Final Test Guideline

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Say these words
see, agree, eat, seat, team, field, piece
These, metre, secret, evening, equal, museum, complete, Vietnamese, Japanese
Key, ski, kilo, litre, police, machine, magazine, people

Say these sentences or phrases

Can you see the sea?
A piece of pizza, please.
Peter’s in the team.
A kilo of peaches a litre of cream.
Please can you teach me to speak Portuguese?

Say these pairs

Leave/ live
Knee/ near
Litter/ letter

Say these words
Listen, miss, dinner, swim, busy, business, building, system, happy, coffee, sixty

Say these phrases

Dinner in the kitchen
A cinema ticket
A picture of a building
Big business

Say these pairs

Leave/ live
Knee/ near
Litter/ letter
Pin/ ben
Ten/ tin
Bill/ bell

Say these words
Too, group, shoe, blue, music, new, two, fruit, juice

Say these sentences or phrases

Me too.
Work in group
New shoes
Red and blue
Listen to the music
Fruit juice

Say these pairs


Pool/ pull

Say these words
Full, sugar, look, foot, would, woman

Say these sentences or phrases

My bag’s full.
Where’s my book?
My left foot
A kilo of sugar
Who’s that woman?

Say these pairs

Pool/ pull
Look/ lack
Soup/ soap

Say these words
Afternoon, ask, answer, bath, bathroom, can’t, class, dance, fast, father, glass, tomato, bar, car,
card, far, park, star, start, Aunt, laugh, heart, half

Say these sentences or phrases

How far’s the car park?
We went to a large bar full of film stars.
We’re starting in half an hour.
We were laughing and dancing the classroom.

Say these pairs

Heart/ hat
Cut/ cart

Say these words
bus, color, come, cup, front, luck, month, Monday, mother, much, nothing, number, run, study,
sun, uncle, under

Say these sentences or phrases

Good luck with your exam next month!
Take the number one bus.
I said ‘come on Monday’, not ‘come on Sunday’
My brother’s studying in London.

Say these pairs

Heart/ hat
Far/ four
Cat/ cut
Look/ luck
Luck/ lock

Butter/ better
Hut/ heart
Cut/ cart
Fan/ fun

Say these words
Bottle, box, chocolate, clock, coffee, copy, cost, cross, doctor, dog, gone, got, holiday, hospital,
hot, job, lock, lost, lot, long, not, off, often, possible, shop, song, sorry, stop, top, wrong, quality,
want, wash, wasn’t watch, what

Say these sentences or phrases

Have you got a lot of shopping?
John’s gone to the shop.
How much did your holiday cost?
She said the coffee wasn’t very good, but is thought it was.

Say these pairs

Lock/ luck
Box/ book
Rock/ root
pot/ port
fox/ fork
spot/ sport
sack/ sock
pat/ pot

Say these words
all, ball, call, fall, tall, wall, water, talk, walk
autumn, saw, caught, daughter, taught, bought, thought
quarter, warm, born, corner, horse, short, sort, door, floor

Say these sentences or phrases

quarter past four
born in autumn
have some more
walking on water
the fourth door on the fourth floor

Say these pairs

note/ not
luck/ lock
coast/ caught
shot/ short
walk/ work
pot/ port
fox/ fork
spot/ sport


Say these words

Check, leg, letter, red, sentence, bread, head, again, friend, said

Say these sentences or phrases

Tell me again.
Send me a cheque.
Correct these sentences.
Twenty to twelve.
Help your friend.

Say these pairs

Man/ men
X/ axe
Pen/ pan
N/ Anne
Pin/ ben
Ten/ tin
Bill/ bell

Say these words
back, camera, factory, hat, jam, manager, map, plan, traffic

Say these sentences or phrases

Thanks for the cash.
I ran to the bank.
Where’s my black jacket?
That man works in a jam factory.
Let me carry on your bags.

Say these pairs

Man/ men
Cat/ cut
Had/ hard
Pepper/ paper
Head/ heard
Set/ sit
Fan/ fun

Say these words
Bird, first, birthday, circle, thirty, word, work, world, worse, worst, turn, Thursday
Journey, early, earth, heard, learn, Service, prefer, dessert, weren’t, verb, university

Say these sentences or phrases

My birthday’s on Thursday the thirty first, and hers is a week later.
When would you prefer, Tuesday or Thursday?
That was the worst journey in the world.
The cake weren’t very good.
She went to university to learn German.

Say these pairs

Near/ knee
Bird/ beard
Wear/ way
Short/ shirt
Walk/ work
Board/ bird
Paul/ pearl

Say these words
Real, ear, beard, clear, hear, nearly, year, beer, cheers, here, we’re

Say these sentences or phrases

We’re here!
Have a beer – cheer!
Is there a bank near here?
The meaning isn’t really clear.

Say these words
Care, square, air, chair, fair, hair, stair, wear, where, aeroplane

Say these sentences or phrases

Up there, in the air, of course!
When nobody’s there I don’t care what I wear, and I sit on the stair with my feet on a chair.

Say these pairs

Cheer/ chair
Pier/ pair
Here/ hair
Clear/ claire

Say these words
Age, came, plane, table, rain, wait, day, play, say, grey, break, great, eight, weight

Say these sentences or phrases

They came a day later.
It was a grey day in May.
Is this the way to the station?
Wait at the gate. I’ll be there at eight.

Say these pairs

Cheer/ chair
Pier/ pair
Here/ hair
Clear/ claire
Ear/ E
Beer/ bee

Say these words
Like, time, white, die, dry, July, why, high, light, night, buy

Say these sentences or phrases

Drive on the right.
Why don’t you try dry wine in July.

Say these words
Coin, point, voice, boy, enjoy, toy

Say these sentences or phrases

I can hear your voice.
Those are coins, not toys!

Say these words
No, no cold, post, close, drove, home, phone, know, low, show, slow, boat, toe

Say these sentences or phrases

I don’t know.
My toes are cold.
She phoned me in October.
They showed us their home.

Say these pairs

Girl/ goal
Pearl/ pole
Bird/ boat
Saw/ sew
Snore/ snow
All doctors/ old doctors

Say these words
How, now, vowel, loud, mouth, sound, house, trouser, brown

Say these sentences or phrases

A thousand pounds
Loud vowel sounds
Round the house
Countdown – three, two, one, now!

Say these pairs

Car/ cow
Can’t/ count

Phần Oral test (6 points)

Oral test consists of 3 parts:
1. Saying single words
2. Saying sentences or phrases
3. Saying word-pairs
Candidates are required to pronounce correct sounds in
single words and in phrases or sentences.
Candidates are asked to distinguish sound differences in

Phần listening (4 points)

Listening test has 3 parts:

1. Gap fill

2. You will hear two words. If you hear the same word
twice, write S (same). If you hear the different words,
write D (different).

3. Listen and circle the word you hear.

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