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Name: _________________________________________ Course/Year/Section: ____________
Please refer to your Module 2.1 to answer the questions in these activities.
Read aloud the following selection:
A Man’s Talk
by Robert Louis Stevenson
To be honest; to be kind;
To earn a little and spend less;
To make the whole family happier by his presence;
To renounce all where it is necessary
And not to be embittered;
To keep a few friends but these without capitulation;
Above all, on the same grim conditions
To keep friends and with himself---
Here is a task for all that a
Man has of fortitude and delicacy.
A. Extracting Information, Inferring Meanings and Evaluating Issues
1. What are the tasks of men and women?

2. How can you make these tasks real in your lives?

3. When did you deny yourself something just to make others happy? What did you feel?
4. Why were you happy? sad? resentful?

5. What is unconditional love?

6. What can you infer from the selection as the measure of a well-lived life?

A. Related Meanings
Fill in the blanks with words related to the words in bold letters. Choose from the options found
in the box.



angry disavow indignant reject resentful

abandon disown hateful unhappy deny

B. Selecting Appropriate Meanings.

Read each statement and choose the contextual meaning of the underlined words from the
given options.
1. A person who is formidable and ferocious frightens people.
a. grim b. gentle c. genial
2. Success in any endeavor can only be attained if a person has fortitude.
a. intelligence b. endurance c. honesty
3. A person who has learned to be considerate of the rights and feelings of others has elevated
hi or her manners. He or she is a person of delicacy.
a. honor b. enlightenment c. refinement
4. True friendship does not make any demands. It is offered without capitulation.
a. capital punishment b. conditional surrender c. terms and conditions
5. A genial person is placid and mild.
a. harsh and cruel b. cordial and warm c. proud and boastful
1. What are introductory words?

2. Which of the introductory words requires information as answers?

3. What introductory word or question requires time and process answer?

Replace the subject of the original sentence with who or what as question words.
1. Stevenson wrote “A Man’s Task.”

2. He described the importance of these tasks?

3. Renato gave up his claim for the sake of peace.

4. Keeping a few friends without capitulation speaks of sincerely giving of oneself.

5. To serve others is our main purpose here on earth.

1. What introductory word or question requires information as answer?

2. What information question requires the name of the person as answer?

3. What information question requires other ideas or issues as answer?

Discuss your tasks as responsible students, children, friends and classmates. Write your answers
following the illustrated format.
Our Tasks

Original Statements Information Questions

As students

As sons and daughters


As a friend and classmate

These are your tasks as responsible students, children, friends and classmates. These are your
commitments. Evaluate yourselves about how far you have gone by asking these questions:
1. What did I commit myself to do?

2. What are the tasks that I always perform well?

3. What areas am I weak in? strong in?

4. Who are the people who stand by me and help me see through my commitment?

5. What can I do to help others perform well too?

Lesson 3: Exercise 1
Transform these statements into information questions making the underlined word/s the
expected answer.
1. Carlo was embittered by insincere friends.

2. True friends are tested in difficult times.

3. Men and women of fortitude don’t break down in times of crises.

4. Human should draw all the good from this world.

5. By then, they will suffer less evil.

6. Wrong priorities in life cause a lot of happiness.

7. A miser enjoys accumulating wealth.

8. He gave up every vestige of comfortable living.

9. He does not enjoy benevolent friendships.

10. He refuses to experience the pleasure of doing good to others.

Read This I believe written by Albert Einstein, then perform the exercises that follow:
A. Write 5 information questions that will bring out the main ideas in the reading selection.




By Albert Einstein
(An Excerpt)

My political idea is democracy. Everyone should be respected as individual, but no one idolized.
It is an irony of fate that I should have been showered with so much uncalled for and unmerited
adulation, admiration and esteem. Perhaps this springs from the unfulfilled wish of the
multitude to comprehend the few ideas which, I, wish my weak powers, have advanced.
It is imperative that one person should do the thinking and commanding and carry most of the
responsibility. But these who are led should not be driven, and they should be allowed to
choose their leader, I am convinced that degeneracy follows every autocratic system of
violence. Time has proven that illustrious tyrants are succeeded by scoundrels.
A person who produces the noble and the sublime is the truly valuable bustle of life. The man
who enjoys marching in line and file to the streams of music falls below my contempt, he
received his great brain by mistake. This heroism at command, this senseless violence, this
accursed bombast of patriotism—how I intensely despise them. War is low and despicable, and
I would rather be smitten to shreds than participate in such doings.

B. Transform each statement to information questions. Make the underlined words as the
expected answers.
Example: : War is low and despicable.
Answer : What is low and despicable?

1. In a democracy, everyone is respected as an individual.

2. Einstein did not wish for any admiration or adulation.

3. A leader thinks, commands and carries out his responsibility.

4.The people should not be driven.

5. They should be allowed to choose their leader.

6. Tyrant leaders are succeeded by scoundrels.

7. Scoundrels are villains.

8. Senseless violence is an accursed bombast of patriotism. It is damnable.

9.War is a stain to humanity.

10. Einstein would rather be smitten to shreds than participate in war.

---------- END OF THE HOME ACTIVITY -----------

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