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Finite Element Analysis Of

Solids and Structures

Sudip S. Bhattacharjee

Presentation Slides: Chapter 1

Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 2

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

Early Years of Modern History

• Understanding of natural forces; “design” of structures to withstand natural forces

3000 BC Use of beams and columns as structural elements in Pyramid Egyptians

582 BC Center of gravity of bodies, and rules of statics Archimedes

100 BC Use of arch concept in structures Romans

Middle ages of European advancements

• Understanding the effects of forces on materials and bodies

15th century Behavior of members in tension, compression and bending Da Vinci

17th century Strength of materials Gelileo Galilei

17th century Relation between force and deformation Robert Hooke

17th century Laws of motion and calculus Isaac Newton

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1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

Industrial revolution in Europe (advent of rail roads)

• “Analysis” of structures to determine the effects of external forces
17th century Deflection of elastically bent bar James Bernoulli

18th century Buckling of columns under axial load Leonhard Euler

18th century Theory of friction C.A. Coulomb

18th century Generalized forces for the solution of complex structures J.L. Lagrange

Period of advanced theoretical development

• Theoretical development of mechanics of materials
19th century Elastic modulus of materials Thomas Young

19th century Theory of bent plates and shells L.M. Navier

19th century Theory of elasticity and plasticity Poisson, Cauchy, Lame,

Kelvin, St. Venant
19th century Deflection of plates Kirchoff

19th century Failure theory – maximum shear stress yield criterion Tresca

19th century Theorem of least work Castigliano

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1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

Period of advanced theoretical development (continued)

• Theoretical development of mechanics of materials
20th century Plasticity theory and material failure Von Mises

20th century Elastic solutions of problems in solid mechanics Timoshenko

Modern era of numerical methods in solid mechanics

• Development of numerical methods to solve problems in solids and structures
20th century Approximate solution of continuum mechanics Ritz

20th century Concepts of analysis of frames and continuum Argyris, Turner, Clough,
and others
20th century Concepts of finite element methods Clough, Wilson, Bathe,
Zienkiewicz, Hughes and

Modern day numerical analysis methods rely on centuries of theoretical development in

mechanics of solids and structures

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Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

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1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering

Externally applied forces cause internal Checking internal stresses is an

stress and deformation (strain) to materials important step in product
that have limited resistance capacity. development/engineering process

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1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering

Example – Automotive Product Development Process (Present)

Reduce down-stream failures with upstream analysis and performance verification

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1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering

Potential limitations of simulation models and results

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Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

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1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and indeterminate systems

What will be the beam section properties Example target:

to meet load-deflection targets? Limit beam deflection to < 50 mm (for
safety of functional performance)

External force ‘P’ acting on an automotive bumper beam

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1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and indeterminate systems

(Bernoulli’s beam theory – 17th century)

(“Moment-area” method / Charles Green -1873)

Response analysis of the simplified model of an automotive bumper beam

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1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and indeterminate systems

Directional Properties of Structures “Neutral” axis and moment of inertia calculations

Deflection, Deflection,

Moment of inertia and bending of beams – review of solid mechanics

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Slide 13

SB1 Sudip Bhattacharjee, 5/30/2021

1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and indeterminate systems


Number of unknown reaction forces > number of equations of static equilibrium in 2D



Examples of statically indeterminate beam models

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1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and indeterminate systems



Special analytical techniques ae required to determine forces (and internals stresses) in

statically indeterminate structures

More examples of statically indeterminate structures

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1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and indeterminate systems

Mainly 2 methods for analysis of statically In-determinate structural systems

Force Method: (See ref: Elastic Analysis of Structures – by Kennedy and Madugula
(also known as “flexibility” method of structural analysis)

• Make the structure statically

determinate by eliminate sufficient no
of unknown constraints
• Calculate responses of determinate
• Calculate the response of “determinate” Very systematic step-by-step analysis
structure for unit value of “eliminated” method – not easily useful to analyze
force constraint complex structural systems
• Calculate the magnitude of “eliminated”
force by using principle of superposition

Displacement Method:
(also known as “stiffness” method of structural analysis)

 Most commonly used in modern day engineering analysis Discussed in the following
 Forms the core of finite element analysis method
Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 16
Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Assuming “linear-elastic” response - displacement, u, is directly

proportional to applied force:

Equation of static equilibrium for SDOF system

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Stiffness matrix of a 2-DOF spring element (spring-1)

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Stiffness matrix of a 2-DOF spring element (spring-2)

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Stiffness matrix of a 2-spring assembly

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Equations of equilibrium
for 3 DOF system

• Insert boundary conditions: u1=0, u3=0

• Insert known forces: Pi
• Solve equations to find out unknown displacements
and reaction forces

Matrix method of structural analysis

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Equations of equilibrium
for 3 DOF system

• Solve equations to find out unknown


Positive definiteness of stiffness matrix:

Solution of equilibrium equations

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Key steps in stiffness method of structural analysis

Key steps
• Calculate the stiffness matrix, [K]
• Identify known forces and displacement constraints
• Solve equations of equilibrium to determine
unknown displacements:
[K] * {u} = {P}

• Calculate member internal forces

u2 P = k * (u2-u1)

• Calculate internal stress:



“Direct” stiffness method of structural analysis: member stiffness is directly calculated

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Here, A=cross-sectional area, Izz=moment of inertia about neutral axis zz, Qzz=1st moment about neutral axis ‘zz’ for
the area beyond the point where shear stress txy is calculated, ‘b’ is the width of beam section at the point of shear stress
calculation, ‘r’ is the distance of torsional stress point from beam axis, and J is the polar moment of inertia of beam

“Direct” stiffness method of structural analysis can also be used for beam-type members

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Stiffness properties of discrete structural members

Matrix method of structural analysis: suitable for assembly of skeletal member assemblies

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

Internal stress distribution and member stiffness properties are not readily known for general
3D bodies

Advanced analytical techniques are needed for analysis of general structural bodies.

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1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis

• A solid body can be imagined to be an assembly of finite size elements of standard

geometric shapes
• System equilibrium is expressed in the standard form of matrix equilibrium equations:

Finite Element Method meets the need of general structural analysis

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Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

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1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body

Internal forces acting DFy ∆ →

at point area: DA

DFx ∆ →
∆ →

Internal (normal and shear) stresses acting on an infinitesimal area DA

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 30
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body

Stresses on an infinitesimally small volume, DV, are defined on 3 mutually perpendicular

planes, passing through the point of stress measurement, each plane being perpendicular to
an axis of orthogonal 3D axes system

Internal (normal and shear) stresses at a point inside the 3D body

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1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body

Normal stresses, acting on opposite surfaces on “infinitesimally”

small volume, are assumed equal in magnitude, but opposite in
direction (variation of normal stress is ignored)

Similarly, shear stresses, acting on opposite faces, are

of equal magnitude, but with opposite direction

Stresses on opposite surfaces of infinitesimally small volume

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1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body

Considering the rotational = 0

equilibrium about z-axis
txy = tyx Similarly,
txz = tzx
Shear stresses on mutually perpendicular planes are of
equal magnitude. This means stress tensor is symmetric: tyz = tzy

6 components (sx, sy, sz, txy=tyx, txz=tzx, tyz=tzy) describe stresses at a point in 3D
Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 33
Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

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1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium

Assuming no variation of stresses in thickness direction, variation of stresses in 2D xy

plane of an infinitesimal element (dx.dy) is expressed by truncated Taylor’s expression:

Variations of stresses in a differential element in x-y plane

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1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium

Considering the equilibrium of

forces in x-direction:

𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏
𝐹 = 𝜎 + . 𝑑𝑥 . 𝑑𝑦 − 𝜎 . 𝑑𝑦 + 𝜏 + . 𝑑𝑦 . 𝑑𝑥 − 𝜏 . 𝑑𝑥 + 𝐹 . 𝑑𝑥. 𝑑𝑦 = 0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏
+ + 𝐹 = 0 Fx is the body force per unit volume in x direction
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
Equilibrium of forces in x-direction

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1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium

𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏
𝐹 = 0 + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦

𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏
𝐹 = 0 + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥

Expanding the definitions in 3D:

Differential equations of equilibrium (with 6 unknown stresses in 3 equations):

𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏
+ + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏
+ + + 𝐹 = 0 (1.17)
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏
+ + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦

Differential equations of stress equilibrium

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1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium

Differential equations of stress equilibrium:

𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏
+ + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏
+ + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏
+ + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦

[B]T.{s} represents internal stress resistance of differential element

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 38
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium

Internal stress field (with more unknowns than number of equations) is statically in-

Differential equations of equilibrium (with

6 unknown stresses in 3 equations):
Additional relational equations are
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏 required to determine the internal stress
+ + + 𝐹 = 0 field
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏
+ + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑧
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏 To be discussed in chapter-2
+ + + 𝐹 = 0
𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦

3 equations of equilibrium for 6 unknown stress components

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 39

Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 40

1.7 Stress boundary conditions

Internal stress response must satisfy the external stress boundary conditions

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 41

Chapter-01 Introduction to Stress Analysis of Solids and Structures

1.1 Introduction – A Brief Summary of Key Historical Developments

1.2 Role of analysis/simulation in product engineering
1.3 Static equilibrium of structures and analysis of forces - statically determinate and
indeterminate systems
1.4 Stiffness (displacement) method of structural analysis
1.5 Components of stresses in a 3D body
1.6 Variation of stresses and differential equations of equilibrium
1.7 Stress boundary conditions
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 42

1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

(1) (2) (3) (4)

CAD tools Model pre-processor FEA solvers Post-processing tools
Catia ANSA ABAQUS HyperView
services/catia/ Product,11,HyperView.aspx

Unigraphix Nx HyperMesh ANSYS Meta

https://www.plm.automation.siem https://www.beta- /structures


https://www.oasys- roduct/msc-nastran

Solidworks FEMAP LS-DYNA ..


Meshing and model building Solutions: [K]{u}={P} Results visualization

Practice problems
for Chapter #1
Partial list of CAE tools for design and analysis of solids

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 43

1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

Learning objectives:
• Find out how to submit a model input file (given) to ABAQUS
• Post-process the stress analysis results with HyperView (or any other post-
processing tool)
• Compare the virtual experimental stress results with hand calculations
• Prepare summary report of observations

Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 44

1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

ASCII data file (SOLIDBEAM_COARSE_MESH.inp) has been included with solution package

Chapter-01 / Problem-01

Figure 1.20 A statically indeterminate solid beam subjected to idealized load and boundary
Chapter-1 By / Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Page # 45
1.8 Practice problems on stress field visualization with CAE tools

ASCII data file (TUBE_COARSE_MESH.inp) has been included with solution package

Chapter-01 / Problem-02

Figure 1.21 A statically indeterminate hollow tube beam subjected to idealized load and
boundary conditions
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End of Chapter-01

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