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(Q-DAS Database)

Version: 1 / March 2009

© Copyright 2009

Q-DAS® GmbH & Co. KG

Eisleber Str. 2
D - 69469 Weinheim

Tel.: ++49/6201/3941-0
Fax: ++49/6201/3941-24

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Fax: ++49/6201/3941-714
2 Q-DAS Database
Preface 3

Thank you for your trust in our software. This manual helps you to be-
come acquainted with the principal features of this software quickly.
More information is available in the online help and on our website under Download.
We wish you all the best in working with Q-DAS® products.

Q-DAS® offers product-related training classes. We would be pleased to
send you detailed information about training contents. Up-to-date infor-
mation and upcoming training classes are also available on http://q- Furthermore, we also offer
trainings at your facility. Please contact us and we will make you an indi-
vidual offer. For self-education, we recommend our statistical reference

Rights and Warranty

The Q-DAS® GmbH & Co. KG owns the rights to the technical documen-
tation and to the software programs. At any time, the information in this
document or in the program help can be changed without notification. Q-
DAS GmbH & Co. KG does not enter into an undertaking with this do-
The legal purchase of the software licenses and the manuals allows for
use of the programs according to the number of licenses. Copies may
only be made for the purpose of data back-ups (working copy). Any per-
son transferring this software to other mediums for the purpose different
than their own use is liable to prosecution.

Limitation of Warranty
The manual is provided without warranty for the correctness of the con-
tents. In spite of great effort to avoid mistakes, we cannot eliminate all
errors. Hence, we appreciate any advice and suggestion if you come
across an error.
4 Q-DAS Database
Table of Contents 5

Table of Contents
Preface................................................................................................... 3
Rights and Warranty ............................................................................. 3
Table of Contents.................................................................................. 5
1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 7
1.1 Why the database?.................................................................. 7
1.2 Supported databases............................................................... 7
2 Reading from the database ............................................................ 8
2.1 Overview ................................................................................. 8
2.2 Part selection........................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Displaying additional parts fields ................................ 9
2.2.2 Select part values..................................................... 10
2.2.3 Select values of all parts........................................... 10
2.2.4 Automatic Selection.................................................. 11
2.2.5 Select period ............................................................ 12
2.2.6 Options for the part selection.................................... 13 Options - Field Selection ............................ 13 Options - Load ........................................... 15 Options – Load (Characteristics) ................ 17 Options - sort ............................................. 20 Options - Filter ........................................... 22
2.2.7 Delete part................................................................ 23
2.2.8 Edit parts fields......................................................... 24
2.2.9 Copy test plan .......................................................... 24
2.2.10 Save parts to files..................................................... 25
2.3 Characteristics Selection ....................................................... 26
2.4 Filter selection ....................................................................... 27
2.4.1 Simple Filter ............................................................. 27
2.4.2 Quick Filter ............................................................... 28 Wild Card ................................................... 30 Empty Field ................................................ 30 Save as Complex Filter .............................. 31 Remove Filter............................................. 31 Save Settings............................................. 31
2.4.3 Advanced Filter ........................................................ 32 Creating new Advanced Filters .................. 32
6 Q-DAS Database Using an Advanced Filter ........................... 35

2.5 Queries.................................................................................. 36
2.5.1 Create New Query.................................................... 37
2.5.2 Edit Existing Query................................................... 38 Rename Query........................................... 38 Query Options............................................ 39
2.5.3 Delete Query and Quick Filter of another User ......... 40
2.6 Export or Import Filters and Queries ...................................... 40
3 Database synchronization ............................................................ 41
3.1 General preconditions............................................................ 41
3.2 Configuration Database synchronization................................ 42
3.3 Start database synchronization manually............................... 44
3.4 Automatic Database synchronization..................................... 44
4 Index............................................................................................... 45
Introduction 7

1 Introduction
In opposite to working with files, the database offers a multitude of selec-
tion and filtering options. Due to the existing storage options for single
filters and complete selections, an easy and transparent working with the
database is possible even without detailed database knowledge. We of-
fer key-user and administrator training courses for further collection of
database knowledge.

1.1 Why the database?

A database offers essential advantages for the user. These advantages
are among other things:

• Central data storage

• Quick data selection
• Saving of filters and selection
• Data security
• Central backups
• Automatic structuring of the data storage
• Facilitated benchmarking by targeted selections

1.2 Supported databases

The following database systems are being supported by the standard
• Access
• Oracle
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Please contact Q-DAS® for other database systems

We recommend having the database connection setup by Q-DAS® for all

database systems except for the Access database.
8 Q-DAS Database

2 Reading from the database

2.1 Overview
Open up the Window “Read from data base” by clicking on the Icon
“Read from data base” or “Quick Filter“ or with the menu-function

1 2 3

The user surface for selections has the same appearance for all data-
base systems and is divided into three parts:

1 Part selection
2 Characteristics selection
3 Filter selection

The part for the filter selection is adjusted to each selected filter type.
The following filter types are available:
• Simple Filter (for a selection after additional data)
• Quick Filter (for a selection in an AND / OR – matrix)
• Advanced Filter (for a selection by graphically designed and logi-
cally linked filtering conditions)

Remark: the “Advanced filter” might be called “Complex Filter“ in older

versions of qs-STAT®.
Reading from the database 9

2.2 Part selection

The part level is the highest hierarchy in the database. The characteris-
tics are sub-ordinate to the part. The characteristics on the other side
contain measurement values and additional data of the measured piec-
es. You are given the option to activate single parts in the displayed tree-
structure of parts. Multiple parts can be marked as a block by holding
the “Shift” – key pressed. Holding the “Ctrl” – key pressed gives you
the option to mark multiple single parts.

2.2.1 Displaying additional parts fields

Additional parts information can be displayed in the parts selection. To

do this, please click the right mouse-button in the part selection portion of
the “Read from data base” window and select the function “New field”.
The “Field selection” window opens up in which all available parts fields
are listed. You can now add your favorite parts information to the part
selection by “Drag and Drop”. The display sequence of the selected parts
information can be changed by doing a right mouse click on the parts se-
lection window. Select your favorite parts information in the pop-up-menu
and use the functions “Advance by 1” or “Set back by 1”. In the example
below, the “Part no.” was chosen. You have the option to hide informa-
tion again by using the function “Delete”.
The displayed part selection list is always sorted ascending according to
the information in the first position.
10 Q-DAS Database

2.2.2 Select part values

You are given the option to select particular values for additional data,
such as batch number, events, cavity number or time, by clicking on a
part in the part selection list with the right mouse-button and choosing
the function “Select part values”. If selecting several criteria, the criteria
are logically connected in an AND–relation. That means, all requested
additional data have to apply.

2.2.3 Select values of all parts

Similar to the “Select part values” function, it is also possible to create a

combined filter for all data on the values level. This filter can be put to-
gether with a right mouse-click on “All parts” and the “Select values of all
parts” function. In addition, it also possible to use this function to filter out
parts and characteristics that do not contain values matching the filter
criteria. For this “preview” of parts and characteristics, the option “Apply
value filter from “Select values for all parts” on parts” has to be selected
in the “Options-Filter” menu available with a right mouse-click in the
“Read from database” window.
Reading from the database 11

2.2.4 Automatic Selection

You can accomplish an automatic selection by clicking on a part in the

part selection with the right mouse-button. In this context, “automatic”
means that the user does not have to know about all single criteria (as
e.g. machine / cavity numbers that have been part of the production of
this piece). All data are automatically divided according to the selected
criteria. A new “pseudo”-characteristic is created for each criterion.

For example: if you define the batch number as the first criterion, you can
have your data separated automatically into different characteristics ac-
cording to the 3 batches that are contained in “Test 1”. The values with-
out a batch number are displayed as a separate characteristic without
batch number. If you do a new “automatic selection” and add a second
criterion this time, the single batches are being split once more. Using
“Test 1” you can, for example, select automatically after “Batch no.” on
the first level and after “minute” on the second level.
12 Q-DAS Database

2.2.5 Select period

You have the option to select by definable time periods by doing a right
mouse click on a part in the part selection window. According to the
number of time periods, each characteristic of the selected part will be
separated into sub-characteristics and evaluated accordingly.
Reading from the database 13

2.2.6 Options for the part selection

Additional settings for “Reading from the Database” can be setup in the
“Options” dialog. This dialog can be opened up with a right mouse-click
in the “Part selection” portion. Options - Field Selection

• Expand “All Parts” immediately:

This option causes an instant opening of the part tree-structure in
the part selection and the immediate application of the particular fil-
• Maximum number of parts:
With this option, you can pre-set the maximum number of parts that
shall be displayed in the part tree-structure.
• Takeover last filter configuration:
Activating this function causes a temporary saving of the last ap-
plied filter. After a new opening of the “Read from database” dialog,
the last applied filter will be active again with this.
14 Q-DAS Database

• Display fields as a table:

This option applies to the appearance of the part selection in the
“Read from database” window. With this option activated, parts and
corresponding part fields (more than one) will be displayed as a ta-
ble in the part selection window.
• Open file directly:
If this option is activated and you read from the database using the
“Quick filter” and a previously defined and saved filter, the “Read
from database” window will not appear. The data set that matches
the conditions of the selected filter is opened directly.
• Show preliminary selection for “Select values”:
This option applies to the “select part values”-function and creates
a preview of the additional data that are available in the currently
marked data set. For very large data sets, the opening of the “se-
lect part values”-window can take some time, if this option is acti-
• Highlight filtered parts:
When using a filer, all parts that meet the filter criterion will be se-
lected automatically and can be loaded directly with the “OK” but-
• Select characteristics by default:
All characteristics are pre-selected for loading when this option is
Reading from the database 15 Options - Load

• read data only

Select this option to make sure that data will not be changed or de-
leted accidentally. You can still evaluate your data without limita-
tion. If the Database-Upload might access the same data at the
same time, please choose this option. If the checkbox read data
only is not activated, and a certain part in the database is open, the
Database-Upload cannot save data to this part.
• “Data read-only“ as standard, tick off possible
If you choose this option, the checkbox read data only in the Read
from database window is always activated, but you will be able to
uncheck the option before loading.
• Create variations (2 parts)
Select this option to evaluate the variations of all characteristics of
two parts. A third part with the same number of characteristics is
created automatically. The measurement values of the new charac-
teristics will then consist of the deviation of the measurement val-
ues the two original parts.
• Group parts
In the part selection, there are sometimes several data sets con-
taining measurement values of the same part. For example, they
may have been saved into the database according to the produc-
tion line. In this case, you can group these parts for an overall
evaluation by checking this option and loading the respective parts
together (in the part selection portion of the “Read from Database”
16 Q-DAS Database

window, use the SHIFT or CRTL key on your key board while click-
ing on the parts to highlight multiple parts at the same time). When
the data is loaded, the characteristics of all parts are then merged
into one part. Which part this will be is deteremined either by selec-
tion, or with the help of a key field.
• Key fields
Click on one of the Key fields buttons to specify which K field in-
formation will identify the same part/characteristic. If you do not se-
lect any key field for parts, you will be prompted for a part when
loading the data from the database. The header data of your se-
lected part is taken over and used for the merged parts.
To define key fields, click on one of the two Key fields buttons. This
will open the Key fields window. Use the right mouse button to add
new or to delete existing key fields.

• Sort measurement values across part limits

If this option is activated and the settings under Sort (Chapter
Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.) are ad-
justed, the characteristics are grouped first and then sorted. With-
out adjusting the Sort settings, each characteristic is sorted indi-
vidually. Then, the measurement values of the different characteris-
tics are appended one after another.
• Combine characteristics
Reading from the database 17

Instead of using key fields, you can combine characteristics. You

can only select one of the following two options. If you choose one
of them, it will disable the Key fields (characteristics) button.
• Merge all characteristics
All characteristics are merged into one characteristic using the
header data of the first characteristic.
• Do not combine characteristics
The characteristics are not combined. They are just allocated to the
respective characteristic and listed below the part individually. Ex-
ample: There are 5 parts with 10 characteristics each. These parts
turn into one part with 50 characteristics (independent of character-
istic description).
• On double-clicking a part, the data will be loaded
Quick selection by double-clicking a part. Options – Load (Characteristics)

• Load all characteristics deactivated

To enable the Load all characteristics deactivated checkbox, click
on the Options menu and choose System Settings and Databases.
Only an administrator user can check or uncheck this option in this
• Do not load deactivated characteristics
All deactivated characteristics are not
18 Q-DAS Database

• Automatically open superordinate characteristics

Select this option to load superordinate characteristics, too. For ex-
ample, if you use a filter that provides the X positions and Y posi-
tions of a positional tolerance as a result. If the option is checked,
the superordinate true position characteristics will be loaded in ad-
dition to both positional component characteristics.
• Automatically open subordinate characteristics
Select this option to load subordinate characteristics, too. For ex-
ample, you use a filter that provides the superordinate positional
characteristic as a the only result, the subordinate X and Y compo-
nents of the true positions will be loaded as well.
• Load subordinate characteristic only if superordinate charac-
teristic or group is loaded
Select this option to load subordinate characteristics only if the cor-
responding superordinate characteristics are loaded.
• Open characteristic only if it has more than n measurement
Select this option to define a minimum number of measurement
values. If there are less measurement values than the defined min-
imum number requires, the characteristic will not be loaded from
the database at all.
• Load group only if subordinate characteristics exist
If you check the Load group only if subordinate characteristics exist
box, characteristics groups are only loaded when containing subor-
dinate characteristics.
• Characteristics splitting appended at the end of the tree struc-
If you select one of the two options under Automatic selection, all
characteristics are listed at the lowest level of the Parts / Charac-
teristics list, as you can see in the left image below. The group ele-
ment at the top of each group represents the allocation criterion.
The right image shows the characteristic sorting without using this
Automatic selection option. The group element at the top of each
group is the characteristic with the respective criteria.
Reading from the database 19
20 Q-DAS Database

• Superordinate characteristics with measurement values

This option refers to the Automatic selection only. If this option is
selected, the superordinate characteristics will contain all meas-
urement values, and can also be used for evaluations (see exam-
ple). Without checking the Superordinate characteristics with
measurement values box, the superordinate characteristics are on-
ly used to create groups. Options - sort

• Sort displayed parts downwards

Select this option in order to sort the list of the parts in the Parts se-
lection alphabetically, but in descending order. The parts will be
sorted downwards by the information displayed in the fisrt column.
Reading from the database 21

• Load characteristics in original sequence

Select this radio button to keep the original order of the characteris-
tics. You can manually change the order of the characteristics
(sorting) in the Parts / Characteristics list but these changes will not
be saved.
• Takeover changes to the characteristics sort sequence made
by the user (when reading and saving)
Choose this option to save changes to the order of the characteris-
tics in the Parts / Characteristics list made by the user. From then
on, the new list is valid.
Select Quick sorting of characteristics by ”Drag and Drop” in
addition to change the order of the characteristics directly in the
Read from database window. Click on Characteristics selection and
use drag and drop functionality to change the characteristic se-
• Sort characteristics after the displayed fields
Select this radio button in order to display and load the list of the
characteristics in the Characteristics selection sorted in ascending
order by the information displayed in the first column.
• Sort down characteristics after the displayed fields
Choose this option to sort the list of the characteristics in the Char-
acteristics selection in descending order by the information dis-
played in the first column. The characteristics will also be loaded in
this sequence.
• Measurement values

You can load measurement values in a different order than they

have been saved. In this regard, you can use a maximum three-
stage sorting system arranging the measurement values according
to their saved additional data.
• Sort and fill in by serial number
If you have entered the serial number of the corresponding part into
the Batch number data field, you can use this option to sort the
measurement values in ascending order by serial number and to fill
22 Q-DAS Database

up missing serial numbers with empty fields (placeholders). This

might be helpful, for example, if not all characteristics are always
measured, but you still want to keep the reference of the measured
values to the measured part.
Please notice that this option may slow down the performance whi-
le loading data.
• Sort and fill in by value number
In connection with the Part measurement option in the Upload,
measured values will be loaded with reference to the individual part
Please notice that this option may slow down the performance whi-
le loading data. Options - Filter

• Apply characteristics filter to parts (affects simple and Quick fil-

ter only):
The activation of this item causes only those parts containing char-
acteristics conforming to the filter conditions to be displayed in the
part selection window.
• Apply values filter to parts (affects simple and Quick filter only):
Using this option, only those parts that contain values conforming
to the filter conditions will be displayed in the part selection. In con-
nection with this option, certain selections after date, for example,
can become time-consuming for datasets with very many meas-
ured values.
Reading from the database 23

• Apply values filter to characteristics (affects simple and Quick

filter only):
The same criteria as described under “Apply values filter to parts”
are valid for this option as well.
• Exact conformity in text fields comparison:
This option has an influence on the behavior of the Quick filter. If
this functionality is activated, the field contents of the data sets are
compared with the filter criterion whether they are identical. For ex-
ample, if the filter criterion is “part number = 1”, only those parts will
be displayed that exactly match with the criterion “part number = 1”.
If the option “Exact conformity in text fields comparison” is not acti-
vated, the same filter condition “part number = 1” will display all
parts that contain a “1” in the part number field. That means that a
part with, for example, part number “21” will be displayed as well.
• Apply value filter from “Select values for all parts” on parts:
The “Select values for all parts” function is available with a right
mouse-click on “All parts” in the “Read from database” window and
can e used to create a filter from the available catalog data. If this
option is checked, the filter can also be used in order to pre-filter all
parts and characteristics that do not contain any data matching the
selected filter criteria.
• Shifts:
Displays the individual shift with their start and end time as far as
the shifts have been defined with the “Configuration / System set-
tings / Databases” function (“Database Administration” user right
required). The defined shifts can then be used as criteria in filters
for date and time.

2.2.7 Delete part

This function is available by doing a right-mouse-click on or multiple
highlighted parts in the part selection list. The parts with a checkmark will
be deleted from the database, if the function “delete part” is being se-
lected after the deletion is confirmed in another security dialog.
All characteristics and measurement values of this part will also
be deleted!!
24 Q-DAS Database

2.2.8 Edit parts fields

In the Parts selection, a right-click on one of the displayed parts opens a

context menu. Click on Edit parts fields to edit parts information dis-
played in the Parts selection.

2.2.9 Copy test plan

A right-click on the respective part opens a context menu. Click on Copy

test plan to create a copy of existing test plan / part. The Part information
displayed in the Parts selection can be changed for the new test plan
(test plan target) directly in the Copy test plan dialog box shown below.
You can activate the Also copy values option to copy all measurement
values saved with the source test plan to the target test plan.

Note: To predefine and limit the Copy test plan functionalities,

choose the Configuration menu and click on System settings
- Databases – Configuration and adjust the settings under
Template. Find more information in the “Software Configura-
tion and User Administration” document.
Reading from the database 25

2.2.10 Save parts to files

The “Save parts to files” function is available with a right mouse-click in

the “Part selection” area of the “Read from database” window. It is an op-
tion to easily extract one or multiple complete parts from the database
and save the data as files (*.dfq). Parts can be selected by clicking in the
grey column left of the part. The target directory can e selected with the
26 Q-DAS Database

2.3 Characteristics Selection

By doing a right-mouse click in the characteristics selection window, you
can have additional information at the characteristics level displayed.

• You can deactivate or activate particular characteristics by clicking

on those with the left mouse-button in the characteristics selection.
• A whole block of characteristics can be deactivated / activated by
clicking on the first one with the left mouse-button, holding down
the “Shift”-key and clicking on the last characteristic.
• If you hold the “Ctrl”-key and click on particular characteristics with
the left mouse-button, you can deactivate/activate several charac-
teristics independently.
Reading from the database 27

2.4 Filter selection

You can determine the appearance and functionality of the filters with the
filter selection. Available are “simple filter”, “Quick filter and “advanced

2.4.1 Simple Filter

You can select after the following criteria with the simple filter:

The concept of this filter is designed for users who need to retrieve rele-
vant information with only a few mouse-clicks. It is consciously kept sim-
ple to increase the velocity of the data selection. The simple filter selects
at the value level. As shown in the picture above, you are given the op-
tion to activate multiple filter criteria at the same time. The chosen filter
criteria are logically “AND” connected; that means, only those data will
be listed as a filter result, that match with all filter criteria.
28 Q-DAS Database

Example for the selection of filter criteria:

At first, you should activate your favorite filter criterion. With the but-
ton you can get to the selection dialog for the corresponding filter condi-
tions. With the left mouse-button, you can choose one or, by using the
“Shift” or “Ctrl”-key in addition, multiple filter conditions.

2.4.2 Quick Filter

Using the Quick Filter, you can

quickly enter filter conditions
for the parts / characteristics /
value level. You can also save
the filter, by clicking on the
Save settings button. Please
enter a descriptive name for
the filter in the next window. To
access the saved Quick Filters
easily, click on the icon
on the Q-DAS® interface.
To use the Quick Filter, simply
enter your filter condition in the
Quick Filter entry mask. Unlike
the Simple Filters, you can link
different filter conditions with
the Quick Filter. For example,
you can query for all parts con-
taining part number 1 and part
description 2 in one filter.
All filter conditions that are en-
tered within one column but in
different rows are linked with a
logical OR connection. All filter
Reading from the database 29

conditions entered in different columns are linked with a logical AND re-
Below the filter entry mask, a preview of the current filter is displayed in
form of a logical schema chart.

To add additional columns to the Quick Filter, right-click on the quick fil-
ter entry mask and select the “New column” function. Further filter criteria
from each level can be transferred to the Quick Filter entry mask by us-
ing drag and drop functionalities.

If you enter measurement values or other information such as tolerance
limits or the nominal as filter conditions, , use the point as decimal sepa-
rator and not the comma. This is required because the data is stored in
the database in this format, and the filter condition becomes part of the
database SQL command directly as entered.

Example: numerical = 20.01 instead of 20,01

30 Q-DAS Database Wild Card

A right click on a criteria input field opens a context menu. Click on Wild
card and the selected field becomes a wild card.
To delete the wild card, open the context menu
and click on Wild card again.
If a wild card is in use, the Enter selection criteria
dialog box opens when starting the filter. This box
prompts the user
for the contents for
of the wild card
field. If there are
two active wild
cards per K field,
the two wild cards
can be linked with
a logical OR con-
nection. Empty Field

The Empty field option

leads to an IS NULL con-
In this case, the filter
finds all elements without
an entry in the selected

A part with the part num-
ber 1 but without part de-
Reading from the database 31 Save as Complex Filter

Right-click on one of the created fields to save the Quick Filter as a

Complex (Advanced) Filter.
A new advanced filter is created for each level that is included in the
Quick Filter.

Example: The Quick Filter filters by

part description, charac-
teristic description and
date. If you save the
Quick Filter as Complex
Filter, you will be
prompted to enter a filter
name for each level. Remove Filter

Click on the Remove filter button to remove all filters that might currently
be applied to the Parts selection or Characteristics selection. All the parts
together with all their characteristics will be are displayed again. Save Settings

Click on the Save settings button to

save the current filter configuration.
In the Save settings dialog box; enter
a descriptive filter name into the Save
as input field, as shown on the right.
Additionally, you can assign the
saved filters to a certain user group in
order for the filter to become avail-
able to that group.
The saved filter can be retrieved by
clicking the quick filter icon in the
main program surface.
32 Q-DAS Database

2.4.3 Advanced Filter

With the advanced filter, you have the option to create filters for the
parts-, characteristics- and value level and apply these one after the oth-
er or separately.

Remark: the “Advanced filter” might be called “Complex Filter“ in older

versions of qs-STAT. Creating new Advanced Filters

To create a new filter, click the right mouse-button in the filter window
and select the function “New filter”.

Afterwards, the “Edit Filter” window appears.

Reading from the database 33

The icons in the upper bar are (in the sequence from left to the right):
• “Condition” for the determination of a filter criterion
• “AND-Connection“ for linking several filter conditions (all linked
conditions have to be fulfilled)
• “OR-Connection” for linking several filter conditions (minimum one
of the linked conditions has to be fulfilled)
• “NAND-Connection” (not and)
• “NOR-Connection” (not or)
• “NOT-Connection” (also called negation)
• Connection line
• Symbol settings (old DIN norm, new DIN norm, US norm)
To create a filter, please pull one “condition” onto the layout area using
“drag and drop” with the left mouse-button. The condition is displayed as
a white box on the layout area. You can define the filter condition by do-
ing a right mouse-click on this box and selecting the function “Edit con-
• First select the filter level in which the information can be found in
the corresponding pull-down-menu.

• Then select the desired field

• Enter the desired selection criterion in the “Field content” box and
select whether the criterion shall be contained in the selected field
(LIKE) or whether the field contents has to match this criterion ex-
actly (=). The available comparison operations depend on the se-
lected field type. For text fields “=” and “LIKE” are available. For
numerical fields, on the other hand, “<”, “=”, “>” and “LIKE” are
34 Q-DAS Database

• The chosen filter criterion is displayed in the field “SQL select “.

• By doing a right mouse-click in the symbol “Filter 1” and selecting

the function “Edit contents”, the “Edit filter name” window opens up.
In here, you can enter a name which describes the filter function.

• At the end, the single conditions and conjunctions have to be con-

nected to the filter with a “Connection line”. You can create a con-
nection line by activating the icon “Connection line” and linking the
desired boxes by “drag and drop”. Now you can close the “Edit Fil-
ter” window with the “OK”-button.
Reading from the database 35

If measurement values or fields such as specification limits or no-
minal value have been chosen as filter criterion, please be careful
that a point and not a comma is used as separator for the decimal
places, since this is directly entered into a SQL-command.
Example: Nominal value = 20,01
Filter criterion = 20.01 Using an Advanced Filter

After having created all the required filters, drag and drop the filter(s) to
All parts, to a certain part or to a certain characteristic in the Parts selec-
tion portion of the window in order to apply the filter(s). Parts filters and
characteristics filters cannot be applied within the Characteristics selec-

If you apply several filters successively or if you apply one filter to sev-
eral levels,
the Apply
filter dialog
box (see the
picture on
the right)
opens before
you can start
applying the
next filter.
Here, you
can select whether the last used filter criteria should be kept or whether
they should be replaced by the new filter criteria. To confirm your selecti-
on, click on OK.
36 Q-DAS Database

If you apply several filters to the same level successively, you can select
whether you
want to re-
place the ex-
isting filter, or
whether you
want to link
the filters us-
ing a logical
OR connec-
tion, or a
logical AND
relation. As it
is important
to keep a
order of the
used filters for this option, it is advisable to adjust the required settings in
the filter itself, and to use only one filter per level.

2.5 Queries
If you use an active filter, you can create new queries or add single parts
to existing queries by right-clicking the mouse.
Reading from the database 37

2.5.1 Create New Query

New queries are created after first filtering with a complex filter. Select
the Complex filter option in the Filter selection to use this function.
If you create new queries using the New selection option, this query is
only available to those users who are registered when you created it.
Choose New query or New query for user groups and the Include in se-
lection dialog box opens. Select which parts you want to add to the new


Use complex filters to restrict the part level. However, only those
parts that had been selected before you created the query, are
1 added to the selection and remain there, even though the filter
criterion does not work anymore (e.g. a time filter). These parts
are loaded without measurement values and characteristics.
It is not necessary to select parts before creating a query. If you
choose this option, the selection is dynamic and always includes
all parts corresponding to the saved filter criteria. This is the
2 most frequently-used option because the number of parts is
reduced to those parts that meet the defined filter criteria
when starting a selection.
The third radio button is a combination of option 1 and 2. Only
the parts that had been selected before you created the query
are added to the selection. However, these parts are deleted
3 when they do not correspond to the respective filter criteria any-
more. New parts meeting the filter criteria are NOT added to the
selection automatically.

The saved queries are displayed in the Parts selection. Now, you can
access saved queries again when reading from the database. The Q-
DAS® Reporting System also works with these queries when they have
been created with the Superuser. Choose clear query names for clarity’s
38 Q-DAS Database

Normal selections, only available to the user who created it, are marked
with the following icon.

2.5.2 Edit Existing Query

To add single or several parts to an already existing selection, select the

desired parts and right-click on them. The right click opens a context
menu. Select Add to selection and choose the respective selection.
Only the selections created with the help of option 1 and 3 (only selected
parts) are available. Rename Query

Rename an existing query.

Note: Concerning queries for user
groups, it is advisable to keep the
name of the user group.
Note: If the Reporting System already uses some queries, they are not
available to the Dem Reporting System anymore.
Reading from the database 39 Query Options

Use these options to change the default settings for Load (see chapter ), Load (Characteristics) (see chapter ) and Sort (see
chapter ) of the selected query.

Use default settings

The default settings of the respective user are always used for new que-
Note: If other pro-
grams share the use
of the queries, such
as the Up-load Re-
porting of the M-QIS
program, deactivate
the Use default set-
tings option to trans-
fer the correspond-
ing settings to the
program together
with the choice of

Special feature:
In addition to the possible settings described in chapter to group
parts, you can also select the main part in the Specific options for: dialog
box. This option prevents the part query dialog box from opening.
If you have already selected parts fields by clicking on the Key fields
(parts) button, you cannot select the main part because the Select main
part button is not active.
40 Q-DAS Database

2.5.3 Delete Query and Quick Filter of another User

The following option is only available to you, if you are registered as


Select “Delete query and quick

filter of another user” in the con-
text menu to open the Delete
query and quick filter window.
In this window, you can find a list
of all saved queries and filters for
individual users or user groups.
To delete a query or filter, select
the respective query or filter and
right-click on it. Then choose De-
lete in the context menu.

2.6 Export or Import Filters and Queries

To transfer filters and queries from one user / computer to another, an
Export and Import function is available.
A right-click on the respective filter or query opens a context menu. Click
on Export query / Export filter or on Import query / Import filter to open a
dialog box where you can define the location and name of the export file
or select an import file..
Database synchronization 41

3 Database synchronization
3.1 General preconditions
The database synchronization allows for a decentralized storage of test
plans and measurement values and for evaluation from a central data-

For this, a local database is used that contains excerpts from the central
database. Synchronization with the data in the central database can be
triggered manually or automatically in configurable time-intervals.

Reasons for using this option:

• If a workstation is not permanently connected to the network (mo-

bile usage or occasional loss of the network connection).
• If data for one and the same test plan shall be recorded on two dif-
ferent workstations during the same time period.

All databases involved in the database synchronization have to have the

same database structure.

The use of the GUID and saving events in the WERTEVAR table has to
be turned on using the Database options (ATTENTION: this step cannot
be undone).

The central database is declared as “central” database with the “Use da-
tabase as server for test planning” checkbox, also using the Database
options (ATTENTION: this step cannot be undone).

The “Data amendment log” option has to be used for the local and the
central database.

The installation and setup should be done by Q-DAS.

42 Q-DAS Database

3.2 Configuration Database synchronization

The following configuration options are available with the “Configura-
tion/System settings/Configuration database synchronization” menu

• Start time / End time:

Setup of the time period during which synchronization will take
place. With this setting, the synchronization can be paused, for ex-
ample for a backup of the central database.
• Interval:
Automatic database synchronization will take place in the config-
ured time intervals. The setting “0” means that no automatic syn-
chronization will be carried out.
• Repeat point in time:
If a synchronization process had been interrupted, a new trial will
be started after the configured time period. If this time is set to “0”,
no retry will take place after a failed synchronization.
• Compress database after:
The local (Access) database will be compacted automatically in the
configured time interval.
Database synchronization 43

• Max. number of values in DB:

The configured number of values per characteristic will be kept in
the local database. The setting “0” means that all values will be
kept in the local database.
Deleting values that are “older” than the configured number takes
place only after a successful synchronization of the respective cha-
• Max. size log file in KB:
A synchronization log file with the configured file size will be gener-
ated in the \TEMP folder of the installation directory
• Start without asking:
If this option is checked, the synchronization is started in the con-
figured “interval” without giving the user the option to postpone the
• Cycle time:

The lower portion of the window displays date and time of the last
successful synchronization, the last and the next start time as well
as date and time of the next scheduled database compression un-
der “cycle time”.
44 Q-DAS Database

3.3 Start database synchronization manually

The synchronization can be started manually with the “Configura-
tion/System settings/Start database synchronization manually” menu
function. The database synchronization will start immediately and run
one time only. The following progress window will be shown during the

3.4 Automatic Database synchronization

If a time interval is setup, the database synchronization will be carried
out automatically. The user has the following options in the synchroniza-
tion window:
• Synchronize data:
The database synchronization will be started immediately.
• Cancel:
The current synchronization will be aborted. A retry will take place
after the configured time interval.
• Remind me:
The user has the option to postpone the synchronization. The con-
figured time for a repeated try will be suggested, but can be
changed manually.
Index 45

4 Index

Access · 7 Edit Filter · 31

Additional information · 9 Exact conformity in text fields
Advanced Filter · 31 comparison · 22
Apply characteristics filter to Expand · 13
parts · 21
Apply value filter from Select F
values for all parts on parts ·
22 Filter configuration · 13
Apply values filter to Filter entfernen · 30
characteristics · 22 Filter selection · 26
Apply values filter to parts · 21
Automatic Selection · 11 G
Automatische Selektion · 18
Group parts · 15
Bearbeiten bestehender
Selektionen · 37 Highlight filtered parts · 14


Complex Filter · 8, 31 Import

Connection line · 32 Filter · 39
Copt test plan · 23 Selektionen · 39


Database synchronization · 40 Leeres Feld · 29

Delete part · 22
46 Q-DAS Database


Microsoft SQL Server · 7 Read from data base · 8


Open file directly · 14 Save parts to files · 24

Optionen für die Selektion · 38 Select part values · 10
Options for the part selection · 13 Select period · 12
Oracle · 7 Shifts · 22
Simple Filter · 26
P Symbol settings · 32

Part selection · 9 T
Preliminary selection · 14
Teilefelder bearbeiten · 23

Quickfilter · 27

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