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Class Notes


Functions of Judiciary in short

 Its role is to interpret and explain the laws passed by the legislature.
 It punishes those who violate the country’s laws.
 It hears all the cases that deal with a dispute.
 It protects the rights of the citizens.

Qualifications and Terms of Office for a Supreme Court Judge

 To become a Supreme Court judge, a person must be an Indian citizen.
 He should have been a judge in a High Court for at least five years.
 He should have served as an advocate in a High Court for at least 10 years.
 He Should be a distinguished jurist in the opinion of the president.
 The judge of a Supreme Court may hold office until he or she attains 65
years of age.


● Original jurisdiction: refers to the right of the Supreme Court to hear a case for
the first time. It has the exclusive right to hear all cases that deal with disputes
between states, or between states and the Union government
● Appellate jurisdiction: refers to the right of the Supreme Court to hear cases
already disposed of by a High Court, when an appeal is made to it.
● Advisory jurisdiction: refers to the jurisdiction that the Supreme Court has to
advise the president, or to interpret laws for him or her if he needs the same.

 In India, The Supreme Court and High Courts have the power of judicial
 By Judicial review, The Supreme Court has the power to interpret the
 No order of the government should violate any provision of the constitution.
 If violated, that law can be declared invalid by the Supreme Court with its
power of judicial review.

Importance of the Court of Record.
Every proceeding of the Supreme Court is recorded for future reference; a court
reporter does this act. This is done:
 So that the judgements act as guidance for other courts to follow while
making decisions in similar cases.
 To make sure that there is a permanent recording of the Court’s rulings.
 To impose fines and imprison people for contempt of the Court.

 Writ of habeas corpus: It is issued when a person is detained illegally or
wrongfully. It is used to protect a person’s freedom.
 Writ of mandamus: It is issued when the person holding public office has
failed to perform his or her duty. A mandamus commands a public
authority or officer to do his or her public duty.

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