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One of my favourite artist is a Romanian actor,

named Valentin Horațiu Mălăele. He was born in 1952 în
Tg. Jiu. He is a theatre and film actor and also a film
director. Even if he is not a handsome man, he has a great
acting talent. He had many roles in theatre plays like: Uncle
Vanea, written by Cehov, The Lesson, written by Eugen
Ionesco, The Liar, by Carlo Goldoni, Scapino, by Moliere,
He also played in over 40 movies. Some of them are:
Păcală, The secret of Bachus, Song for my son, Free Time,
and many, many others.
He is a brilliant comediant. He can play a fool, a drunk man, a policeman
or any kind of role he has. He is very talented and very original. When you
listen to stand up comedy by Horatiu, you can not stop
He won a lot of prizes at theatre and film festivals for
acting and for directing. He also won the Award Of
Excellence of UNITER in 2018.
His latest movie is The Moromete Family 2, in which
he had the leading role of Ilie Moromete, having a big
success. The film is not a comedy, but Horațiu Mălăele did a
great job playing that serious role. Maybe because he spent
his childhood at the country side he identified himself with the peasent Ilie

His less known passion is that of drawing

caricatures. He discovered that passion when he was
in second grade. He has exhibited over 3000 cartoons
at national and international exhibitions.
Horațiu Mălăele has two sons. The youngest is
Cristi. He is 26 years old. He studied film directing
and he has his own film producting studio. The older
one, named Bogdan is, like his father, an actor and a
comediant. I saw him at the TV Show ”You have
humor” and I think he is real good for stand up comedy. He inherited the talent
from his father.
I recommend everybody to watch a monologue presented by Horațiu
Mălăele, for example ”A day of my life”. It will be a lot of fun.

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