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1. Journey mapping maps which phase of activity of service for a customer?

a. Before a service
b. During a service
c. After a service
d. All of the above
2. ________________ is used with the objective of identifying needs that customers are often
unable to articulate.
a. Mind mapping
b. Experience mapping
c. Story telling
d. Rapid concept development

3. _____________approach acknowledges that any new business concept is actually a

hypothesis – a well-informed guess about what customers decide and what they will value.
a. Assumption testing
b. Learning launches
c. Co creation
d. None of the above
4. Value Chain analysis examines how an organization interacts with value chain partners to
Produce, Distribute and ________ new offerings.
a. Use
b. Dispose
c. Market
d. Analyse
5. A mind map is used to show what a product will look like.
a. True
b. False
6. What is mapping the customer journey?
a. A way for companies to track competitor information.
b. A way for companies to track customer purchases at competitors.
c. A way for companies to track the entire story of a customer experience from the
beginning to end.
d. A way for companies to track employees.

What are the steps of Design

Thinking Process?
a) Understand > Draw > Ideate >
Create > Test
b) Empathise > Define > Ideate >
Prototype > Test
c) Empathise > Design >
Implement > Produce > Test
d) Understand > Define > Ideate
> Produce > Tr
7. Data of the profit analysis of various products sold under three categories in a superstore are
represented in a bar chart given below. Identify the products which have made maximum and
minimum profits for the store.

a. Copiers and Fasteners

b. Copiers and Tables
c. Phones and Tables
d. Paper and Fasterners
8. Visualization refers to any activity that takes information beyond _____________ and
converts into images, maps, and stories.
a. Prototypes
b. Texts and numbers
c. Design thinkers
d. Pictures

9. Journey Mapping tool for Design thinking is also called as _____________

a. Ethnographic mapping
b. Client mapping
c. Experience mapping
d. Persona mapping
10. List out the three steps involved in Value Chain analysis

11. _____________ refers to seeing with our mind’s eye: conjuring up mental images, vivid
depictions of our ideas and insights about customers and their experiences.

a. Visualization
b. Journey mapping
c. Assumption testing
d. All of the above

12. _______ is the accelerator to understanding and unlocking great customer experiences. It is
essential to understand how businesses can reach their audiences in ways that will succeed.
a. Visualization
b. Story telling
c. Co creation
d. Journey mapping

13. Mind maps are used to ________ideas

a. Generate
b. Visualize
c. Structure
d. All of the above

14. Which of the following are NOT tools of Design Thinking?

a. Co-creation
b. Online Marketing
c. Prototyping
d. Mind Mapping

15. Which of these are NOT components of a mind map?

a. Branches
b. Arrows
c. Central Idea
d. All of the above are components

16. Mind map is a tool, used to represent solutions.

a. True
b. False

17. What is the first item entered into a mind map?

a. the main idea or concept

b. the supporting ideas or concepts
c. the detailed plans to complete the project
d. the organizational chart listing roles and duties for each team member

18. Choose the correct statement.

a. Rapid concept development is a large team project with deep thinking.
b. Concepts are the building blocks to idea.
c. Speed is the key for rapid concept development.
d. Customer pain points are not considered in Rapid concept development.

19. Select a tool for design thinking that is a close relative to Visualization.
a. Prototyping
b. Story telling
c. Learning Launches
d. Assumption testing

20. Customer journeys are always linear.

a. True
b. False

21. Identify the type of tool for design thinking depicted in the image below.
a. Assumption testing
b. Learning launches
c. Storyboard
d. Mind map

22. What is the tool used to create interactive prototypes of a design?

a. Wireframes
b. Clickable prototypes
c. Storyboards
d. Mockups

23. ________________ combines a human need with a motivation for that need, so that it can be
proven or disproven.

a. creative space
b. hypothesis
c. lo-fi prototype
d. concept or activity

24. Identify the tool for design thinking depicted in the image below.
a. Visualization
b. Journey mapping
c. Rapid Concept development
d. Empathy map

25. Rapid concept development is an individual or core team project, while in brainstorming is a
larger team work with a detailed thinking. True/ False.
a. True
b. False
26. Assumption testing focus on __________, rather than ___________.
a. Employees, Customers
b. Assumptions, Reality
c. Solutions, Problems
d. All of the above
27. ________________ is any process that brings users and designers together to work
towards a shared goal.
a. Prototyping
b. Journey mapping
c. Mind mapping
d. Co creation
28. Learning launch is a learning experiment conducted quickly and inexpensively to gather
a. Customer feedback
b. Customers
c. Market driven data
d. Shareholders
29. Learning launches are called so, not as ‘Experiments’, because,
a. They are all about launching the final product.
b. They are meant to feel real to both launchers and customers.
c. They do not involve any type of experimentation.
d. All of the above.

30. 10×10, storyboard, nudge cards etc are tools used for____________.
a. Data Analysis
b. Visualization
c. Experimenting
d. Collecting feedback

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