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TASK 1 - About the internet and all the new

Usually, the new technologies makes everything easier. It makes our jobs easier to carry out,
our diary tasks easier to complete, even our fun time more enjoyable. But is not gold all that glitters.

New technologies also brings us problems. We can see every day how the social media harms
people, how easy is for some random guys to attack everything, being covered by an unreal name,
and an avatar that doens’t show their faces. And we all suffer from this. Every day our grandma’s
email is so easy to be hacked, and all her data stolen by a guy behind a screen, waiting for a neglect
on the most vulnerable people. Because new technologies are so nice, and make our lifes better, but
only if you are able to adapt to them.

We should all enjoy the internet, our new smartphones with all the new features they bring,
that speaker in our house that we can talk with. But without adaptation and some knowledge on how
it works, we can lose everything, from our bank data, to everything that we keep “safe” on the cloud.

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