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I. Definition- Art. 1106

1. Acquisitive Art. 1117 a. Characteristics
b. Ordinary
1. Good Faith Art. 1127
2. Justtitle- Arts. 1129-1130
c. Extraordinary Arts. 1137,1132 second par. d. Requisites Arts. 1118-1125
e. Period- Arts. 1132,1134, 1138
f. What cannot be required by acquisitive prescription
2. Extinctive
a. Characteristics
b. Requisites
c. Periods
II. No Prescription Applicable
A. By Offender- Art. 1133
B. Registered Lands - PD1529
C. Art. 1143, NCC
1. Action legal to demand a right of way- Art. 649
2. To abate a nuisance
D. Action to quiet title if plaintiff in possession
E. Void contracts - Art. 1410
Land Bank of the Philippines Vs. Albrando R. Abellana, G.R.No. 237369. October
19,2022 F. Action to demand partition- Art. 494
1. Distinguished from laches-
G. Property of public dominion
III.Prescription or Limitation of Actions
A. To recovermovables - Art. 1140 B. To recover immovables- Art. 1141 C. Other
actions- Arts. 1142-1149
IV. Interruption- Art. 1155

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