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ISSN 2466-4073 – Decembar 2022.

/ December 2022

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Dobro došli u Tjenđin

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Reč dobrodošlice Welcome message

Decembar 2022. December 2022

Dragi putnici, Dear passengers,

Bliži se kraj 2022. godine, koja je za nas We are approaching the end of 2022,
u Er Srbiji bila izuzetno dinamična. Uprkos uticaju which has been a very dynamic year for us at Air Ser-
pandemije korona virusa koji se još oseća, ostvarili bia. Despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic,
smo rezultate na koje možemo biti ponosni. Pokre- which can still be felt, we have achieved results that we
tanjem niza novih destinacija u našoj mreži omogu- can be proud of. By adding a series of new destinations
ćili smo još bolju povezanost sa celim svetom, što je to our network, we have provided even better connec-
rezultiralo time da u prvih devet meseci prevezemo tivity with the entire world, which resulted in us car-
više od dva miliona putnika. Iza nas je odlična let- rying more than two million passengers over the first
nja sezona, a i zimska je veoma aktivna. nine months of the year. We also have behind us an ex-
Decembar, koji smo s nestrpljenjem očekivali, cellent summer season, while the winter season is prov-
donosi važne projekte za našu kompaniju. Sa zado- ing very active as well.
voljstvom ističemo da će, posle 22 godine, nacio- The month of December, which we’ve awaited eagerly,
nalna avio-kompanija ponovo leteti do Kine. Naša brings important projects for our company. It is our pleasure
nova destinacija biće Tjenđin, četvrti grad po veli- to announce that, after 22 years, the national airline will
čini i najveća luka na severu ove azijske zemlje. Sa- again be operating flights to China. Our new destination
obraćaj će se realizovati jednom nedeljno našim ši- will be Tianjin, China’s fourth largest city and the biggest
rokotrupnim avionom A330 sa likom Nikole Tesle. port in the northern part of this Asian country. Flights will
Opredeljeni smo za povećanje obima saobraćaja, operate once a week using our wide-body A330 aircraft
o čemu svedoči i podatak da flotu dodatno proširu- that bears the image of Nikola Tesla.
jemo i drugim avionom „erbas A330-200“, registar- We are determined to increase our volume of traffic,
ske oznake YU-ARC, koji nosi lik velikog srpskog as evidenced by the fact that we have expanded the fleet
naučnika Mihajla Pupina. Na ovaj način želeli smo additionally with another Airbus A330-200 aircraft,
da odamo priznanje jednom od najvećih umova i registration code YU-ARC, which bears the image of great
najboljih profesora elektrotehnike svih vremena, Serbian scientist Mihajlo Pupin. We thereby wanted to pay
koji nikada nije zaboravio svoje poreklo i zavičaj. tribute to one of the greatest minds and best professors
Kontinuirano pratimo situaciju na tržištu i do- of electrical engineering of all time, who never forgot his
punjavamo ponudu kako bismo uvek bili aktuel- origins and his homeland.
ni i konkurentni. S obzirom na to da su se potrebe We are continuously monitoring the situation on the
putnika u regionu za letovima između Beograda i market and expanding our offer, in order to ensure we
Istanbula značajno povećale, u saradnji sa Turkiš remain relevant and competitive. Given that the need of the
erlajnzom tokom tekuće zimske sezone obavlja- Jiri Marek
region’s travellers for flights between Belgrade and Istanbul
ćemo i do 17 letova nedeljno između ta dva grada, Air Serbia CEO has increased significantly, we will - in cooperation with
umesto sadašnjih 10. Turkish Airlines - operate up to 17 flights per week between
Novitet za period pred nama je i uspostavlja- the two cities during the current winter season, up from
nje direktnih letova do Malage, čime smo dodatno the previous 10.
osnažili prisustvo u Španiji. To je peta destinacija Another piece of good news is the commencement
u toj mediteranskoj zemlji do koje letimo. of direct flights to Malaga, which further reinforces
Posle više od tri decenije pauze vraćamo se i u our presence in Spain, as our fifth destination in this
Vetroviti grad. Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija Mediterranean country. After a break lasting more than
će od 17. maja sledeće godine ponovo uspostaviti three decades, we are also returning to the Windy City.
direktne letove između Beograda i Čikaga. Veruje- We will re-establish a direct service between Belgrade and
mo da će ova linija biti izuzetno značajna ne samo Chicago as of 17th May next year. We believe that this route
za srpsku dijasporu već i za širi region Balkana. will have great importance not only to the Serbian diaspora,
Osim redovnih destinacija, potrudili smo se da but to the broader Balkan region.
tokom praznične sezone uvedemo i dodatne leto- Apart from scheduled destinations, we have also worked
ve između Niša i Ciriha, kao i Beograda i Pule. Ka- to introduce additional flights during the winter holiday
da idete u susret onima koje najviše volite, Er Sr- season, between Niš and Zurich, but also between Belgrade
bija je tu za vas. and Pula. When you want to meet up with your nearest
Uživajte u letu i srećni praznici, and dearest, Air Serbia is there for you.
Enjoy your flight, and happy holidays,
Jirži Marek,
Generalni direktor jiri marek,
Er Srbije CEO
Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7

Sadržaj Contents

air serbia
u fokusu
in focus 52. „ Er Srbija” tokom oktobra
prevezla više od 250.000
12. „ Er Srbija“ nastavlja putnika / Air Serbia carried
ekspanziju: Letimo do over 250,000 passengers in
Kine! I to direktno! / October
Air Serbia continues to
expand: we’re flying to 112.  vion nazvan po Mihajlu
China! Directly! intervju
Pupinu stigao u Srbiju /
interview Aircraft named after Mihajlo
Pupin arrives in Serbia
na letu 24.  ajk Vajt, autor nagrađivane
on board serije „Beli lotos“ / Mike
16.  a nama putuje Lena
White, author of the award- moda
Bogdanović, glumica/
winning series The White Lotus fashion
We travel with Lena 60.  ad ako ne sad:
Bogdanović, actress kultura Ekstravagancija je postala
culture mejnstrim / If not now, when?
Extravagance has gone
36.  R spektakl Blanke Li: Pariski
V mainstream
bal u Beogradu / Blanca Li’s
VR spectacle: Le Bal de Paris in

42.  tigao je Kijanu Rivs:

Besmrtni ratnik koji se bori
kroz vekove / Keanu Reeves
has arrived: an immortal
warrior who fights his way
through the ages

46.  rtice iz kulture: Kulturno

grejanje, decembarsko
uživanje / Snippets of culture:
cultural heating, December

putujte pametno
smart travel
Vodimo vas u Čikago /
We’re taking you to Chicago

10 | Sadržaj » Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva

/ Editor-in-chief and publishing director
Jelena Isaković
Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor
Jelena Pantović
Urednički odbor Er Srbije
/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee
Arsen Rudan
Šef tehničke redakcije/ Chief of the
design and layout team
Zoran Stojković
Tehnički urednik/ Design and layout editor
Aleksa Vasović
Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout
Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević
Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor
Mladen Šurjanac
Fotografije / Photography
Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić,
destinacija Nenad Mihajlović, Robert Getel
ritam grada destination
rhythm of the city Foto-agencije / Photo agencies
92.  obro došli u Tjenđin,
Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos
64.  uzeji u Beogradu:
M Menhetn na Bohajskom
Tragom kulturnog krvotoka moru / Welcome to Lektori / Copy editing
prestonice / Museums in Tianjin, Manhattan on the Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović
Belgrade: on the trail of the Bohai Sea Prevod na engleski / Translation to English
capital‘s cultural lifeblood Mark Pullen
96.  rećan Božić: U
S Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing
70.  agija je tu: Zimska bajka
M decembru Njujork Mark Pullen
u Beogradu na vodi / The sija kao jelka / Merry
magic is here: winter fairy tale Christmas: in December, Oglašavanje / Advertising
at the Belgrade Waterfront Media Impact Srbija
New York glistens like a
Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje
Christmas tree
oglasnog prostora
ritam srbije / Executive Advertising Manager
rhythm of serbia Sport elevate@mediaimpact.rs
78.  restonice kulture Srbije
P Izdavač / Publisher
2023: Doživite Čačak i sve 102. Četiri skakaonice: Let Ringier Axel Springer Srbija
njegove lepote / Serbian iznad zavejanih planina Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd
capital of culture 2023: / Four hills: flight over elevate@ringier.rs
experience Čačak and all its snow-capped mountains
106. Može li Nole nazad na Generalni direktor
tron? / Can Nole return Ringier Srbija /
to the throne? CEO Ringier Serbia
Jelena Drakulić Petrović
Štampa / Print
Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution
ISSN 2466-4073 – Decembar 2022. / December 2022

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije

Broj/Issue No. 346 –Decembar 2022. / December 2022

Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er

Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača.
Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi
u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se
odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa.
All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the
written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those
of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does
not accept responsibility for advertising content.

Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air

Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP -
Dobro došli u Tjenđin
Welcome to tianjin
Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије,
Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia /
glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd :
Letimo do Kine / Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm
• Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air
We’re flying to China Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-
Foto/Photo: Depositphotos ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Broj / Issue No. 346

Naslovna strana / Cover

Contents » Sadržaj | 11
U fokusu In focus

" E r S r b i j a" n a s tav l j a e k s pa n z i j u

Letimo do Kine!
I to direktno!
„Er Srbija“ će 9. decembra
uspostaviti direktan
avio-saobraćaj između
Beograda i Tjenđina,
četvrtog najvećeg grada u
Narodnoj Republici Kini

Usled trenutnih kovid-19 kupiti po ceni od 649 evra u jednom se da ćemo u bliskoj budućnosti na-
ograničenja letovi između pravcu, odnosno počev od 1.086 šu mrežu proširiti i drugim strateški
dva grada obavljaće se jed- evra za povratnu kartu u ekonom- važnim gradovima, poput Pekinga i
nom nedeljno, i to od Beograda skoj klasi, s uključenim pripadajućim Šangaja – rekao je Jirži Marek, gene-
do Tjenđina petkom, dok će se po- taksama. ralni direktor „Er Srbije“.
vratni letovi od najveće luke u sever- – Uprkos ograničenom među- Tjenđin je grad na severoistoku
nom delu Kine do srpske prestonice narodnom avio-saobraćaju sa Ki- Kine sa više od 14 miliona stanovni-
obavljati nedeljom. Na taj način na- nom i striktnim pravilima koja važe ka na obali Bohajskog mora, koje je
cionalna avio-kompanija ponovo us- od izbijanja pandemije korona viru- deo Žutog mora. Taj grad je glavna
postavlja direktne letove do NR Kine sa, naša kompanija je uspela da do- luka putem koje se snabdeva kine-
posle 22 godine, odnosno od okto- bije neophodne dozvole i sprove- ska prestonica Peking i najznačajnija
bra 2000. godine, kada je tadašnji de sve pripremne aktivnosti, tako da luka na severu Kine. Od Tjenđina do
JAT poslednji put leteo za Peking. smo od početka decembra uspo- Pekinga postoji pruga duga 117 kilo-
„Er Srbija“ će biti jedina evrop- stavili letove do Tjenđina. Za „Er Sr- metara, kojom saobraćaju brzi vo-
ska avio-kompanija koja leti iz Tjen- biju“ letenje do Kine nije nepozna- zovi i kojom se od jednog do drugog
đina i jedna od samo nekoliko evrop- nica. Tokom 2020. godine obavili grada stiže za oko 30 minuta.
skih kompanija koje u ovom trenutku smo više desetina specijalnih kar- Uspostavljanjem direktne lini-
imaju direktne letove do Kine. Leto- go letova kojima su u Srbiju dopre- je do Kine „Er Srbija“ će omogući-
vi između Beograda i Tjenđina obav- mljene na stotine tona medicinskih ti dobre konekcije preko Beograda
ljaće se avionima „erbas A330“ iz aparata i opreme. Ubeđen sam da ka mnogim destinacijama u svojoj
dugolinijske flote „Er Srbije“, a pro- će naša direktna avio-veza doprine- mreži kao što su Amsterdam, Bar-
sečno trajanje leta je 10 časova od ti daljem jačanju već izuzetno snaž- selona, Oslo, Pariz, Stokholm, Fran-
Beograda do Tjenđina i 12 časova nih ekonomskih i kulturnih odnosa kfurt, Ljubljana, Valensija, Prag, Ve-
od Tjenđina do Beograda. Avio-kar- između dve prijateljske zemlje. Na- necija, Zagreb i druge destinacije
te za putovanja između Beograda i še ambicije u vezi sa letovima do Ki- širom Evrope i u širem regionu Bal-
Tjenđina već su u prodaji i mogu se ne ovim se ne završavaju. Nadamo kana.

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

A i r S e r b i a c o n t i n u e s t o e x pa n d

We’re flying to China! Directly!

On 9th December, Air Serbia launched direct flights
between Belgrade and Tianjin, the fourth largest city in
the People’s Republic of China

Due to current COVID-19 re- boost the already strong economic

strictions, there will be one and cultural relations between the
Nacionalna flight a week between the two friendly countries. Our ambiti-

avio-kompanija two cities – operating between

Belgrade and Tianjin on Fridays –
ons with regard to flights to China
do not end here. We hope that
ponovo while the return flight from the lar- we will expand our network to ot-

uspostavlja gest port city in northern China to

the Serbian capital will operate on
her strategically important cities in
the near future, such as Beijing and
direktne letove Sundays. Serbia’s national carrier Shanghai,” says Air Serbia CEO Ji-

do Kine posle is re-establishing direct flights to ri Marek.

China after a break of 22 years, sin- Tianjin has a population of 14
22 godine, ce October 2000, when the then million and is located in northe-

odnosno od
JAT operated its last flight to Beijing. ast China, on the coast of the Bo-
Air Serbia will initially be the on- hai Sea, which is an extension of
oktobra 2000. ly European airline flying from Tia- the Yellow Sea. The city is the ma-

godine, kada
njin, and one of the few Europe- in port through which Beijing is su-
an carriers to operate direct flights pplied and represents the most im-
je tadašnji JAT to China. An Airbus A330 from Air portant port in northern China. A

poslednji put
Serbia’s long-haul fleet will be de- 117-km-long high-speed railway
ployed on the Belgrade-Tianjin rou- runs between Tianjin and Beijing,
leteo za Peking te, with an average flight time of 10
hours from Belgrade to Tianjin and
thus the commute between the
two cities only takes about 30 mi-
Serbia’s national 12 hours from Tianjin to Belgrade. nutes.
carrier is re- Tickets for Belgrade-Tianjin flights
are already available, with fares
By launching a direct service to
China, Air Serbia will ensure good
establishing starting from €649 and €1,086 for connections via Belgrade to nume-

direct flights a one-way and round-trip respecti-

vely, including all charges.
rous destinations in its network, su-
ch as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Oslo,
to China after “Despite the still limited in- Paris, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Ljublja-

22 years, since ternational air traffic with China

and strict rules imposed since the
na, Valencia, Prague, Venice, Za-
greb and other destinations throu-
October 2000, outbreak of the coronavirus pan- ghout Europe and across the wider

when the then JAT demic, our airline has succeeded in

obtaining all the necessary permits
Balkan region.

operated its last and completed all preparatory acti-

flight to Beijing vities, so that we can launch flights

to Tianjin in December. Air Serbia
is no stranger to China. We opera-
ted dozens of special cargo flights
in 2020, transporting hundreds of
tons of medical devices and equ-
ipment to Serbia. I am convinced
that our direct service will help

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13

U f o ku s u / I n f o c us

Za tri godine,
koliko se
održava, na
Gali je ukupno
prikupljeno više
od 210.000
dolara za
obrazovanju ljudi
u Srbiji i regionu
During the three
years of its
existence, the
Gala has raised
over $210,000
for programmes
that support
the education
of individuals
in Serbia and
around the region

S r p s k a f i l a n t ro p s k a ga l a 2 0 2 2 u N j uj o r ku Gala postane događaj za pamće-

nje. Zabavni program otvorio je Fi-

Sakupljeno više od 85.000 lip Bulatović, kompozitor, pijanista

i di-džej, a za specijalni deo večeri
dolara za srpske studente bio je zadužen legendarni Zdravko
Čolić sa bendom, koji je goste dr-
Srpska filantropska gala je godišnja manifestacija u žao na nogama do kasno u noć.
organizaciji Srpskog filantropskog udruženja na kojoj – Srećan sam što sam bio
učesnik ovog divnog spektakla i
se udružuju humanost i dobročinstvo u cilju pomoći druženja. Očito je ovaj događaj bio
drugima, građenja veza unutar srpske zajednice i ne samo posećen nego je i vladala
podsticanja filantropije prelepa atmosfera zahvaljujući lju-
dima koji su došli s ciljem i name-
Treća po redu Srpska fi- za višedecenijski rad na promociji rom da pomognu sredstvima ko-
lantropska gala, koja je odr- srpske tradicije i kulturnog nasleđa ja idu u dobrotvorne svrhe. Veoma
žana u novembru u istorijskom u dijaspori. Uručena joj je nagra- je lepo kad vidimo da čitava jedna
zdanju „Gotam hol“ u Njujorku, da za poseban doprinos na polju organizacija pomaže talentovane
okupila je 400 ljudi iz Sjedinje- filantropije, kojom je krunisan njen ljude da dođu do rezultata. Nadam
nih Američkih Država, Srbije i dru- trud u osnivanju i vođenju folklorne se da ovo nije poslednji put i da će
gih zemalja. Na događaju je pri- trupe „Opančići“ u Vašingtonu. U biti drugih akcija slične prirode –
kupljeno više od 85.000 dolara proteklih 25 godina „Opančići“ su rekao je nakon nastupa Zdravko
za stipendije srpskih studenata u služili ne samo kao folklorni centar Čolić, koji je u Njujork doleteo avio-
okviru programa Fondacije „Stu- već su i doprineli očuvanju tradici- nom „Er Srbije“.
denica“. Ovaj iznos će omogući- onalne srpske kulture. Tom prilikom mu je upriličen
ti da više od 55 srpskih studenata Dok je filantropija bila central- prijem kakav zaslužuje takva zvez-
koji nemaju finansijsku podršku, ni deo Gale, ostatak večeri obele- da, Zdravko je posetio „Premijum
a akademski su uspešni neome- žila je posebna energija stvorena salon“, uživao na letu i poručio:
tano nastave ili dovrše univerzi- muzičko-scenskim nastupima. Vo- „Ove godine sam u aprilu bio u Be-
tetske studije. Fondacija „Stude- ditelji večeri bili su Jelena Gavrilo- ogradu, a sledećeg proleća, sa ’Er
nica“, koja postoji već 29 godina, vić, naša multitalentovana glumica Srbijom’, idemo u Čikago”!
do sada je prikupljanjem sredsta- i pevačica, i Džordž Petković, član Ovaj snimak uz zvuke čuvene
va pomogla u obrazovanju više od Odbora Srpskog filantropskog pesme „April u Beogradu“ postao
2.000 studenata. udruženja. Njihov šarm i interak- je viralan na društvenim mreža-
Gala veče bilo je i povod da cija sa publikom, kao i muzička in- Fotografije / ma „Er Srbije“, a nama ostaje da se
Srpsko filantropsko udruženje oda terpretacija Jelene Gavrilović s po- složimo sa Zdravkom – vidimo se
Nikola Bradonjić
priznanje dr Danici Marinac Dabić četka večeri doprineli su tome da sledeće godine u Čikagu.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

S e r b i a n P h i l a n t h r o p i c Ga l a 2 0 2 2 i n N e w Yo r k

Over $85,000 raised

for Serbian students
The Serbian Philanthropic Gala is an annual event that’s
organised by the Serbian Philanthropic Association and
brings together humanity and kindness to help change
the lives of other people, build bonds among the Serbian
community and inspire philanthropy
Legendarni Zdravko Čolić sa bendom držao je goste
na nogama do kasno u noć
Legendary singer Zdravko Čolić, who kept the guests of The third Serbian Philant- ge Petković, a Member of the Ser-
the Gala on their feet until the end of the nighti hropic Gala took place in No- bian Philanthropic Association
vember at midtown New York’s Board. Their charm and interacti-
historic Gotham Hall and brou- ons with guests, including Jelena’s
ght together 400 attendees from opening musical performance, en-
across the United States, Serbia, sured high spirits were maintained
and other countries. The event ra- throughout the evening. Renowned
ised over $85,000 for the Stude- composer, pianist and DJ Filip Bu-
nica Foundation’s student scholar- latović opened the main enterta-
ship programme. The funds raised inment programme, mesmerising
will be used to assist more than 55 the audience and setting the sta-
Serbian college students who ex- ge for the appearance of legendary
cel academically but lack the finan- singer Zdravko Čolić, who kept the
Voditelji večeri bili su glumica i pevačica Jelena
Gavrilović i Džordž Petković, član Odbora Srpskog
cial support required to continue or guests of the Gala on their feet until
filantropskog udruženja complete their studies without in- the end of the night.
The event’s Masters of Ceremony were Jelena terruption. As an active foundation, “I am very pleased to have
Gavrilović, actress and singer, and George Petković, a
Studenica has helped over 2,000 been part of this spectacle and so-
Member of the Serbian Philanthropic Association Board
students with their scholarly pursu- cial event. It is obvious that this
its over the last 29 years. event was not only well attended,
The Gala also provided an oc- but also had an amazing atmosp-
casion for the Serbian Philanthro- here among people who came he-
pic Association to acknowledge the re to provide financial support to
decades-long work of Dr Danica a charitable cause. It is wonder-
Marinac-Dabić on the promoting of ful to see that there is an organisa-
Serbian traditions and Serbian cul- tion that helps talented people ac-
tural heritage among the diaspo- hieve results. I hope this is not the
ra. Dr Marinac-Dabić was honoured last time and that there will be simi-
with the Excellence in Philanthropic lar initiatives in the future,” said Čo-
Action Award, which acknowled- lić, speaking after his performance.
ges her efforts in founding the fol- The famous singer arrived in New
Zabavni program otvorio je Filip Bulatović, kompozitor i
pijanista (levo), dok je „Er Srbija“ bila organizacioni partner klore troupe Opančići and leading York on an Air Serbia plane and was
prestižne manifestacije / Composer and pianist Filip Bulatović it for the past 25 years. The Opan- provided with the kind of reception
opened the entertainment programme (left), while Air Serbia čići troupe, which is based in Was- worthy of such a major star during
was an organisational partner of this prestigious event
hington D.C., has been the corner- the flight. Zdravko, who visited the
stone of promotions of traditional Premium Lounge and enjoyed the
Serbian culture through folklore flight, said: “this year I was in Bel-
and dance. grade in April, and next spring, wi-
While the event was marked th Air Serbia, we’re going to Chica-
by these high philanthropic mo- go!” This clip, accompanied by the
ments, the remainder of the eve- sounds of the famous song April
ning was one of high energy, thea- In Belgrade, went viral on Air Ser-
tre, and acclaimed performances. bia’s social media profiles, and all
The event’s Masters of Ceremony that remains for us is to agree wi-
were Jelena Gavrilović, multitalen- th Zdravko – see you next year in
ted actress and singer, and Geor- Chicago.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

„Grad Residence“
jedinstven je po
tome što vlasnici
dobijaju najbolje
iz apartmanskog
i hotelskog
Grand Residence
is unique in that
it combines
for apartment
owners the best of
apartment and hotel

MK Group donosi novi

koncept planinskog doma
Prethodna godina bila je po- porativnih poslova MK Group.
sebno važna u 40 godina dugoj „Grand Residence“, elitni rezi-
tradiciji planinskog turizma u Srbiji. dencijalni kompleks, uskoro otva-
MK Group je u 2021. godini završila ra svoja vrata i predstavlja potpu-
rekonstrukciju i potpuni ribrending no nov koncept „života na vrhu“,
hotela „Grand“ na Kopaoniku, čime sa 40 potpuno opremljenih apar-
je ovaj, sigurno najpoznatiji hotel na tmana, veličine od 30 do 250 m2.
planinskom krovu Srbije, dobio nov Po čemu se ovaj kompleks izdvaja?
sjaj. Sa tadašnjom ukupnom investi- Expertiza MK Group u oblasti telskog smeštaja – na raspolaganju
cijom od 35 miliona evra, ova kom- turizma je kombinovana sa uprav- im je kompletan hotelski servis (kon-
panija je Kopaonik iznova stavila na ljanjem real estate investicijama. sijerž, spa i welness servis, ski con-
pijedestal regionalnog turizma. Na- Ovakva kombinacija iznedrila je sirege , hotelska recepcija, garažni
kon što je „Grand“ otvorio svoja vra- nov koncept „življenja“ na planini, prostor u centru planine), uz udob-
ta u potpuno osveženom ambijen- a u njega je uloženo oko 15 miliona nost koju pruža privatni prostor. Ta-
tu početkom prošle zimske sezone, evra. „Grand Residence“ opravda- kođe, vlasnik jedinice u „Grand Resi-
gostima su stavljeni na raspolaganje va svoje ime modernim i sofisticira- dence“ ima kompletan pristup svim
novi spa i wellness centar, četiri redi- nim dizajnom enterijera, kao i uku- sadržajima hotela, dok je krilo zatvo-
zajnirana restorana, cigar-bar, sun- pnim utiskom koji odaje. Elegantni, renog tipa i nije dostupno redovnim
čana terasa, dečja igraonica i ostali prefinjeni i udobni, u bojama potpu- gostima „Granda“.
sadržaji po meri savremenog turiste. no uklopljenim u planinski ambijent u Koje su to dodatne usluge ko-
– Potpuni redizajn „Granda“ i no- kome se nalaze, ovi apartmani pred- je mogu upotpuniti „život na vrhu“
ve usluge napravili su odličan start stavljaju idealan nastavak nasleđa u Grand Residence?
i za sledeći investicioni ciklus koji je koje se vezuje za ime „Grand Kopao- Apartmani su kompletno opre-
usledio – kaže u razgovoru za „Ele- nik“. „Grad Residence“ jedinstven je mljeni i u pitanju su multifunkcional-
vate“ Aleksandra Stojanović, ruko- po tome što vlasnici apartmana do- ne jedinice koje čak i u manjim celi-
vodilac ovih investicija i direktor kor- bijaju najbolje iz apartmanskog i ho- nama pružaju sve – i dnevni boravak,

16 | Promo » Promo

MK Group brings a new

concept to the mountain home
The previous year was a par- Such a combination spawned a new
ticularly important one in the concept of “living” on the mountain, and
40-year tradition of mountain tourism around 15 million euros has been inve-
in Serbia. It was in 2021 that MK Gro- sted in that. Grand Residence justifies
up completed the reconstruction and its name with modern and sophistica-
complete rebranding of Kopaonik’s Ho- ted interior design, as well as the overall
tel Grand, with which this hotel, whi- impression that it exudes. Elegant, re-
ch is certainly the most famous hotel fined and comfortable, in colours that
on Serbia’s mountain roof, received a are fully integrated into the ambience
new shimmer. With a then total inve- of the mountain where they are loca-
stment of 35 million euros, this com- ted, these apartments represent the
pany once again made Kopaonik the ideal extension of the legacy associated
pinnacle of regional tourism. Following with the name Grand Kopaonik. Grand
the opening of the doors of the Grand Residence is unique in that it combi-
with a completely revitalised ambien- nes for apartment owners the best of
ce at the beginning of the last winter apartment and hotel accommodation
season, guests had at their disposal a – they have at their disposal a complete
new spa and wellness centre, four re- hotel service (concierge, spa and well-
designed restaurants, a cigar bar, a sun ness service, ski concierge, hotel re-
terrace, a children’s playroom and ot- ception, garage spaces in the central
her amenities tailored to the needs of part of the mountain resort), alongsi-
the modern tourist. de the comfort that’s provided by a pri-
“The complete redesign of the vate residence. Likewise, the owner of
Grand and new services also created a Grand Residence apartment has full
an excellent start to the next investment access to all hotel facilities, while that
cycle that followed,” says Aleksandra wing is private and unavailable to re-
Stojanović, who is leading these inves- gular guests of the Grand.
tments and is also MK Group’s director What are the additional services
of corporate affairs, speaking in this in- that can complement the concept of
terview for Elevate. “life at the top” at Grand Residence?
Grand Residence, an elite resi- The apartments are fully equipped
dential complex that will soon open and these are multifunctional units that
its doors, represents a comple- provide everything, even when it co-
spavaći blok, kao i deo za ručavanje. tely new concept of “life at the mes to the smaller units: a daytime living
Bazen dužine 18 metara, a la cart re- top”, with 40 fully equipped space, a sleeping block, as well as a di-
storan, jedinstvena skijašnica na ce- apartments that range in si- ning area. An 18-metre-long swimming
lom Kopaoniku posebne tehnologi- ze from 30 to 250m2. What pool, an a la carte restaurant, a ski equ-
je, direktan izlazak na stazu i pristup distinguishes this complex? ipment centre (skijašnica) that’s unique
svim barovima i restoranima – sve The expertise of MK anywhere on Kopaonik, with its special
su to segmenti koji će „Grand Resi- Group in the field of tourism technology, direct access to the slo-
dence“ izdvojiti. Još jednom smo is combined with ma- pes and access to all bars and restau-
potvrdili da je snaga našeg zna- nagement of inves- rants – these are all segments that will
nja i iskustva u investicijama tments in real estate. distinguish Grand Residence. We have
kao i upravljanju nekretnina- once again confirmed that the stren-
ma i hotelima dala dodat- gth of our knowledge and experience
nu vrednost ovom objektu Aleksandra Stojanović, in investments, as well as in the mana-
rukovodilac investicije
i napravila dobar uvod za i direktor korporativnih gement of real estate and hotels, ha-
buduće projekte koje se poslova MK Group ve provided added value to this facili-
nalaze u planu MK Gru- Investment Director and ty and formed a good introduction to
Chief Corporate Affairs
pe baš u ovoj oblasti po- Officer at MK Group future projects in the plans of MK Gro-
slovanja. up in this specific area of operations.

Promo» Promo| 17
Od maja
letimo do
Čikago ima sve što očekuje-
te od velikog grada: muze-
je svetske klase, živahne tr-
govačke četvrti i obilje mesta
za noćni život.
A dobra vest je to što će „Er
Srbija“ uspostaviti direktne
letove do ovog grada od 17.
maja 2023. godine i tako na-
staviti da širi svoje poslova-
nje na tržištu SAD. Do 11. ju-
na letovi će se obavljati dva
puta nedeljno, sredom i su-
botom, dok će se od 12. juna
letovi između Beograda i Či-
kaga obavljati tri puta nedelj-
no, i to ponedeljkom, sredom
i subotom. Letovi će trajati
oko 11 sati i obavljaće se avi-
onima „erbas A330“ iz dugo-
linijske flote „Er Srbije“. Karte
su u prodaji, po početnoj ce-
ni od 640 evra za povratni let,
sa uključenim svim taksama.
Ako ste, dakle, planirali da u
Čikagu nešto novo saznate,
svakako treba da provedete
dosta vremena u Grant parku:
u ovoj oblasti nalaze se neke
od najposećenijih kulturnih
institucija u gradu, kao što su
Art institut, Planetarijum „Ad-
ler“ i Muzej „Fild“. Ali pre to-
ga započnite krstarenjem
rekom Čikago ili jezerom Mi-
čigen, koje će vam pružiti ne-
zaboravan doživljaj poznatih
nebodera grada kao što su
Vilis i Tribjun tauer. Porodič-
na zabava uključuje okretanje
na panoramskom točku Nej-
vi Pir i fotografisanje skajlaj-
na Čikaga sa vašim odrazom
u skulpturi u obliku pasulja u
Foto: Depositphotos

Milenijumskom parku. Čitajte

dalje, mi vam predstavljamo
tek neke od mnogih atrakcija
Vetrovitog grada...

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

travel Čikago / Chicago
smart od Beograda:
from Belgrade: 11 h

We‘re flying to
Chicago from
Chicago has everything you'd
expect of a major city: world-c-
lass museums, vibrant shop-
ping districts and ample nigh-
tlife venues, to name just a few.
Good news? Air Serbia will la-
unch direct flights between Bel-
grade and Chicago starting on
17th May 2023, thus continui-
ng to expand its operations on
the U.S. market. Until 11th Ju-
ne, flights will be operated twi-
ce a week, on Wednesdays and
Saturdays, while as of 12th Ju-
ne, Belgrade-Chicago flights wi-
ll operate three times a week,
on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Saturdays. Flights will last
approximately 11 hours and wi-
ll operate using Airbus A330
aircraft from Air Serbia’s long-
Foto: Profimedia / "David R. Frazier Photolibrary, Inc. / Alamy

haul fleet. Tickets are available

Do 11. juna letovi će for purchase at the starting pri-
se obavljati dva puta
nedeljno, dok će od ce of 640 euros for a round trip,
12. juna „Er Srbija“ with all taxes included. If you
leteti tri puta plan to travel to Chicago to le-
Until 11th June, flights
will operate twice a
arn, be sure to spend plenty of
week, while from 12th time in Grant Park: this area
June, Air Serbia will fly is home to some of the city's
three times a week
most-visited cultural instituti-
ons, such as the Art Institute of
Chicago, the Adler Planetarium
and the Field Museum. But you
should start with a boat cruise
along the Chicago River or aro-
und Lake Michigan, which can
provide you with background
on Chicago's famous skyscra-
pers, like the Willis and Tribune
Tower. Family-friendly fun inc-
Foto: Profimedia / Amanda Hall / robertharding

ludes a spin around the Navy

Pier Ferris wheel and taking pi-
ctures of the Chicago skyli-
ne with your reflection in Cloud
Gate, the bean-shaped sculptu-
re in Millennium Park. Read on
to check out our mini selection
of Chicago’s many attractions…

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

Foto: Profimedia / Kevin C Moore / ImageSource
Milenijumski park ki institut je domaćin izložbi Millennium Park
Prva poseta Čikagu nije pot- koje pokrivaju različite teme A first-time visit to Chica-
puna bez zaustavljanja u Mi- i prikazuju raznoliku lepezu go isn't complete witho-
lenijumskom parku. Ovaj umetnika i žanrova. ut a stop at Millennium Park.
prostor od 25 hektara koristi This 25-acre space is used to
se za izlaganje savremene Nebeska platforma showcase cutting-edge art, ar-
umetnosti, arhitekture i pej- Više od 1,7 miliona ljudi sva- chitecture and landscaping;
zaža; takođe služi kao kulisa ke godine dođe do Vilis kule it also acts as a backdrop for
za koncerte i festivale. Veći- i lako je shvatiti zašto. Zau- concerts and festivals. Most
na posetilaca dolazi u Mile- zimajući 103. od 110 spra- visitors come to Millennium
nijumski park da vidi Krun- tova (treća najviša zgrada Park to see the Crown Foun-
sku fontanu i Oblak kapiju, u Severnoj Americi), „Skaj- tain and Cloud Gate, better
poznatiju kao „Pasulj“. dek Čikago“ može se pohva- known as "The Bean". There
Postoji još mnogo drugih ra- liti predivnim pogledom na are plenty of other reasons to
zloga da posetite Milenijum- grad. Posetite je po sunča- visit Millennium Park: you can
ski park: možete odsluša- nom danu i možda ćete mo- attend a concert at the Jay
ti koncert u paviljonu Džeja ći da vidite daleko izvan Pritzker Pavilion, stroll throu-
Prikera, prošetati vrtom Luri, granica Čikaga do Indija- gh the Lurie Garden or the Bo-
ili Boing galerijama (gde su ne, Mičigena i Viskonsina. eing Galleries (where contem-
skulpture izložene na otvo- Vrhunac za većinu poseti- porary sculpture is displayed
renom), ili iznajmite bicikl. U laca je Ledž, koji se prote- outdoors), or rent a bike. Du-
zimskom periodu posetioci že malo više od metra izvan ring the winter months, vi-
mogu da uživaju i na klizali- zgrade. Ova platforma je u sitors can enjoy Millennium
štu Milenijumskog parka. potpunosti napravljena od Park’s ice rink.
stakla, čak i pod.
Umetnički institut Art Institute
Dom jedne od najimpresivni- Plaža Severna avenija Home to one of America’s
jih kolekcija impresionistič- Smeštena u Linkoln parku most impressive collecti-
ke (Van Gog, Mone, Reno- na jezeru Mičigen, peščana ons of impressionism (Van
ar...) i postimpresionističke plaža Severna avenija jedno Gogh, Monet, Renoir et al) and
umetnosti u zemlji, ekspan- je od najpopularnijih mesta post-impressionist art, the
zivni Institut umetnosti u Či- za kupanje u Čikagu. Osim expansive Art Institute of Chi-
kagu, u svojoj stalnoj po- toga, nudi spektakularan po- cago has a permanent colle-
stavci sadrži gotovo 300.000 gled na grad i savršeno je ction that features nearly
dela iz celog sveta. Pored mesto za opuštanje, vožnju 300,000 works from all over
stalne kolekcije, Umetnič- biciklom i trčanje. the world. In addition to the

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Nakon više od 30 godina pauze srpska
nacionalna avio-kompanija ponovo
uspostavlja saobraćaj do
Vetrovitog grada
After a pause of more than 30 years, the
Serbian national airline is again starting a
service to the famous Windy City

Veličanstvena milja
Za kupovinu u više od 450 tr-
govina na pešačkoj udalje-
nosti u centru Čikaga, idite
do Veličanstvene milje. Ovaj
deo Mičigen avenije – koji se
proteže između Lejk šor draj-
va i reke Čikago – privlači šo-
pingholičare robnim kućama
i luksuznim prodavcima kao
što su „Blumingdejl“, „Mar-
kus“, „Mejsis“, „Tori Burč“
Foto: Depositphotos

i „Nordstrom“. Pored toga,

dom je nekoliko vrhunskih re-
storana i luksuznih hotela,
uključujući „Drejk“.

permanent collection, the Art North Avenue Beach

Institute also hosts guest ex- Located in Lincoln Park, directly
hibitions covering a variety of on Lake Michigan, North Ave-
subjects and showcasing a nue Beach is one of the most
wide array of artists and gen- popular swimming spots in
res. Chicago. It also offers specta-
cular views of the city’s skyline,
Skydeck Chicago while this beach is also a plea-
More than 1.7 million peo- sant spot that’s perfect for re-
ple make their way to Willis laxing, cycling and running.
Tower's Skydeck Chicago ea-
ch year, and it's easy to see The Magnificent Mile
why. Occupying the 103rd flo- For shopping with more than
or of the 110-storey Willis 450 retailers located within ea-
Tower (the third-tallest buil- sy walking distance in down-
ding in North America), Sky- town Chicago, be sure to he-
deck Chicago offers breath-ta- ad for The Magnificent Mile.
king views of the city. Visit on This portion of Michigan Ave-
a sunny day and you may be nue – extending between La-
able to see far beyond Chica- ke Shore Drive and the Chicago
go's borders to the neighbo- River – beckons to shopaho-
Foto: Profimedia / imagebroker/Michael Weber

uring states of Indiana, Mic- lics with its department sto-

higan and Wisconsin, as well res and luxury retailers like Blo-
as other parts of Illinois. The omingdale's, Marcus, Macy's,
highlight for most visitors is Tory Burch and Nordstrom. The
the Ledge. Extending 4.3 feet Magnificent Mile is also ho-
beyond the building's exterior, me to several top-notch eate-
this platform - even the floor - ries and luxury hotels, including
is made entirely of glass. The Drake.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 21

Famous Chicago Foods
More excited about Chicago’s di-
ning opportunities than its histo-

Foto: Profimedia / Brent Hofacker / Alamy

ric architecture tour? If so, you’re
Prvi brauni na svetu not alone! As any local will tell you,
Dobre vesti: možete zahvaliti Chicago deep-dish pizza or Chica-
Čikagu za braunije. Berta Pal- go-style hot dogs simply don’t taste
mer, supruga milionera hote- right anywhere else.
lijera Potera Palmera, prvi put 1. Deep Dish Chicago-Style Pizza
je napravile ove čokoladne Commonly called Chicago-style piz-
kocke u Palmer Hausu u Či- za, deep dish pizza may be the most
kagu, baš na vreme za njihov famous of all Chicago foods, whi-
debi na Svetskoj izložbi 1893. ch is no surprise given that it comes
Čuveni čikaški specijaliteti from a city that’s literally named af-
Da li ste više uzbuđeni zbog to- ter onions and garlic. Baked in a
ga šta ćete probati u Čikagu nego deep pan, the crust has a distincti-
zbog istorije ili arhitekture? Niste ve high edge that surrounds genero-
jedini! Kao što će vam reći sva- us amounts of cheese and chunky
ki meštanin, čikaški hotdogovi i pi- tomato sauce. Head straight for the
ce jednostavno nemaju pravi ukus source and try the popular Chicago
nigde drugde na svetu. dishes at Giordano’s, one of the ci-
1. Pica u čikaškom stilu ty’s best-known pizzerias.
Uobičajeno nazvana pica u čikaš- 2. Italian Beef Sandwich
kom stilu najpoznatija je od svih Okay, the sandwich itself isn’t Ita-
čikaških specijaliteta. Pečena u lian—but the name honours its cha-
dubokoj posudi, kora ima karakte- racteristic Italian-style roll and sweet
rističnu visoku ivicu koja okružuje green pepper garnish. The beef is
izdašne količine sira i paradajz-so- thin-cut sirloin, roasted in broth and
sa. Krenite pravo ka izvoru i probaj- spices to create that famous gravy.
te ovo popularno jelo u restoranu You can grab an Italian beef sandwi-
„Đordano“, jednom od najpoznati- ch just about anywhere in Chicago,
jih u gradu. from hot dog stands and baseball
Foto: Profimedia / František Provazník / Ifood SM

2. Italijanski sendvič sa govedinom stadiums, to upscale restaurants.

U redu, sendvič sam po sebi ni- 3. Hot Dog
je italijanski, ali ime odaje čast nje- A Chicago Hot Dog is absolutely
govoj karakterističnoj rolnici u ita- distinct from a mere “hot dog”. It
lijanskom stilu i ukrasu od slatkog requires a water-bathed Vienna beef
zelenog bibera. Govedina je tan- hot dog, poppy seed bun, mustard,
ko rezana i pečena u bujonu i zači- sweet green relish, chopped onions,
nima da bi se stvorila ona čuvena hot peppers, tomato slices, dill pic-
moča – grejvi. Možete da ga nađe- kles, and a pinch of celery salt. It do-
te bilo gde u Čikagu, od štandova i esn’t require ketchup.
World’s First Brownie bejzbol stadiona do vrhunskih re-
Good news: you can thank storana.
Foto: Profimedia / Brent Hofacker / Alamy

Chicago for the brownie. It 3. Hotdog

was Bertha Palmer, the wife of Čikaški hotdog je potpuno različit
millionaire hotelier Potter Pal- od običnog. Za to su potrebni kuva-
mer, who cooked up the fud- na bečka viršla od govedine, lepinja
gy squares for the first time at posuta makom, senf, slatki zeleni
Chicago’s Palmer House, just dresing, seckani luk, ljuta paprika,
in time for their debut at the kriške paradajza, kiseli krastavci i
1893 World’s Exposition. prstohvat soli od celera. Ne zahte-
va kečap!

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

intervju Interview

I n t e r v j u : M a j k Va j t, Be l i l o t o s za uzgoj bosiljka. Pomislio sam:

„To je dobra ideja“. Preljuba, sek-

Sicilijanska tradicija sualna politika i davanje tim te-

mama neke vrste operskog efek-

kao umetnička
ta – pojačana seksualno-panična
vibracija. Počeo sam da generišem
ideje o muškaracima i ženama, te

inspiracija njihovim veoma različitim očeki-

vanjima od veze.
O povratku dobitnice
Emija Dženifer Kulidž…
Nisam želeo da se ponavljam u drugoj sezoni, osećao – Dženifer je moja prijatelji-
sam da treba da promenim način na koji gradim ca i ona je jedan od razloga što
likove, želeo sam da izgledaju malo prirodnije sam napisao prvu sezonu. Ljudi
su zaista sjajno reagovali na njenu
ulogu i rekao sam – ako idemo u
„Beli lotos“ prati ra- komuniciram sa ekipom. (smeh) Italiju, moram da dovedem Dže-
zličite goste hotela u to- Videli smo mnogo nekretnina u nifer. Zaista, jednostavno je obo-
ku nedelju dana, dok se iz da- Francuskoj i Italiji, ali kada smo žavam. Ima tako zabavnu energiju
na u dan pojavljuje sve mračnija otišli u San Domeniko u Taormi- na snimanju, da ne spominjem to
strana savršenih putnika, osoblja ni, na Siciliji, rekao sam – to je da je sjajna glumica. Mada, uglav-
hotela i tog idiličnog mesta. Ovo- to. Odatle možete da vidite kla- nom sam želeo da je vidim na ves-
ga puta radnja se odvija na Siciliji, sične italijanske vile koje se nala- pi. (smeh) Želeo sam je u haljini
gde „Beli lotos“ dočekuje dva pa- ze na obali, grčko pozorište, pla- iz šezdesetih, sa šalom na glavi,
ra koji pokušavaju da odluče jesu nine iza sebe, Jonsko more pred naočarima za sunce — vrhunska
li prijatelji ili srdačni neprijatelji, sobom. Pomislio sam: „Ako ide- gej ikona. Pitao sam je: „Ako ide-
tri generacije italijansko-američke te u Evropu, ovo je pogled koji mo u Italiju, šta želiš da radiš?“,
porodice koja istražuje svoje sicili- želite“, a i hotel koji je preuređe- a ona je odmah odgovorila: „Sa-
janske korene i VIP gošću (dobit- ni manastir takođe je imao pra- mo želim da budem na jednoj od
nica Emija Dženifer Kulidž), koja vu atmosferu. Postojao je bogat, onih vespi dok mi zgodni Italija-
putuje s mužem (i pomoćnicom). dramatičan potencijal koji me je ni pale cigaretu“.
Iza kulisa profesionalni, ali besni veoma uzbudio. O muškarcima…
menadžer hotela pokušava da za- O korišćenju lokalne tra- – U drugoj sezoni sam po-
drži van svoje luksuzne građevi- dicije kao umetničke in- sebno želeo da istražim seksual-
ne dva mlada meštanina koji bi, spiracije… ne teme kroz prizmu muške hete-
svaki na svoj način, da napredu- – Postoje ove keramičke glave roseksualnosti. Mislio sam da bi
ju u društvu. „Teste di Moro“ svuda na Siciliji bilo interesantno da tri generaci-
Druga sezona nagrađivane (Glava Maora). Pozadina i inspi- je muškaraca putuju zajedno i da
HBO serije prikazuje se na HBO racija za ovu umetnost je u osno- se stariji muškarci bore sa činjeni-
Max striming platformi i na HBO vi preljuba. Devojka koja je živela com da su njihovi seksualni nagoni
kanalu, a Majk Vajt, autor ove sjaj- u arapskom okrugu Palerma, Kal- u suštini uništili njihovo nasleđe
ne serije koji je prešao put od pisa- sa, brinula se o biljkama i cveću i porodice: istovremeno, lik unu-
nja nedovoljno cenjenih klasika do na balkonu svoje kuće. Jednom je ka je u fazonu – izvini, ja zapravo
ove mračne satire koja je postala tuda prošao tamnoputi trgovac i nemam seksualni nagon. (smeh)
hit, govori o nekim od najzanimlji- odmah su se zaljubili jedno u dru- O pripovedanju na engle-
vijih momenata tokom snimanja go. Započeli su ljubavnu priču, ko- skom, italijanskom i sici-
i samom procesu stvaranja druge ja je trajala sve dok mlada devoj- lijanskom…
sezone „Belog lotosa“. ka nije otkrila da njen ljubavnik – Sicilijanski je dijalekt koji se
O postavljanju druge se- već ima ženu i decu koji ga čeka- razlikuje od italijanskog. Izabrali
zone na Siciliju… ju u domovini. Jedne noći, dok smo neke glumce koji govore itali-
– Ne govorim italijanski, ali je spavao, devojka, izluđena lju- janski, ali je trebalo da budu Sici-
govorim malo francuski i u počet- bomorom, smislila je način da ga lijanci. Imao sam neverovatnu asi-
ku sam želeo da uradim drugu se- natera da ostane sa njom zauvek. stentkinju po imenu Kjara, koja je
zonu u Francuskoj jer sam mislio Ne trepnuvši, odsekla mu je glavu odrasla na Floridi, ali je Sicilijan-
da je zabavno to što ću moći da i odlučila da je iskoristi kao vazu ka i govori italijanski, sicilijanski

24 | Beli lotos » The white lotus

Prva sezona, čija se radnja odvija na Season one, which was set in Hawaii,
Havajima, osvojila je 10 nagrada od 20 won 10 awards from 20 Emmy
Emi nominacija u 13 kategorija nominations in 13 categories

i engleski, pa je postala naš pre-

vodilac. Sabrinin lik Valentina –
menadžerka hotela – navodno je
iz Rima, tako da govori italijan-
ski. Lusija i Mia su meštanke, pa
govore sicilijanski, tako da je bilo
mnogo razgovora među glumcima
kako bismo bili sigurni da smo te
detalje tačno razumeli. Biti na se-
tu je bilo tako zabavno. Italijan-
ski glumci su bili sjajni. Deo koji
je zaista težak je montaža jer su
epizode često preduge i moram da
isečem poneku scenu. Mislim, la-
ko je u pogledu onoga što mi se
sviđa, a šta mi se ne sviđa kada
je nešto na engleskom, ali pravim
seriju na italijanskom, pa se ose-
ćam neopterećeno, kao: „Pa sviđa
mi se njen izraz u ovom kadru!“
O uvodnoj špici …
– Palata zaista postoji. Otišao
sam tamo kada sam sam izviđao
teren i zidovi su bili tako dobri. U
naslovima prve sezone imali smo
tu tropsku pozadinu; ovde zidovi
imaju nagoveštaj u sebi i kao, ni-
šta nije baš onako kao što misli-
te. Počinje sa anđelima na plafo-
nu, zatim su tu majmun i čovek,
pa pas koji urinira na pod. Kristo-
bal Tapi de Vera, kompozitor koji
je osvojio Emi za Beli lotos, imao
je ideju da počnemo sa klasičnim
operskim filingom koji nam govo-
ri: „Oh, ovo je nešto sasvim dru-
gačije.“ Onda oko 20 sekundi ču-
jemo staru udicu. To je potpuno
nova verzija partiture. Prva sezona
je bila veoma teška zbog tropske
anksioznosti i ovog puta koristi-
mo neke specifične instrumente
i akcente koji se osećaju više in
situ za Siciliju. Nadam se da ima
dovoljno vezivnog tkiva u odno-
su na prošlu sezonu, ali to je sa-
svim nova iteracija.
Foto: Jason Yokobosky

Stejsi Vilson Hant
Džejson Jokoboski, Profimedia.rs

The white lotus » Beli lotos | 25

i n t e rvj u / I n t e r v i e w

Interview: Mike White, The White Lotus On setting season

two in Sicily…

Sicilian tradition as “I don’t speak Italian, but I do

speak a little French and initially

artistic inspiration
wanted to do season two in France,
because I thought it would be fun to
be able to communicate with the crew
I didn’t want to repeat myself in season two, I felt I [Laughs]. We saw a lot of properties in
France and Italy. Many of them were
should change my approach to how I am writing the small and wouldn’t photograph very
characters and let some of it feel a little more natural well. But when we went to the San
Domenico in Taormina, Sicily, there
The White Lotus fol- rageful hotel manager tries to keep was just something about it. From
lows various hotel guests two young locals out of his luxuri- there, you can see classic Italian vil-
over the course of a week, ous building, both of whom – each las dotting the coastline; the Greek
with each day revealing an ever-dark- in their own way – want to climb the theatre; the mountains are behind
er side of the perfect holidaymakers, social ladder. you; and the Ionian Sea is in front of
hotel staff and the idyllic place itself. Season two of this award-win- you. I thought, ‘If you’re going to Eu-
The story this time unfolds in the set- ning HBO series is being broadcast rope, this is the view that you want.’
ting of Sicily, where the White Lotus on the HBO Max streaming platform And the hotel is also a converted con-
welcomes two couples who are try- and the HBO channel. Here series vent – it had a real vibe. There was
ing to decide whether they’re friends author Mike White, who has gone rich, dramatic potential that got me
or cordial enemies, three generations from writing underappreciated clas- very excited.”
of an Italian-American family who sics to creating this dark satire that’s On using local lore as artis-
are exploring their Sicilian roots, a become a hit, discusses some of the tic inspiration…
VIP guest (Emmy-winner Jennifer most interesting happenings during “There are these ceramic ‘Teste
Coolidge) travelling with her hus- shooting and the actual process of di Moro’ heads everywhere in Sicily
band (and personal assistant). Be- creating this second season of The (“head of the Moor”). The backsto-
hind the scenes, a professional but White Lotus. ry and inspiration for this art is basi-
Foto: Profimedia / Janet Gough / AFF-USA.COM / MEGA / The Mega Agency

Dženifer Kulidž je
moja prijateljica
i ona je jedan od
razloga što sam
napisao prvu
Coolidge…is my
friend and she
was part of the
reason I wrote
season one

26 | Beli lotos » The white lotus

and families, while the grandson char-
acter is more like - ‘I’m sorry, I actu-
ally don’t have a sex drive’.” [Laughs]
On storytelling in English,
Italian and Sicilian…
“Sicilian is a different dialect
from Italian. We cast some actors
who spoke Italian, but they were sup-
posed to be Sicilian. I had an amaz-
ing assistant named Chiara who grew
up in Florida, but she’s Sicilian and
speaks Italian, Sicilian and English,
and she became our translator. Sab-
rina’s character Valentina – the ho-
tel manager – is supposed to be from
Rome, so she speaks Italian. Lucia and
Mia are locals, so they speak Sicilian.
So, there were many conversations
among the actors to make sure we
got those details right. Being on set
was so much fun. The Italian actors
were so great. The part that’s really
Foto: Profimedia / HBO / Hollywood Archive

tricky is the editing, because often

the episodes come in too long and
I have to trim a scene. I’ll ask her,
‘Ok, what are they saying exactly?’ I
think it’s easy to see what I like and
dislike when something is in English.
But making the show in Italian, I feel
unburdened; like, ‘Well, I like her ex-
pression in this take!’”
cally adultery. A girl who lived in the “Jennifer is my friend and she On the opening titles…
Arab district of Palermo, the Kalsa, was part of the reason I wrote sea- “A Palazzo really exists. I went
was taking care of some plants and son one. People really responded to there when I was scouting around on
flowers on the balcony of her house. her performance and I said, ‘If we go my own and the walls were so insane.
Suddenly, a dark-skinned merchant to Italy, I have to bring Jennifer.’ Re- ‘Wouldn’t this be cool for the titles?’
passed by and they immediately fell ally, I just adore her. She has such a In the first season’s titles, we had that
in love with one another. They be- fun energy to have on a shoot, not tropical wallpaper; here, these walls
gan their love story together until the to mention she’s a great actress. I al- have hints in them and like, nothing
young girl discovered that her lover so wanted to see her on that Vespa is exactly what you think. It starts
already had a wife and children wait- [Laughs]. I wanted her in a ‘60s dress, with the celestial angels on the ceiling,
ing for him back in his home coun- scarf on her head, sunglasses— the then it’s the monkey and the man,
try. One night while he slept, the girl, ultimate gay-icon. And actually, all then a dog peeing on the floor. White
crazed with jealousy, thought of a way of this came straight from Jennifer. Lotus Emmy-winning composer Cris-
to make him stay with her forever. I asked her, ‘If we go to Italy, what tobal Tapia de Veer had the idea to
Without blinking an eye, she cut off do you want to do?’ and she’s like, ‘I start with an operatic classical feel
his head and decided to use it as a just want to be on one of those Ves- that tells us, ‘Oh this is a different
vase to grow basil. I thought, ‘That’s pas while hot Italian guys light my show.’ Then, about 20 seconds in,
a cool idea right there!’ Adultery, sex- cigarette’.” we hear the old hook, but it’s a ful-
ual politics and giving those themes On men… ly new version of the score. Season
kind of an operatic feel; a heightened “In season two, I wanted to ex- one was very heavy on tropical anx-
sexual-panic vibe. I started generating plore these themes through the lens iety and this time we’re using some
ideas of men and women and their of male heterosexuality. I thought it specific instruments and accents that
very different expectations for mo- would be interesting to have three feel more in-situ for Sicily. My hope
nogamy and relationships.” generations of men travelling togeth- for the titles and score is that it feels
On the return of Em- er and have the older men grappling like there’s enough connective tis-
my-winner Jennifer with the reality that their sex drives sue to last the season, but it’s a very
Coolidge… have essentially ruined their legacies new iteration.”

28 | Beli lotos » The white lotus



Šta je novo
u decembru?
What’s new in
Otkrijte najlepše jelke, najšarenije božićne lampice, kao i
najbolje božićne markete u Nemačkoj, Americi, Belgiji, Austriji,
Češkoj, Hrvatskoj, Engleskoj i Danskoj. Rezervišite svoj let „Er
Srbijom“ i uživajte! Srećan Božić! / Discover the most beautiful
Christmas trees, the most colourful Christmas lights as well as the
best Christmas markets in Germany, U.S., Belgium, Austria, Czechia,
Croatia, England and Denmark. Book your flight with Air Serbia and
enjoy! Merry Christmas!

30 | U trendingu » Trending
Beč / Vienna
Od 19. novembra do 26. decembra
From 19th November to 26th December

Od sredine novembra do Božića najlepši tr-

govi u Beču se pretvaraju u magične božićne
pijace. Aroma božićnih pekarskih proizvo-
da i vrućeg punča stvaraju divnu prazničnu
atmosferu. Jedna od najpoznatijih božićnih
pijaca je tradicionalna „Bečka čarolija adven-

Foto: Depositphotos / Ivan Yohan

ta“, koja pretvara Trg ispred Gradske kuće u
blistavu zemlju bajke. Očekuju vas božićni po-
kloni, ukrasi za jelke, slatkiši, kao i vrteška i za-
bavne božićne radionice za decu. Drveće
okolnog parka svečano je okićeno i zrači kao
more svetlosti... Bečko iskustvo koje definitiv-
no nećete želeti da propustite!

Brisel / Brussels
Od 25. novembra do 1. januara
From 25th November to 1st January

Sa svojih 2,5 miliona posetilaca „Vinter Vonders“ je nezaobilazna manifestaci-

ja na kraju godine u Briselu koji se za tu priliku oblači u svoj svečani kostim. Pre-
stonica Evrope takođe je već nekoliko godina jedna od božićnih prestonica. Ti-
movi zaduženi za ovaj događaj svake godine podižu letvicu sve više kako bi
ponudili trenutke čiste magije. Svi klasici su tu: veličanstvene predstave zvu-
ka i svetlosti na „Gran Plasu“, veličanstveno drvo, jasle u prirodnoj veličini, kliza-
lište, magična svetla i mnogobrojne izložbe. Naravno, tu je i neverovatna boži-
ćna pijaca puna blaga koje će oduševiti radoznale i razveseliti nepca gurmana.

With its 2.5 million visitors, Winter Wonders is the unmissable end-of-year event
in Brussels which, for the occasion, dons its festive costume and pulls out all the
stops on the menu. The capital of Europe has also been one of the Christmas
capitals for several years. The teams in charge of this event set the bar high-
er every year to offer you moments of pure magic. The great classics all await
you: magnificent Sound and Light shows at the Grand-Place, a majestic tree, a
life-sized manger, am ice rink, magical lights and many exhibitions. Of course,
amazing Christmas markets bursting with treasures will delight the curious and
titillate gourmets’ taste buds.
Foto: Depositphotos

From mid-November until Christmas, Vienna’s prettiest

squares transform into magical Christmas markets. The
aroma of Christmas bakery goods and hot punch cre-
ates a pre-Christmas atmosphere. One of the most well-
known Christmas Markets is the traditional “Vienna Mag-
Foto: Depositphotos / Natalia Deriabina

ic of Advent”, which turns City Hall Square into a shining

fairy-tale land. Christmas gifts, tree decorations, sweets
and warming drinks await you, as well as a carousel and
craft fun Christmas Workshops for kids. The trees of the
surrounding park are festively decorated and radiate in a
sea of lights . A Viennese experience you’ll definitely not
want to miss!

Trending » U tendingu | 31
Prag / Prague
Od 26. novembra do 6. januara
From 26th November to 6th January

Božićne pijace na trgu u centru Praga najveći su projekat te vrste u Češkoj.

U samom srcu grada nalazi se tradicionalni češki market, gde trgovci na
desetinama drvenih tezgi nude tipične božićne proizvode kao što su tradi-
cionalne češke kugle od duvanog stakla, proizvodi od staklenih perli ili sla-
me, ručno vezeni stolnjaci, drvene igračke... Odrasli će uživati u kuvanom
vinu, a svi gurmani, mladi i stari, u češkim božićnim keksićima, toplim pe-
čenim kestenima, medenjacima ili tipičnim češkim kobasicama na žaru.

The Christmas markets on Old Town Square in the centre of Prague are the
biggest project of its kind in the Czech Republic. Set in the very heart of the
city is a traditional Czech marketplace, where, at dozens of wooden stalls,
traders offer typical Christmas goods such as traditional Czech blown

Foto: Depositphotos
glass balls, products made of glass pearls or straw, hand-embroidered ta-
blecloths, wooden toys etc. Grown-ups will enjoy the mulled wine, while all
gourmets, young and old, will enjoy Czech Christmas biscuits, hot roasted
chestnuts, gingerbread biscuits or typical Czech grilled sausages.
Foto: Depositphotos / Thomas Ramsauer

Keln / cologne
Od 21. novembra do 23. decembra
From 21st November to 23rd December

Dugo omiljen kao praznična destinacija, Keln ima nekoliko božićnih Long-beloved as a festive destination, Cologne has several Christmas
pijaca, od kojih je najveća u centru grada, ispod katedrale. „Markt markets, the largest of which is in the city centre, beneath the cathedral.
der Engel“ nudi neke od najmagičnijih trenutaka, sa stotinama sve- Markt der Engel offers some of the most magical moments, with hun-
tlucavih svetala okačenih poput zvezda i anđela koji lebde između dreds of twinkling lights suspended ike stars, and angels flitting between
bogato ukrašenih zabata. Nikolausdorf (selo Svetog Nikole) je na- elaborately decorated gables. Nikolausdorf (Saint Nicholas’s village) is
menjeno deci i priča o pravom Svetom Nikoli, sa Hanenovom kapi- aimed at kids and tells the story of the real St Nick, with the 13thcentu-
jom iz 13. veka koja se veličanstveno nazire u pozadini. Postoje čak i ry Hahnen gate looming majestically in the background. There are even
pijace posvećene mitskim patuljcima i pomorskoj istoriji, zajedno sa markets dedicated to mythical gnomes and to maritime history, com-
piratima. Ako želite nešto malo tradicionalnije, obucite klizaljke i idi- plete with pirates. If you fancy something a little more traditional, put your
te na klizalište na otvorenom na Heumarktu. skates on and head to the outdoor ice rink on Heumarkt.

32 | U trendingu » Trending


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Foto: Depositphotos / Rui Baião

Kopenhagen / Copenhagen
Od 18. novembra do 1. januara
From 18th November to 1st January

Pijace u Kopenhagenu pulsiraju prazničnom radošću, dok jelke, The markets of Copenhagen pulsate with festive joy as Christmas
ukrasi i svetla dodaju sve sezonske boje tezgama na kojima se trees, decorations and lights add their patchwork of seasonal col-
prodaju drvene igračke, keramika, ukrasi i trikotaža. U centru gra- our, alongside market stalls selling wooden toys, ceramics, decora-
da se nalazi nekoliko marketa, ali Božićna pijaca u vrtovima Tivoli tions and knitwear. The city centre is home to several markets, but it’s
je srce Kopenhagena (neki ipak tvrde da je Nihavn prava božićna the one at Tivoli Gardens that is Copenhagen’s beating heart (oth-
zvezda). U večernjoj tami vrti se panoramski točak, na drveću ers claim Nyhavn as the Christmas star). A Ferris wheel spins in the
bez lišća ogrnuta su vilinska svetla, dok klizalište privlači avantu- evening darkness, fairy lights are draped on leafless trees, while an
riste. Dodajte ovome prepečene arome karamelizovanih bade- ice rink attracts the adventurous. Add to this the toasty aromas of
ma i miris kuvanog vina natopljenog cimetom i naći ćete se usred caramelised almonds and the fragrant scent of cinnamon-infused
prave božićne radosti. mulled wine and you’ll find yourself in the midst of Christmas joy.

Zagreb / zagreb
Od 26. novembra do 6. januara
From 26th November to 6th January

Adventski zagrebački božićni sajam vraća nas u de-

tinjstvo: zgrabite svoju omiljenu igračku i otputujte
u neka druga vremena! Topla svetla daju osećaj do-
brodošlice, a ruke su tople na šoljici kuvanog vina ili
tople čokolade. Praznična atmosfera, široka ponu-
da, raznovrsni prateći sadržaji i gostoprimljivi me-
štani koji ovo magično doba godine koriste da svoj
grad predstave u punom sjaju. Ove godine Advent
nas vraća u detinjstvo kroz ponovni susret sa našim
najdražim drugarima iz detinjstva – igračkama.

Advent Zagreb Christmas Market takes us back to

Foto: Profimedia / Zvonimir Atletic / Panthermedia

our childhood: Grab your favourite toy and travel to

some other times! Warm lights provide a welcoming
feeling and hands are warm on a cup of mulled wine
or hot chocolate. An unsurpassed atmosphere, wide
offer, various accompanying facilities and hospita-
ble locals who use this magical time of year to pres-
ent their city in full glory. This year, Advent takes us
back to childhood through a reunion with our dearest
childhood friends: toys.

34 | U trendingu » Trending
Kultura Culture

VR s p e k ta k l B l a n k e L i kompanija“. Ipak, čini se da je najdalje otišla Blan-

ka Li, koreografkinja koje je 2010. gostovala na Be-

ogradskom festivalu igre sa čudesnim „Vrtom uživa-
Nije zato neobično da je upravo Aja Jung, umet-
nička direktorka Beogradskog festivala igre, vraća u
Beograd sa komadom koji podjedako pripada svetu
igre, pozorišta, filma, mode, dizajna, animacije…
– Sećam se da se i pre 12 godina govorilo o ne-
dodirljivoj zvezdi u svetu umetničke igre koja je radi-
la za Pedra Almodovara, Parisku operu, Pola Makar-
tnija, Bijonse, Diora, Metropoliten operu… Takođe
se sećam da tehnička realizacija komada nije bila ni-
malo jednostavna, ali da je efekat bio – neponovljiv!
I eto, nedavno je Blanka Li postala članica Francuske
akademije umetnosti, prva iz sveta umetničke igre
nakon slavnog Jiržija Kilijana. U godinama kada Be-
ogradski festival igre ima sve manje pozorišnih scena
za izvođenje programa, „Pariski bal“ će nam otkriti
jedan nov prostor. Bioskop „Balkan“ je sa nama po-

u Beogradu
delio ovu avanturu, pa će se tako uskoro naći na spi-
sku najboljih svetskih pozorišta koje ova virtuelna
magija trenutno ispunjava – kaže Aja Jung.
Svojom novom kreacijom Blanka Li poziva publi-
ku na veličanstven „Pariski bal“, koji traje oko 60 mi-
nuta, od čega se 35 minuta provodi u virtuelnoj real-
Čuvena španska nosti, doživljaj dizajniran sa ciljem da proširi granice
umetnica šalje realnog i virtuelnog sveta kroz muziku i igru. Publika
pozivnicu za prati ljubavnu priču kroz različite slike iz virtuelne
najveći bal u palete: balska sala, prelep vrt i ekskluzivan noćni pri-
Parizu. Muzika zor. Svako je u mogućnosti da izabere svog avatara,
igrači vode publiku kroz prostor kako niko ne bi iz-
Foto: profimedia / Laurent VU / Sipa Press

i igra spajaju se
sa virtuelnom gubio deo scenarija, ali je svako slobodan da na svoj
način uživa u zabavi.
stvarnošću, a
Kostime, obogaćene živim i animiranim šarama,
publika je pozvana dizajnirao je kreativni tim „Šanela“ u saradnji sa Vin-
da uživo učestvuje sentom Šazalom. Kostimi se razvijaju sa estetikom
u interakciji sa svakog čina doprinoseći sveukupnoj harmoniji dela:
plesačima crno-belo na početku prvog čina, cvetno i organsko
u drugom, pretežno crveno i zeleno u poslednjem či-
nu. Pa za početak pitamo Blanku Li kako je došlo do
ove saradnje…
– Od početka mi je bilo na umu to da kostimi bu-

du nesvakidašnji, neverovatni i moderni, imajući u
ini se da čak i najtradicionalnije umetnič- vidu činjenicu da virtuelni svet nudi mnogo više slo-
ke forme ne mogu da izbegnu uticaj no- bode nego realni. A „Šanel“... Zna se kakvo je to ime!
vih tehnologija, a pozorište, umetnička I meni je, naravno, važno što je ta velika modna kuća
igra i druge izvođačke umetnosti postaju prihvatila da se uključi u ovaj projekt. Mnogo divnih
ona vrsta platforme koja je najotvorenija haljina i kostima inspirisano je njihovom kolekcijom
da prihvati nove oblike izražavanja. visoke mode, a za ovo veče svaki gost može sam sebi
Mogućnost eksperimentisanja sa novim tipovi- da izabere izgled. Za to mu je potreban tek mali do-
ma narativa, kao i nova interaktivnost sa publikom dir prsta kojim će pokazati šta je odabrao.
daju zanimljive rezultate u ozbiljnim pozorišnim sre- „Pariski bal“ je prva predstava u kojoj se
dinama poput drsko razigrane virtuelne adaptacije paralelno dešavaju živa i virtuelna stvar-
„Sna letnje noći“ koju izvodi „Kraljevska Šekspirova nost. Kako je izgledao taj proces?

36 | Scena » Scene
– Ovo je priča o Adel, mladoj ženi koja se vra- svoj univerzum kroz saradnje sa divnim umetnicima,
ća u Pariz nakon putovanja oko sveta. Tokom zaba- koji takođe hrane moje stvaralaštvo.
ve u njenu čast ona se sreće sa Pjerom, svojim bivšim Gledaoci se podstiču da komuniciraju sa
ljubavnikom, za koga se nadala da ga je zaboravila. izvođačima uživo i da sami postanu izvođa-
Sa mnogo obrta koji se dešavaju tokom tri čina bivši či. Šta se time postiže?
ljubavnici će se prvo sukobiti, a potom – ponovo za- – „Pariski bal“ je predstava čiji je veoma važan as-
ljubiti. Takva predstava je, međutim, nastala iz mo- pekt slavlje u kome učestvuje i publika. Upravo sam
je želje da napravim interaktivni komad u kome su želela da se gledaoci dobro zabave, da skoro zabora-
tela publike i igrača prisutna. Pozvani smo na veliki ve da su u virtuelnom svetu, da se osećaju kao da su
bal koji se odvija u fantastičnom univerzumu u kome na istinskoj žurki, gde se sve vreme igra. Publika je
učesnici nose maske i kostime. To je svet u kome mo- ovde deo priče, posetioci postaju likovi i učestvuju u
žete međusobno da komunicirate i da se zabavljate. narativu.
Ali uloga nas umetnika je i da izmišljamo budućnost. Da li se radujete ponovnom susretu s Beo-
Ovo što sam radila bilo je teško, ali se nadam da će za gradom?
dve godine verovatno sve biti jednostavnije. – Veoma sam srećna što se vraćam u Beograd i
Koliko vam je kao koreografu bilo teško da što mogu da sa vama podelim ovo iskustvo. Puštam
se prilagodite virtuelnom konceptu? vas da otkrijete bal, ali bez otkrivanja tajni unapred.
– VR snimanje pokreta igraču omogućava da se Da, doći ću u Beograd, jer vaš festival je jedna važna
kreće na način koji ponekad izgleda natprirodno, do- stanica u radu svakog koreografa.
nosi mnogo novih mogućnosti u koreografiji sa koji-
ma sam se zabavljala. Zapravo, tretirala sam različite
aspekte ove predstave na isti način na koji obično ra-
dim kada pravim predstavu. Ovog puta umesto da se
dešava na sceni, odvija se u virtuelnom svetu. Od po-
četka svoje karijere, ja sam pravila predstave u koji- Jelena Pantović
ma se prepliću različite discipline. Volim da kreiram Fotografije/Photography:
bez granica između umetničkih formi. Stvorila sam Profimedia.rs
Foto: Cacahuète

Scene » Scena | 37
Ku lt u r a / Cu lt ur e

B l a n c a L i ’ s VR s p e c ta c l e And voila, Blanca Li recently became a member of

Le Bal de Paris
the French Academy of Fine Arts, the first from the
world of artistic dance to do so since the celebrated
Jiří Kylián. In years when the Belgrade Dance Fes-

in Belgrade tival has ever-fewer theatre stages for performing

the programme, Le Bal de Paris will reveal a new
space to us. Cinema Balkan has shared this adven-
This celebrated Spanish artist invites ture with us, so it will soon find itself on the list of
the world’s best theatres currently being filled by
you to the greatest ball in Paris. this virtual magic,” says Aja Jung.
Music and dance are fused with With her new creation, Blanca Li invites the au-
virtual reality, and the audience is dience to a magnificent “Paris Ball” that lasts for ap-
invited to participate by interacting proximately 60 minutes, including 35 minutes spent
with the dancers live in virtual reality, as an experience designed with the
aim of expanding the boundaries of the real and vir-
tual worlds through music and dance. The audience
follows a love story through different images from
the virtual palette: a ballroom, a beautiful garden
and an exclusive night-time scene. Everyone has the
possibility to choose their own avatar, the dancers
guide the audience through the space, to ensure no
one loses part of the script, but everyone is free to
enjoy the party in their own way.
The costumes, which are enriched with lively
and animated patterns, were designed by the crea-
Foto: Ruven Afanadori

tive team of Chanel in collaboration with Vincent

Chazal. The costumes develop to match the aes-
thetics of each act, thus contributing to the all-en-
compassing harmony of the piece: black and white

at the start of the first act, floral and organic for
t seems that even the most traditional art the second act, largely red and green for the final
forms are unable to avoid the influence of act. So we begin by asking Blanca what led to this
new technologies, and theatre, artistic dance collaboration...
and other performing arts are coming to rep- - What I had in mind from the beginning was
resent the kind of platform that’s most open that the costumes should be unusual, incredible and
to accepting new forms of expression. modern, considering the fact that the virtual world
Opportunities to experiment with new types offers much more freedom to do that than the re-
of narratives, as well as new interactivity with the al one. And Chanel... Everybody knows what a big
audience, yield interesting results in the milieu of name it is! And of course, it is important to me that
serious theatre, such as the cheekily playful virtual such a great fashion house accepted to get involved
adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream that’s in this project. Countless incredible dresses and cos-
being performed by the Royal Shakespeare Compa- tumes were created, inspired by their haute couture
ny... Still, it seems as though Blanca Li – the cho- collection. Every guest can choose their own outfit
reographer who was a guest of the 2010 Belgrade for the evening. It takes just a small touch of the
Dance Festival with the wonderful Le Jardin des finger to select their chosen outfit.
Délices [Garden of Delights] – has gone the furthest. The show Le Bal de Paris is the first per-
It thus isn’t unusual that the artistic director of formance that includes live action and vir-
the Belgrade Dance Festival, Aja Jung, is actually tual reality in parallel. What was the pro-
bringing her back to Belgrade with a piece that be- cess behind that like?
longs equally to the worlds of dance, theatre, film, - This is the story of Adele, a young woman who
fashion, design, animation... returns to Paris after travelling around the world.
“I remember that back then, 12 years ago, there During a party in her honour, she encounters Pierre,
was also talk of an untouchable star in the world of her former lover, whom she’d hoped she’d forgot-
artistic dance who’d worked for Pedro Almodóvar, ten. With many twists and turns happening over the
the Paris Opera, Paul McCartney, Beyoncé, Dior, course of three acts, the former lovers will first tear
the Metropolitan Opera etc. I also recall that the at each other and then fall in love again. This show,
technical implementation of the piece wasn’t sim- however, arose from my desire to create an interac-
ple at all, but that the effect was – unrepeatable! tive piece in which the bodies of both the audience

38 | Scena » Scene
Ku lt u r a / Cu lt ur e

Predstava je na programu od 8. marta 2023. u bioskopu Balkan, ali ulaznice su, zbog ograničenog broja posetilaca, već u prodaji
The show is on the repertoire of cinema Balkan from 8th March 2023, but tickets have already gone on sale due to the limited number of places available

and the dancers are present. We are invited to a big Are you looking forward to coming back to
ball that takes place in a fantastic universe, where Belgrade and meeting its people again?
the attendees wear masks and costumes. It’s a world - I am very happy to return to Belgrade, and
in which you can communicate with each other and that I can share this experience with you. I’m let-
have fun. But also, we, as artists, have the role of in- ting you discover the ball, but without revealing its
venting the future. What I was doing was difficult, secrets in advance. Yes, I will come to Belgrade, be-
but I hope everything will be simpler in two years. cause your festival is one important station in the
How difficult was it for you, as a choreog- work of every choreographer.
rapher, to adapt to the virtual concept?
- VR motion capture allows the dancer to move in
a way that sometimes seems supernatural; it brings
a lot of new possibilities to choreography that I had
fun with. I actually treated different aspects of this
show in the same way that I usually work when cre-
ating a performance. Only this time it takes place in
a virtual world, instead of being on stage.
I’ve been making shows in which different dis- Pariski bal je osvojio
ciplines intertwine since the beginning of my ca- nagradu za najbolje
VR iskustvo na 78.
reer. I love to create without boundaries between art
forms. I created my universe through collaborations
with wonderful artists who also feed my creativity. međunarodnom
filmskom festivalu u
The audience is encouraged to interact
with the dancers and become performers
themselves. What does that achieve? Veneciji
Le Bal de Paris won the
- Le Bal de Paris is a show in which celebration
represents a very important aspect, and in which the
audience also participates. I just wanted the audi-
ence to have a good time, and to almost forget that
Leone d’Oro award for best
they are in a virtual world, to feel like it’s a real par- VR experience at the 78th
ty where you dance all the time. The audience is a
part of the story here; they become characters and
Venice International Film
participate in the narrative. Festival
40 | Scena » Scene
Kultura Culture

42 | Strip » Comics
S t i g a o j e BRZRKR

Besmrtni ratnik
koji se bori
kroz vekove
Prvi broj strip-serijala „Rat bez
kraja, čovek bez granica“, čiji je
tvorac i koscenarista Kijanu Rivs,
najprodavaniji je originalni strip u
21. veku

ovek poznat kao B. napola je smrtnik, na-
pola bog, proklet i prinuđen na nasilje.
Nakon što je vekovima lutao svetom, B. je
možda konačno pronašao utočište – rad za
vladu SAD, za koju se bori u bitkama pre-
više opasnim i previše nasilnim za bilo koga drugog.
U zamenu za to B. će dobiti jedino što želi – istinu o
svom beskrajnom, krvlju natopljenom životu... I ka-
ko da ga okonča...
B. je zapravo kraće od Brzrkr, to jest strip ime za
filmskog junaka – Kijanua Rivsa! Poznat po filmovima
„Džon Vik“ i „Matriks“, glumac je debitovao u pisanju
scenarija za strip zajedno sa koscenaristom „Njujork prijatelja golim rukama, često veoma krvavih, odmah
tajmsove“ liste bestselera Metom Kajndom i poznatim nude uvid u to šta sve glavni junak može. Da, neuništiv
crtačem Ronom Garnijem („Vulverin“, „Kapetan Ame- je i nekontrolisan u akciji. Otud i referenca na berzer-
rika“) u surovo nasilnom novom serijalu od 12 nasta- kere iz staronordijske mitologije. Neki autori sugerišu
vaka o besmrtnom ratniku koji se bori kroz vekove. da su ovi ratnici crpili svoju moć od medveda, a u bor-
BRZRKR je najskuplji strip na platformi „Kikstarter“, bi bili podložni napadima ludila. Zavijali bi kao divlje
kao i najprodavaniji originalni strip-serijal u posled- zveri, penili i grizli te, navodno, bili imuni na čelik i
njih 25 godina. Kada je objavljen pre nekoliko mese- vatru. Kada bi groznica popustila, postajali su pitomi
ci, za samo tri dana prodat je u 650.000 primeraka. i tako opstajali u nordijskim sagama, a sada i u stripu.
– Stvaranje i učestvovanje u pisanju stripa BRZRKR Pre nego što je objavljen prvi broj, već je obeloda-
bilo je veoma uzbudljivo iskustvo, budući da oboža- Proklet sam i njeno da će serijal biti ekranizovan na „Netfliksu“, i to
primoran sam
vam stripove još od detinjstva. Stripovi su imali znača- da stalno budem sa Rivsom u glavnoj ulozi, a uporedo se radi na anime
neumirući vesnik
jan umetnički uticaj tokom cele moje karijere. Kreira- smrti, kaže Rivs verziji baziranoj na stripu. Boja se nije ni osušila, a tu
li smo 12 nastavaka o besmrtnom čoveku sa ukletom I’m cursed and su već dve ekranizacije, pa nema sumnje da će slediti
moći koja ga gura u nasilje, dok on traga za smislom forced to constantly video-igrice i spinofovi. Prva zemlja van Amerike ko-
be an undying
u haosu koji ga okružuje. A nasilje? Proklet sam i pri- herald of death, ja je otkupila prava na ovaj serijal bila je Srbija, a prvi
moran sam da stalno budem neumirući vesnik smrti says Reeves broj stripa u izdanju izdavačke kuće „System Comics“
– kaže Rivs, čiji lik nosi glavni junak B. predstavljen je na nedavno održanom Sajmu knjiga.
Kako čovek o čijem privatnom životu bukvalno Kijanu Rivs je još jednom pokazao da se sve što
kruže urbane legende, džentlmen Holivuda, onaj ko- dotakne pretvara u zlato, ali i zapušio usta svima ko-
ji se odriče honorara, misli na manje blagoslovene, je- ji govore da su štampanim stripovima odbrojani da-
de na stepenicama i vozi se metroom uspeva da tako ni, jer BRZRKR se prodaje kao lud!
uverljivo iznese priče u kojima je, iako motivisano do-
brim, nasilje prvi i osnovni motiv? Možda baš zbog te
kontradikcije savršenog lica koje se izučava kao primer Tekst/Words:
za proporciju i lepotu i toga što mu dobro stoji kad po- Jelena Pantović
bije hiljadu negativaca bez kapi znoja. Fotografije/Photography:
Šta god da je razlog, Kijanu ni u stripu nije razo- System comics, Profimedia.rs
čarao. Skok u borbu i serija munjevitih egzekucija ne-

Comics » Strip | 43
Ku lt u r a / Cu lt ur e

BR Z RKR h as a r r i v e d

An immortal warrior
who fights his way
through the ages
The first issue of this comic series,
entitled “War Without End, Man
Without Borders”, which has been
created and co-written by Keanu
Reeves, is the best-selling original
comic of the 21st century

man known only as B. is half-mortal and
half-god, cursed and compelled to violence.
After wandering the world for centuries, B.
may have finally found a refuge – work-
ing for the U.S. government, fighting bat-
tles that are too dangerous and too violent for anyone
else. In return, B. will receive the only thing he desires
– the truth about his endless, blood-soaked life... And
how he can end it.
The name B. is actually short for Brzrkr or the comic
book name of the movie hero that is Keanu Reeves! Best
known for the films John Wick and The Matrix, this actor Whatever the reason, Keanu doesn’t disappoint even
makes his comic book writing debut alongside New York in the comic world. Leaping into battle and making a se-
Times bestselling co-writer Matt Kindt and renowned art- ries of lightning-fast executions of enemies with his bare
ist Ron Garney (Wolverine, Captain America) in this bru- hands, often very bloodily, immediately provide insight
tally violent new 12-issue series about an immortal warri- into what the main character is capable of doing. Yes, he’s
or fighting his way through the ages. BRZRKR is the most indestructible and uncontrollable in action. Hence the ref-
expensive comic ever to appear on the Kickstarter plat- erence to the berserkers of Old Norse mythology. Some
form, but also the best-selling original comic series of the authors have suggested that these warriors drew their
last 25 years. It sold in 650,000 copies over the course of strength from bears and that they had a tendency to ex-
just three days when it was released a few months ago. perience bouts of frenzied madness during battle, literal-
“Creating and participating in the writing of the Kijanu Rivs ly going berserk. They would howl like wild beasts, foam
BRZRKR comic was a very exciting experience, as I’ve been se vraća i u at the mouth and bite, and were purportedly immune
još jednom
a fan of comics since childhood and they had a strong ar- nastavku Džona
to steel and fire. When the frenzy would relent, they be-
tistic influence on my career. We created 12 installments Vika. „Poglavlje came tame and thus persisted in Norse sagas, and now
of the comic series about an immortal man, with a cursed 4“ u bioskopima also in comics.
je od 24. marta
power that pushes him to violence, as he searches for mean- 2023.
Even prior to the release of the first issue, it had already
ing in the chaos that surrounds him. And the violence? Keanu Reeves been announced that the series would be adapted for the
I’m cursed and forced to constantly be an undying her- is also returning screen by Netflix, with Reeves playing the lead role, while
ald of death,” says Reeves, whose likeness is carried by the in the latest work is also underway on an anime series based on the
instalment of the
main character, B. film series John comic. The ink hasn’t even dried on the paper and there’s
How does this man whose private life is literally the Wick. Chapter 4. already confirmation of these two screen adaptations, so
stuff of urban legends, this Hollywood gentleman, who arrives in cinemas there’s no doubt that video games and spinoffs will also
on 24th March
waives his royalties, takes time to think of the less privi- 2023 follow. The first country outside the U.S. to buy the rights
leged, eats while sitting on steps and rides the subway, suc- to this series was Serbia, and the first issue of the Serbian
ceed in convincingly presenting stories in which, despite version of the comic, published by System Comics, was
being motivated by good, violence represents his first and presented at the recent International Belgrade Book Fair.
most basic motive? Perhaps it’s precisely because of that Keanu has once again shown that everything he touch-
contradiction of a perfect face that’s studied as an example es turns to gold, while also shutting up all those who sug-
of proportion and beauty, and the fact that he looks good gest that the days of printed comics are numbered. That’s
when killing a thousand baddies without breaking a sweat. because BRZRKR is selling like hot cakes!

44 | Strip » Comics
Kultura Culture

„Avatar: Put vode“ AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER
Ne p r o p u s t i t e Džejmsa Kamerona by James Cameron
Sam kraj godine rezervisan je za prvi The end of the year has been reserved
U n m i ssa b l e
igrani film Džejmsa Kamerona nakon for the first feature film by James Cam-
13 godina pauze, nastavak najuspeš- eron after a 13-year break: the sequel to

Kulturno nijeg filma svih vremena „Avatar“,

koji je inkasirao impresivnih 2,9 mi-
the highest-grossing film of all time, Av-
atar, which grossed an outstandingly im-

lijardi dolara, što je postavilo visoka pressive $2.9 billion, which has set high
očekivanja za nastavak. Sam za­pl et expectations for the sequel. The Way of
„Puta vode“ nije otkriven, ali se kroz Water’s actual plot hasn’t been revealed,

decembarsko trejler načelno može zaključiti srž pri-

če. Fokus je na porodici Sali, koja se
but it is possible to deduce the essence
of the story through the trailer. The fo-

trudi sa zaštiti svoj narod i planetu od cus is on the members of the Sully fam-
ponovnog napada ljudi. Poput prvog ily, who are trying to protect their peo-
dela, film će metaforično predstav- ple and the planet from another assault

Cultural ljati borbu manjina za jednakost i pro-

tiv nepravde.
by humans. As with the first instalment,
the film metaphorically represents the

Filmska industrija se i struggle of minorities for
dalje nije u potpunosti equality and against in-

oporavila od kovida, justice. The film indus-
te smo ove godine try still hasn’t recovered
imali samo dva filma fully from the pandem-

enjoyment čija je zarada prema-

šila milijardu dolara
ic, and this year we on-
ly had two films with
Foto: Profimedia / Walt Disney Co. / Everett

na globalnom novou global box office tak-

Nema lepšeg perioda godine od – „Top Gan: Maverik“ ings that exceeded the
zime, kad možete da se sakrijete (1,5 milijardi) i „Svet billion-dollar mark: Top
u bioskopu i pozorištu ili samo iz doba Jure: Nad- Gun: Maverick ($1.5 bil-
ušuškate uz toplo vino i neku moć“ (milijardu do- lion) and Jurassic World:
lara). Uzevši u obzir Dominion ($1 billion).
fantastičnu knjigu. Evo nekoliko
da je „20th Centu- Considering that 20th
naših predloga / There’s no better ry Fox“ sada pod okri- Century Fox now oper-
period of the year than winter, when ljem „Diznija“ , jasno ates under the umbrel-
you can “hide away” in the cinema je da je marketinška kampanja dosta la of Disney, it is clear that this film has
or the theatre, or just snuggle up jača i ozbiljnija i zasad se procenju- received a much stronger and more se-
warm with a bottle of wine and a je na impresivnih 300 miliona dola- rious marketing campaign, which is cur-
fantastic book. Here are a few of ra. Iz straha da će „Avatar: Put vode“ rently estimated to have cost an impres-
harati blagajnama barem tri mese- sive 300 million dollars. Fears that Avatar
our suggestions…
ca poput „Spajdermena“ prošle go- will pillage box offices for at least a three-
dine, svi ostali veći projekti koji su bi- month period, much like Spider-Man did
li najavljeni za decembar su odloženi last year, has prompted all other major
za proleće 2023. projects initially announced for release in
Dugo se diskutovalo o tome da li December to be postponed until spring
uopšte postoji interesovanje za jed- 2023. It was long debated whether there
nim, a kamoli za četiri nastavka ovog was even sufficient interest for one se-
filma, koliko ih sprema Kameron, ali quel to this film, let alone four, which is
ako je suditi po reakciji na društvenim how many Cameron is preparing. How-
medijima, „Avatar: Put vode“ bi tre- ever, judging by reactions, it seems as
balo da nadmaši i „Maverika“. Pred though the new Avatar should even out-
domaćom publikom naći će se 15. do Maverick. It will hit Serbian cinema
decembra. screens on 15th December.

46 | Crtice iz kulture » Culture highlights

Real Estate
koncept turizma
na Kopaoniku

Ko pa o n i k k a k av j o š n i k a d a n i s t e v i de l i Nove zvezde su rođene:

Planinski luksuz i nk ARIA

u netaknutoj prirodi Svoje znanje i iskustvo kao investitori „No-

vog Kopaonika“ udružili su:
1. Power West i W.D. Concord West, ko-
Zaboravite sve što ste ma, a idejni tvorci želeli su da srpska ji su lideri u Srbiji u izgradnji stambenih i po-
znali o starom Kopaoniku planina uđe u red najboljih svetskih na- slovnih objekata.
i doživite pravu zimsku cionalnih parkova. Na sunčanoj viso-
ravni južne strane Kopaonika, u idiličnoj 2. Arhitektonski biro Total Design, ko-
bajku u najmodernijem prirodi, na površini od 14 hektara niče ji će ovom projektu dati poseban pečat sa
„Kop Resortu“ novi centar Kopaonika sa novim trgom savremenim dizajnom
pravljenom po uzoru na za muzička i društvena dešavanja. Biće budućeg kompleksa.
vrhunske alpske centre tu otvorenih i zatvorenih bazena, spa
& wellness utočišta, kongresni i šoping 3. MAGNAT Real Estate Investments,
Na nadmorskoj visini od oko centar, akva park, hotel sa pet zvezdi- koji se decenijama bavi razvojem proje-
1.250 metara, tamo gde se sreću listo- ca, trim-staza, vidikovci, restorani, ka- kata u oblasti nepokretnosti, a posebno
padne i zimzelene šume, a priroda bu- fići, zatvoreni sportski centar i tere- posredovanjem u prometu i zakupu ne-
ja u svoj svojoj raskoši, leta su uvek sve- ni na otvorenom, prodavnice, dečja pokretnosti.
ža, a zime bez oštrih mrazeva i magle. igrališta, motorne sanke, ziplajn... Sve
U toj netaknutoj lepoti prirode, atrak- što vam ikada bude zatrebalo na jed- Prva faza podrazumeva izgradnju tri
tivnoj svih 365 dana godišnje, ušuš- nom mestu uz provod tokom cele go- nova objekta: nk AURORA, nk AMBER
kao se „Novi Kopaonik – Kop Resort“ dine. Naravno, skijaši će se najviše i nk ARIA, a druga izgradnju novog tr-
strogo poštujući prirodni rezervat i ur- obradovati izgradnji prve stanice gon- ga za društvena i muzička dešavanja,
banističke uslove. Rizort koji čuva ne- dole na ulazu „Novog Kopaonika“ ko- i dva vrhunska objekta:
taknuti šumski krajolik koji će obogati- ja će spajati „Kop Resort“ sa skijaškim nk EDEN i nk TERRA.
ti najmodernijim sadržajima za boravak stazama. Savršeno mesto za uživanje,
u prirodi. odmor, provod i sportske aktivnosti –
Ideja o privatnom planinskom cen- sve na jednom mestu u raskošnoj, ne-
tru „Novi Kopaonik – Kop Resort“ za- taknutoj prirodi jedne od najlepših srp-
čela se u italijanskim i austrijskim Alpi- skih planina.

Pronađite svoje parče raja

pozovite 064/40-99-333
Promo » Promo | 47
Ku lt u r a / c u lt ur e

„Iz mrtvog ugla“ Ivane Dimić
Pripovedale su se dosad priče iz onostrane perspektive, ali niko u srpskoj književ-
nosti nije izneo svoje viđenje sveta iz preegzistencije, iz ugla još nerođenog ju-
naka, kao što su to u novom romanu Ivane Dimić uradile tri personifikacije jedne
nerođene osobe: Ilija, Drina i Blizanac. Ali „Iz mrtvog ugla“ je daleko od okultnog
trilera ili magičnog realizma. Jedan fantastični obrazac iskoristila je Ivana Dimić
da u svom prepoznatljivom stilu, preplitanjem prozne i dramske forme, duhovito i
povremeno oporo pruži sliku naše današnjice kakvu nam prenose sveznajući pri-
povedači jer ne postoje u pojavnom, realnom okruženju.
From a Blind Spot by Ivana Dimić
There have been stories to date that have been told from an otherworldly perspec-
tive, but no one in Serbian literature has previously presented their vision of the world
of pre-existence, from the perspective of an as-yet-unborn hero, like Ivana Dimić has
done with her new novel, creating three personifications of one unborn character: Ili-
ja, Drina and Blizanac. However, Iz mrtvog ugla is far from an occult thriller or magical
realism. Dimić used a fantastic form to provide, in her distinctive style of intertwining
prose, a witty and on occasion sharp image of our present day as it is conveyed to us
by omniscient narrators, as they do not exist in a real, manifest environment.

„Obscuritas“ „Život na dah“ Ane Grujović

Davida Lagerkranca Roman „Život na dah“ otkriva radostan i ponekad bolan
Proslavljeni autor tri nastavka proces upoznavanja samog sebe posmatran kroz prizmu
bestseler serijala „Milenijum“, ronjenja na dah. Glavna junakinja Una, uspešna poslov-
David Lagerkranc napisao je na žena iz Beograda, vodi naizgled dinamičan i ispunjen ži-
napet roman s fascinantnim li- vot, ali kada je povreda noge primora da miruje, uviđa da je
kovima u svetu u kojem ništa zapravo postala stranac u sopstvenom životu i počinje da
nije onako kako se isprva čini. zaranja u svoje unutarnje biće. Da li će Una tokom zarona
„Obscuritas“, prvi deo novog uspeti da prevaziđe strahove ili će se prepustiti panici, ot-
detektivskog serijala, priča je kriva nam prvi roman Ane Grujović.
koja nas uvlači u najmračnije
dubine ljudskog uma. Ambici- Breat-hold
ozna policajka i tragični genije: living by Ana
neskladni i fascinantni dvojac Grujović
samo zajedno može da unese Život na dah is a novel
svetlost u tamu zločina u kre- that reveals the joyous
šendu napetosti i neočekiva- and occasionally pain-
nih preokreta. „Misterija koju ful process of getting
bi i sam Šerlok Holms voleo da acquainted with one-
reši“, piše „Indipendent“. self as viewed through
the prism of freediving.
The protagonist, Una,
Obscuritas by David Lagercrantz a successful business-
The acclaimed author of three sequels to the bestselling Millennium series, woman from Belgrade,
David Lagercrantz has authored a gripping novel with fascinating characters leads a seemingly dy-
in a world where nothing is quite as it seems. Obscuritas, the first instalment in namic and fulfilling life,
a new detective series, is a story that draws us into the darkest depths of the but when a leg injury forces her to rest, she comes to the re-
human mind. An ambitious policewoman and a tragic genius: an incompati- alisation that she’s actually turned into a stranger in her own
ble and fascinating duo who only together can shed light on the darkness of life and starts delving into her inner being. Will Una manage
a crime in a crescendo of thrilling tension and unexpected twists. “A mystery to overcome her fears during her deep dive, or will she give in
Sherlock Holmes himself would love to solve,” writes The Independent. to panic? All is revealed in Ana Grujović’s debut novel.

48 | Crtice iz kulture » Culture highlights

Ku lt u r a / c u lt ur e

„Tit Andronik“
Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta
U Jugoslovenskom dramskom pozorištu gledaćemo premijeru pred-
stave „Tit Andronik“, koji se smatra prvom tragedijom Vilijama Šek-
spira, a u režiji Andraša Urbana, kome je ovo prva režija u ovoj po-
zorišnoj kući. Reč je o njegovoj najbrutalnijoj i najkrvavijoj drami, za
koju se veruje da je odgovor na tada veoma popularne „tragedije
osvete“, koja ne samo da ih nadilazi nego predstavlja i najavu velikog
Šekspirovog pozorišnog genija. U predstavi igraju Dragan Mićanović,
Anđelika Simić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Goran Šušljik, Jovana Belović i dru-
gi, a dramu je adaptirala Vedrana Božinović.

Foto: Vladimir Popović

„Kompozicija i struktura“
Olge Jevrić
U Galeriji SANU do 11. decembra traje izložba povodom
stogodišnjice rođenja istaknute jugoslovenske i srpske
vajarke Olge Jevrić koja je na jedan smeo način uvela no-
vine u skulptoralnom izrazu okretanjem ka apstraktnoj
formi, uz inovativnu upotrebu nestandardnih materija-
Foto: Profimedia / Heinz-Dieter Falkenstein / imageBROKER

la. Njen opus spada u vrhunske domete naše i evropske

moderne umetnosti druge polovine 20. veka. Publici su
ovom jubilarnom izložbom predstavljena dela iz dva le-
gata umetnice poklonjena SANU i Kući legata u Beogra-
du u svom integralnom obimu. Više od pet decenija plo-
donosnog stvaralaštva Olge Jevrić biće predstavljeno sa
preko 200 njenih dela.


The Gallery of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
is presenting, until 11th December, this exhibition commem-
orating the centenary of the birth of distinguished Yugoslav
TITUS ANDRONICUS by the Yugoslav Drama Theatre and Serbian sculptor Olga Jevrić, who boldly introduced in-
We will watch the Yugoslav Drama Theatre’s premiere of the play Ti- novations to sculptural expression by opting for abstract
tus Andronicus, considered William Shakespeare’s first tragedy, un- forms and the use of non-standard materials. Her oeuvre
der the direction of András Urbán, who is making his directorial de- is among the top and farthest reaching of Serbian and Eu-
but for this theatre. This is Shakespeare’s bloodiest and most brutal ropean modern art from the second half of the 20th cen-
work, which is believed to have been a response to the “revenge tury. This anniversary exhibition presents works from two
tragedies” that were very popular at the time, and which not only endowments that the artist bequeathed to the Serbian
surpassed them, but also served to announce Shakespeare’s great Academy of Sciences and Arts and to Heritage House in
theatrical genius. Starring in this JDP version are Dragan Mićanović, Belgrade, which are presented in their integral scope. The
Anđelika Simić, Bojan Dimitrijević, Goran Šušljik, Jovana Belović and exhibition showcases more than five decades of the fruitful
others, while the drama was adapted by Vedrana Božinović. creative work of Jevrić through over 200 of her works.

50 | Crtice iz kulture » Culture highlights



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Er Srbija vesti Air Serbia news

P u t n i c i vo l e da l e t e sa n a m a

rekordni rezultati
„er srbije“ u oktobru
Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija je tokom oktobra
prevezla više od 250.000 putnika u redovnom i čarter
saobraćaju, što je gotovo dvostruko više u odnosu na U prvih deset
isti mesec 2021. godine meseci, „Er Srbija“
Sa 2.815 obavljenih letova je ostvarujemo tokom 2022. godi- je prevezla više od
tokom oktobra 2022, „Er Sr- ne pokazuju da putnici vole da lete dva miliona putnika,
bija“ se približila svom rezultatu iz
rekordne 2019. godine, kada je u
sa nama. U prvih deset meseci pre-
vezli smo više od dva miliona putni- što je gotovo milion
istom mesecu realizovano 2.907 ka, što je gotovo milion putnika vi- putnika više u
odnosu na isti period
letova. Na čarter-letovima takođe še u odnosu na isti period prošle
je zabeleženo povećanje broja put- godine. Predstojeću zimsku sezo-
nika za 97,6 odsto u odnosu na ok- nu iskoristićemo da osnažimo flotu
i pokrenemo letove do novih desti-
prošle godine
In the first ten months
tobar 2019. godine. Od početka
godine, preko matičnog aerodro- nacija, pružajući našim putnicima
ma u Beogradu i vazdušnih luka u
Nišu i Kraljevu, srpska nacionalna
još veću udobnost i bolju ponudu –
rekao je Boško Rupić, direktor ko-
of this year, Air Serbia
avio-kompanija prevezla je više od mercijale i strategije „Er Srbije“. carried over two million
2.300.000 putnika.
– U svakodnevnom radu teži-
Zimska sezona zvanično je po-
čela krajem oktobra. Kako je ranije
passengers, which is
mo da putnicima pružimo uslugu najavljeno, „Er Srbija“ će 9. decem- almost a million more
zbog koje ćemo uvek biti na prvom
mestu pri izboru avio-kompani-
bra početi da leti u Kinu, a kompa-
nija već planira i nove destinacije o
than in the same
je sa kojom će leteti. Rezultati ko- kojima će uskoro obavestiti javnost. period of last year
52 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Er Srbija prepoznaje potrebe putnika, što pokazuje i izbor najboljih Air Serbia recognises the needs of passengers, as shown by its
svetskih avio-kompanija Skajtreksa, na kojem je osvojila treće selection among the world's best airlines by Skytrex, in which Air
mesto u kategoriji 10 najboljih avio-prevoznika u Evropi Serbia won third place in the category of the 10 best airlines in Europe

Pass e n g e r s e n j o y f ly i n g w i t h u s
the start of this year, the Serbian
national airline has carried over 2.3
Air Serbia achieved million passengers via its Belgra-

record results in October

de hub and airports in Niš and Kra-
“In our day-to-day operations,
Serbia’s national airline carried over 250,000
we are looking to provide the kind
passengers on scheduled and charter flights in October, of service that will make us our pa-
almost twice as many as in October 2021 ssengers’ airline of choice when
they travel. The results we have
With 2,815 flights operated operated 2,907 flights in October. achieved in 2022 show that pas-
in October 2022, Air Serbia is Charter flights also saw a 97.6% sengers enjoy flying with us. In the
fast approaching its results from increase in passenger numbers first ten months of the year, we
the record-setting 2019, when it compared to October 2019. Since carried over two million passen-
gers, almost a million more than in
the same period of last year. We
plan to strengthen our fleet and la-
unch new routes during the upco-
ming winter season, offering our
passengers even greater comfort
and better connectivity,” says Boš-
ko Rupić, Air Serbia General Mana-
ger, Commercial and Strategy.
The winter season officia-
Foto: Depositphotos / Todor Dinchev

lly started at the end of October.

As announced, Air Serbia will start
flying to China on 9th December,
while the company’s latest plan-
ned destinations will also be anno-
unced soon.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija| 53

E r S r b i j a v e st i / A ir S e r b ia n e ws

A n j a T o l o m i r o s t va r u j e s v o j e s n o v e
A n j a T o l o m i r i s r e a l i s i n g h e r d r e ams

„Er Srbija“ je moj prvi i

jedini izbor / Air Serbia is
my first and only choice
Kada je bila tek devojčica, Znate kako će izgledati vaš
Anja Tolomir je mnogo letela, vole- budući posao u „Er Srbiji“?
la avione, ali najviše nasmejane stju- – Budući da je posao kojim ću
ardese, zbog kojih je želela da se što uskoro početi da se bavim zapravo
pre nađe u uniformi kabinske posa- posao za koji sam konkurisala, trudila
de i dočekuje putnike. U aprilu nije bi- sam se da saznam dosta o tome ka-
lo dovoljno mesta, pa nije iz prve us- ko će izgledati. Naravno, svesna sam
pela da uđe u avion, ali jeste postala da ću pravu sliku steći tek kada pr-
hostesa u „Premijum salonu“, a sada vi put sa plavom maramom oko vra-
kreće na obuku za kabinsko osoblje. ta uđem u avion. Verujem da će sva th all the colleagues I’ve so far had an
Anja je primer mlade žene koja ne moja dugogodišnja očekivanja u tom opportunity to work with means that I
odustaje i vrednim radom ispunjava trenutku biti ispunjena. Pretpostav- can always hardly wait to don my uni-
sebi želju da na kraju poleti sa nacio- ljam da neće uvek biti lako, ali dubo- form and start my working day.”
nalnom avio-kompanijom, a mi je na ko u sebi znam da će uvek biti lepo. Despite not succeeding at
početku pitamo zašto je izabrala baš Dan prvog leta spremno čekam, ra- the first attempt, you still
„Er Srbiju“. dujem se obuci i novim izazovima. found your own way to real-
– „Er Srbija“ je bila moj prvi i je- ise your dream?
dini izbor jer za mene posebnu čast When she was just a little “It was in April this year that I
predstavlja to što imam priliku da na girl, Anja Tolomir experienced plenty applied for the call for cabin crew
najlepši način predstavljam svoju dr- of flying and loved planes, but she lo- members, however I didn’t manage
žavu svuda u svetu. Zahvalna sam ved the smiling flight attendants most to achieve my goal at the time. A few
što mi je „Er Srbija“ dala priliku da of all, which kindled her desire to find weeks later, I was called for an inter-
ostvarim snove u državi u kojoj sam herself in a cabin crew uniform, welco- view for another position, which I ac-
odrasla. Za mene je bitno da postoji ming passengers, as soon as possible. cepted without consideration. I first
mogućnost napredovanja, a kompa- There was a lack of available places in had an opportunity to work at the
nija mi to omogućava svakim danom April, so she didn’t succeed in getting sam što mi Belville branch office, and then later
i motiviše me da posao obavljam što aboard a plane initially, but she did be- je „Er Srbija“ at the Premium Lounge at Nikola Tesla
bolje. Takođe, divan odnos sa svim come a hostess of the Premium Loun- dala priliku da Airport. I really fell in love with that job,
ostvarim snove
kolegama sa kojima sam do sada ge, and she’s now embarking on cabin u državi u kojoj but since Air Serbia always offers the
imala priliku da radim čini da uvek crew training. Anja is an example of a sam odrasla possibility to advance, I received an
jedva čekam da mi počne radni dan. resilient young woman who works te- I’m grateful offer to start cabin crew training and
that Air Serbia
Iako iz prvog puta niste uspeli, naciously to realise her own desire to thus realise my dream.”
gave me an
ipak ste našli svoj put ka ostva- ultimately fly with the national airline, opportunity Do you know what your fu-
renju sna? and we start this interview by asking to realise my ture job at Air Serbia will be?
– U aprilu ove godine sam se pri- her why she chose Air Serbia... dreams in the
“Given that the job I will soon
country where I
javila na konkurs za članicu kabinske “Air Serbia was my first and on- grew up start doing is actually the job I initially
posade, međutim, tada nisam uspe- ly choice, because the fact that I have applied for, I made efforts to find out a
la da ostvarim svoj cilj. Nekoliko ne- an opportunity to represent my coun- lot about what it will look like. Of cour-
delja nakon toga pozvana sam na try all over the world, in the most be- se, I’m aware that I’ll only get the real
razgovor za drugu poziciju, koju sam autiful way, represents a special hono- picture when I first board a plane we-
bez razmišljanja prihvatila. Prvo sam ur for me. I’m grateful that Air Serbia aring that blue scarf around my neck.
imala priliku da radim u poslovnici u gave me an opportunity to realise my I believe that all my expectations over
Belvilu, a zatim u „Premijum salonu“ dreams in the country where I grew many years will be fulfilled at that mo-
na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“. Veoma up. It is very important for me that the ment. I presume that it won‘t always
sam zavolela taj posao, ali pošto „Er possibility to advance exists, and that be easy, but I know deep down within
Srbija“ uvek nudi mogućnost napre- the company makes that possible for myself that it will always be beautiful.
dovanja, dobila sam ponudu da ot- me every day and motivates me to I’m readily awaiting the day of my first
počnem obuku za kabinsko osoblje i perform my job to the best of my abi- flight, looking forward to the training
tako ostvarim svoj san. lities. Likewise, wonderful relations wi- and new challenges.

54 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


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promo / promo

Res t o r a n „ N o m a d “

Duh Njujorka u srcu Vračara

Na mestu gde se susreću kulture i vekovi, moderni
Vračar sa onim starim i boemskim, u Ulici Svetog
Save broj 20, topli, porodični bistro svojom
autentičnom hranom, nezaboravnim koktelima,
sjajnom atmosferom i šik dekorom u srpsku
prestonicu donosi kosmopolitski duh Njujorka

Dobro došli u „Nomad“, od zapečenog sira bri sa sosom na

moderni evropski bistro bazi meda i senfa, preko konfitira-
inspirisan Njujorkom i njegovim nog pačjeg bataka sa domaćim por-
bogatstvom i raznolikošću kultu- to demiglas sosom koji se napro-
ra, ukusa i iskustava. „Farm to ta- sto topi u ustima, pa sve do sočnog
ble“ koncept ovog bistroa zasnovan „Nomad“ burgera u dimu i čizkejka
je na imperativu da je svaki zalogaj i u njujorškom stilu.
svaki koktel koji se tu napravi origi- Kako su inovativnost i kreativ-
nalan, domaće proizvodnje i sa naj- nost ideja vodilja, pored standardne
svežijim sastojcima, a sve sa idejom karte hrane i pića, „Nomad“ je po-
da se podrže mali, lokalni biznisi. Ta- stao i hip mesto za izlazak viken-
ko ćete nekoga iz „Nomada“, Ivanu, dom, kada pored muzike uživo za
Božu ili šefa kuhinje Uroša Spase- koju je zadužen Rey na saksofonu
novića, svakog jutra naći na Kalenić ili neko od mladih beogradskih mu-
pijaci kako pažljivo i sa uživanjem zičara, u ponudi imaju i tematske
bira najsvežije voće i povrće, zači- večeri kao što su špansko, grčko ili
ne, meso i ribu. američko, ali i vinske večere, tokom
Želja da se otvori baš ovakav re- kojih se posebno kreiran meni od pet
storan, kako kažu njegovi vlasnici sledova uparuje sa vinima nekih od
Boža i Ivana, nastala je kao rezultat najboljih vinarija iz Srbije i regiona.
velike ljubavi i strasti prema ugosti- U „Nomadu“ se takođe često or-
Foto: Eric Choi

teljstvu posle više od decenije rada ganizuju i privatne proslave rođen-

u nekim od najprestižnijih restora- dana, korporativne proslave, kao i
na Njujorka. Ono što izdvaja „No- tim bildinzi, koji su specifični po svo-
mad“, osim originalnog menija, je- joj autentičnoj i intimnoj atmosfe-
ste usluga koja garantuje autentično ri, personalizovanim jelovnicima i
iskustvo i doživljaj. kraft koktelima. Kako je pred nama
Meni se menja više puta godiš- decembar kao mesec slavlja, susre-
nje, shodno sezoni, onome što lo- ta i druženja, „Nomad“ je idealno
kalne pijace imaju u ponudi i mašti mesto za organizaciju jedne takve
šefa kuhinje i vlasnika, a rezultat je proslave, o kojoj će se dugo, dugo
fuzija evropskih i njujorških ukusa, pričati...

Od zapečenog brija, preko

konfitiranog pačjeg bataka, do
burgera u dimu i njujorškog čizkejka
From baked brie, via duck leg confit,
all the way to the succulent smoked
burger and NY Style Cheesecake
58 | Promo » Promo
Meni se menja
više puta
shodno sezoni,
onome što
lokalne pijace
imaju u ponudi,
a rezultat je
fuzija evropskih i
njujorških ukusa
The menu
changes several
times a year, in
accordance with
the seasons and
the offer of the
local markets, the
result of which
is a fusion of the
flavours of Europe
and New York

N o ma d Ba r & B i s t r o glace sauce that simply melts in the

mouth, all the way to the succulent
Spirit of New York smoked Nomad burger and NY Style
at the heart of Vračar With innovation and creativity as
fundamental guiding ideas, alongside
In a place where cultures and centuries collide, where its standard food and drinks menu,
modern Vračar meets the old, bohemian style, at No. 20 Nomad has also become a hip ven-
Sveti Sava Street, stands a warm and welcoming family ue for weekends on the town, when
bistro that uses its authentic food, unforgettable cocktails, live music – performed by Rey on
wonderful atmosphere and chic décor to bring the the saxophone or some young Bel-
cosmopolitan spirit of New York to the Serbian capital grade musicians – is offered alongside
themed evenings, such as Spanish,
Welcome to Nomad, a modern, Ivana, their desire to open just such Greek or American evenings, but al-
European bistro that’s inspired by a restaurant was born of their great so wine evenings that include a spe-
New York; by the richness and di- love for catering, which they devel- cially created five-course menu that’s
versity of its cultures, flavours and oped over the course of more than a paired with wines sourced from some
experiences. This bistro’s “farm to ta- decade working at some of New York’s of the best wineries in Serbia and
ble” concept is based on the premise most prestigious restaurants. Apart the region.
that every morsel and every cocktail from its menu, Nomad distinguishes Nomad also regularly hosts pri-
that’s made there should be original, itself from the competition thanks to vate birthday parties, corporate cele-
homemade and produced using the its impeccable service, which provides brations and team-building events,
freshest ingredients, and all with the for an authentic experience. which are specific in terms of their
idea of supporting small, local busi- The menu changes several times authentic and intimate atmosphere,
nesses. That’s why you’ll encounter a year, in accordance with the sea- personalised menus and craft cock-
someone from Nomad – be it Ivana, sons, the offer of the local markets tails. And with the festive month of
Boža or head chef Uroš Spasenović and the imagination of the chef and celebrations, gatherings and social-
– on Kalenić Market every morning, owners, the result of which is a fu- ising that is December now upon us,
carefully and delightfully selecting the sion of the flavours of Europe and Nomad represents the ideal place
freshest fruits and vegetables, herbs New York, from baked brie with a to organise just such a celebration,
and spices, meats and fish. honey and mustard sauce, via duck which will be discussed by all who at-
According to owners Boža and leg confit with homemade port demi- tend for a long, long time to come...

Promo » Promo | 59
Moda Fashion
K a d a ko n e s a d / If n o t n o w, w h e n ?

Ekstravagancija je
postala mejnstrim
Extravagance has
gone mainstream

60 | Moda » Fashion
Svetlucave teksture! Raskošni aksesoari! Glimmering textures! Lavish accessories!
Skulpturalne štikle! Uzbuđenje doterivanja za Sculptural heels! The excitement of dressing up
praznične prilike je na vrhuncu reaches its peak for events during the holidays

Šljokice od jutra Sequins all day long,

do sutra, vrtoglave dizzyingly heels and glaring
potpetice i bleštava make-up are part of the
šminka deo su modnog current fashion moment,
trenutka, i to ne samo o and it’s not only to do with
praznicima the festive season
Karl Lagerfeld je svo- Karl Lagerfeld once fa-
jevremeno slavno sročio: mously said: “Sweatpants
„Trenerka je znak poraza. are a sign of defeat. You lost
Priznali ste da ste izgubili kontro- control of your life so you bought
lu nad svojim životom kada kupi- some sweatpants”.
te donji deo trenerke.“ And even though this quote from
Premda taj citat modnog kajze- the famous fashion Kaiser initially
ra na prvu zvuči kao preterano pre- sounds excessively snobby, the fact is
ka snobovština, činjenica je da će- that we will also remember the pan-
mo period pandemije pamtiti i po demic period for that item of clothing
tom odevnom predmetu (te da to (and that it wasn’t really a time when
baš i nije bilo vreme kad je išta bilo anything was under control). Howev-
pod kontrolom). Međutim, na pragu er, as we find ourselves on the thresh-
nove kalendarske godine sve pršti old of a new calendar year, everything
od modnog optimizma (bez pokri- is bursting with fashion optimism
ća). Svetlucave teksture! Raskošni (without redress): Glimmering tex-
aksesoari! Skulpturalne štikle! Da- tures! Lavish accessories! Sculptural
kle, uzbuđenje doterivanja za pra- heels! Thus, the excitement of dress-
znične prilike je na vrhuncu jer je ing up reaches its peak for events dur-
spremanje, realno, polovina zabave. ing the holidays – because getting
Podaci o prodaji sa onlajn šo- ready really is half the fun.
ping platformi to nedvosmisleno po- This is shown unequivocally by
kazuju. „Ove godine svedoci smo sales figures recorded by online shop-
velikog rasta potražnje za partywe- ping platforms. “We are this year wit-
ar komadima,“ poručuju iz marke- nessing major growth in demand for
ting tima jednog od najpoznatijih partywear pieces,” say the market-
ritejlera luksuzne dizajnerske se- ing team of Matches Fashion, one of
lekcije „Matches Fashion“ i nago- the most popular retailers of luxury
veštavaju da su se najviše kupova- designer selections, hinting that the
le elaborativno ukrašene večernje most popular purchases have prov-
haljine u nijansi fuksije i mint ze- en to be elaborately adorned evening
lene brenda „The Attico“, bordo i dresses in shades of fuchsia pink and
srebrne mladih kreatorskih marki, mint green by The Attico, burgundy
kao i tradicionalno elegantne toa- and silver that are produced by young
Foto: Profimedia / Anthea Simms / Camerapress

lete sa potpisima „Valentino“, „Er- creative brands, as well as tradition-

dem“ i „Giambattista Valli“. ally elegant gowns that carry the sig-
Ukoliko pitanje šta ćemo nosi- natures of Valentino, Erdem and Gi-
ti u novogodišnjoj gunguli posta- ambattista Valli.
vite timu kultne platforme „Net- If you ask the team at the iconic
a-Porter“, oni će vam bez mnogo Net-a-Porter platform what we will
razmišljanja odgovoriti da njihove wear for the festivities of the New Year
mušterije vole sve što sija – kao da period, they will almost instinctively
je zlato. U poverenju su nam rekli i answer by explaining that their cus-
sledeće: „Odsjaji sa aksesoara i štras tomers love everything that shines –
na odevnim predmetima koji više ni- like gold. Speaking in confidence, they
su rezervisani samo za veče privla- Ivan Radojčić also told us the following: “The reflec-
čiće poglede gde god da se pojavite.“ Fotografije/Photography: tions of accessories and gemstones on
Od cipela u bestselere „Net-a- Profimedia.rs, Unsplash items of clothing that are no longer
Porter“ selekcije ušle su impresivne reserved exclusively for evenings will

Fashion » Moda | 61
M o da / Fas h i o n

on items of
clothing are no
longer reserved
exclusively for
evenings and
will attract looks
wherever you
attract looks wherever you appear”.
When it comes to shoes, joining the
best-sellers of the Net-a-Porter se-
lections are the impressive silhou-
ettes of Amina Muaddi, particular-
ly the mother-of-pearl Gilda loafers
and Ami pumps in a combination
siluete Amine Muadi, naročito se- Štras na odevnim of PVC and metallic leather. Mano-
defaste „gilda“ natikače i „ami“ sa-
lonke u kombinaciji PVC-a i metalik predmetima više nije lo Blahnik favourites are also hold-
ing their own, like the recognisable
kože. Dobro se drže i favoriti Ma- rezervisan samo za veče and always popular Hangisi pumps.
nola Blanika, poput prepoznatljive
„hangisis“, koja je uvek popularna. i privlačiće poglede gde The joy of dressing up for a spe-
cial evening out provides a welcome
Radost odevanja za posebni ve- god da se pojavite contrast to troubling news arriving
černji izazak dolazi kao kontrapun- from all over the world, but the two
kt zabrinjavajućim vestima sa svih are in correlation when viewed his-
strana sveta, ali istorijski gledano, torically. It has always been during
te dve stvari i jesu u korelaciji. Uvek gloomy times that fashion has capti-
je moda u turobnim vremenima ple- vated us with its imaginative flair and
nila svojom maštovitošću i iskriča- sparkling eccentricity. British mul-
vom ekcentričnošću. Britanski mul- ti-brand retailer Flannels (which, de-
tibrend „Flannels“, koji, iako bi vas spite the name, doesn’t sell flannel
ime na to asociralo, ne prodaje fla- shirts, but rather seasonal favour-
nelske košulje već sezonske favo- ites from fashion shows) has pro-
rite sa revija, proglašava povratak claimed the return of early-2000s
stajlinga ranih dvehiljaditih koji su styling, which glistened like ten
bleštali kao deset novogodišnjih jel- Christmas trees at once. Yes, an as-
ki odjednom. Da, odmah nam se sociation that immediately crossed
kao asocijacija nametnulo pojavlji- our minds was the appearance of Par-
vanje Paris Hilton na „Versače“ re- is Hilton at the Versace show wear-
viji u autfitu kakve je nosila još u ing the kind of outfit that she wore
vreme kad je bila tinejdžerka. Po as a teenager. In the opinion of their
mišljenju njihovih bajera (a ti lju- buyers (who are also indirect curators
di su posredno kustosi i naših gar- of our wardrobes), there will also be
derobera), zavladaće pomama i za a prevailing frenzy for the provoca-
provokativno usečenim kreacijama tively cut creations of the house that
Foto: Profimedia / Jonas Gustavsson / ddp USA

kuće koja nosi ime nedavno premi- bears the name of the recently depart-
nulog Tijerija Muglera. Ta „optič- ed Thierry Mugler. The “optical illu-
ka varka“ nagosti haljina iz aktu- sion” of nudity in dresses that form
elne kolekcije nagoveštava više od part of the current collection hints
samo trunčice senzualnosti – na- at more than just a soupçon of sen-
menjene su najhrabrijim trendse- suality – they are intended for the
terkama. Ali hej, kad ako ne sad? most courageous trendsetters. But,
hey, if not now, when?

62 | Moda » Fashion
Ritam grada Rhythm of the city

M u z e j i u Be o g r a d u / M u s e u ms i n B e l g r a d e

Tragom kulturnog
krvotoka prestonice
On the trail of the capital’s
cultural lifeblood
Foto: Narodni muzej

64 | Beograd » Belgrade
Muzeji u Beogradu čuvaju kulturno i naučno blago koje predstavlja The museums of Belgrade preserve treasures of culture and science
svedočanstvo o tome kako je grad nastajao i u kojem vremenu i that represent witnesses to how the city emerged, as well as the
kakvim prilikama se razvijao times and circumstances under which it developed

Jedan grad je najbolje The best way to get

upoznati šetajući kroz acquainted with a city
njegove muzeje, a to is to wander through
naročito važi za hladne its museums, and this
decembarske dane, applies in particular
kada i telo i duša traže during cold December
nešto da ih zagreje days, when both body
and soul seek something
Beograd sa svojih 39 that warms them
muzeja predstavlja pravu ri-
znicu raznovrsnog intelektualnog Belgrade, with its 39 mu-
blaga. Prestoničke muzeje teško seums, represents a genuine treas-
je i pobrojati, a kamoli sve odjed- ury of diverse intellectual treasures.
nom posetiti, pa vam nudimo iz- It is difficult to event count the capi-
bor najzanimljivijih, dok ostale tal’s museums, let alone visit them all
možete upoznati kada se vratite in one go, so here we offer you a se-
Beogradu. Ne zadirući u lični ukus lection of the most interesting, and
i preferencije, ovo je trasa kojom you can familiarise yourselves with
ćete hoditi kroz srpsku kulturu i the others when you return to Bel-
umetnost. Njen početak je stro- grade. Without getting into areas of
gi centar, raskrsnica svih puteva, personal taste and preferences, this is
dok završetak zavisi od vašeg en- the route that you will take on your
tuzijazma. walk through Serbian culture and art.
Its beginning is in the very centre,
Narodni muzej while the end of the route depends
U samom srcu grada, na Trgu on your enthusiasm.
republike 1a, smešten je Narodni
muzej Srbije, „majka“ svih osta- National Museum
lih muzejskih ustanova u državi. At the very heart of the city, at
Osnovan je davne 1844, i to uka- 1a Republic Square, stands the Na-
zom tadašnjeg ministra prosvete tional Museum of Serbia, the “moth-
Jovana Sterije Popovića, čija je na- er” of every other museum institu-
mera bila da na jednom mestu sa- tion in the country. It was founded
bere starine i na taj način ih sačuva as far back as 1844, under a decree of
za buduće generacije. Sama zgra- then Education Minister Jovan Steri-
da, monumentalna javna palata, ja Popović, whose intention was for
podignuta je 1903, dok se muzej antiques to be collected in one place
u nju uselio tek pedesetih godina and thus preserved for future gener-
20. veka. U okviru stalne postav- ations. The building itself, a monu-
ke posetioci će se sresti sa dosti- mental public palace, was construct-
gnućima najistaknutijih domaćih ed in 1903, but the museum only
i svetskih umetnika – Paje Jova- moved there in the 1950s. Under
novića, Uroša Predića, Nadežde the scope of the permanent exhibi-
Petrović, Kloda Monea, Van Go- tion, visitors will encounter creations
ga, Pikasa, Mondrijana i mnogih by some of the most prominent na-
Foto: Zoran Ilic

drugih. Jedan od najinteresantni- tional and international artists: Pa-

jih eksponata je Miroslavljevo je- ja Jovanović, Uroš Predić, Nadežda
vanđelje, najstariji sačuvani srp- Petrović, Claude Monet, Van Gogh,
ski ilustrovani ćirilični rukopis. Picasso, Mondrian and many others.
To delo s kraja 12. veka posetio- One of the most interesting exhib-
ci imaju priliku da vide svega ne- its is Miroslav’s Gospel, the oldest
koliko puta godišnje. Dragana Nikoletić
preserved illustrated manuscript in
– Miroslavljevo jevanđelje je Fotografije/Photography: Serbian Cyrillic. Visitors only have an
2005. godine upisano i na Une- Arhiva/Archive opportunity to see this work, which
skovu listu „Pamćenje sveta“, što dates back to the late 12th century,

Belgrade » Beograd | 65
r i ta m g r a da / R h y t h m o f t h e c i t y

a few times a year. “Miroslav's Gos-

pel was proclaimed in 2005 and in-
scribed in the UNESCO Memory of
the World Register, which is confir-
mation of its importance, but also
obliges us to preserve it for the bene-
fit of humankind,” says National Mu-
seum PR Marija Jovičić.

Ethnographic Museum
The logical route of every tourist
is to walk from Republic Square along

Foto: Dusan Milenkovic

Knez Mihailova Street towards Kale-
megdan, which represents another
hub of the life of the capital. Howev-
er, if you descend just one street fur-
ther down, towards Dorćol, you will
je potvrda njegove važnosti, kao i come across the Ethnographic Mu-
obaveza njegovog očuvanja za do- seum. The building on the corner,
brobit čovečanstva – kaže Mari- at 13 Students’ Square and 2 Uzun
ja Jovičić, PR Narodnog muzeja. Mirkova Street, was not purpose built
(in 1933/34) to house this museum,
Etnografski muzej but rather as the seat of the Belgrade
Logičan put svakog turiste od Stock Exchange. The building, which

Foto: Dusan Milenkovic

Trga republike je Knez Mihailo- was declared a cultural monument in
vom ulicom, ka Kalemegdanu, kao 1984, is characterised by its modern-
još jednom od čvorišta života pre- ist concept, while the high columns
stonice. Spustite li se samo jed- at the entrance adopted influences
nu ulicu niže, ka Dorćolu, naići of German architecture. The fund of
ćete na Etnografski muzej. Ni ta nadživeti, domaćini su u njih ut- the Ethnographic Museum preserves
zgrada na uglu Studentskog trga kali narativ o svojoj porodici, ko- artefacts of traditional folk culture.
13 i Uzun Mirkove 2 nije građena municirajući sa zajednicom preko These objects, which include every-
(1933/34) namenski, već kao se- njene spoljašnosti. Zato je kuća day items, costumes, books, photo-
dište Beogradske berze. To zdanje, morala da bude lepa, kao što su graphs and works of fine art, serve to
proglašeno spomenikom kulture odnosi među ljudima morali da illustrate social relations, family life,
1984. godine, odlikuje se moderni- budu harmonični – kaže Miloš customs, beliefs, knowledge and the
stičkim konceptom, dok su visoki Matić, muzejski savetnik i autor national creativity of Serbs and oth-
stubovi na ulazu rezultat uticaja postavke. er peoples on the territory of Serbia.
nemačke arhitekture. U fondu Et- The most interesting elements
nografskog muzeja čuvaju se ar- Muzej čokolade for outsiders to see relate to the ways
tefakti iz tradicionalne narodne Još koji korak ka Kalemegda- our ancestors celebrated Christmas,
kulture. Ovi predmeti za svakod- nu i eto vas pred dilemom – da li Easter and family saints’ day celebra-
nevnu upotrebu, nošnje, knjige, da produžite u pravcu Prirodnjač- tions, as well as how the people gath-
fotografije, dela likovne umetno- kog muzeja ili da se spustite uli- ered in front of churches and monas-
sti, oslikavaju društvene odnose, com Pjarona de Mondezira (bivše teries on various occasions.
porodični život, običaje, verova- Tadeuška Košćuška) do broja 18 i The current exhibition, which
nja, znanje i narodno stvaralaštvo Muzeja čokolade. Možemo samo runs until mid-December, is called
Srba i drugih naroda na tlu Srbije. da pretpostavimo da ćete izabra- A Beautiful House and is on display
Nekom sa strane biće najzani- ti drugu opciju, iz želje da se za- in the Gallery of the Museum. “By
mljivije da vidi kako su naši pre- sladite. U prvoj od pet prostori- building houses that would outlive
ci slavili Božić, Uskrs i porodičnu ja upriličen je ambijent džungle, them, the owners weaved the narra-
slavu, kao i kako se različitim po- gde je otkriven kakaovac. Biljku su tive of their family into those homes,
vodima narod sabirao ispred cr- „namirisale“ drevne Maje i Inke, communicating with the communi-
kava i manastira. „a posude koje su oni koristili pre ty through the exterior design. That’s
Do sredine decembra u toku 400 godina i danas su u upotrebi why the houses had to be beautiful,
je izložba „Lepa kuća“ u galeriji u i deo su naše postavke“, objašnja- just as relationships between people
sastavu Muzeja. va Nenad Radulović, vlasnik Mu- had to be harmonious,” says exhibi-
– Gradeći kuće koje će ih zeja. Muzej nudi degustaciju svih tion author Miloš Matić.

66 | Beograd » Belgrade
Museum of Chocolate
Take just a few more steps to-
wards Kalemegdan and you will be
confronted by a dilemma – wheth-
er to carry on in the direction of
the Museum of Natural History or
to head down Pjarona de Mondezira
Street (formerly Tadeuska Kosciusko
Street), to the Chocolate Museum at
number 18. We can only assume that
you’ll choose the second option, due
to a desire to satisfy your sweet tooth.
The first of five rooms offers a jungle
environment, representing the lands

Foto: Milan Ilic

where the cacao tree was discovered.
The plant was “sniffed out” by the
ancient Mayans and Incas, “and the
mogućih čokoladnih brendova, a bowls that they used 400 years ago
tu je i radionica u kojoj svako pra- are still in use today, and form part
vi svoju čokoladu i nosi je kući. of our exhibition,” explains the mu-
seum’s owner, Nenad Radulović. This
Prirodnjački muzej museum offers a chance to sample
Dok ste još na obodu Kale- all possible chocolate brands, while
megdanskog parka, možete da there’s also a workshop where every-
skoknete do Prirodnjačkog mu- one can make their own chocolate
zeja. Njegova adresa je Mali Ka- and take it home with them.
lemegdan 5, zdanje Galerije po-
Museum of Natural History
Foto: Jovan Gojkovic
dignuto je početkom 19. veka, a
smatra se da je sazidana za po- While you’re still on the fringes of
trebe straže koja je čuvala glav- Kalemegdan Park, you can skip over
ni prilaz Stambol kapiji. to the Museum of Natural History.
– Najveći deo kolekcije sme- It is located at 5 Mali Kalemegdan,
šten je u glavnoj zgradi Muzeja, in the Gallery building that was con-
u Njegoševoj ulici 51 na Vrača- structed in the early 19th century, pur-
ru, gde je pohranjeno 125 zbirki portedly for the needs of the guards
sa primercima biljaka, životinja, protecting the fortress’s main Stam-
minerala, fosila i stena sa pod- bol Gate entrance. “The largest part of
ručja Srbije, Balkana i šire – ka- the collection is located in the main
Foto: Djordje Kojadinovic

že Aleksandra Savić, muzejski sa- building of the Museum in Vračar,

vetnik i šef odeljenja za edukaciju at 51 Njegoševa Street, which stores
i komunikaciju. Josif Pančić, ču- 125 collections that include speci-
veni srpski botaničar, otkrio je i mens of plants, animals, minerals,
srpsku ramondu, nežni ljubičasti fossils and rocks from the territory
cvet, koja takođe zauzima značaj- je autentičan doživljaj vremena of Serbia, the Balkans and further
no mesto u zbirci Muzeja. prosvetiteljstva krajem 18. i po- afield,” says Aleksandra Savić, mu-
četkom 19. veka, kada se svojom seum adviser and head of its Edu-
Muzej Vuka i Dositeja borbom za prosvećivanje naroda cation and Communication Depart-
Spuštanjem iz strogog centra istakao Dositej Obradović, koji je ment. Famous Serbian botanist Josif
ka najstarijem delu grada, Dorćo- bio i prvi ministar prosvete Kara- Pančić also discovered the ramonda
lu, stiže se u Muzej Vuka i Dosi- đorđeve Srbije. Tek je reforma pi- serbica, the Serbian phoenix flower,
teja, ogranak Narodnog muzeja sma bila prava revolucija. Naime, with its delicate purple flower, which
Srbije. Zdanje u Gospodar Jevre- Vuk Stefanović Karadžić je uveo also occupies an important place in
movoj 21 podsećanje je na sumrak princip da svaki glas ima po je- the collection of this museum.
otomanske vladavine u Srbiji i dan znak, po čemu je srpski je-
jedno je od najstarijih očuvanih zik jedinstven. Vuk & Dositej Museum
stambenih zgrada u Beogradu. U U njemu su izloženi njegovi By heading downhill from the
toj kući je početkom 19. veka ra- lični predmeti, portreti i umet- city’s central hub towards its oldest
dila Velika škola, što publici da- nička zaostavština, prva izdanja neighbourhood, Dorćol, you will ar-

Belgrade » Beograd | 67
njegovih knjiga i brojni dokumen- rive at the Vuk & Dositej Museum,
ti, dok je Dositej prikazan kroz which is a branch of the National
likovne priloge, arhivsku građu, Museum of Serbia. The building at
knjige i prepisku sa uvaženim lič- 21 Gospodar Jevremova Street is a
nostima. memorial to the final days of Otto-
man rule over Serbia and one of Bel-
Muzej iluzija grade’s oldest preserved residential
Centar grada nudi još jedan buildings. Back in the early 19th cen-
ekskluzivan doživljaj u Muzeju tury, this building housed the Great
iluzija u Nušićevoj 11. I on je edu- School, which provides visitors with
kativno-zabavnog tipa, a i pruža an authentic experience of the period
priliku da zavolite fiziku, mate- of the Enlightenment during the late
matiku i druge, za mnoge kompli- 18th and early 19th centuries, at the

Foto: Aleksandra Stankovic

kovane nauke. Isto važi i za nešto time when Dositej Obradović, who
popularniju psihologiju. Putem was also the first education minister
fotografija, slika i objekata u ne- of Karađorđe’s Serbia, distinguished
koliko prostorija, ovde se zapra- himself with his battle to educate the
vo traži vaš odgovor na opsenu, people. It was only the reform of the
u zavisnosti od ličnog mentalnog Serbian script that provided a real
sklopa, ali i predznanja. revolution. Specifically, language re-
former Vuk Stefanović Karadžić made
Muzej Paje Jovanovića it so that every sound had one let-
Saobraćajna žila kucavica Be- ter, which renders the Serbian lan-
ograda je Ulica Kralja Milana, koja guage unique.
vodi od Terazija do Slavije. Nasu- This museum exhibits Vuk’s per-
prot nekad najviše zgrade – Be- sonal items, portraits and artistic leg-
ograđanke, na broju 21, na če- acy, first editions of his books and
Foto: Dusan Milenkovic
tvrtom spratu Palate Devanha numerous documents, while Dositej
nalazi se Muzej Paje Jovanovi- is presented with works of fine art,
ća, jednog od najvećih srpskih sli- archival material, books and corre-
kara s kraja 19. i početka 20. veka. spondences with esteemed person-
Živeo je u Londonu, Parizu, Min- alities.
henu, da bi se pred kraj života vra-
tio u Beč, a odanost svom narodu Museum of Illusions
iskazao je poklonom „svega što je The city centre offers yet anoth-
vredelo čuvati“ od slikarskog pri- er exclusive experience at the Muse-
bora i alata. Tome zahvaljujući, um of Illusions, located at 11 Nušiće-
centralna soba Muzeja danas je va Street. This is also a museum that
njegov studio, dok druge prosto- educates and entertains, while it ad-
rije krase Pajine slike i nameštaj. ditionally provides an opportunity
for you to fall in love with physics,
Muzej Nikole Tesle mathematics and other sciences that
Foto: NBS

Teslino ime ceo svet zna, pa many find complicated. The same ap-
njega radi nije teško prošetati do plies to the somewhat more popular
Krunske 51. Ušuškana među vi- psychology. Through the media of
lama Vračara iz perioda između photography, paintings and objects
dva svetskog rata, posetioce spre- je danonoćno istraživao. in several exhibition spaces, what’s
mna čeka ova ustanova, smešte- – Specijalno mesto u Muze- actually sought here is your response
na u remek-delo arhitekte Dragi- ju zauzima i memorijalna soba, to illusion, which is dependent on
še Brašovana. Ovde se posetiocu u kojoj se nalazi urna sa Teslinim your personal mindset, but also pri-
pruža prilika i da sagleda Teslu pepelom – kaže Milica Kesler, ku- or knowledge.
kao ličnost kroz njegove fotogra- stoskinja ove institucije. Poseb-
fije iz mladosti, lične isprave i sli- nost predstavlja mogućnost da u Museum of Paja Jovanović
ke njegove rodne kuće u Smilja- ruci držite neonsku lampu, koja One of the main transport arter-
nu, u Lici. U postavci su i Teslin zasvetli kada se uključi veliki Te- ies of Belgrade is Kralja Milan Street,
šešir, štap i putna torba, kao i ra- slin trafo. Još veći šok izaziva „mu- which leads from Terazije Square to
zličiti merni instrumenti i mnogi njica“ – proizvod njegovog malog Slavija Square. Opposite the city’s for-
predmeti iz laboratorija u kojima transformatora. merly tallest building – Beograđanka,

68 | Beograd » Belgrade
r i ta m g r a da / R h y t h m o f t h e c i t y

Muzej primenjene the Belgrade Lady, at 21 Kralja Mi- of the museum is a two-storey palace
umetnosti lan Street, on the fourth floor of the that was built in the academic style,
Prezentacijom „Na staklenom building known as the Devanha Pal- according to the design of Stefan Be-
putu“ u Muzeju primenjene umet- ace, is the Museum of Paja Jovano- lić. It houses a collection of around
nosti u Ulici Vuka Karadžića na bro- vić, one of Serbia’s greatest painters of 40,000 items, including gold and oth-
ju 18 ova ustanova proslavlja 72 the late 19th and early 20th centuries. er jewellery, stylish and hand-carved
godine postojanja, a istovremeno Jovanović resided in London, Paris furniture, costumes, applied photo-
se priključuje i obeležavanju Me- and Munich, only to return to Vien- graphs, ceramics, porcelain, glass, old
đunarodne godine stakla. Zgrada na towards the end of his life, while handwritten manuscripts and rare
muzeja je dvospratna palata gra- he showed his devotion to his own books, icons and much more. The
đena u akademskom stilu po pro- nation by gifting it “everything that oldest artefacts held by the muse-
jektu Stefana Belića. U njoj se čuva was worth keeping” from his paint- um are ancient Greek coins dating
kolekcija od oko 40.000 predmeta ing accessories and tools. It is thanks back to the 4th century BC.
– zlatnog i drugog nakita, stilskog, to this that the central room of the The current exhibition, On the
rezbarenog nameštaja, kostima, fo- Museum is today a replica of his stu- Glass Road: Glass Art and Rep-
tografija, keramike, porcelana, sta- dio, while other spaces are decorated resentation in Serbia (1850-1950),
kla, starih rukopisa i retkih štapa- with Paja’s paintings and furniture. is authored by Biljana Crvenković,
nih knjiga, ikona... Starogrčki novac senior curator of the Museum of Ap-
iz 4. veka p.n.e. predstavlja najsta- Nikola Tesla Museum plied Arts. It places a focus on the
riji artefakt u muzejskom posedu. Tesla's name is known the world production and use of glass over the
U toku je izložba „Na staklenom over, so for his sake it isn’t difficult to course of a century that was signifi-
putu: Umetnost stakla i reprezen- make the walk to 51 Krunska Street. cant as it marked the country’s mod-
tacija u Srbiji 1850–1950“ autorke Nestled among the villas of Vračar ernisation. “Usable glass was present
Biljane Crvenković, višeg kustosa that date back to the interwar period, in the everyday life of Serbs from as
Muzeja primenjene umetnosti. Ona this institution that awaits visitors is far back as the 18th century. Having
u fokus stavlja proizvodnju i upo- housed in a building that’s a master- Czech crystal was a matter of prestige
trebu stakla tokom jednog veka, piece of architect Dragiša Brašovan. among the more “prominent” hous-
značajnog za modernizaciju države. Visitors here are provided with an es, says the exhibition’s author. Pro-
– Upotrebno staklo bilo je pri- opportunity to overview the life of viding the crowning glory of the ex-
sutno u građanskoj svakodnevici Sr- Tesla as an individual, through pho- hibition are items that formed part
ba još od 18 veka. Imati češki kristal tographs from his youth, personal of the court culture of the Obrenović
bilo je stvar prestiža u viđenijim ku- documents, and pictures of his birth- and Karađorđević dynasties, as well
ćama – kaže autorka izložbe. Kru- place in the Like region’s village of as items that were used to serve dis-
na postavke su predmeti koji su bili Smiljan. The exhibition also includes tinguished guests under the proto-
deo dvorske kulture dinastije Obre- Tesla’s hat, cane and travel bag, as well col service of lifelong president Tito.
nović i Karađordević, kao i oni što as various measuring instruments
ih je pred uvažene goste iznosila and numerous items from the labo- Museum of
služba protokola doživotnog pred- ratories where he researched around Contemporary Art
sednika Tita. the clock. “A special place in the Mu- If you head in the direction of
seum is occupied by the memorial New Belgrade, you simply must vis-
Muzej savremene room, which houses the urn con- it and tour the Museum of Contem-
umetnosti taining Tesla’s ashes,” says museum porary Art. The building itself has
Uputite li se u pravcu Novog curator Milica Kesler. Making a vis- reason to be proud, because apart
Beograda, neizostavno poseti- it here special is the opportunity to from its exceptional position – op-
te Muzej savremene umetnosti. hold a neon lamp in your hand, which posite the Belgrade Fortress, on the
Ta zgrada ima čime da se diči jer, lights up when the big Tesla trans- left bank of the Sava at its conflu-
osim izuzetne pozicije, nasuprot former is switched on. Providing an ence with the Danube – visitors are
Beogradske tvrđave na levoj obali even greater shock is the “lightning” also amazed by its crystallograph-
Save kod ušća u Dunav, posmatra- produced by his small transformer. ic structure. The Museum of Con-
ča zadivljuje i njena kristalomorfna temporary Art was fully renovated
struktura. MSU je kompletno ob- Museum of Applied Art in 2017 and reopened with Marina
novljen 2017, i to izložbom Mari- With the presentation ‘On the Abramović’s exhibition The Cleaner,
ne Abramović „Čistač“, i sad blista Glass Road’, the Museum of Applied while it now glistens in all its simple
u svoj svojoj jednostavnoj raskoši. Art, at 18 Vuka Karadžića Street, is splendour. The museum is currently
Muzej aktuelno nudi izložbu „Ne- commemorating its 72 years of ex- offering the solo exhibition Unrelia-
pouzdani pripovedač“ jednog od istence, while at the same time join- ble Narrator, which presents works
najpoznatijih srpskih vajara Mr- ing celebrations marking the Inter- by Mrđan Bajić, one of Serbia’s most
đana Bajića. national Year of Glass. The building famous sculptors.

Belgrade » Beograd | 69
Ritam grada Rhythm of the city

Magija je tu „Zimska bajka“ biće kulisa za najlepše

praznične priče i doživljaje
The Winter Fairy Tale will provide the

Zimska bajka u backdrop for the most beautiful holiday

stories and experiences

Beogradu na vodi proslaviti Božić i Srpsku novu

godinu, a za sve to vreme oče-
kuje nas mnoštvo sadržaja ko-
Najlepši praznični dani od 15. decembra, pa tokom ji će na najlepši način upotpu-
narednog meseca čekaju Beograđane i njihove niti prazničnu čaroliju. Tokom
magičnih 30 dana, pored vese-
goste u najveselijem periodu godine
log klizališta na otvorenom, na
glavnoj bini nastupiće najbolji
Od ove zime Beograd virint“, „Gastro spots“, „Kliza- muzičari i di-džejovi, odigraće
će biti bogatiji za festi- lište Ledeno carstvo“, „Wine & se omiljene predstave dečjih po-
val „Zimska bajka“, koji u dine“... zorišta, čitaće se novogodišnje
prestonicu vraća praznični duh „Zimska bajka“ u Beograd na bajke, a uz vrhunska vina i kuva-
i donosi radost i čaroliju omilje- vodi donosi scenografiju kao iz nu rakiju posetioci će uživati u
nih novogodišnjih priča. Mesec omiljenih novogodišnjih filmo- bogatoj gastronomskoj ponudi.
dana bogatog programa za de- va, fenomenalne muzičke pro- I ove godine će najspekta-
cu i odrasle u Beogradu na vo- grame, opojne ukuse i mirise kularniji gradski doček biti u
di podsetiće nas na to zašto je naših najboljih kuhinja, najto- Beogradu na vodi. Sa Kule Be-
ovo najlepši deo godine! pliji kutak grada i jelku najlepših ograd će u ponoć opet biti lan-
Savski park, koji se pruža želja, sa Deda Mrazom koji sa- siran impresivan vatromet, uz
na površini od oko 20.000 kva- mo zbog ovoga stiže u Beograd! ništa manje impresivnu projek-
dratnih metara, biće podeljen u Za vreme trajanja „Zimske ciju na medija fasadi, a Beogra-
zone magičnih doživljaja: „Jel- bajke“ zajedno ćemo ispratiti đane i goste prestonice zagreja-
ka najlepših želja“, „Magični la- staru, dočekati novu godinu, će popularni domaći muzičari.

70 | Beograd » Belgrade
Foto: Marko Edge

T h e mag i c i s h e r e ter Fairy Tale”, we will together see

Winter fairy tale at the

out the “Old” and bring in the “New”,
celebrate Orthodox Christmas and
New Year, and throughout all that

Belgrade Waterfront time we will be awaited by oodles of

contents that will complement the
holiday magic in the most beautiful
way. Over the course of those magi-
From 15th December and for the following month, cal 30 days, apart from a delightful
Belgraders and their guests are awaited by the most outdoor ice rink, the main stage will
beautiful holiday in the most joyous period of the year also host performances of the best
musicians and DJs, the most belov-
As of this winter, Belgrade will periences: The Christmas tree of the ed children’s theatre plays will be per-
become richer with the addition of most beautiful wishes, the Magical formed, New Year’s fairy tales will
a new event, the Winter Fairy Tale labyrinth, Gastro spots, the Ice King- be recited, while visitors will enjoy
Festival, which brings the holiday dom skating rink... a rich gastronomic offer, accompa-
spirit back to the capital and the The Winter Fairy Tale at the Bel- nied by top wines and warm rakija.
joy and magic of the favourite sto- grade Waterfront brings the kind The city’s most spectacular wel-
ries of the New Year period. With a of scenography that’s reminiscent coming of the New Year will again
month of rich programmes for both of your favourite Christmas films, take place at the Belgrade Waterfront.
children and adults in Belgrade Wa- phenomenal music programmes, in- Impressive fireworks will once again
terfront, this festival will remind us toxicating flavours and the aromas of be fired from the tower of Kula Bel-
just why this part of the year is the our best cuisine, the warmest corner grade at midnight, with a no less
most beautiful! of the city and the Christmas tree of impressive projection on the media
Sava Park, which sprawls over the most beautiful wishes, with Fa- façade, while Belgraders and those vis-
an area of 20,000 square metres, will ther Christmas arriving in Belgrade! iting the capital will be “warmed” by
be divided into zones of magical ex- During the period of the “Win- performances of popular musicians.

Belgrade » Beograd | 71
Lajfstajl Lifestyle

U susret Božiću
A w a i t i n g C h r i s t mas

Tri biljke iz prazničnih tradicija

Three plants from the tradition of the holidays

Jelka je nesumnjivo
kraljica Božića i
Nove godine, ali
imela, božikovina i
božićna zvezda gotovo
podjednako doprinose
radosti i slavlju

The Christmas tree is

undoubtedly the queen
of the Christmas and
New Year holidays, but
mistletoe, holly and the
poinsettia contribute
almost as much to the joy
and celebrations
Foto: Depositpohotos / Marilyn Barbone

Jelena Pantović
Depositphotos, Profimedia.rs

Veruje se da će oni koji se poljube ispod

imele ostati zauvek nerazdvojni
It is believed that couples who kiss under
mistletoe will remain forever inseparable

72 | Božić » Christmas
Birajte prirodne jelke, ali obavezno sa busenom, jer Choose a natural Christmas tree, but be sure to opt for one
lepše mirišu, a posle praznika možete da ih posadite i with a root ball, as they smell better and you can replant
uživate gledajući kako rastu them after the holidays and enjoy watching them grow

ovo doba godine ri grančice imele donose na brod
nema biljke koja vi- kako bi ga zaštitili od brodoloma,
še od jelke govori a mašinovođe je drže u lokomoti-

Foto: Depositpohotos / Valentyn_Volkov

„Srećan Božić i još vi kao zaštitu od nesreća.
srećnija Nova godi- Imela je sama po sebi neobična
na“. Porodični rituali ukrašava- – nema koren, već raste kao para-
nja zimzelene lepotice, pokloni zit na drveću. Da bi nastala, neop-
ispod njenih grana, dečja radost, hodno je da ptica pojede zrelu bo-
jednom godišnje, ali neprocenjivo. bicu, kljunom istisne meku opnu,

Ipak, nije samo jelka ta koja nam a potom kljun sa lepljivim seme-
svojom lepotom uveseljava pra- nom obriše o koru drveta. Iz pro- t this festive time of
znike, tu su i druge božićne biljke klijalog semena na ogoljenim kroš- the year, there’s no
kojima se od davnina slavi Hristo- njama listopadnog drveća imela je plant that says Mer-
vo rođenje, a kojima se pripisuju i i dalje zelena. ry Christmas and an
neka magijska svojstva… even happier New Year
BOŽIKOVINA better than the Christmas tree. The
IMELA Božikovina je postojala još u family ritual of decorating this ev-
Ovu neobičnu biljku najbolje doba Starog Rima, kada je služila ergreen beauty, placing gifts un-
poznajemo iz filmova i zapadne kao amajlija protiv zlih duhova i der its branches, children’s joy, only
tradicije da oni koji se pod njom poklanjala se prijateljima. U Evropi once a year, but priceless. Howev-
nađu moraju da se poljube. Obič- je popularnost stekla kada se raši- er, the Christmas tree isn’t the on-
no to bude izgovor za zaljublje- rilo hrišćanstvo. Na vrata se stav- ly plant that brings joy to our holi-
ne na velikom ekranu, ali simbo- lja kao zaštita od uroka i jedna je days with its beauty, there are also
lika imele seže daleko u prošlost, od biljaka koje tradicionalno obe- other Christmas plants that have
a ljubljenje se vezuje za stari grč- ležavaju Božić. Njen cvet simboli- been used for millennia to celebrate
ki običaj koji se koristio u vreme zuje rođenje Isusa, crvene bobice the birth of Christ, and to which
sklapanja mira među zaraćenim Isusovu krv, a lišće je simbol kru- some magical properties have been
stranama. Neki istoričari veruju ne od trnja. U narodu postoji vero- attributed...
da običaj potiče iz drevne nordij- vanje da biljke koje daju plod zimi
ske mitologije prema kojem su se imaju jaku moć jer prkose priro- MISTLETOE
neprijatelji mirili pod imelom, bar di. Kada sve miruje, one se rađaju. We are most familiar with this
do sledećeg dana. A božikovina je zaštićena u pri- unusual plant from films and the
Rimljani su je povezivali sa mi- rodi, pa se sve češće gaji po bašta- Western tradition of obligatory kiss-
rom, ljubavlju i razumevanjem i ma. Ako ste odlučili da je posa- es among those who find themselves
stavljali nad ulazima da bi zašti- dite, treba da znate da ima male standing under it. This is usually an
tili domaćinstvo. U staroj Grčkoj potrebe za vodom, otporna je na excuse for lovers to pucker up on
mitski junak Eneja otvara granči- sušu, pa joj odgovara mesto sa do- the big screen, but mistletoe’s sym-
com imele vrata podzemnog sve- sta sunca, iako uspeva i u polu- bolism stretches a long way back,
ta. Veruje se da donosi blagosta- senci. Mora biti u zavetrini, jer je and the kissing is connected to an
nje u dom u kojem se nalazi, pa hladni zimski vetrovi mogu ošte- ancient Greek custom that applied
se uoči Božića kači iznad ulaznih titi. Raste veoma sporo, ali može when peace was being struck be-
vrata da otera zle duhove. Morna- da doživi duboku starost. tween previously warring factions.
Some historians believe the custom
has its origins in ancient Norse my-
thology, according to which enemies
would make peace under the mis-
tletoe, at least until the next day.
Na našim prostorima božikovina je Romans associated this plant

zaštićena vrsta i od 1961. godine

with peace, love and understand-
ing, and hung it above entrances to
se ne sme brati u prirodi protect the household. In ancient

Holly has been a protected species in

Greek mythology, the hero Aene-
as uses a sprig of mistletoe to open
our lands since 1961 and picking it in the doors to the underworld. It is
believed to bring prosperity to any
nature is forbidden home in which it is hung, which is

Christmas » Božić | 73
L a j f sta j l / Li f e st y l e

Božićna zvezda donosi veselje i ljubav,

a treba je držati u blizini jelke
The poinsettia brings joy and love, and
should be kept close to the Christmas tree

Foto: Depositpohotos / Wdnet Digital Creation Studio

why it is hung above the main en- ceives lots of sunlight, though it also
trance on Christmas eve to ward thrives in partial shade. It should be
off evil spirits. Sailors carry sprigs placed in an area sheltered from the
of mistletoe aboard ship to protect wind, as it can be damaged by bit-
their vessels from being wrecked, ter winter gusts. It grows extremely
while train drivers also keep mis- slowly, but can reach a very old age.
tletoe in their engines to protect There’s also an interesting “film”
against accidents. story linked to the holly. Specifi-
Mistletoe is itself unusual – cally, a species of Californian hol-
it does not have roots, but rather ly grows on the hills around Hol-
I kod božikovine postoji inte- grows on trees as a parasite. In or- lywood and some claim that this
resantna „filmska“ priča. Naime, der for it to even emerge, it is nec- mecca of moviemaking is named
na brdima oko Holivuda raste vr- essary for a bird to eat a ripe ber- after the plant. That’s certainly on-
sta kalifornijske božikovine i neki ry, squeeze out the soft membrane ly another of many theories, but it
tvrde da je filmska meka po njoj i with its beak, and then use its beak does sound quite logical.
dobila ime (Božikovina je na en- to wipe the sticky seeds onto the
gleskom Holly). To je svakako sa- bark of the tree. The mistletoe pro- POINSETTIA
mo jedna od teorija, ali zvuči pri- duced from germinated seeds at the One of nature’s most beauti-
lično logično. bare tops of deciduous trees remains ful holiday decorations is certain-
green. ly the red poinsettia, also known
BOŽIĆNA ZVEZDA as the Christmas star. Indigenous
Jedan od najlepših prirodnih HOLLY to Mexico, it is associated with the
ukrasa praznika svakako je i crve- Holly already existed during legend of a girl who was too poor
na božićna zvezda. Potiče iz Mek- the time of Ancient Rome, when to buy a Christmas present. An an-
sika, a povezivali su je sa legen- it served as an amulet protecting gel told her to remove weeds from
dom o devojci koja je bila previše against evil spirits and was gifted the road and use them, and they
siromašna da bi mogla da kupi po- among friends. It gained populari- blossomed into poinsettias when
klon za praznike. Anđeo joj je re- ty across Europe with the spread of she placed them next to the chur-
kao da uzme korov sa puta koji Christianity. It is mounted on front ch altar. The leaves’ star shape sym-
je pored crkvenog oltara procve- doors to protect against dark spells bolises the Star of Bethlehem, whi-
tao u božićne zvezde. Zvezdasti and is among the plants that tradi- le the red colour is symbolic of the
oblik lišća simbolizuje Vitlejem- tionally mark Christmas. Its flower crucifixion. The poinsettia is said to
sku zvezdu, a crvena boja raspe- symbolises Christ’s birth, while the bring joy, love and good wishes, and
će. Božićna zvezda, kažu, donosi red berries represent the blood of should be kept close to the Chris-
veselje, ljubav i dobre želje, a tre- Jesus and the spiky leaves are sym- tmas tree in order to strengthen
ba je držati u blizini jelke i tako bolic of his crown of thorns. One positive energy.
pojačati dobru energiju. popular folk belief is that plants Nonetheless, this beautiful
Ipak, ovu lepu biljku nije nima- that bear their fruit in winter are plant is far from easy to grow. It is
lo lako gajiti. Spada u biljke krat- extremely powerful, as they defy classed as a short-day plant, which
kog dana, što znači da joj je, da bi the order of nature. They give birth means that it requires at least 12 to
procvetala, potrebno najmanje 12 when everything else lies dormant. 14 hours of darkness to bloom. It
do 14 sati tame. Ne treba je pre- Holly is also protected in na- shouldn’t be watered too regularly,
često zalivati, niti držati u preto- ture, which is why it is increasing- nor kept in an excessively warm ro-
ploj prostoriji sa previše direktne ly cultivated in private gardens. If om with too much direct sunlight.
svetlosti. Naravno, ništa nije ne- you decide to plant one, it is worth Of course, nothing is impossible.
moguće. Uz malo znanja i mnogo knowing that it doesn’t need much With a little knowhow and a lot of
ljubavi, vaša božićna zvezda će du- water and is resistant to drought, love, your Christmas star will shine
go sijati i donositi radost. so it is well-suited to a spot that re- and bring joy for a long time.

74 | Božić » Christmas
Lajfstajl Lifestyle

Leica SL2-S
Reporter Edition
Baš kao što nadimak ove kamere suge-
riše, robusni dizajn i poboljšane perfor-
manse čine je idealnom za foto i video
žurnalizam. Minimalni brending i gotovo
retro opredmećenje u vidu maslinasto-
zelenog metala učiniće da se osećate
kao avanturista na važnom novinarskom
zadatku čak i ako to niste, a slike i snimci
će ispasti profi, bez obzira na vašu pra-
vu profesiju.
Leica SL2-S "Reporter" edition
As this camera’s “nickname” suggests,
its rugged design and improved perfor-
mance make it ideal for photo and vid- Ged ž e t i / G a d g e t s
eo journalism. The minimal branding and
almost retro housing, in the form of ol-
ive-green metal, will leave you feeling like Završite godinu na
haj-tek noti/ End the
an adventurer on an important journalistic
assignment, even if that’s not what you
are. Both your still images and video clips
will look professional, regardless of your
actual profession. year on a high-tech note
Tehnološki saveznici koji plene svojom
futurističkom estetikom inspirisani su
pragmatičnom jednostavnošću istinskih svetskih
putnika / Technological pals that prove captivating
with their futuristic aesthetic and are inspired by the
pragmatic simplicity of true world travellers
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić

Devialet Mania
Dramatično ime samo nagoveštava etos ovog francuskog brenda audio-tehnolo-
gije. „Devialet“ je posvećen tome da pruži nesvakidašnje dobar zvuk bez kompro-
misa u dizajnu. „Mania“ prenosivi zvučnik je najnoviji dodatak njihovom impresiv-
nom portfoliju: adaptivna tehnologija prilagođava se specifičnosti svakog prostora,
a skulpturalna forma učiniće da bude primećen čak i u najskrivenijem uglu.
Devialet Mania
This product’s dramatic name merely hints at the ethos of this French au-
dio technology brand - Devialet is devoted to delivering an exceptionally good
sound without compromising on design. The Mania portable smart speaker is
the latest addition to an already impressive portfolio: adaptive technology ad-
justs it to suit the specifics of each space – and the sculptural form will ensure it
stand outs even in the most hidden corner.

76 | Gedžeti » Gadgets
Samsung x Maison Margiela
Prateći aktuelne tendencije za trendovskom nostalgi-
jom svega sa Y2K estetikom, „Samsung“ je uspešno
oživeo sklopivi telefon svojim neponovljivim „Galaxy Z
Flip“ modelom. Ovako upečatljiv dizajn prati i podjed-
nako domišljata marketing strateška saradnja sa ista-
knutim modnim markama. Na red je došla i avangar-
dna kuća koju u ime belgijskog modnog konceptualiste
danas nadgleda Džon Galijano. „Samsung“ je ovu sa-
radnju visokog profila najavio na Instagramu kao „pre- XGMI Horizon Pro
lepu juhstapoziciju vrhunske tehnologije i visoke mo- Mali, ali moćan sistem obećava dinamičan kvalitet slike i izvanredan zvuk, mame-
de“, koristeći minimalističku ikonografiju kao prazno ći obožavaoce igrica i striminga punopravnim iskustvom kućnog bioskopa u jed-
slikarsko platno svog bestseler uređaja. nom kompaktnom paketu. Iako nije pristupačan po ceni, več pronalazi svoj put do
Samsung x Maison Margiela publike koja ceni vanserijski ugođaj, a u hladnim prazničnim danima, kao i zatišju
By following the current tendency towards trend nos- koje nakon njih sledi, upravo će ovaj gedžet ponuditi najbolji provod u gradu.
talgia for everything with a Y2K aesthetic, Samsung has XGIMI Horizon Pro
successfully revived the foldable phone that is its peer- This small, yet powerful projector system promises dynamic picture quality and ex-
less Galaxy Z Flip model. This striking design is accom- ceptional sound, enticing lovers of both gaming and streaming with its comprehen-
panied by an equally ingenious marketing strategy of sive "home cinema" experience in one compact package. Despite not being the
collaborations with prominent fashion brands. It is now most affordable option, it is already finding its way to audiences who appreciate the
the turn of the avant-garde house that is today over- outstanding atmosphere – both during the cold days of the holiday season and the
seen, on behalf of the Belgian fashion conceptualist, lull that follows – this gadget will provide the best time in town.
by John Galliano. Samsung announced this high-profile
collaboration on Instagram, dubbing it “a beautiful juxta-
position of top technology and high fashion,” using min-
imalist iconography as a blank canvas for its best-sell-
ing device.

Ikea Dirigera Hub

Švedski gigant pronašao je svoju lukrativnu nišu u eri kada koristitimo sve više
pametnih uređaja. Njegov novi hab dizajniran je da integriše ova haj-tek poma-
gala u naše domove na besprekoran način. Debitujući uz novi „Ikea Home Smart
app“, „Dirigera“ povezuje varijetet smart alata u funkcionalnom i organizovanom
maniru. Korisnicima se pruža prilika da sinhronizuju podizanje roletni sa zvukom
budilnika, nakon čega će vas optimistična muzika i miris kafe iz aparata (koji je na
signal počeo da je priprema) uvesti u dan.
Ikea Dirigera Hub
This Swedish giant has found its own lucrative niche in this era that sees us use ev-
er more smart devices – their new hub is designed to seamlessly integrate such
high-tech devices into our homes. Debuting alongside the new Ikea Home Smart
app, the Dirigera hub connects a variety of smart tools functionally and organisa-
tionally. Users are provided with an opportunity to synchronise the raising of their
blinds with the sound of their alarm clock, after which optimistic music and the
aroma of coffee from the machine (which started preparing follow a signal) will
ease you into the day.

Gadgets » Gedžeti| 77
Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia
P r es t o n i c a k u lt u r e S r b i j e 2 0 2 3 .

Doživite Čačak i sve njegove lepote

Foto: Mihailo Erovic

Čačak je prvi grad koji će poneti rativ. Nova kulturna ponuda grada utemeljena je
titulu evropske prestonice kulture na specifičnom kulturnom identitetu moravičkog
Srbije. Prvog dana proleća 2023, pod Tekst/Words:
kraja, a predloženi program koji počinje prvog da-
programskim konceptom „Čačanska Jelena na proleća sledeće godine karakterišu ujednačen
rodna“, inspirisanim imenom čuvene Pantović odnos prema nasleđu i sinergija prošlosti, sadaš-
Fotografije/ njosti i budućnosti.
sorte šljive, uživaćemo u brojnim Photography:
Izbor nije slučajno pao na Čačak. Grad koji se na-
kuturnim događajima i jedinstvenim Bratislav
lazi na razmeđi šumadijskog pobrđa i dinarskih ma-
prirodnim lepotama Pinhole siva most je između severa i juga u samom središtu

Production države Srbije. Dinamičan urbani centar na Zapadnoj
lanirane programske aktivnosti „Čačan- Moravi modernih stremljenja i burne istorije podignut
ske rodne“ doprinose razvoju kultur- je na mestu gde tragovi civilizacije sežu hiljadama go-
ne ponude i kvalitetu kulturnog živo- dina u prošlost. Čačak je grad istorijskih spomenika,
ta grada Čačka i privlačenju publike iz ali i moderne infrastrukture. Auto-putem „Miloš Ve-
čitave Srbije i regiona. Grad Čačak sta- liki“ do grada se stiže za sat i po iz Beograda i sa Ae-
viće u fokus karakteristike regionalnog bogatstva rodroma „Nikola Tesla“. Uz dobro poznatu gostopri-
i raznolikosti, a glavni motiv svih predloženih ak- mljivost i nadaleko čuvenu kuhinju, Čačak i njegova
tivnosti su ljudi, njihovo stvaralaštvo, rezultati i okolina idealno su mesto za izlet u prirodu ili grad-
uticaji koji nadrastaju lokalni, pa i nacionalni na- sku avanturu za sve genercije.

78 | Čačak » Čačak
Prelepa priroda u Ovčarsko-kablarskoj klisuri i The beautiful nature of the Ovčar-Kablar Gorge and the
meandri Zapadne Morave samo su neki od razloga meanders of the Western Morava are just a couple of the
da posetite Čačak i njegovu okolinu many reasons to visit Čačak and the surrounding area

Biser na Zapadnoj Moravi

Nema boljeg mesta od Čačka da vidite kako geo-
grafija određuje duh grada. Stasit i stamenit kao pla-
ninsko okruženje, gostoljubiv i pitom kao dolina reke
Zapadne Morave, na čijim obalama leži. Nekada kuća
Nemanjića i poprište oslobodilačkih bitaka, dom zna-
menitih umetnika i utočište za hodočasnike, Čačak i nje-
gova okolina su mesto gde se priroda i kultura prepliću
u svoj raznolikosti i lepoti. Zapadna Morava sa svojim
prepoznatljivim zavojitim tokom i kompleksom jeze-
ra predstavlja najvažniji vodeni sistem čačanskog po-
dručja. Ovaj kraj predstavlja sve najbolje od Srbije na
jednom mestu i velikodušno otvara vrata svima: poro-

Foto: Mihailo Erovic

dicama, avanturistima, ljubiteljima umetnosti, grad-
skih dešavanja i dobre kuhinje, kao i onima u potrazi
za duševnim mirom.
Nova kulturna ponuda grada utemeljena je na
Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura specifičnom kulturnom identitetu moravičkog kraja
Ovčarsko-kablarska klisura je biser prirode na svega The city’s new cultural offer is based on the specific
18 kilometara udaljenosti od Čačka. Klisura se ugnezdi- cultural identity of the Morava region
la između padina Ovčara i Kablara i mesto je koje krepi
telo i dušu. Istorija i priroda, srasle u šumovitim obron-
cima, predstavljaju jedinstvenu vrednost. Svakog ko se
zaputi Ibarskom magistralom u senci kosih ivica pla-
nina, klisura mami da stane i uživa u prizorima krivu-
dave reke ili da se regeneriše i okrepi u termalnoj vo-
di Ovčar banje.
Malo koja klisura u Srbiji je ukrašena tako izraže-
nim ukleštenim meandrima ili termalnim izvorima kao
ova. Klisura je pod zaštitom države kao predeo izuzetnih
odlika i kategorije i stanište je mnogih biljnih i životinj-
skih vrsta. U zagrljaju klisure savršeno se slažu senovi-
te plaže Morave i osunčano jezero Međuvršje, a možete
da uživate i u šetnji pored reke i vožnji katamaranom.

Srpska Sveta gora

Osim prirodnih lepota, Ovčarsko-kablarsku klisuru
krase i pravoslavni manastiri. U narodu je zbog mno-
gobrojnih manastira i svetih mesta ovaj čačanski kraj
poznat kao srpska Sveta gora. Planinski bedemi i br-
dašca iznad Morave utočište su 10 pravoslavnih ma-
nastira i dva sveta mesta. U Manastiru Blagoveštenju
zamonašio se u narodu omiljeni srpski patrijarh Pavle.
Manastir Jovanje nalazi se na levoj obali Zapadne
Morave, na njenom najvećem meandru, dok se na de-
snoj obali nalazi pećina Kađenica, koja je istovremeno
i sakralno-spomenički prostor.
Manastir Nikolje, s najstarijom crkvom među ov-
čarsko-kablarskim manastirima, podignut je na padi-
nama Kablara. U njegovoj riznici čuva se najznačajnija
rukopisana knjiga u srpskoj kulturi napisana počet-
kom 17. veka, Karansko jevanđelje. Jedini manastir
koji možete videti sa svih strana klisure je Uspenje.
Foto: Mihailo Erovic

Planinarske staze i putevi duhovnika čine klisuru ide-

alnim mestom kako za rekreativnu šetnju, tako i za
hodočašće vernika.

Čačak » Čačak| 79
R i ta m S r b i j e / R h y t h m o f S e r b ia

Nema boljeg
mesta od Čačka
da vidite kako
određuje duh

Foto: Profimedia / Dejan Krsmanovic / Alamy

There’s no better
place than Čačak
to confirm for
yourself how
determines the
spirit of a city

Foto: Profimedia / Dejan Krsmanovic / Alamy

Slavni Petrovići
Čačak je bio dom i čuvene porodice Petrović,
u kojoj su ponikli slikarka Nadežda Petrović i pe-
snik Rastko Petrović. Velikan čačanskog kraja bio
je i srpski pesnik Vladislav Petković Dis, pod čijim
se imenom održava godišnja književna manifesta-
cija „Disovo proleće“, zaštitni znak kulture Čačka.
Sve su to više nego dobri razlozi da se u vašoj agen-

Foto: Mihailo Erovic

di za godinu pred nama nađe poseta ovom veličan-
stvenom kraju.

Foto: Mihailo Erovic

80 | Čačak » Čačak
S e r b i a n c a p i ta l o f c u lt u r e 2 0 2 3

Experience Čačak and all its beauty

Foto: Mihailo Erovic

Čačak is the first city to carry the Serbian to heritage and the synergy of past, present and future.
capital of culture title. From the first day It was no accident that Čačak was selected. The city,
of spring 2023, under the programme which is located in the area that divides the Šumadija
concept “Čačanska rodna” [Čačak hills and the Dinaric Alps, represents a veritable bridge
between north and south, at the very heart of the state
Native], the name for which was inspired of Serbia. This dynamic urban centre on the West Mora-
by a famous local plum variety, we will va, with its modern aspirations and a tumultuous his-
enjoy numerous cultural events and tory, was built on a spot where the tracks of civilisation
areas of unique natural beauty can be traced back thousands of years. Čačak is a city of

historical monuments, but also modern infrastructure.
he planned activities of the Čačak Native pro- The city is approximately a 90-minute drive from Bel-
gramme will contribute to the development grade, and Nikola Tesla Airport, via Highway A2 - Mi-
of the city’s cultural offer and the quality of loš the Great. Thanks to Čačak’s famous hospitality and
Čačak’s cultural life, as well as attracting au- widely renowned cuisine, the city and surrounding ar-
diences from all across Serbia and around the ea represent an ideal destination for a daytrip in nature
region. The City of Čačak will place a focus on the distinc- or an urban adventure for all generations.
tive wealth and diversity of the region, while the main
theme of all proposed activities is people, in particular Pearl on the West Morava
their creativity, results and influences that expand beyond There’s no better place than Čačak to confirm for
the confines of the local narrative, and even the national yourself how geography determines the spirit of a city.
one. The city’s new cultural offer, which is based on the As sturdy and robust as the surrounding mountain re-
specific cultural identity of the Morava region, and the gion, it is also as hospitable and tame as the valley of the
proposed programme, which is set to start on the first day West Morava river that runs through the city. Once the
of next spring, is characterised by a balanced approach seat of the Nemanjić dynasty and the scene of battles

Čačak » Čačak| 81
R i ta m S r b i j e / R h y t h m o f S e r b ia

for liberation, home to famous artists and a place of ref-

uge for pilgrims, Čačak and its surroundings represent
places where nature and culture intertwine in their great
diversity and beauty. The West Morava, with its distinc-
tive meandering course and complex of lakes, represents
the most important water system in the Čačak area. This
area presents the best of Serbia in one place, and whole-
heartedly opens its doors to everyone: families, adven-
turers, art lovers, fans of urban events and good cuisine,
as well as those seeking peace of mind.

Ovčar-Kablar Gorge
The Ovčar-Kablar Gorge is a jewel of nature that’s
located just 18 kilometres from Čačak. The gorge, which
has carved itself a home between the sheer rock faces of
Ovčar and Kablar, is a place that invigorates both body
and soul. Here history and nature have fused on the for-
ested slopes, representing a unique treasure. Anyone who
sets out along the Ibar national road, in the shadow of
the sloping fringes of the mountains, is enticed by the
gorge itself to stop and enjoy the scenes of the meander-
ing river, or to visit the Ovčar Spa and regenerate and re-
invigorate themselves in its thermal waters.
There are few gorges in Serbia that are adorned by
such prominent river meanders or thermal springs as
this one. The gorge is under state protection, as a Cat-
egory I area of exceptional natural characteristics, and
provides a habitat for many species of plant and animal.
Combining perfectly in the embrace of the gorge are the
shady beaches of the Morava and the sunny Međuvrš-
je Lake, but also strolls beside the river and a catama-
ran ride on it.

Serbian Holy Mountain

Apart from stunning natural beauty, the Ovčar-Kablar
Gorge is also decorated with Orthodox monasteries that
date back centuries. Thanks to its numerous monaster- Program je koncipiran kroz četiri
ies and holy sites, this part of the Čačak area is known
as the Serbian Holy Mountain. The mountain ridges and podteme „Na slobodi“, „Na
rises above the Morava provide a haven for as many as raskršću“, „Na Moravi“ i „Na
10 Orthodox monasteries and two holy sites. It was at
the Annunciation Monastery that popular Serbian Pa- kaldrmi / The programme has been
triarch Pavle first became a monk. conceived through four sub-themes:
Jovanje Monastery [named after John the Baptist] is
situated on the left bank of the West Morava, overlook- On Freedom, On the intersection, On
ing the river’s largest meander, while on the right bank the Morava, On the Cobblestones
is the Kađenica Cave, the Smoke Cave, which is also a
sacred site with a monumental cave church.
Nikolje Monastery [named after St. Nicholas], which Famous Petrović family
boasts the oldest church among the Ovčar-Kablar mon- Čačak was also home to the famous Petrović family,
asteries, was erected on the slopes of Kablar. Its treasury which gave us the likes of painter Nadežda Petrović and
preserves the Karan Gospel, the most important hand- poet Rastko Petrović. Another great of the Čačak area
written book in Serbian culture, which was penned early is Serbian poet Vladislav Petković Dis, after whom the
in the 17th century. Uspenje, Assumption Monastery, is annual literary event that’s a trademark of Čačak cul-
the only monastery that can be observed from all sides ture is named, Disovo proleće (Dis’s Spring). And these
of the gorge. Hiking trails and the paths of clergymen are all more than adequate reasons for you to include a
make this gorge an ideal place for both recreational hik- visit to this magnificent region in your travel schedule
ers and pilgrims. for the year ahead.

82 | Čačak » Čačak
Ovog meseca probajte
specijalitete Zapadne
Srbije / This month
try the specialities of
Western Serbia

ta s t e s  of Serbia
Foto: Vladislav Mitic

» Ukusi
Tastes of SerbiaČačak » Čačak|
Srbije | 83
u ku s i s r b i j e / Tast e s o f S e r b i a

Hrana Food
Ako volite meso, na pravom ste mestu
If you like meat, you’re in the right place
Zapadna Srbija predstavlja jedan od
krajeva naše zemlje koji se može po-
hvaliti tipično srpskim specijaliteti-
ma. Baš onakvim kakvi su se spremali
u prošlosti. Ali koliko god da vam fokus
bude bio na sjajnim jelima ovog kraja,
ne propustite da istražite i sve njegove
istorijsko-kulturne i prirodne lepote.
Čačanski specijaliteti
Kada pomislimo na Čačak, odmah na
pamet pada ukusno pečenje koje se
sprema u gotovo svakoj čačanskoj ku-
ći. Tradicionalan način pečenja podra-
zumeva višečasovno pečenje praseta
ili jagnjeta na ražnju, pod kojim je va-
tra naložena specijalno od bukovih dr-
va, koja odlikuje najviši kvalitet. Širom
Čačka i njegove okoline postoje pe-
čenjare, čija je ovo specijalnost. Jedan
od najpoznatijih delikatesa je jagnjeća
sarmica, koja se pravi od iznutrica ko-
jima se dodaje kiselo mleko. Osim pe-
čenja, čačanski kraj je poznat i po od-
ličnom kuvanom kupusu.
Užička trpeza
Užički kraj može se slobodno označi-
ti kao deo Srbije u koji možete otići pa
čak samo da biste uživali u izvanred-
nim obrocima. Naravno, na prvo ga-
stronomsko mesto moramo staviti ču-
venu komplet lepinju koja se sprema
na peći na drva, a pravi se tako što se
donji deo lepinje premaže kajmakom,
umućeno jaje prelije preko njega, a za-
tim zapeče u pećnici 10 minuta. Tako
prepečeni sastojci se preliju zagreja-
nim pretopom. Ovaj sočni obrok biće,
zahvaljujući svojoj kalorijskoj vrednosti,
dovoljan da nakon obroka odete peši-
ce do Zlatibora! Užičani preporučuju
da lepinju jedete prstima, kidajući ko-
mad po komad dok ne zamastite i ru-
Foto: Djordje Kojadinovic

ke i bradu. Nadaleko je poznato zlati-

borsko meze, uz koje najbolje ide ljuta
i meka domaća rakija. Probajte hrska-
vu proju od kukuruznog brašna, pršutu

84 | Ukusi Srbije » Tastes of Serbia

Foto: Vladislav Mitic
sušenu na tradicionalni strong and mild local rakija brandy. Try
način, beli mrs – star ili crispy cornbread, prosciutto-style ham
mlad užički kajmak, ko- cured in a traditional way, white ‘mrs’ –
ji je napravljen od do- mature or fresh ‘kajmak’ milk curd from
maćeg kravljeg mleka. Užice, made using domestic cow’s milk.
Nakon ovakvog predje- Following this kind of appetiser come
la slede glavna jela, ko- the main dishes, which taste best when
ja su najukusnija kada se prave u čuve- Western Serbia represents one of the made using famous clay pots from Zlak-
nim zemljanim posudama iz Zlakuse. regions of our country that’s able to usa. The queens of Užice’s delicacies
Kraljice užičkih poslastica jesu lenje pi- boast of having typically Serbian spe- are lazy pie and airy doughnuts sprin-
te i vazdušaste krofne posute šeće- cialities. Exactly the way they used to kled with icing sugar, while you can also
rom u prahu, a možete se zasladiti i be prepared in bygone times. But re- satisfy your sweet tooth with renowned
čuvenim kompotima od voća ubranog gardless of how much you focus on the local fruit compotes made from the fruit
u domaćim voćnjacima. wonderful culinary delights of this re- of local family orchards.
Zlatiborska bajka gion, don’t miss out on the chance to al- Zlatibor fairy tale
Na putu ka Zlatiboru upoznajte divne so explore its historical, cultural and nat- Meet wonderful people and try phe-
ljude i probajte fenomenalna jela. Šta ural beauty nomenal dishes on the road to Zlati-
je bolje i ukusnije, da li jagnjetina i te- Čačak specialities bor. It is tough to say which is tastier:
letina ispod sača, janija ili pak smok sa What first springs to mind when we lamb and veal under the bell, yahni-
dimljenim rebrima, teško je reći. U zla- think of Čačak is the delicious roast ya stew or dairy with smoked ribs. Al-
tiborskom kraju skoro svako jelo se bar meat that is prepared in almost every most every dish in the Zlatibor region
pred kraj preruči u zemljanu posudu i house in the Čačak area. The traditional is cooked, or at least finished, by be-
zapeče, što nesumnjivo daje poseban roasting method implies many hours of ing placed in a clay dish and baked,
šmek. Ipak, kako je ovo pretežno brdo- slow roasting a piglet or lamb on a spit, which undoubtedly gives it a special nu-
vit i tradicionalno stočarski kraj, vrhun- over a fire made specially for this pur- ance. Still, given that this is a predomi-
cem gastronomske ponude smatra- pose from beech wood, which is char- nantly hilly and traditional pastoral area,
ju se zlatiborska pršuta i kajmak. Iako acterised by being of the highest quality Zlatibor prosciutto-style ham and ‘kaj-
se na sličan način pravi i u drugim bal- for wood smoking. There are profes- mak’ milk curd are considered the pin-
kanskim zemljama, kajmak je tradici- sional roasters specialising in this culi- nacle of the local gastronomic offer. De-
onalni srpski mlečni proizvod. Dobi- nary art all across Čačak and the sur- spite being prepared in a similar way
ja se sakupljanjem mlečne masti koja rounding area. One of the most famous in other Balkan countries, ‘kajmak’ milk
se čuva u specijalnim uslovima. Mo- local delicacies is ‘jagnjeća sarmica’, a curd is classed as a traditional Serbian
že biti različitog ukusa, u zavisnosti od kind of lamb roulade made from offal dairy product. It is created by collecting
toga da li je svež ili star. Svaki je izvr- and accompanied with sour milk. Apart milk fat that is then stored under spe-
stan, a vi izaberite prema ukusu. Kaj- from roast meats, the Čačak area is also cial conditions. It can taste differently
mak ovde nikako nije samo namaz, on known for its excellent boiled cabbage. depending on whether it is fresh or ma-
se koristi i kao začin u pripremi mnogih Užice spread ture. Each type is excellent, and it’s up
tradicionalnih jela. Kao i pršutom, kaj- The Užice area is part of Serbia that you to you to choose your favourite based
makom se puni meso, krompir, ma ide can head to even if just to enjoy its ex- on your personal taste. In this area, Ka-
u sve i uz sve. ceptional dishes. Of course, we have jmak is by no means merely a spread,
U zlatiborskom kraju apetit se otva- to give the top gastronomic rating to as it is also used as a flavouring in the
ra rakijicom, najčešće od šljive, jabu- the famous ‘komplet lepinja’ – a flat bun preparation of many traditional dishes.
ke, dunje ili kruške. A dosta se piju i do- with everything, which is prepared in a Just like the local cured ham, milk curd is
maći likeri. Domaćice najčešće prave woodfired stove and is made by spread- used as a stuffing for meats and potato
onaj od bobičastog voća sa rumom, ing ‘kajmak’ milk curd over the bot- dishes, though it really goes in and with
ali i od drenjine koje na planinskim vi- tom half of a bread bun, adding a beat- everything.
sovima ima u izobilju. Zato uživajte u en egg to it and baking this kind of open The favoured aperitif to whet the ap-
zlatiborskom kraju, tamo se ne zna šta egg sandwich in the oven for 10 min- petite in the Zlatibor area is local raki-
je bolje – hrana, priroda ili ljudi. utes. Heated dripping, or natural gra- ja brandy, most commonly plum, apple,
vy, is then poured over this baked mix. quince or pear rakija. Homemade li-
Thanks to its calorific value, this suc- queurs are also a popular tipple. House-
Kad se pomene čačak, odmah culent dish will provide enough energy wives generally make it from various
for you to hike up Zlatibor after you de- berries with rum, but also from cor-
na pamet pada sočno pečenje / vour it! Užice folk recommend that you nel dogwood cherries, which are abun-
What first springs to mind when eat the bun with your fingers, tearing it dant on the higher mountain meadows.
we think of Čačak is the delicious to pieces until your hands and chin be- So, enjoy the Zlatibor area, where it isn’t
come greasy. The Zlatibor meze is also known what’s better – the food, the na-
roast meat widely renowned and best served with ture or the people.

Tastes of Serbia » Ukusi Srbije | 85

u ku s i s r b i j e / Tast e s o f S e r b i a

Rolovana teletina
POTREBNO JE: 1 kg telećeg mesa od buta, 5 dl
ulja, mleveni biber, peršunov list
PRIPREMA: Šareno meso od buta operite, po-
solite i premažite uljem. Zavijte ga u rolnu, uve-
žite čistim belim koncem, prelijte uljem i stavite
u dobro zagrejanu rernu. Pecite oko jedan sat,
često prelivajući sokom u kojem se peče. Kada
se rolat ispeče, isecite ga na šnite i prelijte so-
kom od pečenja. Garnirajte barenim povrćem i
dekorišite peršunom.

Foto: Vladislav Mitic

Rolled veal
INGREDIENTS: 1kg of veal cutlets, 50cl of oil,
ground pepper, parsley leaf
Komplet lepinja PREPARATION: Wash the meat cutlet, then add
POTREBNO JE: 500 g brašna, 250 ml mlake vode, 3 kašike ulja, 1 salt and rub with oil. Wrap to form a roll and tie
kašičica soli, pola kašičice šećera, kocka svežeg kvasca; ZA FIL: with clean white string. Pour oil over the top of
1 kašika starog kajmaka, 4 jajeta, pretop (saft od jagnjećeg i pra- the roll and place in a well-heated oven. Roast
sećeg pečenja) for around an hour, regularly basting the meat in
PRIPREMA: Pomešajte brašno i so, a u mlaku vodu stavite kva- its juices. Once the roll is roasted, slice into roll
sac i šećer. U brašno dodajte ulje i nadošli kvasac, umesite testo cuts and pour the roasting juices over the meat.
i ostavite ga još malo na toplom. Podelite ga na četiri dela i od Accompany with steamed vegetables and gar-
svakog napravite lepinju. Pecite ih u zagrejanoj rerni, a kad budu nish with parsley.
gotove, prekrijte ih vlažnom krpom da omekšaju. Lepinju raseci-
te po sredini.Donji deo lepinje premažite kajmakom, dodajte jaje
i umutite ga direktno na lepinji. Zapecite u rerni, izvadite, prelijte
pretopom i poklopite.

Komplet lepinja – flat bun with everything

INGREDIENTS: 500g of flour, 250ml of lukewarm water, 3 tables-
poons of oil, 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar, 1 cube of
fresh yeast. FOR THE FILLING: 1 tablespoon of aged ‘kajmak’ milk
curd, 4 eggs, dripping (the juices of roast lamb and pork).
PREPARATION: Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl, while pla-
cing the yeast and sugar in a smaller bowl containing the lu-
kewarm water. Add oil and the risen yeast to the flour, knead the
resulting dough and set aside in a warm place to rest. Cut into
four pieces and make a breadcake from each. Bake in a heated
oven. Once they are ready, cover the flat buns with a damp cloth
to soften. Once softened, cut the buns down the middle. Spread
the milk curd on the bottom half of the bun, add the egg and be-
at it directly in the bun. Return to the oven to bake, then pour over
the dripping and cover with the top half of the bun.

Užički kraj je deo Srbije u koji možete

otići pa čak i samo da biste uživali u
izvanrednim obrocima / The Užice area is
Foto: Vladislav Mitic

part of Serbia that you can head to even if

just to enjoy its exceptional dishes

86 | Ukusi Srbije » Tastes of Serbia


88 | Francuska kuhinja » French cuisine

Braća Mišlen su 1900. godine počele sa distribucijom „Mišlenovog It was in the year 1900 that the Michelin brothers first began
turističkog vodiča“ po Francuskoj, koji je služio da se putnici distributing their Michelin tourist guide around France, which served to
upoznaju sa turističkim potencijalima zemlje acquaint travellers with the country’s tourism potential

K r i s t i j a n Te t ed u a , š e f

Tajna ukusnog
jela je u maslacu
Prvu čorbu skuvao je kad mu je bilo samo sedam
godina, prvi specijalitet spremio je sa 11, postao
je šef Mišlenove kuhinje u Francuskoj i otišao
pravo u Jelisejsku palatu, u kojoj je kuvao za
predsednike Fransoa Miterana i Žaka Širaka

akva remek-dela – Predsednici su stalno na ne-
ume da spremi Kri- kim zvaničnim večerama, pa ka-
stijan Tetedua, ima- da se nađu sa svojim ličnim ku-
li su priliku da ispro- varom, žele jednostavne stvari.
baju oni koji su ove Zahvaljujući klasičnom kuvanju
godine u Beogradu prisustvovali imao sam mnogo izbora i mogao
Danima francuske kuhinje. Nosi- da ponudim različite kuhinje.
lac mnogobrojnih profesionalnih Šta su najviše voleli da
priznanja, nosilac titule najboljeg jedu?
restoratera i predsednik Mišleno- – Širak je voleo teleću glavu, a
vih kuvara u Francuskoj spremao Miteran je svakog ponedeljka na-
je svoje specijalitete u jednom re- ručivao pileći batak sa salatom i
storanu u Beogradu na vodi, a mi pireom. Ništa komplikovano, ali Imate li recept za sreću,
smo ga na početku pitali zašto ga veoma ukusno. bar onu koja prolazi pre-
smatraju učiteljem svih francu- Šta zapravo svako jelo ko nepca?
skih kuvara. mora da sadrži da bi bilo – Precizna kuhinja sa prepo-
– Mnogo sarađujem sa kole- ukusno? znatljivim ukusima. Jelo mora bi-
gama, a moja uloga predsednika – Maslac! ti izbalansirano i omogućiti isti-
kuvara Francuske čini da budem Koje je vaše omiljeno canje sastojaka.
prvi u odbrani vrednosti francu- francusko jelo? Gde kuvate i gde naši go-
„Er Srbija“ leti
ske kuhinje. – Teleća čorba. Sviđa mi se do Liona, u kom sti mogu da dođu i pro-
Koja je tajna vašeg uspe- gurmanska strana jela i finoća me- ovaj čuveni baju najbolja jela?
ha? Prvu supu ste spre- šavine začinskog bilja koje se do- francuski kuvar – „Maison Tetedoie“ nalazi
ima tri ugledna
mili kad vam je bilo samo bro slaže sa teletinom. restorana se u Lionu, na brdu Forvijer. Sa-
sedam godina. Kakve ste utiske stekli o Air Serbia flies to stoji se od tri restorana sa tri ra-
– Nije to neka naročita tajna. Beogradu? Nedavno ste Lyon, where this zličita ambijenta u istoj zgradi:
renowned French
Kao u svemu ostalom, važni su prvi put bili u srpskoj chef has three
„Gurmanski restoran“, „Bistro“ i
upornost i stalno preispitivanje. prestonici? distinguished „Krov“. (www.tetedoie.com)
Jela koje svetske kuhinje – Na arhitektonskom nivou restaurants Imatete li preporuku za
najviše volite da jedete, sam zapazio interesantnu meša- večeru u Parizu?
a koje da spremate? vinu restauriranih starih zgrada i – Toplo preporučujem resto-
– Sve kuhinje volim jer me novijih, modernih delova grada. ran Frederika Simonina u Ulici
zanimaju svi ukusi. Marokanska, Prijatno sam se iznenadio i kvali- Bajen 25.
meksička, japanska… Trenutno tetom namirnica koje sam kuvao.
sam veoma zainteresovan za taj- Da li vam se dopalo neko
landsku. srpsko jelo i šta mislite o
Bili ste lični kuvar fran- našoj kuhinji?
cuskih predsednika – Dopadaju mi se jela od iznu- scan Ana Vodinelić
Fransoa Miterana i Žaka
Širaka. To mora da je bi-
trica, podsećaju me na lionska je-
la. Srpska kuhinja je jednostavna,
me Fotografije/Photography:
Dado Lopez Perez
la velika odgovornost? izdašna, sa mnogo ukusa.

French cuisine » Francuska kuhinja | 89


to offer different cuisines.

What did they most like
to eat?
- Chirac loved calf’s head, while
Mitterrand ordered chicken drum-
stick with salad and mashed pota-
Širak je voleo to every Monday. Nothing compli-
teleću glavu, cated, but very tasty.
a Miteran
je svakog What does every dish have
ponedeljka to contain to be tasty?
naručivao pileći - Butter!
batak sa salatom
i pireom What is your favourite
Chirac loved French dish?
calf’s head, - Veal stew. I like the gourmet
while Mitterrand
ordered chicken
side of the dish and the subtlety of
drumstick the blend of herbs that goes well
with salad and with the veal.
mashed potato
every Monday
What were your impres-
sions of Belgrade, having
Chr istian Têtedoie, chef visited the Serbian capital

The secret to a delicious

for the first time recently?
- At the architectural level, I
noticed an interesting blend of re-

dish is in the butter stored old buildings and newer,

modern parts of the city. I was al-
so pleasantly surprised by the qual-
He cooked his first soup when he was just seven ity of the ingredients I cooked.
years old, prepared his first speciality at the age of 11, Was there some Serbi-
an dish that you liked and
became a Michelin-starred chef in France and headed
what do you think of our
straight to the Elysée Palace, where he cooked for cuisine?
presidents François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac - I like the offal dishes, which re-

mind me of dishes from Lyon. Ser-
hose who attend- just seven years old. bian cuisine is simple and plentiful,
ed this year’s Days of - That isn’t some particular se- with lots of flavours.
French Cuisine in Bel- cret. As with everything else, per- Do you have a recipe for
grade event had an op- severance and constant reconsid- happiness, at least the hap-
portunity to try just erations are important. piness that comes through
what masterpieces Christian Têt- Which of the world’s cui- the taste buds?
edoie is capable of preparing. A re- sines do you most like to - Precise cuisine with recognis-
cipient of numerous professional eat, and which do you like able flavours. A dish must be bal-
awards, holder of the title of best to prepare? anced and enable the ingredients
restaurateur and president of the - I like all cuisines, as I’m inter- to come to the fore.
Master Chefs of France (Les Maîtres ested in all tastes. Moroccan, Mex- Where do you cook and
Cuisiniers de France), he prepared ican, Japanese... I'm currently very where can our passengers
his specialities at one of the Bel- interested in Thai food. come and try the best dish-
grade Waterfront restaurants and You were the personal es?
we began our interview by asking chef of French presidents - Maison Tetedoie is located in
him why he is considered a teach- Francois Mitterrand and Lyon on Fourviere Hill. It compris-
er of all French chefs... Jacques Chirac. That must es three restaurants, each with their
- I collaborate a lot with my col- have been a great respon- own ambience, in the same build-
leagues, and my role as president of sibility? ing: Gourmet Restaurant, Bistro
the Master Chefs of France means - Presidents constantly attend and Rooftop. (www.tetedoie.com)
that I’m the first to defend the val- some official dinners, so when Do you have a recommen-
ues of French cuisine. they get together with their per- dation for dinner in Paris?
What is the secret of your sonal chef, they tend to want sim- - I warmly recommend the res-
success? You prepared your ple things. Thanks to classic cook- taurant Frédéric Simonin at 25 Rue
first soup when you were ing, I had many choices and was able Bayen.

90 | Francuska kuhinja » French cuisine

Destinacija Destination Tjenđin

D o b r o d o š l i u Tj e n đ i n

Menhetn na Bohajskom moru

Od drevnih spomenika do modernih parkova, istražite znamenitosti
u jednom od ključnih finansijskih epicentara Kine
Foto: depositphotos

osmopolitski trgovač- tara postepeno okreće. Rotacije tra- Trg kulture
ki centar od srednjeg ju oko 30 minuta, dok kapsule imaju Ovo je lepo mesto za šetnju
veka, Tjenđin ima je- mesta za osmoro. Najbolje vreme za i uživanje u finoj arhitekturi i
dinstven, sopstveni ukrcavanje je odmah nakon zalaska mostovima duž reke Haj prema
karakter. Grad je du- sunca, kada je grad okupan svetlima, Tjenđin oku ili za krstarenje re-
go bio ključna kineska luka i, kao a neonski natpisi bacaju svoj blista- kom. Možete videti meštane ka-
što je to često slučaj, stalni dotok vi odsjaj preko reke. ko pecaju ili gledati mladence ka-
ljudi i robe pomogao je da se stvo- ko se fotografišu sa zgradama u
ri posebna lokalna kultura. Bogat evropskom stilu kao pozadinom.
arhitektonskim, kulturnim i kuli- Zimi, kada je reka zaleđena, ta-
narskim nasleđem, grad je danas mo možete ići na klizanje. No-
centar razvoja i jedan od ključnih ćni pogled sa šarenim svetlima
finansijskih epicentara Kine. Evo je posebno šarmantan.
samo nekih od fantastičnih stva-
ri koje možete videti i raditi u ovoj Pet velikih avenija
dinamičnoj primorskoj metropoli. Sastoji se od pet ulica na-
zvanih po pet gradova na ju-
Tjenđin oko
Foto: Profiedia / David Parker / Alamy

gozapadu Kine. To su Čengdu,

Izdižući se preko prometnog Čongking, Čangde, Dali i Mu-
drumskog mosta koji se proteže pre- nan. Arhitektura je fantastična,
ko reke Haj, točak za posmatranje a šetajući možete osetiti istori-
Tjenđina otkriva vrtoglav pogled na ju u vazduhu i možda se zapita-
gradsku liniju nebodera dok se ma- ti kakav je život mogao biti pre
sivna konstrukcija prečnika 120 me- 100 godina.

92 | Tjenđin » Tianjin
Ako jurite za stvarima koje treba da vidite u Tjenđinu, planirajte da If you’re on the hunt for things to see in Tianjin, plan on being busy. This
budete zauzeti. Ovaj užurbani grad zna kako da se zabavi i bićete bustling city knows how to have fun. Whatever you’re into, you’ll be
impresionirani raznovrsnošću atrakcija impressed by the variety of attractions on offer here

Welcome to Tia njin

on the Bohai Sea
From ancient monuments to modern parks, here
we present the most remarkable landmarks to
explore in one of China’s core financial hubs

cosmopolitan commer- er provides a venue for ice skating.
cial centre since medi- The view at night, with its colour-
eval times, Tianjin has ful lights, is particularly charming.
a character all its own.
The city has long been Five Great Avenues
a key Chinese port and, as is so of- This area consists of five streets
ten the case, the constant flow of named after five cities in southwest
Grad je poznat
i po svom radio people and goods into Tianjin has China. They are Chengdu, Chong-
i televizijskom helped forge a distinct local culture. qing, Changde, Dali and Munan. The
tornju, koji je Rich in architectural, cultural and architecture is fabulous and walk-
osmi po visini
na svetu i visok
culinary heritage, the city is today ing among the buildings here ena-
je više od 400 a hotbed of development and one bles you to feel the history in the air,
metara of China’s core financial hubs. Here’s while you wonder what life might
The city is also
known for its radio
just a shortlist of some of the best have been like here a century ago.
and television things to see and do in this dynam-
tower, which – at ic coastal metropolis. Folklore Museum
a height of over The Tianjin Folklore Museum
400 metres – is
the world’s eighth Tianjin Eye preserves within it Tianhou Palace,
tallest tower Towering over a busy road bridge while its collections include approx-
that spans the river Hai, the Tian- imately 2,000 folk items that repre-
jin observation wheel, officially the sent the development and customs
Muzej folklora Tientsin Eye, reveals giddying views of a great variety of aspects of daily
Muzej folklora u svom sklopu of the city’s skyscraper-spiked sky- life, trade, the arts and clothing. You
čuva palatu Tjanhou, a ima oko line as its massive 120-metre di- can check out the development of
2.000 predmeta koji predstavlja- ameter gradually turns. Rotations Tianjin’s maritime transportation,
ju razvoj i običaje iz svakodnev- take around 30 minutes, with the fishing and salt trade. You can al-
nog života, trgovine, umetnosti capsules providing room for up to so enjoy folk art in the form of clay
i odevanja. Možete videti procvat eight passengers. The best time to sculptures, brick carvings, paper cut-
vodnog saobraćaja, ribolova i tr- step aboard is immediately after sun- tings and weavings.
govine solju u Tjenđinu. Takođe set, when the city is bathed in a soft
možete uživati u narodnoj umet- light and the neon signs blink on Nanshi Cuisine Street
nosti pravljenja skulptura od gli- to cast their glittering reflections This is not so much a street of
ne, rezbarija od cigle, rezanja pa- across the river. eateries as it is a huge food shopping
pira i tkanja. centre built to resemble an ancient
Cultural Square Chinese walled citadel – complete
Nanši, ulica hrane This is a pleasant place to wan- with a modern musical fountain at
Ovo nije toliko ulica, koliko der around and enjoy the fine archi- its centre. There are more than 100
veliki tržni centar izgrađen tako tecture and bridges along the Hai to- different food stalls for you to wan-
da izgleda kao drevna kineska ci- wards the Tianjin Eye, or to catch
tadela sa zidinama i modernom a boat and take a river cruise. You
muzičkom fontanom u centru. Po- can see locals fishing in the river or
Tekst / Words:
stoji više od 100 različitih štan- watch newlyweds taking photos, Jelena Pantović
dova sa hranom koje možete da with nearby European style build- Fotografije / Photography:
posetite, što ovo mesto čini ideal- ings providing the backdrop. During Depositphotos, Profimedia.rs
nim za isprobavanje raznih jela iz the winter months, the frozen riv-

Tianjin » Tjenđin | 93
D e st i n ac i j a / D e st i n at i o n

Tjenđin ima širok centralni biznis

deo sa visokim poslovnim i
stambenim zgradama
Tianjin has a broad central business
district, occupied by tall, commercial
buildings and residential structures

cele Kine. Najpopularniji lokalni

specijaliteti su goubuli peciva na
pari punjena mesom, đijanbing
(palačinke) punjene korijande-
rom, mladim lukom i izuzetno
svežim morskim plodovima.

Ulica antičke kulture

Guvenhua Đi, poznata i kao

Foto: Depositphotos / XSW

ulica drevne kulture, pešačka je
ulica na obali reke Haj. Okićena
raznobojnim kineskim fenjerima,
puna je butika, barova i prelepo re-
stauriranih istorijskih zgrada, koje
uglavnom potiču iz dinastije Mi-
ng. To uključuje kitnjasto ukrašeni der, making this place ideal for sam-
taoistički hram iz 14. veka, pavi- pling a wide range of dishes from
ljon Cara od žada i svetilište Kra- all over China. The most popular
ljice neba, lokalne boginje mora. stalls offer local specialities: Goubu-
li steamed buns stuffed with meat,
Huangža kod Velikog zida Jianbing (crepes) filled with corian-
Huangža, ili Žuta litica, deo der, spring onions and exceptional-
kineskog Velikog zida, vijuga pre- ly fresh seafood.
ko strmih, talasastih grebena u
prirodnom živopisnom području Ancient Culture Street
Ganlušan, dva sata vožnje sever- Guwenhua Jie, meaning An-
no od Tjenđina. Zid je izgrađen u cient Culture Street, is a pedestri-
6. veku, a obložen je ciglom go- an walkway along the bank of the
tovo 700 godina kasnije, tokom Hai. Adorned with hanging colour-
vladavine dinastije Ming. Potpu- ful Chinese lanterns, it bristles with
no je obnovljen i velika je atrak- boutiques, snack bars and beautifully
cija, posebno vikendom. restored historical buildings, most-
ly dating back to the Ming Dynas-
ty. These include an ornately gabled
Foto: Profiedia / Dave Porter / Alamy

14th Century Taoist temple, the Jade

Emperor Pavilion and a shrine to the
scan Queen of Heaven, a local sea goddess.
me Huangya Pass
at The Great Wall
The Huangya, or Yellow Cliff,
Pola sata do Pekinga Half an hour to Beijing pass is a section of the Great Wall of
Železnička pruga Peking–Tjenđin je kineska brza The Beijing–Tianjin intercity railway is a Chinese China that winds its way over steep,
pruga koja se proteže na liniji od 117 kilometara high-speed railway that runs for 117 kilometres undulating ridges in the Ganlushan
između dva grada. Dizajnirana samo za putnički between the two cities. Designed exclusively Natural Scenic Area, a two-hour drive
saobraćaj, kineska vlada je izgradila prugu za vo- to cater for passenger traffic, the Chinese north of Tianjin. The wall here was
zove koji putuju maksimalnom brzinom od 350 government built the line to accommodate trains first constructed in the 6th centu-
kilometara na čas. Kada je linija otvorena, 1. av- travelling at a maximum speed of 350 km/h. ry AD and received its brick façade
gusta 2008. godine, postavila je rekord za naj- When the line first opened on 1st August 2008, nearly 700 years later, during the
bržu uslugu konvencionalnog voza na svetu, uz its top speed ensured that it set a new record for Ming Dynasty. It has today been ful-
maksimalnu brzinu i smanjeno vreme putovanja the fastest conventional train service in the world, ly restored and represents a major
sa 70 na 30 minuta. reducing travel time from 70 to 30 minutes. attraction, especially at weekends.

94 | Tjenđin » Tianjin
Destinacija Destination

Srećan Božić
M e r r y c h r i s t mas

U decembru
radost živi
u Njujorku
In December,
joy lives in
New York
Planirajte hedonističku prazničnu
turu po kultnim lokacijama
Menhetna – od hotela iz filma „Sam
u kući“ pa do „Doručka kod Tifanija“,
preko legendarnog „Bergdorfa“
i svih svetala Bruklina / Plan a
hedonistic festive season tour of iconic
Manhattan locations – from the hotel
featured in Home Alone to Breakfast at
Tiffany’s, via the legendary Bergdorfs
and all the lights of Brooklyn
Mnogo je magičnih mesta na svetu ko-
ja plene o praznicima, ali niko to ne radi bolje ne-
go Njujork. Da, Velika jabuka u ovo doba godine po-
staje ušećerena! Nakon što je tokom pandemije sijao
umerenim sjajem, na pragu 2023. nudi nam više ne-
go ikad. Ipak, mi smo se odlučili da (ponovo) pose-
timo neke od najslavnijih lokacija pop-kulture kako
bismo radosne dane i bajkovite večeri proveli na me-
stima koja su oblikovala kolektivno poimanje praznika.
There are many magical places around
the world that are captivating during the holidays, but
none do it better than New York. Yes, during this spe-
cial time of the year, that “Big Apple” becomes sug-
ar-coated! After maintaining a moderate shine during
the pandemic, on the eve of 2023 it offers us more than
ever before. But we’ve nonetheless decided to (re)vis-
it some of the most celebrated locations from pop cul-
ture, so we can spend joyful days and fairy-tale evenings
Foto: Depositphotos / Michele Piacquadio

in places that have shaped the collective understand-

ing of the holidays.

Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić

Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

96 | Njujork » New York

Uživajte u stilu

Foto: Depositphotos / Jordi de Rueda

Kevina Mekalistera
Ukoliko su vam filmovi iz serijala „Sam u
kući“ obeležili detinjstvo, evo prilike da
se vratite u najbezbrižniji period. Čuve-
ni njujorški hotel „Plaza“, u kom je sni-
man drugi deo ove franšize, za svoje
goste pripremio je tematsku turu koja
oživljava omiljene scene iz ovog klasika
devedesetih. Iskustvo počinje uzbud-
ljivom četvorosatnom vožnjom limuzi-
nom tokom koje ćete posetiti Empajer
stejt bilding, Rokfeler centar, Central
park, Karnegi Hol i Radio siti mjuzik hol.
Naravno, takva vožnja ne bi bila potpu-
na bez preukusne pice sa topljenim si-
rom, baš onako kako bi Kevin voleo.
Enjoy yourself in the style
of Kevin McCallister
If your childhood was marked
by the films of the Home
Alone series, this is your
chance to return to that care-
free period. New York’s famous
Plaza Hotel, where the second in-
Foto: Profimedia / NZ / Christophel Collection

stalment of this franchise was shot, Maštajte kao Holi Golajtli

has prepared a themed tour for its guests that Uvodna scena „Doručka kod Tifanija“ stilska je inspiracija i dan-danas, a upravo je
brings to life the most beloved scenes of this ovo šik izdanje Odri Hepbern predstavljalo prekretnicu zlatnog doba Holivuda. Film
Foto: Profimedia / Leonard Zhukovsky

‘90s classic. The experience begins with an ex- Blejka Edvardsa iz 1961. uneo je potpuno novo poimanje elegancije u modni voka-
citing four-hour limousine ride that will take you bular tog vremena predstavivši ekcentričnu heroinu Trumana Kapotea koju je za ve-
to the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, liko platno odenuo neponovljivi Živanši. Velelepna „Tifani“ adresa na Petoj aveniji od
Central Park, Carnegie Hall and Radio City Mu- prve sekvence je legitiman junak filma. Ovo je ujedno i prvi put da je filmskoj ekipi
sic Hall. Of course, such a ride wouldn’t be com- omogućeno snimanje tamo. I dan-danas svakog jutra ćete na tom
plete without a delicious pizza topped with melt- uglu Menhetna zateći devojke koje se sapliću u dugim uskim cr-
ed cheese, just the way Kevin liked it. nim haljinama u pokušaju da naprave sopstveni rimejk starta
ove celuloidne bajke.

Fantasise like Holly Golightly

The opening scene of the film Breakfast at Tif-
fany’s remains one of stylistic inspiration to this
day, and this chic edition of Audrey Hepburn
actually represented the turning point in Hol-
lywood’s golden age. This 1961 Blake Edwards
film introduced an entirely new notion of ele-
gance to the fashion vocabulary of the period,
presenting Truman Capote’s eccentric heroine
dressed for the big screen by the inimitable Hu-
Foto: Profimedia / Thalemann, Steffen / LOOK-foto

bert de Givenchy. The magnificent Fifth Avenue

address of Tiffany & Co. from the opening se-
quence is really the film’s legitimate hero. This
was also the first time a film crew was permit-
ted to shoot there. To this very day, every morn-
ing on that corner of Manhattan, you’ll find girls
stumbling in long tight black dresses as they at-
tempt to create their own remake of this cellu-
loid fairy tale.

New York » Njujork | 97

D e st i n ac i j a / D e st i n at i o n

Kupujte kao plavuša Shop like a Bergdorf blonde

iz „Bergdorfa“ The rise of consumerism at the start
Uspon konzumerizma na počet- of the millennium, together with its
ku ovog milenijuma i njegovu ži- colourful iconography, was creatively
vopisnu ikonografiju domišljato portrayed for us by one of Anna Win-
nam je dočarala jedna od bliskih tour’s close collaborators, Vogue ed-
saradnica Ane Vintur, urednica u itor Plum Sykes, in her novel Berg-
„Vogu“ Plam Sajks u svojoj knji- dorf Blondes. Although that term
zi „Plavuše iz Bergdorfa“. was copied to a certain ex-
Iako je taj pojam done- tent from Skyes’ colleague
kle prepisala od ko- Candace Bushnell, the
leginice Kendis Buš- fact is that the phenom-
nel, činjenica je da enon of rich women
fenomen bogatih že- who nurture a distinctive
na koje neguju prepo- blonde look because they
znatljivu blond nijansu spend millions to beauti-
jer troše milione na ulep- fy themselves isn’t only fiction,

Foto: Profimedia / Desiree Navarro Collection / Everett

šavanje nije samo fikcija već i re- but rather a Manhattan reality.
alnost na Menhetnu. Mesto gde The place where they meet for lunch,
se sreću na ručku, a usput ispi- and en route check out the latest
Foto: Depositphotos / Leonard Zhukovsky

pavaju najnovije couture kreaci- couture creations and try on trendy

je i isprobaju trendove friško pri- items fresh from the catwalk, is the
stigle sa piste, upravo je slavni BG famous Bergdorf Goodman restau-
restoran sa pogledom na Central rant with its views over Central Park,
park snobovska zen oaza u srcu a snobbish Zen oasis at the heart of
prestonice planete. Probajte Go- this planetary capital. Try the Gotham
tam salatu. Salad.

U Bruklinu su kuće ukrašene kao da se sve što čini Božić sručilo

sa neba na njih / In Brooklyn houses are decorated as through
everything that comprises Christmas has fallen from the sky on them
Blistajte u Bruklinu
Ukoliko ne možete da odolite spekta-
kularnim prazničnim ukrasima, pose-
ta Dajker hajtsu biće poslastica za vaše
oči. Vremenom je elaborativna deko-
racija ovog komšiluka u Bruklinu prera-
sla u atrakciju jer je svaka kuća ukraše-
na kao da se sve što čini Božić sručilo
Foto: Profimedia / mediadrumimages.com/GordonDonova

sa neba upravo pred njom. U savrše-

noj ravnoteži između prideva kič i kul,
privlači horde posetilaca jer smo ispod
svega samo deca željna novogodišnje
čarolije. Već nekoliko dana nakon što
Amerikanci proslave Dan zahvalnosti,
kuće u Dajker hajtsu oblače se u svetlu-
cavo praznično ruho.
Shine brightly in Brooklyn
If you simply can’t resist spectacu-
lar holiday decorations, visiting Dyk-
er Heights will provide a treat for your everything that comprises Christ- neath all of our façades we’re just kids
eyes. The elaborate Christmas deco- mas has fallen from the sky and landed who want some festive season magic.
rations of this Brooklyn neighbourhood right in front. In a perfect balance be- Just a few days after Americans cele-
have gradually grown to become an tween the adjectives of kitsch and cool, brate Thanksgiving, the houses of Dyker
attraction in their own right, because the neighbourhood attracts mass- Heights are already decked out in spar-
every house is decorated as through es of visitors of all ages, because be- kling holiday garb.

98 | Njujork » New York

Sport Sports Katar

Foto: Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP / Profimedia

Foto: John Patrick Fletcher/Action Plu / Actionplus / Profimedia

Foto:John Patrick Fletcher/Action Plu / Actionplus / Profimedia

prvenstvo je
počelo, a Laeb
je bio na visini
The World Cup
started, and
Foto: Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik / Profimedia

La’eeb was up to
the task Uvodna reč pripala je glumcu
Morganu Frimenu, koji je znao
kako da privuče svu pažnju na
stadionu „Al Bajt“
The opening address was delivered
by actor Morgan Freeman, who
was well aware of how to attract
all the attention at the Al-Bayt

S v e t s ko p r v e n s t v o u K ata r u inom (5:1 za nas), na koju su naši maćina. Na kraju je usledio i veli-
fudbaleri predvođeni selektorom ki vatromet koji je obasjao nebo

Fudbalsko Draganom Stojkovićem Piksijem,

odleteli specijalnim čarter letom
iznad Katara.
Kao i obično, organizatori su

slavlje je počelo
„Er Srbije“. Nacionalna avio-kom- iskoristili priliku da se prisete po-
panija je uvek uz naše sportiste, nečeg što je obeležilo prethodna pr-
pa je tako i “orlovima” poželela venstva, pa smo tako čuli čuvene
svu sreću. pesme popun „Vejvin Flega“, Šaki-
Konačno, 20. novembra, u jednu kišnu Šta će se dešavati na terenima, rine „Vaka-Vaka“ i drugih, a sve to
nedelju ovde u Srbiji spektakularno je ne znamo, jer se ovaj broj zatvara su ispratile maskote i zaštitni zna-
otvoren svetski šampionat pre utakmice sa Brazilom, ali zna- kovi prethodnih Mundijala. Narav-
mo da je otvaranje bilo spektaku- no, obratio se i direktor Svetskog
Počeo je Mundijal, a larno. Uvodna reč pripala je glumcu prvenstva Naser el Kater.
dok čitate ovaj tekst, si- Morganu Frimenu, koji je privukao Nakon svečanosti domaća se-
gurno znate i šta je reprezentaci- svu pažnju na stadionu „Al Bajt“. lekcija je odigrala prvu utakmicu
ja Srbije uradila na mečevima pro- Nakon toga je Jung Kuk, super- protiv reprezentacije Ekvadora, iz-
tiv Brazila, Kameruna i Švajcarske. star iz Južne Koreje, imao perfor- gubila, ali sve je to sport. Važno
Nadamo se da je sve prošlo kao mans, a na stadionu smo gledali i da je tako dugo čekano fudbalsko
na prijateljskoj utakmici sa Bahre- plesne grupe u bojama zemlje do- slavlje počelo…

100 | Katar » Qatar

Četvrtfinale je na programu 9. i 10, The quarter-finals are scheduled for 9th and 10th, the semi-finals
polufinala su zakazana za 13. i 14, meč za are reserved for the 13th and 14th, the match for third place will be
bronzu je 17, a finale 18. decembra played on the 17th and the final takes place on 18th December

Foto:Grigory Sysoev / Sputnik / Profimedia

odletela je
na Mundijal
čarter letom
„Er Srbije“
/ Our national
squad flew to
the World Cup
on a special Air
Serbia charter

F I FA w o r l d c u p i n Q ata r squad, led by coach Dragan ‘Piksi’ culminated with a great firework dis-

The celebration of
Stojković, flew to play on a special play that lit up the sky above Qatar.
Air Serbia charter flight. The nation- As usual, the organisers took
al airline is always behind our ath- advantage of the opportunity to

football has begun letes, which is why it also wished

the “eagles” the best of luck.
We don’t know what happened
present reminders of some of the
things that have marked previous
world cups, so we were able to hear
Finally, on 20th November, during a rainy on the pitches, because we prepared famous songs like Wavin’ Flag, Sha-
Sunday here in Serbia, a spectacular this issue for print prior to Ser- kira’s Waka Waka and others, all of
ceremony opened the World Cup in bia’s match against Brazil, but we which was accompanied by the mas-
Qatar do know that the opening of the cots and emblems of previous World
tournament was spectacular. The Cups. Of course, attendees were al-
The FIFA World Cup is un- opening address was delivered by ac- so addressed by World Cup CEO
derway, and while you read this ar- tor Morgan Freeman, who was well Nasser Al Khater.
ticle, you are almost certainly aware aware of how to attract all the atten- Following the opening ceremo-
of how Serbia’s national team played tion at the Al-Bayt Stadium. Next ny, the host nation played the open-
in its matches against Brazil, Cam- came the performance of South Ko- ing game against the national team
eroon and Switzerland. rean superstar Jung Kook, while at of Ecuador. They lost, but that’s all
We hope that they all ended up the stadium we also saw groups of part of sport. What’s important is
like our friendly match against Bah- dancers performing in the colours that such a long-awaited celebra-
rain (5:1 to us), which our national of the host nation. The ceremony tion of football is finally underway...

Qatar » Katar | 101

Sport Sports

Č e t i r i s k a k a o n i ce lja 71. rođendan. Vredni istoriča- se prvog dana nove godine skače u
ri su zabeležili da je sve počelo na Garmišpartenkirhenu. Turneja se

Let iznad leto 1949, u kući „Majer“ u Gar-

mišu, gde su se okupili skakači iz
zatim iz Nemačke seli u Austriju,
odnosno u Inzbruk (4. januar) i Bi-

Nemačke i Austrije. Posle Drugog šofshofen (6. januar). Bilo je godi-
svetskog rata nemačkim sportisti- na kada se raspored menjao, ali su
ma nije bilo dozvoljeno da se ta- organizatori insistirali, kada god

planina kmiče, tako da su skokovi bili or-

ganizovani u tajnosti.
Ideja je oživela 1952. godine,
je to bilo moguće, da se kalendar
poštuje. Na primer, prošle godine
se dva puta skakalo u Bišofshofe-
kada je Svetska skijaška federacija nu, jer u Inzbruku nije bilo snega.
Od 28. decembra skinula zabranu, pa klubovima u Osvajanje sve četiri etape na-
do 6. januara svake Inzbruku, Garmišpartenkirhenu, ziva se grend slem, a to se prvi put
godine održavaju se Bišofshofenu i Obersdorfu nije dogodilo u jubilarnom 50. izdanju,
takmičenja u skijaškim mnogo trebalo da planove izvu- kada je u tome uspeo Sven Hana-
skokovima, jednoj od ku na sto i predstave „Četiri ska- vald (2001–2002). Ipak, poslednjih
najrizičnijih sportskih kaonice“. Turneja je počela prvog godina to postaje uobičajeno, pa je
dana 1953. u Garmišu, pred više najpre Kamil Stoh ponovio rezul-
disciplina, u kojoj od 20.000 gledalaca. Uz skakače tat (2017–2018), a godinu dana
je jedini cilj skočiti iz Nemačke i Austrije učestvova- kasnije i Rjoju Kobajaši. Tri nacije
najdalje, leteti i li su i gosti iz Švedske, Norveške, dominiraju u ovom takmičenju sa
postati „zlatni orao“ Švajcarske i Jugoslavije – predstav- po 16 pobeda. Uz domaćine Austri-
ljala su nas petorica takmičara iz
Turneja „Četiri skaka- Slovenije.
onice“ održava se tokom samo „Četiri skakaonice“ su prvi
sedam dana godišnje, a ipak svi put prenošene na televiziji 1956,
smo bar jednom u životu gledali a utvrđeni su i termini koji su i da-
taj spektakl. Prvog dana u godini, nas aktuelni: Obersdorf (29. ili 30.
posle Bečkog koncerta u podne, po- decembar) početna je stanica, dok
činje sportski događaj koji se pra-
ti uz ostatke novogodišnje večere.
Mnoge velike ideje rođene su
u kafanama, pa tako i ona da se
organizuje „Novogodišnja turne-
ja četiri skakaonice“, koja proslav-
Foto: FrankHoermann/SVEN SIMON / AFP / Profimedia

102 | Ski-skokovi » Ski jumping

ju i Nemačku, tu je Finska, koja je Zimskih olimpijskih igara 1936. i Four hills

Flight over
dala sjajne skakače. Jane Ahonen nalazi se na obroncima Cugšpica,
je jedini as koji je krajem devede- najviše planine u Nemačkoj. Naj-
setih godina prošlog stoleća i po- poznatiji stanovnik bio je Rihard
četkom 21. veka pet puta slavio
u ovom takmičenju, dok je Bjorn
Štraus, vodeći kompozitor kasnog
romantizma. Od 1921. godine ski- snow-capped
Virkola, koji je bio i profesional- jaški klub Partenkirhen organiza-
ni fudbaler, uspeo da slavi tri go- tor je novogodišnjeg takmičenja u
dine zaredom, od 1967. do 1969, skijaškim skokovima.
što niko nikada nije ponovio. Do Competitions are held each year,
sada je samo jedan Balkanac us- Obersdorf (Nemačka) from 28th December to 6th January,
peo da pobedi na skakaonicama. Obersdorf je popularan zbog in ski jumping, one of the riskiest
To je Peter Prevc iz Slovenije, koji svojih 200 kilometara planinarskih sporting disciplines, where the only
je u sezoni 2015–2016. pobedio na staza i 130 kilometara ski-staza, što
goal is to leap the furthest, fly high
svim skakaonicama osim u Ober- ga čini odličnom destinacijom za
sdorfu i došao do titule. one koji vole prirodu. Najjužnije je and become a “golden eagle”
Za kraj – jedno ultimativno do- selo u Nemačkoj, nalazi se u doli-
stignuće. Malo poznati Poljak Da- ni između Nebelhorna i Felhorna, The Four Hills Tourna-
vid Kubacki je januara 2019. po- dve visoke planine poznate po idi- ment, aka the German-Austrian
stavio rekord skakaonica kada je ličnim pejzažima velikih cvetnih li- Ski Jumping Week, is held over the
preleteo čak 145 metara, a publika vada, borova i jezera. Prvi skokovi course of just seven days each year,
u Bišofshofenu je klicala pomera- na velikoj skakaonici u Obersdorfu yet we’ve nonetheless all seen the
nju granica. Zapravo, upravo u to- datiraju još od 1909. godine, kada spectacle at least once in our lives. It
me je čar ovih skokova – pomeranje je Bruno Biler iz Frajburga dosko- is on the first day of the year, follow-
granica, rušenje svih predrasuda i čio na 22 metra. ing the famous Vienna New Year’s
postizanje ciljeva koji su za mno- Concert at noon, that this sporting
ge naučna fantastika. Vežite se da Inzbruk (Austrija) event begins and is watched avidly
zajedno poletimo u novu godinu. Iako možda nema profil najpo- by viewers eating leftovers from the
znatijih austrijskih gradova Beča previous evening’s New Year dinner.
Garmišpartenkirhen i Salcburga, Inzbruk je zbog svo- Many great ideas have been born
(Nemačka) je lokacije vrlo popularno odredi- in taverns, as was the case with the
Maleni grad koji živi od skija- šte. Udaljen je samo nekoliko sati idea to organise a New Year’s tour-
nja nalazi se na granici Nemačke i od Venecije na jugu, Ciriha na za- nament on four ski jumps, which is
Austrije. Ova varoš je centar regi- padu i Minhena na severu. Skijaš- this year celebrating its 71st birthday.
ona Partenkirhen, bila je domaćin ki klub Inzbruk osnovan je 1906. Diligent historians have noted that
godine, a prva prava skakaonica it all began in the summer of 1949,
na Bergizelu ugledala je svetlost at the “Mayer” house in Garmisch,
dana 1927, kada je izvesni Haj- where ski jumpers from Germany
nrih Majerl skočio 47,5 metara. and Austria gathered together. In this
Inzbruk je u dva navrata bio do- post-World War II period, German
maćin zimskih olimpijskih Igara, athletes were forbidden from com-
1964. i 1976. godine. peting, so they organised ski jump
events in secret.
Bišofshofen (Austrija) The idea was revived in 1952,
Bišofshofen je grad u dolini when the International Ski Feder-
reke Salzak u Alpima, u pokraji- ation lifted the ban, and it didn’t
ni Salcburg. Njegova „Velika kra- take long for clubs in Innsbruck,
ljevska skakaonica“ sagrađena je Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bischof-
1947. godine, a prvi rekorder bio shofen and Oberstdorf to place their
je Nemac Rudi Gering, koji je 27. plans on the table and present the
februara 1949. godine doleteo do “Four Hills Tournament”. The compe-
magične granice od 100 metara. tition began on the first day of 1953
Tri godine kasnije, na treningu lo-
kalnih skakača, pad sa tragičnim
posledicama doživeo je Pol Auser- Aleksandar Pjevac
lajtner. U čast hrabrog momka iz Fotografije/Photography:
Bišofshofena, skakaonica nosi nje- Profimedia.rs
govo ime.

Ski jumping » Ski-skokovi | 103

S p o rt / S po r ts

in Garmisch, with more than 20,000 Televizija je Peter Prevc, who won all jumps ex- New Year’s ski jump competitions
spectators in attendance. Apart from učinila da cept Oberstdorf in the 2015-‘16 sea- since 1921.
ski jumpers from Germany and Aus- postanu deo son, taking the title.
tria, participating guests also came naših božićnih And there’s one ultimate achieve- Oberstdorf (Germany)
from Sweden, Norway, Switzerland praznika, baš ment to conclude. Dawid Kubacki, a Oberstdorf is popular thanks
kao i Deda Mraz,
and Yugoslavia – our former country Sneško Belić ili little-known Polish jumper, set a ski to its 200 km of mountain-hiking
was represented by five competitors novogodišnje jump record in January 2019, when trails and 130 km of tailored ski
from the then republic of Slovenia. odluke he flew over a whopping distance of slopes, which have made it a great
Television led
The Four Hills” event was first to ski jumps 145 metres, and the crowd in Bis- destination for lovers of nature. The
televised in 1956, when the dates becoming as chofshofen cheered on his shifting most southerly village in Germany,
that remain current to this day integral a part of of the limits. And that’s the source it is located in a valley between the
our Christmas
were first established: the first stop holidays as Santa
of the charm of these ski jumps – ex- Nebelhorn and the Fellhorn, two
is Oberstdorf (29th or 30th Decem- Claus, Snowmen tending limits, destroying all preju- high mountains that are renowned
ber), then, on the first day of the or New Year's dices and achieving goals that seem for their idyllic landscapes of great
New Year, the jumping takes place in like science fiction. So, buckle up and flowering meadows, pine trees and
Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The tour- let’s fly into the New Year together. lakes. The first leaps from the large
nament then moves from Germa- ski jump in Oberstdorf date back
ny to Austria, or more precisely to Garmisch-Partenkirchen to 1909, when Freiburg’s Bruno
Innsbruck (4th January) and Bis- (Germany) Bieler jumped 22 metres.
chofshofen (6th January). There have This small town that lives from
been years when the schedule was skiing is situated along the border Innsbruck (Austria)
changed, but the organisers insisted between Germany and Austria. The It might not have the same pro-
on this competition calendar being picturesque town, which marks the file as Austria’s most famous cities
respected whenever possible. For ex- centre of the Partenkirchen region, of Vienna and Salzburg, but Inns-
ample, two jumps were held in Bis- hosted the 1936 Winter Olympics bruck is an extremely popular des-
chofshofen last year, simply because and is located on the slopes of the tination thanks to its unique loca-
there was no snow in Innsbruck. Zugspitze, the highest mountain tion, situated just a few hours’ drive
Winning all four tournament in Germany. The town’s most fa- from Venice to the south, Zurich to
events is referred to as a grand slam, mous resident was Richard Strauss, the west and Munich to the north.
and it was only achieved for the first a leading composer of the late The Innsbruck Ski Club was estab-
time during the jubilee 50th edition Romantic era. The Partenkirch- lished in 1906, while the first genu-
(2001-2002), by Sven Hannawald. en Ski Club has been organising ine ski jump on Bergisel Mountain
However, this feat has become more was first unveiled in 1927, when
Foto: Natasa Kupljenik/MI-PRESS / Shutterstock Editorial / Profimedia

commonplace in recent years, with one Heinrich Mayerl jumped 47.5

grand slam success first being repeat- metres. Innsbruck has hosted the
ed by Kamil Stoch (2017-2018), and Winter Olympics on two occasions,
then a year later by Ryōyū Kobayashi. in 1964 and 1976.
Three nations have dominated this
competition over the years, with Bischofshofen
16 wins each. Alongside (Austria)
hosts Austria and Bischofshofen
Germany, the third is a town situated
nation is Finland, in the valley of the
which has produced Salzach river in the
fantastic ski jumpers. Alps, in the state of
Janne Ahonen is the on- Salzburg. Its Great Roy-
ly champ to have celebrat- al Ski Jump was erect-
ed victory in this competi- ed in 1947 and its first
tion five times, during the late record holder was German
‘90s and the early noughties, Rudi Gering, who flew as far
while Norwegian Bjørn Wirkola, as the magical 100-metre mark
who was also a professional football- on 27th February 1949. It was just
er, managed three consecutive victo- three years later, during a training
ries from 1967 to 1969, marking an session for local jumpers, that Paul
achievement that has never been re- Ausserleitner suffered a fall with
peated. Only one Balkan native has tragic consequences. The ski jump
managed to record a win on the ski is today named in honour of this
jumps to date. That was Slovenia’s brave local boy from Bischofshofen.

104 | Ski-skokovi » Ski jumping

Sport Sports

Š ta g a če k a u
g o d i n i p r ed n a m a

li Nole
nazad na
Novak Đoković ne krije
da je nestrpljiv da igra
što više, pa ne čudi da je
skratio odmor između
dve sezone i da pripreme
za narednu godinu
počinje već 19. decembra

Novak Đoković je učešćem

na finalnom turniru u Torinu zavr-
šio 2022. godinu. Naš najbolji te-
niser je rekao da je „iz sezone izvu-
kao maksimum“, kada se zna da
nije mogao da igra na grend slemo-
vima u Melburnu i Njujorku, kao
i na mastersima u Indijan Velsu,
Majamiju, Montrealu i Sinsinati-
ju. Razlog je poznat – Novak nije
vakcinisan, zbog čega su mu bila
zatvorena vrata Australije i Sever-
ne Amerike.
To je bila 2022. Kakva je situ-
acija sa 2023? Već 19. decembra
ove godine u Dubaiju počinje novo
takmičenje nazvano Svetska teni-
ska liga. Format turnira u Ujedinje-
nim Arapskim Emiratima je takav
da će igrati 16 vrhunskih tenisera i
teniserki, u četiri tima sa po četiri
člana. Za šest dana timovi će igrati
po principu svako sa svakim. Sva-
ki pojedinačni duel sastoji se od po
Foto: KCS Presse / MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia

jednog muškog i ženskog singla,

kao i mešovitog dubla. Posle gru-
pne faze dve najbolje ekipe igraće
u finalu za titulu prvog šampiona
Svetske lige.
Đoković je u grupi „Soko“, za-
jedno sa Grigorom Dimitrovim,
Paulom Badosom i Arinom Sabalen-
ko. U Dubaiju se očekuju i najbolja
teniserka sveta Iga Švjontek, opo-
ravljeni Aleksandar Zverev, Feliks

106 | Tenis » Tennis

ti od 27. februara. Ipak, ako i SAD W h at a w a i t s h i m
popuste sa epidemiološkim mera- in the year ahead
Već 19. ma, onda se očekuje da Novak 6.

marta zaigra u Indijan Velsu, kao
i 20. marta u Majamiju. To su dva Can Novak return
počinje novo
mastersa na kojima on voli da igra
i naravno pobeđuje, a na kojime
nije mogao da se pojavi 2022. Po-
to the throne?
nazvano red novih trofeja i novčane nagra- Novak Đoković doesn’t hide the
fact that he’s impatient to play as
Svetska teniska
de, imaće priliku da osvoji ukupno
2.000 bodova, koliko donosi i Au-
much as possible, so it comes as no
liga / A new stralijan open. Sve to bi bilo dovolj-
no da se ponovo vrati u vrh ATP li- surprise that he’s cut short his break
competition, ste, možda čak i na mesto na tronu between seasons and will already start
preparations for the year ahead on 19th
called the “World koje zaslužuje.
Serija turnira na šljaci počinje December
Tennis League”, 10. aprila u Monte Karlu, na tere-
begins in Dubai nima nedaleko od Novakove kuće.
Ove godne je ispao već na startu, Novak Đoković complet-
as early as 19th tako da i u Kneževini može da se ed his competitive 2022 by partic-
December „obogati“ bodovima. Zasad je jedi-
no sigurno da ćemo ga od 17. aprila
ipating in the final tournament in
Turin. Our top tennis ace said that
gledati u Banjaluci, koja će u 2023. he “got the most out of the season”,
Ože-Alijasim, Gael Momfis i mno- biti domaćin Srbija opena, turnira given that – as is well known – he
gi drugi iz vrha ATP i WTA liste. serije 250 koji je u vlasništvu poro- was unable to compete in the Grand
Novak bi iz Dubaija trebalo da dice Đoković. Takmičenje je izme- Slam tournaments in Melbourne and
otputuje u Australiju, gde bi i do- šteno u Republiku Srpsku kako bi New York, but also Masters tourna-
čekao Novu godinu. Epidemiološ- se TC „Novak“ renovirao i pripremio ments in Indian Wells, Miami, Mon-
ke mere su ublažene u odnosu na za veliki povratak od 2024, kada bi treal and Cincinnati. The reason is
2022. i sada na najmanji kontinent trebalo da dobije i rang serije 500. also known: Novak hasn’t been vac-
mogu da uđu i nevakcinisani. Đoko- Slede mastersi u Madridu (od cinated, which resulted in the doors
vićev jedini problem je administra- 24. aprila do 1. maja) i Rimu (od to Australia and North America be-
tivna zabrana po kojoj je Australi- 8. do 15. maja), na kojem Novak ing closed to him.
ja za njega zvanično zatvorena do brani titulu, a vrhunac je Otvore- That was 2022. What kind of sit-
sredine januara 2025. Naime, on no prvenstvo Francuske na tere- uation will we face in 2023? A new
je deportacijom sa početka godine nima u Rolan Garosu (od 29. ma- competition, called the "World Ten-
automatski dobio trogodišnju za- ja do 5. juna). Đoković je 2022. u nis League", begins in Dubai as ear-
branu ulaska. Direktor grend sle- Parizu poražen u četvrtfinalu, bo- ly as 19th December this year. The
ma u Melburnu, Kreg Tajli, rekao lji je bio Rafael Nadal. format of this UAE-based tourna-
je da se „radi na poništavanju za- O drugom delu sezone, odno- ment will see 16 top women’s and
brane“ jer Australija želi da pono- sno o tunnirima od juna do kraja men’s tennis players compete in four
vo vidi sve najbolje tenisere. 2023, rano je da se govori. Jasno teams of four members each. Over
Ako sve bude u najboljem redu, je da će Novaku u prvom planu biti the course of six days, the teams will
pretpostavlja se da bi Novak, pre Vimbldon, gde se vraća kao šampi- compete on a one-on-one basis. Each
napada na desetu krunu na Austra- on, i US Open, na kojem nije igrao individual duel consists of one male
lijan openu, igrao na turniru serije 2022, ali i mastersi u Torontu, Sin- and one female singles match, as well
250 u Adelaidu, koji se igra u dva sinatiju i Parizu. Takođe, još se ne as a mixed doubles match. Following
termina, od 2. i 9. januara. Inače, zna šta će biti sa velikim turnirima the group stage, the best two teams
prvi grend slem u 2023. igraće se u Šangaju, Pekingu i Tokiju, koji su will compete in the final to take the
od 16. do 30. januara, a Đoković je otkazani i ove godine nakon novih title of the first champions of the
rekorder sa devet titula. problema sa pandemijom korona World League.
Naš najbolji teniser još nije virusa u tom delu Azije. Đoković is in the “Falcons” team,
objavio plan za narednu sezonu, together with Grigor Dimitrov, Paula
tako da samo možemo da pretpo- Badosa and Aryna Sabalenka. Also ex-
stavimo njegovo kretanje. Prošle Aleksandar Pjevac
pected to compete in Dubai are wom-
godine, nakon problema u Austra- Fotografije/Photography: en’s world number one Iga Świątek,
liji, sezonu je otvorio na ATP turni- Profimedia.rs Alexander Zverev, who has recent-
ru u Dubaiju, koji će se 2023. igra- ly recovered from injury, Felix Au-

Tennis » Tenis | 107

S p o rt / S po r ts

Novak bi iz
Dubaija trebalo
da otputuje u
Australiju, gde bi
i dočekao Novu
godinu / Novak is
expected to head
straight from Dubai
Foto: William WEST / AFP / Profimedia

to Australia, where
he should also
welcome the New

ger-Aliassime, Gaël Monfils and many announce his plans for next season, an Open – a 250 series tournament
others from the upper echelons of so we can only guess as to his move- that’s owned by the Đoković family.
the ATP and WTA lists. ments. Following last year’s problems The competition has been relocated
Novak is expected to head in Australia, he opened the 2022 sea- to Bosnia’s Republika Srpska to ena-
straight from Dubai to Australia, son at the ATP tournament in Du- ble Belgrade’s TC “Novak” courts to
where he should also welcome the bai, which in 2023 will be held from be renovated in readiness to make a
New Year. The country’s epidemiolog- 27th February. However, provided the great return in 2024, when the tour-
ical measures have eased compared U.S. eases its epidemiological meas- nament should also receive 500 se-
to 2022, and now even the unvac- ures, Novak is expected to compete ries ranking.
cinated are able to enter. Đoković’s in Indian Wells on 6th March and in Next come the ATP Masters tour-
only problem now is the administra- Miami on 20th March. Those are two naments in Madrid (24th April to 1st
tive ban that means Australia is offi- Masters tournaments that he likes to May) and Rome (8th to 15th May),
cially closed to him until mid-Janu- play in and, of course, win, and that where Novak will be defending his
ary 2025. Specifically, his deportation he was unable to compete in during title, while this period of the season
early this year resulted in the auto- 2022. Apart from winning new tro- peaks with the French Open at Ro-
matic imposing of a three-year ban phies and prize money, these tour- land-Garros (29th May to 5th June).
on entering the country. According naments will also give him an oppor- Đoković lost in the quarterfinal of the
to the director of the Grand Slam in tunity to win a total of 2,000 points, 2022 tournament in Paris, with Ra-
Melbourne, Tennis Australia CEO equivalent to the Australian Open. fael Nadal proving better on the day.
Craig Tiley, “we are working to can- All that would be enough for him It is still too early to discuss the
cel the ban” because Australia once to return to the top rankings of the second part of the season, i.e., the
again wants to see all the best ten- ATP list, and perhaps even restore tournaments held between June and
nis players. his deserved place on the throne of the end of 2023. Novak’s priorities
If everything goes as well as pos- world tennis. will clearly include Wimbledon, where
sible, it is assumed that Novak will The clay tournament season he will return as defending champion,
compete in the Adelaide Internation- gets underway on 10th April in Mon- and the U.S. Open, where he didn’t
al 250 series tournament, which is te Carlo, on courts located not far compete in 2022, as well as ATP Mas-
played over two periods – from 2nd from Novak's house. He was already ters tournaments in Toronto, Cincin-
and 9th January – prior to launching eliminated at the start of this year’s nati and Paris. It is also not yet known
his assault on his tenth Australian tournament, so next year he will al- what will happen with the major tour-
Open crown. The first Grand Slam so be able to pick up a “wealth” of naments in Shanghai, Beijing and To-
of 2023 will be held from 16th to 30th points in the principality. The only kyo, which were again cancelled this
January, and Đoković holds the tour- certainty for now is that we will see year following the emergence of new
nament record with nine titles. him in Banja Luka from 17th April, problems with the coronavirus pan-
Our top tennis player has yet to which is set to host the 2023 Serbi- demic in that part of Asia.

108 | Tenis » Tennis

Er Srbija info Air Serbia info
Foto: depositphotos / Figurniy Sergey

110 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Malaga Letovi će se od 18. decembra obavljati dva puta nedeljno,
četvrtkom i nedeljom. Nakon Malte, Malaga je druga
From 18th December, flights will operate twice a week, on
Thursdays and Sundays. After Malta, Malaga is the second
Malaga destinacija koju „Er Srbija“ uvodi u ovoj zimskoj sezoni destination Air Serbia is introducing this winter season

Prvi put letimo

za Malagu
Srpska nacionalna avio-kom-
panija uspostavlja direktne leto-
ve na relaciji između Beograda i
Malage. Biće to peta destinacija
u Španiji na koju će „Er Srbija“ le-
teti ove godine.
– Otvaranjem Malage kao nove
destinacije, „Er Srbija“ dodatno
osnažuje svoje prisustvo u Špa-
niji i putnicima nudi još bolju po-
vezanost sa ovom mediteran-
skom zemljom – izjavio je Boško
Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i
strategiju „Er Srbije“.
Grad Malaga nastao je u 8. ve-
ku u pokrajini Andaluzija. Nalazi
se na Obali sunca i ima oko 300
sunčanih dana godišnje. Pozna-
ta je po mnogobrojnim istorij-
skim i kulturnim znamenitosti-
ma, a ovaj šesti grad po veličini u
Španiji je i rodno mesto čuvenog
Pabla Pikasa.

We fly to malaga
for the first time
The Serbian national airline is in-
troducing a direct service be-
tween Belgrade and Mala­ga,
which will be the fifth Spanish
destination served by Air Serbia
this year.
“By introducing Malaga as a new
destination, Air Serbia is further
enhancing its presence in Spain
and offering passengers even
better connections to this Med-
iterranean country,” said Boško
Rupić, Air Serbia General Manag-
er, Commercial and Strategy.
Founded in the 8th century, the
city of Malaga is located in the
Andalusia region, on Spain’s pop-
ular Costa del Sol (Coast of the
Sun), and enjoys approximate-
ly 300 sunny days a year. It is
known for its numerous historical
and cultural landmarks, while this
6th largest city in Spain is also
the birthplace of famous painter
Pablo Picasso.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 111

er sr bija info / air Ser bia info

„ E r S r b i j a“ n a s tav l j a s a o b n av l j a n j em f l o t e
/A ir Ser bia continues to r enew its fleet

Avion nazvan po Mihajlu Pupinu stigao u Srbiju

Aircraft named after Mihajlo Pupin arrives in Serbia
Drugi širokotrupni avion „erbas A330“ pojačaće dugolinijski saobraćaj srpske nacionalne avio-
kompanije / A second wide-body Airbus A330 joins the Serbian national airline’s long-haul fleet
Novi širokotrupni avion u floti "Er Srbije" za The new wide-body Airbus A330-200 in Air
dugolinijski saobraćaj, "erbas A330-200", re- Serbia's fleet, a long-haul aircraft registe-
gistarske oznake YU-ARC, nosi lik Mihajla Pupina (1854– red as YU-ARC, bears the image of Mihajlo Pupin (1854-
1935), čime nacionalna avio-kompanija želi da oda za- 1935), with which the national airline wants to honour
služeno priznanje slavnom naučniku srpskog porekla, this famous Serbian scientist, inventor and professor of
pronalazaču, profesoru fizike na Kolumbija univerzitetu u physics at New York’s Columbia University, who was also
Njujorku, jednom od osnivača NASA i dobitniku Pulicero- among the founders of NASA and the winner of a Pulitzer
ve nagrade za autobiografiju. Prize for his autobiography.
– Unapređenje flote spada u strateški najvažnije ci- “Enhancing our fleet is one of the strategically
ljeve u razvojnom planu naše kompanije. Da bismo most important goals in our company’s develop-
mogli dalje da razvijamo mrežu, neophodno je da ment plan. In order to develop our network furt-
imamo odgovarajuću flotu i potrebne kapacite- her, it is necessary to have an adequate fleet
te. Željno iščekujemo trenutak kada će se naš and the required capacity. Our plan is for Pu-
novi „erbas A330“ naći u saobraćaju. Planira- pin to get a cabin that will be similar to the
no je da, početkom sledeće godine, prilikom re- one in the current A330-200 “Tesla” in terms
dovnog 12-godišnjeg servisa aviona, „Pupin“ of quality. This will be done during the regu-
dobije kabinu koja će po kvalitetu biti slična onoj lar 12-year aircraft maintenance procedu-
kod postojećeg A330-200 „Tesle“. Nastavljamo re to be carried out at the start of next year. We
dalje sa obnavljanjem flote kako bismo putnicima are continuing to renew our fleet in order to offer
omogućili još veću fleksibilnost mreže i udobnost – re- even more network flexibility and comfort to our pa-
kao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor „Er Srbije“. ssengers,” says Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek.
Novi avion „Er Srbije“ je svoj jedinstveni izgled do- This new Air Serbia aircraft received its unique livery
bio u Marani, Arizona, u SAD. Za proces farbanja, to- in Marana, Arizona, United States. The painting process,
kom kojeg je upotrebljeno 20 različitih boja i oko 400 li- which included the use of 20 different colours and 400
tara farbe, bilo je potrebno 18 dana neprekidnog rada u litres of paint, took 18 days of constant work in two shifts,
dve smene, s timovima od oko 10 ljudi po smeni. Najno- with teams of approximately 10 people per shift. The la-
vije pojačanje u floti nacionalnog avio-prevoznika ima- test addition to the national airline’s fleet will have an
će konfiguraciju sa 18 sedišta u biznis-klasi i 250 sedišta 18-seat configuration in business class, with 250 seats
u ekonomskoj klasi. Avion je proizveden 2011. godine, ima in economy class. The plane, manufactured in 2011, has
„Rols-Rojs“ motore, jačina motora je 71100 N, raspon kri- Rolls-Royce engines and thrust of 71100 N, a wingspan
la 60 m, a dužina približno 59 m. Može da leti na maksi- of 60 metres and is close to 59 metres in length. It can
malnoj visini od 41450 stopa. Pre dolaska u „Er Srbiju“ ko- fly at a maximum altitude of approximately 12,600 me-
ristila ga je južnoafrička avio-kompanija „South Africans tres. Prior to its arrival at Air Serbia, it was used by South
Airways“ (SAA). African flag carrier South African Airways (SAA).

112 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Najbolje cene karata putem
direktnih prodajnih kanala Er Srbije

The best ticket prices via

Air Serbia direct sales channels O N LY

Zašto? / Why?

Bez dodatnih troškova

No additional fees

Efikasna i direktna komunikacija sa

putnicima putem naših kanala
Efficient and direct communication
with passengers via our channels

Brzo i adekvatno reagovanje na

bilo kakve promene
Quick and adequate
response to any changes

U našoj mreži je veliki broj
destinacija koje su popularne tokom
novogodišnjih praznika, ali bi moj lični
izbor bio Prag
Our network has a large number of
destinations that are popular during
the New Year holidays, but my personal
choice would be Prague

Three questions for...

Goran Kašić,
first officer
Are there some cities where
Christmas and New Year’s
lights are visible from the
air, and which of the cit-
ies that we fly to shine the
- It is difficult to see holiday
lighting in particular from the air,
but at night all cities are lit up like
Christmas trees throughout the en-
tire year, and the bigger the city,
the more impressive that appears.
If I had to single out some of the
cities that shine the brightest, af-
ter Belgrade I would pick Istanbul.
The surface of that city is simply
Where should we fly with
Air Serbia for New year?
What would your choice
- Our network has a large num-
Tri pitanja za... godinu „Er Srbijom“? Šta ber of destinations that are popular
bi bio vaš izbor? during the New Year holidays, but
Gorana Kašića, – U našoj mreži je veliki broj my personal choice would be Prague,
kopilota destinacija koje su popularne to-
kom novogodišnjih praznika. Moj
the capital of Czechia, where along-
side wonderful architecture that’s
lični izbor bi bio Prag, prestonica under UNESCO protection, in the
Vide li se u nekim grado- Češke, gde pored predivne arhitek- very city centre, you can also en-
vima božićna i novogodiš- ture u samom centru koji je pod joy a festival atmosphere, open-air
nja svetla iz vazduha i ko- zaštitom Uneska, možete uživati concerts, fireworks, and good food
ji gradovi do kojih letimo u festivalskoj atmosferi, koncerti- and drinks.
inače najsjajnije sijaju? ma na otvorenom, vatrometima, What would you wish for
– Teško je videti baš konkretno dobroj hrani i piću. your passengers, but also
novogodišnje osvetljenje iz vazdu- Šta biste putnicima, kao i your company, in the year
ha, međutim svi gradovi tokom cele svojoj kompaniji, poželeli ahead?
godine noću svetle kao božićne jel- u godini koja dolazi? - I first and foremost wish for
ke, a što je grad veći, to deluje im- – Pre svega želim da ostane- them to stay healthy and protect
pozantnije. Ukoliko bih morao da te zdravi i čuvate svoje najmilije. their nearest and dearest, while I
izdvojim neki od gradova koji si- Takođe bih želeo da zahvalim svi- would also like to thank everyone
jaju najsjajnije, posle Beograda to ma što koristite usluge „Er Srbi- who uses the services of Air Ser-
bi bio Istanbul. Površina tog gra- je“. Svojoj kompaniji želim uspešnu bia. I wish my company a success-
da jednostavno ostavlja bez daha. 2023. godinu i puno sreće u ek- ful 2023 and lots of luck in the ex-
Gde da odletimo za Novu spanziji koja sledi. pansion that will follow.

114 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

M a ks i m a l n a u d o b n o s t
j e p r i o r i t e t / ma x i m u m
c o mf o r t i s o u r p r i o r i t y

Nove mogućnosti
NEW possibilities
„Er Srbija“ je lider u avio-saobraćaju još od osni-
vanja kompanije 1927. godine. Sada, uz novo ime i sa no-
vim identitetom, širom naše rastuće mreže linija možemo Since the establishment of the company in 1927, Air
da ponudimo nov koncept udobnosti tokom leta. Serbia has been a leader in air travel. Now, with our new name
„Er Srbija“ leti i planira letove do preko 60 destinaci- and new identity, we are redefining the concept of comfort in the
ja u Evropi, na Mediteranu, u Severnoj Americi, kako u put- air across our growing network.
ničkom, tako i u teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa našim Air Serbia flies and plans operations to over 60 destinations
partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici smo da vam ponu- in Europe, the Mediterranean and North America. We also offer
dimo letove do velikog broja destinacija u Evropi, Aziji i Afri- flights to many destinations in Europe, Asia and Africa, through
ci. „Er Srbija“ je od 1961. godine član Međunarodne aso- cooperation with our airline partners.
cijacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Rešeni smo da strateškim Air Serbia has been a member of the International Air Tran-
promenama koje su u toku nastavimo da igramo ključnu sport Association (IATA) since 1961. Through strategic change, we
ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srpske industrije are committed to continue playing an integral role in the develop-
putovanja i turističke privrede Srbije. ment of Serbia’s aviation, travel and tourism industries.
Putnicima pružamo usluge izuzetnog kvaliteta i maksi- We provide our passengers with exceptionally high-quali-
malnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu ko- ty services and maximum comfort during their journey, regardle-
jom lete. Radujemo se što smo u prilici da vam poželimo ss of the class they fly.
dobrodošlicu na našem letu. It is our pleasure to welcome you aboard.

Air Serbia to increase „Er Srbija“ pojačava

flights to Istanbul saobraćaj do Istanbula
As of 7th November, the number of flights between Od 7. novembra broj letova između Beograda i
Belgrade and Istanbul has been increased gradually, while Istanbula se postepeno povećava, a putnike tokom
passengers can expect as many as letnje sezone 2023. godine
six flights per day during the 2023 očekuje čak šest letova dnevno.
summer season. Three flights wi- Tri leta će obavljati „Er Srbija“, a
ll be operated by Air Serbia, with preostala tri „Turkiš erlajnz“, sa
the remaining three operated by kojim „Er Srbija“ ima kod-šer sa-
Turkish Airlines, under the compa- radnju. To će Istanbul učiniti naj-
nies’ codeshare partnership. This bolje povezanim globalnim sao-
will make Istanbul the best-conne- braćajnim čvorištem dostupnim
cted global hub available for flights za letove iz Beograda, dok će
from Belgrade, while passengers putnici koji lete iz Istanbula pre-
flying from Istanbul via Belgrade wi- ko Beograda imati najbolju mo-
ll enjoy seamless connectivity op- guću povezanost sa širim re-
tions across the wider Balkan region. At the same time, gionom Balkana. Istovremeno, „Er Srbija“ će postati
Air Serbia will become the European airline with the most evropska avio-kompanija sa najviše nedeljnih letova
weekly flights departing from Istanbul Airport. sa istanbulskog aerodroma.
Pratite nas Follow us


Hajde da budemo prijatelji

Let’s be friends
„Znanje je svetlost koja osvetljava naš put kroz život.“ Za Mihajla Pupina, slavnog naučnika
srpskog porekla, pronalazača, profesora fizike na Kolumbija univerzitetu, jednog od
osnivača NASA i dobitnika Pulicerove nagrade za autobiografiju, sticanje i deljenje znanja
bili su ceo život. Baš kao i drugi veliki naučnik srpskog porekla, Tesla, i Pupin je svetu dao
pronalaske da se premoste velike razdaljine i život ljudi učini lakšim i lepšim. ✈️Sa ponosom
najavljujemo da se avionu „Nikola Tesla“ pridružuje „Mihajlo Pupin“, drugi širokotrupni
avion „erbas A330-200 “, koji će nositi ime i lik tog velikog naučnika. / "Knowledge is the
light which illuminates our path through life." For Mihajlo Pupin, a famous scientist of Serbian
origin, inventor, professor of physics at Columbia University, one of the founders of NASA,
and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for his autobiography, acquiring and sharing knowledge was
the essence of life. Similarly to another great scientist of Serbian origin, Tesla, Pupin gave
the world inventions enabling it to bridge great distances and make people's lives easier and
more beautiful. ✈️We are proud to announce that our "Nikola Tesla" aircraft is being joined by
"Mihajlo Pupin", the second Airbus A330-200 wide-body aircraft in our fleet, which will bear
the name and image of the great scientist. #AirSerbia#A330 #MihajloPupin #NikolaTesla

Naše divno osoblje u „Premijum salonu“ je uvek raspoloženo
da vas ugosti pre nego što se ukrcate na let! 😊
📍 Posetite nas svakog dana na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ u
Beogradu, u tranzitnoj zoni između izlaza A4 i A5, od 5.00
do 20.00 časova.
Our wonderful staff in the Premium Lounge always look for-
ward to attending to you before you board your flight! 😊
📍 Visit us any day in the transit zone, between gates A4 and
A5 at Nikola Tesla Belgrade Airport, from 5am to 8pm.
We are expecting you! 💙
#AirSerbia #AirSerbiaPremiumLounge #EmbarkHappy 😍

#VisitSerbia #FlyAirSerbia
Putujte da biste otkrili prelepe pejzaže. Za ovu sliku ne treba opis.
Obradujte svoje oči tokom sunčanih jesenjih Dobro došli na let! ✈
dana – posetite Srbiju! 📍 🍁 This picture needs no words.
Travel to discover beautiful landscapes. Welcome on board! ✈
A treat for your eyes on sunny autumn days - 📸 Great timing! Thank you @tower_
Visit Serbia! 📍 🍁 eye for this #FantasticPhoto.
#AirSerbia #FlyAirSerbia #TravelToDiscov- #AirSerbia #sunrise #spectacular
er #Serbia

Koristite #AirSerbia kada putujete sa nama. Dobro došli! / Keep travelling

and use #AirSerbia when flying with us! Welcome onboard!

Prvi saznajte sve o specijalnim ponudama Be the first to find out about our
i novinama. Posetite airserbia.com i special offers. Visit airserbia.com and
prijavite se za naš Newsletter sign up for our Newsletter

116 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

e r s r b i ja i n f o / a i r S e r b i a i n f o

na vašoj

Planiranje putovanja nika-

da nije bilo lakše uz naše
partnere. Bilo da želite da rezer-
višete smeštaj iz snova, unajmi-
te vozilo za sledeći porodični izlet ili
izaberete turističku aktivnost, ima-
Foto: depositphotos / Kalamurza Iryna

mo pravu ponudu za vas.

Ture & aktivnosti

Otkrijte sve atrakcije i skrivene
dragulje na vašoj destinaciji. „Er Sr-
bija“ i „TripAdmit“ vam donose ne-
ke od najatraktivnijih tura i niz aktiv-
nosti koje će vaše putovanje učiniti
Za rezervaciju usluge i više in- Ancillary services
at your destination
formacija posetite www.airser-

Pronađite najbolji smeštaj za With our partners, for your next journey through our
svoje naredno putovanje preko na- planning a journey has ne- partner Booking.com. Explore co-
šeg partnera Booking.com. Istraži- ver been easier. Whether you untless options worldwide, as well
te bezbroj mogućnosti širom sveta, want to book your dream accom- as special offers at the local level,
kao i posebne ponude na lokalnom modation, rent a car for your next and all at affordable prices and with
nivou, a sve to uz povoljne cene i family excursion or choose a tou- greater flexibility when booking ac-
veću fleksibilnost prilikom rezerva- rist activity, we have the right offer commodation.
cije smeštaja. for you. Book services and find more in-
Za rezervaciju usluge i više in- formation by visiting www.airser-
formacija posetite www.airser- Tours and activities bia.com
bia.com Discover all the attractions and
hidden gems of your destination. Car rental
Najam vozila Air Serbia and TripAdmit bring you Renting a vehicle has never
Najam vozila nikada nije bio some of the most attractive tours been easier or more affordable
jednostavniji i povoljniji uz našeg and activities that will ensure your than it is with our partner Rental-
partnera Rentalcars.com. Pretraži- travels are unforgettable. cars.com. Search, select and bo-
te, odaberite i rezervišite vozilo kod Book services and find more in- ok a vehicle with more than 900
više od 900 agencija na više od formation by visiting www.airser- agencies in over 60,000 locations
60.000 lokacija širom sveta bia.com worldwide.
Za rezervaciju usluge i više in- Book services and find more in-
formacija posetite www.airser- Hotels formation by visiting www.airser-
bia.com Find the best accommodation bia.com

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 117

Udaljenost od Beograda Norway
Distance from Belgrade (km)

Mapa destinacija
Amsterdam / Amsterdam 1.408
Atina / Athens 824
Banjaluka / Banja Luka 246

Destination map
Beč / Vienna 467
Oslo Sweden
Bari / Bari 505
Barselona / Barcelona 1.582
Berlin / Berlin 977 Stockholm
Bolonja / Bologna 1.047 Er Srbija leti do gotovo svih evropskih zemalja, do pojedinih
država na azijskom kontinentu, a jedina je kompanija iz ovog
Brisel / Brussels 1.357
dela sveta koja ima direktan let za Njujork
Bukurešt / Bucharest 460 Air Serbia flies to almost all European countries, as well certain
Cirih / Zurich 951 countries in Asia, while it is the only airline from this part of the
Čikago / Chicago 8.027 world that has a direct flight to New York
Dubrovnik / Dubrovnik 299
Diseldorf / Dusseldorf 1.234
Frankfurt / Frankfurt 1054
Hanover / Hannover 1.1151 Lithuania
Istanbul / Istanbul 809 Copenhagen
Kazanj / Kazan 2.349
Kopenhagen / Copenhagen 1.318
Larnaka / Larnaca 1.585
London / London 1.675
Ljubljana / Ljubljana 481
Lion / Lyon 1.230
Kingdom Berlin
Madrid / Madrid 2.217 Amsterdam Hannover
Malaga / Malaga 8.607 Poland
Malta / Malta 1.110 Germany
Milano / Milan 871 Dusseldorf
Moskva / Moscow 1.717 Brussels Cologne
Njujork / New York 7.260
Frankfurt Prague
Nirnberg / Nuremberg 877
Frankfurt / Hahn Nuremberg
Oslo / Oslo 1.801 Czechia
Palma de Majorka / Palma de Mallorca 1.561
Paris Slovakia
Pariz / Paris 1.415 Stuttgart
Podgorica / Podgorica 286 Vienna
Pula / Pula 523
Prag / Prague 744 France Zurich Austria Hungary
Rijeka / Rijeka 477
Rim / Rome 721 Ljubljana
Salcburg / Salzburg 660
Venice Zagreb
Sankt Peterburg / St Petersburg 1.796 Lyon Milan Belgrade
Sarajevo / Sarajevo 192 Rijeka
Skoplje / Skopje 330 Bologna Pula
Banja Luka
Sofija / Sofia 344 Zadar
Solun / Thessaloniki 526 Sarajevo Kraljevo
Soči / Sochi 1.537 Niš
Dubrovnik Podgorica
Split / Split 351
Stokholm / Stockholm 1.629 Tivat Sk
Štutgart / Stuttgart 948 Spain Rome
Tivat / Tivat 298 Barcelona Bari Tirana
Tirana / Tirana 382
Tjenđin / Tianjin 7.539
Valensija / Valencia 1.811
Valencia Palma de Mallorca Greece
Venecija / Venice 640
Zadar / Zadar 422
Zagreb / Zagreb 348
Udaljenost od Niša
Distance from Niš (km)
Atina / Athens 630 Malaga
Beograd / Belgrade 201
Cirih / Zurich 1.134 Malta
Frankfurt Han / Frankfurt Hahn 1.054
Istanbul / Istanbul 635 Algeria
Keln / Cologne 1.391
Ljubljana / Ljubljana 667 Tunisia
Tivat / Tivat 278 Marocco
Kvo Udaljenost od Kraljeva
Distance from Kraljevo (km)
Istanbul / Istanbul 724
Solun / Thessaloniki 390
Tivat / Tivat 217

118 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Libya

Finland Flota / Fleet
Za više detalja molimo vas posetite
sajt www.airserbia.com / For more
details please visit www.airserbia.com

Nikola Tesla

St. Petersburg Chicago

New York tianjin


airbus a330-200
Broj aviona / Number in fleet: 2
Dužina / Length: 57,51 m
Latvia Raspon krila / Wingspan: 60,30 m
Broj sedišta / Seats: 257, 268
Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed: 870 km/h
Kazan Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude: 12.500 m

airbus a320
Broj aviona / Number in fleet: 2
Dužina / Length: 37,57 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan: 35,80 m
Broj sedišta / Seats: 174
Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed: 828 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude: 11.887 m


airbus a319
Broj aviona / Number in fleet: 10
Dužina / Length: 33,84 m
Moldova Raspon krila / Wingspan: 35,80 m
Broj sedišta / Seats: 144
Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed: 828 km/h
Romania Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude: 11.887 m


Atr 72-600
Bulgaria Broj aviona / Number in fleet: 3
Dužina / Length: 27,17 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan: 27,05 m
kopje Broj sedišta / Seats: 72
Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed: 510 km/h
Istanbul Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude: 7.600 m

Atr 72-500
Broj aviona / Number in fleet: 1
Dužina / Length: 27,16 m
Raspon krila / Wingspan: 27,05 m
Broj sedišta / Seats: 70
Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed: 510 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude: 7.600 m

Redovne linije iz Beograda / Scheduled from Belgrade

Atr 72-200
Sezonske linije iz Beograda / Seasonal from Belgrade Broj aviona / Number in fleet: 2
Redovne linije iz Niša / Scheduled from Niš Dužina / Length: 27,16 m
Sezonske linije iz Niša / Seasonal from Niš Raspon krila / Wingspan: 27,05 m
Redovne linije iz Kraljeva / Scheduled from Kraljevo Broj sedišta / Seats: 66
Sezonske linije iz Kraljeva / Seasonal from Kraljevo Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed: 510 km/h
Visina krstarenja / Maximum cruising altitude: 7.600 m

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 119

Kod-šer destinacije
Codeshare Destinations
Er Srbija sarađuje sa više od deset velikih Sweden Finland
svetskih kompanija kako bi putnici imali
bolju uslugu / Air Serbia has established Norway
cooperation with more than ten major Helsinki
world airlines, in order to provide its
passengers with a better service Russia


Dublin Belarus

Manchester Poland

Paris Ukraine Kazakhstan

Venice Romania
France Turin
Verona Trieste Bucharest
La Coruna Nice Genoa Bologne
Florence Varna
Vigo Bilbao Marseille
Tirana Istanbul
Porto Barcelona Naples Bari Trabzon
Madrid Ankara
Brindisi Turkey
Lamezia Kayseri
Lisbon Palma de Terme Reggio Izmir Konya
Alicante Ibiza Mallorca Gaziantep
Palermo Calabria Athens Dalaman
Antalya Adana
Catania Bodrum Gazipasa

Tel Aviv
Marocco Amman
Algeria Cairo
Tenerife Libya





Indian ocean

Ugovor o zajedničkom letu, kod-šer

ugovor, omogućava većem broju
kompanija da zajednički prodaju
mesta na istom letu koji obavlja samo Tarom Air Europa
jedna od kompanija / A contract on Australia Bulgaria Air
joint flights, a code-share agreement, Air China Finnair
allows a larger number of companies Brisbane
Air France turkish airlines
to jointly sell seats on the same flight ITA Airways
Aegean Airlines
performed by only one of the airlines
Air Baltic
120 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia Melbourne
ko d - š e r / c o d e s h a r e

Ceo svet je bliži kad nas je više The whole world is closer
when there are more of us
naše partnere Meet our partners
ER FRANS je francuska avio-kompanija sa sedištem u Parizu, koja AIR FRANCE is a French airline headquartered in Paris that has been
od 2004. godine posluje u sastavu Er Frans – KLM grupe. Leti na operating as part of the Air France-KLM Group since 2004. It flies
domaćim i međunarodnim redovnim putničkim i kargo linijama ka 189 domestic and international scheduled passenger and cargo flights to 189
destinacija u 91 zemlji na svim kontinentima. destinations in 91 countries worldwide.

KLM je holandska avio-kompanija u sastavu Er Frans – KLM grupe. KLM is a Dutch airline that operates within the scope of the Air France-
Sa sedištem u Amsterdamu, bazirana je na Aerodromu Shiphol, KLM Group. Headquartered in Amsterdam, it is based at Schiphol Airport,
odakle leti ka domaćim i međunarodnim odredištima i obavlja avionski where it departs to domestic and international destinations and carries air
transport tereta ka više od 90 destinacija. freight to over 90 destinations.

Turkiš erlajnS, kompanija osnovana 1933. godine, sa Turkish Airlines Established in 1933 with a fleet of five aircraft, Star
tadašnjom flotom od pet aviona, članica je Star alijanse, sada ima Alliance member Turkish Airlines has a fleet of 361 (passenger and cargo)
flotu od 361 letelice (za putnički i robni prevoz) kojom opslužuje aircraft flying to 319 worldwide destinations as 269 international and 50
319 (269 inostranih i 50 domaćih) destinacija širom sveta. domestic, in 127 countries.

IDŽIJAN ERLAJNS je najveća avio-kompanija sa sedištem u Atini, u AEGEAN AIRLINES is the largest airline based in Athens, Greece. The
Grčkoj. Najveći je grčka avio-kompanija računajući broj aviona u floti, largest Greek airline on the basis of fleet size, number of destinations and
kao i broj destinacija i prevezenih putnika. number of connected passengers.

ER EUROPA je avio-kompanija iz Španije, treća po veličini u toj zemlji, AIR EUROPA is a Spanish airline and is the third largest in the country,
nakon Iberije i Vuelinga, sa sedištem na ostrvu Majorki. Flota ove after Iberia and Vueling. It is headquartered on the island of Majorca. The
kompanije jedna je od najmlađih na kontinentu i nastaviće da raste. company’s fleet is one of the youngest on the continent and is set to
continue to grow.
TAROM je nacionalna i najveća avio-kompanija Rumunije, sa
sedištem u Bukureštu. Njeno sedište je bukureški Aerodrom Henri TAROM is Romania’s flag carrier and largest airline, with its headquarters
Koanda. TAROM ima redovne linije ka destinacijama u Evropi, Africi i at Henri Coandă Airport in Bucharest. TAROM flies regular routes to
na Bliskom istoku. destinations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

ER BALTIK je letonska nacionalna avio-kompanija smeštena u Rigi. AIR BALTIC is Latvia’s national airline, based in Riga. It offers low-cost tickets
Nudi karte sa niskim cenama u svojoj mreži koja obuhvata Evropu, in its network, which encompasses Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and the
Skandinaviju, Rusiju i Bliski istok. Middle East.

FINER je najveća avio-kompanija Finske, sa sedištem u Vantai. Finer je FINNAIR is the largest airline in Finland, based in Vantaa. Finnair is the sixth
šesta najstarija avio-kompanija u neprekidnom radu i konstantno se oldest airline in continuous operation and is constantly cited among the
navodi kao jedna od najsigurnijih na svetu. world’s safest airlines.

BULGARIJA ER je avio-prevoznik Bugarske sa sedištem u Sofiji. BULGARIA AIR, the airline of Bulgaria, is based in Sofia. It operates flights to
Sprovodi redovne letove ka destinacijama u Evropi i na Bliskom istoku. destinations in Europe and the Middle East. Its main base is at Sofia Airport.

ER ČAJNA je nacionalna avio-kompanija Kine. Prema podacima iz AIR CHINA is the national airline of the People’s Republic of China.
2018. godine, kompanija je prevezla 110 miliona putnika na više od 180 According to data from 2018, this company transported 110 million
destinacija na svih šest kontinenata. passengers to over 180 destinations on all six continents.

ITA ERVEJZ je kompanija u potpunom vlasništvu italijanskog ITA AIRWAYS is a company wholly owned by the Italian Ministry of
Ministarstva ekonomije i finansija za obavljanje poslova u sektoru Economy and Finance for operations in the air transport sector. It has a fleet
vazdušnog saobraćaja. Raspolaže flotom od 52 aviona. of 52 aircraft.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 121

Ljubav na prvi pogled
Love at first sight

Air Serbia Airbus

A330-200 Nikola Tesla
RSD 3.900
Razmera / Scale 1:200
Air Serbia Airbus A330
RSD 2.830
Razmera / Scale 1:200

Air Serbia Airbus A320

RSD 1.990
Razmera / Scale 1:200
Air Serbia Airbus A319
RSD 1.990
Razmera / Scale 1:200

Makete možete kupiti u Er Srbija poslovnicama i Premijum salonu

Models can be purchased in selected Air Serbia retail shops and Premium Lounge

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 17 Jurija Gagarina 12 Air Serbia Premium Lounge

11000 Beograd 11070 Novi Beograd Aerodrom Nikola Tesla

122 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Zabava na letu Inflight entertainment

na letu za
Enjoy the
flight to
New York kako sam upoznao vašu majku
How I met your mother
Bruklin 9-9
Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Ovo je samo deo

bogate ponude filmova,
TV serija i animiranih
filmova koja je dostupna
u biznis i ekonomskoj
klasi / This is just part of
the rich offer of films, TV
series and animated films
that are available to both
Business and Economy
Class passengers avanture mačka U kancelariji avanture rokija
u čizmama The Office i bulvinkla
The Adventures of The Adventures of
Puss in Boots Rocky and Bullwinkle

bornova nadmoć
Apolo 13 The Bourne Supremacy Mali šef
apollo 13 Almost Christmas The Boss Baby
miris žene Skoro božić
Scent of a Woman

Drama action porodični
drama 108 min. I 2004. drama family
140 min. I 1995. drama drama 97 min. I 2017.
drama 112 min. I 2016..
157 min. I 1992.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 123

Servisne informacije Service information


U avion možete besplatno da unesete Na let možete da unesete još jedan ... Jaknu ili kaput, sklopiva invalidska
komad ručnog prtljaga, za koji je dodatni mali komad prtljaga ili predmet kolica, ortopedska pomagala,
važno da ne prelazi dozvoljenu težinu i koji može da se smesti ispod sedišta koje kolica ili nosiljku za bebu, hranu i piće za
dimenzije. je ispred vas. bebu, kao i štap za hodanje.

8 kg
8 kg
8 kg 4 kg

Hand luggage Additional You can also

You can carry a piece of hand luggage hand luggage bring aboard...
aboard the plane free of charge, though You can carry aboard the plane an ... a jacket or coat, folding wheelchair,
it is important that this item does not additional small piece of luggage, or an orthopaedic aids, a baby stroller or carrier,
exceed the permitted weight and item that can be stored beneath the seat baby food and drink, as well as a walking
dimensions. in front of you. stick.

vežbe tokom leta IN-FLIGHT EXERCISES

Ove jednostavne vežbe pomoći će da se smanje These simple exercises will help to relieve the
umor i ukočenost koji se javljaju prilikom letenja. tiredness and stiffness associated with flying.


• Postavite jastuk iza leđa. • Udobno se smestite na sedištu i ispravite naslon za glavu.
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu da biste izbegli sabijanje • Nežno i polako kružite vratom na jednu stranu, zatim na
kičme. drugu stranu.
• Nemojte da prekrštate noge. Umesto toga, pokušajte • Pokušajte da zadnji deo vrata sve vreme držite pravo.
da sedite sa ravnomerno raspoređenom težinom. NECK ROLLS
SIT UP STRAIGHT •S  it back in the seat and flatten the headrest.
• Place a pillow at the hollow of the back. •G  ently and slowly roll the neck to one side, then back
• Sit up straight in the seat to avoid compressing the spine. through the centre towards the other side.
• Do not cross the legs. Instead, try to sit with weight • T ry to keep the back of the neck fully extended.
evenly balanced.
KRUŽITE STOPALOM • Sedite uspravno i nagnite se napred na sedištu.
• Sedite uspravno na sedištu, stavite jastuk pod butinu, • Približite ramena ušima, pa ih kružnim pokretom
iznad kolena. unazad spustite.
• Rasporedite težinu ravnomerno, pa kružite • Ponovite vežbu u suprotnom smeru podižući ramena
podignutim stopalom pazeci da vam pri tom cela prema ušima i spuštajući ih u početni položaj.
noga bude što mirnija.
ANKLE CIRCLES • Sit up straight and move forward in the seat.
• Sit up straight in the seat and place a pillow under the •B ring the shoulders up towards the ears, then circle
thigh, just above the knee. back downwards.
• Keep weight even and move the foot in a circular •R epeat the exercise by lifting the shoulders towards
motion, keeping the leg as still as possible. the ears before lowering in the opposite direction.

124 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Er Srbija poziva sve svoje putnike da dođu dovoljno rano na Air Serbia advises all its passengers to arrive at the airport in good
aerodrom kako bi završili prijavu za let na vreme. Prijavljivanje time in order to be able to complete the check-in process. Please
počinje najmanje dva sata pre vremena odlaska, međutim: be advised that check-in opens at least two hours before time of
• Prijavljivanje na let zaključuje se 45 minuta pre poletanja. departure, however:
• Izlaz za ukrcavanje zatvara se 20 minuta pre • Check-in closes 45 minutes prior to flight departure
poletanja. • The boarding gate closes 20 minutes prior to flight
Za više informacija molimo pozovite kontakt-centar departure
Er Srbije na broj 0800 111 528 (besplatni pozivi sa For further information, please contact Air Serbia’s
fiksne i mobilne telefonije u Srbiji), +381 11 311 21 23 Contact Centre on 0800 111 528 (calls free of charge
za pozive iz inostranstva posetite zvanični veb-sajt Er from Serbian landlines and mobile networks) or +381
Srbije www.airserbia.com, ili bilo koju poslovnicu Er Check in 11 311 21 23 (if calling from abroad), or visit Air Serbia’s
Srbije ili ovlašćenih turističkih agencija. official website www.airserbia.comor any of Air Serbia’s
offices or authorised travel agents.

Pogodnosti za Namenski
putnike starije šalteri za
od 65 godina porodice /
/ Benefits for Dedicated
travellers aged counters for
over 65 families

Check in

Onlajn prijava na let Onlajn prijava na let

/ Online check-in ONLINE CHECK-IN
Er Srbija je dodala nove mogućnosti u okviru Air Serbia has added new features to its mobile
svoje mobilne aplikacije, pa je korisnicima sada app and users now have the option to purchase
na raspolaganju i opcija kupovine karata kao na tickets online, just like they would on the company
veb-sajtu. Pored toga, aplikacija je dostupna i website. Additionally the app is available on all
na svim mobilnim uređajima sa iOS operativnim iOS mobile devices . Air Serbia app has been
sistemom. Aplikaciju Er Srbije do sada je preuzelo downloaded more than 50,000 times so far. More
više od 50.000 korisnika. Više od dve trećine than two thirds of visits to the national airline’s
poseta veb-sajtu nacionalne avio-kompanije website have been through mobile devices, of
realizuje se putem mobilnih uređaja, od kojih which almost half are Apple devices.
gotovo polovinu predstavljaju epl uređaji. Čekirati se, naravno, možete i The users of the app have already been able to
preko desktopa / Of course, you
Korisnicima aplikacije su do sada već bile can also check in via the desktop
check-in, scan their passport, download their
dostupne opcije prijave na let (ček in), skeniranja boarding tickets and keep them in the Wallet
pasoša, preuzimanja karte za ukrcavanje i njeno app, register via email, Facebook and Google,
čuvanje u Wallet aplikaciji, registracije putem choose the analytics and message settings. They
mejla, fejsbuka i gugla, podešavanja analitike i have also had a very important option of safely
vrste poruka koje žele da primaju, kao i veoma keeping their travel documents. In addition to the
značajna mogućnost bezbednog čuvanja putnih new options of purchasing tickets, flight search
dokumenata. Uz novu mogućnost kupovine feature and price information, in the later stages
karata, pretragu letova i informacije o cenama, of development the passengers will be also able
putnici će u kasnijim fazama razvoja aplikaciju to use the app to purchase ancillary services,
moći da koriste i za kupovinu dodatnih usluga, or get service information about flight status,
servisne informacije o statusu leta, promotivne promotional campaigns and a number of other
akcije i niz drugih pogodnosti. benefits.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 125

Red letenja Timetable
Iz Beograda / from belgrade za Beograd / to belgrade

A pon
sun A pon

AMSTERDAM 06:40 07:05 17:45 06:40 17:10 07:00 17:10 AMSTERDAM 10:00 10:25 21:05 10:00 20:30 10:20 20:30
ATHENS 13:15 00:30 12:25 12:30 12:25 00:30 12:20 ATHENS 16:30 05:00 15:40 15:45 15:40 05:00 15:35
ATHENS 00:45 00:30 00:10 ATHENS 04:30 04:40 04:30

BANJA LUKA 16:10 11:05 BANJA LUKA 17:35 12:30
BARCELONA 17:05 06:25 06:25 17:05 BARCELONA 20:30 09:50 09:55 20:30
BERLIN 07:10 17:40 07:10 18:10 07:10 18:10 BERLIN 09:45 20:15 09:45 20:45 09:45 20:45
BOLOGNA 06:30 17:10 17:30 BOLOGNA 09:20 20:00 20:20
BRUSSELS 06:45 18:00 BRUSSELS 09:55 21:05
BUCHAREST 13:15 00:45 12:55 13:15 13:15 00:45 13:15 BUCHAREST 16:05 05:10 15:50 16:10 16:05 05:10 16:05
BUCHAREST 00:45 00:45 BUCHAREST 05:10 05:10

COPENHAGEN 18:30 17:30 06:00 06:10 COPENHAGEN 21:35 20:35 09:05 09:15

DUSSELDORF 18:05 17:20 06:40 18:05 06:30 DUSSELDORF 21:00 20:15 09:35 21:00 09:25

FRANKFURT 17:35 07:05 17:35 17:35 07:05 17:35 FRANKFURT 20:25 09:55 20:25 20:25 09:55 20:25

HANNOVER 18:10 06:45 HANNOVER 20:55 09:30

i i
ISTANBUL 07:10 13:30 12:15 13:10 07:10 13:20 07:10 ISTANBUL 11:40 18:00 16:40 17:35 11:40 17:45 11:40
ISTANBUL 13:10 17:45 18:35 12:15 12:10 ISTANBUL 17:35 22:15 23:05 16:40 16:35
ISTANBUL 00:40 00:40 00:40 00:40 00:40 ISTANBUL 05:30 06:00 05:40 05:30 06:00

KAZAN 18:45 18:30 KAZAN 02:15 02:00

LARNACA 06:35 10:20 13:20 23:55
10:20 LARNACA 10:45 14:30 17:30 04:05 14:30
LJUBLJANA 07:30 07:55 07:30 06:05 07:40 07:15 07:30 LJUBLJANA 09:45 10:20 09:45 08:00 09:40 09:30 09:45
LJUBLJANA 18:25 18:25 18:25 18:25 18:25 18:25 18:25 LJUBLJANA 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50
LONDON LHR 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20 10:20 LONDON LHR 13:20 13:20 13:20 13:20 13:20 13:20 13:20
LYON 07:00 17:40 LYON 09:55 20:35

MADRID 12:50 10:15 MADRID 16:50 14:15
MALAGA 10:05 07:50 MALAGA 14:25 12:30
MALTA 13:05 11:55 MALTA 15:45 14:35
MILAN 06:55 06:55 18:15 18:15 06:55 MILAN 09:25 09:25 20:45 20:45 09:25
MOSCOW 14:00 14:00 07:20 14:00 07:35 14:00 07:35 MOSCOW 20:55 20:55 14:30 20:55 14:45 20:55 14:45
MOSCOW 21:20 20:30 20:30 20:30 20:30 MOSCOW 02:50 04:10 02:50 03:40 02:50
MOSCOW 23:55 MOSCOW 07:00

NEW YORK 07:20 07:20 10:10 13:10 13:10 NEW YORK 14:40 14:40 16:00 19:55 19:55
NIŠ 14:30 15:35 NIŠ 10:30 10:30
NIŠ 00:40 00:40 NIŠ 14:20 04:30
NUREMBERG 07:10 17:55 NUREMBERG 09:45 20:30

OSLO 06:05 17:15 17:15 OSLO 09:40 20:50 20:50

PARIS 06:45 06:45 06:45 06:45 06:45 06:45 06:45 PARIS 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:10
PARIS 17:10 18:25 17:35 17:10 17:10 18:10 17:10 PARIS 20:35 21:50 21:00 20:35 20:35 21:35 20:35
PODGORICA 06:55 07:00 07:00 06:20 07:50 07:00 07:00 PODGORICA 08:30 08:30 08:30 07:50 09:20 08:35 08:35
PODGORICA 13:40 14:30 13:40 13:40 13:40 14:45 13:40 PODGORICA 15:15 16:00 15:15 15:15 15:15 16:15 15:15
PODGORICA 19:20 19:20 20:30 19:15 17:05 17:20 PODGORICA 20:50 20:50 22:00 20:45 18:35 18:55
PRAGUE 06:50 06:50 17:25 06:50 17:55 17:55 PRAGUE 09:30 09:30 20:05 09:30 20:35 20:35
PULA 13:10 12:50 12:50 PULA 15:10 14:50 14:50

126 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

decembar / december

Iz Beograda / from belgrade za Beograd / to belgrade

R pon
R pon uto sre čet pet
mon tue wed thu fry
ROME 18:05 18:05 07:00 07:00 18:05 ROME 20:40 20:40 09:30 09:30 20:40

SALZBURG 18:00 07:15 SALZBURG 20:30 09:55
SARAJEVO 13:15 13:55 13:15 13:45 14:00 13:55 13:15 SARAJEVO 14:40 15:20 14:40 15:10 15:25 15:20 14:40
SKOPJE 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25 13:25 00:30 13:25 SKOPJE 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05 15:05 04:10 15:05
SKOPJE 00:30 00:30 00:30 00:30 SKOPJE 04:10 04:10 04:10 04:10
SOCHI 23:35 23:35 SOCHI 04:55 04:55
SOFIA 13:20 00:30 13:20 13:20 00:45 13:20 SOFIA 16:00 05:10 16:00 16:00 05:30 16:00
SOFIA 00:30 SOFIA 05:10
ST. PETERSBURG 17:00 23:00 20:00 ST. PETERSBURG 22:45 04:45 02:30
STOCKHOLM 06:30 06:30 17:10 06:35 17:10 STOCKHOLM 09:55 09:55 20:35 10:00 20:35
STUTTGART 17:55 17:55 06:45 STUTTGART 20:30 20:30 09:20

THESSALONIKI 13:15 13:15 13:10 THESSALONIKI 16:15 16:15 16:10
TIRANA 13:15 14:30 13:20 13:15 13:20 00:40 13:15 TIRANA 15:00 16:15 15:05 15:00 15:05 04:20 15:00
TIRANA 00:20 00:45 00:30 00:30 00:40 TIRANA 04:05 05:00 04:00 04:10 04:20
TIVAT 06:20 10:05 10:10 09:20 06:20 10:05 09:40 TIVAT 08:00 11:50 11:50 11:00 08:00 11:40 11:15
TIVAT 13:40 13:40 13:25 13:40 13:40 14:25 13:40 TIVAT 15:20 15:20 15:05 15:20 15:20 16:05 15:20

VALENCIA 06:15 17:05 VALENCIA 09:50 20:40
VENICE 18:00 07:00 18:00 VENICE 20:30 09:30 20:30
VIENNA 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 07:45 VIENNA 09:50 09:50 09:50 09:50 09:50 09:50 09:50
VIENNA 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 18:35 VIENNA 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50 20:50

ZAGREB 09:40 07:30 17:00 06:15 09:40 06:25 06:20 ZAGREB 11:25 09:45 18:45 08:00 11:25 08:10 08:05
ZAGREB 17:00 19:55 20:05 19:15 ZAGREB 18:45 21:45 21:50 21:00
ZURICH 06:55 06:55 18:05 06:55 06:55 06:55 06:55 ZURICH 09:30 09:30 20:40 09:30 09:30 09:30 09:30
ZURICH 18:05 18:05 12:25 12:25 12:25 ZURICH 20:40 20:40 15:05 20:45 15:05
ZURICH 18:05 18:05 ZURICH 20:40 20:40

Iz niša / from niš za niš / to niš

pon uto sre čet pet sub ned pon uto sre čet pet sub ned
c mon tue wed thu fry sat sun c mon tue wed thu fry sat sun

COLOGNE BONN 17:45 07:10 COLOGNE BONN 20:50 10:15

f f
FRANKFURT HAHN 07:10 17:50 FRANKFURT HAHN 10:05 20:50

i i
ISTANBUL 13:10 13:10 ISTANBUL 17:20 17:20

LJUBLJANA 17:40 17:30 LJUBLJANA 20:30 20:00

ZURICH 07:05 17:45 ZURICH 17:20 17:20

Iz kraljeva / from kraljevo za kraljevo / to kraljevo

čet pet sub ned
i pon
sun i pon
wed thu fry sat sun

ISTANBUL 10:15 10:05 ISTANBUL 15:10 15:00

Letovi iz Beograda ka Salcburgu i Puli, kao i iz Niša ka Cirihu, saobraćaju u periodu: Svi termini su po lokalnom vremenu
Flights from Belgrade to Salzburg and Pula, as well as from Niš to Zurich, operate in the period: All times are local
Beograd – Salcburg / Belgrade-Salzburg: 24 DEC -14 JAN Red letenja je podložan promenama
Beograd – Pula / Belgrade-Pula: 23 DEC - 09 JAN The flight schedule is subject to change
Niš – Cirih / Niš-Zurich: 21 DEC -07 JAN

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 127

Hvala što
letite sa nama Online booking
Thank you for Rezervišite svoj let onlajn na veb-adresi

flying with us
www.airserbia.com i obezbedite najbolje
cene karata koje možete rezervisati sa
samo nekoliko klikova mišem.

Book your Air Serbia flight online by

visiting www.airserbia.com, where you
can take advantage of great airfares and
manage your booking with a few clicks.

airserbia.com #airserbia
Kontakti u inostranstvu
Contacts abroad


+ 355 42 220 879 + 20 102 55 99 567 + 40 21 599 01 02
gsaalbania@airserbia.com GSAEgyptCairo@airserbia.com GSARomania@airserbia.com


+ 43 720 775 338 + 33 178 900 459 + 7 495 109 47 19
callcenter@airserbia.com airserbia.psarussia@aviareps.com
+ 386 416 444 83
banjalukato@airserbia.com ljuapservicedesk@airserbia.com
+ 49 211 370 685
SARAJEVO germanyto@airserbia.com
FRANKFURT + 46 8 1241 0058
+ 49 69 20756
+ 359 298 15 408 + 90 212 297 48 51
+ 385 180 002 40
zagreb.sales@airserbia.com MONTENEGRO + 44 203 769 5856
PODGORICA callcenter@airserbia.com
+ 382 20 664 750
+ 420 296 368 276 PodgoricaTO@airserbia.com
GSACzech@airserbia.com TIVAT
+ 382 32 671 186
CYPRUS NICOSIA tivatap@airserbia.com
+ 357 22 753 500
GSACyprus@airserbia.com NORWAY OSLO
+ 47 220 644 06
DENMARK COPENHAGEN GSANorway@airserbia.com
+ 45 33 22 31 41
+381 11 2010 123
You name it, we fly it! +381 11 2010 245

Er Srbija poslovnice u Srbiji

Air Serbia offices in Serbia


Tel: 0800 111 528 Tel: +381 11 32 32 372 Tel: +381 11 20 97 202
toll-free calls from Serbian fixed and mobile +381 11 32 31 042
telephone network
Tel: + 381 11 311 21 23
for calls abroad or from mobile networks

Kontakt centar
Contact centre

+381 11 311 21 23 0800 111 528

kontakt centar kontakt centar (iz Srbije)
(iz drugih zemalja) contact centre (from Serbia)
contact centre
(from other countries) callcenter@airserbia.com

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