JLandayan COT2 Lesson Exemplar

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Department of Education

Region III - Central Luzon

Schools Division of Pampanga
Purok 3 San Roque, San Luis


(COT #2 )

Teacher: JONETTE C. LANDAYAN Designation: Teacher III

School: Emigdio A. Bondoc High School Division/Cluster: Pampanga/Cluster V
Grading Period: Second Quarter Grade Level: Grade 8
Date of Observation: January 18, 2024 Time: 7:30-8:30
Module: Module # 6

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired
and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signals in both
literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative
texts; value of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to patterns of idea development.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN8LT-Ih-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history,
Objectives. (Write the LC . environment, or other factors.
code for each) EN8LT-IIf-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author

II. CONTENT “The Vanity of the Rat” (Korean Fable)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Quarter 2-Module 6
2. Learner’s Material pages Quarter 2-Module 6
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources 1. Jigsaw Puzzles 2. Activity Sheets 3. Copies of the Literary Text 4. Audio-visual
IV. PROCEDURES Preparatory Activities
- Opening Prayer

A. Reviewing previous Show a picture of a family. Ask the following questions;

lessons or presenting the 1. What is the picture all about?
new lesson 2. Do you love your parents?
3. Do always follow what they say? Why or why not?
4. Is it “okay” not to follow what they? Why?

Our family is part of our existence. In fact, they are the reason why we work, live and
strive in life. They are the source of our happiness. Korean people, just like Filipinos,
give high regard to their family, especially to their parents.

B. Establishing a purpose for Objectives:

the lesson/Motivation At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
 Distinguish certain practices, cultures and traditions of a particular place.
C. Presenting Examples/  Explain how the selection ―The Vanity of the Rat‖ may be influenced by
instances of the new lesson culture, history, environment, or other factors.
 Express perspectives and positive attitude towards viewpoints of other
Pre-Activity (Motivation)

Task 1. K-W-L (Korea And Its Culture)  Group Task 1. Fill out the K-W-L chart.
Present your output in class. Remember that you will not be able to accomplish the L
column yet. You will go back to this part before the end of this unit.

D. Discussing new concepts Activity: Picture Puzzle!

and practicing new skills #1
Group Task 2: You will be given an envelope with pieces of picture puzzle to solve on.
The first group to finish the task will gain the highest points.

One representative from the group will describe the picture they have in front of the
class. Once you have finished the task, you will answer the following questions:

1. From those pictures presented, what certain word can you associate with?
2. Should parents interfere with their children in the choice of their partners in life?

E. Discussing new concepts Discussion Proper (Integration: Araling Panlipunan)

and practicing new skills #2 You will watch a video presentation of the Korean fable ―The Vanity of the Rat
Answer the following questions to check how well you understood the video:
1. What characteristics of a prospective husband does Mr. Rat want for his daughter?
2. Was Mr. Rat’s choice of a husband for Rena really the best? Why or Why not?
3. Do the characters in the fable behave somewhat the same as real human beings?
Why? Why not?
4. What particular character trait of a Korean family is implicitly revealed in the fable?
5. How is their practice similar/different from the Filipinos? Explain.
6. What does this similarity or difference imply?
F. Developing mastery Task: Listen to Me!
. Listen to the lines to be read. Write the particular line stated by the characters in the
(Leads to Formative bubble and infer their personality trait by choosing from the pool of words in the box.
Assessment 3) Write your answers on the lines provided below.

Opportunist Honest Conceited Humble Greedy

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and Task 2: EXTRAditions.
skills in daily living Read the article about Korean traditions and identify the tradition or values found in it.
You will need this information in doing the 3-2-1 chart.
Korean Beliefs and Practices Koreans believe in sincerity and following protocols
while meeting, eating, praying or even celebrating is very important. Let us have a
look at different Korean etiquette in this section of the article. Bowing is equivalent
to the handshake in Korean culture. Bowing means showing gratitude and respect to
the person you are meeting with. The younger generations have blended the western
culture with their native culture by shaking hands after bowing to each other. Gifts
have remained an integral part of their culture; however, gifts are always given
according to the capacity and affordability of the other person because Koreans
firmly believe in reciprocating. The quantity or numbers also add value to your gifts;
seven is considered as a lucky number so anything in multiples of seven will be
accepted heartily. However, they avoid giving anything that falls in the multiple
value of four because Koreans consider four as an unlucky number. Red, yellow and
pink colors denote happiness and prosperity in the Korean culture. The use of white,
black or green colors for wrapping is offensive and must be avoided. Korean food
and drinks add flavor to their traditional lifestyle and rice malt served with kimchi is
their specialty. Cold noodles, bibimbap, bulgogi and dakgalbi are some of the world-
famous Korean dishes. However, dining and eating means following a strict
protocol. No indoor farewells, the removal of shoes before entering the house or
dining room, and most importantly, only male hosts will serve the drinks. Buddhism
is the main religion in Korea and its teachings reflect in Korean lifestyle, culture and
arts. Numerous Buddhist statues, monuments and temples have been included in the
National Treasure and Monument list by the government. Yungdrung is major
symbol of Korean Buddhism and it can be seen outside temples and religious places
in Korea. Traditional clothes are the pride of the Korean people. Hanbok is the name
given to traditional Korean attire. It is worn in marriage ceremonies, family
functions and traditional festivals. It is also the official government and national
dress in Korea. People of all ages wear it with pride because it is one of the emblems
of their cultural identity. Knowing and understanding these customs is important
because while visiting the country, you must abide to their rules and customs;
otherwise, you might end up in an embarrassing situation because western practices
and customs are totally different from the customs of the Korean people.

H. Making generalizations • Consider this:

/abstractions about the Will you allow your parents to choose the person you’re going to marry.
lesson Exchange views with your classmates. Why yes or why not?
I. Evaluating learning Assessment:

Ask the students to accomplish the unfinish task for the KWL Chart. Have them
do the L part of the Task. Have them share their answer to the class

J. Additional Activities for

application of remediation On a one whole sheet of paper write an essay about the theme of the fable. Please be
guided by the rubric that follows.


Prepared by: Checked by:


TEACHER III Master Teacher II


Principal III

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