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Version: 1 / January 2009

© Copyright 2009

Q-DAS® GmbH & Co. KG

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2 Q-DBM Database-Upload
Preface 3

Thank you for your trust in our software. This manual helps you to be-
come acquainted with the principal features of this software quickly.
More information is available in the online help and on our website under Download.
We wish you all the best in working with Q-DAS® products.

Q-DAS® offers product-related training classes. We would be pleased to
send you detailed information about training contents. Up-to-date infor-
mation and upcoming training classes are also available on http://q- Furthermore, we also offer
trainings at your facility. Please contact us and we will make you an indi-
vidual offer. For self-education, we recommend our statistical reference

Rights and Warranty

The Q-DAS® GmbH & Co. KG owns the rights to the technical documen-
tation and to the software programs. At any time, the information in this
document or in the program help can be changed without notification. Q-
DAS GmbH & Co. KG does not enter into an undertaking with this do-
The legal purchase of the software licenses and the manuals allows for
use of the programs according to the number of licenses. Copies may
only be made for the purpose of data back-ups (working copy). Any per-
son transferring this software to other mediums for the purpose different
than their own use is liable to prosecution.

Limitation of Warranty
The manual is provided without warranty for the correctness of the con-
tents. In spite of great effort to avoid mistakes, we cannot eliminate all
errors. Hence, we appreciate any advice and suggestion if you come
across an error.
4 Q-DBM Database-Upload
Table of Contents 5

Table of Contents
Preface................................................................................................... 3
Rights and Warranty ............................................................................. 3
Table of Contents.................................................................................. 5
1 General............................................................................................. 7
2 Creating a new Upload-Client......................................................... 7
2.1 Configuration options............................................................... 9
2.1.1 Data source .............................................................. 10
2.1.2 Preselection.............................................................. 13
2.1.3 File treatment ........................................................... 14
2.1.4 Mode ........................................................................ 15
2.1.5 Search...................................................................... 16
2.1.6 Key fields.................................................................. 19
2.1.7 Reporting.................................................................. 21
2.2 Starting the Upload ................................................................ 24
3 Appendix........................................................................................ 25
3.1 Command line parameters for the Database-Upload ............. 25
4 Index............................................................................................... 26
6 Q-DBM Database-Upload
General 7

1 General
The “Database-Upload” tool needs to be installed on a computer that al-
so has qs-STAT installed. The Upload-program automatically establishes
a database connection after launching the Upload-program. The Data-
base-Upload allows a multitude of configuration settings, as described in
the following chapters. Even a one-time upload of a dataset should be
performed with the Upload-program in order to guarantee maximum data

2 Creating a new Upload-Client

If you have started the Upload-program for the first time, you will have to
configure at least one “Upload” including one or more “Clients”. All “Cli-
ents” that are part of one “Upload” run parallel during the “Upload”.
It is possible to create and save multiple “Uploads” including their “Cli-
ents”. Starting multiple “Uploads” at the same time is not possible
though. This means, all data sets that are supposed to be uploaded to-
gether to the database must be captured by one “Upload”.

With a right mouse-click on the white background the context menu

opens up. The following functions are available in this context menu:
8 Q-DBM Database-Upload

• “New Upload“
You can create additional “Uploads” with this function.
• “Rename“
The name of an Upload can be changed with this function.
• “Save“
With this function, all current inputs and settings for the complete
Upload are saved.
• “Delete“
The complete Upload is deleted with this function.
• “Add client”
This function is used for creating or adding a new “Client” to an
• “Delete client”
This deletes the marked “Client” from the “Upload”.
• “Lock console”
All sub-items of the Client can be locked with this function. In this
case, the user only has the option left to select Upload and Client in
order to upload to the database. Modifications of the settings are
no longer possible. If a password has been set with the “Edit pass-
word”-function, it is required to enter this password for locking as
well as unlocking the console.
• “Edit password”
If a password has not yet been set, it can be entered with this func-
tion. If a password already exists, it will be requested after calling
up this function and can be replaced by a new one later on.
Creating a new Upload-Client 9

• “Log file”
As an option, a log file can be generated automatically for trouble-
shooting. The sub-menu allows determining the target directory for
the log file as well as the size and duration of storage for the indi-
vidual records.

In addition, it is possible to send out error messages per e-mail

automatically. The e-mail options have to be configured under
“Options/System settings/E-mail configuration” (see document
“Software Configuration and User Administration”).

2.1 Configuration options

The following items for configuration are available for each “Client“:

• “Data source“
• “File treatment“
• “Mode“
• “Search“
• “key fields“
• “Reporting“
10 Q-DBM Database-Upload

2.1.1 Data source

The basic settings for the source data that shall be uploaded to the data-
base have to be set here.

The following data sources are possible:

• Single files ( DFQ, DFD / DFX )
• All files of an existing directory
• All files in a directory structure (directory including all sub-
directories and/or QML files)

To select files or directories for the upload or to delete them from a se-
lection, use these buttons or click on the button next to the Direc-
tory / File field.

“Ignore header file without measurement values”

This option prevents empty header data from being uploaded to the da-
tabase in case the gage outputs only measurement values in the DFX
format and no header data. DFD files without the associated DFX file will
not be uploaded as it can be assumed that a measurement file (DFX-file)
will be output by the gage if the header data has been changed (DFD-
Creating a new Upload-Client 11

“DOS character set“

If the data sets have been produced with a DOS character set, umlauts
will be displayed correctly with this option checked.

“PROTO“-directory mode
Some gages, such as Marposs gages, for example, write the output files
in a “Proto-directory structure”. In this structure, the DFD-files are located
in a certain directory and the associated DFX-files are saved to a sub-
directory. This structure has been implemented for downwards compati-
bility reasons. With this option checked, the Upload program can apply
the data structure to the data set and handle files in such a structure.

“Exponential mode“
This option has to be checked if you want to upload datasets that have
been saved in a ...01.dfd, ...01.dfx, ...02.dfx, etc. - file structure.
00000001.DFD {First-time parameterization of the device}
00000001.DFX {measurement values of the first part measurement}
00000002.DFX {measurement values of the second part measurement}
00000003.DFX {measurement values of the third part measurement}
00000087.DFX {measurement values of the 87. part measurement}
00000088.DFD {New DFD-file due to a modification of the header data}
00000088.DFX {measurement values of the first part measurement with the
new header data (88. part measurement of the device in

“Files remain open“

If the “PROTO“-mode or the “Exponential“-mode is activated, you can set
the number of DFX-files that shall not be uploaded using this option. This
function is needed in order not to be forced to abort or pause automatic
measurement processes.

“Apply archive attribute“

With this option checked, only those files will be uploaded that have an
archive flag set. By doing this, it prevents files from being uploaded to
the database that are being accessed by other systems. The Q-DAS Da-
tabase-Upload also removes the archive attribute to indicate to other
systems that the file is currently being uploaded.

“Ignore write protected files“

If this function is activated, only those data sets that are not write-
protected will be uploaded.
12 Q-DBM Database-Upload

“Ignore hidden files“

Hidden files will not be uploaded to the database.

“Block files exclusively”

The file being processed will be locked exclusively during the upload.
Other systems that are trying to access the same file have to observe
this locking mechanism.

“Do not block files exclusively”

The file being processed will not be locked exclusively during the upload.
Other systems that are trying to access the same file have to observe
this locking mechanism.

“Never lock files”

Files being processed will never be locked at all. Other systems that are
trying to access the same file have to observe this locking mechanism.

“Activate conversion of SUMEQ files”

Select this option to convert datasets saved in the SUMEQ format to a
DFQ file. Then they can be stored in the database. Concerning the
SUMEQ format, the program takes into account the files with the follow-
ing file extensions
o from *.001 to *.365
o from *.s01 to *.s52
Note: If you relocate datasets after you have uploaded them suc-
cessfully, the original file and the created *.DFQ file with the
same file name are also relocated.

“Takeover measurement values without date“

If this option is checked, all measurement values that have been saved
without date- and time information will be uploaded. The date-/time in-
formation “01.01.1970/00:00:00” will be applied to these values.

“Update measurement values without date“

Measurement values without date-/time information will be uploaded and
the current system date will be applied to these values.

“Handle missing date as error“

All data sets with measurement values without date-/time information will
not be uploaded into the database and the data sets will be treated as
Creating a new Upload-Client 13

“Selection of characteristic classes “

You have the option to select which characteristics (characteristic
classes) shall be uploaded to the database.

“Standard characteristic class“

If the characteristic class (K2005) has not been defined in the source file,
the selected standard characteristic class will be used instead.

“Database connection“
Here you can select the database to which the data shall be uploaded. If
no settings have been made here, the data will be uploaded to the data-
base that is being used by qs-STAT. In this case, all settings that have
been made with the “Choose connection” button for the “Q-DAS Data-
base” under the menu-item “Options / System settings / Databases” will
be used for the Upload program as well.

2.1.2 Preselection

Using the preselection, you can determine that the Upload Client will only
take into account datasets containing certain parts / characteristics /
measurement value information.
14 Q-DBM Database-Upload

The datasets have to meet certain criteria. Define these criteria in the
Conditions for parts data, Conditions for characteristics data and Condi-
tions for value data tab.
Select for each tab, if there shall be an AND / OR logical instruction for
these conditions and if the entries are case-sensitive.
There is an AND logical instruction for the selection criteria of every sin-
gle tab.

2.1.3 File treatment

In this window, you can define what the program shall do with the single
data sets after the upload. In general, three cases have to be considered
for these settings:

• The upload has been successful (“Uploaded files”“)

• Reading the files produced an error (“Defective files“ “)
• An upload error occurred (error in the database or at the database
connection). The files will always stay in the data source folder and
will be uploaded with the next cycle.

For the first two cases, the file treatment options “Keep”, “Delete” or
“Move” are available. You can decide whether the associated DFD-file
with the header data (parts- and characteristics data) shall be treated in
the same way as the DFX-value file with the “incl. header data” selection
item. If this option is not activated, the “Keep”-function will be used for
the corresponding DFD-file.
If you selected the “Move”-option, you will have to define a “Backup di-
rectory” for “Uploaded files” and an “Error directory” for “Defective files”.
The files are moved to the appropriate directory after the upload cycle.
Creating a new Upload-Client 15

In case of an upload-error, information regarding this error or regarding

the files is displayed in the lower part of the Upload window.

Please consider your settings under the “Search”-tab (see chapter 2.1.5)
when choosing which “Keep”, “Delete” or “Move” function you want to
use in order to avoid duplications of parts, characteristics or values.
In most cases, the “Keep” function for “Uploaded file” can only be rec-
ommended for a test run.

2.1.4 Mode
The “manual Database-Upload” is included with the purchase of the Da-
tabase option. If you purchased the “automatic Database-Upload” in ad-
dition, you can configure it in the “Mode” window. In this case, the follow-
ing setting options are available:

The Upload is performed as a (manual) one-time run.
The Upload is performed in cycles depending on the following settings:
“Upload-Child deactive”
Select this option and the currently used client will not run when starting
the upload. Choose this option if you have set up the client for testing
purposes only.
“Use timer”
16 Q-DBM Database-Upload

The Upload is performed in cycles according to the timer settings.

“React to events”
The Upload is performed after a certain event has occurred. An event
could be, for example, that the gage saved a data set to the “Upload di-
Remark: this functionality is not yet supported at this time!
“Save automatic every”
If the “Use timer”-option is selected, its cycle time can be adjusted here.
With entries for “From” and “To”, a time-window can be defined. The “au-
tomatic Database-Upload” will only be active in this time-window if one is

2.1.5 Search

Here, you can determine how the data shall be treated if the data in the
“key fields” (chapter 2.1.6) are identical to already existing entries in the
Creating a new Upload-Client 17

“Parts data“
“always append part”
If this function is activated, all newly uploaded data sets create a new en-
try in the database. With this, it is possible that the same part has multi-
ple entries in the database.
“modify existing part”
If the Upload finds a matching, already existing entry in the database for
the part that is being uploaded (according to the “key-fields”, see chapter
2.1.6), the existing part-entry in the database will be updated to the new-
est data (default-setting).
“New parts not allowed”
New parts will be rejected. An entry in the log file will be created and the
source file will be treated as an error file.
“Consider master inspection plan”
Select this option to use the active fields under Key fields (see chapter
2.1.6) for test plans.

“save existing parts”

“overwrite parts data”
Parts data (fields of the parts mask) are updated with the new entries if
this option is selected.
“do not overwrite parts data”
If this option is selected, the parts data of the existing database parts en-
try is kept. Possible changes in the parts data of new files being up-
loaded will not be updated in the database.
Both options have an effect after the “modify existing part”-option in the
“parts data”-group has been selected.

“ISR data”
“Overwrite ISR data”
Updated data of the Initial Sample Report are overwritten in the data-
base. This is only recommended if the file to be uploaded does already
contain the ISR-data.
“Do not overwrite ISR data”
Updated data of the Initial Sample Report will not be overwritten in the
18 Q-DBM Database-Upload

“characteristics data”
“always append characteristic”
If this item is activated, all characteristics of the incoming file will be ap-
pended to the existing part. The characteristic list of this part will be in-
creased by the number of the uploaded characteristics. The new charac-
teristics are appended at the end of the existing characteristics list.
New characteristics are always appended at end of the already ex-
isting characteristic list.
“Modify existing characteristic”
If the program realizes due to the key fields that the loaded characteristic
already exists in the database, the new information is added to the exist-
ing characteristic (default settings).
“Creation of additional characteristic in the master inspection plan
Select this option to add further characteristics to an already existing test
plan. If you do not enable this option, datasets containing new character-
istics are treated as erroneous files.

“save existing characteristics”

“Overwrite characteristics data”
Select this option to add new records to the characteristics data (fields at
the characteristics level).
Note: This option only works when selecting the Modify existing
characteristic function under Characteristics data.
“Do not overwrite characteristics data”
Select this option to keep the existing characteristics data in the data-
base as it is. Changes in the characteristics data are not transferred to
the database.
Note: This option only works when selecting the Modify existing
characteristic function under Characteristics data.

The value level is the lowest database level. That is why the selection
only works when selecting Modify existing part and Modify existing char-
“Always append values”
The filed measurement values are appended to the existing values of the
respective characteristics.
“Overwrite values”
The existing measurement values of the characteristics stored in the da-
tabase are replaced by the measurement values stored in the dataset.
Creating a new Upload-Client 19

“Update values using GUID”

Use the GUID (Global Unique ID) to update existing measurement val-
ues systematically.
“Refresh value based on”
Select this option the update existing values by means of available addi-
tional data fields.
Note: You cannot update values by means of catalog-based fields.

2.1.6 Key fields

“Parts / characteristics fields”

On the basis of the key field contents, parts and characteristics can be
clearly specified. Select these data fields (key fields). When the key field
contents match the contents of a part /characteristic in the database, the
20 Q-DBM Database-Upload

upload program realizes that the part / characteristic does already exist
in the database. In this case, the upload runs according to the Search
settings. Click on the Parts field / Characteristics field button to add fur-
ther fields. These fields are used to check if the contents match. Tap the
<DEL> key to delete fields but at least one field must be left.
Use these fields to transfer information to additional data fields at the
measurement value level, for example information stored in parts
/characteristics fields by measuring devices. Use drag and drop func-
tionalities to enter the selected parts / characteristics field in the input
field on the right. During the upload, the information in the left input field
is saved in the selected value field (right input field). The same way, you
can transfer parts data at the characteristics level.
Note: Always both input fields (the left and the corresponding right
field) have to be filled in. First you have to select a target field
on the right and then you can enter an additional field on the
“Fields blocked for overwriting”
Under Fields blocked for overwriting, you can grant exceptions of the
Search settings.
For example, if a recording system does not provide all the required in-
formation, it has to be added to the database later on. Select this option
to keep this information from being overwritten by the upload.
“Amendment fields”
Add fields, such as nominal, upper and lower specification limit, that help
to identify changes. If you change these fields, a new part is created. The
Part amendment status K field (K1004) counts up automatically accord-
ing to the Number of digits amendment status settings. The new part
amendment state is saved automatically.
Creating a new Upload-Client 21

2.1.7 Reporting
When you use the Q-DAS® Upload Reporting System or MCA/CMM Re-
porting, adjust the settings in this mask. This mask does not contain any
settings for the Q-DAS® Database Upload.

Reporting support
Check this box if you want to use the Q-DAS® Reporting System.
Support for CMM Reporting
Enable this checkbox and the defined upload for the O-QIS MCA / CMM
Reporting is available in the program surface.
• “Max. no. of values in DB”
Here you can define the maximum number of values per character-
istic that will be saved to the (local) database. If the maximum num-
ber of values is exceeded, the oldest value of this characteristic is
deleted from the database.
The default setting is “0”. In this special case, all values will be kept.
22 Q-DBM Database-Upload

• “central upload directory”

A copy of the uploaded file will be saved to this directory. This file
can be enhanced by the default event.
• Value field for the creation of the directory structure
If you select one or more additional data fields by means of the
Value fields button, a subfolder is created when transferring the file
to the central upload directory. The subfolder corresponds to the
content of the selected additional data field. Then, the file is listed
(top to bottom). The subfolder is named after the customized catalog
entry of the corresponding additional data field number. In the output
directory, the subfolders can be transferred to further CMM Report-
ing applications, to production lines, machines etc. There the corre-
sponding information can be evaluated again or allocated to other
• Take as max. days (AlarmViewer settings)
Check this box to take the selected Maximum number of confirmed /
unconfirmed alarms as maximum number of days.
• Take as max. hours (AlarmViewer settings)
Enable this checkbox to take the selected Max. number of confirmed
/ unconfirmed alarms as maximum number of hours.
• “Max. No. of unconfirmed alarms” (Option for Alarm Viewer)
If the number of alarms set in here is exceeded, the dataset with the
oldest alarm is automatically saved to the directory that was defined
under item 3, and the events that are defined under item 6 are ad-
ded to this dataset.
• “Max. No. of confirmed alarms” (Option for Alarm Viewer)
If this number is exceeded, the oldest dataset that did not evoke an
alarm is saved to the “central upload directory” (item 3) and no event
will be added to this dataset.
• Event (AlarmViewer settings)
Click on the Event button to open the main events catalog. Select
the event you want to save as standard event.
In case of automatic alarms, the standard event is allocated the
measurement according to the Max. number of unconfirmed alarms
settings. Then, it is stored in the dataset.
The field displays the internal catalog record number of the selected
standard event. It can also be adapted.
Creating a new Upload-Client 23

• Minutes for the combination of split measurements

If there are a high number of characteristics of a product / part, the
external system has to split the output datasets. Under Minutes for
the combination of split measurements you can enter how long it
takes the external system to save all the output datasets for the
parts evaluation in the output directory.
Example: There are 1700 characteristics for part A. The external
system outputs them in 2 separate datasets one after
the other.
The first dataset for part A contains the characteristics 1
to 900. The second dataset includes the characteristics
901 to 1700. It takes 2 minutes to save both datasets
and this is the time you need to enter here.
• Field to delete content of alarm table
Enter additional data (e.g. machine1, machine 2…). You only need
to save the predefined number of alarms in the alarm table under
Max. number of confirmed / unconfirmed alarms.
• Identify and save individual value alarm (Alert Manager set-
Check this box to save the detected individual value alarms and to
make them available to the Alert Manager.
• Calculate and save point grading for individual measurements
(Alert Manager settings)
Enable this checkbox to calculate the point grading of the individual
measurements according to requirements of the selected evaluation
strategy and to save it for the Alert Manager.
24 Q-DBM Database-Upload

2.2 Starting the Upload

Before you can start the upload, you have to save all your settings with a
right mouse-click under “Client” or the upload name. Now you can start
the upload with a left mouse-click on the “Start”-button.
If you defined an Upload with multiple clients, you can start only one cli-
ent at a time by selecting this particular client and hitting the “Start”-
button, then proceed in the same way with the next client. You can also
start the clients all together by marking the upload name, and clicking on
The traffic light switches from read to green, and the “Start”-button is dis-
abled, while the “Stop”-button and the “Pause”-button are enabled during
the upload process.
If an automatic upload is on stand-by, due to timer settings, the traffic
light switches to yellow.

Errors during the upload process are documented and described in the
lower part of the Upload window.
Appendix 25

3 Appendix
3.1 Command line parameters for the Database-
The following parameters can be passed over at the program start to be
able to start the Upload program without manual interference (for exam-
ple by a batch):

-U="Upload Name" or
-UPLOAD="Upload Name"
This parameter calls up the name of the to be loaded Upload-client after
the program launch. An Upload-client with this name has to exist already.

-S=1 or
The parameter “S“ (or START) with a magnitude of 1 has the effect that
the Upload-client is started automatically after launching the Upload pro-
gram and loading the Upload-client.

-S=2 or
The parameter value of 2 has the effect that the Upload program closes
itself after stopping the last Upload-client. This assumes that all clients
use the manual mode.

-S=3 or
The parameter value of 3 can be understood as a combination of pa-
rameter values 1 and 2.

Version ME2.0 or higher

-L=1 or
This parameter has the effect that the icons and operating elements of
the Upload surface are locked after launching the program. Unlocking
these elements can be secured with a password.
26 Q-DBM Database-Upload

4 Index
Max. No. of unconfirmed alarms ·
A 22
Mode · 15
Add client · 8
New-Upload · 7
central upload directory · 22
Command line parameters · 25 P
Configuration options · 9
Password · 8
D Preselection · 13

Data source · 10 R
Delete · 8
Delete client · 8 Rename · 8
Reporting · 21
F Reporting – Max. no. of values ·
File treatment · 14
Save · 8
General · 7 Search · 16
Search – characteristic data · 18
K Search - ISR data · 17
Search – Parts data · 17
Key fields · 19 Search - values · 18
Starting the Upload · 24
Lock console · 8
Log-File · 9 Upload
Start · 24
M Upload-Settings · 7

Max. No. of confirmed alarms ·


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