9A DL AugSept2023

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Q1. Write down 3 features a fable usually has. List 3 examples of Aesop's Fables. Write a 5-sentence
paragraph on who Aesop was and why he wrote fables. [5]


Read the attached fable 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.

1. What is the moral lesson this fable presents?

2. How does the writer use character and plot to explain his theme/ message?

3. Which is your favourite part of the story?



Use these questions to guide you in making Poster presentation/ Playscript

1. After reading Rossetti's short story, 'Nick', analyse how she gets the reader to consider the

i. Theme of greed and jealousy. [Plot diagram]

ii. Protagonist's character arc: choosing 3 plot events, show how the character has evolved.

iii. Conclusion of story: What 2 things do you find interesting about it?


1. 1-pager writeup

2. Make EITHER a poster presentation OR Playscript, on Fables with special focus on both fables, and
their respective themes. [10]


Make a MAXIMUM 5-minute PLAYSCRIPT and act out either fable, highlighting MORAL LESSON


Features of a Fable:
 Animal Characters
 Moral Lesson
 Simplified Plot
Examples of Aesop's Fables:
 The Tortoise and the Hare
 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
 The Lion and the Mouse

About Aesop and His Fables:

Aesop, an ancient Greek storyteller, was a wise slave renowned for his tales. His fables,
dating back to around 620–564 BCE, conveyed morals to all. By employing animals as
characters, Aesop created memorable stories that taught virtues, ethics, and practical wisdom.
His enduring tales have been passed down for centuries, serving as valuable sources of moral
guidance and entertainment.

"The Emperor's New Clothes" teaches us that pride and vanity can lead to self-deception. The
story emphasizes the importance of honesty, as a brave child exposes the truth. In essence, it
warns against the consequences of valuing appearances over reality. The moral is to highlight
truth over fake.

In "The Emperor's New Clothes," the writer skilfully employs character and plot to convey
the theme of vanity, pride, and the fear of speaking the truth.
 Emperor: Extremely vain, obsessed with appearance, drives the plot.
 Swindlers: Deceptive, manipulate the emperor's vanity for gain.
 Child: Honest and innocent, contrasts with the others.
 Emperor desires extravagant clothes, leading to deception by swindlers.
 Climax at the parade: Emperor in "invisible" clothes, townspeople pretend to see
 Resolution: Innocent child speaks the truth, exposing the emperor's lack of clothing.

My favourite part is when the emperor parades naked, thinking only fools can't see his
"invisible" clothes.
i. Theme of greed and jealousy (Plot Diagram): In "Nick," the theme is about the dangers
of greed and jealousy. Nick starts with small wishes but becomes greedier and more envious
of the wealthy. This leads to bigger and riskier wishes, causing problems.

ii. Protagonist's Character Arc (Graphic Character Arc):

 Beginning: Nick is a simple and happy guy. He makes simple wishes, like for food
and a house.
 Middle: As the story goes on, Nick gets more and more greedy and jealous. His
wishes become wilder, and he's not happy anymore.
 End: At the end, Nick's greed makes his life worse. He goes from being happy to
being greedy and unhappy.

iii. Two interesting aspects of the story's conclusion are:

 Magic Wishing Device: In the story, Nick finds a magical thing that grants wishes.
This magical item adds excitement and mystery to the story because it makes you
wonder what you would wish for if you had it.
 Nick's Change: At the start, Nick is a happy and simple person. But as the story goes
on, he becomes greedier and more jealous. This shows how people can change when
they want too much, and it makes you think about how important it is to stay content
and humble.

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