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At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupil with 85% level of proficiency should be able to:
a) determine the three dimensions of a rectangular prism,
b) solve for the volume of a rectangular prism, and
c) work cooperatively to achieve best results.



B. References : M6ME-IVb-97
21st Century Mathletes 6 p.297
Developing My Math Power 6 p.185
Elementary Mathematics VI p.532

C. Materials : Marker, Chart, Computer, Data projector, Boxes, Eraser,

Pieces of wood, Flash cards

D. Values Integration : Cooperation



A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

2. Greetings
*Good morning class! *Good morning Sir Alcantara, Good
morning classmates.
*Check first the proper alignment of
your chairs before you take your seat.

3. Checking of Attendance
*Joseph, is there any absentee for *I’m glad to tell you that no one is
today? absent today, Sir.

4. Checking of Assignment
Find the volume of each of the following

1. s = 18 cm 2. s = 25 cm 1. 5, 832 cm³
V=? V=? 2. 15, 625 cmC
3. 8, 000 m³
3. s = 20 m 4. s = 3.8 cm 4. 54, 872cm³
V=? V=? 5. 1, 728 dm³

5. s = 12 dm

5. Drill
Identify the following spatial figures:


1. Cone
2. Cylinder
2. 3. Rectangular Prism
4. Sphere
5. Square Pyramid



6. Review on Two Systems of Measurement

Identify if it is an ENGLISH SYSTEM or

METRIC SYSTEM of measurement. Just
thumbs-up for ENGLISH SYSTEM of
measurement, and thumbs-down for METRIC
SYSTEM of measurement.

1. Meter
2. Yard 1.
3. Centimeter
4. Millimeter 2.
5. Foot



1. Motivation
*Let’s have a quick activity! Everyone
will sing the song “Bob the Builder”.
And as you sing the song, you are going
to pass this box and you will get one (1)
piece of lego until everybody gets his
own lego. Then you will be grouped
according to the color of lego that you
will get. Let us sing now!

*According to our song class, do you *Yes!

know who is Bob?

*What is his work? *He is a builder.

*What he does? *He builds houses, buildings, etc.

*Today, you are going to be like him.

You are going to fix or build something
following the procedures
in your activity card that I will give to
you. You only have 3 minutes to finish
this activity.

*Color Yellow --- will be the Group I/at

the front, left corner of the room.
*Color Green --- will be the Group II/at
front, right corner of the room.
*Color Pink --- will be the Group III/at
the back.


1. Count all the cubes/total
number of cubes.
2. Add two layers. Lego pieces
must be vertically aligned.
3. Same procedure until all the
pieces were used.
1. Count all the cubes/total
number of cubes.
2. Add one layer. Lego pieces must
be vertically aligned.
3. Same procedure until all the
pieces were used.


1. Count all the cubes/total
number of cubes.
2. Add two layers. Lego pieces
must be vertically aligned.
3. Same procedure until all the
pieces were used.

*Before you proceed to your assigned

work area, let us recall the
standards/reminders/rules to follow
while doing an activity.

*What are those *Work quietly.

standards/reminders/rules that you
need to follow when we are doing an *Cooperate with each other.

*Very good! All the standards that you *Yes sir!

had given are correct, so I will expect
those things within you class, Okay?

*Your 3 minutes starts now!

*Time’s up! You may go back to your
*Give yourselves 5 claps since you
finished the task on time.
2. Presentation of the lesson
*May I have the output of Group III. *Rectangular Prism
What kind of spatial figure is this?
*Exactly! What can you say about this
*It has three dimensions sir.
spatial figure?
*The three dimensions in rectangular
*Very Good! What are these three
prism are length, width, and height.

*Very Good! Will you please point out

which is the length?


*Length is the most extended

dimension of an object.
*How about the width?


*Width is the measurement or extent

of something from side to side.
*And lastly the, height?

*Height is the measurement of vertical
distance, either how “tall” something
is, or how “high up” it is.
3. Discussion
*Group III, how many cubes (lego * 36 cubes sir.
pieces) did you used to construct your
rectangular prism?
*The total number of cubes (lego
pieces) you used to form your
rectangular prism is what we call
“Volume”. However, the volume of
any spatial figure must have a unit of
*Just like the unit of measurement in
the volume of Cube, Volume of
Rectangular Prism is also written in
cubic unit.
*Now let’s add the unit of
measurement. If each cube measures
1cm, then
V= 36 cm³
*In short, we can get the volume of
rectangular prism by counting/getting
the sum of all cubes.
*And there’s another way on finding
the volume of rectangular prism. By
measuring the length, width, and
height then multiply them all.
*Our formula to get the volume of
rectangular prism is “V= l × w × h”.
*Using this formula, let’s apply this in
the same figure, and we’re going to
find out if we get the same answer.
*Will you please count the number of * Length = 6
cubes that fit for the length, height,
Width = 2
and width. Kindly write it on the board.
Height = 3

*Same unit of measurement. Each

cube measures 1 cm, then…
Length = 6 cm
Width = 2 cm
Height = 3 cm

*Let us substitute the formula by these

given, and solve for the volume.
V = 6 cm × 2 cm × 3 cm
V = 36 cm³

*Let’s have another example. May I *l=5

have the rectangular prism of Group II.
Will you please count the number of
cubes (lego pieces) that fit for the
length, and write in the board?
*How about the width?
*And lastly, the height?
*If each cube measures 1m, then…
l = 5m
w = 3m
h = 2m
*Will you please substitute the formula
by these given? *V=l×w×h
V = 5m × 3m × 2m

*Now, find the volume of rectangular

prism using the given. * V = 30 m³

*Last example. This time, we will use a

measuring tool which is the ruler. May
I have the rectangular prism of Group I.
Will you please measure the length,
width and height using “inch” as our
unit of measurement.
*I will measure the length first.
* l = 6 inches
*Will you please measure the width? * w = 3 inches

*How about the height? * h = 3 inches

*Will you please substitute the formula *V=l×w×h
by these given?
V = 6 in × 3 in × 3 in

*Now, what is the volume?

* V = 54 in³
4. Generalization
*Again, what are the three dimensions * The three dimensions of rectangular
of rectangular prism, and how will you prism are the length, the width, and
solve its volume without counting all the height. And to solve the volume of
the cubes manually? it, we will use the formula :
5. Fixing Skills
a. Think-Pair-Share Activity
*(Teacher will assign for pairings)
*Bring out your ruler. Each pair will
find any rectangular prism object
inside our classroom, and measure the
length, width, and height. Write the
name of your object on a piece of
paper, and the data that you will be
gathered as your given. Find the
volume of your object cooperatively.

b. Individual
Find the volume of the following :
1. 24 m³
1. l = 2m w = 3m h = 4m V=?
2. 693 cm³
2. l = 11cm w = 7cm h = 9cm V = ?
3. 15 dm³
3. l = 5dm w = 1dm h = 3dm V = ?
4. 72 cm³
4. l = 8cm w = 3cm h = 3cm V = ?
5. 105 m³
5. l = 7m w = 5m h = 3m V=?

IV. Evaluation
Find the volume of the following :
1. l = 6m w = 2m h = 2m V=? 1. 24 m³
2. l = 12.1m w = 3m h =2m V = ? 2. 72.6 m³
3. l = 5cm w = 2cm h = 4cm V = ? 3. 40 cm³
4. l = 13dm w = 6dm h = 3dm V = ? 4. 234 dm³
5. l = 6m w = 4m h = 2m V=? 5. 48 m³
V. Assignment
Find the volume of the following
problems :
1. The rectangular swimming pool in
Manansala Resort measures 35 ft.
length, 15 ft. width, and 7 ft. height.
Find the volume of the swimming pool.
2. The cargo vessel of the delivery
truck of Limay Store measures 30 m
length, 22 m width, 25 m height. What
is the volume of the cargo vessel of the
delivery truck?

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