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Initao College

Jampason, Initao, Misamis Oriental

A.Y 2023- 2024/ First Semester

FP1-Values Development program

NAME: ________________________________________ DATE: __________________ Score: _______/50

COURSE/YEAR/GROUP: ____________________ Mobile Number: _____________________

Direction: Read the statements/questions carefully. Select the best answer among the choices. Encircle the letter of the correct
answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.(1pt. each)

1. Julia, a team leader, notices a decline in her team's motivation. What initial step should she take to address this issue?
a. Increase workload to challenge the team. c. Ignore the issue; it will resolve itself.
b. Conduct a team-building workshop. d. Criticize under-performing team members.

2. Alex is struggling with motivation while preparing for exams. What strategy is likely to help Alex?
a. Study only when exams are imminent. c. Give up on the idea of doing well in exams.
b. Break down study sessions into smaller, focused intervals. d. Depend solely on natural intelligence.

3. Maria has set a challenging personal goal but is facing obstacles. What approach can help Maria stay motivated?
a. Keep the goal a secret to avoid external pressure. c. Set smaller milestones and celebrate achievements.
b. Modify the goal to make it easier. d. Abandon the goal to reduce stress

4. The marketing team is demotivated due to a failed campaign. What should the team leader do?
a. Acknowledge the team's efforts and provide constructive c. Cancel all future projects to avoid further failures.
feedback. d. Ignore the situation; it's just one campaign.
b. Blame individual team members for the failure.

5. Michael, an entrepreneur, is facing setbacks in his startup. What action is likely to help him regain motivation?
a. Seek feedback and adapt the business strategy. c. Accept defeat and close the business.
b. Blame external factors for the business challenges. d. Avoid seeking advice from successful entrepreneurs

6. Sarah's team is struggling with collaboration. What can Sarah do to enhance team motivation?
a. Promote competition among team members. c. Avoid addressing collaboration issues.
b. Conduct team-building activities regularly. d. Assign individual tasks without communication.

7. James is finding it hard to stay motivated due to poor time management. What advice would be most helpful for James?
a. Multitask to get more done in less time. c. Procrastinate and work under pressure.
b. Set realistic goals and prioritize tasks. d. Keep work and personal life separate.

8. Emma consistently delivers excellent work but rarely receives acknowledgment. What should her supervisor do to boost her
a. Provide regular feedback and recognition. c. Ignore her contributions; she's just doing her job.
b. Criticize her publicly to motivate others. d. Assign more challenging tasks without guidance

9. Jason faced a major setback in his project. How can he use this failure as a source of motivation?
a. Give up on the project entirely. c. Blame others for the project's failure.
b. Reflect on the failure, learn from it, and adjust the approach. d. Hide the failure to save face.

10. Maria is torn between pursuing her passion (intrinsic) and choosing a job for a higher salary (extrinsic). What advice would
promote long-term motivation?
a. Prioritize the job with the higher salary. c. Ignore both passion and salary; stability is more important.
b. Pursue her passion despite financial considerations. d. Settle for a job that offers a balance between passion and

11. Tim is struggling to achieve his long-term goals. What approach can help him stay motivated?

a. Set vague goals to avoid disappointment.

b. Break down long-term goals into smaller, manageable c. Give up on long-term goals; focus on short-term gains.
tasks. d. Rely on luck to achieve his goals.
12. With the shift to remote work, some team members are feeling isolated and demotivated. What action should the team leader
a. Disregard the team's feelings; remote work is the future. c. Increase workload to compensate for lack of in-person
b. Implement regular virtual team-building activities. supervision.
d. Ignore the issue; remote work is temporary.

13. Carlos is managing a diverse team with varying cultural backgrounds. What should he consider to enhance motivation within
the team?

a. Enforce a single cultural norm to avoid conflicts. d. Assign tasks based on team members' cultural
b. Ignore cultural differences; focus only on work tasks. backgrounds.

c. Celebrate and respect cultural diversity within the team.

14. The company is going through a financial crisis, and employees are anxious about job security. How can the leadership
motivate the team during this challenging time?
a. Withhold information to avoid causing panic. c. Blame employees for the financial crisis.
b. Communicate openly, provide reassurance, and involve d. Lay off employees to cut costs.
employees in solutions.

15. Sarah has been working long hours consistently and is starting to feel burned out. What steps should she take to prevent
burnout and maintain motivation?
a. Keep pushing through; burnout is a sign of weakness. c. Increase workload to show dedication to the job.
b. Take breaks, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care. d. Quit the job to escape burnout.

16. In a multicultural workplace, Maria notices that some team members celebrate different religious holidays. What action fosters
cultural sensitivity?

a. Organize events only around mainstream holidays.

b. Ignore cultural differences to avoid conflict.
c. Recognize and respect various religious observances within the team.
d. Request team members to conform to a single set of holiday celebrations.

17. In a meeting, John consistently interrupts his female colleagues but listens attentively to male colleagues. How should
colleagues address this issue?
a. Ignore the interruptions to maintain harmony. c. Promote gender stereotypes to fit into workplace norms.
b. Confront John privately about his behavior. d. Encourage female colleagues to speak more assertively.

18. The leadership team is making decisions that impact all employees without seeking input from various departments. How can
this be improved for better social awareness?
a. Exclude certain departments to streamline decision-making. c. Keep decision-making processes secretive to avoid leaks.
b. Encourage open communication and seek input from all d. Make decisions without considering the impact on different
departments. departments.

19. During a team meeting, Sarah makes a comment that unintentionally marginalizes a colleague. What is the appropriate
a. Laugh it off to avoid making things uncomfortable. c. Ignore the comment; it's not a big deal.
b. Privately discuss the comment with Sarah to raise d. Share a similar comment to highlight its impact.

20. Alex is passionate about social justice issues but is unsure how to advocate for change in the workplace. What is a
constructive step for Alex to take?
a. Avoid discussing social justice issues in a professional c. Start conversations, share information, and encourage open
setting. dialogue.
b. Use confrontational methods to force change. d. Focus solely on personal growth; workplace issues will
resolve themselves.

21. Mark, a new employee, uses a wheelchair and faces difficulties accessing certain areas of the office. What can the
organization do to promote accessibility?
a. Ignore the issue; Mark can adapt to the existing
infrastructure. c. Move Mark to a remote work arrangement to avoid physical
b. Provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal barriers.
access for all employees. d. Blame Mark for not choosing a more accessible workplace.

22. Emily notices a colleague showing signs of stress and anxiety. What can Emily do to promote mental health awareness in the
a. Ignore the signs; it's a personal matter. c. Offer support, encourage open communication, and suggest
b. Gossip about the colleague to bring attention to the issue. available resources.
d. Assume the colleague is not capable of handling work
23. The company produces a significant amount of waste, impacting the local environment. How can employees advocate for
environmental responsibility?
a. Ignore the environmental impact; it's not the responsibility of c. Raise awareness, propose eco-friendly initiatives, and
the employees. involve colleagues in sustainability efforts.
b. Organize a community cleanup without involving colleagues. d. Contribute to the waste without considering its

24. During a team-building event, a colleague shares their identity as LGBTQ+. How can the team foster inclusivity?
a. Ignore the disclosure; personal matters should remain c. Acknowledge and support the colleague's identity, creating a
private. safe and inclusive environment.
b. Make jokes to lighten the atmosphere. d. Exclude the colleague from future team events to avoid

25. The HR department is planning recruitment strategies. How can they enhance workplace diversity?
a. Prioritize hiring individuals from the same cultural c. Embrace diversity by actively seeking candidates from
background to avoid conflicts. various backgrounds.
b. Implement blind recruitment practices to ignore personal d. Focus on hiring individuals with similar educational
details. backgrounds for uniformity.

26. In a remote work setting, some team members struggle with digital tools. How can the organization promote digital inclusivity?
a. Assume everyone is tech-savvy and ignore the challenges c. Exclude team members who struggle with technology to
faced by some team members. streamline processes.
b. Provide training and support to ensure all team members d. Implement more complex digital tools to challenge the team.
can effectively use digital tools.

27. A team member inadvertently makes a racially insensitive comment during a project meeting. What should the team do to
address this issue?
a. Ignore the comment; it was unintentional. c. Share similar comments to downplay the impact.
b. Privately discuss the comment with the team member to d. Address the comment openly, educate the team, and
raise awareness. encourage sensitivity training.

28. The company is planning a team-building retreat that might be financially burdensome for some employees. What can the
organization do to consider socioeconomic differences?
a. Ignore socioeconomic differences; team-building is more c. Provide options that accommodate varying financial
important. capacities of employees.
b. Host an extravagant retreat without considering financial d. Cancel the retreat to avoid any financial strain on
implications. employees.

29. The CEO is making decisions without considering the impact on employees' work-life balance. What leadership quality would
improve social awareness in this situation?
a. Authoritarian leadership to ensure efficiency. c. Ignoring employees' concerns for the sake of productivity.
b. Empathetic leadership, considering the well-being of d. Micromanaging to maintain control over every aspect of the
employees. organization.

30. The company wants to contribute to the local community. What action can the company take to engage with the community
a. Isolate the company from community activities to focus c. Identify community needs, collaborate with local
solely on business goals. organizations, and contribute meaningfully.
b. Participate in community events without understanding the d. Make financial donations without actively involving
community's needs. employees in community service.

Instruction: Read each statement carefully. Choose your answer in the box. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number. STRICTLY NO ERASURES. (2 points each)

Self-control Self-awareness
Emotion Empathy Motivation

__________________ 1. It is a complex psychological and physiological states that involve a range of feelings, thoughts, and
behavioral responses.

__________________ 2.. The ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, as well as being aware of how emotions
can influence thoughts and behavior.

_________________ 3. The capacity to manage and control one's own emotions, especially in challenging situations. This involves
avoiding impulsive reactions and maintaining composure.
_________________ 4.The ability to harness emotions to achieve personal and professional goals. This includes the drive to
pursue goals with energy and persistence.

_________________ 5. The capacity to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathetic individuals can tune into the
emotional experiences of those around them, fostering better interpersonal relationships.

III. ESSAY. Write your answer on the space provided. (10 POINTS)

1. Reflect on a personal experience or a series of experiences that significantly influenced the development of your
values. Discuss the specific moments, individuals, or challenges that played a crucial role in shaping your beliefs and
ethical principles.

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