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2 nd Edition


Level3 Workbook

Sally Etherton
Unit 1 Communication 4
Unit 2 Arrangements 10
Unit 3 Travelexperiences 18
Unit4 Farawayplaces 25
Unit 5 Changing times 31
Unit 6 Technology 37
Unit? Teamwork 45
Unit 8 Groups & communities 52
Unit 9 Healthy lifestyle 58
Unit 10 Health & safety 64
Unit 11 Preparingfor work 71
Unit 12 Future plans 78

Language reference 84
Notes 92

///////////////,W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// forthe21st Century•Contents ~


D Lookat the contextwordson the left. Then circlethe odd one out in each box.

a letter
C internet envelope
b email
C computer inbox keyboard pencil
C text (( messages paper type send ])
d phone call (( write speak number ringtone ])
- =
e face to face
C handshake call smile eye contact
fJ Readthe body language.Match each image with a description.

a b


1 doesn't know, or confused D 4 impatient and tired of waiting D

2 listening with interest D 5 nervous or stressed D
3 disagreeswith the speaker D 6 surprised or shocked D

~ Englishfor the 21·1 Century• Unit1 •


IJ Put the wordsin the correct order to make sentences.Rememberthe capital letters and punctuation.

a italian /sister/ my/ speaks

b holiday/ tell/ all/ me/ your/ about

c weather/ in/ england/ the/about/ talk/ people/ often

d window I him/ tell/ i /don't/ the/ broke

e i /people/ new/ i /when/ never/ about/ money/ meet/ talk

f spanish/ in /how/ do/ to/ 'thank you'/ sayI know/ you

g so I can/ please/ slowly I speak/ i / understand

D Complete the sentenceswith the verbs talk, speak, tell or say. You may need to change the form.

a I always the truth.

b She Portugueseand French.

C She she bought it in the market.

d Canyou me the time, please?

e He always about himself!

f her about your dream!

g The weather forecast _____ it's going to rain tomorrow.

D Circletheverbsin the pastsimple.ThenfindthemInthe wordsearch.

a I[ say sayed said sayd ll H I K s T M I s A p

b ate eated eat ated V z w
D V Q p s N w
II ll N A E C L X z K p A
E w K 0 s p 0 K E V
d [ buy bought buyed bourt ] M A T 0 J E B C C X
e I[ go goed went going ] M T 0 X E D 0 F N J
C C M T I N u z p H
C had haved have haded
:J p H A A H F G F L A
g [ speaked spoke speak spoked
ll T E s z 0 E H D T D
I! tell telled told tolled ] E D z C z R T V E s

fl wtththepastsimpleformof theverbsin brackets.


a (write) LastMonday,he to hisuncle.

b (go) Yesterday,
we to a presentationon internetsafety.

C (have) Thismorning,I a phonecall inviting mefor ajob interview.

d (send) My friends me a postcardfrom Spain.

e (be) on the phonewhen he arrived.

f (buy) a new tablet yesterday.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 1 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 Lookat the table.Writesentences


a b C d e f
watchlV llstento play makea write an readan receive
the radio computer videocall email eBook a text

ti' ti'
" ti' ti'
" "
Example HewatchedTY.


0 Circlethecorrectwordto completeeachquestion.

a WhatI Weredid you buy yesterday?


WasI Didit expensive?
WhatI Whydid you choosethis one?

WhoI Didthey showyou how to useit?

e WhyI Whatappsdid you get?
f WhenI Didit takelong to setup?

9 DidI Wasyourwifelikeit?

1 Yes,they gaveme a full demonstrationand put on somefreeapps. _d_

2 It'sthin and light,and it hasa dual-coreprocessorand8 GBRAM.

3 No,it wasalreadychargedandthe tutorialwaseasyto follow.

4 I bought this newtablet for my wife.

5 Not really.It cost about £400.

6 No,shedecidedto give it to me!

7 I got ExpenseManagerandGoPay.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7///////////////./////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 1 ~

D style?Writeargument,
Canyouguesseachconversation lectureor discussion.

lfJ Wherelnthetabledoeseachphrasego?Writethe lettersinthecorrectcolumn.

a Runningis boring. f I think you'reright.

b Whatdo you think? g I don't know.

C I don't think so. h I'm not sure.

d Exactly! Whatabout you?

e Tabletsaretoo expensive. j I disagree.

- -- -
Give•n opinion Askfor an opinion Agree DIAgree Notdecided

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 1 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 Numberthesentences
to put theconversation
in order.

a I don't.Thetrousersaretoo big.

b Buyit then! It looksgreat!

C I'm not sure.Canyou affordit?

d Hmm,I think you'reright Whatabout this dress?

e It'sveryexpensive!

f I reallylikethis suit. _I_

9 Yes,I got paidyesterday.

h No,it isn't.It only costs£35.00.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7///////////////./////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 1 ~

2 3
4 5 1
10 ,, 1 6 7 8
16 17 '2 13
14 15
18 19 20
23 24 21 22
25 26 27
30 31 28 29


D withthe correctnames.
Lookat the pictureof the Phillipsfamily.Thencompletethesentences

a ___ iscarryingsomeglassesand lemonade.

b ___ is holdinga bucket.

C ___ iscarryinga towel.

d iscleaningthe car.

e ___ is wearingtrousersand blackshoes.

f ___ is wateringthe plants.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 2 ////////////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#///////////////.4


0 Unscramble
theverbsto completethesentences
andwriteeachoneIn thecrossword.
3 I'm(genies)my tutor at threeo'clock.
4 He isalways{nixgett)hisboss.
6 She's(rigtwin}a letter to accompanyherjob application.
7 Ourcompanyis(grogwin)fast.
1 I'm(gindens)an emailto my brother.
2 She's(gownfillo}herfavouriteband on socialmedia.
3 I'm(signtit)on my favouritechair.
5 He's(gingo)to a lectureon Technologyin Industry.

0 WhatIs Mr Stickmandoing?Usetheverbsfromthe boxto writesentences.

[ clap point push run think wave

d e


W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 2 ~

U Circle the correct options to complete the email with the verbs in the present simple or
the present continuous.

(jjijijjjij iii
Bus service
June 7, 201511:44 AM

Dear Sir or Madam,

I write I 'm writing• this message to
complain about your bus service.
Everyday, I catch I 'm catchingb the
No 25 bus to work. The timetablesays
it /eavesI is leavingc the bus stop In
the High Street at 7.30. How!:)ver,every
morning it arrivesI ls arrivingd late.
Right now, I stand I 'm standing• at
the bus stop and the bus is 15 minutes
This bus service is/ is being r
unacceptableas it always makesI is
makings me lat~for work.

D Match each word or phrase with the correct text message abbreviation.

a let me know gr8

b you CU 18r

C no problem IMO

d great LMK

e of course u

f I am sorry OFC

9 see you later NP

h in my opinion IMS

~ English for the 21"' Century • Unit 2 ////////////////////#/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ..,W//////////////A


0 Lookat Amira'sdiary.Thendecide:are the statementsbelowtrue or false?

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

aaeflfm playtennit laoture9 a.m. pl8ytennra phonemum orderT-ahfrt paybllttl
7.80p.m. forKate
havedinner haveooffee p.m.- oollaot umrnar gototalk SpringHotel withClaire laundry! 2p.m. onbtodlveralty Kate'•
SuppatClub Sp.m. birthdayl

a On Sunday,she'splaying tennis. true false

b Amira'swatching a film on Sunday. true false

C She'sphoning her mum on Wednesday. true false

d On Tuesday,Amira isn't playing tennis. true false

e She'svisiting the Spring Hotel on Friday. true false

f She'scollecting her laundry on Thursday. true false

g She'shaving coffee with Claireon Monday. true false

0 Completetheconversation formof theverbsfromthe box.

withthe presentcontinuous

[ come get have order take visit watch

Jo Hi,Amira! Are you ______ • for coffee at my placetomorrow?

Amira Sorry,I can't. I'm b a film. What about Wednesday?

Jo I'm afraid I can't do Wednesday.I'm c my aunt in London all day.

Amfra What about Tuesday?I'm not ______ d coffee with Claire,so I'm free!

Jo Perfect!Let'smeet at five o'clock.What areyou ______ • Katefor her birthday?

Amira I'm ______ , her a T-shirtfrom the Havealotwebsite.What about you?

Jo I'm ______ o her to PaigntonZoo on Saturday.Do you want to come?

Amira I'd love to - thanks! I'll seeyou then, bye!

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 2 ~

U Label each text apologizing, asking for help, thanking or inviting. Then write out each of the text
messages in full sentences.

Hi. How do I get 2 ur house

a 2nite? askingfor help

Hi HowdoIgetto yourhousetonight?

b Stuck in traffic~m. Will be 18.IMS.

c ( Thx for the Ii~! C u 18r!


It was nice to cu.

d Thx for the coffee.

e ~Canu come 4 dinner 2nite?

I can't meet 18r- Tbh,

f I'm too tired- IMS-

Hav u started the assgnmnt?

g Wot books r useful?

~ Englishfor the 21~Century• Unit 2 •


D A languageweallunderstand.
Watchtheslldashow from1:15to 3:15agafn.
Finda wordmatching

a peoplewith a lot of knowledgeabout a topic

b to makea thought or feelingknownto other people

C not said

d closingone eye

8 the feelingexpressedin a message

f to showthat somethingis important

g separatedinto smallergroups

h unhappybecausesomethingbad hashappened

u Matchthetwo partsto makeverbphrasesfromtheslideshow.

a Breathe a quiet comer.

b Don't laugh.

C Find comfortable.

d Get your handson your hips.

e Hold slowlyand deeply.

f Hold your headhigh.

9 Keep the pose.

h Put your backstraight.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 2 ~

0 CompletethetextaboutAmyCuddy'sideaswiththewordsfromthe box.

advantage change chemistry found interesting people

pose research social strike tell theory

Wecan a lot about otherpeoplefrom their body language.Butwe can alsouseour

own body languageto our . ThisisAmyCuddy.She'sa

scientist.Her is:'Ourbody languageshapeswho we are.'Her

showsthat, if we our posture,we cancompletely
changethe wayother seeus.

But her researchhasalso somethingevenmore

And very useful!Shehasfound that, if we a positive

for a few minuteseveryday,we canactuallychangethe in our bodies.

0 Putthewordsin the correctorderto makequestions

a of business/is/ the language/ what/ and/ science Yes,mainlyin face-to-faceconversations.

b is/ easy/ emails/ out/ to/ work/ tone / of/ the/ it Our body languageshapeswho we are.

c does/ what/ gesture/ this/ mean English- that'swhy so manypeoplestudyit

d communication/important/ non-verbal/ is Thereare43.

e we do/ do/ what/ when/ we/ annoyedI are Yes,especiallyportrait painters.

f manyI how/ muscles/in the/ faceI arethere Not always.Emojisor emoticonscan help.

g believe/ what/ Amy/ does/ Cuddy Wehunchour shouldersandleanforward.

h great/ body I do I understand/ language/ painters Bequiet!

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 2 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 Pausethevideoat 5:20 andlookat Nlghthawlcs

again.Thencompleteeachsentencewiththe phrase
thatbestdescribesthe painting.

a Thecustomersin the diner are chattinghappily.

thinkingtheir own thoughts.

b The lighting in the diner istoo bright.

isn'tbright enough.
isverywarm andwelcoming.

c The peoplein the diner havegone thereto havea good time.

areannoyedbecauseit's closingtime.
havegone therelateat night becausethey want company.

d The paintinghas lotsof detail,sowe know he isvery interestedin this particulardiner.

somedetail,sowe know that this is in NewYorkin the mid-20th century.
almostno detail;this could be anywhere,at anytime.

e The paintershowsushow excitingAmericawasin the 1940s.

relaxingAmericawasin the 1940s.
lonelyAmericawasin the 1940s.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7///////////////./////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 2 ~

Travel experiences

D Are the wordsadjectives, nounsor adverbs?Circle the oddone out.

a exciting tradition noisy special

b delicious boring interesting taste

C complicated difficult culture easy

d happily clean comfortable warm

e modern time traditional tall

f clever polite rude feeling

fJ Look at the adjectives in 1. Match each group of adjectives with a noun.

a food

b a room

C an exam

d a person

e a festival ____a__

f a building

~ Englishfor the 21· Century•

Unit 3 •

a Write the oppositesin the grid. What is the mystery adjective?

a clean

b interesting

C sensible

d polite

e low

f noisy

g complicated

h horrible

right ■
j difficult ■
k new ■
The mystery adjective is _________ _

8 Lookat the adjectivesin the box.Which prefixdoes each one need to make its opposite?
Write each oppositein the correct columnof the table.

possible happy polite accurate visible patient necessary kind active

im- un- in-

El Unscramble the adjectives to complete the travel blog.

Hi. I'm Pete. Welcome to my blog about travel

around Turkey. Here are three reasons to go
to Istanbul now.

1 BREAKFAST - Start the day with a (ouiidselc)

_____ a Turkish breakfast called kahvaltt.It
consists of eggs, bread, olives, cheese, meat, jam,
honey, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. Finishwith
a cup of (gtsonr) b black coffee.

2 SHOPS - If you like crowds, then go to the (ybsu}____ e Grand Bazaar, which
is full of old shops. I prefer the (rendom}____ d shops along lstiklal Street where
you can buy (aehpc)_____ • clothes. Most shopkeepers speak some English,
but it's always good to be (eiolpt)_ _ , so learn to say please and thank you
in Turkish!

3 HISTORY - The museums are {loco)_____ 9 in the summer heat and provide
plentyof usefulinformation,but sometimesthey are a bit (grinob)____ h, My
favourite experiences were outside the museums - climbing Galata Tower and walking
along the (eactinn)_____ city walls.

~ Englishfor the 21·1 Century• Unit 3 •


D Do you recognizethese buildings?Circlethe name of each buildingand the city where it can be found.

a b
It's BuckinghamPalaceI It's the EiffelTowerI
TheWhiteHouseI BigBenI thePetronas
theAcropolisin AthensI Towerin LondonI
WashingtonI London. KualaLumpurI Paris.

C d
It's theRedFortI It's theKremlinI
HagiaSophiaI theGfza theLouvre/
Pyramidin CairoI BurjAl Arabin MoscowI
IstanbulI Agra. ParisI Dubai.

fJ Match each questionwith the correctanswer.

a Haveyou ever lived in a different country? Yes,I've visited the FoxGlacier.

b Haveyou everjumped out of a plane? No, I've never had enough money!

C Haveyou ever swum with dolphins? Yes,I've lived in Australiaand Thailand.

d Haveyou ever stolen something? No, but someone stole my wallet once.

e Haveyou ever slept in a tent? Yes,I've done a parachutejump.

f Haveyou ever walked on a glacier? No, but I've seenthem.

g Haveyou ever stayedin a luxury hotel7 No, but I haveslept in a cave.

B Complete the sentenceswith have/has and the past participleform of the verbs in brackets.
a (have) We wonderful weather so far.
b (try) parasailing.It's great fun.
C (read) She a travel guide all about the area.
d (swim} My mum acrossthe Channel.
e (break) John his arm.
f (write) We to the hotel askingfor a refund.
g (do) They a lot of researchon which tent to buy.
h (go} I to Australiaand New Zealand.
(eat) never a hamburger!
j (hold} you ever a snake?
CJ Findthe past participleof these verbsJnthe wordsearch.
w C E M w D J y w D be break do drink drive
M E V E H 0 G X R T eat have read swim write
L E w A A N H M I N
p a y T D E M X T A
D y R E R G 0 y T H
R y s N B R 0 K E N
I N N w V w a p N X
V 0 N F u D R u N K

8 Putthewordsin the correctorderto makesentences

Remember thecapitallettersandpunctuation.
a and/ have/ asia/spent/ i /two/ roy/months/ in

b have/ cities/ 13/we/ capital/ visited

c people/ of/ have/ thousands/ we/ amazing/ met

d easy/ been/ it / hasn't

e roads/ been/ some/ challenging/ have/ the/ very/ of

f had/ bike/ punctures/ has/ 36/ our

g have/ out/ run/ times/ petrol /nine/ we/ of

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 3 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 Usethecluesto completethe sentences

in the presentperfect.

a They_______ out of a plane.

b We_______ acrossEurope.

c We in a five-starrestaurant.

d _______ lotsof lionsandtigers.

e He_______ in the sea.

f _______ on a boat.

D Thendecide:aretheyfact or opinion?
a AngkorWatisthe mostamazingplace! fact opinion

b The namemeans'TempleCity' in Khmer. fact opinion

WorldHeritageSite. fact opinion

d It wasthe best $20I haveeverspent. fact opinion

e It wasbuilt in the early12th century. fact opinion

f It'sa good ideato weartrainers. fact opinion

9 YoushouldseeBengMealeatemplefirst. fact opinion

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7///////////////./////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 3 --

fJ Read the reviews and match the sentence halves.

eoo --J

Chitwan National Park, Nepal

** * * * 3 out of 5

Reviewed by 'Hans64' ** * * 4 out of 5

Make sure you go on an elephant safari. Go early to gee che best experience -
we went at dawn and we saw cwo rhinos, a crocodile, lots of deer, monkeys and
a variety of birds. k was amazing!

Reviewed by 'Kai' ** 2 out of5

We wenr on a jeep safari and we were reaUydisappointed - cwo hours
bouncing around in rhe back ofa jeep ro see a handful of birds. I recommend
the Elephant Breeding Cencre in Sauraha for 50 rupees. You can spend
hours there, feeding che baby elephants!

Reviewed by 'Mandy)' **** 4 oucof5

We paid 1,500 rupees for our dephanr safari, which I think is cheap! An
elephant rakes four people, and the safari lasts just over au hour. We saw
deer, a rhino and lots of birds and iguanas. Cover yourself with insecc
repellent and wear long trousers - there are millions of biting insects and
those elephants have ricks!

a Kaididn't enjoy the insects.

b An elephant takes the jeep safari.

C Mandydidn't like the ElephantBreedingCentre.

d Kairecommends is cheap.

e Hanssuggests a crocodile.

f An elephantsafari four people.

9 Mandythinks the safari costs 1,500rupees.

h Hanssaw costs 50 rupees.

The ElephantBreedingCentre going early.

~ Englishfor the 21·1 Century• Unit 3 •


D Read the passages about different tourists. Then match the people with each type of holiday.

Greg and Alison havejust met. Theywant a romantic weekendin Paris.

Flo is arranginga big reunion for her universityfriends.They need five bedroomsand a kitchen so they can cook for
themselvesand keepthe cost down.

Miguel lovesphotographingwild animals.He wants to visit Africa.

Jen and Ian are retired.Theywant to explorethe Mediterraneancountries,suchasGreece,Italy and North Africaand
they want to travelin luxury.

Sofia and Lorenzo havegot young children.They want a relaxingholiday with plenty of seaand sun.

Lucais very athleticand he lovesa challenge.He hateslying around and doing nothing!

Flo Greg and Alison Jen and Ian Luca Miguel Sofia and Lorenzo

a rockclimbing d safaritour

b beach e city break

c cruise f self-catering

fJ Match the parts of the phrasal verbs to make correct sentences.

a I need to find around for a good deal.

b Hedoesn't know down so we were late arriving.

C We went after the cat,when we'reaway?

d We arestaying out when the museumopens.

e Who will look for a swim after breakfast.

f The bus broke at the hotel in Prince'sRoad.

9 It'sa good ideato shop about the opening times.

• Eng~shfurthe21ucentury • Unit4 ~
0 Completethe emailwiththe prepositionsfromthe bO>C.
[ about across after at for through up

Subject: Holiday


We arrived safely and we're having a great timel

On the first night, we stayed _______ •
a small hotel in Llangollen,and Carys, our guide, told us
-------" the canal and the local area. In the
morning, she took us down to 1hewharf and we picked
_______ e our tradHlonalnarrow boat. Cerys
showed us around the boat and told us how to look
_______ deverything. Then we were off!
Our first day has been amazing-we went _______ •our first lock and
we travelled _______ , Britain's biggest aqueduct!

I'll write again soon, but I'm going _______ , a swim in the canal nowl


U Circlethe correct verb to complete eachsentence.

a haschanged
Bangladesh I changeda lot.

b ThepopulationhasrisenI rosedramatically
overthe lastten years.

c In 1961,therehavebeenI werearound50 million people in Bangladesh.

d By2018,the populationhasbeenI wasover 160million.

e LifeexpectancyhasimprovedI improvedin Bangladesh.

f PovertyhasfallenI fellin Bangladesh.

g It hasbeenI wasaffectingaround56%of the populationin 1991andabout30%in 2010.

~ English for the 2111 Century • Unit 4 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 CompletethetextwiththeverbsfromthebO>C.

been changed dropped risen stayed visited was were

I've_______ • to Veniceon holidayseveraltimesand it has

b dramatically.

Overthe lastSOyears,the water levelshave_______ c, but the

populationhasfallen.In 1951,the residentpopulation_______ d

However,it has • to lessthan 60,000today!
Asthe residentpopulationhasdecreased,the numberof touristsvisiting
Venicehasincreased.In 2012,661cruiseships_______ , Venice,
manyof them carryingover4,000tourists.However,this doesn'talways
resultin moneyfor Venice.There II aroundten million

touristsin 2013,but only about half_______ .. in hotels.

u Readthe textaboutVenicein 2 again.Thendecide:arethe statements

trueor false?

a The populationhasrisenin the last50years. true false

b The numbersof touristshasfallen. true false

C The populationof Venicewas 174,000

in 1951. true false

d In 2012,over600cruiseshipsvisitedVenice. true false

8 Cruiseshipsarenot good rorthe hotel business. true false

f In 2012,about 3,000touristsstayedin hotels. true false

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 4 ~

CJ EWelivedin Istanbulfora yearandrecordedthechangingtemperatures.
Lookat Ellie'schart
belowandcompletethe sentences.
a Thehottestmonth was______ _

b Thecoldestmonth was______ _

c Marchhadthe sameaveragetemperatureas______ _

d Thetwo coldestmonthswereJanuaryand

e Thetemperatureincreasedby 12°Cfrom Marchto

f Januarywasten degreescolderthan
g Thegreatestmonthlychangein temperaturewasbetween_______ and______ _

AverageTempenitureIn Istanbul
30 28

24 24
12 11
8 8
6 5 6

0 ~----.---.------.---r--....-----.--..------.--~---.----r----,
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

U Watchtheslideshow Watchupto 4:25 again.Finda wordthatmeansthe

A senseof odwmture.
oppositeof eachwordbelow.
a facts
b forget
C neutral
d offline
e polite
f positive

9 takeaway
h useless

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 4 ////////////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#///////////////.4


0 withthewordsfromthe box.
Completethe textfromthe sUdeshow

culture have home meeting mixing offer

people really sampled see seen travellers

You've all there is to in Istanbul.

time! But wait! you

everything Istanbul hasto ? ?Rememberthat travel

isabout , as well as places.It's about other

. And it's about with local people and absorbing


0 Putthe wordsrn thecorrectorderto makequestrons

fromthe sltdeshow.
the capitalletters
a how/ you / about

b see/will/you/what

c stay/ where / you / will

d for I adventure/ you / ready/ are/ an

e to/ need/ much/ are/ how/ money/ you going

f has/ to / you / have/ everything / sampled/ Istanbul/ offer

g who you'll/ who/ discover/ knows/ meet or/ what you'll

h about / the markets,squares,I restaurantsI what/ caresand

your guidebook/ you/ hotel/ leave/ in the/ will

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 4 --


U Correct the sentences from the slideshow. Then match each sentence with the correct explanation.

a So you buys a guidebook and readsall about the city. A preposition is missing.

b All online reviewsare basedopinions. There is a mistakewith an apostrophe.

c You can spend weeks here and never get boring. There is a mistakewith an article.

d Imagineyou are planning a city breakin the Istanbul. An adjective ending is wrong.

e You visit the BlueMosque,with it's blue tiles and six minarets. The verbsdon't match the subject.

f An experienceamazing is waiting for you. The wrong form of the verb is used.

g Some people can't use computersvery good. The word order is wrong.

h You walking acrossthe stunning Ataturk Bridge. An adverb is wrong.

ID Guidebooks and travel websites are both very useful sources of travel information. Where is the best
place to look for ...

a a list of the top attractions? a travel website a guidebook both

b a lot of different people'sopinions about a place? a travel website a guidebook both

C information about local food and drink? a travel website a guidebook both

d an essayabout the history of an area? a travel website a guidebook both

e an overall impressionof a place? a travel website a guidebook both

f the most up-to-date information? a travel website a guidebook both

9 ideasfor things to do? a travel website a guidebook both

h a printed map of the town? a travel website a guidebook both

information on placesto avoid7 a travel website a guidebook both

well-researchedarticles? a travel website a guidebook both

~ English for the 21·1 Century• Unit 4 •

Changing times

D Need or want?Circleone item we need to survivein each group.

a television chocolate water football

b electricity shelter clothes phone

C food car bed shops

d book air boat internet

e school fridge shoes plants

f sleep printer supermarket horse

fJ Which gadgetwill you prioritizefor each of these situations?

C_ electric fan flash drive GPS lighter penknife torch

a Saveimportant documents.

b Climb a mountain alone.

C Cookon a camping stove.

d Cut somerope.

e Findyour way in the dark.

f Keepcool in the heat.

• EngUshforthe21'Century• Unit 5 ~
e Matcheachwordwitha description.

a financial an electricalwavethat carriesinformation

b budget the act of stealing,or taking,something

C signal someone,or a company,that givesa serviceto a customer

d theft an amountof moneyto be spentovera periodof time

e app relatingto money

f valuables softwarefor a phone,tabletor computer

g provider itemshavinga high monetaryprice

0 theCity andcompletethetextwiththewordsfromthe box.


app buildings charger GPS home phone provider restaurants valuables

Spendinglots of moneyin shops,shows,clubs
and ______ • can causefinancial
problems.Makesureyou fix a weeklybudget
and only go out oncea week.Avoidtakeaways
and cookfor yourselfat ______ b Keepsafeand staysafe
asmuchaspossible. Theft can be commonin somepartsof manycities.
Leamhow to find free wifi Keep______ 9 out of sight and use

Tall ___ i: and underground

an appto helpyou trackyour belongingssuch
transportsystemsmeanthat you won't always asStick-N-Find.Thisapp usessmallGPStrackers
havea signal.Learnwhich areasdon't havea stuckto your valuablesthat sendsignalsto your
signalandwhich phone______ d smartphone.Also,walk confidentlyandactivate
can giveyou better signals. your ______ h so you don't get lost.

Keepyour gadgetscharged Findinga toilet

If you are usingyour _______ •all There'snothingworsethan beingcaughtshort!
day,the batteryis probablygoingto die. The Learnwhich largeshopshavetoiletsyou can
useand usean _______ 1, suchas
easiestoption is to get an externalbattery
____ , so you cantop up your ToiletFinder,or BathroomScoutto locatethe
phonewheneveryou needit. closestpublictoilets.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 5 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


D Readthe texts. Then decide:are the statements below true or false?

ASIMO is a humanoid robot made by Honda. ASIMOis 1.2m tall and weighs
just 52 kg. With a plastic resin body, ASIMOlooks human and friendly. It has
two basic video cameras for eyes and it can walk up and down stairs, pick up
objects and run. ASIMOcan be used to help people in the home, or carry out
tasks in hospitals or schools.

Atlas is a robot designed by Boston Dynamics. It has stereo cameras and

a laser range finder in its head to give it excellent 3D vision. Made from
aluminium and titanium, Atlas is heavy (about 150 kg) and strong. This robot
is 1.8 m tall and can do complex jobs In dangerous places and situations.

a Atlas is designed to help people in the home. true false

b The car company, Honda, made ASIMO. true false

C Atlas is a similar height to a human. true false

d ASIMO is designed to frighten people. true false

e Atlas weighs more than ASIMO. true false

f ASIMOcan help old and disabled people. true false

9 ASIMO is useful in military and defence operations. true false

h Atlas can see better than ASIMO. true false

fJ Complete the text with willand the verbs from the box.

disappear give go re-cycle soak take apart throw

E-Waste - time to act!

Whether it's Eid, Christmas or Diwali, it's likely that you _______ •

or receive electronic presents: perhaps a new phone, a tablet, or maybe a

gaming console. Meanwhile, you ________ b your old gadgets in the

bin without thinking. Around 75% of e-waste ________ " to landfill,

where the toxic chemicals __ __ d into streams and groundwater.

Companies _______ e the other 25% of e-waste, by shipping it to developing countries. Here, people

_______ r the devices under very bad working conditions. So, reuse, or buy second-hand, before you

buy new because soon the planet ________ 9 under a mountain of e-waste!

• EngUshforthe21 'Century• Unit 5 ~

0 Putthewordsin the correctorderto makequestions.
a 2030/will/ in/ children/how/ learn

b classrooms/there/ be / wilI

c phones/ get/ will/ replaced/teachers/with

d will/ computers/use/ children

e will/ how/ children/ assess/teachers

f poorer/ will/ schools/help/ how/ children

0 in 3 wlththeseanswers.
a Schoolswill givethem phones,laptopsor tablets.

b Theclassroomwill be in their pocket- on a smartphone!

c Childrenwill learnon electronicdevices.

d They'llusequizzesand progresstests.

e Theywon't disappear!
Theywill designlessonsfor the electronicdevices.

f Theywon't usecomputers,they'llusephonesor tablets.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 5 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


D Findten studywordsInthe wordsearch.

Thenuse eachwordto completea sentence.
a EvennativeEnglishspeakers often usea ______ _
to checkboth spellingand pronunciation. D T H E s A u R u s
I E T M E M 0 R y p
b It'snot alwayspossibleto _______ new words
into your own language. C G F w E A u D I 0

c If you find an exercisedifficuIt,try to work it out for yourself

T Q R I I N 0 T E s
IT R A N s L A T E
beforeyou askyour ______ _
0 y E p M I T A T E
d Manypeopleusebad_______ in text messages.
N w s y w M T N T D
e Playingbraingamescan improveyour ______ _ A V 0 N I A A I C Q
f Learningto takeeffective is an R T u T 0 R R R 0 G
importantstudyskill. y L B E u w D E s N

g Studentswho want to practiselisteningto ______ _

extractscan go onlineand find interestingpodcasts.

h Youcan usea _______ to find wordswith similarmeaningsandopposites.

In text messages
we often uselettersand numbersto savetime, but in lettersandemailswe usually
_______ full sentences.

j Whenyou learna new word,makea note of its _______ and its pronunciation.

0 Circlethecorrectoptionsto completetheconversation
A Hey,you beatme in the test again!Howdo I don't•you rememberall of the vocabulary?
8 Someof my friendsusedictionaries,but I do I don'tb!
A Whydo I don'tcyou likedictionaries?
B It takestoo long to look up a word! I doI don'tdusean app on my smartphone,though!
A Whatapp doI don't• you use?
B I do I don'ttusuallyuseAmericandictionaries,but I do useMerriam-Webster.
A Whydo I don't9 you likethat app?
B It doesI doesn'thcostanythingbecauseit hasadverts.
A DoesI Doesn't'it haveaudio?
B Yes,it do I doesl.It'sreallyhelpfulto hearthe pronunciation.
A Hmm ... I think I'll downloadit. I do I don'tkthink you'll beat
me next time!

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21•Century• Unit 5 ~


ID Read between the lines and circle the correct answer.

a He wrestled with the tent for a whole hour.

1 It was easy to put up the tent.
2 It was difficult to put up the tent.

b They turned on their torches to light up the path ahead.

1 It was dark.
2 They were lost.

c Holding my breath, I carefully placed the box on the table.

1 The box contained something fragile and delicate.
2 The box contained something big and heavy.

d He marched down the street with his head held high.

1 He was worried.
2 He was confident.

e She sighed, took a deep breath and picked up her pen.

1 She doesn't want to write.
2 She wants to write.

f He said the alphabet aloud as he flicked through the pages.

1 He is reading a book.
2 He is looking in a dictionary.

~ English for the 21~Century• Unit 5 •


D What are these inventions?

a b

8 Put each gadget in the correct column of the table.

ballpoint pen blender can opener flash drive

safety razor stapler toaster toothbrush waterproof radio

Bathroom Office Kitchen
0 Putthewordsin the correctorderto makesentences
usedIn the home.
Remember thecapitallettersandpunctuation.

a water/ kettles/ boil

b in/ thereI people/ were/ televisions/than / 2004/ more

c with/ a/ microwave/ radiation/ cooks

d light/ a/ made/ glass/ bulb/ of/ is/ out

e sun/ protect/ people/ umbrellas/from/ and/ rain

f 496/of/ mirror/ a / reflects/ light/ the

g food / a /temperatures/ freezer/ very/ preserves/with / low

h more/ the/ week/ 200 million/ listen/ to/ than/ radio/ each/ people

a / called/ torch / america/ a / is/ flashlight/ in

j homes/ most / people/ radiators/ heat/ british/their/ with

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 6 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


CJ Unscramble andwritethemInthegrid.Whatlsthe mysteryInvention?

the lettersto makeInventions

a leviesinto

b labelrum

C vicarmeow

d tetelk

8 refezre

f airdo

g lubb

h triadoar


j rorrim

The mystery invention is---------~

D Circlethecorrectoptionto completeeachsentence.
a Twitter isa type of socialI technologynetworking.

b A tweet is a letterI messageusingTwitter.

c Youcan only usea maximum of 280lettersI wordsin your Twitter messages.

d Userscan readand collectI posttweets.

e Twitter hasmore than 500 millionI hundred


f Twitter userscan send public, or globalI privatemessages.

9 A Twitterbot is a computer screenI programthat automaticallyposts messages.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 6 e--

fJ Labelthe diagram.

keyboard monitor mouse speaker tower webcam

[f C


[e }- d

0 Completethetextwiththe presentperfector pastslmplaformof theverbsIn brackets.

~ -~ .:;; ,.. .&. •

Harne Protle C<rnectlona Jaba ll'DIIW!a

The Universityof Hong Kong


Lastyear,I (graduate)___________ • fromThe Universityof Hong Kongwith a degreein Computer

Science.I (study) b moduleson Mathematics,
Constructionand CriticalThinking.
WhenI wasat university,I (volunteer)___________ c in a localschoolasan ITtechnician.I (help)
___________ d the schoolmanageits computersystemsand sometimesI (teach)

___________ • classeshow to usethe new coding software.

I amcreativeandI enja,;solvingpuzzles.
Thisyear,I (work)___________ , with an ITteamand(develop)
___________ 9a softwareprogramfor education.I {traveO h

to manydifferentcountriesand I Oearn)
___________ 1a little bit of Japanese
and Spanish.
Pleaseemailme at

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 6 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


CJ Matcheachquestionor statementwitha response.

a Canyou sendmeyour details? I'll come!

b Weneedsomemorepaper. I don't know!I'll look in the kitchen.

C Whattime will you get in? Yes,I'llemailmy CVto you.

d The printerink needschanging. I'll arriveat about midday.

e Wherearethe keys? I'm not sure.I'llcheckthe map.

f Howdo we get to the conference? I'll get some!

9 Whowantsto join mefor a coffee? I'll do it!

0 Circlethecorrectwordsto completethe telephoneconversation.

A Hello,this is RedFlagRescue.
Howcan I helpyou?

B Hello,I'vefilledI I'llfill• my carwith the wrong fuel!

A No problem- it happensall the time! We've
helpedI We'llhe/pbyou get that fixed.
What'sthe make,modeland registrationnumberof your vehicle?

B I don't know- it's a hiredcar!Holdon, I'vechecked

I 11/checkc...

A No problem,I'veheldI I'llhofdd.

B OK,I'vechecked
I 11/check•
and it's a Fiat5001.3Multijet,registrationWP15PUY.I'm at Halliford'sGarage.

A Thankyou.Right,I'vesentI 111
send'someoneto help you and they've
beenI they'llbe• with you in about

B Thankyou,goodbye.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 6 -

0 WatchtheslkfeshowWillweeverliveonMars?Matchthedeflnltlons wrththe correctwordfrom
Thendecide:is eachworda noun,verbor adjective?
the sUdeshow.
Definition Word Type
a dangerousraysfrom the Sun right

b hard,protectivehat generate

C correct radiation

d changeto suit conditions helmet

e width of a circle robot

f continueto live diameter

g necessary
and important microbial

h relatingto verysmalllifeforms basic

produce survive
j machinethat cando complextasks adapt

fJ Matchthewordsto makephrasesfromtheslrdeahow.
a average sky
b breathable suits
C human body
d human temperature
e main civilization
f night facts
g protective goals
h useful atmosphere

B Watchtheslkfeshow
from3:38 to 4:26 againandcompletethetextaboutCuriosity.
Curiosity out lots of new,usefulfacts the planet

It measurements
of and pressure.

for of waterand microbiallife.It

soiland .And it

thousandsof amazingphotographsbackto Earthfor usall

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 6 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


CJ Thefourbasichumanneedsareshelter/protection,
airto breathe,foodanddrink.Puteachsentence
in the correctcolumnof the tablebetow.

Fruitand vegetableswill grow in specialgreenhouses.

Machineswill removesalt from the waterand make it drinkable.
Oxygenwill be usedto createa breathableatmosphereinsidethe life-supportunits.
Peoplewill live undergroundto protectthemselves.
Peoplewill wearprotectivesuits whenthey go outside.
Solarpanelswill generateelectricityfor heating.
Specialmachineswill takewater from the soil.
The air on Mars is poisonous)so peoplewill live in special'life-supportunits'.

Shelter/Protection Airto breathe Food Drink

- --

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7//////////////H////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 6 -

El Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions from the slideshow.

a there/ how/ get/ will/ we/?

b is/ Mars/ more/ 50 million/ than/ away/ kilometres/!

c detailed/ of/ different/ companies/ lots/ drawn up/ have/ plans/.

d to understand/ worry/ find it/ if/ you/ hard/ don't/.

e be/ scientists/ can't/ all/ we/ rocket/!

f on/ will/ MarsI ever/ humans/ live/?

g Mars/ really/ live/ anyone/ to/ on/ will /want/?

h called/ a company/ MarsOne/ for/ asked/ volunteers/.

~ Englishfor the 21· Century•

Unit 6 •

D Circlethe correct prepositionto completeeach sentence.

a I work from I in home.

b I work at I in an office.

C I work from I at a school.

d I work for I to a multinationalcompany.

e I work with I by myself.

f I work with I for colleagues.

a Match each personwith a description.

builder illustrator nurse tax advisor teacher

a I love my job. I work full-time and sometimesit can be very emotional and stressful.My colleaguesare
marvellousand we help eachother keepsmiling through the busy night shifts. ______ _

b I work full-time for a largemultinationalcompany.My job is physicallyhard- there'sa lot of lifting and moving of
materials.SometimesI work outside,which can be pretty miserablewhen it israiningin the winter.

c I work part-time and sharemy job with another member of staff.We work in a large modern building. You
need dedication and enthusiasmfor thisjob and although I work part-time,I usuallyhaveto bring somework
home with me.

d I work for a smallfinancialcompany,which hasfive employees.I work full-time,from 9 a.m.until 5 p.m.I have
my own smalloffice. Peoplewho are self-employedcome to us as well assomesmall local businesses.

e I'm self-employedand I work from home. You have to be creativeto do thisjob. I don't havea boss,which is
great,but I do misshavingcolleaguesto chat to! _______ _

• Eng~hfur~e~·•cen~~•Urnt7 -
0 Findeight wordsabouttheworkplacein thewordsearch.Thenuseeachwordto completea sentence.

M u L T I N A I 0 N A L
T a lchattomy when we have
E y p D s C M z p J L C M coffeebreaks.
F y G D N 0 p H G p K L y b She'sthe , soshehaslots
L z s N T M A G C R p y L of responsibility.
w E y F N p 0 w 0 I z B H
C I have15 in my business.
p A I J V A a F E N C 0 T
L H B F V N u u F y F s F d Thisisa small,local
s 0 E F R y u B N I I s z e The numberof visitingour
C 0 L L E A G u E C z L s storehasincreasedby 50%.
WW R 0 p C M y T D X E p
f Theywork in a large,open-plan
Q I B R C u s T 0 M E R s
A E I J X A I s D T R y E 9 Sheworksfor a large company.
E M p L 0 y E E s N T E D h I don't likeworkwhen it'sa night

U Therearethreestories.Matchthe sltuation,
problemandsolutionfor eachstory.
a Charisisa teacher.Sheworksfull-timein a busyschool.

b I work in a smallsupermarket.
I only get paid$10an hour.

c Heisworkingfor the familybusinessasa mechanicin hisfather'sgarage.

d I needto earnmoremoneyto payfor a trainingcourse.

e Shespendsa lot of extratime preparinglessonsand isexhausted.

f Heis unhappybecausehe hasalwayswantedto be a designer.

g Hecantalkto hisbossand askfor an increasein salary.

h Hecanenrolin eveningclassesand studydesignpart-time.

Shecantalkto her headteacherand askto teachfewerclasses.

Story 1: a, __ , __ .
Story 2: b, __ , __ .
Story 3: c, __ , __ .

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 7 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


D Canyou namethefamousleaders?

RichardBranson JacindaArdern Bill Clinton

AngelaMerkel IndraNooyi NelsonMandela

b _________ _ c _________ _

d _________ _ e __________ _ f _________ _

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 7 -

fJ Punctuate
the sentences
a if everyonemovesforwardtogetherthen success
takescareof itself

b if thereisno communicationthe teamwill fail

c the team will work bestif eachpersonknowstheir role

d if peoplein the group think only aboutthemselvesthe teamwill not succeed

e a team is morelikelyto succeedif the objectiveis madeclearfrom the start

f a team is effectiveif it hasa mixtureof peoplewith differentexperiences


g if a team hasa good leaderconflictsanddisagreements


0 Completethetextwiththeverbsfromthebox.Youmayneedto changetheform.

be challenge deal fail focus have leave talk win

SirAlex Fergusonspent26 seasonsleadingManchesterUnited,the Englishfootballclub.Whatarehis

leadershipsecrets?ForFerguson,the manageris the most important personin the club. He believesthat if
the coach______ • no control,he ______ b. In addition,if
any players c: hisauthorityand control,he ______ c1

with them. Healsohasstrongviewson the attitude of players.If a player

______ • in a negativewayand criticizesanotherplayer,he
' the club evenif he 9 the best playerin
the world! UnlikemanyBritishclubs,Fergusonbelievesin developingyoung
players.Hearguesthat if you ______ hon youth,the team
______ , in the longerterm.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 7 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


CJ Usethe Informationto writesentenceswithIfclauses.

a Situation I/ have/ good idea Result tell/ my group

b Situation team member/ stay/ silent Result invite/ them to speak

C Situation I / don't/ understand Result ask/ speaker/ to repeat

d Situation everyone/ share/ their ideas Result team/ work/ effectively

e Situation team member/ reel/ angry Result project/ suffer

f Situation people/ know/ their roles Result team/ work/ well

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 7 -

D Circlethe oddone out.
a facilitator helper supporter writer

b individual collection mass group

C opinion appearance idea thought

d fault correct mistake error

e result solution problem answer

f creative imaginative old ingenious

fJ Readthete,ct.Thendecide:arethestatements
belowtrueor false?

eo ]

Brainitormingon yourown
We nonnally think of brainstorming as something you do In a group. However,
group bralnstonnlng doesn't always work.

There are many problems with group brainstorming. If someone is listening to

another person too intently. or has to wait to share an idea, they may forget
H - this is called 'blocking•. Another problem is that someone may worry too
much about other people"s opinions and feelings to put forward their idea.

An effective alternatlve to group brainstorming Is 'lndlvldual brainstorming•.

There are lots of techniques to help you brainstorm on your own. One way Is to
set yourself a period of time and wrtte down your Ideas without stopping and
wonylng about 1pelllng. grammar or punctuation - this 11'free writing•.

a Thefirst paragraphintroducesbrainstorming. true false

b Thesecondparagraphtalksabout the advantagesof brainstorming. true false
C Thethird paragraphtalksabout individualbrainstorming. true false
d Brainstorming
neverworkseffectively. true false

e It'simportantto write accuratelywhen freewriting. true false

f Freewriting is a techniquefor individualbrainstorming. true false

9 Blockingalwayshappenswith group brainstorming. true false

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 7 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 Thenmatcheachsentencewiththecorrectexplanation.
Correctthe sentences.
a Theyisin a group. Thepronounshouldbe/.

b Do me talktoo much? Thepunctuationiswrong.

c Thisisa groupbrilliant. Theprepositionshouldbe on.

d Whatdo you think. Thetenseiswrong.

e Yesterday,
we havebrainstormed. Thearticleiswrong.

f WemeetatTuesday. Theword orderiswrong.

9 Sheisa excellentleader. Thesubjectdoesn'tmatchthe verb.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 7 --

Groups & communities

D Put the wordsin the correct order to make sentencesabout groups.Rememberthe capital letters
and punctuation.
a team/ a/ of/ sports I type/ a/ group/ is

b group/ part/ of/ a/ are/ neighbours/ community

c to/ people/ group/ belong/ some/ blood/ the/ same

d of I discuss/ a/ book/ meet/ club/ to/ members / novelsand poetry

e personI if/ in/ support/ a/ club/ you/ youre I fan/ a/ famous

f group/ the/ same/ teenagers/ are/ age/ in

fJ Unscramblethe letters to make groupwordsand write them in the grid. What is the mysteryword?

a orpsst

b denfishrip

C blue

d miflay

e umcoymint

f eag

The mysteryword is

~ Englishfor the 21· Century•

Unit 8 •

IJ Is each missingword a noun, verb or adjective?

a The people in my book club are very_

b We always meet in the large ____ _

c _____ my friends here every week.

d Everyone has to _____ a book.

e Eachmonth, we read a _____ book.

f We have _____ discussionsabout what we have read.

g Anyone can join this ____ _

h Members _____ students, mums and business people.

Cl Read around the highlightedwords. Then decide:which meaning is the best?

Main groups
There are two main types of group.
Primary groups are clusters of people like families or
close friends where there is face-to-face interaction.
Primary groups are the main place where attitudes
and values are developed and sustained. A family is a
typical primary group.
Secondary groups are those in which members are rarely in direct contact. They
usually develop later in life and they don't last for a long time. These groups can be
found at work and school. Although group members may have a shared goal, the
purpose of the group is about the task instead of the relationships. If a friendship
becomes more important than the task, the group becomes ineffective.

a clusters collections D d rarely often D

sizes D usually D
heights D not usually D
b sustained kept alive D e shared first D
reduced D same D
put away D different D
C typical famous D f ineffective working D
usual D not working D
small D unhappy D
W////.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#//////// English for the 21 'Century • Unit 8

D Circlebecause,soor as a resulttocompleteeachsentence.

a I missedthe busbecause
I so I didn't hearthe alarm.
b I so I jumped on my bike.
I missedthe busbecause

c I cycledreallyfast because
I asa resultI waslatefor work.
d I fell off my bikebecause
I so I cycledreallyfast.
e I fell into somemud andasa resultI because
I got verydirty.

f I neededfreshclothesbecause
I so I went backhome.
g I went backhomeandasa result
I becauseI waslatefor work.
h I waslatefor work because
I soI lost myjob.

0 Completethemindmap.Writethe correctnumbernextto eachwardor phrase.

a cycleto work _A__

b get healthy

C habits

d diet

8 no takeaways

f new mattress

g video-callfamily

h yoga

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 8 ////////////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#///////////////.4


D Watchthe slldeshowWhatcanweleomfrom ants?Matchthe deflnttfons wlththe correctwordfrom

the sliduhow. Thendecide:is eachworda noun,verb,adjectiveoradverb?
Definition Word Type
a percentageof something huge

b verybig common

c part to play extrovert

d to show something to others smoothly

e an outgoing and confident person hire

f without any problems proportion

g sharedby more than one person vital

h placewhere people or animalslive together community

to give someone a job role

j very important demonstrate

0 Putthe wordsin thecooectorderto makesentences

fromthe slldeshow.
a is/ cooperation/ to a/ success/ team's/ key/.

b others I rolesI more I are/difficult/ some / than / .

c 'I never/ wingman/ leave/ your/.'

d to/ love/ extroverts/ skills/ demonstrate/ their/.

e is also/ a big/ problem-solving/ part/ teamwork/ of/.

f leaders/ team / play/ a / role / vital / .

g strong/ you/ team player/ a/ are/?

h what/ you / of leader/ do/ prefer/ style / ?

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// EngUshfor the 21• Century• Unit 8 e-

0 Completethetextaboutteamworkwiththewords
fromthe box.

cooperate examples football kitchen

member moves person spaceship

Playersin a team,doctorsand nurses,membersof a

crew andfirefighters,areall of team memberswho

Eachteam hasa role.Somerolesare moredifficult than others.In a restaurant

, one personchops,another mixesand anothercooks.

They needto coordinatesothat the process smoothlyfrom one personto another.

0 Correctthesentences fromthesliduhow.Thenmatcheachsentencewith

a Someleaderscan be bossypretty. Theword orderis wrong.

b Thiscan leadto someteam membersmakingstressed. The prepositioniswrong.

c So,leadersmust knowwhen to stop push. Theverb phraseiswrong.

d Overworkcan be realproblem. Theverb dois missing.

e Gettingat the top first isthe goal. Thequestionword is wrong.

f Theylikesto 'leadby example'. Thesubjectdoesn'tmatchthe verb.

g Howdo you think? Thefinal verb is in the wrong form.

h Whatstyleof leaderyou prefer? Thearticleis missing.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 8 ////////////////////#///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#///////////////.4


0 Readan extractfromthe slldeshowscript.Thendecide:are the statementsbelowtrue or false?

However,despitetheir reputation,someants are not greatteamplayers.Arecentstudy

showedthat abouta quarterof all ants doverylittle.Meanwhile,
a tiny proportion-
about3%- domostofthe work.That'sso unfair!
Butperhapsthe 'lazyants' are thinkinggreatthoughts.BillGates,the formerCEOof
'I alwayshire a lazypersonto doa dt!ficultjob.'Whydidhe
say that? Whatdidhe mean?
Sometlm&aa teammemberhas to speakup if he or shethinks the teamts golntIn the
wrongdirection.Fora lot ofpeople,this can be verydifficult.
Onthe otherhand,mostteamshavean 'extrovert'- a teammemberwholovesto speakup.
Asoftenas possible.Extrovertsloveto demonstratetheir skllls.

a Antsarewell knownfor workingtogether. true false

b Scientistsresearchant behaviour. true false

C All antswork equallyhard. true false

d Around25%of antsare lazy. true false

e BillGatesthinksthat peoplewho seemlazycan be good at theirjobs. true false

f Peoplealwaystell their bosswhen they seea problem. true false

9 Extrovertsarevery confident. true false

h Extrovertsonly speakwhen they havesomethingimportantto say. true false

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// EngUsh
for the 21• Century• Unit 8 ~
Healthy lifestyle

D Healthyor unhealthy?Circlethe odd one out.

a orange sugar banana apple

b cycling running walking studying

C carrot sweets cake chocolate

d coffee water cola tea

e worry sleep sadness anger

f cycle drive walk roller skate

fJ Thesethingscan help keepyou fit. Can you guesswhat they are? Use wordsfrom the box.
(Youwon't needall of them.)

bike exercise ball football hand weights pedometer

punchbag resistance band roller skates rowing machine running machine
skipping rope skis tennis racket trainers yoga mat

d e f

~ Englishfor the 21· Century• Unit9 •


B Put the words in the correct order to make statements and/or questions. Remember the capital letters
and punctuation.

a healthy/ running/ is

b keeps/ every day/ walking/ healthy/ you

c you / doing / is / yoga / for/ good

d relaxing/ yoga/ doing/ is

e eating/ is/ fruit/ you/ good/ for

f for/ lots/ sugar/ is/ you /eating/ bad/ of

II Circle the correct gerunds to complete the magazine article.

In recent years, drinking I growinga smoothies has become

increasingly popular. What could be unhealthy about finding I
mixingb together fruit? Surprisingly, a fruit smoothie is full of
natural sugars, containing I replacingc over 130 calories per cup.
As a result, containing I rep/acingd fruit with vegetables may be
a better option. However, for many people, drinking I //kinge
a cup of blended spinach or broccoli is pretty disgusting! Adding I
Rep/acing sugar or honey will make your vegetable smoothie taste better - but also unhealthy
again. In my opinion, eating I drinking 9 whole fruit and mixing I drinkingh water is the only way to
keep healthy.
0 withUkeor wantto.Youmayneedto changethe form.

Bob sleep eight hours a

Jo jogging park b
He drinking fizzydrinks C

They goon diet d

We swimming sea e
She do yoga f

D Completethetipsfor achieving
a betterwork-Ufa
balancewtththewordsfromthe box.

emails employer limit meals perfect sleep time work

a Get plentyof _______ at night.

b Alwaysstop for------~

c Bepreparedto say'No' to your

d Prioritizeyour tasksand givethem a time

e Leavework at _______ ; don't take it home.

f Don't lookat after6 p.m.

g Make for exercise;it boostsyour energylevels.

h Youdon't haveto be just be good enough.

lfJ Matcheachquestionwitha response.

a Doyou haveto weara suit? Yes,andyou haveto do a teachingcourse.

b Canyou leaveworkearly? No,but you haveto be fit and enthusiastic!

C Do you havefreeweekends? Youcan't useit in the classroom.

d Canyou useyour phone? No,you haveto eat in the staffroom.

e Doyou haveto hold a degree? No,you haveto stayuntil the end of the day.

f Canyou eatand drink in class? Youusuallyhaveto work on Saturdays


g Doyou haveto be healthy? No,you canwearanysmartclothes.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 9 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 Usecan'tto writeaboutthe signsusingverbsfromthebox.(Youwillneedto useoneverbmore


[ drink make take use )

a computer ~
b tap water ®
C pictures @
d phone @
e fires @
0 FindwordsIn thetextwiththesamevowelsoundas canandcan't.

I went to seethe doctor sixmonthsago.ShesaidI neededto be moreactiveif I wantedto havea healthy

heart.After that I startedgoing to the gym and I begancyclingto work. I alsochangedmy diet. I eat lots of
vegetables,I only drink wateror tomatojuiceand I nevereatfatty or sugaryfoods.Now,I'm halfwayto my
goal of losing20 kg and I feel calmand confident!

can can't

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 9 ~

D Matcheachhealthtrendwitha dascrfpt1on.
a Pilates usinga handrailto do exercises

b acupuncture food eatenby earlyhumans

C hypnotherapy exercises
to improvestrength,flexibilityand posture

d barreworkout fine needlesareinsertedin the skinat specificpoints

e meditation the act of quiet reflection

f paleodiet creatinga relaxedstate of mind open to suggestion

fJ Unscramble words.
the lettersto makehealth-related Thenfindthemin thewordsearch.
a ssrste
s C w R K N M Q N 0
b boystie
T N H R L p H 0 w B
R E p E E w I a s
d tide E u X E M T a T V s
e pesle s V L E u I M H a I
f lupintool s s 0 L R F C T R T
g yesfillet T M L u A C C A s y

h slimcache
s 0 y V B p I w L z
p s D I E T z s I s
L I F E s T y L E H

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 9 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4


0 belowtrueor false?
Readthe article.Then decide:arethestatements

Cityor Country?
Nowadays, many people arechoosingtoleave thecityandsear<hforahealthierllfestyle
country. Thankstote<hnologlcal
advances, many peopleareabletowottfarawqfromthe
vlolentcrime ratesarelower.
fewer fast-foodrestaurants.
Asa result,
therearefewer deathsfromcancer andheartdisease.
However, someresear<h challenges
In !
utbanareassmoke lessandaremorephyslcally active.
Whlletherearefewer peoplellvlng
thecountry, therearetwiceasmany vehicledeathsthanInthecity.ThisIslargelybecaweIttakeslongerto reach
Inaddition,urban residentshaveeasyaccesstodoctors andIndoor fitness
lonelyandsuldde ratesarehigherthanInthedty.So,maybe weshould allstayhealthy

a Computersmakeit easierfor peopleto moveto the countryside. true false

b Thereislessair pollution in the city. true false
C In the city,therearemoredeathsfrom heartdisease. true false
d Therearemorecasesof cancerin the country. true false
e Peoplearemoreactivein the countryside. true false
f Therearefewervehicledeathsin urbanareas. true false
9 Therearemoresuicidesin the countryside. true false

D Readthetext in 3 again.Ftndthreepositiveandthreenegativefactorsaboutlivingtnthe city.

Positivefactors Negativefactors

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7///////////////./////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 9 ~

Health & safety

D Use more or less to give adviceto Sarahabout her lifestyle. Sarah'sTypicalDay

a She should sleep _____ _ b exercise

b She should exercise

c She should eat _____ _

d She should work _____ _ e watchlV

e She should watch TV _____ _

fJ Put the wordsin the correctorder to offer some advice.

Rememberthe capitalletters and punctuation.

a A I like takeaways.

B home I at I should /you/ cook

b A I eat a lot of meat.

B should/ more/ vegetables/ you/ eat

C A I watch TV every evening.

B you/ TV/ evening/ every/ watch/ shouldn't

d A I always take the lift.

B take/ should /the/ you/ stairs

e A I always drive to work.

B should/ cycle/ you/ work/ to

f A I drink a lot of coffee at work.

B much/ shouldn't/ so/ coffee/ you/ drink

~ Englishfor the 21·1 Century• Unit 10 •


B Complete the creativethinkingwordsand write them in the grid. What is the mysteryword?

a a negative feature of something di

b the thing you want to solve pr ______ _

C a different idea or option a._ _____ _

d to judge ev_____ _

e a way of working without waste ef ______ _

f a creative thought id __

g your aim or target go _____ _

h a benefit or positive point ad_____ _







The mystery word is ___________ _

D Use the internetor guess:are the work-relatedfacts true or false?

a The pencil became common in the 12tt,century. true false

b It is Impossible to fold A4 paper in half more than seven times. true false

c If you keep elastic bands in the fridge, they last longer. true false

d In America, there are fewer absences on Tuesdays than the other days of the week. true false

e Every worker in the UK is allowed three months' paid sick leave. true false

f Ninety-two per cent of workers in Australia are not Australians. true false

g If you are a typist, your fingers travel more than 20 km each day. true false

E~"~b~e~· 1
c~w~•Un1t10 ~
fJ for the boldwords
Writeanabbreviation andphrases.
a What'syourdateof birth?

b It's3 in the afternoon.

c Pleasereplyassoonas possible.

d Sheisthe ChiefExecutive
Officerof the company.

e Heplayssports,for example,squashand badminton.

f I'mjust going to the bathroom.

0 Readthe notesabouthowto Uvalonger.Writethemasfull sentences.

a if atreaaedout ➔ probablyget atck

b titting ,J;aUday badfor you

0 ahould~h e,cerofae/ day_

d eat Iotatoma,veg,fia_h._gtaina

_a_ keeplearntng + tryingnewthings

f shouldn'tamoke=cancer + lungdfaeaae


~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 10 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4

CJ Readthetext.Thenanswerthequestionsaboutmalariabelow.
Justone singlebite from a mosquitois enoughto infecta personwith
malaria- a serioustropicaldisease,killingaround400,000peopleeach
year.In fact,accordingto the WorldHealthOrganization,a child dies
from malariaeverytwo minutes.
Whilethereis no cure,thereareexcellentwaysto avoidgetting the
disease.Earlydiagnosisreducesdiseaseand preventsdeath.Sleeping
undernetssprayedwith insecticidecan protect peoplemost at risk,
suchaschildrenand pregnantwomen,andwhen at least80%of
housesaresprayedwith pesticide,malariacasesdrop rapidly.
Untila reliablevaccineiscreated,malariawill continueto be a significantproblemfor manycommunitiesand
manybusinesses. In Sub-SaharanAfrica,morethan 72%of businesses areseriouslyaffectedby malariaand
workersbeing off sick.

a How manypeopledoesmalariakill eachyear?

b WhatisWHO?

c Whatarethe curesfor malaria?

d Whataretwo waysto preventmalaria?

e Howcan homesbe protected?

f Whereare72%of businesses

g Whyis malariaa problemfor businesses?

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7//////////////H////// Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 10 ~

D Watchtheslidashow
Whatt good for gou?Matchthe deffnitlons
Thendecfde:iseachworda noun,verbor adjectlve?
Definition Word Type
a a harmfulsubstance daily

b can be trusted evidence

C happeningoncea day digest

d signsthat showsomethingis true celebrities

e to absorbinto the body throughthe stomach toxin

f a unit of weight syrup

g a mixtureof sugarand water reliable

h famouspeople gram

fJ Circlethe correctwordto completeeachsentencefromtheslldeshow.

a Cholesterolfrom our food doesn'tend aboutI backI downI onI to I up in our blood.

b Eatsensiblyand listenaboutI backI downI on I to I up healthadvicefrom reliablesources.

c Let'sgo aboutI backI downI onI to I up into the pastandtakea lookat some'healthy'diets.

d Theacid in the grapefruitbreaksaboutI backI downI onI to I upthe fat.

e It'sso hardto keepaboutI backI downI onI toI up.

f Finda diet that makesyou feel happyand healthy,and stickaboutI backI downI onI to I up it

g Followersof the diet believethat if you eata grapefruittogetherwith fatty foods,you won't put
aboutI backI downI onI to I upweight

h It makessense,when you think aboutI backI downI onI toI up it

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 10 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4

0 withthewordsfromthe box.
Completethetext fromthe slldeshow

believe evidence fans fatty

grapefruit healthier popular weight

The 'grapefruitdiet' was in Hollywoodin the 1930s- and it still has

today.Followersof the diet that if you eata grapefruit

togetherwith foods,you won't put on . Theacid in the

breaksdown the fat. Nicetry! Butthere is no that

this diet makespeople

0 Correctthe sentences
fromthe sUdeshow.
Thenmatcheachsentencewiththe correctexplanation.

a In fact,90% of the cell in our bodiesarenot human! An adjectiveis usedwherean

adverbis needed.

b Imaginethe varietyof microorganisms

insideyour stomache. Thereis a spellingmistake.

c Eatsensibleand listento healthadvicefrom reliablesources. Oneof the nounsis singular

not plural.

d Don't go crazyworry about your diet. Thesuperlative


e Knowyou'rebody. A verb is in the wrongform.

f Listenat it. An articleis missing.

g Finddiet that makesyou feel happyand healthy. Thepossessive

pronounis wrong.

h Yourhealthisthe importantestthing you have. A prepositioniswrong.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 10 ~

El Choose the best ending to each sentence.

a Since the 16'11century, opinions about diet haven't changed at all.

have changed a little bit.
have changed a lot.

b Celebrfties are usually less healthy than other people.

often try new diets.
study science so they can eat healthy food.

c The speaker thinks it is expensive to stay up to date with science.

boring to stay up to date with science.
difficult to stay up to date with science.

d The speaker thinks it is unsurprising that everyone digests food differently.

disappointing that everyone digests food differently.
very strange that everyone digests food differently.

e The speaker thinks you should think about eating healthy food all the time.
not worry about eating healthy food too much.
read everything you can about healthy food.

f The speaker thinks you should read everything you can about diets.
all diets are equally good for you.
it's important to find the right diet for you.

~ Englishfor the 21~ Century• Unit 10 •

Preparingfor work

D Whichjobs completethe sentences?Write them in the grid.What is the mysteryjob?

a Ab works in the financialservicessector.

b As_ works in construction.

C Ad works in the healthcaresector.

d A works in education.

e Awebd works in ITservices.

f An works in financialservices.

9 A petroleum works in the energy sector.

h A pa works in the healthcaresector.

Ade alsoworks in healthcare.








The mysteryjob is___________ _

• EngLshfurthe21•Century• Unit11 ~
fJ Readthe text. Then decide:are the statements below true or false?

1 ROLE The job involves giving advice on property 3 SALARY Average salaries fall
and construction. Building surveyors prepare between £22,000 and £26,000.
plans and advise clients on property issues. When However, at the top end,
inspecting buildings they may n.eedto work outside company partners can earn
in cold, wet conditions. around £70,000, or more.

2 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Building surveying is open 4 HOURS OFWORKBuilding surveyors usually work from
to graduates of all subjects. On entry to the 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Mondayto Friday.Someemployers
profession, they complete two years of on-the-job may requirethem to be on a 24-hour emergencycall-out
training before becoming fully qualified. rota. Self-employmentand consultancywork is possible
and this can providemore flexibility.

a Thisjob isin the construction sector. true false

b Surveyorswork outside all of the time. true false

C You haveto have a Maths degree to become a surveyor. true false

d The employer trains them for two years. true false

e Most surveyorsearn around £70,000per annum. true false

f They usuallywork an eight-hour day. true false

9 Sometimes,they may haveto work at night. true false

II Lookat the job descriptionin 2 again. Which sectionwouldeach sentencebelow fit into?
Write the number.
a Pre-entryexperienceis highly recommended.

b Tasksinclude determining the condition of buildings, dealing with planning

applicationsand advisingon energy efficiency.

c Charteredsurveyorscan earn nearly twice this amount.

d Extrahours may be required to liaisewith clients and meet project deadlines.

e In the London area,this amount may be higher.

f It can include residential,commercial,industrial,leisureand agriculture projects.

g A degree in Geography,Scienceor Mathematicsis an advantage.

h Surveyorswork in an office, but sometimes they have to visit construction sites.

~ English for the 21·1 Century• Unit 11 •

CJ Sorttheemployeegoals.WriteeachletterInthecorrectcolumnof thetable.
a I want to usemy knowledgeand skillsin my job.
Short-termgoals Long-termgoals
b BeforeI'm 50, I'd liketo set up my own business.

c My plan isto move into a position of responsibilitywhere

I can lead a team.

d As a new graduate,I simply want to start getting some

experiencein the field.

e One day,I plan to return to universityand study for an MBA.

f My aim is to be a marketingmanagerin the next ten years.

g I would liketo work in a job that I enjoy.

h My goal isto earnenough money to buy a car.

D Putthewordsin thecorrectorderto makequestionsandanswers.Remember

a abroad/ going /are/ work/ you/ to

Carla:____________________ _

b no/ in/ i'm /going/ stay/ to/ spain

Maria:_____________________ _

c companies/ apply/ you/ going/ to/ are/ to/ international/ any

Carla:_____________________ _

d going/ send/ an/ to/ yes/ i'm / madrid / repsol/ in /to/ application


e you/ going/ groups/ to/ join/ anyI networking/ are

Carla:_____________________ _

f to/ profile/ going/ my/ add I linkedin/to/ i'm

Maria:_____________________ _

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7//////////////H////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 11 --

fJ WhichverbIsn'tpart of the Infinitive?

a see apply go working

b had write be visit

C talk went listen work

d made buy offer add

e pay live doing employ

f answer hope enjoys put

g ask said read bring

0 withthe correctformof theverbbe.

Completethe sentences

a They going to buy a new house.

b We going to travelto Malaysia.

C She going to get married.

d going to visitmy family.

e MaryandJen going to seea film.

f Nextweek,I going to leavemyjob.

9 Beforehis60th birthday,he going to do a parachutejump.

h On Friday,my brother going to start university.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 11 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4

CJ Lookat KhaUd'smind map.Write sentencesabouthis plansusingbe going to.





W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7////////////////////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 11 ~

D Matchthe Interviewquestions

a Howdid you hearabout thisjob? I havea degreein Maths.

b Whydo you want to work here? Yes,I spentthreemonthsasan internat Sparx.

C Whatqualificationsdo you have? Thisisa respected,internationalcompany.

d Canyou speakany languages? Rightnow,I simplywant moreexperiencein the field.

• Do you haveanyworkexperience? I waspart of our universityteam,which won UKIEPC


f Whatareyour long-termgoals? I met one of your colleaguesat a careersconference.

g Whatareyour short-termgoals? I would liketo moveinto a positionof responsibility.

h Whatisyour greatestachievement? Yes,I'mfluent in Frenchand English.

B Findnineadjectives
in thewordsearch.
Thenuseeachwordto completea sentence.

a Someonewho alwaystellsthe truth

B E G B D F T y G 0 K R
is ______ ~
M N R A I p w N G H 0 K
b Someonewho hasgood manners 0 T L C s G I p u V y T
is ______ _ T H V V H R p w s X N 0
c Someonewho hasbad manners I u T W 0 u M y A E I w
is ______ ~
V s K B N V F B D G T D
A I u T E I N I K s I D
d Someonewho only wantsto talkabout themself
T A C R s w F D E V a R
is ______ ~
E s G T T N C N K y X u
e Someonewho neverchangestheir mind,even D T E u 0 p 0 L I T E D
if they arewrong is F I E C D H B a a K X E
J C s T u B B 0 R N Q N
f Someonewho workshardto achievetheir goals
is ______ _

g Someonewho alwaysfeelspositiveabout themselvesis------~

h Someonewho often tells liesis

Someonewho alwaysshowsinterestand excitementis------~

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 11 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4

0 Readthe text.Thencirclethe correctwordto completeeach sentencebelow.

Duringan interview,it's very importantthat you are an

activelistener.This involveslisteningwith all of your
sensesand makingsurethe speakercan seethat you
are listening.
Hereare five activeUstenlngskills,whichyou can start
usingright now.Thefirst wayto showyou are paying
attentionls simplyto smile.This,combinedwith nodding
the headshowsthatyou are followingwhatls beingsaid.
Next,makesurethat there is some eyecontactand that
you look at the speakerregularly.
A third skill is called mirroring.This involvescopyingthe
facialexpressionsand bodyshapeof the speaker- we
often do this unconsciously.
AnotheractiveUsteningskill is relatedto your posture.
Makesureyour body languagedoesn'tsuggestyou are
bored!Try to leanforwardsslightlyand tilt your heada
little to the side.
Finally,don't get distracted[It will appearrudeif you
start fidgetingor lookingat yourwatch!

a Activelisteningis showingI tellingthe speakerthat you arelistening.

b Thefirst activelisteningskillis to smileandpay attentionI nod.
c The listenershouldlook at the speakerconstantly
I often.
d Sittingin the samepositionasthe speakeris an exampleof mirroringI posture.
e Weoften copythe speaker's
expressionwithout knowingI seeing.
f Youwill look bored if you sit forwardsI backwards.
9 Keepyourfingersand handsstillI busyduringthe interview.

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7//////////////H////// Englishfor the 21st Century• Unit 11 ~

-----~ ...

Future plans

D Can you guess the international universities?

Harvard University, USA
University of Tokyo, Japan
King Fahd University, Saudi Arabia
University of Cambridge, UK
The University of Hong Kong]
University of Melbourne, Australia

b __________ _ C -----------

d ----------- e ----------- f __________ _

fJ Match each first conditional clause with the rest of the sentence.

a If I study in Denmark, when you graduate.

b I'll miss my family if you go overseas.

C In September,you'll feel thrilled I'll pay less for tuition fees.

d You'll gain confidence I'm not going to buy my ticket.

e If my visa hasn't arrived, you graduate next year.

f I'll study in Denmark when if I study in America.

9 You'll be fluent in Danish when I'm in my second year.

~ English for the 21·1 Century• Unit 12 •


IJ Find a word in the article that fits each definition.

1 Find out! 4 Knowyour rights
Do some researchabout moving10 your new Youwill need to
dest1na11onDo you needa visa?Howdo you set fam1hanze yourself
up a bankaccount?Whal happensabout taxes? with locallawsand
Usethe Internetto find out about transportand understandyour nghts
des,rableplacesto live Issuessuchas working
2 Have a holiday hours,holidaysand
Beloreyou commit to a new life abroad,v1SIt your freedomto travel
your desUnat1on on holidaySpendingt,me lhere may be differentand
will help you understandthe advantagesand theremay be lotsot legalpaperworksuchas
disadvantages of your new home contracts,residentor work permitsto fill out Will
3 Handle your health you be able to dnveusingyour exIsl1ng license?
If you haveany healthproblems,try to sorl them Willyou need to registerwith you, embassy?
oul beforeyou leave Jfyou wearglassesor contact 5 Save, save,save!
lenses.ge1a spareset If you takemedication,will It'salwayswise to havea bit of extramoneyput by
you haveenoughto lastyou lhe first few weeks? This couldget you home 1n an emergency,pay for
Get proofof anyvaccinalfonsyou'vealreadyhad unexpectedbillsor be usedto treatyourselfwhen
and checkwhetheryou needany boosters you feelhomesick

a a noun meaning 'a place you intend to travel to'

b an adjective meaning 'something you want because it's attractive'

c a verb meaning 'to make a seriousand dedicated action'

d an adjective meaning 'extra' or 'additional'

e a verb meaning 'to gain knowledge or understanding'

f a verb meaning 'to formally makeyourself known'

g an adjective meaning 'missinghome' or 'lonely'

II Look at the clues and complete the first conditional sentences.

a (take/ spare/ glasses) If I go abroad,

b (video-call/ family) If I'm homesick,

C (visit/ holiday) she'll learn more about the country.

d {save/ money) they'll be prepared for emergencies.

e (moveI Middle East) He'll registerwith the embassy

f (use/ internet) we'll find desirableplacesto work.

D Tickthefivethtngsto tncludainyourcoverletter.
a relevantexperience D
b negativeopinionsaboutyour previousboss D
C informationaboutfamilyandfriends D
d whereyou sawthe job advertised D
e thankyou D
f qualifications
you don't yet have D
9 reasonfor writing D
h yourskills D
descriptionof yourappearance D
j why you left your lastjob D
fJ Matcheachfeatureof a coverletterwithanexample.
a yourcareergoals I would liketo takeon a positionof responsibility.

b greeting I'mwell organizedand I enjoysolvingpracticalproblems.

C sign-off Currently,I am PublicSpacesOfficerfor RutlandCouncil.

d what you aredoing now I'vedesigneda sensorygardenfor the localhospital.

e your relevantexperience Yoursfaithfully,

f your personalqualities DearSir/Madam,

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 12 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4

0 Readthee,cpresslons.
Thenwriteeachletterin thecorrectcolumnof the table.

a How lovelyto seeyou! f What'sup?

b Wouldyou mind loweringthe noise? g I wishyou the very bestof luck!
C: Shutup! h Right,I'vegotta go!
d Lotsof love,Jane Sorry,but I haveto go now.
8 All the best! j Yourssincerely,
J Frankum

Function Formalregister Informalregister

Finishinga conversation
I - -
D Matchthe salariesandputthemtnthe correctorderinthetable.Remember

€25,000 €250,000 <€25,000 >€:250,000 €2,500,000 €2,500 <€20,000

two thousand,five hundred euros eighteen thousand euros twenty-five thousand euros
two hundred and fifty-five thousand euros two hundred and fifty thousand euros
twenty thousand euros two million, five hundred thousand euros

- Order Figures Words

1 (highest)
- - -

7 (lowest)

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7//////////////H////// Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 12 ~

D AreyouIn control?
WatchthesUdeshow Matchthedefinitions
withthe correctwordfromthe sUdeshow.
Definition Word
a a naturalwayto behave ignore
b hardor tough obstacle
C one part of a series instinct
d somethingthat makesreachinga goal moredifficult overcome
e to think hardabout only one thing episode
f to pay no attentionto something outcome

9 a result concentrate
h to get arounda problemor difficulty strict

a Completethe paragraph
aboutthe marshmallow
showsthat peoplewho canthink long term aremoresuccessfulin

their goals.But how can we this?

Oneway isthe marshmallowtest.A child is in a room with a marshmallow.

Sheistold: ' ahead,eatthe marshmallow.But if you can

for 15minutes,you can havetwo.'

Canyou what usuallyhappens?The marshmallowtest

how much self-controlsomeonehas.Or doesn't . Childrenand adults

that different.

B Matchthesentencepartsto makesentences
aboutthe Pomodoro
a Set a stopwatchor kitchentimer with yourself.
b Startworking but work.
C Bestrict on your assignment
d For25 minutes,do nothing your emails.
e Takefive backto businessfor 25 minutes.
f Returnthat call,or check minutesoff
g Whenthe alarmrings,it's shouldtakea longerbreak.
h Everyfour roundsyou to 25 minutes.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century • Unit 12 ////////////////////#////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.4

CJ Correctthe sentencesfromthesUdeshow.
Thenmatcheachsentencewiththe correctuplanation.

a Generally,
animalsdon't much planahead. A prepositionis wrong.

b Squirrelshidefoodsto eat in the winter. Oneof the nounsis pluralnot singular.

c At the other hand,chimpanzees

canthink ahead. Theword orderiswrong.

d If you offereda chimp a banana,hewill eat it An articleis missing.

e Thechimp chosesthe stick. Thecomparativeadjectiveis wrong.

f Thechimp haveself-control. Thesubjectdoesn'tmatchthe verb.

g Hecan imaginea gooderresult. The firstverb is in the wrong tense.

h Whatcleverchimp! Thereisa spellingmistake.

D According
to thespeaker,arethesentences
trueor false?

a Olderpeople usuallyplanfor the future morethan youngerpeople. true false

b Youngpeopleareoften too busyworking hardto makeplans. true false

C It'shelpfulto havea clearideaof what we want from life. true false

d Everyonehasthe samedesiredoutcomes. true false

• Everyoneshouldchooseonly one desiredoutcomethat they want from life. true false

f Imagininghow we will feel when we achieveour goalscan be very motivating. true false

9 Desiredoutcomesareusedin neuro-linguisticprogramming. true false

h Oncewe haveidentifiedour goals,we don't needto makeplans. true false

W///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7//////////////H////// Englishfor the 2111 Century• Unit 12 ~

Thesereferencepages give you more details about the grammar
focused on in the course book units. Referto these pages when you do
your workbook exercises.They are a good way to reviseand make sure
you understand how to use all the key language from the course.
The notes show how to form sentencesusing grammatical structures
and how these forms change.They alsogive details of exceptions and
tricky areas.
The notes alsogive clear examplesof how language is used in
complete sentencesand exchanges.You can use and adapt these
examplesto develop your own sentencesand conversations.

Units 1 & 2
Using talk, say, tell and speak
These words are often confused as they have very similar meanings,but there are rules about how we use each one.
We use talk+ to when we are talking to a person or an audience.
Examples Who did you talk to when you were out?
I get nervous about talking to big audiences.
We use sayto report someone else'sspeech,to asksomeone what they saidand before a message.
Examples Jamessaid he was worried about the exam.
What dld the teacher saywhen you were late?
Amy saysshe is a good runner.
We use tell with instructions or orders,or when we report information given by someone else,or with certain phrases.
Examples The teacher told us to sit down.
Stellatold me about her family.
Will you tell me a joke?
We use speakwith languagesor adjectives.
Examples Conor speaksFrenchand German.
You speaktoo fast!

Past simple
We add -edto the verb to make the past simple.
There are a few exceptionsfor regularverbs:
• When the verb ends in 'e' we do not add another 'e'.
• We change the 'y' at the end of a verb to an 'i'.

~ English for the 21"'Century • Language reference /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,W.,W///.a


We add a consonantto verbs that end in a stressedvowel and consonant.

We add an 'I' to a verb that ends in a single'I'.
Verb Pastsimple
laugh laughed
live lived
study studied
stop stopped
equal equalled

Irregularverbshavea variety of endings.Someverbsdo not change.Someverbschange but do not follow a pattern.
Verb Pastsimple
hit hit
go went
have had
ring rang
see saw

We usedid not or the short form didn't with the verb to makethe negativeform of the past.We do not change the
verb ending.
Example I didn't talk to my teacher.

We usedid with the verb to makequestions.We do not changethe verb ending.
Example A Did you go to town yesterday?
B Yes,I did./No, I didn't.

The verb be
The verb be hasthe following forms.
Subject Pastsimple
I was
You were
He. She, It was
We were
They were

We use the past form of be+ not to makenegativesentences.We use wasnot or werenot or the short forms wasn't
or weren't.We do not usedidn't.
Examples He wasn't at home lastweekend.
We weren't readyfor the exam.

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Century • Language reference ~
We usethe pastform of beto makequestions.Wedo not usedid.
Examples A Wasthe talk interestingyesterday?
B Yes,it was/No, it wasn't.
A Wereyou surprisedby the news?
B Yes,I was/No, I wasn't.

Weusethe presentsimpleto talk about everydaythingsthat aregenerallytrue.
Examples I studyfor about four hourseveryday.
My friendslive in an apartmentnearmy house.
We usethe presentcontinuousto talk about currentactivities.
Example Wearewaiting for a train.It'salreadyten minuteslate.
Someverbsarenot usuallyusedin the presentcontinuous.
Examples Theywant to buy a new car.not n,ey arewanting ...
I need a new watch.Myold one is broken.not I am neediAg...
Subject om/are/ls Verb
I am doing a part-timejob.
You are walkingveryquickly.
She is trying to start her car.

Subject om/are/ls Verb
I 'mnot waitingany longer.
You aren't walkingveryquickly.
She isn't watchinglV.

Am/Are/ls Subject Verb
Am I beinghelpful?
Are they workingat hometoday?
Is he wearinga newjacket?

for futurearrangements
Aswell asusingthe presentcontinuoustenseto talk about thingsthat arehappeningnow,we can alsouseit to talk
about future plansand arrangements. We usuallyusethe presentcontinuousto talk about planswe havealready
madeor agreed.
Examples Areyou seeingHarrytomorrow?
I'mvisiting my cousinon Friday.
The boysaren'tplayingfootballthis weekend.

~ Englishfor the 2111 Century• Languagereference /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,W.,W///.a


Units 3 & 4
Present perfect
We use the presentperfect to talk about personalexperiences.We form the presentperfect with hasor haveand the
past participle.
We form the past participlewith -ed for regularverbs.Therearevariousverb endingsfor irregularverbs.
Examples I've lived in five countries.
I've driven over 2,000milesaround the States.
Subject has/have Verb
I,You,We,They have met lots of interestingpeople.
He,She has seenall of Shakespeare's

Subject hasn't/haven't Verb
I, You,We,They haven't been to Tibet.
- I-
He,She hasn't eatenraw fish before.

Has/Have Subject Verb
Has he,she studied French'
Have I, you, we, they read any books by FranzKafka?

Verb phrases
Verb phrasesare made from a verb + a preposition.Thereare no rulesabout which prepositionsgo with which verbs,
so you need to learnthe phrasesand practiseusing them as much aspossible.Hereare somecommon verb phrases.
go for,askabout talkabout,thinkabout,looka~er,lookfor,look inco,stayat, stayin
Examples Joe askedme about my holidays.
Canyou look after my cat while I'm away?
He rarelystaysat home on Saturdays.
We stayedin a huge hotel nearthe sea.

Present perfect and past simple

We use the pastsimple to talk about a finishedpastevent.
Example The population of the UKwent up by 100,000people lastyear.
We use time phraseslike thesewith the past simple:fasrmonth,fiveyearsago,in 1960.
We use the presentperfect to talk about an event that started in the past and maycontinue into the future.
Example The population of Japanhasdropped recently.
We usetime phraseslikethese with the presentperfect in this way:recently,sinceyesterday,
We alsousethe presentperfect with some verbsto talk about a recentlycompleted activity.
Examples I've finishedmy homework.
She'sjust come back from holiday.

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Language reference

We use time phrases like these when we use the present perfect in this way: already,just.
We also use the negative form of the present perfect to talk .about an activity that will be complete soon.
Examples I haven't eaten my lunch.
She hasn't seen The Intern yet.
We often use the time word yet in such sentences.

Units 5 & 6
Using will and won'tfor predictions
We use will and won't to talk about possible future events.
Example A Will robots become common household items?
B Yes,they will./No, they won't.
We often use think with will.
Example A Do you think people will stop buying books?
B Yes,I think they will.
To make negative predictions we make think negative.
Example Do you think it'll rain tomorrow?
No, I don't think it will.
When we are answering a question, we can use so in place of the will clause.
Example Do you think you'll get into university?
Yes,I think so./No, I don't think so.
We can also use hope or expect.
Example Will your team win this week7
I hope so.II expect so.
We often use the short form of will when we speak.
Long form Short form Long form Short form
lwill I'll I will not I won't
you will you'll you will not you won't
Positive he, she, it will he'll, she'll, it'll Negative he, she, it will not he, she, it won't
we will we'll we will not we won't
they will they'll they will not they won't

We do not use the short form of will in a question.

Examples Wh@n'IIyo1.,1
b@home? When will you be home?
Wfiat'.-1+-~f-O+Fmeff What will you have for dinner?

will for offers of help

We use will to talk about things we believe or predict will happen in the future.
However, we can also use will to make an offer of help or to ask for help.
Examples That looks heavy. I will help you carry it
Will you help me, please?

~ English for the 21"' Century • Language reference /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,W ..,W///.a


Units7 & 8
Zero conditional
We use if to talk about things that are true in a certain situation.
We use the present simple for both parts of the sentence.
We put if before the situation, and we put a comma after the situation.
Example If I have an idea, I usually write it down or record it on my smartphone.

We can put the result before the situation.

Example A project usually succeeds if people work together.
The situation may refer to scientific or mathematical situations.
Example If you add oil to water, it doesn't mix.

Discoursemarkers:anyway, rightand so
We use discourse markers to connect and organize parts of a conversation.
We use anyway to end or change a topic.
Example A What shall we do about this problem?
B I don't know. Anyway, let's talk about something positive.

We use right to agree with a speaker.We use it in a similar way to OK.

Example A The best thing to do now is wait.
B Right.
A We can't do anything till Jake gets back.
We also use right to start a conversation.
Example A Right, is everyone here?
B Yes,I think so.
A OK. Let's start the meeting.

We use so in the same way as right.

Example A Thank you for coming, Mr Harris.
B My pleasure.
A So, first of all. Could you tell us why you applied for the job?

Cause and effect

We use because,so and asa resultto connect causes and effects.
Example Cause I exercised for 30 minutes every day last month.
Effect I lost four kilos.

With becausewe put the effect first and the cause second.
Example I lost four kilos last month because I exercised for 30 minutes every
With so and asa resulrwe put the cause first and the effect second.
Examples Last month, I exercised for 30 minutes every day, so I lost four kilos.
Last month, I exercised for 30 minutes every day. As a result, I lost four kilos.

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Language reference

Units 9 & 10
Gerundas subjectand object of a sentence
To form the gerund, we add -ing to the end of a verb. Forexample,reading,writing,swimming,talking,etc.
Gerundscan be used like nouns and they can be either the subject or the object of a sentence.
Examples Runningmakesme feel healthy.
Eatingchocolate is not good for you.
Do you enjoy watching TV?

can, can't;have to, don't have to

We usecan and can't to talk about permission.
Example You can wear your shoesinsidea house in England.
It isOK to wear your shoesin an Englishhouse.In this caseyou have permission.
Example You can't wearyour shoesinsidea house in Japan.
It is not OK to wear your shoesin a Japanesehouse.In this caseyou do not havepermission.
We usecan to makequestions.
Example A Can I wear shoesinsidethis temple?
B No,you can't.
We usehaveto and don't haveto to talk about rulesor the lack of rules.
Example You haveto wear slippersin a Japanesehouse.
The rule is to wear slippersin a Japanesehouse.
Example Youdon't haveto wear slippersin an Englishhouse.
Thereis no rule in Englandabout wearing slippersinsidethe house.You havea choice to wear them or not.
We usedo to makequestions.
Example A Do I haveto wear a tie for this event?
B Yes,you do. It's very formal.

shouldand shouldn'tfor advice

We useshouldto give positive advice.
Example Youshould go to bed early before your exam.
We also useshouldto askfor advice.
Example A Should I drink fewer fizzy drinks7
B That'sprobably a good idea.
We use shouldn'tto give negativeadvice.
Example Youshouldn't eat a lot of fast food.

~ English for the 21"'Century • Languagereference /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,W ..,W///.a


Units11& 12
be goingto
We usebegoingto to talk about our future plansand intentions.Weusebegoingto with the infinitiveform
of the mainverb.
Example A Whatareyou going to do afteryou graduate?
B I'm going to work for a financecompany.
Weform the negativewith be+ not+ goingto+ verb.
Examples They'renot going to offer him a job.
Sheisn'tgoing to cometo the wedding.

We usethe first conditionalto talk about possibleeventsin the future andtheir consequences.
Weform the first conditionalwith an if clauseanda future clause.We usethe presentsimplein the if clause
and will in the futureclause.
Example If it rains,the gamewill be put off till next week.
The eventin this caseis 'it rains'and the consequenceor resultis 'the gamewill be put off'.
Weseparatethe two partsof the sentencewith a comma.
Wecan alsousea negativeconditionalclause.
Example If I don't finishthis report,my bosswill get reallyangry.
Wecan alsousea negativefuture clause.
Example If I finishthis report,my bosswon't get angry.
Wecan put the future clausefirst.
&ample Will you go to the concertifthereareanyticketsleft?
Wedo not need a commain this case.
Wecan alsousegoingto in the future clause.
Example I'm not going to weara jacketif it's warmtomorrow.
We usewhento talk about definitefuture events.
Examples WhenI get hungry,I'll havea sandwich.
You'llfeel better when you wakeup tomorrow.

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C21is a five-levelskill-andtask-based
coursedesignedto preparethe 2111centurylearnerto useEnglisheffectivelyin
social educationaland professionalcontexts.C21is a uniqueresearch-based
programmethat hasbeendevelopedin line
with the latesteducationaltrendsandstrategies.Theseinclude:
I> a strongfocuson independentLeaming,
whileat the sametime activelyhighlightingthe centralroleof
essential21st centuryskillshighlightedin the 21st centuryframework,includingthoserelatedto communication,
studyskillsand life skills
the keylanguageskillsthat learnersneedto engagesocially,academicallyand professionally
with theirsurroundings.

skills: Vocabulary 21" centuryskilla: Collaboration, Communication,
Grammar Creativity,Criticalthinking,Studyskills
Fourskills - listening,speaking, and life skills

C21followsan Integratedapproachto Introducingand providinglearningopportunitiesthat emphasize2111centuryskillstogether
with communicationskills;a combinationthat is nowrecognizedasvital for successin the 21ncentury.
I> skill-andtask-basedcourse I> idealfor studentswishingto improvetheir
f> targetedspecificallyat collegeand universitystudents performancein internationalbenchmarkand
skill-basedexaminationssuchas IELTS
t> contextsandcontentthat caterfor globalcitizensof
the 21ncentury I> ongoingassessmentand progresstests
I> low-levelentry point I> fuUyinteractivecoursebookand
t> coverageof aUessentialvocabularyandcompetencies
for pre-sessional


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