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Early Forms of Life

The divergence that separated the two prokaryotic domains, Bacteria, and
Archaea, occurred very rarely in the history of life, and no fossils from before this
divergence have been discovered.

It has been studied that the first form of life is believed to have appeared 3.5
billion years ago. Paleontologists are the scientists who study fossils found
microscopic living cells known as microfossils in rocks that formed 3.5 billion years
ago after Earth cooled and solidified using radioisotope dating (which uses radioactive
materials such as the radioactive components of potassium-argon). The microfossils’
filaments found in Western Australia resemble chains of modern photosynthetic
bacteria and the rocks in which they occur are thought to be remains of ancient
stromatolites which are mounded, layered structure that forms in shallow sunlit water
when a mat of photosynthetic bacteria traps minerals and sediment. These stromatolites
increase in size over time as new layers form over the old. These organisms have been
so abundant 1.25 billion years ago and were common worldwide.

Many types of bacteria carry out photosynthesis, but only one group,
cyanobacteria, does Figure 1. Example of microfossils of Sulphur-metabolizing cells so by an oxygen-
producing pathway. in 3.4-billion-year-old rocks of Western Australia The microfossils
of cyanobacteria were among the
easiest to recognize. The forms of these organisms were remained the same and left
chemical fossils in the form of broken products from pigments. The first microfossil
that showed remains of organisms with differences in structure and characteristics was
seen 1.5 billion years ago on the rocks. They are bigger compared to bacteria and have
internal membranes and thicker walls. These findings marked the beginning of
eukaryotic organisms on Earth. The evolution of oxygen-producing photosynthesis in
cyanobacteria had started in early life. About 2.5 billion years ago, oxygen released by
these bacteria had begun to accumulate in Earth’s air and creating a new, global
selection pressure. Other species considered oxygen as toxic thus evolved gradually in
its absence.

How did multicellular organisms evolve?

Multicellular organisms are believed to have evolved from unicellular

eukaryotes and until now it is the concept that we believe. Some single eukaryotic cells,
like unicellular algae, formed multicellular aggregates through association with other
cell-producing colonies. From colonial aggregates, the organisms evolved to form
multicellular organisms through cell specialization. Organisms like protozoans, sponges,
and fungi came to be being. The first fossilized animals which were discovered 580
million years ago were soft-bodied. The continuous process of cell specialization
brought the emergence of complex and diverse plants and animals, including human
beings. Charles Darwin said that organisms change over time as a result of adaptation
to their environment to survive.

Rise of the Eukaryotes

The nucleus is not often preserved during fossilization, but other traits provide
evidence that a fossilized cell was eukaryotic. These eukaryotic cells are generally
larger than the prokaryotic cells. A cell wall with complex patterns, spines, or spikes
probably belonged to eukaryotes. Researchers and scientists also look for biomarkers
(the substance that occurs only or predominantly in cells of a specific type) for each
eukaryote just like the steroids found present only to eukaryotes.

Difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Prokaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cell
‘pro’= pre, ‘karyon’=nucleus ‘eu’ = true, ‘karyon’= nucleus
Originated about 3.5 billion years ago Originated about 1.2 billion years ago
Primitive forms Advanced
Unicellular Multicellular
Developing nucleus True nucleus present
Small in size Larger in Size
Non-bounded membrane Membrane-bounded

Fig. 2. A
diagram of a
Eukaryotic Organelles and Description
Other Organelles Description
▪ Ribosomes
- Makes protein

▪ Golgi
- Makes and does the packaging and processing of
▪ Lysosomes
- It contains enzymes to help break the food down

▪ Endoplasmic
- Transports items around the cell

▪ Vacuole
- For water or food storage

▪ Chloroplasts
- Present in plants only; uses sunlight to make food
through photosynthesis
▪ Cell wall
- Rigid; supports the cell

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