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Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice.

1. They showed her the easiest way to do it.

2. The lawyer have him the details of his uncle’s will..

3. The police are asking Mary many great questions.

4. Somebody told me the answer.

5. Why did they send her a present?.

6. When did they offer her a new job?

7. Somebody has lent me a record player.

8. They won’t promise John a bigger salary.

9. He made me do it.

10. Didn’t they tell you to be here at 6 o’clock?

11. They advised me not to buy the news

12. They didn’t pay him for the work.

Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. Reporting verbs.

13. They say he is a Russian spy.

14. People believed that he was murdered.
15. People thought he was a fool.
16. They say she is a very good teacher.
17. People say she is the most impressive actress

Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. Questions with BY.

18. Who closed the door?

19. Who directed the film?
20. Who designed the new theater?
21. Who wrote the novel?
22. Who translated the speech?
Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice.

1. She was shown the easiest way to do it.

2. He has been the details of his uncle’s will by the lawyer.
3. Mary is being asked many great questions by the police.
4. I was told the answer.
5. Why was she sent a present?

6. When was she offered a new job?

7. I have been lent a record player.

8. John won’t be promised a bigger salary.
9. I was made to do it.
10. Weren’t you told to be here at 6 o’clock?

11. I was advised not to buy the news

12. He wasn’t paid for the work.

Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. Reporting verbs.

13. They say he is a Russian spy.
He is said to be a Russian spy. // People say he is a Russian spy.
14. People believed that he was murdered.
He was believed to have been murdered.
15. People thought he was a fool.
He was thought to have been a fool.
16. They say she is a very good teacher.
She is said to be a very good teacher.// People say she is a very good teacher.
17. People say she is the most impressive actress.
She is said to be the most impressive actress.

Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice. (Questions with BY).

18. Who closed the door? Who was the door closed by?
19. Who directed the film? Who was the film directed by?
20. Who designed the new theater? Who was the new theater designed by?
21. Who wrote the novel? Who was the novel written by?
22. Who translated the speech? Who was the speech translated by?

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