno ne pra- inteligencije. Da li je pri-
istom estetskom putu te siluetu, oni menjujete?
futurizma i skulpturalnih su poput skul- – Da, naravno da razmišljam o
formi koji nam je Pjer osta- ptura. Ponekad tome. AI je svakako alat koji mo-
vio u nasleđe. Pjer je stva- čak i skoro kao ko- že brže i lakše da nađe nešto što
rao u eri odlaska na Mesec i mad nameštaja. Uz to, vas interesuje, ali za kreaciju vam
osvajanja svemira dok Rodri- kad radim sa svojim ti- ne pomaže. Kad kreiram, želim da
go stvara u eri gde najvažnija mom, ne želim da pra- osmislim nešto potpuno novo, ni-
modna reč postaje održivost. vim kompromis oko kad viđeno. E sad, kad bih koristio
Zato je i revija vizuelno omaž krajnjeg izgleda mode- nešto što već postoji, ne bih mo-
nasleđu sa naglaskom na odr- la, a nemoguće je nacr- gao da stvorim nešto potpuno ne-
žive materijale. tati svaki detalj i prene- viđeno. A ako želite to da posti-
Modna linija je u skladu ti jasnu sliku na papir. gnete, morate da očistite misli od
sa ekološkom politikom ku- Zato veliku pažnju po- svega i sednete da crtate bez uzo-
će – najfiniji reciklirani ma- klanjam pronalaženju ra. A AI upravo to koristi, primere.
terijali, svila, veštačka koža načina da se model re- U proizvodnji bi prime-
i krzno, štofovi, geometri- alizuje i skica nastavlja na veštačke inteligencije
ja, upadljivi detalji, siluete svoj život u modelarni- imala više smisla?
jasnih linija, geometrijskih ci gde dobija svoj defi- – Još uvek je ne koristimo, ali
trodimenzionalnih oblika sa nitivni oblik. ozbiljno razmišljamo o tome. Zato
asocijacijom na svemir i nauč- Šta novo dobijamo pri- su tu, između ostalog, mladi dizaj-
nu fantastiku. Kolorit je pokrio menom održivih principa neri iz celog sveta. Više puta godiš-
sve, od otmenih zagasitih štofa- u modi? nje imamo konkurse. Kad ih iza-
nih modela, preko modela jarkih – Kao što sam već pomenuo, beremo, oni provode mesec dana
boja i neočekivanih kontrasta, do to su materijali, apciklirani i re- kod nas u Parizu. Imaju dvadese-
metalika. ciklirani. Kako ne mogu svaki tak godina i puno znanja o novim
Građevinski inženjer, muzi- put da pronađem materijal ko- tehnologijama i veštačkoj inteli-
čar i dizajner enterijera po obra- ji odgovara našim standardima genciji, tako da nam pomažu. I da,
zovanju Rodrigo Bazilikati Karden kvaliteta ili nije odgovarajući odgovor je „da“ – uvešću veštač-
preuzeo je menadžment i diza- da isprati našu siluetu, okre- ku inteligenciju za godinu dana.
jn-centar kompanije „Pjer Kar- ćem se ujakovim zalihama ma-
den“, pa smo ga na početku pi- terijala starim 40 do 50 godina.
tali kako uspeva da sublimira sva Imamo ogroman stok, to su kilo-
svoja interesovanja... metri i kilometri najfinijih ma-
– U svemu što radim ogleda se terijala. Radije se okrećem nji- Tekst / Words:
neki deo mojih interesovanja. Kad ma ako ne mogu da pronađem Sofija Kuzmanović
gledate materijal, videćete inženje- materijal koji ne poštuje naše Fotografije / Photography:
ra, svaki put tražim nešto novo, okruženje. Srećan sam što imam Fabrika
novu kreaciju, a posebno novi ma- za čim da posegnem iz prošlosti.

Fashion » Moda | 71
M o da / Fas h i o n

R o d r i g o B a s i l i c at i - C a r d i n

And after Pierre

remains Pierre Cardin
The fact that I’ve succeeded a great creator is a pleasure,
but also a responsibility. However, I watched my uncle
work for the last 20 years, so I believe people will be able
to say ’this is Pierre Cardin’ before they see the label

t the House of Pierre
Cardin’s recent Bel-
grade fashion show,
which was designed
by Rodrigo Basilica-
ti-Cardin, the nephew of the com-
pany’s famous founder, we saw 60
designs from the new Mars Collec-
tion that was first unveiled at the
latest Paris Fashion Week.
The Mars Collection remains
faithful to French values in terms
of elegance and boldness, though
with a strong stamp of Cardin’s fu-
turistic visual and avant-garde ap-
proach to designs.
Rodrigo has stuck to the
same aesthetic path of futur-
ism and sculptural forms that
Pierre left us as his legacy.
Pierre designed and created
during the era of the conquest
of space and the moon landings,
while Rodrigo is doing so in an era
during which ’sustainability’ has be-
come the most important word in Okrenuo sam
fashion, which is why this show se potrazi za
represented a visual homage to
Pierre’s legacy with an empha-
sis on sustainable materials. materijalima. Svaki
takav materijal je
The fashion line adheres
to the ecological policy of
the house – utilising the fin- blagodet za svet
I turned to the search
est recycled materials, silk,
faux leather and fur, cloth
fabrics, geometry, accentu- for recycled materials.
Every material like that
ated details, geometric sil-
houettes of clear lines from
three-dimensional shapes
with space and science fic-
is a blessing to the
tion association. The col- world
our code encompasses
everything from el-

72 | Moda » Fashion
egantly faded quilted pieces, via with kilometres and kilometres of
brightly coloured designs and un- the finest materials. I prefer to turn
expected contrasts, to metallics. to them if I can’t find a material
A civil engineer, musician and that respects our environment. I’m
interior designer by training, Rod- happy that I have something from
rigo Basilicati-Cardin took over the the past to turn to.
helm of the Pierre Carden company Is responsibility for the
and design centre, which prompted Cardin legacy a burden or a
us to start this interview by asking pleasure for you?
him how he manages to channel all - It is an absolute satisfaction,
his various interests... regardless of the great responsibili-
- Some part of my interests is ty. After all, I worked with my uncle
reflected in everything I do. When and watched how he worked for the
you look at the material, you will last 20 years. I saw that he wasn’t
see an engineer. I seek something playing, but that he was enjoying
new every time, a new creation, and what he did. It is very important
particularly a new material that’s to find a balance, though my uncle
suitable for the environment, that set a very clear direction.
doesn’t harm it. We must pay at- Hardly a conversation can
tention to the energy we consume. end today without
That’s why I turned to the search mentioning artifi-
for recycled materials. Every recy- cial intelligence.
cled material is a blessing to the Do you apply it?
world. And that’s the engineering - Yes, I am of course
part of me. considering it. AI is cer-
But does your inner inte- tainly a tool that
rior designer come to the can help you
fore in the creative part? find something
- Yes, in terms of the way I draw that interests help you when it comes to crea-
and think. In fashion you can trans- you faster and tion. When I create, I want to come
pose every piece and shape, but not more easily, up with something completely
the sketch. You know that its oblig- but it doesn’t new, never before seen. Well now,
atory for our designs not to follow I wouldn’t be able to create some-
the silhouette, as they are like sculp- thing completely unprecedented if I
tures. Sometimes they’re even al- were to use something that already
most like an item of furniture. Apart exists. And if you want to achieve
from that, when I work with my that, you first have to clear your
team I don’t want to compromise thoughts and sit down to draw
on the final look of the piece, and without a pattern. And AI uses
it’s impossible to sketch every de- exactly that, for example.
tail and convey a clear picture on pa- Would AI applications in
per. That’s why I pay great attention production make more
to finding a way to implement the sense?
design, and the sketch continues - We don’t use it yet, but
its own life in the modelling shop, we are seriously considering
where it receives its definitive form. it. That’s why there are, among
What do we gain that’s new others, young designers from
with the applying of sus- all over the world. We have
tainable principles in fash- competitions several times a
ion? year. When we pick them, they
- As I already mentioned, these spend a month with us in Par-
materials are upcycled and recycled. is. They are around 20 years
As I’m not able every time to find a old and have a lot of knowl-
material that meets our standards edge about new technologies
of quality or adequately follows our and artificial intelligence, so
silhouette, I turn to my uncle’s re- they help us. And, yes, the an-
serves of materials that are 40 to swer is yes – I will introduce ar-
50 years old. We have a huge stock, tificial intelligence a year from now.

Fashion » Moda | 73
Lajfstajl Lifestyle

74 | Lajfstajl » Lifestyle
Montesito / Montecito

Da li biste uživali
kod Gvinet? /
Would you enjoy
yourself at
Glumica je svoj dom u Kaliforniji nazvala
„utočište za predah i mentalnu jasnoću“
The actress called her home in California “a
Kuća izgleda kao da je ispala pravo iz nekog
filma Nensi Mejers! Da, kupatilo je skoro sanctuary for respite and mental clarity”
potpuno prekriveno luksuznim mermerom /

The house looks like it’s straight out of a Nancy
Meyers movie! And, yes, the bathroom is almost lumica Gvinet Paltrou pozvala je proš-
completely covered in luxurious marble
log meseca jednog specijalnog gosta
na ekskluzivan boravak u njenoj ku-
ći u Montesitu u Kaliforniji. A ta pre-
lepa kuća ima prostranu kuhinju,
dnevni boravak, spavaću sobu, kupatilo ispunjeno
luksuznim proizvodima, bazen sa zadivljujućim po-
gledom i mesto za meditaciju.
Nekoliko fotografija iz unutrašnjosti objekta
prikazuje luksuzni, ali domaćinski dodir u dizajnu
enterijera, od blistavih zlatnih kupatila i mermer-
nih zidova, do ekspanzivnog zelenila i akcenta na
toplini drveta.
– Lezite pored bazena, šetajte jednom od mojih
omiljenih staza i naravno kupajte se mojim omilje-
nim proizvodima - napisala je Gvinet Paltrou, dobit-
nica Oskara čija se kuća nalazi u komšiluku punom
selebritija, poput princa Harija i Megan Markl, Opre
Vinfri, Elen Degeneris i mnogih drugih...

Eksterijer uključuje
trpezariju na ctress Gwyneth Paltrow invited last month
pletene ležaljke
one special traveller to have an exclusive stay
i kristalno čist at her Montecito, California guest house.
bazen za potpuno The house includes a spacious kitchen, a
opuštanje living room, a bedroom, a bathroom filled
The exterior includes
an al fresco dining with products, a swimming pool with a stunning view
area, wicker and a place for meditation zone.
daybeds and a Several photos from inside the house showcase the
crystalline pool for
total relaxation luxe yet homely touches in the interior design, from gleam-
ing gold bathroom fixtures and marbled walls, to expan-
sive greenery and wood accents.
- Lay by the pool, walk on one of my favorite trails and
of course take a bath with my favorite products - wrote
Gwyneth Paltrow, the Oscar-winner who resides in the
community alongside stars like Prince Harry and Meghan
Markle, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres and more...

Lifestyle » Lajfstajl | 75
L a j f sta j l / Li f e st y l e


Gde trendseteri jedu u oktobru

/ Where trendsetters dine in October
U mesecu kada jesen sve boji u crveno i zlatno, obilazimo gastro-
bisere svetskih metropola / In the month when autumn colours everything
in red and gold, we visit the gastro gems of world metropolises

Tekst / Words:
Ivan Radojčić
Fotografije / Photography:
Courtesy of restaurants,

Foto: Profimedia / Monika Skolimowska / AFP

Da li ste znali da Nemačka

ima najveću italijansku dijasporu
posle Argentine?
Did you know that Germany has
the world’s largest Italian diaspora
population after Argentina?

76 | Gastro » Gastro
o month seems to shine with such he-
ini se da nijedan mesec ne sija takvim he- donistic splendour as October – with the
donističkim sjajem kao oktobar – nakon summer escape to the seaside behind us,
letnjeg bega na obale, metropole ponovo the great metropolises are once again bus-
vrve od savršeno stilizovanih lokalaca, tling with perfectly stylish locals, while
pa i šik mesta za izlazak deluju kao sce- chic nightlife venues resemble scenes from a fashion
na iz modnog editorijala. Izabrali smo najaktuelni- editorial. We have selected the most prominent gas-
je gastro-adrese omiljenih nam prestonica stila, ka- tronomic addresses of our favourite capitals of style,
ko biste vi uživali u ukusima, atmosferi – i, naravno, in order for you to enjoy the flavours and the atmos-
„people watchingu“... phere – and, of course, people watching.

In Berlin... Coccodrillo
Did you know that Germany has the world’s largest
Italian diaspora population after Argentina? It sounds
unrealistic, and explaining it would require us delving
deep into history – but we’d rather have something to eat.
And not just anywhere, but rather at the heart of Mitte
(and no, that's not a pleonasm), where hospitality group
Big Mamma runs Coccodrilo. The restaurants included
in Big Mamma’s portfolio always combine photogenic
interiors and genuine Italian specialities – the group’s
Parisian venue, Pink Mamma, is unavoidable on Insta-
gram, as everyone takes pictures there! Expectedly, this
restaurant has stuck to everything that has made the
group recognisable in the culinary world, which means
a fatal mix of extravagance and simplicity. The interior,
with its dominant red colour, borders on pop fiction, with
neon signs and photo prints giving everything a note of
spectacle, which is additionally emphasised by ball chan-
deliers and kitsch decorative figurines. In contrast, the
menu offers the very essence of Italian cuisine: home-
made pastas, pizzas, as well as an unparalleled combina-
U Berlinu... „Coccodrillo“ tion of burrata cheese, prosciutto and basil.
Da li ste znali da Nemačka ima najveću italijansku
dijasporu posle Argentine? Zvuči nestvarno i da bismo
objasnili, morali bismo da zađemo duboko u istoriju
– a umesto toga bismo radije nešto da prezalogajimo.
I to ne bilo gde, već u srcu Mitea (i ne, to nije pleona-
zam), gde ugostiteljska grupacija „Big Mamma“ drži
„Coccodrilo“. Restorani koji pripadaju „Big Mamma“
portfoliju uvek kombinuju fotogenične enterijere i is-
tinske italijanske specijalitete – od njihove pariske adre-
se „Pink Mamma“ na Instagramu ne može da se živi,
svi se slikaju tamo! Očekivano, ovaj restoran ispratio
je sve ono po čemu je grupacija postala prepoznatlji-
va u gastro-svetu, a to je ubitačan miks esktravagan-
cije i jednostavnosti. Enterijer u dominantnoj crvenoj
boji je na granici pop fantastike, neonski znakovi i fo-
to-printovi svemu daju notu spektakla dodatno nagla-
šenu loptastim lusterima i kič dekorativnim figurama.
Sa druge strane, jelovnik je sama esencija italijanske
kuhinje – tu su „homemade“ paste, pice, kao i nepreva-
ziđena kombinacija burate, pršute i bosiljka.

Gastro » Gastro | 77
L a j f sta j l / Li f e st y l e

U Londonu... „Norma“
Svakako ne manjka italijanskih restorana u Lon-
donu, ali retko koji može da se pohvali time kako po-
djednako uspešno inkorporira ukuse Severne Afrike.
Upravo ćete to naći u „Normi“, gde je fokus na sicili-
janskoj hrani sa maorskim uticajima ostrvske kuhinje.
Prva indikacija je u dekoru restorana koji se prostire na
tri sprata (jedan posvećen privatnim večerama) u ku-
ći „Ficrovijan“ severno od Oksford strita, gde se sreću
elementi modernog Mediterana i tradicionalni mavar-
ski motivi. Udobne plišane stolice u toplim tonovima
okružuju mermerne stolove – nameštaj je akcentovan
tamnim, glatkim drvetom i dekorativnim staklom, „ar-
chways“ su dekorisani marokanskim pločicama. Am-
bijent sa ćilibarnim odsjajem osvetljenja čini da ukusi
hrane budu još spektakularniji ako je to ikako moguće
– zato što je hrana sama po sebi top. Rustična fokača

Foto: Profimedia / Daniel Hambury / Evening Standar / Eyevine

gotovo preklinje da bude umočena u ekstradevičansko
maslinovo ulje zlatne boje, a pasta a la „Norma“, koja je
inspirisala ime restorana, krcata je savršeno skuvanim
patlidžanom i mirišljavim bosiljkom. Tu su i špagetini
friters – duboko prženi komadi paste pokriveni polui-
stopljenim rendanim parmezanom. Sos od parmezana
i maslinovog ulja učiniće da zamrzite sve druge priloge.

In London... Norma
There is certainly no lack of Italian restaurants
in London, but it is rare to find one that can also
boast of incorporating the flavours of North Africa
with equal success. That’s precisely what you’ll find
at Norma, where the focus is on Sicilian food with
the Moorish influences of the island’s cuisine. The
first indication is in the décor of this three-floor res-
taurant (one of which is dedicated to private dining)
in a townhouse in Fitzrovia, north of Oxford Street,
where modern Mediterranean elements and tradition-
al Moorish motifs come together. Comfortable plush
seating in warm tones surround the marble tables –
the furniture is accented with dark, smooth wood and
decorative glass, while archways are decorated with
Moroccan tiles. The ambiance, complemented by the
amber glow of the lighting, renders the flavours of
the food even more spectacular – if that’s even pos-
sible, given that the food is top in and of itself. The
rustic focaccia almost begs to be dipped in golden
extra virgin olive oil, while the dish ‘pasta alla Nor-
ma’, which inspired the restaurant's name, is packed
with perfectly cooked aubergines and fragrant bas-
il. There are also spaghetti fritters - deep-fried pasta
covered with semi-melted grated parmesan cheese.
The parmesan and olive oil sauce will cause you to
put all other side dishes on hold.

78 | Destinacija » Destination
Smešten na krovu Arapskog
instituta, restoran nadgleda
krovove Grada svetlosti
Located on the roof of the Institut
du Monde Arabe, this restaurant
offers views overlooking the
rooftops of the City of Light

U Parizu... „Dar Mima“

Uvek postoji određeni skepticizam kad poznata fa-
ca otvori restoran. Ne zato što se od njih ne očekuje
da poznaju hranu i posao – štaviše, sasvim suprotno.
Pretpostavlja se da su samo iskeširali celu stvar, na-
lepili svoje ime na tablu i potom nastavili sa svojim
životom. To apsolutno nije slučaj sa „Dar Mima“. Sa
sasvim ličnom motivacijom, reditelj i glumac francu-
sko-marokanskog porekla Žamel Dabuz kog će fano-
vi Ameli Pulen prepoznati kao Lisjena iz ikoničnog fil-
ma, kreirao je ovaj lokal kao uspomenu na svoju majku
Fatimu. Jelovnik je baziran na njenim tajnim recepti-
ma za tradicionalne specijalitete od kuskusa do salate,
zbog čega ćete se osetiti kao da ste došli u njihovu ku-
ću na večeru. A lokacija ne može biti savršenija. Sme-
šten na krovu Arapskog instituta, nadgleda krovove
grada svetlosti, dok je unutra sav u severnoafričkim
detaljima. Nekoliko puta nedeljno prostor ispunjava
živa muzika, a gosti mogu da, nakon večere, nastave
uživanje na mirnoj terasi prekrivenoj jasminom, pal-
mama i stablima limuna.

In Paris... Dar Mima

There’s always a certain sense of scepticism when a fa-
mous personality opens a restaurant. Not because they’re
not expected to be familiar with food and the job – quite
the contrary, in fact. It is presumed that they merely fi-
nanced the whole thing, stuck their name “on the board”
and then moved on with their lives. This is absolutely
not the case with Dar Mima. With completely person-
al motivation, French-Moroccan film director and actor
Jamel Debbouze, who fans of the iconic film Amélie will
recognise as the character of Lucien, created this eatery
as a memorial to his mother, Fatima. The menu is based
on her secret recipes for traditional specialities ranging
from couscous to salads, which will leave you feeling like
you’ve come to their family home for dinner. And the
location couldn't be more perfect. Located on the roof
of the Institut du Monde Arabe, the Arab World Insti-
tute, it offers views overlooking the rooftops of the City
Reditelj i glumac Žamel Dabuz of Light, while the interior is awash with North African
kreirao je ovaj lokal kao details. The venue is filled with the sounds of live music
uspomenu na svoju majku several times a week, and after dinner guests can con-
Director and actor Jamel
Debbouze created this eatery tinue enjoying themselves on the tranquil terrace that’s
as a memorial to his mother covered with jasmine, palms and lemon trees.

Gastro » Gastro | 79
Lajfstajl Lifestyle

g e dž e t i / ga d g ets

Budite na izvoru
noviteta / Be at the
source of modernity
Teh favoriti uz koje će jesenji dani (i
večeri) biti u svom punom zlatnom
sjaju / Tech favourites that will bring
full golden glory to autumn days (and
Tekst / Words:
Ivan Radojčić

Infinix ZERO 30 5G Smartphone

Ovaj globalni smartfon brend pravi revoluciju na trži-
štu pristupačnih telefona namenjenih mla-
đim generacijama koje vole da
vloguju, i žele kamere visokog
kvaliteta u te svrhe. Iako je umet-
nost kreativnog vlogovanja po-
stala standard mladalačke kulture,
napredak prednje kamere smar-
tfona stagnira već neko vreme. Dis-
paritet između zahteva vlogovanja i
ograničenja prednje kamere kod veći-
ne smartfona „Infinix“ je shvatio kao izazov,
predstavljajući svoj model „ZERO 30 5G“.
Napravljen tako da se obraća onlajn publici Marshall Motif II slušalice
novih generacija, pruža priliku da kreirate sadr- One pakuju prepoznatljiv „Marshall“ zvuk visokog kvaliteta sa mikro-
žaj gde god da se zadesite. U tome će vam po- fonom koji podržava blutut LE audio, te najavljuju poboljšanje u op-
moći prednja kamera od pedeset megapiksela, segu blutut povezanosti. Impresivno trajanje baterije i olakšanje
kao i činjenica da telefon podržava snimanje 4K vi- opcije „quick charge mode“ biće omiljeni onima koji uvek zaborave
dea u impresivnih 60 frejmova u sekundi. da napune slušalice preko noći – ili su prosto toliko često na putova-
nju da ne stižu. I naravno, tu je i kontinuirani trud kompanije „Marshall“ da se
Infinix ZERO 30 5G Smartphone uskladi sa imperativima održivosti upotrebom 70% reciklirane plastike, dobije-
This global smartphone brand is revolutionising the market of ne od korišćenih flašica vode i drugih elektronskih uređaja.
affordable phones intended for younger generations who like
vlogging and are seeking high-quality cameras to do so. De- Marshall Motif II earbuds
spite the art of creative vlogging having become a standard of Packing in Marshall's signature high-quality sound, together with a microphone
the youth culture, progress on smartphone front cameras has that supports Bluetooth LE Audio, these earbuds represent an improvement in
been stagnating for a while. Company Infinix took on the chal- Bluetooth connectivity range. With an impressive battery life, but also the con-
lenge of addressing the disparity between the requirements venient “quick charge mode”, these in-ear headphones will be fa-
of vlogging and the limitations of front cameras in most smart- vourites among those who always forget to charge
phones with the introduction of its ZERO 30 5G model. Creat- their headphones overnight – or who are sim-
ed to appeal to the new online generations, it provides the op- ply on the road so often that they don’t
portunity to create content wherever you happen to be, with have time. And, of course, this model is al-
the assistance of a 50-megapixel front camera and the fact so marked by Marshall’s continued efforts
that this phone supports 4K video recording at an impressive to align with sustainability principles, with
60 frames per second. these earbuds made using 70% recycled
plastic sourced from used water bottles and
other electronic devices.

80 | Gedžeti » Gadgets
Bang & Olufsen x Ferrari
Dva jaka brenda u jedinstvenoj kolaboraciji.
Ujedinjeni, svako u svojoj ekspertizi, svojim fa-
novima otkrivaju novi rang nazvan „The Ferra-
ri Collection“ koji će, po svemu sudeći, ući u
istoriju lajnapom novih, izuzetno dizajniranih
primeraka „Beosound 2“, „Beoplay H95“, „Be-
osound Explore“ i „Beoplay EX“. Ponovo viđeni
kroz famoznu kolor-šemu legendarnih auto-
mobila, sa sve logoom „Cavallino Rampante“,
predstavljaju omaž tradiciji brzine i moćnom
zvuku. I, kako je rekao Kamel Ouadi, jedan od
ključnih ljudi menadžmenta „B&O“: „Ova sa-
radnja reflektuje naše zajedničke vrednosti i they are bringing their fans a new range enti- ing the famous Prancing Horse logo, they rep-
strast prema zanatu, izvanrednosti, perfor- tled “The Ferrari Collection”, which in all likeli- resent a tribute to the tradition of speed and
mansama i dizajnu“. hood will go down in history with a line-up of powerful sound. And as Bang & Olufsen CFO
new, exceptionally designed Beosound 2, Beo- Kamel Ouadi said himself: “This collaboration
Bang & Olufsen x Ferrari play H95, Beosound Explore and Beoplay EX reflects our common values and passion for
Two “strong” brands in a unique collabora- models. Re-released in the signature colour craftsmanship, excellence, performance and
tion. United, each with their own expertise, scheme of this legendary carmaker, all featur- design.”

Leica „Leitz Auction“ M6

Limitirana serija sa jednim dosad neviđenim detaljem –
oklopom od prave orahovine koja naglašava precizne lini-
je retro-dizajna što danas uživa isti kultni status kao u pro-
hujaloj eri. Ikoničan „Leitz“ logo dolazi u zlatnoj verziji, a
izvele su ga stare nemačke zanatlije. Sva ova posebnost je
Samsung Outdoor Terrace TV dostupna u svega dvadeset primeraka, i to na bečkoj adre-
Šta pokloniti osobi koja ima sve? TV od 85 inča koji je napravljen tako da odo- si kompanije „Leica“.
leva sunčevim zracima, namenjen za korišćenje na terasi. Naravno, ove spe-
cijalne karakteristike dolaze sa vrtoglavom cenom. Samsung je lansirao liniju Leica “Leitz Auction” M6
„outdoor“ televizora 2020. i razvijao tu ekstravagantnu ideju tokom godina, ali This extremely limited series includes a hitherto unseen de-
sada su sva očekivanja nadmašena ovim ambicioznim „Neo QLED“ modelom. tail – in the form of walnut veneer “armour” that accentuates
Za razliku od standardnog OLED, QLED (skraćenica za „Quantum Dot LED“) the precise lines of a retro design that enjoys the same cult
dolazi sa dodatnim slojem kristala između LED svetiljki i ekrana za gledanje, či- status today that it had in bygone times. The iconic Leitz Lo-
me se saturišu boje i pojačava svetlost – dakle, idealno za projekcije pod spolj- go arrives in a solid gold version, crafted by traditional Ger-
nim svetlom. man craftsmen. All this uniqueness is available in just 20
units, exclusively from Leica’s Vienna address.
Samsung Outdoor Terrace TV
Seeking the perfect gift for someone who has everything? How about an
85-inch TV intended for patio use that’s built to withstand the rays of the sun.
Naturally, these special features ensure this model comes with a hefty price tag.
Samsung launched its line of outdoor terrace TVs in 2020 and has been devel-
oping this extravagant idea over the years. However, it has now surpassed all ex-
pectations with this ambitious Neo QLED model. Unlike standard OLED, QLED
(short for Quantum Dot LED) comes with an extra layer of crystals between the
LED lights and the viewing screen, which saturate the colours and boost the
brightness – making it ideal for daytime outdoor screenings.

Gadgets» Gedžeti| 81
U ž i va n j e p o m e r i Grčka kuhinja je ti- (pojedi i beži) još se nije primio u
l j u d i i b o g o va pično mediteranska, što Grčkoj. Ovde ručak i večera mogu
podrazumeva zdrava i laka jela da traju satima, a što je više ljudi

Sve tajne
pripremljena na nezaobilaznom okupljeno za trpezom, to bolje.
maslinovom ulju, tečnom zlatu Prema običajima, Grci svaki
Mediterana. Jela obiluju svežim obrok započinju aperitivom, i to

grčke salate povrćem, ribom, nemasnim me-

som i sirevima. Hrana i piće za Gr-
ke predstavljaju ritual, proslavu
najčešće rakijom začinjenom ani-
som koja se zove uzo ili rakijom
cipuro, koja ima još veći proce-
života, želju da se druže sa rođa- nat alkohola. Slede predjela, me-
Horijatiki je tu da dokaže
cima, prijateljima, upoznaju no- zedakija, na koje su Grci veoma
kako je manje više. Svež, ve ljude i filozofiraju o najrazliči- ponosni. Ima ih mnogo, raznovr-
sočan paradajz okupan tijim temama. Tipična atmosfera
Tekst / Words:
mirisnim maslinovim uljem koja vlada u grčkim restoranima, Jelena Pantović
i ukrašen fetom nateraće tavernama i domovima je opušte- Fotografije / Photography:
vas da poletite pravo u na, neformalna i jednostavna. Za- Depositphotos

kulinarski raj padnjački sindrom „eat and run“

Foto: depositphotos

82 | Grčka salata » Greek salad

Kada jednom popijete čašu vina na obalama grčkih mora, Once you drink a glass of wine on the Greek seashore, together
uz ukusan zalogaj ribe sa roštilja, teško ćete bilo gde na with a tasty morsel of grilled fish, you will struggle to experience
svetu doživeti istu eksploziju hedonizma the same explosion of hedonism anywhere else in the world

Tradicionalni recept
Grčka kuhinja je živopisna za grčku salatu
i raznolika, baš kao i sama 1 veliki sočni paradajz ili dva manja

zemlja. Jednostavna i elegantna, 1 krastavac

1 zelena paprika
prefinjena i rustična, ukusna i ½ crvenog luka

zdrava 8–10 kalamata maslina (sa košticom)

100 g fete (u komadu)
Greek cuisine is vibrant and varied, 1 kašičica sušenog origana

just like the country itself. Simple and 4 kašike ekstradevičanskog maslinovog ulja
1 kašika crvenog vinskog sirćeta
elegant, refined and rustic, tasty and prstohvat soli

healthy Priprema: Iseckajte krastavce, papriku i luk i stavi-

te ih u činiju. Isecite paradajz, prvo napola, a zatim
na nepravilne kriške na vrhu činije, da ne bi izgubi-
sna su i obavezno moraju da se • U ime svih Grka, prestanite li sok. Dodajte maslinovo ulje, sirće, so i origano, pa
dele. Ljubitelji morskih plodova da dodajete zelenu salatu u svoju komad fete koji ste pokapali sa još malo maslino-
mogu da navale na htapodi – ko- grčku salatu. Zelena salato, volimo vog ulja i origana.
madiće hobotnice, kuvane ili peče- te, ali ovde nema mesta za tebe!
ne sa sokom od limuna, ili psaro- • Birajte najsočniji, crveni pa-
supu – riblju čorbu. Glavni obrok radajz. Hajde, može i čeri ako je
je obično od mesa, a na reperto- zima i očajnički žudite za grčkom
aru su najčešće jagnjetina, riba, salatom.
musaka, pasticio, ali i iznutrice, • Feta je grčki beli sir na-
koje se u Grčkoj spremaju na hi- pravljen od ovčijeg (ili delimično
ljadu načina. I deserti su veoma kozjeg) mleka odležanog u sala-
različiti. Od tradicionalnog grč- muri. Kupujte ga samo u koma-
kog jogurta sa medom i voćem, du, nikako izmrvljenog.
Foto: depositphotos / serezniy

preko kolačića, do onih prelive- • Koristite samo ekstradevi-

nih slatkim sirupom, kao što su čansko maslinovo ulje vrhunskog
lukumades. kvaliteta. I ne zaboravite, kada grč-
Ali šta god da naručite, si- ki recept zahteva malo maslinovog
gurno nećete propustiti jedno- ulja, misli se na obilno zalivanje –
stavnu ali nezaobilaznu esenci- ne štedite na ulju!
ju grčke trpeze – njihovu seosku • Pokušajte da pronađete divlji Traditional Greek salad recipe
salatu po kojoj su poznati širom origano (ako je moguće, sa grčkih Ingredients:
gurmanskog sveta. Iako joj ime planina), osušen u hladu i uskla- 1 large succulent tomato, or two smaller ones
na grčkom znači „seoska“ (ho- dišten u dobrom stanju. To zaista 1 cucumber
rijatiki), grčka sela nisu njeno pravi razliku. Nežno utrljajte ori- 1 green bell pepper
rodno mesto. Priča kaže da su gano između prstiju jer će topli- ½ a red onion
nacionalnu salatu izmislili vla- na vaših ruku osloboditi njegova 8-10 Kalamata olives (unpitted)
snici restorana u Atini. Želeli su eterična ulja. 100g Feta cheese (block)
da naplate više od onoga što je • Samo i isključivo kalamata 1 teaspoon of dried oregano
bilo propisano za običnu salatu masline. Kupite ih sa košticama, 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
od paradajza i krastavca, čiju je inače brzo gube čvrstinu. 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
cenu kontrolisala vlada. Doda- • Jedite na ostrvski način: grč- a pinch of salt
vanje fete dalo im je slobodu da ka ostrva su puna kapara, pa su ta- Preparation: Slice the cucumber, pepper and on-
naplaćuju kako žele. U međuvre- mo grčke salate njima obilno ukra- ion and add to a bowl. First chop the tomato in half,
menu, ljudi su širom sveta po- šene. Probajte! then cut into irregular wedges and arrange at the
čeli da prave grčku salatu kako • Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje top of the bowl, to ensure the juice isn’t lost. Add
im drago, ali ako ne mislite da važno – poslužite grčku salatu uz the olive oil, vinegar, salt and oregano, then the Fe-
vas grčke bake popreko gledaju, hleb ili, još bolje, dvopek, kreke- ta block that you’ve drizzled with a little more olive
ipak probajte da poštujete neka re, krutone, bilo šta hrskavo što se oil and oregano.
od sledećih pravila... može potopiti u sok na dnu.

Greek salad » Grčka salata | 83


E n j o y m e n t ta i l o r e d t o t h e p e o p l e a n d t h e g o d s
rural Greece. According to the or-

All the secrets of Greek salad igin story, this Greek national sal-
ad was concocted by restaurateurs
in Athens who wanted to charge
The Horiatiki salad is here to prove that less is more. Fresh, more than was prescribed for a sim-
succulent tomatoes bathed in fragrant olive oil and decorated with ple salad of tomato and cucumber,
feta cheese will compel you to fly straight to this culinary paradise the price of which was controlled
by the government. Adding feta
gave them the freedom to charge
as much as they wanted. In the
meantime, people all around the
world started making Greek sal-
ad to their heart’s content, but
if you think Greek grandmothers
aren’t giving you a sideways look,
try respecting some of the follow-
ing rules...
• On behalf of all Greeks, please
stop adding lettuce to your Greek
salad. Lettuce, we love you, but
there’s no place for you here!
• Select the most succulent red
tomatoes. Okay, you can also use
cherry tomatoes if it’s winter and
Foto: depositphotos / galeja

you’re desperately craving a Greek

• Feta is the Greek white cheese
that’s made from sheep’s (or part
goat’s) milk aged in brine. Only buy
it in a block, never crumbled.
Greek cuisine is typi- higher percentage of alcohol. Next • Only use top-quality extra vir-
cally Mediterranean, which come the appetisers, mezedakia, of gin olive oil. And don’t forget that
implies light, healthy dishes inev- which the Greeks are very proud. when a Greek recipe calls for a little
itably prepared with olive oil, the There are many of them, they are olive oil, they mean that you should
liquid gold of the Mediterranean. varied and it’s obligatory to share drown the dish – don’t skimp on
These dishes are rich in fresh vege- them. Seafood lovers can tuck in- the oil!
tables, fish, lean meats and cheeses. to htapodi – small pieces of octo- Try to find wild oregano (if pos-
For the Greeks, food and drink rep- pus, boiled or baked, with lemon sible, sourced from Greek moun-
resent a ritual, a celebration of life, juice, or psarosoupa – fish soup. The tains), shade-dried and stored in
a desire to socialise with relatives main course is usually meat, with good condition. That really makes
and friends, to meet new people the repertoire most often including a difference. Gently rub the orega-
and philosophise on the most var- lamb, fish, moussaka, pastitsio, but no between your fingers, because
ied topics. The typical atmosphere also offal, which Greeks prepare in the warmth of your hands will re-
that prevails in Greek restaurants, a thousand different ways. The des- lease its essential oils.
taverns and homes is relaxed, infor- serts are also very varied. From tra- • Use only and exclusively kal-
mal and simple. The Western “eat ditional Greek yoghurt with hon- amata olives. Buy them unpitted,
and run” syndrome has yet to catch ey and fruit, via cakes and buns, because otherwise they lose their
on in Greece. Here lunch and din- to those over which sweet syrup firmness quickly.
ner can last hours, and it’s a case is poured, such as loukoumades. • Do it the islander way: Greek
of the more the merrier when it However, whatever you order, islands are full of capers, so Greek
comes to how many people gath- you certainly won’t overlook the salads there are garnished richly
er around the table. simple yet indispensable essence of with them. Try it out!
It is customary for Greeks to the Greek spread that is their “vil- • Last but not least, serve Greek
start every meal with an aperi- lage” salad, which they are famous salad with bread or, even better,
tif, most commonly the anise-fla- for around the culinary world. Al- with melba toast, crackers, crou-
voured ouzo liquor or Tsipouro though its name (horiatiki) means tons, anything crunchy that can be
brandy, which contains an even village in Greek, it wasn’t born in dunked in the juice at the bottom.

84 | Grčka salata » Greek salad

N a j s ku p l ja g ov e d i n a n a sv e t u

Na čačanskim
pašnjacima pasu
japanske vagi

U Srbiju su stigle dve junice vrhunskog bog jedinstvenog kvaliteta mesa i dobrih
pedigrea, Julka i Gara, zajedno sa gena vagi („wagyu“) govedina spada u naj-
sto semena, a očekivanja su da stado prestižnije u svetu i uglavnom se može na-
izuzetno traženih vagi („wagyu“) krava ći na meniju najelitnijih svetskih resto-
godišnje poraste za 50 do 75 goveda rana. A sada su ove krave prvi put počele
da se uzgajaju i u Srbiji, na jednoj farmi pored Čačka.
Od 1975. godine vagi krave su se iz Japana slobod-
no izvozile u svet. Međutim, ranih devedesetih godi-
na prošlog veka Japan je ovu vrstu goveda proglasio
nacionalnim blagom i zabranio izvoz i samih krava, i
semena i embriona. Iz tog razloga sve današnje vagi
krave uzgojene van Japana potomci su goveda koja
su bila izvezena u tom periodu od petnaestak godina.
Ono što ovu govedinu izdvaja od drugih jeste mra-
morno prošarano meso, nežnog, aromatičnog i sočnog
ukusa, bogato omega-3 i omega-6 masnim kiselinama u
mnogo većem procentu u odnosu na običnu govedinu.
Prvo stado vagi krava u Srbiji je oformio Nema-
nja Borjanović, vlasnik kompanije za distribuciju go-
vedine „Txuleta“ iz Londona, koji je reputaciju na tr-
žištu Velike Britanije stekao dovođenjem prestižne
španske rase goveda „galician blond“.
Kako kaže, cilj mu je da svako u Srbiji, ko je u mo-
gućnosti, dobije priliku da uživa u ovom gurmanskom
delikatesu vrhunskog kvaliteta.
– Srbija je oduvek imala bogatu gastronomsku
ponudu. U poslednjih nekoliko godina pogotovo se
primećuje ogromno interesovanje za bifteke, kao i za
kvalitetne burgere. Ponuda najboljeg mesa na svetu
restorani predstavlja prirodan razvoj gastronomske priče u Sr-
zaslužuju biji. Najbolji restorani zaslužuju najbolje meso – sma-
najbolje meso“, tra Borjanović.
smatra Nemanja
Borjanović, Vagi krave koje se uzgajaju kod nas svoje poreklo
vlasnik vode uglavnom iz Tajima prefekture u Japanu. Za po-
kompanije za četak, uvezene su dve vagi krave sa najboljom gene-
govedine tikom, Julka i Gara, kao i 100 semena sa ciljem da se
„Txuleta“ iz formira veće stado. „Goorambat Mr. Marble K483“ va-
Londona gi krava – koja nosi pedigre šigešigetani, itošigenami
i terutani krava – predstavlja jedan od stubova u pro- lazi i 600 dana.
izvodnji japanskih goveda u Čačku. Većina farmera dobro čuva tajni recept njihove
– Nama je cilj da postignemo najviši mogući kva- ishrane. No, kako saznajemo od Nemanje Borjano-
litet vagi krava u Srbiji. Upravo zato smo uvezli naj- vića, obroci se najpre sastoje od žitarica, otpada ma-
bolju i najskuplju genetiku. Ona nam povećava šan- sline, pa čak i plazma keksa.
se da postignemo uzgoj vagi krava koje će imati visok – U Srbiji nam je cilj da ih preko leta držimo na-
stepen prošaranosti, ali i dobru proizvodnju mleka za polju što duže, dok će zimi imati pristup štali, ali uz
telad i razvoj stada – otkriva Nemanja Borjanović. slobodan izlaz na pašnjak ukoliko to žele. Kako bi se
Što se tiče samog uzgoja, vagi krave imaju zaista opustile, u Japanu često kravama puštaju klasičnu
poseban, kraljevski tretman, pošto je veoma važno muziku – ističe on.
da se uzgajaju pod minimalnim stresom i da imaju Što se tiče vagi krava na farmi kod Čačka, one su
pristup vodi i hrani preko čitavog dana. A da bi se morale da zadovolje sve najstrože standarde kvaliteta.
dobilo meso vrhunskog kvaliteta, naročito je važan – Kako bismo ih uopšte uvezli u Srbiju, morali
način ishrane. smo da dobijemo sve neophodne veterinarske serti-
Dok je tele malo, krave su na ispaši i hrane se tra- fikate, uradimo brojne provere protiv raznih bolesti,
vom. U trenutku kada dođe vreme da se odvoji od dobijemo dozvolu za uvoz od Ministarstva poljopri-
majke, polako prelazi na ishranu koja ima veći kalo- vrede, a same krave morale su da prođu karantin –
rični dohodak, a sam proces prehrane neretko pre- ističe Nemanja Borjanović.


Vagi („wagyu“) krave poreklom su iz Japana. Sama reč

„wagyu“ u prevodu znači japansko govedo, gde „wa“ znači „iz
Japana“, a „gju“ ili „gi“ je krava
Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia

D u š a v e l i k a , a i s t o r i j a b u r n a / I m m e n s e s o u l , a n d a t u m u lt u o u s h i s t o r y

U Borinom Vranju se samo

ljubi i plače / In Bora’s Vranje,
people only kiss and cry
Još je Jovan Dučić pisao da se ovaj grad razlikuje od ostatka Srbije
zbog lirske duše stanovnika, za razliku od one epske, borbene,
koja krasi Šumadince / Jovan Dučić wrote that this city differs from
the rest of Serbia thanks to the lyrical soul of its inhabitants, as opposed
to the epic, battling soul that characterises the people of Šumadija

Foto: Depositphotos / CreativeFamily

88 | Vranje » Vranje
Bora Stanković rođen je u Vranju 23. marta Bora Stanković was born in Vranje on 23rd
1876. godine, a za svoje mesto rođenja bio je March 1876 and remained attached to his
vezan do kraja života birthplace until the end of his life

Ako vas put odvede na If the road leads you to

prelepi jug Srbije, nemoj- the beautiful south of Ser-
te propustiti da upoznate Vranje i bia, don’t miss out on the opportu-
njegove žitelje i posetite bar neke nity to acquaint yourself with the city
od lokaliteta koje vam ovom prili- of Vranje and its inhabitants, by vis-
kom predstavljamo. iting at least some of the locations
that we present to you here.
Beli most
Beli most je simbol grada, nala- The White Bridge
zi se čak i na grbu Vranja. Ovo ma- The White Bridge is a symbol of
lo arhitektonsko rešenje nije bitno Vranje that even appears on the city’s
zbog savladavanja prirodnih sila, coat of arms. This small architectural
već zbog simbolike koju nosi. Tur- structure isn’t important due to its
kinja Ajša bila je ćerka Selim-bega builders’ mastery of natural forces,
i zaljubila se u čobančića Stojana. but rather due to the symbolism it
Kada je video da ne može da spreči holds. A Turkish girl called Aisha, the
tu ljubav, Selim-beg je odlučio da daughter of Selim-beg, fell in love
ubije Srbina. Između Stojana i oca with a local shepherd called Stojan.
našla se Ajša, koja je telom zašti- When he saw that he couldn’t pre-
tila ljubav svog života i poginula. vent that love, Selim-beg decided to
Stojan je, slomljen zbog njene smr- kill the Serb. Aisha stood between
ti, oduzeo sebi život. Selim-beg je Stojan and her father, protecting her
hteo da njihova ljubav nadiđe jed- love and losing her life as a result. Sto-
no vreme i tako barem malo oka- jan, who was emotionally broken by
je grehe. Dao je da se sazida Beli her death, took his own life. Selim-
most (poznat kao „most ljubavi“), beg wanted to do something to en-
koji treba da poveže dve vere i dva sure their love transcended the times,
naroda. Na mostu je ostala ploča and in so doing atone for his sins,
na turskom: „Proklet neka je onaj at least a little. He thus decided to
koji rastavi što ljubav sastavi.“ Le- erect the White Bridge (which became
Foto: Wikipedia

genda kaže da treba jednom da pre- known as the “Bridge of Love”), with
đete most i da se vratite da bi vam the intention of connecting the two
se nešto dobro dogodilo. religions and two peoples. A plaque

Ako vas put nanese u

Vranje, ne zaboravite –
tačno u podne se ide na
kaficu i druži sa ljudima
If your travels lead you
to Vranje, don’t forget to
head to the cafe at noon
precisely, where you will
meet the locals

Vranje » Vranje | 89
r i ta m s r b i j e / R h y t h m o f S e r b ia

Markovo kale
Utvrđenje iz kojeg je poniklo
Vranje u 13. veku nalazi se na 4,5
kilometara severno od Vranja i da-
nas predstavlja ruševine jer je ma-

Foto: Deposiphotos
lo toga sačuvano. Važnija je, ipak,
priča da je to zapravo bila tvrđava
Marka Kraljevića, koji je gospoda-
rio ovim prostorima.

Vranjska banja has remained on the bridge, read- gorje region and then finding refuge
Banja je postala planetarni fe- ing in Turkish “Cursed shall be the on Mount Kozjak. Legend has it that
nomen kada je utvrđeno da ima one who divides what love unites”. he didn’t encounter another human
najtopliju vodu u Evropi (od 94 Legend has it that you only have to being for more than 30 years, until he
do 110 stepeni), a da je i u sve- cross the bridge once and return to met future Byzantine emperor Ro-
tu u top tri po ovom kriterijumu. the other side for something good manos IV Diogenes, who was hunt-
Izvor daje oko 140 litara u sekundi. to happen to you. ing in the forests of Mount Kozjak.
The Byzantine nobleman hap-
Prohor Pčinjski Marko’s Fortress pened across the cave of the monk
O pustinjaku Prohoru Pčinj- The fortification that forms Vran- Prohor, and the holy man prophe-
skom se zna da je živeo početkom je’s 13th century origins is located 4.5 sied that he would become emperor.
11. veka. Još kao mladić otišao je u kilometres north of the city and to- Perhaps Diogenes would have forgot-
isposništvo, prvo u nagorički kraj, day represents a ruin, with little of ten about this chance encounter and
a zatim je utočište našao na pla- its former glory preserved. More im- prophecy if, after having already come
nini Kozjak. Legende kažu da nije portantly, however, is the story that to the imperial throne, he hadn’t been
video ljudsko biće više od 30 godi- it was actually the fortress of Marko visited in a dream by Prohor, who
na, sve do susreta sa budućim vi- Kraljević, who ruled over this area. said to him: “You’ve forgotten me, old
zantijskim carem Romanom Če- man”. The emperor then returned to
tvrtim Diogenom, koji je lovio u Vranjska Banja Mount Kozjak and found the mor-
kozjačkim šumama. This spa town became a world- tal remains of the old man. Believers
Vizantijski plemić je pukim wide phenomenon when it was con- claim that miracles already began to
slučajem stigao do pećine mona- firmed that it has the warmest nat- occur even then – firstly when Emper-
ha Prohora, a ovaj mu je tada pro- ural water in Europe (ranging from or Diogenes decided to build a church
rekao da će postati car. Možda bi 94 to 110 degrees Celsius), placing in Staro Nagoričane. When they tried
Diogen zaboravio na ovaj slučaj- it among the top three hots spas in to relocate Prohor’s relics there, the
ni susret i proročanstvo da mu the world. Its spring provides approx- bones would not shift, as if nailed to
se, kada je zaista seo na carski imately 140 litres per second. the ground. A small church was thus
tron, u snu nije javio Prohor i re- erected using stone from the river,
kao mu prekorno: „Ti si zaboravio Saint Prohor of Pčinja with the remains of the saint interred
mene starca“. Car tada odlazi na The Venerable Prohor of Pčinja there. More than 200 years later, Ho-
Kozjak i posle duge potrage nala- is a hermit known to have lived in ly King Milutin built a larger house
zi posmrtne ostatke starca. Pre- the early 11th century. As a young of worship above that church. That
ma verovanju, još tada su poče- man, he took up a life of abstinence monastery is located 32 kilometres
la da se dešavaju čuda. Prvo već as a hermit, first travelling to the Na- from Vranje.
car Diogen je rešio da podigne cr-
kvu u Starom Nagoričanu. Kada
su, međutim, pokušali da odne-
su Prohorove mošti, one su bi-
le kao prikovane za zemlju. Mo-
nah Prohor ni mrtav nije želeo da
napusti pčinjski kraj. Tako je od
rečnog kamena napravljena mala
crkva i u nju je položeno telo sve-
ca. Više od 200 godina posle to-
Foto: Branko Janackovic

ga nad tom crkvom je Sveti kralj

Milutin podigao veću bogomolju.
Manastir se nalazi na 32 kilome-
tra od Vranja.

90 | Vranje » Vranje
Na kraju,
ali najvažnije...
Lastly, but most

Foto: Wikipedia

Bio je pisac koji je za- He was a writer who Bora inherited his talent from his
uvek izmenio identitet changed the face of the Grandma Zlata, who had recount-
grada, kao i srpske književno- city forever, but also that ed stories to him about the “old
sti, jer njegova proza predstavlja of Serbian literature, as his prose Vranje”, and all his works are based
uvod u dugo čekanu modernu. represent an introduction to the on real-life characters.
Autor „Nečiste krvi“, „Koštane“ long-awaited period of modernity. His wealth of literary crea-
i „Starih dana“, talenat je nasledio Author of the novel Impure Blood, tivity put Vranje on all maps of
od baba Zlate, koja mu je pričala the play Koštana and the collec- the written word worldwide. His
o „starom Vranju“, a sva njegova tion of short stories The Old Days, works have been translated into
dela zasnovana su na stvarnim li-
Bogatim književnim stvara-
laštvom omogućio je da se Vra-
nje nađe na svim mapama pisa-
ne reči na planeti. Njegova dela
prevedena su na oko sto stranih
jezika. Pesnik ljudske duše, vrsni
poznavalac najtananijih ljudskih
osećanja, ostavio je dubok trag u
oslikavanju svoje patrijahalne sre-
dine. Jedan od mnogih koji su pi-
sali o Bori Stankoviću i njegovom
radu je i Jovan Dučić, diplomata i
književnik. O najpoznatijem Vra-
njancu je, te davne 1929. godine,
pisao ovako:
„Književno delo Borisava
Stankovića, to jedna velika tru-
badurska knjiga. To je pre svega
delo jednog istinskog pesnika lju-
bavi i viteza srca. Niko se u njego-
vim pričama o starom Vranju ne
Foto: Predrag Dedijer

povodi ni za čim drugim nego za

ludilom srca i obešću krvi...; Ži-
vot za Borisava Stankovića posto-
ji samo dok postoji ljubav, a lju-

Vranje » Vranje | 91
r i ta m s r b i j e / R h y t h m o f S e r b ia

Ovaj topli dom baba Zlate, u kome je

rođen div srpske književne scene, krije
priču o Borinom detinjstvu i odrastanju
u Vranju
The warm home of Granny Zlata, which
was the birthplace of this great of the
Serbian literary scene, preserves the
story of Bora’s childhood and upbringing
in Vranje
Fotografije: Predrag Dedijer

bav postoji dok postoji mladost i na je oko 1850, u muzej pretvo- vremena, čiji se miris i slika još
strast. S one strane mladosti ne- rena 1967. i otvorena za javnost uvek razležu avlijom. U dvorištu
ma više ničeg. Ova Stankovićeva kao spomen-kuća velikog srpskog se nalazi bašta, stari dud, šimši-
ideja o životu daje njegovom delu književnika. Nalazi se u Baba Zla- ri, vinova loza, kaldrma i bunar,
odista jednu blaženu ushićenost tinoj ulici, koja je dobila ime po kao i letnja kuhinja. U Muzej-ku-
i žestinu, ali i uverenje. Tako da Borinoj babi po ocu. Imajući u vi- ći izloženi su predmeti koji su pri-
njegove knjige izgledaju dublje ne- du značaj, dubinu i vrednost Bo- padali piscu i članovima njegove
go mnoge druge napisane o naj- rinih dela, čuvanje kuće u kojoj porodice, kao i plakati, fotografi-
dubljim ljudskim istinama...“, pi- se rodio i proveo deo života je- je pozorišnih predstava i izdanja
še, između ostalog, Dučić. dan je od najboljih načina da se njegovih knjiga. Tu su baka Zla-
Stanković u Vranju još nema Vranje oduži, ne samo piscu već tin razboj, Borina tabakera, knjige,
svoju zadužbinu, ali gotovo sva- i svima onima koji zbog Bore do- sanduk za odela i fotografije. Go-
ka važnija institucija u ovom gra- laze u taj grad. stinska soba, koja po pravilu tre-
du nosi njegovo ime – biblioteka, Muzej-kuća Borisava Stanko- ba da bude najlepša u svakoj kući,
pozorište, gimnazija... Ukoliko vas vića ne predstavlja samo arhitek- postavljena je prema opisu iz Bori-
put nanese na jug Srbije, obave- tonsko blago. Sa statusom spo- ne pripovetke „Uvela ruža“. Saču-
zno posetite njegovu muzej-kuću menika kulture od nacionalnog vana je čak i soba baka Zlate, gde
nadomak centra grada. Izgrađe- značaja, čuvar je jednog prošlog se nalaze i njeni lični predmeti...

92 | Vranje » Vranje
around a hundred languages. This books thus seem to delve deeper
poet of the human soul and ex- than many others that have been
quisite aficionado of the subtlest written about the deepest human
of human emotions left an indel- truths...,” wrote Dučić, among oth-
ible mark in his portrayal of his er things.
patriarchal surroundings. Among Stanković still doesn’t have
the many who have written about his own endowment institution
Bora Stanković and his works was in Vranje, but almost every more
diplomat and writer Jovan Dučić. important institution in this city
He wrote the following about the bears his name – a library, thea-
most famous native of Vranje: tre, high school etc. If your travels
“The literary work of Boris- lead you to the south of Serbia, be
av Stanković, that’s all one great sure to visit his museum-house,
troubadour book. That’s first and which is just a stone’s throw from
foremost the work of a true poet the city centre. Built around 1850,
of love and knight of the heart. it was turned into a museum in
None of the characters in his sto- 1967 and opened to the public as a
ries of old Vranje is motivated by memorial house of this great Ser-
anything other than the mad- bian writer. It is located in Baba
ness of the heart and the stub- Zlatina Street, which was named
born defiance of blood...; Life on- after Bora’s paternal grandmother.
ly exists for Borisav Stanković as Given the importance, depth and
long as love exists, and love ex- worth of Bora’s works, preserving
ists as long youth and passion ex- the house where he was born and
ist. Nothing lies on the other side spent part of his life provides one
of youth. This idea of Stanković’s of the best ways for Vranje to repay
about life gives his work an em- its debt – not only to the writer
inently blessed exhilaration and himself, but also to all those who
fierceness, but also conviction. His are compelled to visit the city be-
cause of Bora.
The Museum-House of Boris-
av Stanković represents more than
an architectural treasure. With the
status of a monument of culture
of national importance, it is a ver-
itable guardian of a bygone era,
with that era’s aromas and imag-
es still occupying its courtyard.
The yard contains a garden, an old
mulberry tree, boxwood shrubs,
grape vines, cobblestones and a
well, as well as a summer kitch-
en. The house museum exhibits
items that belonged to the writ-
er and his family members, as
well as posters, photos of thea-
tre performances and editions
of his books. There are Grand-
ma Zlata’s loom, Bora’s cigarette
case, books, a chest for suits and
photos. The guest room, which
as a rule should be the prettiest
room in every house, is arranged
according to the description from
Bora’s short story Withered Rose.
Even Grandma Zlata’s room has
been preserved and contains her
personal belongings...

Vranje » Vranje | 93
Destinacija Destination

N a j b o l j e č u va n a ta j n a j u ž n e I ta l i j e
B e s t k e p t s e c r e t s o f s o u t h e r n I ta ly

Čarobna Apulija
Magical Apulia
Tekst / Words:
Jelena Isaković
Fotografije / Photography:
Andrej Isaković

94 | Italija » Italy
Linijom Beograd–Bari stižete brzo u glavni grad Apulije. Prva With the Belgrade – Bari route, you arrive quickly in the capital of the Apulia
stanica mora da vam bude Bazilika Svetog Nikole, a čak i ako (Puglia) region. Your first must-see is the Basilica of Saint Nicholas, and – even
niste zvezdaš, svratite do istoimenog stadiona na kome je Zvezda if you aren’t a Red Star fan – be sure to also visit the homonymous Stadium of
ispisala stranice fudbalske istorije 1991. godine Saint Nicholas, where Belgrade’s red & whites made football history back in 1991

Lokorotondo i vina Apulije

Lokorotondo je opušteno mestašce, van fokusa turista, za razliku
od Ostunija, ali jednako očarava šarmom, slikovitim trgovima, a
posebno je lepa ova vinarija na kaskadama koje oivičavaju gradić.
Nazdravite primitivom, lokalnim vinom Apulije. Ovde se jede
tradicionalna testenina orekjete, a burata i straćatela su među
najboljima u Italiji

Locorotondo and Apulia wines

Locorotondo is a chilled town that is beyond the focus of tourists, in
contrast to Ostuni, but which is equally enchanting with its charm and
picturesque squares, while this winery on the rolling hills that surround
the town is particularly beautiful. Raise a toast with the ancient local wine
of Apulia. Here they eat traditional orecchiette pasta, while the burrata
cheese and stracciatella gelato are among the best in Italy

Grote dela poezija – obavezno!

Skok sa ivice ovog prirodnog bazena na prvu će vam izgledati suludo, ali
skupite hrabrost – trenutak strepnje pred skok, a potom radost i ponos
kada izronite nemaju cenu

Grotte della Poesia - a must!

Diving from the edge of the Cave of Poetry’s natural pool will initially seem insane,
but pluck up the courage – because that fleeting anxiousness prior to leaping, and
the subsequent sense of joy and pride when you surface, are priceless

Na samoj štikli italijanske čizme, koju zapljuskuju Jadransko i Jonsko more,

osetite pravi „dolce far niente“ uz buratu, orekjete i nezaboravne pejzaže /
Right on the heel of the Italian boot, sprayed by the Adriatic and Ionian seas, feel
genuine “dolce far niente” with burrata, orecchiette pasta and unforgettable scenery

a sat i po leta od Beograda, okupana ust a 90-minute flight away from Belgrade,
svetlošću boje slonovače, čekala nas je bathed in ivory light, we were awaited by the
Apulija i 1.500 kilometara vožnje uzduž region of Puglia, aka Apulia, and 1,500 kilo-
i popreko čarobnom štiklom Italije. Ako metres of driving the length and breadth of
nameravate da je posetite, a ja bih rekla the magical heel of Italy. If you intend to vis-
da morate, to je najbolji način. Avion Beograd–Bari, it it, and I’d say that you must, this is the best way to
rentakar i kud vas put nanese... do so. Catch a plane from Belgrade to Bari, rent a car
Kroz prošlost ovi prostori su privlačili Feničane, and head wherever the road leads you...
Grke i Rimljane, krstaše... Danas Apulija privlači osta- Throughout history, these lands have enticed Phoe-
tak sveta blagom klimom, peščanim plažama, kristal- nicians, Greeks and Romans, crusaders... Today, Apulia
nočistom vodom i vrhunskim crvenim vinima. Leti attracts the rest of the world with its mild climate, sand
ćete skakati sa litica između kojih se ugnezdilo mo- beaches, crystal clear waters and top red wines. During
re, plivati ispod mostova od stena, u uvalama uklesa- the summer, you will dive from cliffs, swim under rock
nim na najneverovatnijim mestima, na samoj flekici bridges and in bays carved out of the most incredible plac-
štikle, tamo gde se susreću Jonsko i Jadransko mo- es, on the very heel of the boot of Italy, where the Ionian
re. Mnogo je mestašaca, mnogo plaža, mnogo svega, and Adriatic seas meet. There are lots of settlements, lots
teško je izabrati, ali ovo je moja top-lista gradića ko- of beaches, lots of everything; it’s tough to choose, but
je ne smete da propustite u koje god doba godine da here is my list of must-see towns, regardless of what time
odete u Apuliju: Polinjano a mare, Monopoli, Otran- of year you choose to visit: Polignano a mare, Monopoli,
to, Galipolje, Alberobelo, Lokorotondo, Leče, Ostuni Otranto, Gallipoli, Alberobello, Locorotondo, Lecce, Os-
i jedinstveni i najstariji od svih gradova – Matera. Ia- tuni and the most unique and oldest of all cities, Mat-
ko geografski ne pripada Apuliji, na ovom putovanju era. Despite not belonging to Apulia geographically, it is
je nezaobilazna. Ostavite i dan za Bari, kakva je to au- an unavoidable stop on this journey. Also set aside a day
tentična Italija, nenašminkana i opuštena! for Bari, which is authentic Italy, barefaced and relaxed!

Italy » Italija | 95
D e st i n ac i j a / D e st i n at i o n

Leče, Firenca južne Italije

Da, tako zovu ovaj biser Apulije, grad
sa fasadama od čipke, koji se diči
baroknom Bazilikom Svetog Krsta
(„Santa Croce“). Nemojte preskočiti
sladoled u „La Romana“, koji postoji od
1947. Leče je inače u delu Apulije koji se
zove Salento i tu su najlepše plaže.

Lecce, the Florence

of Southern Italy
Yes, that’s the moniker of this gem of
Apulia, a city with lace-like façades, which
is proud of its baroque Basilica of the Holy
Cross (Santa Croce). Don’t miss out on
ice cream from the Gelateria La Romana,
which has existed since 1947. Lecce is
located in the Salento region of Apulia,
which has the most beautiful beaches

Bajkoviti Alberobelo
Najpoznatije mesto Apulije, koje je postalo slavno kada
je 1996. stavljeno pod zaštitu Uneska zbog truli kućica,
kojih ima oko 1.500 u ovom gradiću i u kojima ljudi i dan-
danas žive. One su i deo turističke ponude, ne samo kao U Materu putevima Bonda
pejzaž za slikanje već su i adaptirane za boravak sa svim O svakom ovom mestu bi se mogao napisati poseban tekst, a šta tek reći o Materi,
smeštajnim kapacitetima, neke čak i prilično luksuzno. jednom od najstarijih gradova na svetu? Bila je zapostavljena u Italiji sve dok 2019.
Unesko nije prepoznao vrednost ovog grada udubljenog u stenama i proglasio ga
Fairytale-like Alberobello kulturnom baštinom. Milioni turista su se sjatili, a Matera je postala pravi hit kada je ovde
This most celebrated Apulia settlement became famous after snimljen poslednji „Bond“.
being placed under UNESCO protection in 1996 due to its
trulli houses, approximately 1,500 of which still exist in this Roads of Bond in Matera
small town and are inhabited to this day. They form part of We could write separate articles about each of these places, and what can we say about
the tourist offer not only as scenery for paintings, but rather Matera, which is one of the oldest cities in the world? Italians had been neglecting it until
have also been adapted – some even quite luxuriously – as 2019, when UNESCO recognised the value of this city that’s located on a rocky outcrop and
residences with all accommodation facilities. designated it a world heritage site. Millions of tourists then flocked to Matera, which became
a genuine hit among tourists when the last James Bond film was shot there.

96 | Italija » Italy
Salento, raj za kupanje
Deo Apulije pod ovim imenom je vaša destinacija za leto. Nestvarno tirkizno more
i beli pesak učinili su da Solento ima i svoje Karibe i svoje Maldive. I da, ovde je
normalno na plažu doći sa frižiderčićem u kome je paradajz. ;) Samo vodite računa
o suncu jer najpopularnije plaže nemaju prirodan hlad.

Salento, bathing paradise

The Salento sub-region of Apulia is your summer holiday destination. Thanks to surreal
turquoise waters and white sand, Salento has both its own Caribbean and its own
Maldives. And, yes, here it’s normal to bring a cooler bag full of tomatoes to the beach ;)
Just be careful of the sun, because the most popular beaches here have no natural shade

Plaža u Galipolju
Nesvakidašnji gradići na jugu Apulije su Galipolje i
Otranto. U Galipolju je stari grad mostom povezan
sa kopnom, dok je Otranto najistočnija tačka Italije.
Okupajte se na njihovim gradskim plažama u suton, u
društvu ribara koji čiste ribe i bacaju mreže. Zalazak
sunca je jedan od najlepših na svetu

Beach in Gallipoli
Gallipoli and Otranto are unusual small towns in southern
Apulia. The old town of Gallipoli is connected to the
mainland by a bridge, while Otranto represents Italy’s
easternmost point. Head to their urban beaches to bathe
in the twilight hours, where you will be in the company
of fishermen busily cleaning fish and casting nets. The
sunsets here are among the most beautiful in the world

Stene, pesak, za
svakoga ponešto
Ako volite da skačete, na
plažama Apulije ima toga
napretek. Ako volite pesak,
i toga ima napretek. O hrani
da ne govorimo... Apulija će
vas osvojiti neposrednošću,
nepretencioznošću i
definitivno ćete poželeti da
joj se vratite...

Rocks, sand, something

for everyone
If you like diving, you can do
plenty of it on the beaches of
Apulia. If you like sand, there’s
plenty of that too. And we
don’t even need to mention
the food... Apulia will win you
over with its directness and
unpretentiousness, and you
will definitely depart wanting
to return...

Italy » Italija | 97
Ermitaž je
bio i ostao
carski muzej

D a n i E r m i ta ž a u S r b i j i

Sa obala Neve na
obale Dunava i Save
U Srbiji će se od 24. do 29. oktobra prvi put održati
Dani Ermitaža, događaj koji će predstaviti jedan
od najvećih i najlepših muzeja na svetu

rpska prestonica ima- godišnji prijatelj i poznati ruski de bez izuzetka, i to kroz moguć-
će priliku da krajem pevač Vasilij Gerelo nastupiće u nost da fizički dodirnu ekspona-
oktobra ugosti Ermi- Narodnom pozorištu u Beogra- te. Pa zar ne bi svako od nas želeo
taž, izuzetnu kultur- du. Na istoj toj sceni trupa „Ba- da dodirne skulpturu ili sliku? Tu
nu instituciju, spome- let Jakobson“ iz Sankt Peterburga priliku će imati stanovnici Beo-
nik od svetskog značaja, istinski izvešće predstavu posvećenu sto- grada ili njegovi gosti – moći će
centar za obrazovanje, arheolo- godišnjici srpskog baleta, u čijem da dodirnu freske, ćilime i taktil-
giju i restauraciju. Direktor tog su stvaranju učestvovali upravo ru- ne replike drugih eksponata Er-
sanpeterburškog utočišta Mihajl ski koreografi. mitaža. Verujte, biće to nevero-
Piotrovski ekskluzivno za „Ele- Šta je to po čemu će se vatno iskustvo!
vejt“ predstavlja Dane Ermitaža, izložbe Ermitaža posebno Druga izložba je u vezi
naglašavajući da će muzej upra- izdvajati? Čime planirate sa izuzetno bogatim car-
vo svu svoju svestranost prika- da iznenadite publiku? skim nasleđem Ermitaža?
zati u Srbiji. – U Narodnom muzeju, od – Da, ono i danas inspiri-
– Uz podršku naših partnera, 24. oktobra do 24. novembra, bi- še umetnike i dizajnere. Izložba
Ministarstva kulture Srbije i ruske će predstavljene dve naše izložbe „Carski porcelan“ pokazaće ver-
kompanije „Gasprom njeft“, pri- – „Nevidljiva umetnost“ i „Carski ne replike servisa ruskih monar-
premili smo bogat kulturni pro- porcelan“. „Nevidljiva umetnost“ ha iz dinastije Romanovih, koje je
gram: izložbe, predavanja, mu- je divna inkluzivna izložba, rezul- izradila Carska fabrika porcelana.
zejske umetničke radionice, kao tat rada naših restauratora. Inklu- Ispričaćemo kako su izgledale ve-
i filmske projekcije. Lično ću odr- zija je jedno od osnovnih savre- čere i čajanke u kraljevskim rezi-
žati jedno od predavanja na Uni- menih pravaca rada Ermitaža jer dencijama. Priča o Ruskom carstvu
verzitetu u Beogradu. Naš dugo- stvara nove senzacije za sve lju- i njegovoj kulturi – to je tradici-

Promo » Promo | 99
Jedan od najvećih muzeja na svetu
Ermitaž se nalazi u Sankt Peterburgu. Poseduje više od tri miliona spome-
nika kulture i kolekcija, među kojima su remek-dela Rafaela, Đorđonea, Ti-
cijana, Rubensa, Leonarda da Vinčija, Rembranta, Velaskeza, slikara im-
presionista i drugih velikih majstora. Prostire se u više od 500 sala ukupne
površine oko 100.000 kvadratnih metara, a posete ga milioni ljudi godišnje.

ja Ermitaža. Ali to nije sve, jer sa srp- blago. Svi predmeti postaju bla-
Dani Ermitaža možda sti- skim kolegama već neko- go kada završe u muzeju i praće-
žu u Srbiju, ali i deo Srbi- liko godina sprovodite i ni su detaljnim istorijskim objaš-
je je uvek bio prisutan u arheološku ekspediciju njenjem.
Ermitažu? na području Vojvodine... Ima li nešto iz Srbije što
– Svakako! U Sankt Peterbur- – Da, zbog čega će u okviru Da- želite da „uvezete“ u Er-
gu je nedavno, uz podršku „Ga- na Ermitaža biti upravo rusko-srp- mitaž?
sproma“, otvorena galerija u znak ska naučna arheološka konferen- – U izvesnom smislu, ovaj pro-
sećanja na prvog ruskog cara Pe- cija, na kojoj ćemo razgovarati o ces je već počeo. Ermitaž je, na
tra I. I tamo je izložen takozvani rezultatima naših zajedničkih ak- primer, nedavno izložio radove
„Srpski portret Petra“ – slika koju tivnosti. Sama arheologija nije ta- srpskih fotografa na festivalu „Di-
je naslikao jedan srpski umetnik. ko zapažena, ali je veoma važna, s jalog kulture“, koji se organizuje
Ovaj portret je dobro poznat i u obzirom na to da se iskopavanja, za mlade novinare. Zatim, krajem
Srbiji jer se čuvao u manastiru Ve- koja su vodili saradnici Ermitaža i oktobra očekujemo posetu srpskih
lika Remeta na Fruškoj gori. Kra- Muzeja Vojvodine, vezuju za epo- arheologa. Generalno, Srbija ima
jem 19. veka otkupljen je i donet hu nastanka i naseljavanja Slove- izuzetno bogatu istoriju i kultu-
u Rusiju, a potom dat na čuvanje na. Slovenski koreni – neverovatno ru, zbog čega bih mnogo toga in-
Ermitažu. Zauzvrat, manastir je zanimljiva tema! Među otkrićima teresantnog želeo da pokažem u
dobio sredstva za svoju obnovu, naše ekspedicije postoje predme- Ermitažu. Inače, lično sam zadiv-
kao i kopiju portreta. ti koje muzej može da pretvori u ljen srpskim ikonama i freskama.

100 | Promo » Promo

Sport Sports

Beogr ad z a sportske sl adokusce

Belgr ade for connoisseurs of sport

Vidimo se u „Areni“ i na „Marakani“

Seeya in the Arena, and at Marakana
Crvena zvezda je pored Reala, Barselone i Bajerna jedini klub koji ima tim u Evroligi i Ligi
šampiona, a pored Beograda, samo Atina i Istanbul mogu da se pohvale sa dva učesnika
u najkvalitetnijem košarkaškom takmičenju / Alongside Real Madrid, Barcelona and
Bayern Munich, Belgrade’s Red Star is among the rare clubs to have teams competing in both
basketball’s EuroLeague and football’s Champions League; and apart from Belgrade, only Athens
and Istanbul can boast of having two clubs participating in Europe’s top basketball competition.

102 | Sport » Sports

Sezona u Evroligi počinje 5. oktobra, a 26. oktobra se The new EuroLeague season gets underway on 5th October, with the
igra večiti derbi između Partizana i Crvene zvezde, što je eternal derby between Partizan and Red Star to be played on 26th October,
prilika da budete deo košarkaškog spektakla providing an opportunity for you to be part of this basketball spectacle

emlja Novaka Đoko-
vića, Ivane Vulete,
Nikole Jokića i tro-
fejnih odbojkašica Liga šampiona se posle četiri
postala je prava me- godine vraća na „Marakanu“, gde
će Crvena zvezda ugostiti Jang
ka za ljubitelje sporta, ne samo iz
lokala već i za fanove širom Evro-
pe i planete. A zašto i ne bi bila, bojs, Lajpcig i Mančester siti
The Champions League returns to
kada ih na jednom mestu oče-
kuju vrhunska košarka i fudbal,
i to u najvećoj dvorani na Bal- Marakana Stadium after a break
of four years and will see Red Star
kanu, „Areni“, i na legendarnoj
Partizan je prošle sezone u
Evroligi rušio rekorde iz meča u
play host to Young Boys, Leipzig and
meč. Na kraju, kada se sve sa- Manchester City
bralo, crno-bele je pratilo uku-
pno 340.816 gledalaca! Na dru- počinje 5. oktobra, a 26. oktobra koj Bundesligi koji može da ugrozi
gom mestu, sa gotovo 80 hiljada se igra večiti derbi između Parti- Bajern, i Mančester siti, tim koji
navijača manje, nalazio se Žal- zana i Crvene zvezde. To je pri- brani trofej i koji u svojim redovi-
giris. Ako vam ni to nije dovolj- lika da budete deo košarkaškog ma ima planetarne zvezde poput
no da dobijete kompletnu sliku, spektakla. Bilo da živite u Pari- Erlinga Halanda, Julijana Alvare-
možda će vam ovo pomoći – Re- zu ili Njujorku, jedan direktan let za, Džeka Griliša i mnogih drugih.
al i Barselonu je zajedno u njiho- Er Srbijom dovoljan je da pogle- „Građani“ iz Mančestera u
vim dvoranama gledalo oko 290 date neku od 34 utakmice, koli- svojim redovima imaju fudbale-
hiljada ljubitelja košarke. ko će ih beogradski klubovi odi- re vredne 1,18 milijardi evra. Biće
Sada se u evroligašku bajku grati u „Areni“. to najskuplja ekipa koja je gosto-
na velika vrata vraća Crvena zvez- Sportsko ludilo u Beogradu vala u Beogradu, verovatno još od
da koja će, takođe, najveće rivale neće proći ni bez najboljih, naj- 2003. kada je Partizan u Humskoj
ugostiti u „Areni“, umesto u „Pio- kvalitetnijih i najskupljih fud- igrao sa madridskim Realom. Za
niru“. To znači da ćemo iz nedelje balskih klubova. Liga šampio- Real su tada igrali Dejvid Bekam,
u nedelju na mečevima redovno na se posle četiri godine vraća Ronaldo, Zinedin Zidan, Roberto
imati najmanje 20 hiljada navi- na „Marakanu“, gde će Crvena Karlos, Luis Figo, Iker Kasiljas...
jača sa crveno-belim i crno-be- zvezda ugostiti švajcarski Jang Da ne nabrajamo dalje!
lim obeležjima. Sezona u Evroligi bojs, Lajpcig, jedini tim u nemač- Posetioci našeg glavnog gra-
da tako će imati priliku da jed-
nog dana u grotlu „Arene“ gledaju
Barselonu, Real iil Olimpijakos,
a već sutradan da budu deo fud-
balskog spektakla zajedno sa 55
hiljada navijača na „Marakani“.
A kada se jednom oseti huk, ka-
da vas jednom ponese navijanje,
onda nema nazad. Poželećete da
se stalno vraćate u Beograd, koji
vas nikada neće ostaviti ravnoduš-
nim, ni kada je sport u pitanju.

Tekst / Words:
Aleksandar Pijevac
Fotografije / Photography:
Aleksandar Dimitrijević

Sports » Sport | 103

S p o rt / S po r ts

U Evroligu se
na velika vrata
vraća Crvena
zvezda, koja će
najveće rivale,
takođe ugostiti u
Red Star is now
also making its
return to the
EuroLeague in a
big way, and this
season will also
host its biggest
rivals at the Arena

he land of Novak Đok- in a big way, and this season will al stars in its ranks, such as Er-
ović, Ivana Vuleta, also host its biggest rivals at the ling Haaland, Julián Álvarez, Jack
Nikola Jokić and tro- Arena, instead of Pionir Hall. This Grealish and many more.
phy-winning women means that, from week to week, The squad of Manchester’s
volleyball players has we will have at least 20,000 fans “Cityzens” is worth 1.18 billion
become a genuine mecca for lov- at basketball matches in the city, euros and will be the most expen-
ers of sport, and not only for the decked out in either red & white or sive team to have visited Belgrade,
“locals”, but rather also for fans black & white garb. The new Euro- probably since at least 2003, when
from across Europe and around League season gets underway on Partizan welcomed a Real Madrid
the planet. And why wouldn't it 5th October, with the eternal der- team to its Humska Street stadi-
be - when this one place awaits top by between Partizan and Red Star um that included the likes of Da-
basketball and football competi- to be played on 26th October, pro- vid Beckham, Ronaldo, Zinedine
tions, in the largest indoor venue viding an opportunity for you to Zidane, Roberto Carlos. Luis Fi-
in the Balkans, the Arena, and at be part of this basketball specta- go, Iker Casillas... And there’s no
the legendary Marakana Stadium? cle. Whether you live in Paris or need to keep listing stars!
Partizan broke records match New York, one direct Air Serbia Visitors to our capital city
after match in last season’s Euro- flight is enough for you to be able will thus have an opportunity to
League. Ultimately, when all at- to watch one of the 34 matches watch Barcelona, Real Madrid or
tendances are added up, Belgrade’s that the two Belgrade clubs will Olympiacos competing in the caul-
black & whites were watched by a play at the Arena. dron of the Arena one day, then
total of 340,816 spectators! Rank- Belgrade’s “Sporting bonan- the very next day they can be
ing second in attendance figures, za” will not pass without the best, part of the football spectacle at
with almost 80,000 fewer fans, most talented and most expen- Marakana, together with anoth-
was Žalgiris Kaunus. If this still sive football clubs. After a four- er 55,000 fans. And once you’ve
isn’t enough for you to form a com- year break, the EUFA Champions felt that roar, once you’ve been
plete picture, perhaps this fact will League is returning to Marakana carried away on a wave of cheer-
help: Real Madrid and Barcelona Stadium, where Red Star will host ing fans, there’s simply no going
were watched in their halls by a Switzerland’s Young Boys, Leipzig back. Your only desire will be to
combined total of approximate- – the only team in Germany’s Bun- keep returning time and again to
ly 290,000 lovers of basketball. desliga that can rival Bayern – and Belgrade, which will never leave
Red Star is now also making its Manchester City, the team that’s you feeling apathetic, including
return to the EuroLeague fairy tale defending its title and has glob- when it comes to sport.

104 | Sport » Sports

s p o rt / s po r ts

Bili smo na Ju-Es Openu

Sa Noletom
u Njujorku
Novak je u Velikoj
jabuci od starta bio
opušten, a ja sam znala
da ću se na kraju slikati
sa Noletom i peharom

37. godini, u trci sa
večnošću, u kojoj
je sam sebi najve-
ći izazivač, Novak
Đoković igra tenis
života. I pobeđuje. Usred Nju-
jorka, u koji mu nije bilo dozvo-
ljeno da uđe sve do ovog maja,
krug se zatvorio. Srbin je podi-
gao 24. grend slem trofej i po-
tvrdio ono što je ceo svet znao –
da je najbolji ikada koji je uzeo
reket u ruke.
A pred polazak u Njujork sve
je mirisalo na titulu – 24. grend
slem. Znam ja to da namirišem,
tolike godine pratim Noleta po
raznim grend slemovima, me-
njam kontinente, znam da ose-
tim atmosferu. A nije škodilo ni
to što je Novak na žrebu prošao
– Ovde se crta... – krećem
da izgovorim „titula“ pred prvu
Đokovićevu pres-konferenciju,
ali moje kolege i, pre svega, pri-
jatelji na putešestviju kroz Veli-
ku jabuku me prekidaju: uveče 24. grend slem. Biće lud- Saši i meni uputi pohvale oko
Pred polazak
– Ćuti, Jelo! Zbog malera! nica u Srbiji. u Njujork sve
Instagram profila „U penjanju“
Kako nisu bili spremni za na- Na prvoj konferenciji za me- je mirisalo na koji vodimo, a na kojem pišemo
stavak razgovora, poslala sam po- dije u Njujorku već sam videla titulu samo o teniskim dešavanjima u
Prior to our
ruku kolegi Bojanu Vinuloviću, da je Nole raspoložen. Za razliku departure
zemlji i svetu. Sviđa se Noletu,
koji je u tom trenutku izvešta- od Australije gde je bio nervozan for New York, pa nas stalno zove „U penjanju“.
vao sa Svetskog prvenstva za ko- zbog povrede butine, u Americi everything Čak nam je i stikere tražio!
šarkaše u Manili. je bio prilično opušten. already smelt Dakle, prvi utisak – odličan.
like a title
– Slušaj, finala su istog da- – Gde ste, vas dvoje? Kako Potpuno smiren, spreman za ša-
na. Prvo ćeš ujutru ti da nam ide? – nije propustio Novak da lu. Već tada je bilo jasno da je do-
doneseš svetsko zlato, a onda ja već na prvoj konferenciji kolegi šao po titulu. Iz svake rečenice

106 | Tenis » Tennis

izbijalo je samopouzdanje. Znao potpuno promašio. U finalu je dalje mi je to u glavi – kako, za-

je Đoković ono što su i svi drugi Đokoviću na megdan izašao Da- boga, čoveče, to radiš?
znali, ali zbog malera nisu hte- nil Medvedev. – Zahvalan sam na tome što
li da kažu naglas. „Došao sam – Kako ste promašili ovoli- dolazim iz Srbije, to mi daje veru
da popravim prosek koji imam ko? – smejem se narednog dana i nadu. Zato je sve ovo što posti-
u Njujorku. Samo tri titule!“, le- kada sam u šetnji po kompleksu žem još slađe i još više me ispu-
po kaže Nole. srela Ivaniševića. grend slem njava – kaže Novak posle meča.
Sve je išlo po protokolu dve – Više bih voleo Alkaraza, osvojio je I nama je, care, i nama je.
nedelje. Meč, trening, meč. Sva- Rus je nezgodan, ali šta je, tu je Novak i Slika sa šampionom je sada
ki dan sam ga viđala. I nikada ni- – smeje se. potvrdio već tradicija. Da nastavimo niz
ono što je
je bio loše raspoložen. Drugi set finala... Medvedev ceo svet
započet u Melburnu. Smeje se,
– Smešteni smo u Nju Džer- ga lomi, lomi, lomi, pretvorio se znao – da pristaje, kaže, vidimo se uskoro.
siju kod prijatelja. Treba nam 50 Rus u armirani beton, u jednom je najbolji A to „uskoro“ biće Australija. Da
minuta da stignemo do komplek- trenutku se iz desetog reda tri- Grand Slam
već u januaru slavimo 25. slem.
sa, ali najbitnije je da tamo ima bina – gde smo bili – činilo da trophies Zajedno. Nole, hvala ti za radost,
mir – govori mi na jednom od Đoković bukvalno igra sa zidi- have been ponos i malo suza na kraju.
treninga Noletov kum i fiziote- ćem u školskom dvorištu. Mu- won by
Novak, thus
rapeut Miljan Amanović. čio se i fizički sredinom drugog confirming
Pred polufinale protiv Be- seta – malo je posustajao posle what the
na Šeltona razgovaram sa Go- dužih razmena, istezao se, pri- whole world
ranom Ivaniševićem, Novako- mao udarce, savijao se i činilo se knew: that
vim trenerom. da će se slomiti. Ali – nije. he is the
best ever Tekst / Words:
– Finale će biti Đoković–Al- Puca glava od naprezanja od Jelena Medić
karaz. To čeka ceo svet. Čekam i samog gledanja, a on je tu, pri- Fotografije / Photography:
ja – kaže mi popularni Zec. Na- ma udarce i čeka trenutak koji Dragan Veselinov, Jelena Medić
žalost ili na sreću, Ivanišević je preokreće, trenutak koji lomi. I

Tennis » Tenis | 107

“We’re staying in New Jersey
with friends. We need 50 minutes
to reach the complex, but the most
important thing is that it’s peaceful
there,” I’m told by Miljan Amano-
vić, Novak’s best man and physio-
therapist, during one of the train-
ing sessions.
I spoke with Goran Ivanišević,
Novak's coach, ahead of the semi-fi-
nal match against Ben Shelton. “The
final will be Đoković vs. Alcaraz. The
whole world is waiting for that. I'm
W e w e r e at t h e U . S . Op e n waiting too," I’m told by the former

With Novak in New York

player popularly known as Rab-
bit. Unfortunately, or fortunately,
Ivanišević got it completely wrong.
Đoković took to the court for the fi-
Novak was relaxed in the sent a message to my colleague Bo- nal against Daniil Medvedev.
Big Apple from the outset, jan Vinulović, who was then report- “How did you get it so wrong?”
and I knew that I’d end up ing from the Basketball World Cup I jest the next day, encountering
having my picture taken in Manila. Ivanišević as I stroll around the
with him and the trophy “Listen, the finals are the same complex. “I would have preferred

day. First, you’ll bring us world cup Alcaraz, the Russian is awkward,
t the age of 36, in a gold in the morning, and then I’ll but it is what it is,” he laughs.
race against eterni- bring the 24th Grand Slam in the The second set of the final...
ty in which he is his evening. Serbia will be a madhouse.” Medvedev breaks, breaks and breaks
own greatest rival, No- I could already see at the first again; the Russian turns into rein-
vak Đoković is playing press conference in New York that forced concrete. At one point, from
the best tennis of his life. And he’s Nole was in good spirits. In contrast our point of view in the tenth row
winning. He closed the circle in the to Australia, where he’d been jittery of the stands, it seemed as though
middle of New York, which he wasn’t because of his thigh injury, in Amer- Đoković was literally playing against
even allowed to enter until this May. ica he was pretty relaxed. a wall in a schoolyard. Novak was al-
This enigmatic Serb raised his 24th “Hey, you two! How's it go- so struggling physically in the middle
Grand Slam trophy and thus con- ing?” Novak didn't fail, at the very of the second set - he faltered slight-
firmed what the whole world already Nole, hvala first conference, to offer praise to ly after longer rallies, stretched, took
ti za radost,
knew: that he is the best to have ev- ponos i malo
me and my colleague Saša about hits, buckled and seemed as though
er picked up a racquet. suza na our Instagram profile “U penjanju” he was going to break. But he didn’t!
And prior to our departure for kraju (On the rise), which we use to write One’s head feels like explod-
New York, everything already smelt Nole, thanks exclusively about tennis events in ing from the strain of just watch-
for the joy,
like a title – a 24th Grand Slam ti- pride, and a the country and around the world. ing, and he’s out there, taking the
tle. I know how to sniff that out, few tears at Novak likes it, so he always calls us hits and waiting for that instant of
as I’ve been following Nole for so the end. “U penjanju” and has even asked us reversal, that breaking point. And in
many years, at various Grand Slams, for stickers! my head, I’m still wondering: man,
changing continents, that I know So, the first impression: excel- how in god’s name do you do that?
how to gauge the atmosphere. And lent. Completely serene, ready for “I’m grateful that I come from
it didn’t hurt that Novak received jokes. It was already clear that he’d Serbia; that gives me faith and hope
excellent opponents in the draw... come to take the title. He oozed con- – it’s why everything I achieve is even
“Here you mark the...” I was fidence with every sentence. Đok- sweeter and fulfils me even more,”
about to say the word “title” ahead of ović knew what everyone else also said Novak speaking after the match.
Đoković's first press conference, but knew, but didn't want to say out loud And we are too, champ, we are too.
my colleagues, and primarily friends because of the “curse”. “I came to Taking a picture with the cham-
on this journey through the Big Ap- improve my average in New York. pion is now a tradition. Let’s con-
ple, stop me. Only three titles!” said Nole rightly. tinue the streak we started in Mel-
“Don’t say it, Jelo! Because of Everything progressed accord- bourne. He smiles, agrees, says ‘see
the curse!” ing to protocol for two weeks. Match, you soon’. And that ‘soon’ will be
As they weren’t ready to con- training, match. I saw him every day. Australia; to celebrate the 25th Grand
tinue that conversation, I instead And he was never in a bad mood. Slam already in January. Together.

108 | Tenis » Tennis

Er Srbija info Air Serbia info
Foto: depositphotos / Luciano Mortula

110 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Barselona Oktobar je idealan za posetu Barseloni zahvaljujući sjajnom
vremenu, nizu festivala i manjem broju turista. Zašto onda
October is considered the ideal month to visit Barcelona thanks to
great weather, a multiple festivals, and fewer tourists. So why not
Barcelona ne biste iskoristili čak devet nedeljnih letova Er Srbije? take advantage of Air Serbia's nine weekly flights?

U Gaudijevom
španskom kraljevstvu
Arhitekte širom sveta dive se
Gaudijevom delu kao jednom od
najupečatljivijih, jedinstvenih ar-
hitektonskih stilova. Njegov rad
je u velikoj meri uticao na lice
Barselone i videćete zapanjuju-
će primere širom centra grada.
Posetite bar ova četiri:
– Sagrada Familija je ogromna
bazilika, verovatno najznačajnije
Gaudijevo delo.
– Guelj je magični park sa neve-
rovatnim skulpturama i pločica-
ma koje je dizajnirao Gaudi. Ta-
kođe ćete pronaći njegov stari
dom koji je otvoren za javnost
kao mali muzej.
– La Pedrera, poznata i kao Casa
Mila, još jedno je od Gaudijevih
remek-dela i može se naći na br.
92 u Passeig de Gracia, na raskr-
snici sa Carrer Provenca.
– Jedna od najzanimljivijih i naj-
neobičnijih kuća u Passeig de
Gracia u Barseloni je Casa Ba-

in Gaudi's
Spanish Kingdom
Gaudí's work is admired by archi-
tects around the world as being
one of the most unique and dis-
tinctive architectural styles. His
work has greatly influenced the
face of Barcelona and you will see
stunning examples all around the
city centre. Visit at least this four:
- Sagrada Familia is a giant Ba-
silica, probably Gaudí's great-
est works.
- Güell is a magical park with
amazing sculptures and tile work
designed by Gaudí. You will also
find Gaudí's old home here which
is open to the public as a small mu-
- La Pedrera, also known as Casa
Mila, is another of Gaudi's master-
pieces and can be found at No 92
Passeig de Gràcia at the junction
with Carrer Provenca.
- One of the most interesting and
unusual houses on Passeig de
Gracia in Barcelona.- Casa Batlló!

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 111

er sr bija info / air Ser bia info

Tri pitanja za... Three questions for...

Ivana Simonovića, Ivan Simonović,

kopilota First Officer
Gde biste nas u oktobru najradije odvezli?  hich destination would you most
– Oktobar je, kao mesec rane jeseni, po mom mi- like to “carry” us to in October?
šljenju najlepše provesti u toploj i prijatnoj mediteran- “October, as the month of early autumn, is best spent
skoj klimi. Barselona je grad koji bi bio moj izbor zato in the warm and pleasant climate of the Mediterranean, in
što u njemu možete da provedete i dane kvalitetnog my opinion. Barcelona is the city that I would choose, be-
odmora i one ispunjene izuzetnim kulturnim sadržaji- cause there you can spend days relaxing in a high-quality
ma. More, Gaudijeva arhitektura, gastronomija, fud- way, as well as days filled with outstanding cultural content.
bal, posebna atmosfera i egzotika različitosti samo su The sea, Gaudí’s architecture, cuisine, football, a special
neki od razloga što biram Barselonu za grad koji vredi atmosphere and exotic diversity are just a few of the rea-
posetiti, posebno u ovo doba godine. sons I choose Barcelona as a city that’s
Imate li neke destinacije do ko- worth visiting, particularly at this time
jih naročito volite da letite i za- of year.”
što? Are there any destinations that
– Za mene Tivat ima poseban you particularly like flying to and,
značaj. Za Boku kotorsku sam vezan if so, why?
poreklom, detinjstvom, porodično i “Tivat has special importance for me
emotivno. Pored toga, izuzetnost ge- – I’m connected to the Bay of Kotor by
ografskog položaja, pa i aerodroma, my roots, childhood, family and emoti-
jedinstveni susret mora i planina, kao ons. Apart from that, an exceptional ge-
i lepota pejzaža koji je putnicima uvek ographical position, including of the air-
i iznova zanimljiv, čine da mi je dola- port, the unique convergence of the sea
zak u Tivat uvek lep i drag, a i profesi- and mountains, as well as the beauty of
onalno izazovan. the landscape, which travellers find inte-
Er Srbija puni deset godina resting time and again, ensure that arri-
ovog meseca. Šta biste joj po- ving in Tivat is always beautiful and dear
želeli za rođendan? to me, but also challenging professio-
– Decenija rada Er Srbije je zna- nally.”
čajan jubilej i govori o uspešnosti do- Air Serbia turns ten this mon-
sadašnjeg poslovanja. Za rođendan th. What would be your birthday
bih joj poželeo nastavak tako ambici- wish for the company?
oznog puta i u narednim decenijama, “Marking a decade of the work of Air
ojačavanje i utvrđivanje pozicije među regionalnim i Serbia is a significant jubilee that testifies to the success
evropskim avio-kompanijama i pre svega, ali i zbog of operations to date. For its birthday, I would wish for it to
svega toga, želim zadovoljstvo i sigurnost svakog put- continue forging such an ambitious path over the coming
nika koji bira da leti našom avio-kompanijom. decades, strengthening and fortifying its position among
regional and European airlines, and, first and foremost, but
also because of all that, I would wish for every passenger
choosing to fly with our airline to feel satisfied and secure.”

Za mene Tivat ima poseban značaj – za Boku kotorsku

sam vezan poreklom, detinjstvom, porodično i emotivno
Tivat has special importance for me – I’m connected to the Bay
of Kotor by my roots, childhood, family and emotions

112 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

M a ks i m a l n a u d o b n o s t j e p r i o r i t e t
maximum comfort is our priority

Nove mogućnosti
NEW possibilities

Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije pod

imenom Er Srbija posluje od oktobra 2013. godine, kada The national airline of the Republic of Serbia has
je promenila ime i celokupan identitet, uvodeći nove kon- been operating under the Air Serbia name since October 2013,
cepte poslovanja i usluge širom rastuće saobraćajne mre- when the national carrier’s name and overall identity were chan-
že. Naslednica je prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima ged, with the introduction of new business concepts and services
– Aeroputa, koji je osnovan u junu 1927. godine. Od tada do across its growing network of destinations.
danas Er Srbija je bila među liderima civilnog vazduhoplov- Air Serbia is the direct successor of the region’s first airline:
stva, a od 1961. godine je članica Međunarodne asocijacije Aeroput, which was founded in June 1927, and since then the Ser-
avio-prevoznika (IATA). bian national airline has been among the leaders of civil aviation,
Er Srbija leti do preko 80 redovnih i čarter destinaci- becoming a member of the International Air Transport Associati-
ja u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi i Africi, a sada on (IATA) in 1961. Air Serbia flies to more than 80 scheduled and
i Aziji, i to u putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa charter destinations in Europe, the Mediterranean region, North
partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici je da putnicima po- America and Africa, but now also Asia, providing both passenger
nudi letove do međunarodnih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, and cargo transport services. In cooperation with its partner airli-
Severnoj Americi i Africi. nes, Air Serbia is able to offer flights to international destinations
Pored matičnog aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, in Asia, Australia, North America and Africa.
Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstantin Ve- Alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as its hub, Air Ser-
liki“, kao i sa međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kra- bia also flies from Serbian airports Niš Constantine the Great and
ljeva. Morava Airport near Kraljevo.
Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Air Serbia plays a key role in the development of aviation in
Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Srbi- Serbia, but also Serbia’s travel and tourism industry. The com-
je. Prioritet kompanije je pružanje usluge izuzetnog kvalite- pany’s priority is to offer passengers an exceptionally high-quality
ta za putnike. Cilj nam je da putnicima pružimo maksimalnu service. Our aim is to provide passengers with maximum comfort
udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu kojom lete. throughout their journey, regardless of which class they fly.

Er Srbija proglašena
„Najboljom avio-
kompanijom Balkana“
/ Air Serbia was
declared "The Best
Airline of Balkans"
Na Uzakrota samitu, održanom 15. sep-
tembra u hotelu „Kraun plaza“ u Beogra-
du, Er Srbija je dobila priznanje za „Najbolju
avio-kompaniju Balkana“. U prisustvu struč-
njaka iz oblasti turizma i putovanja nagradu je
Bošku Rupiću, direktoru za komercijalu i stra- At the Uzakrota Summit, held Rupić accepted the award from the
tegiju Er Srbije, uručio Gokhan Erdogan, di- on 15th September at the Crown Pla- founder of Uzakrota, Gokhan Erdogan.
rektor Uzakrote. Ovo je drugi put da srpska za Hotel in Belgrade, Air Serbia was This is the second time that the Ser-
nacionalna avio-kompanija učestvuje na Uza- declared "The Best Airline of Balkans". bian national airline is participating in
krota konferenciji. Prošle godine proglašena In the presence of travel industry the Uzakrota conference. Last year, it
je za jednu od najboljih svetskih regionalnih experts, Air Serbia General Manager was named one of the world's best re-
avio-kompanija. of Commercial and Strategy Boško gional airlines.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 113



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e r s r b i ja i n f o / a i r S e r b i a i n f o

na vašoj

Planiranje putovanja nika-

da nije bilo lakše uz naše
partnere. Bilo da želite da rezer-
višete smeštaj iz snova, unajmi-
te vozilo za sledeći porodični izlet ili
izaberete turističku aktivnost, ima-
mo pravu ponudu za vas.

Ture & aktivnosti

Otkrijte sve atrakcije i skrivene
dragulje na vašoj destinaciji. Er Sr-
bija i „TripAdmit“ vam donose ne-
ke od najatraktivnijih tura i niz aktiv-
nosti koje će vaše putovanje učiniti
Za rezervaciju usluge i više Ancillary
informacija posetite
at your Hotels
Find the best accommodation
Pronađite najbolji smeštaj za destination for your next journey through our
svoje naredno putovanje preko na- partner Explore co-
šeg partnera Istraži- untless options worldwide, as well
te bezbroj mogućnosti širom sveta, With our partners, as special offers at the local level,
kao i posebne ponude na lokalnom planning a journey has ne- and all at affordable prices and with
nivou, a sve to uz povoljne cene i ver been easier. Whether you greater flexibility when booking ac-
veću fleksibilnost prilikom rezerva- want to book your dream accom- commodation.
cije smeštaja. modation, rent a car for your next Book services and find
Za rezervaciju usluge i više family excursion or choose a tou- more information by visiting
informacija posetite rist activity, we have the right offer for you.
Car rental
Najam vozila Tours and activities Renting a vehicle has never
Najam vozila nikada nije bio Discover all the attractions and been easier or more affordable
jednostavniji i povoljniji uz našeg hidden gems of your destination. than it is with our partner Rental-
partnera Pretraži- Air Serbia and TripAdmit bring you Search, select and bo-
te, odaberite i rezervišite vozilo kod some of the most attractive tours ok a vehicle with more than 900
više od 900 agencija na više od and activities that will ensure your agencies in over 60,000 locations
60.000 lokacija širom sveta. travels are unforgettable. worldwide.
Za rezervaciju usluge i više Book services and find Book services and find
informacija posetite more information by visiting more information by visiting

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 115



Mapa destinacija
Destination map Oslo Sweden St. Petersburg

Redovne linije iz Beograda / Scheduled from Belgrade
Sezonske linije iz Beograda / Seasonal from Belgrade
Redovne linije iz Niša / Scheduled from Niš
Sezonske linije iz Niša / Seasonal from Niš Gothenburg
Redovne linije iz Kraljeva / Scheduled from Kraljevo
Sezonske linije iz Kraljeva / Seasonal from Kraljevo Latvia


Kingdom Berlin
Amsterdam Hannover
London Dusseldorf

Brussels Cologne
Frankfurt Prague
Frankfurt / Hahn Nuremberg Czechia

Paris Slovakia
Stuttgart Vienna
France Zurich Austria

Lyon Milan

Bologna Belgrade

Florence Kraljevo
Marseille Niš


Spain Rome
Barcelona Bari

Valencia Palma de Mallorca





116 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Libya

Udaljenost od Beograda Diseldorf / Dusseldorf 1.234 Ljubljana / Ljubljana 481 Salcburg / Salzburg 660
Distance from Belgrade (km) Firenca / Florence 740 Madrid / Madrid 2.217 Sankt Peterburg / St Petersburg 1.796
Amsterdam / Amsterdam 1.408 Frankfurt / Frankfurt 1054 Malaga / Malaga 2.268 Sarajevo / Sarajevo 192
Ankara / Ankara 1.164 Geteborg / Gothenburg 1.547 Malta / Malta 1.110 Skoplje / Skopje 330
Atina / Athens 824 Hamburg / Hamburg 1.233 Marselj / Marseille 1.215 Sofija / Sofia 344
Banjaluka / Banja Luka 246 Hanover / Hannover 1.1151 Milano / Milan 871 Solun / Thessaloniki 526
Beč / Vienna 467 Hanja / Chania 1.074 Moskva / Moscow 1.717 Soči / Sochi 1.537
Bari / Bari 505 Istanbul / Istanbul 809 Napulj / Naples 676 Split / Split 351
Barselona / Barcelona 1.582 Iraklion / Heraklion 1.125 Njujork / New York 7.260 Stokholm / Stockholm 1.629
Berlin / Berlin 977 Izmir / Izmir 901 Nirnberg / Nuremberg 877 Štutgart / Stuttgart 948
Bolonja / Bologna 1.047 Katanija / Catania 930 Oslo / Oslo 1.801 Tel Aviv / Tel Aviv 1.881
Budimpešta / Budapest 319 Kazanj / Kazan 2.349 Ohrid / Ohrid 410 Tivat / Tivat 298
Brisel / Brussels 1.357 Keln / Cologne 1.180 Palermo / Palermo 960 Tirana / Tirana 382
Bukurešt / Bucharest 460 Kopenhagen / Copenhagen 1.318 Palma de Majorka / Palma de Mallorca 1.561 Tjenđin / Tianjin 7.539
Cirih / Zurich 951 Krakov / Krakow 586 Pariz / Paris 1.415 Varna / Varna 620
Čikago / Chicago 8.027 Kairo / Cairo 1.892 Podgorica / Podgorica 286 Valensija / Valencia 1.811
Dubrovnik / Dubrovnik 299 Krf / Corfu 578 Pula / Pula 523 Venecija / Venice 640
Larnaka / Larnaca 1.585 Prag / Prague 744 Zadar / Zadar 422
London / London 1.675 Rijeka / Rijeka 477 Zagreb / Zagreb 348
Moscow Lion / Lyon 1.230 Rim / Rome 721 Ini Udaljenost od Niša
Lisabon / Lisbon 2.531 Rodos / Rhodes 1.135 Distance from Niš (km)
Atina / Athens 630
Beograd / Belgrade 201
Frankfurt Han / Frankfurt Hahn 1.054
Istanbul / Istanbul 635
Russia Keln / Cologne 1.391
Ljubljana / Ljubljana 667
Chicago Tivat / Tivat 278
Ka New York tianjin Kvo Udaljenost od Kraljeva
Distance from Kraljevo (km)
Istanbul / Istanbul 724
Ukraine Solun / Thessaloniki 390
Tivat / Tivat 217


Sochi Ljubljana

Pula Banja Luka

Zadar Kraljevo
Split Sarajevo
Bulgaria Varna
Ankara Tivat Podgorica
Turkey Skopje

Ohrid Istanbul



Tel Aviv


Cairo Chania
Nove destinacije / New destinations

118 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Flota / Fleet

airbus a330-200

Broj aviona / Number in fleet 2

Dužina / Length 57,51 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan 60,30 m

Broj sedišta / Seats 257, 268

Brzina krstarenja 870 km/h
/ Cruising speed
Visina krstarenja 12.500 m
/ Maximum cruising altitude

airbus a320-200 airbus a319-100

Broj aviona / Number in fleet 10

airbus a320-200 Sharklets
Dužina / Length 33,84 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan 35,80 m

Broj sedišta / Seats 144

Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 828 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 11.887 m

Broj aviona / Number in fleet A320-200 2

Broj aviona / Number in fleet A320-200 Sharklets 1
Dužina / Length 33,84 m Atr 72-600
Raspon krila / Wingspan 35,80 m

Broj sedišta / Seats 174

Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 828 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 11.887 m
Broj aviona / Number in fleet 7
Dužina / Length 27,16 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan 27,05 m

Za više detalja molimo vas posetite Broj sedišta / Seats 72

sajt / For more Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed 510 km/h
details please visit Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude 7.600 m

Ceo svet je bliži kad nas je više / The whole world is closer when there are more of us

Upoznajte naše kod-šer partnere / Meet our codeshare partners

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 119

ATR 72 - 600 Airbus A319 Airbus A320
2.600 RSD / 23 EUR 2.400 RSD / 21 EUR 2.400 RSD / 21 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:200 Razmera / Scale 1:200 Razmera / Scale 1:200

Air SERBIA Air SERBIA Airbus A330 Air SERBIA Airbus A330
Airbus A330 Nikola Tesla Mihajlo Pupin
2.800 RSD / 24 EUR 3.900 RSD / 34 EUR 3.900 RSD / 34 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:200 Razmera / Scale 1:200 Razmera / Scale 1:200

Air SERBIA Airbus A330 Air SERBIA Airbus A330

Nikola Tesla Mihajlo Pupin
29.150 RSD / 250 EUR 29.150 RSD / 250 EUR
Razmera / Scale 1:150 Razmera / Scale 1:150

Makete možete kupiti u Er Srbija poslovnicama i Premijum salonu

Models can be purchased in selected Air SERBIA retail shops and Premium Lounge

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17 Jurija Gagarina 12 Air Serbia Premium Lounge

11000 Beograd 11070 Novi Beograd Aerodrom Nikola Tesla

120 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Zabava na letu Inflight entertainment

na letu za
Enjoy the
flight to
New York natprirodno
bejbi bum
Little Baby Bum

Ovo je samo deo

bogate ponude filmova,
TV serija i animiranih
filmova koja je dostupna
u biznis i ekonomskoj
klasi / This is just part of
the rich offer of films, TV
series and animated films
that are available to both
Business and Economy
Class passengers Tom i džeri Val Strit Punija kuća
The Tom and wahl street Fuller House
Jerry Show

movies Hari poter i dvorana
tajni / Harry Potter
Džon Vik 4 and the Chamber of džoker
John Wick: 4 Secrets mumije joker
beležnica Mummies

akcija fantazija Drama

action fantasy dečiji drama
169 min. I 2023. drama 161 min. I 2002. kids 122 min. I 2019.
drama 88 min. I 2023.
123 min. I 2004.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 121

Servisne informacije Service information


U avion možete besplatno da unesete Na let možete da unesete još jedan ... jaknu ili kaput, sklopiva invalidska
komad ručnog prtljaga, za koji je dodatni mali komad prtljaga ili predmet kolica, ortopedska pomagala,
važno da ne prelazi dozvoljenu težinu i koji može da se smesti ispod sedišta koje kolica ili nosiljku za bebu, hranu i piće za
dimenzije. je ispred vas. bebu, kao i štap za hodanje.

8 kg
8 kg
8 kg 4 kg

Hand luggage Additional You can also

You can carry a piece of hand luggage hand luggage bring aboard...
aboard the plane free of charge, though You can carry aboard the plane an ... a jacket or coat, folding wheelchair,
it is important that this item does not additional small piece of luggage, or an orthopaedic aids, a baby stroller or carrier,
exceed the permitted weight and item that can be stored beneath the seat baby food and drink, as well as a walking
dimensions. in front of you. stick.

vežbe tokom leta IN-FLIGHT EXERCISES

Ove jednostavne vežbe pomoći će da se smanje These simple exercises will help to relieve the
umor i ukočenost koji se javljaju prilikom letenja. tiredness and stiffness associated with flying.


• Postavite jastuk iza leđa. • Udobno se smestite na sedištu i ispravite naslon za glavu.
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu da biste izbegli sabijanje • Nežno i polako kružite vratom na jednu stranu, zatim na
kičme. drugu stranu.
• Nemojte da prekrštate noge. Umesto toga, pokušajte • Pokušajte da zadnji deo vrata sve vreme držite pravo.
da sedite sa ravnomerno raspoređenom težinom. NECK ROLLS
SIT UP STRAIGHT •S  it back in the seat and flatten the headrest.
• Place a pillow at the hollow of the back. •G  ently and slowly roll the neck to one side, then back
• Sit up straight in the seat to avoid compressing the spine. through the centre towards the other side.
• Do not cross the legs. Instead, try to sit with weight • T ry to keep the back of the neck fully extended.
evenly balanced.
KRUŽITE STOPALOM • Sedite uspravno i nagnite se napred na sedištu.
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu, stavite jastuk pod butinu, • Približite ramena ušima, pa ih kružnim pokretom
iznad kolena. unazad spustite.
• Rasporedite težinu ravnomerno, pa kružite • Ponovite vežbu u suprotnom smeru podižući ramena
podignutim stopalom pazeći da vam pritom cela prema ušima i spuštajući ih u početni položaj.
noga bude što mirnija.
ANKLE CIRCLES • Sit up straight and move forward in the seat.
• Sit up straight in the seat and place a pillow under the •B ring the shoulders up towards the ears, then circle
thigh, just above the knee. back downwards.
• Keep weight even and move the foot in a circular •R epeat the exercise by lifting the shoulders towards
motion, keeping the leg as still as possible. the ears before lowering in the opposite direction.

122 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Er Srbija poziva sve svoje putnike da dođu dovoljno rano na Air Serbia advises all its passengers to arrive at the airport on time
aerodrom kako bi završili prijavu za let na vreme. Prijavljivanje in order to be able to complete the check-in process. Please be
počinje najmanje dva sata pre vremena odlaska, međutim: advised that check-in opens at least two hours before time of
• Prijavljivanje na let zaključuje se 45 minuta pre poletanja. departure, however:
• Izlaz za ukrcavanje zatvara se 20 minuta pre • Check-in closes 45 minutes prior to flight departure
poletanja. • The boarding gate closes 20 minutes prior to flight
Za više informacija molimo pozovite kontakt-centar departure
Er Srbije na broj 0800 111 528 (besplatni pozivi sa For further information, please contact Air Serbia’s
fiksne i mobilne telefonije u Srbiji), +381 11 311 21 Contact Centre on 0800 111 528 (calls free of charge
23 (za pozive iz inostranstva) ili posetite zvanični from Serbian landlines and mobile networks) or +381
veb-sajt Er Srbije, ili bilo koju Check in 11 311 21 23 (if calling from abroad), or visit Air Serbia’s
poslovnicu Er Srbije ili ovlašćenih turističkih agencija. official website www.airserbia.comor any of Air Serbia’s
offices or authorised travel agents.

Pogodnosti za Namenski
putnike starije šalteri za
od 65 godina porodice /
/ Benefits for Dedicated
travellers aged counters for
over 65 families

Check in

Onlajn prijava na let Onlajn prijava na let

/ Online check-in ONLINE CHECK-IN
Er Srbija je dodala nove mogućnosti u okviru Air Serbia has added new features to its mobile
svoje mobilne aplikacije, pa je korisnicima sada app and users now have the option to purchase
na raspolaganju i opcija kupovine karata kao na tickets online, just like they would on the company
veb-sajtu. Pored toga, aplikacija je dostupna i website. Additionally the app is available on all
na svim mobilnim uređajima sa iOS operativnim iOS mobile devices . Air Serbia app has been
sistemom. Aplikaciju Er Srbije do sada je preuzelo downloaded more than 50,000 times so far. More
više od 50.000 korisnika. Više od dve trećine than two thirds of visits to the national airline’s
poseta veb-sajtu nacionalne avio-kompanije website have been through mobile devices, of
realizuje se putem mobilnih uređaja, od kojih which almost half are Apple devices.
gotovo polovinu predstavljaju „Epl“ uređaji. Čekirati se, naravno, možete i The users of the app have already been able to
preko desktopa / Of course, you
Korisnicima aplikacije su do sada već bile can also check in via the desktop
check-in, scan their passport, download their
dostupne opcije prijave na let (ček-in), skeniranja boarding tickets and keep them in the Wallet
pasoša, preuzimanja karte za ukrcavanje i njeno app, register via email, Facebook and Google,
čuvanje u aplikaciji „Wallet“, registracije putem choose the analytics and message settings. They
mejla, Fejsbuka i Gugla, podešavanja analitike i have also had a very important option of safely
vrste poruka koje žele da primaju, kao i veoma keeping their travel documents. In addition to the
značajna mogućnost bezbednog čuvanja putnih new options of purchasing tickets, flight search
dokumenata. Uz novu mogućnost kupovine feature and price information, in the later stages
karata, pretrage letova i informacije o cenama, of development the passengers will be also able
putnici će u kasnijim fazama razvoja aplikaciju to use the app to purchase ancillary services,
moći da koriste i za kupovinu dodatnih usluga, or get service information about flight status,
servisne informacije o statusu leta, promotivne promotional campaigns and a number of other
akcije i niz drugih pogodnosti. benefits.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 123

R e d l e t e n j a / Ti m e ta b l e

Iz Beograda / from belgrade za Beograd / to belgrade Iz Beograda / from belgrade za Beograd / to belgrade
Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival
A AMSTERDAM AMSTERDAM JU 0320 BEG DUS ......7 6:35 08:45 JU 0321 DUS BEG ......7 09:30 11:30
JU 0360 BEG AMS 1234567 06:40 09:10 JU 0361 AMS BEG 1234567 10:00 12:15 JU 0324 BEG DUS .2..... 18:05 20:15 JU 0325 DUS BEG .2..... 21:00 23:00
JU 0364 BEG AMS 1...... 17:40 20:10 JU 0365 AMS BEG 1...... 20:55 23:10 JU 0324 BEG DUS ...45.. 17:40 19:50 JU 0325 DUS BEG ...45.. 20:35 22:35
JU 0364 BEG AMS ..3.... 17:00 19:30 JU 0365 AMS BEG ..3.... 20:20 22:35 F FLORENCE FLORENCE
JU 0364 BEG AMS ....5.. 17:10 19:40 JU 0365 AMS BEG ....5.. 20:25 22:40 JU 0568 BEG FLR .2..... 13:15 14:50 JU 0569 FLR BEG .2..... 15:35 17:00
ANKARA Esenboga ANKARA Esenboga JU 0568 BEG FLR .....6. 13:40 15:15 JU 0569 FLR BEG .....6. 15:55 17:20
JU 0808 BEG ESB .2.456. 00:30 03:25 JU 0809 ESB BEG .2.456. 04:10 05:10 FRANKFURT FRANKFURT
ATHENS ATHENS JU 0334 BEG FRA 1234567 17:30 19:35 JU 0335 FRA BEG 1234567 20:20 22:10
JU 0512 BEG ATH 1..4... 13:05 15:35 JU 0513 ATH BEG 1..4... 16:20 17:00 G GOTHENBURG GOTHENBURG
JU 0512 BEG ATH .2..... 13:20 15:50 JU 0513 ATH BEG .2..... 16:35 17:15 JU 0440 BEG GOT ...4... 6:15 08:45 JU 0441 GOT BEG ...4... 09:30 11:50
JU 0512 BEG ATH ..3.... 12:15 14:45 JU 0513 ATH BEG ..3.... 15:30 16:10 JU 0444 BEG GOT ......7 17:10 19:40 JU 0445 GOT BEG ......7 20:25 22:45
JU 0512 BEG ATH ....5.7 12:25 14:55 JU 0513 ATH BEG ....5.7 15:40 16:20 HAMBURG HAMBURG
JU 0512 BEG ATH .....6. 13:10 15:40 JU 0513 ATH BEG .....6. 16:25 17:05 JU 0390 BEG HAM 1...... 6:30 08:45 JU 0391 HAM BEG 1...... 09:30 11:35
JU 0516 BEG ATH .234567 00:45 03:15 JU 0517 ATH BEG .2..... 05:00 05:40 JU 0394 BEG HAM ....5.. 17:30 19:45 JU 0395 HAM BEG ....5.. 20:30 22:30
JU 0517 ATH BEG ..345.7 04:35 05:15 H HANNOVER HANNOVER
JU 0517 ATH BEG .....6. 04:45 05:25 JU 0270 BEG HAJ .2....7 6:30 08:30 JU 0271 HAJ BEG .2....7 09:15 11:10
B BANJA LUKA BANJA LUKA JU 0274 BEG HAJ ....5.. 17:40 19:40 JU 0275 HAJ BEG ....5.. 20:25 22:20
JU 0100 BEG BNX ....5.. 10:20 11:15 JU 0101 BNX BEG ....5.. 11:45 12:40 I ISTANBUL ISTANBUL
JU 0104 BEG BNX 1...... 16:40 17:35 JU 0105 BNX BEG 1...... 18:05 19:00 JU 0800 BEG IST 1.3.... 7:10 09:50 JU 0801 IST BEG 1.3.... 10:40 11:20
BARCELONA El Prat BARCELONA El Prat JU 0800 BEG IST ....5.. 7:00 09:40 JU 0801 IST BEG ....5.. 10:25 11:05
JU 0580 BEG BCN 12.456. 6:30 09:10 JU 0581 BCN BEG 12.456. 09:55 12:25 JU 0802 BEG IST 1....6. 13:10 15:50 JU 0803 IST BEG 1....6. 16:35 17:15
JU 0584 BEG BCN ..3.5.7 17:10 19:50 JU 0585 BCN BEG ..3.5.7 20:40 23:10 JU 0802 BEG IST .2..... 13:20 16:00 JU 0803 IST BEG .2..... 16:45 17:25
JU 0584 BEG BCN .....6. 18:00 20:40 JU 0585 BCN BEG .....6. 21:25 23:55 JU 0802 BEG IST ..3.... 12:10 14:50 JU 0803 IST BEG ..3.... 15:35 16:15
BARI BARI JU 0802 BEG IST ...4... 13:15 15:55 JU 0803 IST BEG ...4... 16:40 17:20
JU 0520 BEG BRI ...4... 7:20 09:00 JU 0521 BRI BEG ...4... 09:35 11:15 JU 0802 BEG IST ....5.7 12:15 14:55 JU 0803 IST BEG ....5.7 15:40 16:20
JU 0520 BEG BRI ......7 7:15 08:55 JU 0521 BRI BEG ......7 09:30 11:10 JU 0804 BEG IST ..3...7 17:45 20:25 JU 0805 IST BEG ..3...7 21:20 22:00
JU 0524 BEG BRI 1...... 18:10 19:50 JU 0525 BRI BEG 1...... 20:30 22:10 JU 0806 BEG IST 12..56. 0:40 03:20 JU 0807 IST BEG 12..56. 05:00 05:40
BERLIN Brandenburg BERLIN Brandenburg
JU 0820 BEG ADB ..3.... 12:15 14:55 JU 0821 ADB BEG ..3.... 15:40 16:30
JU 0350 BEG BER 12.4.6. 7:10 09:00 JU 0351 BER BEG 12.4.6. 09:45 11:25
JU 0820 BEG ADB .....6. 12:40 15:20 JU 0821 ADB BEG .....6. 16:10 17:00
..3.5.7 18:05 19:55 JU 0355 BER BEG
..3.5.7 20:40 22:20
JU 0668 BEG KZN .2..... 18:55 23:55 JU 0669 KZN BEG ..3.... 01:00 04:10
JU 0550 BEG BLQ 1..4... 6:30 08:45 JU 0551 BLQ BEG 1..4... 09:20 11:20
JU 0668 BEG KZN ....5.. 0:05 05:05 JU 0669 KZN BEG ....5.. 06:00 09:10
JU 0554 BEG BLQ ....5.7 17:25 19:40 JU 0555 BLQ BEG ....5.7 20:15 22:20
JU 0636 BEG KRK 1...5.. 6:30 08:30 JU 0637 KRK BEG 1...5.. 09:10 11:00
JU 0300 BEG BRU .2..... 6:45 09:05 JU 0301 BRU BEG .2..... 09:50 12:00
JU 0638 BEG KRK ..3...7 17:50 19:50 JU 0639 KRK BEG ..3...7 20:30 22:20
JU 0304 BEG BRU ...4... 18:05 20:25 JU 0305 BRU BEG ...4... 21:15 23:30
BUCHAREST BUCHAREST JU 0880 BEG LCA 1...... 6:35 10:00 JU 0881 LCA BEG 1...... 10:45 12:25
JU 0142 BEG OTP 1...5.. 12:45 15:10 JU 0143 OTP BEG 1...5.. 15:40 16:10 JU 0880 BEG LCA ...4... 10:20 13:45 JU 0881 LCA BEG ...4... 14:30 16:10
JU 0142 BEG OTP ...4... 13:20 15:45 JU 0143 OTP BEG ...4... 16:15 16:45 JU 0880 BEG LCA ......7 10:30 13:55 JU 0881 LCA BEG ......7 14:40 16:20
JU 0142 BEG OTP ......7 12:55 15:20 JU 0143 OTP BEG ......7 15:50 16:20 JU 0882 BEG LCA .2...6. 13:20 16:45 JU 0883 LCA BEG .2...6. 17:30 19:10
JU 0146 BEG OTP 12.456. 0:40 03:05 JU 0147 OTP BEG 12..5.. 04:50 05:20 JU 0882 BEG LCA ...4... 13:30 16:55 JU 0883 LCA BEG ...4... 17:40 19:20
JU 0147 OTP BEG ...4.6. 05:00 05:30 JU 0884 BEG LCA ..3.... 17:10 20:35 JU 0885 LCA BEG ..3.... 21:20 23:00
BUDAPEST BUDAPEST JU 0886 BEG LCA 1..45.7 23:55 03:20 JU 0887 LCA BEG 12..56. 04:05 05:45
JU 0150 BEG BUD 123..6. 7:45 09:00 JU 0151 BUD BEG 123..6. 09:30 10:35 JU 0888 BEG LCA ......7 6:20 09:45 JU 0889 LCA BEG ......7 10:30 12:10
JU 0150 BEG BUD ...4... 6:40 07:55 JU 0151 BUD BEG ...4... 08:25 09:30 LISBON LISBON
JU 0150 BEG BUD ....5.. 6:15 07:30 JU 0151 BUD BEG ....5.. 08:00 09:05 JU 0490 BEG LIS .....6. 13:15 16:15 JU 0491 LIS BEG .....6. 16:55 21:45
JU 0152 BEG BUD 12.4567 13:30 14:45 JU 0153 BUD BEG 12.4567 15:15 16:20 JU 0494 BEG LIS .2..... 19:05 22:05 JU 0495 LIS BEG .2..... 23:05 03:55
JU 0154 BEG BUD 1...... 19:35 20:50 JU 0155 BUD BEG 1...... 21:20 22:25 LJUBLJANA LJUBLJANA
JU 0154 BEG BUD ..3.... 20:15 21:30 JU 0155 BUD BEG ..3.... 22:00 23:05 JU 0190 BEG LJU 1234567 7:30 08:55 JU 0191 LJU BEG 1234567 09:50 11:10
JU 0154 BEG BUD ....5.7 20:30 21:45 JU 0155 BUD BEG ....5.7 22:20 23:25 JU 0194 BEG LJU 1...... 19:35 21:00 JU 0195 LJU BEG 1...... 21:30 22:50
C CAIRO CAIRO JU 0194 BEG LJU .2.4.67 18:35 20:00 JU 0195 LJU BEG .2.4.67 21:00 22:20
JU 0876 BEG CAI 1...5.. 23:15 03:10 JU 0877 CAI BEG .2...6. 03:55 05:55 JU 0194 BEG LJU ..3.5.. 17:00 18:25 JU 0195 LJU BEG ..3.5.. 18:55 20:15
JU 0876 BEG CAI ..3.... 23:20 03:15 JU 0877 CAI BEG ...4... 04:00 06:00 LONDON Heathrow LONDON Heathrow
CATANIA CATANIA JU 0380 BEG LHR 1234567 10:25 12:30 JU 0381 LHR BEG 1234567 13:30 17:10
JU 0538 BEG CTA 1...... 13:00 14:55 JU 0539 CTA BEG 1...... 15:40 17:25 JU 0386 BEG LHR .....6. 17:00 19:05 JU 0387 LHR BEG .....6. 19:55 23:35
JU 0538 BEG CTA ....5.. 11:55 13:50 JU 0539 CTA BEG ....5.. 14:35 16:20 JU 0386 BEG LHR ......7 16:05 18:10 JU 0387 LHR BEG ......7 18:55 22:35
JU 0506 BEG ORD ..3.... 7:35 11:05 JU 0507 ORD BEG ..3.... 12:50 05:30 JU 0280 BEG LYS ....5.. 6:15 08:25 JU 0281 LYS BEG ....5.. 09:10 11:05
JU 0506 BEG ORD .....6. 17:50 21:20 JU 0507 ORD BEG .....6. 23:10 15:50 JU 0284 BEG LYS 1...... 18:10 20:20 JU 0285 LYS BEG 1...... 21:05 23:00
JU 0326 BEG CGN .2..... 6:40 08:50 JU 0327 CGN BEG .2..... 09:35 11:35 JU 0570 BEG MAD .....6. 6:30 09:45 JU 0571 MAD BEG .....6. 10:30 13:25
JU 0328 BEG CGN .....6. 17:50 20:00 JU 0329 CGN BEG .....6. 20:45 22:45 JU 0572 BEG MAD 1...... 14:00 17:25 JU 0573 MAD BEG 1...... 18:20 21:30
COPENHAGEN Kastrup COPENHAGEN Kastrup JU 0572 BEG MAD ..3.... 14:20 17:35 JU 0573 MAD BEG ..3.... 18:20 21:15
JU 0400 BEG CPH .2..... 6:30 08:50 JU 0401 CPH BEG .2..... 09:35 11:45 JU 0576 BEG AGP .2..... 7:55 11:30 JU 0577 AGP BEG .2..... 13:00 16:10
JU 0400 BEG CPH ..3.5.. 6:00 08:20 JU 0401 CPH BEG ..3.5.. 09:05 11:15 JU 0576 BEG AGP ...4... 13:25 17:00 JU 0577 AGP BEG ...4... 17:45 20:55
JU 0404 BEG CPH 1...... 17:55 20:15 JU 0405 CPH BEG 1...... 21:00 23:10 JU 0578 BEG AGP ......7 8:45 12:20 JU 0579 AGP BEG ......7 13:05 16:15
JU 0404 BEG CPH ...4..7 17:15 19:35 JU 0405 CPH BEG ...4..7 20:20 22:30 MALTA MALTA
D DUSSELDORF DUSSELDORF JU 0892 BEG MLA 1...... 13:05 15:00 JU 0893 MLA BEG 1...... 15:45 17:40
JU 0320 BEG DUS 1...... 6:45 08:55 JU 0321 DUS BEG 1...... 09:40 11:40 JU 0892 BEG MLA ..3.5.. 11:55 13:50 JU 0893 MLA BEG ..3.5.. 14:35 16:30
JU 0320 BEG DUS ..3.... 6:15 08:25 JU 0321 DUS BEG ..3.... 09:10 11:10 MILAN Malpensa MILAN Malpensa
JU 0320 BEG DUS .....6. 6:50 09:00 JU 0321 DUS BEG .....6. 09:45 11:45 JU 0540 BEG MXP .2....7 7:20 09:05 JU 0541 MXP BEG .2....7 09:50 11:30

124 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

o kto b a r / o cto b e r

Iz Beograda / from belgrade za Beograd / to belgrade Iz Beograda / from belgrade za Beograd / to belgrade
Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival
JU 0540 BEG MXP ....5.. 7:10 08:55 JU 0541 MXP BEG ....5.. 09:40 11:20 SPLIT SPLIT
JU 0544 BEG MXP 1.3456. 18:20 20:05 JU 0545 MXP BEG 1.3456. 20:50 22:30 JU 0252 BEG SPU 1...5.. 13:20 14:35 JU 0253 SPU BEG 1...5.. 15:05 16:15
JU 0650 BEG SVO ..3.5.. 6:00 10:10 JU 0651 SVO BEG ..3.... 10:55 13:00 JU 0674 BEG LED .2.4... 21:50 01:35 JU 0675 LED BEG ..3.5.. 02:30 04:20
JU 0652 BEG SVO .2..... 14:30 18:40 JU 0651 SVO BEG ....5.. 11:05 13:10 JU 0674 BEG LED ......7 0:30 04:15 JU 0675 LED BEG ......7 05:05 06:55
JU 0652 BEG SVO ...4... 13:45 17:55 JU 0653 SVO BEG .2..... 20:15 22:20 STOCKHOLM Arlanda STOCKHOLM Arlanda
JU 0652 BEG SVO .....6. 14:35 18:45 JU 0653 SVO BEG ...4... 19:45 21:50 JU 0410 BEG ARN 1..4... 6:40 09:20 JU 0411 ARN BEG 1..4... 10:05 12:35
JU 0654 BEG SVO 1...... 17:00 21:10 JU 0653 SVO BEG .....6. 20:35 22:40 JU 0410 BEG ARN .....6. 6:25 09:05 JU 0411 ARN BEG .....6. 09:50 12:20
JU 0654 BEG SVO ...4... 21:45 01:55 JU 0655 SVO BEG 1...... 22:00 00:05 JU 0414 BEG ARN .23.5.7 17:05 19:45 JU 0415 ARN BEG .23.5.7 20:30 23:00
JU 0654 BEG SVO .....6. 20:30 00:40 JU 0655 SVO BEG ....5.. 02:55 05:00 STUTTGART STUTTGART
JU 0656 BEG SVO 1...... 23:30 03:40 JU 0655 SVO BEG ......7 02:10 04:15 JU 0340 BEG STR ....5.7 7:00 08:45 JU 0341 STR BEG ....5.7 09:30 11:10
JU 0656 BEG SVO ..3.... 22:10 02:20 JU 0657 SVO BEG .2....7 04:30 06:35 JU 0344 BEG STR 1.3.... 18:20 20:05 JU 0345 STR BEG 1.3.... 20:50 22:30
JU 0656 BEG SVO .....6. 23:35 03:45 JU 0657 SVO BEG ...4... 03:10 05:15 T TEL AVIV Ben Gurion TEL AVIV Ben Gurion
JU 0658 BEG SVO .2..5.7 20:30 00:40 JU 0659 SVO BEG 1.3..6. 02:10 04:15 JU 0812 BEG TLV .2.4... 13:30 17:20 JU 0813 TLV BEG .2.4... 19:00 21:00
N NAPLES NAPLES JU 0816 BEG TLV 1.....7 0:30 04:20 JU 0817 TLV BEG 1...... 07:20 09:20
JU 0552 BEG NAP 1...... 13:15 14:45 JU 0553 NAP BEG 1...... 15:30 16:50 JU 0817 TLV BEG ......7 06:00 08:00
JU 0552 BEG NAP ....5.. 12:40 14:10 JU 0553 NAP BEG ....5.. 14:55 16:15 THESSALONIKI THESSALONIKI
NEW YORK JFK NEW YORK JFK JU 0522 BEG SKG 1...... 12:45 15:15 JU 0523 SKG BEG 1...... 15:45 16:15
JU 0500 BEG JFK 1...... 7:50 11:50 JU 0501 JFK BEG 1...... 13:50 04:40 JU 0522 BEG SKG ....5.. 13:10 15:20 JU 0523 SKG BEG ....5.. 16:05 16:15
JU 0500 BEG JFK ...4.6. 13:15 17:15 JU 0501 JFK BEG ...4.6. 19:30 10:20 JU 0522 BEG SKG ......7 12:55 15:25 JU 0523 SKG BEG ......7 15:55 16:25
NUREMBERG NUREMBERG JU 0526 BEG SKG 1..4.6. 0:40 03:10 JU 0527 SKG BEG 1..4.6. 04:45 05:15
JU 0260 BEG NUE ....5.. 7:00 08:50 JU 0261 NUE BEG ....5.. 09:35 11:15 TIJANJIN TIJANJIN
JU 0264 BEG NUE 1...... 18:25 20:15 JU 0265 NUE BEG 1...... 21:00 22:40 JU 0702 BEG TSN ...4... 15:05 06:55 JU 0703 TSN BEG .....6. 06:00 11:50
O OSLO Gardermoen OSLO Gardermoen TIRANA TIRANA
JU 0450 BEG OSL 1..4... 6:05 09:00 JU 0451 OSL BEG 1..4... 09:45 12:35 JU 0212 BEG TIA 13:20 14:20 JU 0213 TIA BEG 15:05 16:05
JU 0454 BEG OSL ....5.. 17:20 20:15 JU 0455 OSL BEG ....5.. 21:00 23:50 JU 0212 BEG TIA .2.4.6. 13:20 14:35 JU 0213 TIA BEG .2.4.6. 15:05 16:20
JU 0454 BEG OSL ......7 17:05 20:00 JU 0455 OSL BEG ......7 20:45 23:35 JU 0216 BEG TIA 1.34... 0:20 01:35 JU 0217 TIA BEG .2...67 04:15 05:30
P PARIS Charles de Gaulle PARIS Charles de Gaulle JU 0216 BEG TIA .2..567 0:35 01:50 JU 0217 TIA BEG 1.345.. 04:00 05:15
JU 0310 BEG CDG 12345.. 6:40 09:15 JU 0311 CDG BEG 12345.. 10:05 12:25 TIVAT TIVAT
JU 0310 BEG CDG .....67 6:35 09:10 JU 0311 CDG BEG .....67 09:55 12:15 JU 0180 BEG TIV 1...... 10:20 11:25 JU 0181 TIV BEG 1...... 11:55 13:00
JU 0314 BEG CDG 1.345.7 17:05 19:40 JU 0315 CDG BEG 1.345.7 20:25 22:45 JU 0180 BEG TIV .23456. 10:10 11:15 JU 0181 TIV BEG .23456. 11:50 12:55
JU 0314 BEG CDG .....6. 17:45 20:20 JU 0315 CDG BEG .....6. 21:10 23:30 JU 0180 BEG TIV ......7 10:00 11:05 JU 0181 TIV BEG ......7 11:40 12:45
JU 0316 BEG CDG .2..... 18:30 21:05 JU 0317 CDG BEG .2..... 22:00 00:20 JU 0182 BEG TIV 1.345.7 13:40 14:35 JU 0183 TIV BEG 1.345.7 15:20 16:10
PODGORICA PODGORICA JU 0182 BEG TIV .2...6. 13:40 14:45 JU 0183 TIV BEG .2...6. 15:20 16:25
JU 0170 BEG TGD 1...... 7:10 08:00 JU 0171 TGD BEG 1...... 08:45 09:35 JU 0184 BEG TIV 1234... 16:15 17:20 JU 0185 TIV BEG 1234... 17:50 18:55
JU 0170 BEG TGD .2..... 7:00 08:00 JU 0171 TGD BEG .2..... 08:35 09:35 JU 0184 BEG TIV ....5.. 16:10 17:15 JU 0185 TIV BEG ....5.. 17:45 18:50
JU 0170 BEG TGD ...4... 7:00 07:50 JU 0171 TGD BEG ...4... 08:35 09:25 JU 0184 BEG TIV .....67 16:05 17:00 JU 0185 TIV BEG .....67 17:45 18:35
JU 0170 BEG TGD ....5.. 6:50 07:50 JU 0171 TGD BEG ....5.. 08:25 09:25 V VALENCIA VALENCIA
JU 0170 BEG TGD .....6. 6:50 07:40 JU 0171 TGD BEG .....6. 08:25 09:15 JU 0590 BEG VLC .2.4... 6:20 09:10 JU 0591 VLC BEG .2.4... 09:55 12:35
JU 0172 BEG TGD 1234567 13:45 14:35 JU 0173 TGD BEG 1234567 15:20 16:10 JU 0594 BEG VLC ......7 17:05 19:55 JU 0595 VLC BEG ......7 20:40 23:20
JU 0174 BEG TGD 1...... 20:55 21:55 JU 0175 TGD BEG 1...... 22:25 23:25 VARNA VARNA
JU 0174 BEG TGD ..3.5.. 20:45 21:45 JU 0175 TGD BEG ..3.5.. 22:20 23:20 JU 0136 BEG VAR 1.3.56. 0:35 03:25 JU 0137 VAR BEG 1.3.56. 04:30 05:20
JU 0174 BEG TGD ...4... 19:45 20:45 JU 0175 TGD BEG ...4... 21:20 22:20 VENICE Marco Polo VENICE Marco Polo
JU 0174 BEG TGD ......7 20:30 21:30 JU 0175 TGD BEG ......7 22:00 23:00 JU 0560 BEG VCE ..3.5.. 7:05 09:00 JU 0561 VCE BEG ..3.5.. 09:35 11:20
PRAGUE PRAGUE JU 0564 BEG VCE 1.....7 18:10 20:05 JU 0565 VCE BEG 1.....7 20:45 22:30
JU 0610 BEG PRG 12.45.. 6:50 09:00 JU 0611 PRG BEG 12.45.. 09:35 11:30 VIENNA VIENNA
JU 0610 BEG PRG .....6. 7:20 08:50 JU 0611 PRG BEG .....6. 09:35 11:05 JU 0600 BEG VIE 1234.67 7:45 09:15 JU 0601 VIE BEG 1234.67 09:45 11:05
JU 0614 BEG PRG 12345.7 17:55 20:05 JU 0615 PRG BEG 12345.7 20:35 22:30 JU 0600 BEG VIE ....5.. 7:55 09:05 JU 0601 VIE BEG ....5.. 09:45 10:45
R ROME Fiumicino ROME Fiumicino JU 0602 BEG VIE ..3.5.. 12:35 14:05 JU 0603 VIE BEG ..3.5.. 14:40 16:00
JU 0530 BEG FCO 12.4.6. 6:45 08:20 JU 0531 FCO BEG 12.4.6. 09:25 11:00 JU 0602 BEG VIE ......7 12:50 14:00 JU 0603 VIE BEG ......7 14:40 15:40
JU 0532 BEG FCO 1.345.7 12:20 13:55 JU 0533 FCO BEG 1.345.7 14:40 16:15 JU 0604 BEG VIE 1234.6. 18:35 20:05 JU 0605 VIE BEG 1234.6. 20:45 22:05
JU 0534 BEG FCO ..3.... 18:20 19:55 JU 0535 FCO BEG ..3.5.7 21:00 22:35 JU 0604 BEG VIE ....5.7 18:55 20:05 JU 0605 VIE BEG ....5.7 20:45 21:45
JU 0534 BEG FCO ....5.7 18:05 19:40 Z ZAGREB ZAGREB
S SALZBURG SALZBURG JU 0230 BEG ZAG 1...... 6:45 08:00 JU 0231 ZAG BEG 1...... 08:30 09:35
JU 0620 BEG SZG .2....7 7:00 09:00 JU 0621 SZG BEG .2....7 09:30 11:20 JU 0230 BEG ZAG .2.4... 7:50 09:05 JU 0231 ZAG BEG .2.4... 10:00 11:05
JU 0624 BEG SZG ...4... 18:05 20:05 JU 0625 SZG BEG ...4... 20:40 22:30 JU 0230 BEG ZAG ..3.... 6:40 07:55 JU 0231 ZAG BEG ..3.... 08:25 09:30
SARAJEVO SARAJEVO JU 0230 BEG ZAG ....5.. 7:00 08:15 JU 0231 ZAG BEG ....5.. 08:45 09:50
JU 0112 BEG SJJ 1...... 13:25 14:15 JU 0113 SJJ BEG 1...... 14:45 15:35 JU 0230 BEG ZAG .....67 6:30 07:45 JU 0231 ZAG BEG .....67 08:15 09:20
JU 0112 BEG SJJ .23.5.7 13:50 14:40 JU 0113 SJJ BEG .23.5.7 15:10 16:00 JU 0234 BEG ZAG 1...... 17:30 18:45 JU 0235 ZAG BEG 1...... 19:15 20:20
JU 0112 BEG SJJ ...4... 13:20 14:10 JU 0113 SJJ BEG ...4... 14:40 15:30 JU 0234 BEG ZAG .2.4.6. 18:30 19:45 JU 0235 ZAG BEG .2.4.6. 20:15 21:20
JU 0112 BEG SJJ .....6. 14:30 15:20 JU 0113 SJJ BEG .....6. 15:50 16:40 JU 0234 BEG ZAG ..3.... 17:00 18:15 JU 0235 ZAG BEG ..3.... 18:45 19:50
SKOPJE JU 0234 BEG ZAG ....5.. 20:15 21:30 JU 0235 ZAG BEG ....5.. 22:00 23:05
JU 0162 BEG SKP 123456 13:25 14:35 JU 0163 SKP BEG 123456 15:05 16:15 JU 0234 BEG ZAG ......7 17:05 18:20 JU 0235 ZAG BEG ......7 18:55 20:00
JU 0166 BEG SKP 1..456. 0:40 01:50 JU 0167 SKP BEG 12.4.6. 04:10 05:20 ZURICH ZURICH
JU 0166 BEG SKP .2..... 0:55 02:05 JU 0167 SKP BEG ....5.. 04:05 05:15 JU 0370 BEG ZRH 12345.7 7:05 09:00 JU 0371 ZRH BEG 12345.7 09:45 11:25
SOCHI SOCHI JU 0370 BEG ZRH .....6. 7:10 09:05 JU 0371 ZRH BEG .....6. 09:50 11:30
JU 0678 BEG AER 1...5.7 23:40 03:15 JU 0679 AER BEG 12...6. 04:00 05:55 JU 0372 BEG ZRH 1..45.. 12:35 14:30 JU 0373 ZRH BEG 1..45.. 15:20 17:00
SOFIA SOFIA JU 0372 BEG ZRH .....6. 12:25 14:20 JU 0373 ZRH BEG .....6. 15:10 16:50
JU 0122 BEG SOF 12..567 13:30 15:40 JU 0123 SOF BEG 12..567 16:10 16:20 JU 0372 BEG ZRH ......7 12:15 14:10 JU 0373 ZRH BEG ......7 15:00 16:40
JU 0122 BEG SOF ...4... 13:25 15:35 JU 0123 SOF BEG ...4... 16:05 16:15 JU 0374 BEG ZRH 1.345.7 18:00 19:55 JU 0375 ZRH BEG 1.345.7 20:45 22:25
JU 0126 BEG SOF 1.3.... 0:20 02:30 JU 0127 SOF BEG 1.3.... 05:10 05:20 JU 0374 BEG ZRH .2..... 18:20 20:15 JU 0375 ZRH BEG .2..... 21:05 22:45
JU 0126 BEG SOF .....6. 0:40 02:50 JU 0127 SOF BEG .....6. 05:35 05:45 JU 0374 BEG ZRH .....6. 18:10 20:05 JU 0375 ZRH BEG .....6. 21:00 22:40

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 125

R e d l e t e n j a / Ti m e ta b l e O kto b a r / o cto b e r

Iz Niša / from niš za Niš / to niš Iz kraljeva / from kraljevo za kraljevo / to kraljevo
Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival Flt No From To Days Departure/Arrival
JU 1101 INI BEG ..3...7 10:15 11:10 JU 1102 BEG INI .....6. 16:55 17:50 JU 2804KVO IST .2..... 11:40 14:55 JU 2805 IST KVO .2..... 15:30 16:35
JU 1103 INI BEG ..3.... 14:30 15:25 JU 1104 BEG INI .2..... 17:00 17:55 JU 2804KVO IST .....6. 08:55 12:10 JU 2805 IST KVO .....6. 12:55 14:00
JU 1107 INI BEG ......7 05:00 05:40 JU 1106 BEG INI .2...6. 00:40 01:20
JU 1326 INI CGN .2..... 18:15 20:35 JU 1327 CGN INI .2..... 21:25 23:30
JU 1326 INI CGN .....6. 07:10 09:30 JU 1327 CGN INI .....6. 10:15 12:20
JU 1336 INI HHN .2..... 08:10 10:25 JU 1337 HHN INI .2..... 11:05 13:15
JU 1336 INI HHN .....6. 18:15 20:30 JU 1337 HHN INI .....6. 21:15 23:25 Sva vremena su lokalna / All times are local
ISTANBUL ISTANBUL Red letenja je podložan promenama / The flight schedule is subject to change
JU 1804 INI IST .2..... 14:00 16:25 JU 1805 IST INI .2..... 17:10 17:35
JU 1804 INI IST .....6. 13:25 15:50 JU 1805 IST INI .....6. 16:45 17:10 Napomena: Kolona „Dani“ označava dane u nedelji kada se letovi obavljaju
LJUBLJANA LJUBLJANA (1-ponedeljak, 2-utorak, 3-sreda, 4-četvrtak, 5-petak, 6-subota, 7-nedelja)
JU 1192 INI LJU .2..... 18:30 20:25 JU 1193 LJU INI .2..... 20:55 22:45 Note: Column "Days" marks days of the week when flights are operated
JU 1192 INI LJU .....6. 18:20 20:15 JU 1193 LJU INI .....6. 20:45 22:35 (1-Monday, 2-Tuesday, 3-Wednesday, 4-Thursday, 5-Friday, 6-Saturday, 7-Sunday)

126 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Najbolje cene karata putem

direktnih prodajnih kanala Er Srbije

The best ticket prices via O N LY

Air Serbia direct sales channels GOOD

Zašto? / Why?

Bez dodatnih troškova

No extra fees

Efikasna i direktna komunikacija sa

putnicima putem naših kanala
Efficient and direct communication
with passengers via our channels


Brzo i adekvatno reagovanje na
Ovaj paket dodatnih usluga garantujebilonajbolje iskustvo na aerodromu Nikola Tesla u Beogradu. U
kakve promene
cenu paketa je uključen boravak uQuick
Er Srbija Premijum salonu u trajanju od 60 minuta, prioritetni
and adequate
prolaz na pasoškoj kontroli, kao i prvenstvo pri prijavi
response to any na let i ukrcavanju.
Za više informacija , molimo obratite se kabinskom osoblju ili posetite

This bundle guarantees the best airport experience at Nikola Tesla Belgrade airport. Services included
at the bundle are 1 hour Air Serbia Premium Lounge pass, Fast Lane at Departures, Priority Check-In
and Priority Boarding.

2.950 RSD / 25 EUR 3.500 RSD / 31 EUR

Михајло Пупин

Michael Pupin



Michael Pupin 2.400 RSD S veličina 21 EUR size S

2.900 RSD M veličina 25 EUR size M
1.890 RSD / 17 EUR 3.400 RSD L veličina 30 EUR size L

Proizvode možete kupiti u Air SERBIA poslovnicama i Premijum salonu

Products can be purchased in selected Air SERBIA retail shops and Premium Lounge

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17 Jurija Gagarina 12 Air SERBIA Premium Lounge

11000 Beograd 11070 Beograd Aerodrom Nikola Tesla” Beograd
Novi Beograd

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